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Jatavia Ludgood

Peer Review Questions
Lauren Reed
Alexis Willliams
Idara Dreher
Zerrin Annan

Read the essay through, quickly. Then read it again, with the following questions in
mind. Answer all questions for each person in your group. If someone doesn’t post,
replace them with another classmate who has.

1. Does this draft follow one of the structures listed for this assignment? (Toulmin,
Classical, or Rogerian?) Give feedback to improve the structure. *use the outlines
for them in the Unit 3 folder to help you answer this question.
2. Looking at the essay as whole, what is the main argument being made?
That violent video games make violent children.
That McDonald’s fries are the top of the food industry and that they were
better than everyone else’s.
That organic fruits and vegetables are better than regular fruits and
The argument of whether a hot dog is closer to a sandwich or a taco.

3. Are the needs of the audience kept in mind? For instance, do some concepts or
words need to be defined? Is the evidence (from their source) clear and effective?

Her paper is thoroughly written as she explains why children are turned violent. She uses
another effective reason other than just the video games.
Her paper is written well, but it needs less urban talk.
Her evidence is presented well and she uses thorough details.
Yes, she uses history to present her argument.

4. Does the author use in-text and end-text citations? Give any pointers on
improving these.
No, she should find one.
Yes, Its fine.

5. Is any obvious evidence (or counter-evidence) overlooked?

It has yet to be added.

She has the counterevidence.
It is not overlooked.
It’s not overlooked.

6. Can you accept the writer's assumptions? If not, why not? Please be honest and

I can accept her argument, because she gives examples to help you understand.
I can, but it is mainly an opinion because everyone may not like those fries.
Yes, she does it well.
Yes, it’s detailed well.

7. Looking at each paragraph separately:

1. What is the basic point?
If video games turn children violent.
That McDonald’s fries top of the food chain and are the best to her.
Whether or not organic fruits are better than regular fruits.
Why a hot dog is a sandwich and not a hot dog.
2. How does each paragraph relate to the essay's main idea or the previous
It gives more reason behind her point.
She uses personal experiences to support her main idea.
She gives facts to prove her argument.
She also uses history facts to support her idea.
3. Should some paragraphs be deleted? Be divided into two or more
paragraphs? Be combined? Be put elsewhere? (If you outline the essay by
jolting down the gist of each paragraph, you will get help in answering
these questions.)
She hasn’t written her complete paragraphs yet.
Her paragraphs should be written without much opinion and more facts.
Her paragraphs are detailed and does not have to be deleted or divided.
I don’t think any should be deleted.
4. Is each paragraph adequately developed? Are there sufficient details,
perhaps brief quotations or paraphrases from credible sources?

Not yet.
No, needs more facts.
Yes, it is fine.
Its completely fine as is.
8. Are the introductory and concluding paragraphs effective?
Yes, it fits the claims throughout the draft.
Yes, it captures your attention.
Yes, it is perfect.
9. What are the paper's main strengths?
Her argument is valid and can be used as an actual research and study.
Her strong opinion persuades you to have the same beliefs as her.
The food facts are a big plus because it shows what her claim was.
Her history facts are a big strength to help her prove her claim.
10. Make at least one specific suggestion that you think will assist the author to
improve the paper.

More sources.

Less opinions, and more facts.

More sources!

I personally feel like it is okay how it is.

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