Signature Assignment Topic Proposal-1

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Signature Assignment Topic Proposal

Teacher Advocacy Project

Directions: You will research a “topic of interest” that you would like to focus on for your SA.
You will then fill out this proposal and submit to Canvas. This proposal must be reviewed and
“okayed” by the professor before you start the SA.


 If you do not have enough resources, you will NOT be able to write a comprehensive lit.
 The more specific you are now the easier the entire project will be.
 If you can not find an appropriate, legal and uncomplicated potential solution, you need
to revise your topic.

Here are some topic ideas to get you thinking:


 Mental Health 
 Class size
 Teacher Retention
 Impact of Covid on learning

More Specific topics:

 Content Area:
 The need for more resources/technology
 the challenges with outdated materials and getting approval for new ones
 Utilizing new strategies that promote 21st century learning and skillsets more
conducive to today’s job market
 Generating more student engagement
 Department:
 Lack of teacher collaboration
 Developing new strategies and methods of instruction
 Updating curriculum
 Teaching through the standards vs. teaching to the standards 
 School-wide:
 Reducing teacher attrition
 Better preparing new teachers (professional development/mentoring)
 Promoting more effective research-based pedagogy (emotional intelligences,
culturally responsive teaching, etc.) 


Topic: Be specific! (Please specify if this is your first or second choice)

My first choice topic is to involve LGBTQIA+ themes in content area where applicable.

My second choice topic is to teach African American history as American History. This means
teaching how America tries to push its shameful history in a different light.

Why is this problem important and why should others care about this problem? (A few

LGBTQIA+ visibility is an important topic in history, but most classrooms do not include this
as the topic can be considered controversial even though LGBT history can teach a lot about
empathy and the struggles of another group that has been discriminated against.

Thesis: (One sentence) LGBTQIA+ visibility in Arizona’s schools needs to be addressed that
provides a safe learning environment, with inclusive materials presented to students.

Environment Analysis:
Internal Strengths
What resources or capabilities are available that could assist in resolving/limiting this
problem? (A few sentences)
There are not many resources to provide an inclusive environment present, other than Gay
Straight Alliance but not every school has this provided. Being able to run a nonbullying
campaign works as well, not just reaching LGBTQ themes, but other discriminated groups.
More recently, an anti-LGBTQ law was repealed that now allows teachers to present
homosexuality regarding aids in a more positive light.

Internal Weaknesses
What resources or capabilities are lacking (or deficient) and are therefore contributing to this
problem? (A few sentences)
Arizona does not include non-discriminatory laws for LGBT people. Current curriculum does
not include these issues, nor do state standards in Arizona. There is nothing requiring the
instruction of LGBT issues, and there is no conversation regarding the need for these
conversations. This includes a more comprehensive sexual education.
External Opportunities
What outside variables or situations could help in resolving this problem?  (A few sentences)
Laws could be proposed that protect LGBTQ from discrimination. Teachers should be trained
in dealing with youth advice regarding LGBT, as well as being able to teach material that
promotes inclusivity. Professional Development should be taken to reflect the school
population and current events.

External Challenges
What outside factors are contributing to this problem not being resolved?  (A few sentences)
Arizona has only recently repealed its anti-LGBTQ law regarding the depiction of
homosexuals in the classroom when talking about aids. This reflects the political climate in
Arizona changing to a more inclusive message, as seen with the recent general election results
changing after about 20 years. Arizona still cannot teach accurate sex ed unless given
permission (Arizona is known as abstinence only).

Stakeholder Analysis:
Identify all What do those individuals/groups
individuals/groups stand to gain/lose in relation to this What role do we
affected by this problem   problem? typically expect those
stakeholders to play in
this situation? 

LGBT See more visibility, feel welcomed;

educated on current topics/struggles

General School population Learn empathy regarding this

community; see LGBT in a more
positive light; educated on current
topics in humanities

Teachers/Educators Understand how to talk to LGBT

students; learn about inclusive

Connections to environment and stakeholders. (A few sentences)
Personally, I am a nonbinary gay man and growing up I did not know about LGBTQ until I
was at least in high school. In school, I knew I liked boys, but I thought that meant I was
supposed to be a girl. I became depressed, thinking something was wrong with me, and that
was not until I met people who told me what gay and trans meant. Being in my internship, I
can see the material still is the same and does not promote this positive environment. This is an
issue of curriculum more than laws, and it is something that I alone cannot fix.

Research based strategy (one only)

Inclusive Learning Environment
Optimistic perspective for solution of problem. (A few sentences)
I believe school districts need to recognize that there are more groups in Arizona that have
been harassed. The content is outdated, and new content will be implemented that allows
students to learn more about LGBTQ issues and perspectives. Beyond a history classroom, this
will be implemented in other core subjects and electives that teach the population to be more
respectiful and understanding of the growing identities in the country and state.


Bidell, M. & Stepleman, L. (2017). An Interdisciplinary Approach to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,

and Transgender Clinical Competence, Professional Training, and Ethical Care:

Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of homosexuality, 64(10), 1305-1329.


McGarry, R. (2013). Build a curriculum that includes everyone. Phi Delta Kappan, 94(5), 27-31.


Vecelio, S. (2012). Enacting FAIR Education: Approaches to Integrating LGBT Content in the

K-12 Curriculum. Multicultural perspectives, 14(3), 169-174.


(APA citation of at least 3 solid references)

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