A Minireview On Inertial Microfluidics Fundamentals: Inertial Particle Focusing and Secondary Flow

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BioChip J.

(2019) 13(1): 53-63

DOI 10.1007/s13206-019-3110-1

Review Article

A Minireview on Inertial Microfluidics Fundamentals:

Inertial Particle Focusing and Secondary Flow
Aram J. Chung *

Received: 30 January, 2019 / Accepted: 01 March, 2019 / Published online: 08 March, 2019
ⒸThe Korean BioChip Society and Springer 2019

Abstract In 1961, Segre and Silberberg first report- Introduction

ed the tubular pinch effect and numerous theoretical
studies were subsequently published to explain the In 1961, Segre and Silberberg first reported that ran-
inertial particle migration phenomenon. Presently, as domly incoming millimeter-sized particles in a fluid-
fluid mechanics meets micro- and nanotechnology, ic channel can laterally migrate towards the channel
theoretical studies on intrinsic particle migration and wall and form a tubular annulus positioned in a 1 cm
flow phenomena associated with inertia are being diameter tube. This was termed as the tubular pinch
experimentally tested and validated. This collective effect1. This observation surprised the research com-
study on the fluid-particle-structure phenomena in mi- munity because until then it was believed that all sus-
crochannels involving fluid inertia is called, “inertial pended particles move towards a low shear region,
microfluidics”. Beyond theoretical studies, now iner- which is the centerline of the channel. Subsequently,
tial microfluidics has been gaining much attention there were many theoretical investigations to physi-
from various research fields ranging from biomedi- cally explain this unexpected lateral migration be-
cine to industry. Despite the positive contributions, havior of particles, which originated from fluid iner-
there is still a lack of clear understanding of intrinsic tia2-8. Since fluid mechanics met MEMS (microelec-
inertial effects in microchannels. Therefore, this mini- tromechanical systems) technology, numerous resea-
review introduces the mechanisms and underlying rchers not only experimentally have validated the the-
physics in inertial microfluidic systems with specific oretical particle migration phenomenon in smaller
focuses on inertial particle migration and secondary dimensions (i.e., in the micrometer scale) of micro-
flow, and outlines the opportunities provided by iner- fluidic channels, but also reported various applica-
tial microfluidics, along with an outlook on the field. tions demonstrating the power of fluid inertia that
existed in the microchannels9. This collective study
Keywords: Inertial microfluidics, Fluid inertia, Iner- involving with fluid inertia in microchannels and their
tial particle migration, Secondary flow, Inertial mi- applications is now commonly referred to as “inertial
crofluidic physics microfluidics”.
Inertial microfluidics is a relatively new field of
study, which investigates the behaviors and proper-
ties of the interactions between: (1) fluids with parti-
School of Biomedical Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 02841,
cles and/or (2) fluids with structures where both iner-
Republic of Korea tial and viscous forces are significant. The field of
Department of Bioengineering, Korea University, Seoul 02841, Republic inertial microfluidics has been growing rapidly. As of
of Korea December 2018, more than 720 articles with a total
Department of Bio-convergence Engineering, Korea University, Seoul
02841, Republic of Korea of approximately 4,000 citations were retrieved in the
*Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Web of Knowledge provided by Thomson Reuters using
A.J. Chung ( ac467@korea.ac.kr)
54 BioChip J. (2019) 13(1): 53-63

new to inertial microfluidics, aiming to understand

inertial microfluidic phenomena. Note that this re-
view mainly discusses the inertial effects for Newto-
nian fluids, and refer to other significant review arti-
cles9-15 for topics and applications that have not been
covered in this review.

Inertial Effects
Fluid Inertia
For a fully developed and steady-state pressure-driven
flow through a tube of circular cross-section, the ve-
locity distribution can be obtained by solving the Na-
vier–Stokes equation (ρu·∇u = −∇p + μ∇2u). Be-
cause of the geometric simplifications (no radial and
Figure 1. Field growth. Bar graph representing the number of swirl velocity components; ur = uθ = 0, the flow is
publications (green) and citations (gray) each year containing axisymmetric; ∂/∂θ = 0, and velocity is constant; ful-
the word “inertia* and microfluidic*” according to the ISI Web ly developed in axial velocity; and ∂uz/∂z = 0), the
of Knowledge, as of Dec 2018. convection term becomes zero and the Navier–Stokes
equation is reduced to a Hagen–Poiseuille equation
the keywords “inertia or inertial” and “microfluidic or (∇p = μ∇2uz). The steady-state Hagen–Poiseuille
microfluidics” (see Figure 1). The field has also been equation implies that there is neither convective mo-
gaining much attention from various research fields mentum transfer nor acceleration, and therefore, no
including biomedicine to industry for its high- inertial effects regardless of the Reynolds number.8
throughput, and predictable and precise focusing na- Note that the flow is assumed to remain in the lami-
ture; and also due to its great potential for complete nar regime (i.e., Re < 2100). As a result, there will be
automation. a situation where Re is nonzero but no inertia is pre-
Despite their positive contributions, there is still a sented. This becomes a paradox for inertial microflu-
lack of clear understanding of the inertial effects in idics because it suggests no inertial effects in the mi-
microfluidics. There are many reviews but the under- crochannel. However, fluid inertia does exist, and
lying mechanisms where described either too com- this paradox breaks down if a small perturbation(s) is
plex or brief. More surprisingly, still many take it for provided, resulting in a non-zero convection term
granted that microfluidic flow is always Stokes flow. (u·∇ u ≠ 0). Therefore, at moderate Re (typically, O
In traditional microfluidics, inertia has generally been (100-102)), inertial effects are observed in micro-
ignored because the associated Reynolds number (Re channels if: (1) the fluid contains particle(s) and (2) a
= ρULc /µ: a dimensionless parameter describing the channel curvature exists. Under these circumstances,
ratio of inertial and viscous forces, where ρ is the fluid inertia will cause the particle(s) to migrate and/or
density, U is the mean flow velocity, Lc is the charac- create transverse flow motions (e.g., Dean flow16 in a
teristic length of the channel, and µ is the fluid vis- curved channel). The first inertial effect is referred to
cosity) is close to zero due to the channel scale and low as “inertial particle focusing” and the latter is called
flow velocity. This assumption is valid for conventi- “secondary flow”. Further details are discussed sub-
onal microchannel flows; however, Stokes approxi- sequently.
mation (0 = −∇p + μ/ρ∇2u for stationary incom-
pressible Newtonian fluid flow where ∇p is the pres-
sure gradient, and u is the flow velocity) alone cannot Inertial Particle Focusing
completely capture and describe the inertial effects.
Therefore, in this review, I will introduce the ba- Particle Focusing in Straight Tube and Square
sics of inertial microfluidic physics intuitively, out- Channels
line the opportunities provided by this field, and sum-
Inertial particle focusing is a “passive” phenomenon
marize with my perspectives and outlook. This intro-
in which the particles (or cells) flowing in microchan-
ductory review will be beneficial for those who are
nels laterally migrate to specific positions without any

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