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Box Properties

--Description-Name: --External Dimensions--

Type: Vented Box A = 43, cm
B = 53, cm
Shape: Prism, square --Box Parameters-Vb = C = 50,53 cm
82,6 liters --Internal Dimensions
Fb = 50, Hz A = 40, cm
QL = 7, B = 50, cm
C = 47,53 cm
Fill = none
--Wall Thickness--
--Vents-No. of Vents = 1 Front = 1,5 cm
Vent shape = rectangle A Side = 1,5 cm
Vent ends = one flush
Hv = 40, cm C
Wv = 7, cm
Lv = 30,46 cm B

Driver Properties
Name: BK D2
Type: Standard one-way driver
of Drivers = 1
--Driver Parameters--
Fs = 40, Hz
Qms = 6,16
Vas = 82, liters
Xmax = 13, mm
Sd = 530,
Qes = 1,23
Re = 2, ohms
Z= 4, ohms
Pe = 700, watts
File: inacio2.bb6

Page Two
Box Parts
--Square Prism Box Parts --
1 Top, 1 Bottom: depth (c) = 50,53 cm
width (b) = 53,, thickness = 1,5 cm
1 Front, 1 Back: height (a) = 40, cm
width (d) = 50,, thickness = 1,5 cm
2 Sides: height (a) = 40, cm
depth (c) = 50,53, thickness = 1,5 cm
c top & bottom
--Vent Parts--
1 Top, 1 Bottom :
width (e) =10,, length (h) = 30,46 cm
thickness = 1,5 cm
2 Sides:
height (g) =40,, length (h) = 30,46 cm
b thickness = 1,5 cm
d c
--Driver Mounting
Mounting: Front

a front & back sides


Page Three -- inacio2.bb6

Wiring Diagram

Page Four

Normalized Amplitude Response (dB-SPL/Hz) BassBox 6 Pro

Custom Amplitude Response (dB-SPL/Hz at 1 m) with 700, watts BassBox 6 Pro

Maximum Acoustic Power (dB-SPL/Hz at 1 m) BassBox 6 Pro

Maximum Electric Input Power (W/Hz) BassBox 6 Pro

-- inacio2.bb6

Page Five

Cone Displacement (mm/Hz) with 700, watts BassBox 6 Pro

Vent Air Velocity (m/sec/Hz) with 700, watts BassBox 6 Pro

-- inacio2.bb6

System Impedance (ohms/Hz) BassBox 6 Pro

Page Six

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