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Mid-term Physics Exam.

first semester 2021-2022

1st year Engineering students
Minia University (Model A) Faculty of Science
Student name: Group No.: Time: 1hr

Answer the following questions

1. Heat flow occurs between two bodies in thermal contact when they differ in what property?
a) mass b) density c) temperature
2. Which best describes the relationship between two systems in thermal equilibrium?
a) no net energy is exchanged b) volumes are equal c) zero velocity
3. The coefficient of area expansion is:
a) half the coefficient of volume expansion b) three halves the coefficient of volume expansion. c)
double the coefficient of linear expansion d) triple the coefficient of linear expansion.
4. A temperature change from 15°C to 35°C corresponds to what incremental change in °F?
a) 36 b) 40 c) 20.
5. Which of the following properties can be used to measure temperature?
a. the color of a glowing object b. the length of a solid
c. the volume of gas held at constant pressure d. all of the above
6. The pressure in a constant-volume gas thermometer extrapolates to zero at what temperature?
a) 0°C b) 0 K c) 0°F d) 0 Pa
7. As a copper wire is heated, its length increases by 0.200%. What is the change of the temperature
of the wire? (αLCu = 16.6 x10-6 /°C)
a) 60.2°C b) 120.48°C c) 30.1°C d)6.0°
8. 9.0 g of water in a 2.0-L pressure vessel is heated to 500°C. What is the pressure inside the
container? (R = 0.082 L×atm/mol×K, one mole of water has a mass of 18 grams)
a) 7.9 atm b)16 atm c)24 atm d)32 atm
9. During an isobaric process which one of the following does not change?
a)volume b)temperature c)internal energy d)pressure
10. Area on a P-V diagram has units associated with:
a)energy b) momentum c)temperature d)change in temperature
11. On a P-V diagram, an ____ process is represented by a horizontal line.
a)isobaric b)isothermal c)isovolumetric d)adiabatic
12. In the first law of thermodynamics, W is positive when
a) the work is being done on the environment by the system.
b) the work is being done on the system by the environment
c) the work is being done on the environment by the system, and the temperature of the system goes up.
d) the work is being done on the system by the environment, and the temperature of the system goes up.
13. In an isobaric process 4.5x104 J of work is done on a quantity of gas while its volume changes
from 2.6 m3 to 1.1 m3 . What is the pressure during this process?
a)1.2x104 Pa b)2.4x104 Pa c)3.0x104 Pa d)4.1x104 Pa
14. In a large tank of liquid, the hydrostatic pressure at a given depth is a function of:
a) depth b) surface area c)liquid density d)Choices a and c are both valid
15. Atmospheric pressure is 1.0x105 N/m2, and the density of air is 1.29 kg/m3. If the density of air is
constant as you get higher and higher, calculate the height of the atmosphere needed to produce
this pressure.
a)7 900 m b)77 000 m c)1 260 m d)10 300 m
16. ………… have no resistance to slow deformation
a)Liquid b)Gas c)Fluid d)All of the above
17. A piece of aluminum has density 2.70 g/cm3 and mass 775 g. The aluminum is submerged in a
container of oil (oil's density = 0.650 g/cm3). How much oil does the metal displace?
a)287 cm3 b)309 cm3 c)232 cm3 d)1 125 cm3
18. It is characteristic of laminar flow except
a) Each particle of the fluid follows a smooth path b)Particles have the same velocity
c)Steady flow d) the particles go above some critical speed.
19. the floating object experiences a buoyant force due only to
a)the ρ Vtotal g b)the ρ Vsubmerged g c)the ρ Vtotal-float g d)b and c
20. the speed of the liquid coming out of a tank filled to a height ‘h’ above the opening is
a)ν2=4gh b)ν=(gh)1/2 c)ν=gh d)no answer corrects
21. Bernoulli’s Equation as applied to
a)any fluid b)ideal fluid c)turbulent fluid d)all answers correct
22. The T= 2π!𝒈 expression is dimensionally incorrect (True or False) (………. ).
23. Hook’s law states that after the elastic limit, elongation is inversely proportional to the tension.
(True or False) ( ………. )
24. A load 250 kg hanging form a metal wire of length 6 m and cross section 0.2 cm2.The length of
the wire is increased by 0.4cm, so the value of Young’s modulus for the metal of which the wire
is composed is 1.84x1011 N/m. (True or False ) ( ……………. ).
25. Mass of a spring is 100 gm; extension is 100 mm then the work done to produce this extension is
a) 0.05 J b) 10.0 J c) 0.50 J d) 5.0 J

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