Writing Task 2 Homework

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Exercise Should Be Made Compulsory:

“Exercise not only changes your body, it changes your mood, mind and attitude” It is
generally accepted that exercise is good for children and teenagers. I agree to this. I think
physical education should be made compulsory in schools.

Physical Education is an important part of holistic schooling. PE is an aspect of school

being about more than just book learning – it is about educating the whole person, a
holistic education that betters us in an all-round sense, rather than a merely academic
experience. Participation in sport promotes health. Government is, or should be,
concerned with the health of its citizens. Encouraging physical activity in the young
through compulsory PE fights child obesity and contributes to forming lifelong habits of
exercise. Without school support, sports will collapse. If full classes aren’t made up, then
team activities will end by sheer lack of numbers, no matter if several very talented
individuals are at the school. Sport helps to forge character. Playing team sports builds
character and encourages students to work with others. It teaches children how to win and
lose with good grace and builds a strong school spirit through competition with other
institutions. It is often the experience of playing on a team together which builds the
strongest friendships at school, which endure for years afterwards.

Sports can bring a bunch of benefits for youth, including general health, together with
blood circulation and overall physical stamina improvement. Sport develops and improves
people’s physical, social, and organizational skills, which are beneficial in personal and
professional life and must always be obtained.

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