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ISSN: 2278-3369

International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics

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Conceptual Framework for Marketing Strategy in the Context of

Small Business: A Review
Salwa CH*, Sudarsan N, Radha Ramanan T

School of Management Studies, National Institute of Technology Calicut.


Small businesses have become major movers of the economy in most of the developing countries
mobilizing local resources, engendering employment and making goods available to customers in the
local markets. Formulation of marketing strategy that ensemble the market environment is crucial for
sustenance of small business, particularly in this era of competitive business environment. It is no
wonder that the marketing strategy has attracted numerous contributions from researchers and
practitioners that attempt to develop frameworks for strategy formulation, antecedents of marketing
strategy and factors mediating strategy and its outcomes. This paper is an attempt to bring together the
notable research reported on the realm of marketing strategy in search of directions for future research.

Keywords: Marketing Strategy, Marketing strategy formulation, Small business.

Afterliberalisation, privatisation and In this digital era of e-commerce and e-
globalization developing economies such as marketing, the need for devising a
India opened up an optimistic milieu for marketing strategy oriented towards
setting up of new busines ventures. Micro, tackling challenging environment has
small and medium enterprises emanated in become inevitableto improve profitability
large numbers through out the country with and thereby stakeholder value. To cope with
the support of government, banks and other the dynamic global business environment
agencies.The small businesses essentially there has been a paradigm shift from
focuses on utililizing local human and marketing mangement to strategic
material resourcesand are adaptable to marketing management in the contemporary
changing customer needs. They act as an research. And among the practitioners there
important source of employment in the is a revolution in focus from firm level
rural areas of the country. The role and organisation to customer level
contribution of these small businesses to the organisation[8, 9]. In this paper an attempt
economy has become crucial [1, 2]. In India, has been made to compile salient literature
large number of micro and small businesses pertaining to formulation of marketing
are intiated every year that cater to aot 8000 startegy, with a special focus on small
products spanning over different sectors. business in India.
However, stuides from various parts of the
country shows that most of the units do not Organization of Literature
sustain fiancially for longer period as they Organization of literature on marketing
fail to withstand the competition, poor strategy has been conceptualized mainly
financial literacy and unfocused under four parts. Initially the theoretical
marketing[3,4,5].Contemporary customers background of the subject is elicited through
are highly informed and demanding, definitions and theories pertaining to the
consequently the need of marketing area. The second part presents various
strategies that are more customer and dimensions of marketing strategy and the
competitor oriented have come to be vital for third part is devoted to discussion on the
enhanced performance and sustenance of the factors to be considered while formulating
firm [6,7]. marketing strategy. Studies undertaken in
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the area internationally and nationally are organization of literature.
presented separately. Fig. 1 shows

Fig.1: Classification of literature

Marketing strategy is a broad concept,

defined and conceptualized in different ways
Marketing Strategy by different authors. The definitions of
Marketing strategy – theoretical marketing strategy are shown in table 1.
Table1: Definitions of marketing strategy

Author Definition
Chandler, 1962 " the determination of the basic long -term goals and objectives of an enterprise
and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary
to carry out these goals"
Anthony 1965 “the process of deciding on objectives, on the resources used to attain these
objectives and on the policies that are to govern the acquisition, use and
disposition of these resources"
Drucker, 1973 “Strategic marketing as seen as a process consisting of: analyzing
environmental, market competitive and business factors affecting the
corporation and its business units, identifying market opportunities and
threats and forecasting future trends in business areas of interest for the
enterprise, and participating in setting objectives and formulating corporate
and business unit strategies. Selecting market target strategies for the product-
markets in each business unit, establishing marketing objectives as well as
developing, implementing and managing the marketing program positioning
strategies in order to meet market target needs”.
Kotler, 1990 “The broad principles by which the business unit expects to achieve its
marketing objectives”
Bovee& Thil, 1992 “Marketing strategy is the overall plan for choosing a target and succeeding
within it through product, pricing, distribution and promotional choices”
Andrews, 1992 “Strategy is the pattern of objectives, purposes or goals and major policies and
plans for achieving these goals, stated in such a way as to define what business
the company is in or is to be in and what kind of company it is or is to be”

Marketing strategy is the means by which use of all relevant disciplines in an

marketing goals are achieved. Marketing organization in an integrated pattern [10].
strategy implies integration of all functions The origins of research on marketing
in moving any type of goods or services from strategy formulation can be traced back to
production to the final user. It makes full studies on strategy by porter in 1980. Porter
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introduced framework that could provide the Marketing strategy and small
managers with criteria to assess the business
environment before strategy formulation.
Wind, Yoram & Thomas [11] proposed a Marketing strategy conception and
model for strategy formulation and employment of the beneficial strategy that
evaluation and the model were believed to poises between the competencies of the firm
overcome most of the limitations of the and the needs of the market is still foreign to
marketing research till date. The model small business. Some of the small businesses
emphasized on a marketing oriented are implementing marketing strategies
approach to strategic planning. A marketing without being consciously aware that they
strategy helps a company make crucial are doing so [15].Small business units who
interactions with markets infrastructure are not able to revolutionize to compete with
that is between the company’s customers, its defiant competitor often struggle to
competition and channels (3Cs). A clear manage their resources and fail to make
understanding of the internal and external initiatives towards business growth [16].
factors of the business is necessary before Success of a firm depends on its
formulating a strategy. Understanding the responsiveness to customer needs and
market environment help marketers devise changing market conditions in this era of
appropriate marketing programs that bring competition [17].
value to the business particularly in the
areas of cost control and revenue growth. Maritz [16] gave an empirical demonstration
Small business can engage in marketing of association of marketing factors with that
research that is relatively simple, focused of the service quality. The study was
and inexpensive that helps them in conducted among small business sector that
gathering information for planning for is showing a high rate of growth in the
future [12]. A diagnostic framework for Australia. The factors considered were
examining strategy was developed by Service profit chain initiatives, Relationship
Leontiades based upon strategy alternatives, marketing initiatives and Best practice
organizational levels, management style and initiatives and their association with service
stage of Growth. Greenley [13] tested the quality was studied. These prepositions were
framework among four companies found to have a positive relationship with
empirically and concluded that the the service quality.
framework can be extended to include
additional elements in order to provide more Dragnic [18] studied the presence and
comprehensive guide to strategic decision implementation of marketing activities in
making. Marketing Capability is evidently Croatian small business entities as a part of
needed in assessing a company's position behavioral (managerial and operational)
within its environment. Marketing aspects of market orientation. A basic
Capability of a firm is a multi-faceted assessment of customer orientation and
phenomenon and is a combination of the competitor orientation has been made to
human assets, market assets and understand the mediating effect of these on
organizational assets of a firm. Human performance of the firm. The study revealed
assets the number of persons and the level of that most of the small business in Croatia
competence, market assets refer to the implemented marketing activities like
position of a firm in the market that is planning and control of the key elements of
indicted by variables such as market share, the marketing mix -product or service and
number and quality of key customer pricing. Theauthor also confirms significant
relationships, marketing channels, and consideration for customers and competitors
physical facilities established for marketing by the business units. The study emphasizes
activities and organizational assets refers to on need of further research in application of
the marketing-related organizational factors market orientation within the sector.
of the company [14]. In this paper an
attempt has been made to compile relevant Based on extensive literature review and
literatures pertaining to marketing strategy empirical analysis [19], employing
of small business. marketing strategy scale developed by Cragg
[20] concluded that the small businesses

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compete in the market with nine different Coordinated marketing strategy that
types of strategies namely, pricing, ensures high performance can be
successfully adopted by small businesses.
leadership, quality products, differentiation,
innovation, diversification, efficiency, quality Oyedijo et al [24] conducted a survey among
customer service, intensive marketing and business owners and senior marketing
market expansion. personnel of enterprises in Nigeria. Two
constructs to evaluate marketing practices
Cronin & Gilmore [21] conducted a study and organizational performance of small
among small business in US to explore business enterprises were employed to
marketing activities pursued by them and to determine the relationship between them.
find out underlying factors that enable The study proposed a model for assessing
competitiveness. The small business owners the impact of marketing activities on
resort to formal and informal networking as performance of the firm. The model has
the primary source of marketing. The study three components; marketing practices,
concludes that lack of marketing education performance (outcomes) and the
and training is a major problem the small microenvironment of businesses and
businesses face. A clear understanding of indicates that different marketing
competition and market analysis can orientation results in differing levels of
improve performance. These businesses have performance.
been reported to formulate strategies
extending only for a period of six months or According to study conducted by Mokhtar
less. [25] in Asian countries, the enterprises
considered growth strategy to be most
Dependency of performance of the firm on important for business development while
the marketing strategy adopted, the degree adoption of strategy varied amongst the
of which may vary across different industrial managers.
sectors. Mokhtar & Ismail [22] proved that
the marketing strategies and the way Awan & Hashmi [26] conducted a study
business owners market their product is among the SMEs in Pakistan and finds that
having a positive impact on business these SMEs are efficient and innovative in
performance. The study was conducted their operation, product development and
among SMEs in Malaysian, in which the marketing strategies. The study categorizes
sample was categorized into two namely, SMEs based on marketing variables such as
high and low performing SMEs based on modification, integrated marketing,
annual sales and profits for three customer focus and unique proposition.
consecutive years. The study attempts to Market focused firms that are able to stay
identify strategic difference between the close to their customers have a larger
high and low performing units in the same probability of survival than others. The
industry. The comparison is made with literature review carried out by Singh [27]on
factors such as direct sales, out-of-state marketing strategy concentrated on the
sales, international sales, advertising effect of marketing strategy over firm
frequency and promotional tools. Most of the performance demonstrating a positive
small business units have been observed to association
concentrate on short term as well as long
term business aims and strategies.
In Indian Context, Andotra & Pooja [28]
Customer orientation has been observed to conducted a study among selected customers
have positive impact on the financial of Small Scale Industries (SSI) products of
performance and sustainability of the firm, Jammu and Kashmir with a focus on
emphasizing the selection of products based devising marketing strategy with customer
on needs of the customers. The study orientation. The scale consisted of factors
reported by Boohene et al [23] indicates that contributing towards the four Ps of
businesses traditionally concentrate on the marketing mix. The study concluded
finance function while focus on strategies emphasizing the importance of assuming a
with better market orientation was lacking. simultaneous, multivariate analytical
approach to justify the efforts to improve
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quality, value and satisfaction as a means of two principal dimensions namely, industry
improving customer perception. Mishra [29], attractiveness and business strength to
analyzed marketing strategies of small scale analyze the evolutionary stage of business.
milk producers in northern parts of India
based on the four Ps of marketing. Ansoff , 1957 introduced a matrix that
explains the product and market choices
Marketing Strategy Models avilable to a business firm and aids the
firm choose options of growth available for
Both the practitioners and theoreticians
them. The matrix gives four possible
need evidences and frameworks for analysis
product/market combinations namley,
of the current status of the firm in order to
market penetration, product development,
elucidate reasons for poor performance of the
market development and diversification. The
organization for devising a competitive
matrix subsequently has been revisited and
marketing strategy Hambrick & Schecter
expanded by different authors.
[30]. It helps to analyze market information
facilitating quicker adaptation to changes. SWOT analysis is a widely used tool for
Many authors have introduced various scanning internal and external environment
marketing strategy models that take an within marketing planning process. It
iterative cyclic path starting from involves scanning of the internal strength
formulation of mission and objective, and weakness and external opportunities
analysis of the internal and external and threats. Different mangers use different
environment of the business followed by scales and models for assessinng these
strategy formulation and implementation. factors which is based on their perception
The strategy formulation process use models and understanding [31].
and frameworks such as Porter’s five forces
model, Boston Consultancy Group (BCG) McCarthy (1960) advocates identification of
matrix, General Electric (GE) /McKinsey potential target market for the product/
matrix, Ansoff Matrix, Strength Weakness service resulting in devising strategies for
Opportunity Threat (SWOT) analysis and four Ps namely, product, price, place and
McCarthy’s marketing mix model for initial promotion strategies. A unique mix of these
analysis of the business. Literature on four dimensions of strategy makes a
marketing strategy formulation is often business competitive in a particular industry
complimented by strategic management in with enhanced performance and
this area. sustainability.

Strategy formulation commences with Menon [32] proposed model of

analysis of business portfolio trough five antecedents to and outcomes of marketing
force model propounded by Porters in 1990 strategy making process. Centralisation,
comprising (1) The threat of new entrants, formalisation and innovative cultures act as
(2) rivalry among existing firms, (3) the antecendents to strategy making and
threat of new substitute products/service, (4) according to the model situation analysis,
the bargaining power of suppliers, and (5) comprehensiveness, emphasis on marketing
the bargaining power off buyers in the assets and capabilities , cross functional
market. integration, communication quality, strategy
consensus commitmnet and strategy
BCG matrix is considered to be the best
resource commitment are the inportant
suited approach for portfolio analysis among
factors affecting strategy formulation
practitioners though researchers point out
process. The outcomes of marketing
many pitfalls with the model. This involves
stratregy making process are creativity of
plotting of the strategic business unit on a
strategy, organisational learning and
matrix of four cells according to the market
market perfoormance.
growth rate and their market share relative
to that of the largest competitor. The Julio & Eugenia[33] proposed a marketing
startegies; build, hold, harvest and divest or strategy formulation model essentially based
terminate has to be adopted based on the on customer segmentation and value
matrix in which the business lies. GE matrix generation. The model is built based on
introduces more number of variables under customer life time value, the current value,

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client loyalty and segments by self - Poister, Edwards[40]investigated the
organized maps. The model was empirically relationship between marketing strategy
tested in agro industry in Colombia. formulation and performance by conducting
a study among small and medium sized
Liao et. al [34] introduced marketing firms in US and concluded that the firms
strategy model for micro enterprises in that concentrated on marketing strategy
Taiwanbased onresources and capabilities formulation performed better in the market.
perspective. According to the model the
micro enterprises canadopt to any of five Reitzig & Sorenson [41] in their study on
strategies namely, overall cost leadership, influence of employees on strategy
focus cost leadership, cost leadership and formulation asserts the need for innovation
differentiation, differention and focus in marketing strategy.
differentiation based on their product/
service and customers. Dimensions of marketing strategy:
Marketing strategy can be viewed from a
Formulation of marketing strategy:
variety of viewpoints. Broadly a marketing
Research literature on development of a strategy is a set of decisions on the activities
marketing strategy can be grouped under involved in marketing of the product. It can
three stages namely, formulation of strategy, also be defined as how well a firm uses its
implementation of the strategy and resources and competencies, to effectively
evaluation of the strategy based on both market their product. Studies on marketing
from strategic management perspective as strategy emphasizes on need to preserve a
well as marketing management perspective. strategic fit between the internal strength
However according to Varadarajan [35] and weakness and external threats and
research on marketing strategy essentially opportunities.
focuses on content issues of marketing
strategy. The marketing strategy Strategic management of marketing
formulation procedure which requires a activities, even in the most established
greater amount of intellectual process is consumer goods companies can be
mainly carried out at a higher hierarchical formulated within the traditional marketing
level considering the internal and external mix (4Ps) framework [42]. The mix
environment [36].The strategy thus traditionally consists of the four hard Ps
formulated is translated into action plans namely product, price, promotion and place.
that can be implemented, often referred to In addition three more soft Ps namely
marketing tactics, using marketing mix as people, physical evidence and process
the tool [37]. The above normative and arrangement are considered for providing a
prescriptive models are more theoretical, the better framework [43] Based on the
practical application of these in real market marketing mix, market segmentation,
situation is arduous [38]. targeting and positioning strategies are
fashioned which is contingent on the level of
Ramaseshan & Ishak[39] studied the strategic orientation of the firm [44].
interactive effects of marketing strategy
formulation and implementation upon firm A successful marketing strategy depends
performance in manufacturing service sector upon addressing a number of questions;
of Indonesia. The factors, changes in what the company is going to produce, how
technology and market orientation were much is the price to be charged, how the
found to have negative influence on product is delivered and how the company is
performance whereas credibility of the going to promote their product. These four
strategies and market attractiveness were functions in combination are known as
found to make a positive influence. The marketing mix and it has to be executed in a
behavioral aspects like involvement of coordinated manner with environmental,
marketing managers and presence of an societal and consumer analysis [45].A
innovative culture within organization conceptual review of literature on marketing
influences the organizational commitment to done by Goi [46] concludes that despite the
strategy which positively influences strategy limitations, the marketing mix strategies
viability. commonly remains based on the 4Ps and the

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number of possible strategies of marketing Tripathi & Siddiqui [54] conducteda study
mix is infinite. Extant literature on among manufacturers and customers of
marketing focuses on advertising and artisanal products in India. The survey was
promotions but not on product or carried out in five metropolitan cities of the
distribution. Ataman [47] studied the short country and concluded that the rural
term and long term influences of marketing entrepreneurs need to be innovative in
strategy on the performance of the brand designing strategies. The study emphasized
based on base sales and price elasticity. All on the need of adopting strategies that help
the elements of marketing mix showed a meet customer expectations and the sector
short term direct effect on sales and has to be supported in three major areas
distribution. Marketing mix decisions varies mainly, product design, packaging and
according to the resources of the firm, marketing and promotion.
changing needs of the firm’s environment
and the adaptability of the firm to changes Study conducted by Sharif et al [55]
in market. highlighted a number of critical issues and
risks typical of SMEs in India and studied
A firm can adopt four marketing strategies the impact of supply chain strategies on the
namely market leader strategy, follower and product strategy which showed a positive
niche strategy [48].The effective design of correlation.
marketing mix elements is a source of
competitive advantage for the business [49]. Pricing Strategy
Price strategy is an important decision that
Ensuing sections are devoted to present in
affects the financial performance of a firm.
brief the elements of classical McCarthy’s
Krishnan, Bass, & Jain [56] studied the
marketing mix.
optimal pricing strategy while introduction
Product Strategy of a new product in the market and the
influence of price on the diffusion of the
Product strategy is the set of decisions that product and monotonically declining pricing
management takes regarding the question policy are considered as the optimal policy.
“what to produce?” and the strategy involves The process of adjusting the price of the
the choices made on product design, design product according to the state of the market
of the elements of the product mix, to increase competitiveness is called pricing
packaging, branding, product positioning, strategy. The following strategies can be
product warranty etc. The significance of adopted; (1) market segmentation or price
improved product design and quality for discrimination strategy based on the fact
competitive advantage and success of that different levels of consumers attach
business is undisputed but a design different levels of value offered by a
combining internal quality policy and product. (2) Discount strategy or selling the
external requirements and expectations of items at a reduced price for a period that
customers is a complex translation process improve supplementary sales. (3) Price
[50]. skimming or setting relatively higher price
Riaz & Tanveer [51] studied the relationship during the introduction of the product and
between marketing mix elements and brand subsequently lowering it over a period of
image among small business in Pakistan time. (4) Penetration pricing is introducing a
and concluded that the decisions on product in the market with a lower price to
marketing mix elements influence the brand bring a change in purchasing habit of the
image. According to Harrison [52] strategic consumers and (5) yield management or
brand orientation hasa positive impact on revenue management based on the
the effectiveness of marketing strategy. anticipation of consumer and competitor
behavior [57]. It takes into consideration
The survey conducted by [53] in India various internal and external factors of the
showed that the small firms mainly follow firm. Pricing strategy has a positive impact
local branding strategy. The study also on the optimal strategy of the business [58].
shows that the private brands are gaining “What price to charge for a product?” is an
acceptances among the consumers in India important decision a manager ought to take
which open an optimistic scenario for the before introducing a product in the market
small firms.
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and also during repositioning of a marketing channel strategy particularly in
product[59]. rural emerging markets. A framework for
developing marketing strategy is developed
Krishnan, Bass, & Jain [60] studied pricing and is tested in rural markets of India and
strategy to be followed when the product is Africa. The framework is essentially based
distributed through two channels one being on the needs of the consumers and focuses
a physical channel and other an internet on activating customers and maintaining
channel. They developed a model of four customers. An effective marketing channel
channel structures to determine optimal that can balance all these factors can aid
pricing strategy. improvising success in rural markets.
According to Danziger et al [61] price Kumar & Rohtak [67] analyzed place
strategy plays a major influencing role on strategies adopted by small scale industries
the behavior of consumers in choosing a in India and found that e-marketing and
retailer store. The study was conducted web marketing can improve the reach of the
among consumers in Israel and the results products to the consumers.
indicates that a consumer chose a retailer
who offered an everyday low pricing strategy Promotional strategies:
(EDLP) and the retailer who offered price Promotional strategies are assertions on
discounts. communication strategy to be used to
Astuti et al [62] studied the influences of the inform, persuade, and /or remind people
7 Ps of marketing in determining about an organization’s goods, services,
appropriate marketing strategy in Indonesia image, ideas, community involvement, or
and price is found to be the most influencing impact on society [45]. In this era of
variable. The various pricing strategies technology consumers expect firms to
considered in the study were, follow interact with them more often through
competitor pricing, odd pricing, discount multiple channels. This has become a
pricing and promotion pricing. According to challenge for the businesses today especially
the author odd pricing is the most the small businesses who finds it difficult to
appropriate strategy for psychologically allocate resources for the same [68].
influencing price sensitive consumers. Bell et al [69] examines the importance of
Kamboj & Goyal [63] in their study of advertising as a marketing communication
mediating role of marketing capability, tool to small business owners. The business
operations capability on financial owners were found not aware of the best use
performance among small business in India of their advertising expenditures. According
asserts that pricing strategy has a positive to Kabadayi, Eyuboglu, & Thomas [70]
influence on the financial performance of the multi-channel promotions makes
business. contributions to firm performance provided
the firm has a structure properly aligned
Place strategy with strategy and environmental conditions.
Place strategy typically involves systematic This conceptual framework is empirically
planning of making the goods/ services tested in electronic industry. The study
physically available to the consumers in the conducted by Manuere, Gwangwava, & Gutu
market. Effective and skillful management [71] among sales force in Zimbabwe
of marketing channels is important to attain established the importance of sales
market channel power [64]. promotion as a critical factor in marketing
strategy formulation.
Novel techniques of marketing like the use
of social networks are gaining acceptance Shohrowardhy [72] studied the impact of
among the consumers in India. Some of the marketing strategies on the business
small businesses who are using non- performance of sachet products. The study
conventional marketing channel strategies was conducted in Bangladesh using a
show better financial performance [65]. scheduled questionnaire that measured the
strategy constructs based on the 4Ps of
Neuwirth [66] studied unique problems a marketing and the relationship is
company encounter in formulation of established through multiple regression

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analysis. Promotional strategy influenced Celuch & Murphy [75]concluded that the
the sale of the product followed by pricing small businesses with IT orientation have
strategy. Product strategy was found to be better strategic flexibility. Zemlickiene &
the least affecting factor. Maditinos [76] recommends consideration of
four factors namely, (1) organization
A study conducted by George [73] on situation, (2) product situation, (3)
occasion based marketing strategies adopted competitive situation, and (4) environmental
by the consumer durable segment in Kerala situation while planning marketing strategy.
through content analysis of print based
media reveals that sales promotion is Blankson et al [77] conducted are view of
undoubtedly the most important ingredient literatures pertaining to market orientation
of marketing strategy. Free gifts, price offs, and positioning and concluded that
contests, sweepstakes, exchange offers are integrated relationship between market
the most popular sales promotion strategies orientation and positioning strategy on a
adopted by retailers and manufacturers of long term basis improve firm’s performance.
consumer durables in Kerala. Senapati [7] According toGromark[78]brand orientation
published a case study of marketing in small can be an alternative to market orientation
business in India; the study is based on the particularly in public sector firms. Doyle &
secondary data published by government Armenakyan [79] in their study observed
organization which assessed the existing that market orientation act as precursor to
marketing framework of the small business organizational performance. According to
in India which includes indenting agents, Challagalla et al[80] market orientation,
traders, third party manufacturing, contract organizational culture and sequence of
manufacturing and tender marketing and activities for solving highly structured
evaluated various marketing assistance problems vastly influence marketing
programs by the government. According to strategy.
him, neglect of marketing practices is the
major problem faced by these businesses and Gokus [81] studied the effect of prospectors
the development of the innovative strategies and defenders strategies on the performance
for marketing of the units is the need of the of the firms that exhibited a negative
hour for growth and sustainability of the relationship. Additionally the study
firm. established the mitigating role of market
orientation on performance.
Vadlamudi [74] studied sales promotion
activities of dairy products based on Marketing strategy formulation
preferences and satisfaction of consumers in process:
southern part of India through personal
According to the Marketing strategy model
interview. The promotion mix of the
presented by Menon et al[32], the marketing
company was analyzed to find out the most
strategy formulation process comprise of
effective promotional element and celebrity
four group of variables; (1) Antecedents-
endorsement was found to be the most
centralization, formulization and
organizational culture (2) Process -situation
Factors influencing marketing analysis, scope, emphasis on marketing
strategy: assets and skills, functional integration,
communication quality, commitment with
Many studies in marketing strategy have group consensus to strategy, commitment of
been devoted to finding factors influencing necessary resources for strategy (3) Results-
marketing strategy content and marketing creativity, learning and marketing
strategy formulation processes and the performance and (4) Control variable-
extent to which these constructs pass on turbulence.
influence on performance. The following
section presents salient research in this Maria, Toaldo, & Didonet [82] studied the
direction. influence of innovative organizational
culture on marketing strategy formulation
Marketing strategy content and results and its mediating role on
organizational performance. The hypothesis

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was empirically tested in Brazilian influence on performance has not received
companies using structural equation much attention.
modeling to establish the relationship
between the constructs. Results showed  Few studies had been reported on
apositive relationship between the factors, employing techniques like Structural
while innovative culture did not have a Equation Modelling (SEM) to visualise the
direct influence on performance of the firm. relationship between the different factors
and marketing strategy and the effect of
Comments on literature and future mediating factors.
 The studies essentially focuses on three
The present section is devoted to highlight
areas of strategy development namely;
salient contributions in the area of
strategy formulation, strategy content and
marketing strategies in an attempt to elicit
strategy implementation and evaluation.
directions for future research. Table 2
International studies on marketing
presents a compilation of factors influencing
strategy concentrated on strategy
marketing strategy content and formulation
formulation process specific to large
process identified from studies across
companies in various sectors. Behavioral
factors influencing the strategy
Table 2. Factors influencing marketing formulation process particularly the
strategy attitude and capabilities of managers in
Marketing strategy Marketing strategy formulation developed countries has also attracted
content process
Market orientation Structure of the organization
attention of the researchers.
Customer orientation Organizational culture
Competitor orientation Organizational commitment  In similar lines, Indian studies could also
Product life cycle stage Organizationallife cycle stage be undertaken in estimation of behavioral
Competitor Situation Marketing capability factors that affect strategy formulation
Market situation Marketing routines
Managerial attitudes and implementation as organizational
culture in India is quite different from
western companies.
 Research on marketing strategy has been
 Majority of the scales for measuring
carried out with perspectives both of
marketing strategy possessing high degree
marketing management and strategic
of validity and reliability have been
management. Initial research in
developed for large and multi-national
marketing strategywas devoted to
companies. However, scales developed for
development of models for strategy
capturing the marketing strategies in
development which were essentially
Indian context are scarce.
generic in nature and can be applied to
large as well as small firms.  Few studies have been devoted to
validation of the scales developed
 Few researchers had developed marketing indifferent sectors using techniques such
models specific to small business. as confirmatory factor analysis. The
However, model for marketing strategy applicability of these scales in Indian
particularly for small business in Indian context can be studied.
scenario has only been attempted in
limited number of studies.  While large number of studies on
marketing strategy carried out
 It can be observed that the initial internationally focused on relationship
literature on models for marketing between marketing strategy and
strategy or strategy formulation considers performance, only a few studies in Indian
only a few parameters or few stages and context have been reported particularly in
lacks a holistic approach. small and micro business sector.

 The studies on strategies adopted by the  Literature identifies many antecedents

small business emphasized on the need of and factors influencing marketing
customer, competitor and market oriented strategy. The relationship between factors
strategies while interrelationships and their influence on the strategy output
between these strategies and their and performance of the firm needs to be
Salwa CH et. al.| July-August 2016 | Vol.5| Issue 4|55-67 64
Available online at
established. It has been observed that influences their revenue and sustenance.
many factors exhibit mediating role Thus a research towards development of
between strategy and performance which appropriate long term marketing strategy
needs to be ascertained for Indian context. would form a significant contribution to
 Numerous studies have been reported on
marketing strategy pertaining to large Conclusion
business sectors in both India and abroad. Marketing strategy has attracted the
Detailed Investigation on insights attention of not only managers of multi-
regarding similarities and differences of national organizations, policy makers,
results may be attempted. Particularly, practitioners but also researchers around
India in itself being a diversified country, the globe. This mainly could be attributed to
huge potential exist in identifying regional the necessity for sustenance in this era of
differences in adopting marketing fierce competition. In the context of small
strategy. businesses, implementation of a holistic
 A very few studies reported have employed marketing strategy is a need of the hour for
mathematical modeling techniques to their survival. This paper is an attempt to
correlate factors influencing marketing compile notable studies on marketing
strategy. Future research work can be strategy undertaken nationally and
devoted towards employing different internationally across different industrial
modeling techniques towards strategy sectors in order to provide a comprehensive
formulation. understanding of the various factors
influencing marketing strategy, their
 Most of the studies in India address the interrelationships and the measurement
effectiveness of these marketing efforts scales adapted. It is anticipated that this
and the problems faced by the small compilation will go a long way in exploration
businesses in the country. It is also of potential further research in the area.
observed that a large number of small
businesses rely on short term strategies
rather than long term strategies that


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