Cognitive and System Factors Contributing To Diagnostic Errors in Radiology

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Lee et al.
Diagnostic Errors in Radiology

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Cognitive and System Factors

Contributing to Diagnostic
Errors in Radiology
Cindy S. Lee1 OBJECTIVE. In this article, we describe some of the cognitive and system-based sources
Paul G. Nagy of detection and interpretation errors in diagnostic radiology and discuss potential approach-
Sallie J. Weaver es to help reduce misdiagnoses.
David E. Newman-Toker CONCLUSION. Every radiologist worries about missing a diagnosis or giving a false-
positive reading. The retrospective error rate among radiologic examinations is approximate-
Lee CS, Nagy PG, Weaver SJ, Newman-Toker DE ly 30%, with real-time errors in daily radiology practice averaging 3–5%. Nearly 75% of all
medical malpractice claims against radiologists are related to diagnostic errors. As medical
reimbursement trends downward, radiologists attempt to compensate by undertaking addi-
tional responsibilities to increase productivity. The increased workload, rising quality expec-
tations, cognitive biases, and poor system factors all contribute to diagnostic errors in radiol-
ogy. Diagnostic errors are underrecognized and underappreciated in radiology practice. This
is due to the inability to obtain reliable national estimates of the impact, the difficulty in eval-
uating effectiveness of potential interventions, and the poor response to systemwide solutions.
Most of our clinical work is executed through type 1 processes to minimize cost, anxiety, and
delay; however, type 1 processes are also vulnerable to errors. Instead of trying to completely
eliminate cognitive shortcuts that serve us well most of the time, becoming aware of common
biases and using metacognitive strategies to mitigate the effects have the potential to create
sustainable improvement in diagnostic errors.

iagnostic errors are estimated to malpractice lawsuits are due to failure to diag-
account for 40,000–80,000 deaths nose [6]. This means oversight of abnormalities
annually in U.S. hospitals alone or misinterpretation of radiologic images [3, 7].
[1]. These figures only partially Errors in diagnostic radiology have long
account for patients whose ambulatory misdi- been recognized, beginning with the pioneer-
agnoses lead to death, and they do not include ing revelation of Garland [8] in 1949. Multiple
nonlethal disability, which may be just as studies have identified suboptimal radiology
common as death [2]. Tort claims for negli- processes as contributors to the overwhelming
Keywords: cognitive biases, diagnostic errors, fatigue,
gent diagnostic errors result in billions of dol- number of medical errors and escalating eco-
medical errors, misdiagnosis
lars in payouts annually [2]. Nearly 75% of all nomic costs, which are estimated at more than
DOI:10.2214/AJR.12.10375 medical malpractice claims against radiolo- $38 billion annually [9, 10]. Overall, approx-
gists are related to diagnostic errors [3]. Every imately 30% of abnormal radiographic stud-
Received November 17, 2012; accepted without revision radiologist worries about missing a diagnosis ies are missed. Approximately 4% of radio-
November 29, 2012.
or erring too heavily on the side of caution and logic interpretations rendered by radiologists
All authors: The Russell H. Morgan Department of giving a false-positive reading [4]. in daily practice contain errors [11]. Quekel et
Radiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, al. [12] found that 19% of lung cancers pre-
22 S Greene St, Baltimore, MD, 21201. Address Definition, Prevalence, and Impact senting as a nodule with a median diameter of
correspondence to P. G. Nagy (
of Diagnostic Errors 16 mm on chest radiographs were missed, and
CME/SAM Diagnostic error has been defined as a di- even higher rates between 25% and 90% have
This article is available for CME/SAM credit. agnosis that is missed, wrong, or delayed as been reported in the literature [13–15].
detected by some subsequent definitive test or Mammography has been the standard of care
AJR 2013; 201:611–617 finding [5]. Here we use the terms “diagnostic for the detection of breast carcinoma. Howev-
error” and “misdiagnosis” interchangeably and er, a misdiagnosis of breast cancer occurs in
do not distinguish between them. In radiology, 4–30% of screening mammography studies ac-
© American Roentgen Ray Society the most common problems leading to medical cording to multiple randomized controlled trials

AJR:201, September 2013 611

Lee et al.

[16, 17]. Given that 38,294,403 mammography making in real-world settings [24]. This mod- likely to lead to diagnostic errors in radiolo-
studies were performed annually in the United el proposes two general classes of cognitive gy (anchoring, framing, search satisfication,
States as of 2013, it is evident why radiolog- operations and suggests causal explanations of premature closure, and multiple alternative
ic misdiagnosis is an important public health where and how diagnostic errors occur in clin- bias) and potential metacognitive strategies
issue [18]. Moreover, screening mammogra- ical reasoning [25]. Early in diagnosis, radiol- to reduce them [27, 31].
phy also results in overdiagnosis in 1–54% of ogists must assess the features of an imaging
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cases, which represents the false-positive find- finding for pattern recognition. If the condition Anchoring Bias
ings that would not have become symptomatic is recognized, so-called “type 1” (automatic) Anchoring is relying on an initial impres-
during a woman’s lifetime if no screening had processes will rapidly and effortlessly make sion and failing to adjust this impression in
taken place [19]. the diagnosis and nothing further may be re- light of subsequent information [32]. For ex-
With radiologic diagnostic testing, as in lab- quired. If it is not, then linear, analytical, de- ample, in a patient with multiple sclerosis who
oratory medicine [20], diagnostic errors may liberate, and effortful “type 2” processes are develops a new enhancing brain lesion seen on
result from failures related to test ordering be- engaged instead. Dynamic oscillation may oc- MRI, the most appropriate diagnosis might be
fore a radiologist is ever involved or in the or- cur between the two systems throughout the another demyelinating plaque. A repeat image
dering clinician’s use of the results after the ra- decision-making process. Certain types of er- a week later showing additional enhancing le-
diologist’s work is complete. Diagnostic errors rors are prone to occur when type 1 process- sions might be dismissed as more demyelinat-
attributed to radiologists have been grouped as es are used because mental shortcuts (heuris- ing plaques during a multiple sclerosis exacer-
related to failures in detection, interpretation, tics) used in this type of cognitive processing bation without a closer inspection that might
communication of results, or suggesting an ap- are particularly susceptible to human biases identify features suggestive of CNS lympho-
propriate follow-up test [6]. [25], which will be further described later. Er- ma. Anchoring is particularly dangerous when
Despite the high prevalence and serious con- rors occurring during type 2 processes are be- combined with confirmation bias, when the
sequences of diagnostic errors, until recently, lieved to be less frequent in everyday practice radiologist seeks confirming evidence to sup-
they have received relatively little attention. For but may be no less consequential [25]. These port the hypothesis rather than contradictory
example, a text search of the 1999 Institute of cognitive processes are also impacted by in- evidence to refute it [29].
Medicine (IOM) report To Err is Human [21], ternal (e.g., fatigue, stress) and external (e.g., Corrective strategy: Avoid early guesses;
which focused on the importance of medical lighting) factors. seek to disprove the initial diagnosis, rather
error, found the term “diagnostic errors” men- Graber et al. [22] showed that cognitive fac- than just confirm it (or seek disconfirming in-
tioned only twice compared with 70 times for tors contribute to the diagnostic error in 74% formation rather than confirmatory informa-
“medication errors” [21]. of cases. Cognitive errors include faulty per- tion); when findings are worsening, reconsid-
ception, failed heuristics, and biases. We rely er the diagnosis or get a second opinion.
The Cause of Error in Radiology: on these shortcuts in reasoning to minimize
System-Related Causal Factors and delay, cost, and anxiety in our clinical deci- Framing Bias or Effect
Cognitive-Perceptual Causal Factors sion making. Over the past three decades, the Framing is being strongly influenced by
Diagnostic error in internal medicine is com- cognitive evolution in psychology literature subtle ways in which the problem is worded or
monly multifactorial in origin, typically sec- has given rise to extensive literature on cogni- framed [32]. For example, a radiologist detects
ondary to a mix of cognitive and system fac- tive bias in decision making. Cognitive bias is multiple foci of abnormal activity in bilateral
tors [22]. In radiology, cognitive errors (e.g., a best defined as a replicable pattern in percep- ribs on a bone scan in a frail elderly patient.
missed lung nodule when interpreting a chest tual distortion, inaccurate judgment, and illog- If a truncated clinical indication states, “his-
radiograph) are usually linked to problems of ical interpretation [26]. Cognitive biases are tory of weight loss, chest pain,” this finding
visual perception (scanning, recognition, inter- the result of psychologic distortions in the hu- might be erroneously interpreted as strongly
pretation). System errors (e.g., failure to com- man mind, which persistently lead to the same suggesting metastatic lesions. If the full indi-
municate the presence of a nodule to the order- pattern of poor judgment, often triggered by a cation, “history of weight loss, chest pain after
ing physician) are usually linked to problems particular situation. Some authors suggest that recent fall down stairs” were provided, a diag-
with the health system or context of care deliv- metacognition (thinking about thinking) may nosis of multiple rib fractures would be made.
ery. As with general medical diagnosis, errors enable us to avoid being trapped by these cog- Because radiologists rely on abridged clinical
often result from a combination or interaction nitive biases using deliberate type 2 cognitive details, framing may be a major contributor to
between the two (e.g., night-staffed preliminary forcing strategies [27, 28]. Rather than elim- diagnostic error in radiology.
reports by resident radiologists that are altered inating these cognitive shortcuts that serve Corrective strategy: Masked read before
in a final report but not fully communicated to us well most of the time, we might be better reviewing clinical indication; seek more clin-
caregivers) [23]. As described later in this ar- served by recognizing the potential diagnostic ical information from treating physicians
ticle, certain system factors (e.g., lighting con- dangers that arise from specific shortcuts and when image interpretation is tightly coupled
ditions, shift length, pace of reading required) overriding them when appropriate. with clinical context or abnormal findings are
have a profound effect on the likelihood of cog- Dozens of cognitive biases have been de- likely to alter management.
nitive diagnostic errors in radiology. scribed [29]. Some of these biases likely play
only a small role in radiology diagnostic er- Availability Bias
Cognitive Errors in Radiology ror (e.g., certain emotional biases associat- Availability is the tendency to consider diag-
The dual-process theory of reasoning has ed with direct patient interaction) [30]. On noses more likely if they readily come to mind.
emerged as the dominant theoretic model for the basis of a review of recent literature, we For example, if a radiologist missed lung can-
cognitive processing during human decision identified five cognitive biases particularly cer on a chest radiograph, he or she is more

612 AJR:201, September 2013

Diagnostic Errors in Radiology

likely to overcall suspected lung nodules on policies and procedures, inefficient process- dynamically [40]. After a work shift, radiolo-
subsequent chest radiographs despite the low es, teamwork, communication, and technical gists have increased variability in their ocular
likelihood. Radiologists should be aware of and equipment failures [22]. Factors such as convergence capabilities, indicating increased
the tendency to overestimate the frequency equipment failures and the methods of com- oculomotor strain and visual fatigue. Detec-
of previously missed, unusual, or otherwise municating dangerous radiographic findings tion accuracy for pulmonary nodules was re-
memorable cases. to treating clinicians influence the likelihood duced on dynamically displayed CT images
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Corrective strategy: Obtain and use objective of radiographic diagnostic error from a patient in the resident group only, with no signifi-
information to estimate the true base rate of a perspective. However, our focus is primarily cant effect on the attending physicians. Inter-
diagnosis; benchmark diagnostic performance on those factors that affect the likelihood of di- estingly, this difference between the residents
against peers (e.g., for screening mammogra- agnostic error by the radiology provider. Sys- and attending physicians was also previously
phy, radiologists should enroll in the American tem issues, such as lighting conditions, shift shown in the fracture detection study. Accom-
College of Radiology National Mammography length and timing, task repetitiveness, pace of modative relaxation (shifting the focal point
Data Registry to compare their recall rate, can- reading images, and environmental distrac- from near to far or vice versa) is effective in
cer detection rate, and positive predictive value tions, all may impact the psychophysical pro- reducing visual fatigue. In fact, a radiologist
with the established local, regional, and nation- cess of visual diagnosis. Many of these issues can even become more resistant to visual fa-
al benchmarks) [33, 34]. ultimately exert their effects through visual tigue by undergoing automated accommoda-
and mental fatigue for radiologists [36]. tive training [36, 41, 42].
Search Satisficing (Satisfaction of Search) Fatigue is a subcategory of system-related
Search satisficing is the tendency to stop error in radiology because health care provid- Decision (Mental) Fatigue
a search for abnormality once one diagno- ers are constantly required to deliver quality Radiologists also experience decision fa-
sis that is evaluated as likely is found. For patient care while under the stress of disrupted tigue as a consequence of continuous and pro-
example, when a brain mass is identified on circadian rhythms. Although many other sys- longed decision making [43]. Decision fatigue
CT in a patient with headache, a radiologist tem issues coexist and contribute to misdiagno- is thought to increase later in the day or after the
might miss ethmoid or sphenoid sinus con- sis, we choose fatigue as the primary example work shift when cognitive processes respond
solidation (especially if the radiologist does for this discussion because it is a well-studied to mental strain by taking short cuts, leading
not know that the brain tumor diagnosis is field. As medical reimbursement continues to to poor judgment and diagnostic errors [37].
old or that the patient has a fever). trend downward, radiologists attempt to com- Those working prolonged shifts, off hours and
Corrective strategy: Use a checklist or algo- pensate by undertaking additional responsibili- with high-volume or high-complexity tasks are
rithmic approach to insure a systematic search, ties and increasing organizational productivity. at the greatest risk [43]. In particular, one of the
particularly for “do-not-miss” diagnoses [35]; The increased workload and rising quality ex- most vulnerable populations is radiology resi-
always commence a secondary search after the pectations, poor communication, cognitive bi- dents who provide preliminary interpretations
first search has been completed; be mindful of ases, and imperfect information systems serve independently during off hours [43].
known combinations (e.g., multiple foreign as major sources of fatigue, often leading to
bodies, multiple fractures or contusions, or in- diagnostic errors [37]. Despite continuously Potential Solutions
farction or vascular occlusion). evolving technology refinement and develop- The ultimate goal in reducing diagnostic er-
ment, the current medical imaging system has rors is to first describe, analyze, and research
Premature Closure developed as a one-size-fits-all model with rela- cognitive biases in the context of medical de-
Premature closure is the tendency to accept tive inflexibility, which can impede workflow cision making and then to find effective ways
a diagnosis before full verification. For exam- and productivity as well as cause end-user fa- of cognitively ridding ourselves and our peers
ple, in a patient with myasthenia gravis and a tigue [36]. As imaging volume and complexity of bias. Rather than attempting to completely
homogeneous mediastinal mass seen on chest continue to grow over time, the impact of visual eliminate cognitive shortcuts that often serve
CT, a diagnosis of thymoma might be made, fatigue on diagnostic accuracy is becoming in- us well, becoming aware of the common bi-
even though thymic hyperplasia, lymphoma, creasingly important [38]. ases will lead to a more sustained improve-
and germ cell tumors remain on the differen- ment in patient care. Moreover, there is no one
tial diagnosis. A general limitation of imaging Visual Fatigue simple solution to diagnostic errors. Improv-
diagnoses is that pathologic diagnoses are in- Krupinski et al. [39] studied the direct im- ing diagnostic accuracy will require a multi-
ferred and not confirmed until tissue pathol- pact of fatigue using fractures on skeletal ra- dimensional approach that includes renewed
ogy is obtained. diographs as the detection task. There is a sig- emphasis on traditional teaching of clinical
Corrective strategy: Always generate a dif- nificant reduction in diagnostic accuracy after skills, exploration of new methods for diag-
ferential diagnosis (use checklists for common the day of work (p < 0.05) with associated in- nostic education (e.g., simulation or gaming),
lesion differentials); never convert a working creasing myopia. As expected, subjective rat- improvements in health information technol-
diagnosis to a final diagnosis before full (path- ings of physical discomfort, eye strain, and ogy systems, and investment in the basic sci-
ologic) verification. lack of motivation also increase by the end of ence of clinical diagnosis [44].
the workday. Interestingly, residents suffered
System-Related Error in Radiology greater effects of fatigue on all measures com- Feedback System: Radiology-Pathology
In internal medicine, system-related factors pared with attending radiologists [39]. The ef- Correlation
contribute to diagnostic error in 65% of cas- fects of visual fatigue seen with static radio- Radiologic-pathologic correlation of many
es [22]. The vast majority of system-related graphs also seem to apply to cross-sectional clinical diagnoses has been described in the
error in these cases relates to problems with imaging examinations, which are displayed literature, but its adoption as a quality mea-

AJR:201, September 2013 613

Lee et al.

sure to assess radiologists’ diagnostic accura- clude opportunities for self-reflection on rea- is intended to improve the organization, con-
cy is a relatively new concept. For diagnoses soning processes and formative feedback [1]. tent, readability, and usefulness of the radi-
with pathologic correlation, we can track data The trainees should be taught not to miss cer- ology report as well as advance the efficien-
on positive predictive value, disease detec- tain key diagnoses; the board certification or- cy and effectiveness of the reporting process
tion rates, and abnormal interpretation rates ganizations also need to emphasize key ele- [52]. Despite the importance of the radiology
to determine the interpretive accuracy for in- ments of diagnostic accuracy as part of robust report, it has historically been created with
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dividual radiologists [45]. A Cornell Medical evaluation methods. These key competencies free-style conventional dictation, leading to
Center study showed that the error rate of ra- include the knowledge to make correct diag- nonstandardized, error prone, vague, incom-
diologic-pathologic correlation in suspected noses, ability to use electronic resources ef- plete, or untimely delivery of findings with
acute appendicitis is a feasible and effective fectively to find information, awareness of significant interobserver variability. Both
measure of interpretive accuracy of radiolo- common cognitive biases and meta-cognitive referring clinicians and radiologists have
gists [46]. This study provided documenta- strategies to mitigate them, mature clinical found that structured reports have better con-
tion of departmental accuracy of diagnosis. judgment, and ability to engage in eliminat- tent and greater clarity than conventional re-
Further research with larger, multiinstitution- ing cognitive bias [21]. ports for body CT [53], although structured
al studies may enable the development of na- reports did not significantly improve report
tional benchmarks for radiologic-pathologic Empower Information Technology Tools accuracy or completeness according to a co-
concordance in acute appendicitis and other to Improve Training hort study [54]. According to a survey study,
conditions. Each radiologist will be required A critical step to reduce diagnostic errors more than 80% of clinicians prefer to receive
to interpret a sufficient number of cases to is the process of defining radiology qual- standardized reports that consist of templates
draw statistically significant conclusions for ity metrics and developing the information with separate headings for each organ sys-
individual accuracy. technology tools to quantify and track these tem [55]. However, most radiology residency
quality metrics. More specifically, the IOM programs in the United States do not provide
Peer Review cited a lack of adequate resident supervision residents with more than 1 hour of reporting
Multiple regulatory organizations re- and excessive fatigue as significant contrib- instruction a year [56]. According to 92%
quire the ongoing practice-based evaluation utors to diagnostic errors, which resulted in of clinicians and 95% of radiologists, struc-
of physician performance. In radiology, the the recent implementation of the Accredita- tured reporting should be an obligatory part
single most important measure of perfor- tion Council for Graduate Medical Education of residency training [55]. This serves as a
mance is diagnostic accuracy of interpreta- restriction of resident work hours to 80 per good area for further prospective studies to
tion because errors can directly result in pa- week [48]. To evaluate trainee performance see whether a structured reporting system
tient harm. while on-call, the University of Pennsylvania can improve diagnostic accuracy, particular-
Peer review is continuous, systematic, and radiology department developed a software ly given fears of “copy and paste” errors [57].
critical reflection and evaluation of physician application (Orion) to facilitate the identifi- Structured reporting also serves the impor-
performance using structured procedures. cation and monitoring of major discrepancies tant role of a checklist (i.e., a cognitive job
Peer review acts as an essential tool to assess in preliminary reports issued on-call [49]. aid), a meta-cognitive tool that can help cir-
radiologists’ performance and to improve di- The study included 19,200 on-call studies in- cumvent some cognitive biases and reflect on
agnostic accuracy. Setting up a successful terpreted by residents and 13,953 studies in- cognitive shortcuts that often lead to diagnos-
peer review program requires a committed terpreted by fellows. Standard macros were tic errors. Mindfully using checklists encour-
team and a positive culture [47] that is consci- used to classify these reports as “agreement,” ages the user to decrease reliance on memo-
entious regarding consumption of radiologists’ “minor discrepancy,” and “major discrepan- ry; step back to examine the thinking process
valuable time and disruption of workflow. cy” on the basis of the potential to impact pa- (metacognition); develop strategies to avoid
tient outcome or management. This new soft- predictable biases (cognitive forcing); and
Education ware enables the residency director to use the recognize altered emotional states caused by
The problem of misdiagnosis cannot be major discrepancy rate to identify outliers fatigue, sleep deprivation, or other stressful
solved without education, but it also cannot and knowledge gaps in specific subspecialty conditions [58]. Diagnostic checklists have
be solved with education alone. Five evi- areas within the training program [50]. The been shown to be effective in reducing er-
dence-based educational recommendations program can also be used to evaluate the rate rors in other fields of medicine, such as emer-
should be considered: First, teach from cases of diagnostic errors by the length of shift and gency medicine and anesthesiology [58–62].
that are numerous, varied, and unknown; sec- volume of studies [51]. Through a powerful Using structured reporting as a diagnostic
ond, focus learners on real-world diagnostic information technology tool such as this, we checklist can help users to consider common
decisions; third, force integration of analyt- can better understand the contributory factors and particularly serious (“do-not-miss”) di-
ic and intuitive thinking; fourth, make meta- in misdiagnosis and design solutions to im- agnoses in a systematic manner [35].
awareness part of the curriculum; and fifth, prove physician training and reduce errors.
take a multidimensional approach to evalua- Computer-Aided Detection
tion (Newman-Toker DE, presented at 2012 Structured Reporting Systems In this age of digital information, new clini-
Grand Rounds of Johns Hopkins Armstrong Structured reporting has gained attention cal decision support tools empower physicians
Institute). Training programs for medical stu- in the radiology community for improving in many areas, such as constructing a differ-
dents, residents, and fellows should include communication between referring physicians ential diagnosis list and ordering appropriate
structured practice in diagnostic reasoning and radiologists [52]. The written report is diagnostic testing. Within radiology, clinical
with model patients and simulations that in- the most tangible product of radiologists and decision support primarily takes the form of

614 AJR:201, September 2013

Diagnostic Errors in Radiology

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Downloaded from by on 11/25/21 from IP address Copyright ARRS. For personal use only; all rights reserved

tion rate ranging between 1% and 19% [63]. shifts, establishing structured breaks, and 3. Berlin L, Berlin JW. Malpractice and radiologists
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