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Inspiring Morning Routines

of 3 Influential People

Brian Tracy Oprah Winfrey Tim Cook

Whether you’re a morning “eager-beaver” or a night owl – it’s

important to develop a morning routine that will set a positive
tone for the rest of your day.

The most successful people all have certain habits in their daily
routines that maximize their energy, productivity, and creativity
all day long.

If you apply some of these habits and build a morning

routine that works for you, you’re guaranteed to be a more
productive person.

Inspiring Morning Routines

of Influential People
Copyright© 2019 | Brian Tracy International | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy
Brian Tracy’s
Morning Routine

Brian references his morning routine in

many of his seminars and speeches about
how to become successful and achieve
your full potential.

So what does his morning

ritual look like?

Brian starts off with an early morning,

waking up by 6:00 am. Waking up early
is a key component of his success. By
starting his day at 6 am, Brian is able to get
his most important tasks out of the way
while the rest of the world is still asleep.

Next up, Brian swims some laps! Physical

activity first thing in the morning is a big-must for
Brian. He likes to say, “I jump into a cold pool first
thing in the morning before my brain is awake
enough to try to stop me!”

Inspiring Morning Routines

of Influential People
Copyright© 2019 | Brian Tracy International | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy
Then he showers, gets ready and eats a healthy breakfast. Not only is
eating a balanced diet key to longterm health - but you’ll also feel great
when you start off your day by making a positive choice! Don’t let the guilt
of eating an unhealthy breakfast weigh you down throughout the day.

To finish up, Brian sets his goals and priorities for the day. Starting your day
off by writing down your goals will help you make sure you’re getting the
most out of your day, and are focusing on achieving your goals. Don’t be
afraid to “eat that frog” by tackling the most challenging project first!

Throughout the morning, Brian avoids checking his phone until

he finishes his morning routine. This helps keep him from getting
distracted by emails, texts, or new stores as he plans out his day.

Bonus tip:
Plan your day the night before
By thinking about what you want to accomplish the next day, you are
visualizing what you are going to get done successfully, instead of wasting
time worrying about where to start and what to do when you wake up.
This puts you in the right mindset for success and helps keep you calm
and efficient throughout the day.

Inspiring Morning Routines

of Influential People
Copyright© 2019 | Brian Tracy International | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy
Oprah Winfrey’s
Morning Routine

Oprah takes a holistic approach to her

morning routine, focusing on serenity,
meditation, and uplifting rituals.

After waking up, she takes some time

to enjoy the serenity of her backyard
(which she calls the “Promised Land”) and
appreciate the natural beauties of nature.

Taking this time to decompress can help

get you in the right mindset to conquer
the day.

Next in Oprah’s morning ritual: Prepare

breakfast and her morning espresso.

While she waits for her espresso to brew, she reads

5 cards from her 365 Gathered Truths box, which is a
box filled with 365 thoughtfully chosen quotes.

Oprah has created a series of spiritual exercises

that she does every day…

Inspiring Morning Routines

of Influential People
Copyright© 2019 | Brian Tracy International | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy
After reading Gathered Truths, she will check out “Bowl of Saki” on her
phone. It contains the teachings of the Sufis, a Middle Eastern sect that
believes all paths lead to God and that all religions are one, pointing to
the same north star.

Then she meditates. Observing about 20 minutes of silence.

After her meditation, Oprah will exercise for an hour, combining running
and flexibility training.

Oprah’s routine really focuses on taking much-needed downtime for

herself and taking the time to get herself into the right state-of-mind.

It’s important to develop healthy habits that are good for your mind,
body, and soul.

Goals Quickstart Masterclass

Copyright© 2019 | Brian Tracy International | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy
Tim Cook
Morning Routine

Tim Cook, the successful CEO of Apple,

swears by his strict morning routine to set
him up for success, starting by waking up
just before 4:00 am.

Aside from getting an early jumpstart on

the day, Tim spends his first hour of every
morning reading user comments about
Apple products. He says doing this helps
him “focus on the external people that are
so important to us.”

Spending a short time at the start of your

day reading up on what’s new and exciting
in your industry can really prepare you for
the workday ahead.

Morning exercise is a common ritual for successful

leaders and has been proven to relieve stress and
keep your mind at ease.

Tim will go to the gym and work out for about an

hour and says it keeps his stress at bay.

Inspiring Morning Routines

of Influential People
Copyright© 2019 | Brian Tracy International | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy
Another habit that Cook swears by is not using his smartphone as soon
as he wakes up…

“My notifications are declining, the number of times

I pick up a device are declining and the only reason they are
is because we built this functionality into our operating
system and I now know what I was doing,”

Avoiding the use of smartphones in the morning has been a proven

tactic to maximize your productivity.

According to Chris Bailey, author of “Hyperfocus: How to Be More

Productive in a World of Distractions”, for every minute you spend taming
the many phone-related distractions you face, you gain an extra 10 minutes
in productivity.

What does your morning routine look like?

If you don’t already have a successful morning ritual of your own, try out
some of these tactics and figure out what works for you!

A Brian Tracy Certified Coach can help you develop a morning routine to
truly set you on the path to success! To schedule a free 30-minute coaching
session, click the button below, or visit the Brian Tracy Coaching page.

Schedule your free session!

Inspiring Morning Routines

of Influential People
Copyright© 2019 | Brian Tracy International | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy

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