Villanueva Rejean Y. - 1BSE-E SOCST - Short Film Analysis

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 Differentiate short film from feature film;
 Share ideas and insights about the meaning and significance of a short film; and
 Discuss larger issues and bigger meanings in a short film.

A short film is any film not long enough to be considered a feature film. No consensus exists
as to where that boundary is drawn, although the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
defines a short film as "an original motion picture that has a running time of 40 minutes or less,
including all credits".
Kiwi is a short film that is about a flightless bird that did everything just to experience what
other birds are capable of – flying. Kiwi cut the trees and nailed every single one at the side of
the cliff. After all trees have been nailed, Kiwi jumped off the cliff with its wings open and a tear.


Watch the short film, "Kiwi", and share your ideas about it by giving answers to any of the
following questions.
1. What happened to Kiwi at the end? (50-100 words)
I think, what happened to Kiwi is at the he died. Before the short film end I saw that
Kiwi tried to fly, spread his wings. He fully spread it, but it is not enough to let him fly. I
also saw that there are tears in his eyes, maybe he knew that he can not fly even if he did try
his best.

2. Where did it go? (50-100 words)

Kiwi fall down to the cliff. It is obvious that after his ambitious dream of flying, but when
he will fail he will go straight down the cliff. With Kiwi’s situation, he cannot fly because he
does not have full developed wings, even if he did everything he could, even if it is his best
but when it is not enough, sad to say but it doesn’t have the high chance of success.

3. Did it die or survive? (50-100 words)

For me I think Kiwi died. There is no way he could survive after falling down the cliff
super fast. I also saw his tears in his eyes. His eyes looked worried and probably sorrowed.
Maybe he knew this would happen, this is his end. I think he already accept the consequence of
his action, which is death.

4. What does the film tell about ambitions and dreams? (50-100 words)
The film tell us a life lesson about too much can harm you, too much ambitions can lead
to disappointment. There is no problem dreaming, and aiming a dream. Only, you must
know and aware that some dreams are unreachable and if you insist and force it, maybe it
will be unsuccessful or worst it will be harmful and would cause you a problem.

5. If you were Kiwi, would you do the same? Would you risk everything to chase a dream?
(50-100 words)
For me, I would not do the same thing if I know it will harm me. I would not do such
thing that will cause me end my life. What’s the point of chasing those dreams if at the end it
will be a failure. Maybe I would go for those dreams that reachable. To those dreams that
seems impossible but possible.

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