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GEN.ED. 002

1. Johari Window is a method designed to help people understand their emotional and physical
interaction with themselves and others. It is used to improve the performance of individuals and
teams in both a self-help context, a group setting and in the corporate environment.The window is
composed of four human interaction segments (or panes): open, hidden, blind and unknown. All of
the elements together provide the person with a comprehensive view.

• Autocratic – The benefits of autocratic leadership. A leader can make quick and powerful
decisions in this system, set up a clear chain of command, and see productivity increase as a result.
The leader must also understand the potential negative effects on morale to fully reap its
advantages and the challenge of autocratic leaders make decisions without consulting the group,
people in the group may dislike that they are unable to contribute ideas. Researchers have also
found that autocratic leadership often results in a lack of creative solutions to problems, which can
ultimately hurt the group from performing.

• Authoritative Style –The benefits of Authoritative leaders provide direction and vision: from a
position of confidence, they approach projects and initiatives. They have a clear vision of what
success looks like, and give clear direction and constructive feedback to their team members as
they work towards organizational objectives, the challenge of this is because they do not consult
their team, leaders tend to suppress creativity. This disadvantage can actually harm the overall
performance of the group if there is an overall lack of creativity from the leader as well. This
produces moments of uncertainty within the leadership.

• Pacesetting Style – The benefits of this style defines a very driven leader who, like in racing, sets
the pace. Pacesetters set the bar high and push the members of their team to run to the finish line
hard and fast and the challenge of this it is a style that can hurt the members of the team. For one
thing, in the long run, even the most driven staff may become stressed working under this
leadership style.

• Democratic Style – This Democratic leadership style has numerous benefits. It can generate trust
and foster team spirit and employee cooperation. It enables creativity and helps grow and develop
employees. A democratic style of leadership allows people to do what they want to do, but in a way
that they want to do. And the challenge can include reduction of efficiency and problems with
accountability and does not guarantee the best possible solution.

• Coaching Style – The benefits of Coaching style empowers leaders to perform outstanding work.
Coaches create an advantageous relationship within the leader that uncovers hidden strengths and
weaknesses. Goals will be developed to allow leaders to identify their weaknesses and monitor
their progress and the challenges of this leadership style is time pressure and deadlines, navigating
confidentiality and organizational interests.

• Affiliative Style – The benefits of this style is it can create effective teams and also build employee
trust it can also reduce the workplace stress and they can resolves conflicts more effciently and the
challenges is it is difficult to maintain the co-ordination among the group. Agree and disagree on
particular topic may leads to communication gap and can reduce team productivity levels.
• Laissez-Faire Style – Empowering staff and boosting productivity overall are the benefits of the
laissez-faire leadership style. A team can also be helped by this type of leadership to become more
innovative and improve morale as a whole and the challenges of this style is some individuals are
not good at setting deadlines for themselves, managing their own projects, and solving problems
on their own. Projects can go off-track under this leadership style and deadlines can be missed
when team members do not get enough guidance or feedback from leaders.

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