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Welcome to the dream classroom!

So, I had set up my classroom in an open concept for the

most part mixing in some varieties of closure and spaces that are meant for a quieter time for the
students to give that variety that they need. I have provided a snack bin, therapy bin, first aid bin, and a
fidget bin as well. This way the students feel safe and like they can move freely in the classroom. These
items are placed next tot the meeting rug and within a walking distance from the tables as well to make
sure that the students aren’t disrupting lesson time when they are on the morning meeting rug. On most
of the walls as well are windows and lots of boards that have different purposes, like birthday list,
student artwork, class jobs, a word wall, and our expectations which are place right next to the door
when the students leave and enter. I have also placed lots of plants around the room as well to make it
feel homier this will be one of the class jobs for the student to do on a daily to water the plants. They
will also be looked at as a science experiment to integrated that as well. There are four different types of
rugs two out of the four are activity rugs one is a hopscotch rug and the other being an alphabet rug.
Next to the meeting rug is my desk complete with the extra supplies, computer, and the calendar. The
turn in bin is next to the desk and closest to the door as well for the students. This makes it easy for
them to find it and easy for the teacher as well to get to when needed. All the storage in the classroom
has the locks on them for the teacher so that the student doesn’t have the easy access to them and a re
able to use what they are provided on their tables as well as the extra supplies by the desk. In the
corner of the room is an area for books along with a table, some bean bags, and a window to give the
space a relaxing vibe for the students. Next to the quiet corner there is more storage along with the
student jobs, a sink, and an area for the classroom pet. Right next to that area is a space for a table for
the students to get extra one on one time with me, or even for testing as well. That is next to a black
board for the students to write and draw on for free time along with the word wall and a cart for free
time toys. In the middle of the room are four tables with 6 chairs and a bin in the middle of each table.
There will be a banner hanging for each table that will have the number and the chairs and bins will be
color coordinated for each table. I rounded it all together with a blue carpet as well to help keep the
kids energized and wake during class time.

For the Safety Key on some of the boards there would be some inspiring quotes. For the
Success Key there are the expectations that are put on the wall next tot the door. For the Love and
Belonging Key the students will be able to help create the rules and expectations that are on the board
every year. For the Freedom and independence Key the students will the have options of a lot of
different things during free time. They will also be given the choice of having a fidget or getting up to use
the snack or therapy bin whenever they need. For the Fun and enjoyment key the students are given all
the activity rugs, toys, and different seating options. For the Valued Purpose Key, the students have their
artwork displayed along with a class pet and jobs that are given every week.

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