Artistic Process As A Lesson Plan 1

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Creative Process as a Lesson Planning Tool

Apply what you just learned about the creative process, and the activity and
discussion we just did. Pick a project you’d like your students to create and plan
what the steps in the creative process should look like to get the kids to
successfully create it. This is a formative assessment so this will allow me to see
what we still need to work on. No grades should be given during a formative

What is the intended project supposed to look like? (Describe what it is and what kind of art
materials you’d need. What does the final product need to look like?)

The students will be able to create a house of their choice that consists of a roof, walls,
windows, and a door. They will then be able to add different details like gardens, driveways,

Step 1: Imagine and Generate (What could you show the students to get them thinking about
the artwork? How will you introduce the project? What themes could be discussed?)

I would show my students a picture of either my finished piece or a picture of a house with the
basic lines drawn through the picture to give them the idea of what kind of lines are used. They
would generate ideas of what kinds of roofs, windows, and door shapes there are to get a feel
for how they would want theirs to look.

Step 2: Plan, Prepare, Explore, and Focus (What exercises, techniques, or mediums could you
have the students practice with to get them ready for the project? Are you assigning any
planning time for sketching? If so what/how many?)
The students will look at straight edges and how this could be helpful for building a house. We
would go through the steps on how to make the house look 3D and take a lot of time to
practice this and planning for what the house will look like.

Step 3: Develop and Make (What are you demonstrating, how long will the students have to
work on the piece, how might you guide them through the completion of the piece? What
other assistance might they need?)

They will get up to three sheets of practice paper before they get it approved by the teacher
and are able to move onto their final sheet. They will have about three days to build and
practice making their houses and the final two days they will spend making their final drafts.

Step 4: Evaluate and Present (How do you intend to evaluate the work? How do you intend to
exhibit the work? How will student know when they are done? What criteria will it need to

Students will know they are down when they are successfully able to create a #D house with
windows, a door, a roof, walls, and if they want to add any extra details as well. They will be
completed also after it is colored in markers, crayons, or colored pencils. Once they are done
the students will have a little art museum for each of their pieces and we will spend time
walking around and looking at everyone’s artwork. They will be graded on creativity, originality,
and if they have the following criteria for their house, window, door, roof, and walls.
Step 5: Reflect (What kinds of questions could you ask the students for them to reflect on what
they’ve learned? Will this be done in a large group, small groups, one-on-one, or as a writing
assignment? Why did you choose this kind of reflective activity?)

Large group discussion on what they had learned. Did the walls get bigger or smaller as it got
further back? etc. this activity shows how each item looks in comparison to another and how if
something is closer to you it is bigger and if it is father away it is smaller.

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