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“Bagdad” Prototype


Docente: Ruth Gascher Portales

Carrera: Ingeniería en Redes y
Materia: Ingles I
Osinaga Natalia
Apaza Bruno
Mayta Claudio
Sanchez David

Santa Cruz – Bolivia

Octubre 2019

Abriendo mentes,

creando futuros


Introduction……………….……………………………………… .. ……………… 1

Background ……………………………………………………. …… ..… .. ……… 2

The first vehicles with remote control …………………………………………… ..2.1

The 1960s …………………………………………………………………………… 2.2

The 1970s …………………………………………………………………… …… ..2.3

The 1980s …………………………………………………………………. ……… 2.4

The present and the future ……………………………… .. ………………………… .3

Types of cars with remote control …………………………………. ………………… 4

Development …………………………………………… .. ………………………… .5

Arduino ………………………………………………...……………………… …… 5.1

Driver Bridge H ………………………………………………………………. …… 5.2

Motors with Tire …………………………………………………….……………… 5.3

Battery ……………………………………………………..…………………. …… .5.4

  Chassis ………………………………………………………………………….… 5.5

Assembling the mechanical part of our Mobile Robot …………………………… .5.6

Electrical connections ………………………………………………….… .. …… .5.7

Conclusion ………………………………………………….……………… .. …… .6

Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………. …… 7

1. Introduction

Currently, remote control vehicles are very common, and many people enjoy them as a
hobby in many ways. There are numerous forms of vehicles, including cars, airplanes and

2. Background
2.1.- The first vehicles with remote control

Technically speaking, the first remote control vehicles were not made for sale to the
public. Like many forms of tecnólogo, the first vehicles were made for war. The first civil-
use vehicles were remote-controlled airplanes. These first appeared in the 1950s, were
bulky and had short range capacity.
The batteries were large and inefficient. However, this was enough to arouse the interest
of fans.

  2.2.- The 1960s

In the 1960s, remote-controlled airplanes began to become popular, and progress was
made in relation to their modernization and refinement. Also, the first cars were seen in
that decade, and it was generally DIY projects. The gasoline engine of a remote-controlled
aircraft was placed in a toy car, and thus this hobby was born. At the end of the decade
some manufacturers began to produce cars. Similarly, some fans began experimenting with
remote-controlled helicopters in the late 1960s.

2.3.- The 1970s

The 1970s were very important for all types of remote control vehicles. The planes
became more reliable. Remote control systems evolved and many alternatives appeared.
Car production also experienced rapid growth. The companies began to manufacture new
models, sizes, features and powers. The first production of remote-controlled helicopters
available to the general public was carried out in early 1972. In any case of remote-
controlled vehicles, it gained greater acceptance and captured the interest of the amateur
public that was being formed.

2.4.- The 1980s

The real news of 1980 was in the field of cars. New vehicles and sizes entered the market.
In addition, vehicles with displacement capacity powered by gasoline, electricity or nitro
were manufactured.

3.- The present and the future

Since the significant growth in the supply of remote-controlled cars that took place in the
1980s, the world of vehicles stabilized. In addition to the ships and remote-controlled
hovercraft that exist at the window today, technology has continued to advance, but more
slowly. Interest in vehicles peaked in the 1980s, and since then it has been in decline, but
the fans are still very active.

4.- Types of remote control cars

Track cars: Corresponding to the English term On-Road. Characterized by being 2WD
traction vehicles.

Off-road cars: Corresponding to the English term Off-Road. Characterized by being 4WD
traction vehicles.

Remote control cars are used for leisure or car competitions

This time we designed a car with remote control of the type of all-wheel drive, this means
that it has four wheels and at the same time they are motor. And it is designated by the
acronym 4WD (4 Wheels Driving) for entertainment.
Your design will be explained in the next point.

5.- Development

The creation of a car driven by bluetooth serves as a mental stimulus to introduce it to the
study of robotics. In addition, robotics and artificial intelligence come together so that you
can think of artificial beings through machines and these have a lot to do with the process
of daily life of the human being.

To understand how a car driven by bluetooth works, it is necessary to know the parts that
make it up, the parts that are involved in its manufacture, but also the way in which it can
interact with the environment is considered and for this, artificial vision concepts are
introduced to that the degree of applications that such an apparatus can have is appreciated.









In this tutorial we will build a mobile robot controlled by Bluetooth from our cell phone or
smartphone through an Android application.

Let’s start by describing the main materials:

5.1.- Arduino

We can use any of the Arduino boards, we will use the Arduino Uno R3 for being one of
the most used. Bluetooth module HC-06 or HC-05

This module helps us so that our Arduino and the cell phone can communicate via
Bluetooth. For this application we can use any of the two modules as we will work them in
slave mode. If they use an HC-06 it would be ready to use, if they use an HC-05 they
should verify that it is set as a slave. The speed with which we are going to work is at
9600baud, which is the speed that comes by default in both HC-06 and HC-05.

We will use the HC-06 with its default settings, if you wish to make additional settings you
can consult our tutorials:

With Bluetooth HC-06 module configuration using AT commands

With Bluetooth HC-05 module configuration using AT commands

5.2.- H Bridge Driver

The bridge H is the one that allows us to reverse the rotation of an engine, we need a
bridge H that has two channels to be able to control two motors.

  Among the most common H bridges we have the L298N, L293D, TB6612FNG and the
L9110S, Some modules apart from the pins to control the direction have a pin (Enable)
where we can send PWM and control the speed, but for this tutorial we can use any We
will only control direction.

5.3.- Wheel Motors

Basically 2 DC motors with gearbox and its respective tire, an average speed can be
100RPM, but it will depend on the speed one wants. The voltage will depend on the
battery, for example if you have a 6V or 3.7V battery you can work with the yellow motor,
if you have a 12V or 9V battery you can work with the micro motors, If we feed a motor
with a lower voltage at nominal, its speed decreases, however if we feed with a higher
voltage we can spoil the motor, so we must take into account the technical specifications of
the motor.

5.4.- Battery

This may be the most difficult to establish, the first thing to consider is the voltage.
Arduino works with a voltage between 6 and 12V, apart from this you have to take into
account the motor voltage. We must also consider the current and capacity, for example if
we use an economical 9V battery it will last less than a minute, it is recommended that the
capacity is greater than 500mAH

Here are the options you can use depending on the engine you have:

6V motor:

Option 1: 4 AA batteries for the engines and a 9V battery for the Arduino

Option 2: 1 lithium cell (cell phone battery) for the motors and a 9V battery for the
Arduino Option 2: Any battery greater than 6V (of sufficient current) and a step down to
lower the voltage.

12V motor:

Option 1: Duracell 9V battery

Option 2: 2 or 3 cell lipo or lithium battery.

Option 3: any 12V battery (of sufficient current)

Option 4: 1 lithium cell (cell phone battery) or 3.7V battery and one step Up to increase the

Regardless of the value of the battery voltage, we can use DC-DC converters to increase
(step up) or reduce (step down) the voltage.
  5.5.- Chassis

This will depend on the design of each one, they can do it, or buy one made. The chassis is
basically where the two engines with a tire and the other components are going to be
placed, additionally a ballcaster is needed, which will be the third support point next to the
other two tires.

Other accessories: Additionally we can need a protoboard, DuPont Male-Male and

Female-Male cables and cable to solder the motors.

5.6.- Assembling the mechanical part of our Mobile Robot:

There are several designs on the internet that can help us, as well as commercial platforms.
This will depend on each one. For our tutorial we will use the differential locomotion,
which uses two main wheels that give traction and by speed difference in these we can
make turns. We will use this con fi guration because it is easy to implant, unlike the
Ackerman con fi guration that is more complicated to implement the mechanical part.

The main difference between these two configurations is in the rotation of the robot, in the
differential configuration we have to reverse the rotation in one of the motors or simply
decrease the speed, instead in the Ackerman configuration we need a servo motor to rotate
the front tires.

As we indicated we are going to work in the differential configuration and in addition to

the two main tires we need one or two swivel wheels that will support us, this wheel can be
put forward and / or back.

5.7.- Electrical connections:

Below we show two possible connections depending on the type of motor they have.

3.1 For 3-6VDDC DC motors In this case if we need to use a single battery, it is better to
use a step down and not power the motors with the Arduino 5V, as we would overheat the
internal regulator that it has.

The battery has to be greater than 6V for our Arduino to work but it is recommended that it
not exceed 12V, additionally the battery must have enough current to power the two
motors, otherwise our Arduino is going to be resetting when the engines start running.

Before installing the step down you have to adjust to the voltage we want, it can be 6v, 5V,

Etc., by varying this voltage we are also modifying the speed of the motors.

3.2 For DC 12V DC motors

  In this way the voltage that enters the motors is the same as that of the battery.
Depending on the type of motor you can use the battery that best suits your need, taking
into account that it has sufficient current and duration.

The connections are similar for other types of Bridge H Drivers, you can check our tutorial
of using the L298N in case you are using that module.


1.- Connect the positive and negative wiring to the tire motors.

2.- Then we proceed to glue them to the base of the car.

3.- We connect the

tires to the engines.

4.- Insert the arduino to the upper base of the car.

5.- We connect the driver motor to the arduino.

6.- We connect the wiring of the motors to the driver motor. (+ and -) (4 on both sides)

7.- Insert or paste the battery box

parallel to the arduino and connect it to the driver motor.

8.- Then we program the arduino.

6.- Conclusion

The creation of this car will serve to demonstrate our skills acquired from the
investigations previously seen in order to assemble the car. None of this would have been
possible without the help and great teaching of our Ruth, who with her knowledge has
helped us to implement English in this project.

We can only say thank you Licen. For giving us new knowledge that will serve us in the
long term.

7.- Bibliography


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