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Age 7 schematic stage (Lowenfeld) or pictures that tell stories (Betty Edwards)

The reason of choice behind it is this drawing is very large and takes up the whole space along
with the heart which is one of the main ideas behind the schematic stage through Lowenfeld. But this
drawing also doesn’t fit very well with the idea of it being the stage of drawing realism. I would say that
this image fits between those two stages kind of some where in the middle but more towards the idea
of the schematic stage. For the pictures that tell stories from the Betty Edwards POV I feel like it would
fit this because it wouldn’t fit the landscape idea being there is no form of any kind of background
behind this mermaid. There is no sun in the corner or grass at the bottom or even a skyline.
Age 9 The stage of complexity (Betty Edwards) or Stage of drawing Realism (Lowenfeld)

I believe that this doesn’t fit the landscape stage when it comes to Betty Edwards because it doesn’t
have a line for the sky full and the sun isn’t in the corner but more in the middle like a sunset or rise over
the ocean. I feel as though this is more stage of complexity because of the idea that it is more realistic
with the birds symbolized by the Vs in the corner. Also having the background in the classroom, I have
seen this student doing the thing of it isn’t done yet. It also fits the stage of drawing realism by
Lowenfeld because it is more detailed than the sun in the corner there is also more over lapping with
the sun not fully showing and partially covered by the water as well.
Age7 Pre schematic stage (Lowenfeld) or pictures that tell stories (Betty Edwards)

The stage chosen form Lowenfeld was the idea of it being Pre-Schematic because of the no neck and the
circle with rectangle and square arms and legs it isn’t quite a schematic stage because the drawing isn’t
fully spontaneous. For Betty it might be the pictures that tell stories, they might have chosen the image
with the balloons to add to the story because they might have seen something with a birthday or a party
that had balloons.
Age 6 The stage of symbols (Betty Edwards) or schematic stage (Lowenfeld)

This image I feel fits well with the stage of symbols being that when it was talked about, they had
brought up the idea of having the girls with the triangles for the dresses because of what they had seen.
This image used that idea but it also showing in some ways pictures that tell a story because it has the
skyline, and it has a what looks like a princess that is flying. For the Lowenfeld side I belove that it fits
into the schematic stage because the drawing is still large, and the person is still floating even though
there is a ground line and a skyline, but I also fell as though because of the previous stage mention that
its might be telling a story of someone flying as well because it looks like there are a from of wings being
formed from the hands of the person.

This could be beneficial in a classroom to see which students might already be giving up on art
because it is always easy to tell. It can also be used a lot to see which kid might be behind in motor skills
as well. One of the pieces taken was from the classroom that I am in currently for my field experience
and every day I get to sit down and watch all the kids do some drawings on their white boards as a
calming down activity. There is this one child that I feel might be a few stages ahead of everyone, they
are interested in drawing and are pretty good at it as well. I feel like not only with the drawing skills
being present to be able to tell when a child might need extra help, but it might also play a role into
their actual learning skills as well and where they might be reading, writing, etc.

This information is also very useful when it comes to planning lessons so that as a future teacher
you don’t plan something that is way above their capability to where they can’t get it done or too far
below where they get it done in no amount of time. There must be that perfect balance and I believe
that with knowing this it is a lot easier to plan more art like activies in the classroom based on around
the age and they are of development that your students might be at. There will always be those who are
above and below and with that you just need some extra push with some of the students. Overall, I had
no idea that this was a concept or even an idea, but it is great information to be holding now that I can
learn more about the student’s growth and development and how I can help them in the future.

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