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Copywriting Swipe Files -Headlines

1. How To <benefit> ...In Less Than <timeframe>

2. Who Else Wants To <benefit> In Only <timeframe>?

3. Who Else Wants To <benefit> And <goal>?

4. <no Of Steps/tips> To <benefit>

5. To People Who Want To <benefit> -- But Can't Get Started

6. To Men Who Want To <benefit> -- But Can't Get Started

7. To Women Who Want To <benefit> -- But Can't Get Started

8. It's A Shame For You Not To <benefit> -- When These People Do It So Easily

9. Thousands Now <benefit> Who Never Thought They Could

10. Great New Discovery Helps You <benefit>

11. Great New Discovery Helps You <benefit> In Less Than <timeframe>

12. Here's A Quick Way To <benefit>

13. What Everybody Should Know... About How To <benefit>

14. Free Book... Tells You <no Of Steps/tips> To <benefit>

15. Greatest Gold-Mine Of Easy "<benefit>" Advice Ever Crammed Into One

16. <benefit> In As Little As <timeframe> With These <no Of Steps/tips>

17. <no Of Steps/tips> To <benefit>

18. <no Of Steps/tips> To <goal>

19. <no Of Steps/tips> TO <benefit> In Just <timeframe>

20. Thousands Now <benefit> Who Never Thought They Could ...With These <no
Of Steps/tips>

21. <no Of Steps/tips> To <benefit> And <goal>

22. The Secret Of <goal>

23. The Secret Of <goal> In Just <timeframe>

24. Proven Advice To <benefit> -- By An Expert

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25. Proven Advice To <benefit> And <goal> -- By An Expert

26. You Can Laugh At <benefit> Worries -- If You Follow This Simple Plan

27. It Seems Incredible That You Can <benefit> And <goal>

28. It Seems Incredible That You Can <benefit> In Only <timeframe>

29. How I <goal> In Less Than <timeframe>

30. How Often Do You Find Yourself Saying: "I Wish I Knew How To <benefit>"

31. How Often Do You Find Yourself Saying: "I Wish I Knew How To <goal>"

32. You Are Guaranteed To <goal> -- Or We Pay You

33. Everywhere People Are Raving About These Amazing <no Of Steps/tips> To

34. Everywhere People Are Raving About These Amazing <no Of Steps/tips> To

35. What Everybody Ought To Know -- About How To <benefit>

36. The Truth About How To <benefit>

37. The Truth About How To <goal>

38. How To <benefit> Today Starting From Scratch

39. How To <benefit> In Only <timeframe> Starting From Scratch

40. How To <goal> Today Starting From Scratch

41. How To <goal> In Only <timeframe> Starting From Scratch

42. Dare To <benefit>

43. Dare To <goal>

44. A Startling Fact About How To <benefit>

45. A Startling Fact About How To <goal>

46. A Startling Fact About How To <goal> ...In Less Than <timeframe>

47. A Startling Fact About How To <benefit> ...In Less Than <timeframe>

48. Need To <benefit>?

49. Need To <goal>?

50. Are You Willing To Follow <no Of Steps/tips> To <benefit>

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51. Are You Willing To Follow <no Of Steps/tips> To <goal>

52. It's A Shame For You Not To <goal> -- When These People Do It So Easily

53. Thousands Now <goal> Who Never Thought They Could

54. Great New Discovery Helps You <goal> In Less Than <timeframe>

55. Here's A Quick Way To <benefit> In Less Than <timeframe>

56. Here's A Quick Way To <goal> In Less Than <timeframe>

57. The Shocking Truth About How To <goal>!

58. The Shocking Truth About How To <benefit>!

59. <goal>. It's No Accident. In <timeframe>, I Can Show You How To <benefit>

60. <goal>. It's No Accident. In <timeframe>, I Can Show You How!

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62. <no Of Steps/tips> To Keep Your Fears From Holding YOU Back - <benefit>
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63. Would You Like To <benefit>?

64. Would You Like To <goal>?

65. Look Inside To Discover How To <goal>

66. Here's <no Of Steps/tips> To <goal>

67. Here's <no Of Steps/tips> To <benefit>

68. Look Inside To Discover How To <benefit>

69. Serious About Wanting To <benefit>? Here's How To <goal>! Guaranteed...

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73. Yes YOU Too Can Learn How To <goal> With Ease!

74. Yes These <no Of Steps/tips> Will Help You Learn How To <goal> With Ease!

75. Yes These <no Of Steps/tips> Will Help You Learn How To <benefit> With

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76. Yes These <no Of Steps/tips> Guarantee You Will <goal>!

77. Yes These <no Of Steps/tips> Guarantee You Will <benefit>!

78. Yes These <no Of Steps/tips> Helped Me <goal> And They Will Work For

79. Yes These <no Of Steps/tips> Helped Me <benefit> And They Will Work For

80.Proven Tips, Tools and Tactics To <benefit>

81. Proven Tips, Tools and Tactics To <goal>

82. The Complete Guide To <goal>

83. The Complete Guide To <benefit>

84. The Complete Guide Of <no Of Steps/tips> To <benefit>

85. The Complete Guide Of <no Of Steps/tips> To <goal>

86. The Quick And Easy Way To <goal>

87. The Quick And Easy Way To <benefit>

88. The Quick And Easy Way To <goal> In Only <timeframe>

89. The Quick And Easy Way To <benefit> In Only <timeframe>

90. How To <benefit> Quickly And Easily – 100% Guaranteed!

91. How To <goal> Quickly And Easily – 100% Guaranteed!

92. Imagine... You Can <benefit> In Just <timeframe>

93. Imagine... You Can <goal> In Just <timeframe>

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96. Proven Techniques Help You <goal> - Guaranteed!

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100. They Laughed When I Said I'd <benefit> in <duration>-- But When I
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101. <no Of Steps/tips>To How To <benefit> in <duration> And <goal>

102. Want To <goal>? Here's How To <benefit> in <duration> Now!

103. FREE Report Reveals 5 Secrets To <benefit> in <duration>

104. New Discovery Reveals How To <benefit> in <duration>!

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124. Top (Add Title) Spills The Beans On The Inside Secrets To <benefit> in

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164. A Startling Fact About How To <benefit> ...In Less Than in <duration>

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203. Everywhere People Are Raving About These Amazing <No of
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228. Here's <No of steps/tips/secrets> To <benefit>

229. Here's <No of steps/tips/secrets> To <solve your problem>

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290. <No of steps/tips/secrets> To <benefit>

291. <No of steps/tips/secrets> To <benefit> And <solve your problem>

292. <No of steps/tips/secrets> To <benefit> In Just in <duration>

293. <No of steps/tips/secrets> To Keep Your Fears From Holding YOU

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