Blue Blocking Filters

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Blue-blocking Filters and Digital Eyestrain

Tatsiana Palavets, BA1 and Mark Rosenfield, MCOptom, PhD, FAAO1*

SIGNIFICANCE: Many manufacturers are currently marketing blue-blocking (BB) filters, which they claim will reduce
the symptoms of digital eyestrain (DES). However, there is limited evidence to support the proposal that DES results
from the blue light emitted by these devices.
PURPOSE: The visual and ocular symptoms commonly experienced when viewing digital screens are collectively
termed DES. The emission spectrum of modern digital displays frequently includes a high percentage of blue light.
Being higher in energy, these short wavelengths may contribute to DES. This study examined the effect of a BB filter
on symptoms of DES during a sustained near-vision task.
METHODS: Twenty-three young, visually normal subjects were required to perform a 30-minute reading task from a
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tablet computer. The digital screen was overlaid with either a BB or neutral-density (ND) filter producing equal screen
luminance. During each session, the accommodative response, pupil diameter, and vertical palpebral aperture di-
mension were measured at 0, 9, 19, and 29 minutes after the start of the reading task. Immediately following each
session, subjects completed a questionnaire to quantify symptoms of DES.
RESULTS: The BB filter blocked 99% of the wavelengths between 400 and 500 nm. The mean total symptom
scores (±1 SEM) for the BB and ND filter conditions were 42.83 (3.58) and 42.61 (3.17), respectively (P = .62).
No significant differences in accommodation or vertical palpebral aperture dimension were observed between the
two filter conditions, although the magnitude of the mean accommodative response did increase significantly during
the first 9 minutes of the task (P = .02).
CONCLUSIONS: A filter that eliminated 99% of the emitted blue light was no more effective at reducing symptoms Author Affiliations:
of DES than an equiluminant ND filter. There is little evidence at this time to support the use of BB filters to minimize SUNY College of Optometry,
near work–induced asthenopia. New York, New York
Optom Vis Sci 2019;96:48–54. doi:10.1097/OPX.0000000000001318
Copyright © 2018 American Academy of Optometry
Supplemental Digital Content: Direct URL links are provided within the text.

A number of previous studies have examined the potentially dam- For example, Cheng et al.13 tested the effect of low-, medium-, and
aging effect of blue light (typically defined as wavelengths between high-density blue filters (in the form of wraparound goggles) worn
400 and 500 nm).1–3 This part of the visible spectrum may be re- during computer work in groups of dry-eye and normal subjects
sponsible for damage to photoreceptors in the retina,4,5 as well as (n = 20 for each group). Unfortunately, the transmission character-
altering the circadian rhythm of the body.3,6,7 Certain groups may istics of the three filters were not provided. The authors observed a
be particularly susceptible to blue light damage, such as children significant reduction in digital eyestrain symptoms in the dry-eye
(because of the transparency of their crystalline lens) and both group but not in the non–dry eye subjects. This significant effect was
aphakic and pseudophakic individuals, who may fail to filter out seen for all filter densities. However, the study did not include a
short wavelengths adequately. control condition, and so a placebo effect, where the subjects were
The impact of blue light on the eye has gained increased interest aware that they were receiving treatment, cannot be ruled out. Fur-
in recent years owing to the high proportion of these wavelengths thermore, the wraparound goggles may have reduced tear evapora-
emitted by light-emitting diodes.8 These are commonly found in tion in the dry eye subjects, thereby increasing ocular comfort.
digital screens such as desktop, laptop and tablet computers, elec- More recently, Lin et al.14 evaluated the effect of blue-blocking
tronic reading devices, and smartphones. This is particularly pertinent lenses on both symptoms of digital eyestrain and critical fusion fre-
nowadays given the substantial number of hours being spent by many quency following a 2-hour computer task. Critical fusion frequency
(or perhaps most) individuals viewing these screens in contemporary has previously been associated with eye fatigue.15,16 During the
life. In addition, there is a high prevalence of both ocular and visual trial period, subjects were required either to “view videos or engage
symptoms associated with viewing these displays. These have been in games.” Unfortunately, no specific details of the task, such as
described collectively as digital eyestrain.9,10 viewing distance, cognitive demand, or the duration spent on each
Several optical manufacturers are currently marketing spectacle of the two assignments, that is, passive viewing versus performing a
lenses, which include a blue-blocking filter, which they claim will more active task, were described. The authors determined that the
reduce the symptoms of digital eyestrain. However, there is very lim- “high-blocking filter,” which blocked around 60% of the blue light,
ited evidence to support the proposal that digital eyestrain results produced a significantly higher post-task change in critical fusion
from the blue light emitted by these devices.11,12 To date, we are frequency, when compared with either a low-blocking blue filter
aware of only two studies that have examined this effect directly. (which blocked approximately 24%) or control lenses that blocked Optom Vis Sci 2019; Vol 96(1) 48

Copyright © American Academy of Optometry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Blue-blocking Filters and Digital Eyestrain — Palavets and Rosenfield

approximately 3.2% of blue light. Indeed, based upon the critical fu- ascenders or descenders was approximately 1 mm (equivalent to
sion frequency findings, the authors reported that subjects wearing 0.7 M). This reading task has been used in previously published stud-
high-blocking filters had less fatigue after the 2-hour task than before ies from our laboratory and shown to be sufficiently demanding to pro-
they started the trial. With regard to reports of subjective symptoms, duce symptoms after relatively short tasks (around 20 minutes).22,23
the high-blocking filters produced a significant reduction in three At the end of each session, subjects were asked to complete a
specific symptoms, namely, pain, heaviness, or itchy eyes, but not questionnaire regarding symptoms experienced during the reading
in other previously noted digital eyestrain symptoms such as tired task.24 This questionnaire has been used in previous studies and
eyes.17 An additional concern with this study was that the various shown to be repeatable,18 with a repeatability coefficient25,26 of
filter conditions were performed on different groups of subjects, 13.46. This latter number indicates the value below which the ab-
and so the reduced symptoms observed in the high-blocking filter solute differences between two measurements would lie with 0.95
group may have been a consequence of those particular individuals probability.27 Post-task symptoms were reported on a scale from
rather than being owing to the effect of the filters. 0 (none) to 10 (very severe), with a score of 5 representing a mod-
Accordingly, the aim of this study was to examine the effect of a erate response. The total symptom score was quantified on a scale
blue-blocking filter on symptoms of digital eyestrain induced dur- from 0 to 100. The questions are shown in Appendix 1, available
ing a 30-minute reading task. An equiluminant neutral-density filter at
was selected as a control for comparison purposes. Subjects were required to participate for two sessions (i.e., a
crossover design), with the two trials being separated by a period
of at least 24 hours. Although every effort was made to schedule
METHODS the second session at the same time of day as the first, this was
not always possible, as it was considered to be more important to
The experiment was carried out on 24 subjects (7 males, 17 fe- schedule the two sessions close together. During each session, either
males) between 22 and 27 years of age (mean, 24.3 years; standard a blue-blocking filter (Zzz iPad Pro 9.7; LowBlueLights, University
deviation, 1.01 years). Using data from a previous study,18 the es- Heights, OH) or a 0.3-log unit neutral-density gel filter (Lee Filters,
timated effect divided by the standard deviation of the effect gave a Burbank, CA) was placed directly on top of the tablet computer
value of 1.76. Taking α and β values of 0.05 (two-tailed) and 0.1, screen. In either case, the filter covered the entire screen area. The
respectively, this indicated a sample size of 21 subjects.19 Accord- order of performing the two filter conditions was alternated between
ingly, the sample of 24 subjects used here should be adequate. subjects. Subjects were not told which was the test versus the control
All subjects had best-corrected distance visual acuity of at least filter. Target luminance was measured using a Spectra Pritchard
20/20 in each eye. Five subjects did not wear a refractive correction, photometer (model 1980A; Photo Research, Burbank, CA). This pho-
whereas 8 and 11 subjects were habitually corrected by contact tometer contains International Commission on Illumination tristimu-
lenses and spectacles, respectively. The mean spherical equivalent lus filters, which allows measurement of the blue light output (400
refractive error was −2.96 D (standard deviation, 2.37 D; range, to 500 nm) through the blue-blocking and neutral-density filters.
+3.13 to −7.00 D). None had strabismus or manifest ocular disease. These measurements were taken through a 6° aperture. At the start
Subjects were not asked if they were habitual computer users before of each trial, the luminance of the digital screen through the filter
performing the study (although as young students, it was highly was adjusted so that the luminance for the two conditions was
likely that all of them were regular users), nor were they questioned within 3 cd/m2 of one another. The mean luminance for the blue-
about their knowledge of blue-blocking filters. The study followed blocking and neutral-density filter conditions was 86.7 (standard
the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki, and informed consent was deviation, 1.68) and 87.1 (standard deviation, 1.84) cd/m2, re-
obtained from all subjects after an explanation of the nature and pos- spectively (t23 = 0.96, P = .36). During the task, subjects wore
sible consequences of the study. The protocol was approved by the their habitual near correction (either spectacles or contract lenses)
Institutional Review Board at the SUNY State College of Optometry. as required. The same correction was used for both sessions.
Before each session, subjects viewed a distant visual acuity chart During each trial, the accommodative response, pupil diameter,
at a distance of 5 m for a continuous 5-minute period to minimize and vertical palpebral aperture dimension were determined at 0, 9,
the effect of any previous near-visual activities.20,21 While viewing 19, and 29 minutes after the start of the reading task. Accommo-
the far target, five readings of the refractive state of the left eye were dation was assessed using the WAM-5500 optometer. Subjects were
recorded using an open-field, infrared, Grand Seiko WAM-5500 directed to stop reading and to fixate the last word that they had read
optometer (Grand Seiko, Hiroshima, Japan). These values served on the tablet computer. Five readings of the refractive state were
as the baseline reading for the within-task measurements of the ac- taken from the left eye, converted to spherical equivalent (i.e.,
commodative response. After this interval, subjects performed a sphere plus half the cylinder power), and subsequently averaged
cognitively demanding reading task for a 30-minute period. They were after compensation for the distance refractive error. In addition,
required to read material aloud (to ensure compliance) from a tablet during the reading task, the subject's left eye was video recorded using
computer (Apple iPad Mini, model A1432; Apple Inc., Cupertino, a Samsung HMX-F90 digital camera (Samsung, Seoul, South Korea)
CA) at a viewing distance of 43.5 cm. An example of a page of text positioned immediately to the side of the reading material. A milli-
is shown in Fig. 1. A chin rest was used to maintain the viewing dis- meter ruler was attached to the optometer headrest so that it lay im-
tance and gaze angle. The reading material comprised paragraphs mediately in front of the subject's forehead. This was visible in the
of unrelated words produced by copying the first and last word of recorded images to provide a calibration scale. The video recording
each line from a number of fiction novels. Subjects were allowed to was downloaded and stored on a Dell Optiplex 740 desktop computer
scroll through the text as required. The computer text was displayed (Dell Inc., Round Rock, TX). After the trial was completed, the re-
using Microsoft Word software (Microsoft Inc., Redmond, WA). The cording was reviewed to quantify both the horizontal pupil diameter
text was single-spaced, black, Times New Roman font of approxi- and the vertical palpebral aperture dimension, that is, the distance
mately 90% contrast. The vertical height of a lowercase letter without from the lower edge of the upper eyelid to the upper edge of the lower Optom Vis Sci 2019; Vol 96(1) 49

Copyright © American Academy of Optometry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Blue-blocking Filters and Digital Eyestrain — Palavets and Rosenfield

FIGURE 1. Example of a page of random words, which subjects were required to read aloud for a continuous 30-minute period.

eyelid measured through the center of the pupil. These distances symptoms are shown in Table 1. Two-factor (filter, symptom) analysis
were quantified from the downloaded images using ImageJ image of variance indicated no significant difference between the blue-
processing software. All data were saved onto a Microsoft Excel blocking and neutral-density filters (F1,459 = 0.01, P = .93).
spreadsheet (Microsoft Inc., Redmond, WA), and analysis of variance The mean accommodation response measured during the course
testing (with post hoc analysis using the Tukey test as required) was of the reading task is shown in Fig. 3. Two-factor (time, filter) anal-
performed using statistiXL software (statistiXL, Broadway-Nedlands, ysis of variance indicated that the effect of the filter was not signif-
Western Australia). P < .05 was taken as the criterion for statistical icant (F1,175 = 0.40, P = .53). However, the effect of time was
significance. statistically significant (F3,175 = 4.21, P = .01). Post hoc analysis
using the Tukey test indicated a significant change in the mean ac-
commodation response between time 0 and at 9 minutes (P = .02),
RESULTS 19 minutes (P = .01), and 29 (P = .05) minutes into the task.
Pupil and vertical palpebral aperture dimension results were ob-
Photopic measurements using the Pritchard photometer indi- tained from only 22 subjects, as the video recordings were not suf-
cated that the blue-blocking and the 0.3-log unit neutral-density fil- ficiently clear to allow reliable measurements in two cases. The
ter transmitted 0.99% and 48.6% of the blue light (400 to 500 nm) mean pupil diameter as a function of time during the course of the
emitted from the iPad display, respectively. Furthermore, the Inter- near vision task for the two filter conditions is shown in Fig. 4.
national Commission on Illumination x and y coordinates for the Two-factor (time, filter) analysis of variance indicated that the effect
blue-blocking and neutral-density filters were 0.12 and 0.85, and of the filter was significant (F1,175 = 14.51, P < .001). However,
0.05 and 0.93, respectively. The transmission of the two filters, neither the effect of time (F3,175 = 1.17, P = .32) nor the interac-
as a function of wavelength, was measured using a StellarNet tion of the filter with time (F3,175 = 0.11, P = .95) was significant.
Black-Comet-C-SR Spectrometer (StellarNet Inc., Tampa, FL), Although not significantly different, the mean values of pupil size
and these results are shown in Figs. 2A and B. immediately before starting the reading task for the blue-blocking
The mean total symptom scores for the blue-blocking and neutral- and neutral-density filter conditions were 5.02 mm (standard error
density filter conditions were 42.83 (standard error of the mean, 3.58; of the mean, 0.21) and 4.67 mm (standard error of the mean, 0.16),
range, 13 to 83) and 42.61 (standard error of the mean, 3.17; range, respectively (t42 = 1.31, P = .10). The mean values of vertical pal-
13 to 77), respectively. The mean findings for each of the 10 individual pebral aperture dimension as a function of time during the course Optom Vis Sci 2019; Vol 96(1) 50

Copyright © American Academy of Optometry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Blue-blocking Filters and Digital Eyestrain — Palavets and Rosenfield

FIGURE 3. Mean accommodation response as a function of time for the

two filter conditions. Error bars indicate ±1 SEM. BB = blue-blocking filter;
ND = neutral-density filter.

of the near vision task for the two filter conditions are shown in
Fig. 5. Two-factor (time, filter) analysis of variance indicated that
neither the effect of the filter (F1,131 = 0.32, P = .57) nor time
(F2,131 = 0.05, P = .95) was significant.

FIGURE 2. Percentage transmission of the blue-blocking (A) and DISCUSSION

neutral-density (B) filters as a function of wavelength.
These results demonstrate that a filter that eliminated 99% of
the blue light emitted from a tablet computer was no more effective
TABLE 1. Mean scores for each of the 10 symptoms questioned at reducing symptoms of digital eyestrain than an equiluminant
after completion of the computer task with the blue-blocking and neutral-density filter for the reading tasks conducted in this study.
neutral-density filters It should be noted that this investigation used a particularly demand-
ing task for a relatively short period (30 minutes). Although this was
Blue-blocking Neutral-
filter density filter
highly effective in eliciting symptoms of digital eyestrain, it may not
be representative of more naturalistic situations, where individuals
Blurred vision while viewing 4.78 (2.61) 3.74 (2.60) are performing less challenging tasks for much longer periods. Nev-
the computer screen ertheless, these results provide little support for the proposal that
Blurred vision when looking 2.83 (2.31) 3.57 (2.63) symptoms of digital eyestrain result from the blue light output of
into the distance these devices.
Difficulty or slowness in refocusing 4.30 (2.75) 4.04 (2.84) It is possible that the neutral-density filter, which eliminated over
my eyes from one distance 50% of the blue light, also reduced symptoms, possibly as a result
to another of reduced discomfort glare.28 The 0.3-log unit neutral-density filter
Irritated or burning eyes 3.87 (3.00) 4.09 (3.13) used here was selected to match the luminance change produced
by the blue-blocking filter. Had a less dense neutral-density filter
Dry eyes 5.43 (2.81) 5.70 (2.24)
been selected, then any differences in symptoms could have reflected
Eyestrain 5.35 (2.77) 5.48 (2.59) these luminance differences, rather than being a consequence of
Headache 2.35 (2.79) 2.61 (2.92) blocking the shorter wavelengths.
Tired eyes 6.35 (2.84) 6.13 (2.63) It should be noted that the mean total symptom scores observed
here, namely, around 42 on a scale from 0 to 100, were markedly
Sensitivity to bright lights 1.91 (1.86) 1.74 (1.94) higher than observed in previous studies using similar tasks and the
Discomfort in your eyes 5.65 (3.27) 5.52 (2.54) same symptom questionnaire.18,22,23 For example, in an earlier in-
Total score 42.83 (17.52) 42.61 (15.55) vestigation that examined the effect of induced astigmatism on dig-
ital eyestrain, the median symptom scores either with no induced
Figures in parentheses indicate 1 standard deviation.
astigmatism or when viewing through an additional −1.00 or −2.00 D Optom Vis Sci 2019; Vol 96(1) 51

Copyright © American Academy of Optometry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Blue-blocking Filters and Digital Eyestrain — Palavets and Rosenfield

500 nm ranging from 74.9 to 90.3%. Although we did not specif-

ically check the transmission of the spectacle lenses worn by the
subjects in the present study, to our knowledge, based upon obser-
vation of the glasses, none of them included tints or blue-blocking
filters. Leung et al.29 also reported that no significant reduction in
either contrast sensitivity or color vision was found when viewing
through lenses with blue transmissions of 77.5% and 82.2%.
One might predict that filters that block higher levels of blue light
could have a detrimental effect on color perception.30 This could
have a serious impact on an individual performing a task that required
the ability to distinguish between different hues at the blue end of the
color spectrum. The blue-blocking filter used in the present study,
which blocked 99% of blue light, had a bright yellow appearance.
It seems likely that many patients would be unhappy wearing lenses
with such a tint. In addition, no attempt was made after the study to
determine whether the subjects were able to identify the treatment
versus the control filter. However, given the similar findings for the
two conditions, this does not appear to have been a significant issue.
An additional point to consider is that light sensitivity changes
under scotopic conditions, when compared with photopic illumina-
FIGURE 4. Mean pupil diameter as a function of time for the two filter
tion, resulting in the Purkinje shift with peak sensitivity around
conditions. Error bars indicate ±1 SEM. BB = blue-blocking filter;
ND = neutral-density filter. 509 nm.31 Under mesopic conditions, the highest sensitivity will
lie somewhere between 555 and 509 nm. Accordingly, short wave-
lengths become increasingly important in dim illumination. Further-
cylinder axis 45° were 2.0, 6.5, and 40.0, respectively.18 There- more, scotopic visual sensitivity decreases faster than photopic
fore, the mean scores recorded in the present study for both filter sensitivity with increasing age.32 Therefore, the use of blue filters
conditions were even higher than those observed after viewing a in older adults should be approached with caution, because they
computer screen through a −2.00 D oblique cylinder introduced may impair the ability to perform visual activities under dim condi-
over the habitual refractive correction. Accordingly, it seems unlikely tions. Furthermore, a larger average pupil diameter was observed
that the neutral-density filter produced a marked reduction in symp- throughout the task (Fig. 4) when viewing through the blue filter
toms. Nevertheless, future work should examine the effect of filters (mean, 5.02 mm), compared with viewing through the neutral-
that block less than 50% of blue light on digital eyestrain symptoms. density filter (mean, 4.67 mm). Although this difference was not
In addition, a previous history of digital eyestrain was not an in- statistically significant (P = .10), it may have been produced by
clusion criterion for the present investigation. Therefore, the blue- the blue filter–blocking shorter wavelengths.33,34 Indeed, Kardon
blocking filters may have been less effective in those subjects who et al.35 demonstrated that, in normal eyes, blue light evoked a greater
did not habitually experience these symptoms. Questioning after light-mediated pupil response, when compared with red light. This
completion of the study revealed that only 7 of the 23 subjects may be at least partly owing to the relative sensitivity of intrinsically
who responded experienced digital eyestrain routinely, although,
interestingly, 19 of the 23 encountered symptoms of dry eye on a
regular basis. Nevertheless, as noted previously, the demanding
task adopted here was successful in evoking symptoms, and there-
fore, one might have expected the blue-blocking filter to attenuate
these symptoms.
An additional limitation is that the symptom questionnaire was
only used to assess symptoms after the task. It is possible that there
was a difference in symptom levels in the two conditions before
performing the reading task. However, the symptom questionnaire
specifically asked about conditions during the trial and therefore
was not appropriate for measuring pre-task symptoms. Indeed, to
overcome this problem, a 5-minute period of distance fixation
was included immediately before the task. Previous studies have
indicated that this is sufficient to allow the effects of any previous
near work to be eliminated.20,21 Therefore, one might expect that
the level of symptoms being experienced immediately before the
reading task would be minimal. Furthermore, near visual acuity
was not assessed before starting the reading task (or used as an in-
clusion criterion), although it should be noted that none of the sub-
jects reported any difficulty reading the presented text.
Interestingly, Leung et al.29 examined the transmission of five FIGURE 5. Mean vertical palpebral aperture dimension (VPAD) as a
function of time for the two filter conditions. Error bars indicate ±1
different blue-filtering, commercially available, spectacle lenses
SEM. BB = blue-blocking filter; ND = neutral-density filter.
and observed transmissions for wavelengths between 400 and Optom Vis Sci 2019; Vol 96(1) 52

Copyright © American Academy of Optometry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Blue-blocking Filters and Digital Eyestrain — Palavets and Rosenfield

photosensitive retinal ganglion cells being biased toward the blue In considering the role of blue light in visual fatigue, to date, no
and blue-green regions of the visible spectrum.36 clear mechanism has been elucidated to explain why blue light
The validity of using changes in the critical fusion frequency as plays a greater role in causing symptoms, when compared with
a measure of visual fatigue is open to question. For example, both other wavelengths. In considering the visual symptoms that arise
Lin et al.37 and Maeda et al.16 observed a significant decrease in from fluorescent lighting, Wilkins and Wilkinson38 noted that a tint
critical fusion frequency after a sustained computer task, accompa- that removed short wavelengths would reduce the modulation of the
nied by a significant increase in visual symptoms. However, neither lamp. They cited four cases where a tint that removed 90% of light
study found a significant correlation between the objective critical between 400 and 500 nm produced increased comfort, but
fusion frequency changes and subjective symptoms. Lin et al.14 re- none of these cases related to digital eyestrain. Interestingly, Vi-
ported a mean increase in critical fusion frequency in those subjects ola et al.6 reported that the use of blue-enriched white fluores-
wearing the high-blocking blue filters (40% transmission) but, cent lighting (17,000 K) in an office setting produced improved
interestingly, no significant change in critical fusion frequency in alertness, positive mood, ability to concentrate, ability to think
clearly, and decreased evening fatigue, when compared with white
the low-blocking blue filters (76% transmission) or clear lenses
fluorescent lighting (4000 K).
immediately after the task. One would expect to find increased
Accordingly, it remains unclear why blue wavelengths should
digital eyestrain and therefore a decrease in critical fusion fre-
produce digital eyestrain symptoms. Simply because digital
quency in the latter two conditions, and the absence of a signifi-
screens emit larger percentages of blue light than standard incan-
cant change suggests that either the test was not sufficiently descent light sources, and concurrently there is a higher rate
demanding to produce a change in post-task critical fusion fre- of symptoms with these electronic devices, when compared
quency or task-induced changes in critical fusion frequency do with hard copy materials, does not prove causation. Indeed, a
not mirror digital eyestrain symptoms in individual patients. Further recent systematic review by Lawrenson et al.12 concluded that
work is required to test the proposal that task-induced changes in there is currently “a lack of high-quality evidence” to support using
critical fusion frequency reflect visual fatigue after a sustained blue-blocking filters to improve visual performance or alleviate eye
near task. It should also be noted that the high-blocking filter used fatigue. It should also be noted that the output of blue wave-
by Lin et al.14 allowed approximately 45 to 60% transmission of lengths from digital devices is a fraction of the exposure received
wavelengths between 450 and 500 nm, whereas the blue-blocking from sunlight.8 Accordingly, further research into the efficacy of
filter used in the present study only allowed between 6% and 26% blue-blocking filters is required before they can be advocated as
transmission of these wavelengths. a treatment for digital eyestrain.

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