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1. Historical Timeline of *Linguistics is the scientific study of Linguistic is very important to help
Noteworthy Linguists language. us understand the world languages
and especially it can be applied and
*The branch of linguistics enhance our language in
concerned with the study of communication.
phonological, grammatical, and
semantic changes.
A. Aristotle *(384-322 BC)
Aristotle contribution play a very
*Aristotle developed a linear important role in linguistic. He
model of communication for oral developed the first model of
communication known as communication which is very
Aristotle’s Model of important for us to know how
Communication. communication works or how it
*This is considered as the first
model of communication and was It is important to study the
proposed before 300 B.C. communication model of Aristotle
and his contributions because this
*The Aristotle’s communication
is a part of the history of linguistic.
model is a speaker centered
model as the speaker has the
most important role in it.

*It can be broadly divided into

five elements: Speaker, Speech,
Occasion, Audience and Effect.
B. Lowth *(1710-1787)

*Following the curios description *Lowth contribution as a linguist

of Robert Lowth as a philologist plays an vital role specially in the
‘more inclined to melancholy than proper usage of words that we
to mirth’, the Oxford Companion to really used in our daily lives and
the English Language notes that also it teaches me as a future
Lowth’s name has become English teacher to be more heedful
synonymous with prescriptive on the terms or word to use in
grammar. speaking or in writing.

*Lowth’s short introduction to

English Grammar was first
published in 1762 and was *With the usage of proper
frequently reprinted during the grammar or selection of words you
eighteenth century. can convey messages and
information clearly to your
*Linguistic prescription or audience without misinterpreting
prescriptive grammar is the it.
attempt to establish rules defining
preferred or correct usage of

*These rules may address such

linguistic aspects as spelling,
pronunciation, vocabulary, syntax,
and semantics. They may also
include judgements on socially
proper and politically correct
language use.

C. Jones *(1746-1794)

*In 1771, Sir William Jones *Jones is one of the great linguist
published A Grammar of the of all time for his big contribution
Persian Language, which proved to in the language of the Western
be the one of the best grammar world.
texts ever published in English
about a language the Western *He was able also to produce
world considered “exotic.” numerous literary quotations that’s
not only to teach us but also to
*For the project, Jones employed entertain, instruct and to give
numerous literary quotations in his ample knowledge to our next
goal of producing a scholarly work generation.
that would be normally uplifting,
and that would entertain as well as
instruct. The work, which went
through several editions and
translations, provided a model that
later language scholars would

D. De Saussure *(1857-1913)

*Swiss linguist Ferdinand de *Linguist De Saussure plays a very

Saussure is widely considered to be salient contribution because
one of the forefathers of both through him we are able to
linguistics and semiology, which is understand the different
the philosophical study of the interpretation of symbols that lies
interpretation of signs and in our every word.
*And through him we are also
* Saussure introduced the idea that acquainted that linguistic sign is
every word is a linguistic sign, composed of: The signifier, or the
which consists of two components: phonetic form of word.
the signifier, or the phonetic form
of a word.

*Saussure articulated the

arbitrariness of the linguistic sign:
the phonetic form and the
underlying concept of the word
“dog” have no natural link, and
instead the product of social

*The arbitrariness of meaning and

form is a fundamental tenet of
modern linguistics.
E. Chomsky *1928 *Noam Chomsky is a very
important part of the history of
*Noam Chomsky is famous for linguistic. He’s known as the father
many things. But within the realm of modern linguistics. He
of linguistics, he’s most famous for influenced the field of linguistic in
his idea of universal grammar, his proposed theory the Universal
which poses that all languages grammar. This is a very important
have the same underlying contribution to Linguistic because it
structure, and simply use different gives an idea on how humans
words and sounds on the surface. acquire language.

*Chomsky claims, are biologically

equipped with a language
acquisition device which endows us
with the innate ability to learn


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