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Lesson Planning Template

Name: Kaylee G Date: 11/21/21

Lesson Title: Scribble Stones
Lesson Justification
Who are my students? (student information, interests, and needs specific to the content of this lesson)
The students are elementary students around 2nd or 3rd grade. This would be around the time of the first few
days of school because this would go into the rules and structure of the classroom as well.

What conditions/limitations might impact the planning and delivery of the lesson?
When the lesson is delivered depending on how active the students are at the time. They
might not sit down for the story or the whole idea of getting the rocks. It might be hard to
find flat stones that work for the rock art especially around the wintertime in Minnesota
when the ground is frozen.

What are you teaching?

The students are learning the concepts of art such as color and line work. They will also learn
about the idea of collaborative art and finding a way to inspire a form of creativity along with
spreading happiness and being happy with being yourself.

Why do students need to know this content?

This content helps students work collaboratively with each other and working together as a
team to create different forms of art. This will show the students what each students added
to the rock and how they were able to come with the idea. They will see the creativity coming
from each of the students.

Why did I select the instructional strategy (ies) utilized in this lesson? Provide a
research/theory connection to support the instructional strategy.
I wanted to use the read aloud because there are some many different books that can relate
to art and create an art project to go with it as well. Even some of the books that you didn’t
think would have an art project will have a project to go with it as well. I fell as though
looking and reading books along with looking at artwork just go so well when you are trying to
integrate it with other lessons and ideas.

How does this lesson connect with and build on previous/subsequent lesson(s)?
This lesson connects to other lesson by possibly talking about colors before and now adding
another step and lesson on top of it by adding a little bit more to the lesson with bringing in
the lines and shapes that they would add to the rocks.

Academic Language
Language Function (see the last page of the template)
The students will read and listen to the instructions and the book as well. They will speak with
their other students on the collaboration of the rocks. They will also be able to write a little
paragraph about what they added to the rock from what it was before. They will also talk to
each other and tell the small group what they added and why they added it as well so that
they are able to conclude what each student added to the rock.

Vocabulary (think about both content and academic vocabulary)


Syntax OR Discourse (circle one and explain how this lesson practices either discourse or
syntax. See the last page for information on each of these)
The lesson plan is more of a discourse lesson being that they would have to talk and write a
lot with the students and the class about the different ideas of color lines and what and why
they did to the rocks as well to make it a piece of them self.

Student support tool: (see the last page for ideas)

Working with the students who might need some more help with the hands-on activities as
well when it comes to painting. It also will help if the teachers include the book in other
languages as well to help with some of the ELL students. That is also where the writing
portion will come into play when it comes to students who aren’t fully able to speak and are
better at writing.

Standards And Learning Objectives

Standard Content Objective Assessment:
(Any and all standards that (make sure it is assessable, Tools: (things that are used
pertain to the lesson) specific, and aligns to the to assess students)
1) Demonstrate safe standards and assessment) The writing that the students
procedures for using materials turn in at the end about the
and tools while making art.
processes they made during
Students will be able to this craft. Also, the
demonstrate use of safe art discussion that goes on as
practices by taking turns with well between the students
the materials, like the rocks, Indicators/Criteria:
paint, brushes, etc. (The ways you are measuring
if they successfully met the
standards and objectives)
The students will have the
criteria that make sure that
they are able to show that
they can measure the content

(How will you let students
know if they’ve met the
objective or not?)
The students will get written
feedback on the paragraph
that they turn in and on the
rubric sheet as well. The
students will also know when
the teacher is talking to the
students about their

Standard Content Objective Assessment

1) Describe choices Students will be able to The writing that the students
made at different steps in an art describe the process that turn in at the end about the
making process.
they take when it comes to processes they made during
making the rock and what this craft. Also, the
they were able to add to it as discussion that goes on as
well. well between the students
The students will have the
criteria that make sure that
they are able to show that
they can measure the content

The students will get written
feedback on the paragraph
that they turn in and on the
rubric sheet as well. The
students will also know when
the teacher is talking to the
students about their


(please use bullets or list format here)

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
Time Instructional Strategies/Learning Tasks Differentiation
5-10 (Introduction) (Consider supports for
minutes The teacher will talk about how the students will be three different
reading a book and making an art project as well. The populations for each
teacher will talk about the scribble stones and ask step here. IEP/504
questions about what the students think the story will be student, Language
about and why this story might be important. learners and
10-15 - The teacher will start by reading the story.
- After the story has been read the teacher then
will talk about what the story was about asking
5-10 question about the plot line and what they had
learned from the story. Also, what the moral of it
was as well.
- The teacher then will talk about how the students
will be making a project that relates to the story
as well. The teacher will show the example that
5-7 they have made or even by showing them the back
of the book and the steps that were given. The
teacher might also show previously made rocks
from students if this was done multiple times or in
previous years.
- Students will get paint, brushes and a rock and will
take about 5 minutes of painting on the rock before
30-40 switching with the other students’ rocks. This
process will be repeated as well until the students
get their own rock back.
- The students will then discuss the processes they
10-15 made with the rock with their groups, they will ask
each student what they added and why.
- Once that is complete the students will discuss it
10-12 with the whole group this is where the teacher can
add to the student’s discussion as well.
- The final process the students will then write on a
5-10 piece of paper about what they had learned and
what they had added to the rocks and why they did
that as well.


(How will you close the lesson? Remember this should pertain to reviewing the lesson
The students will talk about what they had remembered about the story and then they will
also talk about what ideas the students came up with in their groups as well about what they
did with the rocks. They will also tell the teacher about the different ideas brought into the
mix like the different elements and principles of art.


Complete after teaching event (There will be no need to do this section this semester)

Language Function – what do student have to DO with language – reading, speaking, writing
and/or listening? It must include one of the language usage verbs like you see below…

Cite evidence
Justify evidence
Infer, predict

Syntax: The set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, and phrases together into
structures (e.g., sentences, graphs, tables).

Discourse: the structures of written and oral language, as well as how member of the discipline
talk, written, and participate in knowledge construction.
Examples: essays, debates, multimedia presentations, artist statement, reports, discussions/
questions to ask; what types of information are included? How are the pieces of information
organized? What comes first, etc.?

Academic Vocabulary: (What are the key academic vocabulary words students need to know and
use in this benchmark?)

Text evidence
Explicit versus implicit

Student Support Tools:

Sensory, Graphic and Interactive Supports that could be used to help your language learners

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