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Q.1.A relation R in a Set A is called ..........., if each element of A is related to every element of A
Q.2.Let A={x: -1≤ x ≤ 1}and S be the subset of Aׂ defined by S = {(x,y) : x2 + y2 = 1}. Is it a function?
Q.3.A mapping f:N→N is defined by f(x)=2x, x ϵ N, then is f a bijection?
Q.4.Let X={1,2,3,4}.A function is defined from X to N as R={x,f(x):xєX,f(x)= xPx-1}Then find the range of f.
Q.5.If f(x)=ax + b and g(x)=cx + d, then show that f[g(x)]–g[f(x)] is equivalent to f(d) – g(b).
Q.6.Let f (x) =(ax+b)/(cx+d), then if fof = x, then find d in terms of a
Q.7.If f : R R and g : R R defined by f(x)=2x + 3 and g(x) = x2 + 7, then find the value of x for which
f(g(x))=25 .
Q.8.Find the total number of equivalence relations defined in the set S = {a, b, c }
Q.9.Find whether the relation R in the set {1,2,3} given by R ={(1,1), (2,2),(3,3), (1,2),(2, 3)} is
reflexive,symmetric or transitive.
Q.10.Show that the function f : N →N, given by f (x) = 2x, is one-one but not onto.
Q.11.Find gof and fog, if f : R →R and g : R →R are given by f (x) = cos x and g (x) = 3x2.
Q.12.Find the number of all one-one functions from set A = {1, 2, 3} to itself.
Q.13.Let A = {1, 2, 3}. Then find the number of equivalence relations containing (1, 2) .
Q.14.State with reason whether following functions have inverse
f : {1, 2, 3, 4} →{10} with f = {(1, 10), (2, 10), (3, 10), (4, 10)}
Q.15.Let f:N→R be a function defined as f(x)= 4x2+12x+15. Show that f:N→S where, S is the range of `f ` is
invertible. Find the inverse of `f ` .
Q.16.Show that the Relation R in the set A={x є Z: 0 ≤ x ≤ 12} is an equivalence relation.
Q.17.If relation R={(a,b):|a-b| is a multiple of 4},then examine that R is an equivalence relation.

Q.18.Show that the  function f:R→R given by   is neither one-one nor onto

Q.19.If A = R- {3} and B = R- {1} consider the function f: A→B defined by f(x)=(x-2)/(x-3). Is f  one- one and
onto? Justify your answer.
Q.20.Let f:R→R  g :R→R  be two functions given by f(x) = 2x - 3,g (x) = x3 + 5.Find fog-1(x)
Q.21.Check the injectivity and surjectivity of the following:
(i)  f:N→N ,is given by f(x)=x2   (ii) f:R→R ,is given by f(x)=x2  
Q.22.Determine whether the following relations are reflexive, symmetric, and transitive if relation R,in the set
N of Natural numbers is defined as R={(x,y):y = x+5 and x < 4}.
Q.23.Consider the binary operation on the set {1,2,3,4,5} defined by a^b=min{a,b}. Write the operation table
of the operation .
Q.24.Let the * be the binary operation on N be defined by H.C.F of a and b. Is * commutative? Is *
associative? Does there exist identity for this operation on N? 
Q.25.Let A={-1,0,1,2},B={-4,-2,0,2} and f,g:A→B be function defined  by f(x)=x2-x, xϵA  and

. Then, are f and g equal? Justify your answer.

Q.26.Let f,g and h be functions from R→R. Then show that

  (i)        (ii)      

Q.27.If f:R→R  be a function defined by f (x) = 4x3–7. Then show that f is bijection.
Q.28.Show that f : [–1, 1] ϵ R, given by f (x) = x/(x+2) is one-one. Find the inverse of the function f : [–1,
1]  & Range f.
Q.29.Let N be the set of all natural numbers.R be the relation on N X N defined by (a,b) R (c,d) iff ad = bc
Show that R is equivalence.
Q.30.Let X = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}. Let R1 be a relation in X given by R1 = {(x, y) : x – y is divisible by 3} and
R2 be another relation on X given by R2 = {(x, y): {x, y} {1, 4, 7}} or {x, y} {2, 5, 8} or {x, y} {3, 6, 9}}.
Show that R1 = R2.
Q.31.Let N be the set of all natural numbers. R be the relation on N X N defined by (a,b) R (c,d) iff ad = bc
Show that R is Equivalence relation


Is the function one-one onto

Q.34.A function f over the set of real numbers is defined as Find whether
the function is one-one or onto

Q.35.If , Show that for all . What is the inverse of ?

Q.36.Define a binary operation * on the set {0,1,2,3,4,5} as

Q.37.Show that 0 is the identity for this operation and each element of the set is invertible with 6-a being
the inverse of  a. 
Q.38.In the group (Z, *) of all integers, where a * b = a + b + 1 for a, b є Z, then what is the inverse of – 2 ?

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