Reading Comprehension Unit 5: Free Time: Nabil's Planner

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jars Unit 5: Free time

Reading Comprehension By: MissAsh

It is the holiday. On Monday, Nabil plays yo-yo

with his friends. On Tuesday evening, Nabil cycles
at the park. The next day, he walks in the city.

On Thursday afternoon, he plays the guitar.

The next day, he plays basketball with Ganesh.
On Saturday afternoon, he goes to the zoo with
his family. Finally, he draws in his room on


Nabil’s Wednesday

Saturday Planner

Friday Thursday

jars Unit 5: Free Time
Let’s rearrange! By: MissAsh

1. I on swim Saturdays.

2. cycle every I Friday.

3. On Mondays, draw. I

4. I basketball play Ganesh. with

5. I violin with play sister. my

6. I every go Tuesday. fishing

jars Unit 5: Free Time
Read & Write! By: MissAsh

Yes, I do. No, I don’t

Do you play Do you go

football? jogging?
__________________ __________________

Do you read Do you cycle the

storybook? bike?
__________________ __________________

Do you play Do you go

guitar? fishing?
__________________ __________________

Do you watch Do you play with

television? your toys?
__________________ __________________

jars Unit 6: The Old House
Spell & write! By: MissAsh

t i k n e h c = ______________

o o m r t h a b = ______________

nginid m o o r = ___________________
d e r b m o o = ______________

t a i s r s = ______________
vinilg m o o r = ___________________
jars Unit 6: The Old House
Read & Write By: MissAsh


__________________ a bottle on __________________ two pencils

the table. on the desk.

__________________ three bags __________________ a notebook

a the field. in my bag.

__________________ many girls __________________ a

at the mall. hanging on the rack.

__________________ a
pencil __________________ many rocks
case in the class. by the beach.

__________________ ten paper __________________ a

bags in the box. on teacher’s chair.
jarsLook & Answer Unit 6: The Old House
By: MissAsh

1. Is there a dog in the room?


2. Is there a bottle on the table?


3. Is there a cup on the table?


4. How many lamps are there in the room?


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