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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in PE 1 – Physical Activities towards Health and Fitness 1 Module No. 1




Module Outline:
1. An Introduction to Health, Wellness, Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle
a. The HELP Philosophy
b. The Philippine Health Agenda and Philippine Guidelines on Physical Activity
c. Health, and Wellness
d. Dimension of Health, Wellness and Fitness
2. Determinants of Lifelong Health, Wellness, and Fitness
a. Determinants over Which You Have Little or Some Control
b. Determinants over Which You Have Greater Control
3. Self-Management and Self-Planning Skills for Health Behavior Change
a. Making Lifestyle Changes
b. Factors that Promote Lifestyle Change
c. Self-Management Skills and Self-Planning for Healthy Lifestyle


At the end of this Module, you should be able to:

a. Identify elements and factors for having Fitness and Wellness.
b. Explain the importance of determinants of Health, Wellness, and Fitness



The HELP Philosophy

The acronym HELP is used to describe the philosophy of FITNESSGRAM and ACTIVITYGRAM:
Health and health related-fitness. The primary goal of both programs is to promote regular physical activity
among all youth. Of particular importance is promoting activity patterns that lead to reduced health risk and
improved health-related physical fitness.
Everyone. FITNESSGRAM and ACTIVITYGRAM are designed for all people regardless of physical ability. They
are intended to help ALL youth find some form of activity that they can do for a lifetime. Too often activity
programs are perceived to be only for those who are "good" rather than for all people.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in PE 1 – Physical Activities towards Health and Fitness 1 Module No. 1

Lifetime. FITNESSGRAM and ACTIVITYGRAM have as a goal helping young people to be active now, but a
long-term goal is to help them learn to do activities that they will continue to perform throughout their lives.
Personal. No two people are exactly the same. No two people enjoy the exact same activities. FITNESSGRAM
and ACTIVITYGRAM are designed to personalize physical activity to meet personal or individual needs.
The Philippine Health Agenda and Philippine Guidelines on Physical Activity
Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that result in energy
expenditure. The human body is designed for movement and for strenuous physical activity.
The aim of the PNGPA is to provide simple rules in adopting a physically active lifestyle. While the guidelines
are simple enough to be followed by individuals on their own, its promotion and adoption should also be
encouraged on an institutional level. The implementing guidelines are meant for the people who will most
probably be at the forefront of the promotion and implementation of the PNGPA. They may be the doctors,
health professionals, fitness trainers, barangay health workers, physical education, health and sports
coordinators and teachers, and the human resource department of workplaces.
1) As a general precaution, all individuals who would want to engage in more vigorous physical activity
should get clearance from a physician. Before engaging in any physical activity, a pre-participation
evaluation should be performed on the participant. The pre-participation evaluation that may be used
are the Physical Activity Readiness – Questionnaire 1, American College of Sports Medicine’s Coronary
Risk Factor Analysis 2 and Disease Risk Classification 3.
2) Individuals who are considered to be with medical contraindications to exercise, and with disease
symptoms and risk factors should be cleared first by a physician. While they are not precluded from
participating in physical activities, their safety should be ensured first and foremost.
3) If classified as apparently healthy, start slow, within comfortable effort levels. Progress slowly and
according to improved work capacity. DO NOT OVER EXERT.
4) At any point during the physical activity, STOP if dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, and chest
pains manifest.
5) Consider reducing the intensity of the exercise, or stopping totally if physical or verbal manifestations
of severe fatigue, joint and muscle pains, and cramps start.
6) The participants are encouraged to keep a Daily Physical Activity Record for better monitoring and
7) The participant should be allowed to stop if and when he/she requests at any point to stop.
8) Ensure proper hydration by encouraging drinking ¼ L or a cup of fluid (water, fresh fruit juices, sports
drinks) every 15 to 20 minutes during the activity.
9) Encourage wearing the proper attire and footwear during programmed activities such as exercise, and
sports and games for thermal stress management and protection from injuries.
10) Allow ample recovery after physical activities.
Distribution of physical activity types among the different age groups
Adolescents to
Children Adults Older Adults Seniors
Young Adults
Active Daily


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in PE 1 – Physical Activities towards Health and Fitness 1 Module No. 1

High Impact
Strength and
Activities in the
Balance and

Health and Wellness

Living a healthy life is a balance — and it may include many factors, like nutrition, exercise, emotional health
and more. Learning ways to live healthy and finding information about common health topics may help you
better set goals and understand how to find a healthy balance in your life.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or
infirmity. Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful

Health and wellness are terms that are often interchanged, but their origins and meanings are different. As
established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the 1940s, health is referred to as, “a state of complete
physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Although this
definition has been criticized for being overly inclusive and unattainable, especially as it relates to the word
“complete,” very importantly, it broadens the medical definition of health beyond the simple absence of disease.
According to the WHO, the primary determinants of health include the social, economic, and physical
environments, and the person’s individual characteristics and behaviors. The maintenance and improvement of
health, accordingly, depends not only on external or environmental factors (including the systems of care), but
also on the efforts and intelligent lifestyle choices of the person. In fact, it depends on wellness.

Dimensions of Health, Wellness, and Fitness

Dimensions of Health and Wellness

1. Physical

Physical wellness can refer to any of the aspects that are needed to keep your
body in top condition. Consuming a healthy diet and getting an adequate amount
of exercise to build cardiovascular health, endurance or flexibility are essential to
this goal.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in PE 1 – Physical Activities towards Health and Fitness 1 Module No. 1

You are responsible for your health care which means treating minor conditions and consulting a professional
to manage more serious conditions. On the path to good physical health, you should

▪ Monitor warning signs so you understand when your body is not getting the nutrition it needs or
establishing an unhealthy state.

▪ Keep on top of your physical health which helps to improve determination, self-control and self-

▪ Get a sufficient amount of sleep, avoid harmful substances like tobacco products, and get annual
physical exams.

▪ Know the ideal health numbers for conditions such as weight, cholesterol, blood pressure or blood
sugar and develop a regular exercise routine.

2. Intellectual
Finding a way to engage in creative and stimulating activities that allow you to
share your gifts and expand your knowledge is essential to your overall health.

Those that have high intellectual wellness

▪ Engage in the exploration and their understanding of new ideas.

▪ Cherish stimulation and mental growth.

▪ Get involved in cultural and intellectual activities.

This will allow you to find a path to explore your creativity, problem solving skills and ways to learn more about
your personal interests and the world around you. Keeping up with current events and finding new ideas to
strike your intellectual curiosity will allow you to continue to grow over time.

3. Emotional

This is one of the important dimensions of health. Emotional wellness focuses on

ensuring that you are attentive to your feelings, thoughts and behavior. This
includes both positive and negative reactions, though overall you should

▪ Seek an optimistic approach to life, enjoying life in spite of occasional


▪ Adjust to change and express your emotions appropriately.

▪ Express your feelings freely while managing your feelings, allowing yourself to cope with stress in a
way that is healthy.

Those working toward a path of emotional wellness will work to

▪ Keep a positive attitude.

▪ Learn to manage their conditions.

▪ Maintain a balance in life by setting their priorities.

▪ Seek support for expressing their emotions appropriately.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in PE 1 – Physical Activities towards Health and Fitness 1 Module No. 1

▪ Remain aware of their thoughts and feelings.

4. Spiritual
Spiritual wellness involves discovering a set of beliefs and values that brings
purpose to your life. While different groups and individuals have a variety of
beliefs regarding spiritualism but the general search for meaning for our
existence is considered essential to creating harmony with yourself and others,
regardless of the path to spirituality you choose to follow.

It is considered healthier to find your own path to the meaning of life that allows
you to be tolerant of the beliefs of others and live a life that is consistent with your
beliefs. On the path to a healthy spiritual life, you should

▪ Apply your values to your actions and decisions.

▪ Make time to relax each day.

▪ Accept the views of others.

▪ Make time for prayer or meditation.

5. Social

Social wellness refers to your ability to interact with people, respect yourself and
others, develop meaningful relationships and develop quality communication
skills. This allows you to establish a support system of family and friends. This is
another one of the important dimensions of health.

Those with high social wellness believe that it is important to

▪ Live in harmony with the environment and others.

▪ Consider the common welfare of the community over their own.

Those on the path to healthy social wellness will work to

▪ Develop interdependent healthy relationships while developing healthy behavior.

▪ Create a balance between their community and the environment.

6. Occupational
The ability to find peace between your leisure time and work time while managing
stress from your relationships with coworkers effectively is essential to
occupational health. Your work takes up a great deal of your time, so it is
important to find something that you love to do and gives you a sense of purpose.

To achieve occupational wellness, it is important to

▪ Feel as though you enjoy your work most days.

▪ Feel like you can talk openly with your employer and coworkers.

▪ Have a manageable workload.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in PE 1 – Physical Activities towards Health and Fitness 1 Module No. 1

7. Environmental
More dimensions of health? Yes. The environment can have a significant impact
on our feelings about overall health. For developing environmental wellness, you

▪ Live in harmony with your environment.

▪ Take action to protect this environment from harm.

▪ Minimize behavior that could impact your environment while protecting

yourself from environmental hazards.

▪ Realize the effects of your daily habits on the world around you.

▪ Live a life that is accountable to your short- and long-term environmental needs.

▪ Bring awareness of the Earth’s limits and resource to others.


Promoting and maintaining physical fitness through physical fitness training or exercise led to numerous
health benefits. However, it should be noted that training programs or exercise regiments should be
aligned with end goals. These goals are based on the five dimensions of physical fitness.

1. Physical Strength
Physical strength or power is the ability of an individual to carry his or her weight and even lift heavy
objects without the assistance from others. Muscular capacity and body composition determine this
dimension of physical fitness. Hence, it also corresponds to the amount of force the muscles of an
individual can exert, as well as the number of repetitive contractions against a resistance these muscles
can sustain over a period. Examples of activities or physical fitness aimed at improving physical strength
include all forms of strength training or resistance exercises such as bodyweight workouts and

2. Cardiovascular Endurance
Cardiovascular endurance or cardiorespiratory fitness is another dimension of physical fitness defined
as the capacity of the circulatory and respiratory systems to effectively and efficiently transport blood
and oxygen to the active muscles of the body. This is measured by suitable heart rate levels, lung
capacity, and metabolic rate. Activities aimed at promoting cardiovascular endurance include brisk
walking, jogging, running, dancing, swimming, and biking, as well as playing certain sports such as
basketball, lawn tennis, and badminton, or performing aerobic activities, among others.

3. Balance
Balance enables an individual to sustain equilibrium or to maintain the line of gravity of his or her body
within the base of support with minimal to zero posture sway. Note that there are two types of balance:
static and dynamic. Static balance is about maintaining equilibrium when stationary or while at rest.
Dynamic balance is involved in maintaining equilibrium when moving. Examples of activities aimed at
developing this dimension of physical fitness include lower-body strength training, Pilates exercises,
and yoga.

4. Flexibility
Flexibility is determined by the capacity to perform bodily movements in a different range of motions or
to move the joints within their respective full range of motion. Improving and maintaining flexibility also
improve balance and mobility, while also allowing an individual to perform other physical activities
without the risk of injury or pain. Stretching exercises, Pilates’s workouts, and yoga can help promote
and improve this dimension of physical fitness.

5. Coordination
Coordination is the ability to combine and control multiple movements at once with effectiveness and


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in PE 1 – Physical Activities towards Health and Fitness 1 Module No. 1

efficiency. Note that this dimension of physical fitness is complex because it also requires good balance,
physical strength, and flexibility. It is also an essential component of different sports. Some examples
of activities aimed at developing coordination include obstacle course training, specific agility training,
and other types of balance and strength exercises.

Determinants of Lifelong Health, Wellness, and Fitness

Determinants which you have little or less control

Heredity – account for 16% of all health problems
Health Care
Determinants which you have greater control
Personal actions, interactions, cognitions, & emotions
Doing physical activity
Eating well
Managing stress
Avoiding destructive habits

Self-Management and Self-Planning Skills for Health Behavior Change

Making Lifestyle Changes:
Barriers to exercise/being active?
Do barriers differ for…
High performance
A “lifestyle” is more than the way we spend our time!
“Lifestyles are the behaviors we adopt based on the context of life circumstances”
Takes time to change
People progress forward and backward through several stages of change

Stages of Lifestyle Change/Transtheoretical Model:

1. Maintenance: “I regularly practice healthy lifestyles”
2. Action: “I have made some lifestyle changes”
3. Preparation: “I am getting ready to make a lifestyle change”
4. Contemplation: “I am thinking about change”
5. Pre contemplation: “I don't want to change”

Influence for Change

Personal Influence Cultural and Social Influence Environmental Influence
Things that we cannot Power of media Environment provides a
control, that influence Group identity (e.g., peers “setting” …
lifestyle “choices” and are active vs. peers are Hard to adopt healthy
health not active) behaviors when settings
Age, Gender, Heredity, Social acceptance of discourage
social status, health status “negative health Environment presents
o How might these behaviors” that compete unhealthy options & fewer
influence Politics ways to be healthy
“choices”? Blame & prejudice;

Factors for Change

Pre-disposing Factors Enabling Factors Reinforcement Factors
Factors that make healthy Factors and skills that Move people form Action


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in PE 1 – Physical Activities towards Health and Fitness 1 Module No. 1

lifestyle adoption more help carry out a healthy to Maintenance & help
likely lifestyle plan people stay in
Important in getting you o The “hows” maintenance
started with process of Factors move you from Encourage healthy
change beginning stages of lifestyle changes
Help pre-contemplators change Prevents boredom and
get going, moving them o Help people injury
toward contemplation or contemplating to Success
preparation make a change or Family Support
Am I able? preparing to Peer Support
o Self-confidence change take a Health Professionals
o Self-efficacy step toward Intrinsic vs. extrinsic
o Safe environment action Do societal norms
o Access Make success more likely “reinforce” healthy
Is it worth it? Goal setting skills behavior?
o Self-motivation Self-assessment
o Enjoyment Self-monitoring
o Balanced Self-planning
attitudes Performance skills
o Beliefs Coping skills
o Knowledge Consumer skills

Self-Management Skills – Skills to help change *& adhere to healthy lifestyles; “Self-regulation skills”
Different self-management skill needed for predisposing, enabling & reinforcing factors
Changing Predisposing Factor
o Overcoming barriers; Building self-confidence; Balancing attitudes, knowledge and beliefs
Changing Enabling Factors
o SMART Goal setting skills; Self-assessment skills
Changing Enabling Factors
o Coping skills; Consumer skills; Time management
Changing Reinforcing Factors
o Social support (family, friends)
o Prevent relapse (avoid high risk situations, pre-planning for barriers)
Self-Planning Steps
Step 1: Clarify Reasons - reflect values & why you want to be active
Step 2: Identify Needs - Health vs. Performance?
Step 3: Personal Goals – SMART
Step 4: Selecting Program Components - Components of fitness
Step 5: Write Your Plan - commitment, schedule
Step 6: Evaluating Progress - tracking, feedback, re-visit goals

Goal Setting Guidelines:

o Specific
o Measurable
o Attainable
o Realistic
o Timely/Time based
Consider heredity
Set lifestyle goals & consider lifestyle when setting goals (realistic!)
Put goals in writing


• Graded Recitation


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in PE 1 – Physical Activities towards Health and Fitness 1 Module No. 1

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