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NIM : 030560069
MATA KULIAH : Semantics/ BING4317
Tugas 1

Soal 1

a. What is the difference between lexical and compositional semantics? .

Perbedaan antara sematik leksikal dan komposisi yaitu : semantik leksikal berkaitan dengan
makna kata individual, sedangkan semantik komposisi membahas bagaimana makna leksikal
tersebut bergabung untuk membentuk makna frasa yang lebih kompleks.

b. Determine whether the underlined words of the following text belong to lexical
semantics or compositional semantics.

Face masks have long been used in health care, often for the simple reason that they protect
doctors and nurses from splashes of body fluids during procedures but also for the purpose
of blocking the transmission of respiratory droplets. Thanks to the coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) pandemic, however, face masks have become a critical form of personal
protection not just for doctors, nurses, and patients but for ordinary people out for a walk or
off to pick up groceries. (
 Face mask = compositional semantics.
 splashes of body fluids = lexical semantics
 Droplets = compositional semantics
 Pandemic = compositional semantics
 out for a walk = lexical semantics
Soal 2
a. What is the difference between reference and sense meanings?

Reference adalah hubungan antara objek di mana satu objek menunjuk, atau bertindak sebagai
sarana untuk menghubungkan atau menautkan ke, objek lain.
Sense meanings adalah apa yang mengekspresikan nama.

b. Determine whether the underlined words of the following text have a reference meaning or
sense meaning.

The classic conception of comedy, which began with Aristotle in ancient Greece of the

4th century BCE and persists through the present, holds that it is primarily concerned
with humans as social beings, rather than as private persons, and that its function is
frankly corrective. The comic artist’s purpose is to hold a mirror up to society to reflect
its follies and vices, in the hope that they will, as a result, be mended. The 20th-century
French philosopher Henri Bergson shared this view of the corrective purpose of laughter;
specifically, he felt, laughter is intended to bring the comic character back into
conformity with his society, whose logic and conventions he abandons when “he slackens
in the attention that is due to life.” (
 Comedy = reference meaning
 Aristotle =sense meaning
 Humans = sense meaning
 Society = sense meaning
 This view = reference meaning
Soal 3

a. What is presupposition?

Presuposisi adalah keyakinan latar belakang, yang berkaitan dengan ucapan itu, dan :
 harus saling diketahui atau diasumsikan oleh  pembicara  dan  penerima  agar ucapan
dianggap tepat dalam konteks.
 umumnya akan tetap menjadi asumsi yang diperlukan apakah ucapan tersebut
ditempatkan dalam bentuk penegasan, penyangkalan, atau pertanyaan, dan
 umumnya dapat dikaitkan dengan item leksikal tertentu atau fitur tata bahasa (pemicu
pengandaian) dalam ucapan.

b. Mention what is presupposed by each of the following sentences.

i. Is Mike playing that loud music? Mike playing loud music
ii. What I want for my birthday is a new cell phone. I want something for my
iii. Andy didn’t go to work today. Normally Andy goes to work on this day
iv. Agnes stopped playing the piano several years ago. Agnes used to play the piano
v. When did Andrew go back to school? Andrew went back to school

Soal 4.

a. What is the diffrence between denotation and conotation?

Denotasi adalah arti literal dari sebuah kata.

Konotasi adalah makna atau perasaan tidak langsung atau tersirat.

b. Find the denotative meaning of the words politician and statesman, then explain how
they differ in connotation?

Politician and statesman adalah orang yang aktif dalam kegiatan politik
Dalam konotasinya :
Politician lebih sering menghina, dan negarawan dipuji. Politisi menyarankan skema dan
perangkat seseorang yang terlibat dalam politik (terutama kecil) untuk tujuan partai atau
untuk keuntungan sendiri.
Statesman menunjukkan kemampuan yang luar biasa, pandangan ke depan, dan pengabdian
patriotik yang tidak egois dari seseorang yang berurusan dengan (terutama penting atau
besar) urusan negara: seorang negarawan terkemuka.

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