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● One. What has the girl lost?

-Man: Alright madam, so your bag was stolen yesterday. Was there

anything of value inside the bag?

-Woman: Oh yes, my purse was in it. Imagine, all my credit cards and

my ID.

-Man: Anything else?

-Woman: Luckily, I had taken out my keys and my phone before so

that’s it.

(Now listen again)

● Two. Which film is the boy recommending?

-Boy: You absolutely have to see this film, it’s great. No beautiful

sunsets or great wildlife, but the scene in the harbour at the end is

just fantastic, one of the best moments in cinema history, I think.

You’ll love it!

● Three. What should the man do first when using the washing


-Woman: Well, you need to put the washing powder in the machine

or it won’t work, obviously.

-Man: But is that before or after you put the clothes inside?

-Woman: Well, after you’ve put the clothes in (laughs) and last thing,

don’t forget to plug it in, there’s a socket on the wall.

● Four. What is the man doing this weekend?

-Woman: Could you help me choose a present for my boyfriend this

Saturday? I need to go to the shopping centre but I’ve got no idea

what to get him.

-Man: Oh, sorry but I’m too busy. I’m going to Spain this Friday, you

know, I decided to visit home for a change. I spent last weekend

playing a tennis tournament and next weekend I have to get my hair


● Five. How did the man get to work?

-Man: I’m really sorry I’m late. I wanted to take the underground but

there were really long queues, I waited for hours until I decided it’d

be better to call a taxi. But surprise surprise, we got stuck in a traffic

jam! So I finally walked here, that’s why I’m so late. Next time I will try

to take my bike, for sure.

● Six. Which blouse is the girl taking to the party?

-Girl: which blouse do you think I should wear to the party? Do you

think my black silk one would look good?

-Man: A bit simple to be honest. I’d wear one of the blouses you have

with a pattern, spots or stripes. Much better.

-Girl: Oh, I don’t know now. Hmm, I think I’ll just wear the plain one.

● Seven. What time is the man’s appointment?

-Woman: Dr. Perry’s Clinic. How can I help you?

-Man: Hello. I would like to make an appointment to see the doctor,


-Woman: Well, let me check (pause). He’s free at quarter to ten today,

or tomorrow at eleven or half past two.

-Man: I’ll take the earlier one tomorrow, thanks.

(now listen again)

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