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KIDS HOST is to the left of the stage, while ROE is on the right.

Welcome back to the Roe Jogan Experience. Today we’re going to be looking at Kidz Stop,
the brand new “woke” left wing propaganda the government is feeding into our kids minds!
Let’s get into it.

Oh, hello, everyone! I didn’t see you there!

Do you see this? Are you seeing this? Political Correctness gone absolutely mad.
“Everyone”? “Everyone”??? Back in my day they said ‘Boys’ and Girls’ and we liked it that

We were just having a tea party. Would you like to join us? We’ve got Daisy, Maple and

George?! GEORGE?! Are you telling me that there are BOYS at this party? Tea parties are
for GIRLS. Not for BOYS. SJWs ruining these works of art, I am appalled.

It’s time to cut the cake! Everyone deserves an equal slice of cake, so let’s cut it nice and

Do you see this? These are the messages that are being sent to our children! Our children!
This is communist propaganda, and I will not stand for it!
Oh! Look who arrived for the tea party! It’s Buttercup! Hello, Buttercup!
Buttercup comes all the way from Australia! Can you believe it? I wonder what life is like in

Now this show is taking it way too far. I’m an upstanding American adult and I don’t want to
see the kids shows that I love and watch taken over by “Australian” “People”. This is simply
Not. Good. Enough!

That’s all for now! Goodbye!

That’s it? THAT’S IT?! No national anthem? No showing off our glorious flag? Nothing
patriotic at all? This show should be ashamed! ASHAMED! AAA-
Thank you for watching the Roe Jogan Experience. Be sure to like and subscribe and come
back next week!

This message behind this scene is to showcase the imbalance of politics in the world – this
scene specifically focusing on the imbalance of political views. This message is completely
conveyed through the character of Roe Jogan. This performance helps to showcase the one-
sided nature of most political parties, and how people (performed by Roe) exploit what is
usually a normal thing (a kids television show) into something much worse and more insane
(propaganda) just due to a massive imbalance of political beliefs. This is portrayed by the
fact that the character of Roe is actively looking to be offended by the media that he
consumes. As shown by the first line of the performance, he is also spreading the offence to
other like-minded people, slowly eroding the beliefs of his political party. In conclusion, this
performance showcases the imbalance of political views and beliefs through the character
of Roe Jogan.

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