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Activity 2

- Explain the formation of values in the family?

According to Meriam Webster, values are a set of person's principles or standards

of behavior. Values provide either positive or negative impacts to family aspects
specifically relationship, time and etc. Formation of values to family is indeed
questionable. As for me, values mold the personality as well as the overall development
of the members. It makes the family grow in a healthier relationship as well as it builds a
strong foundation and connection to every decision that will be made by a family. If the
parents will instill negative values to their child, it may result to an unpleasant character
and may pass it to the next generations. However, if the leader of the family provides
values that are both beneficial and healthy to the members, then they will grow
independently as well as know how to make decisions and identify from right or wrong.
Thus, Values give each families a viewpoint of life, on how they view the world and the
situations they might encounter. Lastly, values will serve as a helping hand towards family
to better understand their background of life.

- How important is the role of family in the building of child’s values?

Because learning begins at home with the family, the family plays an
essential part in the development of a child's values. Giving your kid time is the greatest
thing you can do in order to lead them along the right road, in my opinion. Discussing the
significance of healthy and unhealthy values with your kid is a wonderful approach to
teach them values. Giving your kid duties, such as cleaning the floor or helping to cheer
up a sick friend or sibling, will begin to teach them the significance of these qualities even
when they are young. Furthermore, discussing the significance of values will assist your
kid in understanding the repercussions. As you may have noticed, some families raise
their children to be good people by guiding them as they grow; however, some families
cause their children's lives to be chaotic because they were not properly raised; the
common reason for this is that they are preoccupied with work when their children require
for their love and guidance. As a result, it is your responsibility as a family to teach your
children the values that will govern their own life. This will take a significant amount of
effort on your part since not only will you have to actively teach these values to your
children, such as via explanations and activities as stated above, but your children will
look to you as a role model. If you do not act in the manner that you expect of them, your
kid will notice. Your kid observes your actions to learn how to behave appropriately. When
anything goes wrong, having a level-headed response is critical. Finally, we must be a
good role model and accessible, particularly to children, so that they can rely on us and
will open up to us rather than harboring secrets.

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