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IUI 2016 • Student Consortium March 7–10, 2016, Sonoma, CA, USA

Assessing Empathy through


Cassandra Oduola Abstract

Texas A & M University This research seeks to produce a new way of assessing
College Station, TX empathy in individuals. The current widely used diagnostic
tools are questionnaires. These questionnaires are easy to
âĂIJpassâĂİ if the individual simply lies and chooses the
answers that would be most beneficial to them.
Furthermore, it is shown, assessing empathy is harder in a
clinical setting because it is not the natural world, a person
may purposely inhibit their behavior to seem more
âĂIJnormalâĂİ. Finding methods that would assess affect
while interacting with a computer could yield higher
accuracy in diagnosis

ACM Classification Keywords

HCI [Mixed-Reality]: Virtual Reality

Empathy influences human interaction daily. Severe deficits
in empathy can be seen in borderline personality disorder
(PD), narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial personality
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or disorder, psychopathy and Autism. Though someone may
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
not be diagnosed with a PD, they can still have empathy
on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. levels lower than the norm. These individuals will be more
For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). Copyright is held by the
prone to anger outburst, insensitive comments and other
IUI’16 Companion, March 7–10, 2016, Sonoma, CA, USA. socially unacceptable actions. Simon Baron Cohen has
ACM 978-1-4503-4140-0/16/03.
created an empathy bell curve with scores ranging from
zero to six. Zero-empathy suggesting psychopathy or

IUI 2016 • Student Consortium March 7–10, 2016, Sonoma, CA, USA

Aspergers and six being those highly altruistic with the Needs
general population falling between four to five. CohenâĂŹs Currently virtual reality is used for rehabilitation of sexual
research suggest the majority of men fall on a four level of predators as well as forensic psychiatry. These uses have
empathy (human interactions focused on topics of problem had positive results. Psychopaths are known to be very
solving), and most women score level five (human rational, though VR is a useful tool, it is still virtual. With
interactions fueled by desire to emotionally connect). This mixed reality the low empathetic individual would have the
research seeks to use a mixed reality environment to freedom to manipulate their environment at will. This allows
categorize users on an empathy bell curve. This research for better differentiation of individuals as each person will
also seeks to bridge the gap in misdiagnosis of individuals manipulate their environments in a way unique to
with AS, children with psychopathy, and adults with other themselves. Studies have shown low empathetic individuals
disorders such as ADHD that may exhibit similar tendencies often feel comfortable expressing themselves through social
yet lack comorbidity. Mental health professionals are media outlets. This may show up in blatant trolling or
reluctant to diagnose a person with a PD before 21 years of fabricated profiles which exaggerate a personâĂŹs
age. Autism and Psychopathy are both genetic and can be success. This may also show up in fake profiles, where the
seen in childhood. The diagnosis of Autism in a young child person pretends to be someone they are not simply to fool
is very helpful but the diagnosis of Psychopathy can be hard others. For these reasons it is often hard to identify low
to accept. A famous case is Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hooke empathetic individuals on social media. Though some may
shooter who manifested symptoms of low empathy but was fall cleanly in identifying traits such as high amounts of
misdiagnosed as Asperger’s. An empathy measuring game sexual content and profanity, not all will be so obvious.
will be developed using the Unity game engine SDK for the Identifying low empathetic individuals through profanity or
Hololens. The goal is to make this empathy measuring sexual content also does not yield accurate diagnosis as a
game available for under $200.00 to mental health young person seeking attention online may exhibit the same
professionals, schools, employers and any other behavior without being on a spectrum.
establishment in need of empathy measuring. The objective
is to help diagnosticians, therapists, and psychiatrists in Related Research
establishing proper diagnosis of these complex disorders. Simon Baron-Cohen has done extensive research in the
We also seek to help employers hire the right individuals. A development of an empathizing-systematizing test. While
person with a level two empathy prone to anger outburst this work is highly relevant to this research question, it is
would not be suited for a job working with young children. potentially limited due to its specific focus on Autism. Sam
These defects may not show up during an interview Vankin is a self-professed malignant narcissist and author of
because of the ease of âĂIJfakingâĂİ it. Through identifying "Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited". While the
patterns in mixed reality interactions, the test will be information on narcissism is helpful to those in contact with
designed to reveal the user’s natural tendencies. such a person, it does not aid diagnosis. Currently, official
diagnosis is performed through questionnaires, which are
subject to exploitation. The Hare Psychopathy checklist is a
psychological assessment used to assess psychopathy in

IUI 2016 • Student Consortium March 7–10, 2016, Sonoma, CA, USA

allowing the user to interact and manipulate them.

Algorithms will be developed utilizing the speech, gesture
and eye recognition capabilities of the Hololens. Through
machine learning we will analyze a combination of features
that suggest lower levels of empathy and vice versa.

The user will not have access to their score. The goal of the
user interaction is to feel as natural as possible. If the user
individuals, but some concerns exist as to its susceptibility feels they are being watched, they may alter their behavior.
to exploitation . Researchers have used VR for forensic To prevent this, the user will be told they are to simply
psychology. Our methods seek to be useful not just in interact with their environment without constraint.
extreme cases.
System Design Due to the damaging stigma of being labeled a psychopath,
Practitioner UI all individuals will remain anonymous. Individuals will be
The mental health professional will load the selected represented by numbers with no follow up contact
environment. There will be tests geared towards children, information unless stated otherwise. Analysis will not be
adolescents, young adults and adults 35+. These tests will started until user studies are complete. This ensures after
present as different scenarios, children will have the an individual has take a test their scores will not be
opportunity to play with others and animals allowing callous immediately available to researchers but rather stored in a
or unemotional traits to manifest. Adolescents may be given database for future use. User studies will not begin until the
more complex scenarios, a person may be seen crying or Institutional review board has approved our methods of
they may witness bullying. Events that are highly annoying study.
may occur in order to elicit a negative reaction. Young
adults will be given the opportunity to interact with others as
We seek to answer the following questions:
well including people they know. They will be able to do
whatever they want to a close relative or friend. Adults
would be given similar scenarios. All levels would have 1. How do low empathetic individuals interact in a mixed
different instances to show altruistic behavior some obvious
while others being more subtle. At the end of the interaction 2. reality environment? Can empathy be measured
the physician will receive an empathy score of the individual. using a mixed reality environment?

Uncanny Valley
The user will use the Hololens to be immersed in a mixed
BehaVR currently aides forensic psychologists in identifying
reality. The Hololens will display the holographic images
sexual preferences among sexual predators for use in

IUI 2016 • Student Consortium March 7–10, 2016, Sonoma, CA, USA

Massil Benbouriche, Kevin Nolet, Dominique Trottier, and
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While subjects are viewing these characters, physical R. Cowie, E. Douglas-Cowie, N. Tsapatsoulis, G. Votsis, S.
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The results were successful but scientists found virtual Processing Magazine, IEEE 18, 1 (Jan 2001), 32–80.
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history of offenders. The notion of uncanny valley did not David Diamond. 2003. Love Machine Building computers
hinder subjects from being aroused. that care. WIRED-SAN FRANCISCO- 11, 12 (2003),
In applying my research hypothetically to this specific case, William James. 1884. II.âĂŤWhat is an emotion? Mind 34
it would be obvious that a sexual offender has lower then (1884), 188–205.
normal levels of empathy. This research would go past Christian Kleine-Cosack. 2008. Recognition and
simply viewing, the subject would also be able to interact simulation of emotions. PDF). Archived from the original
with virtual characters. on May 28 (2008).
Jia Luo. 2012. Affective computing and intelligent
Methods interaction. Vol. 137. Springer.
Through assessment of 200 to 300 users we will score
Theodore Millon and Roger O Davis. 1996. Disorders of
individuals based on Simon Baron CohenâĂŹs Empathy
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bell curve. We will then verify this data with a licensed
Rosalind Wright Picard. 1995. Affective computing.
Rosalind W Picard. 2000. Affective computing. MIT press.
References and Citations
Eric Siegel. 2013. Predictive analytics: the power to
Acknowledgements predict who will click, buy, lie, or die. John Wiley & Sons.
I would like to thank the Texas A & M Department of
Computer Science and Engineering as well as the Sketch
Recognition lab.


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