Class 12 Physical Education Half-Yearly Paper 2021-22

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Half-Yearly, October 2021-22

GRADE: 12 M.M: 35
SUBJECT: Physical Education TIME: 1.5 hrs.


1. There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
2. Section A consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
3. Section B consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
4. Section C consists of 12 questions amongst which 10 questions have to be attempted.
5. Answer any 50 questions. (There is no negative marking)


Q1. What is the other name for Vitamin B2?

a) Niacin b) Thiamine
c) Folic Acid d) Riboflavin

Q2. . What is the formula to divide an odd number of teams in the upper half for a knockout fixture?

a) N+½ b) N-½
c) N(N-1)/2 d) N(N+1)/2

Q3. Sit and reach test measures the flexibility of the -----

a. Lower back and hamstring muscle

b. Upper back and hamstring muscles
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above

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Q 4: Which among the following vitamin is not fat soluble

a. Vitamin B b. Vitamin A

c. Vitamin D d. Vitamin E

Q5. Gliding movement occurs at which joint?

a) Knee b) Hip
c) Wrist d) Elbow

Q 6. Consolation tournaments are a part of which type of fixture?

a) Knockout b) league
c) combination d) none of these

Q7. Coaches should make use of the method of -------- biomechanical analysis in their everyday practice to
produce changes in the techniques used by their students

a. Quantitative b. Qualitative

c. Effective d. None of these

Q8. Who discovered Vitamin A?

a) Dr. Mc Collum b) Dr. Coubertin

c) Dr. J.B.Nash d) Dr. Harvard

Q9. Formula for determining the number of bye in the lower half of a knockout fixture when number of Byes are

a) nb+½ b) nb-1/2
c) nb /2 d) nb+1

Q10. What is the name of the postural deformity caused due to increase in the curve at the lumbar region?

a) Knock knees b) Bow legs

c) Kyphosis d) Lordosis

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Q11. Motor fitness test does not include which of the following test

a. Sit and reach test b. Partial curl up

c. Modified push up d. Arm curl test

Q12. What is the test duration for the Arm curl test?

a) 1min, b) 2 min,
c) 30sec d) Number of repetitions

Q13. Which postural deformity has Convexities right or left?

a) Flat foot b) Knock knees

c) Kyphosis d) Scoliosis

Q14. Which motor skill is involved in Smashing volleyball?

a) Gross motor skills b) Fine motor skills

c) Cross motor skills d) Open skills

Q15. In the standing broad jump, when the athlete lands on the feet after jumping, the achievement is
measured as the distance between the ------ and the -----.

a. Standing position, toe of the feet

b. Restraining line, heel of the feet
c. Restraining line, toe of the foot
d. None of the above

Q16. Harvard step is performed to check which kind of fitness?

a) Cardiovascular b) Explosive strength

c) Muscular strength d) Reaction ability

Q17. Which fixture is also known as ‘Berger system ‘?

a) Knockout fixture
b) Round robin fixture
c) Combination fixture
d) Challenge tournament

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Q18. . Which of the following is not a spinal curvature deformity?

a) Kyphosis b) Scoliosis
c) Lordosis d) Flatfoot

Q19. What according to you is the main cause for night blindness?

a) Deficiency of Vit. E
b) Deficiency of Vit. C
c) Deficiency of Vit. A
d) Deficiency of Vit. D

Q 20. In partial curl up the feet should be---

inches from the buttocks

a. 8 inches b. 10 inches

c. 14 inches d. 12 inches

Q21. What is the Ratio of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in carbohydrates?

a) 1:2:1 b) 2:2:1
c) 2:1:1 d) 1:2:2

Q 22. Biomechanics can play a crucial role in

a. Injury prevention
b. Performance enhancement
c. Physical movement
d. Both a and b

Q 23. Which of the following is not a type of movement related to physical activity

a. Extension b. Adduction

c. Abduction d. None of this

Q 24. ----- takes place when the angle between two bones attached to a joint -----

a. Flexion, increase

b. Extension, decrease

c. Adduction, increase

d.Extension, increase

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(Application + Hots)

a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true and but R is not a correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false, but R is true

Q.25. Assertion (A) Vitamins are compounds of carbon which are essential for the normal growth and working
of the body
Reason (R) Vitamin D is essential for normal growth of the body. Deficiency of Vitamin A leads to night
blindness and also affects kidney, nervous system and digestive system

Q.26. Assertion (A) Traditional, conventional or common microconceptions about food are food myth
Reason (R) People believe in this myth are they are followed by generation

Q.27. Assertion (A) Motor development refers to the development of child's bone muscles and his or her
ability to move around
Reason (R) Gross motor development involves the small muscles of body especially during the movement of
the fingers and hands

Q.28. Assertion (A) Chair stand test is designed to test fitness of the senior citizens
Reason (R) This test is safe enjoyable and meet scientific standard of reliability and validity

Q.29. Assertion (A) The eight foot up and go test is a coordination and agility test for the elderly people which
is part of the senior fitness test protocol
Reason (R) This test measures aerobic fitness for aerobic endurance

Q.30. Assertion (A) 600 Run/walk measures endurance by running walking to a long distance
Reason (R) 50 M standing start test is also done by measuring endurance

Q.31. Assertion (A) The fitness index is a method to measure the cardiovascular fitness
Reason (R) It is useful in Harvard step test

Q.32. Assertion (A) Test protocol is the correct procedure for carrying out a test
Reason (R) If a test is done incorrectly it might affect the results

Q.33. Assertion ( A) According to Newton's second law of motion, acceleration produced in an object due to
extend force is directly proportional to the force producing it and inversely proportional to its mass

Reason (R) Golf ball will continue to move at a constant velocity unless a force act on it to Slow it Down or
change its direction

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Q.34. Assertion (A) Sport biomechanics is a quantitative based study and analysis of professional
athletes/sportsperson and sports activities in general

Reason (R ) In simple term it may be described as the Physics of sports

Q.35. Assertion (A) Sports biomechanics is limited to the study those individuals who are involved in exercise
or any physical activity
Reason (R) Performance enhancement is one of the area of study in sports biomechanics

Q.36. Match the following

a. Energy yielding 1. Carbohydrate

b. Bodybuilding 2. Vitamin
c. Protective 3. Cellulose
d. Fibre 4. Protein


---- A B C D
(a) 3 2 1 4
(b) 4 1 2 3
(c ) 1 4 2 3
(d) 2 3 1 4

Q.37. Picture is related to:

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Q.38. Match the following

Developmental stages Characteristics

A. Infant Hood 1. Skip and balance on

B. Early childhood 2. Learn values
C. Middle childhood 3. Also referred as adolescence
D. Late childhood 4. Learn to sit and crawl


---- A B C D
(a) 3 2 1 4
(b) 4 1 2 3
(c ) 1 2 3 4
(d) 2 3 1 4

Q.39. Match the following

Postural Deformities Causes

A. Knock Knee 1. Weakness of muscles

and ligaments
B. Round Shoulders 2. Use of poor quality
C. Flat foot 3. Carrying heavy load
on Shoulders
D. Bow legs 4. Putting extra weight
on leg muscles

---- A B C D
(a) 1 3 2 4
(b) 2 1 3 4
(c ) 4 3 2 1
(d) 3 4 1 2

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40. Match the following:

41. Match the following:

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42. Match the following:

a. 3,2,1,4
b. 2,3 1,4
c. 4,2,3,1
d. 4,1,3 2

43. Identify the odd one:

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44. Match the following:

45. Match the following:

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46. Which exercises should be done to cure this deformity?

47. Identify the test for which this pattern is followed:

48. Picture is related to

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(Data and Case Study)

49. Given below BMI data of school health check up:

50. Sohan a new student in the school is very much interested in schools and while learning various
biomechanical aspects of the game including various movements he become curious to know about various
movements in different games

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I. Based on the following short story answer the following questions:

Sita got admission in class ninth in a reputed school. School is taking all the children on a picnic to Rajaji
National Park. Sita suffered from a severe stomach ache on her journey.
Immediately the class teacher consulted a doctor, who diagnosed the problem and told her that Sita had
difficulty adjusting to a particular food that can lead to symptoms such as intestinal gas, abdominal pain or
It is sometimes confused with food allergy

51. Food intolerance can cause

a. Diarrhoea
a. Anaemia
b. Fatigue
c. Loss of appetite
52. Which of the following is normal BMI for men

a. BMI < 18.5

b. BMI 18.5 - 24.5
c. BMI 25-29.9
d. BMI 32- 34.9

53. Excess intake of iron and magnesium causes---

a. Stone in the Kidney

b. Rickets
c. Nervous problem
d. Digestive problems

II. In biomechanics class Rahul, the teacher, brings the students to the physics lab of his school. The students
get confused, after the completion of the class, they realise the fact.

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54. Why does the teacher bring students to the physics lab for Biomechanics class?

a. It deals with physics principal sliding to visible side

b. Sliding friction
c. Rolling friction
d. Static friction

55. Biomechanics is associated with

a. Mechanic
b. Physics
c. Mechanics and Physics
d. Mechanics and Anatomy

56. Friction can be increased by which of the following

a. Smooth surface
b. Dry surface
c. Decrease the weight
d. All of the above

III. Rinki spent her weekend taking the health status of all the security guards of a huge gated community as a
part of project work assigned by PE teachers. She found out that more than half of them have shown a
significant deformity in the upper part of the vertebral column.

57. The term used to define this deformity is

a. Lordosis
a. Scoliosis
b. Kyphosis
c. Both a and b

58. This deformity is mainly caused due to

a. Carrying a heavy load

b. Lack of exercise
c. Weak muscles
d. All of the above

59. Asanas which helps in rectifying such conditions are

a. Chakrasana
b. Dhanurasana
c. Halasana

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d. Both a and b

60. Bending head backward in standing position helps in getting rid of

a. Lordosis
b. Kyphosis
c. Scoliosis
d. Both a and b

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