Module 1: Introduction To Physical Education: Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges

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Republic of the Philippines


Nabua, Camarines Sur



Physical education is an integral part of the total education process and has as
its aims the development of physically, mentally, socially, emotionally and spiritually.
The objective of Physical Education is to develop a comprehensive outlook of an
individual with a strong civic position, moral qualities, sense of responsibility, an
independent, initiative, tolerant person who is able to successfully socialize and to use
different forms of physical education and sports in daily life to protect his or her own
health and promote effective professional activities. The main objective is fostering
physical education and the teaching how to implement it in social, professional,
physical and recreational activities.

After studying this module students are expected to:

 Trace the history of Physical Education.

 Define and understand the meaning of physical education.
 Acquire knowledge and consider physical education as one of the important
subject in the curriculum.
 Cognize the main objectives of physical education in achieving a lifetime of
physical activity.
 Develop and maintain a desirable level of physical fitness and physical
 Accept responsibility for personal fitness leading to an active healthy lifestyle.


Warm- up: For 2-5 minutes, ponder on these questions: (You can write on a sheet of
paper or you can send your answer on the chat box)
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur

1. When you hear the word “Physical Education” what comes first into your
2. Do you consider yourself a physically fit person? Why?


The goal of Philippine education is not only to promote individual welfare

towards the end goal of common good. Thus, by helping our students develop
harmoniously the different aspects, we prepare them to participate actively in the life
of society, and in the process, and contribute to the promotion of good. (de Leon, 2005)
To achieve this end, Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution mandates the State
to give priority to education, science and technology, arts, culture and sports.
Specifically, Section 19, Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution
provides the legal basis for physical development:(a) The State shall promote
physical education and encourages l e a g u e c o m p e t i t i o n , a m a t e u r s p o r t s
a n d s p o r t s p r o g r a m s , i n c l u d i n g t r a i n i n g f o r international competitions to
foster self-discipline, teamwork and excellence for the development of a health and
alert citizenry.(b) All education institutions shall undertake
regular sports activities throughout the country in cooperation with athletic clubs
and other sectors.

Basic Physical Education in College

The service of Physical Education refers to the four subjects to give to the
freshmen and sophomores in the first four semesters of their college the appreciation
of the different activities as part of their curriculum in all programs.

Physical Education 1: Physical Fitness/Self-Testing Activities and Gymnastics

– It covers the essentials of fitness, self- testing activities and fundamentals of

Physical Education 2: Fundamentals of Rhythmic Activities – It is focused on the

rhythm, fundamental rhythmic activities, dance mixers, local and foreign dances, as
well as social dances.
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur

Physical Education 3: Individual/Dual Sports & Team Sports - It deals with the
acquisition of fundamental skills on the different sports and games such as badminton,
volleyball, table tennis and basketball.

Physical Education 4: Recreational Activities – It emphasizes the acquisition of

skills on recreational activities and to foster love of country, “laro ng lahi”, indoor board
games are likewise given.


How it began

The brief history of physical education would start in just about 1820
when schools focused on gymnastics, hygiene training and care and development of
the human body. By the year 1950, over 400 institutes had introduced majors in
physical education. The Young Men's Christian Association launched its very first
chapter in 1851 and focused on physical activities. Colleges were encouraged to focus
on intramural sports particularly track, field and football. But physical education
became a formal requirement following the civil war when many states opted to pass
laws that required schools to incorporate a substantial physical education component
into their curriculums. But it was not till 1970 that an amendment was made to the
Federal Education Act that allowed women from high school and college to compete
in athletic competitions. Sex-based discrimination was completely outlawed from
government funded programs at this point.

Physical Education in College

College athletics received a major stimulus when a National Collegiate Athletic

Association was created in the early twentieth centuries. There was a rise in popularity
of sports within colleges and universities and funding greatly increased. Colleges took
great pride in their athletic programs and sports scholarships became a norm. There
was also a surge in people who enrolled in sports education programs to meet the
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur

growing demand for professionals in the field.

Decline in Physical Education

But this is not meant to imply that the history of physical education has been all rosy.
Late in the twentieth century there was certainly a decline in the commitment to
physical education. The growing offering of extra subjects and electives in schools
means that the shift was focusing away from physical education and towards
academics. The country also faced a recession around 1970 and 1980 and the dearth
of government funding means that physical education programs were often the first to
be cut from schools and universities.

The Modern Age

But recent awareness of the need for balanced curriculums particularly given the
national concern over the state of obesity and children's attention towards non-
physical activities like video games has brought physical education back in the
spotlight. The government has re-signaled its commitment to physical education by
making it mandatory in public schools in early classes. But it remains an elective at
the high school level. One of the most interesting developments in the history of
physical education has been how the definition of physical education has evolved.
While it only encompassed traditional sports in the beginning, it now includes several
less physical activities such as yoga and meditation which are considered critical to
helping students develop a sense of control in such a stressful age.

Click the link below for the history of PE.
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur

Definition of Physical Education

PHYSICAL EDUCATION- is an important segment of general education which aims

to contribute to the total development of the learner through participation in selected
vigorous activities. It provides opportunities to acquire lifelong skills that are essential
to his physical, social, mental and emotional development. (Oyco, 2020)
It is an integral part of educational program design to promote optimum
development of an individual physically, mentally, socially and emotionally through
properly selected physical activities.

Objectives of Physical Education

The following objectives of Physical education are viewed and stated in terms of their
contribution to the outcomes of education and which justify the existence of the
physical education in the curriculum.

1. Physical Development
Through carefully selected physical education activities, an individual
who participates actively will develop and maintain and a high level of physical
fitness. The acquisition of physical skills can motivate an individual to participate
further in physical activities; hence, his growth and development will be

2. Social Development
Participation in physical education activities provides opportunities for
the development of desirable social traits needed for adjustment to the social life
in general. Some worthwhile traits are:
-Respect the rights of others
-Good sportsmanship
-Good leadership and followership
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur

-Honesty in group competition

3. Emotional Development
The informal nature of physical education activities offers opportunities
for self-expression and emotional mastery. Example of worthwhile emotional
traits are:

4. Mental Development
Through participation in physical education activities the individual
develops his mental capacities as he learn the mechanical principles underlying
movements, as he acquirers knowledge and understanding of rules and
strategies of game and sports, and as he discovers ways of improving his
movements in gymnastics and dance.

5. Spiritual Development
Provide the development of inner self and soul. Experiencing activities
helps students discover a personal meaning and purpose in life.

- Students can click/watch the link below to understand more the

importance of Physical Education
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur


Make a reflection on the importance of physical education in your course

and in school and what physically educated person should possess? Give some
health benefits of exercise and physical activity in your daily task.

*FOR LEARNERS A (Medium Level Technology)

Kindly submit the output on our Google Classroom.
* FOR LEARNERS B: (Low Level Technology)

Submission of output is on or before Prelim Exam.


Read and study about Physical Fitness and Components of Physical Fitness.


 Doris D. Tulio, et. Al, “PE 1- Physical Fitness and Self testing Acti vities”, Katha
Publishing Co., Inc. 2005.


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