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Lesson Plan: Pixton

Estimated amount of time: 90 minutes

Grade Level: 3-6

Activity Name: Helping the Community!

Student Learning Goals: An easily identified action that a student is expected to demonstrate in
terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes upon completion of a program/course.

Objectives: Analyze to break information into its components to see interrelationships.

Standards to be Addressed
ISTE Standards:

2.4.b Collaborate and co-learn with students to discover and use new digital resources and
diagnose and troubleshoot technology issues.
2.6.d Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas,
knowledge or connections.


(Launch) Introduction to the lesson (How will you introduce the design challenge to
> We will introduce the design challenge to the students by first allowing them to first choose a
topic and then brainstorm some ideas. Then we will show them the pixton app of how it works.

(Explore) Student work time/group activity/exploration (what will students do during the
group work time? What will you (the teacher) do during the group work time)? What questions
will you ask students during their group work?
> During group work time, they will collaborate with each other to come up with different
designs for their comic strip. They will help each other to complete the comic strips and finalize
their projects. As the students work, as teachers we will walk around and ask things such as: do
they need help, are they having difficulty trying to complete their design, what are they
designing, what problem are they solving, etc.

(Summarize) Class discussion/lesson summary (How will students share their work with the
class? What questions will you ask the class to lead a discussion focused on the learning goals of
the lesson? How will you support students in talking to one another during the discussion (e.g.,
moving away from “show and tell”)?
> This activity will be done as group activities through a computer presentation. In many ways
students can send the link to the teacher and then the teacher can present it to the class and allow
the students to present the project. The teachers will allow students to discuss the project freely
and allow open-ended questions.

Lesson Plan
Time Activity/Steps

2pm-2:05 Pre-Assessment

2:05-2:10 Ask the students what they know about comic strips. For this design
challenge they will be creating a comic strip on Pixton.

2:10-2:25 Give a new lesson: We will begin the lesson of brainstorming how we can
help homelessnesss in our community. With this time allowed to
brainstorm, students will be able to create an understanding of the
assignment and will also have ideas for what they can create a comic
strip about.

2:25-2:45 Transition to computers:

Have students log into their Pixton account. If they do not have one, they
will set one up. Students will then be instructed to start a new design.
With step by step instruction with the teacher to begin, students will follow
along to create their first comic strip on Pixton.

2:45-3:10 Allow students to customize their own comic strip in accordance with the
provided lesson. Encourage students to have different panels, actions,
characters and speech bubbles.

3:10-3:25 Gallery walk: students can show their peers what the comic strips they
created look like and their solutions to the lesson presented.

3:25-3:30 Post Assessment

Assessment Plan

Before: Before the lesson we will have students complete a survey on how comfortable they
feel using technology to create comic strips. This will allow them to gain an understanding of the
skills they possess at the moment and what they will be using in the lesson.

After: After the lesson the students will be given a similar survey but post the activity. They will
be able to reflect on their experience using Pixton and their ability to brainstorm about ways to
help homlessness in their community. They will be able to comment on what they liked, wanted
to change, didn’t like, or would like to change for next time about the activity.

During: When guiding students through each step for their first introduction to Pixton, we will
have them give a thumbs up when they are ready to go to the next step. This will allow
educators to be aware of which students need more assistance and which students are ready to
move onto the next step.

Differentiation: Because the students will be provided the opportunity to brainstorm their own
ideas on how to help homlessness in the community, there will be a variety of comic strips. With
that said, each strip will display a unique story that is created by each individual student to
demonstrate understanding of how to help in their community and also how to develop an
imaginative scene using Pixton.

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