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Ernest Rutherford

Ernest Rutherford was a Physicist and a Chemist, he was

born on 30th August 1911. In the field of Chemistry he is
known for the discovery of Atomic Nucleus.

He first studied the atomic model by hosting an

event called Geiger-Marsden experiments (also called the
Rutherford gold foil experiment), which started in 1908 and ended
in 1913.

After the study on the Atomic Model he concluded that:

• Atoms form a space with a centrally located - ''nucleus''
and the positive charge is in the central of the nucleus.
• Electrons are seen to revolve around the Nucleus.
James Chadwick
James Chadwick was a Physicist and Chemist, he was
born on 20th October 1891. He was best known for the
discovery of the Neutrons for which he received a Nobel
Prize in 1935. He was also one of the brilliant disciples of
Ernest Rutherford.

James Chadwick was also one of the first in Britan to

stress the possibility of developing an atomic bomb. He
was also well appreciated by the Government of Britan.

After the study of the atomic model he stated that-

• In the nucleus of the atom are present-
particles which have no charge, but mass almost equal to
the mass of the proton. This lead to the discovery of -

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