Debate Script - A201 Version

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First speaker, proposing team

Good morning to the respected speaker, cautious time keeper, honourable judge, members
of the opposite team and members of the floor.
The topic for our debate is ‘that ______________________________________’ (topic).
Before I put forward my case today, I would like to define today’s motion, ‘This house
believes that _____________________________________________(topic)’. According to
the ____________________________ (website you refer for definition),
__________________________ (terms) means _________________________ (definition).
In short, our motion today is defined as _________________________________________
(the whole concept/relate the definition of the words/ terms with the motion).
We, the proponent team, believe that this statement is true. @ Today, we the proponent
team strongly believes with the motion ‘__________________________________’ (topic).
Team Split
Today as first speaker, I will be talking to you about ____________________________ (P1),
Our second speaker will rebut the points of the opponent team and hence she/he will be
talking about ___________________________ (P2).
Ladies and gentlemen / members of the hall,
Present 1st argument.
First of all, reason we agree with the motion ______________________________________
is because __________________________________________ (P1). I’m going to
discuss/present _____ points.
My first point is _____________________________ (SD1). This is because
_________________________. In addition, ___________________________.
Now to my 2nd point, ___________________________________(SD2). This is because
________________________________________. Therefore, as the conclusion, we the
proposing team strongly agree that _______________________________ (topic).
So Mr/Madam Chairman, distinguished guests, teachers and students, in conclusion
(Finish your debate speech with a sentence that sums up what your team believes. You can
use humour or a quote or you may say ‘thank you’ to finish.) Now I pass to the second
speaker of the proposing team.
2. 2nd speaker, Proposing team
Good afternoon to the respected speaker, cautious time keeper, honorable judge, members
of the opposite team and members of the floor. As the 2nd speaker, I will present 1 argument
and will also refute the arguments presented by the Opposition team.
The topic for our debate is ‘that___________________________ (Insert the topic of the
debate.)’ We, the affirmative team, believe that this statement is true.
Present 2nd argument
Our first speaker has already explained _____________________________(P1). To
strengthen our points, I’m going to present another reason why we agree with the motion
______________________________________, which is because
__________________________ (P2). Today, I will be talking to you about 2 points.
My first point is ________________________________ (SD1). The reason for this
_______________________ (elaborate).
Now to my second point, __________________________________ (SD2). This is because
So Mr/Madam Chairman, distinguished guests, teachers and students, in conclusion
(Finish your debate speech with a sentence that sums up what your team believes. You can
use humour or a quote or you may say ‘thank you’ to finish.)

5. Rebuttal 2nd speaker, Proposing team

Thank you my worthy opponent. Ladies and gentlemen, we have been debating on the
resolution of ______________________________________(topic). Previously, the
speakers from the negative team has tried to tell you ______________________________
(P1). (During the debate, list the main arguments outlined by the first speaker for the
negative team. Insert them here.) This is wrong because
__________________________________________ (refute P1). S/he also said that
_______________________________ (P2). This is wrong because
________________________________________________ (Insert a reason why that point
is wrong). Therefore, we still believe that our arguments are relevant. Thank you.
3. 1st speaker, opposing team
Good morning/afternoon/evening Mr/Madam Chairman, distinguished guests, teachers and
students. The topic for our debate is ‘that __________________________________ (Insert
the topic of the debate.)’
We agree with the definition given by the proponent team. OR
We disagree with the definition given by the opposition. (If you disagree explain why the
opposition’s definition is wrong.)
However, we, the opponent team, believe that this statement is false.
Team split
Today as first speaker from opposing team, I will rebut the proponent’s point and
henceforward will be talking to you about __________________________________ (C1).
While our second speaker will be talking about _________________________________
(C2) and hence sum up our team case.
The first speaker from the affirmative team has tried to tell you that
______________________________________________ (P1) (During the debate, you
would have listed the main arguments outlined by the first speaker for the affirmative side.
Insert them here.)
This is wrong because _______________________________________________________
(During the debate, write a reason why that point is wrong. Insert it here.)
S/he also said that ________________________________________ (Insert another point
for your rebuttal.) This is wrong because ________________________________________
(Insert a reason why that point is wrong.)
Present 1st argument
Ladies and gentlemen, as I mentioned earlier, we disagree on the motion with the reason of
______________________________________ (C1). I am going to discuss 2 points.
My first point is _________________________________ (SD1). This is because/the reason
for this is __________________________________________________ (elaboration).
Now to my second point. ____________________________ (SD2). This is because
___________________________________________________ (elaborate).
So Mr/Madam Chairman, distinguished guests, teachers and students, in conclusion
(Finish your debate speech with a sentence that sums up what your team believes. You can
use humour or a quote or you may say ‘thank you’ to finish.) Now I pass on the 2nd speaker
of the opposing team.
4. 2nd speaker, Opposing team
Good morning Mr/Madam Chairman, distinguished guests, teachers and students.
Present 2nd Argument
Our first speaker has already stated that _________________ (C1). My argument to support
our points is that ________________ (C2). Therefore, I will be talking to you about 2 points.
Now to my first point ___________________(SD1). This is because/the reason for this is
____________________________________________________________ (elaboration).
Now to my second point _________________________________(SD2). This is because
_________________________________________ (elaboration).
So Mr/Madam Chairman, distinguished guests, teachers and students, in conclusion
(Finish your debate speech with a sentence that sums up what your team believes. You can
use humour or a quote or you may say ‘thank you’ to finish.)

6. 2nd speaker, Opposing team (Summarization)

List the points of your first and second speaker.
The first speaker of proponent team spoke to you about (P1) ________________________,
(provide one reason to support) _______________________________________________.
Then, the second speaker told you that (P2) _____________________________________,
(provide one reason to support) _______________________________________________.
Meanwhile, the opponent team, the first speaker spoke to you about (C1)
______________________, (provide one reason to support) ________________________.
And the second speaker explained about (C2) ____________________________________,
(provide one reason to support) _______________________________________________.
However, the proponent team’s points are weak as (use the rebuttal points). So Mr/Madam
Chairman, distinguished guests, teachers and students, in conclusion we believe
However, the proponent team has strong supportive points which (use P1 and P2). So
Mr/Madam Chairman, distinguished guests, teachers and students, in conclusion we believe
Create your own conclusion using OPQS.
To summarize, ___________________________________________________. Thank you.
(End your speech with a really memorable and powerful statement. If you can’t think of
anything to say you may say ‘thank you’ to finish.)
Example of defining the motion:
Statement: Should students be allowed to bring mobile phones to school?
First let me define today’s motion.
Student means person who engage in learning
Be allowed means to be permitted
Mobile phones means wireless telephone
School means a learning institution
In short, today’s motion can be defined as persons who engage in learning should be
permitted to bring wireless telephone to the learning institution

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