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World news

HOST : Good morning Colombia! This is Fernando Luna for This special
program .Welcome  to world  news . Today we had the exclusive headlines in
the world. Let's start with relevant information in the UK. 
Adriana, could you please tell us about it.
Adriana: Good morning Colombia!
Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister blamed a shortage of truck drivers, and he
suggested that the crisis was caused by world economies using petrol as they
recover from the coronavirus pandemic.
In fact The government announced that it would send thousands of emergency
visas to foreign truck drivers to alleviate the crisis, however, Johnson said that
migrant workers weren't the solution, as this would lead to a low-wage and low-
skill economy.
The main problem is that More than a quarter of the UK service stations have
no fuel, and British motorists will have to wait weeks for fuel supply to return to
The community hopes that the measures taken will have a positive effect on the
We will keep an eye on any news. Let's go back to the set).
Host: thanks Adriana for this information let’s move to something more positive
with lix.
lix go ahead 
Lix: I have a special and beautiful news for you, we must always invest in our
children because they are the future of the world.
today I want to tell you about Rayan al-Abed, he held a solo exhibition for his
art; he may be Syria’s youngest artist at five years old. He has been painting for
three years since he was two.
one of the most important people in the life of this child is his grandfather,
His grandfather with a lot of love and patience taught him the world of paintings
and helped him develop his skills.
surely, he promises to be one of the great painters if he continues with
discipline and effort

Liz: Good morning everyone, today in the section of things you didn't know I
have very interesting news for you, the magazine world news for students
published in its most recent post a study on dogs and their expressions,
basically the study describes that dogs produce more expressions when they
are conscious than humans They are observing them, that is to say, by it the
idea that dogs make involuntary expressions or just because they want.
A proof of this case is the experiment that the University of Portsmouth carried
out a few days ago, where 24 dogs of different breeds were brought together,
and they showed true emotions such as fear or guilt. The doctor in charge of the
experiment considers that the expressions of these animals are the result of the
domestication that is given to them.
It is very interesting and in the last week there have been cases of several
people trying to communicate with their dogs. Here we have some videos. 

Fernando: And to finalize, do you imagine being a tourist and  suddenly a lion
is climbing into your buggy?
This is just what happened at The Taigan Safari park in Crimea, russia. The big
cat cuddled and licked the tourists.
 The driver of the buggy was Oleg Zubkov, a lion whisperer who supervised the
However, this happens a few weeks after a different lion mauled a woman in the
same park.
It was awesome. and so far the news summary in World News, see you
tomorrow with much more.
thank you, bye.

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