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Subject: CHEMISTRY Full marks: 50
Class: VII Time: 1 hr. 30 mins.
1. Fill in the blanks: [5]
(i) An atom consists of three subatomic particles
___________, __________and _____________.
(ii) All the different elements are arranged in a chart
called the _________table.
(iii) The molecules of an _________are made up of
the same type of atoms.

2. Write true or false. Correct the false statements. [5]

i) All atoms of an element are similar or identical.

ii) A proton is a positively – charged particle.
iii) Hydrogen is a diatomic molecule.
iv) Metals lose electrons to form anion.
v) Valency of helium is 1.

3. Define the following: [10]

i) Chemical bond ii) Reactants
iii) Cation iv) Valency
v) Atomicity
4. Write the symbols and valencies of the following
elements: [10]

i) Nitrogen ii) Sodium

iii) Magnesium iv) Sulphur
v) Fluorine

5. Complete the following reactions: [10]

i) CuCO3 heat ? + ?
ii) CaO + H2O ? +?
iii) 2AgCl ? + ?
iv) AgNO3 + NaCl ?+?
v) ?+? H2S

6. Answer the following in details: [5X2=10]

i) Describe the composition of an atom with the help of a

well labelled diagram.

ii)Explain the evolution of a gas in chemical reactions with

the help of examples.

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