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Archdiocese of Tuguegarao

Centro 02, Tuao, Cagayan, 3528
Email address:
SUBJECT TITLE and CODE : Physical Education 3 – LOT Sports Magt-004
Professor : Mr. Allan E. Samonte

Module No. and Name : Module – 4 - Skills in KICKING the BALL

Session No. and Name : 4 (online class will be announced later)

Expected time completion : Wait for further announcement before submitting.

1. Understand and use the different kicking skills to achieve a level of competency in playing the
2. Execute the different mechanics and principles kicking.
3. Do the skill in kicking at the comfort of the home to gain fitness.


- The ability to propel (drive forward) the ball accurately to a teammate, an open space or
the goal by using the different kicking surfaces of the foot.
o Factors directly affecting the direction, Height and the Ball
a) The position of the non-kicking foot
b) The position of the body in relation to the ball
c) The speed of approach
d) The flexing of the muscles of the ankle and the leg
e) The backlift and the follow through
o Two aspect of Kicking

- the ability to make the ball reach another player at the right pace, in the
right place and the right time
Passing Technique
Inside of the foot pass
Archdiocese of Tuguegarao
Centro 02, Tuao, Cagayan, 3528
Email address:

o Mostly common used passing technique

o Most accurate because it utilizes the largest contact surface
of the foot
Front foot pass

o The ability to kick the ball with the outside of the foot while
on the run
Swerving pass

o The ability to curve the flight of the ball by hitting it off-

center with the inside or outside of the foot
Long pass

o The ability to kick the ball in long distance whether high or

low by using the instep
Archdiocese of Tuguegarao
Centro 02, Tuao, Cagayan, 3528
Email address:
o The ability to propel the ball upward from the ground with
the use of the toes
b) Shooting

- the ability to kick the ball into the goal in order to score
Skills Training points:
• kick the ball with the laces and not the toe (laces are more accurate)
• pick a spot (a target) on the goal to shoot for
• your non-kicking foot should be planted off to the side of the ball
when you are about to strike it
• your non-kicking foot will provide support, balance, and will be
flexed when you make contact with your kicking foot
• approach the ball slightly from the side
• for a low shot, keep you head down and lean over the ball
• for a shot to the upper part of the net, lean your body back slightly
• the follow-through should be long and smooth

Shooting Techniques
Instep Drive – The most commonly used shooting techniques
because it utilizes the hardest surface of the
kicking foot

Swerving shot – The ability to shoot the ball by curving its flight with
the use of the inside or the outside of the foot
or instep

Volleying – The ability to hit the ball on flight

Archdiocese of Tuguegarao
Centro 02, Tuao, Cagayan, 3528
Email address:

o Half Volley
- hitting the ball functions of a second after touching
the ground
o Low Volley
- hitting the ball just before it reached the ground

o High Volley
- Hitting the ball while is still on flight before it hits the
(3) Three principles in shooting
1. Shoot often
2. Shoot early
3. Shoot low and to the corner of the goal

Do the following drill(s):

Reminder: please do this at your own pace/ place and time for your skills development training
Drill 1
• have someone to pair up
• you line up (with soccer balls) 10-15 yards away from the goal and tour partner stands behind
the make shift goal
• take turns in kicking / shooting at the goal
• partners shag the ball and pass it back to the shooter
• 5 shots each then switch positions

Drill 2
• starting positions: one person acts as a goalie (located 3 yards from right goal post), two of your
classmates act as shaggers, 3 students act as passers (to the left of the shooters), 3 students
line-up in-front of goal as shooters)
• shooters should aim for the open side of the net (left side)
• passer passes to the shooter, the shooter aims for the open side of the net, the shagger passes
the ball to the end of the passing line up then receives the next pass from the shagger
• rotate by following the ball (shooter becomes the goalie, goalie becomes the shagger, shagger
becomes the passer, passer becomes the shooter

To “shag” them means to collect the balls. There is a similar expression in baseball. During hitting
practice when a player hits a fly ball into the outfield, the outfielder's job is to “shag” it… i.e. to catch the
fly-ball and throw it back.

LEARNING ACTIVITIES: (wait for further announcement when to submit)

Use Yellow pad only…. Thank you
Use the format below:
Name_____________________________________ Crs & year:____________ Module Number: ___
Contact #: _________________Subject : PE 3 Date Submitted_______ Teacher: Mr. Allan E. Samonte
Paper Learning activity shall be submitted on November 04, 2020- drop it at the read box)
1. List down the different kicking surfaces of the foot (5 pts)
2. Explain in your own understanding and words what do you mean by the speed of approach
when you execute a kick (5 pts)
3. Explain the principles behind shooting? What does it signify each principles? (3 sentences per
principle) 10 pts
Archdiocese of Tuguegarao
Centro 02, Tuao, Cagayan, 3528
Email address:
4. Submit a narrative report on your activity drill 1 and 2 not more than 15 sentences per drill

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