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Accepted Manuscript

A Survey of Scheduling Problems with No-Wait in Process

Ali Allahverdi

PII: S0377-2217(16)30373-3
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2016.05.036
Reference: EOR 13722

To appear in: European Journal of Operational Research

Received date: 9 October 2015

Revised date: 3 March 2016
Accepted date: 18 May 2016

Please cite this article as: Ali Allahverdi , A Survey of Scheduling Problems with No-Wait in Process,
European Journal of Operational Research (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2016.05.036

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 This paper reviews more than 300 papers on scheduling problems with no-wait constraint
 It classifies problems based on shop environments, performance measures considered, and
other factors
 Independently addressed problems are determined and less addressed problems are identified
 Some potential research venues are proposed
 The current paper covers the research since min 1993 to date



A Survey of Scheduling Problems with No-Wait in Process

Ali Allahverdi
Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering
Kuwait University, P.O. Box 5969, Safat, Kuwait
e-mail: ali.allahverdi@ku.edu.kw


Scheduling involving no-wait in process plays an important role in industries such as plastic,
chemical, and pharmaceutical. Moreover, many scheduling problems in other industries,
including surgery-scheduling problem, aircraft landing problem, and train scheduling problem,

can also be modelled with no-wait constraint. The research interest in scheduling problems with
no-wait in process began in 1970s and the interest has been increasing since then. Hall and
Sriskandarajah (Operations Research 44, 510-525, 1996) presented an excellent review of the
literature, covering about 130 papers, on scheduling problems with no-wait in process since

1970s until mid-1993. This paper is the second survey paper providing analysis and an extensive
review of more than 300 papers that appeared since the mid-1993 to the beginning of 2016. This
survey paper classifies scheduling problems based on shop environments as flowshop, job shop,
or open shop. It further classifies the problems based on the performance measure considered
along with some other factors. Throughout the survey paper, many independently investigated
problems are determined, less studied problems are identified, and suggestions for future
research directions are proposed.

Key words - Scheduling, review, no-wait, flowshop, survey


1. Introduction
The no-wait constraint in scheduling occurs when two consecutive operations of a job must
be processed without any interruptions. The research interest in scheduling, with no-wait

constraint, which began in 1970s, has increased recently. Hall and Sriskandarajah (1996)
provided an excellent review of the scheduling problems with no-wait in process, which covered
about 130 papers, reviewing the literature since 1970s until mid-1993. A lot of research papers
have appeared since the mid-1993. The objective of this paper is to provide an extensive review

of the papers that have appeared since the mid-1993 to up-to-date. Therefore, the current survey
paper, along with that of Hall and Sriskandarajah (1996), provide a review of the scheduling
research with no-wait constraint since 1970s to up-to-date.

The main reason for the occurrence of no-wait in process is the technology requirement in
some manufacturing environments. In such a manufacturing environment, an operation should
immediately follow the previous operation as a result of the temperature or other characteristics
of the material. Another factor suggesting the no-wait in process is the effort to reduce the work-
in-process (WIP) and to achieve a lean production, Macchiaroli et al. (1999).
Modern manufacturing environments such as robotic cells provide a highly coordinated
manufacturing process which can appropriately be modeled as a no-wait scheduling problem,
Che et al. (2003, 2007, 2011), Agnetis (2000), Agnetis and Pacciarelli (2000). Other
manufacturing environments, where no-wait in process is applicable, include plastic, chemical,
and pharmaceutical industries. Well-documented applications of no-wait scheduling problems

are provided by Hall and Sriskandarajah (1996), Bagchi et al. (2006), Lee et al. (2007), Alvarez-
Valdes et al. (2005), Blömer and Günther (1998), and Na et al. (2014).
Scheduling with no-wait constraint is applicable in different environments; flowshop,
flexible flowshop, job shop, and open shop. There exist m stages in series in an m-machine no-
wait flowshop environment such that each job has to be processed in each of the m stages in the
same order. Operation times for each job at different stages typically are dissimilar. There exists
only one machine at each stage in an m-machine no-wait flowshop while there is more than one
machine in at least one of the stages in an m-machine flexible (or hybrid) flowshop in order to
increase the capacity. A no-wait job shop environment consists of m different machines and each
job has a given machine route in which some machines can be missing and some can repeat.

Similar to no-wait flowshops, there may exist more than one machine in at least one stage, which
is called a flexible job shop. On the other hand, in a no-wait open shop, each job should be

processed once on each of the m machines passing them in any order. In the following, some
examples of scheduling with no-wait constraint are provided for different environments.

In steel manufacturing, the operations of ingots, unmolding, reheating, soaking, and
preliminary rolling should follow one another immediately, Hall and Sriskandarajah (1996). In
the production of the steel, the hot work-in-process should not wait between two successive
operations. As Yuan et al. (2013) pointed out, for example, a slab has to reach a certain

temperature before it can be processed by rolling mill. Its temperature will drop considerably if a
heated slab waits in front of the machine. Therefore, the reheating must be executed if the heated
slab waits in front of the machine, which results in waste of energy. As a result, the steel
manufacturing process has to be modeled by the no-wait constraint.
Wang et al. (2015a) studied the surgery scheduling problem for single surgical suite subject
to random emergency surgery. They modeled this problem as a no-wait flowshop scheduling
problem with three machines. They developed a predictive-reactive scheduling model to

accommodate the influence of surgery’s arrival on a planned schedule with the objective of
optimizing the combined efficiency and stability. They conducted computational experiments
and showed that their proposed model is effective. Wang et al. (2015c) considered finding a

surgery scheduling while managing scarce medical resources in laminar-flow operating theaters,
which is widely used in China. They solved the problem is two phases. The first phase consists
of finding out if patients can be operated upon within the planning period. The second phase is
the surgery schedule, i.e., the daily surgery sequence and the corresponding operating room

which was shown to be modelled as the two-stage no-wait hybrid or flexible flowshop
scheduling problem with the objective of minimizing the considered hospital operating costs.
They developed an algorithm giving management insights into reducing the operating costs of

the hospital. Hsu et al. (2003) also pointed out that patient scheduling problem is a new variant
of the two-stage no-wait flowshop scheduling problem.
The flight scheduling problem with the objective of minimizing the maximum number of

aircraft that simultaneously lie within a single air traffic control section at any time was shown to
be no-wait job shop scheduling problem, Kim et al. (2009). They proposed different heuristics
for the problem and reported experimental results for real-world flight data. Another related
problem is the aircraft sequencing problem, i.e., the aircraft landing problem with the objective
of maximizing the number of landing aircraft in the time unit. Bagassi et al. (2010) showed that
this problem can be modeled as a no-wait job shop scheduling problem with setup times and
release date.
Parallel computer systems are commonly used nowadays as a result of their efficiency. Thus,
developing efficient scheduling algorithms in computer systems become a necessity. Guircoun et
al. (2005) stated that “The first step of the parallelization consists in dispatching on a designed

client the code and the data of each program that can be parallelized. For each program that has
to be sent to a client, the server must, successively, read the code and data on the hard disk and
send them to the client from the network. In a first approximation, these two steps can be
modeled by one task on the server. This assumption is not excessive because in such a context,
the designer tries to balance the processing times on different clients to obtain the best
performance of the parallelized execution. Then programs and data have often similar sizes and
as a consequence, reading and sending them takes similar times”. Guircoun et al. (2005) modeled
the considered parallel computer system as a two-stage no-wait hybrid flowshop scheduling
problem. They also pointed out when different performance measures in the no-wait flowshop
scheduling environments are appropriate for the parallel computer systems environments.

Mannino and Mascis (2009) developed a real time automated traffic control system to
operate trains in metro stations for a major Italian municipal transport company. They developed

a system, which optimally controls the trains in a metro station by identifying an appropriate
routing along with establishing an optimum schedule of the performed operations. They modeled

the problem as no-wait job shop scheduling problem. They used a branch-and-bound algorithm
to solve the problem and their developed model has been in operation in the Milan metro since
2007. On the other hand, Liu and Kozan (2011) investigated the train scheduling problems when
both prioritized and non-prioritized trains are traversed in single line rail network at the same

time. They pointed out that no-wait constraints arise as a result of the prioritized trains such as
express passenger trains should traverse continuously without any interruption. Therefore, they
showed that the problem can be modeled as no-wait hybrid job shop problem.
Hecker et al. (2014) indicated that bakery production can be modeled as a no-wait flowshop
scheduling problem based on the constraints and frame conditions given by the processes in the
production of bakeries.
Therefore, many problems in different industries can be modelled as scheduling problems

with the no-wait constraint.

2. Notation and Classification


No-wait scheduling problems can be classified based on the considered performance

measure, the requirements for job processing, setup time requirements, the time jobs are
available, the number of stages that jobs need to go through, and the available number of
machines at each stage among many others.

Job setup times/costs can be classified as either sequence-dependent or sequence-

independent, Allahverdi and Soroush (2008). A setup time/cost is classified as sequence-
dependent if the time/cost required to setup a machine for a current job depends on the current

job as well as the job processed on the machine before running the current job. A setup time/cost
is called sequence-independent if the time/cost required to setup a machine for a current job only
depends on the current job, i.e., regardless of the prior job on the machine. For some scheduling

environments, job families exist where each family consists of a number of jobs, which have
similar characteristics, and hence, a setup on a machine is required when a job from a different
family is processed. Family setup times/costs can also be classified as either sequence-dependent
or sequence-independent.
A scheduling problem is described by using the notation //, Graham et al. (1979). The
first field ( defines the shop environment in terms of the setting and the number of machines.
On the other hand, the second field (defines details of processing characteristics, shop
conditions, and setup information. In the problems that we consider, this field contains “no-wait”
in order to specify the no-wait constraint. The description of Allahverdi et al. (1999, 2008) and
Allahverdi (2015) is utilized for setup information for clarity purposes. Finally, the third field (

describes the performance measure considered. The details of the three fields used, throughout of
the paper, are given in Table 1. Let dj, wj, Cj,,Lj, Tj, and Ej denote due date, weight, completion
time, lateness, tardiness, and earliness, respectively, of job j where Lj=Cj-dj, Tj=max{Cj-dj, 0},
and Ej=max{dj-Cj, 0}. If n denotes the number of available jobs, then, Cmax= max{C1, C2, …, Cn},
Lmax= max{L1, L2, …, Ln} and Tmax= max{T1, T2, …, Tn}. Moreover, let Uj denote if job j is tardy
or not where Uj={1 if Cj>dj, 0 otherwise} in which case the number of tardy jobs is denoted by
Uj. Therefore, for example, the m-machine no-wait flowshop scheduling problem to minimize
total tardiness with sequence-independent setup times will be noted by Fm/no-wait, STsi/Tj. The
Cmax performance measure is related to resource utilization while the performance measure of
Cj is related to work-in-process. Other performance measures are related to job due dates.

Optimizing the mean or total of a performance measure yields the same solution. Therefore,
for example, the performance measures of total completion time (Cj) and mean completion time

(Cj/n) are equivalent. The notation Cj is used to refer to either total or mean completion time
performance measure. The same approach is utilized for other performance measures as well.

More than one performance measure is considered for multi-criteria scheduling problems. If
there are k performance measures, which are denoted by PM1, PM2, …, PMk, the notation used
by T’Kindt and Billaut (2002) is utilized for the multi-criteria problems. Hence, the notation Fl

(PM1, PM2, …, PMk) denotes that the objective is to minimize a linear combination of all the
considered criteria while the notation #(PM1, PM2, …, PMk) denotes when a Pareto approach is
considered. On the other hand, the notation ε(PM1/ PM2, …, PMk) denotes that the objective is to
minimize PM1 subject to the constraints that the other performance measures PM2, …, PMk have
upper bounds.

Table 1. Description of the notation //

  

Notation Description Notation Description Notation Description

Fm m-stage flowshop STsi Sequence-independent setup time Cmax Makespan
FFm m-stage flexible
STsd Sequence-dependent setup time Lmax Maximum lateness

(hybrid) flowshop
Jm Sequence-independent family setup
m-stage job shop STsi,f time
Tmax Maximum tardiness
FJm m-stage flexible job Sequence-dependent family setup
STsd,f time Cj Total completion time

Om m-stage open shop rj Non-zero release date Tj Total tardiness

no-wait No-wait constraint Uj Number of tardy jobs
ZS Zero or no setups wjCj Total weighted completion time

Total weighted tardiness

Different methodologies have been utilized to solve different no-wait scheduling problems.
The utilized methodologies in the addressed papers are abbreviated and the abbreviations are

given in Table 2.

Table 2. Description of abbreviations for the utilized methods

ACO Ant Colony Optimization TS Tabu Search
DE Differential Evolution IG Iterated Greedy
EM Electro Magnetism VNS Variable Neighborhood Search
GA Genetic Algorithm GRASP Greedy Randomized Search Procedure
ICA Imperialist Competitive Algorithm ILS Iterated Local Search
MA Memetic Algorithm MIP Mixed Integer Programming

PSO Particle Swarm Optimization MILP Mixed Integer Linear Programming

SA Simulated Annealing B&B Branch-and-Bound

No-wait scheduling problems dealing with lot sizing or lot streaming, e.g., Yang and Pan
(2012) and Kim and Jeong (2009) along with robotic or hoist flowshop scheduling problems,
e.g., Che et al. (2012), Che and Chu (2009) are excluded from the survey due to space limitation.
The results for no-wait flowshop scheduling problems are discussed in the next two sections
while the results for no-wait job shop and no-wait open shop problems are presented in the fifth
section. The conclusions and some research venues are deliberated in section 6.
Goyal and Sriskandarajah (1988) provided the computational complexity and approximate

algorithms for scheduling with no-wait constraint. Moreover, Hall and Sriskandarajah (1996)

excellently summarized the complexities of no-wait flowshop scheduling problems in Table 1 of
their paper. The complexities of the problems which appeared in the literature after the survey of
Hall and Sriskandarajah (1996) are specified throughout the analysis if the complexities are

reported in the literature.

3. Two/three-machine no-wait flowshop problems

The two/three-machine no-wait flowshop scheduling research is investigated in this section,
which is summarized in Table 3. The table is firstly organized by the criterion considered,
secondly by whether flowshop or flexible flowshop is studied, and then by setup type
investigated. If setup times are not addressed, the problem is represented by ZS. The research
without setup times is first discussed followed by the one with setup times.

3.1 Research on Cmax for F2/F3

Wang et al. (2006b) proposed SA and GA algorithms for the problems of F2/no-wait/Cmax

and F3/no-wait/Cmax where they showed that the SA algorithm performs better than the GA
algorithm. On the other hand, Glass et al. (1999) presented an O(n log n)-time heuristic with a
worst-case ratio of 4/3 for the F2/no-wait/Cmax problem where jobs might have missing

Espinouse et al. (1999) studied and proposed heuristic algorithms for the F2/no-wait/Cmax
problem with machine availability constraint. They showed that the problem is NP-hard even if

there is only one availability constraint on only one of the machines. Espinouse et al. (2001)
investigated the same problem and showed that the problem is NP-hard in the strong sense with
an arbitrary number of non-availability periods. Moreover, Cheng and Liu (2003a) considered

the F2/no-wait/Cmax problem where each machine might have an unavailable interval. They
presented a polynomial approximation algorithm for the cases of one unavailable interval on one
machine or unavailable intervals on both machines. Furthermore, Cheng and Liu (2003b)
proposed 3/2-approximation algorithms when unavailable internals on both machines overlap or

only one of the two machines has unavailable intervals.

Zhao and Tang (2011) considered the F2/no-wait/Cmax problem where the actual processing
time of each job is a proportional function of its starting time and each machine may have non-
availability intervals. They showed that the problem with only one unavailable interval is NP-
hard in the ordinary sense while the problem is NP-hard in the strong sense with an arbitrary
number of unavailable intervals. Moreover, Ben Chihaoui et al. (2009) proposed two heuristics,
based on Gilmore-Gomory and Cheng and Liu et al. (2003b) algorithms, for the F2/no-wait,
rj/Cmax problem with machine availability constraints while Ben Chihaoui et al. (2011) presented
several lower and upper bounds for the same problem where each machine is subject to an


unavailability constraint. They proposed a B&B algorithm by utilizing the bounds. The
computational experiments showed that the B&B algorithm obtains the optimal solution for
problems up to 20 jobs in a reasonable amount of computational time. Furthermore, the B&B
algorithm can be converted into a greedy search heuristic which was shown to obtain near
optimal solution.
Sidney et al. (2000) studied the F2/no-wait, STsi/Cmax problem where setup time on the
second machine consists of two parts. The first part can be conducted in the absence of a job
while the second part can be conducted in either absence or presence of the job. The authors
presented a heuristic algorithm and showed that its worst-case performance ratio is 4/3.
Gupta et al. (1997) showed that the F2/no-wait, STsi/Cmax problem, where removal times are

also separate from processing times, is reduced to the Gilmore-Gomory Traveling Salesman

Problem which is solvable in polynomial time. On the other hand, Samarghandi and ElMekkawy
(2011) provided a mathematical formulation, developed a lower bound, and proved a number of
propositions for special cases of the F2/no-wait, STsi/Cmax problem, where setup operations are

conducted by a single server. They also presented a hybrid algorithm consisting of VNS and TS
and showed that the algorithm yields optimal solutions for small size problems. Moreover, the
algorithm’s performance was compared to the lower bound for large size problems.

3.2 Research on Cmax for FF2/FF3

Liu et al. (2003) investigated the FF2/no-wait/Cmax problem where there is a single machine
in either stage. They proposed a greedy heuristic algorithm and indicated that the algorithm’s
worst case ratio is (3-1/h) where h is the number of parallel machines at either the first or second
stage. On the other hand, Cheng et al. (2000) examined the problems of FF2/no-wait/Cmax and
FF3/no-wait/Cmax where all the jobs require a constant processing time. They presented
polynomial time algorithms for certain problems while proved that other problems are strongly

Wang and Liu (2013) proposed a GA algorithm for the FF2/no-wait/Cmax problem and
developed some lower bounds. They compared the performance of their GA algorithm by using

the lower bounds. Moreover, Song and Tang (2008) presented an integer programming model
and proposed a discrete PSO algorithm for the FF2/no-wait/Cmax problem applied in a cast steel
plant. Furthermore, Xie et al. (2004) proposed a heuristic algorithm, which consists of sequence

generation and sequence evaluation steps, while Ghaleb et al. (2015) presented TS and PSO
algorithms for the problem. Besides, Shafaei et al. (2011) presented six heuristics and proposed
an algorithm based on neural network and fuzzy theory for the problem. Finally, Wang et al.

(2015b) developed several lower bounds and obtained some upper bounds by using some
heuristics for the problem. They also presented a B&B algorithm for the problem by utilizing the
developed lower and upper bounds.
Rabiee et al. (2014) studied the FF2/no-wait, STsd/Cmax problem where jobs might have

rework. They proposed a hybrid algorithm based on ICA. On the other hand, Adressi et al. (2016)
presented SA and GA algorithms for the FF2/no-wait, STsd,f/Cmax problem where machines are
subject to random breakdowns. They showed that the SA performs better than the GA.

3.3 Results on Cj for F2/F3

Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (1998) provided a dominance relation for the F2/no-wait,
STsi/Cj problem and presented optimal solutions for two special cases along with providing a
heuristic for the general problem. Moreover, Shyu et al. (2004) proposed an ACO algorithm and
showed that their algorithm performs better than that of Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (1998). On


the other hand, Chang and Shao (205) analyzed optimization properties and presented an
algorithm for the F2/no-wait, STsi/Cj problem where removal times are also separate from
processing times.
Moradinasab et al. (2013) presented GA and adaptive ICA algorithms for the F2/no-wait,
STsi/Cj problem. They showed that the adaptive ICA algorithm performs better than the GA and
the ICA algorithm achieves better performance than the ACO algorithm of Huang et al. (2009).
Su and Lee (2008) analyzed special cases for the F2/no-wait, STsi/Cj problem where setup
operations are conducted by a single server. They also proposed a heuristic and a B&B algorithm for
the problem. On the other hand, Guirchoun et al. (2005) analyzed the FF2/no-wait, STsi/Cj
problem where setup operations are conducted by a single server and processing times are unary.

They presented an optimal algorithm with O(n log n) time.
Allahverdi and Aldowaisan (2001) investigated the F2/no-wait, STsd/Cj problem where

they presented a dominance relation and proposed several insertion-based heuristics. They also
provided optimal solutions for some special cases of the problem. On the other hand, the F2/no-

wait, STsd/Cj problem was addressed by Rabiee et al. (2012) where jobs might have rework.
They presented an adapted ICA algorithm and showed that their algorithm outperforms GA and
SA algorithms.

Allahverdi and Aldowaisan (2000) provided optimal solutions for special cases and
presented a dominance relation for the general case of the F3/no-wait, STsi/Cj problem. They
also presented five insertion-based heuristics for the general problem. Moreover, Chang and
Shao (2006) presented an optimal property and two heuristics for the problem. Furthermore,
Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2004a) considered the problem F3/no-wait, STsi/Cj but where
removal times are also taken into account. They proposed a dominance relation, presented a
lower bound, and proposed seven block insertion algorithms.

3.4 Other results for F2/FF2

Fondrevelle et al. (2005) proposed a dominance relation for the F2/no-wait, STsi/Lmax
problem where removal times were also considered as separate from processing times.

Fondrevelle et al. (2005) also proposed an effective B&B algorithm for the problem. On the other
hand, Wang and Cheng (2006) developed dominance relations and presented a heuristic
algorithm, which can produce near-optimal solutions quickly for realistic-sized problems, while

Pang (2013) developed a heuristic based on GA algorithm, with relatively large computation
time, for the F2/no-wait, STsi,f/Lmax problem.
Ben-Yehoshua et al. (2015) investigated the F2/no-wait problem with the objective of

minimizing the total absolute deviation of job completion time for proportionate flowshops.
They indicated that the LPT sequence remains optimal for a small number of jobs (up to 7) and
the number of optimal solution increases for larger number of jobs. On the other hand, for
minimizing Cmax, Bouquard et al. (2005) presented a complexity classification of different two-

machine flowshop scheduling problems where some jobs have to be processed with the no-wait
Shabtay et al. (2007) extended the F2/no-wait/Cmax problem to the case where job
processing times are controllable through allocation of resources where they presented two
heuristics which are shown to produce close to optimal solutions. Another related problem was
studied by Strusevich (1995) with controllable machine speeds where the objective is to
minimize Cmax in addition to finding the optimal values of machine speeds. He presented an
O(n3) algorithm.


Liu and Feng (2014) addressed the F2/no-wait problem where processing time of a job is a
function of its position and its resource allocation. Two problems are considered; finding optimal
sequences of jobs and the optimal resource allocation. Different performance measures were
considered with respect to each problem. An algorithm was presented to solve the problems.
Wang and Cheng (2001) investigated the F2/no-wait problem with an availability constraint.
They presented two improved heuristics and showed that the heuristics have a worst-case error
bound of 5/3. On the other hand, Kubzin and Strusevich (2004) studied the F2/no-wait/Cmax
problem with a non-available interval on one of the machines. They presented an algorithm with
worst-case ratio of 3/2. Furthermore, Kubzin and Strusevich (2005) addressed the F2/no-
wait/Cmax problem, where one of the machines is subject to maintenance, and provided a

polynomial time approximation scheme.

Wang et al. (2005) considered the FF2/no-wait/Cmax problem such that there is no idle time
between two consecutive processed jobs on the machines at the second stage. They investigated
the complexity of the problem and presented a heuristic algorithm with asymptotically tight error

Moradinasab et al. (2012) proposed PSO and ICA algorithms for the FF2/no-wait/Tj
problem where jobs might have rework. They compared the performance of their PSO and ICA

outperforms the others.

algorithms with those of ACO and GA algorithms and showed that the proposed ICA algorithm

Jolai et al. (2013) presented three bi-objective heuristics for the FF2/no-wait/#(Cmax, Tmax)
problem with the goal of finding approximations of the optimal Pareto front. The heuristics are
based on SA, normalized weighted SA, and fuzzy SA. They proposed a new method, by mixing
Taguchi method and multi-objective decision making approach, for selecting parameter values
for their heuristics.

3.5 Results with batch machines for F2/F3

Batch machines can be classified as parallel batch machines and sequential batch machines.
A parallel batch machine can process several jobs at the same time as a batch. The processing

time of a batch in parallel batch machine is equal to the maximum processing time of the jobs
contained in a batch. On the other hand, a sequential batch machine processes the jobs
sequentially with the batch processing time being the sum of the processing times of the jobs in

the batch. We denote parallel and sequential batch machines by P and S, respectively. We also
denote the batch machines by “batch (r1, r2)” to denote that there exist batch machines where r1
and r2 denote if the machine at the first or second stage is P or S. For more than two stages, they

are denoted as batch (P) or batch (S) meaning that P machines or S machines exist at each stage.
Oulamara et al. (2005) presented polynomial time algorithms for both problems of F2/no-
wait, batch (P, P)/Cmax and F3/no-wait, batch (P)/Cmax. On the other hand, Lin et al. (2001)
addressed the F2/no-wait, batch (S, S)/Cmax problem with constant setup times each time a batch

is formed. They showed that the problem is NP-hard.

Oulamara (2007) provided complexity results and proposed a heuristic algorithm with worst
case ratio of 2 for the F2/no-wait, batch (P, S)/Cmax problem. Moreover, Rojas-Santiago et al.
(2013) proposed an ACO algorithm, Jolai et al. (2009a) proposed a GA algorithm, Muthuswamy
et al. (2012a) presented a GRASP algorithm while Muthuswamy et al. (2011, 2012b) proposed a
mathematical formulation and presented a PSO algorithm for the same problem. On the other
hand, Maya et al. (2014) presented a GRASP algorithm for the F2/no-wait, batch (P, S), rj/Cmax


4. m-machine no-wait flowshop problems

The m-machine no-wait flowshop scheduling research is discussed in sections 4.1-4.5 for
single criterion, summarized in Table 4, while that of multi-criteria is deliberated in section 4.6
and summarized in Table 5. Both Tables 4 and 5 are organized similar to Table 3. The references
in Table 4 are numbered and the number of the paper is given in the first column. The last
column, denoted by “Better than”, lists the number of papers the results of which are
outperformed by the current paper. For example, the hybrid algorithm proposed in paper # 1
(P1), outperforms the methods proposed by papers # 12, 14, 22, 42 (P12, P14, P22, P42).
Therefore, the column “Better than” of P1 lists the papers P12, P14, P22, P42. Moreover, the
“#*” value within parentheses in the last column denotes the problems the method of which have

not been compared. For example, both papers P51 and P52 investigate the same problem and

their methods have not been compared, therefore, in the last column, the papers are denoted by
(2*). The research without setup times is first discussed followed by the research with setup

4.1 Research on Cmax for Fm
The Fm/no-wait/Cmax problem has been investigated extensively in the literature, which is

summarized in Table 4, and thus not all the research on the problem is discussed. Grabowski and
Pempera (2005) presented several descending search algorithms along with a TS algorithm. They
used multi-moves, which perform several moves simultaneously in a single iteration, in the
algorithms, which help in the convergence of the algorithms to good solutions. In their TS
algorithm, they proposed a dynamic tabu list, which additionally helps in avoiding at a local
optimum solution. Furthermore, Pan et al. (2008e) proposed an improved IG algorithm, where a
speed-up method for the insertion neighborhood is utilized, and showed that the IG algorithm
performs better than the TS algorithm of Grabowski and Pempera (2005). Moreover, Framinan

and Nagano (2008) proposed a heuristic based on the analogy between the problem and well-
known travelling salesman problem. On the other hand, Tseng and Lin (2010) proposed a hybrid
GA algorithm, which hybridizes the genetic algorithm and a novel local search scheme.

Moreover, an operator was designed to enhance the capability of intensification in the genetic
algorithm. They showed that their hybrid GA performs better than the heuristics of Grabowski
and Pempera (2005). Besides, Jarboui et al. (2011) proposed another hybrid GA algorithm where

the variable neighborhood search is used as an improvement procedure in the last step of the
genetic algorithm. They showed that the hybrid GA performs better than the heuristics of
Grabowski and Pempera (2005) and Pan et al. (2008a). Additionally, Engin and Günaydin (2011)

investigated the problem and presented an algorithm based on an improved adaptive learning
approach where the improvement in the adaptive learning approach is similar to neural-network
training. They showed that their algorithm performs better than the heuristic of Aldowaisan and
Allahverdi (2003). Furthermore, Samarghandi and Elmekkawy (2012a) presented a hybrid TS

and PSO algorithm where the PSO is used to move from one solution to a neighborhood
solution. They showed that the algorithm performs better than the hybrid PSO algorithm of Liu
et al. (2007). Moreover, Akrout et al. (2013) proposed a new hybrid algorithm, which combines
GRASP with DE algorithm, called NEW-GRASP-DE. The authors showed that the NEW-GRASP-
DE algorithm performs better than the heuristics of Jarboui et al. (2011), Tseng and Lin (2010),
Grabowski and Pempera (2005), and Pan et al. (2008a). Furthermore, Ding et al. (2015a)
presented an improved IG algorithm, with a tabu-based reconstruction strategy, and showed that
it performs better than those of Pan et al. (2008a,e), Qian et al. (2009a), Tseng and Lin (2010),
and Jarboui et al. (2011). Moreover, Lin and Ying (2016) presented a heuristic consisting of


three phases. Two versions of constructive heuristics are used to obtain an initial sequence. Next,
the problem is converted into asymmetric traveling salesman problem and an algorithm is
applied to improve the initial solution. Then, the solution is further improved by a mathematical
model. They showed that their heuristic performs better than several heuristics including that of
Ding et al. (2015a).
Pan et al. (2008b) provided upper bounds on Taillard's benchmark suite for the no-wait
flowshops with Cmax performance measure. Kalczynski and Kamburowski (2007) presented new
network representations for the Fm/no-wait/Cmax problem. They also presented some lower
bounds and provided efficiently solvable special cases. A polynomial time approximation
scheme was offered by Sviridenko and Woeginger (2000) and Sviridenko (2003) for the Fm/no-

wait/Cmax problem, on any fixed number of machines. On the other hand, Qian et al. (2009b)

proposed a hybrid DE algorithm for the Fm/no-wait/Cmax problem where jobs dynamically
arrive. Liu et al. (2006, 2008a) investigated the Fm/no-wait/Cmax problem where job processing
times are assumed to be random variables. They proposed a hybrid PSO algorithm which utilizes

SA to solve the problem.
Mucha and Sviridenko (2013) showed that any polynomial time -approximation algorithm
for the Fm/no-wait/Cmax problem implies the existence of a polynomial time (1+e)-

approximation algorithm for the asymmetric traveling salesman problem where e>0.
Sun et al. (2012) studied the Fm/no-wait/Cmax problem with deteriorating jobs and
dominated machines where jobs have processing times, which are increasing function of their
starting times. They indicated that the problem can be solved polynomially under certain
conditions. Ng et al. (2011) also studied the Fm/no-wait/Cmax problem with deteriorating jobs.
Assuming a linear deteriorating function with identical increasing ranges for all the jobs and
some dominating relationships exist between the machines, they showed that the problem is
polynomially solvable.

Samarghandi (2015a) indicated that the Fm/no-wait, dj/Cmax problem, i.e., the problem
with due date constraint, is NP-hard. He proposed a MILP model and presented a PSO algorithm
where a new local search approach was introduced to further improve the performance of the

PSO algorithm. Moreover, a design of experiments approach utilizing Taguchi method was
employed to fine tune the parameters of the developed algorithm.
Brown et al. (2004) investigated the Fm/no-wait, STsi/Cmax problem and demonstrated that

the problem reduces to the traveling salesman problem. They also presented a polynomial
heuristic along with non-polynomial time solution methods. Samarghandi and Elmekkawy
(2012b) presented a GA algorithm and a hybrid GA algorithm with PSO for the same problem.

The PSO is a discrete algorithm that employs a coding/decoding technique based on the
factoradic numbering system in order to map the set of permutations into a set of integer
Both Daniella and Marcelo (2010, 2011) and Araújo and Nagano (2011) presented

constructive heuristics for the Fm/no-wait, STsd/Cmax problem. Moreover, Xu et al. (2012)
proposed an efficient IG algorithm for the problem and showed that their algorithm performs
better than the constructive heuristic proposed by Daniella and Marcelo (2010, 2011). Moreover,
Zhu et al. (2013a) presented an iterated algorithm with local search while Zhu et al. (2013b)
proposed an adaptive intelligent algorithm and they showed that their algorithms perform better
than the heuristic of Araújo and Nagano (2011). Furthermore, a hybrid greedy algorithm was
presented by Zhuang et al. (2014) for the problem where it was shown that the algorithm
outperforms the best non-deterministic heuristics on most instances, for the same computational
time, while it obtains the best performance against the deterministic heuristics. Besides, Nagano


et al. (2014) presented a hybrid evolutionary cluster search metaheuristic for the problem and
showed that, by comparing it with the solutions of some other related problems, it performs well.
Finally, Samarghandi and Elmekkawy (2014) presented a PSO algorithm for the problem, where
an encoding system called Matrix Coding is used to code job sequences. Zhu and Li (2015)
presented an enhanced greedy random search procedure, which is combined with path-relinking.
In order to improve the exploration of the search, they integrated the procedure with an
evolutionary local search algorithm.
Samarghandi (2015b, 2015c) proposed two GA algorithms for the Fm/no-wait, STsd/Cmax
problem with server side-constraint, i.e., not all machines have dedicated servers. He developed a
diversified local search sub-procedure to further improve the performances of the GA algorithms.

He performed a sensitivity analysis by utilizing ANOVA to fine tune the parameters of the

algorithms. He showed that the problem is NP-hard and that the proposed GA algorithms are
effective and efficient.
Lee and Jung (2005) provided a MIP formulation for the Fm/no-wait, STsd/Cmax problem

where there exists precedence constrains. They also proposed some heuristic algorithms for the
problem. On the other hand, Bianco et al. (1999) showed that the Fm/no-wait, rj, STsd/Cmax
problem is equivalent to the asymmetric traveling salesman problem with an additional

constraint. They proposed two lower bounds and two heuristics and evaluated the performances
of the bounds and heuristics on randomly generated data. Furthermore, França et al. (2006)
presented a hybrid GA algorithm for the same problem and showed that the hybrid GA is more
efficient. Their hybrid GA algorithm structures the population organized as a ternary tree and a
novel search scheme, called recursive arc insertion, is utilized.

4.2 Research on Cmax for FFm

Both Song et al. (2008) and Tao and Rongqiu (2006) proposed mathematical models and

presented heuristics while Tang and Song (2010) proposed a discrete PSO algorithm for the
FFm/no-wait/Cmax problem. Moreover, the process of production in bakeries was shown to be
modelled as FFm/no-wait by Hecker et al. (2013, 2014) where Hecker et al. (2013) proposed

evolutionary algorithms while Hecker et al. (2014) presented a modified GA algorithm, an ACO
algorithm, and random search procedures for the problem with respect to two performance
measures of Cmax and total machine idle time. Hecker et al. (2014) showed that the modified GA

algorithm improves the Cmax performance of the current practice by 9% while it improves the
total machine idle time by 23%. Furthermore, Naderi et al. (2014) proposed two MILP models
and presented a hunting search metaheuristic algorithm, which is based on a model of group

hunting of animals when searching for food, for the FFm/no-wait/Cmax problem.
Jolai et al. (2012) proposed an adapted ICA algorithm, a population based SA algorithm, and
a hybridization of both for the FFm/no-wait, STsd/Cmax problem. Moreover, Ramezani et al.
(2015) independently addressed the problem where the authors presented a hybridized heuristic

consisting of invasive weed optimization, VNS, and SA.

Ying et al. (2012) presented three metaheuristics, based on SA, GA, and IG algorithm, for the
FFm/no-wait, STsd,f/Cmax problem. They indicated that the metaheuristic, based on SA,
outperformed the metaheuristics based on GA and IG algorithms.

4.3 Results on Cj for Fm

Fm/no-wait/Cj is another problem that has been investigated extensively in the literature,
which is summarized in Table 4, and hence, not all the research on the problem is deliberated.
Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2004b) proposed six different versions of an insertion heuristic for


the problem and showed that their heuristics perform much better than the GA algorithm of Chen
et al. (1996). Moreover, Kumar et al. (2006) proposed a psycho-clonal algorithm, which
performs its search through somatic mutation, receptor editing, and balancing the exploitation of
the best solutions with the exploration of the search space. The authors showed that their
algorithm performs better than the best heuristic of Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2004b). Also,
Pan et al. (2008a) presented a PSO algorithm, which is hybridized with the variable
neighborhood descent algorithm to further improve the solution quality and where several speed-
up methods are proposed for both the swap and insert neighborhood structures. They showed that
their PSO algorithm performs better than that of Fink and Voß (2003). Framinan et al. (2010)
proposed a new constructive heuristic, which is based on an analogy with the two-machine

problem in choosing the candidate to be added in the partial schedule. The myopic behavior of

the heuristic is tempered by exploring the neighborhood of the obtained partial schedules. They
showed that their heuristic performs better than those of Bertolissi (2000), Fink and Voß (2003),
and Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2004b). On the other hand, Laha and Sapkal (2014) proposed a

constructive heuristic, which is based on the assumption that the priority of a job in the initial
sequence is given by the sum of its processing times on the bottleneck machines. The generated
initial sequence of jobs is further improved using a new job insertion technique. They showed

that showed that their algorithm performs better than those of Framinan et al. (2010) and
Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2004b). Moreover, Laha et al. (2014) proposed a penalty-shift
insertion algorithm, which is derived by using the Vogel’s approximation method used for the
classic transportation problem to generate an initial schedule. Next, a known solution is
enhanced using a forward shift heuristic. Then the solution is improved by using a job-pair and a
single-job insertion heuristic. They showed that their heuristic performs better than the heuristic
of Bertolissi (2000) and that of Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2014b). Deng et al. (2015) proposed
a co-evolutionary quantum GA algorithm where coding and decoding mechanism uses square

matrix to represent the quantum individual and adapts the quantum rotation gate to update the
quantum individual. Moreover, they use co-evolution strategy to enhance the evolutionary
pressure and accelerate the convergence. They show that their algorithm performs better than the

heuristics of Liu et al. (2007) and Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2003).

Yuan et al. (2013) proved the asymptotic optimality of the SPT rule and developed a new
lower bound for the Fm/no-wait/Cj problem. On the other hand, assuming a linear deteriorating

function with identical increasing ranges for all the jobs and some dominating relationships exist
between the machines, Ng et al. (2011) demonstrated that the problem is polynomially solvable.
Brown et al. (2004) showed that the Fm/no-wait, STsi/Cj problem reduces to the time-

dependent traveling salesman problem, and presented a polynomial heuristic along with non-
polynomial time solution methods. Moreover, Ruiz and Allahverdi (2007a) proposed five simple
and fast heuristics for the problem. They also proposed two stochastic local search algorithms
one of which was based on the ILS algorithm. They further provided a dominance relation for the

case of four machines and showed that their heuristics perform better than that of Brown et al.
(2004) and the ACO algorithm of Shyu et al. (2004), which was extended to the m machine case.
Furthermore, an evolutionary clustering search heuristic was proposed by Nagano et al. (2012)
for the problem where they indicated that the heuristic is efficient and performs better than the
best heuristic of Ruiz and Allahverdi (2007a). On the other hand, a constructive heuristic by
breaking the problem in quartets was presented by Nagano et al. (2015) for the Fm/ no-wait,
STsd/Cj problem.
Ren et al. (2014) presented a lower bound and conducted asymptotic analysis of some
algorithms for the Fm/no-wait, rj/Cj problem. On the other hand, Qian et al. (2011) addressed


the Fm/no-wait, rj, STsd/Cj problem and presented a hybrid DE algorithm, where a speed-up
evaluation method is incorporated along with the development of a problem dependent local
search for emphasizing exploitation. By extensive computational experiments, they showed that
the algorithm is robust and efficient. Furthermore, Qian et al. (2012) proposed a DE algorithm
with two more speed-up methods for the problem and showed that it performs better than the
algorithm of Qian et al. (2011).

4.4 Results on due date related performance measures for Fm/FFm

Wang et al. (2010a,b) developed properties to speed up operations in generating initial
solutions for the Fm/no-wait/Lmax problem. They proposed a TS algorithm, which incorporates

speed-up operations, and compared its performance with few other existing heuristics. On the

other hand, Ruiz and Allahverdi (2007b) presented several heuristics for the Fm/no-wait,
STsi/Lmax problem. They also presented four new efficient GA algorithms where the GA algorithm
uses steady-state and elitist generation scheme. They further provided a dominance relation for

the case of three machines.
Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2012a) provided some dispatching rules for the Fm/no-wait/Tj
problem. They proposed SA and GA algorithms by using the best performing dispatching rule as

initial solution. They further proposed enhanced versions of SA and GA algorithms and showed
that the enhanced version of the SA algorithm performs better. Moreover, Liu et al. (2013)
proposed different dispatching rules and constructive heuristics, including a modified NEH, for
the problem. They introduced a speed-up method to reduce computational time and showed that
the modified NEH performs the best among the dispatching rules and the constructive heuristics.
Furthermore, Ding et al. (2015b) addressed the problem and investigated the objective function
evaluation incremental properties. They proposed accelerated NEH and IG algorithms based on
the incremental properties. They showed that the accelerated algorithms perform much faster

than the original algorithms. They also showed that their algorithms perform better than those of
Liu et al. (2013) and Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2012a).
Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2015) studied the Fm/no-wait, STsi/Tj problem where they

presented some dispatching rules and used these rules as initial solutions for their proposed SA
and GA algorithms. Moreover, they proposed improved versions of SA and GA algorithms and
showed that the improved versions perform about 95% better than SA and GA algorithms. The

improved version of the GA algorithm performed better than the improved version of SA
The Fm/no-wait/Uj problem was addressed by Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2012b) where

they proposed several algorithms, based on SA algorithm. They showed that one of their
proposed algorithms, combined with an insertion algorithm, performs very well. On the other
hand, Hu et al. (2012) presented a DE algorithm for the Fm/no-wait, rj, STsd /Uj problem.
An MILP model was proposed by Arabameri and Salmasi (2013) for the Fm/ no-wait,

STsd/(wj1Ej+wj2Tj) problem. Furthermore, they presented PSO and TS algorithms. They showed
that the PSO algorithm performs better than the TS algorithm, especially, for large size problems.
Rabiee et al. (2016) presented a biogeography-based optimization algorithm for the FFm/no-
wait, STsd, rj/Tj problem with machine eligibility. Their proposed algorithm requires more
diversity to increase the capability of search in the first iteration and needs to apply a higher
intensification strategy in the last iteration in order to attain better solutions.

4.5 Other results for Fm/FFm


Wang (2007) and Wang and Xia (2006a, b) showed that the problems of Fm/no-wait/Cmax
and Fm/no-wait/wjCj with deteriorating jobs, i.e., the processing time is a decreasing function
of its execution starting time, have polynomial time algorithms. Wang and Xia (2005) also
showed that the problems with respect to Lmax, Tmax, and U are polynomially solvable under
certain cases.
Czogalla and Fink (2012) investigated the ruggedness of the landscape and correlation
between the distance and the quality of a solution to an optimal solution for no-wait flowshop
scheduling problem. They presented some observations and validated these observations by
using two evolutionary algorithms. On the other hand, Höhn et al. (2012) discussed a variant of
no-wait flowshop scheduling problem, which is motivated by continuous casting in the

multistage production process in steel manufacturing. The goal was to find a feasible schedule

with a minimum number of interruptions on the last stage. They established the complexity
status of particular cases.
Wang et al. (2006a) studied the no-wait flowshop scheduling problem with dominant

machines. They showed that the problem can be solved in polynomial time with respect to
minimizing discounted total weighted completion time for special cases.
Zhou and Gu (2009) addressed the Fm/no-wait problem with fuzzy job due dates. The

objective was to maximize a customer satisfaction function. They proposed hybrid algorithms,
which are based on GA algorithm, to solve the problem.
Spieksma and Woeginger (2005) showed that increasing the speed of some of the machines
for the Fm/no-wait/Cmax problem may actually worsen the objective function. On the other hand,
Chauvet et al. (2001) addressed the scheduling no-wait production with time windows and
flexible processing times. They proposed a low-complexity algorithm for on-line job scheduling
at work centers along a given route in a manufacturing system.
Gerstl et al. (2015) provided a polynomial time algorithm, based on dynamic programing,

with the objective of maximizing weighted number of just in time jobs for a proportionate m-
machine no-wait flowshop, which is a special case of m-machine no-wait flowshop.
Azizi et al. (2016) investigated the Fm/no-wait, STsd/Cmax problem with learning effect on

setup times where learning effect differs from one machine to another machine. They proposed
an MILP model and proved that the problem is NP-complete for the case of m=3. Therefore, they
proposed GA and SA algorithms to solve the problem.

Wang and Wu (2003) studied the Fm/no-wait, batch (P)/Cmax problem where batch sequence
dependent times exist in addition to batch transfer times. They presented an ACO algorithm
where the artificial ants iteratively construct feasible job batching and batch sequencing

solutions, guided by the pheromone distributed in the solution space.

Jolai et al. (2009b) addressed the FFm/no-wait problem with due windows with the
performance measure of total profit gained. They presented an MILP model and proposed a GA
algorithm where a heuristic mechanism is presented, which is used in each generation of the GA

algorithm to assure the feasibility and quality of the obtained solutions.

4.6 Multiple criteria research for Fm/FFm

Allahverdi and Aldowaisan (2002) addressed the Fm/no-wait/Fl (Cmax, Cj) problem where
they proposed an insertion heuristic for the problem. Furthermore, they also provided a
dominance relation and presented a B&B algorithm for the case of two machines. On the other
hand, Tan (2011) presented a discrete PSO algorithm, which utilizes VNS, for the problem.
Allahverdi and Aldowaisan (2004) proposed hybrid SA and GA algorithms for the Fm/no-
wait/Fl (Cmax, Lmax) problem and showed that the hybrid approach was efficient. They also


provided a dominance relation and proposed a B&B algorithm for the case of two machines. Ruiz
and Allahverdi (2009) also studied the problem and proposed several heuristics and local search
algorithms, based on GA and IG procedures. They showed that their heuristics perform much
better than the best performing algorithm of Allahverdi and Aldowaisan (2004). They also
proposed a dominance relation for the case of three machines.
Javadi et al. (2008) presented a fuzzy multi-objective linear programming model, with
piecewise linear membership functions, for the Fm/no-wait/Fl (wjCj, wjEj) problem. On the
other hand, Jenabi et al. (2010) presented two MILP models and a multi-objective ILS algorithm,
equipped with three types of local search engine, for the Fm/no-wait/Fl (Cmax, Tj) problem.
Naderi-Beni et al. (2012) proposed an MILP model and presented a two-phase fuzzy

programming approach to solve the Fm/no-wait, rj, STsd/Fl (Cmax, Tj) problem where sequence

independent removal times also exist. On the other hand, Khalili and Naderi (2015) presented an
MILP model for the FFm/no-wait, STsd/Fl (Cmax, Tj) problem. They also presented a bi-
objective ICA for the problem where the algorithm employs three advanced mechanisms of

imperialist, which are behavior, completion, and independence.
Huang et al. (2015) presented an improved ACO algorithm for the FF2/no-wait, STsi/ Fl
(w1Ej, w2Tj) problem. The improved ACO was shown to be more effective and robust than the
Tavakkoli-Moghaddam et al. (2007) proposed a hybrid multi objective algorithm, based on a
biological immune system and bacterial optimization, while Tavakkoli-Moghaddam et al. (2008)
presented an immune algorithm for the Fm/no-wait/ #(wjCj, wjTj) problem. They compared
the performance of their proposed algorithm with five other multi objective algorithms and
indicated that their proposed algorithm outperforms the others. On the other hand, Rahimi-
Vahedi et al. (2008) proposed a new multi-objective scatter search algorithm for finding the
locally Pareto-optimal frontier of the problem.

Aydilek and Allahverdi (2012) proposed several algorithms including an SA algorithm, a

modified SA algorithm, and combinations of both, for the Fm/no-wait/ε(Cmax/Cj) problem.
They indicated that one of the combined algorithms performs very well. Moreover, Aydilek and

Allahverdi (2013) presented two enhanced versions of SA algorithms and showed that one of
their algorithms reduces the error of best algorithm of Aydilek and Allahverdi (2012) by 70%
with a 30% less CPU time. On the other hand, Allahverdi and Aydilek (2013) provided different
versions of an insertion algorithm and a GA algorithm for the Fm/no-wait/ε(Cj/Cmax) problem.

They showed that one version of the insertion algorithm performs better. They also established a
dominance relation for the four machine case. Furthermore, Allahverdi and Aydilek (2014)
investigated the Fm/no-wait, STsi/ε(Cj/Cmax) and proposed an insertion algorithm, two versions

of GA algorithm, three versions of SA algorithm, and a DEA. They showed that one version of
the SA algorithm performs better than the rest of the algorithms. They also showed that that
version of the SA algorithm reduces the error of the best algorithm of Allahverdi and Aydilek

(2013) by 90% when setup times were zero.

Pan et al. (2008c) presented a multi-objective PSO algorithm for the Fm/no-wait/#(Cmax,
Tmax) problem and showed that their algorithm performs better than the multi-objective hybrid
differential evolution algorithm. Pan et al. (2009) also considered the problem and proposed a
discrete DE algorithm for the problem. On the other hand, Qian et al. (2009c) proposed an MA
algorithm, which is based on DE, for the problem.
Liao et al. (2008a, b) proposed an evolutionary algorithm for the Fm/no-wait/#(Cmax, Cj)
problem. The algorithm makes use of non-dominated sorting strategies to class population
individuals into Pareto fronts in order to improve searching efficiency. Moreover, two local


search procedures were utilized in order to improve searching effectiveness. Liu et al. (2008b)
investigated the same problem and offered a hybrid GA algorithm, which makes use of the
principle of non-dominated sorting, coupled with the use of elitist solutions strategy.
Pan et al. (2011) presented an enhanced shuffled frog-leaping algorithm for the Fm/no-
wait/#(Cmax, Tmax, Cj) problem. They showed that the algorithm is effective and efficient based
on the computational analysis. On the other hand, Xie and Li (2012) proposed an evolved
discrete harmony search algorithm. In their algorithm, a job-permutation-based encoding scheme
is applied and a new method is presented to generate new solutions, while an efficient approach
is established to update the archive set of the non-dominated solutions during the search process.
Nagano and Araujo (2014) proposed two new constructive heuristics for the Fm/no-wait,

STsd problem to minimize Cmax and total flowtime. One heuristic is based on structural property

to minimize Cmax while the other heuristic breaks the problem in quartets to minimize total
Khalili (2014) proposed an MILP model for the FFm/no-wait /# (Cmax, Tj) problem. He

also presented a multi-objective EM algorithm, which is a flexible and effective population-
based algorithm utilizing an attraction/repulsion mechanism to move the particles towards
optimality. On the other hand, in the presence of setup times, Asefi et al. (2014) proposed a
hybrid metaheuristic for the FFm/no-wait, STsd /#(Cmax, Tj) problem where they compared their
metaheuristic with a recent multi-objective heuristic in the literature. Moreover, Khalili (2012)
proposed a multi-objective EM algorithm for the problem but where there exist transportation
times between different stages of the no-wait flowshop.
5. No-wait job shop and no-wait open shop problems
The results for no-wait job shop and no-wait open shop scheduling problems are
summarized in this section. Job shop results are presented in section 5.1 while the results for

open shop are deliberated in section 5.2. Table 6 summarizes the results for both shops where
mainly the Cmax performance measure has been investigated. The table is organized by shop type
first, then by the number of stages, next by the setup type, and finally by the criterion.

The no-wait job shop and the no-wait open shop problems are shown to be NP-hard even if
each job consists of only two operations and there are only two stages, e.g., see Sviridenko
(2003). The complexities of different no-wait job shop and no-wait open shop problems are

provided by Hall and Sriskandarajah (1996). The complexities of the new problems, if known,
are stated.

5.1. No-wait job shop

Woeginger (2004) showed that the J2/no-wait/Cmax problem is NP-hard with at most five
operations while the J3/no-wait/Cmax problem is NP-hard with at most three operations.
Moreover, Lennartz (2003) provided the relationship between the Traveling Salesman Problem

and special cases of the no-wait job shop problem.

Koulamas and Panwalkar (2016) showed that the J2/no-wait/Cmax problem is solvable in O(n
long n) time when each job has the same operation time on both machines, which is called
proportionate job shop. They also indicated that the problem is NP-hard when some jobs visit
only one of the machines. Furthermore, they showed that, when missing operations are on the
same machine, the problem with missing operations become solvable in O(n long n) time.
Liaw (2008) presented a two-phase heuristic for the J2/no-wait/Cmax problem where the
problem is transformed into the two-machine flowshop problem in the first phase while, in the
second phase, a TS algorithm is used to improve the solution obtained in the first phase. He


showed by the computational experiments that the heuristic performs well by comparing its
performance to the optimal solution and a lower bound. Furthermore, Mokhtari (2014) proposed
a method, which is a combination of an artificial neuro-evolutionary network and VNS for the
same problem. The objective of the method is to utilize the key characteristics of the two
approaches to achieve better solutions. On the other hand, Samarghandi and Elmekkawy (2013)
developed a mathematical model and proposed a GA algorithm for the J2/no-wait, STsi/Cmax
Kravchenko (1998) provided a polynomial time algorithm for the J2/no-wait/Cj problem
where each job is a chain of unit processing time operations, which are processed alternatively
on the two machines.

Bansal et al. (2005) showed that the Jm/no-wait/Cmax problem is NP-hard for the case when

each job has three or more operations. On the other hand, they showed that if each job has at
most two operations, the problem admits a polynomial time approximation scheme if the number
of machines is constant. AitZai et al. (2015) proposed a B&B algorithm where they defined a

new method of branching for the Jm/no-wait/Cmax problem and proposed a PSO algorithm. On
the other hand, Vermeulen et al. (2011) presented exact solution methods using integer linear
programming and a combination of binary search with constraint programming for the problem.

One more problem that has been investigated extensively in the literature is Jm/no-
wait/Cmax, which is summarized in Table 6, and thus, not all the research on the problem is
discussed. Mascis and Pacciarelli (2002) formulated the problem by using alternative graphs
where they presented fast heuristics and indicated that a key property used in most TS algorithms
for the regular job shop problems is not valid for the no-wait environments. Ahani and Asyabani
(2014) proposed a TS algorithm to resolve the problem identified by Mascis and Pacciarelli
(2002). Furthermore, Framinan and Schuster (2006) proposed a metaheuristic, called complete
local search with memory, by integrating a new timetabling procedure for the problem. Besides,

Pan and Huang (2009) proposed a hybrid GA, where a section of genes from a chromosome is
cut and treated as a sub-problem. This sub-problem is then transformed into an asymmetric
traveling salesman problem, which is solved by a heuristic algorithm. Next, this section with new

sequence is put back to substitute the original section of chromosome. They showed that the
hybrid GA algorithm outperforms the heuristics of Mascis and Pacciarelli (2002). Moreover,
Bozejko and Makuchowski (2011) presented a GA with automatic adjustment. The automated

adjustment of the mutation’s probability of designating individuals undergo mutation, and

automatic scaling of the fitness function value takes place during the run of the algorithm. They
showed that the GA with automatic adjustment outperforms the hybrid algorithm of Schuster and

Framinan (2003). Furthermore, Zhu and Li (2012) presented a modified complete local search
memory algorithm where an efficient Shift Penalty-Based Timetabling method is proposed, that
constructs two preliminary timetables from time difference-based sets and improves them by an
investigated timetable tightening method. Next, a modified complete local search with memory

is presented for the sequencing problem. They showed that their algorithm performs better than
those of Framinan and Schuster (2006) and Zhu et al. (2009a). Further, Li et al. (2015) proposed
a new local search method, based on memory and variable neighborhood structure along with a
new local search method, and showed that their method outperforms the algorithm of Zhu et al.
(2009a). On the other hand, Sundar et al. (2015) presented a hybrid artificial bee colony
algorithm, which coordinates different components of the algorithm such as solution initiation,
selection and determination of a neighboring solution with a local search in order to attain high
quality solutions. They showed that the hybrid algorithm performs better than those of Zhu et al.
(2009a) and Zhu and Li (2012).


Chang et al. (2008) proposed a real-time (on line) scheduling algorithm, which utilizes
resources efficiently while controlling the WIP level, for the Jm/no-wait/Cmax. On the other hand,
Bürgy and Gröflin (2013) presented an efficient algorithm for the Jm/no-wait, STsd/Cmax problem
They also proposed a heuristic, based on job insertion, and showed that the heuristic performs
well based on current benchmarks.
Sundar et al. (2013) proposed an artificial bee colony algorithm and investigated its
performance on standard benchmark instances for the FJm/no-wait/Cmax problem. On the other
hand, Raaymakers and Hoogeveen (2000) proposed an SA algorithm for the FJm/no-wait/Cmax
problem where there might be overlapping operations.

5.2. No-wait open shop

Giaro (2001) investigated the complexity of some simplified scheduling problems for no-
wait open shops. He showed that even the two-machine problem is NP-hard. He further showed
that the problem is NP-hard if the scheduling graph of a system is a path or a cycle.

Sidney and Sriskandarajah (1999) proposed a heuristic algorithm and analyzed its
complexity and worst-case performance measure for the O2/no-wait/Cmax problem. Moreover,
Liaw et al. (2005) presented few dominance rules and proposed a B&B algorithm for the

problem. They also presented a two-phase heuristic for the problem. Furthermore, Panwalkar and
Koulamas (2014) showed that, under certain cases, the O2/no-wait/Cmax problem can be reduced
to the traveling salesman problem which can be solved in O(n log n) time.
Naderi and Zandieh (2014) provided three mixed integer linear formulations for the Om/no-
wait/Cmax problem. The formulations can be used to solve the problem optimally for small size
problems. For large size problems, they proposed a metaheuristic, which is based on GA and
VNS algorithms. Furthermore, Lin et al. (2008) presented a two-stage heuristic for the Om/no-
wait problem with the objective of minimizing total occupational time of the m processing

stages, or equivalently minimizing the social costs, with movable dedicated machines. This
scheduling problem is related to the road construction works that include laying pipes for phone,
gas, and water.

6. Conclusions
Scheduling with no-wait constraint is applicable in industries such as plastic, chemical, and

pharmaceutical. Making the right scheduling decisions, in such environments, is important in

order to increase productivity and eliminate waste. Therefore, the research interest in scheduling
problems with no-wait constraint has been growing. This paper is the second survey paper

providing analysis and an extensive review of more than 300 papers that appeared since the mid-
1993 to the beginning of 2016. This paper classifies scheduling problems with no-wait
constraint, based on shop type environments, performance measures, setup types, and others.
Moreover, some potential research venues are proposed.

Some papers have independently investigated the same problem. For example, the problems
Fm/no-wait/Cmax and Fm/no-wait/Cj were addressed by about 15 papers and their results have
not been compared. Such problems have been determined and summarized in Table 7 for
researchers for convenience. Since the solution methodologies proposed in these papers have not
been compared, this is a direction of research for those researchers willing to conduct research on
scheduling problems with no-wait constraint. The first column in Table 7 denotes the addressed
problem. The third column in the table indicates the methodology utilized while the second
column shows the references addressing the problem. For example, the FFm/no-wait/Cmax
problem was independently investigated by Hecker et al. (2014) and Naderi et al. (2014). Hecker


et al. (2014) proposed a modified GA algorithm while Naderi et al. (2014) presented a hunting
search metaheuristic for the same problem. Hence, the modified GA algorithm of Hecker et al.
(2014) should be compared with the hunting search metaheuristic of Naderi et al. (2014). Many
such problems are presented in Table 7.
The vast majority of research addressed job completion time related performance measures,
i.e., Cmax and Cj. More than 50% of papers addressed the Cmax performance measure while
about 25% of the papers addressed the Cj performance measure. Moreover, mainly the Cmax
performance measure was addressed for job shop and open shop environments. Thus, more
research is needed for other performance measures, i.e., other than Cmax, in these two
environments. Moreover, it should be noted that on time delivery of products is very important in

the current competitive work environments. However, job due date related performance

measures are only addressed in about 8% of the papers. Therefore, more research on scheduling
problems with due date related performance measures is needed.
Scheduling problems addressing more than a single criterion, i.e., multiple criteria constitute

about 10% of the papers. However, many real life scheduling problems require multiple criteria.
Therefore, there exists a need to address more scheduling problems with multiple criteria.
Moreover, the existing results with multiple criteria are for flowshop environments and no result

exists for job shop or open shop environments. Hence, job shop or open shop scheduling
problems with multiple criteria are venues for new research.
The concept of past-sequence-dependent setup times was introduced by Koulamas and
Kyparisis (2008) where the setup time is defined to be dependent on the jobs that have already
been scheduled. More specifically, the setup time of a job is proportionate to the sum of
processing times of the jobs already scheduled. Research, on scheduling problems with past-
sequence-dependent setup times, is limited to the environments of single machine or regular
flowshops, e.g., Soroush (2014, 2015). Therefore, another research area to consider is the past-

sequence-dependent setup times for scheduling problems with no-wait constraint.

7. Acknowledgements

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to three referees for their comprehensive review of
the long paper and for the exceptional comments, which significantly improved the quality and
presentation of the paper. This research was supported and funded by Kuwait University

Research Grant No. EI02/14.



Table 3: Summary of the research on two/three machine no-wait flowshop scheduling problems
Criterion F/ Setup # of Approach Comments Reference

FF type stages
Cmax F ZS 2 Heuristics rj, machine availability constraint Ben Chihaoui et al. (2009)
2 Lower and upper bounds, B&B rj, machine availability constraint Ben Chihaoui et al. (2011)

2 An algorithm and its complexity analysis Chen and Wang (2013)
2 A Polynomial approximation algorithm Machine availability constraint Cheng and Liu (2003a)
2 3/2-approximation algorithm Machine availability constraint Cheng and Liu (2003b)
2 Heuristic algorithms Machine availability constraint Espinouse et al. (1999)
2 Complexity analysis Machine availability constraint Espinouse et al. (2001)
2 A heuristic with worst-case ratio of 4/3 Jobs with missing operations Glass et al. (1999)

2, 3
An algorithm with worst-case ratio of 3/2
Polynomial time approximation scheme
Problem is reduced to traveling salesman
A non-availability interval
Machine maintenance

Removal times also separate from

processing times
Kubzin and Strusevich (2004)
Kubzin and Strusevich (2005)
Wang et al. (2006b)
Gupta et al. (1997)
2 A heuristic algorithm and its worst-case Setup times on the second machine consist Sidney et al. (2000)
performance of two parts
2 A hybrid algorithm consisting of VNS and Setups are conducted by a single server Samarghandi and ElMekkawy (2011)
FF ZS 2 An algorithm based on neural network and Shafaei et al. (2011)
fuzzy theory

2 Integer programming model, discrete PSO Song and Tang (2008)

2 GA Wang and Liu (2013)
2 Lower bounds, B&B Wang et al. (2015b)
2 Mathematical model Wu and Chen (2006)
2 A heuristic algorithm Xie et al. (2004)

2, 3 Polynomial time algorithms Cheng et al. (2000)

2 TS, PSO Ghaleb et al. (2015)
2 A greedy heuristic A single machine in either stage Liu et al. (2003)
STsd 2 A hybrid algorithm based on ICA Rabiee et al. (2014)
Cj F ZS 2 ICA Jobs might have rework Rabiee et al. (2012)

STsi 2 Dominance relation, heuristic Optimal solutions for special cases Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (1998)
2 Dominance relation, B&B Aldowaisan (2001)
2 An algorithm Removal times are also separate, optimal Chang and Shao (2005)
properties are analyzed
2 A heuristic, B&B Setups are conducted by a single server Su and Lee (2008)

3 Dominance relation, block insertion Removal times also separate Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2004a)
3 Dominance relation, insertion heuristics Optimal solutions for special cases Allahverdi and Aldowaisan (2000)
3 Heuristics An optimal property is provided Chang and Shao (2006)

STsd 2 Dominance relation, insertion heuristics Optimal solutions for special cases Allahverdi and Aldowaisan (2001)
FF STsi 2 An optimal algorithm with O(n log n) time Unit processing times Guirchoun et al. (2005)

2 ACO Unit setup times Huang et al. (2009)
2 GA, adaptive ICA Unit setup times Moradinasab et al. (2013)
Lmax STsi 2 Dominance relations Dileepan (2004)

2 Dominance relation, B&B Removal times also separate, optimal Fondrevelle et al. (2005)
solutions for special cases
STsi,f 2 GA Pang (2013)
2 Dominance relations, heuristic algorithm Wang and Cheng (2006)
Tj FF ZS 2 PSO, ICA Moradinasab et al. (2012)

Criterion F/
Approach US
Table 4: Summary of the research on m-machine no-wait flowshop scheduling problems with single criterion
Comments Reference Better than
P1 Cmax F ZS A hybrid algorithm which is a combination of Akrout et al. (2013) P12, P14, P32, P42,
GRASP and DE (1*)
P2 Heuristics based on SA and GA Improved SA and GA Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2003) P9, P24
P3 Quantum based PSO Chang et al. (2010)
P4 GA rj Chaudhry and Khan (2012) P24
P5 A discrete self-organizing migrating algorithm Davendra et al. (2013) (1*)

P6 A tabu mechanism improved greedy algorithm Ding et al. (2014, 2015a) P14, P32, P35, P36,
P42, (1*)
P7 An algorithm based on adaptive learning Engin and Günaydin (2011) P2, (1*)
P8 A heuristic Framinan and Nagano (2008) P24, (1*)

P9 An insertion heuristic Gangadharan and Rajendran (1993)

P10 A discrete harmony search algorithm Gao et al. (2011a) (1*)
P11 Hybrid GA Gonzalez et al. (1995) (1*)
P12 A descending search algorithm, TS Grabowski and Pempera (2005)
P13 A constructive heuristic Hong and Pang (2009)

P14 A hybrid GA Jarboui et al. (2011) P12, P32

P15 Lower bounds, solvable cases New network Kalczynski and Kamburowski (2007)
P16 Decomposition method based on fuzzy logic Macchiaroli et al. (1996)
P17 TS Macchiaroli et al. (1999) (1*)

P18 A constructive heuristic Laha and Chakraborty (2009) P2, P9, P24, (1*)
P19 A composite heuristic Li and Wu (2008) P2, (1*)
P20 A composite heuristic Li et al. (2006, 2008) P2, (1*)
P21 Hybrid PSO Liu et al. (2007)


P22 Hybrid PSO Processing times are Liu et al. (2006, 2008a)
random variables

P23 Polynomial solution Deteriorating jobs Ng et al. (2011)
P24 An insertion heuristic Rajendran (1994)
P25 Hybridization of ACO and local search Riyanto and Santosa (2015) P36, (1*)
P26 PSO dj Samarghandi (2015a)

P27 Polynomial time approximation scheme Sviridenko (2003)
P28 Polynomial time approximation scheme Sviridenko and Woeginger (2000)
P29 VNS Pan and Zhu (2006) P12
P30 PSO Pan et al. (2005)
P31 ACO Pan et al. (2007)
Upper bounds Taillard's benchmark suite
Hybrid PSO
An improved IG algorithm
Hybrid DE algorithm
US Pan et al. (2008a)
Pan et al. (2008b)
Pan et al. (2008d)
Pan et al. (2008e)
Qian et al. (2009a)

P21, P30, (1*)

P37 Hybrid DE algorithm Dynamic job arrivals Qian et al. (2009b)
P38 Hybrid tabu search Samarghandi and Elmekkawy(2012a) P21, (1*)
P39 Discrete PSO Song and Tang (2010)
P40 An iterative neighborhood search algorithm Song et al. (2011)
P41 Polynomial solution Deteriorating jobs and Sun et al. (2012)
dominated machines

P42 Hybrid GA Tseng and Lin (2010) P12, P21

P43 Fast ILS Wang (2014) P12, P32, (1*)
P44 ILS Wang et al. (2008) P32, (1*)
P45 A hybrid intelligence algorithm Wang et al. (2013)
P46 Distribution algorithms Wu et al. (2011)

P47 An integrated scheduling algorithm Xie et al. (2013)

P48 PSO Zhang and Chen (2014)
P49 Hybrid quantum-inspired evolutionary Zheng and Yamashiro (2010)
P50 Hybrid GA Zhu et al. (2011b) P2, (1*)

P51 STsi PSO, GA Samarghandi and Elmekkawy(2012b) (2*)

P52 Polynomial and non-polynomial heuristics Brown et al. (2004) (2*)
P53 STsd A new constructive heuristic Araújo and Nagano (2011)
P54 Lower bounds, heuristics rj Bianco et al. (1999)
P55 Constructive heuristic Daniella and Marcelo (2010, 2011)

P56 Hybrid GA rj França et al. (2006)

P57 MIP, heuristic algorithms Precedence constraints Lee and Jung (2005)
P58 Hybrid evolutionary cluster search Nagano et al. (2014) (3*)


P59 GA Server-side constraint Samarghandi (2015b, 2015c)
P60 PSO Samarghandi and Elmekkawy (2014) (3*)

P61 IG algorithm Xu et al. (2012) P55, (3*)
P62 Iterative algorithm, iterative algorithm with Zhu et al. (2013a) P53, (3*)
local search
P63 An adaptive intelligent method Zhu et al. (2013b) P53, (3*)

P64 Hybrid greedy algorithm Zhuang et al. (2014) (3*)
P65 FF ZS Evolutionary algorithms Hecker et al. (2013)
P66 Modified GA, ACO, random search Hecker et al. (2014) (4*)
P67 Mathematical model, heuristic Song et al. (2008)
P68 Mathematical model, heuristic Tao and Rongqiu (2006)

P71 STsd
Discrete PSO
MILP, a hunting search metaheuristic
Adapted ICA, population based SA,
combination of both
US Tang and Song (2010)
Naderi et al. (2014)

Jolai et al. (2012)


P72 A hybridized heuristic consisting of invasive Ramezani et al. (2015) (5*)
weed optimization, VNS, and SA
P73 STsd,f Metaheuristics based on SA, GA, and Ying et al. (2012)
integrated greedy
P74 Cj F ZS PSO based MA Akhshabi et al. (2014) P79
P75 An insertion heuristic Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2004b) P79

P76 A heuristic Bertolissi (2000)

P77 GA Chang and Gong (2007) P75, (6*)
P78 GA Chaudry et al. (2014) P75, P84-87, (6*)
P79 GA Chen et al. (1996)
P80 PSO Czogalla and Fink (2008, 2009) P82, (6*)

P81 A hybrid evolutionary algorithm Filho et al. (2007) P82, P96, (6*)
P82 Different metaheuristics including SA and TS Fink and Voß (2003)
P83 A constructive heuristic Framinan et al. (2010) P75, P76, P82
P84 A harmony search algorithm Gao et al. (2010)

P85 A discrete harmony search algorithm Gao et al. (2011b)

P86 A hybrid harmony search algorithm Gao et al. (2012)
P87 Composite heuristics Gao et al. (2013a)
P88 A migrating birds optimization algorithm Gao et al. (2013b) P87, (6*)

P89 A psycho-clonal algorithm Kumar et al. (2006) P75, (6*)

P90 A constructive heuristic Laha and Sapkal (2011) P76, (6*)
P91 A constructive heuristic Laha and Sapkal (2014) P75, P83, (6*)
P92 A penalty-shift insertion algorithm Laha et al. (2014) P75, P76, (6*)

P93 A composite heuristic algorithm Li and Zhu (2013)
P94 Orthogonal GA Liao (2009)

P95 Polynomial solution Deteriorating jobs Ng et al. (2011)
P96 PSO Pan et al. (2008a) P82
P97 Hybrid algorithm based on TS Qi and Qiu (2008)

P98 Lower bound, asymptotic analysis rj Ren et al. (2014)
P99 A heuristic Sapkal and Laha (2011a)
P100 A heuristic Sapkal and Laha (2011b)
P101 A heuristic based on Vogel’s approximation Sapkal and Laha (2012)
P102 A constructive heuristic Sapkal and Laha (2013) P76, (6*)
A discrete harmony search algorithm
A heuristic
A discrete DE algorithm
A hybrid GA and VNS algorithm
A new lower bound
US Sun and Dong (2014)
Sun et al. (2011)
Tasgetiren et al. (2007)
Yang et al. (2008)
Yuan et al. (2013)

P82, (6*)
P82, (6*)
P108 An artificial immune algorithm Zhao and Tang (2010)
P109 A hybrid heuristic Zhu et al. (2007) P75, P76
P110 Hybrid GA Zhu et al. (2008a) P75, P82, (6*)
P111 A hybrid heuristic Zhu et al. (2008b) P75, P76, (6*)
P112 An IG algorithm Zhu et al. (2009b)
P113 An evolutionary algorithm Zhu et al. (2011a) P75, P82, P96, (6*)

P114 STsi Polynomial and non-polynomial heuristics Brown et al. (2004)

P115 An evolutionary clustering search heuristic Nagano et al. (2012) P116
P116 Dominance relation, heuristics, stochastic Dominance relation for Ruiz and Allahverdi (2007a) P114
local search algorithm the case m=4

P117 STsd A new constructive heuristic Nagano et al. (2015)

P118 Hybrid DE rj Qian et al. (2011)
P119 DE algorithm with two speed-up methods rj Qian et al. (2012) P118
P120 Lmax F ZS TS Properties to speed up Wang et al. (2010a,b)

P121 STsi Heuristics, GA, dominance relation Dominance relation for Ruiz and Allahverdi (2007b)
the case m=3
P122 Tj F ZS SA, GA, enhanced SA, enhanced GA Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2012a)
P123 Accelerated NEH and IG algorithms Ding et al. (2015b) P122, P124

P124 Dispatching rules, constructive heuristics, Liu et al. (2013)

modified NEH
P125 STsi Dispatching rules, SA, GA, improved versions Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2015)
of SA and GA


P126 U j F ZS Heuristics based on SA and insertion Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (2012b)
P127 STsd DE algorithm rj Hu et al. (2012)

Table 5: Summary of the research on m-machine no-wait flowshop scheduling problems with multi-criteria
Criteria F/ Setup Approach Comments Reference

FF type
Fl (Cmax, Cj) F ZS Dominance relation, B&B, insertion heuristic Dominance relation, B&B, and optimal Allahverdi and Aldowaisan (2002)
solutions for special cases when m=2
A discrete PSO Tan (2011)
Fl (Cmax, Lmax) Hybrid SA, hybrid GA, dominance relation, Dominance relation and B&B for m=2 Allahverdi and Aldowaisan (2004)

Fl (Cmax, Tj)
Fl (wjCj,
Heuristics, local search algorithms based on GA
and IG procedure
MILP, multi-objective ILS
A fuzzy multi-objective linear programming
Dominance relation for the case m=3 Ruiz and Allahverdi (2009)

Jenabi et al. (2010)

Javadi et al. (2008)
(wjEj) model
ε(Cmax/Cj) SA, modified SA, combination of both Aydilek and Allahverdi (2012)
Enhanced versions of SA Aydilek and Allahverdi (2013)
ε(Cj/Cmax) Different versions of insertion algorithm, GA Dominance relation for the case m=4 Allahverdi and Aydilek (2013)
# (Cmax, Tmax) Multi-objective PSO Pan et al. (2008c)
Discrete DE algorithm Pan et al. (2009)

# (Cmax, Cj) An evolutionary algorithm Liao et al. (2008a)

A hybrid evolutionary algorithm Liao et al. (2008b)
Hybrid GA Liu et al. (2008b)
# (Cmax, Tmax, An enhanced shuffled frog-leaping algorithm Pan et al. (2011)

An evolved discrete harmony search algorithm Xie and Li (2012)

# (wjCj, wjTj) A multi-objective scatter search algorithm Rahimi-Vahedi et al. (2008)
A hybrid multi objective algorithm Tavakkoli-Moghaddam et al. (2007)
An immune algorithm Tavakkoli-Moghaddam et al. (2008)
ε(Cj/Cmax) STsi An insertion algorithm, SA, GA, DEA Allahverdi and Aydilek (2014)

(Ej+Tj) STsd TS, PSO Arabameri and Salmasi (2013)

Fl (Cmax, Tj) MILP, fuzzy programming rj, Removal times are also separate Naderi-Beni et al. (2012)
# (Cmax, Tj) FF ZS A multi-objective EM algorithm Transportation times Khalili (2012)
MILP, multi-objective EM algorithm Khalili (2014)

STsd A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm Asefi et al. (2014)

Fl (Cmax, Tj) STsd MILP, a bi-objective ICA Khalili and Naderi (2015)


Table 6: Summary of the research on no-wait job shop and open shop scheduling problems
Shop # of Setup Criterion Approach (comments) Reference

type stages type
J 2 ZS Cmax Complexity analysis (proportionate job shop) Koulamas and Panwalkar (2016)
A heuristic, TS Liaw (2008)

A neuro-evolutionary algorithm Mokhtari (2014)
Cj A polynomial time algorithm (each job a chain of unit processing time) Kravchenko (1998)
STsi Cmax Mathematical model, GA Samarghandi and Elmekkawy (2013)
2, 3 ZS Cmax Analysis of complexity of the problems Woeginger (2004)
m ZS Cmax TS Ahani and Asyabani (2014)
B&B algorithm AitZai et al. (2015)

Hybrid TS
A distribution algorithm
Analysis of complexity of the problem

A complete local search with memory algorithm

Bansal et al. (2005)
Bozejko and Makuchowski (2009)
Bozejko and Makuchowski (2011)
Chen et al. (2014)
Framinan and Schuster (2006)
Disjunctive graph approach Gröflin and Klinkert (2007)
Relationship between the problem and traveling salesman problem Lennartz (2003)
A new local search method Li et al. (2015)
Problem formulation, heuristics, TS Mascis and Pacciarelli (2002)
A metaheuristic Meloni et al. (2004)
Two-phase GA (with controllable processing times) Mokhtari (2011)

Hybrid GA Pan and Huang (2009)

TS, hybrid TS, hybrid TS and PSO Samarghandi et al. (2013)
Analysis of complexity of the problem, TS Schuster (2006)
VNS, hybrid algorithm using GA and SA Schuster and Framinan (2003)

A hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm. Sundar et al. (2015)

Integer linear programming, binary search Vermeulen et al. (2011)
Modified local search with memory algorithm Zhu and Li (2012)
Complete local search with limited memory algorithm Zhu et al. (2009a)
Resource level, WIP An algorithm (on line scheduling) Chang et al. (2008)
STsd Cmax A heuristic Bürgy and Gröflin (2013)

FJ m ZS Cmax SA (overlapping operations) Raaymakers and Hoogeveen (2000)

Artificial bee colony algorithm Sundar et al. (2013)
O 2 ZS Cmax Dominance rules, B&B algorithm, heuristic Liaw et al. (2005)
Connection to traveling salesman problem Panwalkar and Koulamas (2014)
Heuristic, worst case performance analysis Sidney and Sriskandarajah (1999)

m ZS Occupational time A two-stage heuristic Lin et al. (2008)

Cmax Mixed integer linear formulation, metaheuristic based on GA and VNS Naderi and Zandieh (2014)
Analysis of complexity of the problem Giaro (2001)


Table 7: Independently addressed problems

Problem References Methodology
Fm/no-wait/Cmax Riyanto and Santosa (2015) Hybridization of ACO algorithm with local search
Akrout et al. (2013) A hybrid algorithm, which combines GRASP with
DE algorithm
Davendra et al. (2013) A discrete self-organizing migrating algorithm
Wang (2014) Fast ILS algorithm
Wang et al. (2008) ILS algorithm
Macchiaroli et al. (1999) TS algorithm

Gonzalez et al. (1995) Hybrid GA
Gao et al. (2011) A discrete harmony search algorithm

Engin and Günaydin (2011) An algorithm based on adaptive learning approach
Laha and Chakraborty (2009) A constructive heuristic

Zhu et al. (2011b) Hybrid GA
Framinan and Nagano (2008) A heuristic
Pan et al. (2008d) Hybrid PSO

Li and Wu (2008) A composite heuristic
Li et al. (2008) A composite heuristic
Lin and Ying (2016) A heuristic consisting of three phases
Fm/no-wait, STsi/Cmax Brown et al. (2004) A polynomial heuristic
Samarghandi and Elmekkawy (2012b) Hybrid GA and PSO algorithm
Fm/no-wait, STsd/Cmax Zhuang et al. (2014) A hybrid greedy algorithm
Samarghandi and Elmekkawy (2014) PSO algorithm
Nagano et al. (2014) A hybrid evolutionary cluster search metaheuristic

Zhu et al. (2013a) An iterated algorithm

Zhu et al. (20113b) A adaptive intelligent method
Xu et al. (2012) An IG algorithm

FFm/no-wait/Cmax Hecker et al. (2014) Modified GA algorithm

Naderi et al. (2014) A hunting search metaheuristic
FFm/no-wait, STsd/Cmax Jolai et al. (2012) Hybridized algorithm of ICA and SA
Ramezani et al. (2015) Hybridized algorithm of VNS, SA, and invasive weed

Fm/no-wait/Cj Tasgetiren et al. (2007) Discrete DE algorithm
Kumar et al. (2006) A psycho-clonal algorithm
Chang and Gong (2007) GA algorithm

Filho et al. (2007) A hybrid evolutionary algorithm

Yang et al. (2008) Hybrid GA and VNS algorithm
Czogalla and Fink (2008) PSO algorithm
Zhu et al. (2008a) Hybrid GA algorithm

Zhu et al. (2008b) A hybrid heuristic

Zhu et al. (2011a) An evolutionary algorithm
Sapkal and Laha (2013) A constructive heuristic
Gao et al. (2013b) A migrating birds optimization algorithm
Laha and Sapkal (2011, 2014) A constructive heuristic
Laha et al. (2014) A penalty-shift insertion algorithm
Chaudry et al. (2014) GA algorithm
Fm/no-wait/Fl (Cmax, Cj) Allahverdi and Aldowaisan (2002) An insertion heuristic
Tan (2011) PSO algorithm
Fm/no-wait/ #(wjCj, wjTj) Tavakkoli-Moghaddam et al. (2007) A hybrid algorithm
Tavakkoli-Moghaddam et al. (2008) An immune algorithm

Rahimi-Vahedi et al. (2008) A scatter search algorithm

Fm/no-wait/#(Cmax, Tmax) Pan et al. (2008c) PSO algorithm
Pan et al. (2009) DE algorithm
Qian et al. (2009c) MA algorithm
Fm/no-wait/#(Cmax, Cj) Liao et al. (2008b) A hybrid evolutionary algorithm
Liu et al. (2008b) Hybrid GA
Fm/no-wait/#(Cmax, Tmax, Pan et al. (2011) A shuffled frog-leaping algorithm
Xie and Li (2012) A discrete harmony search algorithm
J2/no-wait/Cmax Liaw (2008) TS
Mokhtari (2014) A neuro evolutionary algorithm
Jm/no-wait/Cmax Ahani and Asyabani (2014) TS

Meloni et al. (2004) A metaheuristic
Pan and Huang (2009) Hybrid GA

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