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The Science of the Total Environment 220 Ž1998.


Lead and cadmium contents in cereals and pulses in

north-eastern China

Zuo-Wen Zhang a,c , Takao Watanabe b , Shinichiro Shimbo c , Kae Higashikawad ,

Masayuki Ikedad,U
Department of Public Health, Kyoto Uni¨ ersity, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
Miyagi Uni¨ ersity of Education, Sendai 980-0845, Japan
Department of Food and Nutrition, Kyoto Women’s Uni¨ ersity, Kyoto 605-8501, Japan
Kyoto Industrial Health Association, 67 Nishinokyo-Kitatsuboicho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8472, Japan

Received 14 May 1998; accepted 19 June 1998


It is known that, unlike Japanese, Koreans or southern Chinese who depend on rice as a major source of energy
for daily life, people in north-eastern China rely not only on rice, but on wheat and other cereals and to a lesser
extent also on pulses. Cereal and pulse samples were collected from open markets in north-eastern China, and
analyzed by inductively-coupled plasma spectrometry ŽICP-MS. for two potentially hazardous heavy metals } lead
ŽPb. and cadmium ŽCd.. The average Pb level in cereals Ž31.3 ng Pbrg as a geometric mean. and that of pulses Ž25.7
ng Pbrg. were similar to each other with no significant difference. Among the cereals, Pb contents were higher in
foxtail millet Ž54.3 ngrg. and lower in maize Ž35.4 ng Pbrg; grain and flour in combination., wheat flour Ž28.8 ng
Pbrg. and rice flour Ž22.7 ng Pbrg.. Lead levels in two important types of pulses, kidney bean and soybean Ž24.6 and
30.8 ng Pbrg, respectively., were comparable to the levels in rice and wheat. In contrast, Cd levels were substantially
higher in pulses Ž55.7 ng Cdrg. than in cereals Ž9.2 ng Cdrg., and among the pulses, Cd in soybean Ž55.7 ng Cdrg.
was significantly higher than that in kidney bean Ž23.8 ng Cdrg.. The possible public health implication of the Pb and
Cd levels, especially the high Pb level in foxtail millet Ž54.3 ng Pbrg. and the high Cd level in soybean Ž73.5 ng
Cdrg., is discussed. Q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cadmium; Cereals; Flour; Lead; North-eastern China; Pulses

Corresponding author. Tel.: q81 75 7534460; fax: q81 75 7534466.

0048-9697r98r$ - see front matter Q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII S0048-9697Ž98.00252-6
138 Z.-W. Zhang et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 220 (1998) 137]145

1. Introduction Latin wdetermined in reference to the food con-

sumption tables for foods in China ŽInstitute of
Two heavy metals, lead ŽPb. and cadmium ŽCd., Nutrition and Food Hygiene, 1991.x are shown in
are typical potentially hazardous elements pollut- Table 1 together with English and Chinese names.
ing not only the working atmosphere, but also the
general environment ŽInternational Programme 2.2. Analysis of cereal and pulse samples for Cd and
on Chemical Safety, 1977, 1989, 1992a,b; Vahter, Pb
1982; Vahter and Slorach, 1990.. Once absorbed,
they are known to be persistent in the human A portion of each cereal or pulse sample Ž6 g.
body with long excretion half-lives in the order of was wet-ashed by heating in the presence of min-
years ŽInternational Programme on Chemical eral acids ŽWatanabe et al., 1982., and the treated
Safety, 1977, 1992a.. Our studies on the exposure samples were analyzed for Pb and Cd by induc-
to pollutant elements have shown that the major tively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry ŽICP-
source of non-occupational exposure of the gen- MS. with a SPQ 9000 Plasma Quadrupole Mass
eral populations to these elements is from foods Analyzer coupled with an AT 400 Auto Sampler
rather than atmospheric air, especially rice among Žboth from Seiko Instruments, Tokyo, Japan. as
foods for such people as Japanese ŽWatanabe et previously described in detail ŽZhang et al.,
al., 1984, 1985, 1996a; Ikeda et al., 1989; Ikeda, 1997b.. Lead-208 and 114 Cd were selected for
1992. and Koreans ŽMoon et al., 1995. who de- determination ŽZhang et al., 1997b., and 89 Y and
pend primarily on this type of cereals for energy 205
Tl were used as internal standards to compen-
of everyday life. Among the Asians, however, sate physical interference ŽZhang et al., 1997b..
people in north-eastern China are known to con-
sume not only various cereals, especially wheat, 2.3. Quality control
but also millet and maize and to a less extent
pulses in addition to rice ŽGe et al., 1996; Zhang Quality control of analysis for Pb and Cd was
et al., 1997a.. Moreover, pulses, especially soy- conducted as previously described with satisfac-
bean, are an important source of protein for the tory results ŽZhang et al., 1997b,c., and the per-
people. formance was certified by the Round Robin Pro-
In this study, various cereal and pulse samples
Table 1
were collected from open markets in north-east-
Cereals and pulses in English, Latin and Chinese
ern China, and analyzed for the two pollutant
elements by inductively-coupled plasma spec- English Latin Chinesea
trometry ŽICP-MS.. The analysis results are sum-
marized in the present report to establish a
Foxtail millet Setaria italica Xiaomi
database for the estimation of dietary Pb and Cd Maize Zea mays ¨
burden of the people in north-eastern China. Rice, non-glutinous Oryza sati¨ a Dami
Rice, glutinous Oryza sati¨ a Nuomi
2. Materials and methods var. glutinosa
Sorghum, Chinese Sorghum ¨ ulare Gaoling
2.1. Collection of cereal and pulse samples Wheat Triticum aesti¨ um Xiaomai

Samples were collected in 1997. Open markets Pulses

in major cities in north-eastern China were vis- Adzuki bean Phaseolus angularis Xiaodou
ited for the collection of cereals and pulses. These Cowpea Žblack-eyed pea. Vigna sinensis Jiangdou
Fava bean Žbroad bean. Vicia faba Candou
foods were to be consumed by regional people Green gram Žmung bean. Phaseolus radiatus ¨
and were very probably harvested locally, but in Kidney bean Phaseolus ¨ ulgaris ¨
most cases the sites of production could not be Peanut Arachis hypogaea Huasheng
identified. To facilitate the identification of the Soybean Glycine max Dadou
food items especially pulses, botanical names in a
By pronunciation.
Z.-W. Zhang et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 220 (1998) 137]145 139

gramme for 1996]1997 ŽPb. and 1997]1998 ŽCd. essentially due to the presence of one glutinous
run by the German Society for Occupational rice sample containing 491 ng Pbrg Žthis high
Medicine and Environmental Medicine. value was also confirmed by repeated measure-
ments.; exclusion of this particular sample re-
2.4. Reagents duced the GM ŽGSD. and AM" ASD to 29.8
ngrg Ž2.31. and 44.6" 46.0 ngrg, and the differ-
Sources of reagents Žincluding certified stan- ence from the value for non-glutinous rice be-
dards and acids for wet-ashing., reference materi- came either insignificant Ž P) 0.10. when GMs
als and preparation of de-ionized water were pre- were compared, or of borderline significance Ž0.10
viously described in detail ŽZhang et al., 1997c.. ) P) 0.05. when AMs were compared.
The number of samples was quite limited for
2.5. Statistical analysis
cowpea Žone sample., fava bean Žone. and peanut
Žtwo.. ANOVA with four types of pulses Ži.e.
Cadmium and Pb concentrations in rice sam-
ples from non-polluted areas are distributed log- adzuki bean, green gram, kidney bean and soy-
normally ŽWatanabe et al., 1996b; Zhang et al., bean. excluding the above-stated three types of
1996. rather than normally. Accordingly, a geo- small sample sizes showed no significant Ž P)
metric mean ŽGM. and a geometric standard de- 0.10. difference in Pb levels among the pulses.
viation ŽGSD. wtogether with the sample size Ž N .x The Pb content in cowpea was almost twice as
in addition to an arithmetic mean ŽAM. and an high as the levels in others although only one
arithmetic standard deviation ŽASD. are shown to measure was available, and conversely the levels
represent the distribution of the metal concentra- in two samples of peanut were substantially lower
tions. Analysis of variance ŽANOVA. and Stu- than others. Further confirmation is apparently
dent’s unpaired t-test were employed Žafter log- necessary because only limited numbers of sam-
arithmic conversion. to detect significant differ- ples were analyzed.
ences between or among means. The overall average level of Pb in pulses did
not differ significantly from that in cereals. The
3. Results difference was either of borderline significance
Ž0.10) P) 0.05. or insignificant Ž P) 0.10. when
3.1. Pb le¨ els in cereal and pulse samples GMs or AMs were compared, respectively.

Results of analyses for Pb are summarized in 3.2. Cd le¨ els in cereal and pulse samples
Table 2. The GM Pb levels in the cereals were in
a range of 23]54 ngrg. ANOVA showed that the Table 3 summarizes Cd levels in cereals and
Pb levels did not vary significantly Ž P) 0.10. pulses. Multiple comparison ŽScheffe. among the
among the five types of cereals Žfoxtail millet, cereals showed that the Cd level in maize Ž4.4
maize, rice, sorghum and wheat.. The lack, how- ngrg as GM. was significantly Ž P- 0.01. lower
ever, may be due to large GSDs; the GM for than the levels in other cereals Ž11.2]14.5 ng
foxtail Ž54.3 ngrg. and that for sorghum Ž56.3 Cdrg.. The Cd level in the glutinous rice samples
ngrg. were more than twice of that for rice Ž22.7 Ž26.2 ngrg as GM. was significantly Ž P- 0.05.
ngrg.. No significant Ž P) 0.10. difference in Pb higher than that in the non-glutinous one. It was
levels was detected between grain and flour sam- previously found that the Pb content in one gluti-
ples of maize; an apparently higher AM value for nous rice sample was exceptionally high Ž491 ng
maize grain was due to one sample with an excep- Pbrg.. The Cd content in this sample was 44
tionally high Pb content Ž616 ng Pbrg; the value ngrg, which was the third highest among the six
was confirmed by repeated measurements .. In the samples, thus showing no elevation of Cd content
case of rice, GM or AM Pb in glutinous rice was concomitant with that of Pb.
significantly Ž P- 0.05. higher than that in non- Comparison of Cd in pulses Ž55.7 ng Cdrg as a
glutinous common rice. This difference was also grand GM. with that in cereals Ž9.2 ng Cdrg.
140 Z.-W. Zhang et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 220 (1998) 137]145

Table 2
Lead contents in cereal and pulse samples from north-eastern China

Cereals and pulses N GMa ŽGSD. AMa " ASDa Mina Maxa

Foxtail millet 8 54.3 Ž1.93. 65.4" 42.2 25 144
Grain 9 34.7 Ž3.83.d 96.8" 195.8e 7 616
Flour 7 36.4 Ž1.70.d 40.4" 17.7e 14 67
Total 16 35.4 Ž2.82. 72.1" 146.3 7 616
Non-glutinous 17 17.5 Ž2.17.f 23.3" 19.1g 4 66
Glutinous 6 47.5 Ž4.13.f 119.1" 188.1g 11 419
Total 23 22.7 Ž2.85. 48.3" 100.8 4 419
Sorghum, Chinese 3 56.3 Ž2.70. 73.7" 54.4 19 127
Wheat flour 9 28.8 Ž1.86. 35.1" 27.9 15 103

All cereals 59 31.3 Ž2.63.h 56.4" 100.0i 4 616

P by ANOVA 0.163 0.900

Adzuki bean 3 31.8 Ž1.47. 34.7" 11.3 21 42
Cowpea Žblack-eyed pea. 1 55.0b
Fava bean Žbroad bean. 1 18.6b
Green gram Žmung bean. 5 29.4 Ž1.98. 34.7" 20.1 11 59
Kidney bean 11 24.6 Ž1.72. 27.9" 14.6 9 57
Peanut 2 3.8, 6.7b
Soybean 11 30.8 Ž2.21. 41.4" 37.8 12 143

All pulses 34 25.7 Ž2.10.h 33.0" 25.6i 4 143

P for ANOVA Žseven types.c 0.045 0.568
P for ANOVA Žfour types.c 0.845 0.699
Unit; ngrg.
Individual values are shown.
ANOVA was conducted with all pulses Žseven types., and also with pulses for which G three samples were available Žfour types..
P value for the difference between the two means with the same superscript letter Žd. is ) 0.10.
P value for the difference between the two means with the same superscript letter Že. is ) 0.10.
P value for the difference between the two means with the same superscript letters Žf. is - 0.05.
P value for the difference between the two means with the same superscript letter Žg. is - 0.05.
P value for the difference between the two means with the same superscript letter Žh. is between 0.05 and 0.10.
P value for the difference between the two means with the same superscript letter Ži. is between 0.05 and 0.10.

showed that the former was significantly Ž P- 0.01, further confirmation, because only one sample
independent of comparison of GMs or AMs. was analyzed.
higher than the latter. Concerning the pulses,
ANOVA showed a significant difference Ž P- 4. Discussion
0.05. among GMs or AMs of Cd in the four types
of pulses Ži.e. adzuki bean, green gram, kidney The present study has summarized the Pb and
bean and soybean.. Multiple comparison ŽScheffe. Cd levels in common cereals and pulses available
showed that Cd in kidney bean Ž23.8 ngrg as in north-eastern China ŽTables 2 and 3.. Possible
GM. was significantly Ž P- 0.05. lower than that roles of these cereals and pulses as the dietary Pb
in soybean Ž73.5 ngrg.. The high Cd content Ž381 and Cd sources are worthy of discussion.
ngrg. in one cowpea sample apparently needs Several relevant points of interest can be abs-
Z.-W. Zhang et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 220 (1998) 137]145 141

Table 3
Cadmium contents in cereal and pulse samples from north-eastern China

Cereals and pulses N GMa ŽGSD. AMa " ASDa Mina Maxa

Foxtail millet 8 13.5 Ž1.27. 13.8" 3.2 9 18
Grain 9 3.4 Ž1.48.d 3.7" 1.4e 2 6
Flour 7 5.9 Ž1.80.d 6.7" 3.1e 2 10
Total 16 4.4 Ž1.72. 5.0" 2.7 2 10
Non-glutinous 17 8.2 Ž1.64.f 9.4" 5.5g 4 25
Glutinous 6 26.2 Ž3.01.f 40.5" 36.4g 5 100
Total 23 11.2 Ž2.34. 17.5" 22.8 4 100
Sorghum, Chinese 3 9.6 Ž1.78. 10.8" 6.7 6 19
Wheat flour 9 14.5 Ž1.51. 15.7" 7.3 9 31

All cereals 59 9.2 Ž2.19.h 13.0" 15.4i 2 100

P by ANOVA - 0.001 0.152
Adzuki bean 3 92.0 Ž3.50. 137.5" 117.2 23 257
Cowpea Žblack-eyed pea. 1 381.3b
Fava bean Žbroad bean. 1 74.7b
Green gram Žmung bean. 5 72.0 Ž1.41. 75.7" 29.0 53 125
Kidney bean 11 23.8 Ž2.08.j 30.7" 26.8k 7 106
Peanut 2 64.6, 185.8b
Soybean 11 73.5 Ž2.59.j 105.6" 84.6k 17 242

All pulses 34 55.7 Ž2.73.h 88.2" 87.7i 7 381

P for ANOVA Žseven types.c 0.010 0.001
P for ANOVA Žfour types.c 0.010 0.031
Unit; ngrg.
Individual values are shown.
ANOVA was conducted with all pulses Žseven types., and also with pulses for which G three samples were available Žfour types..
P value for the difference between the two means with the same superscript letter Žd. is - 0.05.
P value for the difference between the two means with the same superscript letter Že. is - 0.01.
P value for the difference between the two means with the same superscript letter Žf. is - 0.01.
P value for the difference between the two means with the same superscript letter Žg. is - 0.01.
P value for the difference between the two means with the same superscript letter Žh. is - 0.01.
P value for the difference between the two means with the same superscript letter Ži. is - 0.01.
P value for the difference between the two means with the same superscript letter Žj. is - 0.05.
P value for the difference between the two means with the same superscript letter Žk. is between 0.05 and 0.10.

tracted from a 1992 national report of nutritional south consumed 19 g wheat and 346 g ricerday.
survey in China ŽGe et al., 1996.. First, people in Consumption of cereals other than rice and wheat
north-eastern China tend to eat more wheat Žor ‘other’ cereals in brief. was also greater in
products than those in the south. For example, Jilin Ž76 grday. and Heilongjiang Provinces Ž28
inhabitants in Jilin and Heilongjiang Provinces in grday. than in Guangdong Ž0.3 grday.. More-
the north-east Žthose in cities and in villages over, villagers in the former two provinces in the
combined. had an intake of 85 and 136 g wheat north-east tended to eat more ‘other’ cereals Ž100
productsrday, respectively Žin addition to 312 and and 40 grday in Jilin and Heilongjiang, respec-
247 g rice and rice productsrday., whereas those tively. than those in the cities Ž35 and 8 grday..
in Guangdong Province near Hong Kong in the Pulses and pulse products were consumed
142 Z.-W. Zhang et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 220 (1998) 137]145

throughout Mainland China ŽGe et al., 1996. with protein and lipid of vegetable origins in Asia. For
no remarkable bias between the north-east and example, soybean and kidney bean contain 35.3
the south, although city people used to consume and 19.9 g proteinr100 g and 19.0 and 2.2 g
more Že.g. 13 and 10 grday in Jilin and Hei- lipidr100 g, respectively ŽResources Council, Sci-
longjiang Provinces, respectively. than farmers Ž7 ence and Technology Agency, 1982.. Although
and 4 grday., very contrary to expectation. Un- the consumption of pulses is substantially less
fortunately, no details on the types of ‘other’ than that of cereals and soybean is most often
cereals or pulses consumed were given in the consumed in the form of processed foods such as
report. However, it is known through our experi- tofu and miso Žso that the chances are that Cd in
ences in the city of Jinan and a nearby farming water-soluble forms may be washed out during
village in Shandong Province ŽShimbo et al., 1997; the process., the roles of pulses especially soy-
Zhang et al., 1997a. that foxtail millet and corn bean need further quantification as possible di-
were the most common cereals next to wheat and etary source of Cd.
rice. Higher Pb Ž47.5 ngrg as GM. and Cd levels
It was also learnt that, in north-eastern China, Ž26.2 ngrg. in glutinous rice as compared with
raising sorghum for human foods was only in the the levels in non-glutinous rice Ž17.5 ng Pb and
past, and that the major uses of sorghum today 8.2 ng Cdrg; Tables 2 and 3. is also worthy of
are for liquor production and also as feeds for attention. A similar comparison in a previous
domestic animals. Among the pulses, soybeans report on rice samples collected world-wide
and kidney beans are the most popular; soybeans ŽWatanabe et al., 1989. showed that no significant
are usually consumed not in the form of beans, Ž P) 0.10. difference was detected in Pb levels
but rather as materials for tofu Žor bean curd. between glutinous Ž15.5 ngrg as GM of 19 sam-
and miso wa paste-like fermentation product of ples. and non-glutinous rice Ž15.3 ngrg; 188 sam-
soybean, rice Žor wheat. and saltx. When bean ples.. The Cd levels in the glutinous rice Ž33.3
sprouts were prepared, however, seed leaves on ngrg. was, however, almost twice as high as that
the top of each sprout will be also eaten. Kidney in the non-glutinous rice Ž19.0 ngrg., even though
beans are typically boiled with rice or other the difference was statistically insignificant
cereals for consumption with no further cooking, ŽWatanabe et al., 1989..
or boiled with sugar as an ingredient of tradi- As discussed above, the high GM and AM in
tional sweet cakes. glutinous rice in the present study was primarily
Taking such food consumption customs attributable to one specific sample in which the
together with Pb levels in cereals and pulses into Pb content was exceptionally high. Nevertheless,
consideration, it is prudent to conclude that the the trend of higher Pb and Cd levels in glutinous
consumption of foxtail millet Žwith high Pb con- rice samples as compared with the levels in non-
tents; Table 2. may be accompanied by substan- glutinous common rice samples appeared to stand
tially more intake of Pb as compared with the even when this particular sample was excluded.
intake of rice and wheat. This possibility is in line Although the intake of glutinous rice is not a
with our previous observation that foxtail millet matter of everyday life and is limited in associa-
intake is a leading determinant of blood Pb level tion with special occasions such as social or per-
among the people in Shandong Province ŽZhang sonal festivities, further studies may be necessary
et al., 1997a.. It is, however, not possible in the to examine if glutinous rice has a higher capacity
present study to make a precise evaluation of to absorb Pb and Cd from paddy soil andror a
foxtail millet as the source of dietary Pb intake, better transport from roots to grains, and if the
because no quantitative data on intake of each consumption of glutinous rice is in fact associated
types of ‘other’ cereals are available at the mo- with a higher risk of dietary exposure to these
ment. heavy metals than the intake of non-glutinous
High Cd levels in pulses in general as com- common rice.
pared with those in cereals may need special A literature survey shows that, whereas a num-
attention because pulses are important sources of ber of papers are available on Pb and Cd contents
Z.-W. Zhang et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 220 (1998) 137]145 143

in two major cereals of rice and wheat, publica- pulses may vary depending on the types of plants
tions are scarce on ‘other’ cereals and pulses. The as well as soil ŽFernandes and Henriques, 1990;
available information on Pb and Cd contents in Schuhmacher et al., 1994; Nwosu et al., 1995;
‘other’ cereals and pluses is summarized in Table ¨
Bruggemann and Kumpulainen, 1995; Zhang et
4 together with some references on rice grain and al., 1997d.. The possibility of metal contamination
wheat flour ŽJohnson and Manske, 1976; Manske during the milling process even in modern flour
and Johnson, 1977; Masironi et al., 1977; Suzuki ¨
production plants has been noted ŽBruggemann
et al., 1980; Wolnik et al., 1983; Galal-Gorchev, and Kumpulainen, 1995. separately from techni-
1991, 1993; Chen et al., 1994; Muller et al., 1996; cal failure such as lead contamination of home-
Watanabe et al., 1996b, 1998; Zhang et al., 1996, ground flour so severe as to cause non-occupa-
1997d; Buscema et al., 1997; Masironi et al., 1977; tional dietary lead poisoning ŽHershko et al., 1984,
Watanabe et al., 1996a,b, 1998. to compare with 1989; Kocak et al., 1989; Tabaku and Panariti,
the present results. 1996.. Furthermore, there may be a long-term
Several points may need to be considered be- trend of decreases in pollutant element levels in
fore the values are compared. It is quite conceiv- cereals; one report from Denmark ŽSolgaard et
able that the uptake efficiency of elements from al., 1978. showed a decrease in Pb contamination
soil followed by the move to cereal grains or to in cereals Žwinter and spring wheat and barley

Table 4
Lead and cadmium contents in cereals and pulses reported in literature

Metal Cereals Foxtail Maize Rice Sorghum Wheat Pulses

reference in general millet flour in general

Johnson and Manske Ž1976. Trace]700a
Manske and Johnson Ž1977. 30]200a 100]1300a
Wolnik et al. Ž1983. 3 37 42b , 10c
Galal-Gorchev Ž1991. 60a
Galal-Gorchev Ž1993. 60a 40a
Zhang et al. Ž1996. 2]58
Buscema et al. Ž1997. 24]215
Zhang et al. Ž1997a. 43 47 20]21 26]30
Present study Ž1998. 31 54 35 23 56 29 26

Johnson and Manske Ž1976. 20]50a 10]30a
Manske and Johnson Ž1977. 20]50a 10]100a
Masironi et al. Ž1977. 2]65
Suzuki et al. Ž1980. 29
Wolnik et al. Ž1983. 3 43 59b , 78c
Galal-Gorchev Ž1991. 30a
Galal-Gorchev Ž1993. 30a
Chen et al. Ž1994. 110 83
Watanabe et al. Ž1996b. 3]56
¨ et al. Ž1996.
Muller 4]26 3]38 8]77 0.3]8d
Buscema et al. Ž1997. 142]266
Watanabe et al. Ž1998. 13 9 3]13 12]17
Present study Ž1998. 9 14 4 11 10 15 56

Note. Values are in ngrg.

Estimated based on reviewing, and not measured by the authors.
Green pea.
144 Z.-W. Zhang et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 220 (1998) 137]145

combined. in 1977 Žapprox. 20]30 ngrg. to the not known in most cases as described in Section
levels one-fifth of what were found in 1962 Žap- 2, and no information was available on the
prox. 90]160 ngrg., whereas another report from geochemistry of the local soil.
Germany described lack of substantial changes in
Cd contents in wheat, rye and barley harvested in Acknowledgements
the mid 1970s until the mid 1980s ŽLorenz et al.,
1986.. A part of this study was supported by Public
It appears quite likely that no remarkable metal Health Ward, Japan Ž1997. which was granted to
contamination has taken place in the milling M.I.
process in the study areas, e.g. Pb in maize flour
is no higher than that in maize grain ŽTable 2., References
although Cd in the flour was higher than the level
in the grain ŽTable 3.. Published data are unfor- ¨
Bruggemann J, Kumpulainen J. The status of trace elements
tunately limited and no further analysis was possi- in staple foods. II. Some effects of cereal and potato
ble on other points. The present results are, how- processing. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch 1995;201:7]11.
Buscema I, Prieto A, Araujo L, Gonzalez G. Determination of
ever, in general agreement with values reported lead and cadmium content in the rice consumed in Mara-
in literature ŽTable 4. with one exception that the caibo, Venezuela. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 1997;59:
values reported by Chen et al. Ž1994. for Cd in 94]98.
foxtail millet Ž50]1160 ngrg with an AM of 110 Chen F, Cole P, Wen L-F, Mi Z-B, Trapido J. Estimates of
ngrg. and maize Ž52]136 ngrg with an AM of 83 trace element intakes in Chinese farmers. J Nutr 1994;
ngrg. were more than 10 times higher than the Fernandes JC, Henriques FS. Heavy metal contents of paddy
present observation. fields of Alcacer do Sal, Portugal. Sci Total Environ
The Pb and Cd contents in cereals estimated 1990;90:89]97.
through reviewing w30]200 ngrg by Manske and Galal-Gorchev H. Dietary intake of pesticide residues,
Johnson Ž1977. and 60 ngrg by Galal-Gorchev cadmium, mercury and lead. Food Addit Contam 1991;
Ž1991, 1993. for Pb, and 20]50 ngrg by Johnson
Galal-Gorchev H. Dietary intake, levels in food and estimated
and Manske Ž1976. and Manske and Johnson intake of lead, cadmium and mercury. Food Addit Contam
Ž1977. and 30 ngrg by Galal-Gorchev Ž1991, 1993. 1993;10:115]128.
for Cdx appear, however, approximately twice as Ge K-Y, Zhai F-Y, Yan H-C. The Dietary and nutritional
high as the present values Ž31 ng Pbrg and 9 ng status of Chinese populations } 1992 national nutrition
survey, vol. 1. Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House,
Cdrg.. The lower values obtained by the present 1996 Žin Chinese with English translation ..
study might be attributable to possible differences Hershko C, Abrahamov A, Moreb J, et al. Lead poisoning in a
in soils of the fields where the samples were W est B an k A rab village. A rch In tern M ed
harvested, or might suggest time-dependent de- 1984;144:1969]1973.
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