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The Science of the Total Environment 234 Ž1999.


Cadmium and lead in infant cereals }

electrothermal-atomic absorption spectroscopic

´U , A.M. Frigola
M. Roca de Togores, R. Farre
Nutrition and Food Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Uni¨ ersity of Valencia, A¨ da. Vicent Andres ´ s r n, 46100
´ Estelles
Burjassot, Spain

Received 26 February 1999; accepted 6 May 1999


Because infant cereals are an important component of the infant diet from the fourth month of life onwards and
therefore contribute to the dietetic intake of metals by infants, cadmium and lead were measured in samples of
cereals commercially available in Spain. For this purpose an electrothermal atomic absorption ŽET-AAS. method for
determining cadmium and lead in these products was studied. The ET-AAS instrumental conditions and tempera-
turertime furnace program were selected. The analytical parameters of the method Žlinearity, detection and
quantification limits and precision. show its usefulness in measuring cadmium and lead in infant cereal products. The
method was applied to eight different types of infant cereals from four different manufacturers, in all 29 different
infant cereal products commercially available in Spain. The cadmium and lead contents of milk-free infant cereals
range from 6.6 to 35.8 ngrg and from 36.1 to 305.6 ngrg, respectively, while the ranges corresponding to milk-added
infant cereals are 2.9]40.0 ngrg for cadmium and 53.5]598.3 ngrg for lead. The cadmium and lead contents of
cereal products of the same type from different manufacturers is responsible for the large confidence intervals and
made it impossible to detect significant differences among the different products. Given the values found for lead
and the correlation between chronic exposure to low lead doses and neuropsychological damage in early childhood,
efforts should be made to reduce lead contamination. Q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cadmium; Lead; Contents; Infant cereals

Corresponding author. Tel.: q34-9-6386-4950; fax: q34-9-6386-4954.
E-mail address: ŽR. Farré.

0048-9697r99r$ - see front matter Q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 8 - 9 6 9 7 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 2 6 0 - 0
198 M. Roca de Togores et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 234 (1999) 197]201

1. Introduction 2. Materials and methods

Cadmium and lead are significant environmen- 2.1. Samples

tal pollutants. Anthropogenic activities such as
agriculture, industry and urban life increase the Eight different types of infant cereals from four
cadmium and lead content of soils and waters, different manufacturers, in all 29 different
thereby contributing to the contamination of raw products, were selected, concentrating on the
materials ŽPuchades et al., 1989; Schumacher et types and brands most widely sold in Spain. The
al., 1991; Baxter et al., 1992.. The cadmium and samples of these products to be analyzed were
lead contents in food can also increase signifi- provided by the manufacturers in their commer-
cantly through manufacturing processes and cial packaged form.
through contact with the materials used in the
packaging ŽCabrera et al., 1995.. 2.2. Apparatus
The main route of exposure to cadmium and
The following instruments were used in the
lead is via diet. Age affects the absorption of
mineralization of the sample: a Eurotherm fur-
heavy metals from foods, especially in the case of
nace fitted with a Eurotherm temperature pro-
lead, with children up to 4 years of age showing a
grammer, a Select Regisplac with thermostat
higher Ž40]50%. lead absorption from the diet
heating plate.
than adults Ž5%. ŽBranca and Costa, 1986; Fox,
A Perkin-Elmer atomic absorption spectrome-
1987.. For this reason infants and young children
try model 1100 fitted with graphite furnace
are highly susceptible to lead intoxications and
ŽHGA-400. and a deuterium background correc-
constitute a high-risk group ŽBranca and Costa,
tor. Perkin-Elmer cadmium and lead electrode-
1986; Puchades et al., 1989.. This is a matter for
less discharge lamps and an EDL system 2-power
concern because the neurotoxic effects of lead
supply were also used.
involve cognitive functions that can be com-
Non-pyrolitic graphite tubes ŽPerkin Elmer
promised even with relatively low lead intakes
070699. and 99.9998% argon were used.
ŽCabeza and Dıaz,´ 1996.. Children exposed to To avoid possible contamination, all glassware
lead in the first 2 years of life are especially
was soaked in nitric acid Ž ds 1.40 grml. for 10
vulnerable to its neurotoxicity effects and run the
min and rinsed with deionized water before use.
risk of enduring developmental handicaps ŽShan-
non, 1998.. 2.3. Reagents
Electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy
is the technique most often applied to determine All the reagents were of analytical reagent
cadmium and lead in foods either after a dry or grade. Deionized water Millipore Milli-Q system
wet destruction of the organic matter ŽSkurikhin, was used throughout.
1993; Tahvonen and Kumpulainen, 1996. or with- Nitric acid: 65% Žsp. gr. 1.40 Merck.. Cadmium
out destruction by direct determination in slurries and lead standard solutions Ž1000 mgrml, Titrisol
ŽJeng et al., 1994.. Merck.. Standard working solutions Ž2]40 ngrml
The aim of our study was to measure cadmium for cadmium and 40]400 ngrml for lead. were
and lead in samples of different infant cereals prepared from the stock solution immediately be-
commercially available in Spain, because they are fore use. Blanks consisting of 400 ml HNO3 at
an important component of the infant diet from 65% completed with water to 10 ml were also
the fourth month of life onwards and therefore prepared.
contribute to the dietetic intake of these metals
by infants. For this purpose an electrothermal 2.4. Analytical procedure
atomic absorption spectroscopic method ŽET-
AAS. for determining cadmium and lead in these 2.4.1. Dry organic matter destruction
products was studied. The organic matter of 10 g of sample was
M. Roca de Togores et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 234 (1999) 197]201 199

destroyed by ashing in a temperature-pro- Cd: 110r5r10, 500r5r15, 2000Ur2r5, 2600r

grammed furnace. The temperature was in- 1r1; and
creased slowly, at a rate of 508Crh to obtain a Pb: 130r5r10, 500r5r15, 2300Ur2r5, 2600r
final temperature of 4508C. This temperature was 1r1 ŽU mini-flow..
maintained for 24]48 h. In order to complete the
digestion, the residue was soaked with concen- Uncoated graphite tubes were used through-
trated nitric acid Žsp. gr. 1.4. Ž1 ml.. Between 48 out. Argon of 99.9998% purity was used as the
and 72 h were needed to completely destroy the purging gas through the graphite tube.
organic matter of the sample. White ashes indi- The validity of the method for determining
cated that the process was complete and was then cadmium and lead in infant cereals has been
dissolved by adding Ž400 ml. concentrated nitric thoroughly tested. No matrix interferences were
acid and the volume made up to 10 ml with water. encountered. The analytical parameters Žlinearity,
The solution was frozen until used for determina- detection and quantification limits, instrumental
tion. and method precision and accuracy. of the method
Pyrex vessels used in dry matter digestion were are given in Table 1.
soaked in nitric acid Ž ds 1.40 grml. for 10 min, The precision depends basically upon the re-
rinsed with deionized water and subjected to fur- producibility of the digestion procedure, dilution
nace temperature program before use. Blanks of the sample and injection to the furnace. The
ŽPyrex vessels containing 1 ml HNO3 . were car- values obtained were acceptable, taking into ac-
ried out during the organic matter destruction to count the low levels of the cadmium and lead of
assess the absence of contamination. the analysed infant cereal products, and also the
fact that the injection was carried out manually
because an automatic injector was not available.
2.4.2. ET-AAS determination In order to estimate how many samples of each
Instrumental conditions: l Žnm. 228.8 and 283.3 product had to be analyzed to obtain representa-
for Cd and Pb, respectively; injected volume Ž20 tive values, the following equation was applied:
ml.; reading time Ž7 s.. Measuring was done in the n G Ž t ny 1 sny1r« . 2 , where n s number of sam-
peak height mode. ples; t ny 1 s Student’s t; sny1 s standard devia-
Temperature Ž8C.rtime Žs. furnace programs: tion and « maximum accepted error Ž5%. at a

Table 1
Analytical parameters: linearity, detection and quantification limits, precision and accuracy a

Parameters Cadmium Lead

Linearity Žngrml. 2]40 40]400

y s 8.83= 10y3 x q 0.088 y s 2.53= 10y4 x q 0.015
r s 0.996 r s 0.999
Detection Žngrg. 0.33 14.9
Quantification limits Žngrg. 0.68 30.3
Precision ŽR.S.D.%.
Instrumental 4.5 14
Method 7.4 16
Accuracy Ž n.b
Recovery assays Ž%. 100.1]105.0 95.1]107.6
n s number of samples. The lowest value of the range of linearity correspond to the lowest content that was possible to
differentiate from the blank at a given sensitivity. LDs x q 3sny 1; LQ s x q 10sny1 , where x and sny1 were the mean value and
standard deviation of six blanks.
Infant cereals were analysed nine times at the unspiked level and and nine additional analyses were carried out on the spiked
samples. Results are the confidence intervals at a 95% confidence level.
200 M. Roca de Togores et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 234 (1999) 197]201

confidence level of 95%. According to this for- to detect significant differences among different
mula, four samples were needed. types of products. Therefore, statistically signifi-
Therefore aliquots of four different packages cant differences were detected only between the
of the same product were taken and analyzed. different types of milk-free infant cereals } i.e.
the lead content of cream of rice differed signifi-
cantly from the others at 95 and 99% probability
3. Results and discussion levels.
The cadmium and lead contents of milk-free
The cadmium and lead contents of the ana- infant cereals ranges from 6.6 to 35.8 ngrg and
lyzed infant cereals are reported in Tables 2 and from 36.1 to 305.6 ngrg, respectively. The ranges
3, respectively. corresponding to milk-added infant cereals are
Taking into account the possible cadmium and 2.9]40 ngrg for cadmium and 53.5]598.3 ngrg
lead contamination due to raw materials and pro- for lead. The cadmium and lead contents are in
cessing methods, one-way variance analysis was the ranges mentioned by Jedrzejczak and Szteke
Ž1991. in the same type of products in Poland,
applied to the cadmium and lead contents of the
analyzed infant cereals in order to detect statisti- that is - 2]70 ngrg and - 20]400 ngrg, respec-
cally significant differences between: tively. In general, the lead contents in our study
are higher than the mean Ž32.8 ngrg. reported by
v milk-free and milk-added products; Dabeka and McKenzie Ž1988. for dry infant cere-
v different types of milk-free products; and als in Canada, while the cadmium content agrees
v different types of milk-added products with the mean Ž33.6 ngrg. given by these authors.

The high variability in the cadmium and lead

contents of infant cereals of the same type from 4. Conclusions
different manufacturers is responsible for the
large confidence intervals and made it impossible The fact that the lead and cadmium contents in

Table 2 Table 3
Cadmium and lead Žngrg. contents of milk-free infant cereals a Cadmium and lead Žngrg. contents of milk-added infant
cereals a
Product Manufacturer Cadmium Lead
Žngrg. Žngrg. Product Manufacturer Cadmium Lead
Žngrg. Žngrg.
Gluten-free cereals A 7.8" 1.4 50.4" 5.3
B 7.3" 0.4 84.3" 22.1 Gluten-free cereals A 8.4" 1.2 299.4" 76.8
C 35.8" 0.8 71.3" 16.0 B 2.9" 0.4 274.0" 66.8
D 7.7" 2.6 36.1" 6.9 C 5.7" 0.2 68.1" 11.2
Cereals A 14.8" 0.6 64.6" 3.3 D 5.2" 1.3 54.6" 20.1
B 14.4" 0.8 88.3 " 14.3 Cereals A 9.8" 3.9 318.0" 71.9
C 24.2" 0.8 53.3" 7.4 B 14.6" 0.8 312.2 " 73.6
D 3.8" 0.4 53.5" 8.6 C 10.5" 2.7 418.1" 87.4
Rice cream A 9.8" 1.5 221.9" 14.7 Cereals with honey A 40.0" 1.5 598.3" 13.5
B 9.4" 0.7 280.2" 48.4 B 6.8" 0.5 90.7" 3.1
C 17.9" 0.6 249.9" 7.5 D 31.3" 0.6 53.5" 8.6
D 8.0" 0.5 305.6" 18.3 Cereals with fruits A 4.0" 0.4 54.7" 7.7
Cereals with honey A 23.9" 1.3 212.9" 13.3 B 6.7" 0.8 60.6" 11.4
B 9.1" 0.7 59.3" 7.7 C 24.2" 1.1 509.8" 78.7
D 6.6" 0.3 55.2" 4.4 D 5.2" 1.4 295.9" 37.9
a a
Number of analyzed samples from each manufacturer s 4. Number of analyzed samples from each manufacturer s 4.
A]D indicate different manufacturers. xs Mean value of all A]D indicate different manufacturers. xs Mean value of all
samples of the same type. samples of the same type.
M. Roca de Togores et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 234 (1999) 197]201 201

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