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Cum tabulis animum cenforis fumet honefti

Auilebit quKcunque paruin fplendoris habebunt,
Et fine pondere erunt, ct honore indigna ferentur,
Verba moverc loco; quamvis invita recedant,
Et vcrfciituT adhuc intra penetralia Vcftx:
Obfcurata d;u populo bonus eruet, atqUe
Proferct in luccm fpcctolii vocabula rerum,
(^i.x- prifcis mcmorata Catonibus atque Cethsgis
Nunc fitus informis preinit ct delerta vetuftas. HoR.

Piinteil for J. F. and C. Rivrrr.TOs, L. Davis, T. Payne and Sos, T. Losgmas, B. I, aw, J. Dodsley, C. Di^ly,
W. LowKors, G. G. J. Kobinson, T. Cadeli., Jo. Johnson,,J. Kobson, W. Richardson, J. Nichols,
ariil J.
R. Ealdwih, W. Goldsmith, J. Murray, W. Stuart, P. Elmsly, W. Fox, S. H.vYtf, V. OoiuviE,
W. Bent, T. and J. Eoerton, J. Phillips, nnd M. NjiWBERV.

R E F A C E.

is who toil at the lower employments of life, to be rather driven by the fear of'
the fate of thofe
IT than attrafted by the profpedt of good j to be expofed to cenfure, without hope of praife ; to be
difgraced by mifcarriage, or punifhed for negleft, where fuccefs would have been without applaufe,
and diligence without reward.
Among thefe unhappy mortals is the writer of diflionarlesj whom mankind
have confidered, not as the
pupil, but the Have of fcience, the pioneer of literature, doomed
only to remove rubbifh and clear ob-
ftruftions from the paths through which Learning and Genius prefs forwai-d to conqueft and glory, without
bellowing a fmile on the humble drudge that facilitates their progrefs. Every other author may afpire to
praife; the lexicographer can only hope to efcape reproach, and even this negative recompenfe has been yet
granted to very few.

I have, notwithftanding this difcouragement, attempted a Dictionary of the Englijh language, which,
while it was employed in the cultivation of every fpecies of literature, has itfelf been hitherto neglefted j
fuffered to fpread, under the direftion of chance, into wild exuberance refigned to the tyranny of time

and fafhion; and expofed to the corruptions of ignorance, and caprices of innovation.
"When I took the firft furvey of my undertaking, I found our fpeech copious without order, and
energetick without rules: wherever I turned my view, there was perplexity to be difentangled, and con-
fufion to be regulated; choice was to be made out of boundlefs variety, without any eftablifhed principle
of feledlion ; adulterations were to be deted:ed, without a fettled tcft of purity ; and modes of expreffion
to be rejefted or received, without the fuffrages of any writers of claflical reputation or acknowledged

Having therefore no affiftance but from general grammar, I applied myfelf to the perufal of our writers
and noting whatever might be of ufe to afcertain or illuftrate any word or phrafc, accumulated in time the
materials of a didionary, which, by degrees, I reduced to method, eftablifliing to myfelf, in the progrefs
of the work, fuch rules as experience and analogy fuggefted to me ; experience, which pradice and ob-
fervation were continually increafing; and analogy, which, though in fome words obfcure, was evident in

In adjufting the Orthography, which iias been to this time unfetcled and fortuitous, I found it necef-
fary to diftinguilh thofe irregularities that are inherent in our tongue, and perhaps coeval with it, from
others. which the ignorance or negligence of later writers has produced. Every language has its anomalies,
which, though inconvenient, and in themfelves once unneceffary, muft be tolerated among the imperfec-
tions of human things, and which require only to be rcgiflered, that they may not be increafed, and afcer-
tained, that they may not be confounded: but every language has likewife its improprieties and abfurdides,
which it is the duty of the lexicographer to corredl or profcribe.
As language was beginning merely oral, all words of neceflary or common ufe 'were ifjolicn be-.
at its
fore they were written and while they were unfixed by any vifible figns, muft ha,ve been fpoken with

great diverfity, as we now obferve thofe who cannot read to catch founds imperfeftly, and utter them
negligently. When this wild and barbarous jargon was firft reduced to an alphabet, every penman endea-
voured to exprefs, as he could, the founds which he was accuftomed to pronounce or to receive, and vi-
tiated in writing fuch words as were already vitiated in fpeech. The powers of the letters, when they
were applied to a new language, muft have been vague and unfettlcd, and therefore different hands would
exhibit the fame found by diiFerent combinations,

7 From
From this uncfrtain
pronunciation arifc in a great part the various dialcds of the fame country, which
will alwAVs bcr obfcrved to grow fewer, and lefs different, as books are multiplied
and from this arbitrary ;

proceeds divcrfity of fpclling obfcrvablc in the Saxon remains,

reprcfc-nt.uion of founds by letters, that
and I fupjx>fc in the firft books of every nation, which perplexes or dcftroys analogy, and produces ano-
maUius formations, that, being once incorporated, can never be afterwards difmiffed or reformed.

kind arc the derivatives length from long, Jirwgth from ftrong, darling from dear, breadth from
Of this
kr—d^ from dry^ drought, and from' high, height, which Miltctt, in real for analogy, writes highthi
^id te fxempta JHvat Jpinis de pluribus una ? to change all would be too much, and to change one is

Tl)i 'rninty is moft frequent in the Vowels, which are fo capricioufly pronounced, and fo difFer-
cnily i: i, by accident or afFcAation, not only in every province, but in every mouth, that to
them, as Vk well known to ctymologifts, little regard is to be (hewn in the dcdu<5bion of one language from

Such are not errours in orthography, but fpots of barbarity imprefl*ed fo deep in the EtigUJh
language, that criticifm can never wa(h ihcm away : thefe, therefore, muft be permitted to remain un-
touched ; but many words have likcwife been altered by accident, or depraved by ignorance, as the pro-
nunciation of the vulgar has been weakly followed ; and fome ftill continue to be varioufly written, as
authors differ in their care or fkill : of thefe it was proper to enquire the true orthography, which 1 have
always confidcreil as depending on their derivation, and have therefore referred them to their original lan-
guages : thus I write enchant, enchantment, enchanter, after the French, and incantation after the Latin thus ;

tniire is chofcn rather than intire, becaufc it paffcd to us not from the Latin integer, but from the French

Of many words whether they were immediately received from the Latin or the
it is difficult to fay
French, fincc at the time v^hen we had dominions in France, we had Latin fcrvice in our churches. It is,
however, my opinion, that the French generally fupplied us j for we hav^ few Latin words, among the
terms of domeftick ufe, which are not French; but many French, which are very remote from Latin.

Even in words of Jwhich the derivation is apparent, I have been often obliged to facrifice uniformity to
cuffom J thus I write. In compliance v ith a numberlefs majority, convey and inveigh, deceit and receipt,
fancy and phantom fomctimes the derivative varies from the primitive, as explain and explanation, repeat

4f>d repetition.

' Some having the fame power, are ufed indifirrently without any difcoverable
combinations of letters
many others; which I have fomctimes in-
reafon of choice, as in choak, choke ; /oap,fope ; fewel, fuel, and
fcrted twice, that thofe who fearch for them under either form, may not fcarch in vain.

! In examining the orthography of any doubtful word, the mode of fpelling by which it is infcrted in the
(cries of the dictionary, is to be confidercd as that to which I give, perhaps not often rafhly, the prefer-
ence. I have left, in the examples, to every author Iiis own praftice unmolefled, that the reader may
J)alar.ce fuffrages, and judge between us: but this qucftion is not always to be determined by reputed or
by rf.n Irirniii'i;; fome men, intent upon greater things, have thought little on founds and derivations;
f) in the ancient tongues, have neglefted tnofe in which our words are commonly to be fought.
T' .'
writes " " '> (or feajillenejs, becaufe I fuppofe he imagined it derived immediately
Tr'' . _ ;; and I uds, fuch as dependant, dependent; dependance, dependence, vary their final
lyllablc, as one or another language is prefent to the writer.

, Jn of the work, where caprice has long wantoned without controul, and vanity fought praife
this part
by I have endeavoured to proceed with a fcholar's reverence for antiquity, and a gram-
petty reformation,
piarian's regard to die genius of our tongue. I have attempted few alterations, and among tiiofe few,

perhaps the greater part is from the modern to the ancient praftice ; and I hope I may be allowed to re-
corv — ' to thofe, whofe thoughts have been perlnps employed too anxioufly oii verbal fingularitics, not
|(> upon narrow views, or for minute propriety, the orthography of their fatliers. It has been
afll-rted, that for tlie law to be kninvn, is of more imf)ortance than to be right. Change, fays Hooker, is
rot made without inconvenience, even from worfe to better. There is in conft^ancy and Itability a general
and lafling advantage, which wiU always overbalance the flow improvements of gradual " correction.

$ Much
lefs ought our written language to comply with the corruptions of oral utterance, or copy that
which every variation of time or place makes different from itfelf, and imitate thofe changes, which will
again be changed, while imitation is employed in obferving them.

This recommendation of fteadinefs and uniformity does not proceed from an opinion, that particular
combinations of letters have much influence on human happinefs ; or that truth may not be fuccefsfully
taught by modes of fpelling fanciful and erroneous I am not yet fo loft in lexicography, as to forget that

wcrds are the daughters of earth, and that things are the Jons of heaven. Language is only the inftrument
of fcience, and words are but the figns of ideas I wifh, however, that the inftrument might be lefs apt to

decay, and that figns might be permanent, like the things which they denote.

In fetding the orthography, I have not wholly negleded the pronunciation, which I have direfted,
by printing an accent upon the acute or elevated fyllable. It will fometimes be found, that the accent
is placed by the author quoted, on a different fyllable from that marked in the alphabetical feries ; it is

then to be underftood, that cuftom has varied, or that the author has, in my opinion, pronounced wrong.
Short directions are fometimes given where the found of letters is irregular and if they are fometimes

omitted, defedl in fuch minute obfervations will be more eafily excufed, than fuperfiuity.

In the inveftigation both of the orthography and fignification of words, their Etymology was necef^
farily tobe confidered, and they were therefore to be divided into primitives and derivatives. pri- A
mitive word, is that which can be traced no furdier to any Englijh root ; thus circumfpe£ty circumvent, cir-
cumjiance, delude, concave, and complicate, though compounds in the Latin, are to us primitives. Deri-
vatives are all thofe that can be referred to any word in Englijh of greater fimplicity.

The derivatives I have referred to their primitives, with an accuracy fometimes needlefs ; for who does
not fee that remotenejs comes from remote, lovely from love, concavity from concave, and demonftrative from
demonftrate ? but this grammatical exuberance the fcheme of my work did not allow me to reprcfs. It is
of great importance, in examining the general fabrick of a language, to trace one word from another, by
noting the ufual modes of derivation and inflexion ; and uniformity muft be preferved in fyftematical
v.orks, though fometimes at the cxpence of particular propriety.

Among other derivatives I have been careful to infert and elucidate the anomalous plurals of nouns and
preterites of verbs, which very frequent, and, though familiar to thofe
in the Teutonick dialcfts are who
have always ufed them, interrupt and embarrafs the learners of our language.

The two languages from which our primitives have been derived are the Roman and Teutonick : under
tlic Roman comprehend the French and provincial tongues ; and under the Teutonick range the Saxony

German, and all their kindred dialecfts. Moft of our polyfyllables are Roman, and our words of one fyl-
lable are very often Teutonick.

In afllgning the Roman original, it has perhaps fometimes happened that I have mentioned only the .

Latin, when word was borrowed from the French; and confidcring myfelf as employed only in the
ilhiftration of my own language, I have not been very tarefulto obferve whether the Latin word be pure
or barbarous, or the French elegant or obfolete.

For the Teutonick etymologies I am commonly indebted to Junius and Skinner, the only names which I
have forborn to quote when I copied their books not that I might appropriate their labours or ufurp their

honours, but that I might fpare a general repetition by one general acknowledgment. Of thefe, whom I
ought not to mention bur with the reverence due to inftruflors and benefaftors, Junius appears to have
excelled in extent of learning, and Skinner in re6litude of underftanding. Junius was accurately flcilled in
all tiie northern languages. Skinner probably examined the ancient and remoter dialefts only by occafional

infpedion into diftionaries ; but the learning of Junius is often of no other ufe than to fliow him a track by
which he may deviate from his purpofe, to v/hich Skinner always prcffes forward by the Ihorteft way.
Skinner is often ignorant, but never ridiculous Junius is always full of knowledge j but his variety diftracts

his judgment, and his learning is very frequently difgraced by his abfurditics.

The votaries of the northern mufesperhaps eafily reftrain their indignation, when they find the
will not
name o( Junius thus degraded by but whatever reverence is due to his di-
a difailvantageous comparifon ;

ligence, or his attainments, it can be no criminal degree of cenibiioufnefs to charge that etym.ologift with
want of judgment, who can ferioufly derive dream from drama, becaufe life is a drama, and a drama is a
dream j
dreant ;
and who declares with a tone of defiance, that no man can fail to derive moan from /^e'l-of, mono$y
Jingle or Jolitary, who confiders that grief naturally loves to be alone *.

Our knowledge of thenorthern literature is fo fcanty, that of words undoubtedly 7V7</o»/V^, the original is
not always to be found in any ancient language ; and I have therefore infcrted Dutch or German fubftitutes>
which I confider not as radical, but parallel, not as the parents, but fifters of the Englijh.
The words which are reprefented as thus related by defcent or cognation, do not always agree in fenfe j
for it isincident to words, as to their authors, to degenerate from their anceftors, and to change their manners
when they change their country. It is fufficient, in etymological enquiries, if the fenfcs of kindred words
be found fuch as may eafily pafs into each other, or fuch as may both be referred to one general idea.

The it is yet known, was eafily found in the volumes where it is particularly and
etymology, fo far as
profelTedly delivered and, by proper attention to the rules of derivation, the orthography was foon ad-

jufted. But to COLLECT the Words of our language was a tafk of greater difficulty : the deficiency of
diftionaries was immediately apparent and when they were exhaufted, what was yet wanting muft be

fought by fortuitous and unguided excurfions into books, and gleaned as induftry fhould find, or chance
fhould offer it, in the boundlefs chaos of a living fpeech. My
fearch, however, has been either fkilful or
lucky i for I have much augmented the vocabulaiy.

x\s my defign was a diftionary, common or appellative, I have omitted all words which have relation to
proper names ; fuch as Avian, Socinian, Calvinijt, Benediifine, Mahometan ; but have retained thofe of ^
more general nature, as Heathen, Pagan.
Of the terms of art I have received fuch as could be found either in books of fcience or technical dic-
tionaries ; and have often inferted, from philofophical writers, words which are fiipported perhaps only by
a fingle authority, and which being not admitted into general ufe, ftand yet as candidates or probationers,
and muft depend for their adoption on the fuffrage of futurity.
The words which our authors have introduced by their knowledge of foreign languages, or ignorance
of their own, by vanity or wantonnefs, by compliance with falhion or luft of innovation, I have regiftered
as they occurred, though commonly only to cenfure them, and warn others againft the folly of naturalizing
ufelefs foreigners to the injury of the natives.

I have not rejefted any by defign, merely becaufe they were unnecefliary or exuberant ; but have re-
ceived thofe which by different writers have been differently formed, as vi/cidy and vijcidity, vifcous, and

Compounded or double words I have feldom noted, except when they obtain a fignification different
from that which the components have in their fimple ftate. Thus highwayman, woodman, and horfecourfer,
require an explanation ; but of thieflike or coachdriver no notice was needed, becaufe the primitives Contain
the meaning of the compounds.

arbitrarily formed by a conftant and fettled analogy, like diminutive adjeftives in ijh, as greenijkf,
lluijb adverbs in ly, as dully, openly ; fubflf Aiitives in nejs, as vilenejs, faultinejs ; were lefs diligently fought,

and fometimes have been omitted, when I had no authority that invited me to infert them; not that they

• That I may not appear to have fpoken too irreverently of ubi antique fcriptuminvenimns jemoeteb hit emerij. " Inve-
Junius, I have here fubjoined a few fpeciraens of hii ctyinolo- " nit earn vacantem."
gical extravagance. '
^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ p^ g. hyll. Quod videri poteft abfcifum
Bamish, religare, ex banno vel territorio exigere, in exiliiim ex koX/'mi vel w^utl^. Collit, tumulus, locus in piano editior,
»gere. G. bannir. It. H.
bandir. B. ban-
bandire,bandeggiare. Horn. II. b. v. 8il. tri ^s ti? ir^o9ra^oi8t «o^so{ amiia, xoPiinj.
nen. M\\ tnedii fcriptores bannire dicebant.
V. Spclm. in Ban- Ubi authori brevium fcholiorum xoAwnj exp. tojtov iij a^a^ atn*.u*,
num iV in Banleuga. Quoniam vcro regionum urbiumq; limites yixMipof e4''X''*
ar^uis plerumq; montibi.s altis fluminibus, longis deniq; Qcx-
iSIap, to take a nap. Dormire, condormifcere. Cym. heppian.
uofifq; anguftilfimarum viarum amfraaxbus includebantur, fieri
p^^ g. hna:ppan. Quod poftremum videri potcll defuraptiim ex
poteft id genus l.mites *fl«diciab eo quod Ba.,»Ta. & B«»a\«
^^..^aj, obfcuritas, te.iebra; : nihil enim a-que folet conciliare
Tarentiais ol.m, ficuti tradit Hefychius, vocabantur «: Xo^i. >.fx\
fomnum, quam caliginofa profunda noai^obfcuritas.
ftn ^9i/Ti»iK JJoi, "obliquae acminimc inreaum tendcntes vi^."
Ac fortafTe quoque hue
quod B..J,«, eoden. Hefychio
facit Stammerer, t> il ui r /^ .i. c-i- mx^a/to a o
Balbu^, Wa:fus. Goth. STAMMb,
A. S. pra- _
dicebant %^ re«yyv'A„ montes arduo... '"en. J^amun. D. ftam. B. ftamder. Su. fft. ftamr. bunt
_ . a TuiMhut vel fuu.i?^>^i"r nimia loquacitate alios oftendere ; quod
fcMPxy, emie, -vacuus, UamS. A. S. ^mti^. Ncfcio an fint
jnip^aue loquentcs libentillime garriie foleant ; vel quod aliis
ab .f«« vel i^ilao,. Vomo, evomo, vomitu evacuo. Videtur intcvjm ^, r,.„,n„ vi-jcantur. etiam oarciffimc loauentcs.

arc not genuine and regular ofFsprlngs of EngUjh roots, but becaufe their relation to the primitive being
always the fame, their fignification cannot be miftaken.

The verbal nouns in in^, fuch as the keeping of the caftle, the leading of the armyy are always neglefted,
or placed only to illuftrate the fenfe of the verb, except when they fignify things as well as adioiis, and
have therefore a plural number, as d-welling, living 5 or have an abfolute and abftrad: fignification, as colcur-
ifig, painting, leanring. ^

The participles are likewife omitted, unlefs, by fignifying rather habit or quality than adlion, they take
the nature of adjeftives j as a.- thinking man, a man of prudence j a pacing horfe, a horfe that can pace: thefe
I have ventured to call participial adjcSlives. But neither are thefe always inferted, becaufe they are com-
monly to be underftood, without any danger of miftake, by confulting the verb.
Obfolete words are admitted, when they arc found in authors not obfolcte, or when they have any force
or beauty that may defcrve revival.

As one of the chief charafterifticks of a language, I have endeavoured to make fbme

compofition is

reparation for the univerfal negligence of my predeceflbrs, by inferting great numbers of compounded-
words, as may be found under after, fore, new, night, fair, and many more. Thefe, numerous as they
are, might be multiplied, but that ufe anfl curiofity are here fatisfied, and tlie frame of our language an^
modes of our combination amply difcovered. ,

Of fome forms of compofition, fuch as that by which re is prefixed to note repetition, and «« to fignify
tontrariety or privation^ all the examples cannot be accumulated, becaufe the ufe of thefe particles, if not
wholly arbitrary, is fo little limited, that they arc hourly affixed to new words as occafion requires, or is
imagined to require them.
There is another kind of compofition more Frequent in our language than perhaps in any other, from
which arifes to foreigners the ereateft: difficulty. We modify the fignification of many words by a particle
fubjoined as to come off, to elcape by a fetch ; to fall on, to attack j to fall off, to apollatize
5 to break;

off, to ftop abruptly; to bear out, to julbfy; to fall in, to comply ; to give over, to ceafe j to Jet off, to
embellifli to Jet in, to begin a continual tenour j to Jet out, to begin a courfe or journey j to lake off^ td

<opy with innumerable expreflions of die fame kind, of which fome appear widely irregular, being fci

far diftant from the fenfe of the fimple words, that no fagacity will be able to trace the fteps by which
they arrived at the prefent ufe. Thefe I have noted with great care ; and though I cannot flatter myfelf
that the coUeftion is complete, I believe I have lb far aflifted the fiiudents of our language, that this kind
of phrafeology will be no longer infuperable and the combinations of verbs and particles, by chance

©mitted, will be eafily explained by comparifon with thofe that may be found.

Many words yet ftand fijpported only by the name of Bailey, Ainjworth, Philips, or the contra(5ted 'DiSt.
for Diffionaries fubjoined; of thefe I am not always certain that they are read in any book but the works
of lexicographers. Of fuch I have omitted many, becaufe I had neverread them ; and many I have in-
ferted, becaufe they may perhaps exifl:, though they have efcaped my notice
' they are, however, to be

yet confidered as refiling only upon the credit of former diftionaries. Others, which I confidefed as ufeful,
or know to be proper, though I could not at prefent fupport them by authorities, I have fuffwed to ftand
upon my own atteftation, claiming the fame privilege with my predeceflTor*, of being fometimes credited
"without proof.

The words, thus fdefted and difpofcd, are grammatically confidered they are referred to the diff*erent

parts of fpcech traced, when they are irregularly inflefted, through their various terminations^; and il-

luftratcd by obfcrvations, not indeed of great or firiking importance, feparately confidered, but neccfifary
to the elucidation of our language, and hitherto neglefted or forgotten by Englifh grammarians.

That part of my work on which I expeft malignity mod frequently to faften, is the Explanation; in
which I cannot hope to fatisfy thofe, who arc perhaps not ini lined to be pleafed, fince I have not always
been able to fatisfy myfelf To interpret a language by itfelf is very difficult; many words cannot be
explained by fynonimes, becaufe the idea fignified by them has not more than one appellation ; nor by
paraphrafe, becaufe fimple ideas cannot be dtfcribed. When the nature of things is unknown, or the
notion unfcttlcd and indefinite, and various in various minds, the words by which fuch nodons are con-
veyed, or fuch things denoted, will be ambiguous and perplexed. And fuch is the fate of haplefs lexico-
graphy, that not only darknefs, but light, impedes and diftreflcs it thinjgs may be not only too little, but

Vol. I. b '
mnch kno^'tt, to br happily ilkiftrated. To explain, require^ the ufc of terms Icfs abftrufe than that
which is to be explained, and fuch terms cannot always be found ; for as nothing can be proved but the
fuppofmg fomething intuitively known, and evident without proof, fo nothing can be defined but by die
uie of words too plain to admit a definition.

Other words there are, of which the fenfe is too fubtle and cvanefcent to be fixed in a paraphrafe j fuch
are all thofc which are by the grammarians termed expUiives, and, in dead languages, are fuffered to pafs

for empty founds, of no other ufe than to fill a verfe, or to modulate a period, but whicJi are eafily per-
ceived in living tongues to have power and emphafisj though it be fometimes fuch as no other form of
exprelTion can convey.

My labour has likewifc been much by a

of verbs too frequent in the Englijh language,
increafed clafs
of which the lignification is fo loofe vague and indeterminate, and tlie fenfes de-
and general, tlie ufe fo
tortcd fo widely from the firft idea, that it is hard to trace them through the maze of variation, to catch
them on the brink of utter inanity, to circumfcribe them by any limitations, or interpret them by any
words of diftinft and fettled meaning; fuch are bear, break, come, caft,full, get, give, do, put. Jet, go, run, make,
take, turn, throw. If of thefe the whole power is not accurately delivered, it muft be remembered,
that while our language is yet living, and variable by the caprice of every one that Ipeaks it, thefe words
arc hourly fhifting their relations, and can no more be afcertained in a diftionary, than a grove, in the agi-
tation of a ftorm, can be accurately delineated from its piflure in the water.

The particles are among all nations applied with fo great latitude, that they are not eafily reducible wmder
any regular fcheme of explication this difficulty is not lefs, nor perhaps greater, in
: Englijh, than in other
languages. I have laboured them with diligence, I hope with fuccefs fuch at leaft ; as can be expeifted in
a tafk, which no man, however learned or fagacious, has yet been able to perform.

Some words there are which I cannot explain, becaufe I do not underftand them ; thefe might have
been omitted very often with little inconvenience, but I would not fo far indulge my vanity as to decline
this confcfTion for when Tully owns himfelf ignorant whether lejjus, in the twelve tables, means a Juneral

Jong, or mourning garment ; and Arijlctle doubts whether ouf luj, in the Iliad, fignifies a mule, or mtileteery
I may furely, without fhame, leave fome obfcurities to happier indufb-y, or future information.

The rigour of interpretative lexicography requires that the explanation, and the word explained, Jhould be
»lways reciprocal j this I have always endeavoured, but could not always attain. Words are fcldom cx-
aftly fynonimous; a new term was not introduced, but becaufe the former was thought inadequate:
names, therefore, have often many ideas, but few ideas have many names. It was then necefTary to ufc
the proximate word, for the deficiency of lingle terms can very feldom be fupplied by circumlocution
nor is the inconvenience great of fuch mutilated interpretations, becaufe the fenfe may eafily be coUefted
entire from the examples.

In every word of extenfive ufe, it was requifite to mark the progrefs of its meaning, and fhow by what
gradations of intermediate fenfe it has pafTcd from its primitive to its remote and accidental fignification
{o that every foregoing explanation fhould tend to that which follows, and die ferles be regularly concate-
nated from thcfiril notion to the laft.

This is fpecious, but not always prafticable ; kindred fenfes may be fb interwoven, that the perplexity
cannot be difentangled, nor any reafon be afligned why one (houkl be ranged before the other. When the
radical idea branches out into parallel ramifications, iiow can a confecutive feries be formed of fenfes in
their nature collateral ? The thades of meaning fometimes pafs imperceptibly into each other ; fo that
tliough on one fide they apparently tlifi'er, yet it is impofTible to mark the point of contaft. Ideas of the
fame race, though not exaffly alike, are fometimes fo little different, diat no words can exprefs the difTimi-
litudc, though the mind eafily perceives it, when they are exhibited together ; and fometimes there is fuch
a confufion of acceptations, that difcernment is wearied, and diflinftion puzzled, and perfcverance herfelf
hurries to an end, by crowding together what flie cannot feparate.

Thefe complaints of difficulty will, by thofe that have never confidered words beyond their popular wie,
be thought only the jargon of a man willing to magnify his labours, and procure veneration to his ftudies
by involution and obfcurity. But every art is obfcure to thofe that have not learned it this uncertainty of :

terms, and commixture of ideas, is well known to diofe who have joined philofopliy with grammar ; and if
I have
.:p R E F A C E.
I have not exprefled them very clearly, it muft be remembered that I am fpeaking of that which words arc.

infufficient to explain.

The original fenfe of words is metaphorical acceptations, yet muft be

often driven out of ufe by theii"

inferted for the fake of a regular origination. Thus know

not whether ardour is ufed for material heat,

or vihcxher flagrant, in Englifi, ever fignifies the fame with burning yet fuch are the primitive Ideas of thefc

words, which are therefore let firft, diough without examples, that the figurative fenfes may be comniOr-
dioufly deduced.

Such is the exuberance of fignification which many words have obtained, tha.t it was fcarcely poffible to
colieft all their fcnles ; fometimes the meaning of derivatives mull be fought in the mother ternri, and
fometimes deficient explanations of the primitive may be fupplied in the train of derivation. In any cafe
of doubt or difficulty, it will be always proper to examine all the words of the fame race ; for fome words
are fiightly pafied over to avoid repetition, fome admitted eafier and clearer explanation than others, and all

will be better undeiilood, as they are confidered in greater variety of ftruftures and relations.

All the interpretatipns of words are not written with the fame flcill, or the fame happinefs : things equally
eafy in themfelves, are not all equally eafy to any fingle mind. Eveiy writer of a long work cornmits
errours, where there appears neither ambiguity to miflead, nor obfcurity to confound him ; and in a fearch
like this, felicities of expreffion will be cafually overlooked, many convenient parallels will be
forgotten, and many particulars will admit improvement from a mind utterly-unequal to the whole

But many feeming faults arc to be imputed rather to the nature of the undertaking, than the negligence
of the performer. Thus fome explanations are unavoidably reciprocal or circular, as hind, the female of
the flag; flag, the male of the hind: fometimes eafier words are changed into harder, as hurial into feptil-
ture or interment, drier into deficcative, drynefs into ftccity or aridity, fit into paroxyfm ; for the eafieft'word,
•whatever it be, can never be tranflated into one more eafy. But eafinefs and difficulty are merely relative,
and the prefent prevalence of our language Ihould invite foreigners to this diftionary, many will be af-
fiftedby thofe wordp which now feem only to increafe or produce obfcurity. For this reafon I have en-
deavoured frequently to join a Teutonick and Roman interpretation, as to cheer, to gladden, or exhilarate,
that every learner of Englijh may be affifted by his own tongue.

The folution of all difficulties, and the fupply of all defefts, muft be fought in the examples, fubjoined
to the various fenfes of each word, and ranged according to the time of their authors. r^

When I firft collefted thefe authorities, I was defirous that every quotation ftiould be ufeful to fome
other end than the illuftration of a word ; I therefore extrafted from pliilofophers principles of fcience
from hiftofians remarkable faifls ; from chymifts complete procefles ; from divines ftriking exhortations ;
and from poets beautiful defcriptions. Such is defign, while it is yet at a diftance from execution.
"When the time called upon me to range this accumulation of elegance and wifdom into an alphabetical
fcries, 1 foon difcovered that the bulk of ray volumes would fright away the ftudent, and was forced to
depart from my fcheme of including all that was pkafing or ufeful in Englijh literature, and reduce my
trar/crlpts very often to clufters of words, In which fcarcely any meaning is retained ; thus to tiie wearinefs
of copying, I was condemned to add the vexation of expunging. Some pafTages I have yet fpared, which
may relieve the labour of verbal fearchcs, and interfperfe with verdure and flowers the dully defarts of
barren philology.

examples, thus mutilated, are no longer to be confidered as conveying the fentiments or dodlrinc
of their authors
; the word for the fake of which they are inferted, with all its appendant claufes, has been
carefully preferved but it may fometimes happen, by hafty detruncation, that die general tendency of

the fcntencc may be changed the divine may defert his tenets, or the philofopher his fyilem.

Some of the examples have been taken from writers who were never mentioned as mailers of elegance
or models offtylc; but words muft be fought where they arc ufcd and In wluit pages, eminent for purity,

can terms of manufadlure or agriculture be found? Many quotations fcrve no other purpofe, than that
of proving the bare exiftence of words, and are therefore feledled with Icfs fcrupuloufnefs than thofe which
are to teach their ftru<flures and relations.

My purpofe was to admit no teftimony of living authors, that I might not be mifled by partiality, and
•that none of my contemporaries might have reafon to complain ; nor have I departed from this refolutlon,
h % but .
r ft B P A C E.
but when fomc performance of uncommon excellence excited my veneration, when my memory fuppHecf
me, from late books, with an example that was wanting, or when my heart, in the tendernefs of friendfhip,
folicited adiniilion for a favourite name.

So far havebeen from any care to grace my pages with modern decorations, that I have ftudioofly en-

deavoured to colle<5l examples and authorities from the writers before the reftoration, whofe works I re-
gani as the wells of Engliflj undeJUed, as the pure fources of genuine diftion. Our language, for almoft
a century, has, by the concurrence of many caufes, been gradually departing from its original 'Teutonick
xharafter, and deviating towards a Gallick ftnu5hjre and phrafeology, from which it ought to be our en-
deavour to recal it, by making our ancient volumes the ground-work of ftyle, admitting among the ad-
ditions of later times, only fuch as may fupply real deficiencies, fuch as are readily adopted by the genius
of our tongue, and incorporate eafily with our native idioms.
But as every language has a time of rudenefs antecedent to perfefbion, as well as of falfe refinement and
declenfion, I have Iseen cautious left my zeal for antiquity might drive me and
into times too remote,
crowd my book with words now no longer underftood. I Iiave fixed Sidney's work for the boundary, be-
yond which I make few excurfions. From the authors which rofe in the time of Elixabetb, a fpeech might
be formed adequate to all the purpofes of ufe and elegance. If the language of theology were extraftcd
from Hooker and the tranflation of the Bible j the terms of natural knowledge from Bacon ; the phrafes of
|X)licy, war, and navigation from Raleigh the dialed of poetry and fidlion from Spenfer and Sidney ; and

the didion of common life from Sbakefpeafe, few ideas would be loft to mankind, for want of Englijh words,
in which they might be exprefled.

It is not fufficient that a word is found, unlefs it be fb combined as that its meaning is apparently deter-
Aiined by the tra£t and tenour of the fentence ; fuch paflages I have therefore cliofen, and when it happened
rhat any author gave a definition of a term, or fuch an explanation as is equivalent to a definition, I have
placed his authority as a fupplement to my own, without regard to the chronological order, that is other-
wife obferved.

Some words, indeed, ftand unfupported by any authority, but they are commonly derivative nouns, or
adverbs, formed from their primitives by regular and conftant analogy, or names of things feldom occur*
ring in books, or words of which I have reafon to doubt the exiftence.

There is more danger of cenfure from the multiplicity than paucity of examples ; authorities will
fomerimes feem to have been accumulated without necelTity or ufe, and perhaps fome will be found, which
might, without lofs, have been omitted. But a work of this kind is not haftily to be charged with
fuperfluities : thofe quotations, which to carelefs or unfkilful perufers appear only to repeat the fame
fenfe, will often exhibit, to a more accurate examinep, diverfities of fignification, or, at leaft, afford different
fhades of the fame meaning; one will lliew the word applied to perfons, another to things; one will ex-
prefs an ill, another a good, and a third a neutral fenfe j one will prove the exprefTion genuine from aft
ancient author another will fhew it elegant from a modern a doubtful authority is corroborated by
; :

another of more credit ; an ambiguous fentence is afcertained by a paflage clear and determinate ; the
word, how often foever repeated, appears with new affociates and in different combinations, and every quo-
tation contributes Ibmething to the ftability or enlargement of the language.

"When words are ufcd equivocally, I receive them in either fenfe ; when they are metaphorical, I adopt
them in their primitive acceptation.
1 hare fometimes, though rarely, yielded to the temptation of exhibiting a genealogy of fentiments, by
(hewing how one author copied the thoughts and diftion of another: fuch quotations are indeed little more
than repetitions, which might juftly be cenfured, did they not gratify the mind, by affording a kind of in-
telleftual hiftory.

The various fyntadlical ftruftures occurring in the examples have been carefully noted j the licence or
negligence with which many words have been hitherto ufed, has made our ftyle capricious and indeter-
minate ; when the different combinations of the fame word are exhibited together, the preference is readily
given to propriety, and I have often endeavoured to direfb the choice.
Thus have I laboured by fetding the orthography, difplaying the analogy, regulating the ftruftures, and
afceruining the fignification of Englijb words, to perform all the parts of a faithful lexicographer : but I
have not ^ways executed
my own fchernc, or fatisfied my own expeftations. The work, whatever proofs
of diligence and attention it may exhibit, is yet capable of many improvements: the orthography which
I recommend is ftill controvertible, the etymology which I adopt is uncertain, and perhaps frequently er-
roneous ; the explanations are fometimes too much contrafted, and fometimes too much difFufed, the
fignifications are diftinguiflied rather with fubtilty than fkill, and the attention is harafled with unneceflary

The examples are too often injudicioufly truncated, and perhaps fometimes, I hope very rarely, alleged

in a miftaken fenfe ; for in making this colledlion I trufted more to memory, than, in a flate of difquiet and
embarraffinent, memory can contain, and purpofed to fupply at the review what was left incomplete in the
firft tranfcription.

'. Many terms appropriated to particular occupations, though neceffary and figniFxant, are undoubtedly
omitted ; and of the words moft ftudioufly confidered and exemplified, many fenfes have efcaped ob-

Yet failures, however frequent, may admit extenuation and apology.

thefe To have attempted
much always laudable, even when the enterprize is above tiie ftrength that undertakes it To reft
is :

below his own aim is incident to every one whofe fancy is aftive, and whofe views are comprehenfive ;
nor is any man fatisfied with himfelf becaufe he has done much, but becaufe he can conceive httle-
When firft I engaged in this work, I refolved to leave neither words nor things unexamined, and pleafed
myfelf with a profpeft of the hours wiiich I ftiould revel away in feafts of literature, the obfcure
recefles of northern learning which I Ihould enter and ranfack, the treafures with which I expefted
every fearch into thofe neglected mines to reward my labour, and the triumph with which I ftiould dis-
play my acquifitions to mankind. When I had thus enquired into the original of words, I refolved to
Jhow likewife my attention to things ; to pierce deep into every fcience, to enquire the nature of every
fubftance of which I inferted the name, to limit every idea by a definition ftridly logical, and exhibit every
produftion of art or nature in an accurate defcription, that my book might be in place of all other di£tio-»
naries whether appellative or technical. But thefe were the dreams of a poet doomed at laft to wake a,
lexicographer. I foon found that it is too late to look for inftruments, when the work calls for execution,

and that whatever abilities I had brought to my tafk, with thofe I muft finally perform it. To deliberate
whenever I doubted, to enquire whenever I was ignorant, would have protracted the undertaking without
end, and, perhaps, without much improvement j for I did not find by my firft experiments, that what I
had not of my own was eafily to be obtained : I faw that one enquiry only gave occafion to another, that
book referred to book, that to fearch was not always to find, and to find was not always to be informed
and that thus to purfue perfection, was, like the firft inhabitants of Arcadia, to chafe the fun, which,
when they had reached the hill where he fcemed to reft, was ftill beheld at the fame diftance from them.
I then contraded my defign, determining to confide in myfelf, and no longer to folicit auxiliaries, which
produced more incumbrance than afTiftance by this I obtained at leaft one advantage, diat I fet limits to

my work, which would in time be ended, though not completed.

Defpondency has never fo far prevailed as to deprefs me to negligence fome faults will at laft appear ;

to be the effeds of anxious diligence and perfevering aftivity. The nice and fubtle ramifications of
meanihg were not eafily avoided by a mind intent upon accuracy, and convinced of the necefllty of dif-
entangling combinations, and fcparating fimilitudes. Many of the diftinftions, which to common readers
appear ufelefs and idle, will be found real and important by men verfed in the fchool philofophy, without
which no dictionary can ever be accurately compiled, or fkilfully examined.
Some fenfes which, though not the fame, are yet fo nearly allied, that they are
however there are,
often confounded. Moft men think indiftinftly, and therefore cannot fpeak-with exaftnefs and con- ;

fequently fome examples might be indifi^erently put to either fignification this uncertainty is not to be :

imputed to me, who do not form, but regifter the language ; who do not teach men how they fliould
think, but relate how they have hitherto exprelTcd their thoughts.

The imperfeft fenfe of fome examples I lamented, but could not remedy, and hope they will be com-
penfated by innumerable paffagfs fele£t':d with propriety, and preferred with exaftnefs fome Ihining -,

with fparks of imagination, and fome replete with treafures of wifdom.

The orthography and etymology, though imperfed, are not imperfect for want of care, but becaufe
care will oot always be fucccfsful, and recolk^iwn of iftformation coine too late for ufe.
P R E 1*'
A. C E.
That many terms of art and manufafture are omitted, muft be frankly acknowledged ; bat for this
dcfcil I boldly allege that it was unavoidable: I could not vifit caverns to learn the miner's
language, nor take a voyage to perfcdl my (kill in the dialed of navigation, nor vifit the warehoufes
of merchants, and fhops of artificers, to gain the names of wares, tools and operations, of which no
mention is found in books ; what favourable accident, or eafy enquiry brought within my reach, has
not been neglcdled ; but it had been a hopclefs labour to glean up words, by courting living informa-
tion, and contcfting with die fuUennefii of one, and the roughnefs of another.

To furnifli the academicians della Crujca with words of this kind, a feries of comedies called U
Tiera, or the Fair, was j^rofcflcdly written by Buonaroti; but I had no fuch afliftant, and therefore
was content to want wiiat they muft have wanted likewife, had they not luckily been fo fupplied.
Nor words which are not found in the vocabular)-, to be lamented as omiflions. Of the
are all

laborious and mercantile part of* the people, the diflion is in a great meafure cafual and mutable ; many
of their terms are formed for fome temporary or local convenience, and though current at certain times
and places, are in others utterly unknown. This fugitive cant, which is always in a ftate of increafe cw
decay, cannot be regarded as any part of the durable materials of a language, and therefore muft be
differed to pcrifh with other things unworthy of prefervation.

Care -will fometimes betray to the appearance of negligence. He that is catching opportunities wliich
feldom occur, will fufFer thofe to pafe by unregarded, which he expefts hourly to return ; he that is fearch-
ing for rare and remote things, will negleft thofe that are obvious and familiar thus many of the moft :

common and curfory words have been inferted with little illuftration, becaufe in gathering the authorities,
I forbore to copy thofe which i thought likely to occur whenever they were wanted. It is remark-

able that, in reviewing my colleftion, I found the word Sea unexemplified.

Thus happens, that in things difficult there is danger from ignorance, and in things eafy from

confidence the mind, afraid q{ greatnefs, and difdainful of littlenefs, haftily withdraws herfelf from

painful fearches, and pafles with fcornful rapidity over tafks not adequate to her powers, fometimes too
fecure for caution, and again too anxious for vigorous effort ; fometimes idle in a plain path, and fome-
times diftraftcd in labyrinths, and diflipated by different intentions.

A work is difficult becaufe it is large, even though all its parts might fingly be performed with
facility where there are many things to be done, each muft be allowed its (hare of time and labour,

in the proportion only which it bears to the whole ; nor can it be expecfted, that the ftones which form
the dome of a temple, (hould be fquared and polilbed like the diamond of a ring.

Of the event of this work, for which, having laboured it with fo much application, I cannot but
have fome degree of parental fondnefs, it is natural to form conjedtures. Thofe who have been per-
fuaded to think well of my dcfign, will require that it (liould fix our language, and put a ftop to
thofe alterations which time and chance have hitherto been fuffered to make in it without oppofition.
"With this confequence I will confefs that I flattered myfelf for a while ; but now begin to fear that I
have indulged expectation which neither reafon nor experience can juftify. When we fee men grow old
»nd die at a certain time one after another, from century to ccn'^ury, we laugh at the elixir that promifcs
to prolong life to a thoufand years and with equal jultice may the lexicographer be derided, who

being alile to produce no example of a nation that has preferved their words and phrafcs from mutability,
ihall imagine tlut his didionary can embalm his language, and fecure it from corruption and decay,
that it is m his power to change fublunary nature, and clear the world at once from folly, vanity, and

With this hope, however, academies have been inftituted, to guard the avenues of dieir languages,
to retau» fugitives, and repulfe intruders but their vigilance and aftivity have iiitherto been vain

founds are too volatile and fubtile for legal reftraints to enchain fyllables, and to lafh the wind, are

equally the undertakings of pride, unwilling to meafure its'defires by its ftrc'ngch. The French language
Jias vifibly changed under the infpedion of the academy; the ftyle of Jmelot's tranfiation of father Paul
is obfcrved by Le Courayer to be un peu pajfe and no Italian will maintain, that the didion of any

modem writer is not perceptibly different from that of Boccacty Machiavel, or Caro.
Total and fudden transformations of a language feldom happen conqucfts and migrations are now

very /are but there arc other caufcs of change, which, tliough flow in their operation, and invifi-ble in

their progrefs, are perhaps as much Tuperiour to human refiftance, as theof the fky, or
intumefcence of the tide. Commerce, however neceflaiy, however depraves the manners,
lucrative, as it

corrupts the language j they that have frequent intercourfe with ftrangers, to whom they endeavour to
accommodate themfelves, muft in time learn a mingled dialedt, like the jargon which ferves the traffickers
on the Mediterranean and Indian coafts. This will not always be confined to the exchange, the warehoufe,
or tlie port, but wi'l be communicated by degrees to other ranks of the people, and be at laft incorporated
with the current fpeech.

There are likewife internal caufes equally forcible. The language mod likely to continue long
without alteration, would be that of a nation raifed a little, and but a little, above barbarity, fecluded
from ftrangers, and totally employed in procuring the conveniencies of life either without books, or,

fike fome of 'the Mahometan countries, with very few : men thus bufied and unlearned, havuig only fucl>
words as common ufe requires, would perhaps long continue to exprefs the fame notions by the fame
figns. But no fuch conftancy can be expefted in a people polifhed by arts, and clafled by fubordination,
where one part of the community is fuftained and accommodated by the labour of the other. Thofe
who have much leifure to think, will always be enlarging the ftock of ideas; and every increafe of
knowledge, whether real or fancied, will produce new words, or combinations of words. When the
mind is unchained from neceflity, it will range after convenience ; when it is left at large in the fields
of fpeculation, it will fhifc opinions as any cuftom is difufed, the words that exprefled it muft perifti witli

it i as any opinion grows popular, it will innovate fpeech in the fame proportion as it altera praftice.

As by the cultivation of various fciences a language is amplified, it will be more furnifhed with*
words deflefted from their original fenfe ; the geometrician will talk of a courtier's zenith, or the
eccentrick virtue of a wild hero, and the phyfician of fanguine expedtations and phlegmatick delays.
Copioufnefs of fpeech will give opportunities to capricious choice, by which fome words will be pre-
ferred, and others degraded; vicifTitudes of fafhion will enforce the ufe of new, or extend the figrviftcatioa
of known terms. The tropes of poetry will make hourly encroachments, and the metaphorical will
become the current fenfe: pronunciation will be varied by levity or ignorance, and the pen muft
at length comply with the tongue ; illiterate writers will, at one time or other, by publick infatuation,
rife into renown, who, not knowing the original import of words, will ufe them with colloquial Ficen-
tioufnefs, confound diftinftion, and forget propriety. As politenefs increafes, fome cxpreffions will be-
confidcred as too grofs and vulgar for the delicate, others as too formal and ceremonious for the gav
and airy; new phrafes are therefore adopted, which muft, for the fame rcafons, be in time difmifleJ.
Swift, in his petty treatife on the Eng/ijh language, allows that new words muft fometimes be intro-
duced, but propofes that none fhould be fufFered to become obfolete. But what makes a word obfolete,
more than general agreement to forbear it ? and how ftiall it be continued, when it conveys an ofFenfivcr
idea, or recalled again into the mouths of mankind, when it has once become unfamiliar by difufe, and
unpleafing by unfamiliarity ?

There is another caufe of alteration more prevalent than any other, which yet ia the prelent ftate of the
world cannot be obviated. A
mixture of two languages will produce a third diftinft from both, and
they will always be mixed, where the chief part of education, and the moft confpicuous accompliftiment,
is (kill in ancient or in foreign tongues. He that has long cultivated another language, will find its
words and combinations crowd upon his memory ; and hafte and negligence, refinement and affediation;,
will obtrude borrowed terms and exotick expre/Tions.

The great peft of fpeech is frequency of tranflation. No book was ever turned from one lanrgaage into-
another, without imparting fomething of its native idiom > this is the moft mifchievous and comprehen-
five innovation ; fingle words may enter by thoufands, and the fabrick of the tongue continue the fame ;
but new phrafeology changes much at once ; it alters, not the fingle ftones of the building, but the order
of the columns, if an academy fhould be eftablifhed for the cultivation of our ftyle, which I, who care
never wifh to fee dependance multiplied, hope the fpirit of Engiijb liberty will hinder or deftnoy, let them,
inftead of compiling grammars and didlionaries, endeavour, with all their influence, to flop the licence of
tranflators, whofe idlenefs and ignorance, if it be fuffered to proceed, will reduce us ta babble a diaJeit
of France.

If the changes that we fear be thus irrefiftible, what remains bat to acquiefce with filence, as in the other
infurmountable diftrefTes of humanity ? It remains that we retard what we cannot repel, that we palliate
what we cannot cure. Life may be lengthened by care, though death cannot be ultimately defeated?
. .
5 t<>ngues*
tongues, like governments, have a natural tendency to degeneration i wc have long prefcrved our confti-
tution, let us make feme ftruggles for our language.

In hope of giving longevity to that which its own nature forbids to be immortal, I have devoted this
book, the labour of years, to the honour of my country, that we may po longer yield the palm of philology,
without a conteft, to the nations of the continent. The chief glory of every people arifes from its au-
thors : whether I fhall add any thin^ by my own writings to the reputation of Englijh literature, muft be

left to time : much of my life has been loft under the preflures of difeafe ; much has been trifled away ;
and much has always been fpent in provifion for the day that was paffing over me ; but I fliall not think ,

my employment ufelefs or ignoble, if by my afliftance foreign nations, and diftant ages, gain accefs to
the propagators of knowledge, and underftand the teachers of truth j if my labours afford light to die
repofitorics of fcience, and add celebrity to Bacon, to Hooker, to Milion, and to Btyle.

When I am animated by look with pleafure on my book, however defeftive, and deliver
this wi(h, I
it to the world with the fpirit of a man
that has endeavoured welL That it will immediately become
popular I have not promifed to myfelf a few wild blunders, and rifible abfurdities, from which no work

of fuch multiplicity was ever free, may for a time furnifh folly with laughter, and harden igrwrance in
contempt ; but ufeful diligence will at laft prevail, and there never can be wanting fome who diftinguilh
defert; who will confider that no didtionary of a living tongue ever can be perfecl, fince while it is haftcn-
ing to publication, fome words are budding, and fome falling away that a whole life cannot be fpent upon

fyntax and etymology, and that even a whole life would not be fufficient j that he, whofe dcfign includes
•whatever language can exprefs, muft often fpeak of what he does not underftand ; that a writer will
fometimes be hurried by eagcrnefs to the end, and foraetimes faint with wcarinefs under a talk, which
Scaliger compares to the labours of the anvil and the mine ; that what is obvious is not always known,
and what is known is not always prefent ; tliat fudden fits of inadvertency will furprize vigilance, fligJTt
avocations will feduce attention, and cafual eclipfes of the mind will darken learning ; and that the writer
lliall often in vain trace his memory at the moment of need, for that which yefterday he knew with intui-

tive rcadinefs, and which will come uncalled into his thoughts to-morrow.

In this work, when it fliall be found that much is omitted, let it not be forgotten that much likewifc
IS performed ; and though no book was ever fpared out of tendcrnefs to the author, and the world is
little folicitous to know whence proceeded the faults of that which it condemns ; yet it may gratify curio-

fity to inform it, that the Englijh DiHionary was written with little affiftance of the learned, and without
any patronage of the great ; not in the foft obfcuriries of retirement, or under the flicker of academick
bowers, but amidft inconvenience and diftraftion, in ficknefs and in forro\y. It may reprefs the triumph
of malignant criticifm to obferve, that if our language is not here fully difplayed, I have only failed in an
attempt which no human powers have hitherto completed. If the lexicons of ancient tongues, now im-
mutably fixed, axid comprized in a few volumes, be yet, after the toil of fucceffive ages, inadequate and
delufive ; if the aggregated knowledge, and co-operating diligence of the Italian academicians, did not

fecure them from the cenfu.'-e of Beni ^ if the embodied criticks of France-, when fifty years had been
fpent upon their work, were obliged to change its ceconomy, and give their fecond edition another form,
I may furcly be contented without the pr?tifc of perfection, which, if I could obtain, in this gloom of fo-
litude, what would it avail me? I have jirotrafted my work till moft of thofe whom I wiScd to pleafc
have funk into the grave, and fuccefs and mifcarriage are empty founds ; I therdbre Jifmifs it with frigid
tranquillity, having little to fear or hope fcom cenfure or from praifc.




THOUGH firft
ihe Britains
pofleflbrsof this
or Weljh were the
ifland, whofe names is
Of the Cothick, the only
a copy of the gofpels
monument remaining
fomewhat mutilated, which,
are recorded, and are therefore in civil hif- from the filver with which the charaders are adorn-
tory always confidered as the predeceflbrs of the ed, is called the^Iver bock. It is now preferved at
prelent inhabitants; yet the dedu6lion of the Eng- Upfal, and having been twice publiihed before, has
lijh language, from the earlieft times of which we been lately reprinted at Oxford, under the infpec-
have any knowledge to its prefent Hate, requires tion of Mr. Lye, the editor of Junius. Whether
no mention of them: for we have fo few words the didtion of this venerable manufcript be purely
which can, with any probability, be referred to Bri- Gothick, has been doubted j it feems however to
tijh roots, that we juftly regard the Saxom and fVe'Jh exhibit the moft ancient dialed now to be found of
as nations totally diftindl. It has been conjedlured, the Teutonick race ; and the Saxon, which is the
that when the Saxons feized this country, they fuf- original of the prefent Englijh, was either derived
fered the Britains to live among them in a ftate of from it, or both have defcended from fome com-
vaflalage, employed in the culture of the ground, mon parent.
and other laborious and ignoble fervices. But it is What was the form of the Saxon language, when,
fcarctly poffible, that a nation, however depreflcd, about the year 450, they firft entered Britain, can-
fhould have been mixed with another in confidcr- not now be known. They feem to have been a
able numbers without fome communication of their people without learning, and very probably with-
tongue, and therefore, it may, with great reafon, be out an alphabet ; their fpeech, therefore, having
imagined, that thofe, who were not fheltered in the been always curfory and extemporaneous, muft
mountains, pcriihed by the fword. have been artlefs and unconnefted, without any
The whole fabrick and fcheme of the Englifl} modes of tranfition or involution of claufes; which
language is Golhick or Teutonick : it is a dialeft of abruptnefs and inconnedion may be obferved even
that tongue, which prevails over all the northern in their later writings. This barbarity may be
countries of Europe^ except thofe where the Scla- fuppofed to have continued during their wars with
vonian is fpokcn. Of thefe languages Dr. Hickes the Britains, which for a time left them no leifurc
has thus exhibited the genealogy. for fofter ftudics; nor is there any reafon for fup-
pofing it abated, the year 570, whei) Augujline

GOTHIC K, came from Rome them to Chriftianity.

to convert
The Chriftian religion always implies or produces
Anglo-Saxon, Francick, CiMBRICK, a certain degree of civility and learning; they
» then became by degrees acquainted with the Ro-
Dutch German. Idandick, man language, and ib gained, from time to time,
Frifick, Norwegian, fome knowledge and elegance, till in three centu-
tnglifh, Swedifli, ries they had formed a language capable of ex-
Danifli. prefling all the fentimcnts of a civilifcd people, as
Vol. I. c appears
appears by k'ng Alfreds paraphrafe or imitation of CAP. II.

Bcethius, and his Ihort preface, which I have fe- ^^ ^^^^

^ ,^. ^^^^ lurr'jcnlice ronr.
Icdtcd as the firft fpecimcn of ancient EngUJb. ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ heopienoe j-in^in. ] mit) j-pi ur^cpa-
t)um pojitJum jcferran. |)cah ic jeo npilum je-
C A P. I. coplice puntie, ac ic nu pepenfce ^ 5ij-cierit?e op

>cx L T;cnat»rii pont>a mirpo. me

ablentsan bar unxer-
/-\N «a;pe ribe fe Doran op 8iSSiu mrrj^e j^^.^ ^ ^^ 1,^ ponleran^-pa
j^j ,j,^_
^-^ pi)7 Komana jiice jepin upahoron. •] mi]?
hi,„^ne on |7i)^ Dinime hoi. Bx bepeapoCon
heopa cynin^um. Rxbjora ant) eallepica pxjioii j^i^ene luprba-nnerre pa Sa ic hun a-pne berrr
harne. Romane bupij abparcon. anb eall Iralia ^p^pp^e. Ba pentjon hi me heopa bxc ro anD me
jiice jJ ip berpux )7am munrum •] Sici'ia ^am ^^,^ ^^„^^ p^omjepiran. To phon pceolmi la
ealonT5e m anpaib jepehron. -^ fa je^rep Jam j^,^^^ pnient) reTTan bsr ic Terjch-r men pa:ne.
popepppecenan cyninjum Deot)pic peiij ro f am ,,^ ,^^ 5,^^,^ xepiEhr re Se on 6am Teralbum
ilcan pice, j-e Deobpic pa.-p Amulmja. he pasp ^uphpuman ne mor:-
Epipren. feah he on f am Appianipcan jetjpolan .

Suphpunot>e. pe ^eher Romanum hir ppeont>-

rcine. ppa •* hi morran heopi ealt)pihra pypbe ^ \cr^
beon. Ac heba xehar ppiSe ypele selspre. DA ic fa ,
ppiSe ppabe Teenl>ot)e mib mancTum mane, apun^en «a com ?iajp jan in ro me heo-
•« pir ro eacan ofpum unapimet)um yplum. f he F^^cunt) pipt)om. •] -p min miipnentse COot) mit>
lohannep bone papan her opplean. Da y.vy pum hippopbum jejperre. T flip cpasf ^u ne eapr .

conpul.-p pe heperoha haraf Boeriup y^y . f " f^ »""" )'*"" "i'"r& F^le pa?pe apet) •] ^e-
haren. re yxr in boccpreprum -j on popult) lappet). Ac hponon pupt)efu mm
fippum popult>
bcapumpepihrpirepra. 8e Sa onrear f a manij- FPS""! f^r TP'l'e jeppencet). buron ic par f
pealmn ypel fe re cynin3 Deojpic pif f am f u hteppr Sapa pxpna ro hpaf e pop^iren 6e ic
fcpiprenantjome ^ pif fam Romanipcum piriim fe aep pealne. Da clipot)e pe pipt)om •] cpsf.
tjyoe. he b a •remunt5e «apa ef neppa -j f apa Depiraf nu apipjet^e popult) popja op minep
DpihraSehiunr)epSamEarepumhaspt>onheopa f^S^nep C0ot5e. popfam Te pinb fa maspraa
Da onran he pmeajan -] leopni-
ealT>hlapopt5Lim. pceafan. Ljeraf hme epr hpeoppan ro mmiim
ran on him j-elpum hu he j5pice 'Sam unpihrpipan iapum. Da eot)e pe pij-tjom neap, cpref Boeriup.
cy-niHTeapeppan mihre. •] on pyhr ^eleappul- minum hpeoppienTJan jefohre. •] hir ppa mopolil
^ip^'^ hpeja upapst)e. at)pi3be fa minenep
pa anb on pihrpippa anpaib jebpmjan. 8ent5e
fam Eapepe ro COot)ep eajan. ant) hir ppan bhf urn popuim.
fa biTelhce spenbreppiru ro
tonpranrinopohm. fsp ip Upeca heah bupj ^ hpsfep hir oncneope hip poprepmotjop. mit>
heopa cyneprol. pop fam pe Daj-epe psep heopa ^am fe Sa f COob pif bepent>e. 6a ^ecneop hir
ealbhlapopt) cynnep. ba^bon hine f.-er he him ro rP'?^ ppeorele hip ajne mot)op. -p pasp pe pip-
heopa Epiprent)ome ] ro heopa ealopihrum je- ^^m fe •'r^ ^anje asp rybe ] la^poe. ac hir on-
pulrumebe. Da -f onrear pe paslhpeopa cyninj ^ear hip lape ppife roropenne •] ppif e robpo-
Deobpic. «a hjer he hine jebpinjanon capcepne cenne mit) tjypijpa honbum. ] hine fa ppan hu
] frp mne belucan. Da lur 6a jelomp -p je f jepupbe. Da ant)ppypt)e pe pipbom him 7
appypSa psep on ppa m'celpe neapaneppe be- pa:be. •^ hip jmjpan htepbon hine ppa roropenne.
com. fa yxr he ppa micle ppi6op on hip COot)e P^P- fa^J^ hi reohhot)on f hi hine eallne habban
rebpepeb. ppa hip CDo» xp. ppi6on ro f im pceotoon. ac hi 3e3at5epu6 monipealb toypij on
popult) pa f um unjepot) pa:p. -] he 6a nanpe ]p^'?^ poprp'upunja. -j on fam jilpe buran heopa

ppoppe be innan fam capcepne ne jemunbe. ac hpelc epr ro hype bore jecippe:-
he jepeoll nipol op t>une on fa plop. •] hine -phis' may perhaps be confidered as a fpecimen
aprpehre ppife unpor. anb opmob hine pelpne of the Saxcn in its higheft ftatc of purity, for here
pon^an pepan ^ fup pingenbe cpef are fcarcciy any words borrowed from the Roman

Of the follov/ing verfion of the gofpels the age the original tongue; yet they have often this con-
is not certainly known, but it was probably writ- venience, that the fame book, being tranflated in
ten between the time of /IlfreJ and that of the Nor- different ages, affords opportunity of marking the
man conqueft, and therefore may properly be in- gradations of change, and bringing one age into
ferted here. comparifon with another. For this purpofe I have
Tranflations fcldom afford juft fpecimehs of a placed the Saxon verfion and that of Wickliffe, writ-
language, and ieaft of all thofe in which a fcrupu- ten about the year 1380, in oppofite columns, be-
lous and verbal interpretation is endeavoured, be- caufe the convenience of eafy collation feems greater
caufe they retain the phrafeology and ftrufture of than that of regular chronology.

L UC^, Cap. I.
LUK, Chap. L

TJ^ ORD^QD pe: pirot)lice maneji Jjohron jjapa

jiiinja jiace 5e-ent)eby_pt>an pe: on uy ^epyl-
]et)e f ynt:.
' 2 Spa uy bershrun pz Se hir oj? pfiymSe
Tcppon. aiib jjtjie j'pjiarce j^enaj- prejion.

3 OOe j;e]7uhre [o_p-pylijt)e pjiom pjauma]

jeojiniice eallum. [miS] enoebyptinej'j'e pjiiran
fee. pu 'Se j'eluj'ra Theophilup
4 ]ju oncnape f»apa popt)a yo'SfXfTn&jje.

op ):'am 'Se j?u jel^ejiet) eapr:-

5 On
^ejiooep Oajum lutJea cynmcjej-. pjep "IN Eroude kyng of Judee ther was a
the dayes of
piim pacejit) on naman Zachajiiap op Sbian rune. * Zacarye by name : of the fort of Abia, and
3 hip pip psep op Sajionep Oohrjium. ant) hype his wyf was of the doughtris of Aaron and hir:

nama Glizaberh:-
pa?p name was Elizabeth.
6 SoSiice hij pasjxon buru pihtrpipe bepojaan 2 An bothe weren jufte bifore God : goynge in
Ifu'De. j.injentie on eallum hip bebot>um ] jiihr- alle the maundementis and juftifyingis of the Lord
pipneppuni buran pjiohre:- withouten playnt.
7 Ant5 hij nEejOon nan beapn. pojifjam ^e 3 And thei hadden no child, for Elizabeth was
eiizaberh p{ep unbej\ent)e. •] hy on hyjia Oagum bareyn and bothe weren of greet age in her dayes.
buru jojiSeotJun:-
8 SoSlice p3ep jepojiben pa. Zachapiap hyp pa- 4 And it bifel that whanne Zacarye fchould do
cept);iatiep bpeacon hip jeppixlepentiebyjiDneppe the office of prcfthod in the ordir of his courfe to
bepopan Eot)e. fore God.
9 iEprep jeponan ptey paceptihaioep hlorep. 5 Aftir the cuftom of the prefthod, he wente
he eot)e f he hip opppunje perre, Sa he on forth by lot and entride into the temple to encenfen.
Cot5ep rempel eobe.
ID Gall pepot) pxy polcep pasp ure 3ebit)t)ent)e 6 And at the multitude of the puple was with-
on Jjjepeopppunjenman:- out forth and preyede in the our of encenfying.
1 Da asryptie him Dpihrnep enjel prant)ent>e 7 And an aungel of the Lord appcride to him:
on pxy peopobep ppiSpan healpe. and flood on the right half of the auter of en-
12 Di
peapt) Zachapiap jetspepet) f
S^f^' 8 And Zacarye feynge was afrayed : and dredc
ont5e. ~] him ere onhpeap:- fcl upon him.
1 Da cpa;S pe enjel him ro. Ne onttpret) pu 9 And the aungel fayde to him, Zacarye drede
Se Zachapiap. popj;am Jjin ben ip jehypet). ] thou not: for thy preier is herd, and Elizabeth
j;inpip eiizaberh pe: punu cen^. ant) ]ju nempr thi wif fchal here to thee a fone: and his name fchal
hyp naman lohannep. be clepid Jon.
14 ] he byS pc ro jepean ] ro blippe. •] 10 And joye and gladyng fchal be to thee: and
maneja on hyp acennebneppe jepajniaS:- manye fchulen have joye in his natyvyte.
15 SuSIice he byS m.tpe bepopan Dpihrne. 1 For he fchal be great bifore the Lord and :

anb he ne topincSpin ne beop. •] lie biS -s^epyllet) he fchal not drinke wyn ne fydyr, and he fchal be
on halijum Dapre. );onne jyr op hip motiop in- fulfild with the holy goft yit of his modir wombe.
1 Snb maneja Ippahela beapna he jecypS ro 12 And he fchal converte manye of the children
Dpihrne iiypa Dobc. of Ifrael to her Lord God.
6 17 Snb 13 And
58 hype nehchebupaj- •} hyjie cu^an f je-
-] 54 And the neyghbouris and cofyns of hir
hyptxjn. -p Dpihren hij^ nult>-heoprne)-)-e nut) herdcn that the Lord hadde magnyfied his mercy
hype m.TppJt)e -j hij mit) hype blij-)roDon:- with hir, and ihci thankiden him.
59 Di <'n bam ehreo^an tjsje 1115 comon j) 55 And it was doon in the eightithe day tl>ei
ciIt> ant) ncmt>on hir.e hij- jrrcCep camen to circunifide the child, .nrd thei clepiden
naman Zachapiam:- him Zacarye by the name of his fad:r.
60 Da ant5ppapot>e hi)' mot)op. Ne y& yo'Sty. 56 And his modir anfweridc and fcide, nay,
ac he bib lohanner jenemnet):- but he fchal be clepid Jon.
61 Da cpstx)n.hi ro hype. Nijr nan on j:inpe 57 And thci fciden to hir, for no man is in tht
ma j^e |-yppum naman jenemnet):- kyndrede that is dtpid this name.
6a Da bicnobon hi ro hif pttiep. hysfc he 58 And thei bikcnydcn to his fadir, what he
poIt>e hyne jenemneDne beon:- wolde that he were clepid.
63 pa ppar he5ebet)enum pex-bpebe. lohan- 59 And heaxinge a poyntel wroot feyinge, Jon
nejr hiy nama. 6a punOpoCon hij ealle:- is his name, and allc men wondridcn.

64 Da peapS fona hiif muS ] hij" runje je- 60 And annoon his mouth was openyd and his
openoo. •] he ]-ppasc. Dpihren blerpjenoe:- tunge, and he fpak and blcffide God.
65 Di. peap'^ eje 5epopt)en opep ealle hypa 61 And drede was maad on all hir neighbouris,
nehchebupaj". ant) opep ealle Iut>ea munr-lant> and all the wordis wercn puplifchid on aile the
p.Epon y^Y poptJ 5epib;ii£eppot)e. mounteynes of Judee.
66 ] ealle pa be hir jehyptx>n. on hypa heop- 62 And alle men that hcrden puttiden in her
ran j-errun ] cprebon. penp: Su hpsr byS jjejf herte, and feiden what manner child fchal this be,
cnapa. pirot)lice Dpihrnej" hant) pasp mit) him:- for the bond of the Lord was with him.
67 Ant) Zachapiap hiy )::ast)ep pasp mit> hale- 63 And Zacarye his fadir was fulfiUid with the
jum tjapre jepyllet). •] be pirejotJe anb cyse.'S. holy Goft, and profcciede and feide.
68 Deb!erj-ut) py Dpihren Ippahela Got), pop- 64 Bleffid be the Lord God of Ifrael, for he has
])jm ]:ehe jeneopuCe. "3 hip polcep alypetjneppe vifitid and maad redempcioun of his puple.

6g Snt) he up hcele hopn apxpbe on Dauit»ep 6g And he has rered to us an horn of helthe in
hope hip cnihrep, the hous of Dauith his child.
70 Spa he pppsEC ])uph hip halejpa pirejena 66 As he fpak by the mouth of hife holy pro*
muS. |Ja Se op poplt)ep ppym Se ppprecon. phetis that weren fro the world.
71 •] he alypCe up op iipum peont)um. anb op 67 Helth fro oure enemyes, and fro the hond of
ealpa Jjapa hant)a ^e up harebon, allemen that hatiden us.
yi COilt)-heoprneppe ro pypcenne mit) upum 68 To do merfy with oure fadris, and to have
paetjepum. ] Temunan hip halejan cy'Sneppe. mynde of his holy teftament.
73 ^yne uy ro pyllenne jjone aS jje he upum 69 The grete ooth that he fwoor to Abraham our
pa;t)ep Sbpahame fpop. fadir,

74 D.Er pe buraii eje. op upe peonDa hant)a 70 To geve himfelf to us, that we without
alypebe. him )?eopian drede delyvered fro the hond of our enemyes ferve
to him,
75 On halijneppe bepopan him eallum upum 71 In holynefTe and rightwifncfle before him,
toajum:- •
in alle our dayes.
76 SnT) pu cnapa bipt: J)acp hehpran pireja 72 And thou child fchalt be clepid the profete of
jenemneb. J?u jaepr bepopan Dpihrnep anpyne. the highede, for thou fchalt go before the face of
the Lord to make redy hife weycs.
o pyllene hip poke haele jepic on hypa 73 To geve fcicncc of heelth to his puple into
pynna popTypneppe. remiffioun of her fynncs.
78 Duph inno^ap upep Eot)ep milt)-heopr- 74 By the inwardenefs of the merfy of oure God,
neppe. on Jjam he up jeneoputje op eaprbasle in the which he fpringyng up fro on high hath
up-pypinjenoe. vifued us.
79 Onlyhran J>am p& on )yprpiim "} on tieaSep 75 To g^v^ ^'ght to them that fitten in dark-
pceabe pirraS. upe per ro jepeccenne on pibbe reffis, and in fchadowe of dceth, to drefTe our feet
into the weye of pecsj
80 Soolice pe cnapa peox. pasp on japre•;] 76 And the child wexide, and was confortid in
jeprpanjot). -] p«p on peprenum 00 jjone X)x-^ fpiryt, and was in dcfert placis till to the day of his •

hyp ierypeOneppum on Ippahel:- fthcwing to Yfrael.

6 Of
Of the Siixoft poetry fome fpecimen is neceflary, pe ip buuen up ant) bineSen,
though our ignorance of the laws of their metre and Biuopen ant) ec bihint).
the quantities of their fyllables, which it would be 8e man •f jotiep pille t)eS,
very dillicult, perhaps impoflible, to recover^ ex- pie mai hine aihpap uint)e.
cludes us from that pleakire which the old bards eche pune he ihep'S,
undoubtedly gave to their contemporaries. Snt) por eche tietje.
I The firfl: poetry of the Saxons was without rhyme, pe Suph pixS echep iSanc,
anJ confcqoently muil have depended upon the lUai hpar pel up ro ]\.€o&.
quantity of their fyllables ; but they began in time 8e man neupe nele t)on T;ot),
to imitate their neighbours, and clofe their verfes Ne neupe jot) lip let)en.
with correfpondent founds. Gp t)eS •] t)om come ro hip t)upe,
The two paflages, whicli I have felcfted, contain pe mai him pope at)pet)en.
apparently the rudiments of our prefent lyrick mea- punjep ] Suppr here •] chele,
fures, and the writers may be juftly confidered as GcSe ant) all unhel'Se.
the genuine anceftors of the Englijh poets. £5uph t)eS com on ^ip mit)elapt),
^e mai him fojte at)jiet)en, Hnt) oSep unipelSe.
Da^r he Sanne ojre bitit)e ne mujen^ Ne mai non hepre hir ijjenche,
Uoji -^ bihmpeS dome. Ne no runje relle.
^s; If f bir ant> bore
pi]" pu muchele pinum ant) hu uele,
Ant) ber biuojien bome. BieS inne helle.
DeaS com on Sij- mitielajit) Louie Dot) mit) upe hiepre.
DujaS 'Sxy Oeplej" ont>e, !Snt) mit) all upe mihre.
"RnXi j*enne ant» foj^e ant) ij'pinc. !Snt) upe emcpiprene ppo up pelp,
On J"e ant) on lont)e. 8po up lepeS t)pihre.
Ic am eltiep. Sanne ic pe|", 8ume Sep habbeS leppe mepjSe,
A pinrjie ] ec a lope. Snt) pume Sep habbeS mope,
Ic ealtii mope Sanne ic t)et)e, ech eprep San -^ he t)et)e,
ODi pir ojlire ro bi mope. eprep -^ he ppanc pope.
8e ^ hine )-elue uopjer, Ne pel Sep bi bpet) ne pin,
Uop piue oj:ep uop chilt»e. Ne oj;ep kennep epre.
J)e ]-al comen on euele jretie* Dot) one pel bi echep lip,
Bure jot) him bi milt)e. Snt) blipce ant) eche pepre.
Ne hopie pip ro hipe Yt\ity Ne pal Sap bi pcere ne pcputs, *

Ne pepe ro hip piue. Ne poplfcep pele none.

Bi pop him pelue eupich man, "Kc pi mepjjje •^ men up bihar,
Daep pile he bieS aliue. "KW pall ben jot) one.
Gupich man mit) j5 he haueS, Ne mai no mepjj^e bi ppo muchel,
bejjen heuepiche.
ClDai 8po ip jotjep ipihSe.
Se Se leppe ~] pe oe mope, pi ip poj) pune ant) bpihr,
^epe aitiep iliche. Hnt» t)ai Dure nihre.
^euene ant) epSe he oueppie^, E)s:\i ip pele bure pane,
^ip ejhen biS pulbpihr. 7?nt) pepre buren ippinche.
Sunne ~] mone ] alle preppen, 8e f mai Set)ep come,
ant) nele
BieS Sieprpe on hip lihre. Sope hir uopSenche,
^e por hper SencheS ant) hper DoJ>, Dep ip blipce buren rpeje,
Alle quike pihre. "Knt) lip buren t)eaSe.
Nip no louepT) ppich ip xipr, Der eupe pullen punie Sep,
Ne no kinj ppich ip t)pihre. BliSe hi bie]) ant) eaSe.
^euene -] epSe -j all Sar ip, Dep ip jeujej^e buren eltie,
Biloken ip on hip hont)e. !Snt) elt)e buren unheljje.
^e t)eS ai f hip pille ip. Nip Sep popje ne pop non,
On pea ant) ec on lonCe. Ne non unipelSe.
^e ip opt) alburen opt)e, Dep me pel t)pihren ipen,
T^nt) ent)e alburen eiit)e. 8po ape he ip mit) ipippe.
pe one ip eupe on eche pret)e, pe one mai ant) pel al bien,
Ulent>e pep Su pentJe. Giijlep ant) mannep blipce.
To ^ape blij-ce oj* bpinj 30T), •3pnakep ] pibep pscpon mne. ] bpapen heom
Per pixett buren ence. ppj. 8umc hi t)it)en in cpucer hup. ^ ip in an
Danrie he upe piula unbinr, cepre jJ pap pcopr •] napeu. •] un t)ep. •] t)it>e
Ojr lichamlice bent>. - pcfeppe rranep fiep inne. •] ppenjt)e J)e man \>x^
Cpipr jeue uf lel)e fpich lijr, inne. jJ ni bp^^con alle ^t limep. In mam op j)e
Snt) habbe j-pichiie ent)e. caprk-p pa?pon lop -j jpT. -JJ ps.pon pachenrejep'
)cr pe moren Sit5ep cumeii, jj rpa o^ep J)pe men hatiben onoh ro bjepon
Danne pe hennej* pentje. onne. -f pap ppa macet) j5 ip pjeprnet) ro an
beom. •] t)it)en an pcjepp ipen aburon }pi mannep
About the year 1 150, the S.-ixoh began to take a l^pore ] hip halp. -jJ he ne mihre nopit)eppapt)ep
form in which the beginning of the prefent Englijh ne pirren. ne lien, ne plepen. oc bjepon at jJ ipen.
may be plainly difcovcrcd ; this cliange I'eems not to COani ])upen hi bpapen mit) hunja?p. J ne canne.
have been the cffcdl of the Norman conqucft, for •] ne mai rellen alle j)e puntiep, ne alle fe pinep -f
very few French words are found to have been in- hi t)it)en ppecce men on hip lant). •] ;p lapretoe |:'a
troduced in the firft hundred years after it; the XIX. pmrpe pile Srephne pap kinj. -\ asupe ir pap
language mud therefore have been altered by caufes uueppe ant) uueppe. pi lasit)enj^iit)ep on j^e
like thofe which, nottwithltanding the care of writers runep jeupeu pile. -] clepetjen ir renpepie. pa
and focieties InQituted toobv'ute them, are even |)e ppecce men ne hat)t)en nan mopero jiuen. |ja

now daily making innovationsin every living lan- p£uet)en hi ant) bpent)on alle ]?€ runep. -f pel pu
guage. I have exhibited a fpecimen of the lan- mihrep papen all aoaeip pape pcult)ej-r j^u neupe
guage of this age from the year 1 1 35 to 1 140 of the pint)en man in rune pirrentje. ne lant) rilet). Da
Saxon chronicle, of which the latter part was ap- pap copn baspe. *] plec. ~\ ctepe. ] burepe pop
parcritly written near the time to which it relates. nan ne pjep o |)e lant). Ujpecce men prupuen op
hunjsep. pume jcben on aelmep pe papen pum
Dip jsepe pop Jtc kmj 8rephne opep pjc ro pile pice men. pum plujen ur op lantie. lUep
Nopmant)!. ~\ Jjcp pep unt^ep-pan^en. popSi -f nasupe jasr mape ppeccehet) on lant). ne nasupe
hi pent)en he pciiltx ben alpuic aipe jje com y^Y'
-^ he'^en men peppe ne t)it)en pan hi t)it)en. pop
-\ pop jer hip rjiepop. ac he ro t5elt)
he hat)t»e ouep piSon ne pop-bapen hi nouSep cipce. ne
ir -] pcarepet) poriicc. ODicel hat)t>e ^cnpi kinj cypce-ijept). oc nam al |?e jot> f j^ap inne pap.
jatsenet) 30IT) -j pyluep. ant) na jot? ne t>it)e me ~] bpentJcn pySen |7e cypce •] alrejst)epe. Ne hi
pop hir paule );ap op. Da be kmj Srephne ro ne pop-bapen bipcopep lant). ne abborep. ne
enjIa-IanO com \>a macot) lie hip jabepinj asr ppeoprep. ac pasueben munecep. -3 clepckep. ]
Oxene-popt). 1 bap he nam be bipcop Rojep op afupic man o^ep ouep myhre.
|7e Dip rpa men
8epcp-bepi. ] SlexanTsep oipcop op Lincoln. oSep jjpe coman ro an run. al jje run-
"] re Hancelep Rojep hipe neuep. •] t)it»s lelie pcipe piujain pop heom. penben -f hi prepon
in ppipun. ril hi japen up hepe caprlep. Da jje psuepcp. De bipcopep -] lepet) meh heom cup-
puikep unt5ep5£eron jJ he miltx man j^ap •] popre iftT>c a;upe. oc pap heom nahr j^ap op. pop hi
"3 jot). -} na jupcipe ne t)it)e. j^a t)it)en hi alle pa?pon all pop-cupj-set) -3 pop-puopen -3 pojiiopen.
punt)ep. pi hat)ben him manpet) maket> ant) map pjE me rilct)e. J)e epSe ne bap nan copn. pop
a^p puopen. ac hi nan rpeuSc ne heolt)en. alle ]je lant) pap all popbon mit» puilce t)aEt)ep. -3 hi
he pspon pop ppopen. •] hepe rpeoSep pop- pnEt)en openlice Lpij-r p!ep.
hip halechen. 8uilc
lopcn. pop ffupic pice man hip caprlep makete •3 mape Jeanne pe cunnen pajin. pe ]iolent)en xix.
antj ajaioep him heolticn. ant) pylDen j^e lant) pull pinrpe pop upe pinnep. On al pip yucle rime
op caj-rU-p. ^1 puencren pui^c )?e ppccce men hcolt) ClDaprm abbor hip abborpice xx. pinrep
op I?'* lant) mit) caprcl-peopcep. j^a ))e caprltp 3 halp Jsp. T VIII. t)aE'ip. mit) micel puinc. -3
papen makit). \i j:ylt)en hi mit) t)eou'ep ant)yuele pant) |-e munekep. -3 re jej-rep al ^ heom behouet).
mtn. Da namen hi J^a men J7e hi pentitn ^ am •3 heolb mycel capireb in rhe hup. ant) |7oS pe-
jot) he):t)en. ba& be r.ihrep capl-
?.nt) be t).Tipp. £epe ppohre on |ie cipce -3 perre j?ap ro lanbep -3
m n ] pimmen. ant) t)it);n hcom in jpipun eprep penrtp. -3 jottt) ir puy^c ant) Isr ir pepen. ant)
jolt) ant) pyluep. -] pmcb heom un-rellcnt5!ice bpohre htom inro ]:e neps mynprpe on p. Pcrpep
pininj. pop n p!Fpen nasupe nan maprypp ppa niaype-t)a:i mib micel puprpcipe.
f pap anno ab
pinct) alpi- hi ptcpon. COe henjet) up bi |)c per incapnarione Dom. mcxl. a combuprione loci
ant) pmoket) hcom mit) pul pmoke. me henjet) XXIII. Knt) he pop ro Rome -3 ]i)^^ pa?p pasl
"bi j)t- jjumbrp. o^ep bijie hcpet). -] cnjen bpynijep unt)ep-p.in5fn ppam |7e Pape Gujenie. -3 bejjer
on hep per. OQe bitie cnorret) prpen ji p aburon rbape ppiuilejiep. an op alle \>c lanticp op pabbor-
hepe iisuet). -j uupySen ro j5 ir TEt)e ro j? pice. -3 an oSep op ])e lanSep ])e lien ro \>t cipce-
hxpnep. pi t)it)cn heom in quaprejxnc pap natipep pican. -3 jip he lenj mopre liuen. aIpe he minr
ro T)on op f>e hojibeji-pycan, "Knt) he bejjcr m j'pac pib Robbejit eojil ^ pib f»empejMce anb|-pofi

lantjer -p heptien mit) yvjien-^pe. op

jtice men heom aSaj-'iphe neujiema mib rekinjhij" bjio^eji
U3il!elm CDalOuir pe heolo Rojinjham |;fe caprel polbe halben. "] ciijipbe alle fe men fe mib hitn
he pan Eorinjham •] ej^run. -^ op pujo op Ulalr- heolben. anb psbe heom -p he polbe ifuen heom
uile he pan ^f^iTlw^i). -3 Sranepij. •] lx. pof. up tUin-ceprji.. } bibe heom cumen |7ibe]i. Da
op Stoepinjle £ek jasji. Snti he maket)e n anie hi |7asp inne pa^jxen |7a com f»e kinjep cuen .^ i
munekep. -} planrct5e piniasjit). ] maket>; manie hijie prpenjSe ^ bepsc heom, -p pep. y^ey inne
peojikep. -] pent5e |7e run berejie fian it asp pasp. micel hunjjep. Da hi ne lenj ne muhren jjolen. j^a
anb p tp jot) munec •] joT) man. ] popSi hi luuetien prali hiur ~\ plu jen. •] hi piipSen pip piSuren "]
Cot) anb TOiDe men. Nu pe pillen psejen pum tjel polecheben heom. anb namtn RotDbepr eopi op
par belamp on Srephne kinjep rime. On hip DIou-ceprpe ant) lebben him ro Roue-ceprpe. ant>
rime f»e Jut>eup op Nop-pic bohron
an Epipren t)iben him j^ape m
ppipun. anb re empepice pleh
ciltJ bepopen Sprpen. ant> pinet)en him alle pe inro an mynprpe. Da peopt)en Sa pipe men be-
ilce pininT -f upe Dpihrin pap pinet). ant) on lanj- rpyx. pe kinjep ppeonb ~] re eoplep ppeonb. ant)
ppit)aei him on potie henjen pop upe Dpihrnep pahrlebe pua f me pculbe leren ur pe kinj op
luue. ] py^sn bypiet)en him. liUent)en
ir ppipun pop f»e eopl. ] reeopi pop f>e kinj. "] pua
pcutee btn pop holen. oc upe Dpihrin arypet)e 8i^en ^ep eprepparhleben f>e kmj-] Ran-
•p he pap hall mapryp. ~\ ro munekep him namen. toolp ar 8ran-popt» *] aSep ppopen ant)
•] bebypiet) him hejiicc. in Se mynprpe. ] he rpeuSep psepron f hep nou'Sep pculbe bepuiken
maker |7up upe Dpihrin punt)eplice ant) mam- o^ep. -3 ir ne pop-prob nahr. pop pe kinj him
paelt)!ice mipaciep. ] harre he p. Ulillelm:- pi'Sen nam m ^amrun. J^uphe ])icci past). ] bitjc
On |3ip jafp com Dauit) kinj op Scorlant) mit) him ppipun. ^ ep ponep he ler him ur fiuphe
opmere parpt) ro piy lant) polDe pinnan piy lanti." •] pasppe pet)ro -p popepaptie -p he puop on halitiom.
him com rojEeneplUillelmeoplopSlbamapljekinj •] jyplep panb. f he alle hip caprlep pcult)e iiuen
at)t)eberehr 6uop-pic. ] ro oScp a^uez men mit» up. Sume he lap up anb pume ne lap he nohr.
pasu men -] puhren pit) heom. •] plemt)en pe king a;r anb bibe |janne pjeppe Sanne he hasp pculbe. Da
re prant)apt». ] plojen pG^e micel op hip jenje:- pap Gnjle-lanb puioe ro-belcb. pume helben mib
Un f»ip jjep poloe pe kinj Srephne raecen Rot)- re kinj. -j pume mib f empepice. pop jja j^c king
bepreoplop Dlouceprpe. jjekinjeppune^enpiep. pap in ppipun. fa penben pe eoplep "j re pice
ac he ne mihre pop he papr ir pap. Da cprep hi men -p he neupe mape pculbe cumme ur. "j
pe lenjren jjeprepebe pe punne •] re tsrei aburon pashrleben pyb ]?empepice. -j bpohren hipe inro
nonrit) oejep. pi men eren me lihret)e canblep
"p Oxen-popb. ant) lauen hipe pe bupch:- Da Se kinj
ro a.'ren bi. ~] -p pap xiii. kr.Appil. paspon men pap ure. J7a hepbe f paejen. anb roc hip pcopb
I'uiSe oppuntipet). Dejx eprep popt)-peopt)e Ujil- ] bepasr hipe in pe rup. "3 me lasr hipe bun on
elm ^pce-bipcop op Eanrpap-bypij. -j re king nihr op pe rup mib papep. -j pral ur •] peas pleh
maket)e Teobalt) ^ffipce-bipcop, l^epap abbor in Jje ^ isebe on pore ro lUalinj-popb. Dasp eprep
Bee. Dej\ eprep psx puiSe micel uueppe beruyx pes pepbe opep pas. •] In op Nopmanbi penben

J^e kinj Ranbolp eopl op Useprpe nohr popSi

-j alle ppa pe kinj ro pe eopl op Snjasu. pume hepe
•p he ne jap him a! -p he cuSe axen him. alpe he Jjankep -] pume hepe un-j^ankep. pop he bepser
tiitx; alle oSpe.ocjeppe femape lap heom J?e psppe heom ril hiup htpe caprlep. •] hi nan
hi paepon him. De eopl heolb Lincol ajsenep pe helpe ne haepben op jje kinj. Da pepbe Gupracc
kinj. benam him al f he ahre ro hauen. -j re
~] |je kinjeppuneroFpance. -jnamljekinjeppuprep

kinj pop pitiep. ] bcpasrre him -] hip bpoSep op Fpance ro pipe. pent)e ro bijxron Nopmant)i
lUilielm t)2 R
ape in pd caprel. •] re eopl
. . . |7.cp Jjuph. oc he ppet)t)e lirel. ] be jotJe pihre.
prjel ur
-] eprep Rotibcpr eopl op Clou-
p^ptie pop he pap an yucl man. pop papepe he ... l)it)e .

ceprpe. -3 bpohr him jjitsep mit> micel pepb. mape yuel Jeanne jot), he peuet)e pe lantiep •] Iasit)c
anb puhren ppiSe on Eantielmappe-t)asi ajenep mic pon. hebpohre hippiproGnjle-lant).
hcope lauept). ~j namen him. pop hip men him ~} t)it)e hipe in pe capre reb. Tot) pimman
puykcn -j plujaen. ant) liet) him ro Bpiprope ant) pea? psep. oc pcse het)t)e lirel blippe mit) him. *]

oitJcn flap in ppipun. "] repep. Da pap all . . . xpij^r ne polt)e f he pcult)e lanje pixan. -j paspb
Gnjlc-lant) prypet) map ])an aep ysey. ant) all yuel t)eb ant) hip moticpbelen. -jreeoplopSnjEupjept)
fxy in lant)e. Deji eprep com pe kinjep t)ohrep t)et). •] hip pune ^enpi roc ro pe pice. "Knb re cuen

^enpi'p p: hepbe ben Gmpepic on Tvlamanie. ] nu op Fpance ro-t)s:lbe ppa pe kinj. "] peas com ro pe
pasp cunrepfe in T^njou. •] com ro Lunt)ene. -j re lunje eopl ^enpi. •] he roc hipe ro pipe. -3 al Peirou
Luntsenippce pole hipe polt)e ra;cen •] ycx pleh. T mit» hipe. Da pepbe he mit) micel pspb inro
poplep pap micel:- Deji eprep be bipcop op Gnjle-lanb. ] pan caprlep. -] re km j pepbe ajencp
Ujin ceprpe ^enpi. pe kmjcp bpg^cp Srephnep. him micel mapepepS. Tfo^pjEfepepurcnhinohr.
Vol. I. c oc
oc |-cpbcn Jtc ^pce biprop -j re ]>\ye men be- Der nif ferpenr wolf no fox.
rpux hcom. •] makcbc jJ pahrcfrc kinj pculbe ^orf no capil. kowe no ox.
btii laui j\b •} kinj pile •] aprep hij- bsi
he liutbe. Dcr nif fchepe no fwine no gore.
p;)pe ^i npi kin
•} poji pabeji ] he
he helbe No non horwyla got) ir wore.
nim poji pune. ant> pib -] psehre pcultJe ben bcrpyx Noficr harare nober frot)'*.
hconi -] on al Gnjlc lanO. i5ip ant) re oSpe De lant) if ful of o])er got>e.
jrojimiapbrp Jjtr hi makcben poojien ro halbcn Nif no lowfc.
f^er flei fie

pc kinj •} re eojl'. ant) re bipcop. •] re eojilrp. In roune bet) no houfe.

clo|) in

picciren alle. Da pap pe eopl untjejxpanjcn Der nif tounnir flere no hawje.
^r lUin ceprjie ar.b ser mib miccl
L.unbene No non vile worme no fnawile.
pujirpcipe. anb allehim man-pcb. ant)
t)iT)en No non frorm rem no wint>e.
puoptrn pe paip ro halt>en. ant) hir papb pone Der nif man no woman blint)e.
giSc job paip pua -p ncujie pap hejie. Da pap Ok al if game loi anr gle.
ki('5 prjvtrnjcjie Jjanne he seuejar hep pap. •] re Wel if him pax: J7er mai be.
f opt pepbe oucp pas. •] al pole him luuebe. pop he Der be)) riverf grer ant) fine.
XnX)c got) jupripe -j maktt)e paip:- Of oile mclk honi ant) wine.
Wanr feruij) jjer ro nojjing.
Nearly about this time, the following pieces of Bor ro fiyr ant) ro waufling.
poetry fecm to have been written, of which 1 have
inferted only (hort fragments ; the firft is a rude
attempt at the prefent meafure of eight fyllables,
and the fccond is a natural introduftion to Robert r^ LD E anr yonge i preir ou oure folief for ro
of Gloucejier, being compofed in the fame meafure,
^^ iere.
which, however rude and barbarous it may feem, Dencher on gob ])ar yef ou wir oure funnef ro
taught the way to the AUxandrines of the French bere.
p6etry. ^ere mai reilen ou. wit) wort)ef feire ant) fwere.
De vie of one meitian. waf horen COaregrere.
p* U R in fee bi wefr fpaynge. ;^ire fat)er waf a parriac. af ic ou reilen may.
If a lont) ihorc cokaygne. In aunrioge wif echef i Se fajic lay.
Dcr nif lont) unt)er heuennchc. Deve gotJcf anr t)oumbe. he fervet) nitt anr t)ay.
Of wel of gotJnif hir iliche. So t)et)en mony ojpere. picc finger weilawey.
Doy paraDif be miri anD briyr. Theot)ofius wafif nome. on crift Ae levet>e he
Eokaygn if of fairir fiyr. noutt.
Whar if fer in parat)if. pe levet)e on pt falfe got)ef. Sar peren wit) hontoen
Bor graffe ant) flure anD grenerif. wroutt.
Doy Jjer be loi ant) grcr t)urc. Do jjar chilt) fcult^e chnftine ben. ic com him well
Der nif mer bore frurc. in |?outt.
Dcr nif halle bure no bench. € bet) wen ir were ibore. ro t)tpt ir were ibpoutt.
Bor wanr man if furfro quench. De mot)er waf an hejjene wif pax hire ro wyman
Beb per no men bur rwo. bere.
^ely ant) cnok alfo. Do ^ar chilD ibore waf. nolt)e ho hir furfare.
Oinghch may hi go. ^o rent)e ir inro afye. wib meflagerf ful yare.
Whar |?er woni|)men no mo. To a nopice far hire wifte. anr ferre hire ro
In cokaygne ifmer ant) t)rink. lore.
Wi])ure care how ant) fwink. De nonce |)ar hire wifte. chilt)ren aheuet)e feuene.
De mtr if rrie |)e brink fo clere: De eitte|)e waf maregrere. crifref may of heuene.
To none ruflin ant) fopper. '
Talef ho am rolt»e. ful feire anr ful euene.
I figge for fo|) boure were. Wou ho ])olct)en marrirt)om. fern Laurence anr
Der nif lont) on er|?e if pere. feinre Sreuene.
Unt)cr hcuen nif lont) i wifle.
Of fo mochil loi ant) blifle. In thefe fragments, the adulteration of the Saxon
Dcr if mam fwerc fiyre. tongue, by a mixture of the Norman^ becomes
Al if l)ai nif ))er no niyre. apparent ; yet it is not lb much changed by the
Der nif barer no)'er frrif. admixture of new words, which might be imputed
Nif ptr no t>ej7 ac eucr lif. to commerce with the continent, as by changes
Dcr nif lac of mer no clojr. of its own forms and terminations \ for which no
Der nif no man no woman wrolr. reafon can be given.
Hitherto the language ufed in this illand, how- Hii come & fmytc an batayle, & Jjere, Jf>oru Code's
ever different in fucccffive time, may be called grace,
Saxon; nor can it be expeded, from the nature of fe Deneys were al bynej^e, & J^e lond folc adde J^e

things oradually changing, that any time can be place,

afiigned, when the Saxon may be faid to ceafe, and And more prowelTe dude ]jo, fan J>e kyng my^te
the Englilh to commence. Rokrt of Gloucejltr byuore,
however, who is placed by the criticks in the thir- jjeruore gode lond men ne be]? nojt al verlore.

teenth century, fecms to have ufed a kind of in- \>c kyng was |?e boldore ]?o, &
ajen hem fe more
termediate diction, neither Saxon nor Englijh ; in drou.
his work therefore we fee the tranfition exhibited, And ys foure godes fones woxe vafte y nou,
and, as he is of our writers in rhyme, of
the firft Edclbold and Adelbryjt, Edelred and Alfred,
whom any large work remains, a more cxtenfive jpys was a ftalwarde tern, &
of gret wyfdom & red.
quotation is extraded. He writes apparently in the And kynges were al foure, &
defendede wel Jjys
fame mcafure with the foregoing authour of St. lond.
Margarite, which, polifhrd into greater exadnefs, An Deneys dude flame ynou, J^at me volwel vond.

appeared to our anceftors fo fuitable to the genius Is fyxte)7e jereof j^e kynge's kynedom
of the Englijh language, that it was continued In eldeftc lone Adelbold gret oft to hym nome.
in ufe almoft to the middle of the feventeenth And ys fader alfo god, and ofiere heye nfen al fo.
century. And wende ajenj^ys Deneys, j^a't muche wo adde
y do.
/^F fe batayles of Denemarch, J^at hii dude in Vor myd tuo hondred flypes 8c an alf at Temfe
^-^ \ys londe mou]j hii come.
J>at worft were of alle ojjere, we mote abbe an And Londone, and Kancerbury, and ojjer tounes
honde. nome.
Worft hii were, vor ojrere adde fomwanne ydo, And fo vor|) in to Soj^ereye, & floweSc barnde vafte,
As Romeyns & baxons, & wel wufte J^at lond fere fe kyng and ys fone hem mette atte lafte.
|jerto. fere was batayle ftrong ynou yfmyte in an frowe.
Ac hii nc kept yt holde nojt, bote robby, and f e godes kynjtes leye adoun as gras, wan medef
flcnde. mowe.
And deftrue, & bernc, & fle, & ne coujje abbe non Heueden, (fat were of yfmyte,) &
oferlymes alfo,
ende. Flete in blode al fram fe grounde, ar f e batayle were
And bote lute yt nas wor]?, |?ey hii were ouercome ydo.
^lome. Wannef at blod ftod al abrod, vas fer gret wo y nou.
Vor myd flypes and gret poer as preft effone hii Nys yt reufe vorto hure, fat me fo vole flou ?
come. Ac our fuete Louerd atte lafte fl'ewede ys fuete grace.
Kyng Adelwolf of ]py% lond kyng was tuenty jer. And fende fe Criftyne Englyfl^e men f e mayftrye in
|7e Deneys hym ryuor |7an hii dude cr. fe place.
Vor in ^e al our vorft jer of ys kynedom And fe hefcne men of Denemarch bynefe were
Myd j^re & frytty flypuol men her prince hyder echon.
come. Nou nas fer jut in Denemarch Criftendom non ;

And Sou]?hamtone aryuede, an hauene by SouJ^e.

at fe kyng her after to holy chyrche ys herte fe morfe
Anojjer gret oft jjulke tyme aryuede at Portef- drou.
mou{;e. And tefejede wel & al ys lond, as hii ajte, we! y
}jc kyngnufte wejjer kepe, at delde ys oft atuo. nou.
J7e Denes adde j^e mayftrc. \o al was ydo. Seyn Swythyn at Wyncheftre byflTop fo was,
And by Eftangle and Lyndcfeye hii wende vorb atte And Alcfton at Syrebourne, fat amendede muche
lade. fys cas.
And fo hamward al by Kent, & (lowe & barnde f e kyng was wel f e betere man f oru her beyre red,
vafte, Tuenty wynter he was kyng, ar he were ded.
Ajen wynter hii wende hem. anojjer jer eft hii At Wyncheftre he was ybured, as he jut lyf fere.
come. Hys tueye fores he jef ys lond, as he byjct ham ere,
And deftrude Kent out, and L.ondone nome.
al Adelbold, the eldore, fe kynedom of Kftfex,
jjus al an ten jer lond hii brojte j^er doune,
J?at And fuffe Adelbryjc, Kent and Wcftfex.
*So fiat in \ic te|je jer of |)e kynge's croune, Eyjtc hondred jer yt was and feuene and fyfty al fo.
Al byfou|3e hii come alond, and f'et folc of Somer- After fat God anerfe com, fat fys dcde was ydo.
fete Bofe hii wufte by her tyme wel her kynedom.
foru J?e byflbp Alcfton and j^et folc of Dorfete At fe vyfte jer Adelbold out of fys lyue nome.
6 At
At Sfyrcbourne he was ybured, &
ys broker Adel- Tueye batayles her after in pc fuif jere
bryjt Hii fmyte, and at boj^e fe hefene mayftres were."
His kynedotn adde after hym, as lawe was and ryjt. pc kyng Aldered fone )jo fen wey of def nome.
By ys daye pe verde com of )je hej^ene men wel prout. As yt vel, pe vyfty jer of ys kynedom.
And Hamteflyrc and deftrude Wyncheftre al out. At Wymbourne he was ybured, as God jef fat cas,
And |jat lond folc of namteflTyre her red ]jo nome fc gode Alfred, ys brof er, after hym kyng was.
And of Barcflyre, and fojte and pc ffrewen ouer-
AdelbryTC was kyng of Kent jeres folle tene.
And of Wcftfex bote vyue, fo he dcyde ych wenc. ^A LFRED,nom he
fys noble man, as in f e jer of grace

Eyjte.hondred &
fyxty &
tuelue fe kynedom.
Arft he adde at Rome ybe, &, vor ys grete wyfdom,
was after hym kyng y mad in J?e fe pope Leon hym bleflfede, fo he f uder com.
place, And fe kynge's croune of hys lond, fat in fys lond
Eyjtehondred&feuene&fyxty as in|jejerof grace. Tut ys:
pc vorfte jer oi ys kynedonf J^e Deneys pycke com. And he led hym to be kyng, ar he kyng were ywys.
And robbedc and deftrude, and cytes vafte nome. An he was kyng of Engelond, of alle fat fer come,
Mayftrcs hii addeof her oft, as yt were dukes, tueye, fat vorft f us ylad was of f e pope of Rome,
Hynguar and Hubba, J^at flrewen were beye. An fuffe ofer after hym of fe erchebyflbpes echon.
In Eft Angle hii byleuede, to reft hem as yt were, So fat hyuor hym pore kyng nas fer non.
Myd her oft al pe wynter, of pe vorft jerc. In fe Souf fyde of Temefe nyne batayles he nome
feojjerjerhiidudehemvor]?, &ouerHombercomc, Ajen fe Deneys fe vorft jer of ys kynedom.
And flowe to grounde barnde, &Euerwyk nome. Nye Ter he was f us in fys lond in batayle & in wo.
fer was batayle ftrong y nou, vor yflawe was )jere An oTte fypt aboue was, and bynef e oftor mo
Ofryc kyng of Hombcrlond, &
monye jjat with hym So longe, fat hym nere by leuede bote f re flTyren in
were. ys hond,
|?o Homberlond was j?us yflcnd, hii wende & tounes Hamteflfyre, and WylteflTyre, and Somerfete, of al
nome. ys lond.
So Jjat atte lafte to Eftangle ajen hym come, A day as he wery was, and afuoddrynge hym nome
^cr hii barnde & robbcde, and j^at folc to grqunde And ys men were ywend auyflfef , Seyn Cutbert to
flowe. hym com.
And, as wolues among ffep, reulych hem to drowe. " Icham," hcfeyde, "-Cutbert, to fe ycham ywend
Seynt Edmond was )70 her kyng, &
jjo he fey Jjac " To brynge e gode tytynges. Fram God ychani
deluol cas r yfend.
fat me morjjrede fo jjat folc, &
non amendemcntnas. " Vor fat folc of fys lond to fynne her wylle al
He ches leuere to deye hymfulf, Jjat fuch forwe to jeue,
yfey. " And jut nolle herto her fynnes byieue
He dude hym vorjj among hys fon, nolde he no)?yg " foru me &
ofer halewen, fat in fys lond were
fle. ybore
Hii nome hym & fcourged hym, & fujjjje naked " fan vor jou byddef God, wanne we bef hym
hym bounde byuore,
To a tre, & to hym flbte, & made hym mony a " Hour Louerd myd ys cyen of milce on fe lokef
wounde, feruore,
fat J?e arewe were on hym jjo fycce, f>at no ftede " Andfy poer fe wole jyue ajen, fat fou aft ney
nas byleuede. verlore.
Atte lafte hii martred hym, and fmyteof ys heued. " And fat fou fer of fof yfe, fou fl*alt abbe
pc fyxte 3;cr of pe crounement of Alderecl be kyng tokynynge.
A nywe oft com into fys lond, gret)7oru allc fyng. " Vor fym men, fat bef ago to day auyflynge,
And anon to Redynge robbedc and flowe. " In lepes & in coufles fo muche vyls hii ifolde
be king and Alfred ys broker nome men ynowe, hym brynge,
Mette hem, and a batayle fmyte vp Aftefdoune, " fat ech man wondry flfal of fo grec cacchynge.

fer was mony moder chyld, fatfonelay jjerdoune. *' And fe mor vor fe harde vorfte, fat fe water
be batayle ylalte vorte nyi^t, and fer were aflawe yfrore hys,
Vyf dukes of Dcnemarch, ar hii wolde wyf drawe. *'
fat be more ajen fe kunde of vyflTynge yt ys.
And mony foufend of ofer men, fo gonne hii & " Of ferueyt welajenGod, andylefmeys mefl"3ger,
to fle; *' And fou flail
fy wylle abyde, as ycham ytold
Ac hii adde alle ybc affcnd, gyf fe nyjt madde y be. her."

As |?ys kyng herof awoc, and of |?ys fyjte jjojte, And jjat ech man knewe o|»er J^at in te|5ynge were.
Hys vyflTares come to hym, & io gret won of fyfs And wufte fomdei of her flat, jyf me pa vp hem here.
hym brojte^ So ftreyt he was, j^at ptf me ledde amydde weyes
pit wonder yt was, & namelyche vor pe weder was heye
fo colde. Seluer, jjat non man ne dorfte yt nyme, |7ey he yt
j-o lyuede J3e god man wel, pn Seyn Cutbert adde feye.
ytold. Abbeys he rcrde mony on, and mony fliudes ywys.
In Deuenyfiyre |5er after aryiiede of Deneys Ac Wyncheftrye he rerde on, jjat nywe munftre
bre and tuenty ffypuol men, all ajen pe peys, ycluped ys.
be kynge's brojjer of Denemarcli tiuc of oft was. Elys lyf eyTte and tuenty jer in ys kynedom ylafl;e.
Oure kynge's men of Engelond mette hem by cas, After ys dep he wos yburcd at Wynciftcllre atte lafte.
And fmyte j^er an batayle, and her gret due flowe.
And ey jte hondred &fourty men, &
her caronyes Sir John Maudeville wrote, as he himfelf informs
po kyng Alfred hurde j;ys, ys herte gladede )jo, us, in the fourteenth century, and his work, which
f>at lond folc to hym come fo j^ycke fo yt myjte go, comprifing a relation of many different particulars,
Of Somerfcte, of Wyltefiyre, of Hamteffyre jjcrio, confequcntly required the ufe of many words and
Euere as he wende, and of ys owe folc ai fo. phrafes, may be properly fpecified in this place.
So jjat he adde poer ynou, and atte lafte hii come. Of the following quotations, I have chofen the firft,
And a batayle at Edendone ajen pe Deneys nome. bccaufc it fliows, in fome meafure, the ftate of Eu-
And flowe to grounde, & wonne pe mayftre of the ropean fcience as well as of the Engli/h tongue ; and
velde. the fecond, becaufe it is valuable for the force of
pe kyng & ys grete duke bygonne hem to jeldc thought and beauty of exprefllon.
To pe kyng Alfred to ys wylle, and oftages toke,
Vorto wende out of ys lond, jyf he yt wolde loke ; TN that lond, ne in many othere bezonde that,
And jut ]?erto, vor ys loue, to auonge Criftendom. •^ no man may fee the fterre tranfmontanc, that
Kyng Gurmund, pe hexte kyng, vorft jjer to come. is clept the fterre of the fee, that is unmevable,
Kyng Alfred ys godfader was. &
ybaptyfcd ek |7er and that is toward the Northe, that we clepen

were the lode fterre. But men feen another fterre, the
fretty of her hexte dukes, and muchc of j^at folc fiere contraric to him, that is toward the Southe, that
Kyng Alfred hem huld wyf> hym tuelf dawes as he is clept Antartyk. And right as the fchip men
hcnde. taken here avys here, and governe hem be the lode
And fuj)]7e he jef hem large jyftcs, and let hym fterre, right fo don fchip men bezonde the parties,
wende. be the fterre of the Southe, the which fterre ap-
Hii, )7at nolde Criftyn be, of lande flcve {jo. percthc not to us. And this fterre, that is toward
And byjonde fte in France dude wel muche wo. the Northe, that wee clepen the lode fterre, ne
jut |7e (Irewen come ajcn, and muche wo here wrojte. apperethe not to hem. For whiche caufe, men may
i\c|jekyng Alfred atte iafteto flame hem euere brojte. wel pcrceyve, that the lond and the fee ben of
Kyng Alfred was pt wyfofl: kynj, ]7at long was rownde fchapp and forme. For the partie of the
byuore. firmament fchewethe in o contrce, that fchewethc
Vor l^ey mefegge Jjelawes be)? in worre tyme vorlore, not in another contrce. And men may well preven
Nas yt nojt fo hiis daye. vor |7ey he in worre were, be experience and foty le compaflTement of wy tt, that
Lawes he made ryjtuoUore, and ftirengore ]?an er zif a man fond paflTages be fchippes, that wolde go
were. to ferchen the world, men myghte go be fchippc
Clerc he was god ynou, and jut, as me tellej? me. alie aboutc the world, and aboven and benethen.
He was more- j^an ten jer old, ar he couj^e ys abece. The v/hiche thing I prove thus, aftre that I have
Ac ys gode moder otte fmale jyftes hym tok, fcyn. For I have been toward the parries of Bra-
\ Vor on ys boke.
to byleue ojjer pie, arKi loky ban, and beholden the Aftrolabre, that the fterre
So j:iat by por clergyc ys rvjt lawes he wonde, that is clept the rranfmontayne, is 53 degrees highc.
pu ncuere er nere y mad, to gouerny ys lond. And more forthcre in Almayne and Bewme, it
And vor pc worre was fo muche of J^e lu|7er Deneys, hathe 58 degrees. And more forthe toward the
pe menof J?ys fulue lond were of j^c worfe peys. parties feptemtrioneles, it is 62 degrees of hcghte,
And robbedc and flowe oj^ere, jjeruor he byuondc, and certvn mynutes. For I my lelf have mefured
[;at Jjer were hondredcs in eche contreye of ys lond. it by the Aftrolabre. No*/ fchulle.ze knowe, that
And in ech toune of pe hondred a te^^ynge were alfo, azen the Tranfmontayne, is the tother fterre, that
And J)at ech man wvjioute gret lond in tej'ynge were is clept Antartyke-, as I have feyd before. And
tho 2 fterres ne mecven neverc. And be hem
Vol. 1. f turnechs
tiirnethe alle the firmamcnr, righte as dothe a wheel, the Weft: and the lond of Preftre John is the lov/e
that turneche be his axille tree: fo that tho fterres partie of the erthe, toward the Eft and thei harj

bercn the firmament in 2 egallc parties; fo that it there the day, whan wee have the nyghte, and alfo
hathe als mochel aboven, as it hath benethcn. Aftre highe to the contrarie, thei han the nyghte, whan
this, I have gon toward the parties meridionales, wee han the day. For the erthe and the fee ben of
that is toward the Southe : and I have founden, round forme and fchapp, as I have feyd beforn.
that in Lybye, men fccn firft the fterre Antartylc. And than that men gon upward to o coft, men goa
And lb ter I have gon more in tho contrees, that I dounward to another coft. Alfo zee have herd me
have f'ounde that tterrc more highe fo that to-
; feye, that Jerufalcm is in the myddes of the world;
ward the highe Lybye, it is 18 degrees of hcghte, and that may men preven and Ichewen there, be a
and certeyn rrtinutcs (of the whiche, 60 minutes fpere, that is pighte in to the erthe, upon the hour
maken a degree) after goynge be fee and be londe, of mydday, whan it is equenoxium, that i'chewcche
toward this contree,'of that 1 have fpoke, and to no fchadwe on no fyde. And that it fcholde bea
other yles and londes bezonde that contree, I have in the myddes of the world, David wytnefTethe it
founden the fterre Antartyk of 33 degrees of in the Pfautre, where he feythe, Deus operatus eft
heghte, and mo mynutes. And zif 1 hadde had falute in medio terre. Thanne'thci that parten fro
companye and fchippynge, for to go more bezonde, the parties of the Weft, for to go toward Jcrufa-
1 trowe wcl in certyn, that wee fcholde have feen lem, als many iorneyes as thei gon upward for ta
alle the roundnefle of the firmament alle aboute. go thidre, in als many iorneyes may. thei gon fra
For as I have fcyd zou be forn, the half of the Jerufalem, unto other confynyes of thefuperficialtie
firmament is betwene tho 2 fterres the whiche
: of the erthe bezonde. And whan men gon bezonde
Kalfondellc I have feyn. And of the other halfon- tho iourneycs, towarde Ynde and to the foreyn yies,
delle, I have feyn toward the Northe, undre the alle is envyronynge the roundnefle of the erthe and
Tranfmontane 62 degrees and 10 mynutes ; and of the fee, undre oure contrees on this half. And
toward the partie meridionalle, I have feen undre therfore hathe it befallen many tymes of o thing,
the Antartyk 3^ degrees and 16 mynutes :and that I have herd cownted, whan I was zong ; how
thanne the halfondelle of the firmament in alle, ne a worthi man departed fometyme from oure con-
holdcthe not but 180 degrees. And of tho 180, I trees, for togoferche the world. And fo he pafted
have feen 62 on that o part, and 33 on that other Ynde, and the yles bezonde Ynde, where ben mo
part, that ben 95 degrees, and nyghe the halfondelle than 5000 yles and fo longe he wente be fee and

of a degree and fo there ne faylethe but that I

•, lond, and fo enviround the world be many feyfons,.
have feen alle the firmament, faf 84 degrees and that he fond an yle, where he herde fpeke his owne
the halfondelle of a degree ; and that is not the langage, callynge on oxen in the plowghe, fuchc
fourthe p.)rt of the firmament. For the 4 partie of wordes as men fpekcn to beftes in his own contree:
the roundnefle of the firmament hole 90 degrees : whereof he hadde gret raervayle: for he knevve
fo there faylethe but 5 degrees and an half, of the not how it myghte be. But I feye, that he had
fourthe partie. And alfo I have feen the 3 parties gon fo longe, -be londe and be fee, that he had-
of alle the roundntfle of the firmament, and more envyround alle the erthe, that he was comen azer\
zit 5 degrees and an half. Be the whiche I feye cnvirounynge, that is to feye, goynge aboute, un-
zou certrynly, that men may envirowne alle the to his pwne marches, zif he woide have pafled
erthe of alie the world, as wel undre as aboven, torthe, til he had founden his contree and bis owne
and turnen azen to his contree, that hadde com- knouleche. But he turned azen from thens, from
panye and fchippynge and conduyt: and alle wcyes whens he was come fro ; and fo he lofte moche
he fcholde fynde men, londes, and yles, als wel as peynefiille labour, as him felf feyde, a gret while
in this contree. For zee wyten wclle, that ihei aftre, that he was comen horn. For it befclle aftre,
that ben toward the Antartyk, thei ben ftreghte, that he wente in to Norweye-, and there tempelt of
feet azen feet of hem, that dweilen undre the Tranf- the fee toke him; and he arryved in an yle; and
montane j als wel as wee and thei that dwellyn whan he was in that yle, he knew wel, that it wa»
undre us, ben feet azenft feet. For alle the parties the yle, where he had herd fpeke his owne lan-
of fee and of lond han here appofiiees, habirablcs gage before, and the callynge of the oxen at the
or trepiflfiblcs, and thei of this half and bezond plowghe: and that was poftible thinge. But how
half. And wytethe wel, that afire that, that I it femethe to lymple men unlerned, that men ne
may parccyve and comprehendt-, the londes of mowc not go undre the erthe, and alfo that men
Preftre John, cmperour of Yndc ben undre us. fcholde fallc towarde the hevene, frotn undre! But
For in goynge from Scotlonu or from Hnglond to- that may not be, upon lefie, than wee mowe f.iile

ward Jc-rufalem, men gon upward alwcys. For toward hevene, fro the erthe, where wee ben. Fof
oure lond is in th«- lowe partie of the crihe, toward ;.ro what partie of the erthe, that naen du?!ie,
outher aboven or benethen, it femethe alweyes to coHiynge to hem, ne ben not in the fuperficyalte
hem that duellen, that thei gon more rights than cownted aboven the erthe; as it fchewethe be alle
ony other folk. And righte as it femethe to us, the bokes of aftronomye. For the fuperficialtee nf
that thti ben undre us, righte fo it femethe hem, the erthe is departed in 7 parties, for the 7 planetes:
that wee ben undre hem. For zif a man myghte and tho parties ben clept cly mates. And oure par-
falle fro the erthe unto the firmament; be grettere ties be not of the 7Xlymates: for thei ben defcend-

rrfoun, the erthe and the fee, that ben fo grete and ynge toward the Weft. And ajfo thofe yles of
fo hevy, fcholde fallen to the firmament: but that Ynde, which beth evene azenft us, beth noghc
may not be: and therfore feithe oure Lord God, reckned in the clymates for thei ben azi-'nft us,

Non timeas me, qui fufpendi terra ex nichilo? And that ben in the lowe contree. And the 7 clymates
alle be it, that it be poflible thing, that men may ftrecchen hem envyrounynge the world.
fo envyronne al!e the world, natheies of a looo
perfones, on ne myghte not happen to returncn in II. And I John Maundevylle knyghteabovefeyd,
to his contrce. For, for the grecnefle of the erthe (alle thoughe I be unworthi) that departed from
and of the fee, men may go be a looo and- a lOoo ou.e contrees and paflTcd the fee, the zeer of grace
other weyes, that no man cowde reyde him pcrfitely 1322. that have pafltfd manye londes and manye
toward the parties that he cam fro, but zif it were yles and contrees, and cerched manye fulle ftraunge
be aventure and happ, or be the grace of God. places, and have ben in many a fulle gode ho-
For the erthe is fulle large and fulle gret, and holt nourable companye, and at many a fairc dede of
in roundneffe and aboute envyroun, be aboven and amies, (alle be it that 1 dide none myle'f, for myn
be benethen 20425 myles, aftre the opynyoun of unable infuffifince) now I am comen horn (mawgrce
the old wife aftronomeres. And here feyenges I my lelf) to rcfte
: for gowces, arteiykes, that me
repreve noughie. But aftre my lytylle wyt, it diftreynen, tho diffynen the ende of my labour,
femethe me, favynge here reverence, that it is azenft my wille (God knowethe.) And thus tak-
more. And for to have bcttere underftondynge, I ynge folace in my wrecched rcfte, rccordynge the
fcye thus, be ther ymagyned a figure, that hathe a tyme paffed, I have fulfilled tlicife thinges and
gret compas; and aboute the poynt of the gret pucte hem wryten in this boke, as it wolde come
compas, that is clept the centre, be made another in to my mynde, the zeer of grace 1356 in the 34
litille compas: than aftre, be the gret compafs de- zeer that I depjrtede from oure contrecs. Wher-
vifed be lines in manye parties ; and that alle the fore I preye to alle the redcres and hereres of tnis
lynes meeten at the centre •,fo that in as many boke, zif it plcfe hem, that thei wolde preycn to
parries, as the grete compas fchal be departed, God for me and J fchalle preye for hem. And

in als manye, fchalle be departed the litille, that alle tho that feyn for me a. Pater nofter, with ar»
is aboute the centre, alle be it, that the fpaces Ave Maria, that God forzeve me my fynnts, I
ben Icfle. Now thanne, be the gret compas repre- make hem partneres and graunte hem part of alle
fentcd for the firmament, and the litille cornpas the gode pilgrymages and of alle the gode dedes,
reprcfented for the erthe. Now thanne the firma- that I have don, zif ony be to his plefance : and
ment is devyfed, be aftronomeres, in 12 fignes noghte only of tho, but of alle that evere I fchalle
and every figne is devyfed in 30 degrees, that is do unto my lyfes ende. And I befeche Almyghty
360 degrees, that the firmament hathe aboven. God, fro whom alle godcntfle and grace comethe
Alfo, be the erthe devyfed in als many parties, as fro, that he vouchefaf, of his excellent mercy and
the firmament; and let every partye anfwere to a habundant grace, to fulle fyUe hire foules with infpi-
degree of the firmament: and wytethe it wel, that racioun of theHolyGoft, in makynge defence of alle
afire the audoures of aftronomye, 700 furlonges of hire goftly enemycs here in erthe, to hire falvacioun,
erthe anfweren to a degree of the firmament ; and botheof body andfoule; toworfchipeandthankynge
tho ben 87 miles and 4 furlonges. Now be that of him, that is three and on, with outen begy nny nge
here multiplyed be 360 fithes; and then thei ben and withouten endynge; that is, with outen qua-
315000 myles, every of 8 furlonges, aftre myles of litee, good, and with outen quantytee, gret ; that

oure coniree. So moche hathe the erthe in round- in alle places is prefent, and alle thinges contenyn-
neffe, and of heghte enviroun, aftre myn opynyoun ynge ; the whichc that no goodneffe may amende,
and myn undirftondynge. And zee Ichulieundir- ne non evelle empeyre; that in perfeyte trynytee
ftonde, that aftre the opynyoun of olde wife philofo- lyvethe and rcgnethe God, be alle worldes and be
phrcs and aftronomeres, oure contrce ne Irelond ne alle cymes. Amen, Amen, Amen.
Wales nc Scotlond ne Norweye ne the other yies

The of our authours, who can be properly
fifft The hiftoryof our language is now brought to the
ijiid to have written Englijh, was Sir John Govoer^ point at which the hiftory of our poetry is generally
who, in his Confejfton of a Lover, calls Chaucer his dif- fuppofed to commence, the time of the illuftriou«
ciplc, and may therefore be confidercd as the father Geoffry Chaucer, who may, perhaps, with great juf-
of our poetry. tice, be ftiled the firft of our verfifiers who wrote
poetically. He does not, however, appear to have
"VJOWE for to fpeke of the commune, defervcd all the praifc which he has received, or all
^ It is to drcde of that fortune, the cenfure that he has fufFered. Dryden, who,
Whiche hath befalle in fondryc londes: miftaking genius for learning, in confidence of his
But ot'te for dcfaute of bondes abilities, ventured to write of what he had not ex-
All fodcinly, er it be wift, amined, afcribes to Chaucer the firft refinement of
A tunne, when his lie arift our numbers, the firft produftion of eafy and natural
Tobreketh, and renncth all aboute, rhymes, and the improvement of our language, by
Whi.hc els (liulde nought gone out. words borrowed from the more polilhed languages
And eke full ofte a littcll Ikarc of the continent. Skinner contrarily blames him in
Vpon a banke, er men be ware. harftj terms for having viiiatcdhis native fpeech by
Let in the ftrcme, whiche with gret peine. 'whole cartloads of foreign words. But he that reads
If any man it Ihall rcftreine. the works of Cower will find fmooth numbers and
Where lawe failleth, errour groweth. eafy rhymes, of which Chaucer is fuppofed to have
He is not wife, who that nc trowcth. been the inventor, and the Frorch words, whether
For it hath proucd oft er this. good or bad, of which Chaucer is charged as the
And thus the common clamour is importer. Some innovations he might probably
In euery londe, where people dwelieth: make, like others, in the infancy of our poetry,
And eche in his complainte tellethj which the paucity of books does not allow us to dif-
How that the worlde is mifwent, cover with particular exadnefs ; but the works of
And thervpon his argument Ccmer and Lydgate fufficiently evince, that his dic-
Yeueth euery man in fondrie wife: tion was in general like that of his contemporaries :
But what man wolde him fclfe auife and fome improvements he undoubtedly made by
His confcience, and nought mifufe, the various difpofitions of his rhymes, and by the
He maie well at the firft excufe mixture of different numbers, in which he feems to
His god, whiche euer ftant in one. have been happy and judicious. I have fcleftcd
In him there is detaute none feveral fpecimens botii of his profe and verfe ; and
So muft it ftand vpon vs felue. among them, part of his tranflation of Boetius, to
Nought only vpon ten ne twelue. which another vcrfion, made in the time of queen
But plcnarly vpon vs all. Mary, is oppolcd. It would be improper to quote
For man is caufe of that fliall fall. very ff.aringly an author of fo much reputation, or
to make very large extradts from a book fo gene-
rally known.

ALAS! 1 wepyngamconllrained to begin verfe T That in tyme of profperite, and floryfhing
*^ of forowfull matter, that whilom in florifhyng -^ ftudye, made plcaHiunte and delegable dities,
ftudie made delitable ditees. For lo rendyng !
or verfes : alas now beyng heauy and fad ouer-
mufes of a Poctes cditen to me thingcs to be throwen in aduerfuie, am compelled to fele and taft
writcn, and dreric teres. At lade no drede ne hcuines and greit. Beholde the mufes Poeticall,
might overcame tho inufes, ihat thci ne werren fel- that is to laye : the pleafure that is in poetes
lowcs, and foloweden my waic, that is to faie, verfes, do appoynt me, and compel mc to writ
when I was exiled, thei that weren of my youth thefe verfes in meter, and the forowfull verfes do
whilom wclfull and grene, comforten now forow- wet my wretched face with very watcrye teares,
full wcirdcs of me olde man : for clde is comcn yffuinge out of my eyes for forowe. Whiche mufes
unwarely upon mc, haflcd by the harmes that I no icare without doute could ouercome, but that
have, and forowc hath commaunded his age to be they wold folow me in my iourney of exile or ba-
in mc. Heres hore arcn fhad overtimcliche upon niflimcnt. Soniecyme the ioye of happy and lufly
my hed : and the flackc fkinne irembleih of mine delegable youth dyd comfort me, and nowe the
cmptcd bodie. Thilke dtth of men is wclefuil, rourfe of forowfull olde age caufeth me to reioyfe.
that he ne comcth not in ycrcs that be fwete, but For hafty old age vnloked for is come vpon me
5 comcth with
comcth to wretclies often icleped Alas, alas
: with al her incommodities and euyls, and forow
with how defe an ere deth cruell turneth awaie fro hath commaunded and broughteme into the fame
wretches, and naieth for to clofe wepyng eyen. old age, that is to fay that forowe caufcth me to

While fortune unfaithful! favoured me with light be oide, before my time come of olde age. The
godes, that forowfull houre, that is to faie, the hoer heares do growe vntimely vpon my heade,
deth, had almofte t'rente myne hedde but now : and my reuiled (kynne trembleth my flefh, cleane
for fortune cloudie hath chaunged her decevable confumed and wafte with forowe. Mannes death
chere to mewarde, myne unpitous life drawech is happy, that cometh not in youth, when a man

along ungreable dwellynges. O

ye my frendes, is luftye, and in pleafure or welth: but in time of

what, or whereto avaunted ye me to ben welfuU ? aduerfitie, when it is often defyred. Alas Alas
For he that hath fallin, (lode in no ftedfaft degre. how dull and deffe be the eares of cruel death vnto
men in mifery that would fayne dye and yet re- :

fufythe to come and (hutte vp thcyr carefuU wep-

yng eyes. Whiles that falfe fortune fauoryd me
with her tranfitorye goodcs, then the howre of
death had alnioft oucrcome me. That is to fay
deathe was redy to opprefTe me when I was in pro-

fperitie. Nowe for by caufe that fortune beynge

turned, from profperitie into aduerfuie (as the clere
day is darkyd with cloudes) and hath chaungyd her
deceyuable countenaunce my :wretched life is yet
prolonged and doth continue in dolour. O
ftendes why haue you fo often bofted me, fayinge
that Iwas happy when I had honour pofleflions
riches, and authoritie whych be tranfitory thynges.
He that hath fallen was in no ftedefaft degre.
TN the mene while, that I ftill record thcfc thynges Y\7"HYLES that I confiderydde pryuylye with
*• with my felf, and marked my wepelie complainte '
my felfe the thynges before fayd, and defcry-
with office of poin(n:c!l I faugh (londyng aboven
: bed my wofuU complaynte after the maner and
the hight of myn hed a woman of full grcte reve- ofFyce of a wrytter, me thought I fawe a woman
rence, by femblaunt. Her eyen brennyng, and ftand oucr my head of a reuerend countenaunce,
clere, feyng over the common m'.ght of menne, hauyng quycke and glyflcryng clere eye, aboue
with a lively colour, and with fothe vigour and the common of men in lyuely and delegable
ftrength that it nc might not be nempned, all were coloure, and ful of ftrength, although fhe femed fo
it fo, that fhc were full of fo grete age, that menne olde that by no meanes fhe is thought to be one of
wouKirn not trowcn in no manere, that Ihe were of this oure tymc, her ftature is of douteful know-
our elde. ledge, for nowe fhe fhewethe herfclfe at the corn-
The ftature of her was of dourous Judgemente, men length or ftatur of men, and other whiles fhe
for fometyme flie conftrained and (hronke her felven, femeth fo high, as though flie touched heuen with
like to the common mefure of menne : And fome- the crown of her hed. And when (he wold ftretch
tyn-e it femed, that fhe touched the heven with fourth her hed hygher, it alfo perced thorough
the hight of her hedde. And when flie hove her heauen, fo that mens fyghte coulde not attaine to
hedde higher, fhe perced the felf heven, fo that the behold her, Her veftures or cloths were perfyt of
fight of menne lokyng was in ydell her clothes
: the finyfte thredes, and fubtyll workemanfliyp, and
wer maked of right dclie thredes, and fiibtel craft of fubliaunce permanent, whych vefturs fhe had
of perdurable matter. The whiche clothes (he had wouen with her own hands as I perceyued after by
woven with her owne handes, as 1 kncwe well after her owne faiynge. The kynde or beawtye of the
by her felf declaryng, and fhewyng to me the whyche veftures, a certayne darkenes or rather ig-
beautie : The whiche clothes a darknefle of a for- noraunce of oldenes forgotten hadde obfcuryd and
leten and difpifed eldc had dufked and darked, as darkened, as the fmoke is wont to darken Images
it is wonte to darke by fmoked Images. that ftand nyghe the fmoke. In the lower parte of
In the nethereft hemme and border of thefe the faid veftures was read the greke letter P. wouen
clothes menne reddc iwoven therein a Grekifhe A. whych fignifyeth praftife or aftyffe, and in the
that fignifieth the life adive, and above that letter, hygher parte of the veftures the greke letter T.
in the hieft bordure, a Grekifhe C. that fignifieth whych ettandeth for theorica, that fignifyeth fpecu-
the life contemplatife. And betwene thefe two lacion or contemplation. And betwene both the
Vol. I. letters [ g ]
letters there were ken degrees nobly wrought, in fayd letters were fcne ccrtayne degrees, wrought
mancr of lad^icrs, by whiche degrees mcnne might after the maner of ladders, wherein was as it were

climben from the ncthercfl: letter to the uppercrt: a paflage or waye in lleppes or degrees from the
nathclcne handes of fomc men hadden kerve that lower part wher the letter P. was which is vnder-
clothe, by violence or by ftrcngth, and evcriche ftand from pradtys or aftyf, unto the hygher parte
marine of 'hem had borne awaic Ibche ptrces, as he wher the letter T. was whych is vnderfland fpecu-
might getten. And forfothe this forlaied woman !acion or contemplacion, Neucrthcles the handes
bare fmalc bokes in her right hande, and in her left of fome vyolente perfones had cut the faydc veftures
hand fhe bare a fcepter. And when flie fawe thefe and had taken awaye certayne pecis thereof, fuch
Pocticall miifes approchyng about my bed, and as euery one coulde catch. And fhe her lelre dyd
endityng wordes to my wtpynges, (he was a litle bare in her ryght hand litcl bokes, and in her lefce
amoved, and glowed with cruell cycn. Who (q^ hande a fcepter, which forefayd phylofophy (when
fhe) hath fuffcrcd approchen to this fike mannc fhe faw the mufes poetycal prefent at my bed, fpck-
ihcfe commen ftrompettes, of which is the place yng forowfull wordes to my wepynges) beyng angry
that mcnne callen Theatre, the whiche onely ne iayd (with terrible or frownynge countenaunce) who
iffwagen not his forowcs with renrwdies, but thei fuffred thefe crafty harlottes to com to ihys fycke
would feden and norifhe hym with fwete venime ? man ? whych can help hym by no means of hys
forfothe, that ben iho that with thornes, and griefe by any kind of medicines, but rather increaie
prickynges of talentesof affeccions, whiche thatben the fame with fwete poyfon. Thefe be they that
nothyng fruftuous nor profitable, diftroicn the doo dyftroye the fertile and plentious commodytyes
Corne, plcntuous of fruiites of refon. For thei of reafon and the fruytes therof wyth their pryck-
holden hcrtes of men in ufage, but thei ne deliver ynge thornes, or barren affecles, and accuftome or
no folke fro maladie. But if ye mufes had with- fubdue mens myndes with fickenes, and heuynes,
drawcn fro me with your flatteries any unconnyng and do not delyuer or heale them of the fame. But
and unprofitable manne, as ben wont to finde com- yf your flatterye had conueyed or wythdrawen from
menly emong the peple, I would well fuffre the me, any vnlernyd man as the comen forte of people
lafle grcvoufly. For why, in foche an unprofitable are wonte to be, I coulde haue ben better con-
man myn ententes were nothyng endamaged. But tentyd, for in that my worke fbould not be hurt or
ye withdrowen fro me this man, that hath ben hynderyd. But you haue taken and conueyed
nourifhed in my ftudies or fcoles of Eleaticis, and from me thys man that hath ben broughte vp in the
of Academicis in Grece. But goeth now rather fludyes of Arif^otel and of Plato. But yet get you
awaie ye Mermaidens, whiche that ben fwete, till hence maremaids (that feme fwete untyil you haue
it be at the laft, and lufFreth this man to be cured brought a man to deathe) and fuffer me to heale
and hcled by my mufes, that is to fay, by my note- thys my man wyth my mufes or fcyences that be
full fciences. And thus this companie of mufes holfome and good. And after that philofophy had
iblamed caften wrothly the chere dounward to the fpoken thefe wurdes the fayd companyeof the mufys
yerth, and Ihewing by rcdnelTc ther fhame, thei poeticall beyng rebukyd and fad, cafle down their
pafTeden forowfully the threlholde. And I of whom countenaunce to the grounde, and by blulTyng con-
the fight piounged in teres was darked, fo that I ne feffed their fhamfaftnes, and went out of the dores.
might not know what that woman was, of fo Im- But I (that had my iyght dull and blynd wyth
perial audthoritie, I woxe all abalhed and ftonied, wepyng, fo that 1 knew not what woman this was
and caft my fight doune to the yerth, and begin hauing foo great audthoritie) was amalyd or afto-
ftill tor to abide what fhe would doen afterward. nyed,and lokyng downeward, towarde ehe grounde,
Then came flie nere, and fct'her doune upon !.he I began pryvylye to look what ihyng fhe would
uttereit corner of my bed, and fhe beholdyng my faye ferther, then fhe had fa id. Then fhe ap«
chere, 'hat was caft to the yerth, hevie and grevous proching and drawynge ncre vnto me, fat downe
of wei-yng, complained with thefe wordes (that I vpon the vttermoll part of my bed, and lokyng
fliall fainc) the periurbacion of my thought. vpon my face fad with weplng, and declynyd
toward the earth for Ibrow, bewayied the trouble of
my minde wyth thde layinges folowynge.

he foriete it ones. And, Lewis, if it be fo that I
The condufions of the Astrolabie. (hewe the in my lith Engliftie, as trew conclu-
This book (written to his fon in the year of our fions touching this mater, and not only as trewe

Lord 1391, and in the 14 of King Richard II.) but as many and fubtil conclufions as ben yftiewed
ftandeth fo good at this day, efpecially for the in latin, in any comon tretife of the aftrolabye,
horizon of Oxfcrd, as in the opinion of the conne me the more thanke, and praye God fave the
learned it cannot be amended, fays an Edit, of kinge, thaf is lorde of this langage, and all that
Chaucer. him faith bereth, and obeieth everiche in his de-
gree, the more and the lafle. But confydreth
T Y T E L Lowys my fonne, I perceve well by well, that I ne ufurpe not to have founden this
-' certaine evidences thync abylyte to lerne fcy- werkc of my labour or of myne engin. I n'ame
ences, touching nombres and proporcions, and but a leude compilatour of the laboure of olde
alfo well conlydre thy bcfye prayer in efpecyal
I aftrologiens, and have it tranllated in myn engliftie
to lerne the tretyfe of the alfrolabye. Than for onely for thy dodrine and with this fwerde ftial

as moche as a philofophcr faithe, he wrapeth hym 1 ftene e.^vy.

in his frende, that condilcendeth to the ryghc-
fullprayers of his frende : therfore I have given The firft party.
the aI'ufficient aftrolabye for oure orizont, com-
powned after the latitude of Oxenforde : upon the The firft partye of this tretife ftial reherce the
•whiche by mediacion of this lytell tretife, I pur- figures, and the membres of thyne aftrolaby, by-
pole to teche the a certaine nombre of conclufions, caufe that thou ftialte have the greter knowinge of
pcrtainynge to this fame inllrumcnt. 1 lay a cer- thine owne inftrument.
taine nombre of conclufions for thre caufcs, tUe
firft caule is this. Trufte wel that al the conclufions
The feconde party.
that have be founden, or ells pofliblye might be
founde in fo noble an inftrument as in the aftro- Th feconde partye ftial teche the to werken the
labye, ben unknowen perfitely to anye mortal man very praftike of the forefai i conclurn>ns, as fer-
in this region, as 1 iuppofe. Another caule . forthe and alfo narowe as may be fnewed in ft>
this, that foihely in any cartes of the aftrolabye fmale an inftrument portatife aboute. For wel
that I have yff ne, ther ben fome conclufions, that wote every aftrologien, thai fmalleft frailions ne
wol not in al thinges perfourme ther beheftes: and wol not be ftiewe i in fo i'mal an inftrument,, as in
fome of 'henj ben to harde to thy tender age of fubtil tables caculcd for a caufe.
ten yere to conceve. This tretife divided in five
partes, wil 1 fhewe the wondir *lighi rules and
naked wordes in Engliftie, for Latine ne canft The Prologue of the Testament of LOVE.
thou nat yet but fmale, my litel fonne. But ne- I

verthclerTe luffifcth to the thefe trewe conclufyons jV/TANY men there ben, that with eres openly
in wel as fufHfeth to thefe noble
Engliftic, as ^^^ moche fwalowen the delicioufnefte of
fprad fo
clerkes grekes thefe fame conclufyons in greke, jeftes and of ryme, by queint knittinge coloures,
• and to the Arabines in Arabike, and to Jewes that of the godenefle or of the badneffe of the fen-
in Hebrewe, and to the Latin folke in Latyn: tence take they lilel hede or els none.
whiche Latyn folke had 'hem firfte out of other di- Sothelye dulle witte and a thoughtfuUe foule fo
vers langages, and write 'hem in ther owne tonge, fore have mined and grafted in my fpirites, that
that is to faine in Latine. foche craft of enditingc woll nat ben of mine
And God wote ihat in all thefe langages and in acquaintaunce. And for rude wordes and boiftous
manyc mo, have thef^ conclufyons ben fufficientlye percen the herte of the herer to the inreft point, and
lerned and taught, and yet by divers rules, right planten there the fentence of thinges, fo that with
as divers pathes ledcn divers folke the right waye litel helpe it is able to fpring, this boke, that no-
to Rome. thynge hath of the grete flode of wytte, ne of
Now wolpray mekely every perfon difcrete,
I fcmelyche colours, is dolven with rude wordes and
lityl tretife to have my
that redcth or hereth this boiftous, and fodrawe togiSer to maken the catch-
rude ententing cxcufed, and my fupcrfluite of ers therof ben the more redy to hent fentence.
wordes, for two caufcs. The firft caufe is, for Some men there ben, that painten with colours
that curious eniiityng and harde fentences is ful riche and fome with wers, as with red inke, and
hevy at ones, for foch a childe to lerne. And the foine with coles and chalke and yet is there gode

feconde caufe is this, that fothely me femeth better matter to the leude peple of thylke chalkye pur-
to writen unto a childe twife a gode fentence, than trcyture, as 'hem thinketh for the time, and after-
5 ward
ward the fyght of the better colours yeven to 'hem de Animalibus, faith to naturell philofophcrs : it is

more joyc tor the firft leudncflTe. So foihly this a grete likynge in love of knowinge ther cretourc:
Icude clowdy occupacyon is not to prayfe, but by and alfo in knowinge of caufes in kindelye thynges,

the leude, for comenly leude leudeneflc commend- conQdrid forfothe the formes of kindelye thinges
eth. Eke it (hal ycve fight that other precyous and the fhap, a gret kyndely love we fliulde have
thynges fhall be the more in reverence. In Latin werkman that 'hem made.
to the The crafte of a
and French hath many foveraine wittes had grete werkman is fhewed in the werk. Herefore trulie
dclyte to endite, and have many noble thinges ful- the philofopliers with a lyvely ftudie manie noble
fildc, but ccrtes there ben fome that fpeken ther thinges, righte precious, and worthy to memoryc,
poifye mater in Frenche, of whiche fpcche the writen, and by a gret fwet and travaille to us leften
Frenche men have as gode a fantafye .as we of caufes the properties in natures of thinges, to
have in hcryng of Frenche mens Engliflie. And whiche therfore philofophers it was more joy, more
many termes there ben in Englyfhe, whiche lykinge, mere herty lull in kindely vertues and
unncth we Englifhe men connen declare the matters of refon the perfeccion by bufy ftudy to
knowkginge howe fhould than a Frenche man
knowe, than to have had all the trefour, al the
borne ? loche tcrmcs connejumperc in his matter, al the vainctglory, that the pafled empe-

but as the jay chatcreth Englifhe. Right fo truely rours, princes, or kinges hadden. Therfore the
the underftandyn of Englifhmen woll not ftretche names of 'hem in the boke of perpetuall memorie

to the privie termes in Frenche, what fo ever we in vertue and pece arne writen and in the con-

boften of ftraunge langage. Let then clerkes en- trarie, that is to faine, in Styxe the foule pitte of

ditcn in Latin, for they have the propertie of helle arne thilke prefled that foch godenes hated.
fcience, and the knowinge in that facultie: and And bicaufe this boke fliall be of love, and tha
lette Frenche men in iher Frenche alfo enditen ther prime caufes of ftering in that doinge with paf-
queint termes, for it is Jcyndcly to ther mouthes fions and dilefes for wantinge of defire, I wil that
and let us (hewe our fantafies in fuch wordes as we this boke be clcped the teftament of love.
lernedcn of our dame's tonge. And although this But nowe thou reder, who is thilke that wirtnot
boke be lytel thank worthy for the leudnefTe in in fcorne laughe, to here a dwarle or els halfe a
travaile, yet foch writing exiten men to thilke man, fay he will rende out the fwerde of Hercules
thinges that ben neceffarie ; for every man therby handes, and alfo he fhulde fet Hercules G;ides a
may as by a perpetual myrrour fcne the vices or ver- mile yet ferther, and over that he had power of
tues of other, in whyche thynge lightly may be ftrengch to pull up the fpere, that Alifander the
conceved to cfchue perils, and neceffarics to catch, noble might never wagge, and that paflmge al
after as aventures have fallen to other peplc or thinge to ben mayfter of Fraunce by might, there
perfons. as the noble gracious Fdwarde the thirde for al his
Certcs the foverainft thinge of defirc and mod grete prowelTe in viftories nc might al yet conquere?
creture refonable, have or els (huld have full ap- Certes I wote well, ther fiiall be made more
petite to ther perfeccyon unrefonable beftes
: fcorne and jape of me, that I fo unwortheiy clothed
mowcn *hem no workinge
not, fithe rcfon hath in altogither in the cloudie cloude of unconning, wil
ihan refonable that wol not, is compari'bned to un- putten me in prces to fpeke of love, or els of the
refonable, and made lyke 'hem. Forfothe the molt caufes in that matter, fuhen al the grettefl; clerkes
foveraine and finall pcrfeccion of man is in know- han had ynough to don, and as who faith gathered
-yngc of a fothe, withouten any entent dccevable, up clene tofornc 'hem, and with ther fharp fithes of
and in love ot one very God, that is inchaungeable, conning al mowen and made cherof grete rekes and
*hat is to knowe, and love his creator. noble, ful of al plenties to fede me and many an
Nowe principally the menc to brynge in know- other. Envye forfothe commendeth noughte his
leging and lovynge his creatour, is the confidera- refon, that he hath in hain, be it never fo trulty.
<yon of thynges made by the creatour, wher through And although thefe noble repers, as gode work-
by thylke thinges that ben made, underltandynge men and worthy ther iiier, han al draw and bounde
here to our wyttes, arne the unlcne pryvities of up in the Iheves, and made many fhockcs, yet have
God made to us fyghtfuU and knowinge, in our 1 enfample to gaScr the fmale crommes, and fullin
contcmplacion and underftondinge. Tnele thinges ma walet of tho that fallen from the bourde among
than forfothe moche bringen us to the ful know- the fmalle houndes, notwithftanding the travaile of
leginge fothe, and to the parfyte love of the maker the almoigner, that hath draw up m il)e cloth al
ot htvenly thynges. Lo! David laith: thou hade the remilfiiles, as trenchours, and the relefe to
dclitcd mc makinge,as who faith, to have deiite
in bere to the almeire. Yet alfo have 1 ieve of the
in the tunc how God hat lent me in confideracion noble hulbande Boece, although I be a (Iraunger
of thy inakinge. Whcrof Ariftotle in the boke of conningc to come after his dodrinc, and thefe
greteworkmen, and glene my handfuls of the And made forward erli for to rife.

Ihedynge after ther handes, and yf me faile ought To take our weye, ther as I did devife.
of my ful, to encrefe my porcion with that I fhal But nathlefs while that I have time and fpace,
drawe by privy ties out of fhockes-, a flye fervaunte Er' that I farther in this tale pace,
in his owne heipe is often moche commended 5 Methinkith it accordaunt to refon.
knowynge of trouthe in caufcs of thynges, was To tell you alle the condition
more hardier in the firfte fechers, and fo fayth Of ech of them, fo as it femid me.
Ariftotle, and lighter in us that han folowed after. And which they werin, and of what degree.
For ther pafTing ftudy han freflied our wittes, and And eke in what array that they wer in :

oure underftandynge han excited in confideracion And at a knight then woll I firft begin.
of trouth by fliarpenes of ther refons. Utterly
dremcs ne japes, throwe The Knight.
thcfe thingcs be no to to
hoc^tres, it is lifelych mete for children of trouth, Aknight ther was, and that a worthy man,
and as they me betiden whan I pilgramed out of That fro the time that he firft began

my kith in wintere, whan the wether out of mefure To ridin out, he lovid Chevalrie,
was bolftous, and the wyld w.ynd Boreas, as his Trouth and honour, fredome and curtefy.
kind afketh, with dryingc coldes maked the wawes Full worthy was he in his lordis wcrre.
of the ocean fe fo to arife unkindely over the com- And thereto had he riddin nane more ferre
mune bankes that it was in point to fpill all the As well in Chriftendom, as in Hethnefs j
crche. And evyr honoured for his worthinefs.
At Aleflandre' he was whan it was wonj
Full oft timis he had the bord begon
The Prologues of the Canterbury Tales of
CHAUCER, from the MSS. Abovin alle naciouns in Pruce -,

In Lettow had he riddin, and in Luce,

XX/HEN that Aprilis with his (houris fote, No Chriften-man fo oft of his degree
^ ^ The drought of March had percid to the rote. In Granada in the fege had he be

And iiathid every veyn in fuch licpur, Of Algezir, and ridd in Belmary
Of which vcrtuc engendrid is the flour. At Leyis war he, and at Sataly,
When Zephyrus eke, with his fwete brcth Whan that they wer won ; and in the grete fee
Enfpirid hath, in every holt and heth At many'a noble army had he be :

The tender croppis ; and that the yong Sunn At mortal battails had he ben fiftene.
Hath in the Kamm his halve cours yrunn : And foughtin for our feith at Tramefcne,
And fmale foiriis makin melodye. In liftis ihrys, and alwey flein his fo.
That Qepin alle night with opin eye, This ilke worthy knight hath ben alfo
(So prickith them nature in ther corage) Sometimis with the lord of Palathy,
Then longin folk to go on pilgrimage : Ayens anothir hethin in Turky j

And palmers for to fekin ftrange ftrondes, And evirmore he had a fov'rane prize ;

To fervin hallowes couth in fondry londes: And though that he was worthy, he was wife j
And fpeciaUy fro every fhir'is end And of his port as mtke as is a maid.
Of England, to Canterbury they wend. He nevir yet no villany ne faid
I The holy blisfull martyr for to fckc. In all his life unto no manner wight:
That them hath holpin, whan that they were feke. He was a very parfit gentil knight.
Befell that in that fefon on a day But for to tellin you of his array.
InSouthwerk at the Tabberd as I lay, His hors wer good but he was nothing gay
; j

Redy to wcndin on my pilgrimage Of fuftian he werfd a gipon,

To Canterbury, with devote corage. Alle bcfmottrid with his haburgeon.
At night wer come into that hoftery For he was late ycome from his viage,
Wcle nine and twenty in a cumpany And wcnte for to do his pilgrimage.
Of lundrie folk, by aventure yfall
In felafhip and pilgrimes wer they all:
; The House of FAME.
That toward Canterbury wouldin ride.
The Firft Boke.
The chambers and the ftabiis werin wide,
[And we werin efid at the beft
well : "XT OW herken, as I have you faied,
And fhortly whan the funne was to red. *-^ What that I mette or I abraied,
So had I ipokin with them everych one. Of December the tenith daie.
That was of ther felalhip anone j
I When it was night, to flepe 1 laie,
Vol. I. [h] Right
Right as I was wontc for to docn. Efcapid was from all the pre?,
And fill aQcpe wondir lone. And toko his fathrc*, old Anchifes,
As he that was weiie forgo And bare hym on his backe awaie.
On pilgrimage milis two Crying alas and wclawale !

To the corps of fainft L.eonarde, The whiche Anchifes in his hande.

To makin lith that erll was harde. Bare tho the godJis of the lande
But as mc flcpt mc mette I was I mene thilke that unbrcnnid were.

Within a temple' imadc of glas, Then fawe 1 next that all in fere
In whiche there wcrin mo images How Creufa, Dan /Eneas wife.
Of golde, ftandyng in fondric lbge», Whom that he lovid all his life.
Sette in mo riche tabirn-icles. And her yong fonne clepid Julo,
And with perrc mo pinnacles. And eke Afcanius alio,
And mo curious portraituris, Fleddin eke, with full dreric chere.
And qucint manir of figuris That it was pile for to here.
Of goldc worke, then 1 fawc CTir. And went
in a foreft as thei
But certainly 1 n'ift ncvir How tournyng of a went
at a
Where that it was, but well wift I Creufa was ilollc, alas
It was of Venus rcdily That rede not I, how that it was

This temple, for in purtrciture How he her fought, and how her ghofte
1 fawe anone right her figure Bad hym to flic the Grekis hofte.
Nakid yfletyng in a fe. And faied he mufl: into Itaile,
And alfo on her hedde parde As was his deftinie, fauns faile.
Her rofy garUnd white and redde. That it was pitic for to here.
And her combe for to kcmbe her hcddc. When that her fpirite gan appere.
Her dovis, and Dan Cupido The wordis that Ihe to hym laied.
Her blinde fonne, and Vulcano, And for to kepc her fonne hym praied.
That ywas full broune.
in his face There fawe I gravin eke how he
But I romid
as up and doune, His fathir eke, and his meine
I founde that on the wall there was With his Ihippis began to faile
Thus writtin on a table* of bras. Toward the countrey of Itaile,
woll now fyng, if that I can.
I As llreight as ere thei mightm go.
The armis, and alio the man. There fawe I eke the, cruill Juno,
That firll came through his deftine That art Dan Jupiter his wife.
Fiigitific fro Troye the countre That hsft ihated all thy life
Into itaile, with full mochc pine. Mercilefs all the Trojan blode,
Unto the ftrondis of Lavine, Rennin and crie as thou were wodc
And tho began the anone.
ftoric' On j^olus, the god of windcs.
As I (hall tellin you ecbone. To blowin out of alie kindes
Firll fawe I the dilUuccion So loude, that he (hould ydrenche
Of Troie, thorough the Grcke Sinon, Lorde, and ladie, and grome, and wenche
With his falTc untrue forfwcryngcs. Of all the Trojanis nacion.
And with his chere and his Icfynges, Without any* of their falvacion.
That made a hori'e, brought into Troye, There fawe I foche tempell arife.
By whiche Trojans lofte all their joye. That every herte might agrife.
And aftir this was graved, alas To fe it painiid on the wall.
How llions calhll aHailed was. There lawe I eke grawin withall,
And won, and kyng Friamus llain. Venus, how ye, my ladie dere,
And PoJites his ionre certain, Ywcpyng with full wofuU cherc
Difpitoutly of Dan Pyrrhus. Yprayid Jupiter on hie.
next that fawc I howc Venus, To lave and kepin that navie
When that (he fawe the caftill brcnde, Of that dere Trojan ^neas,
Doune from hevin (he gan difccnde. Sithins that he your fonne ywas.
And bade her fonne ^neas He,
And how he fled, and how that he

Sale thus grant mercie of thin iiabundauncr,.
Gode counfallc of Chaucer.
That thou hafl lentor this, thou (lialt not llrivej.

17 L I E and dwell with fothfallnefle,

fro the prcfe What wort thou yet how 1 the woll avauncc?
* Suffife unto the gode though it be Jmali, And eke thou hall thy beflc frende alive.
For horde hath hate, and climbyiig tikilneirc, 1 have the taught divifion bctwene
Prtce hath cnvie, and wcle it brent oer ail, Frende of effcde, and frende of countinaunce.
Savour no more4bcn the bchovin fhall. The nedith not the galle of an hine.
Rede well thy felf, that othir folkc canft rede. That curith eyin derke for ther penaunce,
And trouthe the ihall delivir
it 'is uodrcdc. Now feeft thou clere that wcr in ignoraunce.
Paine the not cche crokid to rcdrefle. Yet holt thine anker, and thou maicfl arive
In truft of her that tournith as a balle, There bountie bereth the key of my fubftauncc,
Crete reft ft.jndith in litil bulincfle. And ckc thou hartc thy befte frende alive.
Beware alio to fpurne ag^in a nalle. How many have I refufed to fuftene,
Strive not as doith a crockc with a walle, Sith I have the follrid in tliy pltfaunce ?
Dcmirh thy felf that demill othir's dcde. Wolt thou thcrn make a (latute on thy quene,
And trouthe the fhall deliver it 'is no drede. That I fhall be aie at thine ordinaoncc?
That the is fcnt rcceve in buxomentfll- •,
Thou born art in my reign of variaunce,
The wralUyng of worlds aikith a fjU ;
this About the vi'hde with othir muft thou drive
Here is no home, here is but wildirncflV, My loie is bet, then wickc is thy grevaunce.
For'.he pilgrim, forthe o befl: out of thy flail, And ckc thou haft thy befte frende alive.
Loke up on high, and thanke thy God of all,
Wcivith thy luile and let thy gholl the lede.
The anfwere to Fortune.
And trouthe the fhall delivir, it 'is no drede. Thy lore I dampne, it is adverfitie.
My frcnd maill thou not revin blind goddefle,
That I thy frendis knowe I thanke it the,
Balade of the village without paintyng. Take 'hem again, let 'hem go lie a preftc-.
The nigardis in kepyng ther richcfTe
'T' H 1 S wrctchid
world'is tranfmutacion
Pronoftike is thou wolt ther toure afTailf,
*• As
wcle and wo, nov/e pore, and now honour.
Wicke appetite comcth aie before fickenclle.
Without ordir cr due difcrecion
In gcncrall this rule nc maie not failc.
Govirnid is by fortun'is crrour.
But nathelefle the lacke of her favour Fortune.
male not doc me fyng though that I die, Thou pinchift at my mutabilitie.
J'ay tout perdu, mon temps mon labcur & For I the lent a droppe of my richcfte.
For finally fortune I doc defie. And now me withdrawin me.
likith to
Yet is me left the fight of my rcfoun Why thou my roialtie opprclle ?
To knowin frende fro foe in thy mirrour. The fe maie ebbe and fl>)win more and lefTc,
So moche hath yet thy tournyng up and doun, Thewclkin hath might to ftiine, rain, and haile.
I taughtin me to knowin in an hour,
Right fo muft I kithin my brotilnefti?.
But truily no force of thy reddour In generall this rule ne maie not faile.
To hym that ovir hymfelf hath maiftrie,.
My fuffifaunce yflial be my fuccour. The PlaintiiTe.
For finally fortune I do defie. Lo, the' execucion of the majcftie,
O Socrates, ihou ftedfalt champion. That all purveighith of his rightwifencfTe,
She nc might nevir be thy turmcntour. That fame thyng fortune yclcpin ye;
Thou nevir dreddilt her oppreffion, Ye blinde beftia full of leudenefs
Ne her chcrc foundin thou no favour,
The hevcn hath propirtie of fikirnefs.
Thou knewe wcle the difccipt of her colour. This worldc hath evir reftlefTe travailc.
And that her mofte worfliip is for to lie, The laft dale is the ende of myne cntrcfTe,
1 knowe her eke a falfe dilTimulour. In generall this rule nc maie not failc.
For finally fortune I do defie.
Th' cnvoye of Fortune.
Princes I praie you of your gentilncfTe,
The anfwerc of Fortune.
Let not this man and me thus crie and plain.
No man is wretchid but hymfelf it wene. And I fhall quitin you this bufinelTe,
Me that yhaih hymfelf hath fuffifaunce. And if ye lifte rcleve hym of his pain,
Why faiert thou then I am to the fo kene, Praie ye his bcft frende of his nobltnefTc
1 hat hath ihyfclf out of my govirnaunce ? 1 hat to fome bettir ftate he maie attain.
Lyigale was a rrtonk of 5«ry. who wrote about of the' Difference between an abfolute and limited Mo-
the fame time with Chaucer. Out of his prologue narch/.
to his third book of The Fall of Princes a few
(lanzas are fclefted, which, being compared with TJYT may peraventure be marvelid by fome men,
*•• why one Realme is a Lordlhyp only Royally
the ftylcof his two contemporaries, will fhow that
our language was then not written by caprice, but and the Prynce thereof rulyth yt by his Law, callid
was in a fettled (late. Jus Regale ; and another Kyngdome is a Lordfchip,
Royalland Polilike, and the Prince thereof rulyth by
T IKE a pilgrime which that goeth on foote, a Lawe, callyd Jus Politicum^ Regale-, fythen thes
And hath none horfe to releue his trauayle, two Princes bcth of egail Aftate.
Whote, drye and wery, and may finde no bote To this dowte it may be anfwcryd in this man-
Of wel cold whan thruft doth hym aflayle. ner; The firft Inftitution of thes twoo Rcalmys,
Wine nor licour, that may to hym auayle. upon the Incorporation of them, is the Caufe of
Tight fo fare I which in my bufinefle, this diverfyte.
No fuccour fynde my
rudenes to redrefTe. When Nembroth by Might, for his own Glorye,
1 meane as thus, I haue no frcfh licour made and incorporate the firft Realme, and lub-
Out of the conduices of Calliope, duyd it to hymfelf by Tyrannye, he would not
Nor through Clio in rhetorike no floure. have it governyd by any other Rule or Lawe,
In my labour for to refrefh me : but by his own Will by which and for th' ac-

Nor of the fufters in noumber thrife three. complifliment thereof he made it. And therfor,
Which with Cithera on Parnafo dwell, though he had thus made a Realme, holy Scripture
They neuer me gaue drinke once of their wel. denyyd to cal hym a Kyng, ^da Rex dicitur a Re-
Nor of theyr Ipringes clere and chriftaline, ^ende; Whych thyng he dyd not, but oppreflyd
That fprange by touchyng of the Pegafe, the People by Myght, and therfor he was a Ty-
Their fauour lacketh my making ten lumine rant, and callid Primus Tyranmrum, But holy
I fynde theyr bawme of fo great fcarcitie. Writ callith hym Robuftus Venator coram Deo. For
To tame their tunnes with fome drop of plentie as the Hunter takyth ttie wyld befte for to fcleand
For Foliphemus tTirow his great blindnes, eatehymj fo Nembroth fubduyd to him the People
Hath in me derked of Argus the brightnes. with Might, to have their fervice and their goods,
Our life here fliort of wit the great dulnes ufing upon them the Lordfchip that is callid Domi-
The heuy foule troubled with trauayle. vium Regale tantum. After hym Bclus that was
And of memorye the glafyng brotelnes, callid firft a Kyng, and after hym his Sone Nynus,

Drede and vncunning haue made a ftrong batail and after hym other Panyms ; They, by Example
With werines my fpirite to affayle. of Nembroth, made them Realmys, would not
And with their fubtil creping in mod queint have them rulyd by other Lawys than by their own
Hath made my fpirit in makyng for to feint. Wills. Which Lawys ben right good under good
And ouermore, the ferefull frowardnes Princes; and theirKyngdoms a then moftrefemblyd
Of my ftepmother called obliuion. to the Kyngdome of God, which reynith upon Man,
Hath a baftyil of foryetfulnes, rulyng iiim by hys own Will. Wherfor many
To ftoppe the paflagc, and Ihadow my reafon Cryftyn Princes ufen the fame Lawe; and therfor it
That I might haue no clere direccion. is, that the Lawys fay en, ^od Principi placuit Legis
In tranflatinf^ of new to quicke me, habet vigorem. And
I fuppofe firft beganne in
Stories to write of olde antiquite. Realmy-s, Dominium tantum Regale. But afterward,
Thus was I fet and ftode in double werre whan Mankynd was more manfuete, and better dif-
At the metyng of fearefiil wayes tweyne. pofyd to Vertue, Grete Communalties, as was the
The one was this, who cuer lift to lere, Felifhip, that came into this Lond with Brute,
"Whereas good wyll gan me conftrayne, wyllyng to be unyed and made a Body Politike
Bochas taccomplifli for to doe my payne. callid a Realme, havyng an Heed to govcrne it ; as
Came ignoraunce, with a menace of drede, after the Saying of the Philofophcr, every Com-
My penne to reft I durft not procedc. munahie unyed of many parts muft needs have an
Heed ; than they chole the fame Brute to be their
Heed and Kyng. And they and he upon this In-
was chief juftice of the Common Plea's,
Fortefcue corporation and Inftitution, and onyng of themfclf
in the reignof king Henry W. He retired in into a Realme, ordeynyd the fame Realme fo to be
147 1, after the battle of Tcwkefbury, and pro- rulyd and juftyfyd by fuch Lawys, as they al would
bably wrote mod of his works in his privacy. aflcnt unto ; which Law therfur is callid Politicum;
The following pafla^e is fclectcd from his book and bycaufe it is mynyftrid by a Kyng, it is callid

Regale. Dominium Poliiicum dicitur quafi Regimen, dome beganne, of and by, the Might of the Prince,
flurium Scientia,Jive Confiiio tnimfiratum. The Kyng and the other beganne, by the Defter and Inftitu-
of Scotts reyniih upon his People by this Lawc, tion of the People of the fame Prince.
videlicet, Regimine Politico fc? Regali. And as Dio-
dorus Syculus faith, in his Boke de prifcis Hijloriis, Of the works of Sir Thomas More it was necefTary
The Realme of Egvpre is rulid by the fame Lawe, to give a larger fpecimcn, both becaufe our lan-
and therfor the Kyng therof chaungith not his guage was then in a great degree formed and
Lawes, without the Aflent of his People. And in fettled, and becaufe it appears from Ben Jonjon,
like forme as he faith is ruled the Kyngdome of that his works were confidered as models of pure
Saba, in Felici Arabia, and the Lond of Libie; and elegant ftyle. The tale, which is placed firft»
And alfo the more parte of al the Realmys in becaufe earlicft written, will Ihow what an atten-
Afrike. "Which manner of Rule and Lordfljip, the tive reader will, in perufingour old writers, often
fayd Diodorus in that Boke, prayfith gretely. For remark, that the familiar and colloquial part of
it is not only good for the Prince, that may thereby our language, being diffufed among thofe clafles
the more fewerly do Jurtice, than by his owne Ar- who had no ambition of refinement, lOr affedlation
bitriment but it is alfo good for his People that
; of novelty, has fuHered very little change. There
receyve therby, fuch Jullice as they defyer them- is another reafon why the extrads from this author

feif. Now as me feymth, it ys fhewyd opinly are more copious his works are carefully and cor-

ynough, why one Kyng rulyth and re_ynith on his rectly printed, and may therefore be better f ulled
People Dominio tantum Regali, and that other rey- than any other edition of the Engltjh books of that,
nith Dominio Politico ^Regali: For that one Kyng- or the preceding ages.

A merry iefl how a fergeant would A man of lawe. That thriftly was.
Icarne to playe the frere. Writ- That neuer fawe. Or he coulde pas,
ten by maifter Thomas More in The wayes to bye and fell, Rapped about the pate,
hys youth. Wenyng to ryfe. Whyle that he would
By marchaundife, See how he could,
"IXT'YSE men alway,
" Affyrmc and fay.
I wi(h to fpede hym well, A little play the frere :

That beft is for a man

A marchaunt eke. Now yf you wyll,
That wyll goo feke. Knowe how it fyll,
By all the meanes he may, Take hede and ye (hall here.
For to apply,
To fall in fute, It happed fo.
The bufincs that he can.
Tyll he difpute. Not long ago,
And in no wyfe,
To enterpryfe.
His money cleane away, A thrifty man there dyed.

An other faculte.
Pletyng the lawe. An hundred pounde.
For he that wyll.
For euery ftrawe. Of nobles rounde.
Shall proue a thrifty man, That had he
layd a fide
And can no fkyll.
With bate and ftrifc, His fonne he wolde.
Is neuer lyke to the.
But by my life, Should haue this golde.
He that hath lafte.
cannot tell you whan. For to beginne with all
The hofiers crafte.
Whan an hatter But to fuffife
And falleth to making fhone,
Wyll go fmattcr His chylde, well thrife.
The fmythe that (hall,
In philofophy. That money was to fmal.
To payntyng fall.
Or a pedlar. Yet or this day
His thrift is well nigh done.
Ware a medlar. have hard fay.
A blacke draper.
In theology.

That many a man certefle,

With whyte paper.
All that enfufc, Hath with good cafl,
To goe to writyng fcole,"
Suche craftes new. Be ryche at laft.
An olde butler, They driue fo farre a caft, That hath begonne with lefle.
Becum a cutler,
That euermore. But this yonge manne,
I wene fhall proue afole.
They do therfore, So well beganne,
And an olde trot.
Befhrewe themfelfe at laft. His money to imploy.
That can I wot,
This thing^was tryed That certainly.
Nothyng but kylTc the cup.
With her phifick,
And verefyed. His policy.
Wil kepe on ficke, Here by a fergeaunt late. To fee it was a joy.
Tyll (he have foufed hym vp.
Vol. I.
[i] For
For left fum blaft, Was redy ftrayte. Inmany a game,
Myght ouer raft. On him to wayte. Lyke to the fame,
His (hip, or by mifchauncc, As fone as on the mayre. Haue I bene well in vre.

Men with fum wile, But he doubtlefTe, And for your fake.

Myght hym begyle. Of his mckcnefrc. Let me be bake.

And mini(h his fubftaunce, Hated fuch pompc and pride. But yf I do this cure.
For to put out. And -would not go, Thus part they both.
All mancr dout. Companicd fo. And foorth then goth,.
He made a good puruay. But drewe himfelf a fide. A pace this officere.

For euery whyt. To faint Kaiharin?, And for a day.

By his owne wyr, Strei^ as a line. All his array.

And toke an other way : He gate him at a tyde. He chaunged with a frcre.
Firft fayrc and wele, For deuocion. So was he dight,
Therof much dele. Or promocion. That no man might,
He dygged it in a pot, There would he nedcs abyde. Hym for a frere deny.
But then him thought. There fpent he f^ft, He doppcd and dooked.
That way was nought. Till all were paft. He fp>ike and looked.

And there he left it not. And to him came there meny. So religioofly.
So was he faine. To afke theyr debt. Yet in a glafle.
From thence agayne. But none could get. Or he would pafie.
To put it in a cup. The valour of a peny. He toted and he peered,'
And by and by, With vifage ftout, His harte for pryde,
Couetoufly, He bare it our, Lepte in his fyde.
He fupped it fayre vp. Euen vnto the harde hedge, To fee how well he freeied.
In his owne brcft. A month or twaine, Than forth a pace.
He thought it bcft. Tyll he was fayne. Unto the place.
His money to cnclofe, To lay his gowne to pledge. He goeth withouten ftiame
Therv wift he well, Than was he there. To do this dede.
"What euer fell, In greater feare. But now take hede.
He coulde it neuer lofe. Than ere that he came thither. For here begynneth the game.
He borrowed then, And would as fayne. He drew hym ny.
Of other men, Depart againe. And foftely,
Money and marchaundife But that he wift not whither. Streyght at the dore he knocked

Neuer payd it. Than after this. And a damfeil,

Up he laid it. To a frende of his, That hard hym well.
In like maner wyfe. He went and there abode, There came and it vnlocked.
Yet on the gere. Where as he lay. The frere fayd.
That he would were,' So fick alway. Good fpede fayre mayd.
He reight not what he fpent. He myght not come abrcde. Here lodgeth fuch a man,
So it were nyce. It happed than, It is told me :

As for the price. A marchaunt man. Well fyr quod flie.

Could him not mifcontent. That he ought money tro. And

yf he do what than.
"With lufty fporte, Of an officere, Qiiod he mayftrefTe,
And with rclort, That gan enquere. No harm doutieffe :

Of ioly company, What him was bcft to do. It longeth for our order.
In mirth and play. And he anfwerde. To liurt no man.

Full many a day. Be not aferde. But as we can,

He liU'.d merely. Take an accion thcrfore, Euery wight to forder.
And men had fworne. I you belicrte, With hym truly,
Some man is borne. I ftiall hym rcfte. Fayne fpeake would I.
To haue a lucky howre. And than carc for no more. Sir quod flie by my fay.
And fo was he. I feare qviod he. He is fo fike.
For fuch dcgrc, It wyll not be. Ye be not lyke.
He gat and fuche honour. For he wyll not come out. To fpeake with hym to day.
That without dour, The fergc,!unt faid. Qiiod he fayrc may.
"Whan he went our, ^
Be not afra\d. Yet I you prjy.
A fergcaunt well and fayrc, It ftiall be brought about. This muclr at my defire,
Vouchefafe to do, Sayd, I reft the. The freres hood.
As go hym to. Come on with me. They pulled a good,
And fay an auften frere And out he toke his mace : Adowne about his face.
Would with hym Tpeke, Thou (halt obay. Whyle he was blynde.
And matters breake. Come on thy way, The wenche behynde.
For his auayle certayn. I have the in my douche. Lent him leyd on'^he flore,
Quod fhe I wyll, Thou goeft not hence. M;'.ny a ioule.
Stonde ye here ftyll, For all the penfe About the noule.
Tyll 1 come dovvne agayn. The mayre hath in his pouche. With a great batyldore.
Vp is (he go. This marchaunt there. The wyfe came yet.
And told hym fo, For wrath and fere,. And with her fete.
As fhe was bode to fay. He waxyng welnygh wood, She holpe to kepe him downe.
He miftruftyng, Sayd horlbn thefe, And with her rocke.
No maner thyng, Witli a mifchefc. Many a knocke.
Sayd mayden go thy way. Who hach taught thee thy good. She gaue hym on the crowne.
And fetch him hyder. And with his filb, They layd his mace.
That we togyder. Vpon the lyft, About his face.
May talk. A downe (he goth e. He gaue hym fuch a blow. That he was wood for payne
Vp fhe hym
brought. That backward downe, The fryre frappe,
No harme (he thought. Almoft in fowne. Gate many a fwappe,
But it made fome foike wrothe, The frere is ouerthrow. Tyll he was full nygh flayne.
This officere. Yet was this man. Vp they hym life.

This fayned frere. Well fearder than. And with yll thrift,
Whan he was come aloft, Left he the frere had flayne. Hedlyng a long the ftayre,
He dopped than, Till with good rappes. Downe they hym threwe.
And grece this man, And heuy clappes. And fayde adewe,
Religioudy and oft. He dawde hym vp agayne. Commcnde us to the mayre.
And he agayn, The frere toke harte. The frere arofe.
Ryght glad and fayn, And vp he ftarte. But I fuppofe,
Toke hym there by the hande. And well he layde about, Amafed was his hed.
The frere than fayd. And fo there goth, He Pnoke his eares.
Ye be difmayd. Bctwene them both. And from grcte feares.
With trouble I underllande. Many a lufty clout. He thought hym well yfled.
In dede quod he. They rent and tcre, Qiiod he now loft.
It hath with me, Eche others here. Is all this coft.
Bene.better than it is. And claue togyder faft, We be neuer the nere.
Syr quod the frere. Tyll with luggyng. Ill mote he be.
Be of good cherr. And with tuggyng. That caufcd me.
Yet (hall it after this. They fell downe bothe at laft. To make my felf a frere.
But I would now, Than on the grounde, Now mafters all.
Comen with you, Togyder rounde. Here now ftiall,I

In counfayle yf you pleafe, With many a fadde ftroke. Ende there as I began.
Or ellys nac They roll and rumble. In any wyfe,
Of matters that. They turne and tumble. 1 would auyfe.
Shall fet your heart at cafe. As pygges do in a poke. And counfayle euery man,
Downe went the mayd. So long aboue. His owne craft vfe.
The marchauni fayd. They heus and (houe, All newe rcfufe.
No fay on gentle frere, Togider that at laft. And lyghtly let them gone:
Of thys tydyng. The mayd and wyfc. Play not the frere.
That ye me bryng, To breake the ftrife, Now make good chere.
I tong full fore to here. Hyed ihem vpward fafl-. And welcome euerych one.
Whan there was none, And whan they fpye,
But they alone, The captaynes lye.
The frere with cuyll gracp, Both wahring on the place.

[ij 2 A ruful
A ruful lamentacion (writcn by maftcr Thomas Farewell my doughter lady Margerete.
More youth) of the dcth of quene Elifa-
in his God wotce full oft it greucd huh my mynde,
beth mother to king Henry the eight, wife to That ye fliould go where we fliould feldome metCt
king Henry the feucnth, and the cldeft doughter Now am 1 gone, and haue left you behynde.
to king Edward the fourih, which quene Elifa- O mortall folke that we be very blyndc.
bcth dyed in childbed in February in the yere of That we full oft it is moft nyc.
leaft feare,

our Lord 1503, and in the 18 yere of the raigne From you depart I fyrft, and lo now here I ly.
of king Henry the feucnth. Farewell Madame my lordes worthy mother.
Comfort your fonne, and be ye of good chere.
/^ Y li that put your truft and confidence, Take all a worth, for it will be no nother.
^^ In worldly ioy and frayle profperiie.
Farewell my doughter Katherine late the fere,
That ye (hould neuer hence,
fo lyue here as
To prince Arthur myne owne chyld fo dere.
Remember death and loke here vppon me.
It booteth not for me to wepe or cry.
Enfaumple I thynke there may no better be. Pray for my now here I ly.
foule, for lo
Your felfc wottc well that in this realme was T,
Adew lord Henry my louyng fonne adew.
Your quene but late, and lo now here I lye. Our lorde encreafe your honour and eftate,
Was I not borne of olde worthy linage ? Adew my doughter Mary bright of hew,
Was not my mother quecne my father kyng ?
God make you vertuous wyfe and fortunate.
Was I not a kinges fere in marriage ?
Adew fwete hart my litle doughter Kate,
Had I not plenty of euery plcafaunt thyng ?
Thou (halt fwete babe fuche is thy defteny.
Mercifull god this is a ftraunge reckenyng
Thy mother neuer know, for lo now here I ly.
Rychcffc-, honour, welth, and aunceftry.
Lady Cicyly Anne and Katheryne,
Hath me now here I ly.
forfaken and lo
Farewell my welbeloved fillers three,
myght haue kept me, I had not gone.
If worfhip
lady Briget other fifter myne,
If wyt myght haue me faued, I neded not fere.
Lo here thcende of worldly vanitee.
If money myght haue holpe, I lacked none.
Now well are ye that earthly foly fiee.
But O good God what vayleth all this gere. And heuenly thynges loue and magnify.
When dtth is come thy mighty mefTangcre, Farewell and pray for me, for lo now here I ly,
Obey we muft there is no remedy. A dew my lordes, a dew my ladies all,
Me hath he fommoned, and lo now here I ly. A dew my faithful feruauntes euerych one,
Yet was I late promifed otherwyfe. A dew my commons whom 1 neuer fliall,
This yere to liue in welth and delice.
See in this world wherfore to the alone.
Lo where to commeth thy blandifhyng promyfe, Immortal! god verely three and one,
O falfe aftrolagy and deuynatrice. 1 me conimende. Thy infinite mercy.
Of goddes fecretes makyng thy felfe fo wyfe. Shew to thy feruant, for lo now here I ly.
How true is for this yere thy prophecy.
The yere yet lafteth, and lo now here I ly.
O bryttil welth, as full of bitternefle.
Certain meters in Englilh written by mafter Thomas
Thy doubled is with payne.
fingle pleafure
More in hys youth for the boke of fortune, and
Account my forow firft and my diftrefTe,
caufed them to be printed in the begynnyng of
In fondry wyfe, and recken there agayne.
that boke.
The ioy that I haue had, and I dare fayne.
For all my honour, endured yet haue ly,
The wordes of Fortune to the people.
More wo than welth, and lo now here 1 ly.
Where are our cartels, now where are our towers. TV/TINE high eftate power and audtoritie,
Goodly Rychmonde foiie arc thi)U gone from me, ^ * If \e ne know, enferche and ye (hall fpye.
Al Weftminfter that coftly worke of yours, That riche{re, worfhip, welth, and dignirie,
Myne owne derc lorde now (hall I neuer fee. Joy, reft, and peace, and all thyng fynally.
Almighty god vouchefafe to graunt that ye. That any pleafure or profit may come by.
For you and your children well may edety. To mannes comfort, ayde, and fuftinaunce.
My paly.e bylded is, and lo now here I ly. Is all at my deuyfe and ordinaunce.
Adew myne owne dcre fpoufe my
worthy lorde, Without my fauour there is nothyng wonne.
The faithfull loue, that dyd vs both combyne. Many a matter haue I brought at laft,

In mariagc and peafable concorde. To good conckifion, that fondly was begonne.
Into your han.ies here 1 clcane refyne. And many a purpofe, bounden fure and taft
To be beftowed vppon your children and myne. With wife prouifion, I haue ouercaft.
Erft wer you father, and now muft ye fupply. Without good happe theremay no wit fufEfe.
The mothers part alfo, for lo now here 1 ly. Better is to be fortunate than wyfe.
And therefore hath there fome men bene or this. Amyd her treafure and waueryng rychefle,
My deadly foes and written many a boke. Prowdly ftie houeth as lady and emprefic.

To my diiprayfe. And other caufe there nys. Faft by her fyde doth wery labour ftand.
But for me on them loke.
hft not fiendly Pale fere alfo, and forow all bewept,
Thus lyke the fox they fare that once iorfoke, Difdayn and hatred on the other hand.
The pleafaunt grapes, and gan for to defy them, Eke reftles watchefro flepe with trauayle kept.
Becaufe he Icpt and yet could not come by them. His eyes drowfy and lokyng as he flept.
But let them write thcyr labour is in vayne. Before her ftandeth daunger and enuy.
For well ye wote, myrth, honour, and ticheffe. Flattery, dyfceyt, mifchitfe and tiranny.
Much better is than penury and payne. About her commeth all the world to begge.
The nedy wretch that iihgereth in diftrefle. He afl<e:h lande, and he to pas would bryng.
Without myne helpe is euer comfortlefle, This toye and that, and all not worth an cgge:
A wery burden odious and loth. He would in loue profper aboue all thyng:
To all the world, and eke to him felfe both. He kneleth downe and would be made a kyng:
But he that by my fauour may afcende. He forceth not fo he may money haue,
To mighty power and excellent degree, Though all the worlde accompt hym for a knauc.
A common wele to gouerne and dcfendc, Lo thus ye fee diucrs heddes, diuers wittes.
O in how blift condition ftandeth he: Fortune alone as diuers as they all,
Him felf in honour and fclicite, Vnftable here and there among them flittesr
And ouer that, may forther and increafe, And at auenture downe her giftcs fall.
A region hole and peace.
in ioyfull reft Catch who fo may ftie throweth great and fmall
Now poynt there is no more to fay,
in this Not to all men,commeth fonne or dewe.
Eche man hath of him fclf the gouernaunce. But for the moft part, all among a fewe.
Let euery wight than folowe his owne way. And yet her brotell giftes long may not laft.
And he that out of pouertee and mifchaunce. He that ftiegaue them, loketh prowde and hyc.
Lift for to liue, and wyll him fclfe cnhaunce. She whirlth about and pluckth away as faft.
In wealth and richefle, come forth and wayie on And geueth them to an other by and by.
me. And thus from man to man continually.
And he that wyll be a beggar, let hym be. She vfeth to geue and take, and flily tofle.
One man to wynnyng of an others lofte.
And when ftie robbeth one, down goth his pryde.
Thomas More to them that truft in Fortune.
He wepeth and wayleth and curfeth her full fore.
'T'HOU that art prowde of honour (hape or kynne, But he that receueth it, on that other fyde.
That hepeft vp
wretched worldes treafure.
this Is glad, and blefth her often tymes therefore.
Thy tawny fkynne.
fingers ftirined with gold, thy But in a whyle when ftie loueth hym no more»
With freftj apparyle garnilhed out of meafure. She glydeth from hym, and her giftes to.
And weneft to haue fortune at thy plcafure, And he her curfeth, as other fooles do.
Caft vp thyne eye, and loke how flipper chaunce, Alas the folyfti people can not ceafe,
llludeth her men with chaunge and varyaunce. Ne voyd her trayne, tyll they the harme do fele.
Sometyme ftie lokcth as louely fayre and bright, About her alway, befely they preace.
As goodly Ucnus mother of Cupydc. But lord how he doth thynk hym felf full wele.
She becketh and ftie fmileth on eucry wight. That may fct once his hande vppon her whele.
But this chere fayned, may not long abide. He holdeth faft: but vpward as he flieth.
There comcth a cloude, and farewell all our pryde. She whippeth her whele about, and there he lyeth.
Like any ferpcnt ftie beginneth to fwell. Thus fell Julius from his mighty power.
And looketh as fierce as any fury of hell. Thus fell Darius the worthy kyng of Perfe.
Yet for all that we brotle men are fayne, Thus fell Alexander the great conquerour.
(So wretched is our nature and fo blynde) Thus many mo then I may well reherfe.
As foone as Fortune lift to laugh agayne, Thus double fortune, when flie lyft reuerfe
With fayre countenaunce and difceitfull mynde. Her flipper fauour fro them that in her truft.
To crouche and knele and gape after the wynde. She fieeth her wey and leyeth them in the duft.
Not one or twayne but thoufandes in a rout, She fodeinly enhaunceth them aloft.
Lyke fwarmyng bees come flickeryng her aboute. And fodeynly mifcheueth all the flocke.
Then as a bayte ftie bryngeth forth her ware, The head that late lay eafily and full loft.
and precious ftone;
Siluer, gold, riche perle, In ftede of pylows lyeth after on the blocke.
On whiche the mated people gafe and ftare. And yet alas the moft crucll proude mocker
And gape therefore, as dogges doe for the bone, 1 he deynty mowth that ladyes kifled haue.
l^criune ac them laughctb, and in her trone She bryngeth in the cafe to kyCfe a knaue.
In chaungyngof her courfe, the chaunge {hcwth Recken you neuer of her fauoure fure:
tRis, Ye may in clowds as eafily trace an hare.
Vp knaue, and downe there faith a knight,
ftartth a Or in drye lande caufe fiflies to endure.
The beggar ryche, and the ryche man pore is. And make the burnyng fyrc his hcate to fpare.
Hatred is turned to loue, loue to defpyght. And all thys worlde in compace to forfare,
This is her fporr, thus proueth fhe her myght. As her to make by craft or engine (lable.
Great bode flie maketh yf one be by her pov/cr, That of her nature is euer variable.

Wclthy and wretched both within an howre. Serue her day and nyght as reuerently,
I'oucrtec that of her giftcs wyl nothing take, Vppon thy knees as any feru^unt may.
"Wyth mery chere, looketh vppon the prece. And in conclufion, that thou flialt winne thereby
And feeth how fortunes houlhold goeth to wrake. Shall not be worth thy fervyce I dare fay.
Faft by her ftandeth the wyfe Socrates, And looke yet what Ihe geueth the lo day.
Arriftippus, Pythagoras, and many a Icfe, With labour wonne (he (hall happly to morow
Of olde philofophcrs. And eke agaynft the fonnc Plucke it agayne out of thyne hand with forow.
Btrkyth hym poors Diogenes in his tonne. Wherefore yf thou in furetye lyft to ftande.
With her is Byas, whofe countrey lackt defence, Take pouerties parte and let prowde fortune go-,
And whylom of their foes ftode fo in dout. Receyue nothyng that commeth from her hande.
That eche man hartely gan to cary thence. Loue maner and vertue: they be onely tho.
And afked hym why he nought caryed out. Whiche double fortune may not take the fro.
1 bere quod he all myne with me about: Then may ft th6u boldly defye her turnyng chaunce
Wiledom he ment, not fortunes brotle fees. She can the neyther hynder nor auaunce.
For nought he counted his that he might leefe. But and thou wylt nedes medie with her treafure/
Heraclitus eke, lyft felowfliip to kepe Truft not therein, and fpende it liberally.
With glad pouertee, Democritus alio: -Beare the not proude, nor take not out of meafure.
Of which the fyrfl: can neuer ceafe but wepe, Bylde not thyne houfe on heyth vp in the (kye.
To fee how thick the blynded people go, Nonne falleth farre, but he that climbeth hye.
"With labour great to purchafe care and wo. Remember nature fent the hyther bare.
That other laughcth to fee the foolyfh apes, The gyftes of fortune count them borowed ware.
How earneftly they walk about theyr capes.
Of this poore fcft, it is comen vfage, Thomas More to them that fcke Fortune.
Onely to take that nature may foftayne,

Binilhing cleane all other furplufage. {o delyteth to prouen and aCfay,

They be content, and of nothyng complayne. Of waveryngfortune the vncertayne lot,
No nygarde eke is of his good lo fayne. If that the aunfwere pleafe you not alway.
But they more ple^fure haue a thoufande folde, Blame ye not tne: for I commaunde you nor.
'1 he i'ecrete draughtes of nature to beholde. Fortune to truft, and eke full well ye vvor,
Set fortunes lervauntes by them and ye wull, I haue of her no brydle in my lift, one is free, that other euer thrall. She rcnneth loofe, and turnetn where (lie lyft.
That one content, that other neuer full, TheroUyngdyfe inwhomeyourluckedothltande.
'I'hat one in furetye, that other lyke to fall. With whole vnhappy chaunce ye be fo wroth.
"Who lyrt to adiiile them bothe, parceyue he (hall. Ye knowe your felfe came neuer in myne hande.
As great difference between them as we fee, Lo in rjiis ponde be fydie and frogges both.
Betv.ixte wretchcdnes and fciicite. Caft in your nette but be you liefe or lotiie.
: haue I fhewed you bothe: thefe whiche ye Hold you content as fortune lyft ailyne:
lyft. For it is your owne fylhyng and not myne.
Stately fortune, or humble poucrtec: And though in one chaunce fortune you oftcnd.
That is to fay, nowe lyeth it in your fyft. Grudge not there at, but beare a mery face.
To take here bondag'e, or free liberiee. In many an other Ihe (hall it amende.
But in thys poynte and ye do after me, There is no manne fo farre out of her grace.
Dr.iw you to fortune, and labour her to pleafe, But he Ibmetyme hath comfort and folace:
If that ye thynke your fclfe to well at eafe. Ne none agayne fo farre foorth in her fauour.
And fyrft vppon the louely (hall (he fmile, That is with her behauiour.
full fatisfyed
And frcndlv on the wandering eyes
caft her Fortune is folemne, prowde, and hye:
Embrace the in her armes, and for a whyle, And rychelTe geueth, to haue feruyce therefore.
Put the and kepe the in a foolcs paradifc: The nedy begger catcheth an halfpeny.
And foorth with all whit fo thou lyft deuife. Some manne a thoufande pounde, fome lefie feme
She wyll the graunt it liberally perhappes : more.
But for all that beware of after clappcs. But for all chat (he kepcth euer in (lore.
From euery manne fome parcell of his wyl!. hated, not letting to kifle whome he thoughte to
That he may pray therfore and ferue her ftyll. k\l!: difpitious and crucll, not for euill will alway,
Some manne hath good, but-chyldren hath he but after for ainbicion, and either for the I'uretie arvd
none. encreafe of his eftate. Frende and foo was muche
Some manne hath both, but he can get none health. what indificrent, where his aduauntage grew, he
Some hath al thre, but vp to honours trone, fpared no mans deathe, whofe life withltoode his
not crepe, by no maner of ftelth.
Can he purpofe. He flewe with his owne handes king
fome fhe fendt-ih, children, ryches, welthe.
'J"o Henry the fixt, being piiloner in the Tower, as
Honour, woorfhyp, and reuerence all hys lyfe: menne ccnftantly fayc, and that without com-
But yet fhe pynchech hym with a fhrewde wyfe. maundemcnt or knoweledge of the king, whiche
Then for afmuch as it is fortunes guyfe. woulde vndoubtedly yf he had entended thatthinge^
To graunt to manne all thyng that he wyll axe. haue appointed that boocherly office, to foirie other
But as her felfe lyft order and deuyfe, then his owne borne brother.
Toth eucry manne his parte diuide and tax, Somme wife menne alfo weene, that his drift
1 counlayle you eche one trufTe vp your packes. couertly conuayde, lacked not in helping furth his
And take no thyng at all, or be content. brother of Clarence to his death: whiche hee refifted
With fnche rcvvarde as fortune hath you fent. openly, howbcit fomwhat (as menne deme) more
All thynges in this boke that ye fhall rede. faintly then he that wer hartely minded to his
Doe as ye lyft, there Jhall no manne you bynde. welth. And they that thus dcnic, think that he
Them to beleue, as furely as your crede. long time in king Edwardes life, forethought to be
But notwithltandyng certes in my mynde, king in that cafe the king his brother (whole life
I durft well fwere, as true ye (hall them fynde. hee looked that euil dyete Ihoulde (horten) flioulde
In euery poynt eche anfwere by and by. happen to deceafe (as in dede he did) while his
As are the iudgementes of aftronomye. children wer yonge. And thci deme, that for thys
intente he was gladde of his brothers death the
duke of Clarence, whofe life muft nedes haue hin-
The Defcripcion of Richard the thirde.
dered hym (o entendynge, whither the fame duke
ICHARDE the third fonne, of whom we of Clarence hadde kepte him, true to his nephew
R' nowe entrcate, was witte and courige egall
in the yonge king, or enterprifed to be kyng him-
with cither of ihem, bodye and prowefle farre
in felfe. But of al this pointe, is there no certain tie,
vnder them bothe, little of ftature, ill fetured of and whofo diuineih vppon conicdhures, maye as wel
limmes, croke backed, his left (boulder much flioteto farre as to fliort. Howbcit this h -ue I by
higher than his right, hard fauoured of vifage, and credible informacion learned, that the felfe nighte
fuch as is warlye, in other menne
in ftates called in whiche kynge Edwarde died, one Myftlebrooke
otherwife, he was malicious, wrathfull, cnuious, longe ere mornynge, came in greate hafte to the
and from afore his binh, euer frowarde. It is for houle of one Pottyer dwellyng in Reddecroffe ftrete
trouth reported, that the duches his mother had fo without Crepulgate and when he was with haftye

much a doe in her trauaile: that fhee coulde not rappyng quickly Ictten in, hee fhcwed vnto P?ttyer
bre deliuered of hym vncutte, and that he came that kynge Edwarde was departed. By my trouthe
into the world with the feete forwarde, as menne mjfhne quod Pettier then wyll my mayfter the duke
bee borne outwarde, and (as the fame runneth) alfo of Gloucefter bee kynge. What caufe hee hailde foo
not vntothed, whither menne of hatred reporte to thynke hirde it is to faye, whyther hce being to-
aboue the trouthe, or elles that nature chaungcd ward him, anye thynge knewe that hee fuche tnynge
her courfe in hys beginninge, whiche in the courfe purpofed, or otherwyfe had anye inkclyngc thereof:
of his lyfe many thinges vnnaturallye committed. for hce was not likelye to fpeake it of noughte.
None euill captaine was hce in the warre, as to But nowe to recurne to the courfe of this hyftorye,
whiche his difpoficion was more metcly then for were it that the duke of Gloucefter hadde of old
peace. Sundrye viftories hadde hee, and fomme- fore-minded this conclufion, or was nowe at erfte
time ouerthrowes, but neuer in defaulte as for his thereunto moued, and putte in hope by the occa-
owne parfone, either of hardineffe or polytike order, fion of the tender age of the younge princes, his
free was hee called of dyfpence, and fommcwhat nephues (as opportunitye and lykcly hoode of fpede,
aboue hys power liberall, with large giftes hee get putteth a manne in cdurage of -that hee neuer en-
him vnftedfarte frendelhippe, for whiche hee was tended) certayn is it that hee contriued theyr de-
fain to pil and fpoyle in other places, and get him ftruccion, with the vfurpacion of the regal dig-
p...u a t-ijtrt-d, Hee was dole and
fecrete, a deepe nitye vppon hymfelfe. And for as muche as hee
< T, lowlye of'couiiteynaunce, arrogant of well wifte and holpe to mayntayn, a long continued
heart, outwardly coumpinable where he inwardf ly grudge and hearce brennyngc bccwcnc the quenes
5 kinrpd
kinred and the kinges blood eyther partye enuying felfe at warrc ere their difcrecion woulde ferue to
others authorityc, he nowe thought that their dc- fette you at peace. Ye fee their youthe, of whiche
uifion ihoulde bee (as it was in dcdc) a fortherlye I recken the onely furetie to refte in youre con-

begynnynge to the purfuite of his intente, and a cord. For it fuffifeth not that al you loue them,
lure ground for the foundacion of al his building yf eche of you hate other. If they wer menne,
yf he might firlle vnder the pretext of reucngynge your faithfulneffe happelye woulde fuflife. But
of olde diipleafure, abufe the anger and ygnorauncc childehood mull be maintained by mens authoritye,
of the tone partie, to the deftruccion of the tother: and flipper youth vnderpropped with elder coun-
and then vvynne to this purpofe as manye as he fayle, which neither they can haue, but ye geue it,
coulde: and thofe that coulde not be wonne, myght nor ye geue it, yf ye gree not. For wher eche la-
be lode ere they looked therefore. For of one boureth to breake that the other maketh, and for
thynge was hee certayne, that if his entente were hatred of eche of others parfon, impugneth eche
perceiued, he fhold loone haue made peace bee- others counfayle, there muft it nedes bee long ere
twene the bothe parties, with his owne bloude. anye good conclufion goe forwarde. And alfo
Kyngc Edwarde in his life, albeit that this dif- while either partye laboureth to be chiefe, flattery
cencion beetwene hys frendes fommewhat yrked (hall haue more place then plaine and faithful! ad-
hym : yet in his good healthe he fommewhat the uyfe, of whyche mufte needes enfue the euyll bring-
Icflc regarded it, becaufe hee thought whatfocuer ing vppe of the prynce, whofe mynd in tender
bufines fliouldc falle betwene them, hymfelfe youth infedl, (hal redily fal to mifchief and riot, and
Ihould alwaye bee hable to rule bothe the parties. drawe down with this noble relme to ruine: but if
But in his laft ficknefie, when hee receiued his grace turn him to wifdom, which if God fend,
natural! ftrengthe foo fore cnfebled, that hee dyf- then thei that by euill menes before pleafed him
payred all recouerye, then hee confyderynge the beft, (hal after fall fartheft out of fauour, fo that
youthe of his chyldren, albeit hee nothynge lefle cuer at length euil driftes dreue to nought, and
miftrufted then that that happened, yet well for- good plain wayes profper. Great variaunce hath
fcynge that manye harmes myghtc growe by theyr ther long bene betwene you, not alway for great
debate, whyle the youth of hys children ihoulde caufes. Sometime a thing right wel intended, our
lackc difcrecion of themfclf, and good counfayle of mifconftruccion turneth vnto worfe or a fmal dif-
their frendes, of whiche either party (hold coun- pleafure done vs, eyther our owne affeccion or euil
fayle for their owne commodity and rather byplea- tongues agreueth. But this wote I well ye neucr
faunte aduyfe toowynne themfelfe fauour, then by had fo great caufe of hatred, as ye have of loue.
profitable aduertifemente to do the children good, That we be al men, that we be chrillen men, this
he called fome of them before him that were at (hall I leave for prechers to tel you (and yet 1 wote
variaunce, and in efpecyall the lorde marques Dor- nere whither any prechers wordes ought more to
fette the quenes fonne by her fyrlle houfebande, nioue you, then his that is by and by gooyng to
and Richarde the lorde Haftynges, a noble man, the place that thei all preache of.) But this (hal I
than lorde chaumberlayne agayne whome the quene defire you to remember, that the one parte of you
fpecially grudged, for the great fauoure the kyng is of my bloode, the other of myne alies, and eche

bare hym, and alio for that ihee thoughte hym fe- of yow with other, eyther of kinred or afhnitie,
cretclye familyer with the kyngc in wanton coom- which fpirytuall kynred of affynyty, if the facra-
panye. Her kynred alio bare hym fore, as well mentes of Chriftes churche, beare that weyghte
for that the kynge hadde made hym captayne of with vs that would Godde thei did, flioulde no
Calyce (whiche oflke the lorde Ryuers, brother to IcfTe moue vs to charitye, then the refpeifle of
the quene, claimed of the kinges former promyfe) fleihlye confanguinitye.Oure Lorde forbydde, that
as for diuerfe other great giftes whiche hee receyued, you loue together the worfe, for the felfe caufe that
that they loked for. \Vhen thefe lordes with di- you ought to loue the better. And yet that hap-
ueiTc other of bothe the parties were comaie in pcneth. And no where fynde wee fo deadlye de-
prefence, the kynge liftinge vppe himfelfe and bate, as amonge them, whyche by nature and lawe
vnderfettc with pillowcs, as it is reported on this moltc oughte to agree together. Such a peftilcntc
wyfe fayd vnto them, My iordcs, my dere kinf- ferpente is ambicion and defyre of vainc glorye and
menne and alies, in what plighte I lye you fee, and foueraintye, whiche amonge ftatcs where he once
I feele. By whiche the lelTc whyle I lookc to entreth crepeth foorth fo farre, tyll with deuifion
lyue with you, the more depelye am I moued to and variaunce hee turneth all to mifchiefe. Firfte
care in what cafe I leaue you, for fuch as 1 leauve longing to be nexte the befl, aftcrwarde egall with
you, fuche bee my children lyke to fynde you. the belle, and at lafte chiefe and aboue the befte.
"Whiche if they (houlde (that Godde forbydde) Of which immoderate appetite of woorfliip, and
fynde you at varyaunce, myght happe to fall thtm- thereby of debate and diflencion what lofle, what

forowe, what trouble hathe within thefe feweyeares counfaylc Adioyned wer there vnto him other of
growen in this realme, I praye Godde as wel for- the fame partie, and in effcft euery one as he was
geate as wee wel remember. nereft of kin vnto the quene, fo was planted next
Whiche thinges yf I coulde as wel haue forefene, about the prince. That drifte by the quene not
as I my more payne then pleafure proucd,
haue with vnvvifely deuifed, whereby her bloode mighte of
by Goddes bleffed Ladk (that was euer his bthe) youth be rooted in the princes fauour, the duke of
1 woulde neuer haue won the courtefye of mennes Gloucefler turned vnto their defl:ruccion, and vpon
knees, with the lofle of foo many heades. But fithen that groLinde fet the foundacion of all his vnhappy
thynges pafled cannot be gaine called, muche oughte building. For whom foeuer he perceiued, either
wee the more beware, by what occafion we haue at variance wi?h them, or bearing himfelf their fauor,
taken foo greate hurte afore, that we eftefoones fall hee brake vnto them, forne by mouth, fom by
not m that occafion agayne. Nowe be thofe griefes writing or fecret melfengers, that it neyther was
pafled, and all is (Godde be thanked) quiete, and reafon nor in any wife to be fuffered, that the yong
Jikelie righte wel to profper in wealthfull peace king their mafl:cr and kinfmanne, (hoold bee in the
vnder youre cofeyns my children, if Godde fende handcs and cuftodye of his mothers kinred, fe-
them and you loue. Of whiche twoo thinges,
life quefl:red in maner from theyr compani and at-
the wer they by whome thoughe Godde
lefTe lofle tendance, of which eueri one ought him as faith-
dydde hys pleafure, yet fhoulde the realme alway ful fcruice as they, and manye of them far more
finde kinges and paraducnture as good kinges. But honorable part of kin then his mothers fide
yf you among your felfe in a childcs reygne fall at whofe blood (quod he) fauing the kinges pleafure,
debate, many a good man fhall perifli and happcly was ful vnmetely to be matched with his; whiche
he to, and ye to, ere thys land finde peace again. nowe to be as who fay remoued from the kyng,
VVherfore in thefe lafl: wordes that euer 1 looke to and the leflTe noble to be left aboute him, is (quod
fpeak with you 1 exhort you and require you al,
: he) neither honorable to hys magefl:ie, nor vnto
for the loue that you haue euer borne to me, for V5, and alfo to his grace no furety to haue the
the loue that I haue euer borne to you, for the loue niightieftof his frendes from him, and vnto vs no
that our Lord beareth to vs all, from this time for- ieopardy, to fuffer our welproued cuil willers,
warde, all grieues forgotten, eche of you loue to growin ouergret authoritie with the prince in
other. Whiche I verelye trufte you will, if ye any youth, namely which is lighte of beliefe and fone
thing earthly regard, either Godde or your king, perfvvadcd. Ye remember 1 trow king Edward

affinitie or kinrcd, this realme, your owne coun- himfelf, albeit he was a manne of age and of dif-
trey, or your owne furcty. And therewithal the crecion, yet was he in manye thynges ruled by the
king no longer enduring to fitte vp, laide him bende, more then (lode cither with his honour, or
down on his right fide, his face towarde them: and our profite, or with the commoditie of any manne
none was there prefent that coulde refrain from els, except onely the immoderate aduauncemcnt of
weping. But the lordcs recomforting him with as them felfc. Whiche whither they forer thidled
good wordes as they could, and anfwcring for the after their owne weale, or our woe, it wer hard I
time as thei thought to ftand with his pleafure, wene to geflJe. And if fome folkes frendfliip had
there in his prefence (as by their wordes appercd) not holden better place with the king, then any re-
eche forgaue other, and ioyned their hands toge- fpe6b of kinred, thei might peraduenture eafily
ther, when (as it after appeared by their dedes) haue be trapped and brought to confufion fomme
their hearcs wer far a fonder. As fone as the king of vs ere this. Why not as eafily as they haue
was departed, the noble prince his fonne drew to- done fome other alreadye, as neere of his royal
ward London, which at the time of his deceafe, bloode as we. But our Lord hath wrought his wil,
kept his houfliold at Ludlow in Wales. Which and thanke be to his grace that peril is paite. Howe
countrey being far of from the law and recourfe to be it as great is growing, yf wee fuffer this yonge
iuftice, was begon to be farre cute of good wyll kyng in oure enemyes hande, whiche without his
and waxen wild, robbers and riucrs walking at li- wyttyng, might abufe the name of histommaun-
bcrtic vncorreded. And for this encheafon the dement, to ani of our vndoing, which thyng God
prince was in the life of his father fcnte thither, to and good prouifion forbyd. Of which good pro-
the cnde that the authoritie of his prefence fliould uifion none of vs hath any thing the lefl"e ncde, for
refraine euill difpofedparfons fro the holdnes of the late made attonemente, in whiche the kinges
theirformer outerages, to the gouernaunce and or- pleafure hadde more place then the parties wilies.
dering of this yong prince at his fending thyther, Nor none of vs I beleue is fo vnwyfe, oucrfone to
was there appointed Sir Anthony Woduile lord trufte a newe frende made of an olde foe, or to
Kiucrs and brother vnto the quene, a right ho- think that an houerly kindnes, fodainely contradl in
nourable man, as valiaunte of hande as politike in one houre continued, yet fcant a fortnight, Ihold
Vol. 1. Lk] be
be df per fetlcd in their ftomackcs : then a long and to the queenes frendes there foo louyngelye,
accuflomed malice many yercs rooted. that they nothyngeearthelye my ftruftynge, broughtc
With thefe wordes and writynges and fuche other, the kynge vppe in greate hafte, not in good fpede,
the duke of Gloucefter lone fet a fyre, them that with a fober coumpanye. Nowe was the king in
were of thcmfclf cihe to kindle, and in efpeciall his waye to London gone, from Northampton,
twayne, Edwardc duke of Buckingham, and Rich- when thefe dukes of Gloucefter and Buckynghann
arde lordc Haftinges and chaumbcrlayn, both men came thither. Where remained behynd, the lordc
of honour and of great power. The cone by longe Riuers the kynges vncle, entendyng on the mo-
fucceflion from his anceftrie, the tother by his office rowe to folow the kynge, and bee with hym at
and the kinges fauor. Thefe two n^Jyearing cche Stonye Stratford miles thence, earcly or
to other fo muchc loue, as hatred bothe vnto the hee departed. So was there made that nyghte
quenes parte : in this poynte accorded together muche frendely chere betwene thefe dukes and the
wyth the duke of Gloacefter, that they wolde lorde Riuers a greate while. But incontinente after
vtterlye amoue fro the kinges companye, all his that they wereoppenlye with greate courtelye de-
mothers frendes, vnde'rthe name of their enemycs. parted, and the lorde Riuers lodged, the dukes
Vpon this concluded, the duke of Gloucefter vnder- fecretelye with a fewe of their mode priuye frendes,
ftandyng, that the lordes whiche at that tyme were fette them downe in counfayle, wherin they fpent a
aboute the kyng, entended to bryng him vppe to great parte of the nyght. And at their rifinge in the
his coronacion, accoumpanied with fuchc power of dawnyng of the day, thei fent about priuily to their
theyr frendes, that ic fhoulde bee harde for hym to feruantes in the innesand lodgynges about, geuinge
brynge his purpofe to paflc, without the gathering them commaundemente to make them felfe fhortely
and great aflemble of people and in maner of open readye, for their lordes wer to horfebackward.
warre, whereof the ende he wide was doubtous, Vppon whiche melTages, manyeof their folke were
and in which the kyng being on their fide, his part aitendaunt, when manye of the lorde Riuers fer-
fhould haue the face and name of a rebellion: he uantes were vnreadye. Nowe hadde thefe dukes
fecretly therefore by diuers meanes, caufed the taken alfo into their cuftodye the kayesof the inne,
quene to be perfwaded and brought in the mynd, that none flioulde pafTe foorth without theyr li-
that it neither wcr nede, and alfo fhold be ieopard- cence.
ous, the king to come vp ftrong. For where as And ouer this in the hyghe waye toward Stonye
nowe euery lorde loued other, and none other thing Stratforde where the kynge laye, they hadde bee-
ftudyed vppon, but aboute the coronacion and ho- ftowed certayne of theyr folke, that fhoulde fcnde
noure of the king if the lordes of her kinred
: backe agayne, and compell to retourne, anye manne
(hold aflemble in the kinges name muche people, that were gotten oute of Northampton toward
thei Ihould geue the lordes atwixte whome and Stonye Stratforde, tyll they fhould geue other
them haddc bene fommetyme debate, to fcare and lycence. For as muche as the dukes themfelfe en-
fufpedle, Icfte they fhoulde gather thys people, not tended for the (hewe of theire dylygence, to bee the
for the kynges faucgarde whome no manne em- fyrfte that (houldc that daye attende vppon the
pugned, but for theyr dcftruccion, hauying more kynges highnelTe oute of that towne thus bare

rcgarde to their old variaunce, then their newe at- they folke in hande. But when the lorde Ryuers
tonement. For whiche caufe thei fhoulde aflemble vnderflrode the gates clofed, and the wayes on cueryc
on the other partie muche people agayne for their fide befette, neyther hys fcruauntes nor hymfelf fuf-
defence, whofe power (he wyfte wel farre ftretched. fcred to.gooute, parceiuyng well fo greaie a thyng
And thus (hould all the realme fall on a rore. And without his knowledge not begun for noughte,
of al the hurte that therof fhould enfue, which was comparyng this maner prefent with this laft nightcs
likely not to be litle, and the moft harme there like chere, in lb few houres fo gret a chaunge maruel-
to fal wher (he left would, al the worlde woulde ouflye mifliked. How
be it fithe hee coulde not
put her and her kinred in the wyght, and fay that geat awaye, and keepe himfelfe clofe, hee woulde
thei had vnwyfelye and vntrewlye alfo, broken the not, lefte he fhoulde feeme to hyde himfelfe for
amitie and peace that the kyng her hufband fo pru- fbme fecret feare of hys owne faulte, whereof he
denttlye made, betwene hyskinne and hers in his faw no luch caufe in hym felf he determined vppon

death bed, and whiche the other party faithfully the furetie of his own confcience, to goe boldelye
obferucd. to them, and inquire what this matter myghte
The quene being in this wife perfwaded, fuche mcane. Whome as foone as they fa we, they be-
woorde lent vnto her fonne, and vnto her brother ganne to quarrell with hym, and faye, that hee in-
being aboute the kynge, and ouer that the duke of tended to fette diftaunce beetweenc the kynge and
Gloucefter hymltlfe and other lordes the chiefe of them, and to brynge them to confulion, but it
hys bende, wrote vnto the kyhge foo rcuercntlye. fhoulde not lye in hys power. And when hee be-
6 ganne
ganne (as hee was a very well fpoken manne) in his dayes in vre therewith, and therfore coulde
goodly wife to excufe himfclf, they taryed not the beare it the better. But for al this coumfortable
cndc of his aunfwere, but fhortely tooke him and courtefye of the duke of Gloucefter he fent the
putte him in warde, and that done, foorthwyth lord Riuers and the lorde Richarde with Sir Tho-
•wente to horfebacke, and tooke the waye to Stonye mas Vaughan into the Norrhe countrey into.diuers
Stratforde. Where they founde the kingc with his places to prifon, and afterward al to Pomfrait,
companie readye to leape on horfebacke, and departe where they were in conclufion beheaded.
forwarde, to leaue that lodging for them, becaufe it
was to ftreighte for bothe coumpanies. And as
A letter written with a cole by Sir Thomas More
fone as they came in his prefence, they lighte
to hysdougnxermaiftresMAR GAR etRoper, with-
adowne with rompanie aboute them. To
all their
in a whyle after he was prifoner in the Towre.
whome the duke of Buckingham
faide, goe afore
gentlemenne and yeomen, kepe youre rowmes. jVyiYNE own good doughter, our lorde be
And thus goodly arraye> thei came to the kinge,
^^^ thanked am
in good helthe of bodye, and

and on theire knees in very humble wife, faiued his in good quiet of minde and of worldly thynges I

grace; whiche receyued them in very ioyous and no more defyer then I haue. I bcfeche hym make
amiable maner, nothinge eirthlye knowing nor you all mery in the hope of heauen. And fuch
miftrullinge as yet. But euen by and by in his thynges as I fomewhat longed to talke with you all,
prefence, they piked aquarell to the lorde Richarde concerning the worlde to come, our Lorde put theim
Graye, the kynges other brother by his mother, into your myndes, as I trufte he dothe and better to
fayinge that hee with the lorde marqu.s his brother by hys holy fpirite who blefie you and preferue

and the lorde Riuers his vncle, hadde coumpafled you all. Wrnicn wyth a cole by your tender louing
to rule the kinge and the realme, and to fette vari- father, who in hys pore prayers forgetteth none of
aunce among the ftates, and to fubdcwe and de- you all nor your babes, nor your nurfes, nor your
ftroye the noble blood of the realm. Toward the good hufbandes, nor your good hufbandes Ihrewde
accoumplifhinge whereof, they fayde that the lorde wyues, nor your fathers flirewde wyfe neither, nor
Marques haddt- entered ioto the Tower of London, our other frendes. And thus fare ye hartely well
and thence taken out the kinges treafor, and fent for lacke of paper.
menne to the fea. All whiche thinge thcfc duke* Thomas More, knight.
wille well were done for good purpoles and neceflari
by the whole counfaile at London, fauing that Two fliort which Sir Thomas More made
fommewhat thei muft fai. Vnto whiche woordes, for hys paftyme while he was prifoner in the
the king aunfwcred, what my brother Marques hath
Tower of London.
done cannot
I faie. But in good faith I dare well
aunfwere for myne vncle Riuers and my brother Lewys the loft louer.
here, that thei be innocent of any fuch matters.
Ye my liege quod the duke of Buckingham thei
haue kepte theire dealing in thefe matters farre fro
E YOr flatering fortune, loke
thou neuer fo fayre.
neuer fo plefantly begin to fmile.
As though thou wouldft my ruine all repayre,
the knowledge of your good grace. And foorth- During my life thou fhalt not me begile.
with thei arretted the lord Richarde and Sir Thomas
Truft (hall 1 God, to entre in a while.
Waughan knighte, in the kinges prefence, and Hys hauen or heauen fure and vniforme.
broughte the king and all backe vnto Northampton,
Euer attcr thy calme, loke I for a (lorme.
where they tooke againe further counfaile. And
there they fent awaie froni the kinge whom itpleafed
Dauy the dycer.
them, and fette newe feruantes aboute him, fuche as
lyked better them than him. At whiche dealinge 1" ONG was 1 lady Luke your feruing man,
hee wepte and was nothing contente, but it booted And now agayne all that 1 gat,
haue loft

nor. And at dyner the duke of Gioucefler fente a Wherfore whan I thinke on you nowe and than,
dilhefrom hisowne table to the lord Riuers, prayinge And in my mynde refiicmber this and that.
him to bee of goodchere, all fhould be well inough. Ye may not blame me though 1 beftirew your cat.
And he thanked the duke, and prayed the meflenger But in fayth I bleflc you agayne a ihoufand times.
to bcare it to his nephewe the lorde Richarde with For lending me now fome laylurc to make rymes.
tlie fame meffage for his comfort, who he thought

had more nede of coumfort, as one to whom fuch At the fame time with Sir Thomas Mere lived
aducrfitie was ftraunge. But himfclf had been al Skelten, the poet laureate oi Henry Vlll. from whofc
L^] 2 works.
works it fcems proper to infcrt a few ftanzas, though Defcription of Spring, wherein echc thing rcnewcs,
he cannot be faid lo have attained great elegance of fave only the lover.
'T' H E foote feafon that bud, and bloome fourth
"' bringes,
The prologue to the Bougc of Courte. With grcne hath cladde the hyll, and eke the vale.
TN Auturnpne whan the fonne in vjrrgyne The Nighringall with fethcrs new flie finges j
* By radyante hete enryped hath our corne The turtle to her mate hath told the talc :

When Luna of mutabylytc

full Somer is come, for every fpray now fpringes.
As Emperes the dyndcme hath worof The hart hath hunge hys olde head on the pair.
Of our pole artyke, fmylynge halfe in fcorne The bucke in brake his winter coate he flyngcs ;
At our foly and our v: Itedfaftnefle The (ifhes flete with newc repayred fcale
The tinnc whan Mars to warre hym dyd dres, The adder all her Hough away (lie flynge?.
I callynge to mynde the grcate auftorytc The fwift fwallow purfueth the flyes fmalle.
Of poeces olde, whiche full craftely The bufy bee her honey how (he mynges i
Vnder as couerte termes as coulde be Winter is worne that was the flourcs bale.
Can touche a trouth, and cloke fubtylly And thus I fee among thefc pleafant thynges
With fresfhe vtteraunce full fentcncyoully Eche care decayes, and yet my forrow fpryiifres.
Dyuerfe in ftyle feme fpared not vycc to wryte
Some of mortalitie nobly dyd cndyte Defcripcion of the reftlefs eftate of a lover.
Whereby I rede, thcyr renome and theyr fame
May neuer dye, but eucrmore endure
I was fore moued to a forfe the fame
But ignoraunce full foone dyd me dyfcure
youth had led

looked back to meet the place.

me half the race.
That Cupides fcourge had made me runnej

And (hewed that in this al^c I was not fure From whence my weary courfe begunne
For to illumine (he fayd I wjs to duUe And then I faw howe my delyre
Aduyfynge me my penne awaye to pulle Mifguiding me had led the waye,
And not to wryte, for he fo wyll atteync Myne eyne to greedy of theyre hyre,
Excedyng ferther than his connynge is Had made me lofe a better prey.
His heed maye be harde, but feble is brayne For when in fighes I fpcnt the day,
Yet haue I knowen fuche er this And could not cloake my grief with game
But of rcproche furely he maye not mys The boyling fmokedyd ftill bewray.
That clymmeth hycr than he may fotinge haue The prelent heat of fecret flame
What and he flyde downe, who (hall him faue ? And when fait teares do bayne my breaft.
Thus vp and downe my mynde was drawen and Where love his plealent traynes hath fown.
caft Her beauty hath the fruytcs oppreft.
That I ne wyfte what to do was befte Ere that the buddes were fpron gc and blowne.
So fore enwered that I was at the lafte And when myne eyen dyd Hill purfue.
Enforfed to flepe, and for to take fome refte The flying chafe of theyre requefl:
And to lye downe as foone as I my drefte Theyre greedy looks dyd oft renew.
At Harwyche porte flumbrynge as I hye The hydden wounde within my brefte.
In myne hoftes houfe called powers keye. When every loke thefe cheekes might ftayne.
From dcdly pale to glowing red ;
By outward fignes appeared playne.
Of the wits that flourilhed in the reign of To her for heipe my harte was fled.
Henry VIII. none has been more frequently cele- But Love
all to late learneth me.
brated than the earl of Surry ; and this hiftory would To paynt all kynd of Colours new
therefore have been imperfed without fome fpeci- To blynd theyre eyes that elfe fliould fee
mens of his works, which yet it is not eafy to diftin- My fpeckled chekes with Cupids hew.
gui(h from thofe of Sir Thomas li^yat and others, And now the covert brc(t I clame.
with which they are confounded in the edition that That worfhipt Cupide fecretely j
has fallen into my hands. The three firft are, I And nourifhed hys facred flame.
believe, i'wrr/s \ the re(l, being of the fame age,
From whence no blairing fparks do flye.
are fcxfted, (bme as examples of different meafurcs,
and one as the oldett Compofition whi.h I have
found in blank verfe.
Defcripcion of the fickle AfFedions, Pangs, and I know to fcke the trafte of my defyred foe.
Sleightes of Love. And fere to fynde that 1 do feek, but chiefly this I
CUCH wayward wayes hath Love, that moft part
That Lovers muft transfourme into the thynge be-
in dilcord loved.
Our willes <io (land, whereby our hartes but fel- And live (alas who would believe
?) with fprite
dom do
accord from Lyfe removed.
Decyte is hysdelighte, and to begyle and mocke Iknowe in harty (ighesand laughters of the fpleene,
The fimple hartes which he doth ftrike with fro- At once to chaunge my ftate, my will, and eke my
ward divers ftroke. colotfl- clene.

He caufeth th' one to rage with golden burning I know how to deceyve my felf wythe others helpe.
darte. And how the Lyon chaftiled is, by beatynge of the
And doth alay with Leaden cold, again the others whelpe.
harte. In ftandyngc nere the fyre, I know how that I freafe
Whofe gleames of burning fyre and eafy fparkes of Farre of I burne, in bothe I wafte, and fo my Lyfe
flame. I leefe.

In balance of unequal weyght he pondereth by ame Iknow how Love doth rage upon a yeyldingmynde.
From eafye ford where 1 tnyghte wade and pafs full How fmalle a nete may take and male a harte of
well. gentle kyndc
Heme withdrawes and doth me drive, into a depe Or with feldom fwete to feafon hepes of gall.
dark hell: Revived with a glympfe of Grace old lorrowes to
And me witholdes where I am calde and offred place. let fall.

And willes me that my mortal foe 1 do befcke of The hydden traynes I know, and fecret fnares of
Grace j Love,
He lettes me to purfue a conqueft welnere wonne How foone a loke will prynte a thoughte that never
To follow where my
paynes were loft, ere that my may remove.
fute begunne. The I know, the fodein turnes from
flypper ftate
So by this means i know how foon a hart may turne welthe
From warre to peace, from truce to ftryfe, and fo The doubtfuU hope, the certaine wooe, and fure
agayne returne. defpaired helthe.
I know how to content my fclf in others luft.
Of little Ituffe unio my Iclf to weave a webbe of
A praife of his ladie.

And how to hyde my harmes with fole dyflembling /^EVE place you ladies and be gone,
chere. ^-^ Boaft not your felves at all.
Whan in my face
the painted thoughtes would out- For here at hande approcheth one,
wardly appeare. Whofe face will ftayne you all.
I knot* how that the bloud forfakes the face for The vertue of her lively lookes
dred. Excels the precious ftone,
And how by fliime it ftaynes agayne the Chckes I wifhe to have none other bookes
with flaming red : To reade or look upon.
Iknow under the Grene, the Serpent howhelurkes : In eche of her two chriftall eyes,
The hammer of the reftlefs forge 1 wote eke how it Smyleth a naked boy -,

workes. It would you all in heart fuffife

I know and con by roate the tale that I woulde tell To fee that lampe of joye.
But oftc the woordes come fourth awrye of him that I think nature hath loft the moulde.

loveth well. Where (he her ftiape did take;

I know and colde the Lover how he (hakes.
in hcate Or elfe doubte if nature coulde

In fynging how he doth complayne, in flecping how So fayre a creature make.

he v.. kes She may be well comparde
To languifli without ache, fickelelTe for to confume, Unto the Phenix kinde,
A thoufand thynges for to devyfc, rclblvyngeof his Whofe like was never feene nor heard,
fume That any man can fynde.
And though he lyfte to fee his Ladyes Grace full In lyfe (he is Diana chalt
lore In trouth Penelopey,
Such pleafurcs as delyght hys Eye, do not his heiihc In woord and eke in dede ftedfaft j
reftorc. What will you more we fay
If the world were fought fo farre.
all The litening Macedon by fwordes, by gleaves.
Who coulJ findc fuche a wight, By bandcs and troupes of footennn, with his garde,
Hier beaury twinkleth lykc a ftarre Specdcs to Dary, but hym hii mereft kyn,
"Within the frofty night. Oxate prefcrves with horfeiren on a plumpe
Before his carr, that none his charge fhould give.
The Lover rcfufed of his love, embraccth vertue. Here grunts, here groans, eche where ftrong youth
is fpent:
TVyTY youthfull yeres are paiT,
Shaking her bloudy hands, Bellone among
"^^^ My joyfuil dayes are gone.
The Perles foweth all kind of cruel death:
My lyfe it may not laft.
With throte yrent he roares, he lyeth along
My grave and I am one.
His through gryded quyte,
cntrailes with a launcc
My myrth and joyes are fled.
Hym fmytes the club, hym woundes farre ftryking
And I a Man in wo,
Defirous to be ded.
And him the fling, and him the (hining fwordj
My mifciefe to forego.
He dyeth, he is all dead, he pantes, he reftcs.
I burne and am a colde,
Right over ftoode in fnowwhite armour brave.
1 freefe amyddes the fycr,
The Memphite Zoroas, a cunnyng clarke.
2 fee fhe doth witholde
To whom the heaven lay open as his booke;
That is my honeft defyre. And in celeftiall bodies he could tell
I ice my helpe at hande,
The moving meeting light, afpedt, eclips,
I fee my lyfe alfo, And influence, and conftellations all;
I fee wheredoth (Vande
What earthly chaunces would betyde, what yere.
That my
deadly fo.
Of plenty (torde, what figne forewarned death.
I fee how Ihe dorh fee.
How winter gendreth fnow, what temperature
And yet flie wil be blynde, In the prime tyde doih feafon well the foyle.
1 fee inhelpyng me, ^

Why fummer burncs, why autumnehath ripe grapes,

She fekes and wil not fynde. Whither the quadrate may become,
I fee how fhe doth wrye,
Whether our tunes heavens harmony can yelde
"When I begynne to mone,
Of four begyns among themlelves how great
I fee 1 come nye.
when Proportion is-, what (way the erryng lightes
How fayne (he would be gone.
Doth fend in courfe gayne that fy rfl movy ng heaven
I fee what wil ye more,
What grees one from another diftancc be.
She will me gladly kill.
What (tarr doth let the hurtfull fyre to rage.
And you fhall fee therfore
Or him more mylde what oppoficion makes.
That fhe fhall have her vyill.
What fyre doth qualifye Mavorfes fyre.
cannot live with (tones,
What houfe eche one doth fecke, what plannett
It is too hard a foode,
I wil be dead at ones
Within this heaven fphere, nor thatfmall thynges
To do my Lady good. Ifpeake, whole heaven he clofeth in his breit.
This fage then in the ftarres hath fpyed the fates
The Death of ZOROAS, an Egiptian aftronomer,
Threatncd him death without delay, and, flth,
in the firft fight that Alexander had with the
He faw he could not fatal! order chaunge,
Foreward he prefl: in battayle, that he migiit
^^OW clattring armes, now raging broyjs of warre, Mete with the rulers of the Macedons,
Gan palTc the noys of dredfuU trumpctts clang, Of his right hand defirous to be flain.
Shrowdcd with fhaftsi the heaven with cloude of The bouldeft borne, and worthieft in the feilde;
dartes. And as a wight, now wery of his lyfe.
Covered the ayre. Againft full fatted bulles, And feking death, in fyrll front of his rage.
As forccth kyndled yrc the lyons kecne, Comes defperately to Alexanders face.
Whofe greedy gutts the gnawing hunger prickes; At him with dartes one after other throwes.
So Macedons againft the Perfians fare. With recklefle wordes and clamour him provokes,
Now corpfes hyde the purpurdc foyle with blood And I'ayth, Nedanaks bartard (hamefull ilayne
Large (laughter on eche fide, but Perfcs more, Of mothers bed, why lofeft thou thy ftrokes,
Moyft ficldes bebled, theyr heartes and numbers Cowardes among. Turn thee to me, in cafe
bate, Manhood there be fo much left in thy heart.
Fainted while ihey gave backe, and fall to flighte. Come fight with mc, that on my helmet weare
Apollo's laurell both for learnings laude. Barclay wrote about 1550 ; his chief work is the
And eke for martiall praife, that in my fhieldc Ship of Fooks, of which the following extradl ^ill
The feven fold Sophi of Minerve contein, ihew his ftyle.
A match more mete, Syr King, then any here.
Of Mockers and Scorners, and falfe Accufers.
The noble prince amoved takes ruth upon
The wilful) wight, and with foft words ayen, r\ Heartless fooks, hafte here to our dodrine,
monflrous man (quoth he) what fo thou art, Leaue off the wayes of your enormitie,
1 pray thee live, ne do not with thy death Enforce you to my preceptes to encline.
This lodge of Lore, the Mufes manfion marre; For here Iball I (hcwe you good and veritie
That treafure houfe this hand ihall never fpoyle, Encline, and ye finde fhall great profperitie,

My fword never bruife that (killful brayne.

fliall Enfuing the dodrine of our fathers olde.
Long gather'd heapes of fcience fone to fpill And godly lawes in valour worth great golde.
O howe fayre fruites may you to mortall men Who that will followe the graces manyfolde
From Wifdoms garden give; how many may Which are in vertue, (hall finde auauncement:
By you the wifcr and the better prove; Wherfore ^e fooles that in your finne are bolde,
'What error, what mad moode, what frenzy thee Enfue ye wifdome, and leaue your lewde intent,
Perfwades to be downe, fent to depe Avernc, Wifdome is the way of men molt excellent:
"Where no artes flourifb, nor no knowledge vailes Therfore haue done, and fliortly fpede your pace.
For all thefe fawes. When thus the fovereign To quaynt your felf and company with grace.
faid. Learne what is vertue, therin is great iblace,
Alighted Zoroas with fword unfheathed. Learne what is truth, fadnes and prudence.
The carelefs king there fmoate above the greve, Let grutche be gone, and grauitie purchafe,
At th' opening of his quifhes wounded him. Forfake your folly and inconueniencc,
So that the blood down trailed on the ground Ceafe to be fooles, and ay to fue offence,
The Macedon perceiving hurt, gan gnafhe. Followe ye vertue, chiefe roote of godlynes.
But yet his mynde he bent in any wife For it and wifedome is ground of clenlynes.
Hym to f rbeare, fett fpurrs unto his ftede. Wifedome and vertue two thinges are doubtles,
And turnde away, left anger of his fmarte Whiche man cndueth with honour fpeciall,
Should caufe revenger hand deale baleful! blowes. But fuche heartes as flepe in foolithnes
But of the Macedonian chicftaines knights. Knoweth nothing, and will nought know at all:
One Meleager could not bear this fight. But in this little barge in principall
But ran upon the faid Egyptian rude. All foolifli mockers 1 purpofe to repreue,
And cut him in both knees: he fell to ground. Clawe he his backe that fecleth itch or greue.
Wherewith a whole rout came of fouldiours Mockers and fcorners that are harde of beleue.
fterne. With a rough comb here will I clawe and grate,
And all in pieces hewed the fely feg, Toproue if they will from their vice remeue.
But happely the foule fled to the ftarres, And leaue their folly, which caufeth great debate:
Where, under him, he hath full fight of all. Suche caytiues fpare neyther poore man nor eftate.
Whereat he gazed here with rcachmg looke. And where their felfe are moft worthy derifion.
The Perfians waild fuch fapience to forgoe. Other men to fcorne is all their moft condition.
The very fone the Macedonians wifht Yet are mo fooles of this abufion,
Me would have lived, king Alexander felfe Whiche of wife men dcfpifeth the doftrine.
Demde him a man unmete to dye at all; With mowes, mockes, fcorne, and coUufion,
Who wonne like praife for conqucft of his Yre, Rewarding rebukes for their good difcipline:
As for ftoute men in field that day fubdued. Shewc to fuche wifdome, yet (hall they not encline
Who princes taught how man.
to difcerne a Unto the fame, but fet nothing therby,
That in his head fo rare a jewel beares, But mocke thy doftrine, ftiil or
But over all thofe fame Camenes, thofe fame. So in the appeareth commonly.
worlde it

Divine Camenes, whofe honour he procurde, That who that will a foole rebuke or blame,
As tender parent doth his daughters wcale. A mocke or mowe (hall he haue by and by:
Lamented, and for thankes, all that they can. Thus in derifion haue fooles their fpeciall game.
Do cherirti hym deceaft, and fett him free. Correct a wife man that woulde cfchue ill name.
From dark oblivion of devouring death. And fayne would learne, and his lewde life amende.
And to thy wordes he gladly (hall intende.
If by misfortune a rightwife man offende, About the year 1553 wrote Dr. Wtlfon, a man
He gUdly fuffercth a iuftc corredion, celebrated for the policcnefs of his ftyle, and the
And him that him teacheth laketh for his frende, extent of his knowledge: what the ftate of our
Him fclfe putting mekely unto fubiedtion, language in his time, the following may be of ufe
Folowing his preceptes and good diredion: to fliow.
But yf that one a foole rebuke or blame.
He fliall his teacher hate, Qaunder and diffame. pRonunciation is an apte orderinge bothe of the

Howbeit his wordes oft turne to his own fliame, *• voyce, countenaunce, and all the whole bodye,
And his owne dartes rttourne to him agayne. accor lynge to the worthines of fuche woordes and
And fo he fore wounded with the fame.
is mater as by fpeache are declared. The vfc
And in wo
endeth, great mifery and payne. hereof is fuche for anye one that liketh to haue
It alfo proued full often is certayne. prayfe for tellynge his talc in open aflc;mblie, that
That they that on mockers alway their mindes caft, hauing a good tongue, and a comelye countenaunce,
Shall of all other be mocked at the laft. he flial be thought to paflTe all other that haue the
He that goeth right, ftedfaflr, fure, and faft. like vtteraunce : thoughe they haue much better
May him well mocke that goeth halting and lame, learning.. The tongue geueth a certayne grace to
And he that is white may well his fcornes caft, euerye matter, and beautifieth the caufe in like
Agaynft a man of Inde but no man ought to blame
: maner, as a fwete foundynge lute muche fetteth
Anothers vice, while he vfeth the fame. forthe a meane deuifed ballade. Or as the founde
Butwhothatof finne cleaneindeedeand thought.
is of a good inftrumente ftyrreth the hearers, and
May him whofe liuing is ftarke nought.
well fcorne moueth muche delite, fo a cleare foundyng voice
The fcornes of Naball full dere fliould haue been comforteth muche our deintie cares, with muche
bought. fwete melodic, and caufeth vs to allowe the matter
If Abigayl his wife difcrete and fage. rather for the reporters fake, then the reporter for
Had not by kindnes right crafty meanes fought, the matters fake. Demofthenes therforc, that fa-
The wrath of Dauid to temper and affwage. moufe oratour, beyng aflced what was the chiefeft
Hath not two beares in their fury and rage point in al oratorie, gaue the chiefe and oncly
Two and furtie children rent and tome. praife to Pronunciation ; being demaunded, what
For they the prophete Helyfeus did fcorne. was the feconde, and the thirde, he ftill made
So might they curfe the time that they were borne, aunfwere. Pronunciation, and would make none
For their mockmg of this prophete diuine: other aunfwere, till they lefie afliyng, declaryng
So many other of this fort often mourne hereby that arte without vtteraunce can dooe no-
For their lewde mockes, and fall into ruine. thyng, vtteraunce without arte can dooe right
Thus is it foly for wife men to encline. muche. And no doubte that man is in outwarde
To this lewde flockc of fooles, for fee thou fliall apparaunce halfe a good clarke, that hath a cleane
Them mofte fcorning that are moft bad of all. tongue, and a comely gefture of his body, ^fchines
lykwyfe L'eyng banniflied his countrie through De-
The Lenuoy of Barclay to the fooles. mofthenes, when he had redde to the Rhodians his
own oration, and Demofthenes aunfwere thereunto,
Ye mocking fooles that in fcorne fet your ioy. by force whereof he was banniflied, and all they
Proudly defpifing Gods punition: marueiled muche at the excellencie of the fame
Take ye example bv Cham the fonne of Noy, then (q d ^fchines) you would have marueiled
"Which laughed his father vnto derifion, muche more if you had heard hymfelfe fpeak it.
Which him after curfed for his tranfgrefTion, Thus beyng caft in miferie and banniflied foreuer,
And made him feruaunt
to all his lyne and ftocke. he could not but geue fuch greate reporte of his
So ye caytifs at the conclufion,
fliall deadly and mortal ennemy.
Since ye are nought, and other fcorne and mocke.

Thus have deduced the Englijh language from

I eafily traced, and the gradations obferved, by which
the age of ihzioi Elizabeth; in fome parts
/f//r(f^ to it advanced from its firll rudenefs to its prefeat
imperfedty for want of materials; but 1 hope, at elegance,
Icaft, in fuch a manner that its progrefs may be


RAMM AR, whlchisyhart of ufing'wards properly
G prifes four
and Profody.
parts; Orthography, Etymology, Syntax,

In this divirton and order of the parts of grammir I follow the common gr»m-
, com- To thefe may be added
fally ufed in printing ;
certain combinations of letters univer-
as ft. ft, fl, fl,

and &, or and per ft, and. a,ft,fl,f,fi,fi,ff,j;f,ffi,f,ffi.ff.

(t, a, a, a, ff, tr, a, s, ffi, ffi, i»
(b, flc, fF, ff, fi, fli, fi, ffi, ffl,

mwians, without enquiring whether t fitter diftributiim might not be tound.
Experience ha; long Ikown this method to be fo diftinft a» to obviate confulion, Our letters are commonly reckoned twenty-four, bccaufe anciently i and/,
and fo comprchcnfive as to prevent any inconvenient omiflions. I likcwife ufe s well as u and v, were exprefled by the fame charafler ; but as thofc letters,
•the terms already received, and ah-cady (nderftood, though perhaps others more which had always different powers, have now diflFcrent forms, our alphabet may
proper might fometimes be invented. Sylbnrgius, and other innovators, whofe be properly faid to coniill of twenty-fix letters.
new terms have fanlc their learning into negled, have left fufficieot warning None of the fraall confunants have a double form, excepty^ ij of whichyit
againft the trifling ambition of teaching arts in a new language. ufed in the beginning and middle, and < at the end.

ORTHOCRAPHy is the art of combining Utters itito fyllahhs, Vowels are five, a, e, i, o> u.
4mdfyllabhs into nuords. It therefore teaches previoufly the form Such is the number generally received ; but for i it is the
and found of letters.
praftice to write y in the end of words, as thy, holy ; before /,
as from die, from beautify, beautifying ; in the words y5yi/,
dying ;
The letter* of the Eagliih language are.
days, eyes ; and
words derived from the Greek, and written
Saxon. Roman. Italick. OldE nglith. Name. originally with v, Zifiijiem, avmft» 5 fympathy, av^iti^uct.
X a A a A a » a a For u we often write w
after a vowel, to make a diphthong j
fi b B b B b s b it as rarw, grew, n/itvj, •vovi,floTMing, loivnefs.
E c C c C e «c c fi*
The founds of all the letters are various.
D b D d D d ® l» det In treating on the letters, 1 fliall not, like fome other grimmarUni, enquire
e i. E e £ t « e € into the original of their form, as an antiquarian j nor into their formation and

F F F f F f 3P f 'I
prolation by the organs of fpccch, as a mechanick, anatomiH, or phyfiologift
nor into the properties and gradation of founds, or the elegance or harlhnefs
c 7> G g G S <3 8 jet particular combinations, as a writer of univerfal and tranfcendental grammar.

fe h H h H h » 1 aitcb
confider the Englilh alphabet only as it is Englilh ; and even in this narrow dif..
i 1 I i I i i i (.wja quifition, I follow the example of former grammarians, perhaps with more reve-

J J 7 j 3 J confonant. rence than judgment, bccaufe by writing in Englilh i fuppofc my reader already

K k K k K k {{ t ia
acquainted with the EngliOi language, and confequenilv able to pronounce the
letters, of which I teach the pronunciation; and becaufc of founds in it
L 1 L 1 L I % I tl may be obfcrved, that words are unable to defcribe them. An account therefore
M m
N n
of the primitive and fimple ietttrs is ufclefs almoft alike to thofe who know their
found, and thofe who know it not.
O o O o <o o
P P P P P P P pee Of VOWELS.
Q. «T SL q f- ? ^ q cut
R n R r R r fR tf or
8 r S fs S f> A J has three founds, the flender, open, and broad.
T e T t T t C
A flender found in moft words, zaface, mane and in word*
is ;

U a U a U u u u (or 'Va
ending in atiotr, as creation, fal'vation, generation.
V V V T V •V D b •V confonant. The a flender is the proper Englilh a, called very juftly by Erpenius, in hii
u; P
w W w IM m bj doable «
Arabick Grammar, a Anglicum turn c miftum, as having a middle found between
The French have a fimilar found in the woid /a/i, and in
X X X X X X f tx
the open a and the t.
their e mafculiuc. ^
Y y Y y r y P t nvy
A open is the a of the Italian, or nearly refembles
Z z Z z X K ^ i xed, more
father, rather, congratulate, fancy, glafs.
it j as
commonly izz^rd
or uxxard, that
A broad refembles the a of the German ; as all, 'wall, call.
Many words pronounced with a broad were anciently written with au, at
mt - _ »
fhard. ftnlt, mauli ; and we fliU tty fault, vault. This was probably the Siaon found,
Vol. I
S /or
for it II yet retained in the northern dialeAst aod in the ruftick pronunciation fFomttt is pronounced nuimen.
u naan for au«, taunj lor bard.
The a approaches to the a open, as griz/i.
ihort e has fometimes the found of a clofe u, tsfon, ttme. The
long «, it prolonged by e at the end of the word, is al-
ways (lender, is graze, fame.
O coalefces into a diphthong with a, as moan, groan, approach {
oa has the found oio long.
forms a diphthong only with or j, and u or w. Ai or 4)'> ;'

as in plain, ivain, gey, clay, has only the found of the long and" (n% united to f in fome words derived from Greek, as cecontmy ; but ne being
flender a, and differs not in the pronunciation froin flane, -wane. not an Englilh diphthong, they are better written a^ they are luusdcd, with only t,
Au or o'w has the found of the German a, as reew, naughty. 'ecoixiriy.

^e is fometimcs found in Latin words not completely naturalifcd or aflimi- With I, as oil, foil, moil, neifome,
lattd, but is no EngUfli diphthong ; and is more properly exprclled by fing'.e t,

as C'jir, £mas. - .
, This ^oalition of letters fcems to unite the founds of the two letters as bet as-
two f»un>& can be united without being dcftroyed, atid therefore approaches more
E. nearly than any combination in our tongue to the notion of a diphthong.

£ I] the letter which occurs rood frequently in the Englifli language.

With as boot, hoot, cooler ; eo has the found of the Italian u.
. E is long, as m feint ; or fliort, as in cellar, feparate, celebrate. WithK or iv, as our, poiver, flo'wer ; but in fome words has-
mtn t/bei. only the found'cf o long, as in. foul, bmul, fovj , grtnu. Tiiefe dif-
always Ihort befor© a double confonahti' or tw(i.confo-
It is ferent founds are ufed to dittinguifli difPercnt iigoificatipns ; as
nants, as in ft.v, perplexity, relent, medlar, reptile, ferpent, cellar, bo^u, an inllrument for (hooting ; boiv, a depreiiion of the head :
cjfation, bleJJ{ng, fell, felling, debt. fan.!}, the (he of a boar ; foi>j, to fcatter feed : bowl, an orbicular
always mute at the end of a word, except in monofylla-
is body ; botxl, a wooden veflel.
bles that have no other vowel, as the ; or proper names, as Pe- Ou fometimes pronounced like o foft, as court ; fometimes

nelope, Phebe, Derbe ; being ufcd to modify the foregoing con- like (hort, as cough ; fometimes like u clofe, as could ; or ;/ open,
fonant, asyiWiT^, tnce, hedge, oblige ; or to lengthen the preceding as rough, tough ; which ufe only can teach.
vowelj as bun, b^.ne ; can, cane; pin, p'tne ; tun, tiene ; rob,
rihe ; popt fopt ; fir, ftre ;, cur, .cure i tub, tube.
Ou is frequently ufed in the laft fyllable of words which in Latin end in cr, and
arc made Engliih, as hcncur, labour, favour, from bcno/j tabor fat' or. ^

Almoft all words which now canfonants ended anoicntly in «, as Some late innovators havtejefted the u, without coiirtJtring that the lad fyl-
year, yean; -u/'ildnifs, •wildvejji; which probably 'had the force of the French e
ir lable gives the found neither of er nor ur, but a found between them, if not com-

feminine, and ranftituted a lyllahle with its adbtiat^ conionant ; for, in old edi- pounded of both; befidrt that they are probably dL-rJv.ed to us from the French,

tions, words are fometimes di\ided thus, clca-rt, fcl-k, icciuled-ge. This e f\ontta in err, as bnnieur, Jivcur.

was perhaps for a tiqie vocal or filent in poetry, as convenience requircJ ; but it
has been long whi'Hy mute. Camden in his Himains calls it the iilent e. u.
It does not always lengthen the foregoing vowel, as ^/s-v?, live, U is
long in /fe, confuflon ; or (hort, as us, concujjion.
gltie. It coalefces with a, e, i, o ; but has rather in theie combina-
It has fometimes in the en<J pf words a found obfcure, and tions the force of the ou, as quaff, qnefl, quit, quite, languijh ;
fcarcely perceptible, as open, papen, Jhotteut'thijile, participle, fometimes in ui the / lofes its found, as in juice. It is fometimes
iitc?e. ,

mute before a, e, i,y, as guard, guefl, guije, buy.

This found when « feparates a muce from a
faintnefe of found is liquid, at in

followed by e in virtue, but jhe e has no fojjnd.

rotten; or follows a mute and liquid, as in raff/e.
Ue fometimes mute at the end of a word, in imitation of the French, ispro"

E forms a diphthong with a, as near with /', as deign, receive rogue, fynagogue, fitgue, vague, harangue.
; ;

and with uotiu, asne^VfJieiv.

Ea founds like e long, as mean ;. or like^^, as dear, cJefrxfuar..^
Ei isfounded like e lon^, as/eize, perceiving. v '\
-,i 7" is a vowel, whichi as Quintilian obferves of one of the Ro-
£u founds as u long and foft.
man letters, we might want without inconvenience, but that we
E, a, u, are combined in beauty and its derivatives, but have
have it. It fupplies the place of; at the end of words, as thy ;
only the found of u. before an f, as dying ; and is commonly retained in derivative
E m2Ly be faid to form a diphthong by reduplication, as agree, words where it was part of a diphthong in the primitive j as de-
fueping. pray, prayer
Jlroy, dejlroyer ; betray, betrayed, bttrayer ; j fay,
Ea found inyecmen, where
is It is founded as e (hort; and 'in feifle, where it fayer ; day, days.
is pronounced like et.
J'b^ng the^aton vowel y, which was commonly ufcd wher? / is now put, ,

occuts very frequently in all old boolc£>

/has a found, long, as fine; and Ihort, as fin.

General Rules.
That is eminently obfervable in i, which may be lllcewife remarked in other A vowel inthe beginning or middle fyllable, before two con-,
letters, that the Ihort found, is not the long found contrafled, but a found wholly
fonants, is commonly (hort, as opportunity.
In monofyllables a fingle vowel before a fingle confonant is-

The long fonnd in monofyllables u always marked by the e ftiort, as flag,.frog.

final, as thin, thine.
Many is pronounced as if it were wrote mermy.
J is often founded before r as a fliort a ; i.% flirt, firft, Jhiri.
It forms a diphthong only with e, a& field, Jhield, which is

founded as the double ee ; except friend, which is founded as Of C ON S ON AN T S..

frend. B.
and rui in which triphthong) ate founded as obtains in other Ian-
I is joined with ai in
tbe oprn *.
lieu, •uie^ii ;
3 has one unvaried found, fuch as it

guages. , t I L J /
o. It is mute in debt, debtor, fubtk, doubt, lamb, limb, dumb,
thumb, climb, comb, ivomb.
O is long, as bZiu, aiidiint, corriding ; or fliort, hillock, knock,
iili^ue, /«//. It is vifed before I and r, »j */«*, hrvaa.
E :N ,G L I S -H ./TON G;.U ]E.

c. h
C has before e and / the found of/; a.s^)itere!j, centrLi, cen- J confonant founds uniformly like the foft g, and is therefore
tury, circular, cijiern, city , Jicc'.ty : before a, o, and », it founds a letter efelefs, except in ctynwlog)', as ejaculation, jcftir, jocund,
like k, as calm, concavity, copper, incorporate, curiojity, concupij- jlflcti
...... ^ . . - _

• K. ,..'''
C might be omitted in the language without lofs,,(ince o«e of its founds might
has the found of hard c, and \i ufed before e and C wKctc,
be fupplicd by/, and the oth* by k, but that it prefervcs to the eye the etymology
0/ words, as fact from fades, captive from captfvus, according to Englirti analogy, c would be foft, 'as kept, king,
Jl-!rt,Jieptick, for fo it Ihould be written, not fceptick, becaufey^
Cb has a found which is analyfed into tjh, as church, chin, is founded like/, ag in fane.
crutch, ft is the fame found which the Italians give to the c
It is ufed before «, as knell, knot, but totally lofes its found in modem pro-
fimple before ; and e, as citta, cerro. 1, ,

nunciation. .
. !

Ch is founded like k in words derived from the Greek, as

chymiji, /cheme, chohr. Arch is commonly founded ark befor* a K
is never doubled; but c is ufed before it to Ihorten'tha
vowel, as archangel; and with the Englifti found of ch before a vowel by a double confonant, as cockle, flc,iU,
confonant, as arf^^y^^o/.

Cb, in fame Freoch words not yet affimilatcd, founds lilce

fi, as mach'au,
cba'jfe, L has in Englifh the fame liquid found as in other languages.
C, having no determinate found, according to Engliih ortliography, never ends
a word ; therefore wc write y?iV*» i/s.-,4, which wcc vr'^'mi^l-, fluke, ixcke, in Thecuftom is to double the / at the end of monofyllablcs, as HI!, iv'ill,Ju/f.
fjch words, C is now mute. , Thefe words were originaHy writteiT H/le, tville, fuUc ; and when the e firft
It is ufed before / ajid r, as clxk, crofst grew filcnt, and was afterwards omitted, tiic //was retained, to give force, ac-
cording to the analogy of our language, to the foregoing vowel.

L is fometimes mute, as in calf, half, halves, calites, could,
Is uniform in its found, as death, diligent. •would, fhould, pjalm, talk, faltnon, falcon.

The, who delighted in guttural founds, fometimes afpirated the / af

It is ufed before r, as drtv), draft ; and vi, as divelK
the beginning of words, as hbj:, a loaf, or bread; hlapolift, a lord; but this
pronunciation is now difufed.

Le at the end of words is pronounced like a weak el, in which

/", though having a name beginning with a vowel, is num- the e is almofl mute, as table, puttie.
bered by die grammarians among the ienii-vowels ; yet has tliis
quality of a mute, that it is commodioudy founded before a
liquid, z%jiajk,jly, freckle. It has an unvariable found, except
that of is fometimes fpokcn nearly as ov. Mhas always the fame found, as murmur, monumental.

A'^ has always the fame (bund, as noble, manners.
G has two found?, one hard, as in gay, go, gun ; tlie other
N is fometimes mute after m, as damn, condemn, hymn.
foft, as in gem, giant.
At the end of a word it is always hard, ring, fnug, fong, frog.
Before e and / the found is uncertain.
G before e is foft, as gem, gcicralion, except in gear, geld, P has alv/ays the fame found, which the Welfli and Germans
confound with B.
geej'e, get, genvgaiu, and derivatives from words ending in g, as

finging, ftrtnger, and generally before er at the end of words, as

P is fometimes mute, as in pfalm, and between m and /, as
G is mute before n, as gnafh,ftgn, foreign.
Pb is ufed for/ in words derived from the Greek, as philofo-
pher, philanthropy , Philip,
G before hard, as gi've, except in giant, gigantic, gibhtt,
i is

gibe, giblets, Giles, gill, gdlifiimier , gin, ginger, gingle, to which

may be added Egypt zxiL gypfey
Gh, beginning of a word, has the found of the hard g,
in the ^, as in other languages, is alw.iys followed by «, and has a.
as ghoflly in the middle, and fometimes at the end, it is quite found which our Saxon anceftors well exprefled by cp, ciu, as

filent, as though, right, fought, fpoken tho', rite, foute. quadrant, queen, equeflrian, quilt, enquiry, quire, quotidian.
never followed by u.
^ is

It has often at the end the found of/, as laugh, whence laugh-
ter retains the fame found in the middle ; cough, trough, fough; S^u is fometimes founded, in words derived from the French,
ttugh, enough, Jlough. like k, as conquer, liquor, rifque, chequer.

It is not to be daobted, but that in the original pronunciation gh hid R.

the force of a confonant, deeply guttural, which is ftill continued unung the
Scotch. R has the fame rough fnarling found as in other tongues.
G is ufed before i, 1, and r.
The Saxons nfed often to put h before it, as before / at the beginning of
words. .

H. Rh ufed in words derived from .the Gteck, as myrrb, mjrrbiiu, catarrhous,


Wis a note of afpiraiion, and (hows that the following vowel

rheum, rbeumdiuk, rhjmt. ,

muft be pronounced with a ftrong emiffion of breath, as hat, Re, .It the end of fome words derived from the Latin or
horfe. French, is pronounced like a weak er, as theatre, fepulcbre.
It feldom begins any but the firll fyllable, in which it is
always founded with a full breath, except in heir, herb, hofller,
honour, humble, honefl, humour, and their derivatives.
£ has a hifling found, 9a fibilation, fiftet.

It fometimei begins middle or final fyllablesln words compouadcdi as hliik-

A Angle > feldom ends any word, except in the third perfon of verbs, as
It^J; ot derived lium the Lacin,,as ctmprtbetuUd.
'Imci, frovii
; and the pkitall of nouns, M
(rets, hufits, diftrejfei j th« prontuns

B » V this,
A 'Grammar of the
tth, th, tan, ynn, u) ; tfie lirerb tbui ; and worJs derived from Latin, as
niat, jufflui ; Che f IcWe being always either in Jt, at himjt, berjc, or inyt) as
grsji, drejt, i/ijs, lifs, anciently gmji, ttrrji. Z
begins no word originally EnglLfli ; it has the fonnd, a»
its name ixxard, or hard exprefles, of an f
uttered with clofer /
S fingle, at the end of words, has a wofler found, like that of compreffion of the palate by the tongue, in freeze, froxe.
», as trees, eyes, except this, thus, us, rebus, furplus.
It fpundj like % before ion, if a vowel goes before, as intrufion ; In orthography I have fuppoltd trtbetpj, orjufl utterance tf wurjt, to be in-
cluded ; orthography being only the art of expreiring certain founds by proper
and like^ if it follows a confonant, as con'verjton.
characters. 1 have therefore obferved in what words any of the letters are
It founds like z. before e mute, as refu/e, and before _)i final, as
rejy; and in thofe words ho/om, dejire, •u.-ifjom, prifon, prifoner, Mod of the writers of Englilh gramtnar have given long tables of words pro-
frejint, prefent. Jam/el, ca/ement. nounced othcrwifc than they arc written, and feem not fufHclently to have
confidcrcd, that of £nglilh, as of all living tongues, there is a double pro-
It it the peculiar quality o(
f, that it may be founded before all confonants,
nunciation, one curfory and colloquial, the other regular and folemn. The
except * and as, in which / \% comprifcd, x being only ij, and K a hard or cjirlory pronunciation is always vague and uncertain, being made diflferent in
gftifsf, Tbb / is therefore termed by grammarians fi»te pitifiat'u Ultra ; the diiiercnt mouths by negligence, unikilfulnefs, or an'eilation. The folemn pro-
reafon of which the learned Dr. Clarke erroneoully fuppoled to be, that in nunciation, though by no means immutable and permanent, is yet always
fome words it might be #jublcd at plealure. Thus wc find in feveral lan- Icfs remote from the orthography, and Icfs liable to capricious innovation.
guages : They have however generally formed their tablet according to the curfory
iZ'invfxt, fcatter, Jdcgno, fdrucdolo, ffavetlari, ff"*jH>^, Jgamhrart, jgranare-, fpccch of thofe with whom they happened to converfe ; and concluding that
Jhake, Jiumber, fmtli, jnipe, fpace,^iendiiur, fpring, fquax^e, Jbrnv, fi^p, firt^gtb, the whole nation combines to vitiate language in one manner, have oftea
^ramen, Jh'ipe, J'vnttura, ftvell, eftabliflicd the jargon of the lowed of the people as the model of fpeech.
For pronunciation the beft general rule is, to confider thofe of the moft ele-
gant fpeakers who deviate lead from the written words.
S is iDUtC in ij!e, ijland, demefnt, vi/cqunl.
There have been many fchcmcs offered for the emendation and fcttlement of
our orthography, which, like that of other nations, being formed by chance,
or according to the fancy of the earlled writers in rude ages, was at fird very

7* has its cuHonary found, as take, temptation, various and uncertain, and is yet fufficlently irregular. Of thefe reformers
fome have endeavoured to accommodate orthography better to the pronunci-
Ti before a vowel has the found of _/f, as/ai'vatioH, except an ation, without confiderlng that this is to mcafure by a ihadow, to take that for
/ goes before, as quejiion ; excepting likewife derivatives from a mod^l or ilandard which is changing while they apply it. Others, lefs
abfurdly indeed, but with equal unlikelihood of fuccels, have endeatoured to
words ending in ty, as mighty, mightier.
proportion the number of letters to that of founds, that every found may have
Th has two founds ; the one foft, as thus, <whcther ; the other its own charaftcr, and every character a lingle found. Such would be the.
hard, as thing, think. Thie found is foft in thcfe words, then, ortliography of a new language to t% formed by a fynod of grammarians
thenct, and there, with their derivatives and compounds ; and in upon principles of fcience. But who can hope to prevail on nations to change
that, thefe, thou, thee, thy, thine, their, they, this, thofe, them, their praftice, and make all their old books ufelefs ? or what advantage would
a new orthography procure equivalent to the confulion and perplexity of fuch
though, thus, and in all words between two vowels, as father,
an alteration f
tvhether ; and between r and a vowel, as burthen. Some of thefe fchemes I fliall however exhibit, which may be ufcd according
In other words it is hard, as tbici, thunder, faith, faithful. to the diverfitics of genius, as a guide to reformers, or terrour to innovators.
Where it is foftened at the end of a woid, an e filent mult be One of the fird who propofed a fcheme of regular orthography, was Sir
added, as breath, breathe; cloth, clothe. Thomas Smith, fecretary of date to Queen Elizabeth, a man of real learning,
and much pra£llfed in grammatical difquiQtions. Had he written the following
lines according to his fcheme, they would have appeared thus 1
At length Erafmus, that great injur'd name,
y has a found of near affinity to that ofy*, vain, vanity. The glory of the ptiedhood, and the fhame,
Stemm'd the wild torrent of a barb'rous age.
From f, in the Iflaadjck alphabet, 1/ ir ocly diftinguiihcd by a diacritical
And drove thofe holy Vandals off the dage.
pel IK.
Ac IcngiS Erafmus, Sat gret Vngurd nam.
W. At glorV of So priidhtid, and Se zam,
Stcmmd Se TOild torrent of a barb'rous aj.
Of Of, which in diphthongs is oftea an undoubted vowel, And drijv S'os hiili Vandals off Se daj.

fome grammarians have doubted whether it ever be a confonant

After him another mode of writing was offered by Dr. Gill, the celebrated
and not rather, as it is called, a double u or ou, as luater may be
maftcr of St. Paul's fchool in London which I cannot reprcfent cxa^ly for ;
refolved into ouater ; but letters of the fame found are always want of types, but will approach as nearly as 1 can by means of charattcr^
reckoned confoaants in other alphabets and it may be ob- now in ufe, fo as to make it undcrftood, exhibiting two ftanzas of Speofeiia tlie

ferved, that lu follows a vowel without any hiatus or difficulty of reformed orthography.
utterance, a
frofiy ^winter.
Spenfer, book canto 5.
Wh has a found accounted peculiar to the Engllfh, which the

tTnthankful wretch, faid he, is this the meed.

Saxons better cxpreffed by hp, htu, as ivhat, 'whence, -whiting ;
With which her fovereign mercy thou dod quite f
in luhore only, and fometimes in •wholefome, 'wh is founded like Thy life fhe faved by her gracious deed j
a fimple h. But thou dod ween with viiianous defpight.
To blot her honour, and her beav'nly light.
Die, rather die, than fo difloyally
Deem of her high defert, or feem fo light.
JT begins no Englilh word ; it has »he found of is, as axle, Fair death it Is tj ihun more Ihame ; then die*
Miraneouj. Die, rather die, than ever love difloyally.
But if to love difloyalty it be,
Y. Shall then hate her, that from deathes door

Me brought ? ah ! far be fuch reproach fi om ms>

y, when it follows a confonant, is a vowel ; when it precedes What can 1 lefs do, than her love therefore,
•ither a vowel or dipththong, is a confonant, ye, young. It is Sith I her due reward cannot redore ?
thought by fome to be in all cafes a vowel, But it may be ob- Die, rather die, and dying do her fcrvc.
ferved ofy as of 'iu, that it foUoivs a vowel without any hiatus, Dying her ferve, and living her adore.
Thy life (he gave, thy life fhe doth deferve ;
as rofy youth.
Die, rather die, than ever from her (enice fwtrvt.

The thief argument by which •» and y appear to be always vowels is, that VrJlonkful wrs:i, faid hj, iz Sis Se mjd,
the founds which they arc fuppofed to have as confonant^, cannot be uttercJ Wi|j lob hrr fotcrdin miifi Sou dud qujt ^
ai^ter • vowel, like that of a'l nther confonants : thus we fay, tu, vt , do, odd Dj Ijf rj bj htr grafius djd
'"tt!''- ;

tat <A wM, Unu, the two founds »t'«r ha?e ao ickialilaiicc tu ewih «tlic[> Sue Sou duil wca wi|i V'iinus diipjt,
8 T»
Tu blot btr honor,
Pj, ra^ir
and her
dj, iScn Co diflolalj
o( hir hii> dizirt, or
hctlalj lL6ti

fjm fo liit.
Fair iz tu fun mwr film ; ^in dj*
dt|| ic

Pj, nSer dj, Ssn itlfr lub difloulj.

ETYMOLOGY teaches the deduftion of one word from
But it" tu lub difloialtj it bj, and the various modifications by which the fenfe
Sal 1 ^in hat htr ^at iVom diSez dxr of the fame word is diverfified ; as horj'e, horfes ; I love, I loved.
Mj brouit ? oh ! f#' bj fuo nproj from mj.
Wat kan I iis du iStn hir iuti Scrfvr,
Siir i her du riw^rd icanot reitur ?
Dj, rjiJSer dj, and djij du htr firto,
0/ tie A R T I c V t.

DJ!5 hir fiib, and lib.; hsr adir. The Englilh have two articles, an or a, and t&e.
Dj Ijf fj 6«*'> *j Ijf rj <iuA dizerVl
Dj, raiit dj, ita (btr r'rom hir I'tibii fwirb.
An, a.
Dr. Gill was followed by Charles Butler, a man who did not want an un- ji Jias an indefinite fignification, and means one, with fome
derftanding which might have qualified him for better emp'.i'yiricnt. He ferns
reference to more ; as T/jis ii a good hook, that is, one among the
to have been more fanguine than his predccefTors, for he prjnted his book ac-
cording to his own I'chenke ; which the following fpecimcn will make eafily un- books that are good. He tvas killed by a fvjord, that is, yZfa#
derwood. /•word. a better book for a man than a boy, that is, for
This is
one ofthoje that are men than one of thofe that are boys. An army
But whenfoerer you have occaflon to trouble their patience, or to come might enter ivithout refiftance, that is, any army.
ireong them being troubled, it is better to ftanJ upon your guard, than to
truft to their gentlenefs. For the fafeguard of your face, which they have In the fenfes in which we ufe a or an in the fingular, we fpeak
moft mind unto, provide a purfttiood, made of coarfc bouUering, to be drawn in the plural without an article ; as, thefe are good books.
and knit about your collar, which fur more fafety is to be lined againft the
eminent parts with woollen cloth. Firfl cut a piece about an inch and a half 1 have made an the original becaufe it is only the Saxon an, or arn,

broad, and half a yard l;ing, to reach round by the temples and forehead, from on.', applied to a new tm, and the French un : the n being
ufe, as the German
one ear to the o^her; which being fowcd in his place, join unto it two Ihort cut off before a conibnant in the fpeed of utterance. ~
pieces of the fame breadth under the eyes, for the balls of the cheeks, and then
fet another piece about the breadth of a (hilling againft the top of the aofe. Grammarians of the laft age direft, that an fhould be ufed
At other times, when they are not angered, a little piece half a quarter broad, before h whence it appears that the Englilh anciently afpirated

to cover the ejes and parts about them, may lerve, though it be in the heat of lefs. Jn is ftill ufed before the filent b, as, an herb, an haneft
the day. man : but otherwife a ; as,
Bet penfocver you hay' occafion to trubble 8eir patlenc', or to c«»m among A horfe, a horfe, my kingdom for a horfe. Shakefpeatt.
tern hiring trubled, it is better to ftand upon your gard, San to truft to 8eir
gentlenes. For *e faf gard of your fac', pi? 8ey hav' moft mind' unto, An
or a can only be joined with a ftngular, the correfpondent
provid' a purfehjod, mad' of coorfe boultering, to b« drawn and knit about plural is the noun without an article, as Iivant a fen ; J ivant
your collar, pis for raor' faf'ty is to b« lined againft S' eminent parts wit fens : or with the pronominal adjt&'ivefome, as / luant fome fens.
wecUen clot. Firft cut a free' about an jna and a half broad, and half a \ard
long, to ten round by Se temples and for'head, from one ear to 8e o8er j The has a particular and definite fignification.
yia bfcing fowrd in his plac', join unto it two fort paces of the fam breadT
under 'Se eys, for the bails of ie chirks, and then fet an oSer p«c' about 8t The fruit
breadr of a filling againft the top o 8c nofe. At o8er tim's, fen 8ey at' Of thatforbidden tree, whofe mortal talle
not angered, a little pice' half a quarter broad, to cover 8e eys and parts about Brought death into the wor!d. Milton.
them, may fcrve, 8owj it be in the heat of 8e day. Buikr m
Ihi Nature anj
Frtfcrlits cf Beit, 1634.
is, that f articular fruit, and this tvorld in ivhich iiiie live.
So, He giveth fodder for the and green herbs for the ufe of
In the time of Charles I. tber« was a very prevalent Inclination to change man ; that is, for thofe beings that are cattle, and his ufe that
the orthography; as appears, among other books, in fuch editions of the is man.
works of Miltun as were publilhed by himlilf. Of thefe reformers, every
man bad his own fchcme ; but they agreed in one general delign of accommo- The is ufed in both numbers.
dating the letters to the pronunciation, by ejcfting fuch as they thought fu-
perfluous. Seme of them would have writun thefe lines thus I am as free as Nature firft made man.
Ere the bafe laws of fervitude began.
-All the erth When wild in woods the noble favage ran.
Shall then be paradis, far happier place
D'ryden. I
Than this of Eden, and far happier dais. Many words are nfed without as,
articles ;

Birtiop Wllklns afterwards, in his great work of the philofophital Janjuage, 1. Proper names, as John, Alexander, Longinus, Arijlarchus,
f ropofed, without expeSing to be followed, a regular orthography ; by which ferufalem, Athens, Rome, London. GoD is ufed as a proper name.
(he Lord't prayer i» 10 be written thus
2. AbftraA names, as blacknefs, nuitchcraft , virtue, vice, beauty,
uglinefs, love, hatred, anger, good-nature, kindnefs,
y»r Fadher hnitfli art in hcven halloed bi dhyi nam, dhyi cingdym cym, dhy
•ni bi dyn in erth as it is in heven, ic. 3. Words in which nothing but the mere being of any thing
is implied : This is not beer, but water this is not brafs, but:

We have finee had no general reformers ; but fome ingenious men have fleel.
endeavoured to deferve well of their country, by writing bcmr and iaior for
iimur and Uinur, rtd for riad in the preter-tenfe, ja'is (or Jay t, rtfett for rtfeai,
txf'.am for ixflam, or dutamt for dicta'm. Of thefe it may be laid, that as they Of Nouns Substantives,
have done no good, they have done little harm
; both bccaufe they have inno- The relations
vated little, and becaule few have followed them.
of Englilh nouns to words going before or fol-
lowing, are not exprelfed by cafes, or changes of termination,
The Englilh language has properly no dialefls ; the ftyle of writers has no but as in moft of the other European languages by prepofitiont,
profeffed diverfity in the ufe of words, or of their flexions, and terminations, unlefs we may be faid to have a genitive cafe.
or differs but by diflferent degrees of (kill or care. The oral diiftion is uniform
is no fpacious country, but has lefs variation in England than in moft other Singular.
nations of equal extent. The language of the northern counties retains many Nom. Magifter, a Mailer, the Mailer.
word* novv out of ufe, but which are commonly of the genuine Teutonick
lace, and is uttered with a pronunciation which now fccms harlh and Gen. Magillri, of a Mailer, of the Mailer, or Mailers,
but wai probably ufed by our anceftors. The northern fpcrch is therefore the Mallert.
barbarous but obfoletc. The fpcech in tiic wcftern provinces fecms to differ Dat. Magillro, to a Mailer, Mailer.
to the
Xrom the general diflion rather by a depraved ptunwicistioD,
thao by any real Ace. Magillrum, a Mailer, the Mailer.
4iS<T<i)ce which JctKn would cxprcii.
Voc. Magifter, Mafter, O Mafter.
Abl. Magillro, from » Mafter, from tbt Mailer.
Plural. The ComparifoH of AdjeSllves.
Nom. Magillrl, Madcrs, the Matters.
Gen. The comparative degree of adjeftives is formed by adding «•,
Magillrorum, e/"Mailfrs, of the yiiAex%.
the fuperlative by adding to the pofitive as fair, fairer,
Dat. Magiftris, to Mailers, to the Matters. efl, ;

Ace. Magiftros, Matters, the Matters. iwefl ; lo--jely,\ost\\er, loveli^y? ;

/ivtv/, fweet^r, fweet^ ; lotti,

lower, \cwfjl high, liighrr, high;-/?.

Voc. Magiftii, Matters, O Matters. ;

Abl. Magiftris, from Matters, from the Matters. Some words are irregularly compared ; as good, better, hcjl ;
bad, eworfe, tvorfi ; little, lifs, leaft ; near, nearer, next ; much,
Our nouns are therefore only declined thus :
more, moj} ; many (or mce), more (for moer), mofl (for moeji') ; late,
Matter, Gen. Matters. Plur. Matters. later, latefl or laj}.
Scholar, Cen. Scholars. Tlur. Scholars. Some comparatives form a fuperlative by adding tnofl, as
Thcfe genitives are always written with i mark of clifion, majier't, fcholar's, nether, ncthcrmofl ; outer, oiUermofi ; under, undermofl ; up, upper,
according to an opinion long received, tliat the '» is a contraction of hit, as the upper mojffore, former, for emoji.
foldier'tvalour, for ihifild'ier his vaUur i but this cannot be the true original, Moft fometimes added to a fubftantive, as topmoft , fiuthmoft
bccaufe 's is put to femile nouns, ff^anan's htauiy ; the Virgin' t delicacy ; Haughty
^/»'i unrtltntmg bate : and collcflivc nouns, as fVomcn's paffant, the rahik't
Many adjeftives do not admit of comparifon by terminations,'
mfilence, the multitude'' t felly ; in all thefe cafes it is apparent that his cannot be
and are only compared by more and mojl, as benevolent, mart
underftood. We
fay liiccwifc, thefouitdaiion'sjlrengih, the diamord's lujire, the bene'volent , moft benevolent.
lyinter's ftvcrity ; but in thefe cafes bis may be underftood, he and bis having All adjeiSives may be compared by more and m»ft, even when
tormirly been applied to neuters in the place now fupplied by it and its. they have comparatives and fuperlatives regularly formed ; as
The learned and fagacinus Wilis, to whom cveiy Engliili grammarian owes a
tribute of reverence, calls this modification of the noun an adjeHiv: Ix.JJiJJlvc
fair ; fairer, or more fair ; faireft, or moft fair.

1 think with no more propriety than he might have applied the fame to rhe geni-
tive in iqultuin decus, Trjte oris, or any other Latin genitive. Dr.Lowth, on the In adjectives that admit a regular comparifon, the comparative mive !< oftener
Other part, fuppofes the pofTelfive pronouns i«i«r and thir:t to be genitive cafes. ufed than the fuperlative rmfi, as more fair is oftener written lotfairer, than molt
This termination of tnc noun feems to conftitute a leal genitive indicating fair for faircf.
pofleflion. It is derived to us from thofe who declined rmi8, afmiih; Gen.
.r.TlScp, ofafmith ; t'lur. J-mxiScJ-, or rmi8aJ-,_/»H»i>j ; and fo in two other of The comparifon. of adjeftives is very uncertain and being ;
tlicir fevcn decletiHons.
It is a further
much regulated by commodioufnefs of utterance, or agreeable-
confirmation of this opinion, that in the old poets both the
genitive anj plural were longer by a fyliable than the original word ; kiitis, for
nefs of found, is not eafily
reduced to rules.
knight's, in Chaucer ; Uavis, for haves, in Spenfcr. Monofyllables are commonly compared.
When a word ends in s, the genitive may be tile fame with the nominative, as Polyfyllables, or words of more than two fyllables, are feldom
Vertis Temple.
compared otherwife than by more and moft, as deplorable, tnort
The formed by adding /, as table, tables ; fly, flies ;
plural is deplorable, moft deplorable.
fifler,fij}ers ivoods ; or es where s could not other^vife be
; •vjood, Diflyllables are feldom compared if they terminate in feme,
founded, as after ch, s, Jh, x, a ; after c founded like s, and g as fiilfome, toilfome ; in ful, as careful, ffleenfiil, dreadful ; in
I'lkej ; the mute e is vocal before s, as lance, lances ; outrage, ing, as trifling, charming ; in ous, as porous ; in lefs, as carehfs,
tut rages. harmlefs ; in ed, as luretched ; in id, as candid ; in al, as mortal
formjtion of the plural and genitive fingular is the fame. in enf, as recent , fer'vent ; in ain, as certain ; in ive, as mijjive ;

few words yet mak.e the plural in a, as men, nvotncn, oxen, fwine, and more XTsdy, zs luoody ; vn.ff, as pttfly ; in ^Vj is.rociy, except IticHy ;
anciently eyin -^ni finon. This fjrmation is that which generally prevails in the in my, as roomy ; in ny, asjkinny ; in py, as ropy, except happy ;
Xeutonick dialects.
in ry, as hoary.
Words that end in /"commonly form their plural by -ves, as
haf, loaves ; calf, calves.
Some comparatives and fuperlatives are yet found in good writers, formed
Except a few, muff, muffs ; chitf, chiefs. So bttf, reof, frtKf, relief, mifcbief, without regard to the foregoing rules : but in a language fubjeCted fo little and fo
fuff, cuff, dwarf, handkerchief, grief. lately to grammar, fuch anomalies mull freijuently occur.
Irregular plurals are teeth from tmib, Hce from hufe, mice from mcufe, ge.fe
{com gotfe, feel from/of-r, dice from die, fence Uom penny, br^:hren from brother, Sojtady is compared by Milton.
children from child.
She '\t\padieji covert hid,
Plurals -ending in s have for the moft part no genitives ; but Tun'd her ooCturnal note. Faradife Lojt.
we fay, Womens excellencies, and ff''ei^h the mens ivits again/l the And virtuws.
ladies hairs. Pope. What (he wills to fay or do.
Seems wifefl, virtutujeji, difcreetcft, bell. Paradije Lefl.
Dr. Wallis thinksthe Lords' hmfe may be faid for the houjt if Lords but fuch ;

phrafes are not now in ufe ; and furcly an Englilh ear rebels againll them. They So trifing, by Ray, who
indeed of no great authority.

would commonly produce a troublefome ambiguity, as the L'.rd's buufe may be it is not fo decorous, in refpeCl of God, that he (hould immediately

the beuje of Lords, or the houfe of Lord. Belidcs that the mark of clifion is
do all 'the meaneft and trifingrj} things himfclf, without making ufe of
in>proper, for in the Lords' houfe nothing is cut off. any inferior or fubordinate minider. Ray on the Creation.
Some Englifli fubftantives, like thofe of many other languages, change their Famous, by Milton.
tarr.iinatjon as they exprefs diftei ent fexcs, as prince, princefs ; alJor, aSrcfs ; Rm, 1 (hall be nam'd among the famoufcjl
Hone's ; hero, heroine. To thefe mentioned by Dr. Lowth may be added arb'iirefs, Of women, fung at folemn fellivals. Milton's Agtniftes.
poetifs,ehaunlrejs, duchefs, ligrefs, governefs, tuirefs, pecrefs, authorefs, traytrefs,
In-vent'nie, by jijcham.
and perhaps others. Of thefe variable terminations we have only a fufficient Thofe have the invent'eveft beads for all purpofes, and roundell tongues
number to make us feel our want ; for when we fay of a woman that flie is a
in all matters. uijebam's Schoolmafier.
ph'tUfpher, an ajlroncmer, a builder, a iveaver, a dancer, we perceive an impro-
priety in the terminatii'n which we cannot avoid ; but we can fay that (he is an Mortal, by Bacon.
trehiliH, a hotaniJI, ifudtni, becaufe thefe terminations have not annexed to The martalefl poifons praClifed by the Weft Indians, have fomc mixture
tinm notion of (ex. Jn words which the nece(rities of life are often re-
of the blood, fat, or flclh of man. Bacon,
quiring, the fex is dift.njuilhcd not by different terminations, but by dift'ercnt Natural, by Wottos.
names, as, a bull, a conu ; a hcrfe, a mare ; eijuus, ejua ; a cock, a hen j and fome- I will now deliver a few of the properefl and naturolkfi confiderations
times by pronouns prefixed, as a he.goai, u (kc-goat. that belong to this piece. Wotlon's Arcbitcciure.
IVretehed, by Jonfon.
Of Adjectives. The ivretcheder are the contemners of all helps j fuch as prefuming on
Adjeflives in the language are wholly indeclinable
finglifti tiieir own naturals, deride diligence, and mock at terms when they un-
dcrdand not things. Ben fonfm.
having neither cafe, gender, nor number, and being added to
Vnverful, by Milton.
fubftantives in all relations without any change ; as a good wo-
We have fuftain'd one day in doubtful fight,
man, good luomen, of a good nuoman ; a good man, good men, of What heav'n's great King hath f.w'rfifl.'eji to fend
good men. Againft us from about his throne. Paradije Lcfi,

The term!«»t!on \n !Jh any be acceunteJ In fome fort 9 degree of comparifon, Singular.
Si Plural.
by which the fignlnca.ioa is diminiihed below the poficive, as ilacky black'ijhy or This Thefe
tending to bbcknefs ; jah,Jahijk, or having a little tafte of fait they therefore :

admit no comparifon. This termination is fddom added bntto words expreiling

That Thofe
In all cafes, <
fenfible qualities, nor often to words of above one fy)Uble, and is fcaredy ufed Other Others
io the foiemn or fubiimc llyle.

The but when
plural ctbers is not ufed
/ huvcfent other korfes. I have
it is referred to a fubllantive preceding,
nctfint the fame horfcs, but others.

Pronouns, in the EngHfti language, are, /, thtu, be, with fHeir Another, being only an other, has no plural.
plurals, ye, they ; it, ivho, luhich, •what, ivhether, ivho/oe-ver
Here, there, and 'where, joined with certain particles, have a
<vibalfoen:er , m/, mine, our, ours, thy, thine, your, yours, his, hir,
relative and pronominal ule. Hereof, herein, hereby, hereafter,
hers, their, theirs, this, that, other, another , ^x\\c fame , fame.
herei'jith, thereof, therein, thereby, thereupon, there-tuith, luhereof,
•wherein, •ivherehy, luhereupon, ivhereivtth, which lignify, of this,,
The pronoans perfonal are irregularly inflefted.
in this, &c. of that, in that, &C. ofivhieh, inivhich, &C.
Singular. Plural. Therefore and ivherefore, which are properly, there for and
Nom. I We •where for, for that, for •which, are now reckoned conjunflions,
Accuf. and other ) -^ and continued in ufe. The reft feem to be paffing by degrees
oblique caies. ] into negleft, though proper, ufeful, and analogous. They are-
AW. Thou Ye referred both to lingular and plural antecedents.
Oblique. Thee You • There are two more words ufed only in conjunftion with pro*
nouns, ciun ^ndfelf.
Ysu is commonly ufed ia modern writers foryr, particularly in the language of
cere:aonJr, where the fccond perfon plural is ufed for the fecond perfon fingular, Oiun is added to polTeflives, both lingular and plural, as my
Yi,u art my fr':ei:tt' own hand, our own hciife. It is emphatical, and implies a filent
contrariety or oppofition ; as / li^ve in my oiun houfe, that is, not
Singular. Plural. in a hired houfe. This 1 did •with my OTvn band, that is, ivithotit
help, or not by proxy.
Ouique. Sfm TheL } ^^^^"^ " mafcuHnes. and fometimes
Selfh added to pofleflives, as myfclf,yourfelves ;

Nom. She Thev 1 , ,• . r • • to perfonal pronouns, as himfelf, itfelf, themfel-ves. It then, like
'° fem.nines.
Ohl,que. Her Them } '^PP^'^'^ own, exprefles emphafis and oppolition, as / did this myfelf,

Nom. It
tliat is, Mt another ^ or it forms a reciprocal pronoun,- as We
rpi ^ {• Applied to neuters or things. hurt oiirfel'ves by •vain ragi.
Obliqut, Its

For // the praflice of ancient writers was to ufe he, and for IVimfdf, itfelf, ibimfelves, are fuppofed by Wallis to be put, hy corruption, for
;//, his. bit felf, it' JL-lf,. their fjvii ;. (a ihii felf is This feema
always a fubllantivc.
juilly obf:rved, for we- fay. He came himfif; Himftlffliall do this ; where himfelf
The poffeflive pronCuns, like other adjeftives, are without cannot be an accufatiTC*
cafes or change of termination.
The pofleflivk of the fitH perfoa is my, mine, our, tun ; of the
fecond, thy, thine, your, yours of the third, from he, his ; hoxajhe,
Of the V Z V^ ^.

her, and hers ; and in the plural their^ theirs, for both fexes. Englifh verb* are afl.iv«, as / lo^ve ;. or neater, z.t.Lliinguif>t
The neuters are formed like the aftives.
Ouri, yeurt, km, tle-rt, are ufed *hen the ftblantive preceding is fcparatcd
by a ve;b, at T^^jirr our Ae«>i. Theft kaki art van. Your ebiUm tsKti oars Mod verbs fignifying aClhn may likewife fignify condition or hebit, and becoms
infijttirej hutours Jurpajx yours tn /ei:rn'!Jig.
neuters, a^ / love, 1 am in luvc j Iflrikc, I am now llrilcing.

Can, yiuri, ten, ibtiri, notwithllanding their feeming plural termination,

are applied equally to Angular and plural fubltaotives, as, Ti!>;i hock ii ourt. Theft
Verbs have only two tenfes inflefted in their terminations, the
betki are ours. prefent, and the fimple preterite ; the other tenfes are compounded
Mitu and ih'mt were formerly ufed before a vowel, as mine amUblthdy ; which, of the auxiliary verbs ha've, fhall, •will, let, may, can, and the in*
though now difufed in profe, might be ftill properly continued in poetry : they are finitive of the aftive or neuter verb.
ofed as tun and j'»r>, and are referred to a fubftantive preceding, as thy houfe is
larger than mine, but jny garden if more fpacioui than thim.
The is formed by joining the participle preterite
pafiive voice
to the fubftantive verb, as / am loved.

Their znd. theirs are the pofleflives likewife o{ they, when they
it the plural of ;>, and are therefore applied to things.
To ha^ve. Indicative Moodi
Pronouns relative ZKriuh*, -which, ivhat, tuhether, •who/oever,
%ohatfoei:er. Prefent Tenfe.
Sing. I have ; thou haft ; he hath or has ;
Sing and Plur. Sing, and Plur.
Fltir. ire have ; ye have ; they have.
Nom. Who Nom. Which
Hal is a termination corrupted from hath, hut now more frequently tt<cd botll'-
Gen. Whofe Gen. Of which, or whofe
in verfe and profc.
Other oblique cafes. Whom Other oblique cafes. Which.
Simple Preterite.
Wba is now ufed in relation to perfons, and ivhkb in relation to things ; but Sing. I had ; thou hadft ; he had ;
they were anciently confounded. At leatt it was common to fay, the roan Vfhlcb, Plur. We had ye had ; they had.
though 1 remember no example of the thing lubo,
Whaft if rather th« poetical than regular genitive of vihkb :. Compound Preterite.
The fruit Sing. I have had ; thou haft had he has or hath had ;

Of that forbidden tree, ivbefe nwrtal tafie

Flur. We have had ; ye have had ; they have had.
Brought death into the world. Mitlon,
H^tbtr only ufed in the nominative and accufative cafei ; and has nc plural,
being applied only to on< of a number, commonly to one of two, as Whether of Sing. I had had ; thou hadft had ; he had had ;-

Ihtfi ij lift liitvtu not. Whether flyall I tboofe ? It Is now almod obfolete. Plur. We had had ; ye had had ; they had had.
What, whether relative or interrogative, is without variation. Future.
IVhofoe'ver, nvhatfoever , being compounded of who 01 "what, Sing. I (hall have ; thou (halt have ; he fliall have ;
zadfoevcr, follow th« rule of their primitives, Plur. W( (hail have ; yt (hall have ; they Ihall have.
SeetHd Futurt. Preterpluperfeil. J had loved, ij(.
Slug. I will have ; thou, wilt have ; be will have ; Future. J (hall bve, Wc / will love, ^c. .

Plur. IVe will have ; ye will have ; they will have.

By Tudiog thele future tcnfci may be obfenred the vuiationt t>{ Jball and Sing. Love, «r love thou ; let him love ;
Plur. Let atf love j love, or lovc>* ; let them love.

Imperative Mood.
Sing. Have, w
have thou ; let him have
Sing. I love thou love he love ;
; ;
Plur, Let HI have ; have, or have ye ; let them have,
Plur. We love ; ye love ; they love.

Conjunflive Mood. Preterite fimple, as in the Indicative.

Preterite compound. I have loved, l^c.
Future. I (hall love, i^c.
Sing, I have ; thou have ; he have ; %
Plur. We have ye have ; they have. Second Future. I fliall have loved, tic.

Preterite fimfle as in the Indicative.

Prefent. I may or can Iwe, t5ff.
Preterite compound.
Preterite, /might, could, «r (hould Iove,£sf<-.
Sing, I have had ; /^eu have had ; he have had ; Double Preterite. J might, could, or (hould have loved, fcff.
Plur. Ife have had ; ye have had ; they have had.
Prtfent. To love. Preterite. To have loved.
Sing, I (hall have ; as in the Indicative.
Participle prefent. Loving. Participle paft. Loved.
Second Future,
Sing. I have had ; thou (halt have had ; be (hall have had
(hall ;
The palTive is farmed by the addition of the participle prete-
Plur. We (hall have had ; ye (hall have had j they (hall have had. rite to the diiFerent tenfes of the verb to be, which muft there-
fore be here exhibited.
The potential form of fpeaking is expre(red by may, can, in Indicative. Prefent,

the prefent ; and might, could, or Jhould, in the preterite, joined Sing. I am ; thou art ; he'u;
with the infinitive mood of the verb. Plur. We are, or be ; ye are, or be ; they are, or be.

The plural tc is now Uctle in ufe.

Sing. I may have ; thou mayft have ; he may kave{ Preterite.
Plur. We may have ; ye may have; they may ha%'c. Sing. I was ; thou waft, or wert ; A« wa« ;

Plur. We were ; ye were ^ //^{y were.

Preterite. fyeri is properly of the conjunflive mood, and ought not to be ttfed !a the
Sing. I might have thou mighttt have ; ; he might have ; indicative.
Plur. We might have ; ye might have i they might have.
Preterite compound, /have been, lie-.

Prefent. Preterpluperfea. I had been, l^c.

Sing. I can have ; thoa canft have ; he can have^ Future. I (liall or will be, i£c.
Plur. We can have ; ye can have ; they can have.
Preterite. Sing. Be thou
him be ; ; let
Sing, /could have ; thou couldft have ; be could have; Plur. Letajbc; be_;v ; Xttthemhe,
J'lur.We could have ; ye could have ; they could have.
Conjunftive, Prefent,
In like manner Jhould is united to the verb.
Sing. I be ; thou beeft ; ^^ be ;

There is likewife a double preterite.

Plur. We be ; _;'^ be ; they be.

Sing. I Ihould have had ; thou (houldll have had ; be Ihould have
had ;
Sing. I wpre thou wert ; he were;
Plur. We (hould have had ; j'f ihould have had ; they Ihould have
Plur. We were ; ye were ; they were.
we / might have had / could have Preterite compound. /Jiave been, ^r.
In like manner ufe, ; had,
iSc. Future. I (hall have been, ^r.

In(inttive Mood. PotentiaJ.

Prefent. To have. Preterite, To have had. / may would," could, or (hould be
er can ; ; could, would, w
Participle pT ifent. Having. Partiiiple preler. Had. (hould have been, tSc,

Verb Aftive. " To lovt. Prefent, To be. Preterite. To have been.
Participle prefent. Being, Participle preter. Having been.
Indicative. Prefent,
Sing, /love; //^ox loveft ; /v loveth, or loves j
Plur. We love ; ye love ; they love. PalTive Voice. Indicative Mood.
/ an loved, lie. I was loved, ^c I have been loved, He.
Prefer in Jimple.
Sing, /loved; fltoM lovedll ; Af loved; Conjunftive Mood.
Plur. We loved ; ye loved ; they lo\'ed. If /be loved, ^f. If / were loved, He, If /ftiall have been
Prettrperfeit compound. I have loved, ^u loved, He,
There Is another manner of ufing the aftive participle, which gives !t a paji
Potential Mood,
five fignificarion : as, The grammar is now printing, graixmauca jam tiun
/may er can be loved, tfr / might, could, er (hould be loved,
charlis mprimilur. The brals is forging, <rrj cxcuduijiur. This is, in my opi-
i^c /might, could, er fliould have been loved, (sfc^ nion, a vitious exprcflion, probably corrupted from a phrafe more pure, but now
fomewhat obfolete : The took it a printing. The brafs is a forging ; a being pro-
perly at, and printing and forging verbal nouns fignifying ailion, according to
the analogy of this language.
Frtfent. To
be loved. Preteriie. To have been loved. The indicative and conjunflive moods are by modern writers frequently con-
Participle. Loved. founded, or rather the conjunftive is wholly neglefted, when fome convenience
of verCfication does not invite its revival. It is ufed among the purer writers of

is another form of Engli(h verbs, in which the infinitive

former times after if, though, ere, before, till or until, -whether, except, un/eft,
•whatjofver, luhomfeever, and words of wifhing ; as, Doubilefs ihou art our father,
mood joined to the verb do in its various infledions, which are
though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Ifael acknowledge us not,
therefore to be learned in this place.

0/"Irregular Veres.
To Do;
The Englilh verbs were divided by Ben Jonfon into four con-
Indicative. Prefent, jugations, without any reafon arifing from the nature of the lan-
Sing, I do ; thou doft ; it doth guage, which has properly but one conjugation, fuch as has been
Flur. IVeioijieio; they do. exemplified ; from which all deviations are to be confidered as
anomalies, which are indeed in our monofyllable Saxon verbs,
and the verbs derived from them, very frequent ; but almoft all
Sing. I did ; thou didll ; he did ;
the verbs which have been adopted from other languages, follow
Plur. We did ; ye did ; they did.
the regular form.
Preterite, i^c. / have done, tsfc. /had done, ^c,
Future. I Ihall or will do, ^c. Our verbs are obferved by Dr. Wallls to be irregular only in the formation of
the preterite, and its participle. Indeed, in the fcantinefs of our conjugations,
Imperative. there is fcarcely any other place for irregularity.

Sing. Do thou ; let him do;

Flur. Let ut do; ioye; let them do. The firft irregularity is a (light deviation from the regular
form, by rapid utterance or poetical contraction the laft plia- :

Conjunftive. Preftnt. ble ed is often joined with the former by fuppreffionof ^ ; as lov^d
Sing. / do ; thou do ; ^* do for loved ; after c, cb,fh,f, k, x, and after the confonantsy", th,
Plur. We do sye do; they do. when more ftrongly pronounced, and fometimes after m, n, r, if
preceded by a fhort vowel, / is ufed in pronunciation, but very
The reft are as in the Indicative.
feldom in writing, rather than d ; as plac't, fnatch't,fjh^t, vjak't,
Infiniti've. To do ;to have done. (or plac'd,/aatch'd,fljh'd, ivak'd, dwel'dffriel'd i
dvL-eV t , fmel' t

Participle prefent. Doing. Participle preter. Done. or placed, fnatched,fl/hed, vjaked, divelled , fmelled,
Thofe words which terminate in / or//, or p, m^ke their pre-
Do is fometimes ufed fuperfluoufly, as / do love, /did love; terite in /, even in folemn language ; as crept, felt, divelt,
fimply for / love, or / loved; but this is confidered as a vitious fometimes after *, ed is changed into /, as vext ; this is not con-
mode of fpeech. ftant.
It is fometimes ufed emphatically; as, A long vowel is often changed into- a Ihort one ; thus, kept,
/ do love thee, and vihen I love thee net. flept, vjept, crept, f-wept ; from the verbs, to keep, Xajleep, to vieep,
Chaos is come again. Shakefpeare. to creep, Xo/iueep.
Where </ or / go before, the additional letter d or /, in thii
It is frequently joined with a negative ; " as / like her, hut I contrafted form, coalefce into one letter with the radical d ox t ;
do not love her ; I vjijhed him fuccefi , but did not help him. This, if/ were the radical, they coalefce into / ; but if a' were the ra>
by cnftom at leaft, appears more eafy than the other form of dical, then into d or t, as the one or the other letter may be
cxpreffing the fame fenfe by a negative adverb after the verb, / more eafily pronounced as read, kd,fpread, fhed, fhred, bid, hid,

like her, but love her not. chid, fed, bled, bred,fped,f}rid,Jlid, rid; from the verbs to read,
The Imperative prohibitory is feldom applied in the fecond to lead, tofpread, to Jhed, to /bread, to bid, to hide, to chide, to'
perfon, at leaft in profe, without the word do ; as Stop him, but feed, to bleed, to breed, tofpeed, to firide, to flide, to ride. And
do not hurt him ; Praife beauty, but do not dote on it. thus, caft, hurt, coft, bitrji, eat, beat, fvjeet. Jit, quit, fmit, ivri',
Its chief ufe is in interrogative forms of fpeech, in which it is bit, hit, met, jhot ; from the verbs to cafi, to hurt, to ccfl, to
ufed through all the perfons ; as Do / live ? Doft thou Jlrike burfi, to eat, to beat, to f-weat, to fit, to quit, to fmite, to vjrite,
me? Do they rebel ? Did J complain F DidA thou love her? Did to bite, to hit, to meet, to fhoot. And in like manner, lent, fent,
Jhe die ?So likewife in negative interrogations ; Do / not yet rent, girt; from the verbs to lend, to fend, to rend, to gird.
griev!? D\d file not die ? The participle preterite or pafTive is often formed in en, in-
Do and did are thus ufed only for the prefent and fimple pre- ftead of ed ; as been, taken, given, flain, knovjn ; from the verbs
terite. lobe, to take, to give, to flay, to know.
Many words have two or more participles, only vuritten,
as not
There another manner of conjugating neuter verbs, which,
is bitten, eaten, beaten, hidden, chidden, fhotten, ; but
chofen, broken
when it is ufed, may not improperly denominate them neuter likewife imit, hit, eat, beat, hid, chid, fhot, chofe, broke, arc pro-
pajjivei, as they are inflefted according to the paffive form by the mifcuoufly ufed in the participle, from the verbs to vurite, to
help of the verb fubftantive to be. They anfwer nearly to the bite, to eat, to beat, to hide, to chide, to fhoot, to cboofe, to break,
reciprocal verbs in Frencli ; as and many fuch like.
1 am rifen, furrexi, Latin ; Je me fuis leve, French, In the fame manneryoTt;^, fhevjn, hevin, movin, loaden, laden,
I vjas vjalkedout, exieram ; Je m'etois promene. as well a.sfoiv'd, fhevi'd, hevj'd, moiv'd, loaded, laded, from the
verbs to yoTLu, to fhevi, to hevi, to movj, to load, or lade.
In tike manner we commonly exprefs the prefent tenfe ; a;, I am going, to. Concerning theie double participles it is difficult to give any
1 am grieving, ditto. She is dying, ilia morilur. The temped is raging, /«nf
rule ; but he ftiall feldom err who remembers, that when a verb
proctlla. I am purfuing an enemy, brtji^m wjequor. So the other tenfcs, as, tVt
vitr- -uialking, iluyx^nitn <«{iw»lWif, / havt iien v/olkirg, I had ittn walking, has a participle diftinft from its preterite, as tf:riu, ivrote, ivrit-
&a^ or ivi/l bt 'walki'^z. len, that diftindt participle is more proper and elegaat, as Tite
Vol. I. I
h iook
UWoie however ftrengthen ; faft, t§ fsflen j white, te •wbiien
(hort, to flporten
ie*i is written, is better th»n Tin book is wrote. ;
at lead if we allow any authority to black, to blacken; hard, to harden ; foft, to /often.
may be oled in poetry ;
poets, who, in the exultation of genius, think therafclves
perhaps From fubftantives are formed adjeilives of plenty, by adding
on grammarians. the termination y; as a loufe, lou/y ; wealth, 'wealthy ; healths
entitled to trample
healthy ; might, mighty ; worth, 'worthy ; wit, 'witty ; luft, lufly ;
There are other anomalies in the preterite. water, luatery ; earth, earthy ; wood, a wood, 'woody ; air, airy j
Win, ring,
1. /fin, begin, Jnuim, ftriitt, ftick, ft'ig, fling, fling, a heart, hearty ; a hand, handy.
nuring, I'friiig, J'lving, drink. Jink, Jhrink, ftink, come, run,fiitd^ From fubltantives are formed adjeftives of plenty, by adding
hind, grind, tuind, both in the preterite, imperfeft, and partici- the termination />//, denoting abundance; as }oy, Joyful ; fruit,
ple palfive, give -iich, /pun, begun, Jivum, flruck, ftuck, Jung, fruitj'ul ; youth, youthful; care, careful; ufe, uj'efuh, delight^
Jhrunk, flunk,
flung, flung, rung, iorung,/prung,/'Wiing, drunk,J'unk, deligbtj'ul; p\twVj plentiful ; he\p, he/pfut.

camt, run,fouhd, bound, ground, ivound. And moft of them are Sometimes, in almoft the fame fenie, but with fome kind of
alfo formed in the preterite by a, as began, rang, Jang, fprang, diminution thereof, the termin.ition fome is added, denoting
drank, came, nh, and fome others ; but moft of thefe are now /oinetbing, or in/ome degree, ; as delight, delight/ome; game, game"
obfolete. Some in the participle paflive likewife take en, as /ome; irk, irkj'ome ; burden, burdenjomei trouble, troublesome i
J}ricken,flrucken, drunken, boundtn. light, lightjome ; hand, handjome ; alone, lone/ome ; toil, tailjomt.

2. Fight, teach, reach, Jeek, hejeech, catch, buy, bring, think, On the contrary, the termination le/s added to fubltantives,
rtvork, make fought, taught, raught, Jought, bejoughl, caught, makes adjectives fignifying want; as ivorthle/s, ivitlefj, heart'
bought, brought, thought, 'wrought. le s, joyleji, careUfs, helflefu Thus comfort, ccmfortlefs ; fap,
But a great many of thefe retain likewife the regular form, faple/s.
as teached, reached, bejeeched, catcbed, tvorked. Privation or contrariety is very often denoted by the par-
ticle «« prefixed to many adjedtives, or in before words derived
3. Take, jhake, forjake, luake, axvake, fland, break, Jp. ak,
from the Latin ; as pleafant, unpleafant ; Wife, univife ; profit-
hear , fljear ,JiMear , tear, t.\iear,iuea've, cleave, flrive, thri-ve, drii/e,
able, unprofitable ; patient, impatient. Thus unworthy, unhealthy,,
Jhine, rije, arije, Jmile, ivrite, bide, abide, ride, cbooje, chuje,
unfruitful, unufeful, and many more.
make in both preterite and partici-
tread, get, beget, forget, feethe,
ple tookr Jhook, forjook, woke, awoke , flood, broke, Jpoke, bore,Jhorc, The but as we often borrow from the Latin,
original Englifh privative is un;

flrove, thro<ve, dro've, Jhone, rofe,

tore, 'wore, 'wo've, clove, or itsdefendants, words already fignifying privation, as mtffcac'avs, ttnf'aut^
mi't/rcet, the inleparable particles un and in have fallen into confufion, froia
aroJe,Jmote, lurote, bode, abode, rode, choje, trode, got, begot, for-
which it is not cafy to dilentangle them.
got, Jod. But we fay likewife, thri-ve, riJe, Jmit, ivrit, nbid, Un is prefixed to all words "orginally EngUih ; as untrue, untruth, uniaugbtt
rid. In the preterite fome are likewife formed by a, as brake, unkandfome.
/pake, bare, Jhare, /-ware, tare, 'ware, clave, gat, begat, forgat,< Un is prefixed to all participles made privative adjcftives, as unfeeling, uruijpjt-
and perhaps fome others, bit more rarely. In the participle ing, unaided, unddigbud, unendeared.
Un ought never to be prefixed to a participle prefent, to mark a forbearance of
paflive many of them are formed by en, as taken, /haken, J'or- aftion, as unjighing but a privation oi habit, as unpitying.

Jaken, broken, Jpoken, born, Jhorn, J'worn, torn, 'worn, 'wo'ven, Un is prefixed to moft fubftantives which have an Engliih termination, as un-
flo'ven, thri'ven, driven, rifen, fmitten, ridden, chojen, troddat, got- fertilcneji^ unpcr/e&nefi, which, if they have borrowed terminations, take in or iw,
ten, begotten, forgotten, fodden. And many do likewife retain as infertility, inpir/e^fion uncivil, incivility ; una^ivc, incBl-vity.

In borrowing adjedtives, if we receive them already compounded, it is ufual

the analogy in both, as 'waked, a'waked, /beared, txiectved, lea-ved, tojrctoin the partich prefixed, as indecent, inelegatt,
impnJKr; but if we borrow
abided, feet bed. the adjcftive, and add the privative particle, w,; commonly prefix un, as unfdite,

4. Gi've, bid, fit, make in the preterite ga've, bade, fate; in


the participle paflive, giijen, bidden, fitten ; but in both lid. The prepofitive particles dit and mis, derived from the det
5. Dravj, ino'w, gro'w, throtv, bloiu, croi.ulike a cock, fly, and mes of the French, fignify almoft the fame as un ; yet dis
Jlay, Jee, ly, make their preterite dre'w, kne'w, greiv, threvo, rather imports contrariety than privation, fince it anfwers to
hienu, crevi, flc'w, fle'v>,Ja'w, lay; their participles paflive by », the Latin prepofition de. Mis inCnuates fome error, and for
dra'wn, knovjn, gro'wn, thro'wn, blovjn, flotvn, flain, Jeen, lien, the moft part may be rendered by the Latin words male or fer-
lain. Yet from flee is made fled; from go, -went, from the old peram. To like, to diflike ; honour, di/honour ; to honour, to
nxiend, the participle is gotie. grace, to di/honour, to di/graei; to deign, to di/deign; chance,
hap, mi/chance, mipap ; to take, to miflake ; deed, mi/deed
Of Derivation. to ufe, to tHifufe ; to employ, to mifemploy ; to apply, to mij-

Th»( the Engli(h language may

b« more eafily underftnod, it is ntccflary to
encjuire how its deduct from their primitives, and how the
derivative words are Words derived from Latin written with de or dis retain the
primitives are borrowed from other languages. In this enquiry I fhall fome- fame fignification ; as diflingui/h, diftinguo
; detraS, detraho j
times copy Dr. Wallis, and f«mctimes endeavour to fupply his dei'"efts, and rec- de/ame, defamo ; detain, detineo.
tify his errouts.
The termination ly added to fubftantives, and fometimes to
are derived from verbs. adjedives, forms adjeftives that import fome kind of fimilitudc
thing implied in the verb, as done or produced, is com- or agreement, being formed by contraftion of lick or like.
monly either the prefent of the verb; as tolove, /e-uf ; to fright, Agiant, giantly , giantlike ; earth, earthly ; heaven, beavtiilyi
^fright; to fight, 3i.flght; or the preterite of the verb, as, to \vot\6., ivorldly ; God, godly; good, goodly..
flrike, I ftrick or ftrook, zflroke.
The fame termination ly added to adjeftives, forms adverb*
The aftion is the fame with the participle prefent, as loving, of like fignification ; as beautiful* beautifully ; fweet, fweetly ;
frighting, fighting, flriking. that is, in a beautiful manner ; 'with fome degree ofjhveetnejs.
The agent, or perfon afting, is denoted by the fyllable er The termination ijh added to adjeftives, imports diminution;
added t« the verb, as lo'vcr, fighter, flriker. and added to fubftantives, imports fimilitude or tendency to a
Subllantives, adjeftives, and fometimes other parts of fpeech, charader; as green, greeni/h ; white, 'whiti/h ; ioit, fofti/h; a
are changed into verbs in which cafe the vowel is often
thief, thievi/h; a wolf, •wol'viflj; a child, childi/h.
kngthened, or the confonant foftened ; as a houfe, to houfe ; We have forms of diminutives in fubftantives, thotigh not
brafs, to braze; glafs, to glaze; grzis, to graze ; price, to prize ; frequent; as a hill, a hillock; a cock, a cockrtl; a pike, a
breath, to breathe; a filh, to fi/h ; oil, to oil; further, to fur- pickrel; this is a French termination: a goofe, a gofiing; this
ther ; forward, to forward ; hinder, to hinder. is a German rfrmination a lamb, a lambkin ; a chick, a chicken ;

Sometimes the termination en is added, efpecially to ad- a man, a manikin ; a pipe, a pipkin and thus Halkin, whence the

jc£lives 34 hafte, t» iaflen ; length, to lengthtn ; Jtrength, to

J patroniniick, Havikini; Wilkin, Thomkin, and others.
' I Yet
Yet ftUl there h »not1>«r
fcrm of diminution among the Englilh, by leflening the letters and the things fignified ; and therefore the founds t>f letters fmjller,
tJw found itfelf, efpecially of vowels ; as there is a form of augmenting them (harper, louder, clofer, fofter, ftronger, clearer, n>nre obfcurc, and more ftridu'
by eolargingi or even lengthening it} and that fumetimcs not fo much by lotts, do very often intimate the like effefls in the things fjgnihed.

thange of the letters, as o? their pronunciation ; as fuf, Jif, jmf, Jif, fiffit, Thus words that begin with fr intimate the force and cffeft of the thinj
where, bolides the extenuation of the vowel, there is added tlie French termina- lignified, as if probably derived from rjiwu/xi, orftrenuus; a jlrong, firergth^
tion ft ; tif, up; ffit, Jfoui; hebt, baby ; baby, (iitaic, great pronounced long, Jtrew, jirike, flreah, jirote, flrife, /frive, /irif:, ftruggle, /irout, /Irut, firetch,
efpecially if with a llroDgcr found, grta-t ; /;Vf/f pronounced long, /«.?/; j ling, Jirait,firiB, ftreight, that is, narrow, di/fraiti, fircfi, Jiflrt/t, jlring, flraf, Jlream,
tang, long, imports a fuccelHon of fmaller and then greater founds; and fo in jireamer, /irand, /Irip, fray, jiruggle, frangc, /Iride, ftraddte.
jinglifjangU, tingle, tangle, am^ many other made words. St in like manner imply Itrength, but in a lefj degree, fo much only as is
Much however if this ii arbitrary and fanciful, Aefcr.d'tng •wltlly on eral ut- fufficient to preferve what has been already communicated, rather than acquire
terance, and thcrifort fcarcely lucrihy the notice of ffallis, any new degree } a» if it were derived from the Latin y?o for ixitnyk, /land, Jlay, ••

chat is, to remain, or to prop; flaff, jlay, that is, to oppnk fnp, to
; fluff,
Of concrete adjeftives are made abllraft fubftantives, by add- jl'fie, to /lay, that is, to flop; a flay, that is, an oh^zeXt:; flick, flut, flutter,
jiammer, flaggcr, flickh, flick, flake, a ftiarp pale, and any thing depofited
ing the termination tir/t, and a few in booc/ or btacf, noting
at play ; /lock, flem, fling, to fling, flink, flitch, flud, j>,anchion, flub, ftubbU, t»
charafter or qualities ; as white, luhitenefs ; hard, harcinefs ; flub up,
flump, vihenctflumble, flalk, to flalk,flep, toflnr'f with the feet, whence
great, greatnefs ; flcilful, Jkilfulnefs , unjiilfuliiefs ; godhead, man- to flamp, that is, to make an impreifion and ^ iiamp ; flov:, to floiu, to bcfltrzv,
hood, maidenhead, luidetvbood, knighthood, priejihood, likelihood, fleward or floward, /had, fleady, flcadfafl, flahle, a flable, a flail, to flail, flool,
flail, flill, ftall, flallagc, flail, fiagc, fiiU adj. and fill adv. flak, flout, flmdy,
fliff, flark-dcad, flarvc fleed, fleet, flalli'n,
; ftore, ftcel,
to with hunger or cold
There are other abftrafts, partly derived from adjeftives, and
flem, fiancb, to Jianch blood, to flare, flctp, flecple, /iair,fliindard, a ftated mea-
partly from verbs, which are formed by the addition of the ter- '(are, flately. In ail thefe, and pcihapsi fome others, yi denote fomethirg £iia
mination th, a fmall change being fometimes made ; as long, and fixed.
\ length; Arong, _firength.; broad, breadth; wide, ixidth ; deep, Ter imply a more violent degree of motion, at ibrow, thnfi, throng, throb,
through, threat, threaten, ttrall, thnwi,
depth; true, truth; v/3.rm, luarmth ; desLr , dearth ; How, fleavth ;
Wr imply fomc fi>rt of obliquity or dlftortion, as wry, to vjrcatie, wrejt,
merry, mirth ; heal, health; well, weal, ivealth; dry, drtughth ; tvrc/ik, lurhtg, wrong, wrinch, ivrench, wrangle, turinkle, wrath, wreak, xvrack,
yoaag, jcuth; 3.nd {o moon, month. W'ltcb, •wr/t, wrap.
Like thefe are forae words derived from verbs ; die, death Sto impiy a filent agitation, or a fofter kiru}. of lateral motion ; as /way,
till, tilth grow, groimh
; mow, later tnoicth, after niovj'th /wag, to /way, /wagg^r, /wcrve, jnueat, /weep, jwHI, /wim, /wing, /wift , /weet,
; ;
commonly fpoken and written later math, after math ; (leal,
Nor is there much djfterence of /« in fmootb, fmug, /mile, /mirk, /mite, which
Jiealth ; bear, birth ; rue, ruth ; and probably earth from to fignifies the fame as to flrike, but is a fofter word Jmall, /mcll, /mack.Jmcihcr,
ear ot plonu; &y,J!ighti weigh, -wei^t ; flay, /right; to draw, Jmari, a /mart blow properly fignilie^ futh a kind of llroke as with an originally
draught. filcnt motion, implied in /m, proceeds to »qulck violence, denoted by ar fud-
denly ended, as is (hewn by t.
Tbcfc ^uld rather be written Jligbti, frighih, only that cuftom wiU no' CI denote a kind of adliefion or tenacity, as in cleave, clay, cling, climb,
fuffer i> to be twice repeated. clamber, clammy, cla/p, to cla//>, to clip, to clinch, cloak, clog, clo/e, to clo/e, a clod,
The fame form retain faith, (fight, v/retlbe, wraib, troth, froth, breath, a clot, as a clot of blood, chuied cream, ercluitit, a elufler.
J'xth, worth, ivigbi, and the like, whofe primitives are either entirely
light, Sp imply a kind of diHipation or expanfion, efpecially a quick one, particii-
obfoletc, or feldom occur. Perhaps they arc derived inta fey v)ry, lariy if tliere be an r, aa if it were from fparpo, or /iparo t for example, /prcad,
wreak, brew, m9U3,fry, bray, jay, vtcri* f^ffg' jfig, /prout, Jprinkle, /plit, /plinter, /pill, /pit, /putter, /patter.
SI denote a kind of filent fall, or a lefs obfervablc motion ; as in Jlime, Jlidtt
Some ending in Jbip imply an office, employment, or con- flip, flipper, fly, Jleight, fl:t, flow, flack, flight, fling, flap.
dition ; as kingjhif, luardjhip, guardianfbip, partiurjhip , fieivard- And fo likcwife ajh, in cra/h, ra/b, gap, flalh, cla/h, lejh, fla/h, pla/h, trap,
indicate fonicthing adjing more nimbly and (harply. But u]h, in eru/h, rujh,
Jhif, headfhip, lordjhip. gujh, fiujb, blu/h, briifi, hu/b, pup, implies fumething as afling more obtufely
and duily. Yet in bjtli tlierc is indicated a fwlft and fudden motion, not in-
TTios wtrfi'ip, that is, vmtbpif ; whence vmjtiffu!, and to ten-jhif.
Ihntajicous, but gradual, by the continued foundyS.
Some few ending in dom, rick, •wick, do efpecially denote Thus in fling, fling, ding, /wing, cling,, wring, fling, the tingling of
the termination ng, and the tliarpnefs of the vowel j, imply the continuation of
dominion, at leaft ftate or condition ; as kingdom, dukedom,
a very ilendcr motion or tremor, at length indeed saniOiing, but not fuddenly
earldom, princedom, popedom, chriflendom, freedom, ivifdom, 'whore-
interrupted. But in tir.k, wink, Jink, clink, chink, think, that end in a mute
dom, bijhoprick, hailyiuick. confonant, there is alfo indicated a fudden ending.
Ment and age are plainly French terminations, and are of It there be an /, as in jingle, tingle, tinkle, mingle, /prinkle, twinkle, there is

the (ame import with us as among them, fcarcely ever occur- implied a frequency, or iteration of fmall adli. And the fame frequency of a£ls,
hut lefs fubtile by rcafon of the clearer vowel a, is indicated in jangle, tangle,
ring, except in words derived from the French, as command-
j'pangle, mangle, tvrangle, brangle, dangle ; as alfo in mumble, grumble, jumble,
ment, u/age. tumhlt, flun<hU, rumble, crumble, fumble. But at the fame time the clofc u im-
plies fometliing obfcure or obtunded ; and a congeries of confonants rnbl, dcnotei
There are in Englifli often long train) of words allied by their meaning and a confufed kind of rolling or tumbling, as in ramble, /camble, /cramble, wamble,
derivation } as f^ iw/, a bat, balcin, a battle, a beetle, a battle-door, id batter, amhle ; but in thefe there is fomcthing acute.
batter, a kind of glutinous compofition for food, made by beating different bo- In nimble, the acutcnels of the vowel denotes celerity. In /parkle, /p denotes
dies into one mal's. All thefe are of fimilar flgnification, and perhaps derived dilTipatioii, ar an acute crackling, k a fudden interruption, /a frequent iteration
from the Latin latui:. Thus take, imh, tickle, tack, tackle ; all imply a local and in like manner in /prinkle, unlefs in may impiy the fubtility of the diffi.
conjunSlofl, from the Latin tango, teiigi, taflum. pated guttulcs. Thick and thin differ, in tliat the former ends with an obtufc
From izi'o are formed tivain, twice, twenty, twelme, twins, twine, twill, tivirl, confonant, and the latter with an acute.
fwig, twit,B, twinge, between, betwixt, twilight, twibil. In like manner, m/jucck, /jueak,/qucal, /quail, braul, wraul,yaul,/paul, /creek,
/hriei, prill, parp, privel, wrinkle, crack, crafl->, clap, gnap, pla/h, crup, hup,
The following remarks, extraQci from Wallis, an ingenious, but of more
fnktlety than folidity, l"Jp, fijjc, whifl, J'ft, jarr, hurl, curl, whirl, buz:, buflic, /pindle, dwindle, twine,
and fuch as perhaps might in every language be enlarged
without end. iwfl, and in many more, we may obfcrvc the agvcemcnt of fuch fort of founds
with the things fignified : and this fo freijuently happens, that fcarce /ny language
Sn ufually imply the and what relates to it. From the Latin nafu,
which 1 know can be compared viith ours. So that one monofyllabic word, of
ire deriwd the French mn and the Englilh mfe ; and ne/fe, a promontory, ai which kind are almoft all ours, emphatically expreffes what in other language*
proj-.lir. like a nnfc.

But as if from the cunlonants ai taken from ma/us, can fcarce be explained but by compounds, or decompounds, or fometimes a
an<i tri-iMfcd, that they may the better correfpond, /« denote nafui tedious circumlocution.
; ini
tlitnrc arc d'a'ived many words that relate to the nofe, as fnout, fneeze,
fm-r, freer, Jmckir, jm*, Jneyil, fnke, huf, Jnuffle, fmifflc, Jnarle, fnudge.
We have many words borrowed from the Latin ; but the
There is another fn, which may perhaps be derived from the Latin Jinu}, as greateft part of them were communicated by the intervention
fiuif, fneak, fnail, fnare ; (b likewife fnaf and /natch, /nib, /nub. of the French as grace, face, elegant, elegance, re/emble.
Bl imply a bh/} ; as A.'«ti, blafl, t(, bhji, to blight, and, metaphorically, to
Halt ones reputation ; bitat, bleak, a bleak place, to look bleak or wcather-
Some verbs, which feem borrowed from the Latin, are form*
beatrn, bitak, thy, bleach, blufier, blurt, blijier, blab, bladder, bleb, bitfier, blab- ed from the prefent tenfe, and fome from the fiipines.
b-r-lit-t, blahh'r-chrtft, bl-jttd, bhte-herring!, blaji, blaM, ttblnu, that is, bh/.
From the prefent are formed fpend, expend, expendo ; conJuce»
/on, ilo'.m i jnd prrhap, hlood and blu/h. conduce ; defpi/e, defpicio ; approve, approbo ; conitiw, con-
ia '.he nauvc worJ^ of vur wngue is to bt fwnJ a great agreement between cipio.
h 2 from
dtmtnftraie, demonftro lace, place rabula, rail rnel, viraul, Irawf, raile, Irthh
From the Cv^Ims, /npfJicatt, fupplico ; ;
; ; \ l]UiefitiO(
Jiff oft, difpono ; ixpatiaie, expatior /upprefs, fupprimo ; exempt,
At alfo a confonant, or at lead one of 1 fofter found, or even a whole fyl-
cximo. lable ; rotundus, round; fragilis, /rai/ ; fecurus, /vn ; regula, rule; tegula,
Nothing more apparent, than diatWallis goo too far in quell of originals.
It tile ; fubtilis, futtle ; nomen, noun
decanus, dean ; computo, rntiir ; fubita-

Many of tbefe which fcem felejted as immediate defcendanta from the Latin, ncui, fuddain, foon ; fuperare, tofoar; periculum, ^^i/; mirabile, marvel; as
are appirentl; Ficnch, as conceive, affrtmt, exfofi, txcmft. magnus, mo/R ; dignor, <fW^ii ; Xingo, JIain; tin3um, /.linr ; pingo, ^o>»; prx-
dari, reach,
The contraftions may feem harder, where many of them meet, as xit^ioju;,
Some words purely French, not derived from the Latin, we kyrk, church;
prejbyter, frir/? ; facrillanus,y<x.'cn; frango, fregi, irrj>, irraii j
have transferred into our language as garden, garter, buckler, to
; fagus, ^vya, beech ;
f changed into b, and g into cb, which are letters near
aJi'ttttce, to cry, to plead, from the French, Jardin,jartier, bouclier, a-kin; frigefco,yr«ai£; Wigeko, frefh, fc \n«> p, slz TAioyt in hifbcp, fijh, fo in
A-vancer, crier, plaider ; though indeed, even of thefe, part is of fcapha,^iy,yl(^, and refrigefco, refrejh ; butvirefcOj/r^; phlcbotomusjj^rain ;
bovina, huf; vitulina, vtal; fcutifer, fjuire ; pcenitentia, penance; fandtua-
Latin original.
rium, fanHuary, fentry ;
qusfitio, chafe; «/; perquifitio, purchaje; anguilla,
Jnfula, ijle. He, iflar.d, i'anJ ;
; and more contrafledly
infuletta, iflet, u'el ; eyght
As to many words which we have in common with the Germans, it is doubt- whence Ovijney, Ruhy, Ely namely, by from
; ciaminare, to fan, rejeiling
flU whether the old Teutons borrowed them from the Latins, or the Latins the beginning and end t and 0, accord'mg CO the ufual manner, the remainder
ftom the Teutons, or both had tlicm from fome common original ; as v)'tnt, xamin, which tlie Saxons, who did not ufe *, write cfamen, or fcamen, is con-
vinum ; ixi'md, vcntus ; wf»f, veni ; icay, via ; •tvall, vallum ; ivalkia, volvo tracted into yr an ; as from dominus, don; nomine, noun; Ahomlno, ban ; and
tinol, vtilus ; lu'xll, volo ; imrm, vermis { u'tirtb, virtus ; waff, vefpa ; Jay, indeed apum cxamen they turned into fciame ; for which we fay ftvjrme, by
dies; Sravt, traho ; tame, domo, i'(t/>caar; yoke, jugum, ^fDy*?; over, upper, inferting r to denote the murmuring thefaurus, fiore ; fedile, fiuol ; w'o;,
fuper, iir«; ; am, fum, Hfju ; ireji, frango ; fy, volo j ilc^v, flo. I make no •uiet ; fudo, fweat gaudium, gay ; jocus, joy ; fuccus, juice ; catena, chain j
doubt but the Teutonick is more ancient than the Latin; and it is no leff caliga, calga ; chaufe, chaulTe, Fr. hcfi ; extinguo, ftancb, fquencb, fucnchf
certain, that the Latin, which borrowed a great number of words, not only
ftint; (otii, forth; {fCcXts, fpice ; recito, read; adjuvo, aid; a\vi, a;vum, erff
from the Greek, efpccially the ^olick, but from other neighbouring languages, age, ever ; noccus, lock ; excerpo, fcrape, fcrahbU, fcratul ; extravagus,
a) the ©fcan and others, which have long become ohfolete, received not a few ftraggle; c.o\\t&\itn, clot, clutch; cnlligo, coil; recoUigo, recoil; feveio, fivear
from the Teutonick. It is certain, that the EngliOi, German, and other Teu- iWduluSj^ri//; procurator, ^roxy pulfo, ro /i»/!!> ; calamus, a quill; impetere,
tonick languages, retained fome derived from the Greek, which the Latin has to impeach; augeo, auxi, tv<ix; and vanefco, vanui, TJane fyllabare, tofpelli
not ; as ex, aebs, mit, ford, pfurd, daughter, tocbter, mick/e, mingle, moon, puteus, ^ir; granum, ccrn compritno, cramp, crump, crumple, crinkle.
fear, grave, gra^, to grave, tojcrape, vjbole, from i^irn, /j^ira, ma^ixo^, ^yyar^f Some may feem harOier, yet may not be reje^ed, for it at lead appears,
utyaXo^, fxiyfCv, fMr,m, ^^^ii, y^a'^ai, cXof. Since they received thefc immediate- that fome of them are derived from proper names, and there are others whofe
ly from the Greeks, without the intervention of the Latin language, why may etymology is acknowledged by every body as Alexander, Elick, Scanjer, San-
not other words be derived immediately from the fame fountain, though they be der, Sanny, Sandy; Eiizabetha, Eiixabeth, Elifaheth, Betty, Befi; Margareta,
likcwife found among the Latins ? Margaret, Margct, Meg, Peg ; Maria, Mary, Mai, Pal, Malkin, Mawkin,
Matokcs; Matthaeus, Mattlu, Ma'tbew ; Martha, Matt, Pat; Gulielmus,
Our anceftors were ftudious to form borrowed words, however IVilhelmus, Cirolamo, Guillaume, miliam, fVitl, Bill, fTiUm, HHcken, fTicki,
long, into monofyllables ; and not only cut off the formative
Thus cariophyllus, flos ; gerofilo, leal, giriflee, gilofer, Fr. gillifiovter, \vhich
terminations, but cropped the firll fyllable, efpecially in words the vulgar call julyfloiuer, as if derived from the month July ; petrofclinum,
beginning with a vowel ; and rejefted not only vowels in the parjley; portulaca, ^wr/Jjm ;cydonium, quince; cydoniatum, quiddeny ; perfi-
middle, but likewife confonants of a weaker found, retaining the cum, peach ; cruca, eruke, which they corrupt to ear-viig, as if it took its
Wronger, which feem the bones of words, or changing them for name from the ear annulus geminus, a gimmal, or gimbal ring and thus the
; ;

word gimbal and jumbal is transferred to other things thus interwoven ; quelques
others of the fame organ, in order that the found might become
chofes, kickfbaivi. Since the origin of thefe, and many others, however forced,
the fofter ; but efpecially tranfpofing their order, that they might is evident, it ought to appear no wonder to any one if the ancients have thus

the more readily be pronounced without the intermediate vowels. disfigured many, efpecially as they fo much affefted monofyllables ; and, to
For example, in expendo, _/5>Ma' ; txemp]um, /ample ; excipio, make them found the fofter, took this liberty of maiming, taking away, chang-
ing, tranfpofing, and foftening them.
/cape ; extraneus, grange ; extraftum, ^retch'd ; excrucio, to
But while we derive thefe from the Latin, I do not mean to fay, that many
/creiv i exfcorio, to/our ; excorio, to/courge ; excortico, to /cratch ; of them did not immediately 'come to us from the Saxon, DanUh, Dutch, and
and others beginning with ^jr .• as alfo, emendo, to mend; epif- Teutonick languages, and other dialedls, and fome taken more lately from the
copus, hipop ; in Danifh, hi/p\ epillola, epi/ile; hofpitale, /fit- French, or Italians, or Spaniards.
tie J Hifpania, Spain ; hiiloria,y?(7ry.
The fame word, according to its different Cgnifications, often has a diflferent
origin; »s to bear a burden, (com fero; but to bear, whence birth, born, bairn,
Many of thefe etymologies are doubtful, and fame evidently miftaken. comes from pario, and a bear, at leaft if it be of Latin original, (com era, f
Thas perch, a fifli, ftomperca; but perch, a meafure, from pertica, and like-
The following are fomewhat harder, Alexarier, Sander ; Elifabeiha, Betty ; wife ro^frri. To fpett is from Jyllaba ; hut fpell, an inchantmcnt, by which
apis, hee\ aper, bar\ p paOing into h, as in bijhop ; and by cutting off a from it is believed that the boundaries are fo fixed in lands, that none can pafs them

the beginning, which is reftored in the middle : but for the old bar or hare, againft the mailer's will, from expello ; and fpell, a me(Tenger, from epijlola ;
We now fay hoar ; as for lartg, long ; for bain, bane ; for fiane, flcne ; aprugna, whence gofpel, good-fpell, or god-Jpell, Thus frcefe, or freexe, from frigejco ;
braton, pbeing changed into b, and a tranfpnfed, as in afer, and g changed but /"«««, an architeflonic word, from xophorus; bat freefe, for cloth, from
intow, as in pignus, paton ; lege, latu ; iXoirnJ, fox; cutting off me begin- Frifia, or perhaps from frigefco, as being more fit than any other for keeping out
ning, and changing/! into f, as in pellis, a fell; pullus, a foal; pater, father; the cold.
pavor,y<ar ; polio, jf/V; pIco, impleo, _^//, /a//; pifcis, ; ^i
and tranfpofing o There are many words among us, even monofyllables, compounded of two or
into the middle, which was taken from the beginning; apex, apiece; peak, more words, at leaft ferving inftead of compounds, and comprifing the fignifi-
pike; zofhoia$, freeze; muftum, JIum; defenfio, fence; difpenfator, fpencer ; cation of more words than one ; as from fcrip and roll, comes fcrcll ; from froud
afculto, efcouter, Fr. fcout ; exfcalpo, /(rape, redoring / indead of r, and hence and dance, prance from ft of the verb Jlay, or Jland and c:a, is made/oar ;

fhap, fcrahle, Icrawl; exculpo, /coop ; exterrltus, Jlart ; extonitus, attonitus, from flout and hardy, flurdy ; from fp of fpit or fpevi, and out, comes fpout j
fitnn'd; ftomachus, maw; o&etiio, fined ; obftipo, y7o)> ; audere, dare; cavere, from the dmn fp, with the termination in, \% fpin; and iii\n%oul,fpin tut ;
xvare; whenrc a-iuare, he-tvare, ivary, ivarn, warning, for the Latin .1/ con and'from the Um&fp, with /'/, is fpit, which only differs ftom fpout m that it
fonant formeilv founded like our w, and the modern found of the v confonant is fmaller, and with lei's noife and force ; but fputter is, becaufe of the obfcure
was formerly that of the letter y, that is, the i^o'.ick digamma, which had the V, fomething between fpit and (pout ; and by reafon of adding r, it intimates
found of ^, and the modern found of the letter /"was that of the Greek ip or pb ; a frequent iteration and noife, but cbicurely confufed : whereas fpatter, on ac-
ulcus, ulcere, ulcer^ fre, and hence ferry, jorrotv, jorrovjful; ingenium, engine, count of the (harper and clearer vowel a, intimates a more diftiniS noife, in
gin; fcalenus, leaning, unlrfs you w.juld rather derive it from xXivv, v.-hence in- whiih it chiefly differs from fputter. From the dmefp, and the termination
clino ; infundibulum, funnel ; gagate:, jctt ; projeilum, to jctt forth, a jetty ark, comas fpark, fignifying a fingle cmifiion of fire with a noife ; namely, j^
cucullus, a civil. the cniiOion, ar the more acute noife, and k the mute confonant, intimates its
There are fyncopes fomewhat harder; from tempore, time; from nomine, being fuddenly terminated ; but adding /, is made the frequentative fparkle.
Tame ; domina, eLtme ; as the French b-.mme, femme,, fromlipminc, fceraina, The famc_y^, by adding r, that is fpr, implies a more lively impecus of diffufing
nomine. Thua pagina, page ; «roTn{im, pot ; tamtWa., cup ; cantharus, can ; or expanding itfclf; to which adding the termination ing, it becomes J^rjn^ ;
tentorium, lint ; precor, pray ; prxda, prey ; fpecio, fpeculor, Jpy ; plico, ply ; its vigour fpr imports, its fiiarpnefs the termination ing; and lalHy in acute and

implico, im^/y ; replico, rrf« ; complico, rom/i/y ; fedes epifcopalis,^v. tremulous, ending in the mute confonant g, denotes, the fudden ending of any
A vowel is alfo cut off in the middle, that the number of the fyllable? motion, that it is meant in its primary fignificatioo, of a finglr, not a com-
may be leffened ; ai aroita, aunt; fpiritus, ^ri^i/ ; dcbitum, debt; dubito, plicated exilition. Hence we call fpring whatever has an elallick force as :

tUnbt ; com^5, comitis, count ; ckticus, clerk ; quietus, ^uit, quite ; acquieto, alfo a fountain of water, and thence the origin of any thing ; and to fpring,
(» Mf^t; feparo, r« Jp<irt\ &al>ilis> ^uiU; lUbuluni; Jiable j fa^atiym^ pp- to germinate
and fpring, gnc vf Uis fpur f«afoasi Froio ths faroc ^r and
Hit,U formed ffrtul, «nJ with tie termination ig, ffrig ; of which the follow- the former fyllable j as to defcant, a difcam ',
to timent,
ing, for the moft part, is the difference: ffrout, of a groffer found, imports ment ; to contraB, a contraB,
a fatter or groffer bud ; fprig, of a tenderer found, denotes a fmaller (hoot.
In manner, from fir of the verb firhic, and out, comes firout 3ni firut.
like This rule has many exceptions. Though verbs feldom have their accent ob
From the fame fir, and the termination ugg/e, is made firuggle ; and this g the former, yet nouns often have it on the latter fyllable; as, dtUght, ferfume^
imports, but without any great noife, by reafon of the obfcure found of the
vowel u. In like manner from threw and nil is made troll ; and almoft in 4. All diflyllables ending in y, as cranny ; in aur, as labour,
the fame fenfe is trur:J!e, f")m thrciv or ttrufi, and ruitdle. Thus grajf or favour; in oou, as ivillo'w, 'walloiu, except allovj ; in le, as
grcugb is compounded of grave and rough j and trudge from tread or trot, and
battle, bible ; in ijh, as banijh ; in ck, as cambrick, caffock ; in
ter, as to batter ; in age, as courage ; in en, as fajien ; in et, as
quiet, accent the former fyllable.
In thefe obfervations it is eafy to difcover great fagacity and
5.DifTyllable nouns in er, as canker, butter, have the accent
great extravagance, an ability to do much defeated by the de-
on the former fyllable.
fire of doing more than enough. It may be remarked,
6. DifTyllable verbs terminating in a confonant and e final,
That Wallis's derivations are often fo made, that by the
1 .
as comprije, efcape or having a diphthong in tlie laft fyllable,
fame licence any language may be deduced from any other.
as appeafe, reveal; or ending in two confonants, as attend, have
2. That he makes no diftinftion between words immediately
the accent on the latter fyllable.
derived by us from the Latin, and thofe which, being copied from
7. DifTyllable nouns having a diphthong in the latter fyllable,
other languages, can therefore afford no example of tlie genius
have commonly their accent on the latter fyllable, as applaufe ;
of the Englifti language, or its laws of derivation.
except words in ain, certain, mountain,
3. That he derives from the Latin, often with great harftinefs
8. TrifTyllables formed by adding a termination, or prefixing
and violence, words apparently Teutonick ; and therefore, ac-
a fyllable, retain the accent of the radical word, as lavelinefs,
cording to his ovyn declaration, probably older than the tongue
tendernefs, contemner, iKagonner, phyfical, befpatter, commenting,
to which he refers them.
commending, ajjurance.
4. That feme of his derivations are apparently erroneous.
9. TrifTyllables ending in ous, as gracious, arduous ; in al, as

SYNTAX. capital ; in ion, as mention, accent the firfl. "1

10. TrifTyllables ending in ce, ent, and ate, accent the firfl

fyllable, as countenance, continence, armament, imminent, elegant,

The eftabliflied praftice of grammarians requires that I ihould here treat of propagate, except they be derived from words having the accent
the Syntax; but our language has fo little inflexion, or varietj' of termina-
on the laft, as connivance, acquaintance ; or the middle fyllable
tions, that its conftruflion neither requires nor admits many rules. Wallls
therefore has totally negleded it ; and Jonfon, whofc defire of following the hath a vowel before two confonants, as promulgate.
writers upon the learneJ languages made him think a fycta^ indifpenfably ne- 1 1. TrifTyllables ending \ny, as entity, fpecify, liberty, vtBory,
ceflary, has publiihed fuch petty obfervatioiw ai weic better omitted. fubfidy, commonly accent the firft fyllable.
1 2. TrifTyllables in re or le accent the firfl fyllable, as legible,
Theverb, as in other languages, agrees with the nomina- theatre ; except difciple, and fome words which have a pofuion,
tive in number and perfon ; as Ti/eu flUJi from good ; He runt to as example, tpifile,
13. TrifTyllables in ude commonly accent the firfl fyllable, as
Our adjeAives and pronouns are invariable. plenitude.
Of two fubftantives the noun poffefliye is the genitive ; as
1 4. TrifTyllables ending in ator or atour, as creattur ; or hav-
His father's glory. The fun's heat. ing in the middle fyllable a diphthong, as endeavour; or 'a
verbs tranfitive require an oblique cafe ; as He lovet me ; vowel before two confonants, as domeflick, accent the middle
You fear him. fyllable.
All prepofitions require an oblique cafe He gave this to me
; 5 . TrifTyllables that have their accent on the laft fyllable arc
He took thii from me ; He fays this of me ; He came with me* commonly French, as acquiefce, repartee, magazine ; or words
formed by prefixing one or two fyllables. to an acute fyllable, as

PROSODY. immature, overcharge.

16. Polyfyllables, or words of n»re than three fyllables, fol-
low the accent of the words from which they are derived, as
It is common for thofe that deliver the grammar of modern languages, to
omit their Profody. So that of the Italians is negleded by Suemaitei ; that of
arrogating, continency , incontinently , commendable, commiinicablenefs
the French by Dejmarais and that of the Englifli by fyatlii, Cmfer, and even
; We fhould therefore fay difputable, indifputable, rather than dif-
by Jivfon, though a poet. But at the laws of metre are included in the idea putable, indifputable ; and advertifement rather than advertife~-
of a grammar, I have thought it proper to iafert them.
17. Words in ion have the accent upon the antepenult, as
Profody comprifes orthoepy, or the rules of pronunciation falvation, perturbation, concoBion ; words in atour or ator on the

and orthometry, or the laws of verfification. penult, as dedicator.

Pronunciation is juft, when every letter has its proper 1 8. Words ending in le commonly have the acceat on the firfl
found, and when every fyllable has its proper accent, or, which fyllable, as amicable, unlefs the fecond fyllable
have a vowel be-
in Engliih verfification is the fame, its proper quantity. fore two confonants, as comb'ujlible.
19. Words ending in ous have the accent on the antepenult,
The founds of the letters have been already explained ; and rules for the ac-
cent or quantity are not eafily to be given, being fubjeft to innumerable excep- as uxorious, voluptuous.
tioos. Such howcTCi a> I have read or formed, I fliall here ptopote. 20. Words ending in ty have their accent on the antepenult,
as pujillanimity, aBivity.

1. Of difTyllables formed by affixing a termination, the former Thefe rules arc not advanced an complete or infallible, but propofcd as ufefiiU
fyllable is commonly accented,
as chiUiJh, kingdom, aHeJi, atled, Almoft every rule of every language hns its exceptions ; and in Erjglifh, as in
toilfome, lo'ver, fciffer, fairer, f'oremofl, zealous, fulnefs, godly, other tongues, much muft be learned by example and authority. Perhaps more
meekly, artijl. and better rules may be given that have efcaped my obfervation.

formed by prefixing a fyllable to the radical

2. Diffyllables
word, have commonly the accent on the latter ; as to beget, to Versification is the arrangement of a certain number of
tefeem, to hefotxi. f}llables according to certain laws.

3. Of diffyllables, which arc at once nouns and verbs, the The feet of our verfes are either iambiek, as al'ofty create ;
verb haa commonly the accent on the latter; and ths noun on or trochaisk* as kHy, lofty.
Our lambick meaTure comprife* verfes A thoufand crannies in the walls vit made |
Nor gate nor bars exclude the bufy trade.
Oflburfyllables, 'Tis built of brafs, the better to diffufe
Mod good, moil fair. The fpreading founds, and multiply the news ;
Or things as rare. Where echoes in repeated echoes play :
To call you 's loft A mart for ever full ; and open night and day.
For all the coft Nor filence is within, nor voice exprefs.
Words can beftow. But a deaf noife of founds that never ceafe
So poorly Ihow Confus'd, and chiding, like the hollow roar
Upon your praifc. Of tides, receding from th' infulted fliore:
That all the ways Or like the broken thunder, heard from far.
Senfc hath, come ihort. DrajttH. When Jove to diftance drives the rolling war.
The courts are fill'd with a tumultuous din
With ravilh'd ears Of crowds, or iifuing forth, or ent'ring in :
7^he monarch hears. Drjdtn. A thorough-fare of news ; wheie fome devife
Things never heard, fome mingle truth with lies:
Of fix. The troubled air with empty founds they beat.
This while we are abroad. Intent to hear, and eager to repeat. DryJeni
Shall we not touch our lyre ?
we not fing an ode i In meafures the accents are to be placed on even
all thefe
Shall that holy fire.
fyllables ; and every
line confidcred by itfelf is more harmo-*

In us that ftrongly glow'd.

nious, as this rule is more Aridlly obferved. The variations ne-
ceffary to pleafuxe belong to the art of poetry, not the rules of
In this cold air expire i
Though in the utmoffi Peak
A while we do remain. Our trochaick meafures are
Among the mountains bleak,
Expos'd to fleet and r^in, Of three fyllables.

No fport our hours fliall break. Here we may

To exercife our vein. Think and pray.
Before death
What though bright Phoebus' beams Stops our breath
Refrelh the fouthern ground. Other joys
And though the princely Thames Are but toys. Waltotfs Angler.
With beauteous nymphs aboundj
And by old Camber's Itreams Of five.
Be many wonders found :
In the days of old.
Stories plainly told.
Yet many rivers clear
Here glide in filver fwathes. Lovers felt annoy. Old Ballad.
And what of all moft dear,
Buxton's delicious baths.
Of feven,
Strong ale and noble chear, Faireft piece of well-form'd earth.
T' affwage breem winter's fcatlies. Urge not thus your haughty birth. Waller.

In places far or near. In thefe meafures the accent is to be placed on the odd
Or famous, or obfcure. fyllables.
Where wholfom is the air.
Thefe are the meifures which are now in ufe, and above the reft thofe of
Or where the moft impure. Our
ancient poets wrote verfes fomctimet ai
feven, eight, and ten fyllables.
All times, and every where. twelve fyllables, as Drayton's Polyolbion,
The mufe is ilill in ure. Drayton.
Of III the Cambrian heads that bear fo high.
(hires their
And with an ambitious eye,
farth'ft furvey their foils
Of eight, which is the ufual meafure for ftiort poems. Mervinia for her hills, as for their matchlefs crowd:i.
And may at laft my weary age The ncareft that are (aid to kifs the wand'ring clouds,
Efpecial audience craves, oflcnded with the tlirong^
Find out the peaceful hermitage.
That Iheof all the rcll ncgleclcd was fo long;
The hairy gown, and mofly cell. Alleging for hcrfelf, when through the Saxon's pride.
Where I may fit, and nightly fpell The godlike race of Brute to Severn's fctting fide
Of ev'ry ftar the flcy doth (hew. Were cruelly inforc'd, her mountains did relieve

And ev'ry herb that fips the dew. Thofe vvlmm devouring war clfc every where did grieve.
And when all Wales befide (by fortune or by might)
Unto her ancient foe refign'd her ancient right,
Gf ten, which is the common meafure of heroick and tragick A conftant maiden ftill (he only did remain,
poetry. The her genuine laws which ftoutly did retain.
And as each one is prais'd for her peculfar things.
Full in the midft of this created fpace, So only (he is rich in mountains, meres, and fprings ;
BctwiSct hcav'n, earth, and flties, there Hands a place And holds hcrfelf as great in her fuperfluous uafte.
Confining on all three ; with triple bound As others by their towns and fruitful tillage grac'd.
Whence all things, though remote, arc view'd around. And of fourteen, as Chapman's Homer.
And thither bring their undulating found. And as the mind of fuch a man, that hath a long way gone.
The palace of loud Fame, her feat of pow'r, And either Icnowcth not his way, or ell'c would let aloac
Plac'd OD thefummit of a lofty tow'r; His purpos'd journey, is diftract.

A thoufand winding entries long and wide

The meafures of twelve and fourteen fyllables were often mi>gleJ by out
lUceive of frefii reports a flowing tide. old poets, fomcumcs and lometimcs ijt altciaatc cuuplcu.
iu alternate lUcs,
ENGLISH TONGUE. now only ufe4 to 'Tij the Divinity that ftirs •within
Th« »erfe »f tvwtre fylUblM, citlci an Altxandrine, it Tis Heav'n itfelf that points out an htritfitrf
iiiaif-j heroick lines.
And intimates eternity to roan. AUifoiit-
Waller was fmooth, but Dr/den taught to joi«

The varying verfc, the full-refounding line, So ra that of eight fyllables,

7hi lung maj'f-ic murcb, and cncr^ Jivine. Pif'
fi. i They neither added nor confounded.
They neither wanted nor abounded.. Fritit^

The paufe in the Alcxaajrine m»ft be at the iixth fyllable.

In that of (even,
The verfe of fourteen fyllables is now broken into a foft lyrick meafun of For refiftsnce I could fear none.
«rfo conliiling alternately of eight fyllables and fix. But with twenty ihips ha^ dtme.
What thou, brave and happy Vernon»
She to receive thy radiant name» Gtmtr,
H«ft atchiev'd with fix alone.
Selects a whiter fpace. Tcnton.

When all (hall praife, and ev'ry hj In that of fix,

Devote a wreath to thee. 'Tv;as when the feas were roaring*

That day, for come it will, that day
With hollow blafts of wind,
Shall I lament to fee. liwit U Ft^' A damfel lay deploring,
AH en a rock reclin'd. <»<jyv

Beneath t!>i> tnmb an 'infant liet

To earth whofe body lent. la the aaapeftick,.
Hereafter (hall more glorious rife. When terrible tempefts alTail us.
But not more innocent. And mountainous billows affright,.
When the Archangel's trump (hall bI•^r» -^ Nor grandeur or wealth can avail us.
And fouls to bodies join. But flciiful induftry fleers right. Bj/W»
What crowds thall wilb their lives below
Had been as jhort as thine I WcjllJ. To tbefe meofures, and their laws, may be reduced every fjiecles of Sogllfik
verfe. i

We have another roeifure very quick and lively, and therefore much ufcd
in fongj, which may be called the atutftfiick, in which the accent refts upon Our verfification admits of few licences,, except fynaloepha^ tsi.

every third fyllable. or elifion of t in the before a vowel,, as r/j' eternal ; and more
May I govern my paiTione with ab&Iute f»'ay. rarely of o in to, as r' accept ; and a fyntrrejis, by which two-
And grow wiiiir and i)cBer as lile wear& away.. Dr. Popi^ fhort vowels coalefce into one fyllable, as quefiion, fpecial \ or a.
\ ! this meafure a fyllable is often retrenched from the firft foot, as
word is contrafted by the expulfion, of a Ihort vowel before a li-
Diogenes furly and proud.
quid, as anPrUtr temf'rance..
Dr. Pafu

When prefent we love, and when abfent agrcCj. Thus have I which the Englifli language
collected rules and examples,. by
I think not of I'ris, nor I'ris of mc. DryJen. may be learned, the reader be already acquainted with grammatical terms,
or caught by a mailer to thofe that arc more ignorant. To have written a
Thefe meafares are varied by many combinations, and fometimes by double grammar for fuch as are not yet initiated ux the I'clwols, would have been te>
tS(!jngS| either with w without rhyme, as in the heroick meafure^ diouS) and peilufs at lall iacfitftual*


MA N Y the fame
are the

works of human
induftry, which to begin and finifli

that undertakes to compile a Didionary, undertakes that, which, if

are hardly granted to


comprehends the full extent of his defign, he knows himfelf unable to perform. Yet his labours,

though deficient, may be ufeful, and with the hope of this inferior praife, he muft incite his a(5tivity,^

and folace his wearincfs.

Perfection is unattainable, but nearer and nearer approaches may be made ; and finding my Dic-
tionary about to be reprinted, I have endeavoured, by a revifal, to make it lefs reprehenfible. I will

not deny that 1 found many parts requiring emendation, and many more capable of improvement.

Many faults I have correfted, fome fuperfluities I have taken away, and fome deficiencies I have
fupplied. I have methodifed fome parts that were difordered, and illuminated fome that were obfcure.
Yet the changes or additions bear a very fmall proportion to the whole. The critick will now have
lefs to objeft, but the ftudent who has bought any of the former copies needs not repent j he will

not, without nice collation, perceive how they differ j and ufefulnels feldom depends upon little


For negligence or deficience, I have perhaps not need of more apology than the nature of the work
will furnifh : I have left that inaccurate which never was made exadt, and that imperfeft which never
was completed.

A D I C-


A a I 'gin to be a viiary of the fun

The firft letter of the European 2. A, taken materially, or for itfelf, is
And wifh the ftate of world were now undone.
alphabets, has, in the Englifti noun; as, a great A, a little a.
Sbakefpearet Miicbetb,
^ language, three different tounds, 3. A is placed before a participle, or par- And now a breeze from (hore began to blow.
which may be termed the broad, open, ticipial noun ; and is confidered by The Tailors (hip their oars, and ccufe to row ;
Then hoift their yards a-tr'p, and all their fails
and (lender. Wallis as a contraction of at, when it Let fall, to court the wind, and catch the gales.
The broad found, refembling that of is put before a word denoting fome aftion Drydcn'i Ceyx and A/cjmi,
the German a, is found in many of our not yet finilhed ; ls, I am a walking. A little houfe with trees a row.

monofyllables, as all. wall, malt, /alt, in It alio feeras to be anciently contrafted And, like its maftcr, very low. I'lfe, Hor,

which a is pronounced as au in cau/e, or from at, when pl.-.ced before local fur- 8. A
is fometimes redundant ; as, arife,

aiv in lazv. Many of thefe words were names ; as, Thomas a Becket. In other aroufe, a-wake ; the fame with rife, roufe,
anciently written with au, as fault, cafes, it feems to fignify to, like the wake.
I'jauli ; which happens to be ftill retained French a. 9.A, in abbreviations, (lands for artium,
\r\ fault. This was probably the ancient /i hunting Chloe went. Trkr. or arts ; as, A. B. batchelor of arts, ar-
found of the Saxons, fmce it is almoft They go a brgging to a bankrupt's door. Dryi!in. tium haccalaureus ; A. M. mailer of arts,
uniformly preferred in the ruflic pro May peace Hill llumbcr by thcfs purling foun- artium magifier ; or, anno ; as, A. D.
nunciation, and the Northern dialefts,
anno domini.
Which we may every year
as maun for man, haund for hand. Find when we come a fifliing here. IfDiUn.
AB, at the beginning of the names of
A open, not unlike the a of the Italians, Now the men fell a rubbing of armour, which places, generally (hews that they have
is found in father, rather, and more a great while had lain oiled. IVcticn. fome relation to an abbey, as Abingdon.
obfcurely \n fancy, fafi, &c. He will knap the fpears a pieces with his teeth. Gibfon,
M-.rc't Antid. Athm.
A (lender or clofe, is the peculiar a of the Pefcennius Niger, and
Aba'cke. adv. [from lack.'\ Backwards.
Another falls a ringing a
Englifh language, refembling the found judicioufly diftinguiihes the found of it to be
mafculine, or diphthong AJJifin on Midah. But when they came where thou thy (kill didit
of the French e modern.
ai in pais, or perhaps a middle found 4. A has a peculiar fignification, denoting They drew abacke, as half with (hame confound.
between them, or between the a and e the proportion of one thing to another. S/ievJ. Pafl.
to this the Arabic a is faid nearly to ap- Thus we fay. The landlord hath a hun- ABACTOR, n.f. [Latin.] One who drives
proach. Of this found we have exam- dred a year ; The (hip's crew gained a away or herds, or great
fteals cattle in
ples in the wor^i, place, face, luajle, and thoufand pounds a man. numbersonce, in didindlion from
all thofe that terminate in ation ; as re- The river Inn paflcs through a wide open coun- thofe that ileal only a (heep or two.
lation, nation, generation. try, during all its courfe through Bavaria ; which Blount.
A is (hort, as, glafs, grafs ; or long, as, is a voyage of two days, after the rate of twenty

leagues a day. Addijin on Italy.

A'BACUS. n.f. [Latin.] _
glaze, graze: it is raarlted long, gene- 1. A counting- table, anciently ufed ia
e final, plane, or by an / 5. A is ufed in burlefque poetry, to lengthen
rally, by an calculations.
added, as plaia. The ihort a is open, out a fyllable, without adding to the 2. [In architecture.] The uppermoU mem-
the long a clofe. fenfe. ber of a column, which ferves as a fort
For cloves and nutmegs to the line-u,
1. A, an nouns of the
article fet before of crowning both to the capital and co-
And even for oranges to China. Vryden.
fingular number; a man, a tree ; de- lumn. Dm.
man 6. A is fometimes, in familiar writings, Aba'ft. adv.
noting the number one, as, a is [of abapran. Sax. behind.]
put by a barbarous corruption for he; From the fore-part of the (liip, towards
coming, that is, no more than one ; or an
as, will a come, for will he come.
indefinite indication, as, a man may the llern. Dia.
come this way, that is, any man. This 7. A, in compofition, fecms to have fome- Abm'sance. n.f. [from the French abai..
article has no plural (ignification. Be- times the power of the French « in thefe fer, to deprcfs, to bring down.] An aCl
fore a word beginning with a vowel, it phrafes, a droit, a gauche, Sic. and iome- of reverence, a bow. Obeyfance is con-
is written an, as, an ox, an egg, of timet to be contracted from at ; as, afde, fidered by Skinner as a corruption bf
which a is the contraction. uflope, afoot, ajleep, athirjl, aiuare. ahaifame, but is now univcrl'ally uled.
Vol. I. B 1*
To ABA'LIENATE. -v. a. [from aiallene, of a longer form, abandoned [given up] liven fm > gift, more than the wagtji however^
I did not believe her, and was aba/b.-d at lier.
Lat.] To make that another's which
to wickednefs.
iob. ii. 13, i^
was our own before. A term of the civil Aba'ndoninc. [A verbal noun from In the ad-nirrtion only of weak minds
Jaw, not much ufed in common fpeech. abandon.] Defertion, forfaking. Led captive : ccafc t" admire, and all her plumct
Abalien a'tiox. n.f. [Lat. abalicnaiio.'] He hop'd his paft meritorious ailions might out- Fall Hat, and (ink into a trivial toy.
weigh his prcfent abandoning the thought of future At every fudden flighting quite abdjht.
The afl of giving up one's right to ano- action. Clarend. b. viii. Mtlti.n's Paradife Ltji, b. ii. /. 223.
ther perfon ; or a making over an eftatc,
Ab a'k [abajtdoanement ,Ft .] The little Cupiils hov'ring round,
goods, or chattels by fal«, or due coiirfc (As pictures prove) with garlands crown'd,
1. The aft of abandoning.
oflaw. Dia. MaJIj'd at what tbey faw and heard,
2. The ftate of being abandoned. Dia.
To Aba'nd. v. a. [A word con traced from Ficw off, nor ever more appcar'd.
Abanni'tiOn. n./. [LblZ. aiannitio.] A Sliift's Mifcillariil,
abandon, but not now in uie. See A- banifhment for one or two years, for To AB A'TE. V. a. [from the French abba-
BANDON.] To forfalce.
manflaughter. Obfolete. Dia.
Thi ftr :>nger arc
ire, to beat down.]
Than they which fought at firft their helping
Te Aba're. 1/. a. [abajiian. Sax.] Tomake 1. To leffen, to diminifli.
band, bare, uncover, or difclofe. Dia. Who can tell whether tlie divine wifdoni, to
Mai Vortiger enforced the kingdom to abatiet, Ab ARTicutA'TiON.«.y; [from ab, from, abate the glory of thoft kings, did not rcfcrve this
wo;k to be done by a* queen, that it might appear
Sftnftr'i Fairy Sheen, h. li. cuu. to.
and articulus, a joint, Lat.] good and A to be his own immediate work?
To ABA'NDON. [Fr. abandonner.
-v. a.
apt conftruftion of the bones, by which Sir John Da'vies on Ireland^
Deriv«d, according to Menage, from the they move ftrongly and eafily ; or that If you did know to whom 1 gave the ring.
Italian abandonare, which fignifies to fpecies of articulation that has manifeft And how unwillingly I left the ring,
forfake his colours ; bandum ['vexillum] motion. Dta. .You would abate the ftreogth of your difpleafure.
deferere. /"a/^a/Vr thinks it a coalition of" To Sbattjj>eare,
Aba'se. 1). a. [Fr. abaijfer, from the Here we fee the hopes of great benefit and light
a ban donner, to give up to a profcription ; Lat. hajis, or bajfus, a b.arbarous word, from expofitors and commentators, are in a great
in which fenfe we, at this day, mention fignifying low, bafe.] part abated; and thofe who have moft need of their
the ban of the empire. Ban, in our
1. "To deprefs, to lower. help, can receive but little from them.
own old dialed, fignifies a curfe ; and It is a point of cunning to wait upon him with
Luke's EJfay on St. Paul's Ef'JiUi.
to a^aWoa, if confidered as compounded whom you fpeak with your eye; yet with a demure 2. To dejeft, or deprefs the mind.
between French and Saxon, is exaftly abajing of it fomctimes. , Baccn. This iron world
equivalent to diris de-Tjcuere.'] 2. To caft down, to deprefs, to brijig low ; Brings down the llouteft hearts to loweft ftate :
in a figurative and perfonal fenfe, which For mifery doth braveft m'indi abate.
I. To give up, refign, or quit ; often fol- Spenf. Hubbird's Tale.
lowed bv the particle to. is the common ufe.
Have the power ftiJl
Hjppy Ihephcid, to the gods be thankful, that
]f Jhe be fo ahand'jn'd to her forrow, To hani(h your defenders, till at length
Ac iti* never will admir me. to thy advancement their wlfdoms have thceabajcd.
fpokc, file Your ignorance deliver you.
Shah/j>. -Tivtlfth Night. Sidney, b, \.
As moft abated captives to fome nation
The- paflive gods behold the Greeks defile Behold every one that is proud, and abiije him. That won you without blows !

Their temples, and abandon to the fpoll 'Job, xl. II.

Sbatefpeare's Coriolanus,
Their own abodes ; wc, feeble few, confpire With unrefiftcd might the monarch reigns;
Time, that changes all, yet changes us in vain.
To fave a finking town, involv'd in ftre. He levels mountains, and he raifes plains
j The body, not the mind ; nor can controul
Dryil. j^miJ. And, not regarding difl'rence of degree,
Th' immortal vigour, or abati the foul.
Who he fo ahatidomd jit>as'd your daughter, and exalted me.
is re fottifli credulity, as Dryd. ^ne'id,
to think, that a clod of earth in a fick, may ever, Dryd. Fables.
If the mind be curbed and humbled too much 3. In commerce, to let down the price in
fay eternal ihaking, receive the fabric of man's
in children if their fpirlts be ahafed and broken felling, fometimes to beat down the price
body ? Bcmley'i Sermom. ;

Muft he, whofe altars on the Phrygian (hore.

much by too ftrlit an hand over them ; they lofe in buying.
With frequent rites, and pure, avow'd thy pow'r, all their vigour and induftry. To Aba'te. 'V. »;
human Loekt on Education, § 46.
Be doom'd the worft of ills to prove, 1. To grow ; as, his paflion abates;
Unblefs'd, abaxdon'd to the wrath of Jove ? Aba's ED. adj. [with heralds] a term ufed the ftorm abates. It is ufed fometimes
Pofi't Odyjfty, h. i. 1. 80. of the wings of eagles, when the top
with the particle of before the thing
^. To defert ; to forfake : in an ill fenfe. looks downwards towards the point of the
The princes ufing the palTions of fearing evil, leffened.
ftiield ; or when the wings are ftiut ; the
and defiring to efcape, only to ferve the rvile of Our phyficians have obfcrved, that in procefs of
natural way of bearing them beingfpread time, fome difeafes have abiitidcfx.)\t\r virulence,
virtue, not to abandon one's felf, leapt to a rib of
the (hip. Sidney, b. ii.
with the top pointing to the chief of the and have, in a manner, worn out their malignity,
Seeing the hurt flag alone, io as to be no longer mortal.
angle. Bailey. Chambers.
I<eft and abandoned of his velvet friends, Dryden's Hind and Panther,
Aba'sement. n.f. The ftate of being
'Tis right, quoth he ; thus mifery doth part 2. [In common law.]
brought low ; the aft of bringing low
The flux of company. Shakifp. As you lih it.
; It is in law ufed both aftively and neuterly ; as,
What face a wretched fugitive attends, deprefiion. to abate a catlie, to beat it down. To ithate a writ,
Scom'd by my foes, abandoned by my friends. There is an abafenunt becaufe of glory ; and is, by fome exception, to defeat or overthrow it,
Dryd. jUneid, 2. there is tliat lifteth up his head from a low cftate. A is, entereth upon a houfe
ftranger abatetb, that
But to the partisg goddcfs thus (he pray'd j
EccUfijJlicus, XX. II. or land void by the death of him that laft pon(:(red
Propitious dill be prcfcnt to my aid. 7ff Aba'sh. [See Bashful. Per-
ni. a. it, before the heir take his po(rcl1ian, and fo keep-
Nor quite abandon your oncc-favour'd maid.
haps from abaiffer, French.] eth him out. Wherefore, as he that putteth out
Dryd. Fab. him in pofTelTinn, is faid to dilTelfe : fo he that

3. To forfake, to leave.
1. To put into confufion ; to make afha- fteppcth in between the former pofTefTor and hi»
He boldly fpakc, Sir knight, if knight thou be, med. It generally implies a fudden heir is faid to abate. In '.he neuter fignlfication
.Abandon this Ibreflalled place at crft, impreflion of Ihame. thus ; The writ of the d niandmentihail abate, that

For fear of further harm, 1 ccunfel thee. They heard, and were abap'd. is, (hallbe difabled, fruftrated, or overthrown. The
Sfenfer'i Fairy Sunn, Milton's Paradife Loft, b, appeal ahateih by covin, that is, that the accuO-
b. ii. eant. ^. Jlanx. 39. !, /.
3 ji.
tion is defeated by deceit.
Te ABANDON OVER. [a fomi of wri- 11. fl. This heard, th' imperious queen fat mute with CoiueU

ting not ufual, perhaps not exacl.] To fear; 3. [In horfemanlhip.] A horfe is faid to
Nor further dur(l incenfc the gloomy thunderer. abate or take down his curvets ; when
give up to, to refign. Silence was in the court at this rebuke :
Look on me as a man abandon d o'er working upon curvets,' he puts his two
Nor could the g'^ds, abajb'd, fullain their fove-
To an eternal lethargy of love ; reign's look. Dryden's Fables.
hind legs to the ground both at once,
To puU, and pinch, and wound me, cannot cure, and obfervcs the fame exaftnefs in all
And but diAurb the quiet of my death. 2. The paflive admits the particle at, fomc-
times of, before the caufal noun.
the times. Dia,
Dryd. Sp. Friar.
Aba'nooned. farticip. adj. Corrupted 1 n no wile (peak againft the truth, but be abnjhed
Aba'tement. n.f. \abatemcnt,^'c.'\
of the error of thy ignorance. Ecclui. iv. 25. I. The aft of abating or leflening.
in the higheil degree ; as, an abandoned
I faid unto her, From whence is this kid ? Is Xenophon tells us, that the city contained about
%vretch. In this fenfe, it is a contradion it not ftolen ? But (be replied u^on nic, it was ten theuXond houfes, and ^wing one saaa to every
houfc, who could have any (hare in the jorern- I hive a filter, aibcfs in Terceraf, faults; who fooner (hews mercy thah anger; wh«
ment (the reft coniiliing of women, children, and Who loft her lover on her bridal-day. offers violence to his appetite, in ell things endea-

. lervants}, and making orher obvious abatements^ DiyJ. D. Sebajl. vouring to fubdue the fiefli to the fpirit. This is
thcfc tyrants, it" they had been careful to adhere Conftantia, as foon as the folemnities of her re- an excellent abbreviature of the whole duty of a
together, might have been a majority even of the ception were over, retired with the abbefs into h?i Chri!>ian. 7aylari Guiti< to Dtvoricn,
people colle^ive. own apartment. Adii'.jon. JBBREUFOI'R. [in French, a watering-
ofAthem and Romg'
Sviift on tbe Ctnteji A'bbey, or Abby. n.f. [Lat. abbatia; place. Ital. abbe-jerato, dal verbo beiiere.
2. The ftate of being abated.
from whence probably firft Abbacy; Lat. bibcre. Abbeverari i cavalli. This
ColTee has, in common with all nuts, an oil
combined and entangled with earthy par-
which fee.] A monaftery of religious word is derived by Menage, not much
ticles. The moft noxious part of oil exhales in perfons, whetlier men or women ; dif- acquainted with the Teutonic dialefts,
roafting, to the aiatemtnt of near one quarter of its tinguifhed from religious houfes of other from adbibare for adbibere ; but more
weight. Arhuthnct on Al'tmcrts. denominations by larger privileges. See probably it comes from the fame root
3 . The fum or quantity taken away by the Abbot. with bretxi. See Brew.] Among ma-
aft of abating. With eafy roads he came to Leicefler fons, the joint or junfture of two Hones,
The law of works that Ijw, which requires
is Lodg'd in the abbey, where the reverend abbot,
or the interftice between twoftonesto be
pcrfefl obedience, without rcmiflion or abatement^ Y^ithall his convent, honourably receivM him.
fo that, by thatlav,-, a man cannot be juft, or jufti- Shakejp.
filled up with mortar. Di&.
6ed, without an cxa3 performance of ever)' tittle. A'bbey- -Lubber, n.f. [See Lubber.] A'bby. See Abbey.
A flothful loiterer in a religious houfe, A, B, C.
4. The caufe of abating; extenuation.
under pretence of retirement and aufte-
1. The alphabet; as, he has not learned
As our advantages towards pradt^fing and pro- his a, b, c.
moting piety and virtue were greater than thofe ot
other men; fo will our eicufe be lefs, if weneglcil This is no Father Dominic, no huge overgrown 2. The little book by which the elements
to make ufe of them. We cannr't plead in abate- abbey-lubber
\ this is but a diminutive fucking of reading are taught.
ment of our guilt, that we were ignnrant of our f'iar. DryH. Sp. fr. Then comes queilion like an a, b, c, book.
duty, under the prepolfefiion of ill habits, and the A'BBOT. H.f. [in the lower Latin abbas, Skokefpeare*
bias of a wrong education. Atterbury^sSermcm, from i» father, which fenfe was Hill To A'BDICATE. -v. [Lat. abdicc] To
5. [Inlaw.] The ad of the abator ; as, the implied ; fo that the abbots were called give up right ; to refign ; to lay down
abatement of t\\e heir into the land before patres, and abbefles matres monajicrii. an office.
he hath agreed with the lord. The af- Thus Fortunatus to the abbot Paternus :
Old Saturn, here, with upcaft eyes.

feftion or paflion of the thing abated ; Beheld his abdicatcil Ikics. AJdifon,
, Namitiis cffieiumjure. Paterae, geris.'j The
Tis, abatement of ihe wnx.. Ctnve/. Abdica'tion. ?/._/". [abduatio, Lut.] The
chief of a convent, or fellowfliip of ca-
aft of abdicating refignation ; quitting
6. [With heralds.] An accidental mark,
nons. Of thefe, fome in England were
which being added to a coat of arms, an office by one's own proper aft before
mitred, fome not thofe that were mi-:

the dignity of it is abafed, by reafon of the ufual or dated expiration.

tred,were exempted from the jurildic-
Neither duth it appear how a princ«'s abdication
fome Ilain or dilhonourable quality of tion of the diocefan, having in them- can make any other fort of vacancy in the throne,
the bearer. />.<2. felves epifcopal authority within their than would be caufcd by his death ; fince hecan-
Aba'ter. n./. The agent or caufe by precinfts, and being alfo lords of parlia- not abdicate for his children, otherwife than by his
which an abatement is procured ; that ment. The oth/r fort were fubjcft to
own confcnt in form to a bill from the two houfes*
Sivift on the Sentiments of a Church of
by which any thing is leffened. the diocefan in all fpiritual government. England Man.
Abaters of acrimony or fliarpnefs, arc exprciled
dive/. A'bdicative. adj. That which caufes.or
of ripe vegetables, and all preparations of
fucb ; as of almonds, pillachocs, and ether nuts.
See Abbey. implies an abdication. Diil.
A'butbnot on Diet, A'bbotship. n.f. The ftate or privilege A'bdicative. adj. [from <? Wo, to hide.
Aba'tor. n./. [a law term.] One who of an abbot. Did. That which has the power or quality of
intrudes into houfes or land, void by the To ABBRE'VIATE. v. a. [Lat. abbre- hiding. Dia.
death of the former poffeflbr, and yet 1)1 are.^
To Ihorten by contraftion of parts with-
n. f
[Lat. from abdo, to
not entered upon or taken up by his 1.
hide.] A
cavity commonly called the
heir. Di^. out lofs of the main fubilance ; to abridge. lower venter or belly It contains the:

It is one thing to abbreviate by contradllng, an-

A'batude. n.y; [old records.] Anything Itomach, guts, liver, fpleen, bladder,
other by cutting off. Baccn, FJJay 26.
dtminifhed. Bailey. and is within lined with a membrane
The only invenfion of late years, which hath
A'bature. [from aiatre, French.]
It./, contributed towards polirenefs in difcnurfc, is that called the peritoneum. The lower part
Thofe fprigi of grafs which are thrown of abbreviating or reducing words of many fyllablei is called the hypogallriiim ; the forcmoll
down by a ttag irf his pafiing by. Dia. into one, by lopping ofF tl.c reft. Sieift. part is divided into the epigaftrium, the
Abb. «./. The yarn on a weaver's warp ; 2. To fliortcn, to cut fliort.
right and left hypochondria, and the
Set the rtrength of their days before the flood
a terra among clothiers. Chambers. j
navel ; 'tis boended above by the car-
which were aibreviatej after, and contracted into
ABB J. n.f. [Heb. ns] A Syriac word, hundreds and threefcores. tilago eufiformis and the diaphragm,
which f\^n\fic% father Bro^vn'i Vulvar Ernun, b. vi. e. 6. fideways by the flwrt or lower ribs, and
A'bqacv. \LzX. ahbatla.'\ The rights
/;./. .Abersvi a'tion. ~ behind by the vertebra; of the loins, the
or privileges of an abbot. See Abbey. 1. The aft of abbreviating. bones of the coxendix, that of the pubes,
According to Fctiuu>, an abbacy is tlie iiignity
2. The means ufed to abbreviate, as cha- and OS facrum. It is covered with feve
itfclf, fincc an abbot ia a term ( r word of dignity,
rafters fignifying whole words words ral mufcles, from whofe alternSle relaxa-
and not of ofSce ; and, therefore, even i fecular ;

perfon, who has the cue of fouls, is fometimes, contrafted. tions and contra(itions in refpiration,.
iR the canon law, alf ftiled an abbot.
> Such is the propriety and energy in them all, digeilion forwarded, and the due mo-
^>7'j?='j Parcrgitt 'jitrh Canonhi. that they never can be chang(:d, but to difadvan-
tion of all the parts therein contained
A'bbess.«./ [Lat.. aibali//b, from whence fage, except in the circumftance of ufing albrevia-
pfomoted, both for fecretion and expul-
the Saxon abubij-yi;, then probably ab-
t'ont. Swi/i.
Abbrevia'tor. n.f, [abbre-viateur,Fr.] fion. ^iiicy.'

hatefs, and by contrafticn abheffe in Fr. The abJonun confifts of parts containing and con-
and abbej'i, Eng.] The fuperiour or go-
One who abbreviates, or abridges.
tained. py)fem:in^s Surgery.
.A,-!Ek.e'vi ATURE. n. f [abbrevialura.
verncfs of a nunnery or monaflery of Abdo'minal. Xadj. Relating to the ab-
women. Abdo'm INDUS. 5 domen.
They 1. A mark ufed for the fake of (hortening.
To A.'JDU'CE. 'u. a. [Lat. abduco.'\ Tq
Into this bey, whither we purfued them
al 2. A compendium or abridgment.
JVnd here the abhejs Ihuts tbe gate on us.
Ht! is a good man, who grieves ra.her lor
draw to a diffcrcHt part ; to withdraw
And will not fuffer us to fetch him out. that injures him, tlun f^r hii own fuffering; who one part from another. word chiefly A
Shaltf. Con. ofErrtri. prays fgr bim that wrong!, him, forgiving all bis ufed in phylic or fcience.
B i If

If w« tUtict the eye unto either tomar, the cf abini, Lat.] Wandering, going a- The felf.fame thing they wilt abbn>
ohjcA will not duplicKe; (ur, in that porition,che
One way, and long another for.
axis of (he cones remain in the Tame plain, as is Hudibras, p, i. cant, f
demonftrated in the optics delivered by Galen.
Of the verb aberr I have found no A church of England abhors the humourman
Browit'i yulgar Ernun, b, iii. c. 20. example. of the age, in delighting to Aing fcandals upon the
Divers were out in their account, aterr'mg feve- clergy in general i which, befides the difgracsto
Abou'cent. Mufcles abducent are
ways from the true and jult compute, and call- the reformation, and to religion itfcif, cafts an ig-
thofe which ferve to open or pull back
ing that one year, which perhaps might be another. nominy upon the kingdom. Stvift, Ch, ofEng,
divers parts of the body ; their oppofites Bri/ivns Errourif b. iv. r. 12. AbHo'rRENCE. 1 r re II 1
Di8. To Aberu'nc ATE. > from aoMr.l•
being called adducent. «. [averunco, Lat.]
rrencv. i n.f,
A r
Abho -^

Abduc'tion. n.f. [aiduSHi, Lat.] To pull up by the roots ; to extirpate

1 The a£t of abhorring, deteflation.
1. The art of drawing apart, or withdraw- utterly. D'^- It draws upon him the hatred and abhorrence of
ing one part from another. To ABE'T. [from betan. Sax. Cg-
"v. a. allmen here and ; fubjedts him to the wrath of
2. A particular form of argument. nifyine to enkindle or animate.] To God hereafter. Soutb's Hcrmmst

JBDirCTOK. n.f. {^abduaor, Lat.] The pulh forward another, to fupport him in 2. Thedifpofition to abhor, hatred.
Even a juft arid neceflary defence does, by giv.
name given by anatomitts to the muf- his defigns by connivance, encourage-
ing men actguaintance with war, take oS' Ibine-
cles, which ferve to draw back the fe- ment, or help. It was once indifferent, what from the abhorrence of it, and infenfibly dif-
veral members. but is almoA always taken by modern pol'e them to hoftilities. Dec<iy of Piety,
He fuppofed ih conftriftors of the eye-lid» muft
writers in an ill fenfe as may be feen : The firft tendency to any injuftlce that appears,
he ftresgthened in the fupercilious j the aidulfsn muft be fupprerted with a (how of wonder and ai-
in Abetter.
in drunkards, and contemplarive men, who have borrency in the parents and governours.
To abd fignifieth, in our common law, as much
the fame fteady and grave motion of the eye. Co^vel.
Locke on Education, § 1 10.
as to encourage or fet on.
jirtuititot anil Pofi'i A''arlinus Scriilcrus.
Then fliall I foon, quoth he, return again, Abho'rrekt. adj. [from fl^ar.]
Abeceda'rian. »./ [from the names of Abet that virgin's caufe difconfolate. 1 Struck with abhorrence ; loathing.
a, b, c, the three firtt letters of the al- And ftiortly back return. Fairy Siueen, b. i. For if the worlds
phabet.] He that teaches or learns the A widow who by folemn vows, In worlds inclos'd could on his fenfes burft.
Contrafted to me, for my fpoufe, He would
alphabet, or firft rudiments of literature. abhorrent turn.
Combin'd with him to break her word. Thomjons Summer, 3io»
This word by ff^ood in his
is ufed
And has abetted all. Hudibras, p. iii. cant. 3.

Athena Oxoninfes, where mentioning Men lay fo great weight upon right opinions, 2. Contrary to, foreign, inconfiflent with.

Farnaby the critic, he relates, that, in and eagernefs of abetting them, tliat they account with the particles from or
It is ufed to,

fome part of his life, he was reduced to that the unum neceflarium. Decay of Piety. but more properly w\t.\ifrom.
They abetted both parties in the civil war, and This I conceive to be an hypothefis, well worthy
follow the trade of an abecedarian by his
always furnifiied fupplies to the weaker fide, left a rational belief; and yet it is fo abhorrent frr.m
misfortunes. there fliould be an end put to thcfe fatal divifions. the vulgar, that they would as foon believe Anaxa.
A'BECEDARY.fli^'. [See Ab ECED A R AN.] I Jlddifin. Freehulder, No 2S. goras, that fnow is black, as him that Ihould af-
1. Belonging to the alphabet. Abe'tment. n.f. The aft of abetting. firm it is not white.
Dia. GlantiiUe' s Sceffis Sciem. c. 12.
2. Infcribed with the alphabet.
This is pretended from the fympathy of two Abe'tter, or Abe'ttor. ».yi He that
Why then thefe foreign thoughts of ftate em-
needles touched with the loadllonc, and placed in
abets ; the fupport«r or encourager of Abhorrent to your funftjon and your breeding ?
the center of two ahtcedary circles, or rings of let-
a :v) titer. Poor droning truants of unpraftis'd cells,
ters, defcribed round about them, One friend keep-
Wliilft calumny has two fuch potent abetters, Bred in the fcUow(hip of bearded boys.
ing one, and another the other, and agreeing upon

i^Ki hour wherein they will communicate.

we are not to wonder at its growth as long as ; What wonder is it if you know not vntrs ?
Brovin^i Vuhar Errcurs^ b* n. r. 3. men are maliciousand defigning, they will be tra- Dryden,
Govertl. of tbe Tongue.
Abe'o. aJv. [from a, for at, and bed.] In
ducing. Abho'rrer. n.f. [from abhor.] The per-
You (hall be ftill plain Torrifmond with me,
bed. fon that abhors ; a hater, deteller.
Th' abfttir, partner (if you like the name),
It was a (hame for them to mar their com- The lower clergy were railed at, for difputing
The hulband of a tyrant, but no king ;
plexions, yea and conditions too, with long lying the power of the bilhops, by the known ahborrers
Till you dcferve that title by yourjullice.
tfW : when fiie was of their age, file would have of cpifcopacy, and abuli^d for doing nothing in
Dryden^s Spjnijh Friar.
in»ie a handkerchief by that time oMay. the convocations, by thefe very men who wanted
Thefe confiderations, though they may have no
Suliy, b» ii. to bind up their hands. Siuifl. Examiner, N° 2i.
influence on the multitude, ought to fink into the
She has not been ahed, but in her chapel minds of thofe who are their abettors, and who, Abho'rring. The objeft of abhorrence.
All night devoutly watch'd. Dryd. Span. Friar. if they cfcape puniihment here, muft know, that
This feems not be the proper uie of
-Abe'rrance. ?«./. [from a berro, La.t. thcfe fcvcral mifchiefs will be one day laid to their
No 50. the participial noun.
Abe'rrancy. 5 to wander from the charge. Addijor. Freeholder,
They (hall go forth, and look upon the carcafes
right way.] A
deviation from the right Abey'ance. n.f. [from the French abo-
of the men that have tranlgreflcd againft Me :
way ; an crrour ; a miftake ; a falfe opi- yer, allatrare, to bark at.] This word, for their worm (hall not die, neither (hall their

nion. in Littleton, cap. Difcontinuance, is thus fire be quenched, and they ihall be an abhorring
They do not only fwarm with errours, but vices ufed. The right of fee-fimple lieth in unto all fie(h. Ij'aiab, Ixvi. 44.
depending thereon. Thus they commonly aft'edl abeyance, when it is all only in the re- To ABI'DE. -K. n. I abode or abid. [from
no man any farther than he dcferts his reafon, or membrance, intendment, and confidera- bibian, or aubibian. Sax.]
complies with thrir ahcrrartc'm.
Brotim't y^ulgar Ernurs, h. i. f. 3.
tion of the law. The
frank tenement of 1 I'o dwell in a place ; not remove ; t»
Could a man be compofed to fuch an advantage the glebe of the parfonage, is in no man ilay.
of conftitution, that it ihould not at all adulterate during the time that the parfonage is Thy fervant became furety for the lad unto my
the images of his mind ; yet this fecond nature void, but is in abeyance. Co-ivel. father, faying. If 1 bring him not unto thee, then
would alter the cr.^iis of his underilanding, and
Aboreca'tion. I (hallbear the blame to my father for ever. Now
render it as obnoxious to aherraricetf as now.
n.f. [abgregatio, LtA.] therefore I pray thee, let thy fervant abide inftead
CfoBvilU^i Supjit Scientijicat c. 16. A
reparation from the flock. Diil. rf the lad, a bondman to my
lord j and let the
Abe'rrant. [from aberraris, Lat.]
adj. To ABHO'R. T/. a. [abborrea, Lat.] To lad go up with his brethren. Gen. xliv. 31, 33-.

Deviating, wandering from the right or hate with acrimony ; to detell to extre- 2. To dwell.
known way. DiJl, mity
; to loath ; to abominate. The Marquis Dorfet, as I hear, is fled

Aberra'tio.n. n.f. [from «i«rra//o, Lat.] Whilll I was b g in claraout, came a man. To Kichmond, in the parts where he abides.

The act of deviating from the common Who having freii ;iie in my worferftate, Shakejp. Richard III.
Shunn'd my abhorrd fociety. Thofe who apply themfclves to learning, are
or from the right track. Sl'akefpcaie's K. Lear, forced to acknowledge one God, incoriuptible and
If it be a miilake, there is no hercfy in fuch an Juftly thou abb:^rryi unbegotten ; who is the only true being, anu aliJei
barmlefs aherratkn ; the probability of it will ren- That fon, who on the qaict ftate of men for ever ibove th- higheft heavens, from whence
der it a lapfe of eafy pardon. Such trouble brought, aflfefting Co fubdue He beholds all the things thac are done in heaven
CUn-vilU'i Sceffit Seienllfica, c. 11. Rational liberty. Md earth.
ABE'jLRiKC./«r/. [from the \<iih aberr. Mill. ParaJ, Loji, 6. xii. /. 79. StilHngfi. Defence of Di/c. on Rom. Ido/ai,

3. To
3. To remain ; not ceafe or fail} to be Girl witk circumfluous tides, Servility and aljeBncJs of humour is implicitlir
immoveable. He ftiU calamitous conllraint abides. involved in the charge of lying.
They chat truft in the Lord (hall be as mount Pope'i Odyf b. iv. /. 750 Government of the Tongue, § 8.
ZioPi whxh cannot be removed, but ahUdtb for Abi'der. n.f. \^{iom abide.] The perfon By humility I mean not the abjtlincjs of a bafa
ever. PJa/m cxxv. 1. that abides or dwells in a place mind but a prudent care not
: to over-value our-
felves upon any account.
4. To continae in the fame ftate. haps that lives or endures. A word Gn^u^s Cofmclogia Sacra, b. ii. e. 7.
The tejr of the Lord toiJcth to life ; and hs little in ufe.
Abi'lity. n.f. [Babihte, Fr.]
that hath it (hall ao:Je fatistied. Pr',v. xix. 23 Abi'ding. ti.f. [from abide."] Continu-
There can be no ftuJy without time; and the I. The power to do any thing, whether
ance ; (lay ; fixed ftate.
mind mull j&iJi and dwell upon things, or be al-
We depending upon (kill, or riches, or
arc (Irangers before Thee and fojourners, as
ways a ftranger to the infijc of them. South.
were ftrength, or any other quality.
all our fathers : our days on the earth ate as
5". To endure without offence, anger, or a fliadow, and there is none abidirg. Of finging thou hall got
tiie reputation.

contradiftion. 1 Ciyran. xxix, 15.

Good Thyrfis, mine 1 yield to thy ability
canaiiVr, that, againli their own doilors, The air in that region is fo violently removed, My heart doth feek another eftimation.

fixwhole books ^ould by their fatherhoods be im- and carried about with fuch fwiftnefs, as nothing Sidney, b, u
in tlut place can confifl or have abidirg. If aught in my ability may ferve
periuuOy obtruded upon God and his church ?
Ha!!. Raiv'eigl.'i Hift:iry ^ihe ffcrld. To lighten what thou iulier'll, and appeafe
A'BJECT. adj.
Thy mind with what amends is in my pow'r.
6. It is ufed with the particle ivit/f be- \^abjeifus, Lat. thrown
Milton s Sumfjon Agoniftei, I. 74^
fore a perfon, and at or
in before a place. away as of no value.] They gave after their ab'dity unto the treafure.
It is tetter that I give her to thee, than that 1 1. Mean; worthlefs ; bafe ; groveling: Exra, ii. 69.
Jhould give her to another man : ylMde ivith me. fpoken of perfons, or their qualities. If any man minifter, let him do it as of the-
G-.r, xx'ix, 19.
Rebellion ability v^•hich God givcth ! that God in all things
For thy fervant vowed a vow, while I atoJt at Came like itfelf in bafe and ahjcS routs. may be glorified through JefusChrift. iPa. iv. 11.
Ge/hur in Syria, faying, if the Lord {ball bring me Led on by bloody yourh grjaJed with rage. Wherever we find our abilities too weak for the
again indeed to Jerufalem, then 1 will ferve th:: And counceoanc'd by boys and beggary. performance, he affures us of the afliftance of his
Lord. 2 Sam. xv. S. Sbahfprare't Henry IV. Holy Spirit, Rogeis's Sermons.
I wa? at fird, as other bealls thkr graze
7. It is ufed with hy before a thing; as, to z. Capacity of mind; force of underftand-
The trodJcn herb, of abjed thoughts and low.
abide by his teftimony ; to abide by his ing ; mental power.
Milt. Para-.aje Left, b. ix. /. 571,
own (kill ; that is, to rely upon them ; to Children in whom tjiere was no blemilh, but"
Honed men, who tell ;heir fovereigns what they
well-favoured, and (kilful in all wifdom, and cun-
abide by an opinion ; to maintain it ; to expeft from them, and what obedience they fliall
be always ready to pay them, are not upon an ning in knowledge, and underllanding fcience, .

abide by a man, is alfo, to defend or /up and fuch as had ability in them to ftand in the
equal foot with bafe and abjrfl flatterers.
fort him. But thefe forms are fome- king's palace. Can. i. 4.
Aldifin'a fnig Examiner.
thing low. 2. Being of no hope or regard ; ufed of
2. When has the plural number, abi/i^
Of the participle aiid, I have found condition. ties, it frequently fignifies the faculties
only the example in Woodward, and The rarer th^ example (lands, or powers of the mind, and fometimes
(hould rather determine thztabidein the Ey how much trom the top of wond'rous gbry, the force of underftanding given by na-
aftive fenfe has no paflive participle, or Strongeft nf mortal men.
ture, asdiftinguifhedfrom acquired qua-
compounded preterite. To loweft pitch of aijeS fortune thou art fall'n.
Milton's Sampfin ^gcmftcs.
To Abi'de. t/. a. We fee man and woman in the higheft inno-
Whether it may be thought nccefTary, that in
1. To wait for, e.-cpeft, attend, wait upon, cence and perfeflion, and in the moft abjc^ ftate
certain trails of country, like what we call pa-
of guilt and infir.nity. rities, there (hould be one man, at lead, of abili-
await ufed of things prepared for per-
ties to read and write ? Stuift.
fons, as well as of perfons expecting yfddijon. SftHator, N" 279.
3. Mean and defpicable ufed of aflions.
Abinte'state. from, and
adj. [of etb,
things. ;

Home is be brought, and laid in fumptuous bed,

'1 he rapine is f) abjcfl and profane. intejiatiis, Lat.] A term of law, im-
Where many Ikilful leeches him aliuie.
They not from trifles, nor from gods refrain. plying him that inherits from a man„
To f:.Iwe his hurts. Fairy S^ueen, b. i. c, ^.
fi. 17.
Dryden'i Juvenal, Sat. 8. who, though he had the power to mate
Whil': lions war, and battle for their dens, To what bafe ends, and by what abjea ways.
a will, yet did not make it.
Poor harmief; iambs thidt their enmity. Are mortals urg'd through facred lull of praif •
To A'bjugate. 1/. a. [abjugc, Lat.] To
Sbah^f. Hen. VI. f. 3. ^
P'.l>e's Ejjjy an Criticifm.
Bonds and affliOinns aiije mc. y^ffs, xx. 23. Abject, n.f. A man without hope; a unyoke, to uncouple. Bin
2. To bear or fupport the confequences of manwhofe miferies are irretrievable; To ABJU'RE. v. a. [abjuro, Lat.]
a thing. one of the loweft -condition. 1 To caft off upon oath, to fwear not to
Ah me ! they little know Yea, the akjeHi gathered themfclvcs together do or not to have fomething.
How dearly I tt'ule that bead fo vain. againft m^c. pfalm xixv. 15. Either to die the death, or to abjure
Milloit'i Par. Left. To Abje'ct. v. a. [abjicio, Lat.] To For ever the fociety •» man.
3. To bear or fupport, without being con- throw away. A word rarely ufed. Sbakcjpeare's Midfum. Night's Dreaiir^
No man, therefore, that hath not abjured hi»
quered or deftroyed. Abje'ctedness. n.f. Ifrom abjed.] The reafon, and Ivvorn allegiance to a preconceived
But the Lord lie is the true God, he is the ftate of an abjedt. fantadical hypothefis, can undertake the defence
living Cod, and an everlafling Icing At his :
Our Saviour would love at no !efs rate than of fuch a fuppofjtion.
wrath the earth (hall tremble, and the nations Hale,
death; and, from the fupereml:icr,t height of
Aallntbe .ible tOd^;i/r his indignation. Jtr. x. 10. glory, ftooped and abafed himfejf to tire fuft^^rancc
2. To retraci, recant„ on abnegate a po,
It muft le allowed a fair prefumption in favour
of the extremcft of indignities, and lunk himfelf (ition upon oath.
of the truth of my doilrines, that they hav3 abid Abjiira'tion. »./ [horn
a very rigorous teft now for above thirty years,
to the bottom of abjifiidntfs , to exalt our condi- abjure.} The
tion to the contrary extreme.
and the mote ftiirtly they are looked into, the
B(,yle's fVorks. aft of abjuring^ The oath takea for ,

Abje'ction. w./. [homabjea.'] Mean- that end.

moie they are confirmed. IVxdviard, Litter i.
hefsofraind; want of fpirit ; fervility; Until Henry VIIL his time, if a man, havina
4. To bear without averfion ; in which bafenefs. committed felony, could go. inio a church, o»
fenfe it is commonly ufed with a nega- That this (hould be termed bafenefs, abjeaitin church-yard, before he were apprehended, he might
tive. of mind, or fervility,
not be takeji from thence to the ufual trial of law,
is it crcJijle ?

Thou canit not abide Tiridates; thia but confcfling his fault to the juftices, or to thr
is but H'yoier,,b. v.
^ 47. coroner, gave his oath to forfakc tlie realm for
iove of th)fcl(. Sidney, b. ii. The juft medium lies betwixt pride and the
Thy vile race, abjcBian, the two extremes. ever, which wascalled abjuration.
Though thou didA learn, had that which There are fome abjurations dill in force among
io't, A'bjectly. [from abje^.] In an
ad'u. U5 here in England
g!>)i natures ; a.», by the (latute of the 2jth.
Gould not abide tube with; therefore wall thou
abjcft manner, meanly, balcly, fer- of king Charles II. all persons that are aitmittcd
Oefervcdly confin d unto this rock. vilely, contemptibly. into any odice, civil or military, mud take the
teft 5 which is an ahjuratim'oS iomcdoclrines
Sbahff. Ttmfrft. A'BJECT^•Ess, n./. [from abjea."] Ab- ot
To bear or uffcr, the church of Rome.
J. jeftiony fervility, meannefs.
There is likewile another oath of clJuraiiM,
-which laymsn and clergymen are bath obllgeil to To A'BLEGATE. v. a. [ablep. Lat.] He loudly eall'd to fuch as were abnari.
take; and thai is to at jure tlic Pretender.
To fend abroad upon fome employment The little bark unto the Hiore to draw,
Ail^e's Panrgrtn "Jurii Cutionici* And him to ferry over that deep ford.
to fend out of the way. Di£l.
To ABLA'CTATE. v. a. [ablaao, Lat.] Fairy Sueeti, b. ii. cant. 6.

To wean from the breaft. Ablega'tion. tt./. [from abUgate.'\ The He might land them, if it plcafcd him, or
adl of fetiding abroad. Di£i. otlierwife keep them aboard.
Ablacta't ION. n.j. One of the me- Sir W. Ratvleigb's EJ/ayt,
thods of grafting ; and, according to
A'bleness. n.f. [from able.'] Ability of
body or mind, vigour, 2. Into a Ihip.
the fignification of the word, as it were When morning rofe, I fent my
matea to bring
That nation 4oth fo excel, both for comelinefs
X weaning ol a cyon by degrees from its and abtenejs, that from neighbour countries they
Supplies of water from a ncighb'rlng fpring,
mother ituck ; not cutting it off wholly Whilft I the motions of the wind expio: 'd ;
ordinarily come, fome to ftrive, fome to learn,
Then fummon'd in ray crew, and went abcarJ,
from the Itock, till it is firmly united fome to behold. SiJniy, b. ii.
jiddifin'i Ovid's Mr:ami>rfht^es, i. iiK
to that on which it is grafted. A'blepsy. a. / [aSxt-i'M, Gr.] Want Abo'de. tt./. [from abide.]
Ab I A qjj E a't ion. tt./. [^ahlaqueatie, Lat.

of fight, blindnefs; unadvifednefs. D/V7. 1. Habitation, dwelling, place of refi-

The art or praftice of opening the Abliguri'tion. n./. [abliguritio, hzt.] dence.
ground about the roots of trees, to let Prodigal expence on meat and drink. But I know thy abode and thy going out, and
the air and water operate upon them. D.'3. thy coming in, 2 ^'"gh »i»- -t?"
Trench the 'ground, and make it ready Jor the TV A'bligatb. v. a, [abligo. Lit,"] To Others may ufe the ocean as their road.
fpting : Prepare alio foil, and ufe it where you Only the Englilh make it their abode;
tic up from. - Di<S.
have occafion : Dig borders. Uncover as yet roots Whofe ready fa'ijs with every wind can fly.
oftieet, where ablajucmion is requifite.
To A'BLOCATE. v. a. [abloco, Lat.] To And make a cov'nant with th' inconftant flcy.
jLvtilyii's Kahndar, let out to hire. fP'ailer.
The tenure in chief is the very root that doth Perhaps properly by him who has hired 2. Stay, continuance in a place.
«iaint:iin this fihxr ^tm, that by many rich and Sweet friends, your patience for my long abode;
it from another.
fruitful branches fpreadcth itfelf : fo if it be luf- Not I, but my affairs, have made you wait,
fered to ftarve, by want of ablatjueal'ion, and
Calvin^ s Lexicon Juridicum.
Sbakefpeare's Merchant o/V^mce,
other good liulbandry, this yearly fruit will much Abloca'tion. ti. j. [from ablocate.] A Making a Ihort abode in Sicily the fecond time,
decrcafe. Bacm's Office af AlUnaiions. letting out to hire. landing in Italy, and making the war, may be rea*
ABLA'TION. »./ [ablatio, Lat.] The To Ablu'de. -v. n. [abludo, Lat.] To be fonably judged the bufinefs but often months.
aft of taking away. unlike. Dia. Dryden's Dedicat. to jSneiJ.
A'hlative. n. a. [eblati'vus, Lat.] The woodcocks early vifit, and abode
A'b l u e n t. adj. [abluens, Lat. from abluo,
Of long continuance in our temp'rate dime,
1 That which takes away. towa(h away.] Foretcl a liberal harveft. PhilUpt.
2. Thefixth cafe of the Latin nouns; the 1. That which wafhes clean. 3. To make abode. To dwell, torefide, to
cafe which, among other fignifications, 2. That which has the power of cleanfmg. inhabit. .

includes the perfon from whom fome- Dia. Deep in a cave the Sibyl makes abode ;
thing is taken away. term of gram- A Ablu'tion. tt./. [ablttfio, Lat.] Thence full of fate retum? , and of the God.
mar. Dryd. jEn. 6.
1 The aft of cleanfmg, or walhing
. clean.
A'BLE. aJj. [habile, Fr. habilis, Lat. There is analogy between the ablution
a natural
7e Abo'de. i». a. [See Bode.] To fore-
Ikilful, of the body and the purification of the foul ; be- token or fbrefhow ; to be a prognoflic,
Having ftrong faculties, or great ftrength
tween eating the holy bread and drinking the facred to be ominous. It is taken, with its de-
chalice, and a participation of the body and blood
or knowledge, riches, or any otiier rivatives, in the fenfe either of good or
of Chrift. Baylor t Worthy Covtmunicant.
power of mind, body, or fortune. z. The water ufed in wafhing. Every man,
Henry VU. was not afraid of an able man, as
Wafh'd by the briny wave, the pious train After the hideous ftorm that follow'd, was
LcwTs the Eleventh was. But, contrariwife, iic
was ferved by the abUfi men that were to be found ;
Are deans'd, and call th* ablutions in the main. A thing infpir'd ; and, not confulcing, broke
Pope's Iliad. Into a general prophecy, that this tempcft,
without which his aifairs could not have profpercd
a? they did. Baccn's Henry VII. 3. The rinfing of chemical preparations in Da/hing the garment of this peace, abodcd
The fudden breach of it. Sbakrff. Henry VIII.
Such gambol faculties he hath, that (hew a water, to diffolve and walh away any
weak mind and an abU body, for the which the acrimonious particles.
Abo'dement. n.f. [frova To abode.] A
prince admits him. Shakejf, Henry IV. f. ii. of fomething future ;
fecret anticipation
4. The cup given, without confecration,
2. Having power fnfficient ; enabled. an impreflion upon the mind of fome
to the laity in the popifli churches.
All mankind acknowledge tiiemfelves able and 'event to come; prognoftication ; omen.
fulHcient to do many things, which aftually they To A'BNEGATE. i>. a. [from abnego, I like not this.
never do. South", Serm. Lat.] To deny. For many men that ftumbic at the thre/hold,
Every man (hall give as he is able, according to
Abnega'tion. n.f. [abnegatia, Lat. de- Are well furttoid that danger lurJcs within.—
the bleliing of the Lord ».y God, which he hath
given thee. Deut. xvi. 17.
nial, from abtiego, to deny.] Denial, — Tuih man, abodimcnti muft not now affright us.

Shakcjfcarc's Henry VI.

renunciation. f, ili.
3. Before a verb, with the particle to, My lord bilhop alked him, Whether he had never
The abnegation or renouncing of all his own any lecret abodcincnt iir his mind ? No, replied the
it fignifies generally having the power.
holds and intciefts, and trufts of all that man is
Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous j but duke; but I think fome adventure may kill me as
who is able to ftand before envy ? Prw, xxvii. 4.
mod apt to defend upon, that he may the more well as another man, ff^ot/on*
expeditely follow Chrift. Hammond.
4. With /or it is not often nor very pro- To AB'OLISH. -j. a. [aboleo, Latin.]
perly ufed. Abnoda'tion. n.f. [abnodatio, Lat.] 1. To annul ; to make void. Applied to
There have been fome inventions alfo, which The aft of cutting away knots from laws or inllitutions.
have been able for the utterance of articclate trees a term of gardening.
: DiS. For us to aboltjh what he hath cftablilhed, were
founds, as the fpeaking of ccrt.iin word*. Abno'rmous. adj. [abnormis, Lat. out prcfumption molt intolerable. Hcoktr, b. iii. ^ 10.
Wi/imi'j Mathematlal Magic.
of rule.] Irregular, milhapen. DiSi.
On the paiilamcnt's part it was propoled, that
To A'ble. v. a. To make able; to en- all the biihops, deans, and chapters, might be im-
able, which
Abo'ard. adv. [a fea-term, but adopted mediately taken away, and abolijhcd.
is the word commonly ufed.
See Enable.
into common language;derived im- Clarendon, b, viii.

Plate fin with gold.

mediately from the French a bord, as, 2, To put an end to, to deftroy.
And the ftrong lance of jufticc hurtiefs breaks aller a lord, eifvoyer a bord. Bord is
The long continued wars between the Engli/h
Arm and the Scots, had then raifed invincible jea-
it with rags, a pigmy's ftraw doth pierce it. itfelf a word of very doubtful original,
loufies and hate, which long continued peace hath
None does offend, none, I fay none, I'll able 'em
; and perhaps, in its different accepta- fince abitijhfd. Sir Jchn Hayward.
Take that of me, my friend.
tions, deducible from different roots. Tiiat Jhall Perocles well requite, I wot,
Shakefpcare* s Kir.g hear.
Bopb, in the ancient Saxon, fignified a And, with thy blood, aboltfi fo reproachful blot.
Able-bodied. o<^'. Strong of body. Fairy S^uecn,
hatife ; in which fenfe, to go aboard, is
It lies in the power of every fine woman, to fe- More deftroy'd than they.
«urc at leaft half a doaen able-h'Jicd men to his to take up refidence in a Ihip. We ihould be quite abolyb'd, and expire,
tn^eAj'l fervice. Add'ijai. FncbslJcr, N" 4. I. In a ihip. Milton.
« Or
Or wilt thou tJijfsIf Pride goes, bated, curfcd, and ahmtnated t>y Nor will his fruit expeft

thy CT«3tion, and unrrake

Abtl'i/h all, Hammond* Th' autumnal fjafon, but, in fummer's pride
For him, what for thy glory thou haft made ? We arc not guilty of your injuries, When other orchards fmile, abortive fail.

Miltin, t- iii. A 163. No way confent to them ; but do ai>Iior> Phillifs.

Vuicjnian flame
cotild Abominatef and loath thJs cruelty. 2. Figuratively, that which fails for want
The ftench abuhjh, or the favour tame. Southern*! Oroonok^* of time.
Dryd. yirg, Geo, iii. He profened both to ahommate and defpife all How often haft thou waited at my cup.
Fermented Tpirits contraft, harden, and con- myftery, refinement, and intrigue, either in a Remember it, and let it make thee creft-fall'n y
folidate many 6bres together, abolUhing many ca- prince or minifter. S^vift.
Ay, and allay this thy abortive pride.
nals ; efpecinlly where the fibres are the tendereft, A BO MI N a'tION. «.y*. Sbakefp. Henry VI. f. iu
as in the brain. Arhutb, en Altttunti.
Hatred, detertation.
1. 3. That which brings forth nothing.
Abo'i. !SH ABLE. a;^'. \^xova abolijh .'\ That To king Charles by Engllfli or Dutch
affift The void profound
which may be abolifhed. forces, would rendi^r him odious to his new fub- Of nneffential night receives him next.
Abo'lisher. «,/. [from ahelijh.l He that jefls, who have nothing in fo great abomination, Wide-gaping ; and with utter lofs of being
as theft: whom they hold for heretic?. Sivift^ Threatens him, plurgM in that abcrtive gulfl
The 2. The objed of hatred. Milton's Pnradifc Loji, b. ii. /. 4jr»
Abo'lishment. n./. [from aiolijh.']
Every ilicphcrd an abomination to the Egyp- That which fails or mifcarries, from
is 4.
aft of aboliftiing. tians. Gentjis, xlvi. 34. This is lefs proper.
whatever caufe.
The plain and dircfl way
had been to prove,
3. Pollution, defilement. Many politic conceptions, fo elaborately formed
that fuch ceremonies, as they require to be
And there fhall in no wife enter Into it any and wrought, and grown at length ripe for delivery,
aboli/hcd, are retained by us with the hurt of the
thing that defileth, neither whatfocver worketh do yet, in the iffue, mifcarry and prove abortive.
church, or with lefs benefit than the abalipmcr.!
ahminaticny or maketh a lie. Rt'v, xxi. 27. South^s Sermins*
of them would bring. Jiccirr, b. iv.
4. Wickednefs hatefol or fhameful vice. Abo'ktively. ach). [from aborti-T.'e.'] Born
He Ihould think the thchjhmert of cpifcopacy ;

among us, would prove a mighty Icandat and cor- Th' adulterous Antony, n»eft large without the due time; immaturely, un-
In his abcminationtf turns you oft.
ruption to our faith, and manifeftly dangerous to timely.
our monarchy. SiL'ifri Cburcb of Enfrland Man.
And gives his potent regiment Co a trull.
That nofcs it agaioil: us.
Abo'rtiveness. ft. y. [from abortive.^
Aboli'tion. n.f. [from a^c/r/A.] The aft Sbakefp, Antan^ and Cleopatra, The ftate of abortion.
of aboliftiing. '1 his is now more fre-
5. The caufe of pollution. Abo'r.tment. «. /. [from abort.] The
quently ufed than aboUjhment. And the high places ihat were before Jerufa- thing brought forth out of time ; an un-
From the total abdiihn of the popular power, Icm, which, wcce on the right hand of the mount
timely birth.
may be dated the ruin of Rome for hi;u : the re- of corruption, which Solomon the king of Ifrael
Concealed treafures, now loft to mankind, (hall
ducing hereof to its ancient condition, propofeil had builded for Aihtorcth the abominatkn of the
be brought into ufe by the induftry of converted
by Agrippa, been accepted inllead of Matcenas's Zldonians, and for Chemo/h the ab'.minaticn of
penitents, whole wretched carcafes the impartial
model, that ftate might have continued unto this the Moabites, and iot Milcom the abomination ot
Crt%o*i Cofmclogia Sacra, b, iii. r. 4.
laws dedicate, as untimely tcafts, to the worms
day. the children cf Ammon, did the king defile.
of the earth, in whofe womb thofe dcfcrted mi-
An apoplexy is a fudden abelitUn of all tht- 2 fCirgSj xxiii, 13.
neral riches muft ever lie buried as loft aborttnen's^
fenfes, and of all voluntary motion, by the ftop- JBORIGINES. n.f. [Lat.] The earlieft unlefs thofe be made the adlive midwives to de-
page of the flux and reflux ot the animal fpirits
inhabitants of a country ; thofe of whom liver them. Bacon^s Pbyjical Remains*,
through the nerves dellined for thofe motions.
Arbuttnu on Our. no original is to be traced; as, the Welfli ABO'VE. [from a, and bupan,
Abo'minable. aJj. [alominabilij, Lac] in Britain. Saxon ; Dutch.]
1. Hateful, deteilable ; to be loathed. To ABO'RT. -v. n. [abcrto, Lat.] To bring 1. To a higher place; in a higher place.
This infernal pit fxth before the time to mi(carry. /)/<?. ; So when with crackling flames a cauUlron fries^
yiiom'waile, accurs'd, the haufe of woe. Abo'rtion. [uborlio, Lat.] The bubbling waters from the bottom rife
Aiilun . Above the brims they force their fiery way
Thequeen and miniftry might eafily redref
1. The aft of bringing forth untimely.
Black vapours climb aloft,and cloud the day,

Thefe then need caufe na aborticn. Sandyi. Dryden, ^mid vii. /. 643*
this abominab/e grievance, by endeavouring t»
choofc men of virtuous principles. 2. The produce of an untimely birth. 2. More in quantity or number.
Advancement of Relighn. His wife mifcarricd ; but, as the abortion proved
Sivifi^s Przjffifor the E\cry one that palTeth among then), that are-
Unclean. only a female foetus, he comforted himlclf. numbered from twenty years old and above, IhaU
Arbutknot and't Martinus Scribkrui.
The foul that Ihall touch any unclean beaft, or give an ofF.ring unto the J^ord;
Behold my arm thus blaftcd, dry and withcr'd, Exodus, XXX. 14.
any abominable unclean thing, even that foul Ihall be
Shnjnlc like a foul alortif^n, and decay'd,
cut off from his people. Leviticus, vii. 21. 3. In a fuperiour degree, or to a liiperiour
Lilce fome untimely produ£l of the feafons.
3. In low and ludicrous language, it is R(nve. degree of rank, power, or ex'Ccllence.
a word of loofe and indeterminate cen- The Lord is high above all nations, and hi»
Abo'rtive. n.f. That which is born be-
fure. glory above the heavens. PJalm. cxiii. 4.
fore the due time. Perhaps anciently
They fay yon Me a melancholy fcllow.^I am The public power of all focicties is above every
any thing irregularly produced.
fo ; I do love it better than laughing. Thofe — No common wind, no cultomcd event.
foul contained in the fame focicties.
Hooker, b. i.
th-t are in extremity of cither, arc abominab/e
fellr'jvs, and betray themfelves to every modern
But they wi lipluck away its nat'ral caufes. There is no riches above a found body, and no
cenfurr, worfe than drunkards.
And call them meteors, prodigies, and figns, joy above the joy of the heart.
Abortives, and prcfages, tongues ot heav'n. EccleJ:aJ!icus,xxx,-^(i.
As you fUeir. Stakeffeare'i
Plainly denouncing vengeance upon John. To her
Abo'minableness. n. / [from abomin- King yobn.
Shakejp. Thn^ didft refign thy manhood, and the place
able.] The quality of being abomin- Take the fine (kin of an abortive, and, with Wherein God fet thee above her, made of thee.
able hatefulncfs, odioufnefs.
; Aarch thin laid on, prepare your ground or tablet. And for thee whofe perfc^ion far exceU'd

Till we have proved, in its proper place, the Peacbam on Dratvirtg. Hers, In all real dignity. '

eternal and cffcnlial difference between virtue And Many are preferved, and do lignal fervicc to Milton's Paraiiife Loji. b. X. /. 147^
»i<e, we muft forbear to urge athcifts with the their cnintry, who, without a provifion, might Latona fees her ihiae above the reft.
corruption and abominablinefs of their principles. have perilled as abcrtit-es, or have come to an And feeds with fecret joy her filent breaft.
Bentley's Sermors. untimely end, and perhaps have brought upon Drydeirs j-EntiJ,
A B o'm A B Y adv. [from abominable.]
I !« I, .
their guilty parents the like dcftruftion.
4. In a (late of being faperior to ; unai-
A word of low or familiar language, AJdifon. Guardian, N" 106.
• tainable by.
fignifying exccflively, extremely, ex- Abo'rtiyI!. ac/J, [abortiviis, Lat.] an old and true dift'nfiion, that things
It is

ceedingly ; in an ill fcnfe. It is not I .That which u brought forth before the may be above our reifon, without being contrary
due time of birth. to it. Of this kind are the power, the nature,
often fenoufly ufed.
If ever he have child, abtrtive be it.
and the univerfal prefence of God, with innu-
have obicrved great abufea and diforders in
Prodigious, and untimely brought to light. merable other points. Swift*
your family ;
your ferv.int3 are mutinrru* and
i]uarielfome, and cheat you mod abonisahly. Sbakefp. Richard n\. 5. Beyond; morfe than.
All th' unaccomplifli'd works of nature's hand. We were prcfl'ed out of meafure, above ftrength }
Abortive, monftrous, or unkindly mix'd, iofomuch that we defpaired even of life.
To ABO'MINATE. -v. a. [alminor, Lat.] Diflo.v'd on earth, fleet liithcr. 2 Cor. \. 8.
To abhor, decdt, hate utterl/ Mi Umi '
> Paradif; LcJI, bXa, 56. Jo baling thoughts voconfufed, and bciiig ab'^
elTufion of wine ; to fignify to ui the nature anl
to JiftmEulfti one thing from another, where there To ABO'UND. Vi n. [abundo, Ltt. abonJer,
exaflnefs of facrednefs of the liturgy we an about. Taykr.
is bat the le»ft diflcrencc, confifts the French.] Labour, for labour's fake,
is againll nature.
judgment »nd cleirnefs of reafon, which is in one To have in great plenty; to be co-
1. The underftanding, as well as all the other fa-
man ebtn'C another. pioufly ftored. It is ufed fometimes culties, choofcs always the /horted way to iu
The inhabitants of Tirol liave miny privileges end, would prefently obtain the knowledge ir is
eh(n/e tliol'e of the other hereditary countries of with the particle in, and fometimes the
about, and then fet upon fome new enquiry. But
thf emperor. MJifir. particle luiih.
this, whether laainefs or hafte, often mKleada
6. Too proud too high for.
for ; phrafe A The king-becoming graces,
«• Locie.
chiefly ufed in familiar expreffion. I have no relilb of them, but abound
Ourarmies ought to be provided with fecre-
In the divifion of each fevetal crime,
Kings and princes, in the earlier ages of the Urics, to tell their ftory in plain tngliih, and to
Afting it many ways. Shakejpeare's Macbeth,
world, laboured in arts and occupations,, and were let us know, in our mother tongue, what it
thvc notliing that tended to promote the con- Com, wine, and oil, are wanting to this ground. our brave countrymen are about.
I'tft'i Oiiyjly; r.Ms.
In which our countiies fruitfully abound.
\enienccs of life. Mdifin. Spelt. N"
Drydcn's Indian Emperor. 309.
Abo've. adv. A
faithful man fliall abound tvilb bleffings : 5. Appendant to the perfon ; as deaths.
I. Over-head ; in a higher place. but he that maketh hafte tu be rich, fliall not be If you have this about jou.
To men (landing below, men Handing aloft
innocent. Prov. xxviii. 20. As I will give you when we go, you may
feem much lelTcned ; to thofc ahcvc, men Handing Now that languages are made, and abound with Boldly affault the necromancer's hall.
below, feem not fo much k-fl'encd. Bacon, words (landing for combinations, an ulual way of Milton's Comus,
When he cftabllflied the clouds above; when getting complex ideas, is by the explication of It is not ftrange to me, that perfons of the
he Ihcngtlitncd the fountains of the deep ; when thofe terms that (land for them. Locke. fairer fex (hould like, in all things about them,
he gave to the fca bis decree, that the waters fliould that handfomenefs for
not pafs his ccmmandment; when he appointed
2. To
be in great plenty.
moft liked.
which they find themfelves

And becaule iniquity (hall abound, the love of Boyle on Colours.

tlie foundations of the earth ; then 1 was by him, 6. Relating to the perfon, as a fervant,
many (hall wax cold. Matthew, xxiv. 12. or
us, one brought up with him ; and I was daily his
Words are like* leaves, and where they moft dependant.
delight, rejoicing always befire him.
Pnyterbs, viii, 48. abound. Liking very well the young gentleman, fuch I
Every good gift, and every fti(a& ^ift, is from
Much fruit of fenfe beneath is rarely found. took him to be, admitted this Deiphantus about
Pope's EJJay on Criticiftn. roe, who well (hewed, there no
atovty and comcth down from the Father of is fervice like hi*

lights, witli whom is no variablencfs, neither ABO'UT. frep. [abutan, or aburon. Sax. that ferves becaufe he loves. Sidney, b. ii.

fliadow of turning., i. ij. which feems to fignify encircling on the 7. Relating to perfon, as an aft or office.
The TrojansyVoBi ai^t their foes beheld ; outfide.] Good coiporal, for my old dame's fake, ftand
And with arm'd legions all the rampircs fiil'd. my friend : (he hath no body to do any thing
I. Round, furrounding, encircling.
about her when I
Dryden, yEmid. am gone, and die is old and can-
Let not mercy and truth forlake thee. Bind not^ help herl'clf.
a. In the regions of heaven. Sbakcjpeare's Henry IV.
them about thy neckj write them upon the table
Your prailc the birds (hall chant in every grove,
of thy heart. Proverbs, iii. 3.
Abo'ut. ati'v.

And winds /hall waft it to the pow'rs above.

She cries, and tears her cheeks, I. Circularly, in a round ; eircum.
Pope's Pajiorah. The weyward fiders, hand in hand,
Her hair, her veft j and, (looping to the fands,
3, Before. [See Above-cited.] Mout his neck (he cad her trembling hands. Pofters of the fea and land.
I faidahove, that thefe two machines of the ba- Dry den's Fables. Thus do go about, about.
lance, and the dira, were only ornamental, and Near to. Thrice to thine, and thrice to mine.
that the -fuccefs of the duel had been the fame Speak unto the congregation, faying, get you
And thrice again to make up nine.
without them. Diyd. Vedicat. ^ne'id. Sbakefp, Macleti.
up from about the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan,
Above all. In the firft place
chiefly. ; and Abiram. Exodus. :. In circuit, in compafs.
I ftudied Virgil's defign, his difpofition of it, Thou doft nothing, Sergius, I'll tell you what I am about. Two yards and —
his manners, his judicious management of the Thou cand endeavour nothing, nay, not thin?:, j
more.— No quips now, Piftol : indeed I am in
ii jures, the fober retrenchments of his fenfe, which But I both fee and hear it; and am with thee. the waid two yards about} but I am about no
always leaves fomethlng to gratify our imagina- By and before, about and in thee too. wade, I am about thrift. Shake/pearl.
tion, it may enlarge at pleafure ; but
on which Ben yonf. Cataline. Atun about was ev'ry pillar there,
above the elegSnce of bis expreffion, and th?
ati, . Concerning, with regard to, relat- A polifh'd mirrour (hone not half fo clear.
harmony of his numbers. Diyd. Fables.
ing to.
Dryden' s Dedieat'ion to the JEmid. Nearly; circiler.
When Conrtantine had (inifhed an houfe for j.
Above-board. the fervice of God at Jcrufalem, the dedication When the boats were comewithin about fixty
I. In open fight ; without artifice or trick, he judged a matter not unworthy, about the fo- yards of the pillar, they found themfelves all
bound, and could go no farther; yet fo as they
A figurative expreffion, borrowed from Icmn performance whereof, the greatcft part ol
might move to go about, but might not approach
gamefters, who, when they put their the bifliopsin Chriftendom (hould meet together.
Hooker. nearer. Bacon's New yitalantis.
hands under the table, are changing The not to take fo much pains about
painter is Here and there ; every way ; circa.
their cards. It is ufed only in familiar the drapery as about the face where the principal
Up role the gentle virgin from her place,
language. refemblance lies. Drydrn. And looked all about, if (he might fpy
It is the part alfo of an honed man to deal They arc moft frequently ufed as words equi- Her lovely knight.
above-board, and without tricks. L'EJIratige. valent, and do both of tliem indifferently fignify Fairy Sluecn, b. i. cant. 'u. Jlanx, 33.
either a fpeculative knowledge of things, or a Awolf that was pad labour, in his old age,
a. Without difguife or concealment.
praftlcal (kill about them, according to the exi- borrows a habit, and (b about he goes, begging
Though there have not been wanting fuch
gency of the matter or thing fpoken of. charity from door to door, under the difguife of a
heretofore, as have praftifed thefe unworthy arts,
^ill.t. Sermon i. pi'gfim.
for as much as there have been villains in all L'E/lrange,
Theft is always a fin, although the particular
placet and all ages, yet now-a-days they are
fpecies of it, and the denomination of particular 5. With before a verb ; as, about to
owned above-board. Soutb's Sermons. upon the point, within a fmall dirtance
a^s, doth fuppofe pofitivelawstf^cur dominion and
Above-cited. Cited before. A figu- property. SiilUn^Jlcct. of.
rative expreffion, tak?n from the ancient Children (hould always be heard, and fairlj and Thefe dying lovers, and their floating fons,
manner of writing books on fcrolls ; kindly anfwcred, when they afk after any thing they Sufpend the fight, and filence all our guns
where whatever is' cited or mentioned would know, and defire to be informed abcut. Beauty and youth, abjut to pcrilh, finds
Curiofity (hould be as carefully cheridied in chil- Such ncble pity in brave Englilh minds. Waller,
before in the fame page, mull be abeme.
dren, as other appetites fupprefled* Locke. 6. Round the longeft way, in oppofition
It appears from the authority abcve-cited, that ;
It hath been pra^ifed as a method of making
this is afaQ confcfled by heathens thomfclves. to the Ihort llraight way.
men's court, when they are a(ked abiut the ratr
yiddifon on the Cbtijiian Religion, Gold had thefe natures; gieatnefs of weight;
of lands, the abilities of tenants, the (late of
dofenefs of parts ; fixation; pliantncfs, or I'oft-
Above-crovnd. An expreffion ufed to trade, to anfwer that all things are in a flourifh-
ncfs ; immunity from raft ; colour, or tindlure
fignify alive ; not in the grave. ing condition. Sivift's Short yie^u of Inland.
of yellow: Therefore the fure way (though mod
ABOVE-MENTiONED.See Above-cited. ^. In a ftate of being engaged in, or em- about) to make golcl,>s to know the caulcs of the
1 do not remember, that Homer
any whi-re falls ployed upon. fevcral natures before rehearftd.
into the faults above-meniioned, which were indeed Our blelfed Lord was pleafed to command the Baccn'i Natural Hift. N" yii.
tbe falTc refincmcats of latter ages. rcprefentation of his death and facrilice on the Spies ot the Volfcians
.^ddijon, Sfel}aiir,'ti<' z-jij. crofi (hould be made by bieaking of bread and Held me ia chacc, that i was forced to wheel
Three or faar miles aiout elk h«J I, Sir,


Hall an hour fince brought

which fenfe it is followed by the particle And fubjefts t\one abroad. Shaicfpeare'iTcmpeJl,
my report.
Sbakrfp, Corklanu$,
from, or of, preceding the thing uken walked a whole hour abroad, with-
away. out dying after it, Pope's Letters.
7. To bring about ; to bring to the point
have difaWed mine eftate. 3. In another country.
or ftate defired ; as, he has brought about I
By (hewing fomcthing a more fwelling poit. They thought it better to be fomewhat hardly
his furpofes, yoked
Than my faint means would grant continuance at home, than for ever abroad, and difcre-
Wiiether this will be brought aioof, by breaking ;
Nor do I now make moan to be abridgd dited. Hooker, Prrf.
his Iiead, I very much queition.
Spfdanr. From fuch a noble rate. Whofoever olTers at verbal tranflatioii, (hall
8. To come about ; to ccjie to fbme certain Shaktjpcare'i Merchant of Venice.
have the misfortune nf that young traveller, who
iiate or point. It has commonly the They were formerly, by the common law, dif- loft his own language abroad, md brought home

idea of revolution, or gyration. charged from pontage and murage no other inftead of it. Sir J. Denham-
j but this pri-
Wherefore it cime to pals, when the time was vilege has been abridrid them fince
by fe>eral
What learn our youth abroad, but to refine
come ahcu!, alter Hannah had conceived, that (he ftatutes. Ayhfe~! PaiergcK Jurn CwrMci
The homely vices of tlieir native land ?
*>"« ' fo"- I Snm. 20.
AhKi DGED OF. fa-t. Deprived of, de- Dryd. Span. Friar,
One evening
He who fojoums in a foreign country, relera
that looking out,
it befel, barred from, cut fliort,
what he krs and hears abroad, to tlie ftate of
The wind they long had wirtid was come aio/,/ Abri'dger.
Well pleas'd they went to reft ; and if the gale n.f. things at home. _ Atfrrb. Serm.
Till morn continu'd, both refolv'd to fall.
1. He that abridges ; a Ihortener. 4. In all dire<5lio!is, this way and that
2. A writer of compendiums or abridg- with wide expanfion.
9. To go about ; to prepare to do it.
ments, Full in the midft of this infernal road.
Did not Mofes give you the law, and yet none A B R i'd G M E N T. »./. [abregcfnent, French.] An elm difplays her dulky arms abroad,
o( you keepeth the law ? Why go ye about to kill 1. The epitome of Dryd, Virg, Mh, Tl.
a larger work con-
^^ •

y^b"t vii. 19, 5. Without, not within.

tradled into a fmall compafs a com-
In common language, they fay, to ; Bodies politic, being fubjcdl, as much as na-
pend ; a fummary. tural,
to dili'olurion, by divers means, there are
come about a man, to circum-vent him.
Surely this commandment containeth the law undoubtedly more ftatcs overthrown through dif-
Some of thefe phrafes feem to derive and the prophets; and, in thi; one word, is the oaiei bred within themlelves, than through vio-
their original from the French a bout ; abridgment of alt volumes of Icripture. lence from abroad. Hooker, Dedication.
'veitir a bout d'une cho/e ; njcnir a bout de Hookcry b. ii.
^ 5. To A'BROGATE.i-.a. [abrogo, La.t.] Ta
certainly the firft-born of folly, the
quelqu'un. take away from a law its force ; to re-
great and leading paradox ; nay, the very abridg-
A. Bp. for Archbifhop ; which fee. ment and fum total of all abfu.ditics. peaL; to annul.
^BRACADA'BRJ. A fuperftitious charm .
Soutb*s Sermon:, Laws have been made upon fpecial occafions,
againft agues. 2. A diminution in general. which occailons cealing, laws of that kind do ab~
To ABRA'DE. v. a. [abrado, Lat.] To All trying, by a love of littlcncfs, rotate themlelves. Hooker, b. iv. (j 14.
rub off ; to wear away from the other To make abrid^menti, and to draw to lefs.
The negative precepts of men may ccafe by
Even that nothing, which rnany inftrumcnts, by contrary cuftoms, by pub-
parts to wafte by degrees.
at firft wc were.
lic difrelilh, by long omiflion but the negative
By thi« itieanj there may be a continued fap- _^ .
Dcnne. :

Contraction precepts of CoJ never can ceafe, but when they

ply of what IS lucccflively ahradid
3. ; redudion.
from them by The conftant delire of happincfs, and the con- are exprefsly abrogated by the fame authority.
dccurfinn of wale t. Hale. ftraint it puts upon Us, no body, Taylor's Rule of living holy,
Abraham's Balm. The name of an
I think, ac-
counts an abridgment of liberty, or at lead an Abro'gation. n.f. [abrogatio, Lat.]
herb. abridgment of liberty to be complained of. The ad of abrogating ; the repeal of S
Abra'siom. (I./ [See Abrade.] 4. Rertraint from any thing pleafing law.
1. The
of abrading, or rubbiog off.
adl contraftion of any thing enjoyed. The commi/Tionen from the confederate Ro.
2. [In medicine.] The wearing away of It is not barely a man's abridgment
in his ex-
man catholics, demanded the ahregatioinnA repeal
ternal accommodations which makes him or all thofe laws, which were in force againft the
the natural mucus, which covers the mife-
rable, but when
his confcieoce (hall tell him that exercife of the Roman religion. Clarendon, b. viii.
membranes, particularly thofe of the It was his fin and his
ftomach and guts, by corrofive or Iharp folly which brought him Ta Abro'ok. <v. a. [from To brook, with
under that abridgment.
medicines, or humours. ^'>uincy. Abro'ach. ad'i/. [See 7"o
Broach.] ^Tofuperabundant,
brook, bear,
a word not
in ufe.]
3. The matter worn off by the attrition of 1. In a pofture to run out, or yieltl the
Sweet Nell, ill can thy noble minJ abrott
bodies. liquor contained; properly fpoken of The abjcd people gazing on thy face
ABRE'AST.a^/t;. [See Breast.] Side by vefibls. With envious looks, ftill laughing at thy (hnme.
fide ; in fuch a pofition that the The jars of genVous wine Shake/peare's Henry VI.
breads p. ii.

may bear againft the fame line. He fet abroach, and for the fcaft prepar'd. ABRU'PT. adj. [abruftus, Lat. broke*
My coufin Suffolk, Dryd. Virgil. off.]
My foul (hall thine
keep company to hcav'n TheTempler fpnice, while ev'ry (foui'tabroach.
Tarry, fweet foul, for mine, then fly
Stays till 'tis fair, jet feems to call a coach.
1. Broken, craggy.
S-wifi't Mifcel.
Refiftlcls, roaring, dreadful, down it come*
_ . Xhakrff. H,nry V. From the rude mountain, and the mo4ry wild.
For hon.iur travels in a Sreight fo narrow. 2. In a figurative fenfe ; in a ftate to be
Where one but goes abicajl, Tumbling through rocks abrupt. ThomJ. fVintfr,
diffufed or extended, in a ftate of
fuch 2. Divided, without any thing intervening.
_, .
Stakcff.TnUuiandCreJpJa. beginning as promifes a progrefs.
The riders rode abrtaft, and
one his (hielH, Or fprcad his airy flight.
That man, that fits within a monarch's heart.
His lance of cornel wood another held. Upborn wi^h indefatigable wings.
And ripens in the funlhinc of his favour. Over the vaft abrupt, ere he arrive
4. _ Drydtn't Fttla. Would he abufr the count'nance of the king.
ABRicoT. See Apricot. Alack what mifchiefs might be
Tlic happy ide.
let abroach.
To nRI'DGE. In (hadow of fuch greatncfs
Milton's Paradife Loft, A ii. /. 409s
-v. a. [abreger, Fr. abbre- 3. Sudden, without the cuftomary or pro-
•vio, Lat.] ,
Shakefprari't Henry IV.p.W.
Abroad, adv. [compounded of a and per preparatives.
I. To make Ihorter in words, keepine My
lady craves
broad. See Broad.]
ftill the fame fubftance. To know the caufe of your aira^r departure.
All thefe fayings, being declared 1. Without confinement; widely; at large.
by Jafm of Shakefpeart.
Cyrene in 6ye books, we will effay to abridit in Intermit no watch The abrupt and unkind breaking off the two
one volume. Againft a wakeful foe, while I abroad. (irft parliaments, was wholly imputed to the duke
i Af^rr.ii. 23.
To Thro' all the coafts of dark dcrtruclion feek of Buckingham.
3. contraa, to diminifti, to cut (hort. Clarendon,
Ucliverancp. Mihon'i Paradife Loft, b. ii. /. 463. Abrupt, with eagle-fpeed (he cut th« flcy
. 7,^' determination of the will, upon enouiry, Again, the lonely fox roams (it abroad. j
ISfollowing the direftion of that Inftant invifible to mortal eye.
guide : and he, On Itcret rapine bent, and midnight fraud;
that ha. a power to aO or not to Then (irft he recognii'd th' ethereal gueft.
as fuch determination direfls, i.
aft, according Now haunts the cli(r, now traver(es the lawn. Pope's Odyff. b,
Such de- !,
free. And flies the hated neighbourhood of man. Prior.
termination abridga not that power
wherein li- 4. Unconnefted.
berty confifts. 2. Out of the houfe. The abrupt ftile, which hath many breache%
To deprive of ; to
W off from.
In" This cfU'« my coyrt
; here h»v«
I few attendants.
and doth not fccm to end but fall.
Btn Jonjon't Difcoverj.
C AfiRv'pTeU.
Then w»l the firft ftatute made agaioft ahfmttei,
Abhu'pteo. aJj. [ahruptui, Lat. a word 1. The Rate of being abfettt, oppofed to
fuch as had land in Ireland, to
commanding all
little in ufe.] Broken off fuddenly. prefence.
return and refide tlie«upon.
Sir, 'tis fit
The tffcCti of their afl. . ity »r« not prccipi- S:r yobn Davies en Irelard*
toudy atmftal, but grjdunlly proceed to their You hxve ftrong party to detend yourfelf
A are ownei by
f real part of ellaDes io Ireland
ccfTitions. Bntvii'i Vulgar F.rnurt, h. vi. lo. By calmuefs, or by abfence: all's in danger. abfeniat, and fuch as draw over the profits raifed
Sbakcjpeare^ i Coriolanut*
Abru'ption. »./[a^-«,v/(>,Lat.] Break- His friends beheld, and pity'd him in vain.
out of Irrland, refunding notlung.
Child's Di/coarfe en Trade,
ing ofF, violent and fudden reparation.

For what advice can eafe a lover's pain ?

are inclofcd in rtone, marble, or
Thofe which Ahjtnte, the belt enpedient they c^iuld find.
Absi'nthi ATED. fart, [(rova ai/iiilhitim,
fuch other fdid matter, being difficultly feparable Might bve the fortune, if not cure the mind. Lat. wormwood.] Imbittercd, impreg-
from it, becaufe of its adhefion to all fides of Dryd.Fab. nated with wormwood. DUi,
them, ba»e commonly fome of that matter ftill
adhering to them, or at leaft marks of its «i-
You have given no dilTertation upon the ab- To Absi'st. nj. It. [aifi/o, L^t.] To Hand
feme of lovers, nor laid down any methods how
npiiiti from them, in all their fides.
off, to leave off. />'<*•
they diould fupport theinfelves under thofe fcpa-
H'rtil'aHird'i Nal. Uift. p. 4- rations. j-lMiifon, Spe^atcr, t^° ztyi. To ABSCLVE. i). a. [ab/olvo, Lat.]
ABRu'pTLY.a/f. [See Abrupt.] Haf- 2. Want of appearance, in the legal fenfe. 1. To clear, to acquit of a crime in a ju-
tily, without the due forms of prepara- MJence is of a fourfold kinji or fpccies. The dicial fenfe.
tion. firft is a neccflTary abfence, as in baniihed pcifons Your great goodnefs, out of holy pity,
The fvreetnefs of virtue's difpofition, jealous this is entirely neceffary. A
fccond, neceflary Abjulv'd him with an axe. Shakrjp, Henry VIII.
nen over itfclf, fuffered her not to enter ahrufily and voluntary ; as, upon the account of the com- Our vidlort, bleftin peace, forget their wars.
into queftions of Mufidorus. Sidney, h.W. monwealth, or in the fervice of the church. Enjoy pad dangers, and abfilve the ftars. Tickell.
Novn miffing from their joy fo lately found, The third kind the civilians call a probable ab- As he hopes, and gives out, by the influence of
So lately found, and fo abruptly gone. fence; as, that of Undents on the fcore of ftudy. his wealth, to be here abfil-ved ; in condemning
Par. Regained, h, il. And the fourth, an ai/<rnf« entirely voluntary ; as, tliis man, you have an opportunity of
They both of them punftually obfervcd the on the account of trade, merchandife, and the that general fcandal, of rediiiir.lng the cr-dit loli
time thus agreed upon, and that in whatever com- like. Some add a fifth kind of abfence, which is by former judgments. Stvift's Mifelltmej.
committed cum dolo fif culpa, by a man's non- from an engagement or
pany or bufinefs they were engaged, they left it
appearance on a citation ; as, in a contumacious
2. To fet free
atruplh, as foon as the clock warned them to promife.
retire. yiddijoit, Sfeflalor, tt" z^i. perfon, who, in hatred to his contumacy, is, by
Compell'd by thrratJ to take that bloody oath.
the law, in fome refpe^s, reputed as a perfon pre-
Abru'ptness. »./ [from airuft.]
fcnt. Ayl'tffc's Parergon Juris Canonici. And the aft ill, I am abfoh'd by both.
abrupt manner, halle, fuddennefs, IVatlers Maid's Tragedy,
I. An 3. Inattention, heedleffnefs, negleft of the
This command, which muft neceffarily com-
ujitimely vehemence. prefent objeft. prehend the perfons of our natural fathers, muft
3. The ftate of an abrupt or broken thing I continued my walk, rcfleSing on the I'ttle mean a duty we owe them, diHinft from our obe-
roughncfs, cragginefs ; as of a fragment abfences and diftradlions of mankind. '
dience to the magiflrate, and from which the
violently disjoined. Addifon, SpeSiator, N° 77. mjft abfolute power of princes cannot ahfolvt
ufed with the particle/rom. Laete.
The cryftalliied bodies found in the perpendi- 4. It is us. . .

cular intervals, have always their root, as the jew- His abjence from his mjther oft he'll mourn. 3. To pronounce fin remitted, in the ec-
ellers call it, whicl\ is only tlie airufrne/s, at ihc And, with his eyes, look wifhes to return. clefiaftical fenfe.
end of the body whereby it adhered to the ftonc, Dryd. Juv. Sat. ii.
But all is calm in this eternal fleep ;
or fides of the intervals; which ahruftne/i is A'BSENT. fl^-. [a/5>/, Lat.] Here grief forgets to groan, and love to weep ;
cauled by its being broke off from the faid ftone. 1. Not prefent: ufed with the particle Ev'n fupcrftition lofes ev'ry fear ;
lymdiv. Nat, Hiji.f. 4. For God, not man, abfohes our frailties here.
A'bscess. »./. Lat.] mor-
[ahfceffui, A In fpring the fields, in autumn hills I love
Pope's Eloifa to Aitlari,

bid cavity in the body ; a tumour filled At morn the plains, at noon the fhady grove 4. To finilh, to complete. This ufe is

with matter ; a term of chirurgery. But Delia always : abfentfrom her fight. not common.
If the patient is not relieved, nor dies in eight Nor plains at morn, nor groves at noon delight. What caiife

days, the inflammation ends in a fimpuration and Popc'tPafl. MoT'd the Creator, in his holy reft
an abjeeft in the lungs, and fometimes in fome Where there is advantage to be given. Through all eternity, fo late to build
other part of the body. Arbuth. of Diet. Both more and lefs have given him the revolt In chaos and the work begun, how foon

Lindanus conjcfturcd it might He fome hidden And none fervc with him but conftraincJ things, Ahjolv'd, Milton's Paradije LoH, b. vii. /. 94.
ebftefi in the mefenlery, which, breaking fome
Whofe Stake/p. Macbeth.
hearts are abjent too. If that which is fo fuppoled infinitely dillant
few days after, was difcovered to be an apoftem of Whether they were abfcnt or prefent, they were from what is now current, is d'ftant from us by
the mcfentery. Harvey Confumptiom. w vexed alike. If^fJ. xi. 11. a finite interval, and not infinitely, then that on*

To Absci'nd. oi. a. To cut off, either 2. Abfent in mind, inattentive ; regard- circulation wiiich preceded it, muft necelTarily be
lefs of the prefent objeft. like ours, and confcquently abjolved in the fpace
in a natural or figurative fenfe.
of twenty-four hours. Hale's Origin of Mankind,
I diftinguifh a min that is abfcnt, becaufe he
ABSCrSSA. [Lat.] Part of the diame- thinks of fomething clfe, from him that is aijeni, A'bsolute. ezif/, [ahfolutus, Lat.]
ter of a conic fedion, intercepted be- becaufe he thinks of nothing. Complete; applied as well to perfons
tween the vertex and a femi -ordinate. Mdifon, SpeHator, N° 77.
as things.
Absci'ssion. n.f. \_abfc}JJio, Lat.] To Abse'nt. v. a. To withdraw, to for- Beciule the things that proceed from him art
I The aft of cutting off.
bear to come into prefence. perfedl, without any manner of defeft or maim ;
Fabricius ab Aquipendente renders the abfcif- If thoa didft ever hold me in thy heart, it cannot be but that the words oi his mouth ate

Jim of them difficult enough, and not without Mjtnt thee from felicity a while. alfolute, and lack nothing which they fliouid have,
danger. Hfifeman's Surgery. And in this harfli worlddraw thy breath in pain. for performance of that thing whrreunto they

X. The (late of being cut off. To tell my tale. Shakejpenre i Hamlet, tend. Hcokcr, i. ii. ^ 6.

By cefTation of oracle;, with Montacutius, wc Co.— for thy ftay, not free, abfenis thee more. What is his ftrength by land ?
may u.idcrfland this inteicilian, not ahfcij^m, or
Ml/ton I Paradife Loft, b.\x. I. 372. —Great and increafing : but by fea
confummate defolaiion.
Tho' I am forc'd thus to a!>frnt myfelf He is an aiflule miftcr.
Brown's y^Igar Errours, h. vi. e. it.
From all I love, I Qiall contrive fome means. Shakefpeare's Antony and Cleopatra,
Some friendly intervals, to vifit thee. 2. Unconditional as, an abfolute promife:
To ABSCCyND. -v.n. [ah/condo, Lat.] To Southern's Spartan Dame, Although it forms alf'uie, yet it ij
runs in
hide one's felf ; to retire from the pub- The ^engo it ftlll called together in cafes of
indeed conditional, as depending upon the qualifi-
lic view important; and after due fummons, any
generally nfed of perfons in cation of the perfon to whom it is pronounced.

member ahfenis himfelf, he is to be fined to the S'Mth'i Sermmi,

debt, or criminals iluding the law.
value of about a penny Engtith.
The macrootte or mas alpinut, w'.iich ahfcindt all
Addifon's Remarks on Italy,
3. Not relative as, abfolute fpace.

winter, liv-:" on its own Ut for ia autumn, when

; I fee ftill the diftinQions of fovert'ign and in-
it fhbU itfelf up in iu hole, it is very fa:; hit Absent a'neous. aJj, Relating to ab- ferior, of abhlute and relative worlhip, will bear
in the fprlog-time, when it cumes forth again, very fence ; abfent. Did. any man out in the worrtiip of any creature with
lean. Ray on the Creation. Ausente'e. It./. He
abfent from that is rcfpcfl to Cod, as well at leaft as ic doth in the

Absco'nder. n./. [£.-osa at/conJ.] The his llation or employment, or country. worlhip of images.

perfon that abfconds. A word ufed commonly with regard to HiiHingf. Def, of Dife. Rom, Idol, m
An abfolute mode is that which belongs to ic«
A'ssENCk. «./ [Sec Absent.] IriQimen living out of their country. fubjeil, without rcfpeft to any other biings what'.
I locvet J
A B S A B S A B 9
ftntr; but > relative mode is derived from the 1. Acquittal. thoughts, as far as he can, from all thi preftnt
regird that one being has to othert. jibjohithn, in the civil law, imports a full ac- wjild, its cuftoms and its manners, to be fully
fKitts's Lsgici, quittal of a perfon by fome final fenience of law poffiilVed and abforft in the part. Pope's Letters,

In this fenfe we fpeak of the ablative alfo, a temporary difchargc of his farther atten Abso'rption. )',yi [from fl^''"'^-] "^^^
cafe ahfoiute in grammar. dance upon a mefne procefs, though a failure or &&. of fwallowing up.
defeft in pleading j as it does likewifc in the canon It. was belowtlie dignity of thofe facred penmen,
4. Not limited ; as, ahfohite power.
law, where, and among divines, it likcwife figni-
My crown is ahj(^viey a^ holds of none; or the Spirit of God that direQed them, to fliew
fies a relaxation of him from the obligation of
I cannot in a bale fubjeftion live. us the caufes of this difruption, or of this abfrp-
fome fentence pronounced either in a court of l.iw, tion J this is left to the enquiries of men.
Nor fuffcr you to take, tho' would give.
or eife \nforo paemteniiol'i. Thus there is, in this Burnet's Theory of the Earth.
Dryd, Ud. Emp.
kind of law, one kind of ahjohuton, termed ju-
5. Pofitive ; certain ; without any hefita- dicial, and another, ftyled a declaratory or extra-
To ABSTA'IN. t;. r. [abjiineo, Lat.] To
tion. In this fenfe it rarely occurs. judicial abjotution^ forbear, to deny one's felf any gratifi-
Long is it fince I faw him, Ayliffe'i Parergon Jur'n Canor.ici. cation ; with the particle_/ro/».
But time hath nothing blurr'd thofc lines of favour, 2. The remiflion of fins, or penance, de- If thou judgeit hard and difficult,

Which then he w.:re; the fnatches in his voice.

clared by ecclefiaftical authority. Converfing, looking, loving, to abflain
And burtl of fpcaking, were as his I'm ahfoiute, :
The abjalutkji pronounced by a prieit, whether
Friminvc's due rites, nuptial embraces fweet;
'Twas very Cl<iten, Shakeflieare^i Cymbefwe. And, with defires, to languiih without hope.
papiftor proicftant, is nota certain infallible ground
A'bsolutei.y. [from abfoluteJ]
aJ'v. to give the perfnn, fo abfolved, confidence towards
Miilon's Paradife Loft, b. I. /. 993.

1. Completely, without reftriftion. God. Soutb't Sermons.

To be perpetually lonjing, and impatiently dc-
firous of any thing, fo that a man cannot abftam
All conirad^^ions which grow in thofe
A'bsolutory. eie/J. [ab/olutorius , Lat.], from it, is to lofe a man's liberty, and to become
mind-:, that neither cbfoiutely climb the roclc oi
Ttrtue, nor freely Gnlc into the fea of vanity.
That which abfolves. a fervant of meat and drink, or fmoke.
Though an abfoiiit'.ry fentence (hould be pro- 'Taylor s Rule of Iwing bolyt
What merit they can build upon having joined nounced in favour of the perlons, upon the ac- Even then the doubtful b;ilows fcarce abfiain
count of nearnefs of blood ; yet, if adultery fliall From the tofs'd vcflel on the troubled main.
with a proteliant army, under a king they ac-
afterwards be truly proved, he may be ajain pro- Drydens Vtrgil.
knowledge, to defend their own liberties and pro-

perties, !», to me, ahJrJvtety inconceivable ; and,

ceeded againll as an adulterer. A\!\^e'i Ptrergon. ABSTE'MIOUS. adj. {abjiemius, Lat.]
1 believe, will equally be fo i^r ever. ^ nQfi f,i>T . adj . [SeeAssoNOus.] Con- Temperate, fober, abftinent, refrain-
Sic'iji's Vrijh. Plea. trary to reafon, wide from the purpofe. ing from excels or pleafur^s. It is ufed
z. Without relation ; in a ftate uncon- A'bsbnous. adj. [ai/oims, Lzt. ill-found- of perfons as, an abjitmious hermit:
neded. ing.] Abfurd, contrary to reaibn. It and of thiivgs as, an abjiemhus diet.
Alj'Auuly we cannot difcommend, we cannot much
abjr)iutely approve either willingnefs to live, or for-
is not in ufe, and it may be It is fpoken likewife of things that caufc
wardncfs to die,
doubted whether it fhould be followed temperance.
hooker, b, v.
Thefe then being the perpetual caufes of leal ; by to or_/rj«. The inllances of longevity are chiefly amongft
the grejtcft good, or th-: grcateft evil; cither o^- To fuppofe an uniter of a middle conltitution, the abfiemious. Abftinencc in extremity will prove
fblu'ely fo in th^mtelvc, or relatively fo to usj it that Ihculd partake of fome of the qualities ot a mortal dileafe; but the experiments of it ate
is theieforeg'vd to bezealoully aSe^ed for the one both, is unwarranted by any of our faculties yea, very rare. Arbuthnot on Aliments.

agiinft the titlicr. Sfrofs Sermoai. moft abjorous to our reafon. Clytorean ftreams the love of wine expel,
No fenfible quality, as light, and colour, and Clanx'iile't Scepjis Siientijtea, c- 4. (Such is the virtue of th'^ wk-W)
heat, and found, can be lublilrent in the bodies To Abso'rb. f a. \ahforbeo, Lat. preter.
Whether the colder nymph that rules the flood,
themfelves, uhjolutely coadticred, wirhouta relation Extinguiflies, and balks the drunken god :
abjorbed; part. pret. abjorbed, or ab-
to our eyes and ears, and other orgini of fenle. Or that Mclampus (fo have fome alfur'd)
Thefe qualities are only the efiedls of our fenfa- forpt.] When the maJ Pi.-etides with charms he cur'd,
tlor, which ariic from the different motions, upon I . To fwallow up. And pow'rful lierba, both charms and fimples call
our nervcv from ol.jefts without, according to Mofes imputed the deluge to the difiuption of Into the fober fpring, where itill their virtues laft.
•heir various modiiicationa and pofitions. the abyfs ; and St. Peter to the particular conltitu- Drydens Fables.
Ecntley^i Sermonu tion of that earth, which made it obnoxious to be Abste'miously. adv. [from abjlemious.^
3. Without limits or dependance. abftrpt in water. Burn. Tbeory.
Some tokens fliew Temperately, foberly, without indul-
The prnvc long time bad courted fortune's love,
But, once puli(!.i'd, did jbfclurely reign : Of fearlefs friendftirp, and their finking mates gence.
Thus, with their Arnazons, the heroes drove. Sullain ; vain love, tho" laudable, al.j'.rft Abste'miousness. n. f. [See Abste-
And coiT^uer'd fiill thofe beauties they would gain. By a fierce eddy, they together found mious.] The quality of being ablle-
Drydm'i jliiTtut M:rabilii.
The vaft profundity. Pbillift.
4. Without condition. z. To fuck up. See Absorbfnt. Abste'ntion. n.f. [fromab/fitteo, Lat.]
And of that nature, for the mnft part, are The evils that come of rxercife are that it doth
things abfilutely anto all men's filvation neccffary, abforb and attenuate the moillurc of the body.
The ad of holding off, or reftraining ;
either to be held or denied, either to be done 01 Bacon. rellraint. Z>;V?,
avoided. Jlccier'i Preface.
Suppofing theforementinnedconfumption fliould To ABSTE'RGE. 'V. a. [abjlergo, Lat.]
prove fo durable, as to abforb and extenuate the
5. Peremptorily; pofitively.
faid fanguine parts to an extreme degree, it ii
To cleanfe by wiping ; to wipe.
Being as I am, why didll not thoa Abste'rcient. adj. Cleanfing; having
evident, that the fundamental parts mu^ necclfa-
Command me abj^lutrly not to go,
riiy come into danger. Hanvey on Confum/nhni. a cleanfing quality.
Going into fuch danger, as thou fiidft }
While we perfpire, we abforb the outward air. To Abste'rse. [See Absterg-e.] To
Farad. X-c^, h. Ix.
Arbuthnot. cleanfe, to purify a word very
A'bsoluteness. n.f.\^\om.abfjMt.'\ ; little
Abso'rbent. »./. \abforbem, Lat.] in ufe, and lefs analogical than abjierge.
1. Completenefs.
2. Freedom from dep£ndance, or limits.
medicine that, by the foftnefs or Nor will \vc affirm, that iron receivcth, in ths
porofity of its parts, either cafes the ftomach of the no alteration j but we fuf-
The abjotuttneji and illimitednefs of his com-
afperities of pungent humours, or dries peit tills from corrofion than digeA
effeil rather
irJlTiun was generally much fpoken of.
tion J not any tendence to chilification by the na-
Clarendon, b. viii. away fupcrfluous moillure in the body.
tural heat, but rather fome attrition from an acid
There nothing that can raife a man to that
and" vitriolous humidity in the ftomach, which
generous abfo'utinejt of condition, as neither to There is a third dafs of fubftances, commonly
ctingc, to fawn, or to depend meinly ; but that
may abflerfe and ihavc the fcorious parts thereof.
called abforbentt ; as, the various kinds ai (hell-,
Br'jtvns Vulgar Errours, b. iii.
wbich gives hiin that happinefs within himfelf, for coral, chalk, crabi eyes, feft. which likewife laUc
which men depend upon othersi Seulb'i Serm. an etftrvefccnce with aclds,and are therefore called Abste'rsion. 11. j'. [abjlerjio, Lat.] The
3. Defpoticifm. alkalis, though not fo properly, for they are not aft of cleanfing. See Absterge.
He kept a ftrait hand on his nobility, and chofe f-ilts. Arbuthnot on Altmenti. Ahjlerfian is plainly a fcouring off, or incifion of
rather to ailvance clergymen and lawyers, which the more vifcous humours, and making the hu-
Abso'rpt. /«»-/. [{rom ab/orb.] Swallow-
were more obfcquinus to him, but had lefs inti.-eft mours more fluid, and cutting between them and
ed up ; ufed as well, in a figurative
in the people ; which made for his abjotuieneft, but the part; as is found in nitrous water, whicb'
not for his fafety. Bacon'i Henry VII
fenfe, of perfons, as, in the primitive, fcoureth linen cloth fpcedily from the foulnefs.
They dref? up ^ower with all the fplendor and of things. Baccn's Natural Hifiory, N" 42,
temptation abfilutrr-js can add to it. Lo it. W^iiat can you cxpe£l from a man, who has not Abstb'rsive. a<^'. [_(tQm abjltr^«.'\ That
Absolu'tion. «./ [ai/hlulie, Lat.] talked thefe five days? wb» is withdrawiog his
C 2 hu
Mathismatics, in its latitude, li ufualty divided AB$TRA'cT«VE.a<^'.[fromfl/5/frfl(7.]Har-
has the quality of abllerging or cleanf-
Into pure and mixed. And though the pure do ing the power or quality of abftrafting.
ing. handle only abfiraB quantity in general, as geo-
It is good, aftfr purging, to uTe apozrmes ana Abstra'ctly. adv. [from ab/lraS.] In
metry, arithmetic j yet that which is mixed, doth
brothi, not (o much opening as thofe ufed before confider the quantity of fome particular determi-
an abllraft manner, abfolutely, without
purging but atfierfivt and mundiTving clyfttrs
i nate fubjefl. So allionomy handles the qumtity reference to any thing elfe.
alfo are good to conclude wkh, Co draw awajr the of heavenly motions, mulic of founds, and me- MitKr abfiraBly and abfolutely confidered, can-
reliquct of the humuuri> chanics of weights and puArrs. not have born aa infinite durition now pail and
Bacon's Natural Hifttry. tVilkxnii Malttmatical Magick. expired. Bentley's Sermon*
tablet fttwd of that ahftirfi-ve tree. jlbjirali terms fignify the mode or quality of Abstr a'ctness. [from ab/fraff.^
n. /.
Where /Ethiopi' fwarthy bird did build to ned. fubjc^l in
a being, without any regard to the
Subtilty feparation from all matter or
Sir Jihn Dinbam, which it is ; as, whitcnei's, roundnefs, length,

There, many a flow'r ahjitrftyt grew.

breadth, wifdom, mortality, life, death. common notion.
Thy fav'rite flow'rs of yellow hue. S%vifi't MifccU fyam'iLogick. have taken fome pains to make plain and fa-

A'bstinence. «./ [abfiinentia, Lat.] miliar to your thoughts, truths, which edablilhcd
z. With the particle//»»f.
prejudice, or the abfiraBnefi of the ideas themfelves,
1. Forbearance of any thing; with the Another fruit from the confidering things in
mijjht render difficult. Licke*
particle _/r6«i. themfelves, ahjlraft from our opinions, and other
men's notions and difcourfcs on them, will be,
Abstri'cted. part. adj. [abftri3ut, Lat.]
Becaufe the ahjlinttice frcm a prefcnt pleafurc,
that offers itfelf, is a pain, nay, otti-ntimcs a ver) that each man will purfue his thoughts in that Unbound. Dia^
great one : no wonder that that operates after
it is method, which will be mod agreeable to the na- To Abstri'nce. v. a. Tounbind. Di3.
the fame manner pain does, and lefl'cns, in our ture of the thing, and to his apprehcnlion of what To ABSTRU'DE. -v. a. [abjirudo, Lat.]
thoughts, what is future ; and fo forces us, as it it fuggells to him. Locke.
To thruft off, or pull away. Z);<3.
were, blindfold into its embraces. Locke. A'bsthact. n./ [from the verb.]
Abstru'se. adj. \abjirufus, Lat. thruit
2. Fading, or forbearance of nec«nary I. A fmaller quantity, containing the vir-
out of fight.]
food. It is generally diftinguifhed from tue or power of a greater.
1. Hidden.
temperance, as the greater degree from You (hall there find a man, who is the abftraH
Th' whofe fight difcerns
eternal eye,
of all faults all men follow.
the lefj fometimes as fingle perform-
; from forth his holy mount,
Abfirufefi thoughts,
Shakefpearc' t Antony and Cleopatra.
ances from habits ; as, a day of aifii- And from within the golden lamps that burn
If you are falfe, thefe epithets are fmall
Nightly before him, faw, without their light.
nrnct, and a Life of temperance. You're then the things, and abfiraB of them all.
Rebellion riling.
Say, can you fall ? your llomadu are too young Drydcn'i Aur.
Milton'i ParadifeLtfi, h.y, I. 71a.
abfi'mcnce ingenders maladifel.
2. An epitome made by taking out the
Shakefpeare's Lovis Labour Lop. 2. Difficult remote from conception or
principal parts. It is oppofed to obvious
And the faces of tiiem, which have ufed ah- apprehenfion.
Jlirnce, Ihall &ine above the ftars j whereas our
When Miiemon came to the end of a chapter,
and eajy.
Ijces ihall be blacker than darkncfs.
he recollefled the fentiments he had remarked j
S'jfpakeour Sire, and by his countenance feem'd
1 EfJras, v'li. 55. fo that he could give a tolerable analyfis and ab-
Ent'ring on lludious thoughts abfiruje.
Religious men, who hither mull be fent firaB of every tteatife he had read, juft after he
Paradtfe Lofi, b. viii.
had finiflied it. IVattCs Imp. of the Mind.
A^ awful guides of heavenly government The motions and figures within the mouth are
To teach you penance, falls, and abJi'mtMtf 3. The ftate of being abftrafted, or dif- abfirufc, and not cafy to be didinguiflied, efpecially
la punifli bodies for the foul's ollence. joined. thofe of the tongue, which is moved through the
Drydms Indian Emf. The hearts of great princes, if they be confi- help of many mufcles, fo eafily, and habitually,
A'bstinency. n./. The fame with Ab- dcred, as it were in abfiraB, without the neccf- and varioully, that we arc fcarce able to give a
fity of dates, and circun3(lanc« of time, can judgment of motions and figures thereby framed.
take no full and proportional pleafure in the ex- Holder.
Were our rewards for the ahfiinencin, or riots,
of under the prejudices of Ihort
this prefent life,
ercife of any narrow bounty. H^otton. No man could give a rule of the greatell beau-
ties, and the knowledge of them w.^s fa abfiruje,
or fioite, the promifcs and threats of Chrifl would .^BSTR a'xted. part. adj. [itomabjiracl.^
that there was no manner of fpeaking which could
lofe much of their virtue and energy. 1. Separated; disjoined.
exprefs them. '
Dryden'i Dufnfnoy.
Hammond^ I Fundam. That fpace the evil one abfiroBcd ftood
Abstru'sely. adv. In an abllrufe man-
A'bstinenT. at//. \_abJHnens, Lat.] That From his own evil, and for the time remain'd
Stupidly good. Milton, ner ; obfcurely, not plainly, or obvi-
ufes abftinence, in oppofition to covet-
2. Refined, purified. oufly.
ous, rapacious, or luxurious. It is ufed
AbfiraBcd fpiritva) love, they like Abstru'se NESS. n.f. [from abfiru/e.'] Th«
chiefly of perfons. Donne.
Their fouls exhal'd.
quality of being abftrufe ; difficulty,
Absto'rt E D adj. \abJ{ortus,'L^X..'\ Forced
3. Abftrufe ; difficult.
away, wrung from another by vio-

Abfent of mind, inattentive to prefent

4. It is not oftentimes fo much what the fcripture
lence. DiS. objefts ; as, an ahjiraaed fcholar. fays, as what fome men perfuade others it fays,
Te ABSTRA'CT. v. a. [abjlraho, Lat.] Abstra'ctedly. ad'v. With abftrac- that makes it feem obfcutv, and that as to fome
1. To take one thing from another. tion, fimply, feparately from all con-
other palTages that are fo indeed, ftnce it is the
Could we abfiraB from thcfc pernicious efftfts, aifirufenejs of what is taught in them, that makes
and fuppofc this were innocent, it would be too tingent circumftances. them almoft inevitably fo ; it is little lefs faucy,
light to be matter of praile. Dtcay of Ficty. Or whether more ohfiraBedly we look. upon fuch a fcorc, to find fault with <hc dyle of
Or on the writers, or the written book :
the fcripture, than to do fo with the author for
2. To feparate by didillation. Whence, but from heav'n, could men unlkill'd in making us but men. Boyle on the Scripture*
Having dephlegmed fpirit of fait, and gently ab- arts. .Abstru'sity. >t./. [from abjlru/e.']
frarlcd the whole fpirit, there remaincth in the In fevcral ages born, in fi!veral parts.
retort a ftyptical fubftance. Soyii. 1. Abftrufenefs.
Weave fuch agreeing truths ? or how, or why
3. To feparate ideas. Should all confpire to cheat us with a lie ? 2. That which is abftrufe. A word feldom
Thofe who cannot dillinguifli, compaie, and Unaik'd their paios, ungrateful their advice. ufed.
ahjirafi, would hardly be able to undcrlland and Starving tiwir gain, and martyrdom their price. Authors are alfo fufpicious, nor greedily to be
make ufe of language, or judge or reafon to any DtytUns Religio Laid. fwallowed, who
pretend to write of fecrets, to de-
liver antipathies, fympathies, and the occult ab..
tolerab't degree. Locke. Abstr a'ction. »._/! [abfiraSio, Lat.]
finijitici of things. Brvivn'' i Vulgar Errotin.
4. To reduce to an epitome. 1 The aft of abftrafting.
7e Ab su' M E I", a. [abfumo, Lat. To bring
If wc Mfould fix in the memory the difcourfcs
The word alfiraBitn lignifies a withdrawing J
we hear, or what we defign to fpcak, let us ab- fome part of an idea from other parts of it ; by toan end by a gradual walte ; to eat up.
firad them into brief comprnds, and review them which means fuch abftraOed ideas are formed, An uncommon word.
often. H-'aitt'tlmp.ofibcMind. as neither reprefent any thing corporeal or fpi- That which had been burning an infinite time
A'bstract. adj. [abjlraaus. Lit. ritual that is, any thing peculiar or proper to could never be burnt, no not (a much as any part
See ;

the verb To Abstract.] _ mind or body. fKo.-rj'j Logick. of it ; for if it had burned part after part, the
z. The ftate of being abftrafted. whole mull needs be ab/umed in a portion of time.
I. Separated from fomething elfe ; gene- Hale's Origin of Mankind.
rally ufed with relation to mental per 5. Abfence of mind ; inattention.
Difregard of worldly objefts.
ABSU'RD. adj. [ab/urdus, Lat.]
ceptions ; as, abJiraH mathematics, ab- +1
4 hecmit wiiltet to be praifed for his ahfiraBion.
I. Unreafonable ; without judgment, at
firaH terms, in oppofition to concrete. Vopt't Lctttn. ,
ufed of men.
Seeming wife men may make fliift to get apj.
I. Plentiful. Some praife at morning what they blame atnighl^
»ion but let no man chuie them for employment;

for certainly ^ou had better take forbuCnefi a man Good, the more But always think the laft opinion right.
fomewhat ehjfurj, than over formal. Bacon,
Communicated, more abundant grows A mufe by thefe is like a mirtrefs us'd.
A man, who cannot write with wit on a proper The author not impair'd, but honour'd more. This hour /he's idolii'd, the next abus'd.
fubjeft, and ftupid ; but one, who {hews it
is dull Paradiji Laji, b. v. Pope's EJfmy on Criticifm^
in an improper place, is as irnpeitinent and ai- 2. Exuberant. The next criticifm feems to be introduced for
furd. Mdijin, Spiaater, N° zgu If
the veffels are in a ftate of too great rigidity, no other reafon, but to mention Mr. BickerftafF,

Inconfiftent, contrary to reafon, ufed of fu as not to yield, a ftrong projcaile motion occa- whom the author every where endeavours to imi-
fions their rupture, and haemorrhages tate and abufe. Addjfoit.
; efpecially
fentiments or pradices. in the lungs, where the blood is abundant. Abu'se. «.'/. [from the verbal//?.]
thing itlelf appeared defirable to him, and
accordingly he could not but like and defire it •
Arbutbnitt an Aliments. 1 The ill ufe of any thing.
3. Fully ftored. It is followed fometimes The calling away things proHtable for the fufte-
but then, it was after a very irrational ai/urd way,
and contrary to all the methods and principles of by in, commonly by tvitJb. nance of man's life, is an unthankful abufe of the
a rational agent; which ne%er wills a thing really The world began but fome ages before thefe were
fruits of God's good providence towards mankind.

and properly, but it applies to the means, by which found out, and was abundant -with all things Hooker, b. v. § ^*
it is to be acquired. Saatb's Sermtni.
; and men not ver)- numerous ; and therefore Little knows
But grant that thofe can conquer, thefc can cheat, were not put fo much to the ufe of their wits, Any, but God alone, to value right
'Tis phrafe ahjuri to call a villain great find out wain for living commodioufly. "The good before him, but perverts belt things
Who wickedly is wife, or madly brave. 4. It is applied generally to things,
To worft abufe, or to their meaneft ufe.
fome- ^
Is but the more a fool, the more a knave. times to perfons. Paradife Loft, b. iy*
Pofe't Effay m Man. The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, 2. A corirupt pradtice, bad cuftom.
Absu RDiTT. n./. [from ah/urd]. long-fuffering and abundant in goodnefs and truth.
The natune of things is fuch, that, if abufes be
not remedied, they will certainly encreafe.
1, The quality of being abfurd ; want of Exod. xxxiv. 6.
Stuiftfor Advancement of Relig'um^
judgment, applied to men; want of Abu'ndaktly. ay-i;. [iiom abundant.] 3. Seducement.
propriety, applied to things. 1 . In plenty. Was it not enough forhim-to have deceived me»^
How clear foever this idea of the infinity of Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving and, through the deceit abufed me, and, after the
number be, there is nothing more evident than creature that hath life. Genrfs, i. 20. abufe, forfaken me, but that he muft now, of all
the ahfurdliy of the afluaj idea of an infinite God on thee the company, and before all the company, lay
number. io^^, Abundantly his gifts hath alfo pour'd want of beauty to my charge. Sidney, b. ii.
2. That which is abfurd; as, his travels Inward and outward both, his image fair.
Unjuft cenfure, rude reproach,
4. com-
were full of abfurditits. In which fenfe Paradife Lafl, b.vm. tumely.
it has a plural.
2. Amply, liberally, more than fufficiently.
I dark in light, expos'd
That fatisfadtion we receive from the opinion of
Ye faw the French tongue abundantly purified.
To daily fraud,, contempt, abufe, and wrong.
fome pre-eminence in ourfelves, when we fee the XI •
sprat. Samfon Agoniflciw
Heroic poetry has ever been efteemed thegreatelt
atfurdiiiis of another, or when we reflea on any
work of human nature. In that rank has Ariftotle Abu'se R, »./. [from the verb «^«/f,];
part <ii/Br</m« of our own. Addihtj. placed it; and Longinus is fo full of the like 1. He that makes an ill ufe.
Absu'rdly. adv. [from ai/urd."] After prcfTions, that he abundantly confirms
2. He that deceives.
the other's
an abfurd manner ; improperly ; unrea- teftimony. Drydcns State 0/ Innocence, Pref. Next thou, the abufer of thy
. prince's ear.
fonably. What the example of our equals wants of au- Denham't Sofhlf*-
But man we find the only creature, thority, abundantly fupplied in the imaginations
3. He that reproaches with rudenefs.
Who, led by folly, combats nature of friendfliip, and the repeated influences of
a 4. -A. ravifher, a violater.
Who, when (he loudly cries. Forbear, conftant converfation. Rogers', Serm.
With obftinacy fires there Abu'sive, ad/', [hoai abu/e.]
To ABU'SE, 'V. a. [abutor, abufui, Lat.]
And where his genius leaft inclines, 1 Praftifmg abufe.
In abu/e, the verb, / has the found of The tongue mov'd gently firft^nd fpeech was low^
Ji/urdly bends his whole defigns. Sicift't Afifttl.
We may proceed yet further with the atheill, X ; in 'the noun, the common found. Till wrangling fcicnce taught it noife and (how.
and convince him, that not only his principle is 1 To make an ill ufe of. And wicked wit arofe, thy moft ahufive foe.
abfurd, but his confequences alfo as abfurdly de- They that ufe this world, as not abufng it; for Pope's Mifullaniu^
duced from it. B'niity't Scrmcni. the fafliion of this world paffeth away. Dame Nature, as the learned (liow.
Absu'udwess. Provides each animal its- foe
n.f. [hom ah/urd.] The _, , . I Cor, vii. 31,
Hehas fixed and determined the time Hounds hunt the hare, the wily, fox
quality of being abfurd ; injudiciouf- for our
repentance, beyond which he will no longer Devours your geefe, the wolf your flbcks.
nefs ; impropriety. Sec Absurditv ; the perverfenefs of men, no longer fufter his
Thus envy pleads a natural claim.
which is more frequently ufed. panion to be abujed. Rogers', Sermons.
To prrfecute the mufe's fame.
Abu'ndance. n.f. [aiondance, Fr.] 2. To
violate ; to defile. On poets in all times abuji've.

Plenty ; a fenfe chiefly poetical. Arachnc figured how Jove did abuji From Homer down to Popeindufive. Stvi/t'sMifccL
At the whifper of thy word, Europa like a bull, and on his back 2. Containing abufe; a«, an abn^-ve lam-
Crown'd abundance fpreads my board. Crajhaw.
Her through the fea did bear. Spenjer.
The doubled charge his fubjefts' love fupplies. 3. To deceive ; to impofe upon. Next, Comedy appcar'd with great applaufe,
Who, in that bounty, to themfelves are kind He perhaps.
Till her licentious and abufive tongue
So glad Egyptians fee their Nilus rife. Out of my weaknefs and my melancholy. Waken'd the magilhates coercive power. Rofcom.
And, in hii plenty, their abundance find. As he is very potent with fuch fpirits, 3. Deceitful; a fenfe little ufed, yet not
Drjd. Aniu Mir. Abujes me to damn me. Shakefpeare's Hamlet. improper.
i. Great numbers. The world hath been much abufed by the opinion It is verified by a number of examples,
The river Inn is fliut up between mountains, of making gold the work itfelf I judge to be
whatfoever is gained by an abujive treaty, ought
covered with woods of fir-trees. Abundance of poflible;
but the means hitherto propounded, to be rcfVired in 'integrum.
peafants are employed in hewing down the largcft in the pradlicc, full of error.
Bacon's Conjidc'ralicns on H'ar with Spain,
of thefe tree*, that, after they arc barked and cut Bacon's Natural Hiftory, N" ji6.
Abu'sivsly. ad-v. [from abuje.]
into (hapr, are tumbled down. Add'ijun on Italy. imports the mifreprefentation of the qualities
1. Improperly, by a wrong ufe.
J. A great quantity. of things and aflions, to the common apprehen-
The oil, ahuf-vely called ipirit, of rofes, fwlms at
fions of men, abufing their minds with
Their chief entcrprize was the recovery of the falfe no-
tions ; and fo, by this artifice, making the top of the water, in the firm of a white butter;
Holy Land ; in which worthy, but extremely dif- evil pafi
for good, and good for evil, in all wh'ch 1 remember not to haveobfcrved in any other
ficult, ailion, lamentable to remember what
it IS the^reat concerns
oil drawn in any limbeck. Boyle's Sceptical
abundance of noble blood hath been flied, with very South- s Sermons. Ciym'i/k.

fmall benefit unto the.Chri(lian ftate.

Nor be with „
-l. all L,
thefe tempting words abus'd; 2. Reproachfully.
Sir IValiir Raleigb'i £j/ayi.
Thefe tempting words were all to Sappho us'd. Abo'siveness. «./. [from abu/e.] Th*
4. Exuberance, more than enough. quality of being abufive ; fbulnefs of
For w.ll I wot, moi» mighty fovereign. 4. To
treat with rudenefs ; to reproach.
I am no ftrumpel, but of life
That thii fan.ous antique hiftory.
all as honed Pick out of mirth, like ftonescatof thy ground,.
Of fome, th' abundance ri an idle brain. As you that thus abuje me. Shakefp. Othello. Profancncfs, filthinefs, abufivenefs.
Will judged be, and painted forgery. But he mocked them, and lauglied at them,
Sfenfer. Thefe are the fcum,with which coarfe wi ts abound
and <ii»/<i them Ihamcfully, and fpake proudly. t
Aiv'uDKHT.adJ. {abundant JLiX.1 The fine may fpare thefe well, yet not go Icfs.
] Mac, vii. 34. HirUrt.
f» ABUT. V. n. obfelete.[fl^fl»//V,to touch trne afada ; and therefore termed f>/eii- in political accounts ; as, another power
at the end, Fr.] To
end at, to border Jocacia, or Virginian acacia. Miller. \i3L% acceded to the treaty; that is, hst
upon ; to meet, or approach to, with the Acade'mi Ai.. a<^. \ixom academy. '\ Re- become a party.
particle upoa. lating to an academy, belonging to an To ACCE'LERATE, 'v.a. [accelere, Lat.]
Two mighty monarcliies, academy. 1. To make quick, to liaften, to quicken
Whofe high uprcared and abutting fronts
AcADfc'MiAN. n.f. [from acad(my.'\ A motion ; to give a continual impulfe to
The narrow perilous occun parts afunder*
motion, fo as perpetually to increafe.
fcholar of an academy or univerfity ; a
Shakcjptare I lltnry V.
member of an univerfity. ff'ood, in his Take new beer, and put in fome quantity of
The Lo(>«i are two fcveral corporations, diOin-
ftale beer into it ; and feewhether it will not acce-
goilhed by the addition or eaft and weft, aiuiiing Athetitr Oxonienfes, mentions a great
Itrjte the clarification, by opening the body of the
u'fM a navigable creek, and joined by a fair bridge fcaft made for the academians. beer, grolfer parts may fall down into
whereby the
ot" many arches. Cttrnv.
Acade'mical, cdj. [academicus, Lat.] Ices. Bacon's Natural Hifttry, N° 307.
Abu'tment.w./ [fr«ma^K/.] That which
Belonging to an univerfity. By a fkilful application of thofe notices, may be
abuts, or borders upon another. gained the accelerating and bettering of fruits, and
He drew him firft into the fatal circle, from a
Abu'tta!.. n.f. [from abut.'\. The but- kind of refolved privatcnefs; where, after the aca- the emptying of mines, at much more eafy ratet
ting or boundaries of any land. A wri- demical life, he had taken fuch a taftc of the rural, than by the common methods. Glanvil/e^Scepftt,

as 1 have heard him fay, that he could well have If the rays endeavour to recede from the denleft
ting declaring on what lands, highways,
bent his mind to a retired courfe. fyott^n. part of the vibration, they may be alternately acce-
or other places, it does abut. Difl. lerated and retarded by the vibrations overtaking
Academi'cian. «. /. [academician, Fr.]
Aby'sm. n.f. [a^jy»»<, old Fr. now writ- them. Nenjjtons Of tics.
The member of an academy. It is ge-
ten contrafledly abiine.'\ A gulf; the
nerally ufed in fpeaking of the profeflbrs
Spices quicken the pulfe, and accelerate the mo-
tion of the blood, and difiipate the fluids ; from
fame with ahy/s.
in theacademies of France. whence teannefs, pains in the ftomach, loathing;,
My good ftars, that were my former guides.
Have empty left their orbs, and fliot their fires Acade'mick. «./. [from academy.} A ftu- and fevers. Arbutknot on Aliments*
Lo from the dread immenfity of fpace

Into the ahyfm of he!l. dent of an univerfity. Returning, with accelerated courfe.
Stakcfpeare^s Antcry and Cleopatra* A young academic fiiall dwell upon a journal that The rufhing comet to the fun defcends.
Abv'ss. n.f. \abyffus, Lat. aS>vaa^, bot treats of trade, and be lavilh in the piaife of the
tbomf. Sum. I, 1 690.
tomtefs, Gr.] author ; while perfons fkilled in thofe fubjefts,
2. It is generally applied to matter, and
hear the tattle with contempt.
X. A depth without bottom.
IValit'i Imprcmemcnt of ike Mind. ufed chiefly in philofophical language ;
/hall tempt with wandVing feet
but it is fometimes ufed on other occafions.
The dark, unbottom'd,, inBnite aliyjs. Acade'mick. a^. [academicus, hzx-l Re-
lating to an univerfity. In which council the king himfelf, whofe con-
And, through the palpable obfcure, find out
tinual vigilarcy did fuck in fometimes caufelefs
This uncouth way. While through poetic Icenes the genius roves.
fufpicions, which few eife knew, inclined
to the
M./tcn't ParaJ'iJe LoJI, b. ii. /. 405. Or wanders wild in academic groves.
- accelerating a battle. Bacon's Henry Vll.
Thythrone is darknefs in th' abyfi of light, Dunciad,h.\v. !. 481
Perhaps it may point out to a ftudenc now and
A blaze of glory that forbids the fight; Aca'demist. n.f. [from academy. "}
The then, what may employ the moft vifcful labours of
O teach me to biiic\c tliee thus conceai'd,
member of an academy. This is not his thoughts, and accelerate his diligence in the moft
And fearch no farther than thyfclf reveal'd.
often uied. momentous enquiries. iVatts,
Tore was not more pleased
It is obferved by the Parifian acadcmtfti, that AccEl. ER a'tion. n.f [acceleralio, Lat.]
With infant nature, when his fpacious hand fome amphibious quadrupeds, particularly the fea- 1. The aft of quickening motion.
calf or feal, hath his epiglottis extraordinarily large.
Had rounded this huge ball of earth and feas The law o{ the acceleration of falling bodies, dif-
To give it Ray on the Creation. covered firil by Galileo, is, that the velocities ac-
the firft pulh, and fee it roll
Along the vaft abyj'i. Mdijcn, Guard. No no. A'CADEMY. n. f. [anciently, and pro- quired by falling, being as the time in which the
s. A great depth, a gulf; hyperbolical! y. perly, with the accent on the firft fyl- body falls, the fpaces through which it palTes will
The yawning earth difclos*d th* tf/»>yi of hell. be as the fquares of the velocities, and the velocity
lable, now frequently on the fecond.
Dryiieni l^ir^ Gtorg, i.
and time taken together, as in a quadruplicate rati>)
Acadimia, Lat. from Academus of Athens, of the fpaces.
3. In a figurative fenfe, that in which any
whofe houie was turned into a fchool, 2. The fiate of the body accelerated, or
thing is loft.
from whom the Groves of Academe in quickened in its motion.
for fepulchres themfelves muft crumbling fall
In Umc^saby/tj the common grave of all. ^ Milton.] The dejirees o( acceleraiisn oi motion, the gravi-.
Drydens jfwvenalj Sal, x. I . An alTembly or fociety of men, uniting tatien of the air, the exiftence or non-exiltence of
If, difcovering how far we have clear and diftindt for the promotion of fome art. empty fpaces, either coacervate or interfperfed, and
ideas, we confine our thoughts within the contem- Our cou:'C fhall be a little academy. many the like, have taken up the thoughts and
plation of thofe things that are within the reach of Still and contemplative in living arts.
times of men in difpules concerning them.
our underllandings, and lavmch not out into that Stakefpcare^i Lct/r'j Labour Loft.
HaU^s Origin of MankineU
thyji of darknefs, out of a prcfumption that no-
z. The place where (ciences are taught. 3. The att of haftening.
thi'ig is beyond our comprehenfion. Locke. Confidcring the languor enfuing that a^ion in
Amongft the acadimiei, which were compofed by
4. The body of waters fuppofed at the the rare genius of thofe great men, thcfe four are
fome, and the vifible acceleration it maketh of age
in moft, we cannot but think venery much abridg-
centre of the earth. reckoned as the principal ; namely, the Athenian
eth our days. Broivn,
We are here to confider what
generally under-is fchool, that of Sicyon, that of Rhodes, and that
ftood by the great atyft, in the common explication of Corinth. Dryden'i Dufrefiuy. To ACCE'ND. -v. a. [acceudo, Lat.] 'I'o
«f the deluge; and 'tis commonly interpreted either 3. An univerfity. kindle, to fet on fire ; a word very
to be the fea, or fubterraneous waters hid in the
bowels of the earth. Burmt't thimy.
4. A place of education, in contradiftinc- rarely ufed.
tion to the univerfities or public fchools. Our devotion, if fuHiciently acetnded, would, as
5. In the language of divines, hell. theirs, burn up innumerable books of this fort.
From that infatiable ahyjs. The thing, and therefore the name, is
Decay of Piety.
Where flames devour, and ferpcnts hifa, modern.
Acce'nsion. n.f [acccttfo, Lat.] The
Promote me to thy feat of blifs. Rijcimmtn. ACANTHUS, n.f [Lat.] The name of
aft of kindling, or the ftate of being,
Ac, Ak, or Ake. ,theherb bears-breech, remarkable for
Being initials in the names of places, as j^San, kindled.
being the model of the foliage on the Tile fulminating damp will take fire at a candle,
fignify an oak, from the Saxon ac, an uak.
Corinthian chapiter. or other flame, and, upon its accenfion, gives a
Oibji/n't Camden,
On cither Mc crack or report, like the difcharge of z. gun, and
ACACJA.n,;, [Lat.]
Acanliu!, and each od'rous bulhy fhrub, makes an cxplofion fo f.ircibi; as fometimes to kill
I. A drug brought from Egypt, which, Fenc'd up the verdant wall. the miners, ihake the earth, and force bodies, of
being fuppofed the infpiflated juice of a Mill. Parad. Loftf b. iv. /. 696. great weight and bulk, from the bottom oi the pic
tree, is imitated by the juice of floes, AcaTALe'ctIC.»._/.' [axaxaXrifli*®-, Gr."] or mine. WsoJivard' s Natural Hiftory,
boiled to the fame confiftence. A verfe whidi has the complete number A'CCENT. n.f [accentus, Lat.]
Diiiionaire de Comm, Sazrary. Trevoux. of fyllables, without defedl or fuperfluity. 1 . The manner of fpeaking or pronoun-
X. A tree commonly fo called here, though TiACCE'DE. 'V. n. [accede, 'Lzx.'l To be cing, with regard either to force or ele-
different from that which produces toe added to, to come to ; generally ufed gance.
I know.
I know. Sir, I am no flatterer; he that be. His promife Palamon accepts, but pray'd That is man's chiefeft gsod, becfufe
guited you in a plain accent was a plain knave 3
To keep it better than the firft he made. indeed the peixeption of good that is properly
it is
which, for my pJrt, I will not be. Dry den's Tables. pleafure, an aifertionmoft certainly true, though,
Sbakefpeare's King hear, Thofe who have defended the proceedings of under the common acceptance of it, not only falfe
2. The found given to the fyllable pro- our negociators at the treaty of Gertruydenburgh, but odious: for, according to this, pleafure ani
dwell upon their zeal and patience in endeavouring fenfuality pafs for terms equivalent; and therefore
to work the French up to their demands, but fay he, who takes in this fenfe, alters the fubjeft of
Your accent is fomething finer than ycu could it
nothing of the probability that France would ever the difcourfc, South,
purchafe in lb removed a dwelling.
accept them. Acce'ptance.
Sbalb^eare^s Asyou like it. Stvift, [inlaw.] Thc receiving
3. In the language of the Bible, to accept
3. In grammar, the marks made upon fyl- of a rent, whereby the giver binds him-
perfons, is to aft with perional and par-
lables, to regulate their pronunciation. felf, for ever, to allow a former aft done
Accent f as in the Greek names and ufage, feems tial regard.
by another, whether it be in itfelf good
to have regardeJ the tune o^ the voice ; the acute He will furcly reprove you, if ye do fccretly ar-
rc/r perfons.
or not. Co'wel,
accent raifing the voice in fome certain fyllables to _ ^oi, xiii. 10.
a higher, i. e, more acute pitch or tone, and the 4. It is fometimes ufed with the particle Accepta'tion. n.f. [Jrom. accept.]
grave deorefling it lower, and both having fome em 1. Reception, whether good or bad. This
more vigorous pronunciation. Holder.
phafts, i. e* I will appeafe him with
the prefcnt that goeth large fenfe feems now wholly out of ufe.
4. Poetically, language or words. before me, and afterward 1 will fee his face: per- Vet, poor foul knows he no other, but that I

How many ages hence adventure he will accept of mz. Gencjis,x%xn. 2.0. do fufpeft, negled^, yea, and deleft him For, -^

Shall this our lofty fcene be a£led o'er. AccEPTABi'i-iTY. every day, he finds one way or other to fet forth
n.f. Thc quality of
In Hates unborn, and accintsyex. unknown. himfelf unto me; but all are rewarded with like
being acceptable. See Acceptable.
Sbahjpeare' i jfuliui Cafar. coldnefs oi acceptation, Sidney, b, ii.
He hath given us his natural blood to be flied,
What new than what
Winds on your wings to heav'n her accents bear is finds better acceptation,
for the remiflion of our fins, and for the obtaining
Such words as heav'n alone is fit to hear. is good or great. Dcnbam's Sophy„
the grace and acceptability of repentance.
DtyJ. Virg. Paji. 3.
Tayhr's tVcrthy Ccmmumcant.
2. Good reception, acceptance.
5. A
modification of the voice, expreffive
Acce'ptable. adj. {acceptable, Fr. from
Cain, envious of the acceptation of his brother's
prayer and facrifice, flew him ; making himfelf
of the paflions or fentiments. the Latin.] It is pronounced by fome the firft manflayer, and his brother the firft mar-
The tender accent of a woman's cry
Will pafs unheard, will unregarded die with the accent on the firlb fyllable, as tyr. Raleigh's Hiftcry of the World, b. i.
When the rough feaman's louder fliouts prevail, by Milton ; by others, with the accent 3. The ftate of being acceptable ; regard.
When fair occafion (hews the fpringing gale. Prior. on the fecond, which is more analogical. Some things, although not fo required of necef-

That which is likely to be accepted ; fity, that, to leave them undone, excludeth from
?« A'ccENT. -v. a. [from accentus, Lat.] I.
falvation, are, nntwithftandirg, of fo great dig-
formerly elevated at the fecondfyllable, grateful ; pleafing. It is ufed with the nity and acceptation with Cod, tliat moft ample
now at the firft. particle to before the perfon accepting. reward in heaven is laid up for them. Hooker^ b. ii*
1. To pronounce, to fpeak words with Thi:i wuman, whom thou niad'fl :o be my help. They have thofe enjoymcnt^only as the confe-
particular regard to the grammatical And gav'rt me as thy perfefl gift, fo good. qucnces of the ftate of efteem and acceptation they
So fit, fo acceptable, fo divine. are in with their parents and governours.
marks or rules.
That fiom her hand could expefi no ill.
I Locke on Education, § J.
Having got fomebody to mark the laft fylhblc 5
Paradife LciJ}, b. ii. 4. Acceptance in the juridical fenfe. This
but one, where it is long, in words above two fyl- I do not fee any other method left for men of
lables (which is enough to r"gi!a;e her pronuncia-
fenfe occurs rarely.
that funftion to take, in order to reform the
tion, and accenting the words let her read daily in As, in order to the pafling away a thing by gift,

world, than by ufing all honell arts to make them-

the gofpeis, and avoid underrt.mdirjj them in La- there is required a furrcnder of all right on his part
fclves acceptable to the laity. Sivi/t.
tin, if rtic can. hjcke on Edu:amny ^ 177. that gives ; fo there is required alfo an acceptation
After he had made a peace fo acceptable to the
2. In poetry ; to pronounce or utter in ge- church, and fo honourable to himfelf, he died with
whom it is g'ven.
on his part to South's Seiwoiis,

neral. an extraordinary reputation of fan3ity. 5. The meaning of a word, as it is com-

O myunhappy lines you that before! Addifon on Italy. monly received.
Have fcrv'd my youth to vent fome wanton Thereupon the earl of Lauderdale made a dif-
cries. Acce'ptableness. n.f. [from accepi- courfc upon the feveral queffions, and what ac-
And, now congeal'd with grief,can fcare implore
able.'\ The quality of being acceptable.
Strength to accent. Here my Albertus lies 1 fftinn. ceptation thefe words and expreflions had.
acceflaileneji of thut Itwill thereby take ivmy the Clarendon, b. viii»
3. To write or note the accents. coijun£lion. Crew'' Ccfmologia Sacra, b< c. 2. s ii. All matter is either fluid or folid, in a large
Ti Acce'ntu ATE. f. a. [accentuer, Fr.] Acce'ptably. ai/'u. [from acceptai/e.] acceptation of the words, that they may compre-
To place the proper accents over the In an acceptable manner fo as to ;
hend even all the middle degrees betwren extreme

vowels. fixednefs and coherency, and the moft rapid in-

pleafe ; with the particle to. For the teftinemotionof the particles of bodies. Boitl.
Accentua'tion. n,/. [^(xoxa accent uate.'\ accent, fee Acceptable.

The a£l of placing the accent in pro- Acce'pter. a./, [from accept.] The per-
Do not omit thy prayers, fur want of a good ora-
nunciation. fon that accepts.
tory J
he that prayeth upon Cod's account,
2. Marking the accent in writing. cares not what he fuffers, fo he be the friend of Acceptila'tion. n.f. [acceftilatio, Lat.
7» ACCE'PT. 1). a. [accipio, Lat. accepter, Chriil; nor where nor when he prays, fo he may A term of the civil law, importing the
do it frequently, fervently, and acattablf, Taykr. remiflion of a debt by an acquittance
If you can teach them to love and rclpe^V other
1. To take with pleafure ; to receive from the creditor, teftifying the receipt
pe tple, they will, as your age requires it, find
kindly ; to admit with approbation. way s to cxprefs it acceptably to every one. of money which has never been paid.

It is diflinguilhed from recei've, iisype- Locke on Education, § 145. Acce'ption. a. f. [acceptiort, Fr. from

afic from general ; noting a particular Acce'ptance. n.f. [^acceptance, Fr.] ncceptio, Lat.] The received fenfe of a
manner of receiving. 1. Reception with approbation. word ; the meaning. Not in ufe.
Neitlierdo ye kindle fire on my altar for nought. Ey that acceptance of his I'overeignty, they alfo That hath been cliecmcu thc due .ind prd-
a cepteJ of his lawsj why then Ihould any other per acception of this word, 1 fhall teftify by one
I have no pleafure in you, faith the Lord of hofts,
laws now be ufed amongl^ them } evidence, which gave me the firft hint of this no-
neither will 1 accept an offering at your hand.
Mclachi, i. 10. Spenjcr's Stale of Ireland,
tion. Hammond on Ft/rrdatnentals,

God is no relpeOer of perfons : but, in evfrj If he tells us his noble deeds, we mud alfo tell
ACCE'SS. n.f. [In fome of its fenfes, it
nation, he that feareth him, and worketh rlghte- him our noble acceptance of them.
leems derived from accefj'us ; in others,
oufnefs, is accrf,ieii ivith him. Afli, x. 34, 35. Sbakcfpeare's Coriolanui.
You have been gracicuHy pleafed to accept this Thus 1 imbold^i'd fpake, and freedom us'd from acccfjio, Lat. acces, Fr]
tender of my duty. Permi/five, and aitcplance found. I. The way by which any thing ;nay be
Dryden'i Dedicatinn f) hit FaLlet. Paradife Lojf, ^. viil. A 43 5. approached.
Charm by acc^ting, by fubmitting fway. Some men cannot be foolswith fo good acceptance The accefs of the town was only by a neck of
Vet have your hjmourmoft whf^n you nbcy. Pope. as others. South's Xrrm^ns, land. .Bacon,
2. It is ufed in a kind of juridical fenle ; 2. The meaning of a word as it is received There remained very advantageous aeC'fh for
as, to accept terms, accept a treaty. or underftood; acceptation temptations to enter and invade men, the fortifi-
is the word
They flaughter'd many of the gentry, for whom cations being very fl-ndcr, little knowledge of im-
now commonly ufed.
mo.'tality, or an; thing beyond tliis life, and no
BO fcx or age could be aceifieJ for excuf:. S'lttney.
•ffuraace tlut rrptatance wouM be iJmitted Tor I Al an ifland, atceJUU oB every fide, and
we are An atttjforj it faid to b« that which it*» tlv
<in. Hammof^d on yundamntalu expofed to perpetual invafions ; againft which it i< cede unto fome principal fad or tiling in law (
And hrrt th* aceejt a gloomy grove defends { impoflible to fortify ourfelvea fufficiently, without and, as fuch, generally fpeakiog, follows tlie rci-
And hrie th* unnuvigabic lake extendSi a power at fea. Addifint Frteboldtr. foir and nature of its principal. Aylife,
H>'cr whofe unhappy waters, void of lights In converfation, the tempers of men are open and A'cciDENCE. n. f. [a corruprion of^ /jr-
'No bird prerames to (leer his airy flight. tremble, their attention is awake, and their minds cidents,from accidentia, Latin.] The
Orjdrnt j^netd, vi, difpofc-d to receive the ftrongeft impreffions ; and
little book containing the firft ru-
i. The means, or liberty, of approaclung what is fpnken is generally more affeding, and
more appofite to particular occafions. Rcgrrs. diments of grammar, and explaining
either to things or men.
Acce'ssion. »./ Lit, accejion, the properties of the eight parts of
When we are wrong'd, and would unfold our [acctj/!e.
griefs, Fr.] fpeech.
We «re deny'd acf^i unto hii perfon« 1. Increafe by fomething added, enlarge^ I do confefs I do want eloquence.

£v'n by thofe men that moft have done us wrong. And never yet did learn mine accidence.
ment, augmentation. Taylor the tTatrr-poet,
Nor could the king's bounties, nor his own
They go commiflion'd to require a peace,
; but af-
large acccffom, raife a fortune to hi« heir
A'CCIDENT. n./, [accident, Lat.]
And carry prefenti to procure «c^. 1. The property or quality of any being,
ter vaft fums of money, and great wealth gotten,
Drydcni ^neid, vii. /, tOg.
which may be feparated from it, atleafl
he died unlamented. Clarendon.
He grants what they befought j
There would not have been found the difference in thought.
InftruAed, that to Cod js ao-acceft
here fct down betwixt the force of the air, when ftie were but the body's accident.
Without Mediator, whofe high office now
expanded, and what that force (hould have been And her fole being did in it fubfift.
Mofcs in figsre bears.
according to the theory, but that the included inch As white in fnow ihe might herfclf abfent,
Afilicn's Par, Lut, h.xi'i. l.ijg,
of air received fome little accejjion during the trial. And in the body's fubftance not be mif&'d.
3. Encreafe, enlargement, addition. Boyle" i Spring &/* the j^ir. Sir y. Dav'el.
The gold was accumulated, and (lore treafures, The wifeft among the nobles began to appre-
for the moll part; but the filver is ftill growing.
An accidental mode, or an accident, is fuch a
hend the growing power of the people j and there- mode as is not neceffary to the being of a thing ;
Befides, infinite is the aectfi of territory and em-
fore, knowing what an accejjion thereof would ac- for the fubjeft may be without it, and yet remain
pire ij tlie fame enterprise. Bacon. crue to them, by fuch an addition of property, of the fame nature tliat it was before ; or it is that
Sot think fuperfluous their aid ; ufed all means to prevent it> Sivift. mode which may be feparated or aboliftied from
I, from the influence of thy iooks, receive
Charity, indeed, and works of munificence, are its fubje£l. IVatti's Lo^ick,
jtcceji in every virtue in thy fight
the proper difcharge of fuch over-proportioned 2. In grammar, the property of a word.
Wore wife, more watchful, ftronger.
accejiom, and the only virtuous enjoyment of tliem.
Paradije hufi, h. !x. Tile learning of a language in nothing elfe but
Rogirs^s Serm^ni.
Although to opinion, there be many gods, may the informing of ourfelvei, what compufurei of
fc::m an aueji in religion, and fucli js cannot at ail
2. The aft of coming to, or joining one's letters arc, by confent and inftitution, to fignify

confiH with athclfm, yet doth it dcduflivcly, and felf to as, accejjion to a confederacy.
; fuch certain notions of things, with their nioda.
upon inference, include the fame; for unit) is the Befidc, what wile objeaions he prepares lities and accidents. H'ilderi Elements ofSpeccb*

jnfcparable and eHential attribute of Deity. Againft my late acciJJMn to the wars ? 3. That which happens unfbrefeen; ca-
Brii'wnt Vulgar ErrcurSf h, u f . 10. Does not the fool perceive his argument fualty, chance.
The reputation Is with more force againft Achilles bent }
General laws are like general rules in phyfick,
Of virtuous aftions paft, if not kept up Dryden'i Fah/ei.
according whereunto, as no wife man will dclire
With an accefs, and frei>. fupply, of new ones, 3. The adl of arriving at ; as, the king's himfelf to be cured, if there be joined with his
Is loft and loon forgotten. Daihant^s So/>hy, difcal'c fome fpecial accident, in regard whereof,
accejfioH to the throne.

4. It is fometimes ufed, after the French, that whereby others in the fame infirmity, but
.A'ccfiSiORlLV. adv. \it<3sa accejjory .^ In
to fignify the returns or fits of a diftem- without the like accident, recover health, w«uld
the manner of an acceflbry. be, to him, either hurtful, or, at the leaft, un-
per j but this fenfe feems yet fcarcely
A'ccESSORY.flf^'. Joined to another thing, profitable. Hooker, b. v. ^ 9.
received into our language. The flood, and other accidentsof time, made
fo as to increafe it ; additioaal.
For as relapfes make difcafes. one common field and pafture with the land of
In this kind there is not the leaft a£lion, but it it
More defperate than their firll accrffes. Itudihrat. Eden. Raleigh's Hifior/ of the World,
doth fomewhat make to the accejfory augmentation
A'ccEssARiNESS. ». /. [froiB accejpxry.'\ ofourblifs. Hxkrr. Our joy is tum'd
The ftate of being acceflary. A'ccessory. h. /. \acce^oria!, Lat. ac-
Into perplexity, and new amaze
Perhaps this will draw us into a negative accrf- For whither is he gone ? \f\sM accident
farirfefi to the mifchiefs. Dtcay cf Piety. cijfoire, Fr. This word, which had Hath rapt him from us ? Parajife Regained,
A'ccEstAHY, *dj. [A corruption, as it anciently a general fignification, is now And trivial accidents Ihall be forborn.
almoft confined to forms of law.] That others may have time to uke their turn.
feems, of the word acceffory, which fee ; Dryden's Failet,
but now more commonly ufed than the \. Applied to perfons.
The reformation owed nothing to the good in-
proper word.] 1 hat which, without
A man is guilty of a felonious ofl'ence, not
tentions of king Henry. He was only an inftru-
principally, but by participation ; as, by com-
being the chief conllituent of a crime, mentof it (a« the logicians fpeak) by accident.
mandment, advice, or concealment. And a man
Sivift's Mijcellanies,
contributes to it. But it had formerly a may be acceijory to the offence of another, after
good and general fenfe. two forts, by the common law, or by ftarute : and, Accide'ntal. ft./, [accidental, Fr. See
As for thofe, things that are accejpiry hereunto, by the common law, two ways alfo; that is, be- ACCIDENT.] A property nonefTeii-
thofe things that fo belong to the way of falvation, fore or after the fatl. Before the rafl j as, when tial.
&c. Il(ioktr,h,\\\,^ ^, one commandeth or advifeth another to commit a Conceive, as much as you can, of the efTentiaU
He hath taken upon him the government o( felony, and is notprefentat the execution thereof; of any fubjed, before you confider its accidentals,
HuU, without any apprehenfion or imagination, for his prcfence makes him alfo a principal ; wheie- fVaits's Logick.
that it would ever make him aicijj'ary to rebellion. fore there cannot be an acccjjory before the fa£l in
Accide'ntal. [from accident.]
C/arendon, h. viii. manftaughter ; becaufe manflaughtcr is fudden
1. Having the quality of an accident,
and not prepcnfed. Accijjhry after the fadl, is,
Acce'ssible. aifj. [accejpbilii, Lat. ac- nonefTential ufed with the p.irticle to,
when one receiveth him, wW>m he knoweth to ;
ctjjible, Fr.] That which may be ap- have committed leiony. A<ctjrory by ftatute, is before that in which the accident in-
proached ; that which we may reach or he that abets, counlels, or hides any man com- heres.
arrive at. mitting, or having committed, an offence made fe- A diftinflion be made between what
is to
It is applied both to perfons and lony by ftatute. Cewel. plcafcs naturally in itfclf, and what pleafcjs upon
By the common law, the accijfories cannot be the account of machines, atlors, dances, and
thing.'v, with the particle tt.
proceeded againft, till tlie principal has received circumftances, which are merely accidental to the
Sonic lie more open to our fenles and daily ob-
his trial. SpenJ. Stale of JreUnd. tragedy, Rymer's Tragedies of the laft Age,
fervation \ others are more occult and hidden, But paufe, my foul and ftudy, ere thou fall
and though accejfibUy fome meafure, to our
This it ecc'idental to a ftate of religion, and
On accidental joys, th^ effential.
tlierefore ought to be reckoned among the ordinary
fenfes, yet not without great fearch and fcrutiny,
Still before accejjbriei to abide Tithtjan,
or fome happy accident. HaJt'i Origin of Mankind, difficulties of it.

Thofe things, which were indeeid inexplicable,

A trial, muft the principal be try'd. Dcnnt.
2. Cafual, fortuitous, happening by chance.
Now were all transform'^
liave been rackt and tortured to difcover tbem-
Alike, to ferpents all, as aceeffirirt
Thy fin's not accidental, but a trade.
felves, while the plainer and more acctffihie truths, Shakefpeare's Mcaf. fjr Mcaf,
To his bold riot. Milton' t P»r. t,^, h, X, U 510.
«s if defpicablc while caf^i ait clouded and ob- So fhall you hear
jfcurc^. Dkoj of Piety, 2. Applied to things. 01 tcddinltl jai^tMaf) cafual flaughteis
Of deatht put on by cunning, and forc'd caufe.
To Accto'r. v. a. [See CLOY.] God did not primarily intend to appoint th!»
Shakeff. Hdmlct.
Look upon things of the mod acddtual and 1. To up, in an ill fenfe ; to crowd, to
fill way of worfliip, and to impofe it upon them aj
mutablf! nature; accidenlal in their Huff full ; a word almoft obfolete. thatwhich was moft proper and agreeable tohim,
and mutable in their continuance At the but tliat he condefcended to as moft accommodate
yet God's well head the pureft ftreamsarife; it
prefc'ence of them is as certain in him, to their prefent ftate and inclination.
as the But mucky filth his branching arms annoys, Tillotfon.
memory of them is, or can be, in us. And with uncomely weeds the gentle wave arr/oyj. Acco'mmodately. adv. [from accom-
Smith' t Sc mors. 'Fdi}y ^cen. modate.] Suitably, fitly.
3. In the following paflage feems 2. To fill to fatiety ; in which
it to fenfe clov is Accommoda'tion. n.f. [ham accommit'
flgmfy adiientitious. itill in ufe. date.]
Ay, luch a minifter as wind to fire, They that, efcapc bed in the temperate zone, 1. Provifion of conveniencies.
Tha: adds an accidtntal fiercenefs to would be acchyid with long •v,
nights,' very tedious, 2. In the plural, conveniencies, things re-
Its narural fury.
Dcnbam'% Sc;>h. no lefs than forty days. Ray o-l the Creatim.
Accidentally, aJi>. [from accidental]
To Acco'iL. v. IT. [See Coil.]
quifite to eafe or refrefhment.
1. After an accidental manner To The king's commiilioncrs were to have
; noneffen- crowd, to keep a coil about, to buftle, accommodations, a;; the other thought
fit to leave t»
to be in a hurry: a word now them who had been very civil to
Other points no lefs concern the Common- out of ; tlie king's
ufe. commiflioners. Clar.„don, b. yiii.
wealth, though but accidentally depending
U3 .n
the former. About the cauldron many cooks accoiTd, 3. Adaptation, fitnefs ; vvith the particle /o.
«>>«/«•, St. :fir.l.
I conclude choler acciJetuaUy bitter, With hooks and hJles, as need did require Indeed that difputing phyfialogy is no accommo-
and acri-
monioui, but not in idilf. Harvey on The while the viands in the veOel boil'd. dation toyour defignf, which are not to teach men
They did about their bufinefs fweat, and to cant endlefsly about ittateria and
Z, Cafually, fortuitoufly. forely frma.
Although virtuous men do fometimes acciJer Tairi Suten. Glan-vilU's Scepfts*
make A'ccOLENT. The organization of the body, with accommoda-
tally their way to preferment,
yet t'.ic n.f. \accokns, Lat.] He that
tion to its funitions, is fitted with th: moft curious
world is fo corrupted, that nu man can ribabits near a place ; a borderer. Dia.
»bly hope to be rewarded in it, merely mechanifm. //a/«i Origin.
count of his virtue.
upon ?c- Acco'mmodable. adj. [accommodabilis, 4- Compofition of a difference, reconcili-
Swift', MijccHanics. Lat.] That which may be fitted widi
Accide'ntalness. n./. [from acciden- ; ation, adjulhnent.
the particle to.
la/.] The quality of being accidental. As there is infinite
Acco'mpanable. adj. [from accompany.'\
variety in the circumftances
of pe.f.ns, thing,, anions, times, and Sociable : a word now not ufed.
places; fo
Acci PIENT. n./. [accipient, Lat.] A re- we muft be furniihed with fuch general rulei a; A (hiw, as it were, of ui accomparfable folita.
arc auommaMt to a';l this variety, rincfs, and of a civil wildnefs. Sidney, b. i.
ceiver, perhaps lometjmes ufed for re- by a wife judg-
ment and diforeti.n. WattC, Logici.
Acco'mpanier. »./ [from accompany.]
j)jg The perfoii that makes part of the com-
To Acci TE, -V. a. [accito, Lat.] To call,
To ACCO'MMODATE. [acccm- v. a.
mcdo, Lat.] pany ; companion, Dia.
to fomrnons ; a word not in ofe now.
Our coronation done, we will accit^,
1. To fupply with conveniencies of any To ACCO'MPANY. -v. a.
(As I before x:.n:r.i'xt'i) all our ftate, kind. It has tuiih before the thing, Fr.] To be with another as a compa-
Ani (h'eavV, cwifi^r'-j to :-
y good intents) 1 hcie three, nion, it is ufed both of perfons and
No pnnre, :jo peer, t c^ufc £„ fj„ The .eft io nothing ; with this word, ftand, flanj,

Hcav n ihjrtrn Ha: c 3^5 day. j1(ccmm,dalcj by the place (more charming
Co vjfit her, in her chafte bower of reft,
With rheirown noblenefs, which could haveturn'd Accompany'd with angel-like delights.
AccLA iM,»./ [flfi^/owo,
Lat. from which A diftaff to a lance), gilded pale looks.
n.^-„K;. Sfenfer, Sonnet iii. ,

Crftthe rerU-^f/a/w. jiwloli, Sbakcfp, CytnbcUre. The great bufinefs of the fenfe* being to ^lake
lenoon.] A (hout of praife,
2. With the particle /<7, to adapt, to fit, to
u: take notice of what hurts or advantages
make confiiient with. body, it is wifely ordered by nature, that pain
Hehad altered many things, not that fhould accompany the reception of feveral ideas.
jrfoitthypow'n, with load tfrt/dim, they
were not natural before, but that he Ltcie.
might accom-
xKdait himfelf to the age in which he lived. As folly IS ufually accompanied with perverfc-
.,-1 L
^''"'» P'r. Lofi, b. iii. /. ,07.
. nefs, fo here.
The herald end*
; the vaulted firmament
,_ Dryden on Dramatic Poetry,
it is Stvift's Short yie-w of Ireland.
With loud acc:amt, and vaft applaufe, is
rmt .
hit ronfijrtune to li^bt upon an hypo- To Acco'mpany. 'v.n. To aflbciate with;
thefis, thatcould not be acotr.modaiid to the
. , FM,t. t>ryd. na- tobecome a companion to.
ACCLAMA rioN. n.f. [acclamatio, Lat.] ture of things, and human aftliiis
; his principles No maninrSccl doth accompany mth others
could not be made to agree with that
Shouts of a;>plaufe ; fuch, as thofe conftitution but he learneth, ere he is aware, fome gcfture*
with and order which God hatli fettled in the
which a viftorious army falutes the world. voice, or faftiion. Bacon's Nat. Hi/lory',
neral. To reconcile ; to adjuft Acco'mplice. »./. [complice, Fr. from
3. what feems in-
It hath been the cuftom
of Chriftian men, in confiftent or at variance
complex, a word in the barbarous Latin,
token of the gieater reverence, to ; to make con- much in ufe.]
«and, to utter fillency appear.
ceruin word* o{ atcUmatio,, and,
Jefus, to bow,
at the name of
Part know how to accomodate St.
James and
I. Anaflbciate, a partaker, ufually in aa
11,^1,^, i. V. ^ ig. St. Paul better than fome late
Gladly then he mix'd reconcilers. Norri:. ill fenfe.
Among thofe friendly pow'rs, who him
To Acco'mmodate. f. n. To be con- There were feveral fcandalous reports induftri
With joy, and acclamathm loud, that one, formable to. oudy fpread by Wood, and his accomplices, to dif-
That, of fo many myriads faU'n, yet They make the courage all oppofition againft liis infamous projert.
one particular enfigns of the twelve
Retum'd, not loft. Milt, farad. Left, i.vU l.zi tribes accommodate unto tiie twelve figns of the Sivifi.
Such an encliantment is the.e in
words, and zodiac. n
2. A partner, or to-operator j in a fenfe
»T • L r ,
'' ''"'" '" '<""«> to be ruined

?!,* "f ^'^f Neither of chymifts have duly confidcred
fort indifferent.
plaufibly, and to be ulhered to their
dcrtruaion how great variety there
is in the textures and If a tongue would be talking without a
with paacg)nck and acclamation. mouth,
South confiftencics of compound bodies; and what could it have done, when
AccLi'viTY. n.f. [from acclit-ut, Lat.] how little it had all it»
the confiftince and duration of organs of fpccch, and accomplices of f<,und, about
many of them
The Ikepnefs or rtope of a line inclin- feem to accommodate and be explicable by the
pro ''• . AddiJ'ontSpiaatorfti" zn_j.
ing to the horizon, reckoned pofed^ notion. Boyle; Sce/>t. Chym.

upwards 3, It is ufed with the panicle
to before a
«, the afcent of an hill is the
Acco'mmodate. adj. [accommodatut, Lat.] thing, and •with before a perfon,
the defcent is the declivity. Suitable, fit; ufed fometimes with Childlefs Arturiua, vaftly rich before.
P«/«A>. the
The nien, leaving particle/iir, butmore frequently with to. Thus by his lolfes multiplies his ftore,
wives and younger
children below, do, not without They Sufpedled for accomplice to the fire,
fome difficttltv, are fo aftcd and directed by nature,
clamber up the accli^itie,, dragging to caft their eggs in burnt his palace but to build it higher.
their kine fuch places as arc moft ac- them, whe-e ll«y feed ccmmadate for the cxcluCon of their young, Dryd.Juii.'Sit.
them, aod milk and
thew, and make butter and cheefe, where there is food ready for them fo foon as they Who, ftiould theyft^l for want of his rcliet
and do all
He judg'd himfelf flr«»i^/(« with the thief,
.he *a,;y-work. Ray o„ th Crtat,.,,.
be hatched. Ry on the Creation.
Accii vous. adj. {accli-vu,, Lat.] Rifinp
In thefe cafes we examine the why, the
Diydcn't Fables.
with a (lope. * and the how, of things, and ptopofc means
To ACCOMPLISH. -J. a. [aaompUr, tr.
ttmmodttt It ti>c end. from coinpUo, Lat.]
Vol. L I VEJtran^c,

A C C .

by policy and worldly with •Tofliua and Urael, with one eccorj.
The means fuggcfted
». To complete, to execute fully; as, to wifdom, for the aitainmcnt of thofe earthly cn-
Jtpua, IX. 1.
atamflijb a dcfign. purpofe, not only Harmony, fymmetry, juft correfpond-
joymer.ts, are unfit for that
that fir oft (hall die of the peftilence, and
U upon the account of their for, but ence of one thing with another.
that is near (hall fall by the fword, and
he that
lie alfo of their frequent oppofit'.on and contrariety is nothiii^ clfc but a juft acard and mu-
temaineth, and is befieged, (hall die by the to, the aiccmplipmir.i of fucli ends. South' t Scrm. tual harmony of the members, animated by a
mine. Thus will I eccimflifr my fury upon Acco'mpt. It./. [Fr. compter And compte, healthful conftitution. Drydm't Dujrejnoj, Pre/.
Extkkl, vi. la.
anciently accompier. Skinner.^ An ac- . Mufical note.
». To complete a period of time. were in one ftceple two bells of
count, a reckoning. See Account. Try, if there
He would accampli/h Icventy years in the defo- unifon, whether the ftriking of the one would
Danitl, ix. a. The foul may have time to call itfelf to a juft
lations of Jerulilcm. move the other, mire than If it were another
accompt of all things paft, by means whereof re-
3. To fulfil ; a prophecy.
as, accord. Bacons Natural Hljlorj, No 281.
pentance is perfefled. Hotter, i.v. §46.
The vifion,
Each Cbriftmas they accanpn did dear;
We muft not blame Apollo, but his lute.
Which I made known to Lucius ere the ftroke If falfe accords from her diit fttings be fent.
' And wound their bottom round the year. Pritr, Sir y. Daviet.
Of this yet fcarce cold battJe, at this in(»ant
ShaUfra-t'i Cymhlint. Acco'mptant. It./, [accomptant, Fr.] A
Is full accmflijh'd. Oxvn accord ; voluntary motion : ufed
We day thofe events eaaflly aaom-
fee every reckoner, computer. See Account- .

both of perfons and things.

pTilhtd, which our Saviour foretold at fo great a ant.
Ne Guyon yet fpal^e word.
, As the accompt runs on, generally the accompt- Till that they came unto an iron door.
4. To gain, to obtain. ant goes backward. Souib's Sermors.
Which to them open'd of its own accorr!.
Tell him from me (a» he will win my love) Acco'mpting DAY. The day On which ta'ry Stuetn.
He bear himfelf with honourable aftion to be fettled. Will you blaxe any man for doing that of hia
the reckoning is
Such as he hath obferv'd in noble ladies To whom thou much doll owe, thou much own accord, which all men (hmld be compelled to
Unto their lords, by them aecomplilhtd.
do, that are not willing t th.mfelvea. Hocier.
maft pay;
_ Stakrjf. 7am. of a Sircw. All animal fubftance.-, eipofed to tlie air, turn
Think on the debt againft th' accompt'wg day.
I'll make my lieaven in a lady's
alkaline of their f wn accord; and fome vegetables,
Sir J. Dnkam,
Oh miferable thought, and more unlikely. by heat, will not turn acid, but alkaline.
To ACCO'RD. [derived, by fome,
f. a.
Than to accompli/h twenty golden crowns.
'^•^ jlrbuthnit en
Hhakijf.litnryy from corda, the firing of a mufical in- 6. Aftion in fpeaking, correfpondent to
5. To adorn, or furnifh, either mind or
ilrument, by others, from corda, hearts ; the words.
body. in the firft, implying harmony, in the Titus, I am come to talk with thee.
From the tents other, unity.] No, not a word: how can I grace my talk,
The armourers uctmfTtp'ing the knights. . To make agree ; to adjuft one thing to Wanting a hand to give it that accord?
With bufy hammers clofmg rivets up. Sbate/p. Titus And.
Give dreadful note of preparation. Shakefp. Htri,
V. another ; with the particle to.
Acco'rdance. n./. [from accord.]
participial adj. The (irft fports the (hepherds (hewed, were full
Ac co'm p I, I s H E D .
of fuch leaps and gambols, as being accardeii to 1 Agreement with a perfon ; with the
1. Complete in fome qualification.
young the pipe which they bore in their mouths, even particle iMith.
For who cxpcfts, that, under a tutor, a a right piilure of their chief
as they danced, made And prays he may in long accordance bide,
gentleman Ihould be an ammflj/hiJ publick ora- god Pan, and his companions the fatyrs. great worth which hath fuch wonder*
Ltcie. With that
tor or logician. Siilnty, b.\. Fairfax, h.'n.Jlan*ab%'
2. Elegant ; refpea of embel-
finiftied in accorded the lute's mufic to the voice;
Her hands 2. Conformity to fomething.
lifiiments ; ufed commonly of acquired her panting heart danced to the mufick. The only way of defining of fin, is, by the con-
Sidney, h. ii.
. qualifications, without including moral trariety to the will of God ; as of good, by the
The lights and (hades, whofe well acardeJ ftrife
excellence. accordance vntl) that will.
Gives all the (irength and colour of our life. Hammond's Fundamentals.
The next I took to wife, Pope's Epift.
O that I never had ! fond with too late. Acco'rdant. adj. [accordant, Fr.] Wil-
2. To bring to agreement ; to compofe ;
Was in the valeof Sorec, Dallla, ling ; in a good humour. Not in ufe.
That fpteious' nJon(Ver, my acccmfli/h'rl fnare. to accommodate. ,
1 he prince difcovered that he loved your niece,
Sam/on Agcn. upon bare contrafts without
Men would not reft and meant to acknowledge it this night in a dance;
Acco'mplisher. n.f. [from accompliJh.'\ reducing the debt into a fpecialty, which created and, if he found her accordant, he meant to take
DiSl. much certainty, and acctrdtd many fuits. the prefent time by the top, and inftantly break
The pcrfon that accompliflies. Sir M. Hale.
with you of it. Skakefp. Muck ado ahout Nothing.
Acco' a PLiSHUBKr. It./. lac<ompliJ~ement, n. To agree, to fuit one
To Acco'r D. f. Ac co' R D I N c prep, [from accord, of which

with another with the particle w/VA. it isproperly a participle, and is there-
Completion, full performance, perfec- ',

1 hings are often fpoke, and feldom meant fore never ufed but with to.]
tion. But that my heart acccrdtth ivitb my tongue.
This would be the acccmpCi/hment of their com- . In a manner fuitable to, agreeably to,
Seeing the deed is meritorious,
mon felicity, in cafe, by their evil, either through my fovereign from his foe. in proportion.
And to prefervc
occ.ilion to Our churches are places provided, that the peo-
<lcftiny or advice, they fuffered not the ShaS^p.Hen.Vl
Sir Jibn Hayward. might there alTemble themfelves in due and
^( loft. Several of the main parts of Mofcss biftory, as ple
Thereby he might evade the aatmfl'^nur.t of concerning the flood, and the (irft fathers of the decent manner, according to their feveral degrees
thofe affliftions he now but gradually end urcth. Hooker, h. v. ^ 13.
fcve:al nations of the world, do very well
acctr.i and orders.
BrtnvH^s Vulgar Errours.
ivith the mod ancient accounts of pmfane hiliory. Our leal, then, (houlJ be according to know-
He thought it impo(rible to (inJ, in any one Till tfon. Sermon i. ledge And what kind of knowledge ? Witli ut
body, all thofe perfcSions which he fought
for according to the true, faving,
Jarring int'refts of themfelves create all queftion, firft,

the acitmflijimtnt of a Helena j becaufc nature, Th" accorditg mufick of a well-mixt (late. Pope. evangelical knowledge. It (liould be according to
Inany individual ptrfon, makes nothing that is Aoco'r-D. n./. [accord, Fr.] the gofpcl, the whole gcfpel : not only according to
perfed in all its parts. Drydm'i Dufrtjiry, Pre/. its truths, but precepts : not only according to its
I. Acompaft; an agreement ; adjuftment
Completion ; as, of a prophecy. fiee grace, but necelTary duties : not only accord-
preach- of a difference. ing to its mjfteries, but alfo its commandments.
The miraculous fuccefs of th; apo.lles
There was no means for him to fatisfy all Sprat's Sermtm.
ing, and the acampliJhiKer.t of miny of their pre-

were obligations to God and man, but to ofler himfelf Noble the fame that is built on candour and
i'ldt'ions, which, to thofe early Chriiiians,
for a mediator of an accord and peace between ingenuity, according to thofe beautiful lines of Sir
matters of fath only, are, to us, matters of figh: Bacon's Hen, VII.
^iitriury'tSirmoin. them. John Denham. Addijon, Sptaalor.
and expetience.
If both are fatisfy'd with this accord. With regard to.
Embelli(hm«nt, elegance, ornament of Swear by the laws of knighthood on my fword. God made things in number, weight, and
mind or body. Dryd. Fat.
meafure, and gave them to be confidercJ by us ac-
Young heirs, and elder brothers, from their z. Concurrence, union of mind. tording to thefe propeities, which are inherent in
cwn refleifling theeftatestheya.e born to, and At laft fuch grace I found and means I wrought, creatcJ beings. Hc:dcr en Time,
therefore thinking all other accimplijhmntt unne- That Ipoufe had won,
la 'y to my
celTary, arc iff no manner of ufc but to keep
I that
3. In proportion. The following phrafe
Accord of friends, confent of parents fought,
op their families. Aldifin, Speftator, N" 123.
Affiance made, my happincfs begun.
is, I think, vitious.
4. The of obtaining or perfefting any
a£l Spenfir's Fairy Sheer. A man may, with prudence and a good con-
to fight fclencc, approve of the profeiTed principles of one
They together,
thing; attainment; completion. . gathered tlicniiyvcs
had the fame reafon to believe the hiftoryof our
party more than the other, according as he thinks Dlftlnflion, dignity, rank.
Saviour, as that of any other perfon to which they

they bell piomotc the good of church and ftate. There is fuch a peculiarity in Homer's manner
themfelves were not aftually cye-witneffcs, they
Sivlft'i Church tf England Man. of apostrophizing Eumaus: it is generally applied,
were bound, by all the rules of hiftorical faith, and
Acco'roinclv. aJ'v. [from accon/.] A- by that poet, only to men v^ account and diftinc-
*.'«. of right reafon, to give credit to this billory.
ti'on. Pope's OdylTey;
greeably, faitably, conformably. Addifon,
As the a'Sions ot men are of fundry diilmft . A reckoning verified by finding the va-
14. In law.
kinds, fo the laws thereof -oiuft accori'wg'.y be dif- lue of a thing equal to what it was ac- Account is, in the common law, taken for a writ
Ho'.kcr, b.i.
tinguiihed. counted. or adion brought againft araan, that, by means of
Sirrib, thou'rt faid to have a ftubborn fouf. Confidering the ufual motives of human aflions, office or bufincl's undertaken, is to render an <if-
That apprehends no fuit'ier than this world; which are pleafure, profit, and ambition, I cannot ccunt unto anothe'r ; as a bailiff toward hismiiftcr,
And ftjuar'U thy life accord n^fy. yet comprehend howthofe pcrfons find theirarroir:; a guardian to his ward. C-tvcf,
Shakilp. Mcufurefor Meaj. Swift. ACCOUNT.]
in any of the three. To Acco'uNT. -v, a. [See
Whoever of the authuricy and f:nk
is fo aflTuted

of fcrirture, as to believe ths doSriae of it, and

. A reckoning referred to, or fum charg- 1 To
efteem, to think, to hold in opinion.
ed upon any particular peribn ; and That alfo was accounted a land of giants. De/it.
to live acccjdinglyt fliall be laved.
TilUtfon's Prifacc. thence, figuratively, regard; confidera- 2. To reckon, to compute.
fubftances, fermented, turn four.
Mealy Ai- lion ; fake. Neither the motion of the moon, whereby
cordinglj, given to a weak child, they dill retain If he hath wronged thee, or oweth thee aught, months are computed, nor the fun, whereby years
their future; fot bread will give them the cholit. put that on my account, Philemon, i. S, are accounted, conCfteth of who'e numbeis.
Arbutbnor en AHmcnts. This mull be always remembered, that liothiiig Bronvn's Vulgar Errours,

To ACCO'ST. -v. a. \accofttr, Fr.] To can come into the account .>f recreation, that is not 3. To affign to, as a debt ; with the parti-
done with delight. Liciecn Education, ^ 197. cle to.
fpcik to firft ; to addrefs ; to falute,
In matters vvlierc his judgment led him to op- For fome years really accrued the yearly fum of
Vou millake. knight a.-ct/? her, front
: her,
pofe men on a public acccunt, he would do it vigo.
board her, woo her, alTail her.
two hundred thoufand pounds to the king's cofi'er* :
roufly and heartily. jitierhury's Seimoia.
Sbakfj'ftare'l Tvjelfth Night. and it was, in truth, the only projcdl that was ac-
The afTertion is cur Saviour's, though uttered counted to hisown I'ervice. Clarendon,
At length, ciiUcaing ail his ferpent wiles,
by him in the perfon of Abraham the father of the
Witii foothmg words renew d, him thus accoSs.
faithful; who, on the <rri rant of that charafler, is
4. To hold in efteem ; with of.
Paraa. Reg, Silver was nothing accounted of in the days of
very fitly introduced. Attcrbury.
aca^-d him : I fu'd, I (ought,
I firft Solomon. •
- Chrtin.
Thele tribunes kindled great dilTenfions between
Aod, with a loving force, to Phencus brought.
the nobles and the commons, on the account of Co-
ToAcco'uNT. 1/. a.
Dryd. j'Ene'td.
riolanus, a nobleman, wh^m the latter had im- 1. To reckon.
Acco'sTABLE. <i<^'. [from flffo/?.] Eafyof peached. Stvifi's Conlcfti in Athens and Rome, The calendar months are likewlfe arbitrarily
accefs ; familiar. Not in ufe. Nothing can recommend itfelf to our love, on and unequally fettled by the fame power; by
They were both indubitable, ftron^-, and high- any other account, but either as it promotes our which months we, to this day, account, and they
minded men, yet of fwect and accnjiahU nature, prefent, or is a means to alTurc to us a future Iiap- meafure and make up, that which we call the Ju-
almod equally del ghting in theprefsand affluence pinefs. Rogers, Sermon v. lian year. Holder on Time.
of d'pendents and fultors. yf^atsn. Sempronius gives 00 thanks on this account, 2. To give an account, to aflign the caufes
ACCO'UNT. n. f. [ftom the old French in which fenfe it is followed by the par-
accomft, from computui, Lat. it was ori-
J. A narrative, relation ; in this ufe it
ticle /t/r.
ginally written accimpt, which fee ; but, may feem to be derived from cenie, fi If any one (hould a(k, why our general conti-
a tale, a narration. nued fo eafy to the lad ? I know no other way to
by gradually foftening the pronuncia-
The review or examination of an affair account for it, but by that unmeafurable love of
tion, in time the orthography changed J.
wealth, which his bell friends allow to be his pre-
taken by authority ; as, the magiftrate
to account. dominant paffion. Swift,
took an account ot the tumult.
.1. A computation of debts or expences ; a
Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened 3 To make up the reckoning ; to anfwer
regifter of facts relating to money. withyir.
onto king, which would take acccuni of
a certain
At many tJm^s I brought in m^^ his fervants and when he had begun to reckon,
Then thou flialt fee him plung'd, when lead he
Laid them before you ; you would threw them off, fears.
one was brought unto him, which owed him ten
And fay you found them in mine honefly. thoufand talents. Matt, xix. 23, 24. At once accounting for his deep arrears.
Shakcfp. Timcn. Vryd. fu-u. Sat. xiii.
When my young mader has once got the ikill 10. The relation and reafons of a tranfac- They have no uneafy prefages of a future reckon-
of keeping accounti (which is a bulincfs of rear>n tion given to a perfon in authority. ing, wherein the pleafures they now talle mud be
more than arithmetic) i>erhaps it will not be amlfs, What need we fejr who knows it, when none accounted for; and may, perhaps, he outweighed
that his father frj;n thenceforth require him to do can call our power f) accour.t ? ' by the pains which fliall tiien lay hold of them.
it in all his concernments. Lacke on Educ. Shitkefpiare'i Macbeth, Alteibury's SermoK',
2. The ftate or refult of a computation ; Thetrue ground of morality tan only be tlie 4. To appear as the medium, by which
as, the acccunt ftands thus between us. willand law of a Cod who fris men in the dark, any thing may be explained.
Behoid this have 1 fnund, faith the Preacher, has in his hands rewards and punilhments, and
Such as have a faulty circulation through the
counting or.e by one, to Bnd out the acatint. power enough to call to account the proudell offen-
lungs, ought to eat very little at a time; becaufe
der. Lccki,
EcclefipJIkus, vii. 17. the increafe of the quantity of frelh chyle mtill
3. Such a ftateofperfons or things, as may 11. Explanation; aflignment of caufes. make that circulation Hill more uneafy ; which.
It is eafy to give account, how it comes to pafs, Indeed, the cafe of confumptivc and fome afih-
make them more or lefs worthy of being that though all men defire bappinefs, yet their wills

matic perfon', and accounts for the fymptoms they

confidered in the reckoning. Value, or carry them fo contrarily. Locke, are troubled with after eating.
ellimation. It being, in our author's arroonr, a right acquired Arbuthnot on Aliment!.
that they toik for their wives and
For the care
by begetting, to rule over thofc he had begotten, it Acco'uNTABLE. «<^'. [from «CfO«»/.] Of
their children, their brethren and kinsfolks, Wis not a power poflible to be inherited, becaufe
in leafl iictuni with them : but the greatell and the right, being confequcnt to, and built on, an aft
whom an account may be required who ;

principal fear was fur the holy temple. perfedlly perfonal, made that power fo too, and mult anfwer for followed by the parti-

z Maccah. xv, 1 1. impoHible til be inherited. Locke, cle te before the perfon, and_/ir before
That good affcAion, whichthings of fm.Tller ar- iz. An opinion previoufly eftablinied. the t'hing.
ttutt have once fet on work, is by fo much the Thefc were detigned to join with the forces at Accountable to none.
more calily raifed higher. Hocker, h. v. ^ 35. fra, therebeing prepared a number of fiat-bo!tomed But to my confciencc and my God alone.
1 fliould make more account of their judgment, boats to tranfport the land forces under the wing Oldham,
who arc rnen of fenfe, and yet have never touched of the great navy : for they made no account, but Thinking themfelves excufed from (landing
a pencil, than of the opinion given by the grcatcO that the navy Hiould be abfolutely mafter of the upon their own legs, or being accountable for their
part of painters. Dryden^t D.'ijrrfr. fcas. Baccn't Conftdcrations on War luiib Spain, own condufl, they very feldom trouble themfelves
4. Profit ; advantage ; to /«r« to account A young fellow, that had fold his
prodigal with enquiricf^, Locke on Education,
is to produce advantage. clothes,upon the fight of a fwallow, made account The good magiftrate will make no diftinftion ;

We wouiJ eftablifl) our fouls in fuch a folid and that fummerwas at band, and away went liis fliirt fir the judgment is God's; and he will look upon
fubftintial virtue, as will turn to aacuni in that too. L'Efirange, Fab, cxxvii. himfelf as accountable at bis bar for the equity of
great day, when it mull Hand the tc!l of infinite 13. The reafons of any thing colleftcd. it, Attcrbury's Sermons,
wifdom and juflicc. Add, Sji{l, N^ 399. Being convinced, upon all account!) that tbey Accot/'Nt ANT,<ti^'. [ftom account.} Ac-
Dz countable
countable to; refponfible for. Not in a£l of ^rmving to another, fo ai to in- lie at the table, according to the ancient
ul'e. creafe it. maimer. Di3.
His offence is To, appurs
as it Plants do nourifli ; inanimate bodies do not Accu'mbent. adj. \_accumbeni, Lat.]
jtcamnttnt n the law upon tiiat pain. they have an accretion, but no alimentation. Leaning.
Stakrff,. Mtaf.fvMiaf. Bac.ns Am. Hft. N" 6c2. The Roman recumbent, or, more properly, ac-
I love her too, The charges feem to be eftcdcd by the exhaling cumieni poftute in eating, was Introduced alter the
Not out oribfolute lull (though, peradventure, of the mo'fture, which may leave the tinging cor- Arhutbnot on Cans.
fird Punic wjr.
J ftand acccuntant for as great a Tin) pufcles more denl'e, and fomcihing augmented by
But partly led to diet iry revenge. the accretion of the oily and earthy parts of that
To ACCU'MULATE. f . a. [from accu-
Sbaifffeari'i Othtlls. moifture. Nrwt'jn^s Ofttict, mule, I'o heap one thing upon an-
Acco'uNTANT. n. /. [See Accompt- Infants fupport abftinence worft, from the quan- other ; to pile up, to heap together. It
tity of aliment confumcd accretion, is ufed either literally, as, to accumulate
ANT.] A computer ; a man fciUcd or

Arhuthnot or Aliments.
employed in accounts. money ; or figuratively, as, to accumu-
Accre'tive. adj .[ftomaccretion.] Grow-
The different compute ef divers dates ; thefliort late merit or wickednefs.
and irieconcilcable years of fome ; the exceeding ing ;that which by growth is added. If thou doft (lander her, and torture me,
crrour in the natural frame of others ; and the if the motion be very (low, we perceive it not :
Never pray more ; abandon all rcmorfc;
falfc deduAiona of ordinary orrwnr^nfi in molt.
we have no fenfe of the accreiite motion of plants On horrors head horrors accumulate ;
and animals and the fly fliadow fteals away upon
For nothing canft thou to damnation add.
Brown^s Vulgar Erroun,
the dial; and the quickelt eye can difcover no Sbakejp. Otbttto.
Acco'uNT-BOOK. »./ A book Contain- more but that it is gone. Glanville's Scepjis. Crulht by imaginary treafons weight.
ing accounts.
1 would endeavour to comfort myfelf upon the
To ACCRO'ACH. -v. a. [accrocher, Fr.] Which too much merit did accumulate.
• yobn Denbam*
• lofs of friends, as I do upon the lofs of money ; To draw to one as with a hook ; to gripe Sir

by turning to my account-book, and feeing whether to draw away by degrees what is ano- Accumula'tion, tt.f. [from accumu-
I have enough left for ray fupport. late.]
Sivifl. ther's.
Acco'dnting. n.f. [from account.] The Accro'achment. tt.f. [ftom accroach.l 1 The aft of accumulating.
One of my place in Syria, his lieutenant.
aft of reckoning, or making up of ac- The aft of accroaching. DiS. For quick accumulation of renown.
counts. To ACCRU'E. "J. n. [from the participle Which he atchiev'd by th' minute, loft his favour.
This method faithfully obfenrcd, muft keep a accru, formed from «f<Tc;/n», Fr.] Sbakefpearis Antony and Cleopatra^
man from breaking, or running behind-hand in Some, perhaps, might othcrwife wonder at fuch
1. To accede to, to be added to ; as, a
his fpiritual eftatej which, without frequent af- an aciumulatiin of benefits, like a kind of embroi-
(luitiing), he will hardly be able to prevent.
natural produftion or efFeft, witliout any
dering, or lifting of one favour upon anotlier.
Sourb*t Sermons* particular refpeft to good or ill.
To Acco'uPLE. -v. a. [accoufler, Fr.] To The Son of God, by his incarnation, hath 2. The ftate of being accumulated.
changed the manner of that perfonal fubfiftence ;
join, to link together. We now nfe
no alteration thereby accruing to the natu re of God
By fome people, and
the regular returns of it in
couple. their freedom from morbid matter it
it after the
Hooker, h. v. § 54.
He fent a folemn embaflage to treat a peace exhaufted, it looks as there were regular accu-
and league with the king; accoupimg
2. To be added, as an advantage or im- mulations and gatherings of it, as of other hu-
it with an
article in the nature of a requeft.
provement, in a fenfe inclining to good mours in the body. Arhutbnot on Diet,
HcirjWl. Bacon's rather than ill ; in which meaning it is Accumula'tive. aJj. [from accumu-
Tfl Acco'uRACE. f. a. [Ofafolete. See more frequently ufed by later authors. late.]
Courage.] To animate. From which compaft there ariling an obligation 1. That which accumulates.
That forward upon every one, fo to convey his meaning, there
pair ihe ever would alTuage, 2. That which is accumulated.
When they would ftrive due reafon to exceed accrues alfo a right to every one, by the fame (igns,
If the injury meet not with meeknefs, it then
But that fame /roward twain vouM accouragi. to judge of the fenfe or meaning of the perfon fo
acquires another accumulative guilt, and (Unds
And of her plenty add unto her need. obliged to exprefs himfelf. Souths Sermons.
anfwcrable not only for its own pofitive ill, but
Fairy Sluten, i. Let the evidence of fuch a particular miracle be
ii. c. 2. for all tlie accidental, which it caufes in the fuf-
never fo bright and clear, yet it is ftill but particu-
To Acco'uRT. -v. a. [See To COURT.] lar ; and muft therefore want that kind of force,
fcrcr. Government of tbe Tongue*
To entertain with courtfhip, or courtefy that degree of influence, which accrues to a land-
Accumula'tor. tt.f. [from accumulate.]
a word now not in ufe. ing general proof, from its having been tried or He that accumulates a ; gatherer or
Who all this while
were at their wanton reft, approved, and confented to, by men of all ranks heaper together.
.^ccourting each her friend with lavirti feaft. and capacities, of all tempers and interefis, of all Injuries may fall upon the paflive man, yet,
Fairy f^een. ages and nations. Atterhury^s Sermons. without revenge, there would be no broils and
To ACCOTTTRE. t,. a, laccouirer, Fr.] 3. To append to, orarife from : as, an ill quarrels, the great accumulators and multipliers of

confequence this fenfe feems to be lefs injuries. Decay of Piety,

To drefs, to equip. ;

Is it for this th«y ftujy ? to grow pale. proper. A'ccuRACY. »./. [accuratio,'L2.t.] Ex-
And the plealurcs of a glorious meal f
niifs His fcholar other parti-
Arlftotle, as in many aftnefs, nicety.
For this, in rags accculred are they feen. culars, folikewifeinthis, did juftlyoppofcThim, and This perfcil artifice and accuracy might have
And made the May-game of the public fpleen ?
"became one of the authors ; choofing a certain be- been omitted, and yet they have made (hift to
nefit, before the hazard that might accrue from move. Mort,
the difrefpefts of ignorant pcrfons. Wilkins. Quicknefs of imagination is feen in the inven-
4. In a commercial fenfe, to be produced, tion, fertility in the fancy, and tbe accuracy in
Drefs, equipage, furniture relating to Drydtx,
or arife ; as, profits. the exprelfiun.
the perfon ; trappings, ornaments. The man who hath the ftupid ignorance, or
The yearly benefit that, out of thofe his works,
I profefs requital to a hair's breadth not ojjly hardened effrontery to infult the revealed will of
; accruetb to hermajefty, amounteth toone thoufand
in tht finr.plc office of love, but in all the accc-iire- God or the petulant conceit to turn it into ridi-
pounds. Carcw^s Surv. ;

metst, complement, and ceremony of it. cule or the arrogance to make his own per-
The great profits which have accrued to the duke ;

Sbair/fearc's Merry If^mcs of lyinjfor. feiltions the mcalure of the Divinity ; or, at beft,
of Florence from his free port, have fet feveral of
Chtiftianity is loft among them in the trappings that can collate a text, or quote an authority,
the ftates of Italy on the fame fubjeft.
and accoutrctncnrs of it; with which, infteid of with an infipid accuracy ; or demonftrate a plain
Addifon on Italy.
adorning religirm, they have ftrangelj difguifed it, ptopofition, in formality; thefe now are the
and quite ftifled it in the crowd of external rites 5. To follow, as lofs ; a vitious ufe.
only men worth mentioning. Dclatrj,
and ceremonies. The benefit or lofs of fuch a trade accruing to
Wc confider the uniformity of the whole de-
Tillotfin, Sermon xxviii.
I have feen the pope officiate at St^ Peter's,
the government, until it comes to take root in the
fign, accuracy of the calculations, and (kill in re-
where, for two hours tog':ther, he was bufied in nation. Temp/e's Mifc.
ftoring and comparing paO'ages of ancient au-
putting .in or off his different accoulrmntt, accord- Accuba'tion. n.f. [from «cfa*o, to lie thors. Arhutbnot on Coins^
ing to die different parts he was to aft in them. down Lat.] The ancient pofture of
A'CCURATE. adj, [accuratus. Lat.]
AeUlfon, Sfeaaii-T, N" 201. leaning at meals.
How gay with all th' accoulrcmenis of war. 1 Exaft, as oppofcd to negligence or ig-
It will appear, that aecukati^n, or lying down at
The Britons come, with gold well-fraught thev meals, was a gefture ufcd by very many nations.
norance, applied to pcrlbns.
come. 2. Exaft, without defeat or failure, ap-
p/,i/, Brcion^s yul^ar Errotirs,
ACCRETION. »./ [accreii,, Lit.] The T» Accu'.UD. 11. «. [<j«»«^o, Lat.] To plied to things.
No m«n living has made more aeewau tri- competent judge, in order to infli£l fome AcCu'sTOMABLY. adv. According to
als than Reaumurc, that brighteft ornament of judgment on cuftom.
the guilty perfon.
France. Oljon. Touching the king's fines accufiomahly paid for
Ayliff'e^s Parergon.
3. Detern^iate precifely fixed. the purchafing of writs original, I find no certain
[accuj'atii'us, La.t.] A

Thole conceive the celef^ial bodies have more

Accu'sATiVE. a<?Jr'.
beginning of them, and do therefore think that
accurate influences upon thefe things below, than term of grammar, fignifying the rela- they grew up with the chancery.
indeed they have but in grof.. Bacon, tion of the noun, on which the adlion Bacon's Alienatien*
A'ccuRATELV. Wi'. \_{Tom accurate.'^ In implied in the verb terminates. Accu'sTOMANCE. tt.f. \accoutumance, Fr.J
an accurate manner ; exaifily, without Accu'sATORY. adj. [from accii/i.'\ That Cuftom, habit, ufe.
errour, nicely. which produceth or containeth an accu- Through accufiomance and negligence, and per-
Tlie fine ot' incidence is either accurately, or haps fome other caufes, we neither feel it in our
very nearly, in a given ratio to the fine of refrac- own bodies, nor take notice of it in others. Boyle.
In a charge of adultery, the accufer ought to
tion. Ncwiii:. fet forth, in the accu/atory libel, fome certain and
Accu'sTOM ARiLY. Wi;. In a cuftomary
That all thefe didances, motions, and quan- definite t'mc. manner ; according to common or cuf-
tities of matter, ihould be fo accurately and
To ACCU'SE. -v. a. [accu/o, Lat] tomary praftice.
harmonioufly adjufted in this great variety of cur
1. To charge with a crime. It requires Go on, rhetorick, and expofe the peculiar emi-
fyllem, is above the fortuitous hitsof blind matrriul
nency which you accufltmarily marflial before logic
caufes, and mufl certainly flow from that eterna. the particle 0/ before the fubjedl of ac-
to public view. Clcaveland.
fountain of wifdom. Bctttlry. cufation.
Accu'sTOM AR Y. [from accu/}om.'\ adj.
A'ccuR ATENESS. 11./. [itOBX occuraie.] He ftripp'd the bears-foot of its leafy growth j
And, calling wcftcrn winds, accused the fpring of Ufual, praftifed ; according to cuftom.
Exaftnefs, nicety.
floth. Drydeni Virgil, Accu'sTOMED. adj. [from accujiom.'\ Ac-
But I'cmetimc after, fufpefting that in making
this obfervation 1 had nut determined the diame-
The profcfibrs are accufcd cfM the ill prafljccs cording to cuftom ; frequent ; ufual.
ter of the fphtrc with fu£cient accurater^fs, I re-
which may
(zzai to be the ill confequenccs of their
Look how Jhe rubs her hands. Ic is an ac~ —
peated tiie experiment. N^nvton. cuflomed atflion with her, to feem thus wafhing her
2. It fometimes admits the particle_/or. hands 1 have known her continue in this a quar-
To Accv'rse. 'V. a. [See Curse.] To :

Never ftrnd up a k*g of a fowl at fupper, while ter of an hour. Sbakefj^earis Macbeth.
doom to mifery ; to invoke mifery upon there is a cat or dog in the houfe, that can be ac- AcE. n,/. [As not only fignified a piece
any one. cused f,.r run.iing away with it : But, if there
of money, but any integer, from whence
As were an unlucky comet, or as if God
if it happen to be neither, you mutt lay it upon the rats,
is derived the word ace, or unit. Thus
had fa accurjtd it, that it ihould never ihine to or a llrange greyhound. Sviift,
give light in things concerning our duty any way To blame or cenfure, in oppofition to Aj fignified the whole inheritance. Ar-
towards him. Htj'.kcr. huthnot on Coins,
applaufe or jullification. ]
When Hildebrand accurfed and cart down from I. An unit; a fmgle point on cards or
'I'heir CDnfcieiiCe bearing witnefs, anJ their
his throne Henry IV. there were none fo hardy as
Sir Walter Raliigh'i E£'ays.
thoughts the mean while accujing or elfe exculing dice.
to defend their lord.
one another. Rem. ii. i 5. When lots are (huffled together in a lap, urn, ot
Accu'rsed. fart. adj. Your valour would your floth too much accujc, pitcher; or if a man bit.ijfold carts a die, what
1, That which is curled or doomed to And therefore, like the;jfelves, they princes choofe. reafon in the world can he have to prefume, that
mifery. VrydttCi Tyravrick Love. he rtiall draw a white ftone rather than a black, or
•Tis the moft certain fign the world's accurfi. Accv'sER. n. /. [from accuji,'] He that throw an ace rather than a fife ? South.
That the bed things corrupted are and word. brings a charge againft another. I. A fmall quantity; a particle; an atom.
Drvbam. There are fome perfons forbidden to be accuftrs, He willbate an ace of abfolute certainty;

2. That which deferves the curfe ; ex- on the fcore of their fex, as women ; others, of but however doubtful or improbable the thing is,
and infants ; others, Ujmn the
their age, as pupils coming from him muft go for an indifputable
ecrable ; hateful ; detcKable ; and, by
account of fome crimes committed by them ; and truth. Government of the Tongue.
confequence, wicked ; malignant. not wag an ace farther ; the whole world
others, on the fcore of fome filthy lucre they pro- I'll
A fwift blefling
pofe to gain thereby j others, on the fcore of their fiiall not bribe me to it. Dryden^s Spanijh Friar..
May foon rettirn to this our luffcring country,
conditions, 3i libertines againli their patrons ; and Ac e'p H A LOUS .rJ(^'. [axi^aX®-, Gr.jWith-
Under a hand accurt'd ! Sbakr'peare^t Machetb.
others, through a fufpicion of calumny, as having
The chief part of tiie mifc,-y of wicked men, out a head. Diff.
once already given falfe evidence ; and, lailly,
and thofe accurfed fpiritn, the devi's, is this, that Ace'rb. adj. Acid, with
[aceriiis, hat.']
others on account of their poverty, as not being
they are of a difpofition contrary to God. Titiotjvn.
worth more than fifty aurei, Ayliffci Parcrgon,
an addition of roughnefs, as moft fruits
They, like the feed from which they (prung, —That good man, who dracic the pois'nous are before they are ripe. ^incy,
Againll the g immortal hated nurO.
draught, Ace'rbity. n.f. [acerbitas, Lat.]
>ds Dryrlrn. With mind
Accu'sABLE. adj. [fromtlie verb aecuji.] His
ferene, and could not wifli to fee
vile accufer drank as deep as he. Drydcn.
1. A rough four tafte.
2. Applied to men,^lharpncfs of temper
That which may be cenfured ; blame- If the perfon accufed maketh his innocence j
plainly to appear upon his trial, the accufer is im- feverity.
able ; culpable.
mediately put to an ignominious death J and, out True it is, that the talents for criticifm, namely,
There would be a manifed defeat, and Nature's
of his goods and lands, the innocent perfon is fmartnefs, quick cenfure, vivacity of remark, in-
improvition were juftly accufai/e it animals, fo -,

quadruply recompenfed. Guirrvers Travels, deed all but acerbity, fccm rather the gifts of youth
fubjc^ unto difeafes from bilious caales, ihould
than of old a^ic. Pope.
want a proper conveyance for chnler. To ACCU'STOM. [acautumer, Fr.J
t/. a.
Sroivii'i Vulgar Errourt.
To habituate, to enure, with the par- To ACE'RVATE. i-. a. [acervo, Lat.]
Accdsa'tiok. n./. [(rom accu/e.'] ticle to. It is ufed chiefly of perfons. To heap up. Dia.
1. The aft of accufing. How fhali we breathe in other air AtERVA'TI0^J. n.f. [from acer'vate.'\ The
Ihus they in mutual accujatioti fpent Lefs pure, accufiivt'd to immortal fruits ? Milton. heaping together.
aft of
The fruidefi hours, but neither felf- condemning. It iias been fome advantage to accuflitn one's Ace'rvose. adj. Full of heaps. Diil.
And of their vain contcft appear'd no end. felf 10 books of the fame edition.
M'lli'^n, AcE'iCENT. adj. [ace/cetts, Lat.] That
fVatts's Itnfrmemnt of the Mind-
2. The charge brought againft any one which has a tendency to fournefs or aci>
by the accufer.
To Acc'oSTOM. 11. /r. To be wont to do
You read any thing. Obfolete. The fame perfons, perhaps, had enjoyed their
Thefe acrufaihns, and thefe grievous crimes A
boat over-freighted funk, and all drowned, health as well with a mixture of animal dirt, qua-
Committul by your perfoo, and your followers. fav'ng one woman, that in her firft pepping up
lified with a fufticicnt quantity of acefccnts^ as^
Hhakefpeare. again, which moft living things accuficjm, got holj
bread, vinegar, and fermented liquors.
Ail accujatiiti, in the very nature of the thing, of the boat. Corciv, Arbutbnot on Aliments.
Aiil fuppofing, and being founded upon fome law Acco'sTOMAELE. adj. [from accujfom.l AcETo'sE. ai^'. That which has in it any
frr where there is no law, there can be no tinnf-
Of long cuftom or habit j habitual, thing four. Di^.
greflion ; and where there can be no tranfgrefiijn,
1 am furc there ought to be no accufatien.
cuftomary. AcETo'siTY. n.f. [from acito/e,] The
Animjls even of the fame original, extraftion,
ftate of being acctoie, or of containing
and fpecies, may be divcrufied by accufiomabk re-
3. [Ill the fenfe of the courts.] A decla- Hdeiicc Ul one clitnacc, from what they are in ano- fournefs. Di^.
jation of ibme crime preferred before a ther. Halt i Origin of Mankind. Ace'tous. adj. [from actttim, vinegar,
Lat.] Having the quality of vinegar A'CID. at/J. [adJus, Lat. aciJt, Fr.] Sour, He has diewn his hero acimoviledging aod OR*
four. {harp. grateful, campa(ri >nate and hard-hearCed ; but, at
RiiuDS, which confid chiefly of the juice of the bottom, fickle and fclf-intcrefted.
Wild trees laft longer than garden trees; and
gripet, infpinated in the ikies or hulka by the In the fame kind, thole whofe fruit Is acij, mote
Drydcn's Vtrgil.
avoljcion of the fupeifluouimoiflure through their than thafe whofe fruit is fweet. Ac K N o'wL E O c M E N T . n.f. [from acknoitt-
pores, being dillillol in a retort, did not affurd Baton's Natural Uifi'.ry. ledge.]
any vinous, but rather an acfteus fpirit. Boyte* jlcid, or four, prnceedj from a fait of the fame 1. Conccffion of any charafter in ano-
Ache. n./.[ac*. Sax. ax®'» G""- "O*^ ge- nature, without mixture of oil ; in aufterc taftes
ther as, exiftence, fuperiority.
nerally written ake, and in the plural tl>e oily have not difentangled thenifclvcs
from the falts and earthy puts ; luch i> the t.iftc
The due contemplation of the human nature
akes, of one fy liable; the primitive man- doth, by a necelTary cortnexion and chain of
of unripe fruits. Arhuthnot m Alimtrut.
ner being preferved chiefly in poetry, caufcs, carry us up to the unavoidable ackn&w..
Liquors and fubflances are called acidt, which
ledgmnt of the Doitj- ; becaufe it carries every
for the fake of the meafure.] A con- being compofed of pointed particles, aft'efl the
thinking man to an original of every fucceffive in-
tinued pain. See Ake. tafte in a (harp and piercing manner. The com- dividual. Hall's Origin of Maniind,
I'll rack thee with oM cramps;
mon way of trying, whether any particular liquor
Fill all thybones with athes, make thee roar hath in it any particles of this kind, is by mix- 2. Conceflion of the truth of any pofl-
That beajts Oiall tremble at thy din. Shaiefpeare. ing it with fyrup of violets, when it will turn ot tion.
A coming fliow'r your (hooting corns prelate, a led colour; but if it contains alkaline or lixivia! Immediately upon the acknowledgment of the
Old acbci will throb, your hollow tooth will ra^e. particles, it changes that fyrup green. Sluircy. chriftian faith, the eunuch was baptized by Fhilip.
SioJj't. Aci'dity. n.f. [fromaaV.] The quality Uocier,
To Ache, i: n, [See Ache.] To be in of being acid ; an acid tafte ; iharpnefs ; 3. Confeflion of a fault.
pain. fournefs. 4. Confeflion of a benefit received ; gra-
Upon this account,our fcnfcs are dulled and Filhes, by the help of a dilTolvent liquor, cor- titude.
fpert by any extraordinary intention, and our very rode and reduce thei?~meat, (kin, bones, and all,
5 Aft of atteflation to any conceflion ;
eyes will actt, if long fixed upon any difficultly into a chylus or cremor ; and yet this liquor ma-
difcerned object. nifc'.s nothing of acidity to ihe tafte.
fuch as homage.
GlanviUc. R.y.
When the tafte of tlie mouth is bitter, it is a i'hcre be many wide countries in Ireland, in
To ACHI'EVE. f. a. [achever, Fr. to
which the laws of England were never eftablilhed,
fign of a redundance of a bilious alkali, and de-
complete.] nor any acknonvhdgment of fubjcdlion made.
mands a quite dilTerent diet from the cafe of aci-
1. To perform, to finiQi a defign pro- dity or fournefs. Arhuthnii on Alimtr.n. apenjcr's State ef Ireland,
fpcroufly. A'ciDNEss. »./ [fromof/V.] Thequality 6. Something given or done in confeflion
Our toils, my friends, are crown'd with furc fuc-
of being acid; acidity. See Acid iry. of a benefit received.
cefs I

ACFDVLjE. n.f. [that is, aqua acitiuU.'\ The fecond is an aeknototedgtntnt to his ma-
The greater parf perform'd, acb'uve the lefs. Dryd* jefty for the leave of fi(hing upon his coafts and
2. To gain, to obtain. Medicinal fprings impregnated with ;

though this may

not be grounded upon any treaty,
Experience by induftry, fffi/fvV,
is ftiirp particles, as all the nitrous, chaly- yet, if it appear to be an ancient right on our fide,
And perfeflcd by the fwift coui fe of time. Shakeff. beate, and alum fprings are. ^incy. and cuftom on theirs, not determined or cx-
Tranio, 1 burn, I pine, 1 pcrilh, Tranio, The acidu/ar, or medical Iprings, emit a greater tingui(hed by any treaty between us, it may with
If 1 atblevt not this young modcH gi:l. quantity of their minerals than ufual ; and even juftice be iniifted on. lemflt's Mij'ccilanics,
Shakifpeare. the ordinary fprings, which we-e before clear,
Thou haft achieved our liberty, conlin'd
J'CME. n.f. height of
[i.,,,.,.,GT.'\ The
frelh, and limpid, become thick and turbid, and
Witliin helUgates till now. Miltcit, are impregnated with fulphur and other mine-
any thing ; more
ufed to
Show all the fpoils by valiant kings achiev'J, rals, as long as the earthquake lafts. denote the height of a diftcmper, which
And groaning nations by their arms rcliev'd. Prior, fVcfodward^ s Natural H'jiory is divided into four periods, i. The
Achi'ever. »./. He that performs ; he To Aci'dulate. n). a. [acidukr, Fr.] arche, the beginning or firft attack.
that obtains what he endeavours after. To impregnate or tinge with acids in a 2. Anahafis, the growth. 3. Acme, the
A viftory is twice itfclf, when the achk-ver flight degree. height. And, 4. Paracme, which is the
brings home full numbers. A diet of frelh unfaltcd things, watery liquors declenfion of the diftemper. i^iney.
Sbaktfpeari: Much ado about Nctbing. ac'dulatidf farinaceous emollient fubftances, four
Aco'i.OTHisT. n.f [azo^^fSiw, Gr.] One
Achi'evement. »./. [ackevement, Fr.^ milk, butter, and acid fruits.
of the lowelt order in the Romifti church,
1. The performance of an adion. Arhuthnot on Aliments.
From every coaft that heaven walks about. To ACKNO'^VLEDGR. -v. a. [a word whofe office is to prepare the elements
Have thither come the noble martial crc'-v, formed, .is it feems, between the Latin for the offices, to light the church, Wr.
That/amous hard achievements dill purfuc. and Englifh, from cgnofco, and knoiti- it duty, according to the papal law, when

Fairy ij^tf/rcff. the Vi(hop rii-igs mafs, to order all the inferior
ledge, which is deduced from the Saxon
2. The efcutcheon, or enfigns armorial, clergy to appear in their proper hab'.ts ; and to Lc
cnapan, to kno'w.'\ that the offices of the church he rightly per-
granted to any man for the performance all

of great aflions.
1. To own the knowledge of; to own any formed J
to ordain the atolothiji, to keep the facred

thing or perfon in a particular cha- velfels. Ayi.fe's Parirgon.

Then the war, and ftern debate, and ftrife
Immortal, be the bus'nefs of my life j racler. A'coLYTE. n.f. The fame with AcoLO-
And in thy fame, the dufJy fpoils among, My people do already known my miiid. THIST.
High on the burniih'd roof, my banner (hall be And acknowledge you and JilTica,
A'coN'iTE. n.f. [aeonitutn, Lat.] Properly
hung; In placcof lord Baffanioard niylelf. Sbaiijftare.
the herb wolfs-bane, but commonly ufed
Rank'd with my champion's bucklers, and below, None tliat ackno^ckdge God, or providence.
With arms rcvers'd, th' atbicv^ments of the for. Their fouls eternity did ever duubt. Davits. in poetical language for poifon in ge-
Dr^iUti. 2. To confefs ; as, a fault. neral.
Achie-vemeiitj in the derived
firft fenfe, is For I ackniKvltdgt my ttanfgreffions ; and my Our land is from the rage of tygers freed.
from achienje, as it figiiifies to perform ; (in is ever before me. fjalm li. 3. Nor nourilhcs the lion's angry feed ;
in the fecond, from achieve, as it im- 3. To own ; as, a benefit ; fomctimes Nor pois'nous aconite is here produc'd,
with the particle to before the perfon Or grows unknown, or is, »hcn known, refus'd.
ports to gain. Drjdtlh
A'cHiNG. [(torn acbe.'\ Pain; un- conferring the benefit. Dcfpair, that aconite docs prove.
His fpirit And certain death to others' iovc.
Taught them; but they his gifts aeinowMg'd That poifon never yet withftood.
When old age comes to wait upon a great and
worlhipful fmncr, it comes atiended with many
not. Mihm. Does nouri(h mine, and turns to blood.
In tbc'(irft place, therefore, I thankfully ac-
painful girdi and acbingt, called the gout. South. Granville.
inmvltdge to the Almighty power the he
A'CHOR. n.f. \ach6r, Lat. ix^^j, Gx.fur- his given me in the beginning, and the profecu-
A'coRK. [jEcepn, Sax. from ac, an
n, /.
oak, and cojin, corn or grain ; that is,
fur.^ \ fpccies of the herpes ; it appears tion of my prefent ftudies. Dryder.
with a crully fcab, which caufc'- an itch- Ac KNo'wLE DOING, the grain or fruit of the oak.] The feed
a.-lj. [from acknoiu.
ing on the furface of the head, occa- ledge.] Grateful ready to acknowledge or fruit born by the oak.
Errour:., fuch as are but acorns in our younger
fioned by a fait Iharp ferum oozing benefits received. A Gallicifm, recon- brows, grovi oaks in our older heads, and become
through the fkin. ^lincy. noiffant. indexible. Brtvi*.
4 Content
A C CL A C Q^ A C Q^
Content with food which nature freely bredi keep one of my letters, and compare it with my 3. Submlffion, confidence.
On wildings and on ftrawbcrries they fed ; face ; for my face and letters are counterparts of The grenteft part of the world take up their pcr-
Cornels and bi amble-berries gave the reft, my heart. Sivift to Pcfe. fuafions concerning good and evil, by an implicit
And falling d out a feaft.
actiriu furnifli A long noviciate of acquaintance ihould precede faith, and a full acquiefcence in the word of tliofe,
Dryjen^s 0-vid, the vows of friendlhip. Bolinghroke. who (hall rcprcfent things to them under thefe cha-
He that is nouriflied by the aeoms he picked up 4. The perfon with whom we are ac- rafters. South.
under an oak, or the apples he gathered from the quainted ; him of whom we have fome AcQjri'RABLE. [from acquire.] That
trees in tiie wood, has ceruinly appropriated them
knowledge, without the intimacy of which may be acquired or obtained ;
to himfelf.
friendfhip. attainable.
A'cORNED. adj .\Jrom acorn.'] Storedwith
In this fenfe, the plural is, in fome Thofe rational inlUnfls, the connate principles
acorns. engraven in the human foul, though they are truths
Like a full acorn d boar> Shahefp<rare. authors, acquaintance, in others acquain-
acquirable and deducible by rational confequence
Aco'usTi CKS. ».yl [AxbiT<*,of iieaw, Gr. tances. and argumentation, yet fcem to be infcribed in the
But (lie, all vow'd unto the red-crofs knight, very crafis and textuie of the foul, antecedent to
to hear.]
His wand'ring lament,
peril clofcly did
any acquifition by induftry or the exercife of ths
r. The doftrine or theory of founds.
Ne in this new acquaintance could delight, difcurfive faculty in man.
2. Medicines to help the hearing, ^iney. But her dear heart with anguilh did torment. HaWs Origin of Mankind.
To ACOyAl'NT. 1/. a. [accointer, Fr.] Fairy ^een. If the powers of cogitation and volition, and
1. To make familiar with; applied either That young men travel under fome tutor, I fenfation, are neither inherent in matter as fuch,
allow well, fo that he be fuch a one that may be nor acquirable to matter by any motion or modifi-
to perfons or things. It has luith before
able to tell them what acquoinfancei they are to
cation of it ; It necellarily follows, that they pro-
the objeft. fcek, what exercifes ordifcipline the place yieldeth. ceed from fome cogitative fubftance, fome incor-
We that acquaint ourfelves laith ev'ry zone, Bacon. poreal inhabitant within us, which we call fpirit
And pafs the cropicks, and behold each pole ; This, my you as many
lord, has juftly acquired and fiul. Bcntley.
When we come home, arc to ourfelves unknown, friends, as tlicre are perfons who have the honour
And unacquainted ftill with our own foul. to be known to you ; mere acquaintance you have
To ACC^I'RE. v. a. [acqiierir, Fr. ac-
Dalits. none, you have drawn them all into a nearer line j quiro, Lat.]
There •uiilh thee, new welcome faint. and they wiio have converfedwith you, are for ever 1 To own labour or power
gain by one's
Like fortunes may her foul acouaint, Milton, after inviolably yours. Dryden. to obtain what
not received from na-
Before a man can fpeak n any fubjeft, it is We fee he isadianied of his neareft acquaintances. ture, or tranfmitted by inheritance.
neceflary to be acjuainitd viitb it. * Bcylc againji B entity.
Locke on Education, Better to leave undone, than by our deed
Acoyji'iNTZD. ac/J. [from acquaint.] Fa- Acquire too high a fame, while he, we ferve, 'a
jlcauaint yourfelves luitb things ancient and
miliar, well known not new. ; away. Shakefp. Antony and Cleopatra,
modern, natural, civil, and religious, domeftic and
national ; things of your own and foreign countries
Now call we our high court of parliament 2. To come to ; to attain.
be well acfuainird viiih God and
That war or peace, or both at once may be Motion cannot be perceived without the percep-
and, above all,

yourfelve»; learn animal nature, and the workings

As tiungs acquainted and familiar to us. Shakeff. tion of its terms, viz. the parts of fpacc which it
of your own fpirits. IVatti'i Lopck. Acqjj e'st. n.J. [acquejl, Fr. irotaacquerir, immediately left, and thofe which it next acquires.
2. To inform. With is more in ufe before written by fome acquift, with a view to Glan-ville^s Scepjis,

the objeft than of. the woid acquire, or acquijiia.] Attach- Acqv I'titD, farticip. adj. [irora acquire.]
But for fome other reafonj, my grave Sir, ment, acquifltion ; the thing gained. Gained by one's felf, in oppofition to
Which is not fit you know, I not ac-jLaint New acquifls are moreburdea than Itrcngth. which are beftowed by na-
thofe things
My father c/this bufinefs. Bacon. ture.
Sheiefpe!tre\ T-wtlJtb Night. Mud, repofed near the oRea of rivers, makes We are feldom at eafe, and free enough from "

A friend in the cotintry acquaints nic, that two continual additions to the land, thereby excluding the f.)licitation of our natural or adopted defires
or three of the town are got among them, and
men the fea, and preferving thefe (hells as trophies and but a conftant fuccclfion of uneafintlfcs, out of
have brought words and phralcs, which were never figns of its new acquit and encroachments. that ftock, which natural wants, or acquired habits,
before in thofe parts. Tallir. iyocdivard. have heaped up, take the will in their tuins.
Acqu a'intakce. n.f. [accoiittance, Fr.] To ACOyi'ESCE. t;. n. [acquie/cer, Fr. Locke,
1, The Bate of being acquainted with; acqutejcere, Lat.] To
or remainreft in, Acc^ui'rer. n.f. [from acquire.] The
familiarity, knowledge. It is applied fatisiied with, without oppofition or dif- perfon that acquires ; a gainer.
as well to perfons as things, with the content. It has in before the objeft. AcQj;i'REMENr.ff./ [iioaxacqicire.] That
particle "witb. Others will, upon account of the receivednefs which is acquired ; gain ; attainment.
Nor was his arqaaintattce left w'ltb the famous of the propofed opinion, think it rather worthy to
b^ examined than acquifjctd in.
The word may be properly uled in op-
eoetsof hit age, than with the noblemen and ladies. Boyle.
Dr,dc<i. Nc.thcr a bare approbation of, nor a mere wish- pofition to the gifts of nature.
Our admiration of a famous man IclTens upon ing, nor una^ive complacency in j nor, laftly, a Thele his acquirements, by induftry, were ex-
ceedingly both enriched and enlarged by many
our nearer acquaintance tcitb him ; and we feldon. natural inclination to things virtuous and good,
can pafs before God for a man's willing of f'ucii excellent endowments of nature.
hear of a celebrated perfon, without a catalogue ol
iome DOtorioui weaknelTei and infirmitie*. things i and, confcquently, if men, upon this ac- H^tyivard on Edivard VI,
jiddifoti. count, will needs take up and acquitfce in an airy By a content and acquiefcence in every fpeciea
Would we be admitted into an acquaintance v^ith ungrounded perfuafion, tiial they will thafe things of truth, we embrace the fhadow theicof; or fo
God, ut ftudy to re.''emble him.
let muft be We which really they not will, tlicy fall thereby into a much as may palliate itsjuft and fubftantial <:e-

partakers of a divine nature, in order to partake oi grofs and fatal delufion. South. quirements. Brcrwn^s Vulgar Errours,
high privilege ar-d alliance. jiitertury. He hath empl'yed his tranfcendentwifdom and It is very difficult to lay down rules for the ac-
power, that by thefe he might make way for his quirement c.i a tafte. The faculty muft, in fome
2. Familiar knowledge, fimply without a
benignity, at the end wherein they ultimately ac- deg,ec, be born with us. Addifon.
prepofition. _ quiefce. Creiv. Acquisi'riON. n./, \_acquiJilio,'LsX,]
Brave foldicr, pardon me.
That any accent breaking from mi^-tonguc.
Accjuie'scence. [from euqtii,/ce.]
n./. 1 The aft of acquiring or gaining.
Should 'Icape the true acquaintance of mine ear. 1. A filent appearance of content, dilUn- Each man has but a limited right to the good
Sbaltejpejre. guilhedon one fide from avowed confent, things of the world and the natural allowed way,

This keept the underftanding long in convrrle with on the other from oppofition. by "which he is to compafs the po/le(lion of tliefe
ao objefl, and long converfe brings acquaintance. things, is by his own induftrious acquifition of
Neither from any of che nobility, nor of the
Soutb. them. South.
clergy, who were thought moftaverfelrom it, tliere
In what manner he lived with thofe who were appeared any llgn of coutradiOion to that; but an 2, The thing gained ; acquirement.
of his neighbourhood and acquaintance^ how obli- entire acquiejcace in all the hiihops thought tit tn Great Sir, all acquifition
ging his carriage wat to them, what kind offices he do. Clarendon. Of glory as of empire, here I lay before
did, and was always ready to do them, 1 forbear Your royal feet. Denkani*s Sophy,
2. Satisfaftion, reft, content.
particularly to fay.
Manyindeed have ^ivcn over their purfuits after A ftatecan never arrive to its period in a more
%. A flight or initial knowledge, fhort of fame,either from di f ippointmcnt,or from experience dcpl'irabic crifis, than when Ibme prince lies hover-

friendfhip, as applied to perfons. of the little picalurc which attends it, or the better ing like a vulture to difmember Its dying carcali: ;.
1 am pretty near feeing you, and there- informations or natural c-^ldn-rfs of old age; but by wliich means it becomes only an acquifition to
I b'jpe
would cultivate an acquaintance i becanfe if fi'Idom from a full fatisfadtioii and acquicjance in fome mighty monarchy, without hopes of a rcfur-
fore I
you do oot know mc when we meet, yon need only their prefent enjoymcntj of it. AdJifon, ireftioB. ^
Acqyi*«ITIVK. adj. [acqmjtlivtts, Lat.] They quickly pay their debt, and then A'cROspiRED./ar/. adj. Having fprouts,
That whidi is acquired or gained. Take no acquittances, but pay again. Donne.
or having ftiot out.
The fame man bought and fold to himfelf, paid For want of turning, when
He diej not in his aefuifitive buc in liis nativf the malt is fpread
the money, and gave the acquittance, yirhuthnot.
foil nature hcrfelf, as it were, claiming a Ana)
; on the Hrior, it comes and fprouts at both ends,
intercft in his btdy, when fortune had done with A'cRE. n.f. [JEcjM, Sax.] A quantity of which is called acrofjiircd, and is fit only for fwine.
him. IVaton. land containing in length forty perches, Mortimer*
Acqui'sT. n.f. [See AcquEST.] Ac- and four in breadth, or four thoufand AcRo'ss. adv. [from a for at, or the
quirement ; attainment ; gain. Not in eight hundred and forty fquare yards. French a, as it is ufed in a traijers, and
ufe. Dia. crofs.] Athwart, laid over fomethinj
His fervant he with new acquiji Search every acre in the high-grown field. fo as to crofs it.
Of true experience from this great cvrnf, And bring him to our eye. Sbakefp. Kin^ Lear. The harp hath the concave not along the ftringS|
With peace and confolation hath difmift. MUtor.. A'cRiD. adj. [acer, Lat.] Of a hot biting but acrofs the ftrings ; and no harp hath the found
To ACQUIT, v. a. [acquitier, Fr. See tafte ; bitter ; fo as to leave a painful fo melting and prolonged as the IriQi harp.

Quit.] heat upon the organs of tafte.

This view'd, but hot enjoy' J, with arms acrofr
I. Tofet free. Bitter and acrid only by the (harp particles
Nc do 1 with (for wi/hing were but vain) He Hood, reflecting on his country's lofs. Dryden*
of the firft being involved in a greater quantity of There is a fet of urtizans, who, by the help of
To be acquit from my continual fmart ; oil than thofc of the laft. j^rbutbnot on Aliments. feveral poles, which they lay acoji each ochers
But joy her thrall for ever to remain.
And yield for pledge my poor captived heart. Acrimo'nious. adj. Abounding with Ihoulders, build thcmfelv.'-i up into a kind of pyra-

acrimony ; fharp ; corrofive. mid j fo that you fee a pile of men in the air of four
or five rows rifing one above another, Addifcn.
To from a charge of guilt ; to ab-
clear If gall cannot be tendered acrimonious, and bitter
of itfelf, then whatever acrimony or amaritude AcRo'sTiCK. n.f [from ixf®- and rt%®'»
folve oppofed to condemn, either fimply

with an accufative ; as, the jury acquitted

redounds in it, muH be from the admixtare oi Gr.] A poem in which the firft letter
melancholy. Harvey on Conjuntptiom. of every line being taken, makes up
him, or with the particles from or of, A'cRiMONY. [acrimenia, Lat.]
n.f. the name of the perfon or thing on
which is more common, before the crime. Sharpnefs, corrofivenefs.
1 which the poem is made.
If I then thou markeft me, and thou wilt
Thctu be plants that have a milk in them when
not acquit me from mine
iniquity. ^oi, x. 14. ACRO'STICK. adj.
they are cut; as, figs, old lettuce, fow-thiftles,
By the fuDVage of the moft and beft he is already I. That which relates to an acroftick.
fpurge. The caufe may be an inception of putre-
acquittedftai, by tbefencenceof fome, condemned. faflion for thnfe milks have all :inacrimony, though
: z. That which contains acrofticks.
Dryden, one Ihould think they Ihould be lenitive. Leave writing plays, and chnofe for thy command
He that judges, without informing himfelf to Sacen's Natural Hifttry. Some peaceful province in acnjlick land :

the utmoft chat he is capable, cannot acquit iiim' There thou may'ft wings difplay, and altars raife.
ThechymilH define fait, from fome of its pro-
felf ©/"judging amifs. Locke. And torture onepoor'word ten thoufand ways.
perties, to be a body fufible in the fire, congealable
Ncitlier do I refiedt upon the memory of his Dryden.
again by cold into brittle glebes or crydaU, foluble
majefty, whom I entirely atpi/f of my Imputation.
in water, fo as to difappear, not malleable, and ha- J'CROTERS, or ACROTE'RIA. n. f
Swift, ving fomcthing in it which affects the organs of [from ait^ot, Gr. the extremity of any
3. To clear from any obligation. tafte with a fenfation of acrimony or fliarpnefs.
Steady to my principles, and not difpirjted with
body.] Little pcdeftais without bafes,
my by the blefling of God on
affliilions, I have, placed at the middle and the two ex-
2. Sharpnefs of temper, feverity, bitter-
my endeavours, overcome all difficulties ; and, in tremes of pediments, fometimes fervihg
fome mealurc, acquitted mrfclf of the debt which nefs of thought or language.
to fupport rtat.ues.
I owed the publick, when I undertook this work. John the Baptift fet himfelf, with much acri-
Dryden. mony and indignation, to bafBe this fenfelefs arro- To ACT. T. n. [ago, aQum, Lat.]
4. In a /imilar fenfe, it is faid. The man
gant conceit of theirs, wliich made them huff at I. To be in action, not to reft. '

the doilrine of repentance, as a thing below them, He hangs between in duubt t> aH or re/l. Ftpe,
hath acquitted him/elf luell i that is, he and not at all belonging to them. St/utb. z. To perform the proper funftions.
hath difcharged his duty. A'c R I T u D E n. [from acrid. ] An acrid
jf. Albe't the will is not callable \}t beifvg compelled
Acqjii'tment. n.f [from acquit.] The tafte ; a biting heat on the palate. to any of its actings, yet it is cipable of beii^
ftate of being acquitted ; or ad of ac- In green vitriol, with iti aftringent and fwectijh made to a^ with more or lefs d)6iculiy, according
quitting. taftes, is joined foute acritudct to the different impreiUons it rcceiy^s from motives
The word imports properly an acquittiunt or dif- Grcvj's Mujteum. or objeils. South,
tharge of a man upon fome precedent accufatlon, Acroama'tical. [aKjoao^t, Gr. I fl;^'. 3. To pradllfe arts or duties ; to condud
and a full trial and cognizance of hit caufe had
hear.] Of or pertaining to deep learn- one's felf.
thereupon. Souib, wljo for a kingdom now*
"I'is plain that (he,
^cquj'ttal. ing ; the oppoiite of exoterical.
«./. In law, is a deliver- Would facrifice her love, and break her vovii.
ance and fetting free from the fufpicion
Acroa'ticks. n.f. [Axgoolixa, Gr.] Ari- Not out of love, but intereft, acts alanc.
ftotle's leftures on the more nice and And would, ev'n in my arms, thinking o( a
or guiltinefs of an offence.' Ccnuel. lie

The conllant defign of both thefe orators, was principal parts of philofophy, to which throne. Dryden
Cvnquejl of Granada.

to drive fome one particular point, either the con- none but friends and fcholars were ad- The defirc of happinefs, and the conftrainc it

demnation or acquittal oi an accufed pcrfon. ptitsupon us to afl for it, no body accounts an
mitted by him.
abridgment of liberty. Locke.
Sivft. Acro'nycal. [from uic^0-, Jiimmui,
adj. The fplendor of his office, is the token of that
To Acqui'ttance. I/, a. To procure an and >iy|, nox ; importing the beginning facred character which he inwardly bears : and
acquittance to acquit a word not in
; j
of night.] A term of aftronomy, applied one of thefe ought conlbntly to put him in mind
prefent ufe. of the other, and excite him to afl up to it, through
to the ftars, of which the rifmg or fetting
But if blackfcandal and fouI-facM reproach. the whole courfe of his adminiftration.
Attend the fcquci of your impofition. iscalled acronycal, when they either ap- Atterhury'"! Sermons,
Your mere enforcement (hall acquittance me pear above or fink below the horizon at It is our part and duty to co-operate with this
From all the impure blots and flalns thereof the time of funfet. It is oppofed to grace, vigoroufly to exert thofe poweis, and a^ up
Shakefj}care. cofmical. to thofe advantages to whi^h it rciiaies us. He
Acqui'ttance. n.f. [from acquit.] has given eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame.
Acro'nycally. ad<v. [from acronycal.] Rt'^crs's Sermcns.
I. tHc aft of difcharging from a debt.
But foon
At the acronycal time. To produce efFefts in fome pafli ve fubjedl.
fliall find 4.
Forbearance, no acquittance, ere day end He is tempeltuous in the fummer, when he Hence 'tis we wait the wond'rous caufe to find
rlfes heliacally, and rainy in the winter, when he
Juftice fliall not return, as beauty, fcorn'd. How body a^s upon impalTive mind.
r\ie% acronycaily. Dryden, Garth^s Difpenfary.
1. A writing teftifying the receipt of a A'crospire. n.f. [fromax^®' ando-B-ir^a, The ftomach, the intcftines, the muftles of, the
debt. Gr.] A fhoot or fprout from the end of lower belly, all ad upon the aliment; befides, the
chyle is not fucked, but fqueezed into the mouths
You can produce acquitlanca feeds before they are put in the ground.
of the la£teals, by the action of the fibres of the
For fuch a fum, from fpecial officers Many corns will fmilt, or have their pulp turned
guts. Ariulhnot en Aliments,
Of Charles hit father. into a fubftance like thick cream ; and will fcitd
Siiaicffeare'i Lfot't Labmr Loji. forth their fubftaucc in an acrojfirt^ Mortimer. Tc Act. -v, t,.
I. To
t. To bear a borrowed charsifter; m,
a They make ediftr for uftrv to fuppsrt ofurers,

repeal daily any wiiolcfome

a'a eftablifti-J againit
Th;.-e was never mm could have a jailer aahn
Honour and fliamc from no condition rife the nch, and provide more piercing
mamfi fii:hy tjnunc than 1, fmce, jll other thiojit
flatutcs daiK being granted mc, her blindnefs
j^a well your part, there all the honour to chain up aid refliaia the is the only lett.
lies. Pete.' pcor.
t. To counterfeit ; to feign by aaion. '
Shakrfitare's Corial.iru!.
His forrner trembling once again You that are k,ng, though he do«-car the For our reward then,
renew'd, crown, Fir/1,.311 our debts arc
paid ; dangers of law,
VVi^thaff^ fear the villain thus purfuM. Have caus'd hi.-n, by new aa of parliament,
D.yrler Aa:onz, decrees, jujgraentj,
|. To aduate ; to put in motion ; to re-
1 biot out me. Shak.-rper.r,'! Ihrry VI.
againfi us quitteJ.

gulate the movemeats. 9. Record of judicial proceedings. In the plural, in France, the
Moft people in the world are affej Judiciul aas are all thole matters wliith fame as
by levity and _ relate to flocks in
humour, i>y ftrange and irrational judicial proceedings ; and being England.
changes. reduced into wi-
I they are as
South. ting by a public notary, are
recorded the autho-
A'cTiOKABLE. a^^ [^vom. c.3ion.] -That
proud as Lucifer, as cove-
tous as Demas, as falfe as
rity of the judge.
wnich admits aa aftion in law to be
Judas, and,
whole courfe of their converfation,
aiJ, and a,e
in th-
A CTioN. [aawn, Fr. aalo, Lat.]
;,./. brought againft it punidiable.
*ctcd, not by devotion, but
defign. 1. The quality or ilate of aaing, oppoiite His procels was formed whereby
We fuppofc two diftina, incommunicableSouthcon- to rcjl. .
o rr ;
guilty ot nought ehc, that I
he was found
could learn, which
fcoufneires^ffi^; the fame body, was aa-tovMe, but of ambition.
ftantly by day. the other
the one ccn- O nolle Englifli ! that could entertain
by night ; and, on the With half their forces the full power of France Homel's Vccal Forcff.
other fide, the lame confcioufcefi • -, , .
aaing by inter- And let another half (land ' No man 3 face is aaionabJe : thefe
vals two diftinfl bodies. '' ' laoahing bv,
jire interpretablelVom more innoccntcaufes.
^^^^^ All out of work, and cold for aaLn. '
Act. n./. [aSum, Lat.] SbaUfpsare'i Henry V. AcTioNARy,orA'cTiONisT.».y: [froin
I. Something done ; a deed an exploit,
2. An aft or thing done ; a deed. aaio„.] One that lias a fhare
; in e,aio,„
whether good or ill. This aaion, I now go on, or flocks.
A Is for my better grace. Shak-fpem'i fTmter!
lower place, not well.
God never accepts a good inclination inrtead
Ta/e. A'cTioN-TAKiNC. a,fj . Accuftomed to
May make too great an aa : ot
Better to leave undone than by
a good oaicn, where that aahn
may be doi'e • nay
refent by means of law ; litigious.
Acquire too high a fame.
our deed fo much the contrary, that, if
a good inclination
A knave, a
rafcal, a filthy worfted-ftockin?
be not feconded by a good affion, Knave a lily-liver'd aSkn-t^king
the want of that ; knave. Shakefp.
-. Stahfp. Ant. and Cltopatra. aascn
Ike confcious IS made fo much the more criminal and Actita'tion. „./ [from
wretch mud all hisaS. reveal in- a^ita, Lai.]
toth to confefs, unable to conceal excufable. t
A iiutb.
Aftion quick and frequent.
From 3. Agency, operation.
the firft moment
of his vital breath,' To A'cT.iwATE.'u.a. [i'lom
To his lift hour of unrepenting death. It i» better, therefore,
aai-ve.] To
that the earth
move about its own center, and make
fliouJd make adlive. This word is perhaps
Z. Agency ; the power of producing an thofc ufeful
" vic.ffitudes
of night and day, than expofe ufed only by the author alleged.
effecl. always
the fame fide to the aahn of the fun. As fnowand ice, eCpecially being hojpen,
I will try the forces
BcntUy and
He has fettied laws, and laid down rules, con- theircold aa:i,ai.-d by nitre or
Of thcfe thy compounds on fuch creatures into ice, and that in a
fait, will turn water
at formable to which natural bodies few hour.; fo it may be.
We count not worth the hanging ; but
none human their upon one another.
are governed in
1 o try the vigour of them, and Cbeyne. '"™ *"'"' °' "'^"''''y '""" '*='"=> '" 'oVr
apply The tinTe
Allayments to their aa +. feries of events reprefented in a - ^ ' Bacon.
and by them gather
T heir feveral virtues

and efteas. fable. Active, ac^j. [aai-vus. Lit.]

Cjmlelm. Staktfffare':
This aaion fhould have three qualifications.
I. That which has the power or
. « cv- , , *irft,
3. ALtion ; the performance of exploits it Liould be but one aah„; fccondly, it afting.
; fliould be an entire aaion; and, thirdly, Thele particles have not only
produiSion of effefta. it ihould a vis ineriiar, ac.
be a great a<f?wii. /iti-r
'Tis fo much in your nature compamed with fuch pafiive laws
of motion, at
to do good, that
your cut one continued a^ of placing
lilc IS
V Oelficulation ; theaccordance of the naturally refult from that
force, but alfo they are
on many, as the fun i. always
carrying his light to
motions of the body with the words moved by certain aaim principles, fuch
as is that
fome part or other of the world. fpoken; a part of oratory. of gravity, and that which caufes
DryJ„', FabU,. fermentation,
Wh:,forth from nothingcall'd thit and the cohrlion cf bodies.
comely frame. AWi/te', Opticks.
His will and aa, his word and work the ™~"f
While he
^P"''^ <'"'' 8''P<= 'he hearer's wrift,
hears makes fearful aaioH 2. Ihat which afts, oppofed to pafTtve,
With wrinkled brows. that which fufFers.
" or
The doing of fome Slai^fp. Khr Jch„.
4. particular tiling Ta _Our orators are obf.-rved to make
ufc of Icfs
—When an even flame two hearts
did touch,
llep taken a purpofe executed. gefture or aaioa than thofe of other
countries. Mis omce was indulgently
; tn (it
Ihiia.'? perfuadesme, Aaivti to palTives, corrcfpondencr
Only '
I hat thi« remotion of the duke and &. [In law.] It is ufed with the prepifi- his fubjedl was.
Is praaicc only. tion againfl before tlie you think that, by multiplying
Stak.jfur,-, Kl„g Lt^r. perfon, and/»r the adUita-
ments in the fame proportion
5. A (late of reality ; effeft. before the thing. ore, the woik will follow,
that jou multiply the
The feeds of herb- Aakns you may be deceived;
and plants at the firft jre not are pcrfonal, real, and mixt ; aakn
per- for quantity in the paflive
in ^a, but in poffibility, that fonal belongs to a man againji will add more rdilUnce
which they after- another, by reafon than thequantity in the
affiw will add force. Bacn.
wards grow to be. 'o. , of any eontrjft, offence, or caufe, of
Cod with a contraa or oftcnce made or
like force
3. ^ufy, engaged in aflion
alone excepted, who aSually and
everlaft- done by him or ; oppofed to
irgly fome other, for whofe faft he is to anfwcr. idle or fedentciry, or
I, wha:foever he may be, and which
cannot Anion any ftate of which
hereafter be that which now he is not: all other
rral IS given to any man agairji another, that pof- the duties are performed
only by the
things befides are Ibmewhatin lefTcs the thing required or fued for in
Foflibllitv, which as his own mental powers.
yet they are not in «c>. ' name, and no other man's. Aakn
y/^^^,,.. mixt, is that 'Tis
tuous aaion that muft pralfe
Sure they're confcious which hes as well againfi or bring forth.
for the thing which wc Without which, flow advice is little
Of fome intended mifchief, and are fled
feek, as agawjl the perfon
that hath it ; called jn=y wlio «ive good counfel,
worth j
To put It into «a. D,nh^m\ m,xi, bccaufc it hath a mixt ,pf
praife defervr,
Sophy. refpcft both to the intheaaw part they cannot fcrve. Denham.
b. Incipient tiling and to the pcrfjn.
agency; tendency to an effort 4. rraftical not merely theoretical.
Her legs were bulkin'd, and the Aakn Is divided into civil, penal, and mixt.
left before.
Aa,on The world hath had in thefe men fiefli
In aa to ihoct ; a filver bow Ihc bore.
civil It that which tends
onlv to the reco
DryJcr. very of that which is due to us rience,howdangcrousfuchaW-:.,errorsare. i/«,ir^
7. A
part of a play, during which
the ac- ney formerly lent.
; as a fum of mo-
5. Nimble; agile; quick.
Aaion penal is that which
tion proceeds without interruption. aims at fome penalty cr puniihment Some bend the ftubborn bow
in the party for Tiflory •
Many never doubt but the whole
condition re- fucd, be it corporal or pecuniary: And fome with darts tbcirafl«,r finews
as, in comra.n try. ir, dni
quired by Chrift, the repentance ^
he came to preach, '"'=,""'' '"''"''' °f » man o. In grammar.
felonioufly flain
will, m
that lad fcene of their
laft aa, imme-
purfuc the law agahjl the murderer.
fiiall A verb aaive that which
dutely before the exit, be as mixt IS that vthich fceks both the
Aahn it fignifies aftion, as
opportunely and ac- thing whereof ^ '""''• Cl'rke-, Latin
ceptably performed, at at any other wc are deprived, and a penalty alfo Grammar.
point of their
dctJiningof the fame.
for the uriuft AcTivELT. ad-v. [from aaive.] In an
V^ .a
» ,. "''^"""l'' Fu„damntali.

the mealure of a play. Aahn upon the cafe, it an aahn given for redrcfs aftive manner ; bufily ; nimbly. In an
of wrongs done without force
again/} my man, bv
aaive fignification as, tbe ivcrJ
j is u/td
8. A decree of a court of joAice,
law not fpecially provided for. '
of a legiflature. Aahn
vp^n the flaiute, is aa aahn
brought A'cTivENEss. n.f. [fromfl<?;W.] The
Vol. oZ^mfi a man iipon breach of a ftatute.
I. Crwcll.• quality of being aftivc ; (^uicknefs
^ nunbjenefs.
nimbUnefs. This is a word more rarely fings, according as they promoted idolatry. Or the Spoken of the fenfes, vigorous power,
3 ;
worlhip of the true Cod. jiddifon.
ufed than aSi-vity. ful in operation.
Though our temporal profpeSs fliould be full of
Whit (Irange agility and efUvenifi do our com- Were our leufes altered, and madehiuch quicker
danger, or though the days of forrow fhould aSual/y
mon tumblers and dancen on the rap: attain to, by and acuier, the appearance and outward fchcme of
overtake us, yec ftill we mud repofe ourfelves on
continual nercifc Hnikini'i Math. Mogick.
! things would hjve quite another face to us. Locke.
God. Rogers.
AcTi'viTY. n.f. [from aSi've,'] The qua- A'ctualness. »./ [from a^ual.] 4. Acute difeafc. Any difeafe, which is
lity' of being aftive, applied either to attended with an increafed velocity of
quality of being aftual.
things or perfons. blood, and terminates in a few days ;
Salt put to ice, as in the producing of the artifi-
A'ctuarv. «./. [a{luarius, Lat.] The
oppofed to chronical. ^incy.
cial ice, increafeth the aB'rviiy of cold. Bacon, regifter who compiles the minutes of the
proceedings of a court 5. Jlcute accentthat ; which railes or
Our adverfary will not be idle, though we are ; a term of the
fliarpens the voice.
he watches every turn of our foul, and incident of civil law.
our life ; and, if we remit our alirvity, will take Suppofe the judge fliould fay, that he would kcv'-rzLY. ad'v. [from af»/*.] After an
advantage of our indolence* Rogers, have the keeping of the afls of court remain with acute manner ; fliarply : it is ufed as
A'cTOR. n.f. [a£lor, Lat.] him, and the notary will have the cudody of them well in the figurative as primitive fenfe.
1 He that afls, or performs any thing. with himfelf : certainly, in this cafe, the aBuary He that will look into many parts of Afia and
The virtues of either age may correft the de- or writer of them ought to be preferred. Aylife. America, will find men reafun there, perhaps, at
fers of both : and good for fuccelTion, that young A'cTUATE.a*^'. [from the verb Toa£iuaie.'\ acutely as himfcif, who yet never heard of a fyl-
meo may be learners, while men in age are aSon, Put into action ; animated ; brought logifra. Locke.
Bacon. into efFeft. Acu'teness. n.f. [from acute, which fee.]
He who writes an Eneomium Nentih, if he docs The ailive informations of the intelled, filling 1. Sharpnefs.
It heartily, ishimielf but a tranfcript of Nero in
the padivc reception of the will, like form clofing 2. Force of intelledls.
his mind, and would gladly enough fee fuch pranks,
with matter, grew aSiuate into a third and didind They would not be fo apt to think, that there
as he was famous for, a^ed again, though he dares
perfeftion of practice. South. cou'd be nothing added to the acutenefs and pene-
n jt be the aHor of them himfelf. South.
2. He that peribnates a charafler ; a ftage-
To A'CTUATE. "w. a. [from ago, aHum, trat on of their underdandings. Locke.
Lat.] To put into aflion ; to invigo- 3. Quicknefs and vigour of fenfes.
player. It eyes fo fiamed could not view at once the
rate or increafe the powers of motion.
Would you have hand and the hour-plate, their owner could not
Such an Herculean after in the fcene.
The tight made by this animal depends upon a
be benefited by that a.utenefs; which, whild it
And not tliis hydra ? They mud fweat no lefs living fpirit, and feems, by fome vitaJ irradiation,
difcovered the fecret contrivance of the machine,
to be actuated into this ludre.
To fit their properties, than t' exprcfs their parts. made him lofe its ufe. Locke.
Ben Jonjon, Brnvns Vulgar Errours.
Such every man, who has not actuated the 4. Violence and fpeedy crifis of a malady.
When good aEior doth his part prefent,

In every adl he our attention draws, grace given him, to tlie fubduing of every reigning We apply prefent remedies according to indi«
fin. Decay of Piety. cations, refpefling rather the acutenrfs of the dif-
That at the lall he may find juH applaufe. Dtnbam.
Thefe falfe beauties of the ftage arc no more lad- Men of the greated abilities are mod fiied with eafc, and precipitancy of the occafion, than the
ambition j and, on the contrary, mean and nar- rifing and letting of dars. Brown,
ing than a rainbow ; when the aClor ceafes to (bine
upon them, they vanilh in a twinkling. row minds are the lead actuated by it. jlddifin. 5. Sharpnefs of found.
Drydtri'i Spamjh Friar. Our padions are the fprings which actuate the 1 his acutsnefs of found will fliew, that whild,
powers of our nature. Rogers. to the eye, the bell feems to be at red, yet the
A'cTRESS. n.f. [a3rice,¥r.']
AcTuo'sE. [from fliS.] That which
adj. minute parts of it continue in a very briflc motion,
1. She that performs any thing. without which they could not drike the air. Boyle.
Virgil has, indeed, admitted Fame
hath ftrong powers of adion a word :
as an aflreji
in the jSnciJ but the part flic ails is very fljort,
little ufed.
Adkct to. participial adj. [adaiSus, Lat.]
aiid none of the mod admired circumdances of To A'cu ATE. I), a. [acuo, Lat.] To Ihar- Driven by force ; a word little ufed.
that divine work. Addijrji, pen, to invigorate with any powers of The
verb adai3 is not ufed. Dia.
We fprights have juft fuch natures fharpnefs. A'dage. ».y. [adagium, hit,'] A maxim
We had, for all the world, when human creatures ;
Immoderate feeding upon powdered beef, pic- handed down from antiquity ; a proverb.
And therefore that was an alireft here.
Shallow unimproved inctUe£is, are confident
kled meats, and debauching with drong wines, do
Play all my tricks in hell, a goblin there. Drjden. pretenders to certainty; as if, contrary to the
inflame and acuate the blood, whereby
2. A woman that plays on the ftage. tated to corrode the lungs. Harvey
it is capaci-
in Ccnfumfiions. adage, fcience had no friend but ignorance.
A'cTUAL. adj. [aiiuel, Fr.] Acu'leate. ai(/. [acu/eatus, Lat.] That Glamille's Scepjis Scienti/ica»
I. That which comprifes aAion. Fine fruits of learning old ambitious fool,
which has a point or fting ; prickly ; Dar'd thou apply that adage of the fchool.
in this Aumbry agitation, befides her walking
that which terminates in a ffiarp point. As if 'tis nothing worth that lies conceal'd,
and dther aliual performances, what, at any time,
have you heard her fay ? Shakeffeare'i Macbeth.
JCU'MEN. n.f. [Lat.] (harp point A And fcience is not fcience till reveaPd ? Dryden.
X. Really in aft ; not merely potential. figuratively, quicknefs of intellefts. JDjTGIO. n.f. [Italian, at leifure.] A
Sin, there in pow> before The word was much affefted by the learned term ufed by muficians, to mark a flow
Once afhial; now in body, and to dwell Aridarchus in common convcrfation, to fignify time.
Habitual habitant. genius or natural acumen. ' Pope.
Ac u'm I n at e d. particip. adj.
A'DAMANT. n.f. [adamas, Lat. from »
J. In aft ; not purely in fpeculation. Edding in
and ixfitu, Gr. that is inj'uperable, in-
For he that but conceives a crime in thought, a point ; fharp-pointed.
Contrafts the danger of an aSual fault frangible.']
This is not acuminated and pointed, as in the
Then what mud he expe3, that dill proceeds red, but feemeth, as it were, cut ofl^. 1 A ftone, imagined by writers, of im-
To finifli fin, and work up thoughts to deeds } Ero^vns Vulgar Errours. penetrable hardnefs.
Drydirt, I appropriate this word. Noli me langere, to a So great a fear my name amongd thrm fpread.
Actua'lity. [from a^aW.] n./. The fmall round acuminated tubercle, which hath not That they fuppos'd I could rend bars of dcel.
much pain, unlefs touched or rubbed, or cxafpe- And fpurn in pieces podsof <:</iin<»i/. Shaiefpcare,
ftate of being adual.
rated l)ytopicks. IViJeman. Satan, witli vad and haughty drides aJvanc'd,
The a&ualiiy of thefe fpiritual qualities is thus
impiifoned, though their potentiality be not quite ACU'TE. adj. [acutus, Lat.] Came tow'ring, arm'd in adamant and gold.

defttoyed j and thus a crafs, extended, impenetra- 1 Sharp, ending in a point ; oppofed to Miltm^
Eternal Deities,
ble, psffive, divifible, unintelligent fubdance is obtu/e or blunt.
gener.ited, which we matter.
Who rule the world with abfolute decrees.
call Cheyne. Having the ideas of an obtufe and an acute an-
And write whatever time fliall bring to pafs.
A'ctually. aJv. [froma^W.] In afl;
gled triangle, both drawn from equal bafes and be-
With pens of adamant, on plates of brafs. Dryitn»
tween I can, by intuitive knowledge,
in elfeft ; really.
perceive the one n.)t to be the other, but cannot
2. The diamond.
All mankind acknowledge themfclvcs able and Hardnefs, wherein fome doncs exceed all other
that way know whether they be equal. Locke.
fufficient to do many things, which aHaally they bodies, and among them the adamant all other
never do. Scuth.
2. In a figurative fenfe applied to men ; doncs, being exalted to that degree thereof, that
Read one of the Chronicles, and you will think ingenious ; penetrating ; oppofed to art in vain endeavours to counterfeit it, the fac-
j-ou were reading a hidory of the kings of Ifrael or dull OTjiupid. titious doncs of chymids, in imitation, being,
Judah, where the hiftorians were aflnj//)) infpired, The acute and ingenious author, among many eafily detefled by an ordinary lapiJid.
and where, by a particular fchcme of providence, vef^ fine thoughts, and uncommon fefle^ions, has Ray on the Creation,-
lilt lunga were diOinguiflted by judgmeats or blef-
liartcd the notion of feeing all things inCod. Lxke. 3 Adamant is taken for the loadilpne.
Yoa draw me, you hard-hearted ajamant To Adco'rporate. -v. a. [from ad and fpeak and write adz, from abej"e. Sax.
But yet you draw not iron j for my heart corpus.] To unite one body with an- an axe.]
is true as fteel. Shahfptare. The addice hath its blade made thin and iomiim
Let him change his lodging from one part if
other ; more ufually wrote accorporate ;
what arching. As the axe hath its edge parallel
the town to another, which is a great adamant of which fee.
to its handle, fo the addice hath its edge athwart
acquaintance. Saccn. To ADD. ni. a. [addo, Lat.] the handle, and is ground to a bafil on its infide to
Adamante'an. adj. [from adamant. '\
1. To join fomething to that which was its outer edge. Moxcn's Meihaiiical Exercifes.
Hard as adamant. before. To ADDI'CT. -v. a. [addico. Lat.]
He weapor.lefs himfelf, Mark if his birth makes any d'fference,
1. To devote, to dedicate, in a good
. Made arms ridiculous, ufelefs the forgery If to his words adds one grain of fenfe. Dryden.

Of brazen ihleld and fpear, the hammered cuirafs, They, whofe mufes have the higheft flown. fenfe ; which is rarely ufed.
Chalybean temperM ftcci, and irock of mail Add not to his immortal memory, Ye knew the houfe of Stephanus, that they
Adair-antcan proof- M.Ucn. But do an adt of friendrtiip to their own. Hoyden. have addicted themfelves to the miniftry of the
faints. Cor. xvi. 5.
This word occurs, perhaps, only in 2. To perform the mental operation of I 1

this paffage. adding one number or conception to 2. It is commonly taken in a bad fenfe ;

Adama'ktine. adj. \adamantinut, Lat.] another. To add to is proper, but to as , headdidcd himfelf to vice.
1. Made of adamant. add together feems a folecifm. 3. To devote one's felf to any perfon,
Wide is the fronting gate, and raisM on high Whatloever pcfitive ideas a man has in his mind, party, or perfuafion. Latinifm. A
With adamatil'uu columns, threats the (ky. of any quantity, he can repeat it, and add it to the I am
neither author or fautor of any fe£t I '.

Drydtn, former, as eafily as he can add together the ideas ot will have no man addiEl himfelf to me ; but if I

2. Having the qualities of adamant; as, two days, or two years. Locke. have any thing right, defend it as truth's.

A'ddable. [from add.]

adj. That to Ben Jonfon,
hardneis, indifrolubility.
Could Eve's weak liand, extended to the tree, which fomething may be added. AS- Addi'ctedness. n. f. [from addiiled.]
\a (Under rend that adamanune chain, dible more proper. It fignifies more
The quality or ftate of being addifted.
Whofe golden links, eftcfts and caufes be. Thole know how little I have remitted of my
properly that which may be added. former addiHednefs to makechymical experiments.
And which to Cod'i own chair doth fix'd remain ? The firll number in e^ery addition called the
Davtti, Boyle*
addable number, the other, the number or num-
An eternal mud
have poflefled the
bers added, and the number invented by the addi-
Addi'ction. n.f. [addiaio, Lat.]
world, where all things had been fixed and faft- 1. The aft of devoting, or giving up.
tion, the aggregate or fum. Cocker.
ened everlaftingly with the adamantine chains of
fpeciiic gravity ; if the Almighty had not fpoken To Adde'cimate. -v. a. [addecimo, Lat.] 2. The ftate of being devoted.
To take or afoertain tithes. Dii3. wonder how his grace Ihould glean it.
It is a
and faid, Let the earth bring forth grafs, the herb
Since his addition was to courfcs vain j
\ieldlng feed, and the fruit-tree yielding fruit after To Adde'em. 1/. a. [from deem.] To His companies unletter'd, rude, and Ihallow;
Its kind ; and it was fo. Bentlry, efleem ; to account. This word is now His hours fiU'd up with riots, banquets, fports.
In adamantine chain? ihall death be bound.
And grim tyrant
out of nfe. Shakefpeare.
hell's feel th' eternal wound.
She fcorns to be addtem'd fo wortblefs-bafe, A'dditament.»./ [additamentum, Lat.]
Tho' adamantine bonds the chief redraln, As to be mov'd to fuch an infamy.
The addition, or thing added.
dire rettraint his wlfdom will defeat. Banters Civil Wars.
Iron will not incorporate with brafs, nor other
fjon reftore him to his regal f;at. Pcpe. A'dder. tt.f. [iErcep, JErzoy^, Nabbjie, metals, of itfelf, by fimple fire fo as the enquiry :

A'dam's-apple. a./ [in anatomy.] A as it feems from eirtep. Sax. poifon.] muft be upon the calcination, and the additamentj
prominent part of the throat. A ferpent, a viper, a poifonous reptile ;
and the charge of them. Ba^cn.
To ADA'PT. -v. a. [adapto, Lat.] To fit perhaps of any fpecies. In common In a palace there is firft the cafe or fabiick,
or moies of the ftrufture itfelf; and, befides that,
one thing to another ; to fuit ; to. pro- language, adders zxsd./nakes are not the
there are certain additamcnts that contribute to its
portion. fame. ornament and ufe ; as, various furniture, rare
'Tis true, but let it not be known, Or is the adder better than the eel, fountains 9nd aquedudis, divers things appendi-
My eyes are fomewhat dimmilh grown ; Becaufe his painted Ikin contents the eye ? cated to it. Hale's Origin of Mankind.
For nature, always in the right, Sbakefpeare.
To An Addi'tion. 11./. [from add.]
your decays adafts my fight. Svoift. adder did it ; for, with doubler tongue
not enough that nothing offends the ear,
It is Than thine, thou ferpent, never adder tlung. 1. The aft of adding one thing to another;
tut a good poet will adaft the very founds, as well Shakefpeare. oppofed to diminution.
as words, to the things he treats of. The adder teaches us where to ftrike, by her The infinite diftance between the Creator and
Pope^t Letters. curious and fearful defending of her head. Taylor. the nobieft of all creatures, can never be meafured,
Adapta'tiok. 71./. [from adaft.'\ The A'dder's-crass. n.f. The name of a nor exhauftcd byendlefs addition of finite degrees.
plant,imagined by Skinner to be fo Bentky .
aft of fitting one thing to another ; the
Atnefs of one thing to another. named, becaufe ferpents lurk about it. 2. Additament, or the thing added.
It will not be modeftly done, if any of our
Some fpecies there be of middle natures, that A'dder's-tokgue. n. f. \ophiogloffum,
own wifdom intrude or interpofe, or be willing to
is, of bird" and beaft, as batts ; yet are their parts Lat.] The name of an herb. make additions to what Chrift and his apoftlet
fo fet together, that we cjnnot define the begin- It hath no vifible flower ; but the feeds are
ningor end of cither, tliere being a commixtion of
have defigned. Hammond.
produced on a fpike, which refembles a ferpcnt's
both, rather than adaftaikn or cement of the one
Some fuch refcmblances, methinks, I find
tongue ; which feed is contained in many longi-
unto the other.
Of our lad evening's talk, in this thy dream.
Bn-wn't fulgar Errcun. tudmal cells. Miller,
Adhefinn may be in part afcribed, either to
But with addition ftrange Mi/ten.

The moft common fimples are comfrey, bugle, The abolifhing of villanagc, together with the
fome elartxji motion in the prelTed glafs, or to agrimony, fanicle, paul's-betony, fiuellin, peri-
the exquifite /u/afiation of the almoft numberlcfs,
cuftom permitted among the nobles, of felling
winkle, adder" s-tongue. ffijiman's Surgery.
their lands, was a mighty addition to the power. of
though vrry fmall, afpcrities of the one, and the
A'dder's-wort. a./. An herb fo named, the commons. ^
numerous little cavil es of the other; whereby the
furfjccs do :ock in with one another, or are, as it
on account of its virtue, real or fup- In arithmetick.
were, clafped t geiher. £tn/e.
pofed, of curing the bite of ferpents. Addition isthe reduflion of two or more num-
Aoa'ption. It./, [from adaft.] The aft
A'ddible. adj. [from add.] PoiTible to bers of like kind together into one fum or total.
of fitting. be added, SeeAuDABLE. Cocker's Arithmetick.

It were aLne a fufficVnt work to (hew all the

The cleared idea it can get of infinity, Is the 4. In law, A title given to a man over
necfflii es, the confufed, incomprehenfible remainder of cndlefs, and above his chrillian name and fur-
wife contrivances,
and prudent
edafti'.m, of thefe admirable machines, for the addible numbers, which affords no profpedt of
ftop, or boundary.
name, fhewing his ellate, degree, oc-
benefit of the whole. Locke.
Cbcynt, cupation, trade, age, place of dwelling.
Ada'ptness. Addibi'lity. »./. [from addiik.] The
n.f. {(OT adaptedne/sfitom Cewel/,
adapt.] poffibility of being added.
' This endlcfs addition, or addibiliiy (if any one Only retain
.SoiT.e notes are to difplay the ajaptnefi of the'
like the word better) of numbers, \o apparent to
The name, and all th' addition to a king ;
found to the fenfe. Dr.' Ntiuun. The fway, revenue, execution,
the mind, is that which gives us tlic clearell and
This wor4 I have found no where mofl didin^ idea of-infinity. Locke.
Beloved fons, be yours ; which to confirm,
elfe. Thii coronet part bctweeo you.
A'oDiCE. a,/, [for which we corruptly Siakefp, King Lear,
£ z Frow
From this time, It lifted up
head, and did adirefi
its 5. Manner of direfting a letter; afcnfe
For wh»t he did before Corioli, call him, Itfetfrc motion, like at it would fpcak.
With chiefly mercantile.
all and clamnurof the hoft,
th' applaufe
Siakeff. Hamlet.
Caius Marcius Coriolanus. Bear th' aJdii'aa no- Addre ssER. »./. [horn addrefs.] The
Then Turrut, from his chariot leaping light,
bly ever. Shaktfpteris Ccrielanus. jiddrefi'd bimfelf on foot Co fingle fight. Drydrn. perfon that addrcfl'es or petitions.
There arofe new difputes upon the perfons
2. To get ready ; to put in a ftate for A D d u't E N T adj. [adducens, Lat.] word
. A
named by the king, or rather againft the aJJilm.s
immediate ufe. applied to thofe mufcles that bring for-
and appellations of title, which were made to their
names. Clarendon.
They fell direillyon the Englifli battle ; where- ward, clofe, or draw together the pans
upon the earl of Warwick addrejfed his men to of the body to which they are annexed.
ADDi'xiONAL.fl/^'. {(lom aJditioB.'] That
take the flank. Hay-ward.
- which is added. ^incj.
Duke Frederick hearing, how that every day
Our kalendar being once reformed and fct Men of great worth reforted to this foreft, To AoDu'LCE.-f. a. [addoucir, Fr. dukis,
right, it may be kept fo, without any confider- Addreji'd a mighty power, which were on foot. Lat.] Tofweeten a word not now in ufe. :

able variation, for many ages, by omitting one In his c.wn condudt purpofcly to take Thus did the French cmbafladors, with great
leap-year; i. e. the addiiioiial day, at the end of fliew of their king's affeftion, and many fugared
His brother here. Shakrffeare'i Atyou like it.
every 1 34 years. thlder en Tune. To-night in flarflcur we will be your gueft. words, feek to addulec all matters between the two
The greateft wits, that ever were produced in To-morrow for the march we are addrifl. kings. Bacon s Henry y II.
one age, lived together in fo good an undetftand-
A' n.f. [from asbel. Sax. ill uf.
ing, and celebrated one another with fo much ge-
neroCty, that each of them receives an addiiknal
3. To apply to another by words, with trious.] A word of honour among the
luftre from his «otemporaries. v.irious forms of conftruftion. Angles, properly appertaining to the
Thty include in them that very kind of evi. 4. Sometimes without a prcpofition. king's children : king Edward the Con-
dence, which is fuppofcd to be powerful : and do, To fuch I would addrtfi with this moft affec-
felTor, being without iflue, and intend-
withal, afford us fevcral other addiiknal proofs, of tionate petition. Decay of Piety.
Among ing to make Edgar his heir, called him
great force and clearnefs. Ailertury. the crowd, but far above the reft.
Young Tu^nus adeling. Cttivdl.
Addi'tional. n.f. Additament ; fome- to the beauteous maid addrtjl.

thing added. Not in ufe.

Dryden. Adeno'craphy. n.f. [from aor.rc and
May be fome little, may further the
Are nat your orders to addrcji the fenate .'
Gr.] A
yra.^iD, treatife of the glands.
incorporation. Bacon. A D e'm p T1 o N n.f. . \adimo, ademptum, Lat.]
A'dditory. 5. Sometimes with to,
adj. [from arid.'] That I'aking away ; privation. DiS.
ylddriJJ'.ng to I'ollio, his great patron, and him-
which has the power or quality of add- fclf no vu'gur poet, he began to affert his native
Ade'pt. n. f. [from adeptus, Lat. that is,
character, which is fublimity. Dryden. adeptus artem.] He that is completely
The ajdilory fi^ion gives to a great man a 6. Sometimes with the reciprocal pro- /killed in all the fecrets of his art. It
larger (hare of reputation than belongs to him, to
noun ; as, he addrejfed him/elf to the ge- is, in its original fignification, appro-
enable him to fcrve fome good end or purpr.fe,
neral. priated to the chymiils, but is now ex-
A'DDLE. [from abel, a difeafe. Sax.
adj. 7. Sometimes with the accufative of the tended to other artills.
according to Skinner and Junius ; per- matter of the addrefs, which may be The prefervation of chaftity is eafy to true
adepts. Pope*
haps from ybel, idle, barren, unfruit- the nominative to the paffive.
ful.] Originally applied to eggs, and
The young hero had addrejjcd his ^ray^rs to Ade'pt. adj. Skilful; throughly verfed.
him for his afljftance. Dryden. If there be really fuch adept philolophers as we
fignifying fuch as produce nothing, but The prince himfelf, with awful dread pofiefs'd. are told of, I am apt to chink, that, among their
grow rotten under the hen ; thence His vo-ius to great Apollo thus addrejl. Dryden. arcana, they are maders of extremely potent mcn-
His fuitwjs common ; but, above the reft. ftruums. Beyle.
transferred to brains that produce no-
thing. To both the brother-princes thus addrtjl. Dryden. A'dequate. <z(^'. \_adeqi!atus,'L2iX.] Equal
There's one with truncheon, like a ladle, 8. To addrefs [in law] is to apply to the to proportionate ; correfpondent to, fo

That carries eggs too frefli or addle ; king in form. as to bear an exadl refemblance or pro-
And fiill at random, as he goes. he rcprefentatives of the nation in parlia-
portion. It is ufed generally in a figu-
Among the rabble rout beftows. HuJiirat. ment, and tiie privy-council, addrtfs^d the U.\n^ to rative fenfe, and often with the particl»
After much folitarinefs, fading, or long fick- have it recalled. S'U'ift,
jiefs, their brains were addle, and their bellies as
Addre'ss. n./. \addreffe, Fr.]
Contingent death feems to be the whole ade-
empty of meat at their heads of wit.
1. Verbal application to any one, by way quate objcti of popular courage ; but a neceflary
Burton on Melancholy.
Thus far the poet ; but his brains grow addle: of perfuafion ; petition. and unavoidable coflSn ftrikes palenefs into the
And all the reft is purely from this noddle. Henry, in knots involving Emma's name. ftouteft heart. Harvey on Conjumptienf.

Dryden. Had halfconfefs'd and half conceal'd his flame The arguments were proper, adequate, and fuf-
A'ddle. V, Upon this tree and as the tender mark ficienc to compafs their refpeflive ends. South*
7'e a. [from addle, adj.] To ;

Grew with the year, and widen'd with the bark, All our fimple ideas arc adequate ; becaufe^
make addle ; to corrupt ; to make bar- Venus had heard the virgin's foft addrefs. being nothing but the effcdts of certain powers in
Ten. That, as the wound, the paflion might increafe. things, fitted and ordained by God to produce
This is alfo evidenced in eggs, whereof the Prior. fuch fenfations in us, they cannot but be corref-
found ones fink, and fuch as are addled fwim; as Moft of the perfons, to whom thefe addnjjci pondent and adequate to thofe powers. Locke,
do alfo tbofe that are termed byfanewitc, or wind, are made, are not wife and ficilful judges, but are Thofe are adequate ideas, which perfeflly repre-
eggs. Brm>n''s Vulgar Errours. influenced by their own finful appetites and paf- fent their archetypes or objefis. Inadeijiiate are

T<> A'ddle. v. n. To grow ; to increafe. Jions. fVatts^s Improvement of the Mind. but a partial, or incomplete, reprefcntation of
Obfolete. 2, Courtfliip. thofe archetypes to which they arc referred,

Where They often have reveal'd their paffion to me

ffatts's L'pck.
ivy embraceth the tree very fore. :

Kill ivy, elfc tree will addle no more. But, tell mc, whofe addrefs thou favcur'ft moft 3
A'DEqvATthY. [from adejuate.]
7uJ}ir^i Hujhardry. I long to know, and yet 1 dread to hear it. 1. In an adequate manner; with juilnefs
A'ddle - PATED. adj. Having addled Addifen. of reprefcntation ; with exaftncfs of pro-
brains. See Addle.
A gentleman, whom, I am furc, you yourfelf
would have approved, made his addrej/es to me.
F'oor Daves in metre, dull and addle-fated. Mdi_kn. Gratitude confifts adequately in thefe two things >
Who rhyme below even David's pfalms traiiflatcd. firft,that it is a debt; anJ, fecondly, that it it
Dryden. 3;
Manner of addrefling another; as, we fuch a debt as is left to every man's ingenuity,
To ADDRE'SS. v. a. [addreffer, Fr. from fay, a man of an happy or a pleafing ad- whether he will pay or no. South,

derefar. Spaa, from dirigo, direSum, drefs a man of an aiuktuard addrefs. ; 2. h is ufed with the particle to.

Lat.] 4. Skill, dexterity. Piety the necelTary Chrifiian virtue, propor.


I could produce innumerable inftances from my tioned adequately to the omnifcicnce and fpicitu-
1 . To prepare one's felf to enter upon'any own obfervation, of events imputed to the pro- ality of that infinite Deity.
a£lion ; as, he addrejfed bimfelf to the found Ikill and addrefs of a miniftcr, which, in Hammcntts Fundamentals,
•viiork. It has to before the thing. reality, were either mere effefls of negligence, A'dequateness. n.f. [from adequate."^
With him the Palmer eke, in habit fad, wcaknefs, humour, paflion, or pride, or at beft The llate of being adequate juftncfs of
)ciiai%M addreft It that advCDCure hard. but the natural coiufe of tbines left to Uiemfelves.
reprefentation ; exaftnefs of proportion.
fmrjf S^et Sviift.
Adsspo'tick. adj. Not abfokte ; not thing. Adhefion is generally ufed in the Adjecti'tious. ac^. [from ad/e<3ioH.']
defpotick. Dm. natural, and adherence in the metapho- Added thrown in upon the reft.

r» ADHE'RE. -v n, \adhttreo, Lat.] rical fenfe : as, the adhejton of iron to the A'djective. n.f. [adjeBi'vutn, Lat.] A
1. To ftick to
: as, wax to the finger; magnet ; and adherence of a client to his word added to a noun, to fignify the ad-
before the thing.
with to patron. dition feparation of fome quality,
3. To ftick, in a figurative fenfe to be Why therefore may not the minute parts of circuraftance, or manner of being ; as,
other bodies, it they be conveniently shaped icx
confiftent ; to hold together. good, bad, are adjeBi'vei, becaufe, in
adbeji'tny ftick. to one another, as well as ftick to
Why every thing adhirci together, that no dram this ipiric ? Boyk,
fpeech, they are applied to nouns, to
of a fcrup'.e, no'fcrjple of a fcniple, no incredu-
The reft corfifting wholly in the fenfible con- modify their fignification, or intimate
lous or unfarc citcumftancc—
btiikeffeare'i T-.velfib Niglt.
firmation, as fmooth and rough 5 or elfe more, the manner of exiftence in the things
or lefs, firm adhcjion cf the parts, as hard and flgnified thereby. Clarke's Latin Gram,
3. To remain firmly fixed 10 a party, per- fofc, tough and brittle, are obvious. Locke.
Ail the verf:iica*ion of Claudian is included
fon, or opinion. —
Prove that all things, on occafionj
within the compafs of four or five lines ; perpetu-
Good gentkmcn, hehzthmuch talk'd of you ;
Love union, and defire adbcfion* Prior,
ally clofing his lenfe at the end of a vcrfe, and that
And fur; I am, two men there are not living. 2. It is fometimes taken, like adherence, vcrf; commonly which they call golden, or two
To whom he more adheres,
Sbaiefp, Ham/et,
figuratively, for firmnefs ia an opinion, fubltantivcs and two adjtclirjes, with a verb betwixt
Every man of me, that
lenfe will agree with
them, to keep the peace.
or Ileadinefs in a practice. Dryden,
Angularity is laudible, when, in contradiftion t >
a multitude, it adbtres to the dictates of con-
The fame want of Iincerity, the firae adbeficn A'djectively. ad'v, [from adjeili've.]
fclence, morality, and honour. Boyle, to vice, and averfion from goodnefs, wilt be After the manner of an adjeftive a ;
equally a reafon for their reje^ing any proof
Adhe'rence. n, f. \ivova. adhere .'\ See
whatfoevcr. yitterbury,
term of grammar.
Adhesion. Adieu', adv. [from a Bieu, ufed ellipti-
Adhe'sive. adj. [from adhefion,'] Stick-
1. The quality of adhering, or (licking; cally for a Dieu je "vous commende, ufed
ing ; tenacious.
tenacity. at the departure of friends.] The form
It" flow, yet fure, adbeji've to the tra£V,
2. In a figurative fenfe, fixednefs of mind ; Hot-fteaining «p, Thomfon* of parting, originally importing a com-
fteadinefs ; fidelity. To ADHl'BIT. o/. a. {adhibeo. Lat.] To mendation to the Divine care, but nonf
The tirm adherence of the Jews to their religion
apply make ufed, in a popular fenfe, foipetimes to
; to ufe of.
IB no Icfstemarlcabie than their dilperiian ; conii-
bait, a neccfiary ingredient in all facriiices, was things inanimate ; farewell.
dering it as pcrfccuted or contemned o\cr the
adhibited and required in this view only as an em- Ne gave him leave to bid that aged fire
whole earth. Add'iJQn.
blem of purification. Adieu, but nimbly ran her wonted courfc.
A conftant adherence to one fort of diet may
Prefdint Forbei'i Letter to a Bijhal>. Tairy Slucen,
have bad cC'cdls on any conflitution.
Adhibi'tion. [hoxnadhibit.] Ap- Ufe a mor^ fpacious ceremony to the noble
jlrbulbr.'jt on j^/imerts. n.f.
lords; you reflrained yourlelf within the lift of
Plain good fenfe, and a Arm adbtrtnee to (he plication ; ufe. Z);V?.
too cold an ; he more expreffive to them.
point, have proved m'Te effectual than tliole arts, Adja'cency. n.f. [from adjaceo, Lat.] Shake'fenre's W//"i •zueli ibat ends welf.
which are contemptuoufly called the fpirit ot re- 1. The ftate of lying clofe to another thing. While now 1 take my laft adieu.
gociating. Sviif:.
W- 2, That which is adjacent. See Adja-
Heave thou no figli, nor ihed a tear
Adhe'rency. n.f. [The fame with Left yet my half-clos'd eye may view
Becaufe the Cape hath fea on both fides near
On earth an objedt worth its care. Priori
1. Steady attachment. it, and other lands, remote as it were, equi- To Adjo'in. i». a. \_adjoindre, Fr. ad-
2. That which adheres. dillant from it ; tliercforc, at that point, the >afo, Lat.]
Vices have a adbertncy of vexation. needle is nut diltiatled by the vicinity of adja- 1. To join to ; to unite to ; to put to.
Decay tf Piety. eenciet, Bro^vn^s yulgjr Erroun. As one who long in populous city p.'nt
Adhe'rcnt. adj. [bom adhert,'\ Adja'cikt. adj. [adjaceits, Lat.] Lying Forth ifiuing on a fummcr's morn to breathe
1. Sticking to. near or clofe ; bordering upon fomc- Among the pleafant villages and farms
Clofe to the cliff with both his hands he clung. Adjoind, from each tliiag met conceives delight.
And ftuck adheyertt, and fufpended hung. Pife.
It may
corrupt within Itfelf, although no part of
Correftions or Improvements fliould be as re-
2. United with. it iffue into the b dy adjacent. Bacin. marks adjoin/d, by way of note or commentary,
are f:iid to be inherent or adherent, that Uniform pellucid mediums, fuch as water, have in their proper places, and fupcradded to a regular
is,proper or improper. Adhereitt or improper no fenfible refle^i.n but in their external fuper- trcatife. IVjus.
modes arifc from the joining of fome accidcntil ficies, where thzy are adjacent to other mediums
fubftdncc to the chief fubjecl, which yet may be of a different dcolity. Netuton,
2. To fatten by a joint or junfture."
feparated from it; fo when a bowl is wet, or a As a malfy wheel
Adja'ce^it. tt.f. That which lies next Fixt on the fummit of the higheft mount.
boy is clothed, thefe are aJhereni modes; for the
water and the clctbes are difllndl t'ubllances which
another. To whofe huge fpoke ten thoufand leffer things
adhere to the bowl, or to tA : boy. /frt/.'j'j Logick.
The fcBfe of the author goes vilibly in its own Are mortis'd and adjoined, Shakej'feare,
words receiving a determined fenfe
train, and the To Adjo'in. v, To be
Adhe'rent. n.f. [hovn adhere.'] from their companions and adjacenti, will not
n. contiguous to
1 The perfon that adheres ; one that fup- to lie next, fo as to have nothing be-
confcnt to give countenance and colour to what
ports the caufe, or follows the forluue muft be fupported at any rate. Locke. tween.
of another ; a follower, a partifan. Adiaphorous, adj. [aJiaSoiJi©-, Gr.] Th' adjoining fane, th' affembled Creeks ex-
Princis muft give proteftion to their fubjefls Neutrnl particularly ufed of fomefpirits
and aHiereaii, vihca worthy occalion /hall re<juire
And hunting of the Caledonian heart. Dryden,
and falts, wldch are neither of an acid In learning any thing, as little fliould be pro-
it. Rate'i^h.
or alkaline nature. ^incy. pofed to the mind at once, as is poflible; and,
A new war mull be undertakcji upon the advice
of thofe, wh", with their partifans and adf erertif Oui- adiaphoroiit fpirit may be obtained, l^y dif- that being underftood and fully maftered, proceed
tilling the liquor that is afforded by woods and to the next adjoining, yet unknown, funpic, un-
wer« to be the fole gainers by it. iiivift.

2. Any thing outwardly belonging to a

divers other bodies. Beyle. perplexcd propofition, belonging n
the ma ter ia
AotA'tHORY. hand, and tending to the clearing what is princi--
perfon. n.f. [aJia^ojia, Gr.] Neu-
pa'ly defigneil. Locke,
trality indifference.
they cannot fliake the main fort, they ;
To ADJO'URN. 'v.a, [adjourner, Fr.]
mull try if they can pnffefs thcmfelves of the To ADJE'CT. 1/. a. [adjicio, adjeHum,
outworks, raife fome prejudice againll his difcie- Lat.] To add to ; to put to another
I. To put otf to another day, naming the
tion, his humour, his ca riage, and his cttniific time ; a term ufed in juridical pro-
etdhtrerti. Government cf the Tongue. ceedings ; as, of parliaments, or courts
Adje'ction. n.f. [adjeOio, Lat.]
Adhe'rer. a./, [from adhere.] He that of juftice.
1. 'I'he aft of adjefting, or adiling.
adheres. 1 he queen being abfent, 'tis a needful fitnelsi

He on
to be indulgent to tender confcicncfsi
2. The thing adjefted, or added. That we adjourn this court to further day=
bur, at 'he fiinc timr, a firm adherer to the efta-
That unto every poufd of fulphur, an adjeSlion Sbakefpeare,
of jne ounce of qaickfiiVfr j or unto every pound By the king's authority alone, and by 'lis writs,
blirt.'d cliurch. Sivifi.
of pctre, one ounce of lal-amm' niac, will much
Ad he's ION. n./. [adhef/io, Lat.]
int-nd the force, and confequently the rrport, J
they ari affembled, and by him alone are they
prorogued and dilluived but each lioufe may ad.,
1. The aft or ftatc of flicking to fome- fijid no verily. Bnwn'i f^ulgar £rreuri. journ itUif.
z. To
a. To put ofF; to defer ; to let flay to a Leirn'mg is but tt\ adjunff to ourfelf. 2. The ftate of being put In method, or
future time. And where wc arc, our learning likewife is* Shak. regulated.
But 1 make hafte to connder you as ab(lra£)ed
Then, Jupiter, thou king of gods, It is a vulgar idea we have of a watch or cloclc,
from a court, which (if you will give me leave to
Why hail thou thus adjourned when we conceive of it as an inftrument made to
ufe a term of logick) only an adjunSi) not a is
The graces for his merits due, Ihew the hour : but it is a learned idea which the
propriety, of happincfs. Dryden,
Being all to Shairff, Cymh.
dolours turn'd. watch-maker has of it, who knows all the feveral
Crown high the goblets with chearful draught:
The talent of difcretion, in its feveral adjunHs it, together with the various connexions
parts of
and circumftances, is no where fo ferviccable as to
Enjoy the ptcfcnt hour, adjcurm the ftiture thought. and adjufimentt of each part. ff^aiti't Logiik,
the clergy. Snvift.
Dry den. A'djutant. n. /. A petty officer, whofe
The formation of animals being foreign to my 2. A perfon joined to another. This fenfe
duty is to ainit the major, by diftribut-
purpofe, 1 Ihall adjourn the confidcrari'^n of it t rarely occurs.
another occafion. H^oodxoard's t/atural H'ljlory. He made him the aObciate of his heir-apparent, ing the pay, and overfeeing the punilh-
Adjo'urnment.w./ [adjournement, Fr. together with the lord Cottington (as an adjurd ment, of the common men.
of fingular experience and truft) in foreign travels,
I. An aflignment of a day, or a putting To ADJU'TE. 1*. a. [adju-vo, adjufum,
and in a bufinefs of love. fVofton.
off till another day. Lat.] To help ; to concur : a word not
A'djunct. adj. United with; imme-
Mjiurnmtnt in tyre, an appointment of a day, now in ufe.
diately confequent.
when the jultices in eyre mean to fit again. For there be
So well, that what you bid me undertake.
Six bachelors as bold as he,
Though that my death were adjunli to my afl,
3. Delay ; procrafUnation ; difmilTion to j^juting to his company ;
I'd do "t. Sbakefp. King John,
a future time. And each one hath his livery.

Adju'nction. n.f. \adjun3io, Lat.] BenJonftM't Undervioods,

We will and we will not, and then we will not
The aft of adjoining, or coupling to- Adju'tor. »./
again, and we will. Ac this rate wc run our lives \.
[aJJutor, Lit.] A helper.
out in adjournments from time to time, out of a gether.
fantaftical levity that holds us off and on, betwixt The thing joined.
Adju'tory. ad;, [ad/uteriiu. Lit.] That
hawk and buzsard. L^BJlrange. Adju'nctive. n./. [adjunSi'vut, Lat.] which helps. Di^.
A'oiTQVs.adj. \_aJipofus,'LaX.'\ Fat. Di3. r. He that joins.
Adju'trix. »./ [Lat.] She who helps.
A'dit. rt.f. [adirui, Lat.] A paffage for 2. That which is joined.
the conveyance of water under ground Adjura'tion. n.f. [ae/juratio, hat.]
A'djuvant. adj. [adjwvant. Lit.] Help,
a palTage under ground in general ; a 1 The aft of adjuring, or propofing an
ful ; ufeful. Dia.
term among the minemen. oath to another,
For conveying away the water, they ftand in aid 2. The form of oath propofed to another.
To A'djuvate. o;. a. [adjwvo, Lat.] To
of fundry devices as, ad'tis, pumps, and wheels, help; to further; to put forward.
When thefe learned men faw ficknefs and frenzy
driven by a llrtram, and interchangeably tilling and
cured, the dead raifed, the oracles put to filence,
emptying two buckets. Careiv>
the dxmons and evil fpirits forced to confefs tfiem- Admb'asuremEnt. n. /. [See Mea-
The delfs would be fo flown with waters (it be- felvcs no gods, by perfons, who only made ufe of sure.] The adjuftment of proportions ;
ing imj^olTible to make any adits or fouglis to drain prayer and adjurations in the name of their cruci-
them) that no gins or machines could fulHce to lay the aft or praftice of meafuring accord-
fied Saviour ; how could they doubt of their Sa-
and keep them dry. ^ay, ing to rule.
viour's power on the like occafions ?
Admeajurement is a writ, which lieth for the
Adi'tion. n.f. [from adeo, aJiium, Lat.] Mdifm on the Cbrifiian Religion.
bringing of thofe to a mediocrity, that afutp more
The aft of going to another. DJ3. To ADJU'RE. -v. a. [adjuro, Lat.] To thai! their part. It lieth in two cafes : one is
7*0 Adju'dge. "v. a, [adjudico, Lat.] impole an oath upon another, prefcrib- termed admeajurement of dower, where the widow
I . To give the thing controverted to one ing the form in which he (hall fwear. of the deceafed holdethfrom the heir, or his guar-
Thou know'ft, the magiftrates dian, more in the name of her dower, than bc-
of the parties by a judicial fentence ;
The other is admeujurement of
And princes of my country came in perfon. longeth to her.
with the particle to before the perfon. Solicited, commanded,
threaten'd, urg'd, pafture, which lieth between thofe that have com-
The way of difputing in the fchools is by in- jidjur'd by all the bonds of civil duty. mon of paliure appendant to their freehold, or
iiftingon one topical argument j by the fuccefs And of religion, prcfs'd how juft it was, common by vicinage, in cafe any one of them, or
of which, victory is adjudged to the opponent, How honourable. MiJton. more, do furcharge the common with more cattle
or defendant. Locke* 'Ve lamps of heaven he faid, and lifted high
! than they ought. Ccwd/m
The great competitors for Rome, His hands now free, thou venerable Iky ! In fome counties they are not ipuch acquainted
Cxfar and Pompey, on Pharfalian plains. Ye facred altars ! from whofe flames 1 fled. \fhh admeafuremnl by acre; and thereby the writs
Where with one final flroke,
ftern Bellona, Be all of vou adjured. Dryden. contain twice or thrice fo many acres mure than
jtdjudg'd the empire of this globe to one. Ptillips. the land hath. Bacon*
To ADJU'ST. 'V. a. \adj after, Fr.]
z. To ientence, or condemn to a punifh-
1. To regulate to put in order to fettle Admensu R a'tion. n.f. [ad ind menfura,
; ;
ment ; with to before the thing. Lat.] The aft, or praftice, of meafuring
in the right form.
But though thou art adjudged to the death ;
Your Lordlhip removes all cur difliculties, and out to each his part.
Yet I will favour thee in what I can. Shakeff.
fupplies our wants, fafter than the mod vi-
Admi'nicle. n.f. [adminicuhm, Lat.]
3. Simply, to judge ; to decree ; to de- fionary projector can adjujl his fchemes. Siuift.
termine. Help ; fupport ; furtherance. DiS.
2. To reduce to the true ftate or Itandard ;
He adjudged him unworthy of his friendfliip, to makeaccurate.
Admi Ni'cuLAR. adj. [from adminicu-
purpofing Hiarply to re\'enge the wrong he had rc- lum,h<iX.] That which gives help. Diff.
The name's of mixed modes, for the moft part,
ceivfd. Kncllcs.
want llaniiards in nature, whereby men may re^ify To ADMl'NISTER. -v. a. [adminifro,
rsADJU'DICATE. -v. a. [adjudico, Lat.] and adjufi their fignification \ therefore they an- Lat.]
To adjudge to give fomething contro-
; very various and doubrfu'. Locke.
1. To give ; to afford ; to fupply.
verted to one of the litigants, by a fen- 3. To make conformable. It requires the I.ct zephyrs bland
tence or decifion. particle to before the thing to wliich the Adminifler y tepid genial airs ;

A D J u D I c a't I o n . h. / [adjudicatio, Lat. ] conformity is made. Naught fear i.c from the welt, whofe gentle
The aft of j lodging, or of granting As to the accomplilhment of this remarkable warmth
prophecy, whoever reads the account given by Jo- Difdofes well the earth's all-tceming womb.
fomething to a litigai^t, by a judicial
iephus, without knowing his charadte., and com- Pbilifs.
fentence. pares it with what our Saviour foretold, would 2. To aft as the minifter or agent in an^r
To A'djuoate. 'V. a. [adjugo, Lat.] To think the hiftorian had been aChrlft'an, and that
employment or office ; generally, but
yoke to ; to join to another by a yoke. he had nothing elfe in view, but to adjufi the event
to the prediAion. jiddif n. not always, with fome hint of fubordi-
nation as, to adminifter the govern-
A'djument. ». /. \_adjumentum, Lat.] Adju'stment. n.f. [adjiiftement, Fr.]

Regulation; the aft of putting in me- ment.

Help ; fupport. DiS. I.
For forms of government let fools contefl,
thod ; fcttlement.
A'DJUNCT. n.f. [adju>i3um, Lit.]
The farther and clearer adjufiment of this affair,
Whate'er is beft adninifler'd, is bell-. Pofe,
I. Something adherent or urtited to an- I am conftraincd to adjourn to the larger treatife. 3. To adminiller juflicej to diflribute
otixer, though not e^entially part of it. tfiidivard. right.

\ 4. To
4. To admlnifter the facraments, to dlf- did hold It in his own right, or as admmfirator to 1. Wonder; the aifl of admiring or won-
penfe them.
his daughter. Bacon's Henry VH. dering.
Have not they the old popifh cuftom of adtrini- 2. He that officiates in divine rites. Indu'd with human voice, and human fenfe,
Jl'ring the bleiTcd facrament of the holy eucharift
I my confclence bound to remember the
feel Reafonjng to admiration. Milton*
Hosier. tleath of Chrift, with fome fociety of Chriftians or The paftions always move, and therefore, con-
with wafer-cakes ?
other, Cnce it is a moft plain command j whether
5. To adminifter an oath ; to propofe or
the perfon, who diftributes thcfe elements, be
fequently, pleafe ; for, without motion, there can
be no delight : which cannot be confidercd but as
require an oath authoritatively ; to ten- only an occafional or a fettled adminijfrator. an aftive palfion. When we view tho^ elevated
der an oath. Watt:. ideas of nature, the refult of that view M admira~
Swear by the duty that you owe to heav'n. 3. He that condufts the government. tioit, which is always the caufe of pleafure.
To keep the oath that wc adminifter, Shakefpeare. The rcfidence of the prince, or chhf adttiim^ra- Dryden.
6. To adminifler phyfic j to give pnyfic ror of the civil power. Sioift, There is a pleafure in admiration, and this is
as it is wanted. Admi'nistr ATRix. ti, /. [Lat.] She that which properly caufeth admiration, when we
was difcover a great deal in an objedl which we un-
1 carried on men's ihoulders, adminijlering who adminillers in confequence of a
phylick and phlebotomy. Wafcri Voyage. derftand to be excellent} and yet we fee, we know
7. To adminifter to ; to contribute ; to nn how much more beyond that, which our un-
Administra'torship. n.f. [from «^- derftandings cannot fully reach and comprehend.
bring fupplies.
I rouft not omit, that there is a fountain rifing
miniftrator,'\ The office of adminiHra- Tillotfon.

tor. 2. It is taken fometimes in a bad fenfe,

in the upper part of my garden, which forms a
little wandering rill, and adminiflirs to the pleafure, Admirabi'lity. n,f. \admirabilis, Lat. though generally in a good.
as well as the plenty, of the place. SpeSItitor. The quality or ftate of being admira- Your boldnefs I with admiration fee ;
8. To perform the office of an adrainiftra- What hope had you to gain a queen like me?
ble. Dia, Becaufe a hero forc'd me once away.
tor« in law. See Aoministrator. A'dmirable. Lat.]
adj. [admirabilis, Am thought
I lit to be a fecond prey ? Dryden,
Neal's order was never performed, becaufe the
executors durft not adminijler.
To be admired worthy of admiration ;
;, To ADMI'RE. v. a. [admiro, Lat. ad-
•Arbuthnot and Pope,
of power to excite wonder : always ta- mirer, Fr.]

To Admi'nistrate. 1/. «. \adminiftro,

ken in a good fenfe, and applied either 1 To regard with wonder : generally in
to perfons or things. a good fenfe.
Lat.] To exhibit ; to give as phyfick.
The more power he hath to hurt, the more ad- 'Tis here that knowledge wonders, and there is
Not in ufe. m'lrakle is his praife, that he will not hurt. an admiration that is not the daughter of igno-
They have the fame effefts in medicine, when Sidney, rance. This indeed ftupidly gazeth at the un-
inwardly admtmjirated to animal bodier. God was with them in all their adiiitions, and, wonted effe& i but the philofophic paftion truly
Wo'^dvjard, at length, by working their admirable deliverance, admires and adores the fup.cme efficient.
Administra'tion. n.f. [aJminiftratio, did teftify that they ferved him not in vain. Glanville*
Lat.] Hooker, 2. It is fometimes ufed, in more familiar
1. The aft of adminiflering or condufting What admiraili things occur in the remains of
feveral other phllofophers
fpeech, for to regard 'vtith lo've.
Short, I conftfs, of
any employment ; as, the condufting the rules of chriftianity, but generally above the 3. It is ufed, but rarely, in an ill fenfe.
. the public affairs ; difpenling the laws. lives of chriftians. Soutb'i Sermotii. You have difplac'd the mirth, broke the good
I then did ufe the perfon of your fjther You can at moft meeting
The image of his power lay then in me : To an indiff rent lover's praife pretend : With moft admir'd iiCorder. Shakefp. Macbeth.
And in th' admtn'ijl ration oi \\\i law, But you would fpoil an admirible friend. Drydin. To Admi're. 'v.n. To wonder J fome-
While I was bufy for the commonwealth. A'dmirableness. [from admirable.'] n,/. times with the particle at.
Your highnefs pleafcd to forget my place.
The quality of being admirable ; the The eye is already fo perfect, that I believe the
In the rtiort time of hii adminjftratiottt he ihone power of raifing wonder. reafon of a man would eafily have refted here, and.
admird at his own contrivance. Ray on the Creation.
fo powe- fully upon me, chat, like the heat of a A'dmirablv. adni, [from admirable.]
RuQian fummer, he ripened the fruits of poetry in So as to raife wonder ; in an admirable
Admi'rer. 71,/, [from admire.]
a cold clima'c. Dry'dtti, 1. The perfon that wonders, or regard*
2. The aftive or executive part of govern- The theatre is the moft fpacious of any I ever with admiration.
ment. faw, and fo admirably well contrived, that, from Neither Virgil nor Horace would have gained
It may pafi for a maxim
in ftate, that the ad- the very depth of the ftage, the loweft found may
fo great reputation, had they not been the friends
miniftrai'um cannot be placed in too few hands, nor be heard diftin£tly to the fart he ft part of the au-
and admirers of each other. Addijoti.
the legiflature in too many. Stvift, dience, as in a whifpering place j and yet, raife Who moft to (hun or hate mankind pretend.
Seek an admirer, or would lix a friend. Pope.
3. Colleftively, thofe to whom the care your voice as high as you pleafe, there is nothing
of public committed
affairs is as, the
like an echo to caufe the leaft crmfufion. Mdifcr.. 2, In common fpeech, a lover.

adminiftration has been oppofed

A'DMIRAL. ». y: [amiral, Fr, of un. AoMi' [from admire,] With
in par-
liament. certain etymology.] admiration ; in the manner of an ad-
4. Dillribution ; exhibition ; difpenfation.
1. An officer or magiftrate that has the mirer.
There is, in facraments, to be obferved their government of the king's navy, and the The king very lately fpoke of him admiringly
and mournfully. Sbakrfp. All's ivelltbatendsivill.
force, and their form of adminifiratioH, Hocker, hearing and determining all caufes, as
By the univerfal admini/lrathn of grace, begun
We may yet further admiringly obfervc, that men
well civil as criminal, belonging to the ufually give frcelieft where they have not given
by our blelTed Siviour, enlarged by his apoftles,
fea. Coxuell. before. Boyle*
carried on by their iromediaic fuccefTors, and to
be completed by the reft to the wo-ld's end j all 2. The chief commander of a fleet. Admi'ssible. adj. [admitio, admijfum,.
types that darkened this faith are enlig'itcned. He alfo, in battle at fea, overthrew Rcdericuj Lat.] That which may be admitted.
•Sprat's St-rm'jnt, Rotundus, admiral of Spain, in which fight the Suppofe that this fuppofition were admijfible, yet
admiral, with his fon, were both flain, and feven
Administrative. aJj. [from admini- this would not any way be inconliftent with the
of his gallies taken. Knolles. eternity of the divine nature and e(rence.
ftraie.'\ That which adminillers; that Make the fea (nine with gallantry, and all Hale's Origin of Mankind^
by which any one adminillers. The Englilh youth (lock to tUc'n admiral. fVaikr.
Admt'ssion. n.f, [admi^o, L3.t.]
Aduinistra'tor. n.f, \adminiflrator 3. The fhip which carries the admiral or
1 The aft or praftice of admitting.
Lau] commander of the fleet. There was alfo enacted that ciiaritable law, for
1. Is properly uken for him that has the The admiral galley, wherein the emperor him- the admi£ion of poor fuitors without fee ; whereby
goods of a man dying inteftate com- fclf Wis, by great mifchance, ftruck upon a fand. poor men became rather able to vex, than unable
Knolles. to fue. Bacon's Henry VII*
mitted to his charge by the ordinary,
and is accountable for the fame, when- A'dmiralship. ». / [from admiral.] By means of our folitary (ituation, and our rare
The office or power of an admiral. admf£ion of ftrangers, wc know molt part of the
ever it fhail pleafe the ordinary to call habrtable world, and arc ourfclves unknown.
upon him thereiinto. A'dmi RALTY. 11./. [amiraulle, Fr.] The Bacon's Ne^u Atalantii
Conuell. .

He was wonderfully diligent to enquire and ob- power, or appointed for the ad-
2. The ftate of being admitted.
ferve what became of the king of Arragon, in miniftration of naval affairs. My father faw you ill deligns purfue
hoUijig Che kingdom of Caftille, and whether he Aumira'tion, a./, [admiralio, Lat.] A«d jny admillm fljow'd his feat of you. Dryden.
Cri «iid tlwn tjcrcife man's hopts with the ex- There are fome ideas which hitt adp:!tt:!net on^y ef fouls, to intermingle fometimes with othee
pcfijiions of a btttcr paruJifi', or i more intimitr through one fenfe, which is peculiarly adapted to more neccfiary thingr, aJa-nition concerning thcfe
^dmij/icK to himfelf. Staib't Strmeni. receive them. Loeie. not unncccifaiy. Ilcoitr.
Our kin; defcendi from Jove i Cuftom, or prerogative, of being ad- From this admonition they took only occafion to
Aod hither are we come by bis command,
mitted to great perfons : a fenfe now
redouble their fault, and to ll':cp again ; fo that,
To crave iutwtjjittt in your happy land. Dryden, upon a fccond and third admomticr, they had no-
out of ufe. thing to plead for their unfcalbnabl; drowfinel";.
3. Admittance ; the power of entering, or
Sir John, you are a gentleman of excellent Sc!irb*s Sermons,
being admitted. breeding, of great admiilanci, authentick in your
All finings have fome degt« of heat, none ever
Admoki'tioner. n.f. [from adntenition.']
place and perfon, generally allowed for your many
freezing, no not in the longeft and fevereft frofts warlike, couttllke, and learned preparations.
A liberal difpenfer of admonition ; a
efpeclally thofe, where there is fite and dif-
fuch a Sbakefpeare. general advifer. A ludicrous term.
pofition of the ftrata as gives and cafy ad-
free Albeit the admtniticners did fcem at firft to lik*
4. Conceflion of a pofition.
mffan to this heat. WixdiUard'% Natural IliJIoiy. no prcfciipt form of prayer .it all, but thought it
Nor could the Pythagorean give eafy admittance
4. {In the ecclefiaftical law.] It is, when thereto j for, holding that fcparate fouls fuccef-
the bed that their minifter Jhould always be left at
the patron prefents a cierk to a church fivcly fupplied other bodies, they could hardly al-
liberty "to pray, as his own difcrction did fcr\c,
their defender, and his all'ociatcs, have fithence
that is vacant, and the bi(hop, upon low the raifiog of fouls from other worlds.
Btztvn's Vulgar Errours.
piopofcd to the world a form as themfclves did
examination, admits and allows of fuch like. Hooker,
clerk to be fitly qualified, by faying, To Adui'x. ni, a. [adnti/ceo, Lat.] To
mingle with fometbing elfe. A D M o' N I To R Y . adj. [admotittoriuj, Lat .
AJmitto ie habilem. Ayliffe' s Parergon.
Admi'xtion. n.f. [from ezdtnix.] The That which admonifhes.
5. The allowance of an argument ; the The fcntence of reafun is either mandatory,
grant of a pofition not fully proved. union of one body with another, by
ihewing what muft be done ; or elfe permillive,
mingling them. declaring only what may be done j or, thirdly, ad'
To ADMI'T. 1'. a. [aJmitto, Lat.] All metals may be calcined by ftrong waters, monitory, opening what is the moll convenient for
1. To fuifer to ; to grant entrance.
enter or by admixtion of fait, fulphur, and mercury. us to do. Hookir.
Mirth, admit me of thy crew. Milton. Bacon.
Does not one table Bavius ftill cdmit T Pipe. The elements at« no where pure in thcfe lower Admurmur a'tion. ft./, [admurmtiro,
9. To fufFer to enter upon an office in regions ; and if there is any free from the admix- Lat.] The aft of murmuring, or whif-
tion of another, fure it is above the concave of the pering to another. Z)/.-7.
which fenfe the phrafe of admijpon into a moon. Glanville.
eollege. Sec. is ufed. To Admo've. v. a. \_admovco, Lat.] To
There is no way tomake a ftrong and vigorous
The trcafurcr found it no hard matter fo far to powder oi faltpetre, without the admixtion of ful- bring one thing to another. word A
terrify hiiri, that, for the king's fervice, as was phur. Bmvns Vulgar Errct/n. not in ufe.
pretended, he admitted, for a fix-clerk, a pcrfcn if, unto the powder of loadftone or iron, wc oif-
Admi'xtore. [from admix.] The
recommended by him. C/arindm. m'-vc the north-pole of the loadllooe, the powders,
body mingled with another perhaps
3. To allow an argument or pofition.
cr fmall divifions, will ercdt and conform them-
Suppofe no weapon can thy valour's pride
fometimes the aft of mingling. felves thereto. Brown's Vulgar Errcurs.
Subdue, that by no force thou may'ft be won, Whatever acrimony, or amaritudr, at any time
redounds in it, niuft be derived from the admixture
Ado', n.f. [from the verb to do, with a
jUmt no ftcel can hurt or wound thy fide, before it, as the French affaire, from i.
And be hcav'n bath thee fuch favour done.
of another Iharp bitter fubftance.
Harijey en Confumptions. aadfaire."]
This argument is like to have the lefs effcit on A mafs which to the eye appears to be nothing I. Trouble, difficulty.
feeing cannot but mere finople earth, Ihall, to the fmell or taftc, Hetook Clitophoii prifoner, whom, with mucK
tne, I eafily admit the inJcrence.
difcover a plentiful a(/mixr«r? of fulphur, alum, or
Loch. ado, he keepeth alive; the Helots being viKain-
fome other mineral. fVoodward's Natural Hijl-^ry.
4. To allow, or grant in general fome- oufly cruel. Sidney,

times with the particle of.

To ADMO'NISH. -v. a. {admoneo, Lat.] They moved, and the end pcrfuaded, with

If you once admit if a latitude, that thoughts

To warn of a fault ; to reprove gen- much ado, the people to bind themfelves by folemn
oath. Hooker,
may be exalted, and images raifed above the life, tly ; to counfel againft wrong prac-
He kept the borders and marches of the pale
that leads you infenfibly from your own principles tices ; to put in mind of a fault or a
with much adoj he held many parliaments, wherein
to mine. Drydtn. duty ; with the particle of, or againjl, fundry laws were made. Sir fohn Davics,
Admi'ttable. \ixom admit.
adj. The "]
which is more rare ; or the infinitive With much ado, he partly kept awake

perfon or thing which may be admitted. mood of a verb. Not fufTring all his eyes repofe to take. Dryden,
Btciufe they have not a bladder like thofe wc One of his cardinals, who better knew the in- z. Euftle ; tumult ; bufinefs ; fometimes
cfcf::rvein others, they have no gall at all, is a pa- trigues of aft'airs, adm:n\Jixd him againji that un- with the particle about.
rilogifm not admiitabli, a fallacy that nceis not ikilful piece of ingenuity. Decay of Piety. Let's follow, to fi.e the end of this ado, Sbaiefp,
the fun to fcatter it. Bmvn. He e/* their wicked ways All this ado about Adam's fatherhood, and the
The clerk, who is prcfcnted, ought to prove to Shall them admonip, and before them fet greatnefs of its power, helps nothing to cttablifh
the bllhop, that he is a deacon, and that he has The paths of righteoufnefs. Milton. the power of thofe that govern. Locke,
orders j otherwife, the bifliop is not bound to ad- But when he was admowjhcd by his fubjeCl to It has a and ludicrous fenfe, im-
mit him ; for, a> the law then ftood, a deacon was defcerdf he came down, gently cirdiiig in the air,
4idmittatle. and finglng, to the ground. Drydcii.
plying more tumult and (how of bufinefs,
yiynfe's Parergon.
than the affair is worth in this fenfe it

Admi'ttance. n.f. [(rom admit .'] Admo'nisher. h. /. [from admonijh.']

is of Lite generally ufed.
1. The aft of admitting ; allowance or The perfon that admoniflies,
or puts
I made no more ado, but to:ik all their feven
permilTion to enter. another in mind of his faults or duty. points in my taigct, thus. S'.^ak./p. Henry IV.
It cannot enter any man's conceit to think it
Horace was a mild admonijher ; a court-fatirifl We'll keep no great ado^^^a friend or two-
lawful, that every man which Uilcth .'hould take fit for the gentle times of Augudus. Dryden. It m.iy be thought wc held him ca:elcfsly,
upon him charge in the church; and th-refbrc a Admo'nishmsnt. tt.
f. \from admoniff}.'] Being our kinfman, if wc revel much. Sbatefp,
folemn admittance is of fuch neceflity, that, without Admonition ; the notice by which one Come, fays Pufs, without any more ado, 'tis
it, there can be no church-polity. Hooter. time to go to breakfafi ; cats don't live upon dia-
isput in mind of faults or duties : a
A» to the admittance of the weighty elaftic parts logues. L'EJtrange,
ef the air into the blood, through the coats of word not often ufed.
the veffels,*! feems contrary to experiments upon But yet be wary in the ftudious care.—
Adolk'scence. \n.f. \adolefceiitia, Lat.]
deaJ bodies. jlrtuthnct on Alimentu —Thy grave admonijhments prevail with me. Adole'scency. i The age fucceeding
The power Siakfpeare's HetryV. p, i. childhood, and fucceeded by puberty ;
i. or right of entering.
To th' infinitely Good wc owe more largely, that part of life in wKich
If I do line one of their hands 'tis gold
— Immortal thanks, and his admonijhment
Receive, with folemn purpofe to obfcrvc
the body has not yet reached its full per-
Which buys admittarce. Staieffeare'i CymMint. fedion.
Immutably his fuv«rcign will, the eud
Surely a daily expectation at ihc £jtc, is He was fo far from a boy, that he was a man
the Of what we are. Milicn,
readied way to gain admittance into the houfc. born, and at his full ftaturc, if we believe Jofe,
Souths Sermons. Admoni'tion. ». f. [aJmon'tio, Lat.]
phus, who places him in the \i!i adoUfuncy, and
There's news from Bertran ; he dcfircs The hint of a fault or duty ; counfel makes him twenty-five years old. Brown^
Admittance to the king, and criti aloud,
gentle reproof. , The fons muft have a tedious time of childhood

TJ»s day liaU end our fears. Dryden. they can either tiismftlves
They muft give our teachers leave, for the laving and aiolefccncc, before
their parents, or encourage them with new
sflift a fupreme excdlent Being, may yet ^ive him no !twas confufed ; nor to the heavens, before they
hows of poflerity. Beniley. i«t6rnal adoration at all. StillingJI.e'. had motion and ador/jment.

Homage paid- to perfons in kigh place Raleigh's Hi/lory of the IVorld.

To ADCyPT. %: a. {adopto, Lat.] 2.
She held the very garment of Hofthumus in moi-e
1, To take a fonby choice ; to make him
or efteem.
refpeft than my nobb and natural perfon, together
a fon, who was not fo by bixth.
O ceremony, fltew me but thy worth
with the adornment of my qualities.
Were none of all my f» ler's fiftera left;
What thy tolli
is O
Skakejpeare's Cymbeline.
Art thou nought elfe but place, degree, and form,
Navi were I of my mother's Icin bereft; Ado'wn. [from a and
ad'v. donx/n.] Down
Creating awe and' fear in other men ? ;.

None by an uncle's or a grandame*s Hcie, on the ground.

Wherein thou art lefs happy, being, fear'd,:
Yet I could fome adopted heir provide. Drydcn.
Than they in fearing. Thrice did (he fink hdoivn in deadly found.
2. To place any perfon or thing in a nearer What drink'ft thou oft, inftcad of homage fweet, And thrice he her rcviv'd with bufy pain.
relation, than tbey have by nature, to But poifin'd flattery ? .; S kakefpeare't- Henry V. Fitiry ^een,
foraething elfe. To ADO'RE. -J. a. [adoro, Lat.] Ado'wn. prep. Down; towards the
Whether, ad<ff>ud to fomc neighboring ftar. ground j from a higher fituation to*
Thou above us in thy wand'ring race.
1 To worfhip with external homage ; to
pay divinehonours.- wards a lower.
Or, in proceflion fix'd and regular,
The mountain nymphs and Themis they adore, In this remembrance Emily ere day
Mov'd with the hcav'ns majellic pace;
And from her oracles relief implore. Dryden- Arofe, and drefs'd herfelf in rich array;
Or cdird to more celeilial blifs,
Fre(H as the month, and as the morning fair,
Thou trcad'ft, with leraphims, the vaft abyfs. 2. It is ufed, popularly, tO' denote a high
Adotvn her fhouldcrs fell her lengthof hair, Drydeiti.
Dryden, degree of reverence or regard ; to reve-
We are feldom at eafc from the foUcitacion of
Adre'ad. adii. [from a and dread as, -y
rence ; to honour ; to love.
our natural or adopted delires ; but a conrtant fuc- ajide, athirji, ajleep.] In a ftate of fear ;
The people appear adorirtg their prince,' and their
ccfiinn of uneafinclTes, out of that (lock, which frighted terrified : now obfolete.
prince oi/ariBj God. T<r//fr, N" 57. ;
natural wants, or acquired habits, have heaped up, And thinking to make adreadto fuch*men
Make future times thy equal aft adore. all
take the will in their turns. L^cle. one an enemy., who would not fparc, nor fear to
And be what brave Orcflss was before.
Ado'ptedlv. a</i;. [{rom aJof ted.'] Af- Pcpe^t Odyffey. kill (b great a prince. Sidney,
ter the manner of fomething adopted. Ado'rement. n.J". [h&m adore.l Ado- Adri'ft. adhi. [from a and drift, from
Ad'.ptfdly^ as fchool-maids change their names, drive.] Floating at random any
ration ; worfhip : a word fcarcely ufed. i.
By vain, though apt, aftcdion. Sb^,
The priefts of elder times deluded their apprc- impulfe may drive
Ado'pter. 71./. [from adopt.] He that henCons with fouth-faying, and fuch oblique ido- Then, (hall this m«unt
gives fome one by choice the rights of a latries, and won their credulities to the literal and Of paradife, by might of wares, be mov'd
fon. downright edorement of cats, lizards, and beetles. Out of his place, puih'd by the horned Hood;
Ado'ption". )i./. [adoptio, Lat.]
Brti'tunt Vulgar Errours. With all his verdure fpoii'd, and trees adrift
Ado'rer. »./ [from adore.] Down the great river, to tlie opening gulf,
1. The aft of adopting, or taking to one's And there take root.
felf what is not native. 1 He that adores ; a worfhippcr ; a term Mi!t9n%
It feem'd a corps adrift to didant fight
2. The ftate of being adopted. generally ufed in a low fenfe ; as, by But who could judge aright Dryden,
at a diftance .'

My bed (hall be abufed, my reputation gnawn lovers, or admirers. The cuftomof frequent refleftion will keep
at ; and I fliall not only receive this villainous Being fo far provoked as I was in France, I their minds from running adrift, and call their
wrong, but ftand under the adoption of abominable would abate her nothing ; though I profcfs myfelf thoughts home from ufelcfs unattentive roving.
terms, anS by him that does me the wrong. her adorer, not her friend. Skahfpeare^t Cymbdine. Loche on Educatioftf
Whilft as th' approaching pageant does appear, JDRO'ir.
Shakcjpure. adj. [French.] Dextrous j
She purpos'd, And echoing crowds fpeak mighty Venus near
aftive ; fkilful.
When (he had fitted you with her craft, to work I, her adorer, too devoutly fland
An adroit ftout fellow would fometimes deftroy
Her fon into th'ijrf»/)/»)iof the crown. SbaieJ'paire. Fail on the utmoft margin of the land. Prior.
a whole family, with juftice apparently againft
In every att of our Chriftian worihip, we are 2. A worfhipper ; in a ferious fenfe. him the whole time. Jervat'i Don ^itixote.
taught to call upon him under the endearing cha- He was fo levere an adorer of truth, as not to
rafler of our Father, to remind us of our adoption, dilfemble ; or to fufrer any man to think that he
Adroi'tness. ».y; [from adroit.] Dex-
that we are made heirs of God, and joint heirs of would do any thing, which he refolved not to do. terity } readinefs ; aftivity. Neither
Chriil. J?9jfm'j Set^ons. Clarendon. this word, nor adroit, feem yet com-
Ado'ptive. adj. [adoplivtts, Lat.] To ADO'RN. 1/. a. [adorno, Latin.] pletely naturalized.
1. He that is adopted by another, and 1 To drefs ; to deck the perfon with or- Adry'. adii. [from a andi dry .] Athirft;
made his fon. naments. tbirfty ; in want of drink.
It is impnflible an cleftlvc monarch fhould be fo He hath clothed me with the garments of falva- Henever told any of them, tlial he was hia
free and abfoiute an hereditary ; no more than
as tion, he hath covered me with the robcof rjghteouf- humble fcrvant, but his well-wi(hcr ; and would
it is poflible for a father to have fo full power and rather be thought a malecontcnr, than drink the
bridegroom dcckcth hiinfelf with orna-
nefs, as a
in;ereft in an adopii-vt fon, as in a natural. Bac.n. ments, and as a bride adornctb hcrfelf with her king's health when he was not adry. SpeElator.
2. He that adopts another, and makes him jewels. ljeiah,\x\. 10.
Adsciti'tious. adj. [adj'citittus, Lat.]
his fon. Vet not to adprn and gild each part,
That Ihcws more coft than art That which is taken in to complete
Anadopted fon cannot cite bis adoptive father
fomething elfe, though originally ex-
Jewels at nofc and lips, but ill appear. Cvzvfey.
into court, without his leave. Ayhffe's Parcrgon.
2. To out any place or thing with de- trinfick ; fupplemental ; additional.
Ado'rable. adj. [adorable, Fr.] That fet

which ought to be adored ; that which corations. Adstri'ction. n. f. [adJiriSio, Lat.

IS worthy of divine honours.
A gallery adorned with the piftures or ftatues ot The aft of binding together ; and ap-
the invention of things ufeful to human life. Citvley, plied, generally, to medicaments and
On thefc two, the love of God, and our neigh-
bour, hang both the law and the prophets, fays 3. To embellifh with oratory or elegance applications, which have the power of
the adorable Author of Chriftianity ; and the of language. making the part contraft.
Apoftle fajs, the end of the law is charity. Cheyne. I'liis will fupply men's tongues with many new
things, to be named, adorned, ind dcfcribcd, in
To ADVA'NCE. rv. a. [avancer, Fr.]
Ado'r ABLENESS. [from odoraLle.]
n. f.
1. To bring forward, in the local fenfe.
their difcourfc. Sprat.
The quality of being adorable ; wor-
Thoufands there arc in darker fame that dwell, Now morn, her rofy fteps in th' cadern clime
thinefs of divine honours. Whofe names fome nobler poem adorn j
(hall Advancing, fow'd the earth with orient pearl.
Aoo'rably. adii. [from adoraiie.] In a For, tho' unknown to me, tlicy fure fought well. flfilton.

manner worthy of adoration. Dryden. 2. To raife to preferment ; to aggrandize.

AdOra'tion. n./. [adoratio, Lit.] Ado'rn. adj. [from the verb.] Adorned; He hath been ever conftant in his courfe of ad.,
decorated a word peculiar to Milton.
vancing me ; from a private gentlewoman he
i. The external homage paid to the Divi- :

She'll to realities yield

made me a marchionefs, and from a marchlonefs a
all her (hows,
nity, diftinft from mental reverence. queen ; and now he intends to crown my innocency
Made fo adorn for thy delight the more. Milton.
S>lemn aad ferviceable worfhip we name, for with the glory of martyrdom. Bacon.
d.ftindion /ake, whatfoever bclongeth to the!
Ado'rkmHnt. n./. [from adorn.] Orna-| The declaration of the greatnefs of Mordecai,
church, or publick focicty, of Cod, by way ot nient ; embelliihment ; elegance : not whercunto the king advanced him. EJihir, x. c,
external adoration. Hooker.. now in ufe.
3. To improve
It is poffible to fuppofe, that thofe who believe This attribute waj not givjn to tJie earth, while What lawi caa be advifed o»we proper and ef.
VO L. I.
f ftftual
fcdual to«/v«m tJM nature of nan to ittliighen' and, 1 hope, In time, will raife sur language to There is a foul counti thee her creditor,
pcrfc£lion, than thcfc f reccpts of Chriftianicy f the utmoft perfc^ion. Stvifr. Aui with advantage means to pay thy love.
Tilhtfan. 2. Theilateofbeingadvanced; preferment. lihakeffear*»
4. To heighten ; to grace ; to give luftrc to. The Percles of the North Yo« fa!d, you neither lend nor borrow
As the calling dignifies the man^ io the man Finding his ufurpation moil unjuil, Upon advantage. Shakeff. Merchant of Venice.
much more advancei his calling* As a gar- Endeavour'd my advaxcemtnt to the throne. 8. Preporideration on one fide of the com-
ment, chough it warms the body, has a return Sbakejfetre. parifon.
with an advantage, being mu(b more warmed by 3. The aft of advancing another. Much more (hould the confideration of this
It. South' i StrmQniM arm
In bis own grace he doth exalt himlelf fiattern us with patience againft ordinary ca-
5. 'Xo forward ; to accelerate. More than in your advancemcnf. amities ; efpecially if we confider his example
Thefc three laft were flower than the ordinary Sbokcjpeare'i King Lear, with this advantage, that though his fufterings
Indian wheat of itfelf; and ihis culture did rather 4. Improvement promotion to a higher were wholly undefervcd, and not for himfcif but
retard titan tdiMiict, Bacep. for us, yet he bore them patiently. Tillotjon.
ftate of excellence.
15. To propofe ; to offer to the pi^blick ; to Nor can wc conceive it unwelcome unto thofe To Adva'nt ACE. f. «j. [from the noun.]
bring to view or notice. worthies,who endeavour the advancement of learn- 1. To benefit.
'PhL-don 1 hight, quothhi:, an4 do adwinet ing. Brctun i Vulgar Erroun. Convey what I fet down to my lady : it fhall
My ancefby from famous Coradin. Fairy Sjitn. 5. Settlement on a wife. This fenfe is advantage rtsore than ever the bearing of letter
\ dare not advanu my
opinion ag.-^inll the judg- did. Hhakefpeare*
ment of fo great an author
but 1 tlilnk it fair to
now difufed.
The trial
hath endamag'd thee no way.

(cave the decifion to the publick. Drydrn.

The jointure or advancement of the lady, was the
Rather more honour left, and more cfteem ;
third part of the principality oi Wales, Bacon.
Some ne^er advame a judgment of their own. Me nought advantag'd, miffing what I aim*d.
But catch the fp eading notion of the town. Ppfe. Adva'ncer. ft./, [from advance.] He Milton*
To Adva'wce. 1;. n. that advances any thing ; a promoter ; The great bulincfs of the fenfes being to make
us take notice of what hurts or advantages the
1. To come forward. forwarder.
Soon after the death of a great officer, who was body, it is wifely ordered by nature, that pain
At this the youth, whofe vent'rous foul
judged no advancer of the king's matters, the king Ihould accompany the reception of feveral ideas.
No fears of maglcic art controul,
Ath-anc*d in open fight. Fane}. faid to his folicitor, Tell me truly, what fay you Locke,
of your coufin that is gone ? Wc Ihould have purfued fome other way, more
%. To make improvemen't. Bacon.
effectual, for dlltreffing the common enemy, and
'The reporters arc greater advancers of defama-
They who would advance in knowledge, and advantaging ourfelves.
tory deligns, than the very firft contrivers. Swift.
not deceive and fwcll thcmfelves with a little arti-
culated air, ihould not take words for real entities
Government of the Tongue. 2. To
promote ; to bring forward ; ta
in nature, till they can frame clear and diliin£l ADVA'NTAGE, «./ [advantage, Fr.] gain ground to.
ideas of tbofe entities. Locke. 1. Superiority ; often with of or over be- The lloics that opinioned the fouls of wife men
dwelt about the mocn, and thofe of fools wander-
Adva'»ce. »./ [from To advance.] fore a perfon. ed about the earth, advantaged the concert of this
I. The aft of coming forward. In the pra^ical prudence of managing fiich gifts, effe^. Broivns Vulgar Errjurs.
All the foot were put into Abington, with a re- the laity may have fome ad'vantage over the clei^y j To ennoble it with the fpirit that infpires the
folution to quit, or defend, the town, according whofe experience is, and ought to be, lefs of this Royal Society, were to advantage it in one of the
to the manner of the enemy's advance towards it. world than the other. Sprat,
beft capacities in which it is improveablc.
Clarendon. All other forts and fefls of men would evidently Clanville''s Scepjii Scientifca.
So, like the fua*s advance j your titles fhow have ths ad-vantage of us, and a much furer title
Which, as he rifcs, does the warmer grow. IValler. to happinefs than we. Atterbury*
Adva'ntageable. adj. [from advan-
tage.] Piofitable convenient ; gainfuL
a. A tendency to come forward to meet a
2. Superiority gained by ilratagcra, or
As It is advantageahle to a phyfician to be call-
lover ; an aft oi invitation. unlawful means. ed to the cure of declining difeafe, fo it is for a
In vain are all the pradis'd wiles. "The common law hath left them this benefit, commander to fupprefs a fedition which has pair-
In vain thofe eyes would love impart; whereof they make advantaget and wrert it to ed the height. Sir y. Hayiiard,
Not all th' advances, aU the fmiles. their bad purpofcs. Sftnjer^i State bfjrtland.
Can move one unrelenting heart. But fpecialiy he took advantage of the night for
Adva'ntaced. adj. [from To advan-
His genius was below fuch pr!vy att-mpts, infomuch that the bruit of tage.] Poflefled of advantages ; com-
The &ill of cv'ry common beau hismanlinefs was fpread everywhere. 2 Af^atv. viii.7. modioufly fituated or difpofed.
Who, though he cannot ff^H, is wife Great malice, backed with a great intercfl j In the muft advantaged tempers, this difpofition
i£nough to read a lady*s eyes j yet can h.jve no ada<antage oi a man, but from his isbut comparative ; whereas the moil of men la-
>nd will each accidental glance own cjtpcdlations of-fomething that rs without him, bour under difadvantagcs, which nothing can rid
Jaterpret for a kind advance. S-zvift Sautb^i Sermnni, them of. Glanville.
He has defcribed the unworthy paRion of the As foon as he was got to 'Sicily, they fent for Adva'ntage-sround. Ground
.goddefs Calypfo, and the indecent advances (ne him back j dcfigning to take advantage, and pro-
made to detain him from his own country. Po/-e. f.'cute him in the abfcnce of his friends. Swift,
that gives fuperiority, and opportuni-
That prince applied h.mfell ftrft to the Church Opportunity; convenience. ties of ^Innoyance or refillance.
•f England, and upon their with
let'ufal to fail in Give me adi.\.>2tage of fome brief difcourfe This excellent man, who ftood i)ot upon the
his meafures, made the like advanus to the Dif- adv.^niage-ground before, from the time of his
With Defdfmona alone. Sbakefpeare,
fenters. Hwift. promotion to the archbifhoprick, provoked or un-
4. Favourable circumftances.
derwent the envy, and reproach, and malice, of
3. Gradual progreflion ; rife from one Like jewels to ad-vantage fet,
men of all qualities and conditions^ who agreed
point to another. Her beauty by the ihadc does get. fVulUr,
in nothing eifc. Clarendon.
Our Saviour railed the ruler's daughter, the wi- A f.;cc, which is ovcr-fluihed, appears to ad-
dow's fpn, and Laiarus) the firil of thefe, when <hc vantage in the dcepefl fcarlet ; and the datkefl ADVANTA''cEOUS.aii)'. [ezvoHtageux, Fr.]
l^d juil>) j the fccond, as he was carriea V) complexion is not a little alleviated by a black 1. Of advantage; profitable; ul'eful; op-
tl)c grave an his bier; and lie third, after lie hood. Addtjon, portune ; convenient.
Veen fome time buried. And having, by thefe True wit is nature to ad-uantage drcfs*d,
The time of Ccknefi, or afHiiflion, is, like the
.gradual advances, m;in:fefted h.s divine pov,er, lu' Wh.1t oft was thought, but he'er fo well exprefs'd.
co:j1 of the day to Adam, a feafon of peculiar pro-
at lallexe :ed the hi^h.ll and molt gbriuus degree
priety for the voice of God to be he rd ; and may
of it; and laifcd hnnfeifalfo by bis own all-quick-' 5. Superior excellence. be impr.ived into a very advantageous opportunity
.cning viitue, and accord'.jjg tj his own exprefs re- A man born with fuch advantage of conf^itu-
of begetting or increafing fpiritual Mfe. Hamnattdt .Auerhnry. tion, that adulterates not the images of h'snalnd.
it Here perhaps

M49 of Ihidy and thought, that reafnn ri^hr, GlanviiU. Some advantageous ai5l msy be achicvM
and arelovers of truth, doniake n9 great <:</ir<in,rs By fuddcn onlet, ciiKe,- with hell-tire
d.fcoveries of
.6. Gain ; profit.
in it. Locke.
Sot tnuu i^M\, what advantage will it be unto To wafte his wh^'le creation; or polTefs
.4. Improvement ; progrefc towards per ; thee, and whatifrofit ih^ll I hayc, ifl be cicanfcd All as our own. Milton.
feftion. .from my fin ? ^ci. 2. uied with relation to perfons, and
It is
The principle and oi>je£l of the greared impor- •Ceriain it is, that advantage now fits in the followed by to.
tance in the world 10 the good of mankind, and. for room oi conicience, end (leers all. Since every painter paints himfeirin his own
tne adv.inif and pcrfi£ling of human nature. Ha!e. South's Strmom^
works, His advantageous to him to know himfelf,
..Al>.YA'ii,CElvtE:NT. n.f. [a-vancemmt , Ft.] 7, Overplas ; fomething more than the to the end that he may cultivate thofe talents

J. The aft of coming forward. mere lawful gain. which make his genius. Dryden*
"Xikit lefiocinFnt luiti'-cs diuljf advaBtmunis, Wo owe thee much } within this waU of fleib AoVAMTA'ciOUSLlf. <J</i/. ^from ad-van-
I tageoiis.\
A D V A^ V A D V
tagtcus.] Coftveniently ; opportunely ly, the coljefts ad-ventnal,
; quadra?e(imal, pafchal.
profitably. or ptntecofta!, for their proper 2. Applted to things, that which is full
it was ad-vaxtagnufiy fituMeJ,
th«ie boirtg an
of hazard; which requires courage;
faly pifiage from it to India,
by ll-a. Arhutbnil. ADVE'NTURE. „./ [Prench^^'"'"'""-^"'" dangerous.
Advanta'ceousn'ess. [from ad-n. /. I
An accident
hazard ; a chance ; a •
But I've already troubled you too long.
-vantageous.] Quality of being advan- an event of which we have Nor dare attempt a more advent'rms fong.
no direc- My humble veife demands a fofter theme
tageous ; profirable^efs ; ufefulnefs tion.
A pamtcd meadow, or a purling ftream. Jddifo,,. j

convenience. The general fummoned

The laft property, which qualifies Cod for the perate of fuc«ar, and not
three cables ; one def- Adventurously, adv. [from adven-
Jefirous to difputc the
fitteft objeft of our love, defence, prefentiy yielded turous.] After an adventurous man-
is the jd'VanuzMufnrf, ; but two ftood upon
of hM to us, both in th. prefent and tJieir ad'Vevtarc. ner; boldly; daringly.
the future Hciiu ^ -

B'yl''' Seraphic Lo-vc. 2. In this fenfe is ufcd the phrafe, a/^// They are both hanged; and fo would this be,
»• AV,rr-.»r^
To ADVE'NE. -v. «. [ad-^emc. Lat.] To ad-ventures; [a I' adventure, Fr.]
if he durft fteal any thing adwviuro;iJty.
accede to fortefhing ; to become part
By Skaiifpcarr'sHenryV.
chance ; without any rntiocal fcheme.
cffomethingeUe, without being effen- Blows flew at all adventurci, v.-ounds A'pVERB. n.f. [adverbium, Lat.] A word
_ and deaths
tial ; to be fuperadded. g^ven and taken unexpcaed;
many fcarce know- joined to a verb or adjeftive, and folely
A caofe confiaercd in judicatnre,
is ftilcd an
ing their enemies from their
friends. Hay-ward. applied to the ufe-of qualifying and re-
accident.) caufe ; and the accidental Where the mind does not perceive
o( any aO, pmbable ftraining the latitude of their fignifica-
i» faid to be whatever ailvtms conneilion, there men's opinions
to the aa itfelf al-
are the ctfefts tion, by the intimation of fome
ready lubUantiatad. of chance and hazard, of a mind circui^i-
floating at all
. ^yliff,-! P^rtrg^. td-Lc«iura, without choice and ftance thereof; as, of quality, manner,
Adve KiENT. (uij. [ad-ueniens, Lat.] Ad- without direaion.
degree. Clarke's Latin Grammar.
vening; coming from outward caufes
; 1. Th« occafjon of cafual events an en- Thus we fay, he runs/wi/ily the bird
laperaddeJ. ; ;
terpnfe in which fomething flies aJo/t he
Being thus divided from truth in muft be left ; lives -virtuoujly.
ttemCelves, to hazard.
they are yet farther removed
by d-vmni decep-
Adve'rbial. adj. [ad-verbialis, Lat.]
tion for they are dally
; mocked
Into errour by
For I moa love, and am refolv'd to try That which has the quality or
fubt,er dcvifers. My fate, or, failing in th' advexiure, ftrufture
Brnun', Vulgar Errourl. die. of an adverb.
If to fuppofe tlie foul a diftinft rpi. DrydiK.
fubft.mce from .
the body, and extrlnHcally
ad-vcnUni, be a gren 4- I his noun, with

all its derivatives,

Adve'rbially. adv. [adverhialiter, Lat.]
error m
philofuphj, almoft all the w.irlj
ha'h frequently written without «a'j as, Like an adverb ; in the miitner of an
been midakea. -ven-
GU„^UU, Vamiy of D^gmaiifm. ture, -venturous. adverb.
Advent, n. /.
[from adventuj ; that is, To Adve'nture. I fliould think alta was joined advtrhially with
-v. n. [ad-venturer.
adv€«ius Rfdrmprorh.] The name Fr.] trcmu, did Virgil
of one 1. To try the chance; to dare. make ufe of fo equivocal «
of the holy feafons, fignifying the com- Be not angry,
tngi that is, the coming of our Moft mighty princefs, that I have ad-vntur'd
Adve'rsable. a<^'. [from ad-ver/e.] Con-
Saviour ;
which is made the fubjeft of our devo-
To try your taki ng ftf a falfe
report. Sbak,fp,ari.
trary to ; oppofite to. Dia.
ilK tender and delicate woman
tion during the four weeks before Chrift- which would not advtr^iure to ftt
amorg you,' ADVERSARIA. „./. [Lat. A book, as
the fole of her fliould
. ""^V Prayer. Common foot upon the ground, for
It feem, in which Debtor and
delicatenefs and tender-
Adventine. adj. [from aducnio. ad- Ucutir. xiviii. i6.
Creditor were fet in oppofition.] A
cr K '
•ventum.] Adventitious ; that which is Tff Adventure, -v. a. To put into the common-place ; a book to note in.
extnnfically added ; that which power of chance. Thefe parchments are fuppofed have been St.
comes VM\%ad-,,,rf,rh.
from outward caufes For my father fought Buir, Sertfons.
j a word fcarcely for you,
and advtr.turj
in ufe. ' his life for, and delivered you out of the
hand of
Adversary. »./ [ad-ver/ai re, Fr. ad-
Astor the peregrine heat,
Mldian. ^ , 'ver/arius, Lat.] An opponent an-
it is thus far true, ;
that, ,f the proportion it
otten nfed with the reciprocal
is tagonift enemy
of the aj^venrine heat be generally applied to
; :
greatly predominant to the natural heat and fpirits pronoun ; as, he ad-ventured him/elf. thofe that have verbal or judicial
Of the body. It tendcth to diffolution or notable
al- Adventurer. „. [ad-.entur,er, Yr.^ / rels ; as, controvertifts or litigants
teration, „ ^

A r JjiSCCK. tic that feeks occafions fometimes

of hazard ; he an opponent in fmgle com-
"''J- {'"^^""ii'"'. Lat.] that puts himfelf in the
i hat which advenes hands of chance. bat. It may fometimes imply
an open
; accidental ; fu- He IS a great advctiiurtr, faid he.
profeffion of enmity ; as we fay,
pervenient; cxtrip/ically added, That hath bis fword through hard alTay
a fecret
not foregone. enemy is worfe than an open ad-vtr/ary.
euentially inherent.
king! of England did not
Yet am I noble, as the ad-verfaj
Difcafes of continuant make thfc™.
get .in ad-vt^whu, I come to cope.
ftreng.h from cuftom, bef.dej queft of Ireland Shakcjf care's Kwg Lear.
their material caufe ; it was begun by particular ad-
v<ntur,ri, and other voWntanes, ihole and ceinnonies of the church,
irom thf humours. d who came to feck therefore,
which were the felf-fame now thit
Though we may call the obvious
their fortunes,
S-rJ.Da-vU,. ther
He were when holy and virtuous
and the others attvtmitim, intended to ha«,d his own aSion, that fo men maintained
; yet fucli them agajnft profnne and deriding
changes of colours, from
proceed, may be properly taken
whatfoevep caufe thev wl"?r
were liketo be Icf. forward. JH ".''K*-' «i" 'd^tmurers, who elfe own children have in dcrifion.
adterfarUs, her
in. Bovli Had RaUM-. Mean while th' ad-tjerfary of God and
li his blood boil, and th' not been ft>r the Bfiti/h,
It man,
aA-umkkus fire which the ittc Satan, with thoughts inflam'd,
*ais d by high meats, and higher war. drew over, and udn^,„,ur.r, of highcft defign.
win*», require or loldiers feated
10 temper and ailay the burning heat
been ^", An ad'jcrfary malfes
Waters are brought, which by
dccoaion get
left delhtutc. \ * a ftnfler fcarch into
and d.fcnvers every flaw and us.
Newcoolncft. imperfedtion. in out
Drd 0»r merchant, ihall
tempers. A friend exaggerates a man's virtues
ng more ad-ve»t'rcr, be. ;
M up by lapidaries, th.-re are not above three
an enemy inflames his crimes.
or A D V e'r s A t
lTLc\ "'
°?r',' :»«•','-"*•«», as Z Adventuresome,
adj. [from adien-
A tem
I vE. adj. [adver/ati-vus,
of grammar, applied to a
"»«''« from the dlf- I he fame with ad-venturous: word
fcre^; admixture
fcrem a'^''
of other *fo«,/i,;», mineral a
low word, fcarcely ufed in writing.
whic^i makes fome oppofition or variety •
Adve ;,./ [ftomad-venio. Latin.]
Adve nturesomeness.
n.f. [from ad-
as, m this fcntencc; This diamond i,
The -venture/ome.] The quality of being ad-
or.ent, but it is rough. But is an adver.
thing or perfon that
comes from vcnturefome. Jaiive conjunction.
without a word not now in j)-^
Advzstvuovs. adj. [nd-ventureux, A'd V E R s E . adj. [ ad-verfus, Lat. ]
*" "" '"^"y'''' Fr.
there I. He that IS
malt'.'lt ""i'"' wough
be elb.«-toom inclined to adventures
for them, and for the and, ; ^..^^Pa"*^.," ^^^ ""'^ '*»« accent on
mavtntnra aifo, „ confequently, bold, daring, the firft fyllable;
courageous. in verfe it is ac-
Adve'ntual. ajj. [from ad-vtr^.] At land »nd fca, in many a doubtful cented on tlie by Shake/peare ; on
fating to the feafon of
Re Was never known a mo,,: ad-vint' fight. firll

advent rou, knight either, indifTerently, by M,7/.„ ; on .the

i do atfo daily «ft o« Who oftner drew hi, fw«d, and always
other collc« j ar, n^e for ths lait, by DrjJen ; on the firft, by Rof.
P 2 !• A£iiag
1. AfUng with contrary direftions ; as, Adve'rtbnce. »./. [from <ufc«-/.] At- a min, woman, ot child ; time of divine fervic*;
the hour of the day; day of the month. Holder,
two bodies in colliflon. tention><o ; regard to ; confideration.
Wu I for this nigh wreckt upon the fea. ChriRianity may make Archimedes his chai- 3. Notice of any thing publilhed in a pa-
And twice, by adtttrft winds, from England's bank -
lenge ; give it but where it may fet its foot-; per of intelligence.
Drove back again unto my native dime } Sbaktfp. allow but a fober advertence to its propofals, and it Adverti'ser. n./. [czdverli/eur, Fr.]
As when two polar winds, blowing advrrfcy will move the whole world. Decay ofPieiy. 1 He that gives intelligence or information.
Upon the Cronian fea together drive Adve'rtency. w./. ['vert.'l The 2. The paper in which advertifements arc
Mountains of ice. Afilttn.
fame with advertence. Attention ; re- publilhed.
With cjvirje blaft upturns them from the fouth,
Notus and Afer. Milton. gard ; heedfulnels. Adve'rtisinc, or Ad vert I's inc. /ar/.
A cloud of fmoke envelopes either hoft, Too much advertency is not your talent ; or
adj. [from ad-verti/e."] Aftive in giving
And once the combatants are loll
all at clfe you had Hed irom that from a rock.
text, as
Sivi/t, intelligence ; monitory : a word not
Darkling they join <irfi;«r/c, and Ihock unfcen ;
Xlourfers with couriers julUing, men with men. Adve'rt£NT. adj. [from ad-vert.'] At- now in ufe.
Drydtn. tentive ; vigilant ; heedful. As I was then
Mvertifing, and holy to your bufinefs.
Z. Figuratively, contrary to the wi(h or This requires choice parts, great attention of
Not changing heart with habit, 1 am lliU
defxre ; thence, calamitous ; affliflive mind, fcqueftration from the importunity of fecu-
; Attornied at your fcrvice. Sbakefp. Meaf.for Meaf.
lar employments, and a long advertent and deli-
pernicious. It is oppofed to pro/feroui. berate connexing of confequents. To Adve'sperate. 'v.n. [^ad-ve/pero, Lat.]
What he hath decreed, that I ihall iirll
Be try'd in humble ftate, and things adnierfr
To draw towards evening.
Hale^s Origin of Mankind. Di3.
To ADVERTrSE. v. a. [ad-vertir. Fr. Advi'ce. n. /. [avis, ad-vis, Fr. from ad-
By tribulations, injuries, infults,
Contempts, and fcorns, and fnares, and violence. It is now fpoken with the accent upon "vifo, low Lat.]
the laft fyllable ; but appears to have 1. Counfel; inlirnftion except that in- :

Some the prevailing malice of the great,

been anciently accented on -the fe- ftrudion implies fuperiority, and adt>ice
Unhappy a>en, or adverfe fate,
Sunk deep into the gulfs of an afflided ftate.
cond.] may be given by equals or inferiors.
Rcfcommtn. 1. To inform another; to give intelli- Break we our Watch up, and, by my advice^
Let us impart what we liavc fcen to-night
gence witli an accufative of the per-
5. Perfonally opponent ; the perfon that ;
Unto young Hamlet. Sbaktfp. Hamlet,
countera^ls another, or contefts any fon informed. troubled, weak, and coward, as thou art!
The bifliop did require a rcfpite.
Without thy poor advice, the lab'ring heart
Wherein he might the king Ills lord adveriije. To worfe extremes with fwifter fteps would run ;
Well Ihe faw her father was grown her adverfe
Whether our daughter were legitimate. Not fav'd by virtue, yet by vice undone. Prior,
yarty ; and yet her fortune fucb, as flie muft fa-
^ Shakefpeare.
vour her rivals. Sidmy, 2. Refleftion i prudent confideration : as,
As I by iriends am well flJvertj/ii/,

'A'dversely. atl-v, [from ad'verfe7\ In' SirEdmund Courtney, and the haughty prelate, he always afts with good adi'ice.
an adverfe manner ; oppofitely ; unfor- With many more confederates, are in arms. Sbak. What he hath won, that he hath fortified :

The fliallow, nor fo ill advcr-

king was not fo So hot a fpeed, with fuch advice difpos'd.
not to perceive the intention of the French
tifed, as
Such temperate order, in fo fierce a courfe.
Whit and fpcnd my malice in
I thirfk, 1 utter,
Doth want example. Sbakefp. Kiirg yattt.
king. Bacon.
my breath. Jf the drink you give me touch my
jaUtte ad-uerfeiy, I make a crooked face at it. I hope ye will advertife me fairly of what they 3. Confultation ; deliberation : with the
diflikf. J^igh- particle •wili.

Adve'rsity. n./. \_ad'vtrfiti , Fr.] M- 2. To inform give notice ; with

; to q/" Great princes, takii;g -advice tvitb workmen,
before the fubjeft of information. with no Icfs cofl, fet their things together.
fliftion ; calamity ; that is, oppofition Baccn*s FJ/iiyr.
Ferhatcs, underftanding that Solyman expefled
«o our wifhes. more aflurcJ advertifement, onti> the other BafTas 4. Intelligence: as, the merchants received
a. The caufe of our forrow ; affllflron ;
declared the death of the emperor; o/" which they ad-vice of their lofs. This fenfe is ibme-
Solyman, filming thofe Jetters with all
' misfortune. In this fenfe it may have /i</ai<Tri/i</
what low, and chiefly commercial.
their hands and feals.
a plural. Knol/ei's Hi/iory of tie Turk!.
Advi'ce-boat. n.f. A veflel employed
Let me embrace thefe foMradverJrties, They were to advertife the chief hero of the bring intelligence.
for wife men fay, it is the wifefl courfe.
difti-efTes of his fubjedls, occafioned by his ab- Advi'sable. adj. [from ad-vife. ] Prudent
Sbakefpeare^ s Hertry VI. fence. Drydcn.
fit to be advifed. ' •

3. The ftate «fur^ap{)inefs ; mifery. 3. To give notice of any thing, by means Some judge it advifahle for a man to account
Concerning deliverdnce itfclf fioiR all advcrfiryy
of an ttdwertifement in the public prints ; with his heart every day ; and this, no doubt, is
we ufe not to fay men are in ad-verjit^y v.'henf*iever the bed and lurcft courfe; for ihe oftner, the
any fmall hindcrance of their welfare in;
.they feel
as. He advertifed bis loft.

better. . Soutb^i Sermonu

this world, but when fome notable alfliiSion cr Adverti'sement, or Adve'rtise- It is not advifahle to reward, whe.c men have
-crofs, fame great calamity or trouble, befalletit MENT. n.f. [adverliffement, Fr.] the tendcmefs not to punifh. L'EJirange's Fablet,
them. Htukin,
1. Inftruftion ; admonition. Anvi'sABLENEss. »./. [^ttom advi/able.l
Sweet are the ufes of adverfiiy^
Which, like the tosd, ugly and venomous,

'Tis all men's office to fpeak pati.nce
The quality of being advifable, or lit
To thofc, that wring under the load of forrow;
'Wears yet a pxf cious jewel in his head. fitnefs propriety.
But no man's virtue nor fufficiency. ;
A remembrance of the good ufe he had made
To be fo moral, when he fhall endure To ADVrSE. -v. a. [aJ-vl/er, Fr.]
The like himfcif : therefore give me no counfel To counfel with the particle to before
©f profpcrity, contributed to fupport his mind ur,-' I.. :

der the heavy weight oi Adverjity, which then lay

My grie'fs are louder than advertifemcnt.
the tiling advifed.
St/ikcfprare^s Much ado about Nothirg.
upon him. Attt.rhury, If you do ftir abroad, go-Brm'd.
Cyras was once minded to have put Crcefus to
Vo ADVE'RT. Lat.] To Arm'd, brother!
-v. n. [aJ-verto, death ; but hearing him report the adveitifeinent
Brother, 1 advife you to the bed.
attend to ; to regard with ; to obfcrve ;
of Solon, he fparcd his liCe.
Aiiit'i 'Dcfcripticn ef tbe IVerld. Sbakefp. f^ing Lear,
the particle ie before the objedt of re- would advife all gentlemen to learn merchants
gard. 2. Intelligence ; information. account!, and not to think it a fkill that belongs not
The mind of man ijeing not capable at once Then, as a cunning prince that ufeth fpics,
to them. Locke,
If they return no news, doth nothing know When confider the fcruplcs and cautions
to advert to more than one thing, a particular view I I here
But if they make advertifemer.t of lies, lay in your way, methinks
and examination of ftich an innumerable number it looks as if 1 advifed
K)f vail bodice, will alTord matter of admiration.
The prince's counfel all awry do go. you to fomcthing which I would have oilered at,
Sir y-ybn Daviei.
Ray en the Creation, but in effefl nut done. Locke.
Now 'to He had received advertifttnent, that the party,
the univerfal whole advert ;
which was fent for his relief, had received fome
2. To give information 4 to inform ; to
The earth regard as of that whole a part
make acquainted with an^y thing often
In which wide frame more noble worlds abound bru)h, which would much retard their march. :

Wicnefa, ye glorious orbs, which hang around.

'^ V'arendan.' with the particle o/'before the thing told.
The drum and trumpet, by their feveral founds,' 'i'^ou were advis'd, his flelh was capable
fcrve for many kinds ot advertifements, in military Of wiunds and fcirs ; and that his forward fpirit
We fomctimes fay,' Ta advert ihi mind affairs! the bells ferve to proclaim afcarc-flre; andj Would liftjiim, whccemoft trade of danger rang'd.
to an -^jeS. IB iume places, water-bteacheS} the <itpartuie of Sbakefpeare.
Such difcourfe bring on« They never fail of their moll artful and indefa- —That inceftuous, that adulterate beaft.
As may advife him o/"his happy (lace; tigable addrefs, to filence the impertinent advifer, Shakefpeam
Happinefs in his pow'r, left free to will. whofe feverity awes their exceffes. I. Corrupted with fome foreign mixture.
ParaJi/e Loft. Rijgers^s Sermons. It does indeed differ no more, than the makef
A pofting mcflenger difpatch'd from hence, AduLa'tiON. n./. [adulation, Fr. adula- of adulterate wares does from the vender of them.
0/"this fair troop advit'd their aged prince. tio, Lat.] FLittery high co.aipliment. Govirnment of the Tmgue.
Dryden^s ^ne'id. They will have all their gold and filver, and
O begreat Greatnefs
ficic, I

To Advi'se. v. n. And by thy ceremony give thee cure. may keep their adulterate copper at home.
1 . To confult : with the particle luith be- Think'il thou the fiery fever will go out Swift's Mifcellan'iet.

fore the perfon coaiulted ; as, be adiiijed With titles blown from adulation ? Adu'lter ate NEss.n./[fromWa//^rart.]
txjhh his companions.
Staic^earc's Henry V. The quality or ftate of being adulterate,
They who flattered him moft before, men'ioned or counterfeit.
2. To confider
to deliberate. 4 him now with the greateft bitternefs, without im-
Advife if this be worth pudng
the leaft crime to him, committed fmce the
Adulter a't ion. n.f. [from adulterate. ]
Attempting, or to fit in darknefs here, time of that exalted adulation, or that was not ihen 1. The of adulterating or corrupting
Hatching vain empires. as much knowa to them, as it could be now. by foreign mixture ; contamination.
Miltni's Parad'ife Ltfi, b. ii.
Clarendon, To make the compound pals for the rich metal
Av>vist.T>. participial adj. [from ad'vift.'\ Adula'tor. ?;./ [adulator, Lat.] A flat- fimple, is an adulteration, or counterfeiting : but
1 . A Aing with deliberation and defign ; terer. Dm. if it be done avowedly, and without dif^ju-fing, it

prudent wife. may be a great faviiig of the richer metal.

A'dulatory. adj. [adulatorius, Lat.]
Bacon's Natural Hifory, No 798.
Let his travel appearrather in bis difcourfe, than
Flattering; full of compliments. TJie ftate of being adulterated, or con-
in his apparel or gefture ; and, -in his difcourfe, 2.
him ADU'LT. adj. [adu/tus, Lat.] Grown up;
let be rather adnjijed in his anfwers, than for- taminated.
-ward to tell ftories. Bacon t Efjays. paft the age of infancy and weaknefs. Such tranflations are like the adulteration of the
Th* Almighty Father, where he fits They would appear Icfs able to approve themfelvcs, nbbleft wines, where fomething of the colour, fpirit,
Shrin'd in his fanftuary of heav'n fecure, not only to the confeflbr, brjt even to the catechill, and flavour, will remain. Feltcn on the Clajpcs.
Confulting on the fum of things forefeen. in their adult age, than they were in their minority ; The
Adu'lTerer. n.f. [adulter, Lat.]
This tumult, and permitted a>l, ad-vh^d, as having fcarce ever thought of the principles of
perfon guilty of adultery.
Faradijl LoJI, b. vi. their religion, fmce they conned them to avoid
correction. De^ay of Piety. With what impatience mult the mufe behold
2. Performed with deliberation J done on The wife by her procuring hulband fold
purpole ; adled with defign.
The earth, by thefe applauded fchools, 'tis faiJ, ;

For tho' the law makes null th' adulterer's deed

This of men and women bred ;
fingle crop
By that which we work naturally, as, when we Of lands to her, the cuckold may fucceed.
breathe, fleep, and move, we fet forth the glory
Who g own adult, fo chance, it feems, enjoin'd.
Drydcn's Juvenal.
Did, male and female, propagate their kind.
of God, as natural agents do ; albeit we have no A
-cxprefs purpofe to make that our end, nor any ad-
Blackmare. Adu'lteress. n.f. [from adulterer.^
vijid determinatioa therein to follow a law.
Adu'lt. n.f. A perfon above the
age of woman that commits adultery.
Hunker, b. i. p. 49. infancy, or grown to fome degree of^ The Spartan lady replied, when (he was artced.

fchool-days, when I had loft one Ihaft, What was the punifljment for adulterrjps f There
In ftrength ; fometimes full grown: a word
1 (hot his fellow of the felf-fame flight. are no fuch things here.
ufed chiefly by medicinal writers. Government of the Tongue, § 3.
The felf-fame way, with more advijtd watch. The deprefiion of the cranium, without a frac-
To find the other forth ; by vent'ring both, Helen's rich attite,
ture, can but feldom occur ; and then it happens
I oft found both. Stakiff. Mtrcbant of Venice. From Argos by the fam'd aduli'refs brought.
to children, whofe bones are more pliable and foft
Advi'sedly. ad'v. \^ioai adv[fed.'\ So- With golden flow'rs and winding foliage wrought.
than thofe of adults, Sharp's Surgery.
Dryden's Virgil,
berly ; heedfully ; deliberately ; pur- .^Dtj'LTNESS. n.f. [from adult.'\ The
pofely ; by defign ; prudently. ftate of being adult. See Adoles-
A D u'l T E R I N E . tt.f. [adulterine, Fr. adul-

read and diligently followed

'J'his h(Xi\c,tidvifcdly
cence. Dm. terinits, Lat.] A
child born of an adul-
-but one year at home, would do more good than terefs : a term of canon law.
Ajcham. To Adu'lt ER. v. a. [adulterer, Fr.adul-
three years travel abroad. Adu'lterous.«^'. [adulter, La.t.'\
Surprife may be made by moving things, when tero,Lat.] To commit adultery with
of adultery.
the pirty is in hade, and cannot ftay to confii*;r another a word not claffical.
Th' adulterous Antony, moft large
edvijedlj of that which is moved. His challewife
In his abominations, turns you off,
Bacortf EJfay xxiii. He iiifa/rff-i ftill : his thoughts lie with. a whorr.
And gives his potent regiment to i trull.
Thou (iileft fecond thoughts (by all allowed the Ben yonjon. That nofes it agaitill us.
bcl^) a relapfe, and accufett conflancy of mifchief Adu'lter ANT. ». y; [adulteraiii, Lat.] Shakcjpeare's Antony and Cleopatra,
in what is natural, and adnjijedly undertalcen.
^';V Jnbn SuckTirg.
The perfon or thing which adulterates. An adulterous perlon is tied to reftitufion of

7» Adu'lterate. 'V. a. [adulterer, Fr. the injury, fo far as it is reparable , and to make
Advi'sedness. [from ad'vi/ed.] De-
n./. provifion for the children, that they not injure may
adultero, Lat.] Taylor.
liberation ; cool and prudent procedure. the legitimate,
While things are in agitation, private men may
1. To commit adultery. Think on whofe faith th' aduli'rous youth rely'd ;
But fortimc, ohi Who promii'd, who p rocur'd the Spartan bride ?
modeftly tender their thoughts to the confideration
yidullcralet hourly with thine uncle John. Dryden's JEneid.
of thofe that are in authority; to whofe care it
belnngeth, in prefcribing concerning indilf^rent ADU'LTERY. n. f. [adulterium, Lat.]
things, to proceed witli all juft advijedncji and mo- 2. To corrupt by fome foreign admixture;
The aft of violating the bed of a mar-
deration. Sauttderjon^i 'Judgment in one t^inv. to contaminate.
ried perfon.
Advi'sement. n./. [ad-v i/eme«e, Fr.] Common pot-alhcs, bought of them tiiat fell it All thy domeflic griefs at home be left,
information. in Ihops, who arc not f.> foolifhly kiiavilh as to
I. Counfel ; The wife's adult' ry, with the fcivant's theft;
adulterate them with (alt-petrc, which is much
wote, Mote I And (the moft racking thought which can intrude)
dearer thaii p<-.t-alhei. Boyle.
What now purfue ?
ftrange adventure do ye Forget falfe friends, and their ingratitude.
Perhaps my fuccour, or advijement meet,
Cuulil a man be compofcd
fuch an advantage
Dryden's Juvenal^
of conilitutii'H, that it Ihould not at all adulterate
Mote {lead you much. Fairj Siueen.
the images of his mind ; yet this fecond nature Adu'mbrant. adj. [from adumbrate.'\
I will, according to your ad'vljtment, declare the
which fcem mod hurtful.
would altcrthe crafis of liis undeiftinding. That whichgives a flight refemblance.
Sffnfer't Stall of Ireland.
Glanville's Scepjh Scienrifi.a, c» xvi.
To ADU'MBRATE. -v. a. [adumbro, Lat.]
The prefent war has fo adulterated our tongue
a. taken likewife, in old writers, for
It is with llrangc words, that it would be impoflible for
To {hadow out ; to give a flight like-
prudence and circumfpedlioa. It is now, one of our great-grandfathers to know what his nefs ; to exhibit a faint refemblance,

in both fenfes, antiquated. pofterity have been doing. . Spcilaior. like that which fliadows afford of the
Advi'ser. n.y". [(roai ad'vi/e,'] The per- Adu'lter ate. adj. [from To adulterat^e.'] bodies which they reprefent.
Heaven is defigned for our reward, as well as
fon that advifes, or gives counfel j a I. Tainted with the guilt of adultery.
refcue ; and therefore Is adumbrated by all thofe
^ounfellor. I. am pofTcls'd with an adulterate h\ot\
pofitive excellencies, which can endear or recom-
Mac, free from court-compli»nc«, he walks, My blood is mingled with the grime of luft;
mend. Decay of Piety.
Aad with hUniclf, his beft advifer, ttlki. Being ftruropetcd by thy contagion.
fTaJler. Sbakcjpcartt Cmedy ofEp-ori, Adumbra'ticn. n.f. [horn adumbrate.}
1 . The
Me his aJvocMi, has been long out of ufe, being changed
I. The aftof adumbrating, or giving a And
works on me,
propitiation ; all his to e fimple, to which, in words fre-
flight and imperfeft reprefentation. See •jood, or not good, ingraft. Milton's Parai. Lcjl.
quently occurring, the <jrof the Romans
AOUMBKATE. Advoca'tion. [from ad'vocate.'] The
n.f. is, in the fame manner, altered, as in
To make feme adumbratitn of that we mean, or aft of pleading ; plea ; apology.
office equatir, equinoSial, and even in Eneat.
it it rather an impullion or contufion of the air,
My advocation is not now in tune;
yE'ciLOPS. H.f. [ntytKu-^, Gr. fignifying
thao an elifioa or fedion of the fame* know him.
Bae. Nat. Hip, N" iSr- My lord i» not my lord ; nor fliould I

Were be in favour, as in humour, alter'd. goat-eyed, the goat being fubjeft to this
X. The flight and imperfea reprefentation Shaktffeare's Othello. ailment.] A
tumour or fweHing in the
of a thing ; a faint fltetch. Advola'tion. ». _/! [advalo, ad-volattmt, great corner of the eye, by the root of
The eblervcrt view but the backfide of the h ing- Lat.l The aft of flying to fomething. the nofe, either with or without an in-
ings the right one is on the other fide the grave : ^
Dia. flammation : alfo a plant fo called, for
and our knowledge is but like thofe broken ends
Advolv'tion. n.f. [fl</W«/»e, Lat.] The its fuppofed virtues againft fuch a dif-
at bed a moil confufeJ adumbration.
Clanville't Scefjii Scientifica. aft of rolling to fomething. temper. ^incy.
Thofe of the have fome aJumbration
firft fort Advo'utrv. n. f. [avotttrie, Fr.] A- ^gilops is a tubercle in the inner canthui of
of the rational nature, as vegeublcs have of the dultery. the eye. fVifeman's Surgery,
fenfible. ««'''' Origin.
He was the moft perfidi*u9 man upon the earth, JE'glogv?.. n. f. [written inftead of
Advna'tion. »./. [from ad and «»«/, and he had made a marriage compounded between eclogue, from a mi(?aken etymology.] A
Lat.] The ftate of being united union ; :
an advontry and a rape, Bacen's Henry Vll.
pailoral ; a dialogue in verfe between
a word of little ufe. Advowe'. n.f. He that has the right of
When, by wood, draw, duft, anJ
glaciation, advowfon. See Advowson. Which moved him rather in plagues otherwife
water, are fuppofcd to be united into one lump, Advo'wzen, [In
Advo'wson, or n.f. to write, doubting, perhaps, his ability, which he*
the cold does not caufe any real union or attunalhti,
but only hardening the aqueous parts of the liquor
common law.] A right to prefent to a little needed, or minding to furnilh our tongue

with this kind wherein it faultcth.

into ice, the other bodies, being accidentally pre- benefice, and fignifies as much as Jus
Spenfer^s Pajlorals,
(ent in that liquor, are frozen up in it, but not Patronatus. In the canon law, it is fo
BoyU. JEgyvti'acvh. An
ointment con-
really united.
termed, becaufe they that originally ob- fifting only of honey, verdigreafe, and
Aou'NCiTY.n./. [«<A«»a>flx, Lat.] Crook-
tained the right of prefenting to any vinegar. ^inty.
ednefs ; flexure inwards j hookednefs. church, were great benefaftors thereto ;
There can be no queftion, but the aJunc'itj of Ml, or Eal, or Al [in compound names,
the pounces and beaks of the hawks, is the caufe
and are therefore termed fometimes Pn- as Tia.) in the Greek compounds] figni-
troni, fometimes Advocati. Convell.
of the great and habitual immorality of thofe ani- fies all. Or altogether. So JElvjin is a
mals. Arittibmt and Pope's Mart. Scrih. To Adu're. v. n. [aduro, Lat.] To burn complete conqueror : Albert, all illujlrieus :
Avv'KQVi.adj. [WawfBJ.Lat.] Crooked; up : not in ufe.
Aldred, altogether reverend : Alfred, alto-
bending inwards ; hooked. Such a degree of heat, which doth neither melt
The birds that are fpeakers, are pariots, pies, nor ftorch, doth mellow, and not adure.
gether peaceful. To tbefe PammachiuSf
Bacon's Nat. Htji.ti" 319- Pancratius, P amphilius , Sic. do in fome
jays, daws, and ravens ; of which parrots have an
mdungut bill, hut the relV not. Adu'st. adj. \aduftus, Lat.] meafure anfwer. Gibfon's Camden^
Bacons Nat. Hi/I. N° 238. 1. Burnt up; hot as with fire ; fcorched. Mhv [which, according to various dia-
A'dvocacy. »./. [from advocate.] The By this means, the virtual heat of the water lefts, is pronounced ulf, tuelph, hulph,
Z^ of pleading ; vindication ; defence : will enter and fuch a heat as will not make the
hilp, helfc, and, at this day, help] im-
body adufl, or fragile. Bacon.
apology ; a word
in little ufe. SoAElfiuin is 'v'tSorious ;
plies afTiftance.
Which with torrid heat.
If any there are who are of opinion that there and j^lpuiold, an auxiliary go-vernour j
Sre no antipodes, or that the ftars do fall, they
And vapours as the I^ibyan air adujl.

Ihall not want herein the applaufe or advocacy of

Began to parch that temperate clime. j^lfgifa, a lender of ajfjlance : with

Paradr hoji. Milton's which Boetius, Symmachus, Epicurus, Sec

Satan. Brotuni l^ulgar Errourt, h. i.
2. It is generally now applied, in a me-
. A'DVOCATE. «./. [adiwcatus, hiit.] bear a plain analogy. Gibfon's Camden.
dicinal or philofophical fenfe, to the jEni'gma. See Enigma.
1 He that pleads the caufe of another in
a court of judicature. complexion and humours of the body. Ae'rial. adj. [ai'rius, Lat.]
Such humours arc «(/»/, as, by long heat, become
An advcca'i, in the general import of the word, 1. Belonging to the air, as confining of it.
of a hot and fiery nature, as choler, and the like.
is that perfon has the pleading and manage-
who The thunder, when to roll
ment of In a ftriS way of fpeak-
a judicial caufe. With terrour through the darkuirifl/hall,
ing, only that perfon is (tiled advocate, who is the
To eafe the foal of one oppreflive weight.
Paradife Lcji.
This quits an empire, that embroils a ftate.
patron of the caufe, and is often,-in Latin, termed From all that can with fins or feathers fly.
togaliis, and, in £ngli{h, a perfon of the long
The farse aduJIcomplexion has impell'd
Thro' the aerial or the wat'ry {ky. Prior.
Charles to.thc convent, Philip to the field. Pope.
robe. ^yliffe's Parergon. T gathered the thicknefs of the air, or aerial in-
Learn whatthou ow'ft thy country and thy friend ; Adtj'sted. adj. [See Adust.] terval, of the glafles at that ring.
What's ttquifite to fpare, and what to fpend : 1. Burnt; fcorched; dried with fire. Nrwtsn's Opticktr
Learn this ; and, after, envy not the (lore Sulphurous and nitrous foam Vegetables abound more with aerial particics
;. 0$ the greas'd tdvocaU that grinds the poor. They found, they mingled, and with fubtle art than animal fubftances. jirhutbnot on Aliments.
1 rri Drydcn's Ptrjiuu Concofted, and adtijicd, they reduc'd 2. Produced by the air.
2. He that pleads any caufe, in whatever To bhckell: grain, and into ftore convey'd. The gifts of heav'n my foU'wJng fong purfues^
Paradife Lojl.
manner, as a controvertift or vindicator. Aerial honey, and anibrolial dews.
2. Hot, as the complexion. Dryden's firg, Georf.
If Oie dares trull me with her litcic babo,
They arc but the fruits of aduficd choler, and
I'll (hew 't the king, and undertake to be 3. Inhabiting the air.
the evaporations of a vindicative fpirit. Howell.
Her advocate to the loud'ft. Sbakefp. riatttlct. Where thofe immortal fliapcs

Of the feveral forms of government that have Adu'stible. adj.\(Tom aduJl.] That Of bright aerial fpirits live infpher'd.
been, or are, in the world, that caufe fcems com- which may be adufted, or burnt up. Di^. In regions mild, of calm and fercnc air.

m»iiy the better, that bas the better advocate, or Abu'stion. n.f. [from «(/»/?.] The aft Paradife Regained,
Is. advantaged by frelher experience* Aerial anim^U maybe fubdivideJ into birds and
of burning up, or drying, as hy fire.
flies, Lode.
Tcir/ile'i Mifcellanies.
ordinarily a confequcnce of a burning
This is

3. It is ufed with the particle for before colliquative fever ; the foftcr parts being melted 4. Placed in the air.
Here I'ubterranean works^ and cities fee.
the perfon or thing, in whofe favour the away, the heat continuing its adujiion, upon the
There towns aer'uiJ on the waving tree.
plea is offered. drier and flefliy parts, changes into a marcid fever.
Harvey on Confumptions.
Pope's Efpjy tn Man.
Foes to all living worth except your own,
Adz. n.f. SeeAoDicB. 5. High elevated in fttuauon, and therc»
And advocates fir folly dead and gone.
fore in the air.
Ptfc's Bpijiks, AE, or M. A diphthong of very fre-
quent ufe in the Latin language, which
A fpocious city ftood, with flrmeft walls
4. In the fcriptural and facrcd fenfe, it
Sure mounded, and with numerous turrets crown'd.
Hands for one of the oiBces of our Re- feems not properly to have any place in Aerial fpires, and citadels, the feat
deemer, the Englifli ; fmcc the et of the Saxons Of kings and heroes refolute in war. Philips.
A'ERtE. n. f. [airie, Fr.] The proper quality of being affable? eafinefs of This IS only the antiquated worJ for
word, in hawks and other birds of prey, manners; courteoufnefs ; civility ; con- affeiiion.

for that which we generally call a neft defcenfion. It is commonly ufed of To AFFE'CT. t/. a. [affe^er, Fr. affdo,

in other birds. Coivell. fuperiours. affeilum, Lat.]

Aero'logy. n./. [aie and \oy&; Gr.] Hearing of her beauty and her wit. 1 To aft upon ; to produce effefts in any
Her affaiiiity and bailifu! nioderty, other thing.
The doctrine of the *r. Her wond'rous qualities, and mild behaviour. The fun
A'eromancv. «./. [aif and fia»)i?> Gr.] Sbakefpcar£.
Had (ird his precept fo to move, fo /hine.
The art of divining by the air. Dii?. He was of a mod flowing courtefy and affabi-
As might afftSi'Cm earth with cold and heat,
Aero'metry. »./ [i^ and (x/l^iV] The lity to all men, and fo defirous to oblige them,
Scarce tolerable. Milton's Paradife Lojf, h. x,
that he did not enough confider the value of the
art of meafuring the air. DiiS. generality of men are wholly governed by
obligation, or the merit of the perfon. Clarend.
and <r«V1«, Gr.] names, in matters of good and evil ; fo far ae
Aero'scopy. ft./. [a)ij All inftinces of charity, fwcecnefs of converfa- thefe qualities relate to, and aff^^, the a£^ions of
The obfervation of the air. DriS. tloi', affabil'uy,admonition, all (ignifications ol
men. Soutb's Sermons.
.S'thiops-mineral. «./ A medicine tendernefs, care, and watchfulnefs, mud be ex-
Yet even thofe two particles do reciprocally
prefl'ed towards children. Taylor.
fo called, from its dark colour, prepar- afftB each other with the fame force and vigour,
It is impoilible for a publick minifter to be fo
ii they would do at the fame didance in any other
ed of quickfilver and fulphur, ground open and eafy to all his old friends, as he was in
fituation imaginable. Ben'ley's Sermons,
together in a marble mortar to a black his priva;e condition ; but this may be helped out
2. To move the paffions.
powder. Such as have ufed it moil, by an affability of addrefs. VEjirangi.
As a thinking man cannot but be very much
think its virtues not very great, ^incy. A'FFABLE. adj. [affable, Fr. affahilis,
affc3cd with the idea of his appearing in the pre-
^ti'tes. »./ [i(T^, an eagle.] Eagle- Lat.] fence of that Being, whom none can fee and live;
ftone. It is about the bignefs of a chell- 1. Eafy of manners; accoftable ; cour- he mud be much more when he con-

ufed of fu- liders, that this Being, whom

he appears before,
and hollow, with fomewhat in it
nut, teous ; complaifant. It is
will examine the actions of his life, and reward or
that rattles upon fhaking. ^imy. periours.
puni(h bim accordingly.
He waj affable, and b«th well and fair fpoken,
Afa'r. adv. [from a and at., and/ar.] AJdijon, SpeBai»r„ N» 513.
and would ufe ftrange fweetnefs and blandilh-
See Far. ment of words, where he delired to afFe^ or per- 3. To aim at ; to endeavour after : fpoken
1 . At a great diftance. fuade any thing that he took to heart. Baccn. of perfons.
So ihaken as we are, fo wan with care. Her father is Atrldes broke
Find we a time for frighted peace to pant, An affable and courteous gentleman. His filence next, but ponder'd ere he fpoke :

And breathe (hort-winded accents of new broils, Shaktjft. Tarn* Shrew. Wife are thy words, and glad I would obey.
To be commenc'd in ftroudj afar remote ? Gentle to me and affable hath been But this proud man affells imperial fway.
Sbaiefpttirt'% Henry IV. Thy condefcenfion, and (liall be honour'd ever Dryden's Iliad.
We hear better when we hold our breath than With memoty. Mit'tan'i Par. Lo/1, b. viii.
graceful 4. To tend to; to endeavour after; fpoken
contrary ; infomuch as in liftening to attain a 2. It is applied to the external appear- of things.
foonil tfir off, men hold th«ir breith.
N° 284. ance; benign; mild; favourable. The drops of every fluid affiSl a round figure^
Bacm'i Natural Htjiory,
Augudus appeared, loi-king round him with a by the mutual attraftion of their parts ; as the
n. To or from a great diftance. fcrene and affable countenance upon all the globe of the earth and fea affeHs a round figur*,
Heftor hiftcntd to relieve his boy ; by the mutual attra(3ion of its parts by gravity.
writers of his age. Tatlir.
Difmifs'd his burnilk'd helm that (hone tfar. Neivton's Optich.
The pride of warriours, and the pomp of war.
A'ffableness. n. f. [from affable. '\

Dryden. Courtefy ; affability. 5. To be fond of; to be pleafed with;

A'ffably. adv. [from In an to love; to regard with fondnefs.

3. From afar ; from a diftant place. affable.']
That little which fomc of the heathen did
The, furious in its courfe, . manner ; courteoufly civilly.
affable ;
chance to hear, concerning fuch matter as the
With rapid dreams divides the fruitful grounds, A'fpabrous. adj. [affabre, Fr.] Skil- facred Scripture plentifully containeth, they did
And/roBi afar in hollow murmur (bunds.
fully made ; complete ; iinilhed in a in wonderful fort affe^. Hookerj b, i.
Addifon on holy.
workman-like manner. DUl. There
your crown ; is
4. Afar off; remotely diftant. And he that wears the crown immortally,
Much fufpcfling his fecrct ends, he entertained Aff abula'tion. n.f. \affabulatu>, Lat.] Ixing guard it yours If I affcfi it more.

a treaty of peace with Frante, but fecretly and The moral of a fable. Dia. Than as your honour, and as your renown.
afar off, and to be governed as occaiiors (hnild Affa'ir. [affaire, Fr.]
n.f, Bufinefs ; Let me no more from this obedience rife.
\3xv. Sir J'^hn HayivarJ.
fomething be managed or tranlafted.
to Sbakefpcare' s Henry IV.
Afe'ard. pJiTt'uifial adj. [from to fear, Think not that wars wc love, and drift; affeB ;
It is ufed for both private and public
for to fright, with a redundant.] Or that we hate fweet peace. Fairfax, b» ii,
matters. -None but a woman could a man diredl
a. Frighted ; terrified ; afraid. 1 wai not born for courts or great affairi ;
To tell us women what vie mo<i affefl.
He loudly bray'd, that like was never heard. I pay my debts, believe, and fay my prayers. Pofie. Dryd. mfe of Batb.
And from his wide devouring oven fer.t A good acquaintance with method will greatly
A fhke of fire, that flafliing in hia beard, alTiii every one in ranging, difpofing, and manag-
6. To make a Ihew of fomething ; to
Him ail amaz'd, and almoft trnit aftard. ing all human affairs. tVatti's Lcg'uk. ftudy appearance of any thing j
Fahy Siutert. St. John's (kill in date affairs. with feme degree of hypocrify.
But fell thou not horridly afiardf
me, Hal, art What Orm'>nd's valour, Oxford'^ cares, Another nymph, amongd the many fair,
Thon being heir apparent, could the world pick To aid their (inking country lent. Before the reft affeaed dill to ftand.
thee out three fuch enemies again. Was all dcftroy'd by one cv -nt. Sivift. And watch'd my eye, preventing my command.
Shaiefptari't Henry IV.
To Afpe'ar. v. n. [from affer, Fr.] To J*r(c»-.
Till h« cherifli too much beard. Thcfe often carry the humour fo far, till their
confirm ; to give a fandion to ; to
And make Love, or me, afrard. afffSled coldncfs and indifFcrcncc quire kills all- the
Ben yanfoni Underivsodj. eftablifti an old, term of law.
fondnefs of a lover. Addifon, Speffator, N° j 7 1.
Bleed, bleed, poor country !
Coquet and coy at once her air.
2. It has the particle of before the objeft
Great tyranny, lay thou thy balis furc; Both dudicd, though both li^em negledled
of fear. For gnodncfs ilares not check thee !
Carelefs (he is with artful c^e,
Fearis defcribed by Spenfer to ride in armour, His title is offrar'd. Sbattfp. Marheth.
AffcSling to feem una(feftcd. Congreve,
at the claihing whereof he looks afeard o/himfelf.
Affe'ct. n.f. [from the verb nffeB.] The confcious hulband, whom like fymptomi
author 1. Affeftion pafllon ; fenfation. feize.
It is now obfelete ; the laft ;
Charges on her the guilt of their dlfeafe
leemcth that as the feet have a fymprthy
It ;
whom I have found ufing it, is Sedley.
with the head, fo the wrifts have a fympathy Affiiiing fury, adls a madman's part.
jTFER. n.f. [Lat.] The fouth-weft wind. with the heart; we fee the affeds and pallions of i
He'll ri|i the fatal fccret from her heart. Gran-vlllr.
With adveric blaft upturni them from the the heart and fpirits are notably difclofed by the 7. To imitate in an unnatural and con-
fouth, pulfe. Bacon's Natural Hifliry, a" ij-j. ftrained manner.
Notut and Afer, black with thund'rous clouds. Quality; circumftance. Sj enfer, in affiBing the ancients, writ no lan-
Milieu' I Paradife Lifi. It. x.
1 (ind it difficult to make out one fmgle ulcer, guage ; yet 1 would have him read for his matter,
Afpab j'lity. n.f. [affaiilile. Ft. af. as authors defcrifae it, without other fjmptoms or but as Virgil read £noius.
fabilitai, Lau See AFPAii«i.] T'.e affea-. joined to it. ifijcman. Stnjonjun'i D'lfcoveries,

8. T*
jlfftHicni, at joy, grief, fear, and anger, with 8. Lively reprefentation in painting.
8. To convift of fome crime ; to attaint
fuch like, being, at it were, the fundry falhions AffeBion is the lively reprefentment of any paf-
with guilt ; a phrafe merely juridical. fion whatfocvet, as if the figures (lood not upon *
and forms of appetite, can neither rife at the
By the civil law, if a dowry with a wife be pro- conceit of a thing Indifferent, nor yet choofe but cloth or board, but as if they were afting upon a
and not paid, the hultand is not obliged to
ffctton's ArcbittBure.
rife at the fight of fome things. Honker, h. i. ftage. , ,

•llow her alimony. But if her parents (hall be- To fpeak truth of Ciefar,
come infolvent by fome misfortune, (he (lull have 9. It is ufcd by Shakefpeare fometime*
I have not known when his affcCJicn: fway'd
alimony, unlefs you can affifi them with fraud, for afftBatio't.
More than his reafon. Shakeff. Julius Cafar.
There w is rothing in that could 'indift the
in promifing what they knew they were not able it
Zeal ought to be compofed of the higheft de-
to perform. Ayliffc's Partr^m. author of eiffeBicn. Stakcfptart.
geees of pious affcftions ; of which fome are mil-
AFFECTA'TiON. «./. [offiiHalio, Lat.J der and gentler, Tome (harper and more vehement.
Affe'ction ATE. adj. [affeaionne, Fr.
I. Fondnefs ; high degree of liking; Sprat^i Sermons. from affeilion.'\

commonly with fome degree of culpa- can prefent nothing beyond this to your af-
I 1 . Full of auedlion ; ftrongly moved-j
fedions, to excite your love and defirc. Tilhlfin.
warm zc3:lou$.
bility. ;

In things of tlieir own nature indifferent, if 3. Love ; kindnefs ; good-will to fome Ii> Iheif love of God, and defire to pleafe himi

either councils or particular anymen have at perfons ; often with to or ttrjjardi be- men can never be too affcBicnatc : and it is as
time, with found judgment, mifliked conformity fore the perfon. true, that in their hatted of Cn, men may be
between the church of God and infiJcls, the caufe fom^t-mcs too p-afiinnatc. Spratt's Sermons*
I have acquainted you
thereof hath been fomewhat clfe than only affrc- With the dear love I bear to fair Ann Page, 2. Strongly inclined to; difpofed to;
tathn of diflimilitude. Huetf, k, iv. ^ 7. Who mutually hath anfwer'd my affcBion. with the particle to.
*. An artificial Ihew ; an elaborate ap- Shakcfp. Merry tfives of fVindfor. As for the parliament, it prefently took (ire,
pearance ; a falfe pretence. My king is tangled* in affeHion to being cffeB'ionate, of o.U, rt the war of France.
It has been, from age to age, an afiHalion to A creature of the queen's, l.idy Anne BuUen. Bacons Henry VII,
love the pleafurc of folitude, among thole who Sbakeffeare. Fond tender.
3. ;

cannot pofTibly be fuppofed qualifi'd, for pafling What warmth is there in your affeliiom totiards
He found me fitting, beholding this pifiure, I
life in that manner. Sftfialor, N" 264. any of thefe princely fuitors ?
know not with how afeBiorate countenance, but,
Sbakefp. Merchant of Vt nice.
Affe'cted. participial adj. [ from affi3.'\ I am fure, with a mcll affcBioiuste mind. Siiny,
Make his intercft depend upon mutual ajffiSion
Away trey fly
I.Moved; touched with affedtion ; in- and good correfpondence with others.
AffcBionate, and undefiring bear
ternally difpofed or inclined. General Kindnefs.
Collier on
The mod delicious morfel to their young.
No marvel then if he were ill affiBtd. Nor at firft fight, like moft, admires the fair; Tliomfms Spring.
Sbake/f, King Lear, For y< u he lives, and you alone (lull (hare
4. Benevolent tender.
The model they feemed afftfftd to in their di- His laft affcBion, as his early care. Pofe.
reftory, was not like to any of the foreign re-
When we reflcdl on all this aJfcBionate care of
4. Good-will to any objeft ; zeal ; paf-
Providence for our happincfs, with what wonder
formed churches now in the world. Clarendon,
lionate regard. muft we obfervc the little effjft it has on men !

X, Studied with over-much care, or with I have realbn to dlllruft mine own judgment, R'-gcrs's Sermons,
hypocritical appearance. as that which may be overborn by my zeal and Affe'ctjon ATELY. adv. [from ajic-
Thefe antick, lifping, affeBed f\\inX3S\ss, thefe affcBion to this caufe. Bacin.
t innate.] In an affeftionate manner
new tuners of accents. Shakr/p. Rcmeo and Juliet Set your affcBion upon my words ; de(ire them,
and ye (hall be inrtruited. IVijUom, vi. 11. fondly ; tenderly ; benevolently.
5. In a perfonal fenfe, full of affeflation ;
His integrity to the king was without biemi(h, Affe'ction ateness. [from af- rt. /.
as, an affeSed lady.
and his affefiion to the church fo notorious, that feBionate."] The quality or ftate of be-
Affe'ctedly. adv. [from affeiled.'] he never dcferted it. Clarendon.
ing afFeftionate ; fondnefs ; tendernefs ;
1. In an aifefted manner; hypocritically ; All the precepts of Chriflianity command us to
moderate our p.idions, to temper our a^eBicnt to-
good-will ; benevolence.
with more appearance than reality.
Perhaps they are affeHedly ignorant ; they arc •wards all things below. Temple. Affe'ction ED. adj. [from aJeSlien.]
fo willing it (hould be true, that they have not at-
Let not the mind of a ftudent be under the 1 AfFefted ; conceited. This fenfe is
tempted to examine it. influence of warm affeBi''* to things of fenfe, now obfolete.
Gmernmeitt of the Tongue, § 5. when he comes to the ft arch of truth. An affeBioned afs that cons ftate without book,
Some indeed have been fo amBedly vain, as to Walts' s Improvement of the Mind.
and utters it by great fwaths.
jfountetfeit immortality, and have (lolen their 5. State of the mind, in general. Shaktfpejre's Ttvelftb Night,
deathf in hopes to be efteemed immortal. There grows. 2. Inclined ; mentally difpofed.
Brcnvn'i Vulgar Errours, h. vii. c. 10. In my moft iU-compos'd afftfiim, fuch .

Be kindly affeBioned one to another.

By talking fo familiarly of one hundred and ten A l^anchlcfs avarice, that w'ere I king,
Rom. xii. lo.
thoufand pounds, by a tax upon a few commo- 1 (hould cut o(i*the nobles for their lands.
dities, it is plain, you arc either naturally or af- Shahfpeare's Af.uhetb.
Affe'ctiously. ad'v. [from nffeB.} In
feOedl) Ignorant of our condition. Sivifi. The man that hath no mufick in hirafelf. an affeSing manner. Dii}.

2. Studioufly ; with laboured intention. Nor is not mov'd with concord of fweet founds. Affe ctive. adj. [from affcSt.] That
Is At for treafons, ftratagems, and fpoils which affefts ; that which ftrongly
Some mifperiuafions concerning the divine at-
tend to "the corrupt nj men's manners,
The motions of his fpirit are dull as night,
generally uled for painful.
tributes, touches. It is
And his affeiiicns dark as Erebus
a» if they were deligned and afftBtdty chofen for Pain is uneafy a fentiment, that very little
Duay t,f Piety. Let no fuch man be trudcd.
that purpofe. of it is enough to corrupt every enjoyment; and
Sbakejp, Mercb, of Venice.
Affe'ctedness. n. /. [from affiled.'] the effeft Cod intends this variety of ungrjteful
6. Quality ; property. and affeBive fentiments (hould have on us, is to
The quality of being affefted, or of The certaintyand accuratenefs which is attributed reclaim our atfcflions from this valley of tears.
making falfe appearances. to what mathematicians deliver, muft be reftrained Kogtrt,
AFFE'CTION. «./ [etffeaio,,, Fr. ajec- to whac they teach,- concerning thofe purely ma-
Affectuo'sity. »./. [from ajfciluous ."l
thematical difciplines, arithmetick and geometry,
tio, Lat.] Paffionatenefs. Diil.
where the affeBions of quantity are abftradtedly
1. The ftate of being affedled by any confidered. Boyle. Apfe'ctuous. adj. [from affcil."] Full
caufe, or agent. This general fenfe is The mouth being neccffary to conduit the voice of paffion ; as, an affeauous fpecch a :

little in ufe. to the fliapc of its cavity, necclTarily gives the

word little ufed.
Some men there arc love not a gaping pig j voice fome particular affeBion of found in its paf-
Some tliat are mad if they behold a cat fagc before it come to the lips.
To Affe're. -v. a. [ajisr, Fr.] A law
And others, when the bag-pipe fings i' th'nofe, Holder's Elements of Speech. term, fignifying to confirm. See To
Cannot contain their urine, for afftFl'ion. God may have joined immaterial fouls to other A! FEAR
Shaktff. Mtrthatit of Venice. kinds of bodies, and in other laws of union ; and, Affe'rors. n./. [from ajfere."]
from thofe different laws of union, there will
2. Paffion of any kind. Such as are appointed in court-leets, &e. upon
arife quite different affcBions, and natures, and
Then'gan the Palmer thus; moft wretched mm, oath, to mulft fuch a< have committed faults ar-
compound beings. Bentlfy's Sermons,
fpecies of th^:
bitrarily puni(hable, and have no exprefs penalty
That to affcBient Joes the bridle lend ;
In their beginning they are weak and wan, 7. State of the'body, as afted upon by any fet down by ftatute. Ci/ivell,

But foon through fufferance grow to fearful end. caufe.

AFFI'ANCE. n.f. [affiance, from affier,
Fairy Siueen. It feemed to me a venereal gonorrheea, and others
which Fr.]
Impute it to my late foUtaty life, is prone thought it arofe from fome fcorbutical affeBion.
»fft£liinu Sidney, k. i. fVifextn'i Surgery. I. A mwriage-contraft.
Ft. from a/, form the condition required, {hall certainly belong
At lift fuch grace I found, and meani I wrought, Affi'nitv. «.
/ [ajiitite.
to him. Hammcnd^i Fundametitalu
Thit 1 that lady to my fpoufe had won. f.nii, Lat.]
Accord of friends, confent of parents fought, 3. Confirmation oppofed to repeal.

1. Relation by marriage; relation con-

j^arce made, my happincfs begyn. The learned in the laws of our land obferve,
Fairy ^emj i. n. trafted by the h'jibaud to the kindred that out ftatutes fometimes are only itic affirmation,
of the wife, and by the wife to thofe of or ratification, of that which, by common law, was
2. Truft in general; confidence; fecure Hooker.
the hufband. It is oppofed to conjan- held before.
Tb^ duke Is virtuous, mild, and too well given guinity, or relation by birth. Affirmative, adj. [fiom ^^rw.]
To dream on evil, or to work my downfall.— In this fenfe has fometiraes the par-
it 1, That which affirms, oppofed to uega-
^Ah ! what's more dangeious than thi» fond ticle •with, and fometimes to, before the fi've ; in which fenfe we ufe the affirma-
offi.;iice f
perfon to whom the relation is contraftcd. tii'i abfolutely, that is, the affirmati-ve
Seemi he a dove ? his feathcrj are but borrowed.
Tliey had left none alive, by the blindnefs of
Sijkcf/.e.ire'i Hctrry VI. pofition.
rage killing many guiltlefs perfons, cither fir
for the affirmative, we are now to anfwer fuch
3. Truft in the divine promifes and pro- the tyrant, or enmity to the tyrant-kil-
affir'ity ta proofs of theirs as have been before alleged.
teftion. this fenfe it is now almoft
To lers. Sidney, b. ii. Hooter,
confined. And Solomon made affinity taith Pharaoh king Whether there are fuch beings or not, 'ti^ juffi-
Religion receives man into a covenant of gracp, of Egypt, and took Pharaoh daughter. s
cient for my puvpofe, that many have bcl'ev.d
where there is pardon reached out to all truly pe- I Kings, iii. I. Dryd.n.
the affirmative.
nitent finners, and afllHancc prooufed, and en- Abreach was made with France itfelf, notwith-
2, That which can or may be affirmed : a
gaged, and beftowed upon very cafy conditions, ftanding f) (irait an rjiriy, fo lately accomplilhed
fenfe ufed chiefly in fcience.
vis. humility, prayer, and afijnce in him. as if indeed (according to that pleafant maxim of
Uopmond's Fundmrurleh. ftate) kingdoms were never married. fyomn. As in algebra, where a/^rma/ii<« quantities va-
nlflr or ccafe, there negative ones begin; fo in
There can be no furer way to fucccfs, than by 2. Relation to ; connexion with refera-
mechanick?, where attradion ceafes, there a re-
ffclain-.tng all confidence in ourleJvcs, and refer-
blance to : fpoken of things. pulfive virtue ought to fucceed. Netut. Opt.
jint; the events of things to God with an implicit
Atterbury^s Serrmnt*
The Britifh tongue, or Welfh, was In ufe only Applied to perfons, he who has the
aftjnce, 3,
in this iflar.d, having great affinity luitt the old
To Affi'ance. "v. a. [from the noun Callick. Camden. habit of affirming with vehemence ; po-
All things that have affinity toiih the heavens, fitive ; dogmatical.
move upon the center of another, which they be- Be not confident and affirmative in an uncer-
1 . To betroth ; to bind any one by pro-
Bacon, Effiay xxiv. tain matter, but report thmgs modeftly and tem*
mife to marriage. The art of painting bath wonderful affinity with peratcly, according to the degree of that perfua-
To me, fad maid, or rather widow fad,
that of poetry. Dryd. Dufrcjnoy, jfrtf. fion, which is, or ought e> be, begotten by the
He was a^anced long time before. Man is more diftinguilhed by devotion than by efficacy of the authority, or the realon, inducing
And facred pledges he both gave and had j reafon, as feveral brute creatures difcover fome- thee. Taylor.
Filfcj errant Icaighc, infamous, and forefwore. thing like reafcn, thou^jh they betray not any
Fa'try Sluan, AFFi'RMATlvBLy. «</*. [from affirnux'
thing ttut bears the Icall affinity tn devotiutu
Her ftiuld Angelohavc married, was a^anced to
MJipn, Sfecl. No zoi. ti-ve.] In an affirmative manner; on
her b) oath, and the nuptial appointed ; between the poUtive fide not negatively.
which time of the contra^, and limit of the fo- Tc AFFI'RM. V. n. [affirmo, Lat.] To ;

The reafon of man hath no fuch reftiaints

lemnity, his brother was wrecked, having in that declare ; to tell confidently : oppofed concluding not only affirmatively, but negatively;
veiM the dowry of his lifter. to the word deny. not only affirming, there is no magnitude beyond
Shahjfearti Meafurifar Mtajure* Yet their own authors faithfully affirm. the lall heavens, but alfo denying, theie is any
I. To give confidence. That the land Salike lies in Germany, vacuity within them. Brown i Vtilgar Errours.
Strjngei- ! wh e'er thou art, fecurely reft Between the floods of Sala and of Elve. Affi'rmer. ». /. [from affirm.] The
Affjnc'd in my faith, a friendly gued. Sbakejf. Henry V.
perfon that affirms.
Po/te's OJ}Jpy- To Affi'rm. «y. a,
If by the word virtue, the affirmer intends our
ArFl'AKCER. [from affiance.] He K. /. 1 To declare pofitively ; as, to affrm a whole duty to God and man ; and the denier, by
that makes a contraft of marriage be- fdft. the vi-ord virtue, means only courage, or, at
tween two parties. Did. 2. To ratify or approve a former law, or moft, our duty toward our neighbour, without in-
cluding, in the idea of it, the duty which we owe
Affida'tion. l"./. [from affii/o, Lat. judgment : oppofed to rcverfe or repeal. fVatts't Logitkt
to God.
Akfida'ture. J See Affied.] Mutual The houfe of peers hath a power of judicature
in fome cafes, properly to examine, and then to To AvFl'x. -v. a. [affigo,a^xHm,'L^i>.]
coatraft ; mutual oarh of fidelity. Diil.
Affida'vit. »./ [njii/a'vit figni&es, in
affirm ; or, if there be caufe, to revcrfc the judg- 1. To unite to the end, or apojieriori; to
ments wliich have been given in the court of king's fubjoin.
the language of the common law, he bench. Bacm'i Ad-vice 10 Sir G. fi/lien. mind determined
He that has fettled in his
mode talh.] A declaration upon oath. we fay, fo affirm the truth.
In this fenfe ideas, with names them, will be able
affixed to
You faid, if 1 return'd next *fize in Lent, Afpi'r M ABLE. «i^'. \ixc3m. affirm.] That to difcern their difTerences one from another.
I flioulu be in remitter of your grace ; Lode,
In interim my (hould take place
which may be affirmed.
th' letters If conftantly affixed applaufe and difgrace
Thofe attributes and coucepcrons that were ap-
Of nff.da-vin. D',nne. where they ought, the principle of fliame would
plicable and offirmabU of him 'vhen prefcnt, arc
Cjunt Rechteren Ih^uM have m.ide ajjiAai-it
have a very good influtnce on publick conduftj
had been aSronted, and then
now affirmable and applicable to him though pal^.
that his fervants though on fecret viilinies it lays no rellraint.
Haters Origin of Mankind.
Monficur Mcfiia^cr wouid have dsne him juf^icc. Rogtrs't Sermam.
Spiiliiior, N ' 4S I Affi'rmance. n.f. [from affirm.] Con-
Afpi'ed. participial adj. [from the verb firmation : oppofed to repeal. 2. To conneft confequentially.
The d"£lrine of irrefiftibility of grace, in work,
ojy, derived from ajfido, Lat. Brafton Thio AatutE did but rel'.orc an ancient fta-
ing whatfoever it works, if it be acknowledged,
tute, which was itfelf alio made but in affirmance
uling the phrafe afidare mulieres.] Join- there is nothing to be affixt to gratitude.
of the common law. Bacnn.
Hammotid'i Fundamentals
ed by coutraii affianced.
Appi'hmant. n.f. [itom affirm.] The Obfulete.
Be we affuii-, and fuch aHurancc ta'en, 3. Simply to fatten or fix.
Asrhallwithcithcrpart'*ia^reeni«ntltand. Shaktjp. perfon that affirms ; a declarer. Diil. eyes, abafhed to behold
Her modcli
AF F I L r a't I o N . n.f. [ from ad and fiUui, Affi rma'tion. n.f. [affirmatio, hat.] So many gazers as on her do Hare,
Lat.] Adoption; the aft of taking- 1. The aft of affirming or declaring : op- Upon the lowly ground affixed arc. Spenfcr.

for.. Chamtcrs. pofed to negation or denial. Affi'x. ?i.f. [affixum, hs-t.] A term of
A'ffinace. n. /, [ttffiaage, I'r.] The This gentleman vou*.hes, upon warrant of bloody grammar. Something united to the end
more virtuous, and lefs at-
affirmation, hik to be of a word.
aft of refining metals by the cupel. Dicl.
temptable, than any of our ladies.
In the Hebrew language, the nr.un has its affixi,
Af fi'ned. [from affinii, Lat.] Join-
adj. Sbate/peare't Cymhirme.
pronouns poiicHive or relative.
to denote the
ed by affinity to another ; related to 2. The pofition afftrmed. C/jrie's Latin Grammar.
another. That he ShM receive nu benefit from Chrift, is Affi'xion, n.f. [from affix.]
If p irtially affin'd, or leagu'd in office, the affirmation whereon his dcfpair is founded ; and
Thou doft deliver more or lefs than truth, one \\ay of removing this difmal apprehenlion, is, 1. The aft of affixing.
to cgnvinu lum, that Chriil't de«tli, if he per- 2. The ftate of being affixed. DiiT.
Thou art no foldicr. Sbahfprtri't Oliilh. ^

a AF^•LA'T^o^.
Afpia'tion. »./. [/7^o, /i^atum, L».t.] 1. The aft of flowing to any place; con- ders can effird more fncry in peaee than
The kEL of breathing upon any thinj;. courfe. It is almoft always ufed figu ivar.
Dia. ratitTly. The f.ime errours run through ill families,
jtFFLJTrS. [Lat.] Coromuni
f. I (hallnot relate the affvenic of young nobles where there wealth enough to afford that their

cation oKthe power of prophecy,. from hence into Spain, after the voice of our fons may be good for twthing.
The poet writing ngainrt pri^tc being therr liaJ been nnlfcd. H^otrcr. S'U'ift ^n Motiirr Education.
his genius, will be
nke ^ projliet withoac his afiatus. 2. Exuberance of riches; ftream of wealth To AFFO'REST. i/. a. [affcrcftare, Lat.]
SfcKct nil tbt Oiiffiy. plenty. To turn ground into forcft.
7'e AFFLI'CT. 1'. a. [afiiao, affliaum, Thofe degrees of fortune, whlch~give fuUief! It appcareth, by Chana dt Forrfta, that he
Lat.] and afflutncc to one ftation, may be want and pe- affirtjird many woods and waftes, to the grievance
nury in another. of the fubjeft, which by that law were difaffo.
I . To put to pain ; to grieve ; to tor-
Lit joy or eafe, let affucree or content.
retted. S,r Jihn D:smcs 'n Irtlaxi.
ment. And the gay confcicnce of a life well fpcnt, Afforesta'tiok. n.
f. [from afforeft.']
It tucheth us how God thought fit to pliguc Calm ev'ry thought, infpirit ev'rj' grace. Poft. Thecharter de Forcjlj was to rcfjj the en- m
and affi'iti them; it doth not appoint in what
form and manner »• ought to punifli the fin ol A'ffluency. n.f. The fame with /t/"-
croachments made in the time of RUbard I. and
Henry II. who had made new ojftrejlar'ient, and
idohtry ir) others. Ihdlcr, h. v. § 17.
much extended the rigour of the foreft laws.
coward conl'ciencc, how doft thou agliil mc
A'FFLUENT. Law of England.

The lights burn blue Is it not dead mijiiight ?
adj. l^-ffiutnt. Fr. affluent,
To Affra'kchise.
Halt's C'.mvar.
i/.«. {affrancbertYx.]
Coid tearful drop« tUnd on my trembling fle/h.
Slaktfi, 1 Flowing to any part. To make free.
Give nnt over thy mind to heavinefs, and affiiH Thefe no more than fnundition-piles
parts are To AFFRA'Y. -v. a. [effrayer, or effriger,
not thyfglfin thireown counfel. Ecclus. xxt. zi. of the enfiiing body; which are afterwards to be Fr. which Menage derives from /V<7f cr ;
A father aJjUSltd ivith untimely mourning, when increafcd and raifed to a greater bulk, by the
lie hath made an image of his child foon taken a^K.w blood that is tranfmitted out of the mother's
perhaps it comes from frigus.]
awiy, now honoured him as a God, which was °^^'^. fright ; to ftrike with fear.
to terrify ;
}!aney on dnfimftiOK!.
then a dead man, and delivered to tliofe that were 2, Abundant ; exuberant ; wealthy. This word is not now in ufe.
under him ceremonies and facrifices. The fame to wight he never would difclofe.
ffiftiuit, I fee thee, Lord and end of my defire.
A melancholy tear tiJliBs my eye. Loaded and bleft with the ajftuenl ilore,
But when as mongers huge he would difmay.
And my heart labours with a fudden figh. Prior. Which human vows at fmoking (hrines implore. Or daunt unequal armies of his foes,
Z. The paffiv e
be nffliaed, has often at
Or when the flying heavens he woiAd affray.
Fairy Shtecn.
before the caufal noun ; by is likewife A'ffluentness. n.f. [from affluent.] AFFRA'Y,or ApFRA'yMEfTT. n.f [from
proper. The quality of being affluent. Dia.
he mother was fo affllStd at the lofs of a fine
the verb.]
A'fflux. ti.f. [affiuxus, Lat.] A tumultuous
who was her only fon, that (he died for grief
boy, 1. aflault of one or more
1 Tlie aft of flowing to fome place
of ".
^ Add'Jan, HfcB. ; af- perfons upon others ; a law term. A
Affli'ctrdness. n. f. \itom affliaed.'] fluence.
battle : in this fenfe it is written //-ay.
The ftate of affliftion, or of being af-
2. That which flows to another place. Tumult; confufion
2. : out of ufe.
flided 1 he caufe hereof cannot be a fupply by pro- Let the night be calm and quietf >me.
; forrowfulnefs ; grief.
creations; crgt, it by new
affiuxa to Without tempcftuaus ftorms
Afpli'cter. ». /. [from a^;V7.] The London out of the country.
or la J affray. Sp!nfer.
Craunl. Afpri'ction'.
perfon that affliils. Theinfant grows bigger out of the womb, b\ n.f. [affriaio, Lat.] The
Affli'ction. agglutinating one affiux of blood ^o.anotl)er. aft of rubbing one thing upon another.
n.f. [a^iaic, Lzt.]
I have divers times obferved, in wearing
I . The caufc of pain or forrow ; calamity. Harviy en Cvi:fumftwtii. filver-

To the flclh, as the apoftle himfdf granteth, An animal that muft lie Hill, receives the afflux hilted fwords, that, if they rubbed upon ray
of colder or warmer, clean or foul \yater, as it hap- cloaths, if they were of a light-coloured cloth,
all afflmion it naturally grievous ; therefore na-
pens to come to it. the affriliiun would quickly blacken them ; and,
^, tiire, which caufeth fear, tcacheth to pray againft Locke.-
congruouily hereunto, I have found pens blacked
all adverfity. JUokcr, h. v. §.4?. Afflu'xion. n.f. [affluxioyhax,] almoft all over, when I had a while carried them
We'll bring you to one that you have cozened 1. The aft of flowing to a particular about me in a filver cafe. £y/«.
uf m )ney ; I think to repay that money will be a
V-ing ^fflirtm,
place. To Affri'ght. "o. a. [See Fright.]
2. 'The ftate of forrowfulnefs; mifery 2. That which flows from one place to 1. To afi^eft with fear It gene-
; to terrify.
'oppofed toyoy or prc/perity. another. rally implies a fudden impreffion of fear.
Bjfidci you know,
An inflammation either fimple, confifting of Thy name affrights me, in whofe found is death.
Profperity's the vei-y bond of love, an ho: and fanguincous affluxiou, or elfc denomi- Sbakefprnre's henry VI,
nablc from other humours, according unto the Godlike his courage feem'd, whom nor delight
Whofe frelh complexion, and whofe heart to-
prcdomiaaocy of melancholy, phlegm, or choler. Could foften, nor the face oi Am'n affright. Waller.
jff.l'Jkn altera. Bro^vn^i l^ulgar Errouri. He, when his country (threaten'd with alarm]
Shaieff,. trimn's Tall.
Where Requires his courage and his conq'ring arm.
fliall we find the man that bears aMk- To Affo'rd. V, a. [ajourrer, alfourra-
Shall, more tlian once, the Punic bands affri/^bt.
ger, Fr.] Dry/Un'i j^neid.
, Great and majeftic in hit grieft, like Cato ?
AdtlifaCi Crf/c.
1. To yield or produce as, the fill af-
; 2. It is ufed in the paflive, fometimes with
Some virtues are only fccn in iiffliahr, and fomc fords grain ; the trees affordfruits. This at before the thing feared.
in profperily. Mii}J'M, Sptliaf.r, ti't^y. Thou not be affrigkud at them
feems be the primitive fignification.
to ftialt for thf :

Akfm'ctive. Lord thy God among you.

2. To grant, or confer any thing; gene- Drut.vVi. ai.
a///, [from ajlia.] That
which caufes aihidtion painful rally in a good fenfe, and fometimes in 3. Sometimes with the particle iv/VA be-
; ; tor-
menting. fore the thing feared.
a bad, but lefs properly.
Tiiey tiund martyrdom a duty drefled up in- So foon as Maurmon there .irriv'd, the door As one affrigbt
deed with all that was terrible and ajp.-flive to With hetlilh fiends, or furies mad uproar.
To him did open, and afforJ/J way. Fairy Sluetn.
huHjan nature, yet not at all the lefs a duty. He then uprofc. Fairy Slueai, h. ii. car.t. 5.
This is the coiifolatiun of all good men, unto
whom his ubiquity a^r,/./i. continual comfirtand Afpri'cht. n.f. [from, the verb.}
Nor con they find fecurity ; and this is the alHiai.m of hell, to wham I. Terrour; fear. This word is chiefly
;,/Whe« rcdre thcmfclves,'or where appeafe
tJ) • '. it affiide'.h dcfpair and rtmcdilefs calamity. poetical.
I 2! 'V^"''^' J'-'^" c.irc of food, expos J ISrcivrl'i Vuhor Err6urs. As the moon, doathed With cloudy night, '
To windj, and ftorms, and jaws of fava^e death.
To be able to It is uled Does him
3. fell. always (liew to that walks ia fear and fad
with reference to fome certain price ; as, affright. Fairy S^uten,
Reftlefs Ptoferpine
Wide was not contraflcd clofe
his parifh,
—On the fpacious land and liquid main / can afford this for lefs than the other.
In ftieets, but here and there a draggling houfe
Spreads (low difeafc, and darts aJllU'mi pain. They lisl their magazines in times of the grcareft ;
Yet ftill he was at hand, without rcqtieft.
plenty, that li> they may nj^ri/ cheaper, nnd in-
Cfcafe the public revenue at a fmall exp-nce of its
To ferye the fick, to fuccour the diftrefs'd
A'rrLWENCE. /. [aj^mtce, Fr. Tempting, on /oot, alone, without affright.
,,. nfflu- n^^'^'n'w'"!-
MJifon m Italy.
The dangcri of a dirk tcmpeftuous mght.
*«//«, Lat. To be able to bear expences
4. ; as, tra- Dryden's Faifeu
2. The
e. The caufe of fear; a terrible objedl; YouVedone enough; foryoudefign'd my chains: And we muft take the current when it fetvei.
dreadful appearance. The grace is vanifii'd, but th' affront remains. Or lofe our venturer. Shakrjfenre's 'Jiditii C^efjr.
1 fee the gods
Drydof s Aitrengx.i:ht. Take any paflion of tire foul of man, while it is
Ufbra-d our fuff'rings, and woulj humble them.
He that found reafonabic in one tiling, is con-
is predominant and afiiat, and, jiift in tlie critical
cluded to be fo in all j and to think or fay otherwif?, height of it, nick it <vith fome lucky or unlucky
By fending thcfe afrighti^ while we are here,
is thought fo unjurt an affrcr.t, and fo fcnfelefs a word, and you may as certai;:!y over-rule it ta
That we might laugh at their ridiculous fear,
cenfurc, that nobody ventures to do it. Locke. your own purpofe, as a fpark of fire, filling upon
B. Jorf. Catilhi.
There is nothing which we receive with fo much gunpowder, will infallibly blow it up. Scmh,
The «-ir at hand appeal with more affright.
rcluft.mce as advice : we look iipon the man who There arc generally fcvcral hundred loads of tim-
And rifes cv'ry moment to the fight. Dryd. AEntiJ.
gives it us, as offering an a/?/-';^? to our uiiderftand. ber afloat, fcr tiicy cut above f.venty-.nve leagur>>
Affri'ghtfui,. ai/J. [from afrigbt.] ing, and treating us like children or idiots. up the river ; and other rivers bring in their con-
Full of aft'right or terrour ; terrible ;
Addifon'! SfcStator, N" 512. tributloi 3. Adi'i/cn'i July.
dreadful. 3. Outrage ; aft of contempt, in a more Afo'ot. adv.. [from a and foot.]
There is an ahfence of all that is dcrtrufllTe or general fenfe. 1. On foot ; not on horfehack. <

effrigirful to humia nature. D^caycf Pictv, Oft have they violated He tliought it bell to rttiun, tor that day, t> a
Affri'chtment. n.f. [irom aj'fight .^ The temple, oft the law with foul affrnnn. vilLig': not far off; and difpa:ching his horfc (n
t. The impreflion of fear; terrour.
Abominations rather, Mdr-n^s Par.Tdife Regained, fome fort, the next day early, to come afcr.f thi-
Slie awaked with the effrighiment of a dreama 4, Difgrace ; (hame. This fenfe is rather ther.
peculiar to the Scotti.1i dialeft. 2. Ill aftion as, a
deftgn is afoot.

Paflionate words or blows from the tutor, fill Antonius attacked the pirates of Crete, and, bv I pr'ylhec, when thou fecit that aft a/lot, .

the child's mind with terrour ar.d uffrigbiirint his too great prcfumptinn, was defeated"; upon the Ev'n with the very comment of tiiy foul
which immediately takes it wholly up, np.d leaves fenfe of which affmni he died with grief. Ob.erve mine uncle. isbakeffcare.
no room for other impreflion. Locke. Ariutbr.ol 01: Coins. 3. In mction.
2. The ftnte of fearful nefs. Affro'nter. ».yi [{torn affro/it.] The Of Albany's and Cornwall's pow'rs you hearti
Whether thofeunder any an^uifli of
perfon that affronts. not^
mind, return to or doubtings, have 'Tis faid tiiey are .if>,ct. Sbaiefpeare'i King Lear.
not been hypcrites. Eantimr.d.
At f no' XT t KG. participial aJJ. [from «/"- .^fc'r E.
/re/, [from a and/ir^. See Bs;-
AFFRO'NT. _/0-o»/.] That which has the quality of
To v. a. [affronter, Fr. that FORE.]
affronting ; contumelious.
ad front em Jlare ad frontem Among words which fignify the fame principal 1. Not bcLind ; as, he held the fiiicli
is, ; contu-
tiuJiam allidcre, to infult a man to his ideas, fome are clean and decent, others unclean
efor^ : not in ufe.
face.] fome arc kind, others are a/froiitit:g and reproach- 2. Before ; nearer in place to any tJiino-;
i. To meet face to face ; to encounter. ful, becaufe of the fccondary idea which cuttom as, he Hood nTore hiin.
has affixed to them. lyal'i's Logici.
This feems the genuine and original 3. Sooner in time.
fcnfe of the word, which was formerly
To AFFLTSE. -v. a. \affundo, aff'ufum, If jour diligence be not fpeedy, I fhall be there

indifferent to good or ill.

Lat,] To pour one thing upon another. afore you. Hhakcjpeare s Kit:g Lear.
Ipoured acid liquors, to try if they cont^iined Afo're. adv.
We haic clofcly fent for Hamlet hither.
any volatile fait or fpirit, which would probably
That may here
he, as *twerc by accident, 1. In time foregone or pad.
have difcovered itfelf, by making an ebullition
Affr^M Ophelia, Skahfpeare't Hamlit. Whofoever fti>ulJ make light of any thing afore
with the affujcd liquor. Boyle.
The feditioui, the next day, offrintid the king's fpoken or written, out of his own houfe a tree
forces at the cntiaice of a highway ; wliom when Affu'sion. n.f. [affiijio, Lat.] The aft ihould be taken, and he thereon be hanged.
tliL*y found both ready and rcfolute to fight, they of pouring one thing upon another. Efdras, vi. 22.
dL-fir'^d ent;rparlance. Sir Jr,tn Hayivard, Upon the affujion of a tincture of galls, it im- If he never drank wine afcre, it will go near to
2. To meet, in an boftile manner, front mediately became as black as ink, Grciv^i Muj'awr,. remove his fit. Hbakcjfearc'i Taitjc^.
to front. To AFFY'. -v. a. [nfficr, Fr, affidare mu- 2. Firft in the way,
His holy rites and folemn feails profan'd, lierem, Brafton,] To betroth in order Emilia, run you to the citadel.
And with their darknefs durft affnr.t his light. to marriage, And tell my lord and lady what hath hap'd ;
Paradijt L;]i. Will you go on afore? Sbakj'feare'i OtbelU.
Wed-lcd be thou to the hags of hcli.
3, To offer an open infult; to offend For daring toa^ a mighty lord 3. In front
; in the fore-part.
avowedly. With refpecl to this fenfe, Unto the daughter of a wurthlefs king. Approaching nigh, he reared hijh afore
Shahefpearc^i Henry VI. His body monltrous, horrible, and vaft. Fairy 9.
it obicrved by Cervantes, that, if a
To AfFy'. t. n. To put confidence in; Afo'regoinc, participial adj. [from afore
m.m on the back, and
ftrikes another
then runs away, the perfon fo llruck is
to put trull in ; to confide. Not in ufe. andje/'/f.] Going before.
Marcus A«- Ironicus, fo I do affy Apo'reh AND.oa'f. [from afore znd band.']
\v.]\McA,\)W\. nor. affrDitled ; a.n affrcnt dX- In thy upri^iUtnefs and integrity. 1. By a previous provifion.
ways implying a juftificationofthe aft. That I will here difmifs my loving friends. Many "f the paiticular fubjcds of difcnuife are
Did nijt this latjl war affrort thy coaft .'
Sbakefp. Titus Andr. occafional, and fuch as cannot tforeband be re-
Yet fjtteil ih.ou an idle looker-on. Fairfax, i. 51. Api'eld. adnj. [from a See
T^nii field. duced to any certain account.
But harm precedes not fin, only our foe.
Tempting. a^iCTtti us with his fool cfteem
Field.] To the field. Gcvernment of tbe ToMgm.
Of our integrity. Mi,'l'/n'i Paradift L'_H, b. ix.
We drove afield, and bith togi^ther heard 2. Provided; prepared; previoufly fitted.
would learn the canfe, why I'orrifmond,
What time the grey fiy winds her fultry horn, Kor'ic will be faid, that in the former times,
Batt'nirg our flocks with the frelh dews of night, whereof we have Ipiken, Spain was not lo raigh.7
Wi;hln my palace walls, within my hearing,
Almoft within my fight, affrtni) a prince, M.iios. as now it is ; and England, on the other fide, was
Afield I went, amid the morning dew. tnoie afrehatid In ali matters t»f power.
Wt.o fbortly Oiail command him.
To milk my kine, for fo fiiould houfcwives do. Baton'i Confidnatirni on ff,H- wifi Sfaiii,
Drydtn'i Uparijh Friar.

This brings to mind Faultina's fondnel's for thi- Cjy. Afo'rementioned. adj. [from afore
gh liator, and is interpreted as f;rire. But how
Apla't, ad'v. [from a and flat. See and acnticned.] Mcntio.aed before.
can one imagine, that the Fathers would have dared Flat.] Level with the ground. Among the nine other parts, five are n.jt in
t'l affr:r.t the wife of Autelius ? Addijon. When you would have many nev/ roots of fruk- condition to give alms or lelicf to thofe aforemen-
trees, take a low tre-, and bow it, and lay all W>
Afpro'nt. n.f. [from the ^txh affront .'\ tioned i being very near reduced thcmfelves to the
branches afiat upon the ground, and cart crfrth fame mifctable condiS-jn.
1. Open oppofition encounter: a fcnfe ;
upon them ; and every twig will take root. Ak ©'renamed, adj. [from
not frequent, though regularly deduci- afore and
Baton'' I Natural WJliry.
named.] Named before.
ble from the derivation. Ai'Lo'at. etdv. [from a and float. See fomcihng of ciicular form, in which,
Frarlcfj of danger, like a petty god
Float.] Floating; born up in the as in other aforenamed proportioos, jou fhall
I walk'd ab'jul admir'd of all, and dreaded
water ; not finking : in a rigurauvc help youuclf by the aiaiiwar.
0.1 boftilc ground, none daring my affront,
fenfe, within view
in motion. feaebam en Drataittjr.
Samfon A^'^fijlri, ;

There h a tid" ir, the alTain of men, Ato'rimaid. adj. [from afore ^ad faid.]
2. Infult offered to the face contemptu-
Which taken at the flood, Inds on to fortune ; bald before.
0U5 or rude treatment-; contumely. Omitted, all the voyage of their life need not po for repetition,
It if we refume agnin
He wiiuld of'rn maiulaiu I'lao'.ianus, in dnlr. is bound in IhatlDwi* and in miferies. that which we iVld in the aforrjid cxcerimeiit.
»ffri, to hi» fun. Baeon'x EJjayi. On fuch a full fca are wc sow ajitj: ; Ctcaifi lleiurai ifiijicrf, N" 7^ i
G 3 Afo're-
Afo'kbtimi. adv. [from afortiXiA timi.'\ tir, but htreafter ; but we fay, I was ^ttreojt and labour prove unfticceftfol.

In time paiL made

miferablc by the Mortimer i Hufhandry,
firft lols, but
O thou that art waxen old !n victEcdncfs, now was after happier. A'ftercrop. n.f. [from after and rr-5/.]
thy fins which thou had committed afom'.vu itc Far be it from me, ti juftify the cruelties which The fecond crop or harvell of the fame
come to light. were at lirft ufed towards tbein, which bad their year.
.\fv.\'it>. pkrti.lpial [from the verb
a/ij. reward foon after. Bacon. Aftercrops I think neither good for the land, nor
affray : It fnould therefore properly be Thofe who, from the pit of hell yet the hay good fur the cattle.
written with_^".] Roaming to feck tlieir prey on earth, durft fix Afortimer'i Hujbondry,

1. Struck with fear ; terrified; fearful.

Their feats long after next the feat of God. A'PTER-DINNER. n.f. [from after and
Faradife Ufl.
To perfcrute fhem with thy trmpcft, and make dinner,] The hour paffing ju.'t after
2. Following another.
them a/Vfl/V with thy ftorm. PJ'alm ixxxWi. 15. dinner, which is generally allowed to
Let go thy hold, when a great wheel runs down
2. It has the particle e/ before the objedl
a hill,le;l it break thy neck with following it ; but
indulgence and amufement.
of fear. the great one that goes upward, let him draw thee Thou haft nor youth nor age.
There, loathing life, and yet cf death efraiJ, But, as it were, an afier-dimer's deep,
after, Sbakeffieare't King Lear,
Dreaming on both. Shakefp,MeaJureforMeafart,
In anguilh of her fpirit, thus Hie pray'd, After is compounded with many words,
Drydtn's FabUu A'fter-endeavour.
If, while this wearied flelhdraws fleeting breath,
but almoft always in its genuine and n.f. [from after
Not fatisfy'd with lite, afraid of death. primitive fignification ; lome, which a.nd endeavour.] Endeavours made after
It haf 'ly be thy will, that I ihould know occurred, will follow, by which others the firft effort or endeavour.
Glimpfe of delight, or paufe from anxio-js woe j may be explained. There is no reafon why the found of a pipe
From now, fiom inftant now, great Sire, dil'pil A'fter acceptation. »./. [from a/itr Ih^yld leave traces in their brains, which, not firft,
The clouds that prcl's my foul. t'rior. but by their after-endeavours, ihould produce the
Apre'sh. adv. [from a AaA frejh. See and acceptation.] fenfe afterwards, A like founds. Locke.
not at lirll admitted. A'fter-enquiry.
Fresh.] Anew; again, after inter-
*Tis true, fonic dolors in a fcantier fpace,
n.f, [from after a.nd
million. I mean, in each apart, contrail the place
enquiry.] Enquiry made after the fati
The Germans ferving upon great horfes, and Some, who to greater length extend the line. committed, or after life.
charged wijh heavy armour, received jrcat hurt b) The church's after accefiation ]o\n, You muft either be directed by fome that take
light Ikirmifliesj the Turks, with their light Vryden'i Hind ami Panther, upon them know, or take upon yourfelf that,
horfes, ealiiy Oiunning their charge, and again, which, am fure, you do not know, or lump the
A'fteraces. »./ [Uom after and ages.] I
»t their p'eafure, charging them afrtjb, when after-enquiry on your peril. Shakrfp. Cymheline.
they faw the heavy horfes almofl weary. Succeffive times ; pofterity. Of this
word I have found no lingular ; but fee Tij A'p T E R E Y E f. a. [from afier and eye.^
Kmlltl's Hifiory cf the Turks.
When once we have attained thcfe ideas, they not why it might not be faid. This 'will To keep one in view ; to follow in view.
may be excited afrijhby the ufe of words.
be done in fome afterage. This is not in ufe.
tyatts'i Logkk. Noc the whole land, which the ChuGtes 0iould Thou (houldft have made him
Afro'nt. cdv. [from a andyrew?.] In or might, in future time, conquer ; feeing, in
As little as a crow, or lefs, ere left

front ; in direfl oppofitlon to the face. afierages, they became lords of many nations.
To aftereye him. Shakejpeare' s Cymtelint^

Thcfe four came all afront^ and mainly thruil at Raleigh'! Hijtory of the IVorld, A'fte R GAME. [from after andgame.J
me. Shakefpeare^s Henry IV. p. i. Nor to philofophcrs is praife deny'd, The fcheme which may be laid, or the
A'FTER./r(r/. [xprep. Sax.] Whofe wife inftruftions afterages guide.
expedients which are pradifed after the
1. Following in place,
Sir y. Denham.
j^/ur is com- original defign has mifcarried ; methods
What an opinion will afterages entertain nf their
monly applied to words of motion ; as, religion, who bid fair for a gibbet, to bring in a taken after the firft turn of affairs.
he came a/ter, and flood behind him. fupcrftition, which their forefathers perilhcd in This earl, like certain vegetables, did bud and
It is oppofed to before. flames to keep out. Addifon, open flowly ; nature fometimes delighting tx) play
What lays Lord Warwick, (hall we after them ?— A'fter all. When all has been taken an aftergame, as well as fortune, which had both
their turns and tides in courfe. tVotton.
^»Afttr them ! nay, hefcre them, if we can. into the view ; when there remains no-
iStaifjxare'i Henry VI.
The fables of the axe-handle and the wedge,
thing more to be added ; at laft ; in ferve to precaution us not to put ourfelvcs need-
2. In purfuit of.
whom is the Icing of
fine ; in conclufion ; upon the whole lefsly upon an aftergame, but to weigh beforehand
•//; r Ifrael come out? what we fay and do.
After whom doft thou putfue i After a dead dog,
at the mod. L'EJirange's Fables,
They havegiven no good proof in aflerting this Our firft defign, my friend, has prov'd abortive ;
after aflea. i Sam. xxiv. 14.
extravagant principle ; for which, after at:, they Still there remains an aftergame to play.
3. Behind. This is not a common ufe.
have no ground or colour, but a p:*fage cr two of Addifon" s Cato,
Sometimes I placed a third prifm after a fecond,
and fomctimes alfo a fourth after a third, by al,
fcripture, mifcrably perverted, in oppofition to .Vfterhours. n, f, [from afier and"
many exprefs texts. Alterhury's Sermom, hour.'.] The hours that fucceed.
which the image might be often refraflcd fidc-
But, after if they have any merit, it is to
*ays. Neivtcn'sOjiiicki, So fmile the heav'ns upon this holy aO,
be attributed to fome good old authors, whofe
4. Poilerior in time.
Thzt afterlfours with forrow chide us not.
works I ftudy. Fcfe on Fafi^val Fcetry.
Good after ill, and after pain delight ; Siakefpeare's Romeo andyuliet,
A'fter BIRTH. ». / [from afler and
Alternate, like the fccnes of day and night. A'fter-liver. n. f, [from after and
Dry Jen' I
birth.] The membrane in which the
Fahlet. li-ve.] He that lives in fucceeding times.
We (hall examine the ways of conveyance of the birth was involved, which is brought By thee my promife font
fovereignty of Adam to princes that were to rcijn away after ; the fecundine. Unto myfelf, let after-livers know. Sidney, b. ii.
after him. Locke. The exorbitances or degenerations, whether from
5. According to. a hurt in labour, or from part of the after-butb A'fterlOve. n.f. [from /T/Jtv and love.l
He that thinketh Spain our over-match, is no leftbehind, produce fuch vlr- lent diftempers of The fecond or later love.
good mint-man, but takes grcatnefs of kingdoms the blood, as make It call out a t imour. Intended, or committed, was this fault i
according to bulk and currency, and not after thci; }r:i.mani Surgery, If but tlie firft, how heinous e'er it be.
intrinfic value. Bacon. A'fterclap. v.f. [from «//<T and </<./.] To win thy after-love, I pardon thee.
6. In imitation of. Unexpedled events happening after an Shakrfpeare's Richard II;
There a c, among the old Roman ftatucs, fevc- affair is fuppofcd to be at an end. A'fter MATH. n.f. [from after s.nd math,
ral of Venus, in different poftures
and habits; as For tlie nex t morrow's mead they clofely went. from moiu.] The latter math ; the fe-
there are many
particular figures of her made after For
the fame dilign.
fear of afterclafs to prevent. cond crop of grafs, mown in autumn.
Mdijaris Italy. Spinf. Huh. rale.
Thiiallufion is after the oriental m.i ;ier : thui SeeAftercrop.
commonly taken
It is in an ill fcnfc.
in the Pfatms, how frequently are [).i:uns com- A'fternoon. n.f. [from afier and noon.]
pared to cedars.
A'ftercost. ». f. [from after and cofi.]
Fofe't Oayfj'eyy notei.
The latter charges
the expence in-
The time from the meridian to the even-
A'fteb. ad-v. ;
curred after the original plan is exe-
I. In fjcceeding time. It is ufed of time A beauty-waining and diftreffed widow,
mentioned as fucceeding fome other. Ev'n in the afternoon of her beft days,
You mud take care to carry off the land- floods Made prize and porchafe of his wanton eye.
Sk> we cannot fay, I fliall be happy af- and ftreams, Ijcforeyou attempt Uiaining ; left your
[ Sbikefpeare's Richard III.
I However,
Howtvtr, keep the Ih-ely tafte you ho'.S . 'vurath.'] Anger when the provocation For wit and judgment ever are at rtrife,

and lo\s him now, but fear him more Tho" meant each other's aid, like man and wife.
Oi God i 5
feems paft.
And, in your afttmocm, tliink what you told I hear him mock I (hould not be forry to fee a chorus on
a theaue,
And proaiis'd him at morning -prayer bcfwc. The luck of Caefar, which the gods give men
Dcnm. more than as large and as deep again as ours, built
T' excufc their after-ivrath.
and adorned at a king's charges.
S-ach, all the morning, to the pleadings run ;
Shaktfp. Anttmj and Clecfatra. Dryden' i Dufrefnoy,
But, when the bus'nefs of tW- day is done.
On dice, and drink, and drabs, they fpend the af- jfGJ. The title of a Turkilh mili- 10. Again and again ; with frequent repci-
tertt^^n. Oryden^sP£rJius,Snt,\. tition often.
tary officer. ;

A'fterpains. n.f. [fiom^/^r and/a/».] Aga'in. adv. [agen. Sax.] This not to be obtained by one or two hafty

The pains after birth, by which women 1. A iecond time once more readings: mud be repeated again and again,
with a dofe attention to the tenour of the dif-
; ;
are delivered of the iecundine. the repetition of the fame thing. Locke..
A'fterpart. »./. [from nfter and fart."] Tlii poor remnant of human feed, which re-
11. Pn oppofition j by way of refiftance.
The latter part. mained in their mountains, peopled their country
Who art thou that anfwerelt .^ J'" ?
The flexibletcfs of the former part of a man's again ilowly, by little and little. Rom, ix. lo.
age, not yet grown up to be headftrorg, makes Baccn's New yf/nlantis.
\z. Back; as, returning from fome mef-
more governable and and. In the afterparty
fafc j Should Nature'sinvade the world again.
reafon and forefight begin a little to take place, And o'er the centre fpread the liquid main, fagCi
and mind a man of his fafety and improvement. Thy pow'r were fafe. ffalUr. Bring us word again wh'rch way we fiiall go.
Deut. i. 72.
L'.:ir. Go now, deluded man, and feek again
A'fter.proof. ». /. [from aflcr and New toils, new dangers, on the duffy plain. Aca'iust. prep, [aenjeon, onjconb. Sax.]
Dryd. j^tield.
proof.] 1. In oppofition to any perfon.
Some are already retired into foreign countries
1. Evidence pofterior to the thing in
And he will be a wild man , his hand will be
and the reft,, who polTefs lands, are determined
man, every man's hand againjl
againjl every anii.
qaeftion. never to hazard them ag^in, for the fake o( eftab-
him. Cfa. xvi. lit.
2. Qualities known by fubfequent expe- liiVmg their fuperilition. Sivift.
oppofite, in general.
2. Contrary ;
rience. 2. On the other hand ; marking fome op- That authority of men fhould prevail with men'
All know, that he likewlfc at firft was much pofition or contrariety. either againji or above reafon, is no part of our be-
under the expeftation of his ajrcrproof-^ Tuch a il'^ wit increafed upon the occafion; and fo lief. Hooker,
folar infl.cnce there is in the folar afpefl. Jfo/.cn.
much the more, if the occafion were fharpaned He melancholy without caufe, and merry
A'ftertaste. n.f. [from after zad tajld .] with danger, jigain. whether it were the fhoitnefs againji the hair. Sbaieffeare'i Troilus and Crejidi,
A remaining upon the tongue after
taile of his forefi^ht, or the ftrength of his will, certain We might work any effeft without and againji
the draught, which was not perceived it is, thit the peipetual Lruble of his fortunes matter; and this not holpen by the co-operation
could not have been without defeds in his nature. of angels or fpirits, but only by the unity and har
in the aft of drinking.
Bacon. mony of nature. Bacon's Namral Hijicry.
A'fterthought. a.f. [from after and Thofe things that we know not what to do The preventing goodnefs of God docs even wreft
thought A Refledions after the adl ; ex- withal, ifwe had tliiim, -nd thofe things, again, him from himfelf, and fave him, as it were^
pedients formed too late. It is not pro- which another cannot part with, but to his own againji his will. Soutb,

perly to be ufed fw fecondtbcught

lol's and (hame. L'EJirangc's Fables. Thegod, uneafy till he (Icpt again,
On another part marking a tranfition Refolv'd, at once, to rid himfelf of pain;.
£xpence, and afurtbougbt ^ and idle care. 3. ;

And, tho' againji his cuftom, call'd aloud. Dryden,.

And doubts of motley hue, and dark defpair to fome new confideration.
S-^fpicions, and fantaflical furmifc, Behold yon mountain's hoarv height.
Men often fay a thing is againji their confcience,
Aad jealoufy fuffusM with jaundice in her eyes, when really it is not. S-wift'i Mijcellanies.
Made higher with new mounts 'f fnow
Difcol luring all fhe view'd, in tawny drcfs'd, j^gain, behold the winter's weight 3. In contradiftion to any opinion.
Downlook'd, and with a cockow on her fill. Opprcfs the lab'ring woods below. After all that can be laid agai:Ji a thing, this.
Vrydini Fabln. v\-ill ftill he true, that many things polfibly are,,
4. In return, noting re-aftion, or recipro- which we know not of; and tliat many more thinge
A'fter-times. n.f. [from after and
cal a£Uon ; as. His fortune worked up- may be than are and if fo, after all our argu-

ti>ru.'\ Succeeding times. See After- on and ments againji a thing, it will be uncertain whether
his nature, his nature again upon
aces. it be or not. Tillotjvn,
his fortune.
you promis'd once, a progeny divine Thechurch-clergy have written the beft collcc-
Of Romans, ilfing from the Trojan line. 5. Back ; in reditu tion. f'on of trails againji popery that ever appeared in
In uftertimti Ihould hold the world in awe, When your head did but ake, England. isiuift.
And Co the land and ocean give the law. I knit my handkerchief about your bro.vs ;

DryJen'i Virg'il. The belt 1 had, a princefs wrought it me. 4. With contrary motion or tendency :

And I did never alk it yon again. ufed of material adlion.

A'ftertossinc. f. [from after and
Sbakfjp. Kiig yobn. Boils and plagues
tofs.'\ The motion of the fea after a 6. la return for any thing ; in recom- Plainer you o'er, that one infcft another
liorm. Agalfj} the wind a mile. Sbakcjfeare's Coriclaiiui,
Confusions and tumults are only the impotent
That he hath given
The kite being a bird of prey, and therefore
will he pay again,
remains of an unnatural icbellion, and are no more hot, delighteth in th» frerti air ; and many times
Prov. xir. 47.
than the aftirio^iiigt of a tea when the ftorm is fficth agaixji the wind, as trouts and f.ilmuns fwim

. laid. AdJijoift Frtchildu!. 7. In order of rank or' fucceJlion ; mark- againji the itream. Bacoo..
A'fterward. adv. [from after aifd ing diftribution. Contrary to rule or law.
Queftion was afkeJ of Demofthene-, Whit If aught agairji myli.'i;
p<3pb. Sax.] In fucceeding time fome- :

the ciiief part of an grator ? He anfwercd, Adtion. Thy country fought of titee, rt fought unjuftly,
times wriiten eftertuards, but lefs pro- What next? Aftion. What next a^ain ? Aflion. jiiiirfi the lavr of nature, law of nations. Miltoiu.
perly. Bacmi Fffiy:. jlgiUnji the public fauftions of tlie peace,
Ufcs not thought upon before, may afterivard The caufe of the holding green, is the clofe .uid ylgawji all on.tns of their ill fuccrft ;
fpring up, and be leafcnab.'e caufes of retaining compaS fubftance of their leaves, and the pedicles With fat».' .jverfe, the rout in arms refort,.
that, which former confi^ierations did formerly of them and the cauie of that again is either
To force t'- eh monarch, and ial'uh the court.
procure to be inllitutrd. H'^ohr. the cough and vifcous juice of the plant, '.r the Dryden,
An aniious diftruft of the divine goodn^fs, ftrength and h«ac thereof. Bacon' i Natural Hifl. 6. Oppofitt: to, in place.
makes a man more anti more unworthy of it j and
8. Befides ; in any other time or place. Againjl the Tiber's mouth, but faraway.
miTerable beforehand, for fear of being fo afur-
Tlicy have the Walloor.s, who are tall foldicrs Brjitn,
noard. ' L^EJirange,
yet tb.Tt is but a, fpot of ground. But, on the 7. To
the hurt of another. See fenfe 5.
A'fterwit. n.f. [from after and tvit.'] other fide, there is not in the world again fuch a And, wh.-i thou think'!! of her eternity.
The c iiitrivance of expedients after the fpring and feminaiy of brave military peopl, as Think not that death againji her nature is j
occafion of ufing them is part. Sec in England, Scotland, and Itelajid. BacoH, Thisk it a birth and when thou go'H to diej.

if tliou went'fl'to blifs.

Afterthought. 9. Twice as much ; marking the fame Sing like a fwan, as
.Sir y. Daviif
i> r^i recalling what's gone and pa!t ; fo quantity once repeated.
that i-.fttrviit comes too late, when the mifrHcf is 3. In provifiorj for ; in expeftation o£
There are whom heav'n has bleft with ftore of
done. L'tjtrMi,!. wit.
This mode of fpeaking probab'y )ted-
A'K-f er-wrath. H.f. [from after and Yet want as much again to manage it its original from the idea of. making"
A G A ,A. G .E AGE
fpottcJ w'.tli different colours, chiefly dalvy. Mack, or that, in infancy, are b; others ptefcnted to that
•provifion againft, or in oppofuion »o, a VamniMj,
brown, red, and fometimes blue. fVatdmai'd charity of the church.
time of misfortune, but by degrees ac- Partaking We
thought our fires, not with their own content.
ft fometimes
A'cATY. aJJ. [from agate.] o)
quired a neutral fenfe. Had, eie we Came to age, our portion Ijient.
tha nature of agate. DiytUn.
hus the cife elliptically fuppreffed, as,i An a^cfy flint- was above tw3 inches in diame-
again/} he cpmes, that is, aga'uift the , In law.
ter i the whole coveied over with a friable creta-
la a man, the age of fourteen years is the tige
Aimt when he comes. ceous cfuft. H^!xdward-
y.ars is rhe full .in:
of difcrcti.-.n ; and twenty -one
Thentc (he them biocght into a ft«t«l) ball, To Aoa'ze. [from «and gaze, to fet
I'.^a. In a woman, at feven years of agi, the lord her
Wheiein wire many tables fair d'fprcd.
a gaxitig amaze, amuje, and others.]
; as, father may diftr.iin his ten mts for aid to marry herj
And iraiiy J'lght with drapets feftival, at the age of nine years, flic is dowabie ; at twelve
jigaUfi thcviaiidi JhouU be miniftred.
To ftrikc with amazerhent ; to ftupify
years, (he is able finally to ratify and confirm her
Kiiry S>^ftn. with fiidden terrour. Tlte verb is now
former confent given to raaa-imony ; at fourteen,
Tlie I'lw charge "was given them igaii-jl the out of ufe. (he is enabled to receive her land into her own
time ili«y flituid to fettle, tjsemlch is iYi the So as they travell'd, fo they 'gan efpy hands, and (hall be out of ward at the death of her
land proiTiifcd unto their fatliers.
An armed knight toward them ga'.lop taft, anceftor : at fixteen, (he ihall be out of ward,
S >nic lay, t'.fTt e«r 'gaiiyi that fcafon comci, T!\it fcemcd from foinc feared foe to fly, though, at the death of her anceftor, flie was within
"Wherein bur Saviour's birth is cclcbialcJ, Or.other grifly thing ih-U him agaji. Fairj ^atn. the age of fourteen years; a; twenty-one, file is
The bird nf dawning fingeth all night ieng :'

At the
^nd then they fay no ffirit walks abroad ; Aa'A'zED.farticifial adj. [from agaze ; able to allei-.ate her lands and tenements.
age oi fjuneen, a enabled to choofe hit
The nights are wholcfomc, then no.pJanets ftrifcc, which fee] Struck with amazement
iwn guarJian ; at the age of fourteen, a man may
.No fairy tales, ni' witch hath power to charm j «*terrified to ftjpiJity. Couctl,
confent to marriage.
Su ballow'd and fo gracious U the tirr.e. Ilundrtus he lent to hell, and none durft ftand
Sh^kifp. H.-wlet. hinvi A'cED. adj. [from age. It makes two fyl-"
To that psrpofe, he made hade to B.ilVol, that Here, there, and every where, enrag'd he flew •lablcs in poetry.]
!all things might be ready agah-J! the prince CJnic The French exclaim'd, " Thcdevi! was in arms!" 1 Old ; flricken in years ; applied gene-
-thither. ,
X-lamilnn. All the whole army flood egaxtd on him.
provides with care, rally to animate beings.
Agahft the promis'd time SkahJp.HettryVl.
.And hadcns in the woot' the robes he waj to wean if the com^iar'fon do ftand be^vccn man and
AGE. »./. \_age, Fr. anciently cage, or man, the aged, for the moll part, are bcft experi-

AUwhich 1 grant to be reafonablj and trul> aag.' ; it is deduced by Msnage from enced, leaft fubie£l to raJh and unadvifed palTion*.
; by ''Junius, from aa,
./aid, and only dcfire they may be remcnibe ert txiaiium, of 'atas
agairjl another day. in/.'m^iir. Novelty is only in rcqueft i and it is as danger.'in
which, in the Teutonic dialeils, figni-
to be aged in any kind of courfc, as it is virtuou*
A'oALAXY. »./. [from a and yu>M, Gr.] fied long duration.] ';
to be conftant in any undertaking.'
Want of milk. Dia. 1. Any period of time attributed to fome- Sbakeff). Meafurefar Meajitre.
'Ach''j. [from aand_^<j/Sf.] Staring thing as the whole, or part, of its du- Kindnefs itfclf too weak a charm will prove.
with eagernefs ; as, a bird gapes for ration in this fenfc, we fay, the age of
To raifc the feeble fires of dj^ei love. Pn.r,

meat. man, the feveral ages of the world, the 2. Old; applied to inanimate things. This
In himfolf was all.hU ftatc; ufeis rare, and commonly with fome
golden or iron age.
More folenin than the tedious pomp that waits One man in iiis time plays many parts, tendency to the profcpopceia.
On princes, when their rich retinue long His being fcvcn ag(i.
life Shalrjftare. The people did not more worihip the Images of
Of hurfes led, and grooms befmear'd with gold, And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt fcienteen gold and ivory, than they did the groves j and tlio
•Uaztlcs the crowd, and fets them iW.agejie.
years ; fo tlie whole age of Jacob was an hundred lame Quintilian faith of the aged oaks.
Paradife L'fi.
forty and feven years. Cenefis, xlvii. 28. SuUingf.etCi Defcme of D'ifc. «i Rem. IdtU
Uarfk the cron-d, ani fet them all aga',t,
2. A fucccffion or generation of men. A'cEDLY. adv. [from, aged.] After the
Hence, laftiy, fprings care of poftcrities, manner of an aged perfon.
The whole crowd ftood agafi, and ready to take
S/'taMor, N" 572. For things their kind wnild eve. lading make. Age'n. adv. [ajen, Sa.ic.] Again; in
the doftor at his word.
Hence -sit, that old men do plant young trees.
A'CARICK. »./ [agaricum, Lit.] A drug
The fruit whereof another agi flial! take. return. See Again.
of ufe in phyfic, and the dying trade. Sir y. David. This word is now only written in this
It is divided into male and female ; Nrxt to the Son, manner, though it be in reaiity the true
Diftin'd Rcftorcr of mankind, by whom orthography, for the fake of rhime.
the male is ufed only in dying, the fe-
New heav'n, and earth, (hail to the ag'rs rife. Thus Ve.ius Thus her fon reply'd agin;
male in medicine : the male grows on Or down from heav'n deiccnd.

None of your fifters have we heard or Icen.

oaks, the female on larches. Mi/titi's Pnradi/s Lijl.
'I here are two excrefccmes which grow upon No declining ege
tree.', both of them in the nature of mu/hrooms E'er fe'lt the raptures of poetic ra ,e. Rcfccmmon. A'cENCY. n.f. [from agent.]
the one the Romans call toiitus, which gr ,weth The time in which any particular man, 1. The quality of afting ; the ftate of be-
upon the rootb of oaks, and was one of the daintier ing in adlion aftion.
or race of men, lived, or ihall live j as, ;
i»f their table ; the other is medicinal, that is call-
the age of heroes.
few .advances there are in the following papers,
ed agarkk, which growcth upon the tops of oaks; tending to alTert the fuperintendence and agency of
though it be affirmed by fome, that it groweth No longer now the golden agf appears,
Providence in the natural world.
alfo at the roots. _
Baan. When patriarch wits furtivd a thoufan* years.
H-'oc'divaid s Pief. to Nat. HiJIoty.
Pofe, •

At; a'st. adj. [This word, which is ufual-

. . .

'4. The fnace of a hundred years ; a fecu-

2. The office of an .igent or faftor for an-
ly, by later .luthors, written aghajl, is, other; bufinefs performed by an agent.
lar period ; a century.
not improbably, the true word derived Some of the purchjfers themfclves may bi; con-
has been written 5 The latter part of life ; old -age ;
from aga%e, which ten: to live cheap in a worfe country, rather than
nefs. br at the charge of exchange and agennes.
from a miftaken etymology.
You feeof,;e his itgr is! the ob-
how full
See AfiHAST.] Struck with tcrrour ;
fervation we have m.idc of it hath not been little
A'GENT. adj. [agens,] That which
amazed frighted to alloniftiment.
; .
he always loved our lillcf moft, nnd with what poor afts ; oppoled to />a/ient, or that which
Thus roving on judgment he hath now call her off! is afied upon.
. Jn confns'd march forli.m, th" adiont'rous bands, Sl\iiefirare's King L'ur. This fuccef-, is oft truly afcribcd unto the f.^rce
Wth (hudd'ring horrour pale, and eyes egaft, Boys muft nrit hiive th' ambitious care of men, of imagination upon the body agent ; and ilicn, by
View'd iirft their lamentable lot, and
found Nor men weak of ^^i BUcommc:,
the anx»ftk**s a !ccond.iiy means, it may upon a diierle body 5
No reft. MUiOKi Parod'tfi h-ifi- And on this forehead, where your vcrfe has faid
as, for exav.ple, if a man cany a ring, or fome_
A'cATE. n.f. \agau, Fr. «cA«w, Lat.] A The loves delighted, and the i,raccs play'd j part of a bcaft, S-i'cvlng Jliongly that it will help
Infulting <!;i;e will ttace his ciuel wjy, him to obtain his lo\r, it may make him more
precious itone of the loweft clafs, often
And lca»c lad marks of hi» deilruftive fwajr. indulWous, and a;ain more confident and p.-rti >inj
clouded with beautiful variegations. Prinr.
than clliciwiCe.hc would be. Baccn! N.U. Hiji.
In (liape no bigger than an aiate Itone,
6. Maturity ; ripencfs ;
years of difcre-
die forefinger of an alJemian.
On A'gent. n.f.
.... Stakiff. R'nit'j and yuli:t. tion full llrength of life.
1 . An aftor ; he that afts ; he tiiat polTcfrcs
^itlii ape only varieties of the tlint kind ; they A
folemn admilfioii of profeiytes, a'.l cither,
' ground, clouded, lineated, o, being of age, dcfire that admiliitfn for themfilves. the ficulty of ailion.
lave a :_;reyi <borny
Where there is no doubt,
not e:c-
d''*on is Tlie occafion of it^not healinj hy ff,7-|r/r, -....;';•.<,, The foljd reafon of one man with unprejudicate'*
cluded as -mpertincrt unto the thing, but as necd- as the other did, was from the alteration the ichoi apprehenlions, begets as firm a belief?, rh^ aulho-
fcfs in reg ird of the winch .iccth airc?.dy had begun to make in the bottom of the wnind. lity or uggrfgute leltiniuuy of many hundred.!.
what to refolve upon.' / Haofa-. '
Bnwv's !':llgtir Errcu)!,
To wliom nor a^f»i:, fi-om the inftrumcnt, Ac G\.v'ri'K^liy%'.iUiJ.\Jtomag^l:itii7ate.'\ They had, for a long time together, producci
Nor pow'r of working, from the work is known. That which Ips the power of procuring mahy other inept combirations, or ti^rre^.j.'c forms
of particular^, and nonftnllcalfyftems of fhe
Hca%''n made us egenu fr*l to good or ill.
Rowl up the member with the
"!iole. Ry t,n the Cnaur.n.
And forc'd it not, tho' he forefaw the wiil. eggluthat'i'j-
A'cGREGATE. [from the verb.] The n. f.
rowler. JViunan.
Freedom was Leftow'd on human race,
To AGGRANDI'ZR. complex, or colleftive rcfult of the con-
And prefcicncc onU held the I'econd place, -v. a. [aggraniiijer,
Fr. To make great junflion or acervation of many parti-
Dry<!tn. ] ; to enlarge ; to
A miracle is a work exceeding the power of any exalt improve in power, honour, or
; to culars.
create:! fftrcrty confetjccntly being an effect of the The reafon of the far greateft part of mankind,
rank. It is applied to perfons gene-
divine cmni^^-rcnc^, Scathes oA-iro.vr. is but ^Mi'aggngetc of miltalieii phanrafms, and,
rally, fometimes to thiiig.s.
2. A lubllinite ; a deputy; a faftor; a in things not feniible, a conftant deiuiion.
It the king Ihould ufe it no better than the pope
perfon employed to tranfaft the bufinefs GlanvUlt's Reef,/:! Siifnt'ifia,
did, only to nggrandi-ci: covetous churchmen, it Agreat number of living and thinking particles ^

of another. cannot be called a jewel in his crown. could not poiiibly, by their mutual contact, and
— Ail hearts in love, ufe your own tODg'JCS Ayl.fe's PartrgDn. pic/hng, and Rriking, compofe one greater indi-
let ever)' CTc nejotiate for itfcif.
Thefc fumilh us with glorious f'prings and me- vidual animal, with one mind and uiiJerftnndin?,
And cruft no agtirt, Sbakf^art, diums, to and aggrantiixe our conceptions, to
raife and a vital confenfion of the whole b .dy
;, aiiy
The) had n^t tlic wit to find to them, in a'ly warm our awaken the better paflions, and
fouls, to more than a fwarm of bees, or a crowd of men and
orderly fauiit^n, egsnti or clicfea mtji, to" tcrnpt to elevate thcra even to a divine pitch, and that for women, can be conceived to make up one paiticular
them, and to treat with them, fiaon'j //.rry VII. dcvjtional purpolcs. fl-'jt.'s^s Imf-r. cf:UATlneS. livihg creature, compoundftd and conltituted of the

\ • Who
Remember, Sir, your fury of a wife,
nut content to be reveng'd on yoa, •
agents of your palfion will purfne.'
A'CGRANDIZEMENT. n. /. \aggrandijpi.
ment, Yr."] The ftate of being aggran- To A'GGREGATE.
aggrrgiiic of them all. B.-ni/rv.

nj. a. [aggrego, La*t']

Vytuti't Auretig, dized ; the aft of aggrandizing. To colleft together accumulate; to to

3. That which has the power of operating, A'c o RANDIzE R

J. [from aggrandize. ] .
heap many particulars into one mafs.
or producing efteils upon another thin^. The perfon that aggrandii;es or makes The aggregated foil
The) prcduc.d wcnderfui effecis, by the propr great another. Death, with his mace petrifick, cold, and dry.
application ofagtnls to patients. "tcm/ile. ToAgcra'te. As with a trident, fmote. Miltcns Parad. Ltft,.
'V. a. \aggYatare, Ital.]
AcGEtA-'TioN. n./. [Lat.f£/«.] Concre- To pleafe ; to treat with civilities : a
Aggrega'tio-n. n.f. [from aggrtgate.^
tion of ice. word not now in ufe. ^
1. Colleiaion,., or ftate of being collcfted.
It Is round in hail, and figured in its guttuious And in the midft thereof, upon the fldor,
Their individual Imperfeflions being great, th.-y
deicenMroin the air, growing greater or lefler ac- '
A lovely bvy of fair ladies fatej ire moreover enlarged by their nggregatwn ; and
carding to the accretion or plu i jus aggtUtkt ab3ut >
'> Conned'of many a jolly' parampur being erroneous in their tingle numbers, once hud-
the fundamental atoms thereof. The which them did in model! wife amate, : died together, they will be errour itfelf.

Brtiun s yulTor Erriart. A.^d cac'h one fought his lady to aggraie. . . :
> Brt/iuti^i Vitlgijr ErrourSt
AccENER.'i'TiON. [from «</ and ^*-
n. /. Fairy ^veen. 2. The colleftion, or aft of collefting many
reratio, Lat.] The ftate of growing or TVA'GGRAVATE. V. a.laggra'uo, iTat.] particulars into one whole.
uniting to another body. r. To make heavy, flfed only in a nfieta- The water refident ii\^i abyfs is» in all parts
phorical feai'e ; as, to c^^irrtt/^ an ac- of u, doted with .a coufiderable quantity of,
To make a perfect nutiition, there is. reotiiiifd a aad more efpei^i.illy in thofc where thcfe extrao;di-
tranfmutation of nutriment } now- where this-con. cufation, or a puniQiraent.
riary a^gr,giiiicni of this fire happen.
vcTfir'U,ortf|*^ewrtfri£if is made, there isalfo requited, A grove hard by, fprung.ij> with this «heir change,
IV^odtvard* s Natural Hiftorym
in <he aliment, a fimilatil^ of matter. .His wiil who reigns ab^ve! to aggritvaie
^rMcn't fafgdr Erriurs

Their penaace, Udcn with fruit, like that 3. The whole compofed by the coacerva-
To A'ccER.\TE. Wli'ich grew in Paradife, the b.iit of Eve tion of many particulars an aggregate. ;
t/. a. [from a^gef, Lat.]^
UsM by the tempter. " muH'] Tt> A'GGRE'SS. <v. n. [aggredior, aggref-
To heap up. Dia. Ambitious Turmis
P^radift Lcjl.
in the prtfs appears, Lat.] To
fi.i:, commit the firll ad of.
Agcero'se. adj. [from agger, Lat.] FuUj AaittggrfvifUKg cjimcs aogmeats fears. ,
violence ; to begin the quarrel. .

of heaps,' ' .'

DUl. Dryd. j^^ci.l. Tho glorious pair .ndvance.
2. Fo make any thing worfe, by the ad-

To AGGLO'MERATE.' ^. «. [cg^hiairo, With mlot^cd anger, and collei51ed might,

Lat.], ' dition of forae particular ciiCuinHance, To turn the w,ir, and t^ "g^ejing franc?,
To gather up in a ball, af thread. not eflential. How Bfitajn's fons and Britam's friends can fijfit..

This offence, ItfeH" B> '•:

2. To gather together. iii ,:. l-'rior.

To Ag G L o'm e r a t e 1-. n.
him «^r*waW by'.thc rastiv* thereof,
which was Accre ssion. n-./.[aggye^o,l.3-i-'\ Thft
not malice or diftontunt, but in afjiiring mind tc- of
Bcfide$, the hard agglcmeral'mg fait:,
firfl aft injury ; commencement of
the papacy. "" ""
Bjccni Henry Vll. '

a quarrel by fome aftof i.iiquity.

The fpoil of ages, would impcfvious choke '
Acf.R AV/i' '"
Their frcret channels. \Jr()vn aggrai.ale.'] Tiicrc is nordiliinqof a c 'mmo:! enemy, *itb3ut
7i.?-!''fn'j Aulumr.
I. The'aa oi ii^graviating, ^^" or making an union for 4 mjutual dtfiBCc; and, th?re inay
N ANTS. 71./. [from a^t;ft'finaU.]' !

heavy., . ' be iilfo, 01^ tlic6therhanJ,''acy(ifcomi» n

Thofe medicines or appIicitici'S wh'ich
Z. Th. :r;7^' '

imity. :fn!nhy^nii.,iggr(ff;,n. \ I'S/ln-rgt.

have the power of uniting parts together. A
AcGRE.ssOR. a./, [fronj aggr,/s.] The

..t'J.Uie f^ce,
To AGGLUTINATE. t..». [from ad'and and h. •-'
n ,..: r-.iTures ch^nge^l perfon. tliat firlt commencvjs hotlility
gli'ien, glue, Lat.] To unite one part to it in:
'", : .
- Ai^^iiltt. the aflafllter-or invader, oppofcd to the-
anotrier; to join together, foas not to fall 3. The ...cnmflances or afci- difcifdanf. " ' '

afunder. Jt is a word almoll appropri- dents, which. increafe tai guilt of a

- I'^y'ifl. nature's face.'
...-rl criinc. r,r rh#*
'"mity..- Pit Iinw, ..' n^M.i-. Hv It','
,'-„ (,.- . r,..'i >
the Vtt.
..T .okto'f.
•t.riomejiough ' iiatii

4*11.11 cunltficnre, a^air;:. ;

.. JtiJ^ >iC;Jl.uiJu<iiiy ciiCjjTji/Jai^ei to be oWigcd
to retali.ite the ir.ji,r.c.i of fuch .lutliois, v-holi
-';' works
-.oif it'br^ifgh'd .: I
:ir;that we arc in danger
t'lnated to the foundatic 'h a^rritu/.auj not furcharg'd, '
^'"^y ',i i!ggr'cij!,r!.

'^ allowance cnumerpois'd, • ' Pspe and Sio'tft.

AOCLUTINA r.'y .ird'>n fii.d

Ao c R j't VAN CE.«./ [Sec Grievance.]'
T O.v. n.J.
.1 , 111 'If hi'iij lef-.. M'lhm. Injury; hardfliip inflifted ; wrong en--
coKcfioi.;[ Fra-1' dured.
he (Lite l.
r:rtJCj;.-ir Tr, Ar ^'vt,. ti^a^ [^rom ^j-fl-wV, Ji»t.-
ftsi r.' lOi
i i
I. To
«. To give forrow ; to caufe grief; to rex. fmall bits, of a very fragront fcent. It A It'md of a fchool qutllion is Sarted !n this fable,
not improbable, that to grie've was is liot, drying, and accounted -a llrength-
upon reafon and inliinO ; this deliberative pro.
It is
ceeding of the crow, was rather a logical agiia:iaii
originally neuter, and aggrieve the ac- enerof the nerves in general. The beft of the matter. i: tfiran^e' s fahUi,
tive. is of a blackifh purple colour, and fo
If. Violent motion of the mind ; pertur-
But w.hile therein I took my chief delight, light as to fwim upon water. Sluincy. bation ; difturbance of the thoughts.
1 (aw, jIu the gaping earth devour


The fprinc, the plice, and all clean out of fight

jfGJO. n.f. [An Italian word, fignifying great perturbation in nature to receive at

Whitli }-•! iggr'uvci my heat even to this ho'ir. cafe or conveniency.] mercantile A once the bene(it of fleep, and do the eRetts of
watching. In this (lumbry agitation, belides her
term, nfcd chiefly in Holland and Ve-
walking, and other aflaal performances, what
3. To impofe fomc hardftiips upon ; to nice, for the ditFerence between the value have you heard her fay ? Shakejftart'i Macbeth.
harafs ; to htirt in one's right. This of bank notes, and the current money. His mother could no longer bear the agitatioru
a kind of juridical fenfe ; and when-
is Chambers. of (0 many palTions as tlirongcd u"on her.
ever it is ufed now, it feetns to bear To AGI'ST, V. a. [from gijie, Fr. a bed Taller, N" 55.
fome allufion to formsof law. or refting-place, or from gifter, i. e. 5. Deliberation; contrivance; the ftate
Sewall, archbiibop ol York, much aggr\r-.rH
ftabulia-i.'] To take in and feed the of being confulted upon.
with foin: prjfiicei of ihc pope's collectors, cock The projeil now in agilaian for repealing of
cittle of Ih-angers in the king's foreft,
ail patiently. Camkv. the and yet leaving the narae'of an ellad-
teft aft,

The and to gather the money. The officers

landed man finds himfelf ii^jr;?T/««/ by the lifhment to the prefent national church, is incon-
ifalling of ^is rents, and the {(reightcning of his that do this, are called cgiftors, in Eng- fiftcnt. Sivifi'i Mi'celhnie!.
ifo/tune; whilrt the m^uied man Ictept up his gain, lifli, gueft or gift-takers. Their funftion Agita'tor. n.f. [from agitate.] He that
»nd the meichant thiivcs and grows rich by trade. is terflied agiftment ; as, agiftment upon agitates any thing ; he who manages
the fea-banks. This word agiji is alfo affairs in which fenfe feems to be ufed :
Of injw'd fame, and mighty wrongs teceiv'd,
Cbloc complains, and wond'rcuAy 'i a^ricu'd- ufed, for the taking in of other men's the agitators of the army.
cattle into any man's ground, at a cer- A'rtLET. n.f. [Some derive it from afyXi!,
fo Agcrotj'p. v. a. \^aggri)pare,\t3.\.'\ To tain raxe per week.] Blount. fplendour ; but it is apparently to be
bring together into one figure ; to crowd Aoi'sTMENT. n.f. [See Agist.] It is deduced from aigulette, Fr. a tag to a
together: a teria of painting. taken by the canon lawyers in aiuither point, and that from aigu, fharp.]
Bodies of divers naluics, wliivh are {jggr:upftl fenfe than is mentioned under agift. 1 A tag of a point curved into fome re-
(or combined) together, are agreeable and pleaUnt
to the fight. Drydcn. They feem to intend by it, a modus or prefentation of an animal, generally of

conipofition, or mean rate, at which a man.

Acha'st. adj. [cither the participle of He thereupon gave for the garter a chain wortti
agaze (fee Agaze), and then to be fome right or due may be reckoned per- :

2col. and his gown addre(red with aglets, efteemed

written agaxed, or ago/}, or from a and haps it is corrupted from addoucijfement
worth 15!. Hayward.
or adjuftment. Why,. give him gold enough, and marry him
.j^aj-r, a ghoft, which the prefent ortho-
graphy favours ; perhaps they were ori- Aci'sToa. n.f. [ffom /Jfj/?.] An officer of to a puppet, or an aglet baby, or an old trut, and
the king's forefl. See Agist. ne'er a tootli in her head.
ginally different words.] Struck with
Sbakejfeare" s T.inir.g of the Sbrrio.
horrour, as at the fight of a fpedtre ; A'g 1 T A B L E adj. [from agitate ;

2. The pendants at the ends of the chieves

ftupified with t^rrour. It is generally Lat.] That which May be agitated, or
of flowers, as in tulips.
the ^iernal appearance. put in motion ; perhaps that which may
applied to A'cMiNAL. adj. [from a^/»^«, Lat.] Be-
She fighing fore, as if iier heart in twaine be difputed. See Agitate, and Agi-
longing to a troop. D:S.
Had riven been, and all her heart-ftrings braft. tation. .
. . ,

With d reary drooping eyne l»ok'd up like o«e agbjjl. To A'GITATE. v. «. [agio, Lat.] A'g NAIL. adj. [from anje, grieved, and
Sfuijir, najle, a nail.] A difeafe of the nails ;
The aged eartTi a^baft.
1 To put in motion ; to (hake to move ;
a whitlow ; an inflammation round the
With terxour of that bla/l. nimbly ; as, the furface of the waters
Shall from thefurface to the centre (hake. Mdtun. is agitated by the wind ; the veffel was
jtgbafi he wak'd, and, ftirting from his ted, broken by agitating the Uquor.
Agna'tion. n.f. [from agnatus, Lat.]
•Cold fweat in clammy drops his limbs o'erfprcad. Defcent from the feme father, in a di-
2. To be the caufe of motipn ; to aftuate ;
Drydin'i Mr.cid. reft male line, diftinfl from cogaation,
1 laugh to think how your unrtiaken Caco
to move.
Where dwells this (bv'reljn arbitrary foul,
or confanguinity, which includes defcea-
Will lo<Sk aghafi, while unforefecn deftruftion
Which does the human animal concroul, dants from females.
Pours in upon him thus from every fide.
j^difoti^s Cat^. Inform each part, and agitata the wliole? Blacknore. Agni'tion. n.f. [from aguitie, XaI.^
A'GILE. adj. [agile, Fr. agilis, Lat.] J. To affed with perturbation ; as, the Acknowledgment.
Nimble ; ready ; having the quality of mind of man is agitated by various To Agni'ze. v. a. [from agtofco, Lat.]
being fpeedily put in motion ; active. paflions. To acknowledge ; to own ; to avow.
that he gave his able horfe the head. 4. To ftir ; to bandy from one to another This word is now obfolete.
And bending forward ({ruck his agili heels to difcufs ; to controvert ; ^s, to agitate 1 do agniau
Againftthe panting fides of his poor jade, a quelHon^ A natural and prompt alacrity
Vp to the Sbakrfp. }!inry IV.
Though this controverfy be revivedi an4 hotly I find in hardnefs. Shalrffeari's OiiilU.
The immediate and agik fubfervience of tlje agitated among the moderns ; yet I doubt whether Agnomina'tio.v. n.f. [agnominatio, Lat.]
^irits to the empite of the mind or foul.
it be not, in a great part, a nominal difpute. '

Allufion of one word to another, by rc-

Hale' I Origin of Matihind.
Boyie on Colours.-
To guide its anions with in/brming care. femblance of found.
In peace to judge, to conquer in the war. 5. To contrive; to revolve; to form by The Bririlh continueth yet in Wales, and fome
Render it ogilt, witty, valiant, fage. laborious thought. of Cornwall, intermingled with provincial

As (its the various courfe of human age. Trhr. Farmalitics of extraordinary ecal and piefy arc Latin, being very lignificative, copiois, and plea-
never more (ludied and elaborate, than when poli-{ (^ntly running upon agnotr.intnons, although hardi
A'oiLBNEss. n.J. [fromoj-/7«.] The qua-
ticians nioH agitate defperate defjgns. K'nig Charles. in al'pirations. Catnden.
lity of being agile ; nimblenefs ; rea-
dinefs for motion ; quicknefs ; adivity ; Agita'tion. »./. [homagitate; agitatio, AGKVS CASTUS. n.f [Lat.] The name
Lat.] '
of the tree commonly called the Chafe
agility. ;
1. The aftofmovingor fhaking anything. Tree, from an imaginary virtue of pre-
Aci'i-tTY. »./. [agilitas, Lat. fiomagilis,
Putrefadtion alkoth rcll for the lubtle motion ferving chaftity.
agile.] Nimblenefs ; readinefs to move ;

which putrefaction requireth, is difturbed by any Of laurel fjme, of woodbine many more.
quicknefs aftivity.
agitation. Boicr,. And wreathes of agnut cajius others bore. Dryd,
A limb ovcr-llrained by lifting a weight al>ove
Its pawer, may never recover its former agility and 2. Theof being moved or agitated ;
ftate Ago', adv. [ajan. Sax. pall or gone ;
vigour. TT'aiti. as, the waters, after a ftorm, are fome whence writers formerly ufed, and in
AGl'LLOCHUM. n.f. Aloes-wood. A time in a violent agitation. fome provinces the people ftill ufe, agone
tree in tiie Eaft-Indies, brought to us in 3. Difcu&on ; controverfial examinatisn. for ago.] Pall ; as, long ago ; that is,
Jong time has pad fince. Reckoning Latin ; iyuti^u, Gr. rgonifer, Fr.] To 1. To be in concord ; to live without con-
time towards the prefent, we \ik fence ; feel agonies ; to be in excefTive pain. tention ; not to differ.
as, it is a ye3.x fence it happened reck- : Doft thou behold my poor diltrafled heirt, The more you e:g!ee together, the Icfs hurt can
oning from the prefent, we ufe ago ; as, Thus-rent with agoi:izing love and rage. your enemies do you. Brccme's P*iitv '^f Epic Poetf y.
And afic me what it means ? Art tliyu not falfe ? 2. To grant ; to yield to ; to admit ; with
it happened a year ago. I'his is not,
R'.'tU'-'s f-int S/^are.
perhaps, always obferved. the particles to or upon.
Or touch, if, tremblingly alive all o'er,
The great fupp?y To fmait and agonixe at evVy pore ?
And perfuaded them to agree to all rcafonable
Are wreck'd three nights ami on Gadwin finds.
conditions. z RTjccateci, xi. 14.
Fc/re's Fff-iy on Man.
Stahf^ eare. We do not prove the origin of the earth from a
Acokothe'tick. adj. [xyut z'i^r,fn,
chaos ; fccirg that is agreed on by all that give it
This both by othfn and myfelf I know.
For I have fcrv'd their rovercign long tigo ;
Gr.] Propofing publick contentions for ary origin. Burnet.
Oft have been caught within the winding train. prizes ; giving prizes; prefiding at pub- 3. To fettle amicably.
Dryd,rCi Fabics, lick games. Ditl. A
form of vi ords were quickly agreed on between
I (hill fct down an account of a difcourfc I A'GONY. n.f. [aya*, Gr. agon, low Lat. th'-m for 3 pertVdt combinat'.on. C'arendr^n.
chanced to have with one of the.n fjme time c^o.
agonie, ^r.'\ 4. To fettle terms by fiipulation ; to ac-
j^iUiji^ni Frtiiotdir.
The pangs of death properly the cord : followed by ivit/j.
1 lall
Ago'c. aJv. [a word of uncertain ety- ;
Agree zviib thine aJverfary quickly, whilft thcu
contcil between life and death.
mology the French have the term a
: art in the .way with him ; left at any time the
Never was there more pity in faving any than
gcgo, in low language zi.ils iiivc/it a adverfary deliver t.hee to the judge, and the judge
in ending me, bccaufj therein my agony fliali end.
deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cart into
gcgo, they live to their wilTi : from this Sidney.
prifon. Matt. v. 15.
phrafe our word may be, perhaps, de- Thou who for me did'feel fuch pain,
Whofe precious blood the crofs did ftain. 5. To fettle a price between buyer and
Let not thc.fe agcn'us be va.n. Rofccmmcn. feller.
I. In a (late of defire ; in a ftate of warm
2. Any violent or exceflive pain of body Friend, I do tlice no wrong; didft not thou
imagination ; heated with the notion agree vjilb me for a penny? Mal>. xx. 13,
or mind.
of fome enjoyment ; longing ; llrongly Betwijt them both, they have mc done to dy. 6. To be of the fame mind or opinion.
excited. Thro' wounds and lirokes, and ftubborn handeling. He exceedingly provoked or unJerwent the
As fjr the fcnfe and reafon of it, that has little That death were better than fuch agcny. envy, and reproach, and malice of men of all
«r nothing to do here ; only let it found full and As grief and fury unto me did bring. Fairy Slueen. qualities and conditions, who agreed in nothing
round, and chime right to the humour, which Thee I have mifs'd, and thought it long, depriv'd elfe. Clarendon.
is at prefent agog (juft as a big, long, rattling Thy prefence, ag'nj of love till now !
Milton is a noble genius, and the world agree: to
natne is faid to command even adoration fiom a Not felt, nor (hall be twice. Mihon't Par. Lofl. confefs ff^attt^s Imprtjvcment of the Mind.

Spaniard), and, no doubt, with this powerful,

3. It is particularly ufed in devotions for 7. To concur to co-operate.
fenfelefs engine, the rabble driver flialj be able t^ Muft the whole man, amazing thought! return
carry before h;m.
our Redeemer's conflict in the garden.
all Scuib'i S.tkhiii.
To propofe our defires, which cannot take fuch
To the cold ma.ble and contra-ted urn ?
Z. It is ufed with the verbs to be, or to fet And never Ihall thofe particles agree,
; effciS aswe fpecify, fhall, notwithftaniing, other-
as, he is agog, or you may fet him That were in life this individual he ? Prior.
wife procure ui his heavenly grace, even as this
very prayer of Chr.ft obtained angels to be fent 8. To fettle fome point a;nong many, with
'i'he gawdy gnflip, whfn
the'sfer agog. him as comforters in his t:gony. Hooker. upon before a noun.
In jewels dreft, and at each ear a bob. Ago'od. adv. [a ATiA gcod.'\ In eameft Strifes and troubles would be cndlefs, except
Goes flaunting out, and, in her trim of pride. •
not fJAttioudy. Not in ufe. they gave their common confent all to be ordered
Thinks all flic fays or does is juftifj'd.
At that time 1 made her weep agood, by fome whom they fiijuld agree upon. Honker.
Dryd. Jiiv. Sat. vi. If men, iktUed in chymical affairs, {hsW agree
For 1 did play a hmeitable pirt.
This maggot has no {ooner Jet him agc', bui keep men from being ftunned
to write clearly, and
Stikeffejr:'! Ttvn Gent, ef Ver'na-
he gets him a fliip, f eights hor, builds caitlcs in by dark or en>p;y words, they will be reduced
the air, and conceits both the ladies in his cof-
Acot;'TY. n.f. An animal of the An- eitiier to write nothing, or books that may teach
fers. L'E/lr.tnzt.
of the bignefs of a rabbet, with
tilles, u^ fjniething. Boyle.
3. It has the particles on, or far, before bright red hair, and a little tail without 9. To be confiilent ; not to contradift;
the object of defire. hair. He has but two teeth in each jiw, with ot luith.
On which the fj'nts ar« all agog, holds his meat in his fore -paws like a For many bare falfe witnefs againft him, but
Ard all this for a bear and dog.
Hudihr. (ant, ii. fquirrel, and has a very remarkable cry. their witnefs agreed not together. Mark, xiv. 56.
Gvffios generally ft.agi;le into thefe parts, and They that ftood by faid again to Peter, Suely
fet the heads of our fervant-maidi fo agcg
When he is angry, his hair Hands on thou art one of them : for thou art a Galilean,
hulbands, that we do not cxpefl to have any bufi- end, and he ilrikes the- earth with his and thy fpeecli ogreeib thereto. Mark, xiv. 70.
nefs done as it fliouij be, whil.1 they are in the hind-feet, and, when chafed, he flies Which teftimony I the lefs fcruple to all/ge,
country. Mdifuit't SfiBatcr. to a hollow tree, whence he is expelled bec.iufe it agrees very well -with what has been af-
Aco'iNC, participial adj. [from a and by fmoke. Tre'voux.
firmed to me. Bayle,
going.^ In aftion ; into aftion. •ToAcra'ce. "v. a, [from a ?mA grace. 10. To fuit with; to be accommodated
Their firft movement, and imprejed motions, "[
to with to or --with.
demanded the impuli'e of an almighty hand to fet
To grant favours to ; to confer benefits

Thou fceJeft thine own people with angels food,

them firll agolrtg, TatUr,
upon : a word not now in ufe. and didft fend them from heaven bread agreeing to
She granted, and that knight fo much agra<'i.
Aco'ne. adv. [ajan. Sax.] Ago; paft. every tafte. mjdom.
That the him taught celeftial difcipline.

His principles could not be ma.le to agree with

See Ago.
Fairy Sluiin. that conftitulion and order which God had fettled
is he fuch a princely one.
As you fpeak him long agent?
Acra'mmatist. n. f. [a, fri'u. and in the world ; and, therefore, muft needs clalh

Ben 'Jonffm^s Fairy Prhce.

yfa.jj.u.!ic, Gr.] An illiterate man. Did. with common fenfe and experience. Locke,

A'cONiSM. n.f. [iyMiiTfio,-, Gr.] Conten- Agra'rian. adj. \_agrarius, Lat.] Re-
1 1. To caufe no difl:urbance in the body.
lating to fields or grounds ; a word fel- I have often thought, that our prefcribing affej
tion for a prize. Diil. milk in fuch fmall quantities, is injudicious; for,
A'coNisT. n.f. [aytjVijj Gr.] A con-
dom ufed but in the Roman hillory, undoubtedly, with luch as it agrea with, it would
tender for prizes. Diit.
where there is mention of the agrarian perform much gieater and qnicker cflefls, iit
AcoNi'sTES. Gr.] A prize-
n.f. [Uyc^nrrii; ,
greater quantities. .Orbutbnot.
fighter ; one that contends at r.»y pub- yiAoRE'ASE. 1/. (T. [{roai a And greafe.']
To Ac re'e. 1;. a.
lic folemnity for a prize. Milton has To daub ; to greali; ; to pollute with 1 To put an end to a variance.
filth. He faw from far, or feemed for to fee.
fo ftyled his tragedy, bec.iufe Samfon
The waves thereof fo (low and
Some troublous uproar, or contentious fray,
was called cut to divert the fluj?gi(h were,
Philiftines Whereto he drew in haflc it to agree.
Engrofs'd with mud, which did them foul agreafe.
with feats of llrength. Fairy Slueen, i. it.
Fairy liluetn.
AcoNi'sTiCAL.a*^'. [from<7jo«//?cv.] Re- To AGRE'E. If. fromgre,
n. [agreer, Fr.
2. To make friends ; to reconcile.
lating to prize-fighting. Did. liking or good-will; gratia smd gratus, The mighty rivals, whofe deftrud^ive rage
Did the whole world io civil aims engage.
I« A'coNizE. V. n. [from agonisx, low Lat.] Ate now agreed. Rojcommm.
Vol. I.
H VLore'eable.
^cke'iaBLC. dJj. [agreaile,¥t.'] 1. Concord. termitting fever, with cold fits fuceeed-
1. Suitable to ; confiftent with j conform- What agreamtt is there between the hyeni and ed by hot. The cold fit is, in popular
able to. It has the particle to, or ivith. the dog ^ and what peace between the rich and language, more particularly called the
This piucity of blood is agrciabU It many other the poor ? Ecctuy. xiii. 18.
/ ague, and the hot the fever.
•nimilt, at ft-tgs, lizardi, and other fidies. 1, Refemblance of one thing to another. Our caftle's ftrength
£rawH*t Vulgar Errouri, The djviliiin and quavering which pleafc fo
Will laugh a fiege to fcom. Hctp let them lie.
Tha Hcl'isht whlc!i men have in popuhirlty, much in mufick, have ah agravmii with the glit-
Till famine and tbe ague eat them up. Shakefif
fame, fubmiffiw, and fubjcflion of otlier n)cii'» tering of light, as themoon-beams playing upon a 'I hough
minds, fecmeth to he a thing, in itlelf, witliout wave. Bacon. He the heats of youth, and colds of aget-
contemplation c( confcqiience, agmAh- and grate- Expanfion and duration have this farther agrit- Vet neither tempers nor correfls -he others
ful to the natuve ot" man. Baan's Natura/ Ui/lory mti.i, that though they are both confidered by
As if there were an ague in his nature.
What you do, is not at all ogneahlt either us as having parts, jet their parts are not feparahi. That (lill inclines to one extreme. Dtnbam'tSofiby.
wkb fo good a chriftian, or fo rcalbnabic and (c ore from another. Locke.
A'cviu. adj. [from ague.] Struck with
treat a pcifun. Tewfk. 3. ; bargain; condufionof con-
That which is agriealk fj the nature of one an ague ; (hivering ; cJiill ; cold a :
troverfy llipulation.
thing, is many times contrary to the narure of word in little ufe.
And your covenant with death be difan- (hall
another. VEJlr.wge. All hurt behind, backs red, and facei pale.
nulled, and your agreement with hell (hall not
Uic praflice of all piety and viitue is agrec- With flight and agued tear Sbaktfp. CtrioLnm.
(land J when the overflowing fcourge (hall pafs !

ciie to our reafon, fo is it likcwlfe the iniereft

through, then ye (hall be trodden down by it. A'gi/e fit. [from agiu and
ti. yS/.]
both of private perl'ons and of public focieties. f.
Jfaiab, xxviii. iS. Tlie paroxyfm of the ague.
Make an agreerrent with me by a prefcnt, and This ague Jit of fear is overblown.
2. In the following paflage the adjedive come out to me, and then eat ye every man of
ufed by Sbakeff. Rich. ir.
is familiar corruption for the
a. hisown vine, and every one of his fig-tree.
A'gue PROOF. <j<^'. [from ague and proof.
adverb agreeably. 2 K'mgs, xviii. 31.
Frog had given his word, that he would meet Proof againft agues ; able to refift the
jigreiahlc tereunto, perl?sps it might not beamifs,
to make
children, asibon as they are capable of it, the company, to talk of this agreement. caufes which produce agues, without
«ften to tell a ftory. ttcke on EJucatim. jirbuthnot's Hiftory af John Bull.
being afl^efted.
3. Pleafing ; that is fuitable to the incli- Agre'stick, or Acre'stical. adj. when the rain came to wet me once, and the
[from agrejlis, Lat.] Having relation wi«J to make me chatter; when the thunder would
sation, faculties, or temper. It is ufed
not peace at my bidding ; tliere I found 'em,
in this fenfe both of perfons and things. to the country ; rude ; ruftick. Di£i.
there 1 fmclt 'em out. They told me 1 was every
And while the face of outward things we find Agricola'tjon. [from agricola, n. f.
thing : 'tis a lie ; I am not ague proof .

Pleafant and fair, agricatU and fweet, Lat.] Culture of the ground. DiB. Shakffearci King l^ar.
Thefc things tranfport. SlrJ.Dav'm. A'griculture. n.f. [agricultiira, Lat.] A'cuE-TREE. n.f. [from ague and trie.]
1 rtcollefl in my mind the difcourfes which
feave palTedbetween us, and call to mind a thou-
The art of cultivating the ground; til- A name fometimes given to faffafras.
fand agretahli remarks, which he has made on lage ; hufbandry, as dillinft from paf- Dia.
thefe occafions. Addijr.n, SfeSatcr, N^ 541. turage. ToAovi'sE. "v. a. [from a znd guife. See
Agre'eableness. n.f. \^(rom agreeabU.'\ He ftrictly advifeth not to begin to fow before Guise.] Todrefs; to adorn; to deck :

Confiftency with; fuitablenefs to: with the fftting of the (lars; which, notwithftanding,
». a word now not in ufe.
without injury to agriculturey cannot be obferved
the particle to.
in England. Brotvn^s Vulgar Errours.
As her fantaftic wit did moft delight.
Plealant tafles depend not on the things them- Sometimes her head (he fondly would aguift
That there was tillage bellowed upon the ante-
felves, but their agrtiablnefi to this or that parti-
diluvian ground, Mofes does indeed intimate in
With gaudy garlands, or frelh flowers dighc
cular palate, wherein there is great variety. Locke. general ; what fort of tillage that was, is not
About her neck, or rings of rulhes plight.
3. The quality of pleafmg. It is ufed in expreffed I hope
: to (hew that tlieir agriculture f-iiVy Slueen.

an infericur fenfe, to mark the pro- was nothing near fo laborious and trcublefome, A'guish. adj. [flora ague.] Having the
duftion of fatisfadlion, calm and laft- nor did it take up fo much time as ours doth. qualities of an ague.
H^ooiiivartts Natural Hi^ory, So calm, and io lerenc, but now.
i.Tg, but below rapture or admiration.
The difpcfition of UlyiTes inclined him to war, What means this change on Myra's brow ?
There will be occafion for largenefs of mind
rather than the more lucrative, but more fecure, Her aguijh love now glows and bums.
Uki agremk/entfi of temper. Co/tier of Frieniljhip.
method of life, by agriculture and hulbandry. Then chills and (hakes, and the cold fit returns.
It is very much an image of that author's writ-
Broome's Notes c/t tbe Odyff^y. Granville.
ing, who has an agrieahhmfi that charms us,
without corrcflncfs J like a miftrefs, whofe faults
A'grimon'y. n.f. [a^rimoiiia, Lat.] The A'guishness. [from aguijh.]
». f. The
We fee, but love her with them all. Pope. name of a plant. The leaves are rough, quality of refembling an ague.
3. Refemblance; likenefs; fometimes with hairy, pennated, and grow alternately -Ah. InterjcQicn.
the particle betiveen. on the branches ; the flower-cup con- I. A
word noting fometimes diflike and
This re'.a'ion is likewife fecn in the agrteahlt- of one \ezf, which is divided into
fifts cenfure.
tuft icnireta m^n and the other parts of the uni- five fegments : the flowers have five or ylhl fmful nation, a people laden with ini-
verfe. dviu'j Cofmchgia Sacra. quity, a feed of evil-doers, children that are cor-
fix leaves, and are formed into a long
Agre'eably. a^'v. [from agreeable.] rupters, they have forfaken the Lord. Ijaiah, i. 4.
fpike, which expand in form of a rofe ;
1. Confiftently with ; in a manner fuitable z. Sometimes contempt and exultation.
the fruit is oblong, dry, and prickly,
to. Let them not fay in their heart*. Ah I fo we
like the burdock ; in each of which are would have it : let them not fay, we have fwal-
They may look into the affairs of Judea and
JcrufaletD, agreeai/y to that which is in the law of contained two kernels. Miller. lowed him up. P/olmxxxy. 2^.
tlic Loirf. I EJJ, xviii. II. To AoRi'sE. f. rt. [ajpipan. Sax.] To 3. Sometimes, and moft frequently, com-
i. Pleafingly. look terrible. Out of ufe. Spenfer. panion and complaint.
1 did never imagine,that fo many excellent Te .A.ORi'sE. -v.' a. To terrify. Spenfer. In youth alone, unhappy mortals live;
rules could be produced fo advanugeoufly and But, ab the mighty blifs is fugitive :
Acro'und. ad<v.[from a and^ro»»</.] .'

•igrtcatlj. iivift. Difcqiour'd (ickncfs, anxious labour come,

1. Stranded ; hindered by the ground from
Agrb'ed. participial adj. \Jtoxa agree.] And age and death's inexorable doom.
pafling farther. Dryd.Vlrg. Geerg. iii,.
Settled by confent.
With our great (hips, we durft not approach the ^^met the blooming pride of May,
When they had got known and
agreid names, we having been all of us aground.
eoail, And tl'^t oi' beauty are but one :
to fignify thofe internal operations of their own
Sir W. RaUlgb's EJJays. At morn botlvflouriih bright and gay.
minds, they were fuificiently furnifhed to make
Say what you fecic, and whither were you bound ? Both t\dc at evening, pale, and gone.
known by words all their ideas. I.ccke. Prion
Were you, by ftrefs of weather, cad aground f
Aore'eingness. n./. [from agru.] Con- DryJm'sJEndd. 4. When it is followed by tiat, it ex-
fidence ; fuitablencft. 2. It is likewife figaratirely ufcd, for
prcflTes vehement dcfire.
Ar;RE'EMENT. tt.
J. [agremea/, Fr. in being hindered in the progrefs of af-
In gooJncfs, as in greatnefs, they excel

law Latiri agreemeattus, which Coke

Ab I that we lov'd ourfelvcs but half fo well.
fairs ; a'^, the negotiators were aground Drydcn's JuvtruL
would willingly derive from aggrtgatio at that objeftion. Aha'! Aha'! intcrjeilion. A word inti-
uuntiua.\ .'\'GUE, n.f. [aigu,Ft, acute.] An in- mating triumph and comenipt.
They opened their mouth wide aga!nflf mty Ai'der. h./. [from aid.] He that brings Tc which all men do aim, rich to he madu,
>nd faid, aba I aha ! our eye hath fcen it. aid or help a h-lper
ally. an Such grace now to be happy is bcfoie thee laid.
; ;
Pfalm XXXV. II. .'^11 he \tect, were punilbed the adhe-
along ..s
Ahs'ad. aJv. [from a and i6fW.] Another kind there is, which although wt de-
rents and aidits of the late icbels.
fire for itfclf, as health, and virtue, a;.d know-
1, Farther onward than another : a fea Bacon^s Ilcmy VII,
ledge, neverthelefg they are not the ial> ma-.k
term. Ai'dless. adj. [from aid and /e/s, an in- ivtereat wc /litn^ but have their furclicp end where*
And now the mighty Centaur fe«ms to lead. feparable particle.] Hclplefs ; unlup- unto t; ey arc referred. ,
And now the fpeedy Doiphin gets akiad. ported ; undefended. Swoln with applaufe, and aiming ftill at more.
DrydiTs't j^nehl. He now provokes the fea-gods from the (hore.
Alone he entered
t. Headlong ; precipitanlly :^ ufed of ani- The mortal gate o' th' city, which he painted Vryoens JEneid.
mals, and figuratively of men. AVith ihunlefs deftiny : aldld': came off, Religion tends to the t?Xt and pleafure, the
It mightily the fault of parents, guardians,
is Aod, with a fudden rc-enforcemcnt, ftruck pe.lce and tranquillity of our minds, whlfh ail
tutors, and governours, tiut lb many men mif- Coriolj, like a planet. ShaUfp. Corlolanus. the wifdonrt of the world did always aim ati as the
carry. They fuffer them at firil to run ahead, He had met ulrftoft felicity of this life. Tiiyj'.n.
and, when perverfe inclinations arc advanced into Already, erS my befl fpeed could prevent. 3. To guefs.X
habits, there is no dealing with them. The eiV/^s innocent lady, his willi'd prey. To Aim. 'V. a. To direfl the miffle wea-
VEfirargfi Tahiti. MilnniCUmus.
pon ; more particularly taken fjr the
'.Ahe'icht. adv. [from a and hcigbt.'\ A'jcuLET. n.f. [aigulet, Fr.] point A aft of pointing the weapon by the eye,
Aloft ; on high. with tags ; points of gold at the end
before its difmiffion from the band.
But have I falPn or no ?— of fringes. And proud Ideus, Prlam*s charioteer,
—From the dread I'ummit of this chalky bourne ! It all above befprinkled was tliroughout Who
Look up aheigbf, the ftir!ll-gorg'd iafk {o far
fliakes his empty reins, and ahm his airy
With golden ajjutoi that glifter'd bright, fpear. Dryden.
Cannot be fecn or hlard. HhahJ^, Khr Lfar, Like twinkling ftars, and all the &irt about
jiHOUjfl. Aim. n.f. [from the verb.}
n.f. The name of a poifonous Was hemm'd with golden fringes. Talry S"cer.
To AIL. 1 The direftion of a milTile weapon.
plant. -u. a. [ejlan. Sax. to be trouble-
Afcanius, young and eager of his game.
7» AID. T/. a. \aider, Fr. from adjutare, fome.] Soon bent his bow, uncertain of his aim ;
Lat.] To help ; to fupport ; to fuc- 1 To pain ; to trouble ; to give patn. But the dire fiend the fatal arrow guide.S|
cour. And the angel of Cod calleJ to Kagar out of Which picic'd his bowels throutth his panting
Into the lake he leapt, hh lord to a'u!. heaven, and faid unto her. What ailclh thee, Ha- fid's. Dryden, JEk. \\\. I 691.
And of him catching hold, him Itrongly Ifaid gar fear not : for God bach heard the voice of
2. The point to which the thiog thrown it
From drowning. Fairy ^uetr, the lad where he is. Gtn, xxi. 17.
Ncnhfr fliail they give any thing unto them 2. It is afed in a (enJe Itffs determinate, That arrows fled not fwifter toward their aim,
that make war upon them, or aid them with
for to afflB in any manner ; as, Jcrrie- Thaiv did <)iir ioldiers, aiming at their fafety.
rituals, weapons, ir.oney, or fiiips. Fly from the Acid.
thiiig aiis ttit that I canhot ft jiill; tubal S/j,:hefji. Henry IV. ii,
Mauabet!, viii. 26.
ails the man that he laughs riiithout rea- 3. In a figurative' fenfe, a purpofe ; a
By the loud trumpet, which our courage aidiy
We learn that found as well as fenfe perfuadcs. Jcnf fcheme ; an intention ; a defigii.
Rofcimmtn, Love fmiled, and thus faid. Want joined to He [rafted to have equali'd the Aluft Hi^h,
If he oppos'd and, with ati»bitioiis aim,
Aid. n.f. [from To aid.] defireis unhappy ; but if he nought do defire,

what can HeraclitusfliV ?

AgainU the throne and monarchy of God
1 Help ; fupport. Sidney.
Rals'd impious war. /Wj/r. Par. LcJ{, h. i. /. 41,
The memory of ufeful thiiigs may receive con- What aiJs me, that I cannot lofe thy tlioujht !

Command the cmprefs hither to be brought,

But fee how oft ambitious aitn arecrolV,
£derable aid, if they are thrown into verfc.
I, in her death, fliall Come diverliun find.
And chiefs contend till all the prize is loth Pripc,
fVatti^t Improvtment cf tbt Mind.
Your patrimonial ftorcs in peace poifefs j And rid my thoughts at once of woman-kind. 4. The objedl of a defign the thing after ;

Undoubted all your filial claim confefs : Drydcrr's Tyrannkk Love. which any one endeavours.
Your private rightHiouU impious power invade, 3. To pain ; to be incommoded.
feel The fafcft way' is to fuppofe, that tM; epiftle
The peers of Ithaca woutdarm in aid. Pift's Od. It remarkable, that this word is
has but one aim, t'.W, by a frequent pcrufal o'f it,
4. you are forced to fee there arc diftin^ independi nt
2. The perfon that gives help or fupport never ufed but with forae indefinite pans. Lwk^i EJfay en St. Paul': BfifU:.
a helper ; auxiliary. term,or the word nQlhiag ; as, t^hat 5. Conjefture'; giiefs.
Thou haft fajd, it is not good that man fhould
ails bim ? IVhat does he ail? He ails It is impofiible, by aim, to tell it ; and, for
be alone ; let us make unto Elm an aid, like unto
fifnething ; he «»/,r mthing. Something ails expeilcnce and knowledge thereof, I do not think
himfelf. Tidiit, viii. 6.
that £hcie was ever any of the particulars thereof.
Great aidi came in tq him, partly upon mi/fives, him ; nothing ails him. Thus we never
Sptn/er &n Ireland.
and partly voluacaries from many parts. fay, a fever ails hini, or he ails a fever, There is 3 hiftory In all men's lives.
Bui.n't Henry Vn.
or ufe definite terms with this verb. Figuring the nature of the times' dcceas'd
3. In law.
Ail. n.f. [from the verb.] A difcarc. Tie which obferv'd, a man ir.ay prophefy
A fubfidy. jlid !• alfo particularly ufed, in
Or heal, £> Narfcs, thy obfcener aH. With i near aim, of the main chance of things.
matter of pleading, for a petition made in cuurt, As yet net come to life, which in their feeds
for the calling in of help frcm another, that hath Ai'lmekt. n.f. [fn>m«/A] Pain ; dif-
And "v^eak. be^innlngv lie intre-ifurcd.
an interrft in the caufe in ijueflion ; and is I.kc- eafe.
Sh^kiff. BeniylV.
wife both to give (trength to tne party that pray, Little aUmehtt oft attend the fair.
in aid of hiiti, an<i' alio to avoid a prejudice ai.-
AIR. if./, Lat.][a'ir, Fr. ai'r,
Not decent for a huftand's eye or. ear. Granville.
cruing towards his own right, except it be pre- I., The element encompaffing the tena-
1 am never ill, but 1 thing of your aiftnei::i,
vented as, when a ter.ant for term of lite, c.iur-
: and repine that they mutually hinder our being' queous gfobe. ;

tefy, £*?. being impleaded touchinf; his cftate, lit together. If I were to Icll wjiat I ntcan
by the word air,
Sii-fi's Lefters.
may pray in aid of him in the reverlion ; that is, ,

I may fay, it is that fine matter which, we breathe

entreat the court, that he may be called in bv
A'lLiNG. participial adj. [ffom- To ail.] in and* bieathcout contiimaliy ; or it:is that thin
writ, to all-ge what he thinks good for the main- Sickly; full of complaints. fluid body. In v\hich l!ic birds fly, a little abova-
tenance both of his right and his own. O/ivrll. To AIM. f. n. [It is derived Ey Skiltner the earth; or it is tliatinvilible matter, which
flils all places near the earth, or which ir:i medi-
Ai'dance. n.f. [from aid.] Help; fup- from efmnr, to point at ; a word which,
ately encompaflis the globe of earth and Water.
port : a word liiile ufed. I have not found.]
H'attrs Lcgick.
Oft have I Icca a timely parted ghoft, 1. To endeavour to llrike with a milTive The Sate of the itr } or the air con-
Of aOy femblancc, meagre, pale, and b|.)»d!tf3, 2,
weapon ; to diie£l towards ; with the
R - ; defcendcd to the lab'ring heart, iGdieredwithregard to health.
particle at. 'flicrt!, be many gopd and healthful »(«, that
the wnflift that it holds with death, j .

fame foraidance Aimji thou at princes, all araae'd they faid, do appear by habitation and other proofs, that
^.t rrtUs the 'gainft the cnemv.
The lall of games ? Piipt r Od^ly. 4il'iief not in fmeil from other ain.
Sbattlfrert's Hrrtry VI.
Ai'dant. adj. [aidant, Fr.] Helping;
2. To point the view, or dTfcft the fteps' Bacm! Ka!ural Hijlory, N° 904.
helpful : no! in ufe. towards any thing ; to tend toward-. ; 3. Air in motion ; a frtiall gentle wind.
"^n ' to endeavour to reach or obtain Ficrh guiles, and gentle airs,
ibliOi'd virtues of r'-,' ~ with :

Whifri!i'd it 10 the woods, and from their wiilgs

S tent ; \>t aidai:' to formerly, now only with at. ,

Hung rofer flung odours from the fpicy fhrub

ii. . •
:.-. ;n'5 diftrcfi. Si. Liar. he, here the world Is blilV j lo hen; tliff-end
Uilporting ! MUim't Par^ife Lojf, i, viii, /. 51 ;.
But Cafe Kpofe, without an a'r of breath, Thfrt is fotnething wonderfully divine !n the 1. Any cuticle or veficle filled with air.
Dwell! here, and a dumb ^uict next to death. airs of this picture. Addijan on Italy. The pulmonary artery and vein pafs along th«
Dryiien. Yet fliould the Graces all thy figures place. furfaces of thefe airbladders, in an infinite num-
Let Tcmal «iVi through trnnbling ofiers pUy, And breathe an air divine on ev'ry face. Pope. ber of ramifications. Arluibmi on Aliments,
And Alhioa's diffi nfouod the rural lay. 14. An affefted or laboured manner or 2. The bladder in fifhes, by the contrac*
Popt'i Pap-rah.
gellure as, a lofty air, a gay air.
; tion and dilatation of which, they vary
4. Scent ; vapour. Whom Ancus follows with a fawning <ii/ j the properties of their weight to that of
Stinl:s wh;ch the noftrilt ftraight abhor are not But vain within, and preuiily popular.
Drydtn's ^neid, vi.
their bulk, and rife or fall.
the mull pcrnicluus, but fuch airi as have fu;iic

£miiituue with maii*» body ; and

Though the airbt'aiidtr in fiihes fcemt necelTary
fo infinuatc There are of thefe fort of beauties, wliicb
for fwimminj, yet fome are fo formed as to fwi-n
ihemicives, and betray the fpirlts. Bacon. la(f but for a moment ; as, the different <ii;i of
withf^ut it. Citdwcrtb,
peiljlential vapour. an aficmbly, upon the fight of an unexfecled and
5. filaft ; A'iRBuiLT. at^. [from air and inild.]
All the ftur'd vengeances of heaven fall
uncommon objci>, fome particularity of a violent
palTion, fome graceful a(aion, a fmile, a glance of fiuilt in the air, without any folid foun-
On her ingtateful top ftrike her young bones,

You talcing atn, wlthlameners Sbak. KJitgLtar, !

an eye, a dilaainful look, a look of gravity, and a dation.
thoufand other fuch like things. Hence the fool's paradife, the ftatefman'sfcheme.
6. Any thing light or uncertain ; that is Drydtn's Dnfrrfnoy. The airbudt callle, and the golden dream.
as ?yght as air. lives were employed in intiigues ot
Their whole The maid's rotnantick wilh, the chymill'i flame.
momentary grace of mortal men. Bate, and they naturally give th'emfelves airs of And poet's vifion of eternal fame.
Which we more hunt for than tlie grace of God ! kings and princes, of which the minifters of other Pope's Dunciad, h. iii.
Vi'ho builds his hope in air of your far looks, nations ate only the rcprcfentatlves. Air-drawn, adj. [from o.'r and dra':Ln.'\
Lives like a drunken Tailor on a maft, Mdijuns Remarks en Italy.
Ready with cv'ry nod to tuinblc down. "
To curl their waving hairs, Drawn or painted in air a word not :

Sbakffpeare's Rii hard 111. and infplrc their airs.

Aflift their bli.flies, Poft. ufed.
The open weather air unconfined. He afluTics and affefts an entire fet of very This is tlie very painting of your fear.
7. ;

The garden was inci os'd within the fquare, diftVrent <iir« ; he conceives himfelf a being of a This is the (i/>-</r<jw» dagger, which, you faid.
fuperlour nature. S-wift. Led yoj to Duncan. Shakifp.' Mailietb*
Where ycung Emilia took the morning air,
Diytlcns Fahls. 15. Appearance. A'i R E R /;. . [from To air. ] He that cx-
Vent utterance emiffion into the air. As was communicated with the <fir q{ a fe-
it pofes to the air.
t. ; ;

would have alk*d yf>u, if I du; ft for Ihame,

cret, it foon found its way into the world.
Pcpt's Ded. to Rape of the Loci.
A'i R HOLE. n. /, [from air and iJe/f.] A
If you I iv'd ? you gave it air before me.
ftill hole to admit the air.
16. [In horfemanlhip.] yiirs denote the
Bur ah why were we not both of a fcx ?
A'iriness. n. f. [from a/ry.]
For then we might have lov'd without a crime. artificial or pradlil'ed motions of a ma
1. Opennefs ; expofure to the air.
Dryiien. naged horfe. Chambers.
2. Lightnefs ;
gaiety ; levity.
9. Publication ; expofure to the publick To Air. f. a. [from the noun/u'r.] The French have indeed taken worthy pains to
view and knowledge. 1. To expofe to the air; to open to the make clafiick learning fpeak their language; if
I am forry to find it has taken air, that 1 have they have not fucceeded, it muH be imputed to a
fomc hand in thefe papers. Ptfe's Litttn. make com- certain talkativencfs and airinefs reprcfented in
The others it a matter of fmall
10. Intelligence ; information. This is mendation in itfelf, if di
they, who wear it, their tongue, which will never agree with the fe-

not now in ufe. nothing but air the robes, which their place
elfe datenefi of the Romans, or the folemniry of th©

It grew from the airt which the princes and requircth. Hooktr, b. v. § i,g. Greeks. f.-/»'.ii.

f^ates abroad received from their an)bairaJors and Fleas breed principally of ftraw or mats, wh;rc A'i RING. »./. [from (j/r-.] A fliort jour-
agents here. iJ.;rt/>"j //.nry VI!. there bath been a little moillure, or the chamber
ney or ramble to enjoy the free air.
and b=d-ftraw kept cinfe, and n.t aired.
It. MuAck, Vk'hether light or ferious ;
Bacons Natural hijlory, N" 696.
This lit le fleet fervcs only to fetch them wine
found air modulated. and corn, and to giie their ladies an airing in the
; Wehave had, in our time, experience twice or
fummer feafon. Addikn,
This muCck crept by me upon the waters. thrice, when both the' judges, that fat upon the
Allaying both their fury and my palTion, jail, and numbers of thjfe that attended the A'lRLESs. adj. [from a/r.] Wanting
With its fweet air. Sbiktjftart' i Tanfeji.
bulinefs, or were prefcnt, (ickened upon it, and communication with the free air.
CaU in fome mufick ; I have hejrd, fofi airs
died. Therefore, it wde good wifdom, that, in Nor ftony tower, nor walls of b-aten brafs.
Can charm our fenfes, and expd our cares. fuch cafos, the jail were aired, before they were Nor airfefs dungeon, nor Urong links of iron.
Doibiim'i Scply. Bacon's Natural Hijiory, N" 9 1 4. Can be retentive to the (Irength of fpirit.
brought forth.
The fame airs, wh'ch fome entertain with ni;d As the ants were airing their proviiions oik Shakefpcare's yulius Cafar.
liclightful traniports, to others are importune.
winter, up comes a hungry grafsh^pper to them, A'iRLlNC. n. /. [from air, iat gayety.'\
Glanville's Sccpjts Scitntijtca. L'EJirarge's Fables.
and begs a charity.
Since we have fuch a trcafury of words fi Or wicker-bailiets weave, or air the corn. A young, light, ihoughtlefs, gay per-
proper for the airs of mufick, I wonder that pcr- Drydens yirrH. fon.
fcns Ihould give fo Utile attention.
2. To gratify, by enjoying the open air, Some more there be, flight airftngsi will be wo»
Mdifan, S/rflj/or, N" 406. With dogs, and horfes, and perhaps a whore.
Borne on the fwelling note?, our fouls afpire. with the reciprocal pronoun. Sen yonfrn*
While folemn «ir» improve the facrcd fire; Nay, ftjy a little

And angels lean from beav'n to hear !

Were you but" riding forth to air ycuifelf. A'i R p u M P n./. [from air and
. fumj>. ] A
Popis St. Cacilia. Such parting were too Shakfjp. Cymhclinc.
petty. machine by whofe means the air is ex-
—When the foul is funk with Cares, I afcendeJ the higheft hills of Bagdat, in order hauited out of proper vefiels. The piin-
Exalts her in enliv'ning airj.' Pefe't St.Cgecilia. to pafs thcreflof thcday in meditation and prayer.
cipleon which it is built, is the elafti-
a fong. As I was here airing viyfdf on the tops of the
12. Poetry ; city of the air as that on which the wa-
mountains, I fell into a profound contemplation
The repeated air
terpump is founded, is on the gravity of
on the vanity of human life, j^ddif^n, Sje^at^r.
Of fad Eleflra's poet had ihe powV
To fare th' Atheniao walla from ruin bare. To air liquors ; to warm them by the the air. The invention of this curious
Paradife Rtgained. inllrument is afcribed to Otto de Gue-
fire : a term u'cd in converfation.
13. The mien, or manner, of the perfon rick, conful of Migdebourg, in 1654.
4. To breed in ncfts. In this fenfe, it is
the look. But his machine laboured under feveral
derived from aerie, a ncft. It is now out
Her graceful innocence, her ev'ry air, defefls; the force nectflary to work it
of ufe.
Of geflure, orlcall a<3ian, over-aw'd
You may adj their bufy, dangerous, difcour- was very great, and the progrefs very
His malice. Millin's ParaJife Left.
flow; it was to be kept under water,
teous,yea and fometimes defpitetui ftcaling, one
For the air of
from an 'thcr, of the eggs and young ones; who, and allowed of no change of fubjefts for
Hopeful and cheerful, in thy bl->od {hall reign
if they were allowed to air naturally anJ q ui t'j Mr. Boyle, with the af-
A melancholy damp of cold and dry. experiments.
there would be ftoie fufhcient, to kill not only the
To wcijh thy fpiriti down ; and lall confume iiftance of Dr. Hi-oke, removed feve-
pirtiidges, but even all the gu^d houfcwives
The balm of Mi/ton's Paradijr Lcjl.
chickens in a country. ral inconveniencies ; though, ftill, the
But, having the life before us, brfides the ex-
Carnv's Survey of Corwwalf. working laborious, by reafon of the
perience of all they knew, it is no wonder to hit
RBLADDER. [from air and blad- prefi'ure of the atmofphere at every ex-
fome airs and features, which they haie mined. A'i n. f.
Drydcr. on DramalUk Pmuy, der.\ fuition. This labour has been fiace re-
"Vet I'll not (hed her blood.
moved by Mr. Hawkfbce ; who, by The abbey !s by no means fo magnificent as on*
adding a fecond barrel and pifton, to would rxped from its endowments. The church Nor fear that whiter Ikin of hers than fnow.
is one huge nef, with a double it ; and, at
And fmooth as monumental alahaficr. ShaLefpt
rile as the other fell, and fall as it rofe, a':fii to
each end, is a large quite. Jlddlfon, A'l A B A s T E R adj. Made of alabailer.

made the preflure of the atmofphere on cannot forbear mentioning pai t of an atabufitr
Ait, or Eyght. a. /. [fuppofed, by
the delcending one, of as much fervice column, found in-the ruins of Livias portico. It
as it was of diflervice in the afcending
Skinner, to be corrupted from ijlct.^ A is of the colour of fire, and may be leen over
fmall idand in a river. high altar of St. Matia in Canipitello; for they have
one. Vream made a farther improve-
ment, by reducing the alternate motion AJUTAGE, n.f. [njutage, Fr.] An ad- cut into two pieces, and fixed ir, in the rt-.ipe

of cnls, in a hole of the wall; fo that theiiglit

ditional pipe to water-works. Di^.
of the hand and winch to a circular palling through it, makes it look, to thofe^ in tha
one. Chafitters. To Ake. 1). >i. [from a-x^, Gr. and church, like a huge tranfparent ctofs of artibcr.
The air that, in rxhaurtcd rrcc!v;rs of airfuxj!, therefore more grammatically written Addifon on I'aly.
a exhaled trom minerals, and fl :fli, and fruits, Ala'ck. interjea. [This word feems only
and litjuois, is as true and genuine as to elafticit\ Alas; an ex-
and dcniity, or ra^e-'aftitin, as that we refpire in
1. To a lafting pain, generally of the
feel the corruption of fl/aj.]
internal pirts ; diilinguilhed from fmart, preffion of forrow.
and yet this Udlitious air is I'o far fr:m being lit t
which is commonly ufed of uneafinefs in A'.aik I when once our grace we have forgot.
be breathed in, that it kills animals in a moment,
Nothing goes right ; we would, ap.d we would not.
even fooner than the abfence of air, or a vacuum the external parts ; but this is no accu-
Shakefp.,,Meafure for Meajurt,
itfelf. BtntUy. rate account. At thunder now no more 1 ftart,
A'iRSHAPT. tt.f. [from air zxii Jhaft.'] To fue, and be deny'd, fuch common grace. Than at the rumbling of a cart
A palTage for the air into mines and My wounds ake at yru ! Slaktf^eare. N.ty, what 's incred"ble, alack!
fubterraneous places. Let our finger ake, and it endues I hardly hear a woman's clack. Sivifi'
By tiie finking of an ai^jhajt-t the air ha'h 1'- Our other hi-althful membeis with a fenfe
Of pain. Shahefpfort.
Ala'ck A DAY. interjsiiion. [This, like
berty to circulite, and carry ouc the fteams both o(
the miners b'cath and the damps, which w^uld Wcicthe pleafure of drinking accompaneti, th- the former, is for alas the day.'\ A word
otherwifc ftagnate there. Hay very moment, with that fr k ftomach and ak'iig noting forrow and melancholy.
hcaJ, which, in Lmc men, are fuie to f Uow, 1 Al a'criously. ad'v. [from alacrious,
A'lRV. adj. [from a/r ; rrV^ar, Lat.]
think no body would ever let wine touch his lips.
1. Compoled of air. fuppofed to be formed from alacris ; but
Tlie liiil i. th; tranfniiflion, or eirifTun.of the His limbs muft tie, with daily toils oppreft, oi alacrious I have found no example.]
tliinner and more a\ry parts of bod.cs ; as, in Ere long-wilh'd night brings neceflary reft. Frior. Cheerfully ; without dejeftion.
odours ar.d infe^ions ; and this is, oi all the ref), Epaminondas olacr^onjly expired, in confidi-nce
2. It is frequently applied, in an impro-
the moft corporeal. Boc'>n that he left behind him a perpetual memory of the
2. Relating to the air; belonging to the per fenfe, to the heart ; as, the heart viftories he had achieved f r his country.

air. ake! ; to imply grief or fear. Skake- Co-utnmtr.t of tie Tongue,

There are fiOies that have wings, that are no fpeare has uled it, ilill more licentioufly, Ala'crity. »./ Cheer-
[alacritas, Lat.]
ftrangers to the a'uj region. Boyli. of the foul. fulnefs, exprefltd by fome outward to-
3. High in air. My foul a\n fprightlinefs ; gayety ; livelinefs
Wnole hee forfalce the fields To know, when two authorities are up. ken ;
rivers below,
\Anci, wond'ring at their height, through a>y chan- Neither fupreme, how fo'jn confufi^^n cheerful willingnefs.
May enter. Staiifp, Ccrhlartis. Thelc orders Wire, on all fides, yielded unto
nels fl .W. Mdij'M.
Open to the free air. Here fliame difTuades him, thcie his rear prevails, with no of mind, than cities, unable
Iffs a/acriiy
And each, by turns, his aiirg heart aHails. to hold outany longer, are wont to (hew when they
Joy'd to tai'ge abroad in frrfli attire
Thro' the wide C'<mpafs of the try coaft. Add!fiii. take cond tioos, fuch as it likcth him to offer
them, which hath them in the narrow ftraits of
5. Light as air ; thin ; unfubftaotial ;
Aki'n. [from <T and i/».]
without folidity. 1. Related to; allied by blood: ufed of Give me a bowl of wine ;
I bold ambition of fo a'lry and light a quality, perfons. I h.ive not that alacrity of fpirit.
that it is but a fliadow's Aiacow. Shaiiff. Hatr.Ut. 1do not envy thee, Pamela ; only T wi/h, that Nor cheer of mind, that I was wont to have.
Still may the dog the wa:id'ri->g troops conftrain being thy liRcr in nature, I were not fo far oCf air Sbakefpeare,
Oi airy ghoHs, and vex the guilty train. Dryd^n. in fortune. Sidney, He, gind that now his fea Ihould find a Ibore,
6. Wanting reality ; having no fteady 2. Allied to by nature ; partaking of the Witji frefli alacrity, and force renew'd.
foandatioa in truth or nature vain Springs upward. Milton' i Paradift Lofl,
; ; fame properties ufed of things.
Never did men morejoyfulh obey.
trifling. The cankered paDion of envy is nothing ak'm to
Or fooner underftord the fign to fly :

Nor think with wind the fiirj^envy of the afs. I/EJirargis I'aiiht.
With fuch ahirriiy ihey bore away.
Of airy threats to aw.-, whom yet with deeds Some limbs ag-^n in bulk or itature
As if, to praile thcin, all the dates ilood by.
ThOK cnn'll not. Mifuri ParjJi/t Liji. Unlike, and not akin by natuie.
Kor (to avoid fuch meannefs) foaring high, In corccft aS, like modern iiiends,
With empty found, and tirj notions, fly. Becaufe one fcrvcs the other's ends. Prior. ALAMI'RE. n. f. The loweft note but
He feparates it from qucAionswltlr which it may one in Guido Aretine's fcalc of niufick.
1 have friund a complaint concerning the Tea. city have been compiicated, and diflingu.Oies it from Alamo'de. adv. [a la mode, Fr.] Ac-
of money, which nccaiijnei many a\ry pr-ipofitions queilions which m-iy be akin to it.
cordino; to the fafhion a low word. It :
for the reme 'y of it. Ttmplt 1 Mijcellamrs. H''atrs's Irfproi-emfrf of tbe Afird.
is uffd likewife by (hopkeepers for a kind
7. Fluttering ; loofe ; as if to catch the Al, Attle, Adi.e, do feem to be all
air ; full 01 levity. corruptions of the Saxon My^i, naile, of thin filken manufacture.
The painters draw their nymphs in thin and famous ; as alio, Ailing and Aultng, arc Ala'nd. ad'v. [from a for at, and land."]

sirj h.ibic9; but tlie weight of gold and of embroi-

corruptions of iEpehnj. noble, jflendid, At land; landed; on the-dry ground.
deries is reieneJ fjr queens and goddeffes. Drydtn, I'e only, with the prince his c -ufin, were caft
By this name of ladies, he mea.ns all younj fumous. aland, far ff from the place whither their dufires

pe fon^, flendcr, finely {haped, airy^ and delit ate :

Al, Aid, being initials, are derived would have guided ihent. Sidnry,
fuch as aie rymplis n^ NaVids. /Jry./m. from the Saxon Kalb, ancient ; and fo, Three more fierce Eurus, in his anqiy mood,
8. Gay; fprightly; full of mirth; viva- oftentimes, the i:iitial all, being melted Dafli'd on the thallows of the m' ving fand,

cious; lively; Ipiritcd light of heart. And, in iriid ocean, left them moor'd aland.
; by the Normans from the Saxon ealb. Drydin^
He merry and airy at Ih-rc wh?n he tees
tr jt .1
Gibjcn s Camden,
a fad lempeil on the (ea, or dances when Cod .ALA'RM. [from the French a I'arme,
thuhders from heaven, regards not when G ^d A'laeaster. n.f. [iiA«ti?arto».] A kind
to arms crier a I'arme, to call to
; as,
fpeaks to a I thi- world. Taylor. of foft marble, ealicr to cut, and Icfs
Ai»i. E. n.f. [Thus the word ii written by
durable, than the other kinds ; fome is
Addifot), but perhaps improperly ; iince white, which is moll common ; fome of
I. A by which men are fummoned to

it feems dcducil'le only Irom, either a/7?,

theirarms ; as, at the approach of an
the colour of horn, and tranfpa-ent ;
a wing, or aliir, a path, and !<; there- fome yellow, like honey, marked with
When the congregation is to be gathered toge-
fore to be written aile.^ The walks in veins. The ancients ulcd it to make ther, you (hall blow, but you (hall not found an
a church, or wings of a ^uire. boxes for perfumes. Savarj, alarm, Humbert
TJod with ns for our cjptiin, anj h 3
faimfcif is jVas ! both for tke deed, ani for the caufc ! Aicny'intCALLY. aJv. [from a/ciy.
friertj with founding trumpets, to cry jlam
rmcal.] In the mannerof an alchymift j
(gainft you. zCkron. xiii. iz. yl/as ! for pity of this bloody field
The trumpett loud cUngour Piteous indeed muft be, when I, a fpirit.
by means cf alchymy.
Excites us to armSy Can have fj foft a fenfe of human woes. Drydm. Kaymond Lully would prove it elchymically.
Wiih thrill notts of ang«r. CamJau
And mortal alarmi. Alas THE DAY. iiitcrjeS. Ai, unhappy A'lchtmist. n.f. [from alchymy.'] One
Taught by this llrolcc, renounce the wars alaras. day !
who purfues or profeiTes the fcience of
And leain to trembie at the name of arms. day ! I never gave him caufe.
Al<i. lie Utaktff.
Alas a day ! you have ruined my poor miil.ivs : alchymy.
f c,Wj Iliad. 'lo lolemnize this day, the glorious fun
< A cry, or notice, of any danger ap- you have made a pap in her reputation ; and can
you blame her, if flie make it up with her hulbar.d > Stays in his c urfe, and fUyithealcbymifl,
proaching ; as, an r.!arm of fire. Turning, with fplcnduur of his precious eye.
3. Any tumultor difturbance. The meagre cloddy earth to glittering gold.
Crowds of rivals, for thy mother's chirms, Alas the while. interjeS, Ah! un- •
Siake/f. Ki'!g Jstr.
Tliy r»Uc« fill with iafuiti and aJarmi. happy time I Every alebymijt knows, that gold will endure
Faft's Oihj[<y. AH as :he Ihcep, fuch was the flicpherd's lode ;
» vehement fire fir a long time without a^y
To Ala'r m. c. a. [from aJurm, the noun.] For pale and wan he was (a!as tbt ivhile 1} change ; and after it has been divided by corrofive
May fecm he lov'd, or eilefame care he conk. liquors into inviftble parts, yet may prefently be
J. To call to arms, ov.n form.
Hferfir. prcipitated, fo as to appear in its
J. To dillurb as, with the approach of
; Grevj.
Ala'te. aJv. [from a and
/«»/*.] Lately;
an enemy.
no long time ago.
A'LCHYMY. »./. [of al, Arab, and
The waip the liivc alarms
With louder hums, and with uiiequ^l arms. Alb. n.f. [album, Lat.] A furpHce ; a
white linen veftment worn by priefts.
1. The more fublime and occult pan of
To furprife with the apprehenfion of Albe. chymiltry, which propofes for its objecl
3. lad-v. [a coalition of the words
any danger. the tranfmutation of metals, and other
Albe'it. J all be it fo. Skinner. Al- '\

When rage mifguides me, or when fear alarms, though ; notwithllaiiding ; though it important operations.
When pain diiiretTes, or when- pleafure charms. There' is nothing more dangerous than thit
(hould be. deluding art, which changeth the meaning of
Ne wou'd he fuffer fleep once thitherward wjids, as alclymy doth, or would do, the fuB-
4- To difturb
in general. App'roach, aihc his drowfy den Was next. Sptnfir. ftance of metals ; maketh of any thing what it
His fon, Cupavo, brufti'd the briny Aood j I'his very thing is caufe I'ufficient, why duties
• Upon his ftern a brawny Centaur ilood, lideth, and bringeth, in the end, all truth to no.
belonging to each kind of virtue, alleit the law of thing. Hakcr,
Who heav'd a rock, and threat'ning ftill to throw,
«afon teach them, Ihould, notwithftandirg, be
With lilted hinds, «/j7rmV the feas below. Drydcti.

O he fits high in all the people's hearts;

prefcribcd even by human law. Hooker. An* that which would appear offence in u>>
Ala'rmbell. a.y. [from alarm and ^^//.] One whofe eyes. His countenance, like richtft alchymy.
The bell that is rung at the approach of Albeit unufed to the melting mood. Will change to virtue and to worthincfs.
an enemy. Drop tears, as fa(^ as the Arabian trees Sta.keff. yulius Cxjar.
Th' alarmhrll rings from our Alhambra walls, Their medicinal gum. Shaltffcart. Compared to this.
And, from the ftreets, found drums and atabillcs. He, who has a probable belief that he fliall All honour's mimick, all wealth akhyny.
meet with thieves in fuch a road, thinks himll'll Donnit
to have reafon enough to decline it, albeit he is fure
Ala rmikg. particip, aefj. [from, alarm. "l to fuftain fome lefs, though yet confiderable, in-
2. A kind of mixed metal ufed for fpoons,
Terrifying ; awakening ; furprifing ; convenience by his fo doing. Scjih's Sermons.
and kitchen utenfils.
as, an alarming melTage an alarming White alchymy is made of pan-braft one pound,
Albug i'neous. atij. [albugo, Lat.] Re- and arfenicum three ounces ; or alclypy is made
fembling the white of an egg. of copper and auripigmentum.
Ala'rmpost. n.f. [from fl/«rOT and /5/?.] £ggs will freeze in the albuginou! part thereof. Baccn's Phyjiial Rtmaiiilm
The poll or place appointed to each body Brvwn^s Vulgar Errours. They bid cry.
of men to appear at, when an alarm I opened it by incifion, giving vent firft to an With trumpets regal found, the great refult;

thall happen. albugineouSt then to white concofted matter*, upon Tow'rds the four winds, four fpeedy cherubimt
which the tumour funk. ff^feman^s Surgery. Put to their mbuths the founding alchymy,
Ala'rum. «./ [corrupted, as it feems, By
ftorn alarm. See Alarm.] JLBU'GO. »./. [Lat.] difeafe in the A herald's voice explain'd. Milton's Paradife Lrjt,

eye, by which the cornea contrafts a

A'LCOHOL. n. /. An
Arabick term
Now are our brows bound with vi^orious wreaths, high rciflified
ufed by chymifts for a
Our bruifed arms hung up for monuments, whitenefs. The fame with leucoma.
Our dephlegmated fpirit of wine, or for any
ftern a/arums chang'd to merry meetings. A'lburn colour, n.f. See Auburn.
thing reduced into an impalpable pow-
Sl'ake/pcari. A'lcahest. n.f. An Arabick word, to
That Almatro might better bear, der, ^incy.
She fcts a drum at cither car
exprefs an univerfal diflblve:it, pretend-
j If the fame fa't (hall be reduced into alcohol,
And loud or gentle, harlh or fwect, ed to by Paracclfus and Helmont. as the chjmifta fpcak, or an impalpable powtler,
Are but th' aUnims which th^y bear. frier. ^incy. the particles a. id intercepted fpaces will be ex-
To Ala'rum. 'v. a. [corrupted from 7c Alca'id. n. f. [from al, Arab, at.d tremely Icfl'ened. Br.yle,

alarm.l See Alarm. npnp, the head.] Sal V ilatile oleofum will coagulate the feruni on
Withered murder account ot the alcjbtl, or rectified fpirit which it
1. In Barbary, the governour of a callle.
contairs". Arbutbmrt*
(Ahrum'ii by his fentinel the wr'lf,
Th* alcaid
Whofe howl's his watch} thus with his ftealthy pace
Shuns me, and, with a grim civility.
Alcoholika'tion. n.f. [from alcoho-
Moves like a ghoft. Sbntefpeare. Bows, and declines mv wsiks. lia/.] The att of alcoholizing or rec-
Ala's, intcrjea. \helau Vr.eylaes, Dutch.] 2. In Spain, the judge of a city, firft tifying fpirits; or of reducing bodies
J. A word expreffing lamentation, when by the Saracens.
inltituted Du Came. an impalpable powder.
we ufe it of ourfelves.
ALCANNA, n. f. An Egyptian plant -r» A'lcoholize. v. a. [from alcohol.']
But yet, alatl O but yet, n/jt .' our haps be but
ufed in dying the leaves making a
; 1 To make an alcohol ; that is, to rec-
hard hapi. Sidney.
yellow, infufed in water, and a red in tify fpirits till they are wholly dcphlegv
jilas) h iw
from the grave we claim
little !

"Thou but preferv'ft a form, and I a name. Fife. acid liquors. mated.
2. A
word of pity, when ufed of other per- The root oi alcanna, though green, will give a red 2. To comminute powder till it is wholly
fons. ilaiii. Brtiuns ^u.'gjr Errcnrs. without rough ne(s.
''ytLt ! poor Ptothelis,thou haft entertain'd Alch v'mical. ar^'. [from alcbymy-l Re- A'lcOran. ti. /. [al and ioran, Arab.]
A fox to be the (hepherd of thy lambs. Staitff. lating to alchymy ; produced by al- The' book oi the Mahometan precept*
3. A w6rd of forrow and concern, when chymy. and crcdenda.
ufed-of things. The rofe-n:ible, then current for (ix (hilling- It this W3uld fatisfy the confcience, we might
Thus faith the Lord God, Smite with thine and eight pence, the alchymifts do afBrm as ar. not only take the prefent covcnmt, but fubfcr^be
h*nii,.and P«mp with thy foot, and fay, Alas unwritten verity, wis made by pr'.je."1ion r mul to the of Trent; yen, and 10 the Turkilh
Ivf ail tlK evil abominations of tke houfe of Il'racl. tiplicati rt alehymial of Rajmond Lully in the olctran and-fwcar to maintain and defend cither

£w/l;V. tovcr ot Lundon. Camden's Rentins. of them. SauTidtrJcn agairj} the Covcnat:t*
Alco've. »./. [ahoba. Span.] A recefs, hot water, and then fermenting the li- /Kail each alcboafe, thee each jilHioufe-
or part of a chamber, feparated by an quor.
And anfw'riiig ginlhops fourer Cghs return. Pope,
ellrade, or partition, and other corre- You mud be feeing chriftenings. Do you look
fpoudenccrnaments ; in which is placed for ale and cakes here, you rude rafcals ? A'lehouse-keeper. ». f. [from ale-
a bed of and ibmetimes feats to
Sh,xiejpeare's Henry VIII. houj'e and keeper.'] He that keeps ale-
The of the foil in grjin, and its being
publickly to fell.
entertain company. Trenjoux. not proper for vines, put th^ Egyptians upon drink- Vourefemble perfectly the tva aLhoufe-heperi
The weary'd champion lulfd in fofc a/ccves. ing ale, of which they were the inventors. in Holland, who were at the fame time burgo-
The n^biefl boaft of thy rom^it cJc groves. jirbuihrsi. raailers of the town, and taxed one anotiicr's biUu
Oft.if the mufe prcfage, tliall he bs feen
By Roiam- nda fle»-ting o'er the green.
2. A merry-meeting ufed in country alcernaiely. Letter to Stuif;.
places. A'leknight.»./. [from
In dreams be haU'd by heroes' nii|hty Hiades, ale and knight. ]
And aU the neighbourhood, from old records
A^ul hear old Ciiaucer warble through the glades.
Of antick proverbs drawn from Whirfon lords. A pot- companion ; a tippler; a word,
And their authorities at wakes and a'cs. now out of ufe.
Deep in a rich alcove the prince was laid,
With country precedents, and uld wives tales. of England were well de-
old aUli..:ghts
And fiept beneath the pompous colonr^aJe.
Pofe't Odify.
We bring you now. Ben '^anjoti. pair.ted by Hanville, in the alehoufe-colours of
that time. Cumd^r..
A tree hav- A'leberry. n. f. [from alt and berry.']
A'lder,//, /
[fl/m//, Lat.]
A beverage made by boiling ale with
Ale'mbick. n.f. A veffel ufed in diftil-
ing leaves reiembling thofe of the ha- ling, confiding of a
veli'el placed over
fpice and fugar, and fops of bread : a .
zel ;male flowers, or katkins, are
the a fire, which is contained the fub-
produced at remote diilances fiora the word now only ufed in converfation.
ftance to be diftilled, and a concave-
Their altberriny cawdles, poflets, each one,
fruit, on the fame tree ; the fruit is cjofely fitted on, into which the fumes
Syllibubs made at the milking pale.
fquamofe, and of a conical figure. The But what are compofed of a pot of good ale. arife by the heat ; this cover has a beak
fpecies are, i. Tiie common or round- B^numont. or fpout, into which the vapours rile,
leaved ij/rftr. 2. Tlie long-leaved «/atr. A'le-brewer. n./. [from a/tr and ^;vw- and by which they pafs into a ferpen-
3. The fcarlet aUfr. Thefe trees de- ^r.] One that profefles to brew ale. tine pipe, which is kept cool by making
light in a very moift The wood The fummer-made mak "brews and is dif
foil. is
liked by moft of our ali-hrewcrs.
many convolutions in a tub of water;
ufed by turners, and will endure long here the vapours are condenfed, and
AP^ri'imer^ s llujhandty.
under ground, or in water. M.ller. wjiat entered the pipe in. fumes, comes
A'i.econner. n.f. [from alt and con.']
Without the gror, a various fylvan fcene out in drops.
Appear'd arounj, a .d groves of living green
of London, whofe
officer in the city
bafineis is to infpeft the ir.eaiures of Though water may be rarefied into invifible
Popiars and aldcri e-cr quivering play'd.
valours, yet it is not changed into air, hut only
And nodding cypreft torm'd a fragrant (hade. publick houfes. Four of them are cho- fcattered into minute parts j which meeting toge-
PoT^c'i Odyjfy. fen or rechofen annually by the com- ther in the aUmhkk, or in the receiver, do pre-
Alderli'evest. adj.fuferl. [from «/^, mon-hall of the city ; and, whatever feiwly return into fuch water as they conftitiHcJ

aUer, old, elder, and litve, dear, be- might be their ufe formerly, their places before. Beyle.
loved.] Molt beloved ; which has held are now regarded only as iinecares for -Ale'kcth. ad'v. [from a for at, and'
the longed poiTeflion of the heart. decayed citizens. Ungth.] At full length ; along; llretched-
The mutual conference that my mind hath had, A'LECosr. from ale, and along the ground.
i/.f. [perhaps
In courtly company, or at my beads,
With you, mine alderliniji fovereign.
cojius, Lat.] The name of an herb. ALE'RT. adj, [alerte, Er. perhaps from
Makes me the bolder. Shaitff. Humy VI. p. ii.
Dia. alacris, but probably from a I'art, ac-

A'lderman. ». /. [from aU, old, and Ale'ctryomancy, or Ale'ctoro-

cording to art or rule.]

man. ] MANCY. n. f. [<iXjx1^t/»iir and fiiilxc,.] 1. In the military fenfe, on guard ; watch-
Divination by a cock. Dia. ful ; vigilant ; ready at a call.
1. The fame as fenator, Conuell. A go- A'lecar. n. [from ale and eager, 2. In the common fenfe, bri£k ; pert ; pe-
vernour or magiftrate, originally, as f.
four.] Sour ale ; a kind of acid made tulant ; fmart ; implying fome degree
the name imports, chofen on account of c^fuie and contempt.
by ale, as vinegar by wine, which has
of the experience which his age had gi- I ii\*i an alert young fellow, that cocked his
loft its fpirit.
ven him. hat upon a friend of his, and accoftcd him.
A'troER. adj. \allegre, Fr. alacrii, Lat.] Well, Jack,, the oIJ prig is dead at laft.
Tell him, myieJf, the mayor, and pljirmen.
Are come to have fome eonrrence with his trace. Gay ; chearful ; fprightly : a word not Addijon, SpeHator.
Shakrfpeare, now ufed. Ale'rtnes*. n.f. [from o/er/.] The.
Though my own aUirmtn conferr'd my bays. Coffee, the root and leaf betle, and leaf tobacco.
quality of being alert fprightlinefs
To me committing their eternal praife ; of which the Turks are great takers, do all cin-
; ;.

Their full-fed heroes, their pacifi.k may'rs. dcnfe the Ipirits, and make them (Irong and ale- pertnefs.
Their annual trophies, and their monthly wars. Z>r. D^ccn's Natural Hi/lory. That altrtnifi and unconcern for matters of
Fo[te*l Dunciad, A'lehoo^. [from ale and hoopb,
a. /.
common life, 9 campaign or two would infallibly
have given Uim. - Add-Jm, SpeBaicr.
1. In the following paflage it is, I think, head.] Grojndivy, fo called by our
improperly ufed. Saxon anceftors, as being their chief in- A'i.etaster. n.f. [from «/? and C/T/^^r.]:
But clangour you abhor,-
if the t:umi>et's gredient in ale. An herb. An appointed in every court leet,,
And dare not be an a/dfrmart of war. yiUhvif, or groundlvy, is, in my opinion, of
and fworn to lock to the affiztrand the
Take to a dsop, behind a counter lie. the molt excellent and moft g" ufe and vir- goodnefs of bread and ale, or beer,
Dry J. yuvi Sii:- tue, of any plants we have amon^ us. Temple. within the precinds of that lordfhip.
A'ldep. MANLY. a//v. [from a/a'erman.] A'i.ehouse. n. f. [from aU and hcufe.] Coiuell.
Like an alderman ; belonging to an A houfe where ale is publickly fold ; A'levat. and
n.f. [from fl/« -yij/.] The-
alderman. a tipling-houff. It is diftinguiflicd from tub in which the ale is fermented.
Thefe, and many more, fuffcred death, in envy
to their virtues and fuperiout genius, which em-
a tavern,, where they fell wine. A'lew. n.f. Clamour; outa-y. Not in.
boldened them, in exigencies (wan:ing an n/i^rr- Thou tnoitijeauteous inn. ^ufe.

manlf dif.retion) to attempt fervlce out of the
Why (hould hard-fav /ur'd grief bs lodg'd in thee,
A'lbwashed. adj. [from ale and wa/*.]
cum.non forms.
.When triumph is become an aUhcufe gueft ?
Sw/i'i MifccU^nlet. Steeped or foaked in ale : not now in.
A'ldern. adj. [from aJdir.'[ Made of One would think it (hould be no eafy matter to ufe.
alder. bring any nun of fenfc in love with an alehnnfe; What a beard of the general's cut, and a horrid
indeed of f much fenfc as feeing and fm-'-ling fult of the camp, will do atn>ng foaming batties
Then aJ!tr» boau firft plow'd the ocean. •

am-'u'tj to i there bcin^ fuch ftron^ encounters of and alctoajhed wits, is wonderful to hi thought
.. _ May't firm/.
bo- would quickly lend him packing, did not on-
ALE. «./ [eal«r, Sax.] 1, as Hbakeffeare..
the ovf of good fdiowihip reconcile to thefe A'lewife. n.f. [from rt/f and zi-//^.] A.
I. A liquor made by infufing malt in nuifascu*. StKlt. woman that keeps an alchonfe.
9 Eerhap«<

In wbomfoever thefe things are, the church

Perl>»;>i he will fwaggeranj heOor, «nd threaten Sir Ifaac Newton brought thi« art to
or take the goods doth acknowledge tliem for her childnn ; them
to bcK »iiJ butcher an alivi'.ft, the height at which it ftill continues.
only (he holdeth for aliens and (Irangers in whom
by force, and throw them do»™ the bad halfpence.
Trevoux. Chambers. thefe things are not found. Htoiert
Swift's Drjfer's Ltiten.
would furely require no very profound Ikill in
It If it be provM againft an alietif
A'lcxakders. f. tt. [fmjrnium, Lat.] al^iha, to reduce the ditTerence of ninepence in He feeks the life of any citizen.
The name of a plant. thirty (hillings. Svii/t. The party, 'gainft the which he doth contrive,
A'lexander's-foot. «./. The name A L C E B R a'i C K . l . Shall feiae on half his goods.
jf^^^ J^.ira.] Shaiejf. Merch. ofVeitUe,
of an herb. Algebra ical. J
-^ > •* *
The mere Iri(h were not only accounted alitns,
Alexa'ndrine. n.f. A kind of verfe 1. Relating to algebra ; zs,^a algebraical but enemies, fo as it was no capital ofience to kill
borrowed from the French, firft ufed in treatife. them. Sir fobn Dai'ies on Ireland*
« poem called Alexander. They conEft, 2. Containing operations of algebra; as, Thy place in council thou halt ruJely lol^.

among the French, of twelve and thir- Which by thy younger brother is fupplyM,
an algebraical computation.
And art almolt an alien to the hearts
teen fyllables, in alternate couplets Alcebra'ist. n.f. [from algebra.] A Of all the court and princes oi my blo'>d.
and, among us, of twelve. perfon that underftands or praftifes the SbcUjiure,
Our numbers the moft
(hould, for part, be The lawgiver condemned the perfons, who fat
fcience of algebra.
lyrical. For variety, or rather where the majefty idle in divifr>ns dangerous to the government, aa
When any dead body is found in England,
61 thought requires it, they may be ft.ctthed to ali'ns to tlie community, and theirfore to be cut
no unciphertr can ufe more fubtl:
algeiraift or
the Engl) Si heioic of five feet, and to the French off from it. Addi)on, Frtebolicr.
Dryicn. fuppofitions, to find the demonftratlon or cipher,
A'-ixandrm of fix. 2. In law.
Then, at the lad and only couplet, fraught than every unconcerned perfon dDth to find the
murderers. Craum's Bills cf Mortality. An alien is one born in a (Grange country, and >

With fome unmeaning thing they call a thought, never enfrancliifed. A

man b.'>m out of the land,
Confining themfelves to the fynthctitk and ana-
A necdlefs A'.^-itanir.tie ends the fong.
fn it be within the limiu beyond the fcas, or of
That, like a wounded fnake, drags its flow length lytick methods of geometricians and algehraiJIs,
they have too much narrowed the rules of method, Englifh parents out of the k'ug's obedience, fo
along. Pifis Ejfay on Criikijm. the parents, at the time of the birth, be of the
as though every thing were to be treated in mathe-
Alexipha'rmick. adj. [from a.^l|/l and matical forms. fVatts's L:gici. king's obedience, is not ahen. If one, born out

^o^^axor.] That which drives away of the king's allegiance, cume and dwell in Eng-
A'hGUy.adj. [fl/^/Vw,Lat.] Cold; chill.
land, his children (if he beget any here) are not
poilbn ; antidotal ; that which oppofes Dia. aliens, but dcnifons. CtTr*//.
mfciftion. Aloi'dity. In./, [from a/^(V.] Chil- To A'n E N . -t;. a. [aliener, Fr. alieno,Lat.]
Some antidotal quality have, fince not
it may Dia.
only the bone in the heart, but the horn o( a deer
A'lcidness. 5 nefs ; cold. 1. To make any thing the property of an-
is a/exifbarmick. Brown's Vulgar Errmrs. AhGi'ric. adj. [from fl^or, Lat.] That other.
which produces cold. Di3. If the fona/iflt lands, and then repurchals them
again in fee, the rules of defcents are to be ob-
[from aXi^i'i'.] That which drives away jfLGOR. n.f. [Lat.] Extreme cold; ferved, as if he w;rc the original purchafer.
poifon ; that which refills fevers. chilnefs. Dia. HitU'i I-iijiory of Common Lavf*
A'lcates. adv. znA gate. Skin-
[^irom all COR ISM.
A'i. I"'/ Arabick words, 2. To eftrange ; to turn the mind or affec-
xer. Gate is the fame as 'via ; and ftill A'lgorithm. which are ufed to im- J tion to make averfe : with /row.

ufed for way in the Scottifh dialed.] On ply the fix operations of arithmetick, or The king was difquicteJ, when he found that
any terms ; every way : now obfo- the fcience of numbers. Dia. the prince was totally aliened from all thoughts of,
Ex- or inclination to, t'le marriage. Clarertlffti,
lete. Ai.Go'sE. adj. [from algor, Lat.]
Nor had the hoafter ever rifen more. tremely cold ; chill. Dia. .
A'lienaule. aii/. [from To alienate.]
But thit Renaldo's horfc cv'n then down fell,
A' LI AS. ad'v. A Latin wo.-d,'fignifying That of which the property may be
And with the fall his leg opp/ef^'d i'o fy:;e,
othernulje ; often ufed in the trials of transferred.
•That, for a fpacc, there muft he algata dweil. Land is alienable, and treafure is tranfitory, and
Fairfax, criminals, whofe danger has obliged
both muft pafs from him, by his own voluntary
A'LGEERA. [an Arabic word of
n.f. them change their names ; as, Sim-
to afl, or by the violence of others, or at lea.1 by fate.
uncertain etymology ; derived, by fome, (on, alias Sm\x.h„^lias Baker; that is, Denris^s Letters,

from Gchcr the philc'.bpher ; by ferae, othernvife Smith, elhcrtxije Baker. -To A'lienate. v. a. [aliener, fr. ahem,
from gtfr, parchment ; by others, from A'lible. adj. [a/;^y//V, Lat.] Nutritive; Lat.]
algehijla, a bonefetter ; by Menage, from nourifhing ; or that which may be nou- 1. To transfer the property of any thing
algiabarat , the reftitution of things bro- rifhed. Dia. to another.
ken. ] A peculiar kind of arithmetick, A'LIEN. adj. {alicnus, Lat.] The countries of the Tu: ks were once Chriftian,
which takes the quantity fought, whe- Foreign, or not of the fame family or and members of the church, and wl.erc the golden
candk'fticks did ftand, though now they be utterly
ther it be a number or a line, or any land.
a'ienated, and no Chritlians Lfc. Bacon,
other quantity, as if it were granted, The m.ither plant admires the leaves unknown
Of aVttn trees, and apples not her own. Drydtn. 2. To withdraw the heart or affeflions:
and, by means of one or more quanti- with the particle frcm, where the firft
From native f)!!
ties given, proceeds by confequence, F.»ird by fate, torn from the tender'em brace pofleffor is mentioned.
till the quantity at firft only fuppofed to Of his young guilttcfs pr^^geny, he feeks The manner of men's writing muft not aCtenett
be known, or fome power there-
at leaft In^^l-rious fhelter in an alien land. Vhit.ft. our hearts yiow the truth. Hosier,
of, is found to be equal to fome quantity 2. Eftranged from; not allied to; ad- Be it never fo true «!iich the world to we teach
bdievp, yet if once their afFeitions b-gin to be
or quantities which are known, and con- verfe to: with the particle yrawi, and
alienated, a fmall thing per fuadeth them to change
fcquently itfelf is known. This art was fometimes to, but improperly. their opinions. Hooker,
in ufe among the Arabs, long before To declare my mind to the difciples of the His eyes furvey'd the dark idolatries .

by afimilitude not alien from their profefiion. Of alienated Judah.

it came into this part of the world
and ;
fire, Milton's Paradife LcJI,
they are fuppofed to have borrowed it Any thing that is apt to difturb the world, and
The fentiment that a'ifes, is a conviction of to alienate the af^eCiions of mt n from one another,
from the Pcrfians, and the Perfians from the deplorable ftatc of nature, to which fin re- fuch ai crofs and dilUHeful hum jurs, is cither tx-
the Indians. The firft Greek author of duced us j a weak, ignorant creature, alien from prcf^ly, or by clear confetjueiice and deduction, for-
algebra was Diophantus, who, about the Cod and goodnefs, and a prey to tlie great de- bidden in the New Teftamcnt. Tilhtfui,
- ftrorer. Rogers's Sermons. Her mind was quite alierated from the honeft
year 800, wrote thirteen books. In They encouraged pcrfons and principles, alien Caftilian, whom (he was taught to look upon as a
1494, Lucas Pacciolus, or Lucas de- /rem our religion and governmeit, in order to formal old fellow. ylJdifn,
Burgos, a cordelier, printed a treatife ftre.ngthen their faftion. Swift's Mifcellanies.
A'lienate. adj. [alienafus,I-,at.'j With-
of algebra, in Italian, at Venice. He A'liek. n.f. [alienus, Lat.] drawn from; ftranger to: with the par-
fays, that algebra came originally from I. A foreigner; not a denifon a man
the Arabs. After feveral improvements of another country or family ; one not The Whigs are damnably wicked ; impatient
by Victa, Oughtred, Harriot, Defcartes, allied ; a ftranger. for the death of the ijven j ready to gratify their
•mbition and revenge by all defpcntt methods; 2. It is ufed alfo of any thing thrown or AlIjMENTa'tion. «./. [from aliment.]
wholly alitnate fnm truth, law, religion, mercy, falling ; to fall upon. 1. The power of affording aliment; the
confciencc, or honour. Siuift's Afifcel/jrics.
But fli/rn;3 of Itor.ei from the proud temple'> quality of nouriftiing.
Aliena'tion. »./. [alienatio, Lat.] height
;. Tlie tete of being nourifl'.ed by affimi-
I, The aft of transferring property.
Pour down, and on our batier'd lielms al'igtt.
lation of matter received.
This ordinance was lor the maintenance of their D:yJcn.
Wants do nouiifh; inanimate bodies do not: they
lands in their pofterity, and for excluding all inno- Ali'xe. adv. [from a and like.'\ With have an accretion, but no ahmcr.tat'toi:.
vation or aUctunicn thereof unto ftrangers. refemblance v/ithout difference in the Bjcons 2\atural liif'iyry.
; ;
Sfnfrr's State nf Irclavd
fame manner ; in the fame form. In Alimo'nious. adj. [from alimmy.] That
God put it into the heart ot one of our princes,
fome exprefHons it has the appearance of which nourilhes a word very little in ufc.
to give a check to fjcrilege. Her fuccefTour
palTca :

of the an adjedive, but is always an adverb. The plethora tenders us lean, by fui-jji-elfing our
a law, which prevented all future alicKath'm
Attcrlury fpirlts, whereby they are incapacitated of digelll] g
church revenues. Tie daricnefs liijeih not from thee; but the
the alvncnicus humours into flefli.
Great changes and alhvat'iwt of property, have night Ihinech as the Jay the darknefs and the
Harvey on Confurrptions.
created new and great dependencies. light are both atite to thee. Pfalm cxxxix. I2.
Stvift en Albert and Rome. With rhce converfing, I forget a!! time ; A'LIMONY. n.f. [alimonia, Lat.] Jli-
All feafons, and their change, all pleafe atiie. piony fignifies that legal proportion of
a. The of being alienated ; as, the
Paradifc Loft. the hufoand's eftate, which, by the fen-
Hate was wafted during its alienation. Riches cannot rcfcue from the grave. tence of the ecclefiaftical court, is aU
3. Change of affection. Which claims alike the monarch and the flavc.
It is left but in dark memory, what was
the lowed to the wife for her maintenance,
ground of his defeftion, and the tlicnathn of his Let us unite at leaft In an equal zeal for thole upon the account of any feparation from
heart from the king. BacQn. capital doftrines, which wc all equally embrace, him, provided it be not caufed by her
means diforder and are ahke concerned to maintain. Atterhttry. elopement or adultery. Ayliffe's Parcrg.
4. Applied to the mind, it
Two handmaids wait the throne ; alike in place, Uefore they fettled hands and hearts,
of the faculties. But dilTring far in figure and in face. Pojic.
by man, though not
things are done
Till a'.imany or death them parts. Hvdihra'-.
through outward force and impulfion, though not A'LIMENT. «./. [alimentuoi, Lat.] Nou- A'Liciy AKT. adj. [aliquatituj, Lat.] Parts
againil, yet without their wills; as in aiirnation ot rilhment ; that which nourilhes ; nutri- of a number, which, however repeated,
• mind, or any like inevitable utter abfencc of wit ment ; food. will never make up the number exaflly ;
and judgment. Hookir.
New parts are added to our fubtlance ; and, 35 as, 3 is an aliquant of 10, thrice 3 being
Ali'ferous. adj. [from alazni/ero,'La.t.^ wc we are born daily nor can we give an ac-
die, :
9, four times 3 making 12.
couiK, how the aliment \h prepared for nutrition, or
Having wings. Diil. A'liqjjot. adj. [cliquot, Lat.] Aliquot
by what mechanifm it is diftributed.
Ali'gikovs. aJj. [a//ffr, Xat.] Having parts of any number or quantity, fuch
Glanvilll's Sceffij Srientifica.
wings ; winged. Dii3. All bodies which, by the animal faculties, can as will exaflly meafure it without any
ToAi.i'g&e. It. a. [from a, and %, to be changed into the fluids and fdidsof our boiiies, remainder is an aliquot part of
: as, 3
lie down.] To lay throw
; to allay ; to are called In the Urged fcnfc, by alment,
12, becaufe,being taken four times,
1 underdand every thing which a human cjeaturt
down ; to fubdue an old word even
takes in common diet; as, meat, drink; and fca- it will juft meafure it.
in the time ofSpenfer, now wholly for- foning, as, fait, fpice, vinegar. A'lieh. adj. [from ale.] Refembling ale;
gotten. having qualities of ale.
AhtMt'KTAL. adj. [from aliment.] That
-Thomalin, why fitten we fo. Stirring it and beating down the yeaft, gives it
which has the quality of aliment ; that
As weren overwent with woe. the fweet a/j/A talle. • Mortimer's Mf/iardiy.
Upon fo fair a morrow ? which nourilhes ; that which feeds.
.The i'jyous time now nigheth fat, The fun, tliat light imparts to all, A'liture. «./. [alitura, Lat.] Nourifh-
That (hall "liggi this bitter bUil, From all his alimtntat rccompcnfe. ment. DiS.
And Hake the uictcr foitow. In humid cxlialations. Mihcn's Pared. Loft. Ali've. [from a and live]
Sperf-r't ^aftcrali. Except tliey be watered from higher regions, 1. In the ftate of life ; not dead.
thefe weeds mull lofc their alimenial fap, and wi-
Ti Ali'ght. -j. n. [alihtan. Sax. af-lich- Nor well ali've, nor wholly dead they were.
ther. Brtnun. But fome faint ligns of feeble life appear. Dryden
ten, Dutch.] Th' indirftrious, when the fun in Leo rides, Not youthful kings in battle feie'd alive.
I. To come down, and flop. The word Forget not, at the foot of ev.-ry plant. Not fcornful virgins who their charms furvive.
implies the idea of Uejcending ; as, of a To fink a circling trench, and daily pour
A juft fapply of alimtatal ftreams,
bird from the wing ; a travelW- from 2. In a figurative fenfe, unextinguilhed
Exliaufteo fap recruiting. Philips
his horfe or carriage ; and generally of undeftroyed ; aiElive ; in full force.
Alime'ntally. adv. [from alime/ital.] Thofe good and learned men had reafun to wl/h,
refting or flopping.
1 here jncicnt nlgiit arriving, did alight
So as to ferve for notirifhmenr. that their proceedings might be favoured, and tlie
From her high weary wa'ne. fa\ry Sluan. The fubftancc of gold is invincible by the pow- good affeftion of fuch toward them, kept
as Inclined
There is alighiti at your gate crful'eft heat, and thit not only aiimentally in a alive. Hooker.
fubDantial mutation, but alfo medicamentally in
A young Venetian, Stho^Hp, Merch. ofVtnUe.
any corporeal converfion. Bn-un's Vulg. Eiroun.
3. Cheerful ; fprightly ; full of alacrity.
Slacknefi breeds worms ; but the furc traveller, She was not fo much alive the whole day, if fiie
Though he atijhtt fometimes, ftill goeth on. Alimf/ntariness. n. /. [from alimen- more tl]an fix hours.
(lept Clarijp:.
lUrhcrt. tary.] The quality of being.alimentary, 4. In a popular fenfe, it is ufed only to
Wh<n marching with his foot he walks till night
or of affording nourilhracnt. add an emphafis, like the French du
When with his hoife, he never will al'tght.
^ Detibam. Ahme'ntary. adj. [fTOmali?nenl.] Kionde; as, the tejl man alive ; that is,
When Dedalus, to 9y the Cretan fliore, 1. That which belongs or relates to ali- the bejl, with an cmphafis. This fenfe
Hi* he ivy limbs on jointed pinions bore j ment. has been long in ufe, and was once ad-
To the Cumcan ciaft at length he came. 'I he folucion of the aliment by maftication is mitted into ferious writings, but is now
And here aligbllng built this coftly frame. nectfl'ary; withoutil, the aliment could notbedif-
Drydtns /Enciii.
merely ludicrous.
pofed for the changes which it icceivcb as palfeth
When he was admonilhed by his (ubjcft to de-
And to thofe brethren faid, rife, rife by-live.
through the alimeBlary duel. And unto battle do yourfelves addtcfi
fcend,hecame down gen'ly, and circling in the air, Arl'utlnat on Aliments.

Like a lark melodi- For yonder comes the prowelt knight alive,
and finging to the ground.
ous in her m';unting, and continuing her fong till
2. That which has the quality of aliment, Frince Arthur, flower of grace and nobi'cfs.
(he atighti ; ftili preparing for a higher flight at her or the power of nourilbing. Fairy Siueev.
next faliy. Drydin. 1 do not think that wjter lupj>lies animals, or The earl of Northumberland, wlio was the proud<
eft man almt, could noir look upon the deftruflioii
When fini/h'd was the figl.t. even plants, with nourilhment, but ferves for a
y\€ion from their of monarchy with any pleafure. Clarendon.
The lufty fteeds a/ifbt. vehicle to the alimentary particles, to convey and
Like them dilmounted all the warlike tra n. dilitibotc tnem to the levcral parts of the body. John was quick and underflood bulincis, but no
Dryden. Ray on ihc Creutijn.
man alive wajiuurc carelcli in looking into his ac-
of fupcriour rank, a Granger to Of armentary roots, fome are pulpy and v^ ry c"U"ts. Arbuihrot.
Should a fpirit
human nature, alifht upon tie earth, «4ia! would nutritious ; as, turnips and carr \i. Thefe have A'l-KAHEST. n. f. A word ufed firft by
his mtions of us be ^ Mdlfin, Hf^eflalcr. a fattening quality. AfbulLnU on Ailments. Paracelfus, and adopted by his follow-
VOL.I. 1 ers
crs, to fignifyan univerfal diflblvent, ALL. ^al, calls, all*. Sax.
aJ}. [iEll, 6. It was anciently in Englllh what it !i
or liquor which has the power of re- Wellh; al, Dutch; alle. Germ.
oil, now in the other Teutoiiick dialcfls, a
folving all things iato their firft prin- S^©-, Gr.] particle of mere enforcement.
ciples. Being the whole number
1. ; every one. He thought them fixpcncea/Ztoo dear.
'A L K A L E 's c E N T adj. [ from aliali. ] That
. Brutus is an honourable man j
Seng tn ^balefpeart.
which has a tendency to the properties So are thi-y all, all honourable men. Tell us what occafion of import
of an alkali. Shakeff. Jultus Cafar. Hatli all fo long dcta'in'd you from your wife.

All animal diet

To graze the herb all leaving, ^bakejpeart*
is alkaltfcat ox anti-acid.
Devour'd each other. Miltcn'i Parad. Loft. All. n.f.
The grirat encouragement of «//, is the affurance The whole
/ [The word alia/i coma of a future reward.
1 . ; oppofed to part, or no-
from an herb, called by the Egyptians thing.
2. Being the whole quantity every part.
inli ; by us, glalTwort. '
And will fhe yet debafe her eyes on me
This herb they Six days thou fhalt labour, and do all thy work. j
On me, whofe ail not equals Edward's moiety ?
burnt to alhes, boiled them in water, Dmt, V. 13.
Political power, I take to be a right of making
and, after having evaporated the water, Nought's had, alfi fpent.
laws with penalties, and of employing the force of
there remained at the bottom a white Where our defireis got without content.
the community in the execution of luch laws, and
fait ; this they calledya/ iali, or a/iali. in the defence of the commonwealth ; and all \\\i,
Stakrfpeare's Mactetb,
The youth fhall ftudy, and no m-re engage
It is corrofive, producing putrefaction only for the public good. Luke. Their flattering wiihes for unceitain age
in animal fubflances to which it is ap- 3. The whole quantity, applied to dura- No more
with fruitlefs care, and cheated flrfe,
plied, jirbuthttot on Aliments.'] Any fub- tion of time. Chace fleeting pleafure through the maze of life;
ftance which, when mingled with acid, Onthofe pallures chearful fpring Finding the wretched all thiy here can have.
All the year doth fit and fing ; But prefent food, a:'.d but a future grave.
produces effervefcencc and fermenta- Frier,
And, rejoicing, fmiles to fee Our all is at flake, and irretrievably loft, if we
Their green backs wear his livery. Crajha-w. fail offuccefs. Addifal.
A'lkaline. adj. [from alkali.] That \. The whole extent of place; 2. Every thing.
which has the qualities of alkali. Gratiano fpeaks an infinite deal of nothing, Then fhail we be news-cramm'd.—^// the
Any watery liquor will keep an animal from more than any man in all Venice. better ; we fhall be the mote reourkable.
ftarving very long, by diluting the fluids, and con- Shaktff. Merchant ofVanee. Shakefpeart,
fequcntly keeping them from an alkaliite (late. All. fl</-i/. [See ALL, a^'.] Up
with my tent, here will I lie to-night;

People have lived twenty-four days upon nothing

but water.
I . Quite ; completely.
But where to-morrow? Well, aZ/'sone for that. —
Arbuthmt. Shakefpeare,
How is my love all ready forth to come.
To Alka'mzate. 'V. a. [from alkali.] All th^ fitter, Lcntulus : our coming
Spender. Is not for falutation
To make bodies alkaline, by changing ; we have bus'nefs.
Know, Rome, that all alone Marcus did fight
•^"' Jonfcn.
their nature, or by mixing alkalies with Within Corioli gates. Shaktffieart's Cariolanus. .

He fworc fo loud. 3. That js, e<vtry thing is the better, tbi

That, all amaz'd, the prieft let fall the book. fame, the Jitter.
Alka'lizate. fl(?y. [from alkali.] That Sci-ptre and pow'r, thy giving,
Shakiffpeare. I afTume ;
which has the qualities of alkali; that The Saxons could call a comet a fixed liar, which And glad her fhall refign, when in the end
which is impregnated with alkali./ is all one v/\th Jlella criiiita, or ccmeta. Thou fhalt be all in all, and I in thee, •^
The odour ot the fixed nitre h very langi^d; but Camdtn's Remains. For ever ; and in me all whom thou lov'ft.
that which it difcovers, being difiblvcd in hot For a large confcience is all one, Miltem,
water, is different, being of kin to that of other And fignifies the fame with none. tludibras.
that do not keep up this indifTerency for
tlkalizate falts. Biylr. Balm, from a filver box didill'd around, all but truth, put coloured fpeflacles before their
The colour of violets in thei* fyrup, by acid li- Shall all bedew the roots, and fcent the facred eyes, and look through falfe glalTes. Locke.
quors, turns red, and, by urinous and aJialixare, ground. Dry den. 4. The phrafe and all is of the fame kind.
turns green. Nnvlen. I do not remember he any where mentions ex- They all fell to work at the roots of the tree,
prefsly the title of the firlV-born, but all along and
Alk aliza'tion.w./. [fromalkali.] The
keeps himfelf under the fhelter of the indefinite
left it fo little foothold, that the firft blaft of
wind laid it lac upon the giound, ncft, eagles,
aft of alkalizatlng, or impregnating term, heir. Locke. «'"' "l'- VEjlrange.
bodies with alkali. Jufticc may be furniflied out of fire, as far as her A torch, fnufF and all, goes out in a moment,
A'tKANET. «. /. [anchu/a, Lat.] The fword goes ; and courage may be all over a conti- when dipped in the vapour.
name of a plant. This plant is nued blaze. Addi/on. Addifon's Jiejaarks en Italy,
a fpe-
If e'er the mifer durft his farthings fpare, .^// is inach ufed in compofition
cies of buglofs, with a red root, brought 5. ; but,
He thinly fpreads them through the public fquire,
from the fouthern parts of France, and in moft inltances, merely arbitrary ; it is
V/here, all befidc the rail, rang'd beggars lie.
ufed in medicine. And from each other catch the doleful cry. Gi:y. as, all-commanding. Sometimes the words
JLKEKFNGI. „. /. A medicinal fruit Altogether wholly
compounded with it, are fixed and claf-
z. ; ; without any other
or berry, produced by a pKint of the ctmfideration.
fical; as. Almighty. When it is con-
fame denomination ; popularly alfo call- 1 am
of the temper of moft kings, who love to nefted with a participle, it feems to be
ed luinter- cherry ': the plant bears a near be in debt, are all for prefent money, no matter a noun ; as, all-furrounding : in other
how they pay it afterward. Diydcn. cafes an adverb; as, all-accomplijhed, or
refemblance to Solanum, or Night-
whence it is frequently called 3. Only; without admiflion of any thing completely accompliftied. Of thefe ccTt-
fliade ;
elfe. pounds, a fmall part of thofe which
in Latin by that name, with the addi-
When I fhall wed, may be found is inlerted.
tion or epithet of 'vejicarium. That lord, whofe hand muft take my plight, fhall
Chambers. carry
All-bearing, adj. [from n/^and bear.]
JLKE'RMZS. n.f. In medicine, a term Half my Icivc with him, half my care and duty. That which bears every thing ; omni-
borrowed from the Arabs, denoting- a Sure 1 fhall never marry like my filler, parous.
To love my father all.
King Lear. StakeJip. Thus while he fpoke, the fovereign plant he
celebrated remedy, of the confiflence of
4. Although. This fenfe is truly Teuto- drew,
a confeftion ; whereof the kermes ber- Where on
nick, but now obfolete. th' all-hearing earth unmark'd it grew.
ries are the bafis. The
other ingre- Do you not think th' accomplifhment of it Pcpe.
dients a;^ pippin-cyder, rofe-water, Sufficient work for one man's fimple head. .^L L-c HE E R I N c. adj. [from a//aod cheer.'\
fugar, ambergreafe, mufk, cinnamon, All were it as the refl but fimply writ. Sfenfcr. That which gives gayety and cheerful-
aloes-wood, pearls, and leaf-gold ; but 5. It is fometimes a word of emphafis nefs to ail.
the fwcets are ufually omitted. The nearly the fame with _/«/?. Soonas the all-cleerhg fun

A Should, in the firtheft eaft, beg:n to draw

confeilit alkermes is chiefly made at Mont- fhepherd's fwain, fay, did thee bring,
The fhady curtains from Aurora's bed.
All as his ftriying flock he fed ; Shakelp.
pelier. The grain, which gives it the All-commanding, adj. [from all and
And, when his hcnour hath thee read,
denomination, is no where found fo Crave pardon for thy liardyliead.
command.] Having the fovereiiinty over
plentifully as there. Chambers. Spcnjtr'i Pafttrali.

He now fets before them the high and(hining finver/ul.] Almighty ; omnipotent ;
upon occnRons, will foam out at
all its foul mnoth
«ioi of glory, tlie all^commtinditig image of bright in llander and invciftive. Sourb.
pofleifed of infinite power.
gold. Raldgb,
O a!l-pG^vfrfu! Being! the leaft motion of 3. To quiet; to pacify ; to reprefs. The
All-composing. aAj. [from «//and com- whofe will can create or deftroy a world j pity us, word, in this fenfe, I think not to be
pofe."] That which quitts all men, or the mournful friends of thy dillrened ffirvant. derived from the French alloyer, but to
every thing. S-w'ift.
be the Bnglifh word lay, with a before
Wrapt in embow'r'mg /hades, Ulyfles lies, All saints day. n. f. The day on it, according to the old form. >

His woes forgot! but Pallas now adJreft, which there is a general celebration of If by your art you have
To bre^k the bands of all'4mtp^fi"g reft. Fcpe.
the faints. The of November
firft Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them.
ALL-cON(y;ERiKG. oAj. [from all and All-seer, f. [from all and /Jc] He Shakcfptare.
conquer.^ That which fubdues every that fees or beholds every thing he Alla'y. n.f. [alloy, Fr.]
thing. whofe view comprehends all things. 1. The metal of a bafer kind mixed in
Second of Satan fprung, aU-<cr:querlng death !
That high All-jcir, which I dailied with. coins, to harden them, that they may
What think'ft thou of our empiie now ? Miltcn, Hath turn'd my feigned prayer on my head, wear lefs. Gold is allayed with filver
All-consuming. aJJ. [from all and And giv'n in caraett what J begg'd in jcft.
and copper, two carats to a pound
coitfume.'l That which confumes every &bakt-jpeare,
Troy ; filver with copper only, of v/hich
thing. All-seeikg. adj. [from all and Jee."]
eighteen pennyweight is mixed v/ith a
By age unbroke— butai!-confum}ng care That beholds every thing.
The fame Firlt Mover certain bounds has plac'd,
pound. Convcll thinks the allay is add-
Deftroji perhaps the ftrength that time would
fpare. Pujx. How long thofc periiTiable forms fliall lad ; ed, to countervail the charge of coin-
All-devouring, adj. [from «// and tie-
Nor can they la!l beyond the time allign'd ing ; which might have been done only
By that all-fuing and all-niak'ing mind. Dryden.
'vcur.'] That which
eats up every thing. by making the coin lefs.
Secure from flames, from envy's fiercer rage, All souls da v. The day on which«.y; For fools are ftubborn in their way,
Dcftruftive war, and all-devour'mg age. Pope. fupplications are made for all fouls by As coins are hardened by th' allay. Hudibras,

All-fours, n. /. [from all and yi«r.] the church of Rome ; the I'econd of 2. Any
thing which, being added, abates
A low game at cards, played by two November. the predominant qualities of that with
This all Jiuh day, fellows, ?— which it is mingled ; in the fame man-
fo named from the four particulars by is is it not
It is, my lord.— ner, as the admixture of bafer metals
which reckoned, and which, joined
it is
Why then, allfauls day is my body's doomfday.
allays the qualities of the firft mafs.
in the hand of either of the parties, are Sbakejpeart.
Dark colours eafily fuffer a fenlible allay, by
faid to make all-fours. All-sufficient, [from alt and
adj. Nenutori's Optirh*
little fcattering light.
All hail. n. /. [from all and bail, for fupdeni.'\ Sufficient to every thing.
3. Allay being taken from bafer metals,
health.'\All health. This is therefore The telUmonies of God are perfect, the tefti-
monics of God are ali-Jtifficitnt unto that end for
commonly implies fomething worfe than
not a compound, though perhaps ufually
which they were given. that with which it is mixed.
reckoned among them Hooker.
; a terra of falu- The joy has no allay of jcaloufy, hope, and fear.
He can more than employ alt our powers in
tation. Salve, or/alvete, utmofV elevation Rojcommon.
their ; for Jie is every way per-
ylil tuil, ye fields, where conftant peace attends !
feft and all-frfficieal. Narrii.'yer. n.f. [from allay.'] The per-
j4JI hail, ye facrcd, folitary groves !
All-wise. adj. [from a// and ivi/i.] Pof- fon or thing which has the power or
jIU bailf ye books, my true, my real friends,
Whofe convcrfation pleafet and improves I
feft of infinite wifdom. quality of allaying.
There is an infiniti-, eternal, all-wife mind go- Phlegm and pure blood are reputed allayers of
verning the affairs of the world. Soutb. acrimony and Avicen countermands letting blood
All hallow. In./, [from all a.nd hal-
Supreme, all-tvife, eternal, potentate !

in cholerick bodies } becaufe he efteems the blood

All hallows, j lo-Tv.'] All faints day;
Sole author, fole difpofer of our fate ! Prior a freenum bills, or a bridle of gall, obtunding its
the firtt of November. JLLANTO'IS, iicrimony and fiercenefs. Harvey.
All-h ALLOWN. ^(^^ [from all and hal- [from aWxz;, a gut, and n^©-, fhape.] Alla'yment, «. / [from rdlay.] That
loiv, to make holy.] The time about which has the power of allaying or abat-
The urinary tunick placed between the
All faints day. amnion and chorion, which, by the ing the force of another.
Farewell, thou latter fpring ! farewell, Irl could temporize with my afFeftion,
^li-ballvwn fummer.
navel and urachus, or paflage by which
Sbakefp. Henry IV. Or brew it to a weak and colder palate,
the urine is conveyed from the infant in The like allas^ent would I give my grief.
Allh ALLOWTi DE. 17. /. [See All- Shakefp,
the womb, receives the urine that conies Allega'tion, n.f. [from allege.^
HALLOWN.] The term near All faints,
out of the bladder. i^iiitcy. 1. Affirmation ; declaration.
or the firft of November.
Cut the bough about M'ba/lciviiJe, in the
To ALLA'Y. v. a. [from alloyer, Fr. to 2. The thing alleged or affirmed.
bare place, and fet it in the ground, and it will mix one metal with another in order to Hath he noti twit our fovereign lady here
grow to be a fair tree in one year. coinage ; it is therefore derived by fome With ignominious words, though darkly coucht ?
MaeoKi Natural ffIff try. As if ]7ie had fuborned fome to fwear
from a la loi, according 10 laav ; the
Falfc allegafiom, to o'erthrow his ftate.
All-heal. n./. [pattax, Lat.] A fpecies quantity of metr/Is being mixed ac- Siiah/ptart'i Her.ry VI.
of irenzvcre which fee. cording to law ; by others, from allier,
J. An excufc ; a plea.
Ai.t-;uDGiNC. ar/J. [from e!l ^nAJitJ^e.'j to unite ; pe;lups from allocare, to put I no. means to be Informed of my
That which has the fovereign right of together.] err urs and I expetl not to be excufed in any

judgment. 1. To mix one metal with another, to negligcnc; on account of youth, want of leifure,
I look with horroiir back, or any otilfr lie allegations. Pope.
make for coinage. In this fenle,
it fitter

7 hat I deted my wretched feif, and curfe To ALLE'GE. •v. a. [nllego, Lat.]
mod authors preserve the original
"My pail polluted life, jill-judv'ng Hcuvon, 1. To afnrm to declare to maintain.
; ;
Who knows my crimes, has lecn my forrnw for French orrhograpliy, and write «//«/.
2. To plead as an excufe, or produce as
thein. Rrtl'e'i y'Jne S^ire. See Alloy.
.an argument.
A L L - K N ow ! N G. atlj . [from ail and iaint;.'\ 2. To join
any thing to another, fo as to Surely the prcfent form of church-government
Omnifcient ; all-wife. abate its predominant qualities. It is is fuch, as n.-i l.nv of CioJ, or rcafoa ofmim,
Shall we repine mifplaced charity,
at a little
uk'd commonly in a fenfc contrary to hath hitherto been alleged of force luflicieut to
we, who could no way foicfce the cffcft; when prove they do ill, who, to the utmoft of tlo-ir
its original meaning, and is, to make
an a/Z-itfiivrng, all-wife Being, rtiowers down every power, withfland the alt'.-ration thereof. Uooher.
day hit benefits on the unthankful and undef-rv- fomething bad, Uf';. bad. To obtund ; If we forfake the ways of grace or gnodneft,
ing ^ j^tifr/jury^s .Serw-.tiu to reprcfs ; to abate. we cannot alligc any colour of ignorance, or
All-making, at/j. [from ind maif.]
all Bring brt-u^^-.t into the open air, want ot inftrudion j wc cannot fay we have not
That created all omnifiek. See All- I would (j//rfy rhe burning quality ' learned tlwm, or we could not.
; Sprat.
SEEIKC. Of that fell poifun. Shaitfptare. He hith a clear and full view, and there is no
No friendly offices (hall alter or allay that more to be alleged for bis better information.
All-powerful, ad/, [from all and rancour, tlut /Vets in foise UclUlli breaits, which,
I 2 ALLs'cEABLii.
AtLE'cEAntF. atfj. [from allr^e.] That ;/ the daughter
ef diligence, and the pa- J. Relation by any form of kindred.
which may be alleged. rent of authority. For my father's fak-.
Upm this allrosy t-c fo'vpd, that Neiiirer niuft wc draw rut our alhgory too And, for' fake, declare the caufe
IS ttllrftttbte agawifi it« Br'^wn's l\lfar Err'iurs. long, left clrher we make ouifelves obfcure, or My father loft his head. Shakijf. Henry IV.
Alle'cement. Adraftus foon, with gids averfr, ih.ill join
n. /. [from allege.'^ The fall which is childilh. Ben. yonfor,.
into aO'e£tation,
This word nympha meant nothing tlfe but, by In dire eiHiarce with the Tin-ban line
fame with allegation. DiO.
nl'ugwy, the veget.itivf. huriMur or moifturc that Thence ftrite ihail rife, and mortal war fucceed. It.
[horn allege.'] He that ij rckeneih and givctb lite to trees and flowers, Pcpe.
alleges. w!ietely -l-.'-y gr;^v.', Peacham. \. The of forming or contrafting re-
Tlie narrative, if we bdicv^ it as confidfntly as
the fam'^us allfger of it, Pamghilio, appcirs to i-^.
ALLE'GRO. n. /. A
word denoting one lation to another ; the ail of making a

would argue, that there is no other principle re-

of the fi.x diftinftions of lime. It ex- confederacy.
prefles a fprightly motion, the quicketl Dorfct, y:>ur fon, that with a feirful fjul
quifite, tlian what may rel'ult from the lucky
Leads difcontented fteps in foreign foil.
iiiixture of fcveral bodies. BifU. of except I'refto.
all, It originally
This fair alliance quickly fliall call home
Alle'giance. «./. [alhgeancc, Fr.] The means gay, as in Milton. To high promotions.

Shakrfp. Richard III.

duty of fubjefts to the government. ALLELUJAH. n.f. [This word is falfely 5. The perfons allied to each Other.
I did pluck alliziance from mrn's hearts, written for Hallelujah, ihh'n and n'.] I would not boall the gi-eitnc.'^s of my father,
Loud Ihouts and Ulutations from their mouths,
£vea in the prefcnce of the crowned king.
A word of fpiritual exultation, ufed in But point out new alliances to Cato. Mdifin,
hymns ; it fignifics, Praife God. Alli'ciency. n. f. Lat. to en-
We cha ge you, on allfgiance to ourfclves, He will fet his tongue to thofc pious divine tice or draw.] The power of attrafting
To hold your Haughtering hands, and keep the ftrains, which may be a proper praeludium to thofe
any thing ; magnetifm ; attraftion.
peace. Stairffeare. alUlujahi he hopes eternally to fing.
The feigned central allieimey is but a word, and
The houfe of commons, to whom every day G'i'crnmcnT ofthf Tcrrvue.
the manner of itiWl occult.
petitions are dlreflcd by the feveral counties of ALLEMA'NDE. n.f. [Ital.] A grave kind GLnville.

Fngland, profefling all altegUrtce to them, govern of mufick.] DiSl.

To A'LLIGATE. -j. a. [alligo, Lat.] To
abfohicily ; the lords concurring, or rather fub- one thing to another ;
tie to tmite.
To ALLE'VIATE. -v. a. [allevo, Lat.]
mitting to whatfoever is propofeJ. Clarendcn.
1 To make light to eafe to foftenr
Allica'tion.h./ [ from alligate.
; ;
Alle'giant. [from allege.'\ Loyal;
The pains taken in the fpeculative, will much 1 The aft of tying together ; the ftate of
conformable to the duty of alhgiance: alleviate me in defcribing the pra^ic part. being fo tied.
a word not now ufeJ. Harvey. 2. The arithmetical rule that teaches to
For your great graces Moft of the dillempers are the effects of abufed adjuft the price of compounds, formed of
Heap'd upon m?, po:ir undsferver, 1 plenty imd luxury, and muft not be charged upon
feveral ingredients of different value.
C.^n noching render but alli'g'tart thanks. our Maker; who, notwiththmding, hath provided
My pvay'ri to heaven tor you. S}-iiif'f>, Hen. Vtll. excellent medicines, to alleviate thofe evils which Alliga'tor. a,/. The crocodile. This
Alleco'rick. ai^. [fromr.M.gory.] After we bring ourfelves. Bentley, name is chiefly ufed for the crocodile
the manner of an allegory ; not real 2. To extenuate, or foften ; as, he alle- of America, between which, and tJiat of
not literal. by an excufe.
wiales his fault Africa, naturalills have laid down this
A kingdom they portend thee ; but what king- Allevi a'tion. n.f. [from alleviate.] difference, that one moves the upper,
dorn, 1. The a£l of making light, of allaying, and the other the lower jiw ; but this
Real or al/e^mci, I ditern rot. Mi'fcn.
or extenuating. is now known to be chimerical, the
Allego'rical. a.|y. [from alhgory.] In All apologies tor, and oUeviatiom of faults, lower jaw being equally moved by both.
the form of an allegory not real not though they are the heights of humanity, yet
; ;
See Crocodile,
literal ; myffical. they are not the favours, but the duties of friend-
In his needy (hop a toitoifeTiung,
When our Saviour fiid, in an a'lcg'r'tcal and (hip. South.
An al'lgator ftufPd, and other Ccins
Except ye eat the ^t'/h of thj Son
xnyilicai fenfe, 2. That by which any pain is eafed, or Of ill-lh.ip'd fillies. Sbtktffeart.
of Man, and drinlc his blo-^-d, ye havi no life in fault extenuated. Aloft in rows large poppy-heads were ftrung.
you \ the heaiers underflood him literally anil
This lofs of one fifth of their income will fit And here a fcaly aliigjtjr hung.
grofsly. Benihy. heavy on them, who thall feel it, without the al- drib's Difpinl'r.ry.
The epithet of .^po'lo for (hootirg. capable is
lei.iali:n of any profit. LIGATURE, n.f [from
of two applications ; one, in rcfpcdl of the
Locke. A'l. alligate'.] The
da'-ts and b..w, the en.G^ns of that god; the other
A'lley. n.f. Fr.]
[allee, by which two things
link, or ligature,
alltgwica!, in regard fj the rays -/fthe fun. Popr. I. A walk in a garden. are joined together. DiH, '

Alt ego'rically. [from a^-v. allegory.] And all within were walks and allrys wide. .A L L I's N n.f. [alii Jo, alU urn, Lat.] The
1 .

With footing worn, and leading inward far.

After an allegorical manner. aft of llriking one thing agai.nil ano-
Virgil often makes Iris ih; mcffcngcr of Juno, Wheie alleys arc clofc gravel'ed, the eatth put- ther.
tB.gaicaHy taken fur the air. Peactiim. teth forth the firft year knorgrafs, and after fpirc- There have not been any iflinds of note, or c<>n.
'Ihc phice is to be undeift-^od alU'girksiUy ; and grafs. Bacon i Natural Hijiijry. and ca'l oli' from the conti-
fiderable extent, torn
what is thus fpoken by a Hb.-«ician w:th wifdom, Yonder alleys green, nent by earthi^uakes, or fevered from it by the
is, by the Puct, applied to the goidefs of ir. Popt. boilkrous of the
Our walk at noon, with branches overgrown. a!'ifi,n fea. tVoodward.
Alleoo'ricalness. n. /. [from allego- Miltr^n. Allitera'tion. «. / [aJ and litera,
rical.] The quality of being allego- Come, my fair love, our morning's talk we lofe
Lat.] Of what
the critics call the alii,
Some labour ev'n would choofe :
the eafie.^ life
rical. Dicl. teration, or beginning of feveral words in
Ours is not great; the dangling bows to crop,
To A'llecorize. t. a. [from allegory.] Whofc too luxuriant growth our uileyi rtop. Dryd. the fame verfe with the fame letter, there
To turn into allegory ; to form an alle- The thriving plants, ignoble bror.mfticks ma,lc, are inllances in the oldeft and bed wri-
gory ; to take in a fenfe not literal. Now fwccp thofe alleys they were born to ihaJe.
ters, as.
He hath very wittily a//egorix^ this tree, al- Pope.
Behemoth biggeft born.
lowing his fuppofition of the tree itfelf to be :r..e. 1. A paflfage in towns narrower than a Milton's Paradife Loji,
Ra.Uigt. ftreet. Alloca'tion. n.f. [alloco, Lat.]
As fome would alligor'me thefe figns, fo others
A back friend, a Ihouldcr clapper, one that
W5uld confine them to the deftruiSion of Jeru-
1 The aft of putting one thing to ano-
commands the palfages of alleys, creeks, and nar-
falem. Burnetii Theory. ther.
row lands. Shakr/feare.
An alchymifl (hall reduce divinity to the max-
2. The admiffion of an article in reckon-
ims of his laboratory, explain morality by fal,
Alli'ance. ft. f. [alliance, ]
ing, and addition of it to the account.
fulphur, and mercury ; and atlegcrixe the fcriptuie I. The of connexion with another
3. An allowance made upon an account
itielf, and the faced myderics thereof, into the by confederacy ; a league. In this fenfe,
a term ufed in the Exchequer.
pliiloforh^r'«i ftcne. Locke.
our hillories of Queen Anne mention
A'LLEGORY. n./. [iAXr,705',«.l A figu-
the grand alliance.
rative difcourfc, in which fomcthing Allocu'tion. n.f. [allocuiio, Lat.] The
z. Relation by mariiagt?.
other h intended, than is contained in Hymen fpeaking to another.
aft of
A blo)dy fha.l th' fl//fdflf« join
tlie words literaJly taken ; as, -wealth Bclw.xt tlic Trojan and th' Aufoolan line. Dryd. Allo'dial. adj. [fjom allodium.] Held
without any acknowicJ~tnent of fuperio- Th*^ pow'r of mufick all our hearts cliiv; allitvance of them that fuccecd, although it pTead
Ard what Timothcus Tcpe., is Diyuen now. for itfelf nothing. Hc.ier,
rity ; not feudal ; independent.
That fome of the PreJbyterians declared openl) >Mthi>ut the notii'n and alh-uiaree of (pirits,
ALLODIUM. K.f. \k word of very un- agaiurt the king's murder, 1 aikiu to be true. our philofnphy will be lame and defcflive in one
certain derivation, but moll probably of Ziij'ift. main part of it. Lccke,
German original.] A poiTellion held in 2. To jnilify ; to maintain as right. 2. Sanction ; licenfe ; authority.
abfolute independence, without any ac- The pow'rs above Vcu fcrit a large commiflicn to conclude.
Alhvj obedience. Shakfjptare. Without the king's will, rr the Hate's alh-wance,'
knowledgment of a lord paramount. It
is oppoled to fee, or feidum, which inti-
The Lord allowtlh the righterus. Bible. A lea^jUe bctwctn his Highoelsand Ferrara.
rcates f'omc kind of dependence. 1 iiere 3. To grant ; to yield ; to own any one's
3. Permiflion ; freedom from reftraint.
title to.
are no allodial lands in England, all Thry (hcuij therefore be accuftonicd betimes to
V\e will nor, in civility, alloiv too much fin-
being held either mediately or imme- cerity the profeifions of molt but tliink men
corfult and make ufe of their rcafon, before they

diately of the king.

t'"> ;
give alhivjitce to their irclinations, L ih,
their actions to be interpreters or their thoughts.
Allo'nge. n.f. [ailonje, Fr.] Lo:kc. 4. A fettled rate, or appointment for any
1. A pafs or thruil with a rapier, fo called T {hall be ready to alkio the pope as little p.nvrr ufe.
here as yiu pleafe. i^ivift. 1 he vliflual in piartatiofts ought to be expended
from the lengthening of the (pace taken almoil as in a beiieged town; that is, with certain
up by the fencer. 4. To grant licenfe to to permit. ;
aiUxrance. Baccru
Let's follow the olj earl, and get the beldam
2. It is likewife taken for a long rein, And his alicivance was a continual alh'wsrtii
To lead him where he would ; his roguiih mad-
when the horfe is trotted in the hand. g'vcn liim of the king ; a daily rate for every day
all his life.
- 2 K.rp.
To Allo'o. v. a. [This word is gene- yUlmii i!fe'f to any thing. Stc! efpet^re.

rally fpoken halloo, ufed to dogs, and is But as we were put in

alli'.i'ed of God to be 5. Abatement from the llrift rigour of a
truft with the gofpef, even ("peak, not as to we law, or demand.
when they are incited to the chace or
plealing men, but t^od, which trieth our hnrts. 1 he whole pccip, though written in heroic!::

r battle ; it is commonly imagined to

come from the French allons ; perhaps
from all lo, look all ; (hewing the ob-
They referred all hws, that wore to be palTed in
Ireland, tJ be conilJered, correSed, and at/ctorii
1 rkcf ii. 4. verfp, of the Pindarick natuic, as well in tll^

tnrught as the expieflion ; and, as fuch, requiics

the lame grains of a/Uiuance for ir. Drydtr;,

jeft.] To fct on ; to incite a dog, by

firrt by the itatc of E.>^land. Vifjiiscn Jre^'ai.J, I'arents never gm
alLivance: for an innccent
crying alLo. 3. To give a fanftion to ; to authorise.

1 here no flandcr in an 6. Eftablifhed charaftcr ; reputation.

yjllc'j thy f. rirua maflifF; bid him vex is a!it/tv\i fool. Sbakijp.
His bark is ftoutly timbered, a id his pilot
The noxioj^ h-^rd, and print u't>on their cars 6. To give pay to.
to; to Of veiy expert and approved allc^vance, Shakefp,
A fad m:mo-ial of their paft offence. Pli'if!. Ungi a'.efu!then it wc no tears al/mu

A'lloqj;v. ». yr [allDjuiam, Lzt.] The To him that gave us peace and empire t?o. Ali.o'y. fi./. [See Allay.]
aft of fpeaking to another ; addrefs fTal/er. 1 Bafer metal mixed in coinage.

converfation. Dici. 7. To appoint for ; to fet oat tb a certain 'I hat precife weight and fincnels, by law ap-

propriated to the pieces of eacli dcnominatl^'n, is

To ALLO'T. -v. a. [from /o/.]
ufe ; as, he allovicJ his fen the third
caiied the llandard. Fine filver is filver without,
part of his income.
I. To dillfibute by lot. tlie mixture oC any bafcr metal. AlUy is baTer nne-
2. To grant. 8. To make abatement, or provifion ; or tal mixed with It. Locke.
Five d:!js we dj rhec for provifion,
alJat to (cttle any thing, with Ibme concef- Let anoihcr piece be c^ned of the fame weightjf
To fliic!d thee from cifafters of the winld ; fions or cautions regarding fomething wherein half the filver is taken cut, and copper,
And, on tlic fmh, to fjr.i thy h ited tjck or other fl//oy, pilt into tlie place, it will be worth
Upon our kingdom. Sbakefj), King Lear, but half as much ; for tiie value of the alloy is fa
If we conGder the different occalions of ancient
I (h.\\\ defcrve my fate, if [ refute
inconfiderable as not to be reckoned. Locke,
and modern medals, we fliall find thev botli ag ee
That bappy hour which heaven allots to peace* in recording the great anions and fucceflijs in 2, Abatement ; diminution.
Dry den. war ; a/hiaing ftiU for the differei.t ways of mak- The
pleafuies of (enfc are probably reiiflied by
3. To diftribute ; to parcel out ; to give ing it, and the clrcumDanccs that attended it. beafts in 3 more exquifite degree than they are by
each his Ihare. AUdifin.
men ; for they tafte them finceie and pure without
S^ncc fame was the only end cf all their ftii- Allo'wable. mixture or alley. Atterl'Ury,
[from alloiv.] aifj.
dies, a man cannot be tii fcrupulous in at'cnir.g 1 That which may be admitted without Allube'sce-VCY. ff. y. [alluie/eeatia,
them their due prrtion of it. Ta:Icr. Lat.] Willingnefs content. Die/.'
contradiftioii. ;

Allo'tment. n.f. [from allot.]

It is not altvivable, what
obfervable in many is To ALlU'DE. \nUudo, Lat.] To -j. n.
1. TTiat which is allotted to any one ; the pieces of Raphael, where Magdalen is reprefented, have fome reference to a thing, without
part, the (hare, the portion grafted. ber'ore our Saviour, walhirg his feet on her knees
j the direct mention of it ; to hint at to ;

There can be no thcught of f; • .;y or quiet ir which will not confill with the t-'xt.
infinuate. It is ufed of perlbns ; as, he
thij uorld, but in a refignation co ihr a/Utnimu Brvwni Vulgar Erroun.
of God and nature. alludes to an old Jlory ; or, of things,
L^Fflrange, 2. That which is permitted or liceiifed ;
Thcu_h i: is ocr duty to fubmitwith patience as, the lampoon alludes to his mother's
lawful net forbidden.
to mo e kancy atlfitmtnii, yet thus much we may
In adtions of this fort, the light of nature a-
reafanabiy mi lawfully alk of Cod.
Irnc may difcover that which is in the fight 01 Thcfe fpeeches of Jerom and Chryfoflom do
Sogeis'i Sertnmi. fecm to allude unto luch miniltcrial garments as
' God alh-.valle. linker.
2. Part appropriated. were then in ufe. Hooker,
I was, by the freedom jHytvabie among friends,
It is laid C'„c into a grove for fruits and (hade, a
tempted to vent my thoughts with aegligencc. True it is, that many things of th's natuie be
Tinfyarc, and an alktmetti for olives and herts. a/ludtd unto, yea, many things declared. Hooker,
Brcome. Reputation becomes a fignal and a very peculiir Then j uft proportions were taken, and cveiy thing
Ai-i.o'tter Y. ». /. [from allot.] That blefti g to magiftrates ; and their purfu!t of it ii
placed by we-ght and mcafure : and this 1 doubt

which ij granted to any particular not only alLiuoble but laudable. not wai that artificial flruflure here alluded to.
Burm'Cs Theory*
perfon in a dillributicn. See Allot- Atrertiiry's Sertrxni,

ment. Allo'wableness. a./, [from alloiua- Allu'minor ff.y; . [allumer, Fr. to light.]
A How .-ne
fuch exercifcs as may became a gentle- tli.] The quality of being allowable;
One who colours or paints upon paper
man, or give me the poor allotttrj my father left lawfulnefs exemption from prohibi-
or parchment ; becaul'e he gives graces,,
me by tell.Tm-r.t. Stat'/fcar/. light, and ornament, to the letters or
To ALLOW. "J. a. [alliuer, Fr. from «/- Lots, as to their nature, ufe, and aUc^vablemfs, figures coloured. Coiuell.
laudare, Lat.] in matters of recreation, are indeed impugned by To ALLLJ'RE. 'V, a, [leurer, Fr. looren,
I. To admit ; as, a podtion ;
to allcui Ibme, though better defended by others. Dutch bdls)-.4n. Sax.] Toentici- toany
South^s Sermort,
not to contradifl not to oppole.
; . thing whether, good or bad to draw to- ;

The principles which ail mankind alkiu for Allo'wance. 1./. [from allciu.] wards any thing by enticement.
true, are innate; thofe, that men of right rejfon I. AdmilTion without contradiftion. Unto laws that men make for the benefit of
admit, arc the principles allm>ii\^ all mankind. '1 hat which wifd'jm
did firft begin, and hath men, it hath fectned always needfil to add re- been with good mca long continued, challengetb wards, which may more allure unto good, than
9 •njr
any hardnefs detemth from it ; and puniUjments, defined an infeniible increment, brought by the the oriental, and nearer the colour of
M'hii^h may more deter from evil, th>n any fwcet- water. Cowell.
the granate. DiH.
ocli thcict.i allurcth. Hooker.
The golden fun, in (plendoiir likeft heav'n
Allu'vidus. aJj. [from allwvion.] That Alm I'cHTi NESS. n.f. [from almighij.]
jil.w'ii his eyf. AL/ton'i PuradifcLiJi- which is carried by water to another Unlimited power ; omnipotence ; one of
Each flacc'ring hofc, and each aliurir.g joy. place, and lodged upon fcmething elic. the attributes of God.
Lyitlitcn, It fcrveth to the woild for a witnefs o( his al-
To ALLY', -v. a. [alliir, Fr.]
Ali.u'rf. 1. [from the verb allure.'] mighiircfi, whom we outwardly honour with the
f. 1. To unite by kindred, friendlhip, or
Something fct up to entice birds, or cbiefeli of cutward things. Hocker,
confederacy. In creating and making exillcnt the world uni-
other things, to it. We now write lure. All thefe fcpcs are allied to the inhabitants of the verfjl, by the abfolute a£l of his own word, Co4
I he tathct to train th m
to his allure, he told North, fo as there is no hope that they will e>cr Viewed his power and almightinejs.
the.Ti both otKni ^\\i with a vehement voice, how ferve faithfully agjinit them. i'feajer on Ireland. air tValtcr Raleigh.
they vi'cre over-topped and trodden down by g'n- Wants, paHions, dofer ftill ally
frailties, In the wildemefs, the bittern and the dork, the
itcmeM. IIiiytL'ttfit.
The common int'reft, or endear the tye. Pofe. unicorn and the elk, live upon his proviHons, and
All u'rement. n./. [from allure.] That To the fun el/y'd. revere his power, and feel the foicc of his aimi^b-
which allures, or has the force of allur- From him they draw the animating fire. Thctnjen. tincfi. Tayjtr.
ing i enticteent ; temptation of plea- 2. To make a relation between two things, Almi'ghty. [from all and mighty.]
fure. by fimilitude, or refemblance, or any Of unlimited power; omnipotent.
A^-ninft a/'urcmrnt, cuftom, and a world other means. The Lord apjeared unto Abraham, and fald
Oti'eiiJed i t'carlci's of reproach, and fcorn. Two lines are indeed remotely allied to Virgil's unto him, I am the almighty God; walk before
Or vioifncc. Alihoni Paradiff Lrji.
fenfe but they arc too like the tcndcrners of
me, and be thoa perfeft. Cemjit xvii. i.
— .Adam, by his wife's alluremM, tVll. Ovid.

Dryden. He you in the name oi God almighty.

X Pitrad'ljc Regain f J. That you djvcft yourfclf, and lay apart
To(hun th' tlhrcmevt'n not Jiard Ally', n.f. [nllie, Fr.] One united by 1 he borrow'd glories, that, by gift of heav'n,
To niindt refuivM. turew.irn'd, and well prvpar'd ; feme means of connexion ; as marriage, By law of nature and of nations, 'long
But wond'ious diilkult, when once bcfet. friendlhip, confederacy.
To him and to his hei s. Slake fjreare,
To fttugjle through the firaits, and break th' in- He in court ftood on his own feet; for the moft .^'lmon'd. n. /. [amand, Fr. derived by
lo.ving net. Dryiitn,
of his allies rather leaned upon him than Hiored Menage from amandala, a word in low
Ai-lu'rer. n.f. [(rom allure.] Theper- him. H^ofun.
Latin ; by others, from Allcmand, a Ger-
fon that allures ; enticer ; inveigler. We could hinder the acceflion of Holland to
France, either as fubjedls, with great immunities
man ; fuppofing that almonds come to
Allu'ri'x'. [from allure.] In an
France from Germany.] The nut of the
for the encouragement of trade, or as an inferiour
alluring manner ; enticingly. and dependent ally under their protection. Terr.ple. almond tree, either fweet or bitter.
Ali.u'ri N GNESS. n.f. [from alluring.] Pound an almond, and
The quality of alluring or enticing ; in- JLMACA'NTAR. n. f. [An Arabick the clear white' colour
will be altered into a dirty one, and the fweet tafte
word, written varioully by various au-
vitation ; temptation by propofing plea- into an oily one. Locke*
thors by D'Herbelot, almocantar ; by
A'lmond tree. [amygdalus, Lat.]
». yC
others, almucantar.] A circle drawn pa-
Allu'sion". n. /. [allufio, Lat.] That It has leaves and flowers very like thofe
rallel to the horizon. It is generally
which is fpoken with reference to fome- of the peach tree, but the fruit is longer
ufed in the plural, and means a feries of
thing fuppofed to be already known, and and more comprefled ; the outer green
parallel circles drawn through the feve-
therefore not exprclfej ; a hint : an im- coat is thinner and drier when ripe, and
ral degrees of the meridian.
plication. It has the particle to. the (hell is not fo rugged. Miller,
Here are manifeft olhf.ons and footfteps of the Alm aca'ntar's Staff, n. f. An in- Like to an almond tree, mounted high
difliflufion ni the earth, as it was in the deluge, Urument commonly made of pear-tree On top of Green Selcnis, all alone.
and will be in ir^ bll ruin. Burners Theory. or box, with an arch of fifteen degrees, With blollbms brave bedecked daintily,
'1 Panther more,
his hft allafii"! gall'd the Whofe tender locks do tremble every one,
ufed to take obfervations of the fun,
Becaufe indeed it ri;b'/'d upon the
fore. Dryden. At every little breath that under heav'n is blown. '

Expreffions now out of ufe, nUuJions to cuftoms about the time of its riling and fetting, Fairy •^een,
loft to us, and varitms particularities, muft neeJs in order to Jind the amplitude, and con Mark well the flow'ring almonds in the wood j
continue fcveral paHjgts in the dark. L'jcke. fequently the variation of the compafs. If od'rous blooms the bearing branches load.

Ai.Lu'siVE. adj. [alludo, allufum, Lat.] Chambers. The glebe will anfwzr to the fylvan reign.
Great heats will follow, and laige crops of grain.
Hinting at fcmething not fully e.vprefled. A'lmakack. [Derived, by fome,
». f. Dryd.n.
Where the exprcflirn in one place is plain, and from the Arabick al, and manah, Heb. to
the fenfe affixed to it ai;recab!e to the proper force
A'lmonds op the throat, or Ton-
count, or compute ; by others, from al, sils, called improperly Almonds of the
of the words, and no negative objeilion requires
uj to depart from it ; and the exprcflion, in the Arabick, and ^))», a month, or (/.ix»«>!oc, ears, are two round glands placed on
other, is figurative or cUuJ\-vc^ and the do£lrinc, the courfe pf the months ; by others, frciT! the fides of the bafis of the tongue, un-
ile.'luccd from it, liable to r^reat obj;;flJons ; it is
a Teutonl:k original, al and maan, the der the common membrane of the fau -
Tcafcinable, in this litter place,
to reftrain tbe ex-
moon, an account of efery moon, or ces ; each of them has a large ov,aI
tent of the figure and ailuiiun to a confiiiency with
the former. Robert's So Mens. month: all of them are probable.] A finus, which opens into the fauces, and
Ai-Lu'si VELY. a^v. [from alliiji've.] In calendar ; a book in v;hich the revolu- in it are a great number of lefler ones,
an allufive mmner ; by implication j by tions of the fcafons, with the return of which difcharge thcmielves through the
inSnuation. feafts and falls, is noted for the enfuing great finus 0/ a mucous and llippery
The Jewifli nation, that rcjefled and crucified year. matter into the fauces, larynx, and cefo-
.him, within the compafs of one generation, v\crr, It willbe faid, this Is an ainuir.ack for the old phagus, for the moiftening and lubri-
according to his p.edi^rion, dellroyed by the Ro- year; hath been vvcUj Spain hath not aiTaikd
nians, and pieycd upon by thofe eagles (Afjir this kingjom.
cating thofe parts. When the a-fopha-
jtr.'tv. 28.), by which, ailujively, are noted liic Ro- 'J his illrologer made his almanack give a tolcia-
.gus mufcle afts, it compreflfes the al-
man armies, whofe enCgn was th: eajjlc. ble account <if the weather, by a iXreSl iuverfioii , mondi, and they frequently are the occa-
Uammcrtd. of the common prognofticators. fion of a fore tliroat. ^incy.
Ai.i.u'sivENESs. rt. f. [from alLfiije.] GovcrnmenI of tie Tciigue. The tonlil<, or aimttnds of the ears, are alfo
The quality of being allufive. Beware the woman too, and (hun her fight, fre:juently fwclled in the kmg's evil j wfiich tu-

Allu'vion. »._/". Lat.)

Who in thefe ftudies docs herfeif delight mour may be very well reckoned a fpecies of it.
By whom a greafy almarack is borne, ff^ijeman^s Surgcjy,
I. The carrying of any thing to fcmething With often hand.. fg, like chaft amber worn.
elfe by the motion of the water. Dryden
A'lmond-furnacc, or A'lman-fu r-
KACE, called alfo the Snveep, is a pecu-
a. The thing carried by water to fome- have a fafting almanack printed on purp^le

thing elf-.
for her ufe. Dryden^t Spanijh Friar liar k nd of furnace ufed in refining, to

Ihc civil law gives the owner of land a rigfit to J'LMJNDINE. n. f. [Fr. almandina, feparate m.:tals from ciaders and other
dut incieafe which ari/esfrum alluvion, wluch is Ital.] A ruby coarfer and lighter than foreign fubliances. Chambers.
A'lmoser., or A'lmwer. n. f. \eleemofy- I'll give my jewels for a fet of beads rlne and Caballine, or liorfe aloes : the
ntirius,Lat.] The officer of a prince,
My gorgeous palace for a hermitage j
firft is lo called from Sccotora ; the fe-
My gay apparel for an almsmarCs gown. Shahefp,
or other perfon, employed in the diftri- cond, becaufe, being coarfer, it ought
A'lmug-tree. n.f. A tree mentioned in to be confined to the ufe of farriers. It
bution of charity.
1 enquired tor an almctrer'j and the general fame
fcripture. Of its wood were made mu- is a warm and ftrong cathartick.
has pointed out your reverence as the worthie:t fical inflruments, and it was ufed alio
Aloe'tical. adj. [f.'om aloes."] Con-
mm. Drjticv in rails, or in a llaircafc. The Rab- fifting chiefly of aloes.
Ai'MONRY. n. f. [from almoner.^ The bins generally render it coral, others It may be excicea by ahttical, fcammoniate, or
place where the almoner relides, or ebony, braxil, or pine. In the Septua acrimonious medicines. lyijemars Surgery,
where the aim? are dii^ributed. gint it is tranflated ixsrought luoad, and Aloe'tick. n.f. [fromfl/of/.j Any me-
AlMo'sT. ad-v. [from all and tnojl that ; in the Vulgate, Lignu Thyina. But co- dicine is fo called, which chiefly confifls
moft part of all. Skinner J\ Nearly; ral could never anfwer the purpofes of of aloes. ^iiicy.
well nigh ; in the next degree to the the almugim ; the pine-tree is too Alo'ft. ad-v, [^loffter, to lift up, Dan^
whole, or to univerfality. common in Judea to be imported from Loft air, Icelandijh ; fo that aloft is, into
Who there alwjf, whole mind, at fome time
is Ophir and the Thyinum, or citron-
the air.] On high ; above ; in the air:
or other, luve or anjcr, fear or grief, has not fo tree, much cfteemed by the ancients for a word ufed chiefly in poetry.
fiiSened to fome clog, that it could not turn itfe'.c
• its fragrance and beauty, came from For I have read in (lories oft.
to any otltcr objefl. Locke,
Mauritania. By the wood almugim, or That love has wings, and foars alft,
There can be no fuch thing or notion, as an a/
Upright he ftood, and bore akjt h's fliicld
tnyji infinite' ; there can be nothing next or fecond algumim, or fimply gummim, taking al
God. S^mcn:, Confpicuous from afar, and overlook'd the field.
to an omnipotent Btntley'i
for a kind of article, may be underlTood Z?Q den^
Atlai becomes unequal fo his freitjh:.
oily and gummy forts of wood, and par- Alo'ft. prep. Above.
And almtfi faints beneath the glowi.^g weight.
Addtjon* ticularly the trees which produce gum The great luminary
ALMS. n. f. Saxon, elmej-, from
[in ammoniac, or gum arabick ; and is, Ahft the vulgar conftellations thick,

perhaps, the fame with the Shittim That from his lordly eye kec-p dil'ance due,
eUemofyna, Lat.] What is given gra- Difpenfcs light from far. M'dnin^s Paradife LoJ}*
tuitoully in relief of the poor. It has wood mentioned by Mofes. Calmet.
And the navy alfo of Hiram that brought gold A'looy. n. f. [a^oy©-.] Unreafonable-
no fingular.
from Ophir, brought in from Ophir great plenty oi nefs abfurdity.
My arm'd knees.

Which bow'd but in my (lirrup, bend like his

almug-treei and precious trees. i Kings, x. 11. Alo'ne. adj. [alleea, Dutch; from a/ and
That hath received an j!mi. SbakeJl>€are. A'lnagar, A'lnager, or A'lneger. een, or one, that is, fngle.]
The poor beggar hath a juft demand of an utmj n.f. [from alnage.'\ A meafurer by the 1 . Without another.
from the rich man ; who is guilty of frauJ, injul- ell ; a fworn officer, whofe bufinefs for- The quarrel touchcLh none but us aUfte;
tice, and opprcflion, if he does not atfurd relief ac- Betwixt ourfelves let ;s decide it then. Hbakefpm
cording to his abilities. Sivift,
merly was to infpeft the affize of woollen
If by a mortal hand my father's rhroiie
cloth, and to lix the fcals appointed
Alms-basket. «./. [from a/;n/ and baf- Could be defended, 'twas by mine ulone, Drydert*
upon it for tliat purpofe ; but there are God, by whofc alone pjwer and converfation we
kel.'] The baflcet in which provifions are
now three officers belonging to the all live, and move, and have our being. Benl/ey*
put to be given away.
There fweepings do as well.
regulation of cloth-manufaftures, the 2. Without company ; folitary.

fearcher, meafurer, and alneger. DiS. Eagles we fee fly a/one, and they are but (hecp
At the bell order'd meal
For who the relifll of thefe guefts will which always herd together. Sidney*
fit. A'lnace. n.f. [from aulnage, or au-
Alone, for other creature in this place
Needs fet them but the almi-bajktt of wit.
nage, Fr.] f.U-nieafure, or rather the Living, or lifdcfs, to be found was none. Milton^
Ben yotij^fi.

We'll (land up for our properties, was the beggar's

meafuring by the ell or yard. Di3. I never durrt in darknefs be ahne, Dryden*

fong that lived upon the almi-ba/ket. A'lnight. n.f. [from a// and «/g-/'/.] Alo'ne. ad-u.
L EJlrange'i FMcs, A fervice which they call almgbt, is a great cake 1. This word feldom ufed but with the
of wax, with the wick in the midft whereby it
even then it be an adverb.
A'lmsdeed. n.f. [from alms and deed.'\
word let, if
Cometh to pafs, that the wick fetcheth the nourilh-
An aft of charity ; a charitable gift. ment farther off.
It implies fometimes an ironical prohi-
This woman was full of good works, and alms- bition, forbidding to help a man who i»
Jttdi which (he did. y*3i, .x. 36. A'LOES. [obni*, as it is fnppofed.]
able to manage the affair himfclf.
Hard-favour'd Richard, where art thou ? A term applied to three different things. Le: us alone to guard Corioii,
Thou art not here murdir is thy alirideed
: 1. A precious wood ufed, in the Eaft, for If they fet before 's } 'fore they remove.
Petitioner for Hood thou ne'er put'll back. Shaie/f.
perfumes, of which the bell fort is Bring up your army. Sbi^keJ^earu
A'lms-gh'e [from alms and gl'va:]
r. n.f. 01 higher price than gold, and was the Lei you alone, cunning artificer ;
He that gives alms ; he that fupports See how his gorget peers above his gown.
moft valuable prefent given by the king
others by his charity.
To tell the people in what darger he was.
of Siam, in 1686, to the king of France. Ben yonfott^
He endowed mar^y religious foundations, and yet It Tambac, and is the heart, or
was he a great alnti-^lver in fecret, which lhewc-1
2. To to leave undone.
forbear ;

that his works in publick were dedicate^ rather to

innermofl part, of the aloe tree; the next His cHcnt dole it, but he had better have let it
God's glory than his own. Baeon. part to which is called Calembac, which alone; for he lo!l his caufe by his jeff. Addijon,.

A'l.MSHOUSE. n.f. [from alms ind i>t>uje J IS Ibmetimes imported into Europe, and, Alo'nq. ad~j. [au longne, Fr.]

A houfe devoted to the reception and though of inferiour value to the Tambac, 1. At length.

is much eileemed Some rr.wl a mighty ftone fome laid along.

fupport of the poor ; an hofpital for the the part next the

And bound with burning wires, on (pokes of

poor. bark is termed, by the Portuguefe, Pao wh-eis a c hung. Dryden,
Theivay of providing for the clergy by tithes, the d^uquila, or eagle-wood ; but fome ac-
ie\\cKof almshiujei f^r the poor, and the forting out 2. Through any (pace mcafured length-
count the eagle-wood not the outer part
of the p-*oj'Ic inrj paiifbc', a.e manifeft- Huttkcr, wife.
of the Tambac, but another fpccies. Our A firebrand carried along, leaveth a fra'n of light
And to relief of lazars, and weak age
Of inHig"nt faint fouls, palt corporal till, knowledge of this wood is yet very im- behind it. Bjeon'i Ifalural UiJI'jiy^
A iiiiJi d a/mshtafes right well fupplied. Sbakeft, perfeft. Salary. W'lerc Ufens glides along the lowly lands.
Many penitents, after the roboing of temples Or the black water of Pnmptii.a (Inndy. Drydcn*
z. Ahes is a tree which grows in hot coun-
and other rapine, build an hofpital, or alitubtufe^ 3. Throughout ; in the whole : with ali
tries, and even in the miountains of
out of ihe ruins of the church, and the fpoils of prefixed.
widows and orphans. L' EJirtinge. Spain.
bilomon, all along in his Proverb", givi-s the
EehoH yon almihcufe, neat, but void of (late. 3. Aloes is a medicinal juice, extrafted, not
title of fool to a wicked man. Tilhtjon,
Where age and want fit fmll'ng at the gate. Pope, from the odoriferous, but the common They were all along a crofs, untoward f )rc cf
A'lmsman. n.f. [from alms and »/««.] aloes tree, by cutting the leaves, and ex- people. Soutbm.

A man who lives upon alms who is ; pofing the juice that drops from them to 4. Joined with the particle ivitb; in com-
fupported by charity. the fun. It is di/linguifhed into Sccoto- pany i
joined with.
ynur cotnm'inion will foithwirh difpitch,
I Strangled he lies I yet fccms to eryalmJ, X\.so.aJv. [from a//andya.]
'An<l he to England (hall ahn^ with you. To want the mighty, and inftrud the prjulj
1. In the fame manner ; likewife.
Shaltfffnarc^s Hamlet. That of the great, negledling to be juit,
In thefe two, no doubt, are contained the caofei
Hence then t and Evil go vmh chee a!img, Hcav'nina moment makes an heap of diift, H^alUr.
of the great;:, as according to Motes, fo alft
.Thy ofTspring, to the place of evil, Hell. Alilur. Then heai'n's high monarch thund'red thrice
according to nc^ellity ; for our world aflords no
Religious ze.ll is fubjedl to an excefs, and to a atoutif
other treafurcs of wat^r. Burnet's Tbery.
defeft, when fnm-thing mingled with it which
is And thrice he (hook aloft a golden cloud. DryJen.
it Aiould not have; or wlwn it wants fomething Alo'w. at/v. [from a and /aw.] In a low 2. Jlj'o is fometimes neaily the fame with
that ought to j;o »i/o»j|' ^rA it, Sfral. and, and only conjoins the members of
place not aloft.

5. Sometimes I'jiib is uiiderflood. And now alvzvt and now aloft they Hy, the fentencc.
Command thy (laves my free-born foul difdains
As borne through air, and feem to touch the (ky. Cod dj I'o CO me, and more alfa.
A and reftive breaks the reins.
Tyrant's curb,
Drydcn. I Sartuel, x!v. 44,
Talcc thx&aLngy and no difpute Hiall rife
A'lPHA. n. /. The firft letter in the A'ltar. «./. [altare, Lat. It is obfervcd

(Though mine the woman) for my raviih'd prize.

Greek alphabet, anfwering to our A ; by Junius, that the word al:ar is re-
6. Fonvard onward. In this fenfe it is
therefore ufed to fignify the firft. ceived, with chriftianity, in all the Eu-
J am alpha and omc^a, the beginning and the
.derived from allons, French. ropean languages ; and that altare is
ending, faith the Lord, which is, and which was,
Come then, my friend, my genius, comt afoftg, and which is to come, the Al.nighty. Rcvelationi.
ufed by one of the Fathers, as appro-
Thou mafter of the poet and tlie fong. Pspc. priated to the Chriftian worftiip, in op-
A'LPHABET. n. f. [from ^Mpa, alpha,
Alo'ncst. ati-v. [a corruption, as it
and ^iTtt, beta, the two
pofttion to the ara of gentilifm.]
firft letters of
-';feems, from along.] Along; through 1 The place where offerings to heaven arc
the Greeks.] The order of the letters,
the length. laid.
or elements of fpeech.
Tlic Turks did keep ftrait watch and ward in all The goddefs of the nuptial bed,
Thounot figh,
their ports alotigjl the fca coaft. Tir'd with her vain devotions for the dead,
Nnr wink, nor nod, nor kneel, nor make a fign.
KmlUs's Hijlory cf:te Turks. Refjiv'd the tainted hand (hould be re^ell'd.
But I of thcfe will reft an alflahtt.
Alo'of. aii'v. [all off", that is, gui/e 0^'.] And by know Which incenfe offer'd, and her altar held. Dryd,
ftill pra£lii||( learn to thy meaning.
I. At a diftance ; with the particleyru/a. Sbakeffteare. 2. The table in Chriftian churches where
•It generally implies a fmall dillance, The
letters of the a'.fhahel, formed by tho ("cve- the communion is adminillered.
ral motions of the mouth, and the great variety of Her grace rofe, and, with inodeft paces.
• fuch as is wichia view or obfervation. fyliables compofed of letters, and formed with al-
bade the knight this la.iy jc^c «fct/. Came to the altar, where (he kncei'd, and faintlike
nioft equal velocity, and the endlefs number of
And to an hill herfelf withdraw afide, Cafl her fair eyes to heav'n, aud piay'd devoutly.
w.trds capable of being framed out of the aiphabet,
Trom whence flie might behold the battle's proof, either of more fyllables, or of one, are wonderful.
And elfe be fate from danger far dcfciicd. IMder.
A'ltarace. ». /T [allaragium, Lzt.] An
Feiry Slucn. emolument ariiing to the prieft from
Taught by their nurfes, little children get
As next in waith, This fayirg, fooner than their alfhalet. oblations, through the means of the
.Came fingly where he itoo^[, on the bare Hrand,
Drytl. jun. Juv. altar. Ajliji's Parcrgon.
While the promifcuous crowd flood ypxa!oof.
Miitm's Paraaie Loft
To A'lphabet. t>. a. [from alphabet, A'ltar.-ci.oth. n. f. [from altar and
The noife approaches, though our palace flood noun.] To range in the order of the cloth.] The cloth thrown over the altar
.jj/ooffrcm llreets, encompafs'd with a wooi. alphabet. in chtrches.
Dr-yilert. .Alphabe'tical. \adj. [from alphabet; I (houid fet down the wealth, books, hangings,

z. Applied to perfons, it often infinuates Alphabe'tick. i alphaietique.Fr.l In and altar-cloths, which our kings gave this abbey.
caution and circumfpeftion. the order of the alphabet; according to Peacbam on Dratvir.g^
Turn on the bloody hounds with heads of ftcel. the feries of letters. To A'LTER, v. a. [altercr, Fr. from al.
And make the cowards fland d/iw/'at bay. SbaUfjt.
] have an alphabetical order, all the
dig^ifted in ter, Lat.]
Going northwards, ahof, as long as they had any
duubt of being purfued ; at lafl, when thry were
counties, corporations, and boroughs in Great Bri- 1. To change; to make otherwife than it
tain, with the.r rtfpedlve tempers. Siu'ift.
out cf reach, they turned and crofled the ocean to i?. To alter, fcems more prope?ly to
Spain. Baan.
Alphas e'c i c a l l y adv. [ from alpha-
imply a change made only in fome part
The king would not, by any means, enter thr betical.]In an alphabetical manner;
cf a thing; as, to alter a writing, may
city, until he had aiocf (etn the crofs fct up upon according to the order of the letters.
be, to blot, or interpolate it ; to change
the greater tower of Granada, whereby it became had once in my thouglits to contrive a gram-
Chriftian ground. Bacon. mar, more than I can now comprilt: in fii>rt hints; it, may be, to fubftitute another in its
Two pots flood by a river, one of brafs, the and a di£fionary, at^babeticaUj containing the place. With froii and to ; as, her face .

other of clay. The water carried them away ; the words of the languagr, \^h1th%hc deaf pcrfon is to is altered from pale to red.
earthen veflel kept alocffrom t'other. learn. HaUcr's F.'ancnn of Speech. Uo you note
L'EJlrange'i FahUs. Alre'ady. flifo. i[frora «// and ready.] How much her grace is altcr'd on the fuddcn ?
The ftrong may fight ahaf; Ancaeus try'd How long her face is drawn how pale
His force too near, and by prefuming dy'd.
At this prelent time, or at fome time ? flic looks.
paft oppofeJ to futurity as, fVill he
And of an earthly coldSbjiefpcare's Henry VIII.
; ;
VrydetCs FabUi. Afts appropriated to the worih'p of Gjd, by his
come foot! ? He is here already. IVill it own appjintmenr, muft
3. In a figurative fenfe, it is ufed to import continue fo, till himfelf
art or cunning in converfation, by which be done ? It has been done already. hath otherwife declared: for who dares alter whit
Touching our uniformity, that wliicii hath been God hath appointed ?
a man holds the principal queition at a
already anfwered, may ferve for anfwcr. Hickcr.
Siiltin^fi it.

diftance. You warn'd me ftill

2. To take ofFfrom a perfuafion, pradice,
of loving two ;
Nor do we find him forward to be founded ; Can I love him, already loving y-tw ?
or fett.
But with a.crafty madnefs keeps aUof, DrydtJI^i Irdian Empercr.
For the way of writing plays in verfe, I find it
When we would bring him on to fome confcfTion See, the guards, from yon fa^ eaftern hill troubkfome and flow j but 1 am no way alt-red
'Of his true flate, Shaktfpeari'i Hjm/er. Already move, no longer flay aftord ; from my opinion of it, at leaft with any reafons
It isufed metaphorically of perfons that High in the air they wave the flaming fword. which have oppofed it. Dryden.
will not be feen in a defign. Your fignal to depart. Drydcn's State 0/ To A'LTER. v. n. To become otherwife
If is neceffary the queen join for, if
Methods for the advancement of piety, are in than it was; as, the tueather alters yr««i
; flie fland
there will be ftill lufpicions: it being a re-
the power of a prince, limited like ours, by a i\r\&.
bright to cloudy.
ceived opinion, that flie-hajl' a great interefl in ihe execution of tlie laws already in force. Swift.
king's favour and power. A^cthinks, already 1 your tears furvey, A'lterable. adj. [from alter; alterable,

applied to things not properly be- Already hear the horrid things they fay, Fr.] That which may be altered or
5. It is
Already fee you a degraded toaft. changed by fomething elfe ; diftinft
longing tp each other. And all your honour in a whifpcr loft \ Vnpt.
Love's not love, from changeable, or that which changes,
Als. adv. [als, Dutch.] Alfo ; likewife:
or may change itfelf.
When iris mingled with regards that fland
Ai'txffrem tli' entire point. Shahffetite's K. [.ear,
a word now out of ufe. That aUeviihtc reipc^ts are realities in natur3,
Srd remembrance now the prince amoves will never be admitted by a confidcrate difcerncr.
Ai.o'uD. cdiv. [from « and /o«./.] LouJly; With frelh defire his voyage to purfue ; Glanv'tlle*
with a ftrong voice; with a great noi4e. Ali Una eai n'd her travel to renew. Fairy f^uetn. Our condition in this world Is mutable and un-
certain, a'teraUt by a thoufand accidents, which IALTE'RNATE. adj. [allernu,, Lat.] a continual motion, without the ahenitj and vi-
we can neither forefce nor prevent. Rogers,
Being by turns; one after another ciflitude of reft, whereby all other animals con-
I j re-
I wifh they had been more clear in their direc- tinue. Brovins Vulgar Errours.
tions upon that mighty point, Whether the fettle- Altho'ugh. conj. [from all and though.
Friendfliip confifts properly in mutual offices,
ir.ent of the fucceffion in the Houfe of Hanover
and a generous ftrife in alternate afls of kind- See Though.] Notwithftanding how-
be ttltrrabk, or no ? Snvifl. ;

nefs. South. ever it may be granted ; however it

A'lterableness. n.f. [from alterable.']
Hear how Timotheus' various
The quality of bein^ alterable, or ad-
lays furprife. may be that.
And bid alternate palTions fall and rife !
We all know, that many things are believed,
mitting change from external caufes. While, at each change, the fon of Lybian Jove although they be intricate, obfcure, and dark;
A'lterably. [from a/ieraile.] In
adii. Now burns with glory, and th« melts with love. although they exceed the reach and capacity of our
fuch a manner as may be altered. Pope. witsj yea, although in tliis world they be no way

A'lterage. !t./. [froma/o.] The breed- Alte'rnate angles [in geometry] poflible to be underftood. Hooker.
are the internal angles a line made by Mc the gold of France did not fcduce.
ing, nourilhing, or foftering of a child.
cutting two parallels, and lying on the Although I did admit it as a motive
In Ireland they put their children to fofterers :
The fooner to efteft what I intended. Shakejp.
the rich fell, the meaner fort buying the altirage oppofite fides of the cutting line ; the
The ftrefs muft be laid upon a majority; with-
of their children ; and che reafon is, becaufe, in one below the firft parallel, and the out which the laws would be of little weight,
the opinion of the people, foftering has always al-
other above the fecond. though tliey be good additional fecurities.
been a ftrongcr alliance than blood. S-wift.
Sir John DaiiUs on Ireland,
-Alte'rnate. a./ [from alternate, adj.
A'ltigrade, adj. [from alius z,nA gra-
A'lterant. adj. [^alterant, Fr.] That That which happens alternately ; vicif- dior, Lat.] Rifmg on high. Dia.
which has the power of producing fitude. Alti'loquence. n.f. [altus and Itijuor,
And rais'd io pleafure, or repos'd in eafe, Lat.] Highfpeech; pompous language.
changes in any thing.
Grateful alternates of fubftantial peace.
And whether the body be alterant or altered,
They blcfs the long nofturnal influence (hed
Alti'metry. n./. [altimetria, Lat. from
evermore a perception precedeth operation ; for
On the crown'd goblet, and the genial bed. Prior. altus and of taking or
/itT{o».] The art
elfc all bodies would be alike one to another. meafuring altitudes or heights, whether
Bacon. To Alte'rnate. i-. a. [alterno, Lat.]
acceflible or inacceflible, generally per-
Altera'tion. »./. [_hom alter ; altera- 1. To perform alternately.
Thofe who, in their courfc.
formed by a quadrant.
tion, Fr.]
Melodious hymns about the fov'reign throne A L T i^so N A N t . 1 adj.[alti/onus,hz.X.] High
1. The aft of altering or changing.
.^Iteration, though it be from worfc to better,
jllternate all night long. Milton. Alti'sonous. j founding; pompous or
hath in it inconveniencies, and thofc weighty. 2. To change one thing for another re- lofty in found. £)/^,
Hodttr. ciprocally. A'ltituDe, n.f. [altitudo, Lat.]
2. The change made. The moft high God, in all things appertaining 1 Height of place ; fpace mcafured up-
Why may we not prefume, that Cod doth even unto this life, for fundry wife ends, alternates the
call for fuch change or alteration, as the very difpofition of good and evil. Gre^v. Ten mafts attach'd make not the altitude.
condition of things themfcives doth make necef- Alte'rnately. ad'v. [from alternate.] Which thou haft perpendicularly fall'n. Shakeff.
fary ? Htcker. In reciprocal fucceflion, fo that each Some define the perpendicular altitude of the
So he, with difficulty and labour hard, (hall be fuccceded by that which it fuc- higheft mountains to be four miles
j others but
Mov'd on :
fifteen furlongs.
But he once paft, loon after, when man ceeds, as light follows darknefs, and Brovin,
fell. She above, we know, bat in what place.
Strange alteration ! Sin, and Death, amain darknefs follows light. How near the throne, and heav'n's imperial face.
Following his track (fuch wa< the will of heav'n !) The princefs Mclefinda, bath'd in tears. By our weak optics is but vainly guefs d
Pav'd after him a broaJ and beaten way, Mi/tc^n, And tols'd altirnately with hopes and fears. Diftance and altitude conceal the reft.

No other alteraiicn will fatitfy ; nor this neither, Would learn from you tlic fui tunes of her lord.
The elevation of any of the heavenly
very long, without an utter abolition of all order. Drjlien.
Scuth. Unhappy man whom
forrow thus and rage
bodies above the horizon.
Appins Claudius admitted to the fenate the To different ills alternately engage. Even unto the latitude of fifty, two, the efficacy
fons of thofe who had been Haves ; by which, The rays of light are, by fome caufe or other, thereof is not much confiJerable, whether we
and fucceeding alterations, that council degenerated alternately difpofcd to be reflcdted or tefrafted for confider its afcent,
meridian, altitude, or abode
into a moil corrupt body. Swift. many vicilTltudci. above the horizon. Brown's Vulgar Errours,
Alte'rnatev ESS. Has not a poet more virtues and vices within
A'lterative. aeij. [from eiller.'] It./, [from alternate.] his circle, cannot he obferve them
Medicines called alterati-ve, are fuch as have The
quality of being alternate, or of and their in-
fluences in tlieir oppofitions and conjunflions,
no frimediate fenfible operation, but gradually happening in reciprocal fucceflion. DiJi. in
their altitudes and Ccpreflions
gain upon the conilitution, by changing the hu- Rymtr. .>

mours from a llate of diftcmperature to health. Alterna'tiov. n./. [from alternate.] 3. Situation with regard to lower things.
They are oppofed to evac^ani:. *^incy. The reciprocal fucceffion of things. Thofc members which arc pairs, ftand by
When there is an eiuption of humour in any The one wnulil be opprcHed with conftant heat, anotlier m equal altitude, and anfwcr
on each fide
part, it is not cured merely by outward applica- th; other with infuffcrablc cold j ar.d fo the defeif one to another.
tions, but by fuch alterative medicines as purity of alteinj'kn w.iulii utterly impugn the generation 5. Height of excellence ; fuperiority.
the blood. Governm<nt of the Tcngur, of all things. Brown. Your altitude offends the eyes

Alterc a'tiov. tt. /. [altercation, Fr. Al t e'r N A t V E . w. y. [alteriiatif, Fr.]

I Of thofe who want the power to rife.
from altercer, Lat.] Debate ; contro- The choice given of two things; fo that 5. Height of degree ; highell point.
if one be rejeded, the other rauft be He uid it to plcafe his mother, and to be partly
veriy ; wrangle.
proud which he is, even to the altitude of his
By this of lower controverfies
hot purfuit taken. i

amongfl men and agreeirg in

prot'effing religion, A ft range altrrnatrve , ""'^"V Shake/pear,.
the principal foundations thereof, they conceive Muft ladies have a doftor, or a dance ?
Alti volant. «<^'. [altivolans, Lai. from
hope, that, about the higher principles thcmfelvrs, Alte'rnatively. adv. [{rom alterna-
and -velo.] High flying.
time will caufe altercation to grow. Hotker. tive.] In alternate manner; by turns; A'l together, ad-v. [from all and to-
Their whole life was little elfc than a perpetual gether. ]
wrangling and altercation ; that, many times,
rather for viftory and oftentation of wit, than a
An appeal alternatively made may be tolerated
I. Completely ; without reftriftion ; with-
by the civil law as valid. Ayhfft's Parrrg n, out exception.
fober and ferious fcarch of truth.
Hakevjil! en Prcvittence. Alte'rnaTivbness. n.f. [from alter- It is in vain to fpeak »f planting laws, and
plotting policy,
Alte'rn. a/^'. [alfernus, Lat.] Afling by naiive.] The quality or ftate of being
till the people be altogether
•'"'^; Sfenfcr-, State of Ireland.
turns, in fucceflion each to the other. alternative ; reciprocation. Diel. We ^ ,
not in the world any people that hath
And God made two great liijhts, great for their Alte'rnity. n.j. [(torn aliern.] Reci- lived altogether
without religion.
procal fucceflion viciflitude turn If death and danger are things that really
To man; the greater to have rule by day.
; ; ; CanJ
mutual change of one thing not be endured, no man could ever
for another; be obliged
The lefs by night, a/tern. Milton. to (uffcr for his confcicnce, or to
reciprocation. die for his re-
Ai.te'rnacy. «./. [from «//«r»<i/*.] Ac- They imagine, thnt an animal of the
ligion j being altogether as abfurd to
tion performed by turns.
vaftcft a man obliged to fuller, as to do impoflibilities.
dimenfiofc*, and longtft duration, fliould live in
Vol. I. ir South.
i id not aingnhtr iifsfprnve of the manner of ComethM), my fouls I call thee by that rime, flower, foppofed, according to its naa»e«
rnwrwearing text* of fcripture through the fty'f Th ni bufy thing, from whence 1 know 1 am ; never to tade.
of vur Sermon. Swift* tor knowing thjl 1 am, 1 know thou nt; Immortal aaaranih I a 6owcr which once
2. Conjunftly ; in Mmpany. This is ri- Sinte that muft iitcds exia, which can impart. In paradifc, by the tree of \.{e,
ther all tagftker. Bc^an to bloom
but fuon, fur man*s olTence,

Coi.fir-of Sonxrret) join jrou wifli mr. Amabi'litv. ». f. [from amabills, Lat] To heav'n remov'd, wlicre fiift it grew, ther*
And aiibgeibtr with tlii: diilce of Stii^JllCy Lovelinefs the power of pleaiing.
; grow?.
We'll Quickly hoift ^ke Humphry from his feat. No rules can make anubility, our minds and ,
And flow'rs aloft, (hading the fount of life)
Sbakefpeare, apprclienfions make thatj and fo is our felicity. And where rbc river o( lilifs, thro' mid(V of
Taylcr. beav'n.
jtLVDEL. rt.f. [from <i and /«/»« ; that
is, iLiikntit Jute."]
AMADKTTO. of pear [See
n.f. A fort Rolls o'er Elyfun dow'rs her amber (Iream i
With tbele, that never fade, the fpirits eledl
Midch arc rubliinir.g pot? ufed in chemiftry, Pear] fo called, fays Skiiiner, from Bind their rtfplendent lockf, inwr-ath'd with
Without bottoms, and fitted into one another, a& the name of him who cultivated it. beams. MUtont Para,{ift Lift,
many as there i« «c3licn for, without luting. At jfMADOT. n. /. A fort of pear. [See Amaha'nthine. [amaranthinus,
the bottom of the furnace is a pot that holds the
matter to^e fublitr.ed ; and at the top is i head,
Pear.] Lat.] Relating to amaranths; confiding
to retain the fl'-wers that rife up. ^irrj?. AMA'iN.<»</f. [from maine, OTmai^r.e, old of amaranths.
A'LUM. *./ [alumen, Lat.] Fr. derived from magnus, Lat.] With By the ftrcams that ever flow.
A kind of mineral fait, of an acid tafle, leaving vehemence ; with vig.far ; fiercely ; vio- By the fragrant winds that blow
mouth a fcnfe of fweetnefs, accompanied O'er the Elyljan flow'rs ;
•Sn the lently. It is ufed of any aftion per-
with a confiderable degree ef aUringeney. The By thofe happy fouls that dwell
formed with precipitation, whether of In ytllotv meads of afphodel.
ancient naturaljfis allow of two forts of a/tm, natu-
ral and 'factitious. I'be natural is found in the fear or courage, or of any violent ef- Or amarantkim bow'rs. P^e,
ifl.ind of M.Io, being a kind of whitiih (lore, very fort. Ama'ritude. ». /. [amaritado, Lat.]
lighf, friable, and porous, and ftreaked with fila- Great lords, from Ireland am
I come awain. Bittemefs.
ments refcmbling filver. England, Italy, ana To fignify that rebels tiiere are up. Shakcjfeart, Whatamariiudi or acrimony is dejrehendcd in
Flanders, are the countries where olrnn is princi- What when we
! iaain, purfu'd, and ftruck
fit J
ch?ter, acquiies from a commixture of melan-
pally produced ; and the English rocht-aium is With hoav'n's affl'.Aing thunuer, anrf befcught choly, or exixrnal malign bodies.
madt from a b!uiih mineral ftone, in the hills 0/ The deep to Iheltcr us ? Mi'.UB. llar^'ty en Canfumptimi,
Vorkfhire and LancaOiire. 1 he bills, to their fupply. Ama'rulence. [amarifudo, Lat.]
Satdariix tlam i» a conipofition of common Vapour and exhalation, dulk and moilV,
^lumy with rofe-water and whites of eggs boiled :o- Mihon. Bittemefs. i>/V?.
Sent up amain,
gether, to the confluence of a pallc, and thus From hence the boar was roas'd, and iprung Ama'sment. k. /. [from ama/s.'] A heap;
moulded at pleafure. As it cools, it grows hard as amainy an accumulation ; a colleftion.
a Aofie. Like light'ning fudden, dn the warriour train. What is nov.r, is but an amaj'rmnt of imaginary
Burnt alum is alum calcined over the fitt!. Beats d'jwn the trees before him, (hakes the conceptions, prejudices, ungrounded opinions, and
pjume afum is a fort of faline mineral
P/uTnoJi QT ground j iiilinite impoftures.
ftone, of various coloyrs, moft commonly while, The foreft echoes to the crackling found, Glanvillet Scepjis Seient'ifca*
twrdering on gicen ; it rifes in threads or fibres, Shout the fierce youth, and clamours ring around. To AMA'SS. -J. a. [amaj/ir, Fr.]
rcfembling thofe of a feather j whence its name Dry den.
1. To colleft together in one heap or mafs.
from pluma, a feather. Cbamhers. AMA'LGAM. 7». /. [a^a and ya(*iri..]
I'he rich man is not blamed, as having made
By long beating the white of an egg with a AMJ'LGJMJ. The mixture of metals
5 ufe of any unlawful means to amaj't richer, as
lump of a/unt, you may bring it, for tiic moil
part, into white curds. Boy/i.
procured by amalgamation. See Amal- luving thriven by fraud and injullice.
gamation. Aiterhury^i Serm^i,
Alum stone, ti.f. A ftone or calx ufed When we would tiiink of inliniie fpace, or du.
The induration of the amalgam appears to pro-
in forgery ; perhaps alum ciJcineil, ration, we, at ftep, very
uf>ially make fome
ceed from the ne.v texture refulting from the coa- firft

which then becomes corrofive. lition of the mingled ingredients, that make op the
large idea, as perhaps of millions of ages, or
She gargled with oxycrate, and was in a few- Bsyle. miles, which pofiibly we- double and multiply
days cured, by touching it with the vitriol and feveial times. All that we^hus amajs together
a/amfioties, tVifeman^
To Ama'lcamate. <v. a. [from amal- in our thoughts, is pofitive, and the alTcmblage
gam.] To unite metals with quickfilver, of a great number of pofitive ideas of fpace or
Alu'minous. adj. [from o/««.] Relating
which may be prattifed upon all me- duration. Lochu
to alum, or conlilling of alum. add one thing
Nor do we realbnably conclude, bccaufe, by a tals, except iron and copper. The ufe 2. In a figurative fenfe, to

Cold and a.'uminrui moifture, it is able awhile to of this operation is, to make the me- to another, generally with fome ihare
lefift the fire, that, from a peculiarity of nature, tal loft and ductile. Gold is, by this of reproach, cither of cagemefs or in-
it fubfideih and livcth in it. Brvivn. difcrimination.
method, drawn over other materials by
The tumour may have other mixture with it, Such as ar.aji all relatione, muft err in fome,
the gilders.
to make it of a vitriolic or alum'wout nature. and be unbelievcd in many. Brif-atn^s Vul. Krrours,
lyiftmani Surgfry, A M A L c A M a't I o N ft. /. [ from dfia/ga-
Do not content yourfclves with mere words, left
A'lways. /jJv. [It Is (bmetimes written mnte.] The adl or pratVice of amalga- your improvements only amaft a heap of unintel-
ahvay, compounded of all and ivay ; mating metals. ligible phrafes. H'^atti^i Smpr, of the Mind*

Amal^i:nwti<.n is the mixlrg of mercury with any 'Ihe life of Homer has been written, by amajjing
eallepKja, Sax. iuttaniia, Ital.] The manner is thus in gold, the of all the traditions and hiiit£ the writcn could
of the metals.
1. Perpetually; throughout all time: op rell arc anfwerable Take fix ports of mercury,
: meet with, in order to tell a ftory of him to the
pofed lo/ometime, or iOtie'ver. mix them hot in a crucible, and pjur them to one world. Pope,
That, which fometimc is expedient, doth not p«rt of gold made red hot in another truc.ble ; ftir Ama'ss. »./. [amaj, Fr.] An iUTemblage;
tltoayi fo continue. HsAcr. thefe well that thi-y may incorporate} then calltii;
an accumulation.
Man never is, but ahogyt {o be bleft. Pope. mafs into cold water, and walh it. Bacan.
This pillar is but a medley or amafi of all the
2. Conftantly ; without variation: oppofed Amakda'tion, «./ [from amatrJo, Lm.] precedent ornraments, making a new kind by
tojometimes, or to iioiv and then. The aft of fending on a meliage, or (health. fyolton.

He is altvayt gnat, when fome great occtfion emplovment. To Am a't e. v, a. [from «and mate.'] Sec
is prcfented to him. DrytUti.
MIANVErNSIS. n.f. [Lnt.] A perfon Mate.]
A. M. ftands for artium magifter, or maf- who writes what another ditlates. 1. To accompany; to entertain as a com-
ler of the fecond degree of our
arts ; A'm a r a n t h. n.f. \amarnKthus, Lat. from panion. It is now obfolcte.
univerfities, which, in fome foreign « and liotfiita.] I'he name of a plant. A lovely bevy of f>ir ladies fate.
Courted of mai:y a jolly paramour.
countries, is called doftor of philoibphy. Among the many fpecies, the moft The which did them in modcft wife ornate^
Am. The firft perfon of the verb to he. beautiful are, I. The tree amaranlb. And each one fought his lady to aerate.
[See To Be.] 2. The long pendulous amttranth, with Fairy Sluetn.
And God faid unto Mofes, I am that I am :
reddifli coloured feeds, commonly called 2. To terrify ; to ftrike with horrour. In
and he faid, thus (halt thou fay unto the children
vf IIHcl, I ^m bath fent me uato you.
Lo've lies a bleeding. this fcnfe, derived from the
it is oM
ExoJus, iij. 14. 2. In poetry, it is fometimcs an imaginary French matter, to crufli or fubJue.
^ Amato'r-
AMATo'nCULIST.H.y^ [o(Wij/9rcaA//,Lat. ]
Aitonifli'd ftood, as one that had efpy'J «»a?:i(»u ; and others from am for ad,
A little infignificant lover ; a pretender Infernal furies, with their cltaius unty'd.
rairy S^uen.
and bnffus, />xf, as fuppofing the aft of
to aiFeftion. Di^l. fending an ambaffadour, to be in fome
But look ! amazimenf on thy mother fits j
A'viATORsr. adj. [amatorius, Lat.] Rela- O between her and her fighting foul 1
ftep fort ag aft oi fubmiflion. Ail thefe ds-
ting to love ; eaufing love. Conceit in weaken bodiet ftiCii^cK »unl;s. rivations lead to write ambajfadour, riot
Il is the Ume tiling whether one raviihj-ucretia S^keffeart. em^aJ/adour.'\ A peribn fent in a public
by forcr, as Tarquln, or \j amatory pations not 2. Extreme dejedlion. manner from one fovereign power to an-
only allure her, but neccifuate her to fatisfy his He ended, ani his words imprcflion left other, and fuppofed to rcprefent the
lull, and iacUne her cfTc^lually, and draw her in- Of much amazemsnt to th' infernal crew,
evitably, to follow him fpontanejufly. Diftrai5led and lurpris'd with deep difmay
power from which he is fent. T-he f er-
Brjinhitm ugalnjl llohbes, At thelc fad lidirgs, Milton, fon of an ambaffadour is inviolable.
jfM^fURO'SIS. n.f. [iuavfiu!.] A dimnefs 3. Height of admiration. Ambujfadour is, in popular language,
of fight, not from any vifible defefl in Had you, fome ages paft, this race of glory the general name of a raeffengcr from
the eye, but from feme diilemperatare Run, With amaz'ment we (houlJ read your ftory ; a fovereign power, and fometimes, lu-
But living virtue, all atchie^ements paft,
of the inner parts, occafioning the re- dicroufly, from common perfons. In
Meets tn\y ftitl to grapple with at laft. JViiUcr.
prefentations of flies and dull floating the juridical and formal language, it
4. Aftonifliment ; wonder at an unexpeft-
before the eyes which appearances are : fignifies particularly a miniller of the
ed event.
the parts of the retina hid and cotn- They knew that it was he which fat for alms at higheft rank refiding in another country,
preflcd by the blood-veflels being too the Beautiful Gate of the temple, and they were and is diftinguifhed from an envoy, who
much dillended ; fo that, in many of fiUcd with wonJcr and amazement at that which is of lefs dignity.
and therefore
parts, all fenfe had happened unto him.
is loft,
A3i- Gi\e firll admittance to th' amhajfadsurs,
its ^

no images can be painted upon them ; A^^'T.ifiC. partkiptal ad}, [from amax,e.\ Shakejpeofe,
Wonderful; allonii'hing. Raised by thefe hopes, I fent no news before.
whereby the eyes, continually rolling Nor alk'd your leave, nor did your faith implore
It is an amassing thing to lee the prefent dofola-
round, many parts of objefts falling tipn itaiy, when one coufiJcrs what incredible ':ii
But come without a pledge, my own ambaJJ'adcur.
focceflively upon them, are obfcure. The multitudes it abounded with during the rcij^ns of Dryden.
cure of this depends upon a removal of the R.>oian emperours. Addtfcn. Oft have their bl.tck amhajfjdours appeared
Loadcn with gifts, a'ld fill'd the courts of Zaraa.
the ftagnations in the extremities of Ama'zincly. ad'u. [from amazing.'\ To
thofe arteries which run over the bottom a degree that may excite aftonilhment
Amba'ssadress. n.f. [ambaJadria,Fr,J
of the eye. ' ^incy. wonderfully.
1. The lady of an ambaffadour.
ToAMA'ZE. V. a. [from a and maK.e, If we arife to the world of fpirits, our know-
2. In ludiciious language, a woman fent
ledge of them muft be amazingly imperfect, whe,i
there is not the leaft grain of fand but has too many on a meffage.
1. To confufe with terrour. difficulties belonging to it for thewifeft philofopher Well, my ambajfadrefi
Yea, I will make many people amazed at thee, toanfwer. lVatii'% Log!ck. Come you to menace wjr, and loud detiance ?
and their kings (hall be horribly afraid for thee,
when I /hall brandjih my fword before them, and
AMAZON, n.f. [a and ^^.'\ The A- Or does the peaceful olive grace your brow ?
mnzons were a race of women famous Rowe,
they tremble at every moment ; every man
for his own life in the day of the fall. for valour, who inhabited Caucafus ;
A'mbassage, n.f, [from ambaffadour, '\
2. To put into confufion with wonder. they are fo called from their cutting oft' An embafly ; the bu£iiefs of an ambaf-
Go, heav'nly and with fadour.
pair, your dazzling their breafts, to ufc their weapons better.
Maximilian entertained them with dilatory an-
courage, truth, yoor innocence and love,
A warlike woman ; a virago. fwers ; foas the formal part o^ r^€\t amhaJJ'age m\^t
Stay, ftay thy hands, thou art an amazin.
^r:jxf and charm mankind. well warrant their further ftay. Bacon,
Smith, And fi^hti-ll with the fword. Sljate/pearr,
3. To put into perplexity.
A'MBER. n.f. [from ambar, Arab, whence
That cannot chnofe but amaze him. If he be n.f. [Lat.] A circuit of the lower writers formed ambar um.^
not amazed, he w-ll he mocked j if he be amazed, words a circumlocutory form of fpeech
yellow tranlparcnt fubftance of a gummous
he will every way be mocked. Shaktf; care a multiplicity of words ; an indireft or bituminous confidence, but a refinous tafte,
Ama'ze. n.f. [from the verb a/.vaz^.] A- manner of expreflion. and a fmell like oil of turpentine; chiefly found
ftonilhmeut ; confufion, either of fear I'hcy gave thole complex id?« names, that they in the Baltick fea, along the coails of PrufSa.

or wonder.- might the more and difcourfe of

eafily rccrrd Some naturalifts refer it to the vegetable, others
things they were daily convcrfatit iu, without long to tlie mineral, and fomtf even to the animal king-
Fsirfai, whofe name in arms thro' Europe rings,
And filis alt mouths with envy or with praife, amhagij and circumlocutions ; Ani that the things dom. Pliny defcribes it as a rcfinous juici;, oozing
they were Cjntiiiualty to give and receive informa- from aged pines and firs, and dil'cli.irgod thence
And her jealous monarchs with amaze, Miitcr.

Meantime the Trojan cuts his wat'ry way, tion about, might be the ealierand quicker under- into the fc.i. He adds, tl;at it wab hence the an-
Fii'd on h'» voyage, through the curling fca ftood. Locke. c'enti gave it the dcnominatio:r of fuccinum, from
Then carting back
Amba'gioos. adj. {from ambagts.] Cir- yot'CMi, juice* Some have imagined it a concretioa
with dire amaze, his eyes,
of tile tears o^" birds j others, the urine of a b'aft ;
Seea on the Punick Ihore the mounting bUae. cumlocutory perplexed ; tedious. Dia.
others, the fcum of the lake (.ephifis, near the
Dryden, -^mbassa'de. a./. Em-
\aml>affade, Yr.'\ others, a congelation fjrmeJ in tha
Ama'zedlv. fl^^y. [from amazei/.] Con-

bafly ; charafter or bufinefs of an am- Baltick, and in fome fountains, where it is fo\inJ
fufedly with amazement with confu- fwimniing like pitch. Others fuppofcit bitumen
; ;
balfador a word not now in ufe.
fion. When you difgracrd me in my amhajfade. trickling into the fea from fubterraneous fources ;
I (prA amazeJ/y, and it becomes Then I deg-ajed you from Icing king. but this opinion is alfo difcarded, as good amber
My rurv', and having been found in digging at a confiderable dif-
'.'> '.',-. '
jtbeth thu; amazedly f
AMB.rSSADOUR. n.f. [ambaftideur , Fr. tancc from the fea, as that gathered on the coaft.
Cun,! , fi Kri,, cheer we up his (prights. Shalefp,
tmbaxador. Span. It is written diffe- Boerliaave ranks it with cainphire, which is aeon*
Ama'zedness. n,/. [from amax.ed,] The rently, as it is fuppofcd to come from cie:e oil of aromatic plants, elaborated by heat into

the French or Spaaiilj language ; and a cryftalline form. Within fome pieces of amber
ftate of bfiing amazed; aftonilhment;
have been found laaves and infcd^H included
wonder ; confjfion. the original dirivatio.T being uncertain,
which fcemj to indicitc, eith;r cht the amberyas
I was by
at the opining of the farthel, heard it is not eafy to fettle its o'tliography. originally in a fluid ftate, ur that, having been ex-
the old Ihepherd deliver the manner how he fouiid Some derive it from the Hebrew nu^a, fed ti> the fun, it was fjftcneJ, and rendered
it whereupon, after a little ameztdnejt, we were fufceptible of the leaves and infefls. Amber, when
to tell, and ^tt>aa, a m'ffcngcr; others from
all o-nminJed out of the chamb:^^. Hhakej!>. rubbed, draws or attracts bodies to it, and„ by
Ama'zement. »./ ambaSlus, which, iu the old Gaulifti,
[from amaxt,] friction, is brought to yield light pri:tty copioully
fignified a. fervant ; whence ambnfcia, Some diftinguirti amber into yellow,
I. Such a confufed apprehenfion as docs in the dark.
in low Latin, is found to lignifyytm/Vf, white, brOA-n, and black: but the two latter ar«
not leave realon its full force ; extreme
fear horrour.
and ambn/iiator, a fefvant ; others de- fuppofed to be of a different nature and denomina-
duce it fiom ambacht, in old Teutoiiick, tion ; the one called };t, the other ambergrit,
He nought at all; but adding new
arifwer'd . I'revmx. Chambers,
Fear to his amazemtrt, (faring wide,
firft figiiilying a govermiunt, and Junius Liquid amber is 3 kinv] of native baUam or rcfin;
With ftony cye<, and hcartlefs hollow hue. mentions a pollibility of its delceac from Rkc turpentine ; cleaTj reJJiih, or yellowifli ; of a
K. a pleafaa^
fleifant f>n<n, klmoft like ambergris. It flows cither fide, in party difputes. This Th' mUgutiii god, who hertab'rmg brtaft,

from an incifioo made In the bark oT a fine large In thefe myilerious words his mind exprefl
fenfe is ludicrous. Some truths reveal'd, in terms involv'd the reft.
tret in New Spain, called by the natives cftfel.
Chemttn. Ambidexte'rity. a./, [from amii- Drydcn,
Silence at length the gay Antinout broke,
If light penetrateth any dear body, that is co- dexier.1
Conllraln'd a (mile, and ^msamiigucui fpokc.
loured, as piintcd glafs, amber, wjter, and the 1. The quality of being able equally to
like, it gives the light the colour of its medium.
ufe both hands. AMBl'GUOt;sLY. ttd'V. [from ambiguous.
Peacbam. "^

No interwoven reeds a girland made, 2. Double dealing. In an ambiguous manner ; doubtfully ;

To hide his brows within the vulgjr fliade .Ambide'xtrous. ad/, [itom ambidexter. uncertainly ; with double meaning.
But poplar wreathes around his temples Spread, Lat.]
And tears of amber trickled down his head.
Ambi'guousness. n.f. [from ambiguous.'\
1. Having, with equal facility, the ufe of The quality of being ambiguous; un-
The fpoils of elephants the roofs inlay, either hand. certainty of meaning ; duplicity of fig-
And fludded amber darts a golden ray. Pjpt, Others, not conGdering amhidextrcut and left-
handed men, do totally fubmit unto the efficacy
A'm B E R adj. Confifting of amber.
Brown. Ambi'locy. n.f. [from am^o, Lat. and
of the liver.
With fcart's, and fans, and double charge of
Xoy©-.] Talk of ambiguous or doubtful
brav'ry. 2. Double dealing ; praftifing on both
With ambir this knar'ry.
fignification. Dtcl.
bracelets, beads, and all fides.
Siaieffeare. /Efop condemns the double praflices of trim- AMBi'toq^uous. [from ambo and lo-

A'm ber-drink. n./. Drink of the colour mers, and all falfc, (huffllng, and ainbidextroui quor, Lat.] Ufing ambiguous and doubt-
dealings. VEflrange. iul expreffions. Di^.
of amber, or referabling amber in co-
Ambide'xtrousness. n.f. [from ^jotoV- Ambi'loc^y. n.f. [ambihquium, Lat.]
lour and tranfparency.
dexirous.\ The quality of being ambi- The ufe of doubtful and indeterminate
All your clear ambcr-drinh is fiat. Sacon,
dextrous. Di3. difcourfe of doubtful mean-
A'mbercris. B.y; [ from amher and gris, expreffions ;

or grey A'MBiEtir. adj. \ambiens, Lat.] Sur- ing. Dicl.

; that is, grey a>»ier.'\ ,
fragrant drug, that melts alraod like wax, rounding ; encompaffing ; invefting. A'mbit. n.f. [ambitus 'LaX.'\ The com
commonly of a greyKh or alh colour, ufcd both as a This which yields or fills
pafs or circuit of any thing ; the line
perfume and a cordial. Some imagine it to be the All fp:icc, the ambient air wide interfus'd. Milton.
that encompafles any thing.
excrement of a bird, which, being melted by the The thicknefs of a plate requifite to produce any
colour, depends only on the denfity of the plate,
The tulk of a wild boar winds al|out aUnoft into
heat of the fun, and walhed off the (hore by the
a perfcft ring or hoop only it is i little writhen.
waves, is fwallowed by whales, who return it back and not on that of ^e amiiinl medium. ;

In meafuring by the ambit, it is long or round about

in the condition we find it. Others conclude it to Newton's Opiicks.
a foot and two inches ; its bafis an inch over.
be the excrement of a cetaceous fifli, becaufe fomc- Around him dance the rofy hours,
Grt'w's Muf^tim,
times found in the inteAines of fuch animals. But And damalking the ground with fl.w'rs.
we have no inllance of any excrement capable of With ambient fweets perfume the morn. Ambi'tion. n.f. [ambiiio, Lat. the defire
melting like wax J and if it were theexcremcnt of a Fenton to LcrJ Gizver. of fomethlng higher than is polfefled at
whale, it Ihnuld rather be found where thefe ani- who by turns have rofe
Illuftrious virtues, prefent.]
mals abound, as about Greenland. Others take it With happy laws her empire to fuftain,
1 The defire of preferment or honour.
for a kind of wax or gum, which diftils from trees, And with full pow'r alTert her ambient main. Who would think, without having fuch a mind
and drops into the fca, where it congeals. Many Prior.
that fo great goodncfs could not
as Antiphilus,
of the orientals imagine it fprings out of the fea, as The ambient aether is too liquid and empty, to have bound gratefulnefs ? and fo high advancement
aaphtha does out of fome fountains. Others alfert impel horizontally with that prodigious celerity.
not have fat:&fied his arjviticn ? SiJnry^
it to be a vegetable produilion, ilTuing out of the Bmi/y.
2. The defile of any thing great or excel-
root of a tree, whofe roots always (hoot to%vards the A'MBIGU. n.f. [French.] An entertain-
fea, and difcharge themfclvei into it. Others lent.
ment, confifting not of regular courfes,
maintain, that ambergr'.s is made from the honey- The quickening power would be,and (b would reft \
combs, which fall into the fea from the rocks, but of a medley of difhes fet on toge- The fenfe would not be only, but be well i

where the bees had formed their nefts; feveral per- ther. But wit's ambition long,;th to the beft.
sons having feen pieces that were half ambergris^ When your time, and fervants few,
ftraiten'd in For it dcfires in eiidlcfs blifs to dwell. Davits^
and half plain honey-comb j aiid others have found You^d compofc an amligu j
richly then Urge them, while their fouls
large pieces of ambergris, in which, when broke, Where firft and fecond courfe, and your defert. Are capable of this ambition j
boney-comb, and honey too, were found in the All iu one fingle table have their part. Left zeal, now melted by the windy breath
middle. Neumann abfolutely denies it to be an King's Art of Cookery. Of foftpetitions, pity, and remorfe,
animal fubflance, as not yielding, in the analy^s, Cool and congeal again to what it was. Shakrfp.
Ambigu'ity. n.f. [from ambiguous.]
any one animal principle. Heconcludes it to be a with
It is ufed to before a verb, and of
bitumen ilTuing out of the earth into the fca ; at
Doubtfulnefs of meaning ; uncertainty 3.
before a noun.
fitrt of a vifcous confiftence, but haidening, by its of fignification ; double meaning.
1had a very early ambition to recommend myfelf
mixture with fome liquid naphtha, into the form in With ambiguities they often entangle thcmfelves,
to your Lordfhip's patronage. Addijon.
which we find it. Trtvoux* Cbamberu not marking what dotli agree to the word of God
There was an ambition of wit, and an affeflation
Bermudas wall'd with rocks, who does not know in itfclf, and what in regard of outward accidents.
of gayety. Pope's Preface to his Letters.
That happy idand, where huge lemons grow. Hisker.
Where fhintng pearl, coral, and many a poun<l, We can clear thefe ambiguities, Ambi'tious. adj. [ambitioj'us, Lat.]
On the rich Ihore, of ambergris is found ? JValier, And know their fpring,'Jieir head, their true defcent. i. Seized or touthcd with ambition ; de-
Amber seed, or mujk refembles
Sbakefpeare. firous of advancement ; eager of ho-
feed, The words are of iingte fignification, without
millet, of a bitterifti tafte, and brought
nours ; afpiring. It has the panicle of
any ambigu.ty \ and therefore I Ihall net trouble you,
before the objed of ambition, if a noun ;
dry from Martinico and Egypt. by ftraining for an interpretation, where there is
no difficulty ; or didinftion, where there is no dif- to, if expreffed by a verb.
ference. South. We fccm ambitioui God's whole work t' undo.
AuBER tree. n.f. [frutex Africanu< am-
AMBl'GUOUS. adj. [ambiguus, Lat.] Dmia,
iram/pirans.'] A
whofe beauty is
1 Doubtful ; having two meanings ; of
neighb'ring monarchs, by thy beauty led,
in its fmall evergreen leaves, which Contend in crowds, ambitious c/tliy bed :

uncertain fignification. Tlie world is at thy choice, except but one,

frow as clofe as heath, and, being But what have been thy anfwers, what but dark, Except but him thou canft not choofe alone.
ruifed between the fingers, emit a very Ambiguous, and with daubtful fenle deluding ? Drydcn.
fragrant odour. Miller. Milton. Youhave been pleafcd not to fuffer an old man
JMBIDE'XTER. n.f. [Lat.] Some exprclfions in the covenant were ambiguous, to go difcontented out of the world, for want of
and were left fo j becaufe the perfons who framed that pruteiiion, of which he had been fo lung eim-
1. A man who has equally the ufe of both
them were not all of one mind. Ciarerdon. biticus. Drydm,
his hands. Trajan, a prince ambitious of glory, defccndcd
Rodiginus, unJert.',king to give
a reafon ofarrbi-
2. Applied to perfons ufing doubtful ex-
to the mouths of the Tigris and Euphrates, and
dixlin, and left-handed men, deliveieth a third preffions. It is applied to exprefficns,
went upon the ocean, where, feeing a vcllcl trad-
opinion. Brmvn. or thofe that ufe them, not to a dubious ing to the Indies, he had thoughts of outdoing

2. A man who is equally ready to ad on or fufpcnded ftate of mind. Alexander. Aibuthnot on Caii:i.
2, Eager
numerable diftempers, in amlujcaie among th*
2. Eager to grow bigger J
afpiring. 2. The name of a plant. lie
di flies. jldt'Mon.
h«vf lecn
I It has male fl ifculous flowers, produced on fepa-

Th' amiiticU! ocean fwell, and rage, and foam, rate pavts of the fame plant from the fruit, having Ambusca'do. n.f. [embofcada. Span.]
To be exalttd with the thrcat'ning clouds. no vifible petals j the fruit which fucceeds the fe- A private poll, in order to furprife an
Sbahfpeare. male flowers, is ihapcd like a club, and is prickly, enemy.
containing one oblong feed in each.
Sometimes driveth o'er a foldier's neck,
Ambi'tiously. ad-v. [ from ambitious. ] I
The fpecles arc, I. The marine or fea gmbrcjia.

with eagernefs And then he dreami of cutting foreign throats,

an ambitious manner ; 2. Taller unfavoury fea ambrojia. 3. The talleft
Of breaches, timbufcadoiS, Spanilh blades,
of advancement or preference. Canada amhrofia, MV.'cr.
Of licalths five fathom de,'p.
With fuch glad hcjrts did our dtfpairing men Ajibro'sial. Par-
adj. [from ambrofia.] Sbakefp, Romeo and 'Juliet,
Sjlute th' appearance of the prince's fleet j A'mbush.
taking of the nature or qualities of am- p. f. [ambufche, Fr. from bois,
And each ambi-hvfly would claim the ken,
brofia ; fragrant ; delicious ; deleg- a wood ; whence embujcher, to hide in
That with 6rft eyes did diftant fafcty meet.
Dryden. able. woods, ambufties being commonly laid
as a place to fame well known, Thus while God fpake, amhrrjial fragrance fill'd under the concealment of thick forefts.]
Here Flecknoe,
Amhiihujly defign'J his Sh
— 's throne. Dryden. All heaven, and in the blelTcd Ipints cltft The poft where foldiers or alTailins are
Senfe of new joy ineffable dif^'ui'd. Miltor.
Ambi'tiousness. n.f. [from ambitious.'\ placed, in order to fall unexpededly
The gifts of heaven my following fong purfue,,
The quality of being ambitious. Aerial honey and timira^fj/ dews. Dryder:. ujxm an enemy.
A'mbitude. n.f. [ami/0, Lat.] Com- To fartheft ihoies th' amircjia! fpirit flies. Thi: refidue retired deceitfully towards the place
pafs ; circuit ; circumference. Di<^. Sweet to the world, and grateful to the fjaes. of their amhujh, whence ifl'ued mere. Then the
earl maintained the fight. But the enemy, in-
To A'MBLE. v. n. [ambler, Fr. ambulo,
tending to draw the Englifli further into their
Lat.] A'mbry. n. /. [a word corrupted from
enibuj]^, turned away at an eafy pace. Hayivard*
1. To move upon an amble. Sec Amble. almonry.]
Charge", charge, their ground the faint Taxal.
g5od, on fonie occafions, to enjoy as much
It is 1 The place where the almoner lives, or lans yield.
of the prefcnt, as will not er.danger our futuriiv where alms are diftrlbuted. Bold in dofe cimbufi, bafe in open field.

and to provide ourfelves of the virtuofo's fjdJle, 2. The place where plate, and utenfils for Dryden^% hidum Emperor,
which will be fure to amble, when the world i= The aft of furprifing another, by ly-
Drydtn. houftkeeping, are kept; a!fo a cup- 2.
upon the hardeft tnt.
board for keeping cold viftuals a word : ing in wait, or lodging in a fecret poll.
2. To move eafily, without hard fliocks,
flill ufed in the northern counties, and
Nor Ihall we need.
or (baking. With dangerous ex.pedicion, to invade
in Scotland.
Who aml-la time withal?— A rich man that Heav'n, whofe high walls fear no aflault or ficgr.
hath not the gout ; for he lives merrily, becaufc Ambs ace. n. /. [from ambo, Lat. and Or ambujh from the ifeep. Milton 1 Pauidifc Lojl,
he feels no pain } knowing no burthen of heavy ace.] A double ace ; fo called when 3. The ftate of being polled privately, in
tedious penury : him time airlki withal. two dice turn up the ace.
Skakijfenre^t j^i you like it. order to furprife ; the ^ate of lying in
I had rather be in this choice, than throw
3. In a ludicrous fenfe, to move with fub- amis ace for my life.
and by direftion ; as a horfe Stakiffeure's jtlCi toell that end! tvell. 4. Perhaps the perfons placed in private
This will be yet clearer, by confidering his own nations.
that ambles ufes a gait not natural.
inftancc of carting amis ace-, though it partake For you, my noble lord of Lancafler,
A laughing, toying, wheeiling, whimpering (he. more of contingency than of freedom. Suppofing Once did I lay an omhujh for your life.
Shall make him amtle on a goHip's meflage,
the pofiiure of the party's hand who did throw Sbakefp. Rkbard II.
And take the dlftaffwith a hand as patient,
the dice, fuppofing the ligurc of tlie table, and of
As e'er d'd Hercules. Rcwf's Jaie Shcre. A'mbush ED. adj. [from ambujh.] Placed
the dice themfelves, fuppofing the meafurc of
4. To walk daintily and affcftedly.
foice applied, and fuppoHng ail other things which
in ambulh ; lying in wait.
I am rudely ftampt, and want love's majefty, Thick as the fliadcs, there ilfue fwarming bands
did concur to the production of jhat talt, to be
To ftrut before a wanton emilmg nympli. the very fame they wen!, there is no doubt but
Of amhtijiyd men, whom, by their arms and drefs,
in this cafe the call is necelfary. To be '1 axallan enemies I guefs.
Orydeni Indian Emperor,
A'uble. n.f. [from To amlle.'\ A pace Bramhcm agehji Hohhci.

or movement in which the horfe re- Ambui.a'tion, n.f. [ambulatio, Lat.]

A'mbushment. n.f. [domambufi which ;

on one fide as, on fee.] Ambufh ; furprife : a word now

moves both his legs ; The aft of walking.
From the occult and invifible motion of the not ufed.
the far fide, he removes his fore and
mufclcs, in ft.ition, proceed more offenlivc laf- Like as a wily fox, that having fpied
hinder leg of the fame fide at one time, Where on a funny bank the lambs do play,
fitudes than from cmbvlancn,
whilft the legs on the near fide ftand Briivni l^ulgar Erreurs. Full clofcly creeping by the hinder fjdc.
ftill and, when the far legs are upon Lies in ambiijhment of his hoped prey. Spcrtfer,-
A'mbulatory. adj. [ambulo, Lat.]
'the ground, the near fide removes the Ambu'st. adj. [ambujius, Lat.] Kurnt.;
1. That which his the power or faculty
rfore leg and hinder leg, and the legs fcalded. Diff,
of walking.
" on the far fide ftand ftill. An amble is The gradient, cr ambulatory, are fuch as re-
Ambu'stion. n.f, [ambuflio, Lat.] A
tue firft pace of young colts, but when quire fomc bafis, or bottom, to up^hold them in burn ; a fcald.
they have ftrength to trot, they quit it. their motions : luch were thofe felf-moving fta- A'm EL. n.f. [email, Fr.] The matter
tues, which, unlefs violently detained, would ol
There is no amble in the manage ; with which the variegated works are
themfelves run away. JVilkim^i Matb. Ma^uk.
riding-maftcrs allow only of walk, trot, overlaid, which we call enamelled.
and gallop. A horfe may be put from 2. That which happens during a paflage The of glafs melted with calcined

a trot to a gallop without flopping

or walk. tin, compolc an undiaphanous body. This white
He was Cent to conduce hither the princcfs, of amel is the b.ifis of all thofe fine concretes tliat
but he cannot be put from an amble to
whom his majefty had an ambulatory view in his goldfmiths and artificers employ in the curious
a gallop without a ftop, which inter- travels. tVottan. art of enamelling. Boyle on Colours,-
rupts the juftnefs of the manage. Moveable; as, an ambulatory court; a AMKN. adv. [a word of which the ori-
Farrier's Dia. court which removes from place to place ginal has given rife to many conjeftures.
A'mbler. n.f. [from To amble.'] A horfe for the exercife of its jurifdiftion. Scaliger writes, that it is Arabick ; p. J
that has been taught to amble ; a A'm BURY. n.f. A
bloody wart on any the Rabbles make it the compound of
pacer. part of a horfe's body. the initials of three words, fignifying
A'm B L N LY.aJv. [from ambling.'] With
1 Ambusca'de. n.f. [embufcade, ^T. See the Lord is a faithful king ; but the word
an ambling movement. Ambvsh.] a
private flation in which feems merely Hebrew, \ni>., which, with
JMBRO'SIA. n.f. [tt^Z^e,c\<t.] men lie to furprife others ; ambufh. along train of derivatives, fignifies firm-
I. The imaginary food of the gods, from Then waving high her torch, the fignal made, nefs, certainty, fidelity.] A term ufed
which every thing eminently pleafing Which rous'd the Grecians from their ambujcade. in devotions, by which, at the end of a
to the fmell or tafte- is called am- prayer, we mean, Jo be it ; at the end
When 1 behold a fafhionable table fct out, 1

Irofta. fancy that gouts, fevers, and lethargies, with in- of a creed, yo /'/ is.
8. One
One cried, God bUrs lu ! and, jfnM / die Behold ! famine and plague, tribuUtioa ind They (ball atr.eret him
an hundjcd ihekeis of
in, angMiih, are fent as fcotirget for ammdment. filver, and give them onto the father of the dam-
A« they had I'ecn me with thefe hangman's hands. a £fdras,xv], 19. fel, becaufe he hath brought up an evil name upon
J.i/lening their I'car, I could not fay ylmen, Though a ferious purpoie of amendment, and a vir/in of Ifrael. _ Deut. x%n. ii).
When they did fay Cod blefs us. Shakcfp, Mach. true afls of contrition, before the habit, may be
3. Sometimes it is ufed, in imitation of
BIclTtd be the Lord God of Ifi'ael, from erer- accepted by God ; yet there is no fure judgment
lafting and to everlafling, Amin and amm. whether
the Greek coaftrudion, with the par-
this purpofe be ferious, or thefe afls
Pfaltn xli. 13. true iCtt of contrition. ticle of.
Ame'nablb. adj. Hammond*: Praliical Catecbijm. Millions of fpiritt, for his fault amerc'd
[<ime/nah!c, Fr. amencr
0/" heav'n, and from eternal fplendours flung
qutlqu'un, in the French courts, figni- 3. Recovery of health.
For his revolt. Miliim.
fies, to oblige one to appear to anCwer Your honour's i>l yen hearing your amendment,
Are come to play a pleafant comedy. Shaief/i.
Ame'rcer. \irom amerce.'\ He that
a chaige exhibited againft liim.] Rc-
Ame'ndment. ti.f, [emendatio, Lat.] It fcts a fine upon any mifdemeanour
; he
fpoiifible ; fubjett fo as to be? liable to
fignifies, in law, the correftion of an that decrees or inflidts any pecuniary
enquiries or accounts.
errour committed in a procefs, and punirtiment or forfeiture,
Aiain, bccaul'e the inf'riour fort were loofs
«nd poor, and not amenabh to the law, he pro- cfpied before or after judgment ; and Ame'rcement. \n.f. [from amerce.'^
vided, by another adV, that five of the bell and foraetimes after the party's feeking ad- Ame'rciamekt. jThe pecuniary pu-
eldeft pcrfons of every fept, Asuld bring in all the vantage by the errour. Blount. niiliment of an offender, who (lands at
idle pcrfons of their fumatne, to be ju!^ilied by the the mercy of the king, or other lord itt
Ame'nder. n.f. [from amend.'\ The per-
law. Sir Jdhr. Dank: on Ireland.
his court.
fon that amends any thing. Convtll.
A'menage. 7 n.f. [They feem to come All amercements and fine* that Aall be impoftd
A'menance. from flWMcr, Fr.]
Ame'nds. n.f. [amende, Fr. from which
3 Con- upon them, Ihall come unto thcmfelves.
it feems to be accidentally corrupted.]
daft ; behaviour ; mien ; words dif- &fether's &ate of Ireland,
ufed. Rccompence ; compenfatioa ; atone- Ames ace. n.f. [a corruption of the word
For he ment.
is fit to ufe in all afi'ay^ ambs which appears, from very old
Whether for arms and wariilcc amenanct. If I have too aufterely punifli'd you.
Your compcnfation authorities, to have been early foftened
Or eJie for wife and civil governance, Sjxvfer,
mal:cs amends. Shakefpeare.
Well kend him fo far fpace, Of the
amends recovered, little or nothing re- by omitting the b.'\ Two ace's on two
Th' enchanter, by his arms and ammar.ce. turns to thofe that had fuffcred the wrong, but dice.
When under him he faw his Lybian fteed to
commonly all runs into the prince's coffcs. But then my fludy was to cog the dice.
prance. Fairy S>ueen. Raleigh's Effays. And dext'rou/ly to throw the lucky fice •.

Thets I, a pris'ner chain'd, fcarce freely draw To

To AME'ND. 1/. a. {amender, Fr. emendo,
(hun amis ace, that fwept my flakes away
air imprrfon'd alfo, clofe and damp, And watch the box, for fear they fliould convey
Lat.] Unwholefame draught ; but here 1 feel amends. Falfe bones, and put upon me in the play.
t . To change any thing that
correift ; to The bre.ith of heav'n frefli blowing, pure and Dryden,
is wrong to fomething better. fweet, A
2. To reform the life, or leave wiclced-
With day-fpring born ; here leave me

to rcfpire.
MESS. n.f. [corrupted from amice.] A
prieft's veftinent. Di/3.
nefsi In thefe two cafes we ufually Some little hopes I have yet remaining, that 1 Ametho'tjicai,. adj. [from a and me-
write maid. See e r; n M may make the world fime part of amends for ihcd.] Outof.method; without method;
Ameml-jaMT ways and your doings, and I will many ill piays, by an lieroick poem. Diyden. irregular.
ictiife you to dwell in this place, Jercm. vii. 3. our fouls be immortal, this make.'; abundant

5. To reflore paffagcs in writers, which amends and compcnfation for the frailties of life,
A'METHYST. n.f [k^s'Slt©-, contrary
and fufterings of this ftate. TiiUi/ai.
to wine, or contrary to drunkennefs ;
the copiers are iiuppofed to have de-
It is a ftrong argument for retribution here- fo called, either becaufe it is not quite
praved ; to recover the true reading.
after, that virtuous pcrf.)ns arc very often unfor- of the colour of wine, or becaufe it was
JToAmb'nd. 1/. «. To grow better. To tuoate, and vicious pcrfons profperous ; which imagined to prevent inebriation.]
amend differs from
to impro've ; to im- is repugnant to the nature of a licing, who ap-

pears infinitely wife and %ood in all his works ;

A precious ftone of a violet colour, bordering on
fro<ve fuppofes or not denies that the purple. The oriental amethyft is the hardctl,
thing well already, but to amend im- unlefs we may
fuppofe tliat fuch a proniifcuous
is fcarceft, and moft valuable ; it is generally of a
diftribution, whiclr was neccffary f.^r carrying on
plies fomething wrong. dove colour, though fome are purple, and others
the defigns of providence in this life, will be rec-
As my fortune either amend: or impairs, I may white like the diamond. The German is of a vio-
tified and made amends for in another. SfeSatsr.
declare it unto you. let colour, and t!ic Spanilh are of three forts ; the
At his touch
Ame'nity. n.f. [amenite, Fr. amceiiitas, bed are the.blacke.l or deepsil -violet othws are ;

Such fenftity hath Heaven given hand. Lat.] Pleafantiicfs agreeablenefs of aimoft quite white, and fonr.e few tinftured with
his ;

They prefently amend. yellow. 1'he amctiyj} is not extrerociy Iiarvl, but
Statefp. Machtth. Atuation.
AMENDE, f [French.] This word, in
n. If the fitujtion of Babylon v»as fuch atfirftrasin
ealy to be engravtd upon, and is next in value to
the emerald.
the days of Herodotus,
Satmy. Chixmberu
French, fignifits
a fine, by whirh recom- it was .a feat of amenity
Some ftones approached th.» granule complex-
and pleafure. Bretvn.
pence is fuppofed to be made for the ion; and feveral nearly refembled tiie aineth:j!.
fault committed. We ufe, in a cogn.ite
Amenta'ceous. [amentatiu, Lat.]
fignification, the word amends. Hanging as by a thread.
A'methyst (in heraldry] fignifies the
The pine tree hath amentaceous flowers or kat-
oAme'ndment. n.f. [amendemenf,'Br.'\ kin<. Miller.
fame colour in a nobleman's coat, that
1, A change from bad for the better. To AME'RCE. a;, a. [amercier, Fr. o(phccf.-
purj>ure does in a gentleman's.
Before it Was prefcntcd on the ftage, fomc
nuit a/xipsTf, feems to give the ori- Amethy'stine. adj. [from amclbyfi.]
things in it have pafled your approbation and
ginal.] Referabling an amethyll in colour.
vninidmtnt. DryJui.
Man is always msnding and altering his works; 1. To punifh with a pecuniary penalty
A kind of ameihyfiine flint, not compofed of
cryftals or grains, but one entire malTy flronc.
but nature obferves the fame tenour, bccaule her to exadl a fine to inflift a forfeiture.
works are fo pcrfeft, that there is no place for
It is a word originally juridical, but A'MIABLE. adj.
air.tndments ; nsthing that cait be reprehended.
[aimable, Fr.]
Ray on the Creation.
adopted by other writers, and is ufed by 1. Lovely pleafing.

TItete are many natural defriVs in the undcr- Spenfer of punilhments in general. That which is good in the aftiofls of men, doth
ftanding, xapabic of cmftidKent, which arc over- Where every one that mifiech ttien her make. not only delight as profitable, but as amiable alfo.
looked and wholly negleded. Ltcki. Shall be by him amerc'd with penance due. Uuker,
2. Reformation of life. Spenftr. She told her, wiiile flie kept it,

Our Lord and Saviour was of opinion, that But I'll amerce you with fo ftrong a fine. 'Twould mike her amiable, fubdue my father
they which would not be drawn to amendment of That you repent the lofs of mine.
fiiall all Entirely to her love ; but if flie loft it,
lifr, by the tcftimony which Mofes and the pro- Sbakefpeare. Or made a gift of it, my fatlier's eye
phets have given, concerning the miferies tliat All the fuitors were confiderably amerced ; yet Should hold her loathed. Shakeff, Otlc/'o,
ibUuw finners after. death, were not likely to be tills proved but an inelTedual remedy for thofe 2. Pretending love ; (hewing love.
perfoaded by other means, although God from the mifchiefs. Hale. Lay amiable fiege to the honelty of this Ford's
dead'Oioiild'have raJfed tJicin up preachers. 2. Sometimes with th« particle in before wife ; ufe your art of wooing. Shakcffeare.
Bnier, the fine. A'MiABLEKEss.w.y; [from amiable.] The
qualify of bting amiable ; lovelinefs ;
Amtta's breaft the fury thus mvtdes, A'mity. m,/, [amities Fr. amicitia, Lat.
And fires with rage aaid the fylvan fliades, Friendfhip, whether publick between
pc'.v-'r oi' riiiing love. Prjdrn.
-. the nauir^ g'i'Sy and amabUmJi of
naiions, oppofed to 'a«r; or among tha
:ri;n wears off, they have noihing left 3. Amon^ft; conjoined with.
people, oppofed to difccrd-^ or between
them, but by among the lumber
What tho' no real voice nor found
to ..i tie private perfons.
jimd their radiant orbs be found ?
and ' I :! . f th«? fpeeies. Addifcn, Th^ prophet David did think, that the very
In reafon's ear they all ryoice.
-A'miai;:,y. adnj. [fTom.^miaHe.'\ In an And utter forth a glorious voice, meeting of men together, ana their accompanying
amiahle manner ; in fuch a maBner as for ever llnging, as they i^ine, one aiiother to the houle of God, ihouid make
" The hand made us is divine." AUHJ^n, the bund of rheir love infoiubJe, and tic them
to excite love.
in a league of inviol.ible amUy, Hooker,
ATillCABLE. adj. [amicabiJh, Lat. ] Ami'ss. ad'v. [from a, which, in this form The monarchy of Great Biitain was in league
Friendly ; kind. It is commonly ufcd of compoiition, often fignifies according and am':ty with all the world.
of more than one ; as, they live in an to, and mi/s, the Englifli particle, which Sir ^ohn Daviet on IrtlamU

amicable manner ; but we feldom fay, fhews aay thing, like the Greek, You have a noble and a true conceit .

Of gcdlilce amity \ which appears moil ftrongly

an amicahlt aftion, or an amicable man, to be wrong, as, to mi/count, to count
In bearing thus the abfence of your lord. Sbakefp^
though it be fo ufed in this paffage. erroneoufly > to mifdo, to commit a And ye, oh Tyrians, with immortal hate
grace fere oe oil vutiie heav'oly fair,
crime : amifs therefore fignifies net right, Purfuc this race, this fervice dedicate
Divine oblivion of low-thoughied care ! or out of order. To my deplored afljes j let there be
Freih blooming hope, gay daughter of the flty !
'Twixt us and tliem no league nur atuUy, Vctrhum*
And our early immortality I. Faulty ; criminal.
faith, !

For that which thou haft fworn to do emifa.

AMMO'NIAC. «. /, The name of a
Enter each inild, each amkaile gueft
Is yet jKJ/i, when it is truly dm.e. 'drug.
Receive and wrap me in eternal icft. p€fe.
Sbake'p, King Jihri. Gum Ammoniac is brought from the £ail la-
A'micablekess. »./. [from amicable. '\
z. Faultily ; criminally. dies, and fuppofed to ooze frum an umbcliifer-

The quality of being amicable; friend- We hope therefore to reform ourfelvcs, if at rtus plant. Diofcorldes fay'i) it is the juice of a
linefs goodwill. any time we hare done amift, is not to fever our- kind of ferula growing in Barbary, and the plant Ts
called agafyliiu Fliny calls the tree metopion^
A'micably. ad-v. [from amicahU.'\ In an fclves from the church we were of before, lltaker.
which, he lays, grows near the Temple of Jupiter
amicable manner ; in a friendly way ; O ye powers that fearch
The heart of man, and weigh his inmoft thoughts. Anaraon, whence the gum takes its name. It
with goodwill and concord. If J have done amijs, impute it not Addijon, ou^ht to be in dry drops, whice within, yeiJowiOi
They fee without, eafily fufible, refinous, fomewhat bitter>
Through the dun mift, in blooming beauty frefli. 3. In an ill fenfe. and of a very iharp tartc and fmell, fomewhat |ike
Two lovely jouth«, that amUshly wilkt She figh'd withal, they conftru'd all amifi. garlick. This gum is faid to have fcrved the an-
Oer verdant meads, and pleas'd, pcrbapf, r«volv'd And thought (he wifii'd to kill who long'd ti kifs. cients for incenfc, in their facrifices.
Anna's late conqueft^. Philifs. Ftiitfax. Sa-vary, 7ren/oux,
1 found my fubjt'c^s amicaliy join 4. Wrong ; improper ; unfit. Sal Ammoniac is a volatile fait of two kinds, an-
To leffen their ceretts, by citing mine. friar. Examples have not generally the force of laws, cient and modern. The ancient fort, defcribed.
In Holland itfelf, where it is pretended that which ail men ought to keep, but of counfcls by Pliny and Diofcorldes, was a native fait, gene-
the variety of ft£ti live fo amkally together, it is
only and pcrfuafions, not amiji to be followed by rated in thoic large inns where the crowds of pil-
notorious how a turbulent part), j.>ining wi:h the them, whife cafe is the like. Htakcr. grims, coming from the temple of Jupiter Ammoo,
Arminians, did attempt to deft.oy the repubiick. Methinks, though a man had all fcienc:, and ufed to lodge ; who travelling upon camels, and
Svi/i'i Church of Engf:ind Man, all principles, yet it mi^ht not be avtifi to hav^ thofe creatures in Cyrcne, where that celebrated
A'micb. n.f. [amiiius, Lat. amia, Fr. fome confciencc. I'i/iutfon, temple ftood, urining in the ftables, or in the
Primum ex fix indumentii epij'ccpo {^ pref- parched fands, out of this urine, which is remark-
5. Wrong; not according to the perfec- ably ftrong, arofe a kind of fait, denominated fome-
bjteriis communibitsfunt , amiiSiiv alba, tion of the thing, whatever it be. timcs from the temple, j^mmtmacy and fometiniCa
cinguhm, fiola, manifulus , i3 planela. Du V'our kindred is nut much amils, 'i:s true j from the country, Cyreniac, No m-rc cf this lalt
Cange. yliniiius quo collum Jlringttur, Yet I am fumewhit better born than you.
Dryd. is produced cheie5 and, from this deficiency, foine

y peSus ttgitur, cajlita'.em inlcricris ho-

I buiii a wait,, nothing delighted
and when the mafons played the
mc fo m^xh as to Hand
fufpedt thf^re never was any fuch thing: but tliia
fulpicion is removed, by tfae large quantities of a
tninis drfignat enim cor, ne sani-
: tegit
by, while my fervants threw down what was amif;. fj);, nearly of the fame nature, thrown out by
tates cog! 1 el ; Jhingit outem collum, ne inde Svift mount j^tna.
ad linguam tranfeat rm/idacium. Bruno.] 6. Reproachful ; irreverent. The modern fai ammoniac is made in £gypt
The firft or undernioft part of a priell's £very peopie, oatiun, and language, which wheie long-ncckcd glafs bottles, filled with loot,
fp;ak any thing amiji .igainft the God of Sha- a little fea fait, and the urine of cattle, and hav-
habit, over which he wears the alb.
drach, Melhach, anJ Abednego, fliall be cut in ing their mouths luted with a piece of wet cotton^
Thus piU'd the night fofoul, till morning fjir
piece;, and their houfcs Ihall be made a dungSill are placed over an oven or furnace, in a thick bed
Came forth with pilitim fteps in amict grey.
Milt>n, becaufe there it no ether God that can deliver of alhes, nothing but the necks appearing, and
after this furt. DanidfU'i. z^. kept there two cays and a night, with a conti-
On fome a prieft, fuccind in aniUe white.
Attends. Pipe. /.Impaired in health; as, I was forae- nual ftrong fire. The ileam fwclls up the cotton*
and forms a parte at the vent-hole, hindering the
Ahi'd. 7 f'''P- [from a and mid, or what ami/s yefterday, but am well to- faltj from evaporating j which ilick to the top of
Ami'dst. 5 midj}.] day. the bottle, and aie out in thofe large cake^,
i. In midft ;
the equally dillant from 8. Jmi/s is marked as an adverb, though which they feud to England. Only foot exhaled
either extremity. itcaonot always be adverbially render- from dung, li the proper ingredient in this pre-
Of the paration i and the dung of camels aifurds the
fruit ed ; becaufe it always follows the lub-
Of each tree in the garden we mny eat ihongeft.
j llancive to which it relates, contrary to Our chymifts imitate the 'B^y^Htan/a/ ammoniat^
But of the of this fa r tree amitiji
the nature of adjcdlives in Englilh ; by adding one part of common fait to five of
The garden, God hath lajd, ye ihall not eat.
Milton. and though we fay the aflion was amifs, urine; with which fome mix that quantity of
foot, and putting the whole in a veiid, tlicy r.iife
The two ports, the bagnio, and Donatelli's we never fay an amifs adlion.
fiatue of the gj'iJt duke, an:tdji the four flavcs, from it, by fublimation, a while, friable, farina-
9. j^mifs is ufed by Shaiejpeare as a noun
chained to bit pedcftal, are very noble fights. ceous fubfiance, which they cAlJuI ammcniac*
fubllantive. Chambtrs»
Addijun. .

To my lick foul, as fin's true nature is.

2. Mingled with ; furrounded by ; in the
Each toy feems ptologue to fome great amifs.
Ammonx'acal. adj, [from ammoniac'^
ambit of another thing. Hamlet, Having the properties of ammoniac fait.
Arrid my flock with wot my voice I tear. Human blood calcined, yields no fixed faltj
Ami'ssion. n.f. [ami^o, Lat.] Lofs.
And, but bewitch'J, who a< his tlock would moan ? nor is it a fal remains im-
j for that
Sidn<y. To Ami't. "v. a. [ann/to, Lat.] To lofe :
mutable at'rcr repeated diftillations; and dirtilla-
So hills nmld the air encountf r'd hills, a word little in ufe. tion dcllroys the ammon'iaraj (juality of anijnal
\ M to and fro with jaculalion dire. Miltcn. Ice water congealed by the frigidity of the
is faiti, and turns them alkaline fo that it is a

^ave 1 donr, to name that wealthy fwain, air, it acquircth no new form, but rather
whereby fait neither quite fixed, run qiiiLe volatile, nor
>n:A^ my cryital flreams I bring, a conHftence or determination of its dilBucncy, quite acid, nor quite aikal'ne, nor quite ammoni-
;.. winds to blaft my flow'ry fpiing. and emuutb not its elliuice, but condition of Aui- acal J but foft and benign, approaciung nearcft to
0rydcn. dity. Brown's Vulgar Ernurt, tlie natuxe of fa] ammoniac. ^l-Outkn^t^
Ammcki'tiok. »./. [fuppored by fome I hive then, m
you fee, obferved the failings provifion for them, after the lawi of amonixatim
of many great wits amangft the moderni, who were devlfed and put in ufe by princes.
to come from
amonitio, which, in the
have attempted to write an epic poem. Dryden. Ayliffe't Parergon yurit Caneaiei.
barbarous ages, feems to have fignified
fupply of proviilon ; but it furely may
There were, among the olu Roman ftatucs, To AMORTIZE. [amertir, Fr.] To-V. a.
feveral of Venus in di(ferent pofturea and habits j alien lands or tenements to any corpo-
be more reafonably derived from vtu- as there are many particular figures of her made
ration, guild, or fraternity, and their
after the fame defign. jiddijon.
ttilio, fortification ; cho/es a munitions,
fucceflbrs; which cannot be done withr
things for the forueffes.] Military A'morist, n.f. [from amour.'] An ina- out licence of the king, and the lord of
Hores. morato ; a gallant ; a man profeiSng the manour. Blount.
They muft make themfdvcs defenfible agiinft love. This did concern the kingdom, to have farms
ftr>nger$ ; and muft have the jfliftance of fomf Female beautiei are as fickle In their facei as maintain an able body out of penury,
fufiicient to
»ble military man, and convenient arms and their minds ; though cafuilties Ibould fpare them, and to amortize part of the lands unto the yeo-
ammunition for their defence. Baca. age brings in a necclTity of decay ; leaving dotcr^ manry, or middle part of the people. Baccn.
The colonel ftaid to put in the ammunition he upon red and white perplexed by incertainty
brought with him ; which was only twelve bar- To Amo've. 1/. a. [anoveo, Lat.]
both of the continuance of their miftrefs's kind-
reli of powder, and twelve hundred weight of I. To remove from a port or rtation a
nefs, and her beauty, both which are neced'ary to :

match. Clarendcn, the amorijl^s joys and quiet. Boyle. juridical fenfe.
All the rich mines of learning ranfackt are.
To furnilh ammunition for this war. Diniam>
JMORO'SO. n.f [Ital.] A man- ena- z. To remove ; to move ; to alter : a
But now his (lores of ammunition fpent. moured. Dia. fenfe now out of ufe.
His naked Therewith, amoved from his fober mood.
valour is his only guard : A'morous. adj. [amorofo, Ital.]
And lives he yet, faid he, that wrought this t€t
Rare thunders are from his dumb cannon fent. f
1 In love ; enamoured ; with the par- And do the heavens afford him vital food ?
And folitary guns are fcarcely heard. Drydtn.
ticle of before the thing loved ; in Fairy S^teii'
Ammuni'tion bread, n.f. Bread for Shttkefpeare, on. At her fo piteous cry was much amoved
the fupply of the armies or garrifons. Sure my brother Her champion ftout. Fairy
is amorous on Hero ; and hath S/ueeii,
A'mnestv. n.f [autrsM.] An aft of withdrawn her father to break with him about it. •To A Mo'u NT. a;, «. [monter. Ft.]
oblivion ; an aft by which crimes a- Sbakcfpfare. 1. To rife to in the accumulative quan-
gainfl the government, to a certain The amorous mafter ownM
her potent eyes, tity ; to compofe
the whole ; within
Sigh'd when he lookM, and trembled as he drew
time, are fo obliterated, that they can j
the particle to. It is ufed of feveral
Each flowing line confirin'd his firft furprize.
never be brought into charge. And as the piece advanced, the paflion grew. fums in quantities added together.
I never read of a law enafted to take away the Prior. Let us compute a little more particularly how
force of all laws, by which a man may fafely
2. Naturally inclined to love ; difpofed to much this will amount to, or how many oceans
commit upon the laft of June, what he would of water would be necelTary to compole this great
infallibly be hanged for, if he committed it on
fondnefs ; fond.
ocean rowliog in the air, without bounds or banks.
the firft of July ; by which the greateil criminals Apes, as foon as they have brought forth their
Burnet's Theory,
may efcape, provided they continue long
young, keep their eyes faftencd on them, and are
enough 2. It ufed, figuratively, of the confe-
in power never weary of admiring their beautyj fo amoroiti
to antiquate their crimes, and, b;
is nature o/'whatfoever flie produces. quence rifing from any thing taken al-
ftifling them awhile, deceive the legillatufe into
an amrejiy. Dryden''i Dufrefnoy. together.
Relating, or belonging to love. The errours of young men are the ruin of bufi-
Amn'i'colist. n.f. {ammcola,'LaA.'\ In- 3.
nefs but the errours of aged men amount but to
habiting near a river. DiS. I that am
not (hap*d for fportivc tiicks, ;

Nor made to court an amorous looking-gtaffs, this, that more might have been done, or fooner.
AM.Ni'ciNOus. n.f. [amnigenus, 'L?A.'\
I, that am rudely ftampt. Shahefp. Rich. III. Bacon*
Born of a river. DiS. And into all things from her air infpir'd Judgments that are made on the wrong fide of
AMNION. In./. [Lat. perhaps from The fpirit of love, and amorous delight. Miltcn.
the d .nger, amount to no more than an afi'e£tation
of Jkiil, without either credit or effed.
J'MNIOS. S «/«*'&•.]
In the amorous net
Firft caught theylik'dj and each his liking chofe. VEfirange,
The innermoft membrane with which the ftetus
in the womb is moft immediately covered, and Mill'jn. Amo'unt. n.f. [from To amount.] The
with which the reft of the I'ecundines, the cho- O ! how I long my carelefs limbs to lay fum total ; the refult of feveral fums or
rion, and alantois, are ejeftcd after birth. Under the plantane's (hade, and all the day quantities accumulated.
It is
whitc-r and thinner than the chorion. It alfo con-
With amorous airs my fancy entertain, And nnv, ye lying vanities of life.
nutritious humour, fcparate-i b^ glands for
tains Invoke the mufes, and improve my vein \ IVaVer. Where are you now, and what is your amountt
that purpofe, with which the foetus is prcferved. It A'M0R0usLy.a</i/. [fromfl/»oro»/.] Fond- Vexation, dllappointmcnt, and rcmorfe. Thcmfon.
U outwardly cioathed with the urinary membrane
ly ; lovingly. Amo'ur. n.f. [amour, Fr. amor, Lat.] An
and the choriin, which fometimes ftick fo clofc to
Whenthou wilt fwlm in that live-bath, of gallantry ; an intrigue : gene-
one another, that they can fcarce be feparatcd. It
Each fi(h, which every channel hath. rally ufed of vitious love.
has alfoiu veflclefrom the fame origin as the cho-
Will amoroujly to thee fwim.
The ou
rion. Shiimy. founds like 00 in poor.
Gladder to catch tiiee, than thou him. Donne.
AMO'MUM. n.f. [Lat.]
fort of fruit. A No man is of fo general and diflAifive a luft, as
The commentators on Pliny and Diofcoridcs fup- A'morousness. «. f [from amorous.'} to prolecute his amours all the world over; and
pofc it to he a fruit diftirrent from ours. The mo- The quality of being amo'°x>us ; fond- let it burn never fo outrageoufty, yet the impure
dern amomum appears to be the__^fl of the ancients, nels ; lovingnefs ; love. flame will either die of itfelf, or confume the body
or bajiard fitme-parjUy, It refembles the mufcat that harbours it. South,
AU Gynecia*s actions were interpreted by Bafi-
grape. This fruit is brought from the Eaft In- lius, as proceeding from jealoufy of his amcrouf-
The rertlcfs youth fe.irch'd all the world around;
dies, and makes part of treacle. It is of a hot But how can Jove in his amours be found ?
nejs. Sidney.
fpicy tartc and fmcll. Ttcnjoux. Ciambcts. Lindamor has wit, and amorcufnefs enough to ^dd;f!.n.

Amo'nc. \prep. [aman5,3eraan3, Sax- make him (jnd it more eafy to defend fair ladies, A'mper. n.f. [amppp. Sax.] A tumour,
Amo'ncst. on.] than to defend himlelf againft them. with inflammation ; bite : a word faid,
I. Mingled with; placed with other per-
Boyle on Cohtfrs, by Skinner, to be much in ufe in Effcx
fons or things on every fide. JMO'RT. aJv. [a la mort, Fr.] In the but, perhaps, not found in books-.
jimbngji llravvbcrrics fow here and there fome Hate of the dead; dejefted ; depreffed ; AMPHl'BIOUS. adj. [S^<p. and ^1©-.]
borage-lted ; and you (hall find the (Irawberrics fpiritlefs. I. That which partakes of two natures, fo
under thofe leaves far more large than their fel- How fares my Kate ? what, fweeting, all amort f as to live in two elements ; as, in air
lows* BiUcn. Sbitk Jp. Taming of the Shrcii •
and water.
voice of God
they heard.
Now walking in the garden, by foft winds
AmOrtiza'tion. 1 n. f. [amorttfeinea/, A creature nf amphibious nature,

Brought to their ears, while day dedia'd : they Amo'rtizement.J amorlijfahle, Fr.] Onlmd a bcift, a filh in water. Iludibras.
Thofe are called amphibious, which
heard, The right or aft of transferring lands live ficely
in the air, upon th- earth, and
)et are obfcrved to
And from his prefence hid thcmfelves, am^ng to mortmain that is, to fome commu-
live long ijpoo water, as it they were natural in-
The thickcft trcis, both man and wilj. Milton.
nity, that never to ceafe.
is habitants of that clement; t.iough it be W(trth
1. Conjoined with others, fo as to make Every one of the religious orders was confirmed the examination to know, whether any of xhoft
pai't of the number. by one pope or other; and they made an elpecial creatures that live at cale, and by choice, a good
hile, et: rt any time, «p«n the *arth,
e»n live, a behold fpetlacles, or as ftage-plays, 1. Enlargement; extenfion.
long time t"ge:her, perfeftly under water, iocij. gladiators. of the an- The theatres 2. It is uiually taken in a rhetorical fenfe,
f idles contain much oil, and amfhHi:us animals cients were built in the form of a femi- and implies exaggerated reprefentation,
partijiiMCe fome\vhat of the nature of fiflies, end
Arbutknoi. circle, only exceeding a juft femicircl^ or diftufe narrative ; an image height-
are oily.
by one fourth part of the diameter ; ened beyond reality ; a narrative en-
a. Of a mixt nature, in allufion to ani-
and the amphitheatre is two theatres larged with many circumftances.
mals that live in air and water.
joined together; (o that the lOngciJ I ihall fummarily, without any amplijicalhn at
Traul^i -f jKf hihicus breed.
all, fiicw ia what manner defects have been fup-
Motley fi uic of inun^^rel fee4-v diameter of the amphitneitre vyas to the Dav'tet.
By Cii dim from lordlings fprung. Ihortell, as one and a half to one. '1 hings unknown feem greater than they are,
By the fire exhaled irom dung. Sto:/!.
Within, an am^hUh-satre appear'd and are ufually received with amplificaticrs above
AMPHi'sioustfESS. [from arrt.hi-
n. /. Rais'd in degrees ; to fixty paces rear'd, their nature. Brc-jin'i Vulgar Erroars,
tious.] The quality of being able to That when a man was plac'd in one degree, fuch incredibla'
Is the poet juftlfiable for relating
Heig'^t was allowM for him above to fee. Drjden. f It niay be anfwered, if he had put
live in difterent elements. einpl{l>"'t">tii
Concei\e a man placed in the burning iron' thele extravagances into the mouth of Ulyffes, he
Am p H I bolo'g c a l I . ai^. [from amphibo- chair at Lyons, amid the infults and mpckerit.-s of had been un(>arJonable ; but they fult well the
logy.'^ Doubtful. a crowded am^hithiatre\zni ftill keeping Iiis feat; charaftpr of Alcinous. F'l '•
or ftrcrched upon a grate of iron, over coals of.iire,;
Amphibolo'oicali.y. aJ-j. [from aw A'mpsk^ier.b./ \(romTo amplify.'] One
and breathing out his foul among the exquiOtc
phihological.l Doubtfully ; with a doubt- fufFcrings of fuch a tedious execution, rather (han that enlarges any thing ; one that ex-
ful meaning. renounce his religion, or blafphcme bis Saviour. aggerates ; one that reprefents any
AMPHIBO'LOGY. ». /. [S^i^.Co^o^ia.] thing wiih a large difplay of the belt
Dii'courfe of uncertain meaning. It is A'MPLE. adj. [amflus, Lat.]
circumftances ; it being ufually taken
diflinguiihed from equl-jocation, which I. Large; wide; extended, in a good fenfe.
Heav'n dcfcendj
means the double fignincation of a fmgle In univerfal bounty, fliedding herbs.
Dorillaus could need no amplifitr's inouth for
the higheft point of ptaifc. E'ulney.
word; as, noli rcg<m oc cider e timere bo- And fruits, and flowers, on Katurc's amp/e luf,

num tft, is amphihclogy ; captate Upores, Ihimfon. To A' MVLIV\ . -v. a. [amplifer, Fr.]
meaning, by Ifperes, either hares or jells, z. Great in b'llk. 1 . To enlarge ; to increafe any material
is equi'VDCittion.
Did your letters pierce the queen to any demon- fubftance, or objeft of fenfe.
iliationof grief ?
Now the fallacies, whereby men deceive others, So when a great moneyed man hath divided hi«
She took 'cm, and read 'em in myprefencc,
and arc deceived thcmfelves, the ancients have chefts, and coins, and bags, he fecmeth to him-
divided into verbal and real ; of the verbal, and
And now and then ^n ample tear trill'd down felf richer than he was and therefore a way to :

Her delicate cheeks. Shaktfp. King Lear, and to make

fuch as conclude from miftakes of the word, there amplify any thing, is to break it,

»rc but two worthy our notauon ; the fallacy of 3. -Unlimited ; without rellriftion. anatomy of it in feveral parts, and to examine it

equivocation, and amfhlbohfry. Have what you alk, your prcfcnts I receive ; ,
according to the feveral circumftances. Baccn,
Brvtcn'i Vulgar Errcurt. Land where and when you pleafe, with amplt leave. All concaves that proceed fiom more narrow to
He that aifirm'd, 'gainll fenfe, fnovr black to be, Drydin.' more'brt>ad, io amplify the found at the coming
Mi^ht prove it by this empiil/'^h^y j 4. Liberal ; large ; without parfimony. out. Bacon.
Things are not what they fcem. If we fpeak of ftrid juftice, GoJ could no way 2. To enlarge, or extend any thing in-
ytrfei Oft Ckaveland, have been bound to requite man's labours in fo
In defining obvious appearances, we are to ule large and amflt manner as human felicity doth
As the reputation of the Roman prelates grew
what is mort plain and eafy ; that the mind be not import ; in as much as the dignity 0^ this exceed-
up in thefe blind ages, fo grew up them withal
milled hy amfhlhtcgies into fallacious dcduflions. cth lb far the other's value. Hocko:
Glamjillc. a defire oS ampUfing their power, that they might
5. Magnificerit ; fplendid. be as great in temporal forces, as men's opinions
Amphi'bolous. iidj. [J/x^i and ^aUv.] To difpofe the prince the morcwiUinglv to un-' have formed them in fplrltual matters. Rahigh,
Tofled from one to anothei: j fluking dert^e his relief, the carl made nvpie promifes,
that, within fo many days after the fiege thould be) 3. To exaggerate any thing; to enlarge
each way. by the manner of reprefentation.
raifed, he would advance his highnefa'b
X -hcK foch an ttrft'-'^-' — — r--r-L
two th.'ufand men.
levies with
Tl'.y general is my lover; I have been

botl ring •Lhertifclves 10. -d ,

6. DifFufive not contrafled ; as, an am- The book of h^s ^;ood afls; whence men have read
inak ^ - - . V name in all their i :

ple narrative, that is, not an epitome.

His fame unpariilel'd, haply aKpliJiid. Shaleff.
to juftify their ailions. Huac/.'.
Since 1 have plainly laid open the negligence
Auphi'logy. [«f«fi and tay^-.] k. /. A'mpleness. ft./, [from ai/tple.'\ The qua-, and errours of every age that is paft, 1 would not
Equivocation; ambig^iity. Dt3. . ;.
litj of being ample j largenefs j fplen- Willingly leem to flatter the prefent, by amplif/irg
thi diligence and true judgment of thole fervi-
JMPHISB.'E'NA. n.f. [Ltt.i^.^.tr€ii.,.]
toiirs that hiive laboured in this vineyard. Davits.
fill far a perfon.of.piyj^onditionjtf)
A fcrpent fuppofcd to have two heads, proi^t; ., in prop6rtion,ej£hcr to t'le t^m-' 4. To enlarge ; to improve by new addi-
and by confeqaence tomove wiflt eiAer' plriyj' rt the body yju rcprefcnr, or oif the pfaccsj
end foremoil. , .
,', yiiu oear. .'iuitl'.i
In paraphrafe the author's words are not ftriQIjr
That th': ar:;
'"— •, 'Hit !»,' a Imailer'kind To A'Mf LI ATZ. v. a. [a»!pliOf hzt.J To follosved, his fenfe too is amplifd but not al-
of ferprnt, «!ii^ w.ird and backward,
enlarge ; to mal;e greater
; to extend. 1 tered, as W.iUcr's tranflation of Virgil. Drydeu.
hath twn heal -her extreme, was af-
He fliall look wpon
not to cradufe or. axte-i it, 1 feel age advancing, and my health is infufii-
firmed by N^cander. and others.
n'^-'j-i^ut fpieiplain and dilucid/tte, to i«ddand cient to increafe and anptifj thele remarks, to
' '- T ' / Jir',fvn's Vuher Emayt. aiptriair. ^rmrn^ confirm and. improve thefe rules, and to illuminate
, . , "
Scnrpion, and a'fpi xaianpbijbant dire. t
.,//;.', 71.
AmpI.! A'tio'n. >i.\f [fpom (impliale'.Y the p.iges. YVatii.

JMPHrSClI. 1. Enlargesiitor ; '.e'xafegeratloD :'

ext'en-' To A'^MPLipy. 11. n. Frequently with the
/: [Lat. ,i,i.<?'.fx.o., of
^•; ..
mfi.^\ andffxia, a fhadow.l 'JTlofe peoplci
J;' ^.^. > •
particle on.
Odimii matterS'atfm'fc rior'oif"an amphi/tiiS, but
dwelling lb- climates, yvherein ihi?. (lia- I. To fpeak largely in many words ; to
en)^t to Be rcltrained and interpreted' in tli'e irilded
dows, a: different times of the year, fenft.
' lay one's felf out in diffufion.
Ayliffa'i Parargi,n.
fallboth ways; to the north'pole.when 2. DjfFBrenefs; enl.iygenient. ,
When you jfieiV to amplify en the former

btanihfCi of a difcouii'e, you will often lay a nectl.

the fun is in the fouthern figns ; and. to The obfcurity ot the lubjtft, and the prejudice!
' "
:>-,... ,1 fltjiupyjii yourfelf of contrafliog the latter, and
thj fouth j>oJc, when he is in l!.. ,^^^ plcfd CX-]
Drevcrtt'yoijrfelf in die moll important pa" of
thjt n?.iy be
thern figns. TheCf are the pcoj yourdcfign. • iVattii Lugid.
' . . -
:-; Iclf plain and
inhabit the torrid zone. fin.". til,{d,-r. 1. To form large or pompous reprefenta-
AMpH I r H e'a r e n. ft [of aii3>Aia.Te'j't
; . Te Ampli'picate.*. /j.'[<jw^///fc«,.Lat.] tions. .

of uuipi and 5i^o//ai.] A building a' m To enlarge; to fpreadout ; to amplify. An excellent medicjiw for the ftone might be
coni;eived, by amplifying apprehenfions ab'.e
circular or oval fo-m, having its ar^-i .
^ Dia.
break a diamond. Bru'wii's Vulgar Errcurs.
encorapalTcd wiih rows of feats one a- Amplifica'tion. ». yr \ampUjication, I.haie fometimes been f)iced to amplify en
Love another; where fpdftatoxs' mi^hc Ft, ampl^caiio. Lit.] others i but hfie, wUeK the fubjeit li fo ftuittul,
Vol. I. I,
that the h»rveft ovcrcoipei the reaper, I am To A'MPUTATE. *. a. [awputo, Lat.] trifling amufemtnl, is fuflfered to poApoce the one
Oiofttnei by my chain. Drydm, To cot off a limb : a wordufed only in
thing neceflary. Rogers*
Homer amflijiny not invents ; and as thers During his confinement, his amufement was to
chirurgery. give poifon to dogs and cats, and lee (hem expire
waj rrally a people called Cyclopcans, fo they
cruiters, it wwci^^UineJ, that
Amongft the
might be men ot' great naniic, or giants. by flower jr quicktr torments. Pcpe^
their furgeons were too aftivc in it'nfu'tat'ng ,fnc- was left to while others, wto
Hand the battle,
PcIk'i Odsffiy. I
fored memberf. ' ff^Jcmjn'iSurpry. had better taknts than a dr.iper, thought it no un-
A'm LI t u d e. «./. \ampUtmlc, t'lr. c.mpti-
Amptjta'tion. «. f, [ampittatio, Lat.] pleafant amufement to look on witn f ifety, whilft
tudo, Lat.j The operation of cutting off .> limb, or other another was giving them divcrfion at the haz.^rd of
1. Extent. part of the body. The ufual method of perform- his liberty. Svj'ift.
Whatever look upon, within the amfittuie of
I ing it, in the inftancc <»t' a leg, is as follows. The
Amxj'ser. [amufear, Fr.] He that
n. f.
heaven and earth, is evidence ot human jgnoranrc. proper part for the operation being four or five
Clami'iliu inclws below tiic knee, the ikin and flcfli are fi;ft
amufes, as with falfe promifes. The
2. Largenefs; greabiefs. to be drawn very tight upwards, and fecured from French word is always uken in an ill
Men fliould learn how fp^cre a thing the t.-ue returning by a ligature two or three fingers broad : fenfe,
inquifition of nature is, and accu(h>m themfclvcs, above this ligature another loofe one is palTcd, for
the gripe ; which being twilled by means of a flick,
Amu'sive. adj.\from.amttfe.'\ That which'
by ihc light of particulars, to enlarge their minds
to the cmfftlttdc of the world, and not reduce the may be ftraitened to any degree at ple.'.fure. Then has the power of amufmg, 1 know not
world to the narrownefs of their minds. Bacun. the patient being conveniently fituated, and the that this is a current word.
operator placed to the infide of the limb, which is But amaz'd.
3. Capacity j extent of intelleftual faculi
to be held by one afliftant above, and another be- Beholds th' armifive arch before him fly.
ties. I
low the part defigned fur the operation, and the Then vaniOi quite away. Thomjin^
With more than liuraan gifts from beav'n
gripe fufficiently twilled to prevent too large an
adorn'd, Am^'gdalate. adj. [amygdala, Lat,}
hemorrhage, the flclh is, with a ftroke or two, to
PerfeQions abfolute, graces divine,
be feparated from the bone with the difmembering
Made of almonds.
And amfUiuie of mind to greateft deeds. Milton^
knife. Then the perioftium being alfo divided .i M y' G DALI N E adj. [amygdala , Lat ]
. .

4. Splendour ; ; grandeur
dignity. '

from the bone with the back of the knife, faw Relating to almonds ; relembling al-
In the great fiamc of kingdoms jnd common- the bone afunder, with as few (Irokes as pofliLIe.
wealths, it is in the power of princes, or ertatcs,
When two parallel bones are concerned, the lU(h
to add emfliiudi and greatnefs to their kingJams. tliat grows between them muft likewife be fepa- An. article, [ane, Saxon ; ten, Dutch ; elne,
Bacan'i EJpiys. rated before the ufe of the faw. This being done, German.] The article indefinite, ufed
5. Copioufnefs ; abundance. the gripe may be flackened, to give an opportunity before a vowel, or h mute. See A.
You every thing which has a proper
flxould fay of fearching for the large blood veffels, and fecunng
After making
1. One, but with lefs emphafis; as, there
and dircd tendency to this end j always propor- the hemorrhage at their mouths.
proper applications to the ftump, loofen the firft,
ftands a houfe.
tioning the amfHtudi of your matter, and the ful-
ligature, and pull both the Ikin and the flelh, as far
Since he cannot be always employed in Audy,
nefs of your difcourfej to your great defign ; the
as conveniently may be, over the ftump, to cover
reading, and cunverfation, there will be many an
length of your time, to tlie convenience of your
Loguk, it; and fecure thcni with the crofs flitch made at hour, befidcs what his exercifes will take up. Lode.
hrarrrs, IfiHis's

6. Amplitude of the rangi of a frojeMe, the depth of half or three quarters of an inch in 2. Any, or fome ; as, an elephant might
the (kin. Then apply pledgets, ailringcnts, plaif- fwim in this water.
denotes the horizontal line fubtending CkmwJ/cn,
ters, and other necelfaries.
He was no way at on uncertainty, nor ever in thfr
the path in which it moved. The Amazons, by the nmfutatm of their right
Icaft at a lofs concerning any branch of it. Lute.
7. Amplitude, in aftronomy, an arch of breaft, had the freer ufe of their bow. A wit 's a feather, and a chief a rod,
the horizon, intercepted between the Srotvni Vulgar Errours* h.mcft man
.'lit 'sthe nobleft wotk of God. Pafe.
true eaft and weft point thereof, and A'm u LET. n.f. [amuktle, Fr. amuletum, Sometimes it fignifics, like a, fome par-
the centre of the fun or ftar at its rifmg or amoletum, quod malum ainolitur, Lat.]
ticular ftate is now difufed.
; but this
or fetting. It is eaftern oi* ortive, when An appended remedy, or prefervative ; a It is certain thatodours do, in a fnull degree,
. the liar rifes ; and welleni or occiiuous, thing hung about the neck, or any other nourifli ; efpccially the odour of wine ; and we
part of the body, for preventing or cur- fee men fin hungred do love to frnell hot bread.
whenthe liar fets. The eailern or wcf Bjecr.
tern amplitude are alfo called northern ing of fome particular difeafes,
Ihat fpirits are c^irporeal, fecnu at firft view 4. An is fometimes, in dd authors, a con-
or fouthern, as they fall in the northern and if.
a conceit derogative unto himfcif ; yet herein he traflion of
or foulhern quarters of the horizon. eftabiiOieth the doftrine of lutlrationo, amulm,
He can't
flatter, he I

8. Magnetical amplitude is an arch of the and charms. Brawn's Vulgar Errours. An honeft mind and plain ; he muft fpeak truth,
horizon contained between the fun at his They do not certainly know the fatfity of what y^H they will take it, fo ; if not, he's plain. Shtkefp.
they report and their ignorance muft ferve you
rifing, and the eaft or well point of the
5. Sometimes a contraftion of and before
as an arnnltt againft the guilt both of deceit and
compafs ; or, it is the difference of the malice. Gmtrnment of the 7cngue. if
rifmg or fetting of the fun, from the Well know
K.f. [amurca, Lat.] The
The clerk viill ne'er wear hair on 's face that had it.
eaft or weft parts of the corapafs.
quality of lees or mother of any thing. —— He wll an i/he live to be a man. Shaitff,
Did. Sometimes a contraftion of eu if.
6. it is
A'm PLY. ad'V. [ampli, Lat.] AMU'SE. v. a. [amufer,FT.] Shake-
To My next pretty corrcfpondent, like
1. Largely liberally.
I. To entertain with tranquillity; to fill fpearc's lion in Pyramus and Thiibe, roars «»' it
For whofe well-being. were any nightingale. Addijon,
with thoughts that engage the mind,
So amply, and with hands fo liberal, A word ufed in the
Thou haft provided all things. Mi/ton, without dillrafting it. To divert im- A'NA. ad'V, [«»<».]

The evidence they had before was enough, plies fomething more lively, and to prefcriptions of phyfick, importing the
tafly enough, to convince them ; but they vvete pleafe, fomething more important. It like quantity ; as, wine and honey, a
relolyed iwt to be convinced : and to thofe, who is therefore frequently taken in a fenfe or ana ^ ii ; that is, of wine and honey
are rcfolved not to b? convinced, all motives, all each two ounces.
bordering on contempt.
arguments, are equal.
They think they fee vifions, and arc arrived to In the fame weight innocence and prudence
2. At large ; without referve. fome extraordinary revelationf. ; when, indeed, take.
At return they do but dream dreams, a»d umujt themfclves Ana of each does the juft mixture make, Coicley.
Of him fo lately prom's'd to thy aid, with the fanuftick ideas of a bufy Imagination. He'll bring an apodiecary with a chargeable long
The woman's feed, obfcurcly then foretold, Decay tf Piety. billof<JM«. Dryden.
known, thy Saviour, and thy Lord. I cannot think it natural for a man, who is n.f. Books fo called from the laft
"ticw airifBer A'NA.
Milan, much in love, to amuji himfelf with triflef. Jt'aljh. fyjlables of their titles ; as, Scaligerana,
3. At large ; copioufly ; with jt dilfufive z. To draw on from time to time ; to
Thuaniana ; they are loofe thoughts, or
detail. keep in e.xpcftation ; as, he amufed his
poem require to be amfly writ- cafual hints, dropped by eminent men,
Some parts of a
followers with idle promifes.
ten, and with all [he force and elegance o( words; and collefted by their friends.
Amu'sement. n.f. [amufepunt, Fl-I That
others muft be eaft- into (hadows; that is, piflcd An aca'mptiCK. adj. [a»a«a/iwla-.] Re-
over in fileoce, or but faintly touched. which amufes ; entertainment.
flefting, or reflefted ; an anacamptuk
Dryam't Du/nfnoy Every inteicft or plcafure of life, ev«a the rooft
(band, an echo ; an anacamptUk hill, a To Anacra'mmatize. t. «. [anagram- exigence, arahgcu! to corporeal exten/lon ; though
hill that produces an echo. tnatifer, Fr.] To make anagrams. we have no adequate conception hereof. Lackt*

S A N A c a'm p T I c K s /.'./. 'J'he doftri ne of Anale'ptick. ««!>. [i^«^^«1.x©-.] Com-

. ANA'LOGY. [awXoyia.]
reflefted light, or catoptricks. It has forting; corroborating: a term of phy- 1. Refemblance between things with re-
no fmgular. fick. gard to Ipnie circumflaiices or efiedfs ;
I Anacatha'rtick. n.f. [See Cathar- Anakfticl meJicines cheiifli the nerves, and re- as learning, is faid to enlighten the mind ;

TicK.] Any medicine that works up- new the fpirits and ftrength. Slu'mc/. that is, it is to the mind what light is
wards, ^incy. Ana LOCAL, fl:^'. [hora analogous.] Ana- to the eye, by enabling it to difcover
'^JNACEPHJLjEO'SIS. n. f. [<i,ax/f a- logous ; having relation. that which was hidden before.«7t?.J Recapitulation, or fummary of
When 1 fee many anakgai motions in animals, from Ged it hath proceeded, that the church
though I cannot cj!l them voluntary, yet I f<e hath eventiore held a prefcript form of common
the principal heads of a difcourfe. DiS. them fpontaneous, I have reafon to conclude that pi-ajer, although not in all things every where the
Ana'chorete. 7 n.f^ [fometimes viti- thefe in their principle ate not Amply mechanical. fame, yet, for the moil part, retaining the fartie
Ana'chorite. 3 oufly written <7ffi:/>or/>f Hale. anal(^'< Hcokcr»
asax'^^'mi-^ A
monk who, with the Analo'gical. adj. [hoTa analogy.] What here obferve of extraordinary revelation

leave of his fuperiour, leaves the con- 1. Ufed by way of analogy. It feems and prophecy, willj by iiM/og;y and due proportion,
extend even to thofe communications of God's
vent for a more aullere and folitary life. properly diiHnguifhed ^rota analogous, as
will, that arc requifi e to falvation. Souths
Yet lies not li^ve deai here, but here doth fit, words from things ; analogous iignifies
VowM to this trench, like an anacborite,
2. When the thing to which the an.ilogy is
Dortne, having relation, and analogical having
Ana'chronism. ». /. [from a«» and fuppoied, happens to be mentioned, ana-
tl:e quality of repreienting relation.".
An errour in computing time, logy has after it the particles tc or ivith j
Xj^it^-] It is looked on only as the image of the
true God,
by which events are mifplaced with re- and that not as a proper likencfs, but by anahnn'l when both the things are mentioned af-
gard to each other. It fcems properly rrprcfentation. Siillirgjlc!!.
ter analogy, the particle befuHen or be-

to iignify an errour by which an event

When a word, which originally fignifies any par- tivixt is ufctl.
ticular idea or objefl,
is attributed to fevenil other ii the body politick have any analogy to the na-
is placed too early ; but is generally objeCh, not by way ofiefemblance, but on the ac- tural, an ad> of oblivion were necelVary in a hot
ufed for any errour in chronology. count of fome evident reference to the original idea, diftcmpered ilate. t>rydm.
This leads me to the defence of the famous ana- this is peculiarly called an analcgical word
; To a By onalt/gy vj'ith all other liquors and concretions,
fhromijrry in making ^neas and Dido cotempora- found or healthy puJfe, a found digeftion, found the form oi the chaos, whether liquid or concrete,
ries : for it is certain, that the hero lived almolt flecp, are fo called, with reference to » found
aiil could not be the fame with that of t.nepretent earth.
two hundred years before the building of Carthage. healthy conftitcuion ; but if you fpeak of found Burvet's Tteory^
Dryd.r. doarine, or found fpeech, this is by way of refem- If we make Juvenal exprefs the cuitoms of our
Anacla'tjcks. n. /. [aia a.nd K>jiu.] blance to health, and the words arc metaphorical. country, rather than of Rome, it is when there
The doftrine of refrafted light ; diop- iVaitt's Logh-t. was fome analogy l^e-'U-ixt ihe curtoms. D>yden,
tricks. It has no lingular. 2. Analogous ; having refemblance or re- 3. By grammarians, it is ufed to fignify
lation. the agreement of feveral words in one
jtNJDIPLO'SIS. n.f. [<i,«J.-=7A„3-.{.] Re-
There it placed the minerals between the inani- common mode ; as, from Icve is formed
duplication ; a figure in rhetorick, in mate and vegetable province, participating fomc-
which the word of a foregoing mem-
laft tlung ana/ogical to either.
lo'ved ; from hate, hated ; fiom grieve,
Hair's Orig. cfMatiHitd.
ber of a period becomes the firft of the AKALo'GiCALLV.a^v. [from grie'ved,
following ; as, he rttair.eJ his 'virtue! In an analogical manner j in an analo- Ana'lysis. n.f. [ani?iuirt{.}
amidjl all his misfortunes, misfortunes gous manner. I . A feparation of a compound body into
luhicb only his 'virtues brought upon him. I am convinced, from the Smpllcity
and unifor-
the feveral parts of which it confifts.
An ACOGE'tICAL. adj. [Ktayai^r.] That mity of the Divine Nature, ami of all his works, There is an account of dcv/ fa.liiig, in fome
that 'there is fome one univerfal princip'/;) the form of hotter, or greafe, wlijcli
places, in
which contributes or relates to fpiritual running
through the whole fyrtem of creatures anah^kaUy, grows extremely fetid ; fo that .the analyfis of the
elevation, or religious raptures; mylle- and congruous to their relative natures. dew ol^ any place, may, perhaps, be the belt me-
rious ; elevated above humanity. Did. Analo'gicalness. n.f. [from analogi- thod of finding fuch contents of the foil as are
ANACo'oiCAL. adj. [anitgogique, Fr.l cal.] The quality of being analogical
within the reach of the fun. jirbuthtiot*

Myfterious; elevated; religioufly ex- be applied for the illuftration

(itnefs to
Z. A confideration of any thing in parts, fo
alted. as that one particular is firil conlidered,
£>,V?. of fome analogy.
Anago'gic ALLTT. ojv. [frOBi analogi- then another
Ana'locism. n. /. [i>.a>.r,y,o-f/.of.] An
cal.] Myllerioufly j with religious ele- making experiments and ob-
Analyjii coniiils in
argument from the caufe to the effeft. and in <!rJA'ing i^ncral coiulufions from
vation. To Ana'locize.
f. a. [from anakgy.] thein by induftinn, I'.nd admitting of no objcfJ^iuns
A'NAGRAM. «./. [ and y^x;j.f/ia ,] A To explain by way of analogy ; to form but fuch as arc taken fr<>m experiments, or other
conceit arifing from the letters of a name, fome refemblance certain irutlis. Ncnvion'i Ojiticks*
between different
tranfpofed ; as this, of ff^,i,l,l,i,a,m, things ;to confidcr fcmething with re- 3. A Iblutionof any thiiig, whether cor-
N.BfY, attorney-general to Charles I. a gard to its analogy with fomcvvliac clfc. poreal or mental, to its fiill elements;
very laborious man, J msyl in laiu. We
have of material bodies, diveifly as, of a fentence to the f;ngle words ; of
Though all her parts be not in th' ufuai place. figured and fituatcd, if feparately cunlidcrcd ; thcv a compound word, to the particles and
She hath )ct the iinagrams of a good face: reprefent the objcft of tire dcdrc, which is .im/o'-
words which form it ; of a tune, to fin-
If we inig'it put the letters but one way. gtiitd by attraction or gr.'.vitation.
In that kan dearth of words what could we fay? glc notes of an argument, to fimple
Ana'logous. and >o7^.]
adj. [i,a
Thy genius calls thee not to purchafe fame 1. Having analogy ; be.iring fome refem- Wc cannot know any thing of nature, but by an
In keen iambicks, but mild ana^iam. Dijdcti.
blance or proportion ; having fomcthing annlyfn of it'j ti ne initial ciutts ; till we kno'.v the

Anagra'mmatism. n. J. [from ana- parallel. firl) firings of natural taoticns^ we are itillliiit >g-
gram.'] The aft or praftice of making Eitrrcile makes things eafy,»hat woul J be other- L-.vicuti/t.

wife «ry hard; at, in labour, iKirchings, he;,:j, Akai y'riCAL. [from analjj'ss.]
and colds and then thertis fi.mething an.ihgcti in
The only quinteflence that hitherto the alchymj
I. That which any thing into firft
the exercife of the mind to that of the
of wit could draw out of names, b )dy. It
is, is folly and infirmiiy that
principles ; that which feparates any
or metagrammatifm, which makes us dtlitite and
is a diniilution of a
i^<>^"i- L-EJliMgc.
compounJ. See An alysis.
name truly written into his letters, as his clement?, .
titlici may be probjbiy m.:intaincd ag^lnft the
Many impottarvt confequenccs may bo Ji iwn
aiul a n;w conneiion of it by artificial tranfpofition, '

from the obfervition of the mod common things,' inacciirat-nsfs of the analytical experiments vul-
without addition, fuiftraftion, or change of any
and anthgous rcafonings from the caafcJ of them. garly relied on. il-y!f.
letter, into different words, makir^
(^mt |«rfe<t
fcnfe apptjablc to the ^urton nameii. 3. That which proceeds by annlyfis, or by
A s AC R a'm mat iST. n.f. 2, It has tthe word before the thing to
to taking the parts of a compciund into
[from aaagiuui.] I

which the refemblance is noted.

A maker of anagrami. T>is incorporeal fuiftaine may have foiaC fort of
I dillinft and (articular confideration.
Dcftartcs hath here infinitely outdm e all the
^ * pli 1 foj hei-s .
pTiilofoplitrs that wtnt btfore him, in givlnj » par- Him
thus the anarch eA^\ Ana'tocism. [anatecifmut, Lat.
n. f.
ticular and analytical account of the un'vcrfal fa- With fjult'ring fpeech, add vifageinj^mpos'd,
brick Anfwer'd.
an»lo>ri(7f/o,-.] The
accumulation of in-
: )cl he intends his principles but f>r hypo- Milr^n.
tereft upon intereft ; the addition of the
thcfcf. Glanville, An A'RCHiCAL.flfl^'. [fromaHarchy.l Con-'
intereft due for money lent, to the ori-
AfALY'TtCAi-ty. adv. [from ttnaljticnl.\ fufed ; .without rule or government; ;

ginal fuin. A fpecies of ufury generally
In fuch a manner as feparafes com- In this anarcki.jl aini rebi-Iiious ft.ite of .human
nature, the fuculties bi'longitig to the mate, ial forbidden.
pounds into fimples. See Analysis.

AnaLy'tiCK. adj. [ara^L^lz'®-.] The

world prcfume to determine the natuK of fubjefts Anato'mical. adj. [irom anatomy.']
belong' ng to the fjprenrie Spirit. CI ryne. 1. Relating or belonging to anatomy.
manner of refolving compounds into the A'n ARCH Y. »./. [i»«f;^ia.] Want of go- When We are taught by K'gick to view a thing*
fimpie con.litucht or component parts, vernment ; a Hate in which every man completely in all its parts, by the help of d:vi<j»n,
applied chiefly to mental operations. is unaccouaable ; a £ate without mi.- it has the uf; of an anat:ir.:c.:l knlle, which dif-

He was in logiclc a great crrtick. '

fers an animal body, arfd fepiiirci the veins, ar-
giftracy. '

Profoundly U'd in analyiik,

.*l Hudihras. teries, niTves, mufolcs, membranes, &V. and
j4iia!ytich method takes the whole compound as
WMrr^Ueft Night •
(hews ui the feveriil pjrt& whicb^o to tlie compo>
And Chaos, anceft-vrs if Nature, hold
It finds it, whetiier it be a fpecies or an individual, fiti n cf a complete animal. H'ails'i Lcgick.
Eternal «»iWi»;,amid(^ the' noife'
and leads us into the knowledge of it, by refolving 2. Proceeding upon principles taught in
into its firft principles, or p?r;s, its gcnerick ra
Of endlefi wars, and by confurton f>and. Afi/fcn.
A'-bitraiy power is but the firft natural ftepfrom anatomy ; coufidered as the cbjcd of
ture, and its fpecial properties j and therefore it is

called the m-thod of refolutiim. fTjirs's Log'uk. ^

anarchf, or the fivage life; the a:ij Jlling .povyer anatomy.
an3 frceJom being an cffeft and cunfe^ueace-of 1'hcre is a natural, involuntary dillortion of the
To A'NALYZE, t. a. [uvcc\v<^.] Jo re- ( rhaturer 'thinking. '^ivifl. mufcl'Sj which is the anatcmieal caufe of laughter
folve a compound into its firft principles. ANASARCA, n.f [from ,i,i and o-aJ.] but theie is another cat^fc of laughter, which de.
See Analysis. A fort'6f dropfy, where the whole lub- cercy requires. Svtif^
Chemiftry enabling us to depurate bodies, aijd, ftance is ftutfed with pituitous humours. 3. Anatomized'; differed; ftparated.
in fome mcafufe, to analyse them, and take afdn- The continuation of (ojidity is apt to be con-
dcr their heterogeneous parts, in many chymical
founded with, and, if we will look into the minute
yVhen the lympha ftagnates, or is extravafated
experiments, we may, better than in others, know anatomical parts of mat'.cr, is httle diU'ctcfiC t'rojn
under the Sk^a, it is called an anafarca.
what manner of bodies we employ ; art having hardnefs. Locke,
jirhuibnot en Diet
made them more limple or uncompounded, than ;An ato'mically. adv. [from anatomi-
nature alone is wont to prtfent them us. Boyle. Anasa'rcous. a<ijr. [Uom anafarca.'] Re-
cal.] In an anatomical manner ; in the
To analyse the immorality of any aAion into lating to an anafarca ; partaking of the
its laft principles ; if it be enquired, why fuch an
fenfe of an anaiomift ; according to the
nature of an anafarca.
a^ion is to be avoided, the immediate anfwer is, doiflrine of anatomy.
A gentlewoman laboured Qf an afcjtes, wjth an j

becaufe it is (in. Norm': MifccH, anafareoui fWelling of her belly, thighs, andjlcgs,
While lome afhimed it had no gall, intending,
When the fentence is diftinguiflied into fubjefl
only thereby no evidence of anger or fury, ethers
sind predicate, propofition, argument, aft, objeO, have conftrued anatomically, and denied that part at
Anasto;ma'tick, adj. [fron 4"» and
caufe, cfieift, adjunct, oppofite, ^c. then it is all. Brc^'n^t yylgnr Errsun.

5-o/i*a.]' That which has the quality of Ana'tomist.

enaiyzed analogically and mctapliylically. This n.f. [atoio/.-.o^.] He that
laft is what is chiefly meant in the theological opening th; veflVls, or of removing ob- ftudies the ftruflureof animal bodies,
fchOols, when they fpeak of analyzing a text of ftruflions.
by means of diflediion he that divides ;
frripture. ff^atn'i Logick.
ANASrOMO'SJS. n.f [from a.k and the bodies of animal^, to difcover the
A'n alyzer. [from To nnnlyze.] That
ti./. rofia.] The
inofculation of veffels, or I various parts.
which has the power of analyzing.] the opening of one veflel into another; that if nature had been fuf-
Particular reafons incline me to doubt, whether

as, of the arteries into the veins. fere'd torun her own courfe, without this fatal in-
the fire be the true and univerfal analyzer of mixt
bodies. Boyle.
ANA'STROPHE. n.f [ivar^o^i, a pre- (
terruptior, he might have doubled his age, JJowel*
Hence when analsmijis difcourfe,
JKAMORPHO'SIS. n.f. [avi and ^e^ipo'u.] pofterous placing, from itar^-t'ipw.] A How like brutes organs are to ours ;
figure whereby words which lliould have They grant, if higher powers think
Deformation ; a perfpeftive projeftion fit,
been precedent, are pollponed. A bear might foon be made a wit; •
of any thing, fo that to the eye, at one
point of view, it (hall appear deformed,
ANATHEMA, n.f [«»aV«-] And that, for any thing in nature.

1. A curfe pronounced
Pigs m'ght fqucak love odes, dogs bark fatlre.
by ecclefiaftical
in another, an exaft and regular repre- Prior.
authority ; excommunication.
fentation. Sometimes it is made to ap- To Ana'tOMIZB. v.a. [a>a1//;c»»>.]
i^er bare anafhetnas fall but like fo many hrutj
pear confufed to the naked eye, and re- fulmina M'fon the fchifmatical j who think them- 1. To difleft an animal to divide the ;

gular, when viewed in a mirrour of a fclves fhrewdly hurt, ^orfooth, by being cut off body into its component or conftiiuent
certain form. from the body, which they choofe not to be of. parts.
S^jufh's Scrmini. Our induftry mull even aralomixe every particle
ANANAS, tt. /. The pine-apple.
2. The objeft of the curfe, or perfon of that body, which we are to uphold.

The fpecies are, Oval-fli.iped

i. pine-apple,
with a whitifti flcfh. a. Pyramidal pine-apple,
curfed. This feems the original mean- 2. To lay any thing open diftinflly, and
vith a yellow flcfh, 3. Pine-apple, with fmooth ing, though now little ufed. by minute parts.
leaves. 4. Pine-apple, with fhinirig green Icavci, An athema'tic al. adj.- [from" anathe- fpcak but brotlierly of him, but fhould I ana-

and fcarce any fpines on their edges. 5. The nlive- thee as he is, 1 mull blulh and weep,
rcro/Zi-hi.-n to
ma.'] That which has the properties of
coloured pine. •, Miller. and then muft look pale and wonder. Shake^m
Witnefs thou bed anana, thou the pride
an anathema ; that which relates to an 'J'lien dark diftinciions reafon*s liglit difguisM,
Of vegetable lite, beyond whate'er anathema. I And into atoms truth anatcmix'J. Denbanh
The poets imag'd in the golden age. Ttomfon. An athema'tically. 'v.a. [(mm ana- ANA'TOMY. n.f [i.x1oi^'.cc.]
uiNjfNJS, nxriU. The fame with penguin. thematical.] In an anathematical man- 1 The art of diflcfting the body.
See PENGUIN. ner. It is proverbially f.iid,i''crK;i«'/r« .;<;/« ine/t, bit-

JNAPHORA.n.f. [iraipofi.] A figure,

To An ath e'm ATIZE. v.a. [from fl».s- hct et mujca fplencm ; whereas thek parts anatomy
h:ith not dlfcovered in infedls.
when feveral ciaufes of a fentence are thema.] To pronounce' accurfed by ec- Br:<zvn^s Vulgar Erroun*
begun with the fame word, or found; '
clefiaftical authority ; to excommuni- thi anatomy of tlie mind, as in
It is therefore in

as. Where is the ivife? Where is the cate. that of the body ; more good will accrue to man-
They were therefore to be anathftnatixeif, and, kind, by attending to the large, open, and per-
fcribe F Where it the difputer of this

with'detcftation, branded and bamfhed out of the ceptible parts, than by fludying too much fuch
tuorld ? church. Hammond. finer nerves and vefl'els, as will for ever efcape our
AnaPLERO'ticK. fl<^'. ira«rX>)«a.] That An ati'ferous. adj. [(romanas zndfero, , obferva::ion. Pcfe.
which up any vacuity ; ufcd of ap-
fills Lat.] Producing. ducks. Not in uie. 2. The tlodrine cf the ftrufture of the
plications which promote flelh. If there be anati/.-rous trees, whole corruption body, learned by diflliftion.
breaks forth into barn:fcles ; yet, if tliey corrupt, Let tS'e mufc!ei'bewell
i.nfericd and bound toge-
A'NARCH. n.f. [See Anarchy.] An , they d:* "-n"i.itc Ijitu maggots, which produce not ther, according tithe knowledge of them which
author of confufion. them a;; .in. Brtnen'i yiJ^ar Errouri. is given us by analony. Drydcn,
3. The
a meafurc, and a cinque pacf ; the firft fuit is Smithing comprehends all trades which ufe cf-
of dividing any thing, whether
3. The aft
iiot and hafty, like a Scotch jig, and full as fan- ther forge or file, from the anchor fmilb to the
corporeal or intelleftual. taf^ical ; the wedding mannerly modeft, as a mea- watchmaker; they all working by the fame rules^
When a moneyed man hath di'-'dcd his cherts,
fure full of ftate and ancbentry ; and then comes though not with equal eXa^ncfs ; and all ufing the
he lecmcth himlelf richer than he was ; there-
to repentance, and with his bad legs falls into the fanie tools, though of feveral fizes. Moxon^
fore, a wjy to amiplify any thirg, is to
break it,
cinque pace fafter aud falser, till he links into his A'nchorage. n.f. [from «;7i-^«r.]
and to malie anatomy ot it in feveral parts. Bactn. grave. Shaktjfeare.
1. The hold of the anchor.
4. The body ftripped of its integuments ; A'NCHOR. B./ [anciora, Lat.] Let me refolve whether there be indeed fuch
a Cieleton. I. A
heavy iron, conipofed of a long efficacy in nurture and iirft produflion ; for if
O that my topguc were in 'Bx thunder's mouth, (hank, having a ring at one end to that fuppofal fliould fail us, all our anchorage werej
Tiien with a paiiion I would ih ike the world, loofe,and we ihould but wander in a wild lea.
which the cable is faftened, and at the
AiiJ rouze from firep that fell, IVotton^
WhXJi canr.o: hear a feeble hdy's vn:rj. Shalcjp. other branching out into two arms or
2. The fet of anchors belonging to a fhip.
5. By way of irony or ridicule, a thin fiooks, tending upwards, with barbs The baik that hath difcharg'd her freight.
meagre perfon. or edges on each fide. Its ufe is to Returns with precious lading to the bay.
Th;y brjjjht one Pinch, a hungry lean- fac'd I : hold the Ihip, by being fixed to the From whence at firft ihe wcigh'd htt anchorage,
villain, i)hiJkeipeare^
A mere Matumy, a mounKbank, He Jaid, and wept; then fpread his fails before 3. The dijty paid for the liberty of an-
A thiead-bire juggler, and a fortjne-telle-, The winds, and reach'd at length the Cuman choring in a port.
A needy, hoUow-ey'd, iharp looking wre eh, fliorc :
A'nlhored. farticip. adj. [from To an-
A living dead man. Stakfjp. C'.rrrdy of Err-un. Their anchors dropt, his crew the veflels moor.
chor.] Held by the anchor.
A'natron. n. r. The {cum which fwims Drydtn.
Like a well-twirted cable, holding faft
upon the molten glafs in the furnace, 2; It is nfed, by a metaphor, for any thing The an.bor'd veflel in the loudeft blaft. ffaUeri-
which, wh^n taken oft',melts in tne which confers liability or fecurity. A'nchoret. 7 «. y. [contrafled from
coagulates into com- Which pe we have a;* an anchcr ot the foul,
air, and then
It is likewife that fait which both fure and

ftedfaft, and which entcrcth into

A'nchorite. 5 anachoret, S.tux'c^'iTrii.] A
mon fait.
tliat wit'.iin the veil. Htbrnui. reclufe a hermit ; one that retires to-

gathers upon the walls of vaults. the more fevere duties of religion.
3. The forms of fpeech in which it is moll
A'NBUtY. »./ SeeAwBURY. commonly ufed, are, to caji amhor, to His poetry indeed he took along with him }.
A'lNCESTOR. n. f. [auce/or, Lat. ait- lie or ride at anchor.
but he made that an anchorite as well as himfelf.

<eft>t, Fr.J One from whom a perfon The Turkirti general, perceiving that the Rho-

or the You defcribe fo well your hermitical ftate of

delcends, either by the father dians would not be drawn forth to battle at Tea, life, that none of the ancient anchorites could g»
mother. It is diftinguiihed from preJe- withdrew his fleet, when cafilng anchcr, and land-
beyond you, for a cave in a rock, with a line
ing his men, be burnt the corn.
cejjor ; which is not, like amejlor, a na- fpring, or any of tlic accommodations that befit a-
Kr.illn'i H'lpry of the turkt.
tural, but civil denomination. An here- folitary life. Pope*
Ent'ring with the tide.
ditary monarch/ucceeds to his anctjiars ;
He dropp''d bis anchirtf and his oars he pty'd j
Ancho'vy. n./ [from ancho'va. Span, or

an eleftive, to \i\% fredecejfors. Furl'd every fail, and drawing down the mall. anthioe, Ital. of thefame fignification.J
And (he lit* buried with her anctjlcrs, His veflel moor'd, and made with hauifers fad. A little fea-fi(h, much ufed by way o£
O, in a tomb where never fcandal flcpt. Dry den. fauce, or feafoning. Savary.
Save this of net's. Stahfjt. Afm b adc ahut Nttb. Far from your capital my fliip refidcs We invent new fauces and pickles, wliich re-
Cham was the paternal anctflor of Ninus, the At Reithrus, and lei.ure at ambor ridti. Pope. femble the animal ferment in tafle an^ virtue^
fcther of Chus, the grandfather of Nimrcd ;
whofe To A'nchor. 'u. n. [from anchor.'\ as the falfr-icid gravies of meat; tiie fait pickles.
fon was Belus, the father of Ninus. 1 . To caft anchor ; to lie at anchor. of fi/h, anch'jnjicSy oyft-^rs. FUyer*
Obfcure ! why pt'ythee what am I ? I know
father, grandfire,' and great grandfite too :
The filhermen that walk upon the beach A'NCIENT. adj. [ancien, Fr. antiquus„
Vly Appear like mice; and yon tall ancboring baric Lat.]
If farther 1 derive my pedigree, Diminifh'd to her cock. Sbakefp. King Lear.
1 can but guef. beyond the fourth degree. 1, Old ; that happened long fince ; of
Near Calais the Spaniards anchored^ cxpedHng
The reft of my forgotten their land-forces, which came not. Bacon. old time ; not modern. Ancient and old
Were fon» of earth, like him, or fons of whores. Of the ftrait courle to rocky Chios plow. are diftinguifned.; old relates to the du-
And anchor under Mimos' ihaggy brow. Pope. ration of the thing itfclf, as, an o/d coat,
A'kcestrel. fl/^'. [from ancefiar.] Claim-
2. To flop at ; to reft on. a coat much worn ; and ancient, to time
ed from anceftors; relating to anceftors:
My intention, hearing not my tongue, in general, as, an ancient drefs, a ha-
a term of law. y^ncUrs on I label. Hbakefprare.
was anciently bit ufed in former times. But this is-
Lim-.tition in a^ioni anecfiril, fo To A'nchor. 'v. a.
England. Halt. not always obferved, for we mentioa
}.ere in 1 To place at anchor ; as, he anchored
old cuftoms ; but though old be fome-
A'ncestry. [from flfrf(y?or.]
»./. his Ihip.
Lineage a feries of anceftors, or pro- tLmes oppofed to modern, ancient is fcl-
1. ; 2. To fix on.
dom oppofed to neiu, but when neiu
genitors ; the perfons who compofe the My topgue Ihouid to my ears not name my boys.
lineage. Till that my nails were fl/jci»a/-'</ in thin-: eyes. means modern.
Siakflpeare. j-ir.ciert tenure is that wliereby all the manours
Plit joii 1 hight, s" 'th he
; and do advance
from famuus Corndin, A'.vcHOR. n.f. Shaiejfeare {eems to have belonging to the crown, in St. Edward's or Wil-'
Mine a>'<tfirj
Who firll toraife our iriufe to honour did begin. ufed this word for anchoret, or an ab-
liam the Ccnquerour's days, did hold. The num-
ber and names of which manours, as all otliers-
:... 3>jherenre to the rights and libe.--
ftemious recluie perfon. bel 'pging to common perfons, he cufed to her
f .
uelp^ratiui: turii my truft and hope!
from a wife and virtuous anccfiry,
'J'o written in a book, after a furvey made of them,
and a love of one's country, are
An anchor's cheer in prifon be my fcopc !
now remaining in the Exchequer, and called*
p^^^, .

.^'lake/peare. Uoomfday Book ; and fuch as by that book ap-

the tuppuii and urnameats of government.
,, - MMjcn. A'nchOr-hold. n.f. [from anchor and pear? i t» havfr belonged to the crown at that time^

Say what fccpterM ancejlry ye clafm,

fr'^'m hold.] The hold or faftnels of the an- are called anci'tit demrfnes. . Cozvc/U-

B,ecord''d eminent in d:ri' ii!'-):, I^mc ? Pofe. . chor ; and, figuratively, lecurity. 2, Old ; that has been of long duration.
2. Thf lionour of dcfcent ; birth. The Old itn^l.lh c >uid exprcis moit aptly all \Vic;i the ^ncient is wildom, and 111 length of
..I atc'-ftry rci.oer a i;0'jd nian more il- the conceits of the mind in their own t mgue, days uoderlianrting. Joi, xii. 12.

lu'-ii t
b"^ ^"^ ''^ *^^^ m'^rc contcmi-tible. without birrowinj^ from any ; a; forexampic : t'lc rinlc^ affitmij that God compiehended alt .

Mdf,n holy fervice of Cod, uhicti the Latins calied rc- things, and chat God was of all things the molt an^
ligi-»t becaufc it knitted the minds oi m&n to- cult:, bccaufe he n^ver had any beginning. Raleigb».
A' K c H E N T r V . n. f. [ .'rom ancient, and gither, .'nd mort peo; Ic of £uiopc have joi rowed In-luitry
therefore properly to be written an- the fame from tnem, they called moit u^r ifi- Gave the call ofiri'M foreit to- Ills aie. Ihovfon^
eieniry.] Anaquity of a family ; ancient •caniiy ^dff y!i/Mr/J, ai thi: one a. d on.y afiuran».e 3, Paft ; former.
dignity i appearance or proof of an- i-jj la.t jnibt^r.if'jf'i at' out f.,uls he,ilt'i. Cimiier. 1 Ic; thy I'jiy : If I longer flay.
tiquity. A'nchor-smith. nj. [from a/jfW arid We bejin our
Ih-ili antimt bickerings. Sbaie^^
V.ooing, wedding, and repenting, i> a Scotch jMith.] I'he maker or forger of anchors. A'ncient,»./ Ifrom ancient, adj.]
i. Thofe
1. Tbofe that lived in old time w£re call- I pray the«,
Launce, an' (/"tljou fccft my boy, Akes. } n. f. The fpires or beards of
ed ancJiHtt, oppofed to the moderns. Bid him make hade.
Awns. 5 corn. DiH.
And though the ancunii thus their rules invade, Shikr/jtiare"! Gent, tf Venra.
At kings difpcnfe with Uw> theoifelTcs have A'ndiron. n./. [fuppofed by Siinner to A'neurism. n.f. [atiK^t,!,.] A difeafe
made be corrupted from hand-iron ; an iron of the arteries, in wluch, either by a
Moderns, beware or if you muft offend
that may be moved by the hand, or preternatural weaknefs of any part of
Againll the precept, ne'er tranlgrefs iu end. them, they become exceflively dilated ;
may fupply the place of a hand.] Iron*
Pipe. or,by a wound through their coats, the
at the end of a fire-grate, in which the
2, Senior : not in ufe.
fpit turns ; or irons in which wood is blood is extravafated amongft the ad-
He coucheth it as a fpecial pre-eminence of Ju-
nlas and Andronicus, that in Chriftianity they laid to burn. jacent cavities. Sharp.
wore his aniienti, Jf you (Irike an endre body, as an atidiron of In the orifice, there was a throbbing of the arte-
A'ncient. brafs, at the top,
it maketh a more treble found,
rial blood, as in an ancur'.fn. fKiJeman,
h. /.
1 The flag or ftrearaer of a ftiip, and, and at the bottom a bafer. Bacon.
Ane'w. adv. [from a and ueiv."]
formerly, of a regiment. An D ro'g Y N A L. adj. [from a»Jif and yv>it.'] '• Over again another time repeatedly.
; ;

Having twofexes; hermaphroditical. This is the moft common ufo.

2. The bearer of a flag, as was Ancient
Andro'cynally. Nor, if at mi fchicf taken, on the ground
Pljlel; whence, in prcfentufe, enfign. ad<v. [from androgy-
Be fliin, but pris'ners to the pillars bound.
This is Othello's aircKnf, as I take it. »«/.] In the form of hermaphrodites ; At either barrier plac'd j nor, captives made.
The fame indeed, a very valiant fellow. Shakefp, with two fexcs. Be freed, or, arm'd anew, the fight invade.
A'nciently. aJn/. [from ancient. "^ In The examples hereof have undergone no real
old times. or new tranfexion, but were androgynally bom, and That, as m birth, in beauty you excel.
Trebilond aticimtly pertained unto this crown
under fome kind of hermaphrodites. The mufc might diaate, and the poet tell
now unjuftly poffrffcd, and as unjuftly abufed, by Broivnt Vulgar Errourt. Your art no other art can fpeak ; and you.
tliofe who have neither title to hold it, nor virtue And ro'g ynous. adj. The fame with To (how how well you play, muft play anevi.
10 rule it. Sidnry. androgynai. Prior.
The colewort is not an enemy, though that were JNDRO'GrNVS. The miferies of the civil war did, for many
anciently received, to the vine only, but to any
n.f. [SeeANDROCY- years, deter the inhabitants of our ifland from
other plant, becaufc it drawcth ftrongly the fatteft
NAL.] An hermaphrodite; one that thoughts of engaging anew in fuch defperatc un-
juice of the earth. Bacon.
is of both fexes, dertakings,
A'ncientness. »./ [from ancient. '\ An- Andro'tomy. n.f. [from <i»ij and «>»«.] i. Newly ; m a new manner.
tiquity exiftence from old times. The pradice of cutting human bodies.
He who begins late, is obliged to form aneta the
whole difpofition of his foul, to acquire new habits
The Fefcenine and Saturnian were the fame ; Dia. of life, to prailife duties to which he is utterly
they were called Saturnian from their ancienireji, Anecdote, n.f. [«„'«JijT(».] a ftranger.
when Saturn reigned in Italy. Dryiicn. ^„^,„,
1. Something yet unpubliftied fecret hif- Anfra CTUOSE.
A'ncientry. »./. [from ancient.] The
[from anfraaus,
J rt^".
honour of ancient lineage the dignity
Anfra'ctuous. J Lat.] Winding; ma-
; Some modern anecdcte: aver,
of birth. He nodded in his elbow-chair. zy ; full of turnings and winding paf-
Of all nations under heaven, the Spaniard is It is novy ufed, after the French, for a fages.
the miift mingled, and moll uncertain. Where- Behind the drum arc fevcral vaults and anfrae-
biographical incident ; a minute pal-
fore, moll fooli/hly do the Irilh think to ennoble tucfe cavities in the ear-bone, lb to intend the
themfelves, by wrefting their ancientry from the
fage of private life. leall found imaginable, the fenfe might be.
Spaniard, who is unable to derive himfelf from Anemo'graphy. n.f. [aHjti®-and yjaipw.] affefled with itj as we fee in fubicrraneous caves
any in certain. Sfenf.r en IrelarJ. The defcription of the winds. and vaults, how the found ii redoubled. Ray.
There ij nothing in the between, but getting Anemo'meter. n.f. [S»^®. and Akfra'ctuousness.
^fV^or.] n. /. [from an-
wenches with child, wronging the ancientry, deal-
ing, fighting.
An inftrument contrived to meafure the fraauous.] Fullnefs ofwindings and turn-
ftrength or velocity of the wind. ings.
Ancle. See Ankle.
JNKMONE. n.f. [u„ti^n.] The wind Anfra'cture. n. /. [from anfraBus,
/. [in theff. iron mills.] A flower. Lat.] A turning ; a mazy winding and
bloom wrought into the figure of a flat
Upon the top of
its fingle ftalk, furroundcd by turning. /j/^?.
iron bar, about tliree foot long, with a leaf, produced one nalted flower, of many pe-
A'NGEL. n. f. [tcyfiXoe angelus, Lat.]
two fquare rough knobs, one at each tals, many ftjmina in the centre ; the feeds

end. Chambers. are culletlcd into an oblong head, and furrounJed

1. Originally a meffenger. fpirit em- A
w'th a copious down. The principal colours in ployed by God in the adminlliration of
And. conjttn^ion.
fl».,-ff!«ni.j,arc white, red, blue, and purple, fonie- affairs.
1. The by which fentcnces or
panicle ti;iies curioufly intermixed. Miller. Some holy angrl
terms are joined, which it is not e;ify to W:nd flowers are dilliny-ifliej into thoic with Fly ro the court of England, and unfold
explain by any fynonimous word. bro.ij and hard leaves, and thoi'c with narrow and His mefTage ere he come. ShaUfpeare.
Sure his honelly
fott ones. The
broad-lcavt-J anetnory roots fli.-uld Had we fuch a knowledge of the cor.tlitutijn of
Got him fmall gains, but (hamclefs flattery be planted about the end of September. Tlmfe man, as it is p.ilfible ang-h hive, and it is certain
with fmall leaves mull not be put into 'he ground his Maker hjsj we (hould have a quite other
Anii filthy beverage, and unfeemly thrift.
the end of OiStjbcr.
till idea of his elicnce.
And borrow bafe, and fome good lady's gift. Mortimer. Licke.
From the foft wing of vernal breexes ihed, 2. Jiigel is fometimes ufed in a bad fenfe;
What fliall I do to be for ever known. Anemories, auriculas, enrich'd
as, angels of darknefs.
And make the age to come my own ? With ihining meal o'er all their velvet leaves.
Cew/ey. And they had a ki -g over them, which was the
The Danes unconquer'd offspring march be- Ib.m'h::.
ang^l of the bottom cu pit.
hind; A nemoscope. «./. [an)*i&-ando-xow©-.]
Angel, in

And Morini, the human Wnd.

lafl of A machine invented 3. fcripture, fometimes mean*
Dryden. to forctel the
It (ball ever be my ftudy to make difcoverics of man of God, prophet.
changes of the wind. It has been ob-
this nature in human life, ar.J to fettle the pre-
ferved, that hygrofcopes made of cat's 4. Angd is ufed, in the ftyle of love, for
fer diftinflions between the virtues ard pcrdc- a beautiful perfon.
tions of mankind, and thofe falfe colours and rc- gut proved very good ansmo/copes, fcl-
Thou haft the fweeteft face I ever look'd on.
fembiances of them that Ihine alike in the eyes o; dom failing, by the turning the in- Sir, as I have a foul, flic is an ang-.l. Sbakt ;.care,
the vulgar. Addif^n. dex about, to foretel the (hifting oi the
2. JnJ fometimes wind-
5. A piece of money anciently coined and
fignifies though, and /' Chambers. iraprefffd with an angel, in memory of
feeras a contraftion of anii if ANfc'NT. prep. A Word ufed in the Scotch an obfervation of Pope Gregory, that
It is the nature of extreme fcli-lovers, as they dialeft.
will fct an houfe on fire, and it were but to rojil
the pagan Jngli, or Eaglifh, were fo
1 . Concerning ; about ; as, be /aid nothing
their eggs. J..„„. beautiful, that, if they Were Chriilians,
aiient this particular.
3. and if, the and is redundant, and
fn is
they would be Angeli, or augeL. The
2. Over againft ; oppofitc to as, be lives coin was rated at ten (hillings.
omitted by all later writers. ;

auent tbe'murket-hauj'e. Take an empty bafea, put an *i^./ gl" g Id, or

wh«t you will, into it) t!.»n go fo far from the vtxtdi which, however, feems to come The patient fiflier takes his filent ftand,
bafon, till you cannot Ice the eitgri, bt:ca'.;ie it is rot Intent, his angle trembling in his hand
originally from the Latin ango."] ;

in a right line jthen fill the bafufi with water, and With io'ks unmov'd, lie hopes the fcaly breed,'
1. Anger is uneafinefs or difcompofure of And eyes the dancing cork and bending reed.
ycu tviil fee it out of its place, becaufe of the rc-
fieflioo. Biicon. the mind, upon the receipt of any in-' Pope,
Shake tlie bags jury, with a prefent purpofe of revenge. Tc A'ngle. f. n. [from the noun.]
Of hoard; n^ abbots j theif iirprifon'd angclt Lode. 1. To iifh with a rod and hook.
Set thou at liberty. ahatt/f-care.
jivgcr is like '1 he ladies angling in the cryftjl lalte,
As'gei.. aJJ. RefeiBbling angels ; ange- A fullhot horfe, »'ri being a'.low'd his wiy, Fea;t on the waters with the prey they talte.
jical. Sclf-mettie tires fci'.ti, Shahjfeare. H^aller.
have marked Was the Lord ci_ plcafed againft the rivcrsr was
2. To try to gain by fome infinuatiiig ar-
A thoufand blufliirg appir.t.irs thine anger aga'..;*: the rivers, was rhy wrath a-
tifices, as fiihes are caught by a bait.
Start into her face; a thoafand innocent Ihatnes gainlt the fea, u:az ii^iu dijft ride upon thine li n;es
bearaw^y thole and thy c'^ario:^ 0:' fllvation ? Ili^hh. ii.'. 8. If he fpake courteoufly, lie angled the people*3
In crgil vvhiter.eit bluthcs.
Auger is, acc.-rji;ig to fome, a tranfient hat-ed, hearts: if he were Clcnt, ha muled upon fome
dangerous plot. Sidney,
Or virgins vifired by engel powers. or Hi Icaft vc.-v .k;; it. S'-' tb.

With golden crowr.s, and w cathes of heav'niy Pain, or i'iii.-irt, of a fore or fvvelling.
By this face,
lU.v rs.

Popi's Rafe efthi Luk. This feeming brow of jufiicc, did he win
In this fenlc it feems plainly deducible The hear ts that he did angle for.
of all Sbahefp.
A'ncel-hke. adj. [from angel and like.
] from a/!^o>: 1'he plcafant'I> angling is to fee the filh
Refembling an angel. I maiii- ihe expefi.ncnt, fetting the moxa where Cut with her golden oars the fiivcr llream,
In hew'n itletl th u l\ire wert dreft the tirft of n.y pain began, and where :hc
violt^nce And greedily devour the treacherous bait;
With that angit-like dilgjiie. ff^alltr. greatei^ anger jnd forcnefs ilill continued, norv.ith- So angle we for Beatrice. Shahefpeare.
A'.NCEL-SHOT. n. /. [perhaps properly ftanding the fw -Uing of my t\/i>t. Inr.pte.
A'ngle-rod. n.f. [fl^ij-f/ rW^, Dutch.]
being tolden together with a To A'nger.. a. [from the noun.]
angle- Jl}ot, The ftick to which the line and hook are
hinge.] Chain-fhot, being a cannon 1. To make augry ; to provoke to enrage. ;
bullet cut in two, and the halves being
Who w; aid auger the meaiieft arcil'an,which
It diftereth much ; the fmalleft being
in greatpef?
carrieth a good mind ? Htcker.
joined together by a chain. D.Sl. fit for thatching of boufes the fecond bignefs is ;
Sometimes he angers me.
ufcd for angle-rods j and, in China, for beating of
jlKGE'LICA. n,J. [Lat. ab angelica vir- With telling nac of the moldwaip and the ant.
offenders upon the thighs. Bacon.
/u.'t'.] The name of a plant. Sbakejpeare
He mak.s a .May-fly to a miracle, and furniftes
Ic winged leuvcs divdeJ into large fig-
iias There were fome late taxes and imp* fiticvns in-
the whole country vi\\h angle- rfids. AJdif^n,
ments; its fta.ics are hojow and jointed; the troduced, which rather angered tiran grieved the
flowers grow in an umbfl u^ion the tops of the people. Clanudtn. A'n g l e r .
n.J'. [from angle.] He that 6(hes
ffallcs, snJ cohfift of five leaves, lucceeJcd by two It flB^^rV.Turenne, once upon a day. with an angle.
large channelled fecis. To fee a footman k ck'dthat took his pay. fcfi. He, like a patient angler, ere he ftrook.
The Ipecies arc, x. Common or manured ange- 2. To make painful. Would let them play a while upon the licpk.
t'.ca, 2. Greater wild anpl'ica, 3. Shining Ca- He turnech the humours back, and maketh the Dryden,
nada angtticii. 4. Mountain perennial argclica, wound bleed inwards, and angererb malign ulcers Neither do birds alone, but many fi rts of filhes,
with columbine leaves. MJIer_ and pernicious impodhumati'.ns. Bacon. feed upon infefls; as is well known to anglers,

AKGETLICA. n.J. (Berry bearing) [^ra/yai A'tiCEKLY. adv. [from flsg'fr.] In an an- who bait their hooks with them. Ray-
Lat.] gry manner ; like one oiFended it is : A'nglicism. n.f. [from .^«^///j, Lat.] A
The flow-er cmfifts of many leaves, expanding now written angrily. form of fpeech peculiar to the Englifh
in form of a role, which are naked, growing on Why, how now, Hecat ? you look angerly. language ; an EngliOi idiom.
the top of the ovary: thelc Howers are facceeded Shakejfeare. They corrupt their Itile with untutored angli-
by glubular fruits, which are foft and fucculent, Such jellers dilhonell indifcretion, is rather eifias. Militin.
Md full of oblong feeds. Miller. charitably to be pitied, than their exception her ei
A'ngober. n./. A kind of pear.
Ance'lical. adj. \angelicus, Lat.] angerly to be grieved at, or (erioufly to be con.uted.
A'ncour. »._/! [angor, hut.] Pain.
1. Refembling angels. If the patient be lurprifed with a lipctbymoua
unto us the glorious works of God,
It difcovereth ."Vncio'cr APHY.
«./. [from iyfjic,. and
angour, and great opprefs about the ftomach, ex-
and carricth up, with an angelical fwiftnefs, our yja(pw.] A defcription of veflels in the pect no relief from cordials. Harvey*
eyes, that our mind, being informed of his vifible human body ; nerves, veins, arteries, A'ti GKihY. ad'v. [horn angry.] Inanaii-
marvels, may continually travel upward. Ralt'igb.
and lymphaticks.
2. Partaking of the nature of angels. gry manner furiourty peeviftily.
; ;
ANCto'LOcy. n. /. [from ayUTov and I will fit as quiet as a bmb ;
more mild.
Retreated in a
filent valley, fing
^o'yo?.] A treatife or difcourfe of the not fiir, nor wince, nor fpcak a word.
I will

With notes angelical to many a harp

veflels of a human body. Nor look upon the iron angiily, Shokejpeare*

Their own heroick deeds, and haplefs fall Angiomonospe'r Motjs. «<^'.[from ay- A'n GRY. adj. [from o.'^fr.]
By doom of battle. Milton. firoF and
(/.otof, er'TTt^j/.a.] Such plants I. Touched with anger; provoked.

3. Belonging to angels; fuiting the nature as have but one fingle feed in the feed- Oh let nut the Lord be angry, and will 1 fpeak:
peradventure there fliall be thirty f >unJ ther".
or dignity of angels. pod.
Gen. xviii. 30,
It may be encouragement to confider the pleafure Angio'tomy. ti. /. [from a-yfiToy, and
of fpeculations, which do ravi/h and fublime the feems properly to require, when the
thoughts with more clear angelical contentments.
Tifitu, to cut.] A cutting open of the vef- z. It

fels, as in the opening of a vein or artery. objeft of anger is mentioned, the parti-
miHnt, Dadalus.
A'NGLli. n.f. [angle, Fr. angulus, Lat.] cle at before a thing, and •wiih before a
Amoe'i.icalness. n.f. [from angelical.]
Thefpace intercepted between t.vo lines perfon ; but this is not ahvay! obicrved.
The quality of being angelical ; refcm- Your Corinlanus is net ni ich inilTe^i, but with
or meeting, fo as, if conti-
blance of angels ; excellence more than his friends the commonwe ilth doth iVind, and fo

nued, they would interfecl each other.

human. wuuld do, where he angry at ir. St akgjfeare*
Angle tbe centre 0/ j circle, is an anv^e whofe therefore be not grieved, nor iJngry nvith
Ange'lick. a<^'. [angelicus. Lit."] Parta- ''f
vertex, or .tngular point, is at the centre or a circle, yourlclves, that ye fold nrc hither : toi God did
king of the nature of angeU; angelical and whufe two iemidiamcters of cha: cir-
Icgj are fend me before you to prcfervc lit'c. Cen. xlv. 5.
above human. cle. Stone's DiH. I rliink it a vaft pleafure, that whenever t^o
Here happy creature, fair tngelict Eve, A'NGLE. n./. {angel. Germ, and Dutch.] perjjic of merit tegrtrd one another, fo inany
Partake thou alfo. Milicn. An inftrument to take fiih, confifting of fcound.els envy and are angry at them. SivJ't.
My tancy f .rm'd thee of angiUck kind. a rod, a line, and a hook.
Some emanati< n o{ th' all-beauteous mind. Pcfe. 3. Havitig the appearance of anger ; ha-
She alio had an angle in her hand; but the taker
A'ncelot. n. f.
mufical inftrument a was I'u taken, that Ihe had forgotten taking.
ving the tiFeft of anger.
'1 He n.nth w nd i iv h away rain : fo doth an
fomewhat refembling a lute. Did. Sidney.
angry couiienancc a backbiting tongue.
A'NGER. Give me thine aw^//, we*II to the river, then".
n.f. [A word of no certain Provt XXV. 23,
My mulick playing far off, 1 will betray
etymology, but, with moft probability, Tawny-finn'd filh ; my bending book Ihall pierce .\. In chirurgery, painful j inflrtmed j
derived by SHmtr from an3e. Sax. Their fiimy ;avys< Sbekejptare. fmarting.

TT.Ii fcnim, bting accompin'ieJ l>y At thinner Anhela'tion. »./. [anljslo, Lat.] The Animals are fuch beings, which, befides
fUU of the blood, growj rei ind afii;ry ; and, aft of panting ; the ftate of being out the power of growing, and producing
wanQng it« due tegrefs into the malt, fitrt gathers of breath. their like, as plants and vegetables have,
intj a hard fwclling, and, in a /ew days, ripens
H^i/tnuin, Anhelo'se. adj. [anhelus, Liit.] Out of are endowed alfo with fenfation and fpon-
into matter, and fo difciiarj^rth.
breath ; panting ; labouring of being taneous motion. Mr. Ray gives two
A'ncuish. a./, [angot^, Fr. angor, Lat.]
-O/V?. fchemcs of tables of them.
cut of breath.
Exceffive pain either of mind or body;
applied to tlte mind, it means the pain Ame'nted. adj. [aneantir, Fr.] Frul- Animals are either
trated ;brought to nothing. 'Sanguineous, that is, lucb aa hare blood, which
of/onozv, and is feldom ufed to fignify breathe either by
An i'g h t s. adi). [from a for at, and night.]
other paiEons. pLungs, having cither
In the night time.
Not fo cheerful feemed flie of fi(;lit,
my f Two ventricles in their heart, and thofe
Sir Toby, you muft come in earlier uni^iri;
As was her Uucr; whether dread did dweit. cither
Or arguijb, in her heart, is hard Co tell. lady takes great exceptions at your ill hours.
r Viviparous,
Fairy Sijuen. Stake/feare.
) C Aquatick, as the whale kind,
V\nMt't^Mt Mignijh, when 'tis A'nil. n./. The (hrub from whofe leaves << ^ Terrcllria), as quadrupeds;
By occaflon wak'd, and ci.''cum((an:ial; and ftalks indigo is prepared. {_ Oviparous, as birds.
True viilue'a f(-ul 's always in all dteds uU. Donne. Ani'leness. In./, [ani/itas, Lat.] The But one ventricle in the heart, as frogs, tor"
They had pcrfecutors, whofe invention was as toifcs, and ferpents.
Ani'lity. 5 '^^^^ ^^ being an old
.great as tlieir cruelty. Wit and malice confpirea all fanguineous fiHies, except ths
Gills, as
to find out fuch deaths, and thofe of (uch incredi- woman the old age of women.
l_ whale k'nd.
4>le anguifh, that only the manner of dying was the A' n MAOhE. adj. [from a«/»/a/^.] That
J Exfan;uineous, or without blood, which may bs
puniAment, death itfelf the deliverance. Soktb. which may be put into life, or receive divided into
Perpetual arguijh fills His aniious bieaft. "Greater, and thofe either
animation. DiS.
Not ftopt by bufinefs, nor compns'd by reft Naked,
No mufick cheers hiro, nor no feal) can.pleafc. Ani madve'rsion. n. /. [ammad'vei^o,
\ Terrellrial, as naked fnaits.
Drydeiu Lat.] ! ? Aqiiatick, as the poulp, cuttle-fi/h, &c.
angui_^.] Seized Reproof; fevere cenfure ; blame. Covered a tegument, cither [from 1.
He difmifled their coramiliioners with fevere and fCrudaceous, as lobftersand crab-fifh.
with anguilh ; tortured ; ejcceffively
Teft.iceous, either
iharp aritnadverjions. Clarendttn.
pained : not in ufe. r
Univalve, as limpets ;
Feel no touch
2. Punifhment. When
the objeft of ««;'-
Bivalve, asoyfleis,mufcIes, cockles;
Of confcience, but of fitnc, and be madverjion is mentioned, it has the par-
( Turbinate, a^pcriwinkles, fnails, &c.
Anguiftfi, not that 'twas fin, but that 'twas fhe. ticle on or upon before it. __l.efier, as infers of a.i forts.
Dmnc. When a bill is debating in parliament,!! is ufual Vivipa'ous haiiy arim.t's, or quadrupeds, are either
A'ngvlar. adj. [ftflm angle. '\
to have the controverfy handled by pamphlets on "Hoofed, which are eitlier
both fiJeij without the Icaft ammadverfiM upon the f Wliolc-footeJ or hoofed, as the horfe and afs
%. Having angles or corners; cornered. S-wi/t.
I Cloven-footed, having the hoof" divided into
As for the figure of ciyftal, it is for the moft
In law. [*Twi) principal parts, called bil'ulca, either
part hexagonal, or fix cornered, being built upon 3.
a confufcd matter, from whence, as it were from An ecclcfiaftica! cenfure, and an ecclefiaftical r Such as chew not the cud, as fwine;
a root, angular figures arife, even as in the ame- animad^uerjion, are different things; for a cenfure ^ Ruminant, or fuch at chew the cud ; di-
thyft and bafaltes. Brcivn's Vulgar Erroun has a rcl.ition punilhmcnt, but an
to a fpiritual l_
vidcd into
animad-verjlfjn has only a refpedt to a temporal one Such as have perpetual and hollow horns.
2. Confiding of an angle. r Beef-kind,
as, degradation, and the delivering the perfon over
The from one
diftance of the edges of the knives
to the fccular court. Ayliffe'i Parergon. ^ Sheep-kind,
another, at the dillance of four inches from the
power of notice not in ufe. t Goat-kiiid.
angular point, where the edges of the knives meet, 4. Perception ;
Such as have lolid, branched, and deciduous
was the eighth part of an inch. Nenul!,ns Opiicks, The foul is the folc percipient which hath am-
horns, as the deer-kind.
madvtrjhn and fenfe, properly fo called. Glanvtlle.
Angula'rity. [from «»^«/ar.] The n.f. Four part , or quadriluica, as the rhinoceros
quality of being angular, or having
Anim adve'rsive. [from animad-
j 1^ and hippopotamus.
•vert.] That has the power of perceiv- (^Clawed or digitate, having the foot divided into
ing ; percipient : not in ufe. f Two-paris or toes, having two nails, as the
A'ngularly. adv . [from angular. ] With The ref refcntation of objcfts to the foul, the < camel-kind
angles or corners. only antmadvirjive principle, is conveyed by mo- (_ Many^es or claws ; either
Another put of the fame folution afforded us tions made on the immediate organs of fenfe. C Un(^:"!ed, as the elephant ;
an ice arrgularly figured. Beyle. Glanvilk. 1 Divided, which have either
A'n oularness. n./. [from angular."] The Ani M adve'rsiveness. n.f. [froma«/>»- Broad nails, and an human (hape, as apes;
quality of being angular. 2 Narrower, and more pointed nails,
adverJi-Je.] The power of animadverting,
which, in rcf()e6l ofthcir teeth, are divided into fuch
A'n G u L A T E D.
adj. [from angle.] Formed or making judgment. Did. as have
with angles or corners. To ANIMADVE'RT. -J.n. {animadwrto, Many foreteeth, or cutters, in each jaw
Topazes, amcthyfts, or emeralds, which grow in Lat.] The greater, which have V

the fiflurcs, are ordinarily cryftalliz-d, or ihot into r A Ihortcr fnout and rounder head,
as the
.angu/ated figures j wb^'reas, in the (hata, th y arc
1, To pafs cenfures upon.
i cat-kind

I fh'juld not animad-vert on him, who was a pain-

found in rudcitfmj>s, |jkc yellow, purple, .ind green
ful obfcrvcr of the decorum nf the ftage, if he
< t A longer fnout ai
and head, as the dog-kind.
pebbles. H^ccJward, .The lelfcr, the vermin orweaici-kind.
had n-it ufed extreme fevcrity in his judgment of
Anoulo'sity. a,/ [ftomangulcuj.] An- Oiily two large iind rcrna,kjble fKet:cih, all
the incomparable Shakefpcare. Dryden.
which are ph;. tivorous, and are called the hare-
gularity oor:iered form. Dafl.
2. 'I'oinflift punilliment5. In both fenfcs kind. Kay.
A'n gu LOUS. aJ/. [from angle.] Hooked;
with the particle u/>on. Vegetables are proper enough to repair an'^ma/i,
angular. If the Author of the univerfe animadverts vf on aa being near of the fame fpec-fick graviry with
N ir canbe a difference, that the parts of
it men heie below, how much more will it become the animal juices, and as confi.ling of the Umc
folid bidles are held togcrher by hooks, and angu- him to do it upon their entrance into a higher date paits with animal fubl>anccs> fpirit, water, fait,
lous invol(itior« ; fincc the coherence of the parts Griiu
of being? oil, earth ; all which are contained in the fap
of thefe VI l\ be of as dlfiicult a conception. they der'vt^ from the earth. ylrOuthnot on j^'hncnts.
Ani MA dve'rtbr.o./ [fvora auimad'vert.]
Sonic of the animated lut.Jt.inces have various
A f! c v'iT. aJ/. [aBgu^Ms, Lit.] Narrow; He that palTcs cenfures, or inflifts pu-
organical or inftrumenial parts, fitted "for a v:i~
nidiments. riety of motions from place to place, and a fpring
Cod is a ftridobferver of, and a fevere animad-
of life within themfclvcs, as bcafVs, birds, fifhcs,
Ang csta'tion. n./. [fro.Ti angujlus.]
verter uport, fuch as prffumc to partake of thf>l> and iniefts ; thefe are called animals. Other ani-
The ail ;)f making narrow; draiteiiing; myi^erii's, vvithout fuch a prepaiation. South. mated I'ublVances aie called vegetables, wliich
the ftate of being narrowed. A'NIMAL. themfclvcs the principles of anotlier fort
n.f. [animal, Lat.]_ vvithin
Thecaule may be referred either to the gru- and gro.vth, and of various produiJtions of
frouinefs of the blood, or Vj ohAiuCt'vjn >'t the
I. A living creature corpsjj-eal, diHinft, on of life
leaves and fruit, fuch as we lee in plants, herbs,
"-.n r)mewhe!e in its paiiage, by fouiC an^uflarhn the one fide, from pure fpirit ; on the fVatu's JLogici.
and trees.
Ufoa it b^ j>ait of the tumour> ]ViJemaii. other, from mere matter.
z. B,,
2. By way of contempt, we fay of a ftupid Warr!our« Cic fires with animated founds; gle (hal.-iw; t^sanik-h tievivX (hcw!tfe!f by a flia«
man, tir.t he is zjlupid animal. Pours balm into the bleeding lovei's wounds. Prfe. dow given tinierncadi, a^ tii<; knee, Viachun.*

A'nimal. adj. [afi/ma/ij, Lat.]

A'ni MATE NESS. n.J'. [from animate.'^ A' N N A L I s r n.f. [ from annals
. .
] A wri ler
That which belongs or The Hate of being animated. Di^. of annals.
I . relates to ani-
Anima'tioi^. [hom animate.'\ Their own annalift has given the fam^ t'tle t:i
mals. n.f.
that f .^yrm/ww. Atterhury,
There are thing* in the world of Tpirits, where- 1. The aft of animating or enlivening.
in our ideas are very dark and confufed ; fuch as Plants or vegetables are the principal part cf the A'NNALS. n.f. tvithout fingular num-
their union with animal
naOkn, the way of their third day's work. They are the iirft froiucai, HiHories digelled i«
ber. {annaks,'L'iX.'\
ailing ou material beings, and their converfewith w^hich is the word of animaticn. Bacon. the exadt order of time ; narratives in
each cither. JVatti's Logkk. 2. The ftate of being enlivened. which every event is recorded under its
1. Animal fundlions, diftinguiihed from Two motions in all animalion are its
proper year.
beginning and encreafe ; and two more to run
natural and 'vital, are the lower powers Could you with patience hear, or I relate,
through its ftate and declination.
of the mind, as the will, memory, and O nymph the tedious anr,ah of our f.ue ;

Briywnt fu/^ar Erraun. Through fuch a train of woes if I ihould run.

imagination. A'kim AT ivt. [from animate.] That
ad/, The day would fooner than the talc be done !

J. Animal oppofed, on one fide,

life is which has the power of giving life, or f)ry^.'ff.
to intelleBual, and, on the other, to ve- animating. We are aftured, by many glorious examples in the
getable. <»7m/j of our religion, that every one, in the like
Anima'tor. n.f. [from animate."] That circumftances of diftrefs, will not aft and argue
4. Animal is ufed in oppofuion 10 fpiritual which gives life ; or any thing analo- thus ; but thus will every one be tempted to aft.
or rational; as, the animal nature. gous to lift, as motion. R^gert,
Anima'lcule. n.f. \animalculum, Lat.] Thofe bodies being of a congenerous nature, do A'wNATS.B.y; ivithoutfingular. [annates
A fmall animal ; particularly thofe which readily receive tlieimpreffions of their motor, and,
are in their firft and fmal'cft ftatc. if not fettered by their gravity, conform themfelvcs
to iituations, wherein they beft unite to their ani-
1. Firft fruits ; becaufe the rate of £r(l
We are to know, that they all come cf the feed
fruits paid of fpiritual livings, is after
of «m»ifl.W« of their own land, that were before
mator. Bmun.
laid there. Raj. Animo'se. adj. [animefut, Lat. J Full one year's profit. Coiuell.

Anima'lity. offpirit; hot; vehement. Z>/V?. 2. Malles faid in the Romifh church for
n.f. [from ««/'»»«/.] The
ftate of animal exiftence. Animo'seness. n.f. [fiotaoHimofe.] Spi- the fpace of a year, <Jr for any pther
The word animalonly fignifies human an'i-
firft rit vehemence of temper. Di£t.
; heat ; time, either for the foul of a perlbn de-
waiily. In tlie minor propofition, the word ani- Animo'sity. it.f. [animefitaj, La.t.] Ve- ceafed, or for the benefit of a perfon
mal, for the fame reafon, fignifiea the animaliiy of hemence of hatred ; paflionate malig- living. Ayliffe'sParergcn.
a goofe : thereby it becomes an ambiguous term,
and unfit
nity. It implies rather
a difpofition to To Anne'al.'v. a. [aelan, to heat, Saxon.]
to build the conclufion upon. H^attt.
reA'NIMATE. break out into outrages, than the out- 1. To heat glafs, tftat the colours laid oa
[animo, Lat.]
-v. a.
I» To quicken
rage itfelf. it may be fixed.
; to make
alive; to give
They were fure to bring paftion, ammofity, and But when thou doft atmeal in
life to : as, the foul animates the body
; malice enough of their own, what evidence foever ^-^— —— then glafs
the light and glory
thy ftory,

man mull have been animated by a they had from others. Ctarendcn. More rev'rend grows, and more doth win,
higher power. If there is not fome method found out for al- Which elfe ihcws wat'rifli, bleak, and thin.
c. To give powers to; to heighten the laying thefe heats and animofitiei among the fair Heriert.

^Jowers or effedl of any thing.

fcx, one does not know to what outrages they may When youpurpofe to anneal, take a plate of iron
proceed. MJifm. made fit for the oven ; or take a blue ftone, which
But none, ah none can animate the lyre, _ _
No religious feiS ever carried their averfions for being made fit for the oven, lay it upon the crofi
And the mute ftrings with vocal fouls infpire
each other to greater heights than our ftate par-
bars of iron. Peacham>
Whether the learn'd Minena be her theme.
ties have done 5 who, the more to inflame their Which her own inward fymmetry reveal'd.
Or chafte Diana bathing in the ftream ;
paflions, have mixed religious and civil amincjiiin And like a pifture /hone, in glafs anneal^ J. Dryd*
None can record their hcav'niy praile (o well
AsHclen,in wbofe eyes ten thoufaod Cupids dwell.
together ; borrowing one of their appellations from 2. To
heat glafs after it is blown, that it
the church.
Swift. may not
A'nise. n.f. [anifum, Lat.] A /pecies of
3. To encourage; to incite. 3. To heat any thing in fuch a manner as
The more to aeimart the people, he apium orpardey, with large fweet-fcent- to give it the true temper.
flood on
high, from whence he might be btft heard, and ed feeds. This plant is not worth pro- To ANNE'X. 'V. a. [anneilo, annexum,
cried unto them with a loud »oice. KnclUs. pagating in England for ufe, bccanfe annexer, Fr.]
He was avimaiiJ to eipeft the papacy, by the the feeds can be had much better and
prediflion of a foothfaycr, that one fliould fac- 1. To unite to at the end ; as, he annexed
eted Pope Leo, whofc name fliould be Adrian.
cheaper from Italy. Miller. a codicil to his will.
Ve pay the tythe of mint, and anife, and cum-
Bacon. 2. To unite, as a fmaller thing to a
min, an J have omitted the weightier matters of the
A'n I m a t e . aJj. [from To animate.'^ Alive law, judgment, mercy, and faith thtfc ought ye :
greater as, he annexed a province to ;

polTefling animal life. to have done, and not to leave tlie otlier undone. his kingdom.
All bodies have fpirits and pneumatical parts Matt, xxiil. 23. 3. To aviw.e. a pofieriori ; annexion always
within them ; but the main differences between A'nker. n.f. [aneier, Dutch.] liquid A prefuppofing fomething : thus we may
animate and inanimate, are two the firft ip, that :
meafure chiefly ufed at Amftcrdam. It fay, puniihment is annexed to guilt,
thefpirits o(i\:i\n%sammatttre ill contained within
isthe fourth part of the awm, and con- but not guilt to puniftiment.
themfelvci, and are branched in veins and fecret
canals, as blood is ; and, in living creatures, the tains two ftekans : each ftekan confifts Concerning fate or dcftiny, the opinions of
fpirits have not only branches, but certain tells or of fixteen mengles ; the mengic being thofe learned men, that have written thereof^
feats, where the principal fpirits do refide, and equal to two of our wine quarts. may be fafely received, h.^ri they not tlieieunta
whereunto the reft do refort : but the fpirits in anntxcd and laftened an if .itable necellity, and
things inanimate are (hut in, and cut off by the Ci>amiert. made it more general an univsrfally powerful
tangible parts, and are not pervious one to ano- A'nkle. ». f. [ancleop, Saxon ; anckel, than it is. Raleiifi.
ther, as air is in fnow. Baun, Dutch.] The joint which joins the foot Nations will decline low
Nobler birth to the leg. From virtue, which is reaf>n, that no wrong.
Of creJtures animaa with gradual Hfe, One of liis anHes was much fwrlled anl ulce- But juftice, and feme
fatal <urfe anntaCd,
Of growth, fenfe, reafoo, all fammM up in man. rated on the infide, in feveral places. Wijtman,
Deprives them ot their outward liberty. Mllrtiu
My 1 me^n not the authi^rity, which is amtt-xeit to
fimple fyilem fnall fuppofe,
There are fcveral topicks ofcd againft athcifm That Alma enters at the toes ; your ofHce ; 1 fpeak of that only which is inborn
and idolatry ; fuch as the vifible marics of divine That then fhc mounts by juft aegrees and inherent to your perlbn. DrycUn*
wifdom and goodrefs in the works of the creation, Up to the anUti, l-.g,, and knees. Fritr,
He cannot but love virtue whf^rcvor it is, aoji
the vital union of fouls with matter, and the ad- annex happinefs always to theexercife of it.
mitrabte ftrufiure ai animate boaies.
A'n k l e-bo n e n.f. [from ankle and
. Lone.] jStttrhury.
A'n r MAT ED. participial adj. [from ani- The bone of the ankle. The temporal reward Is anntxcJ tj the bare
The ftiin-bone, trom the knee to the rnftep, is perfirmanc; of the aftioi\, but the eternal to the
mau.] Lively j vigorous. made by Rogers.
fljadjv/ing one half of the leg with t fin- obcdicncf^.
Vol. L M ANKfi'x.
As one who long in populous city pent.
Ann e'x. «./. [from To annex."] The thing 1. A day celebrated as it returns in the
Where houfes thick, and fcwers, anncy the alri
annexed ; additament. courfe of the year. Forth ifluing on a fummer's morn to breathe
FiUing firft attempt to be but like the
!n his For encouragement to follow the example of Among the pleafant villages, and farms
hiijhell inheaven, he hath obtained of men to be martyrs, the primitive chriftians met at the places Adjoin'd, from each thing met conceives delight.
the fame on earth, and hath accordingly aflTumcd of their martyrdom, to praifc God for them, and MJton,
the anntxit of divinity. Brnvn. to obferve the anniverfar/ of their fufterings. InfcAs fcldom ufe their offcnfive weapons, un-
Siillingfeet. and anmy them
Ankexa'tion. »./. [(torn annex. lefs provoked : let them but alone,

Conjunflion ; addition.
2. The aft of celebration, or performance, not. .
If we can return to that charity and peaceable in honour of the anniverfary day. Anno'y. n.f, [from the verb.] Injury;
mindednefj, wliich Chrift fo vehemently recom- Donne had never feen Mrs. Drury, whom he moleftation ; trouble.
mends to us, we have his own promife, that the has made immortal in his admirable anniverfariei, Sleep, Richmond, fieep in peace, and wake in
whole body will be full of light, Matlb. vi. that joy;
all other chriftian virtues will, ty way of conco- 3. Anniverfary is an ofKce in the Romifh Good angels guard thee from the boar's anny,
mitance or annexatkn, attend them. Hamtncnd. church, celebrated now only once a year, Sbekefftare,
Union of adding or All pain and joy is in their way
Z. ; aft or praftice but which ought to be faid daily through ;

The things we fear bring lefa aisnoj
the year, for the foul of the deceafed. Than fear, and hope brings greater joy;
How annixatUm of benefices firft came into
Ayliffe's Farergon. But in themfelvcs theycannot (lay. Dome,
the church, whether by the prince's authority, or
AtiKivt'tLSAitY.aJJ.[anni-ver/arius,L&t.] What then remains, but, after paft annoy,
the pope's licence, is a very great difpute.
Returning with the revolution of the To take the good viciditude of joy r DryJen.
Ayhffet Parcrgon.
year annul! yearly. Anno'yakce. n,f. [from annoy.]
Akne'xion. n. f. [from annex,] The aft ; ;
that which hurts.
The heaven whirled about with admirable ce- 1 That which annoys ;
of annexing ; addition.
conllantly finlfliing its annimrfary A grain, a duft, a gnat, a wand'ring hair,
lerity, moft
It is ncceflary toengage the fears of men, by Any annoyance in precious fenfc. Shaktjf.
viciflitudes. Ray.
the ar.nexku of luch penalties as will overbalance Crows, ravers, rooks, and magpies, are great
They any worfliip to a creature,
dcrfy giving
temporal pleafure. Rogers. annoyances to corn. Mortimer,
as inconfiftentwith chriftianity; but confefs the _

Anne'xment. »./. [froia annex,"] honour and efteem for the martyrs, which they 2. The ftate of being annoyed ; 'or a^t of
1. The aft of annexing. expvefTcd by keeping their anniverfary days, and annoying.
2. The thing annexed. recommending their example. StiUin^Jlcet,
The fpit venom of their poifoned hearts brcak-
When it falls, jfNNO DOMINI. [Lat.] In the year of eth out to the annoyance of others. Hotker.
Each fmall anr.exmcni, petty confequence, our Lord anno domini, or A, D.
; as, The greateft annoyance and difturbance of man-
k'nd has been from one of thofo two things, force
Attends the boift'rous ruin. Shakcfpcare.
1751 ; that is, in the feventeen hun- South,
or fraud.
Anni'hilaBLE. adj. [^tom annihilate.] dred and fifty-firft year from the birth For the further annoyance and terrour of any
That which may be reduced to nothing ; of our Saviour. befieged place, they would throw into it dead
that which may be put out of exiftence. Akno'isance. «./. [from aawoy, but not bodies. Pf^ilkins,

To ANNI'HILATE. -v. a. [ad and nihi- now in ufe.] Anno'yer. n, f, [homTo annoy.] The
lum, Lat.] It hath a double fignification. Any hurt done perfon that annoys.
either to a publick place, as highway, bridge, or A'nnual. adj. [annuel, Fr. ftom annus,
I. To reduce to nothing ; to put out of common river j or to a private, by laying any
exiftence. thing that may breed infection, by encroaching,
It is impoffible for any body to be utterly an- or fuch like means. The writ that is brought 1 That which comes yearly.
mhilaud\ but that, was the work of the
as it upon this tranfgreflion. See Nuisance, the Annual for me
the grape, the rofe, renew
omnipotency of God to make fomewhat of no- word now ufed. Blount. The juice neGareous, and the balmy dew. Pofit,

thing, fo it requireth the like omnipotency to A'NNOLIS. An American animal, 2. That which is reckoned by the year.
turn fomewhat into nothing. Bacon, The king's majefty
like a lizard.
Thou taught'ft me, by making me Does purpofe honour to you; to which
Love her, who doth neglecl both me and thee, Annota'tion. n.
f. [annota/io, Lat.] A thoufand pounds a-year, annual fup'port.
T' invent and praflife this one way c'anribilaie ail Explications or remarks written upon Out cf his grace he aJds. Stakfff. Henry VIII.
Doinc. 3. That which lafts only a year.
three. books notes.
He defpaired of Ccd's mercy ; he, by a de- It might appear very improper to publifh anno- The dying in the winter of tlie roots of plants
collation fcf all hope, ann'ihllaud his mercy. that are annual, fecmeth to be caufed by the
tations, without the text itfelf whereunto they re-
Bro-zvns Vulgar Errours. late. Boyle. over-expence of the lap ; which being prevented,
Whofc fricndfliip can ftand agaiuft afl'aults, they will fuperannuate, if they ftand warm. Bacon.
ftrong enough to annihilate the fricndfliip of puny Annota'tor. n.f. [Lat.] writer of A Every tree may, in fome fenfe, be faid to be
lainds ; fuch an one has reached true conflancy. notes, or annotations ; a fcholiaft ; a an annual plant, both leaf, flower, and fruit
South. commentator. proceeding from the coat that was fuperinduced
Some imagined, water fufficient to a deluge I have not that refpeft foil the annotators, which over the wood the laft year. Ray,
was created, and, when the bufinefs was done, they generally meet wit!i in the v/orld. A'nnually. Wv. [from fla«B«/.] Year-
diibanded and annihilattj. Woodward. Felion on the Clajfttks.
ly ; every year.
2. To deftroy, (o as to make the thing To Anno'unce. 'V. a, [annondr, Fr. an- By two drachms, they thought it fufficient to
otherwife than it was. nuncio, Lat.] fignify a becaufe the heart at one year
heart ;

The flood hatli altered, deformed, or rather

1 To publifli ; to proclaim. welgheth two drachms, that is, a quarter of an
annihihtcd, this place, fo as no man can find any Of the Mefliah 1 have heard foretold ounce ; and, unto fifty years, annually encrealcth
mark or memory thereof. Raltigh.
By all the prophets ; of thy birth at length the weight of one drachm.
3. To annul ; to deftroy the agency of Atmcunc'd by Gabriel with the firft 1 knew. Mill,
Bro'wn's Vulvar Errcurs,

any thing. The whole ftrength of a nation is the utmoft

2. To pronounce ; to declare by a judi- that a prince can raife annually from his fubje^s.
There is no reafon, that any one commonwealth
cial fentence. Su-ifi.
fliould annihilate that whereupon the whoie world
has agreed. Hooker.
Thole, mighty Jove, mean time, thy glorious Annu'itant. n.f, [from annuity.] He
Annihila'tion. n.f. that poffcfles or receives an annuity.
[iroia annihilate.] Who model nations, publilh laws, announce
The aft of reducing to nothing. The Or life or death. Prior.
ANNUITY, n.f [annuiti, Fr.]
I. A yearly rent to be paid for term' of
ftate of being reduced to nothing. To ANNO'y. -v. a. [annoyer, Fr.] To in-
God hath his influence into the very cflence of
commode lifeor years. The dift'erences bet\veen
to vex ;
; to teaze ; to moleft.
things, without which their utter annihilation
Woe to poor man ; each outvyard thing annoys
a rent and an annuity are, that every
could not choofe but follow. Hooker, rent is going out of land ; but an an-
him ;
That knowledge, which as fplrits we obtain,
He heaps in inward grief, that moft deftroys him. nuity charges only the granter, or his
Is to be valued in the midft of pain :

AnKibilaiion were to lofc heav'n more t

Sidney, heirs, that have affets by defcent. The
Her joyous prefcnce and fweet company
We are not quite cxil'd, where thought can foar.
In full content he there did long enjoy
fecond' llifterence is, that, for the re-
Drydcn. Ne wicked envy, nor vile jealoufy. .coverys of an annuity, no aftion lies,
AMNivE'RJARy. »./[«««/'w^»/«r;«j, Lat.] His dear delights were able to ennoy. Fairy S^etn, _, but only jJis writ of annuily againft the
\ granter.
granter, his heirs, or fucceflbrs ; but of
But drove with anodynes t' alTtiage the fmwt, I. Quickly ; ; foon
in a Ihcrt time.
a rent, the fame adlions lie as do of land. And mildly thus her med'cine did impart. D'yJ. A
fnow, tumbled about,
A'joiiyms^ or abaters o( pi.n (jf tiie alimentary
The third difference is, that an annuity At:in becomes a mountain. Shakefpeare,
kind, are fucli things as relax the tenfion of the Will they came abroad anon?
is never taken for affets, becaufe it is alTeited nervous 6bres, as decoctions of cmol- Shall we fee young Obcr..ii .'
Ben j'cn/tn.
no freehold in law ; nor ftiall be put in lient fubftances j. thofe tilings wl^ich dciiroy the
However, witncfs, Hcav'n \

execution upon a ftatute merchant, fta- particular acrimony which occafions tlie pain \ Heay'n, witnefs thou amn ! while we difcharge
or what deadens the fenfation of the brain, by Freely rur part.
tute ilaple, or elegit, is a rent may. Milton.
procuring fleep. Arhathml. He was not without defign at that prelent, 2^
To- ANO'INT. -v. a. [oinJre, enoindre, (hall be made outitnon; meaning by that device
2. A yearly allowance.
part, oint, enoint, Fr.] to withdraw himfelf. ClareiKlcn,
He was generally knmvn to be the fon of one Still as did the leaves infpire,
esri,and brother to anotlier, who fup^-'ljed his ex-
1. To rub over with uncluous matter, as I

Witli fuch a purple light they (hone.

pcnce, beyond what his amtu'rty from his father oil, or unguents. As if they had been made of fire, ,

would bear. Clarcritt^n, An7\nU'd let me be

with deadly venom. Sbaktfft. And fpre.iding Co, would llamc an^n. Waller.
?"<; An n u't. a. [from nullas.'] Thou (halt hive
*ieos throughout all thy
coafts, but thou ihalt not arroint thyl'eif with the
z. Sometimes ; now and
then ; at other
1 . 'I'o make void ; to nullify j to abro-
oil : for thine olive ihall cail his fru^t.
times. In this fenfc is uled e-ver and
gate to abolifh.
Dai:. xxvIiS 40. anon,, for now and then.
TJiat which gives force to the law, is the autho-
2. To fmear ; to be rubbed upon. Full forty days he pafs'd, whether on hill
rity that cnadh it i and whoever deftroys this Sometimes, anon m
waters then, in brazen caldrons borne. Ihady vale, each n'ght.
f authorit)', decs, in eficdt, atitiui the law. R^g^n, Or harbourM in-one cave, is notreveal'd. Milton*
Are poui'd to walh his body, joint by joint.
2. To reduce to nothing ; to obliterate. And fragrant oils the ftiSiin'd limbs ansiiit.' Ano'n YMOus. adj. [x friv. and o»o^a.j
L^ght, -the i^ure work, ot Qod, to me 's extinCV, Drydin. Wanting a name.
And ail her various objects of delight
To confecrate by unftion. 'I'hefe animalcules ferve alfo for food to another
jirniujl'ti, which might in part iny grief have eas'd.
I w iuld fee thy filler amryni^us infedt oi the waters. Rfiy*
In his axohted fl^'/h ftick biariih fangs. Shultjp. I'hey would forthwith publiili flanders unpu-
A'.N N UL A R. adj. [from annulus, Lat.] In Ano'inter. n.f. [from ansint.] The nifhed, the authors being atwrymcuS) the inime-
the form of a ring. perfon that anoints. diate publilhers thereof fculking.
That they might not, in bending the arm or Notes en ike Dunctad.
Ano' n./. [from anomaly."] Ano-
le^, rife up, he has tied them to the bones by a*:- Ano'n YMOUS LY. adv. [from anonymous.^
Kular ligaments. Chryne, maly ; irregularity ; deviation from the
Without a name.
A'sNULARY, aJJ, [from annulus, Lat.] cominon rule. Di<3. 1 would know, wiicther the edition is to come

In the form of rings. AnOmali'stical. ad/, [from anomaly.] outamiyntoujiy, among complaints of fpurious edi-
Bicaufc. continual refpiration is neceflary, the Irregular ; applied in alb-onomy to the tions. Sivift,
wind-pipe is made with anaaUry cartilages, that year, taken lor the time in which the A'norexy. n.f. [«jo;r;f(a.] Inappetcncy,
the fides of it may not flag a.^d fall together. Ray. earth paffeth through its orbit, dillinft or loatlung of food. 9.uincy.
A'nnulet. n.f. [^(toox anttului, Lat.] from the tropical year. Ano'ther. adj. [from «« and o//at.]
1. A little ring.
Ano'malous. adj. [ccpri'v. and iftaX©-.] 1. Not the fame.
2. [In heraldry.] .\ difference or mark Irregular ; out of rule ; deviating from He that iviU n.)t lay a foundation for perpetual
of diilindlion, which the fifth brother of the general methotfor analogy of things.
difordcr, muft of ncccllity find ancficr rile of go-
any family ought to bear in his coat of v.-rnment than that. Locke.
It is applied, in grammar, to words
arms. 2i One more ; a new addition to tlie
deviating from the common rules of
3. Annulets are alfo a part of the coat-
former number.
inflexion ; and, in ailronomy, to the fourth ?A
armour of feveral families they were ;
feemingly irregular motions of the pla- What ! will the line ftretch out to th' crack of
anciently reputed a mark of nobility doom ?
and jurifdiflion, it being the cuftom of There will arife mtmalous didurbances not only Another yet ?— a feventh ! I'll fee no more.
prelates to receive their invelliture per in civil and but alfo in military officers.

haculum IS annulum. Bmvti^t fulgar Erroun. 3. Any other ; any one elfe.
He being acquainted with fomc chiraders of If one, man iin againlt anotbcry the judge lliall
4. [In architedure.] The fmali fquare
judge him.
every fpeech, you may at plcafure make him un- I Han-.uiltn. 25.
members, in the Dorick capital, under derhand onomahui pronunciation. Holder, Why not of her ? prcferrM above the reft
the quarter round, are called, aimuhts. Metals arc gold, filvcr, copper, tin,, and By him with knightly deeds, and open love pro-
5. Annulet is aHo ufcd for a narrow flat iron ! to which we may join that ammahus body, fefs'd;

moulding common to other parts of the quickfilvcr or mercury. Lccks. So had amtber been, where he his vows addrcfs'd.

column ; fo called, becaufe it encom- Ano'malouslv. ad-v.[from anomalous.] Dryden.

Irregularly in a manner contrary to 4. Not one's felf.
paffes the column round. Chambers. ;
A man {hall have diffufed his life, his felf,
Tn ANNU'MKRATE. v. a. [annumfra, rule.
and his v.hole concernments fo far, that he can
Eve was not folemnly begotten, but fuddenly
Lat.] To add to a former number ; to weep his forrows with another's eyes ; when he
fra.Tied, and ancmaUuJJy proceeded from Adam.
unite to fomething before mentioned. has another heart befiJes his own, both to /liare,
Bryivns Vulgar Errcurs.']
and t) fupport his grief. South.
Ajjnvmer a'tion. ». f. [anni:>'!eratio, ANO'MALY. »./.• [anomalie, Fr. anoma-
Addition to a former number. 5. Widely different much altered. ; 1

Laj.] lia, Lat. a»47^aX(5>-.] Irregularity ; de- When the foul is beaten from its ftation, and
To ANNU'NCIATE. -j. a. [annuncio, viation from the common rule. the mounds of virtue arc broken down, it Jje-
Lat ] To bring tidings ; to relate If we Ihould tiiance to find a mother debauch- comes quite another thing from what it was be.
fomething that has fallen out : a word ing her daughter, as fuch monili-rs have been fore. South
fccn, we muft charge this upon a peculiar aronialy Ano'thbroaines. art)'. [See Another -
not in popular ufe,
and bafcncli of nature. South.
Ansunci a'tion day. n.f. [from an- 1 do not purfue the many pfeudographies in
GUESS.] Of another kind. This word
nunciate.'] The day celebrated by the ufe, but intend to jhcw how moft of thcfc aft^- I have found only in Sidney.
church, in memory of the angel's falu- matiei in writing might be avoided, and better If my father had not plaid the hafty fool, I
fupplied. Holder. might have had anotbergaines hulbaod than Da.
tation of the bleffed Virgin ; folemnized
A'nomy. metas. SiJtiCy:
with us on the twenty-fifth of March. n.f. [afriv. andvofi®-.] Breach
I'rin thr day of the Mnrjunciaikrtf or L.idy- of law. A o't h e r g u is, adj. [This word, which
I'.iv, i.'.-Tciiiatc on the incarnation of our blcflcd If fin be good, and juft, and lawful, it is no though rarely ufed in writing, is fome-
J> .\.v .: : and fo upon all the feitivats of the year. more evil, it is no fin, no anomy. what frequent in colloquial language, I
TayUr, Bramhall a^i'wji Hchhti.
conceive to be corrupted from another
.Vnodvne. « andliim.] That
adj, [from Ano'n. adv. [Junius imagines it to be an
giiife ; that is, of a different guij'e, or
which has the power of mitigating pain. elliptical form of fpeaking for /// one,
manner, or form.] Of a different kind,
Yet durft {h't not too deeply probe the wound, that is, in one minttte ; Skinner from a oh Hocus! where art thou ? It ufed to go' in
At Itoptog ftiU die ncbler pant were found and ncan, or near ; Minjheiv from en on.] anoihirgmfi manner in thy time. - Ariulhnot.

4 M 2 A'nsateb
It was but fuch a likenefs as an imperfea glaft
A'ksated. fl<^". [an/aius, Lii-I Having 12. To perform what is endeavoured or doth give, anf-werahle enough in fome features and
handles ; or fomething in the form of intended by the agent. . colours, but erring in others. Sidney.
Our part is, to choofe out the moft deferring The daughters of Atlas were ladies who, ac-
handles. moft likely to e,.fivtr the
objcfts, and the companying fuch as came to be regiftcrcd among
To A'NSWER. V. n. [The etymology is of our charity; and when this is
done, all 15
the worthies, brought forth children anjiviral'le ia
uncertain; the Saxons had anbi7apian, done that lies in our power J the reft muft be
quality to thofe that begot them.' Raleigbt
but in another fenfe ; the Dutch have to providence.
^ , Proportionate ; fuitable.
aHtificoriittt.'^ 13. To comply with. Only add
He dies that touches of this fruit, Deeds to thy knowledge anfieeraile ; add faith.
1. To fpcak in return to a queftion.
my Sbaiejftare,
Are we fucccur'd ? are the Moors rejnovM?
Till I and aflFairs are axfivertd. Add virtue, patience, temperance ; add love
and then a thoufand To fucceed; to produce the wimed By name to come cail'd charity, the foul
Jlnfiver thefc queftions fitft, 14.
Of all the reft. Milicn,.
more. event.
ylntviT them altogether. Dr/dcn. Jafon followed her counfel, whereto
when the 5 . Suitable fuited.

To fpeak in oppofition. eveiitbad anhvertdyhc again demanded the

fleece. The following, by certain eftates of men, an-
a. Raltigb. jiuerahh to that which a great perfon himfelf
No man was able to a^ifieer bim a word.
Mt!tttirto,xx'n. 46. In operations upon bodies for their verfion or
al- profclTcth, as of foldiers to him that hath been
the tiial in great quantities doth
not employed in the wars, hatli been a thing well
K it be faid, we may difcover the elemcntarj- teration,
many. taken even in monarchies. Bactmm
Ingredients of things, I tnfwer, that it is not anftvcr
the trial in fmall : and fo deceiveth
Bacon. If anfiuerahle ftyle I can obtain.
reccflary that fuch a difcovery ftould be prafti-
cab!e. S!>fk. To appear to any call, or authoritative Of my celeftial patronefs. Afiltatr
. 15.
To be accountable for : withy«' in which fenfe, though figu- S. Equal ; equivalent.
i. fummons ;

Thole many had not dared to do evil may be, There be no kings whofe means are anftverahle
ratively, the following paflagc Ra/eigb»-
If the man tliat
firft did th' edi£k infringe unto other men's dcfires.
perhaps, taken.
Hid ar/awV/cr his deed. Shahffeari. 7. Relative ; correlative.
principles of Thou wert better in thy grave, than to tnfwer, That, to every petition for things needful,
Some men have finned in the
this extremity of the
with thy uncovered body,
Inunanityj and muft anjiurr for not being men. SlaUffcare.
there be forac anftoerabU fentence of-
Brown's Vsilgar Emuri. (kies. .
thanks provided particularly to follow, is not tt-
If there be any abfutdity in this, our author 16. To be over-agalnft any thing. quifite. Bockeri.
iruft anfivtr for it. Lotte. Fire anfiven fire, and, by their paly beams. A'nsweraBLY. aif-a, [from anjkuerabk.l
Each battle fees the other's umbcrd face. Sbah
4. To vindicate ; to give a juftificatory In due proportion ; with proper cor-
account of: \y\t\i fcr^ A'nswer. fi.f. [from To anj'hver.] refpondence ; fuitably.
I. That which is faid, whether
The night, fo impudently fixed for my la/l, The broader feas are, if they be entire, and
nade impreflion on myfelf ; but 1 cannot
little or writing, in return to a queftion, or free from iilands, they are anftoerab/y deeper.
tnharrfor my family. Swift. pofition. Brerewood *« Languagew-
5. To give an account. It was a right anfwer of the phyfician
to his It bears light forts, into the atmofphere, to a
How they have been iince received, and fo well patient, that had fore eyes: If you have more greater or lefler height, anpwerab/y to the greater
inrrproved, let thofe cnftvn- either to God or man, plcafure in wine, than in your fight, wine is good. or lelfer intenfcncfs of the heat. ffoedward.
who have been the attthort and promoters of fuch Locke. A'nswerableness. >!./. [from an/wer-
wife council. 7imfle, Howcan we think of appearing at that tribu- able."] The quality of being anfwer-
He wants a father to prolefl his .youth. nal, without being able to give a ready anf-wn-
able. DOT.
And rear him up to virtue. You muft bear to the queftions which he (hall then put to

TItt future blame, and anfivcr 10 the world, about the poor and the afflifted, the hungry and A'nswerer. n.f. [hom anfwer.']
When yoo refufe the eafy honelV means the naked, the fick and imprifoned ? jitterhury. 1 He he that fpeaks in re-
that anfwers

Of talcing care of him. Seutbtrti,

z. An account to be given to the demand turn to what another has fpoken.
6. To
corr«fpond to ; to fuit with. of juftice. I know your mind, and I will fatisfy it; neither
As in water face anjiutrah to face, fo the heart He'll call you to fo hot an anjtver for it. will do it like a niggardly anfiverer, going no

of man to man. i'rw. xxvii. 19.

That you (hall chide your trefpafs. Shakifftare. further than the bounds of the queftion Sidney. .

7. To be equivalent to ; to {land for 3- In law, a confuution of a charge ex- 2. He that manages the controverfy a-
f«naething elfe. hibited againft a perfon. gainft one that has written firft.
A feaft is made for laughter, and wine maketh A perfonal anfvier ought to have three quali- It isvery unfair in any writer to employ igno-
Bury ' but money anjvieriib all things. ties ; it ought to be pertinent to the
matter in rance and malice together ; becaufe it gives his
Ecd. X. 19. hand ; it ought to be abfolute and unconditional arfiverer double work. Stvift.
8. To fatisfy any claim or petidon of it ought to be clear and certain.
Ant. n. [aensem. Sax. which Junius
right or juftice. A'nswer-jobber. n.f. [from «»/^*r and imagines, not without probability, to
Zelmane with rageful eyes bade bim defend He that maJces a trade of writ-
jobber.'] have been firft contracted to aemt, and
hinUelf ; for no lefs than bis life would anfiver
It. SidtKy. ing anfwers. then foftened to ant.] An emmet; a
Revenge the jeering and difdain'd contempt What difgufts me from having any thing to do pifmire. A fmall infeft that lives in
with anfiuer-johbtri, is, that they have no con-
Of this proud king, who lludies day and night
great numbers together in hillocks.
To onjiviT all the debt he owes untoyou, We'il fet thee to fchool to an ant, to teach thee
Ev'n with the bloody payments of your deaths. A'nswerable. aJj. [from an/nuer.] there's no lab'ring in the winter. Staiejfearu
to which a reply may be made
^haktjpcgrc, That Methinks, all cities now but ant-hills are.
I .
let his neck trj-aier for it, if there is any mar- Where when the feveral labourers I fee
which may be anfwered as, the
that ;
tial iaw in the world. Sbatrffeare. For children, houfe, provifion, taking pain,
Men no fooner find their appetites uvanjivercdy argument, though fubtle, is yet anf^er-
They're all but antt carrying eggs, flraw, and
than they complain the times arc injurious. ahk. gran Donne.
iak'tgk. z. Obliged to give an account; obliged Learn each fmall people's genius, policies
That yearly rent is ftill paid, even as the former
to anfwer any demand of juftice j or The anti republick, and the realm of bees. Pope.
cafualty itfelf was wont to be, in parcel meal ^aid
ftand the trial of an accufation.. Ant-bear. ». / [from ant and bear.l
in and anfwertd. Bacon.
5. To aft reciprocally.. .
Every chief of every kindred or family fliould An animal that feeds on ants.
be anfwerablf, and bound to bring forth every cnc Divers quadrupeds feed upon infcfts ; and fome
Say, do'K thou yet the Roman harp command ?
of tliat kindred, at all times, to be juftificd, when live wholly upon them ; as two forts of tamanduas
Po the ftrings anfnver to thy noble hand ? Dryd. be fhould be required, or charged with any treafon upon ants, which therefore are called in Englifti
10. To
ftand as oppofite or correlative to or felony. Spenfer^i Stale of Ireland. ant-beari. Ray,
fomething elfe. Will any man argue, that if a phyfician ftiould
Ant-hi LL, or HILLOCK. ».y; [(rotti ant
There can but two things create love, p;rfec- manifeftly prcfcribc poifon to all his patients, he
tion and ufcfulnefs ; to which anftoerr on our cannot be juftly pimilUcd, but is anJvKrabU only and bill.] The fmall protuberances of
part, t. Admiration ; and, 2. Dcfire : and both to God f S'jiifi. earth in which ants make their nefts.
thcfe are centered in love taylor. He cannot think ambition more juftly laid to Put blue flowers into an ant-bill, they will be
II. To bear proportion to. their charge, than to other men, bccaufe that ftained with red ; becaufe the ants drop upon them
Weapons muft needs be dangerous things, if would be to m.ike church government fl^wfr<i/i/f their ftinging liquor, which hath the efteil of oil
for the errors of human nature, Swif'. of vitriol. Jfay»
they aitjwertd the bulk of fo prodigious a pcrfun.
Svifi. 3. Correfpondcnt, Thofe who hive few am-HJMi, have eafily
pettccived thofe fmall beapi of com aliout their flood ; antechamber, a chamber leading To A'ntedate. -v. a. [from ante, and
nefts. MMJln. into another apartment. do, datum, Lat.]
An't. a contra£lion for and it, or rather A'nteact. n.f. [irom. ante ZX16. ail. 1 A I. To date earlier than the real time, fo
and if it ; as, ati't pleafe you ; that is,
former ad. as to confer a fiftitious antiquity.
and if it pleafe you. Anteambula'tion. [from ante Now thou haft lov'd me one whole day,
h. f.
Anta'cONIST. n. f. [a>Ti and iiyivi^a.]
and ambulatio, Lat.] A walking before.
To-morrow, when thou leav'ft, what wilt diou fay "i

1. One who contends with another ; an Wilt thou then antedate fome new-made vow,
Dia. Or fay, that now
opponent. It implies generally a pcr-
To ANTECE'DE. •v. ». [from ante, be- We are not juft thofe perfons, whjcli we were ?
foaal and particular oppoiition.
Our arttagontiii in thele coatioveriies may have
fore, and cedo, to go.] To precede ; Dcnne»
to go before. By reading, a man does, as it were, antedate his
met with istat not unlike to Icliacius. Ilooier. life, and makes himfelf contemporary with the
Wljat was fet before him, Itfecms confonant to reafon, that the fabrick of
ages paft. Collier,
the world did not long aniecede its motion. Hale.
To heave, pull, draw, and break, he £lill perform'd,
z. To take fomething before the proper
Kone daring to appear antagorij}, MVton. Antece'dence. a. f. [from antecede.]
It is not fit that the hiftory of a perfon flioulJ The aft or ftate of going before ; pre- time.
appear, till the prejudice both oi \\\i antagoniJluriA Our joys below it can improve,
cedence. And anitdate the blifs above.
adherents be foftened and fubdued. Addij<,n. Pope,
impoHiblc that mixed bodies can be eternal,
It is
2. Contrary. becaufe there is ncceflariiy a pre-cxiftence of the
Antedilu'vi AN. adj. [from ante, be-
Tile club conCfls of thofe who are under
fliort fimple bodies, and an antrcedence of their conftitu- fore,and dilu-vium, a deluge.]
five feet ours is to be compofed of fuch as are
j tion preceding the exiftence of mixed bodies. Halt. 1. Exifting before the deluge.
above fix. Thefe we took upon as the two extrenoes Antece'dent. \_antecedens , Lat.]
adj. During the time of the deluge, all the ftonc and
tad arttagonijti of the fpeciesj confidering all thefe marble of antediluvian earth were totally dif-
as neuters, who fill up the middle fpace. Addifin.
1. Going before preceding. ;Antecedent
folved. Woodward.
is ufcd, I think, only with regard to
3. In anatomy, the antagoniji is that mul- 2. Relating to things exifting before the
cle which counteradls Tome other. time; precedent, with regard both to
A relaxation of a mufcle muft produce a fpafm time and place. The text intends only the line of Seth, con-

in its antagmipy To aflcrt, that God looked upon Adam*s fall as

"becaufe the cfjuilibrium is de-
a f.n, and punii]sed it, when, without any antece-
' duceable unto the genealogy of our Saviour, and
ftroyed. Artushnit. the antediluvian chronology. Brotuna ^ulg. Err,
dent fin of his, it was impofTible ^'^t him not to fall,
7o Anta'gonize. f. n. [irom a»TJ and Antedilu'vian. n.f. One thaflived
Items a thing that higiily reproaches elTentiat
a,yiit\?^ai.\ To coDtend againll another. equity and goodnefs. Smtth, before the flood*
Dia. 2. It has to before the thing which is fup-
We are fo far from repining at God, that he
Anta'lcick. adj. [from a.Ti,againft, and pofed to follow.
hath not extended t.he period of cur lives to the
longevity of the anledilufiani, that we give hira
QtKy^, pain.] That which foftens pain ; No one is fo hardy as to fay, God is in his thanks for contracting the days of our trial.
anodyne. debt; that he owed hini a nobler being: for exift-
AUTJNACLASIS, n. / [Lat. from ence muft be arietejent /j merit. CMtr,
A'nt ELOPE, n. f. [The etymology is
Did the blood firft exift, antecedent fa the forma-
ailxii*x>xi(Tii, from ul\aiax>^eiu, to drive uncertain.] A goat with curled or
tion of the heart ? But that is to fet the effcft be-
back.] fore the caufe. wreathed horns.
I . A figare in rhetorick, the fame when Antece'dent. n.f. [antecedens, Lat.] The anielife, and wolf both fierce and fell.
word is repeated in a different, if not 1. That which goes before. Spenfcr.
in a contrary fignification ; as, /« tby A duty of f) mighty an influence, that it is in- Antemeri'dian. [from ante, be- adj.
youth learn fame craft, that in eld age thou deed the necefiary antecejmt, if not alfo the direft fore, and meridian, noon.] Before noon.
tnayjl get thy living ivithout craft. Craft, caufe, of a finner's return to -God. Souti>. Anteme'tick. adj. [in), againft, and
in the firft place, fignifies fciencc or oc- 2. In grammar, the noun to which the 'rif).lu, to vomit.] That which has the
cupation ; in the fecond, deceit or fub relative is fubjoined ; as, the man who power of calming the ftomach ; of pre-
tilty. comes hither. venting or ftopping vomiting.
Let him learn the right joining of fubftantivts
a. It is alfo a returning to the matter at
with adjeftives, the noun with the verb, and the'ndane. adj. [ante, before, and
the end of a long parenthefjs ; as. Shall relative with the antecedmt. Afcbam
mitndus, the world.] That which was
that heart (nuhich does not only feel them, 3. In logick, the firft propofition of an before the creation of the world.
hut hath all motion of his life placed in enthymeme, or argument confifting only Antenu'mber. ». / [from ante and
them), fliall that heart, I fay, &c. of two propofitions. number. The number that
"] precedes
Smith's Rhetorick. Conditional or hypothetical propofitions are another.
Antaphrodi'tick. [from itz),
adj. thofe whofe parts by the conditional
are united Whatfoever virtue is in numbers, for conducing
particle if; as, (/"the fun be fixed, the earth muft to confent of notes, is rather to be afcribed to the
againft, and 'a^^o^itt, Venus.] That move i/" there be no fire, there will be no fmoke.
: antenumhr, than to the entire number, as that the
which is efficacious againft the venereal The firft part of thife propofitions, or that wherein found returneth after fix, or after twelve; fo that
difeafe. the condition is contained, is called the antecedent, tlie feventhor thirteenth is not the matter, but the

Antapople'cticic. a<»y. [atr), againft, the other is called the cmjejuenl. H^uttt't Ligici. fixth or the twelfth. Bacon.
and airowX^^ic, an apoplexy.] Good Antece'dentlv. ad'u. [from antece- A'ntepast. n.f. [from ante, before, and
againft an apoplexy. dent.] In the ftate of antecedence, or pajfum, A
to feed.] foretafte ; fome-
Anta'rctick. adj. [atr), againft, and going before previoufly. ;
thing taken before the proper time.
ifxl^, the bear or northern conftella- Wc confider him antecedently to his creation, Were we to cxpeft our blifs only in the fatiating
while he yet by in the barren womb of nothing, our appetites, it might be reafonablc, by frequent
tion.] The
fouthern pole, fo called, as
and only in the number of poflibilities. antcpafts, to excite our guft for that profufe perpe-
cppofite to the northern. ANTECESSOR, n.f tual meal.
[Latin.] One who Deiay of Piety,
Downward as far as antarFixi. Mi/lor. A'n tepenult.b./
goes before, or leads another; the prin- [antepenultima, Lat.
They that had fail'd from near th' antardick pole.
Their treafure fafe, and all their vcdels whole, cipal. Dia. The laft fyllable but two, as the fyllable
Antecha'mher. te in antepenult a term of grammar.
In fight of their dear country ruin'd be.
Without the guilt of either rock or fea.
h. f [from ante, be-

adj. [a.Ti and

Wallir. fore, and chamber; generally writ-
it is is-i-
Antarthri'tick. adj. [i,T<, againft, ten, improperly, antichamber.'] The X«i]/i;.] A medicine againft convulfions.
and the gout. Good That bezoar is antidotal, lapis judaicus diureti-
etfSfiTi;, againft chamber that leads to the chief apart-
the gout.]
cal, iorsX atilefileftical, wewill not deny.
ment. lironuns Vulgar Errcurs.
Aktasthma'tick. eidj. F from am and The emprefs has the anl'ubamieri paft. To A'nteponb. "v. a. [antepono, Lat.]
«urSft«.] Good
againft the afthraa. And this way moves with a diforder'd hafte. Dryd.
His anikhanher, and room of audience, arc lit- To fet one thing before another ; to pre-
Latin particle fignifying be-
tle f:)uare chnml>erE wainfcolcd. fer one thing to another. Dia,
fore, which is frequently ufed in com-
ANTECU'RSOR. n.f [Latin.] One who Antepredi'cament. n.f. [anteprediea-
pof:tions ; a», antediluvian, before the
runs before. Dia. mentum, Lat.] Something to be known
6 in
in the ftudj' of logick, previoufly to the Amthropophaci'njan. n.f. A ludi- 2. To take up before the time at which any
doftrinc ol- the predicament. crous word, formed by Shakcffeare from thing might be regularly had.
Anterio'rity. n. /. [ from anter'tour
anthropophagi, for the fake of a formida- I find \ have ati.'icipated already, and taken up

Priority j the ilate of being before, either ble found. from Coccacc, before 1 come to him ; but I am of
tlie temper of kings, who are for prefcnt money,
in time or fuuation. Go, knock, and call ; he'll fpeaklikean cnibn-
ftfha^'imM unto thif knock, no matter how they pay it. Drydcn.
Ante'riour. adj. [antericr, Lat.] Go- : I fay. Shaktff.
Anthropo'phaoy. n. f. [ai9j»>?ro?, a 3. To foretafte, or take an impreffion of
ing before, either with regard to time or
man. and ^ayw, to eat.] The quality
fomething, which is not yet, as if it
of eating human really was.
If thAt b» the anteriuir or upper part wherein the or man-eating.
fenle> are pUccd, and that the po.1etiouran<l Iswer tjp->n flinder foundations was mifed the ar.'bro- The life of the dofperate equals the anxiety of
/•^^iagy of Diomcdeshis horfes. Bntan'sVulg. Er. death, who but aft the life of the damned, and ati-
jurt, which is opfofite thereuntn, there is no inle-
tkifatc the defolations of he!!. Bream's Vulg. Err,
riour or former part in this animal ; for the fenfes Anthropo'sophy. n.f. [a.S{i.7ro;, man,
being placed at both extremes, n-.akc both ends an- Why fiiouid we
and cotpM, wifdom.-] The knowledge jittfkipate our forrows : 'tis like thofe
Urkiur, M'hi^h is impoflible. Urcwn's Vuh Err, of the nature of That die for fear of death. Dentam.
ANTES, n.f. [Latin.] Pillars of large -^ M T H Y p no't I en. adj. ffrom' a»T( .againft, To prevent any thing by crowding in
dimenfions that fupport the front of a
and tins, llecp.] That which has the before it ; to preclude.
building. Time, thru amkipal'J) my dread
power of preventing fleep ; that which exploits :
Antesto^'m ACH. ».y." [fromfl«/f, before, The flighty purp.ofe never is o'ertook,
is efficacious againft a lethargy.
and Jlomach.'] A cavity which leads
Anthypochon DRl'ACK./r(jJ?.[frOm a.rt\,
Unlcfs the deed ^o with it. Sbakeff.-arr.
I am tar from pretending to inflru£t the profcf-
into the llomach.
and i7rop(;6»J^;a:'o,-.] Good againft
againli. fion, or arlkifarhg their diteAioni to.fucli as are
In birds there
no maftication or comminution
hvpochondriack maladies. under their government. ylrbuiln'jt.
of the meat in the mouth ; but it is immediately
fwallowcd into a- kind of anitfionuKh, wiiich 1 have AK'JHYPO'PHORA. n. f [i,9i.«-i^oea.] Anticipa'tion. n.f. [(rom anticipate.']
obferved in pifcivonms birds. Ray. A figure in rhetorick, which fignifics a I The aft of taking up fomething before

Anthelmi'nthick. a^J. [airi, againft, contrary ill:tion, or inference, and is its time.
and i;\finSo4, a worm.] That whicii when an objeftion is refuted or difproved The golden number gives the new moon four
days too late, by reafon of the aforefaid auiuifaiim,
kills worms. by the oppofition of a contrary fentence. and our ncgleS of it. HMcr.
/littbrlm'MhUs, or contrary to worms, are things
Smith's Rhetorick It is not enough to he mlferable when the time
which are known by experience to kill tliem, as
oils, or honey taken upon an empty ftomach. An T H y s e'r I c K adj. [from a >t.', againft,
comes, unlefs we make ourfelvCsfo befiirehand, and

by anikipathn. L'EJIrange.
^rbuthmt. and Js-i^ixof.] Good againft hyftericks.
2. Eol-etafte.
A'nthem. «. y". [Si3i,//.Mf, a hymn fung ANTI. [ajTi.] A particle much ufed in
If we really live und^r the hope of future happi-
in alternate parts, and fliould therefore compoikion with words derived from the nefs, we (hall tartc it: by vay of untkipaikmai
be written anthymn.l A holy fong ; a Greek, and fignifies contrary to ; as, an forethought; an image of it will meet our minds
fong performed as part of divine fervice. timonarchicdl, oppofite to monarchy. often, and ftay there, as all pleafing expeftations'
Go4 Mofes firft.then David did infpire, Antia'cid. adj. [from ajTi, and aaV/tt.t, do. Attrrhun.
To compofe antbeitti for his heavenly quire. Denb.
four.] Contrary to fournefs 3. Opinion implanted before the reafons
alkalis. ;
There is no pallion that is not finely exprcfled in of that opinion can be known.
Oils arc aniiaciiis, fo far as tliey blunt acrimony
thofe parts of the infpired writings, which are pro- The and weft, the north and louth, have the
but as tjiey are hard of digeftion, they produce acri- c.-ift
per for divine fongs and^ms. yUd'itcn. fame
mony of another fort. jirhuthtini, concerning one fuprerae difpofer
AnTHO'lOCY.S./ [a»9oAoyia,froma*S(j;, of things. Siillmgjlect.
a flower, and hi-^, to gather.]
Antichache'ctick. [from icvrl, adj. What nation is there, that, without any teach-
againft, and >;avj|K, a bad habit.]
1. A colleflion of flowers. Tilings adapted to the cure of a bad
ing, have not a kind ofantkipaikttf or preconceived
notion of a Deity ? Drrbam.
2. A colleftion of devotions in the Greek A'ntick. adj. [probably from antiquus,
A colleftion of poems.
Anticha'mber. n.f. This word is cor- ancient, as things out of ufc appear
ruptly \yritren for antechamber ; whicli old.] Odd ; ridiculoufly wild ; buitoon
A'nthony's fire. n.f. Akindofery-
fee. in gefticulation.
Antjchri'stian .«<^'.[from ajri .againft, What! dares the (lave
ANTHRAX, n. f. [a>&ja|, a burning Come hither cover'd with an entkkfarc.
&xi^ ^ir''] Oppofite to chrirtianity.
coal.] A fcab or blotch that i<i made by And fleer and fcorn at our fuleinnity ?
Thatdefpifed, abjeft, oiiprelfed fort of men, the
a corrofive humour, which burns the Sbairffaire's Romto cud Juliet,
minifters, whom the wcrld would make antkhrif-
Of all our antki and pageantry.
Ikin, and occafions fliarp pricking pains ; tiat:, and fo deprive th.m of heaven. Smi'b, Which Englifh idiots run in crowds to fee. Dryd*
a carbuncle. ^, Antichri'stianism. n.f. [from anti- The prize was to be conferred upon thj whifticr,
Anthroho'logv. n.f. [from asSfwirot, chrijlian.'\ Oppofition or contrariety to that could go through h^s tunc without laughing,
though provoked by the omkk pcftures of a merry
man, and y^iytc, to difcourfe.j The doc- chriftianity.
Andrew, who was to play tricks. jldd'^on,
trine of anatomy ; the dodlrine of the Have we not feen many, whofe opi.-itons have
fafteiicJ upon on': a;iot!icr the branJ of ar.ticbrij- A'ntick. n.f. '> •

form and ftruilure .of the body of man.

liamfm ? V/ary of PUty. 1. He that plavjS anticks ; he that ufps odd
AnTHROPOMo'rPHITE. n.f. \_ai^^ul;t- Antichristi a'n iTY. n.f. [iromanti- gefticulation ; a buffoon.
/<o^^o{.] One who believes a human chrifiian.'\ Contrariety to chriftianity. Within the hollow crown,
form in the Deity. Anti'chronism. n.f [cifr;, againft, and That rounds the mortal temples of a king.
Chriftians as well as Turks have had whnlo fefts Keeps death his court ; and there the amkh (its,
time.] Deviation from the right
contending that the Deity was corporeal and <}i hu- Scjiiing his rtate. Sbakefpcare.
man fliape; though few profcfs themfelves antbro- order or account of time, If you (liou'.d italic he grows impatient.-^
fix-.orfitiiisyytt we may find manyaraohgll the ig- ro ANTl'CIPATE. 1;. a. [anticifo, Lat.] Fear not, my lord, we cm contain ourfelvcs.
norant of that opinion. Lsckt.
I. I'otake fomething fooner than another, Were he the veriett iintick in the world. Sbakik.
Anthropo'pathy.w./ [a>SfU5rii;,man, fo as to prevent him that comes after; 2 . Odd appearance.
. and iraS-o!, paflion.] The fenflbility of to take polTeflion.
A work of rich entail, and curious moid.
man; the paffions of man. Cod taken care to anthipatc and prevent
Woven with unikks, and wild imagery. Fdiij
For e'en at firft reflcflion (he cfpies
ANTHROPO'PHAGI. n. /. // has no every mm, to draw him early intphis church ; tc
Such toys, fuch antkks, and fuch vanities.
give piety the prepofTeflion, »ai fo'to engage him
fingular. [a>Sfwffo;, man, and Ipayu, to As (he retires and (brinks for (hame and fear. Davtet.
in holinef'. Hemmend.
eat.] Man-eaters; cannibals; thofe To A'ntick.
If our Aponie had maintained fuch an aiilki- 11. a. [from cntick.] To
that live upon human flelh. fat'irg principle engravL'n upon our fouls isefore ail make antick.
The cannibals that each other eat, excicife of reaf<n ; whatdid he talkof fecking the Mine own tongue
The aiubropopkagi, and men whofe heads L>rJ, ftei.ig that the krigwledge of him was innate Splits what it fpcaks the wild difguifc hath almoin
Do grow beneath their ihouldcrs. Sbahffi. OtiiUo. ,inJ perpetual ? Benllef. Aiitickt \xi aW. til'akijpcere,

A'ntickly, Wo". [from a/!tu-i.1 In an Antimona'rchicalness. fi. /. [from No centraries hold more antipathy,
antimonarchical.'\ The quality of Thjn I and fuch a knave. Shahfpean»
antick manner with odd poftures ; wild
; being
To this perhaps might be juftly attributed moil
gefticulations, or fanciful appearance. an enemy to regal power. of the fympathies and aniifatbia obfervable in
Scrambling, out-tacing, fafliion-inongring boys, Antimo'nial. adj. [from antimony.'^ men. Locke.
That lye, and cog, and flout, deprave, and (lander. Made of antimony ; having the quali- 2. It has fometimes the particle againji
Go artickly, and Jhew an outward hideoufncl's, ties of antimony ; relating to anti-
And (peak, of half a dozen dangerous words. before the objeft of antipathy.
Stakefptare. mony. had a mortal antipathy againji (landing armies

They were got out of the reach of arjimomal in times of peace ; becaufe I took armies to be
ANTICU'MAX. n.f. [from a.ri and x^i-
fumes. Grnv. hired by the mader of the family, to keep his
;ia|.] A fentence in which the 1 aft part children in (lavery. Swifts
Though ant'imomal cups, prcpar'd with art,
expreffes fomething lower than the firft. Their force to wine through ages (hould impart. 3. Sometimes /».
A ccrta'a figure, which was unknown to the This di(?ipation, this profuie cxpence. A(k you, what provocation I Tiave had ?
ancients, is called by fome an anudmax, AdSJrjn. Nor (brinks tiieir fue, nor waltes their ftores im- The llrong antipathy of good
bad. to
This is frequently mentioned as an ex- BUckm^c.
dillich menfe, When truth, or virtue, an affront endures,
ample : -VNTIMONY. >!./. [The ftiblum of the Th' aflVont is mine, my friend, and Ihould be
Next comes I>alhouirey, the great god of war. yours. FopCm-
Lieutenant col'nel to the earl of Mar.
ancients, by the Greeks called r£^/i«.
The reafon of its modern denomination 4. Formerly ivith ; but improperly.
Anticonvu'lsive. adj. [from krii, a- Tangible bodies have an antipathy *ivitb air 5
is referred to Bafil Valentine, a Ger-
gainft, and tonvulfive.'\ Good againft and any liquid body, that is more denfe, they will
man monk ; who, as the tradition relates, draw, condenfi, and, in eftedl, incorporate. Bacon*
Whatfocver produces an inflammatory difpo(i- having thrown fome of it to the hogs, ANTIPERI'STASIS. n.f [from uniir^^i-
tion in tlie blood, produces the a(thma, as ajiikon- obfervcd had purged them, after it rac^K, formed of un) and Trs^ira^fi, to
vulfi've medicines. Ficyer. heartily, they immediately fattened ftand round.] The oppofition of a con-
jfNTICOR.^./. [from am, againft, and and therefore he imagined his fellow trary quality, by which the quality it
cor, the heart.] monks would be the better for a like oppofes becomes heightened or intend-
Apretiirnaturai (welling of a round fig\ire, occa-
fioned by a fanguine and bilious humour, and ap-
dofe. The experiment, however, fuc- ed ; or the aflion by which a body,
pearing in a horfe's brea(l, oppo(ite to his heart. ceeded fo ill, that they all died of it ; attacked by another, coUeCls itfe^Jf, and
Ar. aniiar may kill a horfe, unlcfs it be brought and the medicine was thenceforward becomes ftronger by fuch oppoiltion ;
to a fuppuratlon by good remedies. Fjrrier's DISI. called antimoinc, antimonk.'\ or an intention of the aftivity of one
AN'rico'uRTiER. n.f. [fromivTi, againft, Arjtirmmy a mineral fubdance, of a metalline
quality caufed by the oppofition of ano-
nature, having all the feerai.ig characters of a real
and courtier. '\ One that oppofes the court. ther. Thus quicklime on fire by is fet
metal, except malleability j and may be called a
Anti'dotal. a^'.[hom antidote.'] That femimetal, being a folTile glebe of fome undeter- the afpufion of cold water water be- ; fo
which has the quality of an antidote, or mined metal, combined with a fulphurous and ilony comes warmer in winter than in fum-
the power of counterafting poifon. fubitancc. Mines of all metais afford it; that in mer ; and thunder and lightning are ex-
That bezoar is ar.tit^Mai, we (hall not deny. Brtnvr. gold mines is reckoned belt. It has alfo its own
cited in the middle region of the air,
Animals that can innoxioufly digeft thefc poi- mines in Hungary, Germany, and Fiance. Its
fons, become aii:UAal to the poifon digertfd. texture is full of little (hining veins or threads, which is continually cold, and ail by
B>"'ivn's k'ui^ar Erniirs. like needles; brittle as glafs. Sometimes Veins antiperiflafo. This is an exploded prin-
A'nTIDOTE. n. /. [arriJol©-, aniidotus, of a rtd or golden colour are intermixed^ which ciple in the Peripatetick philofophy.
is called maU antimony \ that without them being
Lat. a thing given in oppofition to . Tii^ aniipcrijiafts uf age
dcnominatjdyoBa/u/rTnmwjr... Jt fufes in the lire, MoreInflaifiM his nm'rout rage. CmvLj.
fomething elle.] though with fome and diirotves more
; •The riotous prodigal dctells covetoufnels ; yet
A medicine given to expel the mifcbiefs of ano-j cilily in water. It deflr>^ys aod difiipates all me- lot Uim find the fprings grow dry which feed hia.
ther, as of poifon. S^u'wcy* tals fufed with i(, Except gold j and is therefore
luxury, covetoufnefs iTiail be called in : and fo,.
Trud oot the phyfician, i
u(eful in reiining. It is a common ingredient in by a Stinge aniiptrijlajii, prodigality (hall beget ra-
His afitiduet are poifon, and he Da)! '
fpeculums, or burning concaves; lerving to. give pine. ' ' Decay 0/ Piety.
More ihao you rob. $biikrfpiarti them a finer poliib. It makes a part in bell me-
What would believe that aatitUti delivered
fool tal ; and renders the found more clear. It is Antjpestile'nti AL. adj. [from ivr],.
by Pierius againd the (ling of a fc^rpiin ? to fit mingled with tin, to make it more hard, white, againft, and ^i?/?/7t«//a/.] Efficacious a-
upon an afs, with uhe's face towaids his tail. and (bund; and with lead, in the cafting of printers gainft the infeftion of the plague.
Brvwttl Vulgar F.rrturi. letters, to render llicm more fmooth and firm. It Perfumes corredl the air before it is attracted by
Piif^n will work a^ainf^ the ftars : beware; is a general help in the melting of metals, and the lungs ; or, rather, ar.tipeJIiltRtial ung'u-nfs, to
For ev'ry meal an amidott prepare. Vrrttenjuv^ efpecialty in caftir.g of cannon-balls. In ph.Tr- anoint the noilrils with. Harvey on the Blague.
Antid ysente'rick. adj. [from «>Ti, matry it is n'.ed under various forms, and with va-
againft, and dyfenteria, a bloody flux.] rious intentions, chicrly a?an cmetick, Chamleri.
ANTTPHRASIS. n.f [from iv-rJ, againft,
Antinephri'tick. adj. [from a,Ti and and (pficri;, a form of fpecch.] The ufe
Good againft the bloody flux.
of words in a fenfe oppofite to their pro-
Anti Ft^BRii-E. adj. [from a»T>, againft, Medicines good againft'dif-
and kidneys.
eales of the reins per meaning.
Anifebris, a fever.] Good againft fevers.
A'ntinomy. n.f. {from a.i~\ and re,(i'-!.] You now find no caufe to repent, that you
Aniiftbrilc medicines clieck the ebuiiition. TioyEr,
never dipt your hands irf the bloody hijli courts of
Anti Lo'r.ARiTHM.- n.f. [from a.n\, A contradidlion between two laws, or judlce, fo called only by antiphra/is. South.
againft, and
logarithm.'^ t«'o Articles of the fame law.
The comj^Icmcnt of the logarithm of a (ioe, tan- Aiitmr^mhs are almufl unavoidable in fuch val
| As Ti' POD Ah. adj. [from antipodes.] Re-
gent, or fccant; or the difference of that !oga. riety of cpinions and anfv.ers. Baker.
lating to the countries inhabited bv the
rithm from the logarithm of ninety degrees. Antiparaly'ticc. ar^'. [from «m ana antipodes.
Cicttiiers, The Americans arc antipodal unto the Indians.
aa^ut.-jc-ii.l Efficacious againft the palfyt
AnTi'logy. n.f. [ijTiXcyi*.] A contra-
Antipathe'tical. adj. [from antijiu-

didion between any words and parages tiy.] Having a natural contrariety to
JNTI'PODES. n.f. It has no fingtilar.
in an atithor. Difl.
any thing. [from an), againft, and tsihi, feet.]'
Anti'loc^uist. «./. [from a»Ti, againft, Tl^ (bU is fat and luxurious, and atttipathttUal Thofe people who, living on the other
and loquor, to fpeak.] A contradiftor. to all venomous creatures. IJoivJ^ Vtcal T'.rtji. fide of the globe, have their feet di-
Dia. Antipathe'tic Ai.TiESS. n.f. [frr) redlly oppofue to ours.
Antimona'rch iCAL. [from «»tI, adj. tipcuhclical.\ The quality or ftatc of . \Vc (liould hold day with the anlipcda.
If you would walk in abfence of the fun.
againft, and f/.ova^;^!*, government by having a natural contrariety to any
• Sbahfpen-e,
a fmgle perfon.] Againft government thing. DHL So (IVincs the fun, tho' hence remov'd, as clear
by a Unglc perfon. ANITPATHY. n.f. [from u,i\, againft, When hli beam' warm th' antipodes, as here.
When ne fpicd th-: ilatue of King Charles io and croSoc, feeling ; antipathie, Fr.]
mid'Jlc of the cr .wd, and moft of the kings
ranged over their hc.ui ;, he concluded, that an j'l-
I. Anatural contrariety to any thing, fo Aw'tipope. n.f [from itrl, againft, and
I'lmnarcbkal iiicrM-j coaid never choofe fuch a
as to ftiun it involuntarily ; averiion j pope.] He that ufurps the popedom, in>
flace. , . ' .. h^dijin. diflikc, it is oppoled tof^mfatiy.} ^
oppoiltion to the right pope.
This houfe is famous in hlftory, for \ht tt- of JuIUis Crfar; as alfo another fea', fuppofc4 tc

I prefcrlbed him a diftiUeJ milk, whh anr'iflru-

treat of an amijuft, who called bimlclf FcU» V. be a you:ig Herculca ) botlt very choice anlijues, matieks, and purged him. If^Jrman.
and let in gold. Stoift.
ANTTTHESiS. n. f. in the plural an.
JNriPTO'SIS. n.f. [i.Tis-TKins.] A figure A N T I'qu E N E 83 from antique. ] Tbe
. »./. [
iithc/es. \^i~if, placing in oppofition.]
in grammar, by which one cafe is put quality of being antique ; an appear-
Oppofition of words or fentimeuts; con-
for another. ance of antiquity.
traft ; as in thcfe lines :

A'NTiquARY. n.f. [antlquaritis, Lat.] We may difcover i'omething venerable In the an-
Though gentle, jet not dull
of tbe work
A man ftudious of antiquity a collector ;
j bet .we would fee the defign
Strong witliout rage; without O'crflowing, full.

of ancient things. Denbam.

raiitit-s, and inventions, are but the-
All arts,
AnTi'ouiTy, n.f. Lat.]
[aittiquitas, I fee a chief, who leads my chofcn Tons,
telit^sof an intclleft defaced with fin. ad- We I. Old time« ; time pafl long ago. All arm'd with points, etr.t'ulefet, and pons. Pope.
mire it now, only as aniijimmt do a piece of I rteition Ariftotle, PoSbius, and Cicero, the A'nt t y TZ.n.f.
1 That which
old coin, for the Itsmp it once bore. South* greateft philofopher, the moft impartial hiftcrian,
is refembled or Ihadowed out by the
With marpcn'd fight pale antiquaries pore, and the moli confummate ftutefnian, of all anti-
quity. Addijtn. type; that of which the type is the re-
Th' inKription valde, but the ruft adore. Pcfe.
The rude Latin of the monies is ftiU -very in- 2.. The people of old times ; the ancients. ptefentation. It is a term of theology.
; bad their records been delivered in the That fuch pillars were railed by SeCh, all anti- See Type.
vulgar tongue, they coqIJ not now be underdood, quity has avowed. Raleigk. Whenonce upon the wing, he foars to an higher
unlefs by anti^ttariit, Stvift*
3. The works or remains of old times. pitch,from the type to the antitype, to the days of
A'ntic^uaiiv. ai/j. [This word is im- As for the ohfer\'ation of Machiavel, traducing the Mcfliah, die afcenfion of our Saviour, and, at
Gregory the Crest, that he did what in him lay length, to his kingdom and dominion over all the
proper.] Old ; antique.
Here's Ntftor, to extingiiiOi all heathen amiquitiei : I da not find earth. Jiurnei't Thnry,

Inftruficd by the fittiijutiry times ; that thofe eeals laft long; as it appeared in the He brought forth bread and wine, and was the
who did revive the former prieft of the moR high God j imitating the an-
He mufl, he is, he cannot but be wife. Shaltcfp* fuccefiian of Sabinian,
Bacon. titype, or the fuhftance, Chrift himfelf. Taylor,
7« A'nTIQU ATE. -v. a. [antijuo, Lat.] antiquities.

To put out of ufc ; to make obfolete. 4. Old age : a ludicrous fenfe. Aktity'pical. adj. [fromi a/itityfe.]
It not your Voice broken ? your wind fliort ? That which relates to an antitype that
The growth of Chriftianity in this kingdom ;
your chin double ? your wit fingle ? and every part
might reafonably introduce new laws, and an- which explains the type.
about you blafted with antiquity ? and will you yet
tij-Mte or abrogate fome old ones, that feemed lefs
call yourfelf young ? Sba):<:ffeare.
An t I VE N e'r E A L adj. [from . airt and -ve-
CCFnfiilcnt with the Chriftian dcflrines.
Halir^s Common Laio ttj Kngland. 5. Ancientnefs ; as, this ring is valuable lureal.'l Good againft the venereal dif-
Milton's Paradife Loft is admirable. But can- for its antiquity. eafe.
I admire the height of Wi invention, and the
If the lues be joined with it, you will fcatte cure
sot JNTI'SCII. n.j\ It has nojingular. [from
llrcngth of his expreflidn, without defending his your patient without exhibiting emtk/entrra! reme-
lifTi and a-xia.] In geography, the people
ami^uaieJ words, and the perpetual harihnefs of dies. Jfifeman.
their found ? DryJcn. who inhabit on different lides of the A'ntler. n.f. [^andouillier, Fr.] Properly
Almighty Latium, with her cities crown'd. equator, who confequently at noon have
the firft branches of a flag's horns ; but,
Shall like an antiquated fable found. AdHifatt. their (hadows projeiSted oppofite ways.
popularly and generally, any of hi«
A'NTi<iyATEDNESS. n.f. [ftOTCiantiquat- Thus the people of the north are An- branches.
ed.'\ The ftate of being atuiquated, worn tifcii to thofe of the fouth ; the one pro- Grown old, they grow lefs branched, and firft
out of ufe, or obfolete^ jecting their fliadows at noon toward lofe their btow antlers, or toweft furcations next to
ANTrQUE. aJJ. [_antique, Fr. antijuus, the north pole, and the other toward the tlie head. Brown,
Lat. It was formerly pronounced ac- fouth pole. Chambers. A weIl-gro'.vn
vhofe antlers
ftag, rife
High o'er hie front, his beams invade the Ikies.
cording to the Englifli analogy, with Antiscorbu'tical. adj. [from an), Dryden,
the accent on the firft fyllabiej but now againfl, axtA/corbutum, the fcurvy.] Geod Bright Diana
after the French, with the accent on the againil the fcurvy. Brought hunted wild goats heads, and branching
laft, at leaft in profe 4 the poets ufe it rhe warm antifcorbuiical plants, in quantities, antlers

varioufly.] will occafion ftiuking breath, and corrupt the blood. Of ftags, the fruit and honour of her toil. Prior,

k. Ancient i old; not modern.

Arbutbnot. ANTO'ECl.n.f Itbasnoftngular. [Lat-
Now, good Ccfario, but that piece of fonp. Antiscorbu'tick. adj. [from avri, from aiit, and oix/w, to inhabit.] In geo-
That old and antique fong we heard laft night. againft, and fcorbutum, the fcurvy.] graphy, thofe inhabitants of the earth
Shakefpeare. Good againft the fcurvy. who live under the fame meridian, and
Such truth in love as th' antique world did know. The warm atiijccrbulich, animal diet, and ani- at the fame diftance from the equator i
In fuch a ftyle as coOrts might boaft of now. H^aller. mal falts, are proper. Arbutbnot.
the one toward the north, and the other
3. Of genuine antiquity. ANTl'SPASIS. n.f, [from i.n\, againft,
The feals which we have remaining of Julius to the fouth. Hence they have the fame-
and trvaij, to draw. ] The revulfion of
Czfar, which we know to be antique, have the ftar longitude, and their latitude is alfo the
.t>{ Venus over them. Dryden.
any humour into another part. fame, but of a different denomination.
My copper lamps, at any rale, Antisp asmo'dick. aJj. [from in-i, They are in the fame femicircle of the
3For being true antique I bought againft, and <r«-a<7ft«c, the cramp.] That
Yet wifdy melted down my plate,
meridian, but oppofite parallels. They
which has the power of relieving the
Cn modern models to be wroughtj have precifely the fame hours of the
And cramp.
trifles J alike purfue, day and night, but oppofite feafons
Bccaufe they're old, becaufe they're n«#. prler. Antisp a'stick. atlj. [from avr) and
and the night of the one is always equal
3. Of old fashion. inrar'xof.] Medicines which caufe a re-
to the day of the other. Chambers.
Forth came that ancient lord and aged (jaeen, vulfion of the humours.
Array'd in antique robes dow i to the ground, Antisplene'tick. adj. [from <«»t» and
ANTONOMASIA. n.f [from in), and
And fad habilimentsrighl well befcen. tViry S^ecn. Jphnetick.^ Efficacious in difeafes of Oie
ovo/xa, a nan\s.] A form of fpeech, in
Muft he no more divert the t'd.ous day ? which, for a proper name, is put the
JJor fparkling thoughts in antique words convey ? fplecn.
Aniijflenetielio^m the obftruftions of the fplecn.
name of fome dignity, ofiice, profeffion.
imiri to tbe Mivory ofyhilif:.
Pleytr. fciencc, or trade ; or whan a proper
4. Odd ; wild ; antick.
Name not thclc living death-heads unto me; ANTrSTROPHE. n.f. [i^^r^'^tfy,, from name is put in the room of an appella-
For thcfe not ancient but antique be. _V6nne- «>Ti, the contrary way, and
rfe?«. tXirn- tive. I'hus a king is 'called hit ma-
And fooner may a gulling weather-fpy. ir>g«] ]n an ode fuppofed to be furVg in jefty ; a nobleman, his lord/hip. We
By drawing forth hcav'n's fchemc, tell certainly parts, the Tecond ftanza of every three, fay the philofopher inftead of Ariftotle,
What fa/hion'd ha.s, or ruffs, or fuits, next year and the orator for Cicero thus a man
or fometimes every fecond ftan/.a ; fo :

Our giddy-headed antique you. h will wear. Dinne.

called becaufe the dance turns about. is called by the name of his country, a
Anti'que. «./ [tiom onti jut, ai/J.] An
antiqaity a remain. of ancient times Antistrum a'tick. adj. [from am, and German, an Italian ; and a grave man
; ;

an ancient rarity. firuma, a fcrophulous fweiling.] Good is called a Cato, and a wife man a So-
I .eav< to £dward, now carl of Oxford, my fcai againft the king's evil. s lomon. Smith's Rhttcrici.
Am'trb. n.f. [antre, Fr. ««//««, Lat.] A YcB contented yourfelf with being capable, as 3..Diftinaiy.
cavern ; a cave ; a den : not in ufe. much as any whofoever, of defending your country Mofes firft nameth heaven and earth, fufir.f;
With all my travels hifiory :
with your fword. Drydtn. waters but in the third place, as compreh'^:^'! i.-.

Wherein of antra v«ft, and defarts wild, How fit is this retreat for uninterrupted ftudy !
waters in the word earth ; but afterwr.,
It was my hcnt to fpeak. Shakeffean,
Any one that fees it will own, I could not have nameth them apart, K .1 "

chofen a more likely place to converfc with the

A'jivii,. [aenplk. Sax,]
r../. 4. At a diftance ; retired from die oihcr
dead in. Pope.
I. The iron block on which the Tmith lays company.
z. Whofoever ; whatfoever ; as dillin- So plcafc you, madam.
his metal to be forged.
guiihed from fome other. To put apart thele your attendants. libakefp*
I faw a (mith ftand wth his hammer, thus,
The whilft his iron did on his Sbaktff. arWcool.
What warmth is there in your affcftion towards
any of thefe princely fuitors that are already come
Apa'rtment. «.y; [aparletnent, Fr.] A
On tlieir eternal airvih here he found ?
part of the houfe allotted 10 the ufe of
The brethren beating, and the blows go round. Sbakcjf^are.
An inverted motion being begun dry where be- any particular perfon ; a room ; a feJ
low, continues itfelf ail the whole length. Luke. of rooms.
«. Any thing on which blows are laid.
3 . It is ufed in oppofition to none. private gallery 'twixt th' apa/ttiirnts led.
Here I clip
I wound and I heal : neither is there any that Not to the fie yet known. Sir y, Dtnhnm.
Tile ari-v-U of my fword, and do conted
Horiy and nobly. can deliver out of my hand. Dsut.xxxn. 39. He pale as death, dcfpoird of his ariay,
Shahffearc, Inro the queen's apartment takes his way. Dryd.
%. Figuratively ; to be upon the airvil, is A'oRisT.n./ [io'jiro;.] Indefinite; a term
The mod confiderablc ruin is tiiac cti the eaftern
to be in a ftate of formation or prepara- in the Greek grammar. promontory, where are ftill fome apartments left
tion. AO'RTA.n.f. [iojlr.] The great artery very higli and arched at top. Addijor.
members of our houfe knowing what
Several which rifes immediately out of the left
A'pathy. n.f. [a, not, and TOaSo;, feel-
»as upon the OTevil, went to the clergy, and dcfired ventricle of the heart. ^incy. ing.] The quality of not feeling ; ex-
their judgment. Sioift. emption from paffion ; freedom from
Anxi'ety. luf. [anxietas, Lat.]
Ap a'ce. adv. [from a and pact ; that is,
with a great pace.] mental perturbation.
I. Trouble of mind about fome future Of good and evil much they argued then,
event ; fufpenfe with unealinefs ; per- 1. Quick; fpeedily : ufed of things in PalTion, and apathy, and glory, and Ihame.
plexity folicitude.
motion. Milton.
To be happy, is not only to be firttd firom the Or when the flying libbard fije did chace, To remain infenfible of fuch provocations, is
pains anj diliafcs of the body, but ftom. enx'irty She could then nimbly move, and after fly »fact. not conftancy, but apathy. South.
and vexation of fpirit ; not only to enjoy the plca- Sferfer, In \iiy apathy let Stoicks boafl:

fures of fcnfe, but peace of confcience, and tran-

Ay, quoth my
uncle Glo'fter, Their virtue fix'd ; 'tis fixed as in froft,

quiUk)' of mind. Small herbs have grace, great weeds do grow fl/)a«. - Contraftcd all, retiring to the bread;
And fince, methinks,
would not grow fo faff,
I But ftrength of mind isexercife, not rell. Pope,
J. In the medical language, lownefs of Beciufc fweet fiow'rs are flow, and weeds make
fpirits, with uneafinefs of the ftomach.
APE. n.f. [ape, Icelandifti.]
In aiuiUtia which attend fevers, wlicn the cold He
promis'd in his eaft a glorious race;
1 A kind of monkey remarkable for imi-
fit is over, a warmer regimen may be allowed j and Now funk from his meridian, fets apace. Dryd. tating what he fees.
bccaufe avxUtin often happen by fpafms from wind, Is r>ot he imprudent, who, feeing the tide I will bt: more newfangled than an ape, more
fpiccs are ufeful. Arburbnd, making hafte towards him apace, will fleep till giddy in my defircs than a monkey. Sbakefp,
A'NXIOUS. adj. [anxiui, Lat.] theoverwhelm him ?
li-a Tiltotfon.
Writers report, that the heart of an ape, worn
Difturbed about fome uncertain event With near the heart;, cemforteth the heart, and i&creaf-
J. 2. hafte ; applied to fame adlion.
eth audacity. It is true, that the ape a a merry
folicitous ; being in painful fufpenfe The baron now his diamonds pours apace
; \
and bold bcall. Bacon*
painfoliy uncertain. Th'embroider'd king, who Ihows buthalf his face.
And his refulgent qutrer.
With glittering gold and fparkling gems ihey
Pope's Rafie
His penfive cheek upon hand recVn'd, his "f the Lock. llsine.
And aaxioui thoughts revolving in his mind. Dryd. 3. Haftily ; with fpeed
fpoken of any :
But aprs and monkeys are the gods within.
With beating hearts the dire event they wait, kind of progreffion from one ftate to an- GrasivUie.
jSnxktts, and trembling for the birth of fate. P'j^e, other. Celeftia! Beings, when of late they faw
Z- Careful; full of inquietude ; unquiet. This fccond courfc of men. A mortal man unfold all Nature's law,
In youth alone unhappy mortals live With fome regard to what is juft and right. Admir'd fuch knowledge in a human Oiape,
But, ah the mighty blifs it fugitive;
! Shall lead their lives, and multiply i2/><i». Mi! en. .Vnd /how'd a Newton, we fhow an ape. Pope,
Difcolour'd lickoefs, anxioui labour come. The life and power of religion decays apace htre 2. An imitator ; ufed generally in the bad
And age, and death's ineiorablc doom. Drydeit. and at home, while we arc fpreading the honour of fenfe.
3. Careful, as of a thing of great import- our arms far and wide through foreign nations.
Julio Romano, who, had he himfclf eternity,
ance. Aritrtury. and could put breath into his work, would beguile
If fenliblc pleafure, or real grandeur, be our
No writings we need to be folicitous about the Nature of her cullom fo perfeftly he is her ape.

end, we /hall proceed apace to real mil'cry. l-f^atts,

meining of, but thofe that contain truths we are Sbakefpeare,
to believe, or laws we are to obey ; we may be Apago'gical. [from aTrayayti, com-
adj. To Ape. <v. a. [horn ape] To imitate,
lefs enxious aUut the fenfe of other authors. Locke. pounded of avrJ, from, andaya), to bring as an ape imitates human aflions.
4. It has generally/ir or about before the or draw.] An rt/i«g-(!_§^/W demonftration Api"g the fneigners in every drcfs.
objeft, butfomctiraes of; lefs properly. is fiich as does not prove the thing di- Which, bought at greater coft, becomes him lefs.
Anxiom ',fnce,\c6, fufpefling change. CrumvUU. Dry den.
reaiy ; but (hews the impoflibility, or
A'sxiowsLY. adV. \^bom anxious .] In an Curfe on the ftripling ! how he apes his fire !

abfurdity, which arifes from denying it ; Ambitiaufly fcntentious Addifcr,

anxious manner ; folicitoufly ; unqoiet-

and is alfo called reduaio ad impojfihiie, Ape'ak, or Ape'ek. a</f. [probably from
ly ; carefully ; with painful uncertainty. ad abfurdum.
or Chambers.
But where the temporal, every probability
lofs is a pique.] In apofture to pierce; formed
of it needs not put us fo anxioujly to prevent it, Apa'rt. adv. [apart, Fr.] with a point.
/ince it might be repaired again.
Thou what befits the new lord mayor,
Sculb. 1. Separately from the reft in place. .Vpepsv. n.f. [airi'4/ia.] A lofs of natural
enter into that queftion, it behoveth me
concoction. ^irncv.
And what the Gallicic arms will do, * to give reafon for my opinion, with circumfpec-
Art anxkujly inquifitive to know. Dr^den. tion becaufe I walk alide, and in a way apart
A'PF.K. n.f. [iromape.] A ridiculous imi-
-A'kxiousniss. n./. [from anxious.] The from the multitude. Rakifh. tator or mimick.
quality of being anxious ; fufcepubility The party difcerncd, that the earl of ElYtx Ape'rient. adj. [aperio, Lat. to open.]
would never fcrve their turn j they refolvoj to have That which has the quality of opening
of anxiety. ;
another army apart, that fliould be at their devo-
A'ny. [amj, eni3. Sax.]
adj. chiefly ufed of medicines gently pur-
tion. Clarendon.
I. Every; whoever he be; whatever it
2. In a ftate of diftinftion ; as, to fet apart
be. It is, in all its fenfes,
There be bracelets fit to comfort the fpirits;
applied in- for any ufe. and they be of three Intentions j refrigeraju, cor-
differently to perfons things. t He fo very figurative, that he requires a gram-
ii> roborant, and aperient, Bacfn,
1 know you are now. Sir, a gentli:miB born mar apart, to conftriie him. Drycien. Of the ftcms of plants, fome contain a fine apt-
Ay, and have been fo any time chcfe four hours. The tyrant (hall demand yon facred load, rient fait, and are diurccick and faponaceous.
StaU^re. And gold and vcfick ki apart far Cod. Prior. Ari'urhiht,
YoL.L N ApE'iin'ivg.
Ape'»itive. adj. [from aferie, Lat, to ^i>.a»9{»iTii», love of mankind.] Want Api'tpat. ad'V, [a word formed from the
open.] That which has the quality of of love to mankind. motion.] With quick palpitation.
opening the excreiuentitious pafiagea oi A'pHOKY. n.f. [«, without, and ^^tr„ O there he comes— VVciComc my bully, my
the body. fpeech.] A lofs of fpeech. ^incy, back : agad, my heart has gone af'trfat tor yuu.

Thry nuy make broth, with the addition of A'PHORISM. n.f. [if ojKTftof.] A maxim APLU'STRE. n.f [Latin.] The ancient
tpirlihi hcrbt. Harvey. a precept contracted in a (hort fentence ;
Ape'rt. adj. [opertus, Lat.] Open. enfign carried in fea vefleh.
an unconnefled pofition; The one holds a fword in herb<ind, to reprcfent
Ape'rtion, n.f. [from apcrius, Lat.] He will cifily difcern how little of truth there the Iliad ; iS the other has an apluftre, to repre-
1. -An opening; a paflage through any is in multitude; and, though fomctimei
th; lent the OdylTcy, or vovate of Ulyllcs. Mthj-.K,
they are flattcr.-d with that aphorij'm, will hardly
thing; a gap. APO'C ALYPSE. ».'/[from iir<rxa?.i'^«.]
believe the voice of the pcop.e to be the voice of
Tlic next now under
in order are the apirtiirt ;
God. Revelation ; difcovery : a word ufed only
which term Bnwn^s l^tilgar Krroun,
I do comprehend doors, windows,
ftjirtales, chimneys, or other cuiiduin : in (hort,
I ihall at prefent confiJer the apborijm, that i of the facred writings.
all nlcts or uuilett. fftii^n.
man of religion and virtue is a >re ulcful, andm O for that warning vOi^e, which he who favir
confequently a mote valuable, member of a com- Th' afocalyfje heard cry in heav'n aloud. Milten,
2. The acl of opening ; or ftate of being munity. Rogen. With this throne, of the glory of the Father,
opened. Aphori'stical. aJj. [from aphori/hi.'\ compare the throne of the Son of God, as feen in
1 he plenitude of vefTels, otherwife called the
^ethora, when it happens, caufeth an extrav-ifa-
In form of an apborifm ; in fcparate
tlie the apKalypje. Burmt'i Theory the Eartb.
tjon of blood, either by ruption or afirrkn of them. and unconneiled fentences. Apoc a l y'pti c a I., adj.[from apocafyp/e.l
Aphor j'sTicALLY. ad-v. [from aphorif- Concerning revelation; containing re-
ApE'RTtv. aJ-v. [afer/i, Lat.] Openly lica/.] In the form of an aphorifm. velation.
Thefc being, cariicd down, feldom mifs a cure, If we could underftand that fcene, at the open-
without covert.
as Hippocrates doth Uktwayiaphcnjlica/ly tell us. ing ct this apccalypiical theatre, we Aijuld find ic
Ape'rtness. 11./. [i'rota aptrt,'] Open- a reprefentation of the majefty of our Saviour.
* Har'vey.
nefs. '
Burnetts Tkeiry cf the Earth.
Aphrooisi'acai...7 a^'. [from 'AcpfMv,
The freedom,' orand vigour of pro-
afitrtiitfs Apocaly'ptically. adv. [from apo-
nouncing, and the cloi'encfs of muffiiug, and la- Aph rodisi'ack. 3 Venus.] Relating to
the venereal diieaif.
calyptical.] In fijch a manner as to re-
ainefs of fpealcing, render the found ditr'erent.
veal fomething fecret.
HMcr. A'piARY. n.f. [t'roin apis, Lat. a bee.]
A'perture. n./. [from afertut, open.} The place where bees are kept. JPO'COPE. n.f. [ijrox3»J;.] A figure in
1. The ail of opening. 'I'hofe who a!C ikilled in bees, whfn they fee a grammar, when the lift letter or lyllable
Hence arifcth die facility of joining a confonant foreign fvvarm approaching to plunder their hives, of a word is taken away ; as, ingeni, for
to avowd, becaufe from an appulfc to inafennri have a trick to divert tliem into fome neighbour.
ng ingenii ; apoplex, for apoplexy.
is calier than from one appulfe to another. HtUtr. apiary, there to make what bavock they pleafe.
ApocRu'stICK. adj. [airoxpaj-ixa, frOIR.
2. An open place. Siulft.
If memory
be made by the eafy motion of the jiPI'CES of afl(nx;er. [Lat. from apex, the arrcy.^sa, to drive.] Remedies endued
fpirits through the opened pafl'ages, images, with- top.] Little knobs that grow on the tops with a repelling and aftringent power,
out doubc, paf» through tiic fame aptrturti, of the flamina, in the middle of a flower. by which they prevent the too great
Gixtfu'tlU. afflux of humours. Chambers,
They arc commonly of a dark purpliih
3. The hole next the objeft glafs of a te- APO'CRYPHA. n.f [from i:ro^5,;A., to
lefcope or microfcope.
colour. By the microfcope they have
been difcovered to be a fort of capfulee put out of fight.] Books not publickly
The concave metal bore an aptrture of an inch ; communicated books whofe authors are
but the aperture was limited by an opaque circle, feminaLs, of feed veflels, containing in ;

perforated in the middle. them fmall globular, and often oval par- not known. It is ufed for the books
Ntiiitm'i Opticit.
4. Enlargement ; explanation : a fenie fel- ticles, of various colours, and exqui-
appended to the facred writings, which,
dom found. fitely formed. ^lincy.
being of doubtful authors, arc lefs re-
It U too much untwiftcd by the doftors, and, A P i'e c E adv. [from a for each, and piece,
like philofophy, made intricate by explications,
or fhare.] To the part or ftiare of each.
We hold not K.Y\e apocrypha for facred, as we do
and difficult by the aperture and diflblution of dif- the holy fcripture, but for human compofitions.
Men, in whofc mouths at firft fcundcd nothing
tin£lions. Taylor. Hnicr,
but mortification, were come to think that they
Are'r ALOVS. adj. [ofafriv. andw-tTaAsr, might lawfully have fix or feven wives apiece. Aro'cKYPH At. adj. [from apocrypha.]
a leaf.] Without petala or flower leaves. H»ier. 1. Not canonical ; of uncertain authority-.
I have to-night difp,itched fixtecn bufineflcs, a Jeroni, who faith that all writings not cano-
Ape'talousnses. »./. [frotnapetalous.]
nical ate apxryphal, ufcs not the title epn.ryfkai aa
month's length aficee, by an abftraiSt of tuccels.
Being without leaves. the reft ot the fathers ordinarily have done, whole
APEX. n.f. apices, plur. [Lat.] The tip One copy of this p.ipcr mayferveadczenof you, cuftom is fo to name, for t„? moft part, only fuch
which will be Itfs than a farthing apien. as might not publickly be r'ad or divulged. H'.eier,
or point of any thing. Sivifi.
The apex, or lefTcr end of it, is broken ofT. A'pisH. adj. [from <i/t-.] 2. Contained in the apocrypha.
IVocditjnrJ. 1. H.iving the qualities of an ape; imita- To fpeak of her in the words of the apocrypiai
jiPHj^RESIS. writers, wifdom is glorious, and never ladccii
n.f. [a^ai'fjiri{.] figure A tive.
away_. Aidijin.
in grammar, that takes away a lecter or Report of falhions in proud Italy,
Whfife manners ftill our turiyafj/j narion 3. It is fometimes ufed for an account of
fyllable from the beginning of a word.
Limps after, in bafe aukward imitation. Shatefp. uncertain credit.
JPHE'LION. n. f apbelia, plur. [from 2. Foppifh afFefted. Apo'cryph ally. [from apocry~ad-v.
awo, and the fun.]
ii>,i®., That part of Becaiile I cannot flatter, ard look fair. phal.] Uncertainly
not indifputably. ;
the orbit of a planet, in which it is at Duck with French nodb, and afijh courtcfy, Apo'cryph aln ESS. n.f. [from apocry-
the point remoteft from the fun. I muft be held a rancorous eni-'iny. Shatefpeare.
phal.] Uncertainty; doubtfulnefs of cre-
The reafon why the comets move not in the 3. Silly; trifling; infignificant.
«odiack is, that, in ihcW ajhelia, they m.iy be at All this is but iipijh fophiftry ; and, to give it a
the greatell diftances from one anotlier ( and con- name divine and excellent, is abulivc and unjult. .Apodi'ctical. adj. [fromairoJiilKi evi-
fe^ueotly difturb one another'* motions the lead Olanvilie.. dent truth ; demonftration.] Demon-
that may be. Ckeyne. 4. Wanton playful. ftrative ; evident beyond contradiftion.
JPHETjI. n.f [with aftrologcrs.] The Gloomy lits the queen. Holding an <i/'5i/i(^/;rfl/ knowledge, and an alfuted
name of the planet, which is imagined Till Jiappy chance reverts the crutl fcene knowledge'of it ; verily, to perfuade their appre-
And :ipijh folly, with her wild refort henlions otherwife, were to make an Euclid be-
to be the giver or difpofer of life in a
Of wit .md jefr, difturbs the folcmn court. Pr:'.r. lieve, that there were more than one centre in a
nativity. Diil. A'l'jSHLY. adv. [i\omap!/h.'\ In an apifli circle. Brczvri'i Vulgar Errcuri.
Aphe'tical. ajj. [(lom apheta.'] Relat- manner ; foppilhly ; conceitedly. Wecan fay all at the number three ; therefore
the world is pcrfeft. Tobit went, and his dog
ing to the apheta. A'piSHNESs. »./. [itomapip."] Mimickry foll.iwed him ; therefore there is a world in the
,A»hila'nthropy.»./ [u, without, and foppery ; infignificance ; playfulnefs. moon, were <ut argument as aptijiilical. Glamil/e.
a eyft rifes near the orifice of the artery, A'popLEXED. oi^r. [from «/5//^.v.] Seized
Demonftra- When
JPODI'XIS. n.f. [a3-J/;|.(.]
it isformed by the afoneurcfu that runs over the with an apoplexy. •'

tion. ven"e!, which becomes eiceflivcly expanded. Senfe, fure, you have,
APOGuEON. 1 n.f. [from a.Ttl, from, and Sbjifi Surgery. Elfe cculd you not have motion : but fure that ffnfe
A'poGEE. >y\> the earth.] A point JPO'PHJSIS. n.f. [Lat. iw^JiacrK, a de- Is apoflcx'd. !ihjleJf.eM-c.

JPOGE'UM. 3 in the heavens, in which nying.] A figure in rhetorick, by which ATOPLEXY. n.f. [i7ro'7r^»|K.] A fud-

the fun, or a planet, is at the grcateft the orator, fpeaking ironically, ieems to den deprivation of all internal and ex-
diftance poffible f»mn the earth in its wave what he would plainly infinuate ; ternal fenfation, and of all motion, nn.
whole revolution. The ancient aftro- as. Neither ivill I mention thofe things, lefs of the heart and thorax. The caufe
noniers regarding the earth as the centre rwhich if I Jhould, you notwithfiavding is generally a repletion, and indicates

of the fyftem, chiefly regarded the apo- could neither confute or peak agaiitji them. evacuation, joined with ftimuli. ^iucy.
J the Senfcs,
Apiplexy a fudden abolition of all
gxon and perigaeon, wliich the moderns, Smith's Rhetorick. is

external snd internal, and of all voluntary motion,

making the fun the centre, change for Apophle'gmatick. n.f. [aTro and fTUy by the ftoppa^c of the flux and lelinx of tiie animal
the aphelion and perihelion. Chambers. That which has the quality of
fio..'] fpitits thiough the nerves dertined for tholb mo-
Tliy lin in his ufogaofi placed, Arhuthnot on Divt*
drawing away phlegm. tijjns.
Ar.J when it movetli next, muft needs defcend. I'cace -3 a very a^5f/w_y, lethargy, mulled, deaf,
Fairfjx, Apophle'gm atism. n.f. [aws and (pxiy- fleepy, inlcniible. !ihakcjpc.ire't Ccriolanus.

It is yet not agreed in what lime, precifely, fta.] A medicine of which the inten- A fever may take away my reafon, or memory,
the ajxgimm abfolveth ore degree. tion is to draw phlegm from the blood. and an apoplexy leave neither fenfe nor underftand-
Brmvni Vulgar Ernurs. And fo it is in afrjphlcgmunjnn and ij-irgarilms, ing. Lockem
Apologe'tical. ")
adj. [fromir^Xoyi'iu, to that draw the rheum d.nvn by the palate. Bjciit.
APO'RIA. n.f. [iiropia.] Is a figure in
Apoloce'tick. J
defend.] That which Apophlegma'tizant. n.f. [xvl and rhetorick, by which the fpeaker fhews,
is faid in defence of any thing or perfon. ^hiyjjisi.] Any remedy wliich caufcs an that he doubts where to begin for the
1 drfign -.0 publilh an eflay, the greater part of evacuation of ferous or mucjus humour multitude of matter, or what to fay i«»
which is<i^/tj«;c<i/,toronel:)rtot'chymifts. Boylt. by the noftrils, as particular kinds of fo«e llr.inge and ambiguous thing ;
Apoloce'tically. ad'v. [homafcloge-
fternutatories. !;>.umcy.
and doth, as it were, argue the cafe
tical.]way of defence or exxul'e.
In the
A'poPHTHECM. n.f, [iw'^Siy^a.] Are with himfelf. Thus Cicero fays. Whe-
Apo'logist. n. /. [fiom To apologize.] markabie faying ; a valuable maxim ther he took them from his fellows more im~
He that makes an apology ; a pleader uttered on fome fudden occafion. pudently, gatie them to a harlot more laf~
in favour of another. Wc may ma^jnify the apophihigms, or reputed ei-vioi(Jly, remo-vcd them from the Roman
To Apo'logize. v. n. [from apology.^ replies of wildom, whereof many are to be fcen
people more luickedly, or altered them more
1 . To plead in favour of any perlon or thing. in Laeilius and Lycolihrncs. Brcivnt Vutg. Err.
had a mind tu collect and digeli fuch obfer^a- prefumptuoujly, I cannot iijcll declare.
It will be much more feafinabie to leiorm than 1

tions and apf'pbtbigmt, as tend to the proof of t'lat Smith's Rhetorick.

Mohgixe or rhetoricate; and therefore it imports
thofe, who dwell fecure, to look about them. great airertion. All is vanity. Priir. APORRHO'EA, n.f. [aTrofpi^r,.] Efflu--
Decay i,f Fitly. APO'PHIGE. flight, or vium-; emanation ; ibraething emitted
n.f. [xTT'.<pvyr.,
2. It has the particle /ar before the fubjeft efcape.] Is, in architcrture, that part by another : not in ufe.
of apology. of a column, where it begins to (pring The reafon of this he endeavours to make out
I ou^ht zo ap'Jogixt fir my indifcretion in the
out of its bafe ; and was originally no by atomical aporrlceas, which palTing from the
wh')Ie undertaking. Watt'tPreparal'r.nfcr Death. crucntate weapon to the wound, and being incor-
The trandator nieds not it^hgiz.1 for ni« choice more than the ring or ferrel, which an- porated with the particles of the falve, carry them
of this piece, which was made in his childhood. ciently bound the extremities of wooden to the .iiTctle.1 jiart. Glunviile's Scepjis,
P'.pe't Preface to Statim. pillars, to keep them from ipHtting, APOSJOPE'SIS. n.f [iTTojtJwnai?, froni-
A'POLOGUE, n.f. [«7^«^67®-.] Fable ; ftory and were afterwards imitated in ftone iva, after, ffnd irtuTrau, to be filent.]
contrived to te.ich fome moral truth. work. We
fometimes call it the fpring A form of fpeech, by< which the fpeaker,
An •ifohgue of /Silup is beyond a fyllnglim, and of the column. Chambers. through fome affedion, as forrow, bafh-
proverbs more powerful than dem'inftrjiion.
APO'PHVSIS. n.f [i-ri^vai:.] The pro- fulnei's, fear, anger, or vehemency,
Brenvrt^i fnlga^- Erraurt.
Some men are remailceJ for pleal'antnels in rail- minent parts of fome bones ; the lame breaks off his fpeech before it be all
lery j others for afo.'cguei and appofite diverting as procels. it differs from an epiphyfis, ended. A figure, when, fpeaking of a
as it is a continuante of the bone it- thing, we yet feein to conceal it, though
APCLOGV. tt.f. [apologia, Lat. iiro-
felf whereas the latter is fomewhat ad-
; indeed we aggravate it ; or when the
Xoyi*.] hering to a bone, and of which it is courfe of the lentence begun is fo flayed,
1. Defence; excufe. Jpology generally not properly a part. i^imy. .as thereby fome part of the fentcnce,
figniiies rather excufethan vindication, It is tiie apuphyjii, or head, of the os tibisc, whicli not being utt^ed, may be underflood.
and tends rather to extenuate the fault, makes the knee. tyijcman't Surgery. Smith's Rhetorick.
than prove innocence. This is, how- Appple'ctical. aJj, [from apoplexy.'] Apo'stasy. n.f. [aTTOi-acri;.] Departure-
ever, fomctimes unregarded by writers. Relating to an apoplexy. from what a man has profefTed it is :

In Iier face excufe AVe meet with the fame complaints of gravity fome-
generally applied to religion ;
Came prologue, and apology too prompt in lis ing bodies, when tlie faculty locomotive foems
Which with bland words at will flie thus addrefs'd. times with the particle //w/).
abolilbcd ; as may be obfjtved in fupportirg perfons
MUun. The canon law dinacs ap'-Jicfy to be a wilful de-
inebriated, ^popliUkal, or in lipotbymies and fwnon-
parture from that ftatc of faith, which any pt-rfcn
2. It hasyir before the objeft of excuie. inga. £ii.tvn't t^ulgar Errcurt,
his proftffed himfelf to hold in tlie Chriftian church.
It is nit my intention to make an apcbgy fcr my In an apifUSlica! cafe, he fmnd extravniatcd
Ayliffe's Purergoti.
fK/cm : fume will think it needs no excufe, anit blood making way liom the ventricles of the brain.
Dryden. Derham.
The had forewarn'd
affable archangel
others will rectivc none.
Adam, by due example, to beWare
I ftiill neither trouble the reader, nor mylclf,
Apop l e'cti c k. adj. [from apoplexy.'] Re- ApuJIafy, by what bclel in heav'n
with any ap'Aogj for publifhing of thefe fermons
lating to an apoplexy. To thofe apoftates. , Milton,
for if tUoy be, in any meafure, truly ferviccable to
A lady wai feiica with an ap.p/tPici fit, which Vice in us were not only wlckednefs, but aprfta-
tlie end tor which they are dcfigned, I d."> not Ut
wickednefs. Sprat,
what af'Jogy is nccclTary ; and if they be not fo, 1 afterward terminated in fome kiud of lethargy. Jy, de^ienerate
ffifcinan. Whoever do give dift'erent worrtiipt, muft bring
am fure nore can be fufficlent. TiUbffon.
in more gods which is an apajlafy from one God.
».y; [See Apoplexy.] Apo-

Apomeco'metry.b./ [«Tr3,from, n?x®- A'popLEX. Siillingjieet.

diftancc, and/.<.i)^i'«,torneafure.] The art plexy. The lall fyllable is cut away ; APO'STATE. n.f [apojlata, Lat. aro-
of meafuring things at a diftance. Di3. but this is only in poetry. One that has fbifaken his pro-
Piefent punirtiment purines his maw.
JPONEURO^&IS. n.f., [from i^ri, from,
When and fwiill'd, the peacock raw
fcfEon ;
generally applied to one that-
and ttv^ot, a nerve.] An expanfion of He bears into t)iL bath; whence want of breath, has left his religion.
a nerve into a membrane. ReplctioiM, epiplix, intcftatc death. Uryiin. The angels, for 'oilobcdiencf, thou'Uaft rcfevvei
N i t4 i*'

.A -'
M * mtfcrable immortality; bat uato man, equally ra/.] The quality of relating to the ftretice of two incommenfnrable qaan«
rtbellious, e()ually aftfljle frtm thee and guodnefs,
apoftles ; apollolical authority. tiiies.
thou haft given a Saviour. Rcgers*i Serm^tti,
jtfeSaiti in point of faith, arc, according to the Aposto'lick. adj. [from apofilt. The z. In mufick, it is the part remaining of
civil law, I'ubjeA unto all puniflimenta ordained accent is placed by Dryden on the an entire tone, after a greater femiione*
againti hereticks. -^lif'- antepenult.] Taught by the apoftles ; has been taken from it. The propor-
Aposta'tical. [from apofiate.\ Af-
aJJ. belonging to an apoftle. tion in numbers of the npctome, is that
ter the manner of an apollate. h-
Their oppofitions in maintenance of publick of 2048 to 2187. The Greeks thought
To wear turbants is an tifcfiatical conformity. perltition againft apujlidick endeavours, were vain
that the greater tone could not be di-
SanJyi. and frivolous. llmker.
Te Apo'statize. v. Or where did I at fore tradition ftrike. vided into two equal parts ; for which
n. [from apoftate.'\
Provided were afcflolUkf Dfydtn. reafon they called the firft part atr!iTe/iii,
To forfake one's profeffion : it is com- ftill it

APO'STROPHE. from and the other >7iy,»«. Chamhers.

monly ufed of one who departs from his n.f. [i^or^oipn,
religion. awo, from, and rj/pw, to turn.] A'pozem. n.f. [as-l, from, and {ta, to
None revolt from the faith, becaufe they muft 1. In rhetorick, a diverfion of fpeech to boil] A decoflion ; an infafion made
not look upon a woman to luft after her, but becanfe another perfon than the fpeech appoint- by boiling ingredients.
they are reftrained from the perpetration of their
ed did intend or require ; or, it is a During this evacuation, he took opening broths
lufts. If wanton glance^, and lib! iinous thoughts, and apoaems. IVifcman'i Surgery,
had been permitted by the gofpel, they would have turning of the fpeech from one perfon Squirts read Garth till apoxems grow cold. Gay,
aptjlatntd nevcrthelefc Bntky. to another, many times abruptly. A To APPA'L. 'V. a. [^appalir, Fr. It might
TV Apo'stemate. f. ». \imm apoftemeJX figure when we break off the courfe of
more properly have been written ap-
To become an apofteme to fwcU and ;
our fpeech, and fpeak to fome new per-
pale.] To fright; to ftrike with fud«
corrupt into matter. fou, prefent or abfcnt, as to the people
den fear to deprds ; to difcourage.
There is care to be taken in abfceflSra Tjf the or witneffes, when it was before di- '

Whilft ihe fpake^hcr great word^ did appal

breaft and belly, in danger of breaking inwards;
refted to the judges or opponent. My feeble courage, and my heart opprefs,
yet, by opening tbefe too foon, they fometimei
Smith's Rhetorick. That yet I quake and tremble over ail. Fairy £^
afofttKote again, and become crude.
2. In grammar, the contraftion of a word Give with thy trumpet a loud note to Troy,
Apostema'tion. n.f. [from apojiemate.] Thou dreadful Ajax ; that th' apfalUd air
The formation of an apofteme ; the ga- by the ufe of a comma, as, tha' , for May pierce the head of thy great combatant.
thering of a hollow purulent tumour. though ; rep" for reputation. Shakijpeare^
Nothing can be more admirable than the many Many laudable attempts have been made, by The houfe of peers was fomewhat appalled at
ways nature hath provided for preventing, or abbreviating words with apajirafba ; and by lop- this alarum ; but took time to conlidcr of it till
ring of fevers as, vomitings, «/i^oB«f;«ij, faliva- ping polyfyllables, leaving one or two fyllables at next day. Clarendon,

tions, fife. Grnv. moil. Siifif!. Does neither rage inflame, nor fcar appal.
A'posteme. Nor the black fear of death that faddens all ? Fafc
7 «./ [<liror»/ia.] A hollow To Apo'strophize. v. h. [from apo-
The mrnfter curls
A'postume.J fwelling, filled with pu- Jlrophe.'\ To
addrefs by an apoftrophe. His flaming creft, all other thirft appall'd,
rulent matter ; an abfcefs. 1 here is a peculiarity in Homer's manner of Or fliiv'ring flies, or choak'd at dillance ftands.
Wiih equal propriety we may affirm, that ulcers apojlro^bix'mg Eumaeus, and fpeaking of him in Tbomfofft
of the lungs, or afoftemei of the brain, do happen the fecond perfon : it is generally applied only to
only in the left fide. men of account. Pope,
ApPA'LEMErrT. n.f. [from appal.] De-
Brmin'i Vulgar Errours.
The opening of apoflcmis, before the fuppura- preffion ; difcouragement ; impreilion of
A'posTUME. »./ SeeAposTEME. [This
tioD be perfefled, wcakeneth the heat, and renders fear.
them crude.
word is properly apcflcm.'] A hollow
H^ifcmar.. As the furious Daughter of them was a great
APO'STLE. tumour filled with purulent matter. difcuuragement and appaiement to the reft.
n.f. [apofiolus. Lat. anoro- How an npojiume in the mefentcry, breaking, Bacon i Hinry VII,
A®..] A perfon fent with mandates by caufes a confumption in the parts, is apparent.
another. It is particularly applied to Harvey.
A'p P A N A o E. n.f. [nppanagium, low Latin ;
them whom our Saviour deputed probably from pants, bread.] Lands fet
to To A'posTUME. v.n. [from apojlume.] To
preach the gofpel. apart by princes for the maintenance of
apoftemate. Dii3.
But all hit mind is bent to holinefs ; their younger children.
His champions are the prophets and afifila. Apo'thecary. n. /. [npotheca, Lat. a He became fuitor for the earldom of Chefter, X
repofitory.] A man whofe employment kind of appanage to Wales, and ufing to go to the
I am far from pretending infallibility; that is to keep medicines for fale. king's fon. Bacon,
would be to eredl myfelf into an afifite': a pre- Give me an ounce of civet, good apothecary, to Had he thought it fit
fumption in any one that cannot confirm what he fweeten my imagination.
Shekefp. King Lear. That wealth (hould be the appanage of wit.
fays by miracles. i„,i,. They have no other doflor but the fun and the The God of light could ne'er have been fo blind,
We know but a fmill part of the notibn of an freflj air, and that fuch an one, as never fends To deal it to the worft of human kind. Sivifr,
cftfiU, by knowmg barely that he is fent forth. them to the apcthecary. South. Appara'tus. Things pro-
n.f. [Latin.]
}ye:ts'$ Ligick. Wand'ring in the dark,
vided as means to any certain end, as
Apo'stleship. »./ [froma/o/?/;.] The Phyficians, for the tree, have found the bark
They, lab'ring for relief of human kind,
the tools of a trade ; the furniture of a
officeot dignity of an apoftle.
Where, becaufe faith is in too low With fliarpen'd fight fome remedies may find; houfe } ammunition for war ; equipage j
Th' apothecary -tx^m is wholly blind. Diyden. ftiow.
1 tliought it fome afriftUJhif in me
To fpeak things, which by faith alone 1 fee. Donnt. A'pOTHEGM.B./ [ properly apophthegm i
There is an apparatus of things previous to be
GoJhath ordered it, that St. Paul hath writ adjuHcd, before 1 come to the calculation itfelf.
epiftles which are all confined within the bufi-
which fee. ] A
remarkable faying.
By frequent converfing with him, and fcattering
Dcfs of his afMrfi'if, and fo contain nothing but Ourfelves are eafily provided for ; it is nothing
ihort apothegmi, and little picafant ftories, and
points of Chrinian ir.ftruftion. but the circumftantials, the apparatui or equipage
Lockt. making ufeful applications of them, his fon was,
Aposto'lical, of human life, that coits fo much.
[from apoJlolUk .'\
adj. in his infancy, taught to abhor vanity and vice as
Pope's Letters to Gay^
Delivered or taught by the apoftles monfters. IValtcnt Life of Sandcrfin.
belonging to the apoftles. Apothe'osis. APPA'REL. n.f. It has no phiral. [tip.
n.f. [asroSiwa-i;.] Deifica-
Tliey acknowledge not, that the cbtfrch keeps pared, Fr.]
tion the rite of adding any one to the
«ny thing as aftfitlka!, which is not found in the
number of gods. 1. Drefs ; vefture.
apofUes writings, in what other records foever 1 cannot cog and fay, that thou art this and that^
it As if it could be graved and painted omnipo-
tent, or the nails and the hammer could give it an
like many ot thofe lifping hawthorn buds, that
Declare yourfelf forthatchurch which is founded
come like women in men's apparel, and fmell like
opon fctiptutc, reafon, t/a/lolkal praaice, and an- BucklerHiury in fimpting time.
Allots the prince of his celeftial line
'"JO'ty- //«,>^. An apitheojis, and rites divine.
Sbakefpeari' i Merry ffives of fKindfor,
^ Garth.
Apo»to'li c ALLY. bJv. [from apofitlical.'] Apo'tomb. 2. External habiliments.
n.f. [from ivorfuiu, to cut
In the manner of the apolUes. Our late buint London, in apparel new,
Aposto'licalne5». a./ [from afvfioli. Shook oft' her afhes to have treated you. ffaller.
I. InmaUiemaucks, th? remainder or dif- At pubtic]( devotion, his rcfigotd carriage made
rttigioa appear in the natural afpanl of -fimpll- A jlorJoBS tpferition 1 had no doubt,
nAPPE'AL. nj.n. [appel/o. Lit.]
city. Tathr. And carnal fear, that day dimm'd Adam's eyes.
To Appa'rei. 1/. a. [fiom apparel, the MJ:on.
1. To transfer a caule from one to an-
noun.] Any thing befides may take frotti me the fenf; other ; with the particles to and/rom.
To drefs to clothe.
of what appeared ; which appariiim, it feems, was From the ordinary therefore they appeal to themj
1. ;
>'"«• Tat/er. '"'Jj;"-
With fuch robes were the king's d.lughters that Hooker:
Vtttv\-!%mi afptireUed. 2 Sam. xiii. 18. 3. A fpeftre ; a walking fpirit. 2. To refer to another as judge.
Both combatants were tfftrelled only in theii Horatio fays 'tis but our phant.ify, Force, or a declared fign if force, upon the
Touching this dreaded fijhc twice fecnof us; perfon of another, where there is no
doublets ar.d hofes. Hay-uiard. common
fuperior on earth to appeal to for relief, is the
2. To adorn with drefs. Thcrerorc I h.ire inrreatcd him.
ftate of war; and
She did appanl her apparel, and with the pre- That if again this apparition come. it is the want of fuch an ap-

cioufneis of her body made He may approve our eyes, and Ipeak to it.
peal gives a man the right of war, even againft an
it mort fumpCuous.
aggredbr, though he be in fociety, and a feliow-
Sidney, Shakejpearis Hamlet.
Tender minds not receive eajly inipref-
rtinuld '"^^j',<^^-

J. To cover, or deck, as with drefs.

fions of goblins, fpr(ftres, and app'iritims, where- 1
hey knew no foe, but in the open field

You may have trees affarelUd with flowers, by And to their caufe and
with maids fright them into compliance. Locke. to the gods appcal'd.
boring holes in them, and putting into them,
One of thofe apparitions had his right band Stepney.
and fetting feeds of riolets. Bacait.
Shelves, and rocks, and precipices, and gulfs,
filled with darts, which he brandiihed in the face 3. To call another as witnefs.
of ail wiio came up that way. Tatkr. Whether this, that the fiul always thinks, be
being appardUd with a verdure of plants, would
Something only apparent, not afelr-cvidentpiopofjcion, I appeal to mankind.
refcmble mountains and valleys. BiniUy^i Scrm. 4. real.
4. To fit out ; to furnilh : not in ufe. Still there's lumething rp
To charge

It batli been agreed, that either of them (hould That checks my joys 4. witli a crime ; to accui'e : a


fend (hips to fea well manned and apparelled to

Nor can I yet diftinguifh term of law.
fight.^ Sir J. Hayward. Which is an apparition, this or that. Den. Sophy. One but flatters us.
Aftronomically, the vifibility of foaie As well appeareth by the caufe you come.
Appa'rent. aJ/. I apparent, Fr. apparens, 5.
Namely, t' appcaUmh other of high treafon.
Lat.] luminary, oppofed to eccultation.
Plain; indubitable; not doubtful. A month of apparition is the fpace wherein the , Shakefpeare,
moon appcareth, deduifting three days wherein it Appe al. 71./. [from the verb To appeal.^
The main principles of reafun are in thcm-
commoi-ly difappeareth ; and this containeth but I. An appeal is a provocation /ri?/« an in-
felves apparent. For to make nothing evident of
twenty-fix days and twelve hours. ferior /» a fuperior judge, whereby the
unto man's underftanding, were to take
away all polTibiUty of knowing any thing. Hooker. Broivns Vulgar Erroun. jurifdiftion of the inferior judo-e is for
2. Seeming; in appearance ; not real. Appa'ritors. a./, [from appareo, Lat. a while fufpended, in refpciifof the
The perception intelieclive often correils the to be at hand.] caufe the cognizance being devolvec^
report of phantaly, as in the apparent bignefs of I Such perlbns as are at hand to execute
the fun, the apparent crookedncls of the ftati' in
to the fuperior j udge. Jy life's Parerg.
the proper orders of the magiftrate or This ring
air and water. HaUi Origin cf Mankind.
judge of any court of judicature. Ayliffe. Deliver them, and your appeal to us
3. Vifible ; in oppolition to/ecret. There make before them,
z. The lowell officer of the ecclefiaftical Sbakefp. Henry VIIT,
What fecret imaginationi we entertained is Our reafon prompts us to a future ftate.
known to God ; this is apparent, that we have court ; a fummoner. The laft appeal from fortune mi from fate.
not behaved ourfelves, a$ if we preferved a grate- They fival lowed all the Roman hierarchy, from Where God's all-righteous ways will be declii'd.'
ful remembrance of his mercies. Auerbury. the pope to the apparitcr. Ayliffe's Parergon.
The outward and apparent fanftity of ailions To Appa'y. -v. a. \appayer, old Fr. to fa- ,
There are diftributers of juftice, from whom
Should flow from purity of heart. Revert. there
lisfy.] lies an appeal to the prince. Mdfon.
4. Open ; evident ; known ; not merely To I. In the common law.
1. fatisfy ; to content: whence m^ell
fufpefted. An accufation which
appayed, is pleafed ;
;'// appayed, is un- ; is a lawful declaratiarl
As of harm, as harm apparent.
well the fear of another man's crime before a competent judge,
In my opinion ought to be prevented,
eaj'y. It is now
obfolete. by one that fets his name to the declaration, and
How well appaid flie was her bird to find !
undertakes to prove it, upon the penalty that
Shaiefpeare s RichjrdUl.
Sidney. may enfue of the contrary ; more commonly ufed
5. Certain ; not prefumptive.
I am well appaid that you had rather believe,
He is the next of blood than take the pain of a long pilgrimage.
for the private accufation cf a murderer,
by a
And Camden. party who had intereft in the party murdered,
heir apparent to the Engiilh crown. and
So only can high juftice reft afpaid. Milton.
Shaiifpiere's Henry VI. of any felon, by one of his accomplices in
Appa'hent. 2. The fenfe is obfcure in thefe lines ^^^'
». / Eliipticaily ufed for
Ay, Willy, when the heart is ill alTay'd,

The duke's imjuft.

heir apparent.
How can bagpipe or joints be well appaid!" Spenfcr, Thus to retort your manifeft appeal.
Draw thy fwprd in right. And put your trial in the villain's mouth,
—I'll draw it as apparent to the crown.
To APPE'ACH. -v. a.
Which here you come to accufe.
And in that quarrel ufe it. Sbakefp. Henry Vl. I. To accufe to inform againfl any per-
Haft thou, according to thy oath and bond, '
Appa'rently. adv. [from apparent.^ fon. Brought hither Henry Hereford, thy bold fon.
Evidently ; openly. He
did, amongll many others, appeacb Sir Wil- Here to make good the boift'rous late appeal
Arreft him, officer liam Stanley, the lord chamberlain. Againft the duke of Norfolk ? Shakijpears,
I would not fpare my brother in this cafei
If he ihould fcom me fo apparently,
Bacon's Henry VII.
Were he twenty times 3. A fummons to anfwer a charge.
My fon, I would apptach him. Sbakefp. Rich. II. Nor Oiall the facved charailer of king
Shakifpeare't Comedy of Erreuri.
Be urg'd to ihield me from thy b.)ld appeal;
Vices apparently tend to the impairing of men's Difclofe
If I have injur'd thee, that makes us Dryd.
he»>t!i. The .late of your afFeftion for your paflions
Appari'tion. «./ [from
appareo, La.t.
Have to the full appeaihcd.

4. A call upon any as witnefs.
z. To cenfure ; to reproach ; to taint The cafting up of the yes, 1
,ind lifting up of
to appear.] the hands, is a kind of appeal to the Deity, the
Appearance ; with accufation.
1. vifibility. author of wonders. Bacon,
For when Cymochles faw the foul reproach.
When fudden'y ftood at my head a dream, Appe'alant. n. /. [from appeal.} He
Whofe inward Which themappeethed; frick'd with guilty (h.ime,
appariti.n gently mov'd that appeals.
My fancy. And
inward grief, he fierc-ly gen approach,
Milim. Lords appealantt.
Refolv'd to put away that lordly fliame.
My retirement tempted me to divert thofc me- Fairy Si.
Your diff'rences fhall all reft undar gage.
lancholy thoughts which the new apparitioni o( Norcanft, nor durft thou, traitor, on thy pain,
Appeacb my honour, or thine own maintain. Till we alTign you to your days of trial. Sbakefp,
foreign invafion and domeftic difc»ntent gave us.
Denbttm. DryJen. A p p e'a L E R . ». /. [from appeal, j One who
2. The thing appearing; a form ; a vi- •\ppe'achment. /
[from appeac/j.]
». makes an appeal.
fible objeft. Charge exhibited againft any man ; To APPE'AR. --v. n. [appareo, Lat.]
I have mark'd accufation. I. To be in fight to be vilible.
A thoufand blnfhing apparitiont A bufj-licaJed man gave firft light to this ap- As t.,c lcpri4yfl/./)M«/i in the Ikin of the flc/Ji.
To ftart into her face j a thoufand innjc»nt pemhmer.t ; but the eari di.l avouch it. Hnyward. Lcii. xiii. 43^
fhames The duke's anfwers to his appeachments, in And half her knee and half her breaft appear.
In asgei w1ukdc1« bear away tliofe blufbes. Sbak. number thirteen, I find civilly CvusbfJ. TVet^im. By art, like nes''S<"C«> dtfcios'd and bare. Prior,

2. To
2. To become vifible as a fpirit. Ihape Kiicounteifeit, ftiould think It poflible fur ihtn.'i.iATivi.u.f. [apptllativum, Lat.]
For I have afpmrcd unto th« for this purp^ft, to him to InftruO his p!a)er. Baecn. ! Words and names are either common or proper.
make thee a minilier and a witnefs. jIRt, xxvi. i6. AfPE'ARER.n,/. [ from To oppiar.l The '
Common names are fuch as ftand for univerfal
3. To ftand in the prefence of another, perfon that appears, ideas, or a whole rank of bcingi, whether general
Thit owh anil ravens ominous apptarirs, or fpecial. Thefe are called <i//W/nrk'». So
generally ufcd of ftanding before fome are
and prefignify unlucky evcntsi, was an wgurial fl(h, bird, man, city, river, are common names ;
iuperiour ; to offer hirafelf to <he judg- and fo are trout, eel, lobfter; tor they all agree to
conception. Brotvn,
ment of a tribunal. man) individuals, and iumr to many fpccies.
When fliaU I come and afftar before God ? App ERASABLE, aeij. [from To appea/e.']
fVaiis''s Logich.
That may be pacified ; reconcileable.
Pfalm, xlii. z. Appe'llatively. ad<v. [from appella-
4. To be the objeft of obfervation. Appe'asableness. n.f. [from To ap-
ti've.'\According to the manner of
Let thy work afftar unto thy fervants, and pea/e.] The quality of being eafily ap-
nouns appellative ; as, thiy man is a
thy glory unto their chilJrep. Pfalmy %z. 16. peafed ; reconcileablenefs.
Hercules. Hercules is ufed appellativflj,
5. To exhibit one's felf before a court of To APPE'ASE. 'V. a. [appai/er, Fr.] to fignify a ft rang man.
juftice. 1. To quiet ; to put in a Hate of peace. Appe'llatory. adj. [from appeal.'] That
Keep comfort to you, and this mnrmng fee By hiscounfel he aplcalith the deep, and
You do affpeitr before them. §hakefp. Hen, VUI. planteth iflands therein. Ecclus. xliii. 13. which contains an appeal. See Appel-
6. To be made clear by evidence. England had no Icifure to think of reformation, late.
Egfrid did utterly wade and lubdue as up- till the civil wars were appcajed, and peace Icttled. Appe'llee. n.f. [from appeal.] One who

pears out of Beda's complaint againfl him j and Do'vies on Ireland.

is appealed againft, and accufed. DiS.
£dg>r brought it under his obedience, as appeart 2. To pacify ; to reconcile ; to ftill wrath. To APPE'ND. f . a. {appendo, Lat. to hanrf
by an ancient record. Spenferi inland, .
So Simon was appcajed towards them, and
toany thing.]
7. To feem, in oppofition to reality. fought no more againli tiicra. J Mac. xiii. 47.

His firft and principal care being to app^.tr unto O God if my deep prayers cannot appeaje thee,
1. To hang any thing, upon another ; as,
his people, fuch as he would have them be, and Yet execute thy wrath on me alone. the infcription was appended to the co-
to be <iich as he appeared. Sidney. Staiefpeare's Richard 111. lumn : the feal is appended to the record.
My nobie roafter will appear The reft rtiall hear me call, and oft be warnM
2. I'o add to fomething, as an acceflbry,
Such as he is, full of regard and honour. Sbaie/p. Their fmful ftate, and to appeffe betimes
not a principal part.
S. To be plain beyond difpute. Th' incenfcd Deity. Milton.
From experiments, ufeful indications may be 3. To ftill J to quiet. Appe'ndace. n.f. [French.] Something
taken, as v.U\ appear by what follows. j^iiL:inot. The reft added to another thing, without being
Appe'aRANCB. n.f. [from To app(ar.'\ They Cut in legs and fillets for the feaft. necelTiiry to its eflence, as a portico to
Which drawn and feiv'd, their hunger they af-
1. The aft of coming into fight as, they ; the houie.
peafe. Drydin,
were furprifed by the fudden appearance Modelty is the appendage of fobriety, and is
Appe'asbment. n.f. [fvom To appea/e.] to chaftity, to temperance, and to humility, as
of the enemy.
The thing feen as, the remarkable
A ftate of peace. the fringes are to a garment.
2. ;
Being nci:iier in numbers nor in courage great, Tayhr^s Rule of living holy.
uppearetncts in the iky. partlyby authority, partly by entreaty, they Were None of the laws of motion now eftablillicd,
3. Phcenomena ; that quality of any thing reduced to fome good appcaferrrents. Jlaytvard. will ferve to account for the produdlicn, motion,

which is vifible. Appe'aser. n.f. [t'rom To appeafe.] He or number of bodies, nor their appcv.dagcs, though
they may help us a little to conceive their appear-
The advancing day of experimental knowledge that pacifies others ; he that quiets dif-
ances. Chtyne.
difclofeth fuch appearances, as will not lie even in turbances.
any model extant. Ciar.'ville's Zapfis.
He was fo far from over-valuing any of the
Appe'li.ant. »./ [appello, Lat. to call.] appendages of life, that the thoughts of life did
4. Semblance ^ not reality.
1. A challenger J one that fummons an- not afteil him. Atterbuif^
He encreafed in ellimatton, whether by delUny,
rr whether by his virtues, or at lead by his ap-
other to anfwer either in the lilts or in hvvz' tiOt\tiT. adj. [French.]
pearances of virtues. Hayward. a court of juftice. 1. Hanging to fomething elfe.
Heroic virtue did his a£iions guide. In the devotion of a fubjefl's love. 2. Belonging to ; annexed ; concomitant.
And he the fubftance not th' appearance chofe. And free from other milbegotten hate. He that delpifes the world, and all its appendant
Vrydcn. Come I appellant to this princely prefence. Sbak. vanities,is the moft fccurc. Tayhr,
Thehypocrite would not put on the apf.arar.ce This ii the day appointed for the combat. He that looks for the blellings appendant to the
«f it was not the moft proper means to
virtue, if And ready are th' appellant and defendant, facrament, mu!l expert them upon no terms, but
gain love. Add\j,n. Th' armourer and his man, to enter the lifts. of a worthy communion. Taylor,
Shalejpeare. Riches multiplied beyond the proportion of out
5. Outfide ; (how.
Under a fair and beautiful appearance there Thefc anfwer thy appellant.
(hifts refuted, clurdiler, and the wants appendant to it, naturally
{hould ever be the real fubltance of good. Rogers. Though by his blindncfs mainAl for high attempts, men
difpofe to forget God. R'jgcrs,

6. Entry into a place or company.

Who now defies thee thrice to fingle fight. Millcn.
3. In law.
Do the fame juftice to one another, which will 2. One that appeals from a lower to a Appendant any thing belonging to another,

be done us hereafter by thofe, who (hall make higher power. as accc/f.ytum prircipali, with the civilians, or
their appearance in the world, when this generation An appeal transfers the cognizance ot the caufe junt^itmfubjcffo, with the logicians. An hofpitat
is no more. Addifcn. to the foperior judge ; fo that, pending the appeal, may be appendant to a manour ; a common of
fupernatural vifibility. nothing can be attempted in prejudice of the ap- filhing appendant to a freehold. CcnvcU,
y. Apparition ;

1 think a pcrlbn with the imagination

terrified pellant. Ayliffe's Perergot:. Appe'.vdant. n.J~. That which belongs
of fpeflres, more reafonable than one who thinks Appe'llate. n.f. [appellatus, Lat.] The to another thing, as an accidental or
the appearance of fpirits fabulous. Addifon. perfon appealed againft. adventitious part.
8. Exhibition of the perfon to a court. An appellatory libel ought to contain the name Pliny gives an account of the inventors of the
I will no, nor ever more
not tarry ; of the party appellant ; the name of him from forms and appendants of (hipping.
Upon this bufincfs my appearance make whofe fcntcnce it is appealed ; the name of him Hale's Origin of Mankind.
In any of their courts. Shakcfp. Henry VIII. to whom it is appealed ; from what fentence it is A word, a look, a tread, will ftrike, as they are

Open circumftance of a cafc. appealed ; the day of the fentence pronounced, appendants to external fymmetry, or indications of
and appeal iiitcrpofed ; and the name or the party the beaaty of the mind. Grenv,
Or grant her palTion be fmcere.
How apptltatc, at perfoji againil whom the appeal is
ftiall his innocence be clear ?
To Appe'kdicate. f. a. [a/i^^Wu, Lat.]
lodged Ayliffe's
Appearances were all fo ftrong. To add to another thing.
The world mull think him in the wrong. Swift. Appella'tion. ». /. \appellatlo, Lat.]
In a palace there is tlie cale or fabrick of the
10. Prefence; mien. Name ; word by which any thing is
ftrufture, and there are certain additaments; as,
Health, wealth, vidlory, and honour, are in- called. various furniture, and curious motions of divers
troduced j wifdora enters the laft, and fo capti- Nur ure always the fame plants delivered under things appendicaied to it. Hale,
vates with her appearcjnce, tliat he gives bimfelf up the fame name and appellaiim.
to her- Addifin. Brpwn^s Vulgar Errtturs.
Appen djca'tion. n.f. [from apperidi-
_ _ _
cate.] Adjunft appendage; annexion.
11. Probability; feeming likelihood. Good and commonly operate upon the minci ;
; evil
of man, by rcfpeilive names or appellations, by There are confidcrablc p.irts and integrals, and
There is that which hath no appearance, that
appendii-ations unto tin mundus afpecJaiilis, impoffi.
this being utterly unacquainted wltli the
pricll which liny arc notified and conveyed tg the mind.
Siuth. blc to be eceraal. HfU,
true peifon, according to wliofe p altera he Ihuuld
d-firefh, differeth greatly from that inferiournatu- See their wide-ftreaming wounds they neither
Appe'ndix. n.f. {appendices, plur. Lat.]

ral defire, which we call affeiiti. The objeft of came

1. Something appended, or added, to an-
atftiili is whatfoever fenfible good may be wifhcd For pride of empire, nor dtfire of fame;
other thing. Jor ; the objcO of will is that good which reafon Kings fight for kingdoms, madmen for applaufe^
The cherubim were never intended as an objcfl does lead us to feek. Hooker. But love tor love alone, that crowns the lover's caufe.
of worlhip, becaufe they were only the opfindices to 2. The defire of fenfual pleafure. Drydens FaUes~
another thing. But a thing is then propol'ed as an A'PPLE. n.f. [xppel, Saxon.]
Wily, (he would hang on him.
oljcft of worfliip, when i« is fet up by itfelf, and
not by way of addition or ornament to another
As if increafe of appetiu had grown 1 The fruit of the apple-tree.
By what it fed on. Shakefp. Hamlet. Tall thriving trees confcfs'd the fruitful mold ;
Urge his hateful luxury. The redti'ning apple ripens here to gold. Fope^s Od*
Normandy became an cppcrJix to England, the
And beflial appetite in change of lult.
2, The pupil of the eye.
noMcr dominion, and received a greater conformity
iihakefpcarf^s Richard III.
of their laws to the Englifh, than they gave to it. He inltruiled him } he kept him as the apple of
Each tree
Hiile^i Civil Law of England* his eye. Deut. xxxii. I0>.
Loaden with faireil fruit, that hung to th* eye
2. An adjunft or concomitant. Tempting, ftirr'd in me fudden appetite
Apple of Love.
All concurrent ayftndicu of the aflion ought to To plucic and cat. Milton^s Paradife Loji. Apples of love are of three forts ; the mod com-
be furveyed, in order to pronounce with truth con- mon having long trailing branches, with rough
3. Violent longing.; eagernefs after any leaves and yellow joints, fucceeded by apples, as
ceVning it. ffatti.
To APPERTA'IN. c;. rt. [appartenir. Fr.]
No niian could enjoy his life, his wife, or goods,
they are called, at the joints, not round, but
bunched; of a pale orange Ihining pulp, and feed^
1. To belong to as of right : with to.
if a mightier man had an appetite to take the fame within. Mortimcr^s Hujhandry
The honour of devifing this doiSrinc, from him. that reli-' Dawes.
gion ought to be inforccd by the fword, would be; Hopton had an extraordinary appetite to engage Apple-craft. ». f. [from apple and
found affertaining to Mahomed the falfe propliet. Waller In a battle. Clarendon. graft.] A
twig of apple-tree grafted,
4. The thing eagerly defired. upon the Hock of another tree.
The Father, f' whom in heav'n fupreme We have feen three and twenty of apple
Power being the natural appetite of princes, a li- forts
Kingdom, and power, and glory apperfairtSi
mited monarch cannot gratify it. Stvift. grafts up<in the fame old plant, moll of them
Hath honour'd m", according to his will. Par. Lcfi. adorned with fruit. Boyle.
Keennefs of. llomach j hunger ;, 4efire
2. To belongto by nature or appointment.; 5.
If the foul of man did ferve only to give him be- of food. Appee-tart. n.f. [frQmfl///f and /cr/.J
ing in this life, then lh'\ri%% appertaining to this life There be four principal caufes of appetite; the A tart made of apples.
would content him, as we fee they do other crea- refriger.ition of the llomach, joined with fomedry- What, up and down carv'd like an apple^tart}
tures. IfoOitr. nefs ; contraction ; vellication, and abHerfion j Shakcjpeare*.
And they roafted the patToTcr with fire, as affcr- bclides hunger, which is an emptinefs.
Apple-tree. [from apple a.nd tree.l
taintlbt as for the (acrifi<es, they fod them in brafs Baconi Natural Hijlcry.
There continual abundance, which 1'he fruit of this tree is for the moft part hol-
pots. 1 EfJni!. is creates
lowed about the foot ftalk j the cells incloling the
Both of them feem not to generate any otiier cf- fuch an appetite in your reader, he is not
feed are feparated by cartilaginous partitions ; the
feft, but fuch as apferiaineLb .o tlieir proper objects cloyed with any thing, but fatisfied with all. Dryd.
juice of the fruit is fourifh; the tree large and.
and lenfcs. Bacon, 6. It has fpmetimes cfh^ote the objefl of
fpreading; the flowers oontift of five leaves,, ex-
Is it cxpefled, I Ihould know m fccrets defire. panding in form of a rofe. There is a gieat va-
That afl^rtain to you ? Shairff. 'julim Cajar. The new officer's nature needed fome reftraint riety of ihefe fruits. Thofe for the dcfl'ert are, the
Aptert a'inment. [from apper- n. f. to his immoderate power.
appetite 0/* Claretidon. white juniting, Margaret apple, fummer pearmain,
tain.'] That which belongs to any rank 7. Sometime^ to. fumnier queening, embroidered apple, golden rci-
or dignity. We have generally fuch an appetite to praifc, that nctce, fummer white Colvillc, fummer red Colville,
He (hcnt our meflengers, and we lay by we greedily fuck it in. Government of the Tongue. filver pippin, aromatick pippen, the gray reinette,
Our a^pcrtainmcntiy vifiting of him. Skakeffi. .^ppeti'tion. n.f. [appetitio, Lat.] De- la hautc-bonte, royal rufl'eting, Wheeler's ruiTet,
Sharp's ruflet, fpice apple, golden pippen, nonpa-
ApPe'rten ANCE. [appartenanceyFc]«./. fire.
reil, and I'api. ^'hofc for the kitchen ufe are, cod-
That which belongs or relates to another The adiual appeiiiion or fadening our affeftions
^ ling, fummer marigold, fummer red pearmain,.
thing. on him. Hantniond^t PraSiicai Catechijvi.
Holland pippin, Kentilli pippin, the hanging body.
Can they which behold the controvcrfy of divi- We find in animals an cftimative or judicial fa-
Loan's pearmain, Frencli reinette, French pippin,
C'llty, an appetiticn or averfation. ^'"^'^ Ha/e.
nity condemn our enquiries in the doubtful aj>pcr~ royal rulfet, monftruous reinette, winter pearmain,
tcnanties oi arts, and receptaries of philofoph) f A'ppetitive. ai/J. [from appetite.] That pomme violette, Spencer's pippin, ftone pippin,,
Bro^vni yul^ar Ernars. which defires ; that which has the qua- oakenpin. And thofc generally ufed for cyder are,
Appe'rtinekt. adj. [from To apper- lity of dtfiring. Devonlhire royal wilding, rcdllreaked apple, the
tain.] Belonging; relating. The wiil is not a bate appetitive power, as that of whitfour, Herefordlhire underleaf, John apple, &c,
You know h :w apt our l->vc wa* to accord the fenfual appetite, but is a rational appct:te. Milkr.
To furnilh him with all atftrtinmii Hale'i Origin of Mankind. Oaks and. beeches laft longer than apples and
Belonging to his honour. Stakfffi. Jitrry V. 1 find in myfelf an appetitive f^iculty always in pears. Bacon.
execcife, in the very hei^c of activity and invigo- Thus apple-tret! trunks are ftron^ to bear
A'ppetence. In./, [appeter.tia, Lat.]
ration. Norris. Their I'preading boughs, txcrt themlelves in air.
A'PPETENCY. j" Carnal defue ; feniual
To APPLAUD, [applaudo, Lat.]
-v. a.

Bred only and completed to the tafte

1. To praife by clapping the hand. Apple. WOMAN, n.f. [from apple and
Of lultful afpittnce ; to ling, to dance.
would applaud thee to the very echo,
I 'woman.'\ A woman that fells apples,
To drcfs, to troule the tongue, and roll the eye. That flioiiikl applaud again. Seaktjp. Macbeth. that keeps fruit on a ftall.
Millon. z. To praife in general. \ oodiir are two appie-ivotntn fcolding, and juil
Appetibi'litt. n. /. [from appetihle.] Nations unbone your mighty names fliall f'und, ready to uncoifone another. Arl^uthnot and Popt.

The qoality of being defirable.

And worjds apflaud-\iat mud not jct be found '

Appi.i'AnLE. adj. [from apply.] That
.', :-w'
That fliciration which the fchools intend, is a . .

which may be applied. For this word

deducing of the power of tlie will into a&, merely
Appla'uder. n,/. [from applaud. ] He
that prailcj or commends. the modern.'; ufe applicable ; which fee.
from the nfftt.^iiuy of the objeft, as a man
Li Tiit,ition'.f all (uch principles liave, in regard of
a child after him wiili the light of a green bough. I had the voice of my fuiglc reafon againll it,
the varieties of the matter whcreunto they arc ap-
Bramball againjl Hibbti. drowned in the noife of a multitude of applauders.
pt.ahle. t/ooker.
A'PPBTIBLE. a^'. [nppetibilis,Lzx.] De- Clanvil!e''sScepJis.
All that 1 have faid of the heathen idolatry is.i^-
firable ; that which may be the obje£l of Appla'use. a.y: [applaiifiis.'Lsii.] Ap- phahle to the idolatry of another fort of men in the
appetite. probation loudly exprefTcd ; praiic : world South.
i'o*er both to flight the mofl at^etilli objefts, properly a clap. Appli'ance. «./. [from a///y.] The aft
and to controul the mod unruly pjf'.ons. This general applaufe, and chearful (hout.
Brambali agairjl Hobbes. Argues your wifdom and your love to Richard.
of applying; the thing applied.
Difeates dcfp'rate grown
A'PPETITR. »./. [appetitus, Lat.]
Sylla wept,
By defpcrate appliance are relieved. Shake/peart.
1. The natural defire of good ; the inrtinft And her barking waves into attention ;
Are yi u rhat''d i*

by which we are led to feek pleafure. And fellCharybuis murmur'd fofxappUuJc. Milton.
A(k God for tempi tar.Cc, 'tis the appliance only

'i he wi.l properly and ilri^ly taken, as it is of Thofc that arc fo fond of applauje, how little do Which your defire requires. Shakefpeare.
Ihir.gk wliich ate cefcncd unto the end Chat man they tafte it when they have it! South. A 1' P L 1 c A B i'l I Ty . ». / [from applicable.]
The qoolity of beiitg At to b< applied to (ha& I the inward applicattry, and if there
f«ith !«' traafgreHiid, and immediately thou
be any outward, it muft be Ae facramenta. death in him, Ind in his generations, a Efd. iii.
fomething. 7,
.The afli'>n of txM is compofed of two p»rts
Tayl'jfi IVcrihj dmmumeent. O
Lord, that art the God of the juft, thou haft
thf one prcrtinf, tht other peiKtnrtion, which rt:- -n APPLY'. V. a. [applico, Lat.] not appcmied repentance to the Juft.
^MiTv afpllcabittty, t^th' 1 To put one thing to another. .
MMuffeh't Prayer.
A'pPLiCAnLE. adj. [from a/ifly.] That He laid, and to tl.e fword his throat apfHti. 4. To furnifh in all points ; to equip ; to
which may be applied) a* properly re- Dryitn. fupply with all things ncceffary : ufed
lating to fomething.
2. To lay medicaments upon a wound. anciently in fpeaking of foldiers.
Apply fome fpeedy cure, prevent our tate. The Englilh being well appointed, did fo enter-
What he l'a)5 of the portrj'c of anjr particular
And luccour nature ere it be too late. Addijon. tain them, that theirfliips departed terribly torn.
perfon, is tJpplkabte to ppttry. la the chara^er,
God hae addrelfed every palhon of our nature, Hajinard.
there is a better or a vrorfelikencft ; t^ better is a
applied remedies to every wcaknefs, warned us of
panegyrick, and the worfe « Dr^dcn, ltt>e!. Appo'intbr. h./. [fit)m appaint.] He
every enemy. R'.gcn.
It were happy for us, if this complaint were af- that fettles or fixes any thing or place.
^fsi/^ only to the heathen wetU. Rogers. 3. To make ufe of as relative or fuitable to
Appo'intment. n.J~. [appoimtemtnt , Fr.]
A'PPLICABLENESS. »./. [from efflica- 1 Stipulation the aft of fixing fomething
This brought the death of your father into re-
iJe.] Fitnefs to be applied. in which two or more are concerned.
membrance, andl repeated the veries which 1 for-
Tiie Jtnuwledge of falts may poflihly, by that merly applied to him. DryJn't Fai/et. They had made an appomtntnt le^/cxixt, to come
little part which we have already delivered of its to mourn with him, ami to comforthim. ^oi, ii. 11.
efifiuak.'€jiefi, be of ufe in natural philofopby. Bo^'le.
4. To put to a certain ufe.
The profits thereof might be afptted towards the 2. Decree; eltabliiTiment.
A'PPUICABLY. [from applicable.^ aJv. fuppoi t of the year. Clarendon. The ways of death be onlypn his hands, whu
In fuch a mauner as that it may be pro- 5 . To ufe as means to an end. alone hath power over all fleA, and unto whofe «^.
poirtment we ought with patience meekly to fubmit
perly applied. Thefc glorious beings are instruments in the
ourfeivcs. Hooker,
A'i'PLicATE. n.f. [from apply.'] A right hands of God, who applies their fervices, and go-
3. Direftion; order.
verns rfieir aSions, ana difpofcs even their w'Us and
line drawn acrafs a curve, fo as to bii'e€l
aftcftions. Rogers. That good fcUow,
the diameter thereof. Chambers. If I command him, follows my appointmont
6. To 'fix the mind upon ; to ftudy : with \
Applica'tiom. n.f. \irova. apply .'\
to. Locke ufes aboutj lefs properly.
I will have none fo near elfe. Sbatefpeare,
1. The aft of applying atiy thing to ano- Apply thine heart *nto inftruftion, and thine; 4. Equipment furniture.;

ther; as, he mitigated hi-s paia by the They have put forth the haven further on.
ears to the words of knowledge. Prm. xxiii. iz. t

Ereryman iaconfcious to himfelf thathe thinks; Where their appointment we may befl difcover,
application of emollients.
Ai;d look on their endeavour. Shakejpeare,
and that which his mind is applitd atevt, whilfl
2. The thing applied ; as, he invented a Here art thou in appointment frefh and fair.
thinking, the ideas that are there.
is Locke.
new application, by which blood might It is a fign of a capacious mind, whi?n the mind
Anticipating time with ftarting courage. Shakefp,
be llau/ched. can apply itfclf fo fcvcral objects with a fwift fuc- 5. An allowance paid to any man, com.
3. The a& of applying to any perfon, as a ceffion. ffatts. monly ufed of allowances to publick of-
iolicitor, or petitioner. 7. To have reconrfe ttr, as a foliciior or ficers.
(hould fcem very extraordinary, tliat a patent
It petitioner ; with to : as, \ applitil myfelf To Appo'rtion. 'v.a. [from /er//V, Lat.]
Aotitd be paflcd, upon the ap^hcat'nn of a poor, to him for help. To fet out in jull proportions.
private, obfcurc mech.mick. Stv'tft.
8. To addrefs to. Try the parts of the body, which of them ifl"u«
4. The employment of means for a certain God at laft fpecdily, and which flowly ; and, by apportioning
end. To Satan firft m fin his doom apply'd. th: time, take and leave that quality which you de-
There is no flint which can be
the value or fet to The' in myfterious ternvs, judg'd as then btft. fire- Bacon.
merit of the facrificcd body of Chrift ; it hath no Milton. To were ^od, that fome proper prayer
thrfo it

mealurcd certainty of limits, bounds of efficacy Sacred vows and myftic fong apply'd. were apportioned, and they taught it. South. '

unio lite it knowcth none, but is alio itfclf infinite To grifly I'luto and Ws gloomy bride. Pope. An otfice cannot be apportioned out like a com-
in uo£lbllity of appticatkn. IJcoktr. To bufy to keep at work an anti- mon, and iharcd among diltincl proprierors. Cclliert
9. ; :

If a right courfe be taken witli children, there

quated fenfe ; forwhich we now ufe ply. Appo'rtionmf-nt. n. /. [from appor-
will not be much need of the applicalhn of the com-
mon rewards and puni/hmcnts. Locke*
She was (kilful in applying his humours ; nsvcr tion.] A
dividing of a rent into two
fuft'ering fear to fall 10 dcfpair, nor hope to haften parts or portions, according as the land,
5. Intenfenefs of thought ; clofe ftudy. to itlftirance. Sidnev. whence it iffues, is divided among two
1 have difcovered no orlier way to keep our,
10. To aft upon
to ply. ;
or more proprietors. Chambers.
thoughts clofe lo their bufinefs but, by fre<)uent at- A varlct running towards hallily,
tention and afpVuatiout getting llic habit of atten- Whofe flying teet (b faft thiir way
To Appo'se. 11. a. [appone, Lat.]
" apply'd,
tion and appHttuion. Locke. T'hat round about a cloud of duft did 1. To put queflions to. This word is not
fly* Fairy ^.
6. Attention to fome particular affair To Apply', 'v. n. now m
ufe, except that, in fome fchools,
with the particle to. 1. To fuit ; to agree. to put grammatical quelUons to a boy
His continued application to fuch ptibriclc affairs, Would it opjiy well to the vehemency of your is called to po/e him ; and we now ufe
as may benctit his kingdoms, diverts him from aflrClion, tlut I flioulJ win what you vould enjcy ? po^e for puzzle.
plcafiires. Adiiifon. Shakejpeare. Some procure themfelves to be furprifed at fuch
This crime certainly defcrre s fhe utmoft appiira- 2. To have
recotirfc to, as a petitioner. times as it is like the party that t^lty work upon,
r/M andwildora ofapcopie to prevent it.. Mdijcn.
I had no thaughti of »»/>^>i^-m^ to any but himfelf; will come upon them: and to be found with a
7. Reference to fome cafe or pofiiion as ; h-: deli red I would fpeak to others. Siuift. hand, or doing fomewhat which they
letter in their
," the Ilory was told, and'the hearers made 3. To attach by way of influence. are not accuftomed ; to the end they may lie ap-

the application. God knows every faculty and pafli)n, and in pcfed of thofe things which of tliemielvcs they ar«

This principle a^s with the greatcft force in the

what manner they cat) be moil fuccefsfuliy applied defirous to utter. Bacon,
word appiicati<3it and the familiarity of^wickcd
"to. Rogers. 2. A latinifm. To apply to.
men more fuccefsfully debtucbet, than that of good To Appo'ikt. t. a. [appointer, Fr.] By malign putrid vapours, the nutriment is ren-
men reforms. Re^eri. 1. To fix any thing, as to fettle the exaft dered unapt uf being app.fed to the parts. Harvey^
A'pPLicATivE. adj. \_irom apply. "l Tliat time for fome tranfaftion. h'pTOSiTz.ailj. [appcjitus, Lat.] Proper ;
which .ipplies. The time ap'pointe.i o^ ih& Father. Gelat. iv. 1. fit ; well adapted to time, place, or cir-

The direfliVc command for counfel is in the un- 2. To fettle any thing by compaft. cumftances.
derflanding, and iheapplifath': command for put- He faid, Appoint me thy wages, and I will pay The duke's delivery of his mind was not fo
<iAg in <x«cution it in the will. it. Gemfis. fharp, as fojid and grave, and afpofite to the timei
Bramball agairjl Htiics. Now there was an appointed fign between the and occafions. I^oiton,
A'ppMCATORY. <i<^". [from a^//v.]
men of Ifrael and the liers in wait, yudget, xx. 38. Neither was Perkin, for his part, wanting to
which comprehends the adl of applica- 3. To eftablifli any thing by decree. himfelf, either in gracious and princely behaviour,
It wjs bi'f)rc the Lord, wliich chofe mc before or in ready and appofile anfwers. Bacon,
tion. thy father, and before all his hiufe, to appoint mc Remarkable inftances of this kind have beeri ;
A'p PLICA TORY. a./. That which applies. ruler over the people of the Lord. 2 Sam. vl. 1 1 but it will adminilier rcfleftions very apps/tte to
There ate but two ways uf a^iplyin j the death cf Unto hii»tbou gavcit commaDdmeot, which he the defign of this prefcot Cslemnitj-. Attirbury.
•A P t> A P P A P P
'A'pposir?i.Y. ae/'Tj. [from (?//«/?//.] Pro- 2. Opinion ; fentiments ; conceflion. yeata, upon condiuon that the artificer,
perly ; fitly ; fuuably. It we aim at right underftanding its true na- or tradeiman, fhall, in the mean time,
We may compare this difeafe, of a
affcfialy ture, we mull examine what afprehcufenmmWmi endeavour to inllruft him in his art or
proper and improper coafumpcion, to a decaying make of it. Dr^/y.
myftery. CciueU.
Iicmfc. ffaney. . To be falfe, and to be thought falfe, one in
is all

Wlien we come into a government, and fee tiiii men who Li>ve rnjoined fuch diligence, tliat no apprentice,
refpeft of aft not according to truth, but
place of honour allotted to a murderer, another no, no bond flave, could ever be more ready than
apprfhenfion. South.
that young princefs was. Sidney,
tilled with an at'oeift or a blafphemer, may we not The exprcflions of fcripture are commonly fuited
af[ofiiely and properly aflc. Whether there be any in thofe matters to the vulgar oppvtbfvjlons and
He found him fuch an apprentice, as knew >veU
enough how to fet up for himfelf. Gotten,
virtue, fobrieqt, or religidn, amongll fuch a peo- conceptions of the place and people where they were
ple delivered.
This rule fcts the painter at liberty; it teaches
? South. Locke.
him, that he ought not to be fubjeft himfelf fer-
A'pposiTEKESs. «./ [hom Fit- appojite.'] 3. The faculty by which we conceive nev/
vilely, and be bound like an apprentice to the rules
propriety ; fuitableiiefs.
nefs ; ideas, or power of conceiving them. ofljisait. DryditC t DuJT ejnoy
Judgment is either concerning things to be 1 nam'd them as t'ney pafs'd, and underllood
known, or of things done, of their congtuity, fit- To Appre'ntice. 'V. a. [from the noun.]
Their n:rture, with fuch knowledge God indu'd
nefs, ri^htnefs, mfifticmj!. Mv fudden tipfrthcnjlon. Milton. To put out to a mailer as an apprentice.
llali'i Origin of Manl'md. Fear. Him portjon'd maids, /r/>)&n-nrirV orphans blelt.
Apposi'tio:*. ».yl [a/>/o/f//o, Lat.] behoveth that the world /hnuld be held in awe,
The young who labour, ana the old who reft.
1. The addition of new matter, fo as that not by a vain furmife, but a true appreh':nfii.n of
may fomcwhat which no man may think himfelf able Appre'nticehood. n.f. [from appren-
it touch the firil mals.
tice.] The years of an apprentice's fer-

\ ftill
a black fand
infpeiteJ with a mjcrofcopc, will difcover

; wherever this fand fticks, it grows
by the apprfuhn of new matter.
to withftand.
Andhe the future evil fhall no lefs
In apprehenfimj than in fubftance, feel. Mihcn.

not ferve a long apprenticehood

Arhuibn-A en Diet.
Th« of what w?.s to come from an
apprebcnIloTt To f-.rcign pafTagcs, and in the end.
unknown, at leafl unacknowledged fuccefl'our to Having my freedom, boaft of nothing elft
2. grammar, the putting of two nouns
the crown, clouded much of that profperity. But that 1 was a journeyman to grief ,^
fame cafe as. Liber Sufannee ma-
in the ; Clarendon.
trs, the book of his mother Sufan. As
they have no apprehenfon of thefe things, lb
Appre'nticesiiip. n.f. [from appren-
roAPPRA'JSE.-i/.a. \appreder, Fr.] To they need no comfort againll them. Tillotf^n. tice.] The years which an apprentice is
After the death of his nephew Cal'gula, Clau- to pafs under a mafter.
fet a price upon any thing, in order to
dius was in no fmall apprebevjion for his own life. Jn every art, is, there is an op'
the iimpieft that
Addi'^n, can be expected one
prenticeffAp neCefTary, before it
Appr.a'iser. »./ l^Toxaappraife.'] A per- 5. Sufpicion of fomething to happen, or ihould work. Digby.
fon appointed to fet a price upon things be done. Many rulhed into the miniftry, as being the
to be fold. I'll note you in my book of memory, only calling that they could profefs, without fcrv-
ing any r.pprenticejhip. South*
To APPREHE'ND. 11. a. [appnhendo, Lat. And fcourge you f -r this afprehenfiin. Skaiefp.
to take hold of.] That he might take away the upprebenfion, that To A?PRi'zE. f. a. [apprettdre ; part,
he meant fuddenly to depart, he fent out orders, To
1. To
lay hold on.
which he was fure ^^•ould come into the enemies
appris, Fr.] inform ; to give the
There 13 nothing but hath a double handle, 6r at
hands, to two or three villages, that they fhould
knowledge of any thing.
leaft we have two hands to
affrthmi it. tayhr. fend proportions of corn into Balioghoufe.
He conliders the tendency of fuch a virtue or
2. To feize in order for trial or punifh- Clartndcn.
vice; he is well aj.prized, that the rcprefentation
jneiit. of fome of thefe things may convince the under-
6. Seizure.
AanJing, and fotjw may terrify the confcience.
The governor kept the city with a garrifon, defi- See that he be convcy'd unto the Tower :
rouc to afpribttid me, tVatH.
2 Car. x'l. 32. And- g-> we brothers to the man that took lilm,
It is fit he be appriT^ed of a few things, that may
It was the rabble, of which no body was named To queflion of his appreheKjUi;.
; Shakcipeare, prevent his miHaking. Cbeytte
and, which mote Urangej.nat one
is affrihrnikd. 7. The power of feizing, catching, or But if apprix'd of the fevere attack.
holding. The couhtry be Ihut up, lur'd by the fcent^
3. To conceive by the mind.
A lobfter hath lh« chely or great On church-yard drear (inhuman to relate)
claw of one
The good which is gotten by djing, caofetb not (ide longer the other, The difappointed prowlers fall.
butthis is not their leg, Tbon:fon»
aftionj unlefj, affrelxndittg ix. as good, we like
and dclire it. linker.
but a ^irX oi apprebenfcn whereby they feize upon To APPRO'ACH. -v. [apprccier, ft. Fr.]
their prey. Bro^un'i yul^ar Errours.
Vet this i ofprchtrJ not, why to thofe 1. To draw near locally.
Among whom God deign to
Apprehe'nsive. adj. [from apprehcHd.] 'Tis time to look about: the powers of the
will dvsell on earth,
So many and fo vaiiaus laws arc given. Millar.
I. Quick to underiland. kin^d.^m approtub apace* Hhakejpeare*
The Firil Being is invilible and incorruptible, And gives encouragement to thofe who teach We fuppi,le Ulyftcs approacbivg toward P.ily-
and can only be affrclemUd by our minds. fuch 0ppreb(njivt fcholan, Hilder. phcme. Br^omct
If confcience be naturaWy appreberfive and fjga-
2. To draw near, as time.
4. To think on with terrour ; to fear.
cious', certainly we /iiould truli and rely upon the
Hark ! hear tlie found of coaches.
repnrts of it. South.
From my grandfather's death 1 had reafon t.-
The hour of attack afprf>ochfS. Gjy,
epprihend tjie lUnej and, from my father's life,
z. Fearfult To make a progrefs towards, in the fi-
the gout. » 7im/./t. The inhabitants of thii country, when I palTcd
through it, were extremely a^/iro!>f»/fi/« of feeing
gurative fenfe, as mentally.
Apprekk'nobr. n.f. [irom apprehend.] He fhall approaib unto me : for who is thii that
Lomba'rdy the feat of w::r. AddiJ-n.
Conceivcr ; thinker. engaged his heart to approach unto me ?
They are not at all apprchtnfme of evils at a
Groii apfretfndiri may not think it anymore yer. XXK. %i
didance, nor tormented with the fearful profpeft
ftrange, t an iha: a bullet ihould be mjved by the To. have knowlecige in all the objedts of contem-
of what may befal them hereafter. 7ilkijcn.
rarifieu (ire. Gkr.'vilU: plation, is wliat the mind can hardly attain unto ;
3. Perceptive feeling.
Apprfhe'nsible. aJj. [from apprehend.] Thought', my tormentors, arm'd with deadly
the inl>anccs arc few of thofe who have, in any
That which may be apprehended, or mcafurc, approached towards it. Locke.
conceived. Manjic my af.prelrnj!t;etcr\<\crc& parts. Milltn, 4. To come near, by natural affinity, or
The nortli and fiuthem poles are incommuni- Apprehe'nsivei.y. adv. [from appre-
refemblance ; as, the cat aj>prcac/ja to
cable an-l fixed paints, wiiTeof the one is f ot au- the tiger.
l-en/i've.'] In an apprehenfive manner.
frehtrfillc in the other. BreminiVulgar E rmrs.
Appreh t'N'sivENKss. [fvom apprc-
». /". To Appro'ach. <v. a.
AppREHt'NSiON. »./. [npfreheii/w, Lat.] The I. To bring; near to.
This fenfe is rather
henfive.] quality of being appre-
i. The mere contemplation of things, French than Englifh.
without affirming or denying any thing WhTca^ the vowels are much more diffirplt to This they will nimbly perform, if objcfted to
concerning them. So we think of a be taught, you will And, by falling upon them laft, the i but llowly, and not at ail, if ap-
gieat h<ip by ihc apf rebenji'veneft already gained in
proached unto their roots. Brcwn^s Vulgar Frrei>r:,
horfe, high, fwift, animal, time, matter,
Ir.'-tvnv the conf"n.mts. Holder.
By plunging paper Uioroughiy In weak i'pirit of
mind, death, f:ff. Watts. wine, and approacting it to a candle, the fpirituoVia
S.-.ip'e aiiiA'i; Tr^n denotes no more than tjit APPRE'NTICE. «./. [apprenti, Fr.] One parts wUl btirii, without harming the paper. Jijyle,
f' '' > an objcil, without ci-
''"<n i>{ that is bound by covenant ano- to ferve Approach d, and looking uo^iucath the fun.
'"'' . jldudtioB. CUmille. ther <jian of trade, fgr a certiMU term of He law proud Aivitc. Viydrn.
Vol. L O a. To
Things fanflified were thereSy In fJch fort 0p- void, the diocefcn and the patron, upoa
•i. To come near to.
fnfriauJ unto God, as tiiat they might never af- the king's licence, may conclude. Cmuell.
He «« an jdmiraUe poet, tni thought e*en to
terwards again be made common. H'.'-hr.
have affroacbej Homer. ItiKfle. this
Appropri a'tor. n.J. Ifrom appropriate]
As f;'0t of ground, this perfon,
fot this
ArPROACH. It./, [from the verb.] thing,have fe'lefled and iipt"-ol,ria:id, I have
He thit is poiTeiTed of an appropriated
The »a of drawing near. inclofedittomyfelfand myownule; and 1 wiU en- benefice.
It I Muld bid the fcventh welcome with in good dure no fiiarer, no rival, or companion init« Souib. Thefe apf^r.prialcrs, by reafon of their perpetui-
« heart as 1 can bid the other five farewel, I (hould Some they affrofrialcH to the gods, tic, are accounted owners of the fee fimple ; and
be gljd of his affroach. Shai. Mcrcb. afVmct. And fome to publick, Dme to private ends. therefore ate called proprietors. jiylife'tParfrg.

*i*is with our fouls Rifcommon. AePf-o'vAii.t. ac/J. [from apprai/e.] That
As with our eyes, that after a long darknifs Marks of honour are epfr^fruiiM to the ma- _

be invited to reverence
which merits approbation.
Are dizzied at th' affrttcb of fudden light. Dtnb. giftrate, that he might
Altirbury. The folid reafon, or confirmed eiperlence, of
2. Accefs. himfcU;
any men, is very apfrivable in what profcfSon fo-
Honour hath in it the vantage ground to do good 2. To claim or exercife ; to take to him- ever. Brywns Vulgar Errsun*
the«^/r(»L-A to kings and principal perfons; and felf by an exclufive right.
the riifing of t man's own fortunes. Baccn. To thcmfelves a[>frofnarhg
A p p R o'v A L »r. / [ from approve. ] Appro-

of God, piomis'd alike and giv'n

bation a word rarely found.

3. Huftile advance. The fplrit

To Milnn. There is a cenfor of jufticc and manners, with-
For England his affnacba makes a> fierce all bcl'.eve.s.
Why and approprtaie the
(Iiould people engrofs
out wh>fe approval no capital fentcnccs are to be
As waters to the fucking of a gulph. Sbairff.
Means of advancing. common bcnefiu of fire, air, and water, to them- executed.
4. VEJIravgc.
Ap P Ro'v A N c E. ». / [from approve.] Ap-
AgaiiUl bclcagur'd hcav'n the giants move;
fclves ?
Every body clfe has an equal title to it ; and probation : a word not much ufed.
Hills pil'd on hills, on mountains mountains lie.
therefore he cannot affrcfrhite, he cannot inclofe, A man of his learning ih' uld not fo lightly have
To make their mad affroachet to the (ky. DryA. his fellow commsners,
The without the conl<!nt ot all
been carried away with old wives' talLS from afpro-
Appro'acher. »./ [^Irora approach.']
all mankind. -f-^^f-
vance of his own rcafon. Spetijtrm
perfon that approaches or draws near. To make peculiar to fomething ; to Should fhe feem
Thou gav'ft thine ears, like tapftcrs, that bid
annex by combination. Soft'iiing the lead afprovame to bellow,

He need but be furniihed with verfes of facred Their Colours burnifli, and, by hope infpir'd,
To knaves and all apprcathcn. Sbalrfptart.
fcripture and his fyllem, that has afpropriatiJ They bri/k advance. 1'ly,mfon.
Appro'achment. n /. [from approach.] ;

orthodoxy of his church, makes them

them to the To Appro've. "v. a. [approitver, Fr. ap-
The aft of coming near. immediately irrefragable arguments. Locke.
will not concrete but in the
probo, Lat.]
As for ice, it af- We, by degrees, get ideas and names, and learn
pnatbment of the air, as we have made trial in their appropriated connexion one with another.
I. To like ; to be pleafed with.
glafl'es of water, which will not cifily freeze. There can be nothing pofTib'.y evil which Ccd
Smm'i falgar Erreun. alienate a benefice. See epprovetbt and that he approvttb much more than
4. In law, to
Approba'tion. »./ [approiatio, La.i.] he doth command. H'Mer,
Appropriation. What power was that, whereby Medea £aw.
1. The aft of approving, or expreffing Before Richard 11. it was lawful to afpnpriate And well appr&v^d, and prais'd the better courfe,
himfelf pleafed or fati»fied. the whole fruits of a benefice to any abbey, the When her rebellious fcnfe did fo withdraw
That not part me, but houfe finding one to fcrve the cure; that king re- Her feeble powrs, that fhe purfu'd the worfe ?
By learnel apfroiution of my judges. Sbakefp. drelled that horrid evil. Davietm
8. The liking of any thing. Appro-'priate. adj. [from the verb.] z. To exprefs liking. -

There is no politive law of men, whether received Peculiar ; configned to fome particular looked upon as iiifolcnce for a roan to fet up
It is
by formal confent, as in councils, or by fecret ap- ufe or perfon ; belonging peculiarly. his own opinion againll that of fome learned doflor,
frtintion, as in curtoms, but ni.iy be taken away. He did inftitute a band of fifty archers, by the or otherwife approved writer. Locke*
name of yeomen of his guard ; and that it might 3- To prove ; to Ihew ; tojuftify.
Thebare apfrobaUon of the worth and goodnefs than
be thought to be rather a matter of dignity, His meaning was not, that Archimedes could
ef a thing, is not properly the willing of that thing ; any matter of diffidence affrcfriate to his own cafe, fimplyin nothing be deceived ; but that he had in
jet men do very commonly account i^ fo. Souib.
he made an ordinance not temporary, but to hold fuch (oTl approval his Ikill, that he feemed worthy
3. Atteftation ; fupport. in fucceiliou for ever.
of credit for ever after, in matters appcrt.nining
How many now
in health The heathens themliilves had an apprelienfion of to the fcicnce he was Ikilful in. Hoiktr,
Shall drop their blood in approbation the neccllity of fome apfnfriatt afls of divine Id religion.
Oi" what your reverence (hall incite us to. worlhip. StillirtgJIct. What damned errour, but fome fober brow
Shaktfftare. [from appropri- Will blefs it, and approve it with a text
Ap p ROP R 1 a't 10 N . H. /. Sbakifp, .>

Appro'of. [horn approve, ^i proof

n. f, ate.]
I'm forry

hompro've.] Approbation ; commend- That he approver the common iiar, F.ime,

application of fomething to a par-
Who fpeaks him thus at Rome. Sbakefpeaie.
ation : a word rightly derived, but old. ticular purpofe. Would'ft thou approve thy conrtancy ? approve
O moil perilous mouths.
The mind ftiould have diftinft ideas of the things, Firft thy obedience. Milic*.
That bear in them one and the felf-famc tongue and retain the particular name, with its peculiar Refer all the adions of this fhort life to tliat
Eitliei of condemnation or afprcof Shai'ff. idea. Lmke.
aff rofriation to that _ Hate which will never end ; and this will appro^ti
TcAppRo'peratk. -v. a. [appropero, Lzt.] 2. The claim of any thing as peculiar. itlclf to be wifdom at the laft, whatever the world

To hallen ; to fet forward. Dic7. He doth nothing but talk ot his liorle, and make judge of it now. TillotjTn.

[appropinguo, a great nfpropriation to his good piits, that he can To experience not in ufe.
To Ap p no p 1' n (iu a t e. -i.'. a.

Lat.] Todrawnigh unto; to approach. ftioj him himfelf. Oh 'tis the curfe in love, and iWWappm'd,

3. The fixing a particular fignification to When women cannot love, where they're belov'd.
To ApPROPrNQUE. a-. «. \_appropinjuo,
draw near a word.
Lat.] To
approach ; to to.
The name of faculty may, by an apfnfr'.ethn ;. To make, or (how, to be worthy of ap-
A ludicrous word. difguifes its true fenfc, palliate the abfurdity. probation.
The clof.ed blood within my hofe. Locke.
The lirlt care and concern mud
be to approve
That my \v,>unded body flows,
In law, a fevering of a benefice cccle- himfelf to God Ly righteoufnefs, holimfs, and pu-
WUh mortal crlfis doth portend fialHcal to the proper and perpetual ufe rity. R-gfrs.
My days to apfn/'iiijur an end. Huctibras.
c/ before the objeft, when it fig-
of fome religious houfe, or dean and 6. It has
Appro'pri ABLE-.a-j). [from appropriate.] becaule, nifies to be plea/eJ, but may be ufed svith-
ch.aptcr, billioprlck, or college ;

That which may be appropriated ; that out a prepofition ; as, I approve your
as perfons ordinarily have no right of
which may be rearained tofomething ^your
fee fimple, thefe, by rcafon of their per- letter, or,
particular. 1 (hewed you a piece .if black and white ftufT,
original of man, petuity, are accounted owners of the fee
This conceit, applitd onto the juft feiit from the dyer; w' icli you were pifafcd
ar;d vhe beginning'of the wgrld, it more juftly af- fimple ; and therefore are called pro- tJ approve of, and be my cudomer for. Stoifi,
frcpriubU unto its end. Bntvn'i l^ulgir Erroun. prietors. To
an appropriation, after the Appro'vement. n. f. [from approve.]
To APPRO'PRIATE. v. a. [approprier, licence obt.iincd of the king in chan- Approbation ; liking.
Fr. approprio, low Lat.] cery, the confent of the diocefan, pa- It IS certain that at the firft you were all of mjr

tron, and incumbent, are neccfl'ary, if opini' n, and that I did nothing without your ap.
I. To confign to feme particular afc or
pexfen. the church be full : but if t!ic cimrch be
Arri^o VER.
AfPto'vtR.n./. [from affrivt.^ In thefe figures the veft is gathered up before In foms pondj, apted for it by nature, they be-
them, like an apron, which you aiuft fuppofe filkd come pikes. tfalton^
1. He that approves. with fruits. /Udij'M. To
2. fit ; to qualify ; to difpofe ; to pre-
2. He that makes trial.
A'pROs.n./. [in gunnery.] Apieceoflead pare.'
Their dtfciplins,
Now mingW with tlieir courages, will niak- which covers the touch-hole of a great The king is melaneholy,
Apted for any ill iaipicffiojjs. JJatham's Ssp'-y,
known ^gun.
To thtir affrvaeri, they are poople fuch A'pRON of a goofe. The fat fkin which ToA'pTATE. v. a, [apiattim, Lat.] To
As iin;nd up >n the worlj. Sbahffcarc,
covers the belly. make fit.
common one that, confeffing To aptate a planet, is to ftrengthen the plann
3. In our Ir.iv,
A'pRON-M AN. «.yr [from «/rj/i and man.] in po/ition of houle and dignities to the greateit
felony of himfelf, appealeth or accufeth A man that wears an apron a work- ; advantage, in order to bring about the defired end.
another, one or more, to be guilty of the man a manual artiiicer.
; Bailey,
fame and he is called fo, becaufe he
: Vou have made good woi k, A'pTiTUDE. n.f. [French.]
muft prove what he hath alleged in his You and your afron-mcn, tliat ftood fo much 1 Fitiicfs.
Up<jn the voice of occupation, and
appeal. Cc-u-e/l. Thii evinces its perfeft aptitude and fitnefs for
Tilt breath of garlick eaters. Sh.ihfprarf. the end to which it was aimed, the plmting and
AprRo'xiMATE, ai/J. [from aJ, to, and
A'pRONED. a^'. [from «/;«;;.] Wearing noutilhing all true virtue among men.
prcximus, near, Lat.] Near to.
an apron.
quick coiiveiiwn, containing Pecay of Pitty.
Thcfe receive a
abtroxhrate i'M^ohtioai unto animation.
'I he cob;;r afrat'd, and the parfon gown'd. 2. Tendency.
Pope. In an aborcion, the mother, beddes the fruftra-
Eryzun'i i'ulgar Errourj.
J'PSIS. n.f. apfides, plural. [i4.«.] tion of her hopes, ac^ires- an aptitude to mifcany
A P P R o X M a't ion.1 a. /. [ from approxi-
is applied, in aitronomy, to two points in the C)r the future. 0ecay of Piety.
mate.^ orbits of planets, in which thry are at the greatell 3. Difpofition.
1. Approach to any thing. and the lead dillance from the fun or earth. Tl:c He that is about children, (hould (^udy their nJk
Vqxo the latitude of Capiicorn, or the winter higher affii is more particularly denominated a. tures and aptitude;, what turna they ealily takf, «nd
fdlftice, ithad been a fpring ; for, untjthat pofition, pheiion, or apogee ; the lower, perihelion, or pe- what becomes them ; what tlieir native ftock iS,
it had been in a mtdvilc point, and that of afcent rigee. Ciamlnri. and what it is fit for. l,ocke.
or oppr^x'imat'i'.v. Brvwn'i Vulgar Errours, If bodies revolve in orbits that are pietty near A'pTLV. adii. [from apt.]
The fiery region gains upon the ele- circles, and the effidis of thefe orbits be fiieJ,
1. Properly; with juil conqec^ion, or cor-
ments ; a nccefl'ary confcquciit of the fuA^s gradual then the centripetal forces of thofc bodies will be
apfrcximaihn towards the earth. reciprocally as the fquares of the diftances. Chcync.
refpondpnce ; fitly.
IhU's Origin of AlanJtird' APT. adj. That part
[apttds, Lat.]
Qii.idrupcds arc better placed according to the Was aptly fitted, and naturally perform'd.
1. Fit.
degrees of their approximation Co the homan Ihapc. Sbakejpeare,
This fo eminent induftry in making profelytes, But what the oiafs nutritious does divide
Crno^i Muf^um* !
more of that lex than of the other, groweth ; for What makes them aptiy to the limbs adhere,
2. In fcience, a continual approach nearer they are deemed npi^r to ferve as inftruments
In youth increafe them, and in age repair ?

ftill, and nearer, to the quantity fought, in the caufe. ylpter they are through the eagerncfs
ot their alfeflion ; apler through a natural incli-
though perhaps without a poflibility of z. Juftly ; pertinently.
nation unto piety; apicr through fundry opportu-
ever arriving at it exaflly. irensus very apt/y remarks, that thofe nations,
nities, &c. Finally, apiir through a fingular delight
who were not poiiell of the golpcls, had the fame
Appu'lse. »./ [afpul/us, Lat.] The afl which they take in giving very large and particular
accounts of our Saviour, wiiich are in the Evan-
of ftriking againft any thing. intelligence how all near ibout them (land atteaed
gclifts. Addijoti. .

as concerning the fame caufe.

An heftic fever innate heat kindled into a
is tlic Hoakcr.
3. Readily ; acutely ; as, he learned his
deftrudlivc fire, through the tf^^yZ/Jrof falinefteam^. 2. Having a tendency to ; liable to.
Things natural, as long as they keep thofe forms bufinels very aptly.
In mouth is open and
vowels, the palTage of the which give them their being, cannot polTibly be apt A'pTNESS. n.f. [irom apt.]
free, without any appulje of an organ of fpeech to or inclinable to do otherwife than they do. Ho-jker. 1 Fitnefs ; fuitablenefs.
another : but, in all confonants, there is an ofpuljg My vines and peaches on my beft fouth w.Jls The nature of every law muft be judged of hy
of the organs. Hcldir. were apt to have a foot or fmuttincfs upon thcii the of things. tlvsrein prefcribcd, unto th*
leaves and fruits. Tttrpit famo end.
To A'tKic ATI. 01. n. [aprictr. Lit."] To Hoiktr.
3. Inclined to; led to ; difpofcd to. There and independent aptncjfes
arc antecedent
ba(k in the fun. Ditri.
You may make her yon love telieve it ; which, in things ; with refpcft
which, they are fit to
Apri'city. ft./, [africitas, LiLt.] Warmth I warrant, (he is aptcr to do, than confcfs (he does. be comtjiaiided or foibidden. Nonis's Mifccll.

of the fun; fun-ihine- Di<S. i^hjktfpeare I jls you likt it. 2. DifpoCtion to any thing; of perfons.
A'pRicoT, or A'pricock. n, /. [from Men arc apt to think well of themfelver, and The nobles receive fo to heart the banilhmcn.t
apricus, Lat. funny.] kind of wall- A of their nation, of their course and llrcngtb. of that worthy Coriolanus, that they arc in a ripe
T.inplt. ill power from the people.

aptnefs to tak'^ Sbakejp,
One, who has not thefe lights, is a ftranger to
3. Quicktit-fs 'of apprehenfioa readinef*
'A'pRil. n. /. [Aprilis, hat. Avril, Fr.] what he reads, and aft to put a wrong interpreta-
to learn.
The fourth month of the year, January tion upon it. Mdifon.
Even thofe who ate near the court, are apt to What (hpvjid be the itptn-fs of t>irds, in comp«->
counted firft.
dcdutt wrong confequences, by reafoning upon the rifon c^bealt'S] to imitati; Ijieech, may be enquired,.
ylfril is young man in green,
rcfrefentcd by a '
motives of adlions. Bacon.

with a garland of myrtle and hawthorn bnds ; in Snvifi.

one hand primrofcs and violets, in the other the fign What we have always feeh to Le done in oi.e 4. Tendency; of things.
Taurus. Peacham fin Draiuing. manner, we are apt to imagine there was but that Some feeds of goodnefs ij^ve hima rolKh of fuch

Men are /ifril when they woo, fjctember when »one way. _ Beniky. reflexions, as hivo ai; stptnefi to improve the mind.
they wed Nla.ds arc May when they are maids,
: 4. Ready; quick: a;, an />// wit. _^ddiJor.

but the Iky changes when thcv are wives* 1 have a lif^rt as little apt as yours, Ap'tote. n.f. [of a and •btYis-k;.] a noua
Hbakij^ean' I yli y^u like it. Biit yet a brain that leads my ufe 01 anger which isnot declined v.ifh cafes.
To better vantage. Sbakrfpeare. A'^A. n.f. [Latin.] word fignifying A
A'pp.o.v. n.f. [A word of uncertain ety-
;. Qualified for. t.vatcr, very much ufed in chyraical wri-
mology, but lupjKjfcd by foine to be had a whils fcrvcd the kin:;
'Ihofe brothers
^contracted from affre one.] A cloth hung tings,
in watj whereunto they were only apt. Sidn.y.
ibeforc, to):eep the other d/efs clean. All that were ftrong an4 apt for war, even them ASniA FORTIS. [Latin.] A corrofive H-
Cixe us gold, g )od Timon : haft tljcu more ?^ die kiijg of Bakyjon brought captive to Babyl jn. qiior, made by dillilling purified nitre
—^-^— Hold up, you flui^ 1 King!. with calcined vitriol, or rcflificd oil of
Your *j/r&«jmountant. Hlfiitfbtare. To Apt. 1/. a. [apto, Lat.] vitriol in a llrmig heat the liquor, which. :

The nobility think fcom to go in leit!i»r aprins. I . To ("uit ; to adapt. rifcs in fumes red as blood, being col-
Hl^flirj'peare.^ We need a man that knows the fevcral graces
leftcd, is the fpirit of nitre, or aaiiafortis
How might we fee FalftafF, and not ourfci'.es be Of hiflory, and how to apt their places;
fecn >
Put on two leather jerkins and afrom, Where brevity, where fplendour, and where height,
which ferves as a menftruum for diffolv-
tfii wait u^n him ac Mn tabic a's drawers. Where fwectncfs is required, and where weight.
ing of filver, and all other metals, ex.
^ia'rrjptart. Ecn cept gold. iJut if fea fait, or fal am-.
O 2 muoLacHi
A'quiLlKE. Lat. from
[aquilinus, The ordinary revenue of a parfonig* 'u ui laoif
moniack, be added to ajua forlii, it eid/.
called the glebe } in tythe, a fet part of our goods
commences <iy«a rigia, and will then aquila, an eagle.] Refcmbling an eagle ; rendered to God ; in other offerings beRowcd upon
dilfolve no metal but gold. Chambers. when applied to the nofe, hooked. God by the people, cither in fuch arhiirabte pro-
The diffilving oC filver in aqua fartit, and gold His nofe was aquUint, his eyes were blue, portion as theii own devotion rooveth them, or a»
in aqua rtgia, and nolviccverja, would not be dit- Ruddy hit lips, and frefli and fair his hue. Drjd. the laws or cuftoms of particular placet d require >

ficuit to know. Luekt. Gryps fignifies fome kind of eag'e or vulture j them. Sfetman.

J^A MARINA, nf the Italian lafidaries, from whence the epithet gryfui lat an hooked or
aquiiixe nofe. Br>^r,.
Arbi'trament. n. /. [from arbitror,
Will ; determination ; choice.
isof a fca or blui(h green. This ftone Lat.]
Aquo'sE. adj. [from aqua, Lat.] Watery
feems to me to be the beryllus of Pliny.
This Ihould be written arbitrement.
having the qualities of water. Diii. Stand fad to (tand or fall,
Woodiuard. " I

^Aq^oo'sity. n.J'. [from aquoje.'\ Wateri- Free in thine own arhurament it (lands
A^AMIRABILIS. [Latin.] The wok *' Dia. Pcrfeft within, no outward aid require,
de.-ful water, is prepared of cloves, And all temptation to iranfgrefs rcpd. Miltm.
A. R. anna regni ; the year of the that is,
galangals, cubebs, mace, cardomums, A'rbitrarily. ad-j. [from arbitrary.'\
reign: as, A. R. G. R. 20. Anno regni
nutmegs, ginger, and fpirit of wine, With no other rule tliin the will ; de-
Georgii regis -vigejimo, in the twentieth
digefted twenty-four hours, then diftilled. fpotically ; abfolutely.
REGALIS.AS^A year of the reign of king George. WM
A'^A REGIA, ox
A'rable. rt<^'. [troma'ro, Lat. to plough.]
He gnvi-mcd arh'nranly, he expelled, and.
came to the dcferved end of all tyrants.
[Latin.] An acid water, fo called be-
king of me- Fit for the plough ; fit for tillage ; pro- Arbitra'rious. adj. \ixaxaarbitrarms.\
caufe it diffolves gold, the
tals. Its eflential ingredient coramoi^ is
dudlive of corn. Lat.] Arbitrary; depending on the will.
His eyes he opcii'd, and beheld a field. Tbcfeare ftanding and irie.ealable truths, fuch
fea fait, the only fait which will operate Part arable, and tilth ; whereon were fljeavcs as have no piecatious exilicnce, or ari.r'^risxs de-
on gold. It is prepared by mixing com- New reap'd. MiUtn.
pendence upon any will or uuderftanding whajfo-
mon fea fait, or fal ammoniack, or the "lis good for arable, a glebe that alks ever. iVjrra.

of them, with fpirit of nitre, or Tough teams of oxen, and laborious talks.
[from arhitra-
fpirit Dryitn. Arbitra'riousi.y. ad'V.
common aqua fortis. Chambers. Arbitrarily according to mere
Having but very arable land, they are forced
little rious.'] ;
He adds to his complex idea of gold, that of to fetch all their corn from foreign countries. will and pleafure.
fixrdnefs or folubility in aijua rigia. AdSjon, wo, js are impofed arhltrariuifiy, diftorted
J^A-FITjE, [Lmw.] It is commonly common ufe, the mind muft be led
ARACHNOI'DES. n.J. [from «e»X">' ^ from their
underllood of what is otherwife called form.] intJ mifprifion. Glanvillt.
fpider, and i.l'^,
brandy, or fpirit of wine, either fimple A' R B I T R A R Y adj. [arbitrarius, Lat. ]

1. One of the tunicks of the eye, fo called

or prepared with aromaticks. But fome Defpotick ; abfolute ; bound by no lawt
from its refemblance to a cobweb.

appropriate the term brandy to what is As to the tunicks of the eye, mar.y things
following the will without relbaint. It
procured from wine, or the grape ; aqua- might be taken notice of J the prodigious finenels is applied both to perfons and things.
-vita, to that drawn after the lame of the aracbtiiides, the acute fenle of the retina, In vain the Tyrian queen refi^ns her life
Derham. For the challe glory of a virtuous wife,
manner from malt. Chambers.
tranfparent mem- If lying bards may falfc amours rehearfe.
I will rather truft a Fleming with my
butter, an 2. It is alfo a fine thin
And blaft her name with arbitrary verfe. Waljb.
Irilhman with my aqua vita bottle, or a thief to brane, which, lying between thi: dura Their regal tyrants (hall with bluflies bide
walk with my ambling gelding, than my wife
Sbakiffcare. and the pia mater, is fuppofed to inveft Their little lufts of arbiirary pride,
with herfelf. ty'd. Prior,
the whole fubftance of the brain. Nor bear to fee their vafl.ils _

Aqua'tick. adj, \aquaticus, Lat. from


Chambers. 2. Depending on no rule ; capricious.

aqua, water.] be perceived, with infccurity we
[French.] A term in may w'.iat

1. That which inhabits the water.

ARArCNEE. n.f.
afctibc ctfeiSs depending on the natural period
fortification, which fometimes denotes a fuch as
The vaft variety of worms found in animals, as of tim«, unto arbiirary calculations, and
well terrelhial as aqaatkk, are taken into their branch, return, or gallery of a mine. vary at pleafure. Bnivn's Vulgar Errouri.
bodies by meats and drinks. Ray on thiCrtathn. Dia. 'v.a. [arbitror, Lat.]
To A'rbitrate.
Brutes may be confidercd as Either aerial, ter- Ara'neous. [from aranea,
adj. hs-X.. a
rtftrial, equalkk, or amphibious. Aquauck are 1 . To to determine.
decide ;

thofe whofe conftant abode is upon the wamr. Locke. cobweb.] Refembling a cobweb. This might have bc;n prevented, and made
The curious arancous membrane of the eye con- whole,
2. Applied to plants, that which grows focus.
ftringeth and dilatethit, and fovarieth its With very cafy arguments of love.
v)... water.
in1 the ..»fc.-. . Derham. Which now the manage of two kingdoms muft
Flags, and fuch like aquatik!, arc bed dedroycd The aft or With fearful bloody ilfue arbitrate, Shakefftare,
by draining. M:rnmcr'! H-.iJhandry. Ara'tion. B./ [aratio, Lat.]
That praftice of ploughing. 2. To judge of.
A'<y 4TILE. «<^. [fly«i3/////, Lat.] Yet waerc an equal poife of hope and fear
which inhabits the water. Ar a'tory. adj. [from aro, Lat. to plough.] Does arbitrate th' event, my nature is
Wt behold many milliTOs of tlie aquatile or That which contributes to tillage. Z>«». That I incline to hope, ra;her than fear. Mdton.
water frog in ditches and Handing plaftics.
A' R B a L I s T H. /. [from anus, a bow, and
To A'rbitrate. v. n. To give judg-
Brr^vn^s l^ulg^ir Ernun.
balij}.3, an engine to throw ilanes.]
A ment.
A'ctUEDUCT. M. /. \aquA-duSiiis, Lat.] A croifs-bow. 1^ did arbitrate upon the feveral reports
ot Icn e,
conveyance m^de for carrying water It is William Brito, that the arcu-
reported by not like a drowfv judge, only hearing,
but alfo
from one place to another ; made on bali;la, nr arbalift, wa. firrt (hewed to the directing thrir verdict. *'""*•

by our king Richard the firft, who was fiiortly

uneven ground, to prefervc the level of Camden. A'rbitrariness. «./. [from arbitrary.]
fliin by a quarrel thereof.
the water, and convey it by a canal. Defpoticalnefs ; tyranny.
Some aquedi.^s are under ground, and A'RBITER. n.f. [Lat.]
He tint by hanhncfs of naure, and arbilrarinef$
others above ii fupported by arches. I. judge appointed by the parties, to
A of commands, ufcs his children
hke fcivanrs, i»
Among the remains of old Rome, the grandeur 'whofe determination they voluntarily what ihev mean by a tyrant. .

'of -tkE commonwealth (hews itfelf ch.cfly ir. trm- fubmit. ARBiTRA'rioN.n./ [from ar*/Vfor, Lat.]
plrs, highways, aquidu^i, walls, and bridges of th He would put himfelf into the king's hands, The determination of a caufe by a judge
Adi'jiv. Bao^n.
city. and make him i.rbiier of tlic peace. mutually agreed on by the parlies coa-
Hither the rills of water arc convcy'd has the power of decifion or
z. One who tending.
In curious aqutiulti, by nature 1 lid

To carry all the humour. Blackmore. regulation ; a judge. Arbitra'tor. n.f. [from arbitrate.}
A'qjJEOUs. adj. [from aqua, water, Lat.] Next him, high arbiter,
I. An extraordinary
judge between party
Chance govi-rns all. mutual con-
Watery. His m.ijefty. In this great conjucfture, fcems
to and party, chofen by their
The vehement fire rwjuifite to its fufion, forced of the af- C'"^-^^'-
be generally allowe for the folc arbiter
I fent.
^Lvyay all the aqueous and fugitive moiilure. fairs of Chriftendora.
Tim/ If. Be a good foMier, or upright tru/lee,
Ray en lit Crtelhn.
[from arbitror, Lat.] Ai arbi^rat^r from corrupt, m I'rce. Dryden.
Lat.] A'rbitrable. adj.
A'<jjJF.ousNES5. «. / [uquofitas,
Arbitrary ; depending upon the will. z. A gover
uor ; a prefident.
1 bou jh
Though heiv'n be Aut,
And h?av'n\ h'gh arliiraror
Arbopr tine. »./ Afpccies of bind-
fit fecure gained, by being frequently applied 1*
In his own llicngth, tliis pUca may be cxpos'J. weed ; which fee.
the boy moft remarkable for hii ptaun;.
Milton. A'r Bu sc L E. «.j: [arbu/cula, Lat.]
Any as, the arc/j rogue ; unlels it be derived.
3. He that has the power of prefcribing to
little fhrub. '^
£,^J from Jrc/yy, the name of the jciler to>
others without limit or coiitroul A'rbute. »./ [arbutus, Lat.]
An ther Blenheim or Ramiilics wi!i make Charles 1.
the 1*"^""', '" ''"'•^''=f'-y-trec, grows common in Eugenio
conrideiatcs maftsrs of thcir own terms, T fet out from the unive (i he h;id
and ar- Ireland, it is difficult to be railed y j
from th.- feeds the reputation of an arcb lad at I'choul.
biirann of a peace. jUJif^ 3„ tht Siau but may be propagated by layers. Siuip.
-fthe War. It grows to j
The goodly tree, endures our climate, Arch, in compofition, fignifies chief, or
4. determiner ; he that p«jts an end imlels the wea-
ther be very fevere, and makes
beautiful hedges.
of the firft clafs [from
H^x^' or
to any afFair. «?X''] i
Mortimer's Hujbandry. as, archangel, arcbiijhop.
Bu: now the arbhralor nf defpairs, „ ,
, „. It is pro-
Kough arJa/f flips into a hazel bough
Ju!l dea-h, kind umpire of man's mifeie?, nounced varioally with regard to the cL,.
Are oft ingrafted ; and good apples g,ow
With fweet enlargement doth difmifs me hence. Out of a which before a conlbnant found as in
pfein tree ftock.
Mafs yirril.
Sbakifpcari. Arc. „./.
[arcus.Lzl.] cheefe, as archdeacon ; before a
The end crowns a!l
And that old common arbitrator, time, 1. A fegment ; a part of a circle; not like k, as archangel,

\\\\ one day end it.

Skai4ptar,. more thart a femicircle. Archa'ngel. n.f. [archangelut, Lu.1
Arbi'trement. Their fcgments, or arcs, for the moft part, ex-
One of the higheft order oi angels.
n. /. [from arbitror,
ceeded not the tiurd part of a circle. Hii form had yet not loft
All original b.Ightnefs, nor appear'd-
1. Decifion ; determination.
2. An arch. l.cfs than arriian^f/ ruin'd,
and the excefs
I known tiie knght is inccnfcJ Of glory obfcur-d.
againft ynu, ever Load lome vain church with old theatrick
to a mortal artitrcmati but nothing of the cir Tis lure th' archangel's trump
Turn arrj of triumph to a garden-gate. I hear,
cumftance more. J^op^. Nature's great palTing-bcU, the only call
We of the offending fije
Sbattfpeare. Arca de. » /. [French.] continued A Of God's that will be heard by all.
arch ; a walk arched over. Narris,
Muft keep from ftriil arbhrcmer.t. Shjhfb.
al jof
Aid was granted, and the quarrel brought Or call the winds ;hrough long arcadt, n.f. \lamium, Lat.] Thfr
arl.:„faM of the fwjrd.
to the
Prouj tj catch coM at a Venetian door.
to roar, name of a plant, called ailb Dead nettle.
Uayward. P,p,
JRCa'NUM. Archance'lick. adj. [from archaiigel.\
2. Conipromife. n.f. i„ the fluraUtCMH.A
Lukewarm p^:rl -ns think Latin word, fignifying a fecret. Belonging to archangels.
they may accommo-
date p«r ts of religion by middle ARCH. «./ [«%«/, Lat.J He ce is'd, and the arcbangil'ick pow'r prepar'd
ways, and «itfy
rccorcilcments ; as if they would make For Iwift defccnt ; with him the cohort bright
an arbi- 1. Part of a circle, not
trtment between God and man. more than the Ol warchi'ul cherubim.
Bacon. half.
A'rborary. adj. [artorariui, Lat.] Be-
Archbjj'acon. n.f. [from arch and bea-
The mind perceives, that an arch of a circle
longing to a tree. lefs th^n the whole ,circle, as clearly as
Is con.] The chief place of profpeft, or of
/)/^ it does tli-
A'RaoRET. a. f. {arbor, Lat. a tree.] A Idea of a circle.

2. A building open below and clofed yo" "»il winthe top of the Cornilh arebl-racotf
fmall tree or (hrub. .
Hainborough, which may for profpcil cimpaie
tiaarbirit w
th painted blofToms died, above, landing by the form of its Rama
own with in Paleftina.
fmelling fweet, but there it might curve, ufed for bridges and other
To bud
out fair, and her Iweet fme;ls throw
found. work';. Archbi'shop. [from arch and bi~
Ne'er through an arcb lo hurried the
Fairj S^uun. As the recomtorted through the gates.
blown tide, fhop.] A bidiop of the firll clafs, who-
Now hid, now feen, Let Rome 11, Tiber melt, and the luperintends the condufi. of other bilhops-
Among thick woven arhartti, and flow'rs
wide arci
Of the ms'd empire fall here is my fpace. !
his fuffraganst
Imbroider'd on each bank.
Miltcn. Cia.imer is return'd witfi welcome,
«,. _ Ubiik'fpeare.
Arbo'reous. a.'ij. [arbureiis, Lat.]
1 he royal fquadron marches, Injlall'd lord archbijhcp of Canterlniry.
1. Belonging to trees; conlHtuting a Ereft triumphal <,rri«.
Dryden, Alhkn.
T he archbipop was the known architcdl of this
tree. "^*
A grain of mufljrd ice ,mes arbmrj!. 3. Ine Iky, or vault of heaven. '"'"'-k. Clarendon.
2. A term in botany, to diilingaifh
Hatii nature given them eyes Arghei'shoprick. «. / [from arch-
- I o fee this vaulted arcb, and the
fungufes or mo/res as grow upon
trees, Or fea an J land?
lich bijhip.y The ftate or juriWiaion of an-
from thofe that grow on the ground. Sbak.Jfcare. archoifliop.
4. From [aj;;©..] A chief: obfolete. 'Tis the cardinal
noble duke, my maftcr, And merely to revciigi him oh the emperor.
They fpeak properly, who make it an SbZ?!', iWy worthy arcb and patron comes
to-night. For no; beljowing on him, at his alking.
r-r rather a Japerplant bred 01
couj and fuprriuou. loop,
a ,if.
.T* A ^bakijpcare. The archbijhcprkk of Toledo, this is porpos'd,
cannot all.n.ulate.
which the tree itfcif /oArch. -v. a. [areuo,Lu.]

£.<«,„•, r„/^^r Err.ur, _,. Shakcfteare.

1 To build arches. „
I h:s excellent man, from the time
A RBORIST. „./. [arhriji^. Fr. from ar-

The nations of the

of his pro-
motion to the archbijhi,prkk, underwent the
field and wood envy
tor, a tree] A naturalilt who maKe. Bmld on the wave, or arch beneath the
fand. Pofe.
and malice of men who agreed in nothing
trees his ftudy. 2. To cover with arches. «. Clarfrdon*
nature of the mulberry, which Gates or monarchs Archcha'nter.
the arbcrifh n.f. [from arch znA--
obferve to oe ionj in the begerting Arc arcb'dCo high,
the CO d feafons oeing pall, h,r
his buds : b.t that giants may get through. The chief chanter.
(hoot, them all ou-
'" " "'*•''=• //»W. nr„/ XI, ...
The proud river which
1 •

makes her bed

Sbaktfptare. Archde'acon. «./ {archidiaconus,!^^^.^
Fcr.l}. at he-
A R EOROus. aJj. [from arbor, Lat.
feet, IS ^chcd over with fuch a curious
pile of
One that fupplies the biftiop's place and-
] Be- ftoncs, that confideringthe rapid courfe of th< offictin Inch matters- as do belong
longing to a tree. to
deep dream that roars under
it, it may well take the episcopal funftion.
frim under Ihiiy arbtnui roof p a.e among the wonders of the world.
The law ftyles
S«>n as they forth were come
to open fight
iJnoci him the bifhop's vicar, or vicegerent.
01 day-ff ring, and the fun. 3. To form into arches.
Mi/tcn. Fine devices of arcLtng water Ayliffe s Purergon.
A'r bou without fpilline Left negligence might foilt in ..bufes,
. ;,./ [from arbor, a tree. 1 A and making it rifc in leveral an arch-
forms of feathers dtaccu was appointed to takeaccountof
bo«,er ; a place covered with green and drinking-glafTes, be pretty '
their doings.
things to look . n,
branches of trees. but nothing to health and Carfiv's Suri'ty,
Iwccincr Baccin
N>, >
u Ihah fee mine orchard,
where, in an
-IRCH. aJj. [from x^-xp-, chief.], AxcHDE'ACOMRy. „.f, [oi-chidiaconattu
"';' -i-l "c a uft year",
pipyin of my om I. Chief; 0/ the firil ciafs. Lat.] The office or jurifdidlion of ar>

ShakilLurc 1 lietyrannous and b,or,dy afl is done archdeacon.

1 J . r .
•'"•'»l»0": thou, where c' Toe moft arcb deed of pitcois malTacre, j It oweth lul jeflion to the m-tropolitan
' '^"^ "Tf ft needs, whether to 1 hat ever yet this land was guilty terbury, asJ hath one only archdtaranry.
of Can-,
wind of. Skaifff.
jund this arbtur, or direit 'I h'--re IS Ijiriing up
Carczu's Survey.
1 n^ , ,vy where to cim.b,
An heret-rk, an arcb one, Cranmer.
Slakcfp. .-iRCHDE'ACON-SHtP. n.f. [froiH arch-
A :y'y-^'\' Wagg.fh ; mirthful;
* '"'i«''"'rb=yr, made. 2.
And triflingly milchic-
Jof frefl, „'n,ng air the op'iwr gUde,
DrjJ.n. V0U5.
deaccn.] The office of an archdcaon.
This fignification it fteais to have
Archdu'k,e.»._/: laichidux:.h:a.\ A title
'given to fotue fovereign prince's, as of And Tall in painting dotl beftn* The haSy ma'.titu!:

.»\allria and Tufcany.

Upon thy ancient arms, the gaudy heavenly bow. -Admiring enterd, and t!ie «o.k feme p>»f!^.
And f imc the artbitfB : his baud was known
J'niiip aiib4ukt during hia vrijajc
<il' Aurtil.1,
A'rch t»-couRT. In hesv'n, by many a tow'icd ft.-udure h'gh.
.from Uie NctherUni^ touvjijs Sjf-iin, wi^ v.calUer- n.f. [(rotn archei and
tiiiveii lilto Weymouth. Cart'iv^i Snrt-y. ccurt."] The
chief and mort ancient con-
Where fcepter'd angcli held their rc/idcnce,
And fat as princes. Afu'
Ao.H Dv'cHKSs. n. f, [from arch iind fiftof y that belongs to the archbilhop of
3. The contriver or former of aiiy com-
iiud'efs.^ A title glvsn to the fifler or Canterbury, for the debating of fpi-
pound body.
daughter of the arcliJuke 4)f Autlria, or ritual caufes, fo called from Bo*v-church I'his ir^.cnvvSnlencte Ac iWine. arcbiteB of the
to the wife of an archduke of I'ufcany. in London, where it iskept, whofe top body obviaceJ. Kay <m lie Creaikn.
Aroh-tjiii.o'jophfr. n. f. [from arch is raifci of (lone pillars, built archivi/e. 4. The contriver of any thing.'io/cfier.] Cllief philofopher. The judge of termed the
this court is An irreligious Moor,
dean of the arches, or ofHcial of the Chief arcbiirfl and plotter of th'fe woes. Skejiefp,
It is no iinprobjble opinion therrlnre, w'-.idi the
^arcb-^bUojef h<r v^ai off that the chtcfeft ptrfjn in arches-court : dean of the arches, bccaufe Archite'ctive. adj.[from archiieJl,"\
every houlehjld vti> tlwavs it wcr; a.king. a with this ofiice is commonly joined a
That performs the works of architeilure.
Hcker. How could the bodies of many of tiiem, par-
peculiar jurifdidlion of thirteen parilhes
.AtkCH-PRE'LATE. ti. [froin arch and ticularly the meationcd, be furoiOied with
f. in London, termed a deanery, being arcb'nt^'ive materials ? Derb. Pb)Jicu'7be'-l'>^,
prelate. Chief prelate.
not w nJcr, tint a man of St. BjCiI's
May wc
exempted from the authority of the bi- Arch iTEcro'Ni«K. adj. [from a^;^®-,
fliop of London, and belonging to the chief, and
an artificer.] That
authority and quality^ ^niarcb-f relate in the hr^ufc
of God, fhouU have bis name tar and wide cillcd archbifnop of Canterbury of which ; which has the po>ver or (kill of an ar-
In qucAion ? Hcckir. the parifli of Bow is one. Some others chiieft ; that which can build or form
Arch-pre'sbvter. «./ [from arch and fay, he was (irft called dean of the any thing.
/re/iyier.] Chief pre/by ter. arches, becaule the olficial to the arch- '1 o fay that fome more fine part of either, or
fimpte deacons arc in luijjcClion to prefby- bilbnp, the dean of the arches, was his all the hypoftaiical principle, is the architeft of
ters, According to the canon law ; To arc a'fo prel'- this elaborate ilrudlure, is to g've occaiion to de-
fubilitute in hiscourt ; and by that
bytcrs and anb-frijiyttn in fubjeiJlion tJ thefc mand what proportion of the t;ia prima afforded
archdiacons. jlylifft's Parirgan.
means the names became confounded. this architifl^nkk fpirit," and what agent made to

Arch-pri'est. ». /. [from arcb and The jurifdiflion of this judge is ordi- flcilful and h :p;^y a mixture. Boyle,

priefi.'\ Chief prieii.

nary, and extends through the whole AR cH I T e'c t u r e . «. /." [architei3ura,LAl.l
Titc word dccanus was extended, to an ecc!efi- province of Canterbury : fo that, upon 1 The art or fcience of building.
allical dignity, which included the arch-prhjii. any appeal, he forthwith, and without Arch'nefiure is divided into civil mcbiteHare,
Ayltffe'i Parergofi. called by way of eminence arcbiteflure military
any further examination of the caufe, ;

arcbiteSture, or fortilication and naval arcbitu-^

Arch aio'locy. n./. [from tifj^ai©'., an- fends out his citation to the party ap- turey which, befides building of ihips and vefTcis,

cient, and x<;-/&-, a difcourfe.] dif- A pealed, and his inhibition to the judge includes alio ports, moles, Hocks, ^c, Chambtru
courfe on antiquity. from whom the appeal is made. Coxvell. Our fathers next in arcbircfture rttiird.
Arch aioi.o'gi cK. atf/. [from archaic- A'rch ETYPE. a. /. [archciypnm, Lat.] Cities for ufe, and forts for fafeiy build :
Then palaces and lofty domes arofe,
logy.'\ Relating to a diicourfe on anti- The original of which any refemblance Thcfe for devotion, and for pleafure thofe.
quity. is made. Blackmirre,
A'rchaism. n. f. [a{;^;a>5'//05.^ An an- Our
fouls, though they might have perceived
2. The efFeft or performance of tlie fcience
images themfelves by fimple I'er.fe, yet it feems
cient phrafe, or mode of expreflion. of building.
inconceivable, how they Ihould apprehend their
I fhjiil never ufc arcbaifm^, like Milt->n. If^attf,
The foimacion of the firft earth being a piece
art h^tyfes. ClanviiWs Scepji:,
t^'f-CHto. participial adj. [from To arch.] As a [iian, a tree, arc the outward objefts of of divine architcnitre, afcribed to a particular pro-
Bent in the form of an arch. our perception, anJ the outward anbetypci or pat- vidence. Burnet's Theory.
1 Tec how thine eye would emulate the dia- terns of our ideas ; fo our fcnfations of hunger, A'rchitrave. n.f. [from asyyi, chief,
xn:>nd thou hail the right ari-i.i/ bent of the brow. cold, arc aifo inward archetypn or patterns of our
and trabs, Lat. a beam becaufe it is ;
Sbahjjieare. ideas. But the notions or pi^ures of thcfe things,
Let the arched knife, fuppofed toreprefent the principal beam
as they a^e in the mind, are the idea.
•Well flwrpen'd, now aiVail the fpreadlng Aides IVatii's Ligki. in timber buildings.] That part of a
Of vegetables. fhilifs. Arche'typal. Lat.]
a.-f/. [archcfyfus, column, or order of a column, which
A'«CHER. n.f. [archer, Fr. from arcus, Original ; being a pattern from which liesimmediately upon the capital, and a bow.] He that (hoots with a copies are made. is member of the entablature.
the loweft
"boiV.; he that carries a bow in battle. 'I hroiigh contempt iticn's opticks I have fecn This member is different in the differ-
Draw, arcbtr\j draw your arrows to the head. Him who is fairer tlian the fons of men
ent orders ; and, in building architrave
Shakcjpeiiri. The f^urce of good, the V'ghi arcbetypai. Ncrrh.
doors and windows, the workman fre-
This Cupid is no longer an archtr ; his glory ARCHKUS. n.f. [probably from i^x^-l quently follows his own fancy. The
Jhall be ours, for wc^src the o/ily love-gods.
A word by which Paracelfus feems to arcbitra've is fometimes called the rea-
have meant a power that prefides over
Thou frequent hring'ft the fmitten deer fon piece, or mailer beam, in timber
.For feldom, itrchtn fay, thy arrows err. Prhr. the animal cccononiy, diftinft from the
buildings, as porticos, cloyfters, toV. In
rational foul.
i'xcHERY. n. f. [(roxa. arch&i-,'\ chimaies it is called the mantle-piece ;
jt The ufc of the bow.
Arch I D I a'con A L. adj. [from archidia-
and over jambs of doors, and lintels o£
Ammj the Englfli artillery,ai-fi<r;j: challengeth, Lat. an archdeacon.] Belonging
windows, hyperthyron. Builder's Dici.
the pre-emin;nce, as peculiar to our nation. to an archdeacon ; as, this offence is The materials laid over this pillar were of
Cantiiifj. be ccnfured in an arcbidiaconal
liable to wood ; tlirough the lightnefs whereof the ardii-
#. Tiie aft of (hooting with the bow. vifitation. trave<a^\i mtfuH'cr, nor the column itfcif, bi'ing
Flower of this purple dye, Arch EPi's COPAL, adj. [horn archiepifco-
fo fub:i.intial.
H'otton's Archit(Surt%
pompous front fpiece appcar"d,
Hit with t'upiJ's arcbtrf. a
piis, Lat. an archbilliop.] Belonging to
Sink in apple nf his eyr ! On Dorick pidars of white marble rearM,
i.baleff!Arc'i Midf. Nigbt'i Drtfm. an archbi(\iop ; as, Canterbury is an ar- Cr own'd with an architrave of antique mold,

The art of an archer. chiepij'copat {ce ; the (ufFragans are fub- And fculptuie rifing on the roughen'd gold. Pcfe,
3 .

Bli-il feraphims (hall leave th-ir quire, jail to arfZi»>///(-o/«/ jurildiftion. A'rchives. n.f. 'without ajingalar. [ar-
And turn love's foldiers upm thee, A'RCHITECT. r.f. [architeaus. Lit.] ehinja, Lat.] The
places where records
To »i-rcife their arcbtrj, C'ufiiaui'i Hiefs loTtmfk. 1. A
profeffor of the art of building. or ancient writings are kept. It is per-
S»y from what golden quivers of the Jky The arcbiitfl'i glory confifts in the dcfignment haps fometimes ufed for the writings
Do all thy wing'-i ar«i>w» tiy ?
and idea of the work ; his ambition Ihould be to
S vjftnc'5 and p /.ver by birth a-c thine. themfelves.
make the form triumph over the matter. iV-iU'/it,
'T'l- 1 biMicve tills ar.bcry to flicw, Though we think our words vanifh with the
"Tbat St> much cjll m colours thou 2. A contriver of a building ; a builder. breath that utters them, ys: they become records

!n Cod's court, and are Ijid up in hU arch'i'Ots, as A'RDENT. adj. [ardem, Lat. burning.] reafon of the high mountains that encompafs It,

witncffes cither for or againft us. 1. Hot ; burning ; fiery. looks like the area of fome vaft amphitheatre.
Gwtrn:nenf of the 'Torgue,
Chymifts obferve, that vegetables, as lavender,
I (hall now only look a little into the Mrlaic rue, marjoram, (gc. diftilled before fermentation, In areas varv'd \\ith Mofaick art,
arcbi-ves, to obleivi: whit they furniih us with up- Some whiil the di(k, and fome the javlin dart.
yield o!!3 without any burning fpirits ; but, after
on this fubjefl, JVaiiiicarJ Pope.
fcrmcnration, yield ardent fpirits without oib
A'rchwise. aJv. [from arch and 'wije.'\ which (hews, that their oil is, by fern.entation,
To Are'ad, or Are'ed. 'v. a. [apebati.
In the form of an arch. converted into fpirit. Nctitcn^s Optichs. Sax. to counfel.] To advife ; to direcl.
The court of arches, lo called ah arcmita ecckjia, 2. Fierce ; vehement ; having the appear- Knights and ladies g^^ntle deeds,
or fiom Bow-church, by .-i!afon ot the ileeple or ance or quality of fire.
Whofe praifes having (leiit in liience long.
clochier thereof, railed at tlie top with ftone pil-
knight of fwarthy face
Me, all too meanc, the facrcd mufe arecds
lars, in faOiion of a bow bent arciivijs,
High on a cnle-black deed purfucd the chacc ; To blazon broad. Fairy Slueen,
AyU^il Parsrgor..
With flalhing flames his ardtnl eyes were fill'd. But mark what I arcad thee now avant. :

Arci'tenent. adj. [arcitencr.s, Lat.] Drydsn,

Fly thither whence thou llfd'ft If from this houf !

Within thefe hallow'd limits thou appear,

Bow- bearing. Dicl. 3. Paflionate ; afFeftionate ufed gene- :
Bav:k to th' infernal pit 1 drag thee cha'.n'd.
Arcta'tion. n.f. [frora/jr5a,tollraiten.] rally of defire. Paradife Lop.
Straitening ; confinement to a nar- Another nymph with fatal pow'r may rife, Arefa'ction. «. f. [arefacio, Lat. to
rower compafs. To damp the finking beams of C2e.ii's eyes
With haughty pride may hear her charms confeft. dry.] The ftate of growing dry ; the
A'rctick. }i./. [from a^-x!®-, the north- And fcorn the ardent vows that I have blelt. Prior. aft of drying.
ern conflellation.] Northern ; lying un- From them, and their motions, principally pro-
A'RDENTLr. adt\ [from ardent.] Eager-
der the Arftos, or bear. See Artick. ly ; afFeftionatt^y.
ceed arefaUhn, and moft of the cffefls of nature.
Evcr-during fi.o^\s, perpetual fhades Bacon.
With true zeal may our hearts be mod arder.tly
Of darkncfs would congeal their livid btood.
inflamed to our religion.
To A'refy. <v. Lat. to dry.]
a. [arefacio,
Sj^rait's Sermms.
Did not the ar^kk tradl fpontaneous yield To dry to exhauft of moifture.
A cheering f^urple berry big \vith-v/ine. Phu'ifyi^ A'rdour. n.f. [«r</or, Lat. heat.] ;

Heat dricth bodies that do cafily expire, as

A'rctick Circle. The circle at which the 1. Heat.
parchment, leaves, roots, clay, ^c. and fj dotll
northern frigid zone begins. Joy, like a ray of the fun, leflcfts with a greater time or a^e arefy, as in the lame b -dies, ^c.
ardfiurand quicknefs, when it rebounds upon a
A'rcu.ate. at/J. [anuatus, Lut.'l Bent in Bacon's Natural Hifioryi
man from the brcaft of his friend. Smith.
the form of an arch. Heat of
Arena'ceous. ai^j. [arena, Lat. fand.]
2. afFeflion ; as, love, defire,
The caufe of the confuHon in founds, and the Sandy ; having the qualities of fand.
inccnfjfion of fpecics vifible, is, for that the
The idiers fliout around
Ap'ece of the ilonu of the fame mines, of a
1 with gen'rous rage;
worketh in right lines j but founds, that
ii^hc yellowiih brown colour, an arenaceous f.iabic fub-
He prais'd their ardour, inly pleas'd to fee
move in obiiejue and arcuate linesy mull needs iiance, and with fome white fpar mix^d with it.
His hoft. Drydeti,
enccuntcr'ai:d dillurb the one the other. JVo:dloard on FojJ'ils.
Unmov'd the mind of Ithacut remain'd.
Bacon' i Natural Jiijlory,
And the v^in ardours of our love rfflrain'd.
-Aren a'tion'. n.f. [fiom areng, Lat.
In the gu'let, where it perforateth the midriti,
The perfon ardent or bright. This fand.] Is ufed by fome phyficians for
the carncous iibrcs ate infle^ed and arcuate, 3. is

Ray en the Creatkn, only ufed by Milton. a fort of dry bath, when the patient fits
A'rcuatile. ai(j. [from arcuale.'\ Bent; Nor delayed the winged faint, with his feet upon hot fand. Z)/>7.

infleded. Dia. After his charge receiv'd ; but from among AaENo'sE. ai(/. [from «)-fna, Lat.] San-
Thoufand celellial ardours, where he flood dy ; full of fand.
Arcua'tion. n.f. [from arcuate."] Dit^.
Veil'd with his gorgeous wings, up-fpringing light.
1. The aft of bending any thing ; incur- Flew thro' the raiJlt of heav n. Faradij'e Lcfi.
Ahe'nulous. adj. [from arentila, LaC.
vation. Ardu'ity. fand.] Full of fmall fand ; gravelly.
n.f. [from arduous.] Height;
2. The ftate of being bent ; curvity, or difficulty. '-
Areo'tick. a^'. [il^-aioTixa.] Attenuents,
crookednefs. A'RDUOUS. [arduus, Lat.]
adj. applied to medicines that diffolve vilci-
[In gardening.] The method of raifing Lofty dities, fo that the morbifick matter may
3. 1 . ; hard to climb.
by layers fuch trees as cannot be railed High tip her fons (he Ihow'd,
oi\ I'arnalTus' be carried off by fweat, or infenfible-
from feed, or that bear no feed, as the And pointed out thofc arduous paths they trod. perfpi ration. Di^.
elm, lime, alder, willow ; and is fo Pote. Areto'logy. n.f. [from i-^irt), virtue,
2. Difficult. and Myu, to difcourfe.] 'I'hat part of
called from bending down to the ground
It was a means to bring bim up in the fchool
the branches which fpring from the off- moral philofophy which treats of virtue,
of arts and policy, and fo to fit him for that
fets 01 ftools after they are planted. great and arduous employment that God deflgned its nature, and the means of arriving at

Chambers. him to. South. it. Diol.

A'rcuature. n.f. [arcuatura, low Lat.] A'rduousness. a. f. [from arduous.] A'rgal. n.f. Hard lees flicking to the
The bending or curvature of an arch. Height ; dilEculty. fides of wine-veflels, more commonly
Dic7. Are. The third perfon plural of the pre- called tartar. Di^.
Arcuba'lister. «./ [from arcus,a bow, fent teiife of the verb to be ; as, young A'rgent. adj. [from argent urn, Lat.
and balijla, an engine.] A crofsbow- men are rafh, old are cautious. fiiver.]

man. ARE, or Jlamire. The lov/eft note but 1. The white colour ufed in the coats of
King John was efpied by a very good arcuLa- one in Guido's fcale of mufick. gentlemen, knights, and baronetc, fup-
lijler, whj faid, that he would foon difpatch the Gamut I am, the ground of all accord, pofed to be the reprefentation of that
tru«l tyrant. Cod fuilid, vile varlet, quoth the .Are to plead Hortenfio's paflinn
; metal.
carl, tint we Ihould procure tl>e d-ath of the h«ly B ml Hianca take him for thy lord,
RinaUo flings
one of GcJ. CamJen'i Rtmain-.. C faut, that loves with all afFeiSion. Shakeff. As f-.vift as fiery lightning kindled new,
Ard. [Sa.xon.] Signifies natural difpofi- A'rea. n.f. [Latin.] flis argent eagle, with her fllver wings
; GodJarJ, is a divine temper ;
as, 1. The furface contained between any In lield of azure, fair Erminia knew. Fairfax.
Rtinard, a fiiicere temper ; Ciffard, a lines or boundaries. In an argent fit'ld, the g^d of war

b3untifal and liberal difpofition ; Ber- The area of a triangle is found by knowing the Was drawn triumphant on his iron car. Drydctr,
height and the bafe. y/aiis's Logkk. 2. Silver ; bright like filvcr.
nard, filial aiTeition. Gibjln'i Camden.
A'rdenc Y. «.yi [from rtrfli'«/.] Ardour; 2. Any open furface, as, the fioor of a Thofe argent Jitlds more likely habitants,
Traiillated laiat:, or middle fpirits, hold.
eagernefs ; warmth of afFeftion.
room open part of a church ; the
; the
Betwixt th' angelical and human kind. Mi/lctt,
Accepted ojr prayer* (hall be, if qualified with vacant part or llagc; of an amphitheatre. Or alk o( y'lnder argent fields above.
humility, and ardrvcy, and perfcvcrancc, fo far as An inclofeJ place, as fills, or a bowling- Why Jove's I'atcilites are than Jove. Pope, lei's
converns the end immediate to them. green, or gral's-plot.
llan:mtiid'i Pratl. Catechifm.
Argenta'tion. n.f. [from nrjrentum ,Lv.%,
J-et us conceivi! a floor or area of goodly length,
TJie inefl'able happincfj of our dear Redeemer filver.] An overlaying with filvcr. Dicl.
with the breadth lomcwhat ra-jre than half the
n-.'ift needs bring an incrfafeto nuts, c:;mr«ien longitude. Ik'ollon.
A'r G E N r I N e . adj. [nrgeiitin, Kr. j Sound -
filiate to (lie aynticj of bur k)vc for him. £ayie. ) The Alban lake V, of an oval fl^ure, and, by ing like filver. Diit.

A'nciL. n. /. [arg.'lLi, Lat.] Potters Men «re afhamed to be profelytes to a wra'; 1. Confifling of argument; containing
arguiry as thinking they mult part with their ri -
clay a fat fott Ian J .of earth of which
; argument.
putacion as well as their lin. Decay cf Piety.
veffels are made. 1 nis oraiQion, confidering the bounds within
Neither good Chiiliians nor good argue:.
which the argumentative part of my difcourlc waa
Ah OIL I a'ceovs. a!^J.:[fromargil.'] Clay- yltterbury.
conlined, I could not avoid.
ey ; partaking of the nature of argil; A'roument. »./. [argumen/um. Lit.] jitierhury's Pref, to tit Sermim.
conliiling of argil, or potters clay. 1. A reafon alleged for or againlt any
2. Sometimes with «/", but rarely.
Argi'llou*. vj.ij. [from argil.] Confin- thing. Another thing argumenrat: e cf providence, is

ing of clay.; dayilh ; containing clay. We fometrmes fee, on our theatres, vice re- that pappous plumage growing upon the tops of
warded, at leall unpunished ; yet it ought not to Tome feeds, whereby they arc v.'afted with the
.Htbuquer^'ic dcrivts this rcJiiel« from clic iand
be an argument agaiuH the art. Dryden. wind, and dinirminated far and wide. Ray.
and argUlaus tidrtli ac the boct.>m.
When any thing is proved by as good argu-
ments as that thing is capable of, fuppt (ing it
3. Applied to perfons, ditputatious ; dif-
A'rgosv. [derived by Pope from pofed to controverfy.
e. / were ; we ought not in reafon to make any doubt
jirgo, the name of Jafon's (hip; fup- of the exiftence of that thing. Tillcifim. A'r G u T E adj. \argato, Ital. argutut, Lat.]

pofed by others to be a veflcl of Rugufu Our author's two great and only arguments to 1. Subtle; witty; (harp.
prove, th^t heirs ai« lords over their brethren.
or Rago/a, a Ragoxine, corrupted.] A Locke.
2. Shrill.
large veflel f>'r merchandize ; a carrack. 2. The fubjeftof any difcourfe or writing. A'RIA. n.f. [Ital. in mnfick.] An air,
Vour mind ii ti^Hinj: on the ocean That (lie who ev'n but now was your bell object. fong, or tune.
There where your argcfia with portly I'ailf Your praifc's argument, balm, of your age, A'kid. adj.i \arldus, Lat. dr}'.] Dry;
Like ftgniors and rich burghers on the flood. Dearert and beft. Shaktff. King Lear, parched up.
Do ovcrpeer the pcct^ traffickers. To the height of this great argument
Shaktff, Mtrcianl tfVemct.
My complexion is become aduft, and my body
1 may afiert eternal providence.
arid, by viliting lands. Aituthnot and Pope.
To A'RGUE. f. «. \_arguo, Lat. And jullify the ways of God to man. Milton. His harden'd fingers deck the gaudy fpring.
Sad talk yet argument Without hira (ummer were an aridvt&jt. l,bo»J.
a. To rcafon ; to offer reafons.
Not lefs,

but more heroick tlian the wrath

I know y >ur majcfty has always iov'd her Ari'dity. n.f. [from ar/</.]
Of rtcrn Achilles. Mi/ton.
So dear hcart/not tj dtrny her what Drynefs Cecity.

A woman of lefs p'ace might afk by law ;

A much longer difcourfe my argument requires j
1. ;

your merciful difpolitions a much Ihorter. Salt taken in great quantities will reduce an ani-
Scholars aliow'd fr«Iy to argut for her. mal body to the great extremity ui aridity, or dry-
Sjtrutt's Scrmcns.
Skaitfp- H.riy VIII. r.efs. ylrbuthnct on Al.mints.
Publick argmng oft fci-ves not t-nly to exafpe- 3. The contents of any work fummed up
2. In the theological fenfe, a kind of in*
rate the mindt, but to wbec the wits of heieti'ks. by way of abftraft.
The argument of the work, that is, its prin- fenfibility in devotion, contrary to unc-
t>tcay of fie'y.
An idea of motion, not paflTing on, would per- cipal atlion, the ceconomy and difpolition of it, tion or tcndernel's.
plex any one, who ihould crguc from fuch an idea. are tile things which diftinguifli copies from ori- Strike my foul with lively apprehenfions of thy
Locke. ginals. Dryden. exce.lcncies, to bear up my
fpirt under the greatelt

2. To perfaade by argument. 4. A controverfy. aridities and dejeflions, with the delightful profpcft

Thii day, in argument upon a cafe, of thy glories. Ntrris,

It is a fort of poetical logick which I would
make ufc of, to arg^ie you into a profeftion oi
Some woids there grew 'twixt Somerfct and me. J'RIES. n.f. [Lat.] The ram ; one of
Ctmgreiie^s Ded. toOld Bachdcr. Shakcfpeare. the twelve figns of the zodiack
this phiy. ; the firft
An argument that fell out laft nighc, where
3. To difpute ; with the particles ivith or each oi us fell in praife of our country miilfeifes.
vernal fign.
againft before the opponent, and againjl At lall from jiries rolls thebounteous fun,
Shakeff, Cymbeline,
If the idea be not agreed on betwixt the ipeaker
And th^ bright Bull receives him. Tb^mfon*
before the thing oppofed.
do Chriftians, of fcvcral pcrfuafions, fo and hearer, the argument is not about things, but To Ari'etate. f. ». [«nV/fl, Lat.]
arguiagawji the falvability of each other ?
fiercely name?. Locke. 1 To butt like a ram.
Decay of Pkty. 5 fometimes the particle to before
It h.ts 2. To llrike in imitation of the blows
He that Vy often arguing againfi bis own (enk, the thing to be proved, but generally which rams give with their heads.
impjfcs falfehoods on others, is not far frrm be-
lieving hi mf If. Locke.
Arieta'tion. ti.f. [from ar/>/fl/r.]
1 he beft argument to patience, in my
1 do not iee how they can argue tvlib any one, 1. The aft of butting like a ram.
opinion, is the advantage of patience itlclf.
v/ithout fetting down ftridl boundaries. Locke. 2. The aft of battering with an engine
To A'rcue. 'v.a. This, befote that revelation had enlightened called a ram.
1 . To .prove any thing by argum'ent. the world, was the very bed argummt fir a future The Ihength of the percuflion, wherein ord-
If t'lc wn.'id's .ige and ocith le urgufd well. ftate. ylttcriur) nance do exceed all arietations and antient inven-
By the fjn's fall, which now towards earth doth 6. [In aftronomy.] An arch by which tions. Bacon.
bend, we feek another unknown arch, propor 3. The aft of ftriking or conflifting in ge-
Then we nii^ht fcar tSat virtue, fince flie fell
tioiial to the firft. Cbamberi.
So low as woman, flioulJ be near her end. Donne.
Argume'ntal. adj. \fxQm. agi'ment.] Now thofc heterogeneous atoms, by thcmfelves,
2. To debate any queftion ; as, to argue a Belonging to argument ; rea{b'ning.
hit fo exaftly into their proper relidence, in the

caufc. midft of fuch tumultuary motions, and arielatiint fnfe thou ki: dl) doll fc: free,
of other pai tides. Ghnti/ie.
3. To prove, as an argument. Opprefs'd with arguwcntal ty.'anny,
So many iawi argue (a many iins And routed reafon fiads a lafe retreat in thee. ARIE'TTJ. n.f. [Ital. in mufick.] Alhort
. Among them how cjn God with luch rcfide ?
: P,.i,. fong, or tune.
Mi!""- Argu menta'tion. n. f. [from argu .Ari'ght. adv. [from d and r/f/'/.]
It a'guet diflemper of the mind as well as » menf.] Reafoning; the aft of reafoning. 1. Rightly ; with.;ut mental errour.
the bt''dy, w'nn a man is continually roHing fro:i:
Argumir.tation is tliat opeiation of the ininH, How him I lovd, and iove with all my might;
ore fiJe t) t>ic other. South. whereby we infer one propofition from two ir more So thought I ckc of him, and think I th.jught a-
This argues a virtue and d'fp fition ia thofe propoiitions premifcd. Or is t!ie d.a^ving a
it rigbt. SpcKJ'er.
fid's 0;" the ray.*, which ar.fvvcrs t thit virtue conc'ufion, wh'eh was unknown, or doubt
i>eftjre Thcfc were thy thoughts, and thou could'li juige
and difpolition of the chrylta. tJewlen's Of.icks fu*, from lomc propofi ions more kn.iwn ard evi- aright.
4. To charge with, as a crime ; with oy. dent; io when we hue julgcd that matter can- Till intere'.lmade a jaundice in tliy fight. Vryd.
I haft p.iared gul;. to all I'm i^lits and ei- not think, and that the mind of man doth think, The morions of the tongue a/c fo eafy, .ind fo
preiTi 'n*; of, which can be t uly argued fl
we c include, that therefore the mi.'-d of man is fubtle, that you can hardly conceive or dittinguifli
obfccnity, p oia;!enef8, or immorility. and r'tra. not maticr. Waits's Logick them aright. Hrddif^
tb;m. I fupp itz it is no
tnpick of argumentaticn
£!r,-Jen's fjiies. 2. Rightly ; withsut crime.
to fli:rf the p'-cvaienc? ot contempt, by tlie C'):.
,The accid-nts are not
fame, w.iich would
A generation that let not their heart aright.
Ira y influe:ice» ot refpcfl. Soutt
liave argued him tf a fervilc c^py'ng, and t"tat
His thuui;ht.< niuft be mifculinc, full of argu Pfjlms.
ba.renneis of invcotian j yet the wer* tr
fa-ne. Drydcn i Faoia. tnnr jiion, i.ii thjt fulHeiently warm. Dryden. 3. Rightly ; without failing of the end
riic whole couric of bis argumcniction comes M deiigned.
A'ncuER. »./. ffrom argue.] A reaioner; t'ling. Mdifin. Gu.irdian of groves, and g:iJdef$ of the night,
a dilj^ater ; a controvertill. ARGUME'NTATlVE.«^'.[frOJnflr^«raM/.] Tair queen, he faid, diced my dart arght. Dryd.
Ari-ola'tion, or Hariola'tion. Arithmeti'cian. True ccnfcious honour Is to feel no
k. /. n.f. [from arithme- fin
He's arm'd without that's innocent within. Pcpe.
\J:ariolus, Lat. a foothfayer.] Soothfay- /;VX-.] A mafler of the art of numbers.
2. To
plate vvith any thing that may ac
ing ; vaticination. A man had be a pood iiridmetldar, to un-

The pricfts of elder time deluded their appre- derftand thii author's works. His defcription runs ftrength.
henftons with arUJatitny foothfaying, and ("uch f>n like a multirlicarion table. Add'fcit. Their wounded fteeds
oblique idolatries- Brvw-n. ARI'THMETICK, »./. [u^i^^^, num- Yerk out th^n armed heels at their dead mifters.
AniO'SO. n. j: [Ital. in mufick.] The ber, and fjur^fu, to meafure.] The
movement of a ormmon air, fong, or fcience of numbers ; the art of compu-
3. To furnifh ; to up ; as, to ar?n a

loadllone, is to cafe it with iron.

tune. Di3. tation.
You muft arm your hook with the line in ths
To Ari'se. "v. n. pret. arofe, particip. On fair ground I could beat forty of them ;
infide of it. IVakon's Angler.
[fromand riJeJ\ But now 'tis odds beyond jr]:hmet'uk, Shak. CcritjL
arifin. /i Having wafted the callus, I lelt tff thole tents
The chriilian religion, according to the apuf-
1. To mount upward as the fun. tles arithmetick, hzth but thefe thiec parts of it;
and drefii;d it with others a>m«</with digeftives.
He and, lookirj; up, beheld the (kics
r< I'e,
fobriety, juftice, religion. Taylor.
fp'ij'man's Surgery.
With purple blufhing, and the day a^c* Vrydcn,
Ark. k./. [arra, Lat. a cheft.]
4. To provide againll:.
2. To get up as from fleep, or from reft.
1. A veflel tofwim upon the water, ufually
HiS fervant, arm'd againft fuch co>ercure.
So Kfdras aroj^ up, and faid unto them, ye have Rep ^rted unto all, that he was lure

tranfgrefled the law. i EJd, ix. 7.

applied to that in which Noah was pre- A noble geiitleman of hit;h rega.d. Spmjer.
How long wilt thou deep, O fluggard ; when ferved from the univerfal deluge. To ARM. 'V. n\ To take arms ; to be fitted
wilt thou arife out or' thy fleep ? Prfjv. vi. 9. Make thee an ark of gopher wood rooms Ihalt ; with arms.
3. To come into view, as from obfcurity. thou make in the ark, and ftialt pitch it within and Think we king Harry ftrong;
There Ihall arift falfe Chriftsand falle prophets. without. Gene/is, And, princes, look you ftrongly arm to meet him.
Matl.xx'iv. The one juft man alive, by his command. Shakespeare.
Shall build awond'rous ark, as thou beheld'ft.
>4.. To revive from death.
To favc himfclf and houfehoid, from
ARMJ'DA. n f. [Span, a fleet of war.]
dead men (hall live, together with my amidft
Thy An armament for fea a fleet of war. It
body ihall they arifc : awake and fing, ye that
A world devote to un'.verfal wreck. Milton. ;

2. The repofitory of the covenant of God is often erroneoufly fpelt armado.

dwell in duft. Jfa'nk, xxvi. 19.
In all the mio-earth feas was leit i;o road
5. To proceed, or have its original. with the Jews.
Wherein the pagan his bold head untwines.
They which were fcattered abroad upon the This coffer was of ihittim wood, covered with
Spread was the huge armado wide and broad.
perfccution that amje about Stephen, traveled as plares or leaves of gold, being two cubits and a
From Venice, Genes, and towns which them con-
far as Photnice. yllii, xi. 19. half in length, a cubit and a half wide, and a cu-
fines. Fairfax.
1 know not what mifchief may atifi hereafter bit and a half high. It l^d two rings of gold on
So by a roaring temped on the flood,
from the example of an innovation. Dryden, each through which die i^aves were put for
carrying it. Upon the top of it was a kind of gold
A whole armado of collccled fail -'

6. To enter upon a new llation, to fucceed

crown all around it, ir.d two cherubim were faf-
Is fcatter'd and disjoin'd from fellcwfhip.
to power or office. At length, refolv'd f
wat'ry ball.
alfert the
tf ned to the cover. It contained the two tables of
Another Mary then arcfr, He in himfelf did whole armados bring:
ftone, written by the hand of Cod. Calmet.
And did rig'rous laws impol'c. Ci/u-ley Him aged fcamen might then majler call.
Ar.m. n.f. [eapra, eopm. Sax.] And chofe for general, were he not their king.
7. To commence holUlity.
1. The limb which reaches from the hand
And whenhe arcfe againil me, I caught him Dryden,
by his beard, and fmote him. i iVm. xvii. 35.
to the (houlder. JRMJDfLLO n.f tour- [Spanifli.] A
If I have lift up my hand againll the footed animal of Biafil, as big as a cat,
For the various fenfes of this word, fatherlefs,
when I faw my help in the gate, then let mine
fee Rise. with a i'nout like a hog, a t.iil like a li-
ar)K fall from my Ihoulder-blade, and mine arm
ARISTO'CRACY. n.f. [S^.r©-, greateft, be broken from the bone. yob.
zard, and feet like a hedge-hog. He
and x^uliu, to govern.] That form of Like hclplefs friends, who view from (hoie isarmed all over with hard fcales like
government which places the fupreme The lab'ring (hip, and bear the tcmpeil roar. armour, whence he takes his name, and
So ftood they with their armi acrofs. DryJen. retires under them like the tortoife. He
power in the nobles, without a king,
and exclufively of the people.
2. The bough of a tree.
lives in holes, or in the water, being
The trees Iprcad out their armt to fliade herface,
The artjloiracy of Venice hath admitted io of the amphibious kind. His fcales are
But on elbow leaned.
ihc SiJt.ey.
many abufes through the degeneracy of the nobles,
Where the tall oak his fpreading arms entwines. of a bony or cartilaginous fubllance, but
that [he period of id duration feems to approach.
And with the beech a mutual Ihad: combines. Cay. they are eafily pierced. This animal
Aristocra'tical. [from arifio- ) a<^',
3. An inlet of water from the fea. hides himfelf a third part of the year

Ar istocra'tick. i cmcy.] Relating to

Full in the centre of the facicd wood. under ground. He feeds upon roots,
An arm aclfeth of the Stygian flood. PryJ. JEtt. fugar-canes, fruits, and poultry. When
ariftocracy ; including a form of govern- We have yet feen but an arm of this fta of
he is caught, he draws up his feet and
ment by the nobles. beauty. Ntrrii.
Ockham diftinguiHies, that the papacy, or ec- Power; might. In this fenfe
head to his belly, and rolls himfelf up
4. is ufed
clefiailical raonarcliy, may be changed in an ex-
the fecular arm. Sec. in a ball, which the ftrongcft hand can-
traordinary manner, for fomc time, into an ar-Jfo- not open ; and he muft be brougkt near
Curfcd be the man that trufteth in man, and
criK.w/ form of government, J^si'fft- maketh fl-(h his atm, and whofe heart departcth the before he will fliew his nofe.
Aristocr a'ticalness. n.f. [from urif- from the Lord. 'Jrr, xvii. 5. His white, fat, tender, and more
fleih is
tocraticai.] An ariftocratical ftate. Z);V7. O
God, thy arm was here !

delicate than that of a fucking pig.

Ari'thmancy. n./. [from a^iS/io;, num- And not to us, but to thy arm aJone,
Afcribe we ail. V, Trcvoux.
ber, and ftatTfia, divination.] A fore- abak.fp. Hen.
A n.f. [armamenlum, Lat,]
telling future events by numbers. DiS. Arm's e:id. n.f. phrafe taken from
boxing, in which the weaker man may A force equipped for war ; generally
AR I TH M e't I cal . ai/J. [from arilhmetick. ]
ufed of a naval force.
According to the rules or method of overcome the ftronger, if hfe can keep
him from clofing. Armamh'ntary. it.f. [armamentarium,
The principles of bodies be infinitely fmall,may Such a one as can keep him at arm's errt, need Ivat.] An armory ; a magazine or ar-
not only beyond all naked orbut be- aflifted fenfe,
never wifli for a better companion. Storey's ./^rcad. fenal of warlike implements. jO;V7.
yond all tfririwrtiftf/ operation or conception. Gntv, For my falcc be comfortable, hold death awhile A'rman. n.f A confeftion for reftoring
at the arm's erj. Shakifpeare.
The fquarea of tlic dianictecs of thefe rings, appetite in horfes. Diff.
made by any prifniatlck colour, were in arithmcii- In the fame fenfe is ufed arm's length. A'rmature. n.f [armatura, Ijat."]
cal progrejTion, as in the fifth oblervation* Nrwtcn, To ARM. v. a. [armo, Lat.] I. Armour fomcthing to defend tiie body
AR I T H M e't
I c a l l V ad'v. [from arithme- .
1 To furnifh with armour of defence, or
from hurt.

tical.]In an arithmetical manner ; ac- weapons of offence. Others (hould be armed with hard fliells; others
cording to the principles of arithmetick. And when Abram heard that his brother was with prickles ; the reft, that have no luch arma-
Though the fifth part of a xefies being a fimpic taken captive, he armej his trained fcrvants, born ture, fhould be endued with great fwiftnefs and
fradlion, and ar':thmttkellj ri-gular, it is yet no pro- in his own houfc, three hundred and eighteen, and pernicity. Ray on the Creation.'
per part of that mcafoie. Artuthmi en Coint. purfucd them unto Dan. Ceiijis. z. OfFenfivc weapons ; lefs properly.
Vol. I. P Tlie
TSe hinJIes to thefe gouges ire made fo lonp,
The double armaiurt it a more Jeftruflive en- A'rmistice. n.f, [armi/itium, Lat.] A
that che handle may reach under the armfit of the
EMic than th« lumultuary we»pon. Duay of Pie (f. fhort truce; a cenation of arms for a
AKMEb. a,ij. [in heraldry.] Is ufed in
ihort time. Others hold their plate under the left arm-pit,
refped of bealls and birds of prey, when A'rmlet. n.f. [from am. the bert fjtuatljo for keeping it warm. Swif:,
their teeth, horns, feet, beak, talons, 1. A little arm an armiet of the
; as, fea. Arms. n. f. -without the fingular ntanter,
or tuiks, are of a difterent colour from 2. A piece of armour for the arm. [arma, Lat.]
the reft ; as, he bears a cock or a falcon 3. A bracelet/or the arm. 1. Weapon* of offence, or armour of de-
armed, or. Chalmers. And, when flic takes thy hand, »nd doth feem fence.
Armed Chair, n. f. [from armed and kind. Thofe arms, which Mar» before
Doth fcarch what rings and armltis Die can find. Had giv'n the vanquifii'd, now the victor bore.
rhair."] An elbow chair, or a chair with Dome. Pope,
refts for the arms. Every nymph of the flood her trefTes rending,
Arme'nian A fatty medicinal
2. A fiate of hoftility.
Bole. n.f. Throws off her amlft of pearl in the main. Dryd, Edward Courtney, and the haughty prelate.
kind of earth, of a pale rtddilli colour, A R M o N i'a c K n.f. [erroncoufly fo written
. With many more confederates, are in artr.s. Shake/,
which takes its name from the country for ammcriiaci.] A fort of volatile fait.
3. War in general.
of Armenia. See Ammoniack. /iiiKSand the man I fir.g, Dryden,
Ahme'nian n.f.
Stofie. A
mineral flone A' R M o R £ R . n.f. [armor ier, Fr. ] Him Paris foUow'd to the dire alarms,
Both breathing flaughter, both refolv'd in emu.
or earth of a blue colour, fpotted with 1 He that makes armour, or weapons. Pope,
green, black, and yellow ; anciently Now thrive the armcrtrs, and honour's thought
man. Shake//}. 4. Aftion ; the a£l of taking arms.
in the brcaft of every
brought only from Armenia, but now Reigns f.'lely
Up rofe the viftor angels, and to arms
The armorers make their fteel more tough and
found in Germany, and the Tyrol. It
pliant, by afperlion of water and juice of herbs.
The matin trumpet fung. Milttn,
bears a near refemblance to lapis lazuli, Baeon. The fcas and rocks and (kiea rebound,
To arms, to arms, to arms Pope,
from which it feems only to differ in The whole divifmn that to Mars pertains,
All trades of death that deal in fteel for gains. The enfigns armorial of a family.
degree of maturity ; it being fofter, and 5.
Were there: the butcher, armorer, and fmith, A'rmy. n.f. [armec, Fr.]
fpeckled with green inftead of gold.
Who forges (harpen'd faucfaions, or the fcythe.
1. A colledlion of armed men, obliged to
obey one man. Locke,
Arme'ntal, \adj. [armentalis, or nr- When arrn'rers temper in the ford
Number itlelf importcth not much in armies,
A'rmentine. iMf»//»aJ, Lat.] Belong- The kecn-edg'd pole-axe, or the (hining fword.
where the people arc of weak courage. Bacon,
DiS. The red-hot metal hilfcs in the lake.
ing to a drove or herd of cattle. The meaneft foldier, that has fought often in
Armento'se. adj. [armcnto/us, Lat.] A- 2. He that dreffes another in armour. an army, has a truer knowledge of war, than he
The armorers accomplifliing the knights. that has writ whole volumes, but never was in any
bounding with cattle. Z);<3.
With bufy hammers clofmg rivets up. South,
A'rmgaunt. [from arm and^fl«»/.]
adj. Give dreadful note of preparation. Shakefpeare.
The Tufcan army iing,
leaders and their
Slender as the arm. The morning he was to join battle witli Harold, Whi.;h foUow'd great /£neas to the war ;
So he nodded. his armorer put on his backpiece before, and hi^ Their arms, their numbers, and their names declare.
And fobcrly did mount an armgaunt ftced. Shahf. breaftp'ate behind. Cair.eleti.
-A'rm-hole. ». /. [from arm and W«.] Armo'rial. Belong-
adj. [armorial, Fr.] 2. A great number.
The cavity under the flioulder. ing to the arms or efcutcheon of a fa- The fool hath planted in his memory an army

Tickling is moft in the foles of the feet, and mily, as enfigns armorial. of good words. Shake/p. Merchant of Venice,
under the trm-hlii, and on the fides. The caufe A'rmorist. n.j'. [from armour.] A per- Aroma'tical. adj, [from aromalici.]
h the thinnefs of the ikin in tliofe parts, joined fon (killed in heraldry. Diif. Spicy ; fragrant ; high fcented.
with the raicnefs of being touched there. All things that are hot and aromatical io preferve
Baton's Natural liijtory. A' R M r y n.f. [from armour. ]

liquors or powders. Baccn,

Armi'gerous. [from armiger, Lat.
adj. 1 . The place in which arms are repofited Volatile oils animal fpirits, but
refrefh t'::

an armory-bearer.] Bearing arms. for ufe. likcwife are endued with all the bad qualities of
The fword fuch fubftances, producing all the eflefts of aii
A'rmillary. adj. [from armilla, Lat. a Of Michael, from tlie armory of God, oily and aromaticat acrimony. yjriuibnot,
bracelet.] Refembling a bracelet. Was giv'n him temper'd fo, that neither keen.
When the circles of tb= mundane fphert arc Milton.
Aroma'tick. adj. [from aroma, Lat.
Nor fdlid, might refill that edge.
fuppofcd to be defcribed on the convex furface of a With plain heroick magnitude of mind. fpice.]
fpbere, which is hollow within, and, after this, And celcfiial vigour arm'd, I. Spicy.
you imagine all parts of the fphcre's furface to be Their armories and magazines contemns. Milton. Amldft whole heaps of fpicei lights »ball,
cut away, except thofe parts on which fuch circles Let a man confider thefe virtues, with the con- And now their odours armM againll them fly;
are defcribed ; then that fphere is called an Brrr.'i]- trary (ins, and tlien, as out of a full armory, or ^ome precioully by fliatterM porcelain fall.
Uty fphere, becaufc it appears in the form of feve- magazine, let him furnifli his confcicnce with An! fime by anmatick fplinters die. Dryden,
ral circular rings, or bracelets, put together in a South.
texts of fcripture. .
a. Fragrant ftrong fcented.
due pi.fition. Harris'i Dejcrijimn of the Glohti.
a. Armour; arms of defencp. Or quick efllavia darting tlirough the brain,
A'rmillated. adj. \armillatus, Lat.] Pope,
Nigh at hand Die of a rofe in aromatick pain.
Having bracelets. Bid. and fpears,
Celefiial armory, (hields, helms, .'\rom a'ticks. n.f. Spices.
A'rmings, «. /. [inaflilp.] The fame Hung high, with diamond flaming, and with gold. They were fuiniiheJ for exchange of their an-
with wafteclothcs, being clothes hung Milton. maticks, and other proper commodities. Raleigh,

about the outfide of the fliip's upper- 3. Enfigns armorial. Arom atiza'tion. [from aroma-n. f
W-jll worthy be you of that armory.
works fore and aft, and before the cub- tize.] The mingling
of a due propor-
Wherein you have great glory won this day.
brige heads. Some are alfo hung round Fairy i^ueen. tion of aromatick fpices or drugs with
the tops, called to^ armings. Chamlers. any medicine.
A'r'MOUr. n.f. [armateur, Vx, armatura.
Armi'potence. n.f. [from arma, arms, 7'« A o'm A T 1 z E . v.a. [from arema, Lat.
Lat.] Defenfive arms.
andfolentiii, power, Lat.] Power in war. Your friends are up, and buckle on their ar- fpice.]
Armi'potent. adj. [armifcU>is, Lat.] mour, Shakefpeare, 1. To icent with fpices; to impregnate
Powerful in arms ; mighty in war. That they might not go naked among their ene- with i'pices.
mies, the only armour that Chrift allows them is
The manifold linguift, and the armifoimt fol- Drink the firft cup at fupper hot, and half aa
prudence and innocence. South.
dier. Sbahffeare. hour before fupper iomething hot and aromaiixed.
For if our God, the Lord armifolent, A'RMOt;R-BEARER. n.f, [{rom armour Bacon,
Thofe armed angels in our aid down fendj a'nd itar.] He that carries the armour 2, To fcent to perfume.

That were it Dathan to his prophet ()nt. Unto convertfcd jews no man imputcth this un»
of another.
Thou wilt come down with them. Fairfax.
and next he kill'd favoury odour, as though arimatixed by their con-
His armottr-hearer firft,
Beneath the low'ring brow, and on a bent. vcrfion. Brown,
His chMioteer. Dryden.
The te:riplc flood of Mars armipsltnt. Drydeti.
A'r w P T. n. f. [from arm and pit,] The Aro'se. The preterite of the verb arife.
AuMi'aoNOus. adj. [armifeaut, Lat.] 1

hollow place under the flioulder. . See Arise.

Ilaftiing with armour,
I Aro'un'd,
Aro'und. adv. [from a and rKtad.\ to be arraigned, where he is indifled derived arreachitoia.arrather ,Yx .] Sei2«
1. In a circle. and brought forth to his trial. Ciywell. ed by violence.
He (hall extend his propagated fway, Summon a felTion, that we may arraign His ambitious fons unto them twain
Wberc Atlas turns the rowllng heavSis arcunJ, Our moft dilloyal lady ; for as (he hath Arraught the rule, and from their father drew.
And his broad ihou Id ers with their lights are i rown'd. Been publlckiy accufed, fo (hall (he have fairy S^ueen.
A jull and open trial. Shahjp^ari. Arra'y. n.f. [arrcy, Fr. arret, Sp. ar~
2. On every fide. 2. To accufe ; to charge with faults in redo, Ital. from reye, Teut. order. It
And all above was fky. and ocean ail around, general, as in controverfy, in a fatire. was adopted the middle Latin,
DryJen. Reverfc of nature! (hall fuch copies then
mille hcmiiium arraitorum, Knighton.]
About; encircling, fo Arraign ch' originals of Maro's pen ? R-jfL-ommon.
hKo'vtto. frep.
1. Order, chiefly of war.
He that thinks a man to the grcund, wih quickly
as to encompafs. endeavour to lay him there : for while he defpiUs The earl elpyiiig them fcattcrcd near the army,
From young lulus head fentone tocomraaijd them ro x.\\z\^ array . Ilayiuardw
him, h&arrai^rii and condemus him in h)6 heart.
A lambent flame arofc, which gently fpread South. Wcr't thou fought to deeds
j^rcutid his brows, and on his temples ted. Dryd, That might require th' array of war, thy (kill
3. It has /or before the fault.
To Aro'use. t). a. [from a and rou/e.'\
My own enemies I (hail never anfwer; and if Of conduit would be fuch, that all the world
Could not fu(}a'n thy prowefs. Jidiitcn.
1. To wake fleep.from your lordihip has any, they will not arraign you
A gen'ral fe's his a:my in array
How loud howling wolves arcufe the jades jfor want of knowledge.
In vain, unlels he iight and win the day. Dcnbom*
That drag the tragic melancholy night. Shah/p. Dryden^i Dedication to the JEneid.
2. Drefs.
t. To raife ; up
to excite. Arr a'icnment. n. /. [from arraign.]
A rich throne, as bright as funny day,
But what fantjftick woes arous'd
abfent, The ad of arraigning ; an accufation j On which there fat moft brave embcllilhed
Rage in each ihrj^ht, by reftlcls mufing fed. a charge. With royal robes, and gorgeous iifrtfy,
Chill the warm cheek, and bbll the bloom of life.
In the fixth fatire, which feems only an arraign- A maiden queen. Fairy ^cck.
ment of the whole fex, there is a latent admonition In this remembrance, Emily ere day
Aro'w, adv. [from a and ronu,'] In a to avoid ill women. Dryden. A.role, and drefs'd herfclf in rich array. Dryden.
row with the breafts all bearing againft
To ARRA'NGE. -v. a. [arraitger, Fr.] 3. In law. Array, of the Fr. arroy, i. e.
the fame line. To put in the proper order for any pur~ orda, the ranking or fetting forth of a
Then (f)me green gowns are by the laflcs worn jury or inqueit of men inipannelled up-
In chafteft plays, till home they walk arrw.
I chanc'd this day on a caufe. Thence is the verb to er~
But with pace more fober and more flow,
To (ee two knights in travel on my way, ray a pannel, that is, to fet forth one by
(A (brry fight !) arrahg'd in battle new.
another the men impannelled. Coiuell.
And twenty, tank in rank, they n)de artnv.
Fairy ^:cr.
Hew etfcftually are it« mufcular fibres jrrj;;^^*/, To ARRA'Y. -v. a. [arroyer, old Fr.]
Ano'rNT. adv. [a word of uncertain ety- and what judgment arc its columns and fur- 1. To put in order.
mology, but very ancient ufe.] Be rows difpofed I Cheyne. 2. To deck to drefs to adorn
; ; the per-
gone ; away : a word of expulfion, or Arra'ncement. n.f. [from arrange.] fon with the particle inith or in.

avoiding. The aft of putting in proper order ; the Deck thyfclf now with majefty and excellency,
Siint Withold footed thrice the wold, ftaie of being put in order. and array thyfelf luiffc glory and beauty, yob, xl. to.-
He met the night-mare, and her name told, There is jrrcngtment of the parts in
a piojier
Now went forth the morn.
Bid her alight, and her troth plight, eladick budie^i, which may be facilitated by ait, Such as in highell heav'n, arrayed in gold
And ar'>ytit thee, witch, ccjnt thee right. Shakefp. Cheyne.
Empyreal. Millom.
A'rquebuse. n.f. [Fr. fpelt falfely Aar- One \t& arrayed the corpfe, and one they fpread
A'rrant. adj. [aword of uncertain ety- O'er his clos'd eyes, and wrapp'd around his head.
qu7huj's.'\ A
hand gun. It feeras to have mology, but probably from errant, which Drydat.
anciently meant much the fame as our
being at lirll applied in its proper fig- 3. In law. See Array in law.
carabine, or fufee. nification to vagabonds, as an errant or
A barquthuff, or ordnance, will be farther heard
Arra'yers. n.f. [homarray.] Officers
arrant rogue, -that is, a rambling rogue, who anciently had the care of feeing the
from the mouth of the piece, thin backwards or
on the (ides. Bacon. loft, in time, its original Cgnilication, foldiers duly appointed in their armour.
A'RQUEBt/sitR, H./. [from Off ueiu/e.] and being by its ufe underttood to im- Co'well,
A foldier armed with an arquebufe. ply fomething bad, was applied at large
ARRE'AR. Fr. behind.]
ad-v. [arriire,
He compafTed them rn wifh'fiftcrn-thotjfand ar^ to any thing that was mentioned with
Behind. This is the primitive fignifica-
fluitiJuTifVihom he had brouglHwiih him well ap- hatred or contempt.] Bad in a high de-
tion of the word, which, though not now
pointed. Kitolltt.
cree. in ufe, fecms to be retained by Spenfer.
A'rr ACH, O'rr ACH, or O'rrace. h./. Country folks, who hallooed and hooted after
See Rear.
One of the quickeft plants both in com- me, as a: the arraniift coward that Lv.r (hewed his
(houlders to the enemy. Sidney. To leave with fpeed Atlanta fwift arrear.
ing up and running to feed. Its leaves
A vain fool grows forty times an arranter (bt Through forefts wild and unfrequented land

•re very good in pottage. than before, L'KJirangt. To chafe the lion, boar, or rugged bear.
Fairy S^cew,
Mortimer'' s Hujbandrj. And let him every deity adore.

Arra'ck, or Ara'ck. n.f. The word If his new bride prove not an urrjir' 'horc. Arre'ar. n.f. That which remains be-
arrack is an Indian name for ftrong wa-
DrydetJ. hind unpaid, though due. See Ar-
A'rrantly. adv. [from arrant.] Cor- rearage.
ters of all kinds ; for they call our fpi-
ruptly ; fhamefully. His boon is giv'n; his knight has gain'd the
rits and brandy Englifh arrack. But iuneral tears are as arrjrttly hired out as mourn- day.
what we underftand by the name ar- ing dokes. VEjirange. But loft the prize ; th' arrctri are yet to pay.
rack, is no other than a fpirit procured a town in Dryden,
A'rr AS. n.f, [from wJ'/vrt/,
by diftillation from a vegetable juice If a tenant run away in arrear of fomc rent,
Artois, where hangings are woven.]
the land remains that cannot be carried away, or
called toddy, which flows by incifion Tapeilry ; hangings woven with images. loft. Locke.
out of the cocoa-nut tree. Chambers. Thence ;u the haH, which was on every fiiie It will comfort our grand-children, wiien tljey
1 fend this to be better known for choice of With rich array and collly arrat dight. fee a few rags hung up in Weftminllcr-hali, which
china, tea, arrack, and other Indian %0'Ai. Tairy Slueen. coft an hundred millions, whereof they arepjying
SfeBaltir. He's going to his mother's clofet the arrears, and boalHng, as beggars do, that their
To ARRA'IGN. f . a. ^arranger, Fr. to Behind the a'l'ai I'll convey myfelf. grandfathers were rich. Sivi/r.
To hear the proccfo. Sbakefpcare.
Arr e'a rage. «./. Aw ord now little ufcd.
fet in order.]
As he (ha)i nafs the galleries, I'll place
[from arriere, Fr. behind.]
1. To fet a thing in order, or in its place. A gu.ird behind tiic arras. Denham'i Sophy.
Arrearage is llie remaindei of an account, ot*
One is faid to arraign a writ in a coun- Ahra'ught. v. a. [aword ufed by Spen-
fum of money remaining in ;hc hands of an ac-
ty, that fits it for trial- before the juf- Jcr in the preter tenfe, of which 1 have countant or, more generally, iny money unpaid

tjces of the circuit. A prifoner is faid not found the prcfcnt, but fiippofe he at the due time, as arrtorage tff JtnC CrutilJ'
P a fajet
Paget fet forth the king of Enghnd'j title to Arre'st. n.f. [In horfemanfhip.] A 5 The thing at which we arrive is always
his debts and pcnfion from the French Icing ; witli
mangey humour between the ham and fuppofed to be good.
all mrc.rugts. ihyward. 6. To happen with la before the perfon.
paftern of the hinder legs of a horfe. :

He'll grant the tribute, fend <ib.t arrearage:, *^

Dia. This fenfe feems not proper.
aJj. [arreSatttj, low Lat.] Happy to whom tiiis glorious death arrivet.
The old crrearagn under which that crown had A'rrETED. !

More to be valued than a thoufand lives. Waller,

long groaned, heing defrayed, he hath brought He that convened before a judge, and
7"o A r ro'd E. f a. [arrodo, Lat.] To gna«r
Lurana to uphold and maintain herfelt'. charged with a crime. It is ufed fome-
Hnurl'i Vac si Fmji. or nibble. Dia,
times for imputed or laid unto as, no ;
Arrb'arance. »./ The fame with «'- A'rrOGAnce. ')n./. [arrogantia, Lat.].
folly may be arreted to one under age.
rear. SeeAaREAR. DiS. A'rrogancy. 5 The aft or quality of
Arrenta'tion. ». /. [from arrendar. TsArri'de. 'V. taking much upon one's felf; that fpe-
a. [arrideo. Lit.]
Span, to farm.] Is, in the foreft law, cies of pride which confifts in exorbitant
1. To laugh at.
the licenCng an owner of lands in the claims.
2. To fmile ; to look pleafantly upon one. Stanley, notwithftanding (he's your wife.
foreft, to inclofe them with a low hedge
Arri'ere. The laft body
»./. [French.] And loves not me ; be you, good lord, alfur'd,
and fmall ditch, in confideration of a
of an army, for which we now ufe rear. 1 hate not you for her ftOM^i arrogance. Shakefp*
yearly rent, Dicl. Pride hath no other glafs
The horfcmen might ifTue forth without dif-
Arrepti'tious. adj. \_arreptus,'LaX.'\ turbance of the foot, and the avant-guard with- To fliew itfeif but pride ; for fupple knees

out (huffling with the batrail or arritre. Ha^w. Fepd arrogance, and arc the proud man's fees. SbaK
1. Snatched away.
[Cajeneuve denvei Pride and arrogance, and the evil way, and the
2. [from aJ and repo."] Crept in privily. Arri'ere ban. tt.f.
froward mouth, do I hate. Prov. viii. 13,
this word from and 6an ; ian arriere
Ar R e'st. n.f. [from arrefier, Fr. to ftop.] Difcourfirgof matters dubious, and on any co.i-
denotes the convening of the noblefle trovertible truths, we cannot, without arrogancy,
1. In law.
A flop or ftay ; as, a man
apprehended for debt, or vafl'als, who hold fees immediately entreat a credulity. Brvtatis Vulgar Errourst

is faid To
plead in arrtjl of judg-
to be arrcftcd. of the crown ; and arriere, thofe who Humility it exprelTes by the ftooping and bend-
ing of the head ; arrogance, when it is lifted, or, at
ment, is to flicw caufe why judgment ihould be only hold of the king mediately.] A we fay, toffcd up. Vrydcn^s Dufrefnoy,
ftayed, though the verdift of the t\velve be palTed. general proclamation, by which the
To plead in arr/jl of taking the inqueft upon the A'rrogant, adj. [arrcgans, Lat.] Given
former ifi'ue, is to ihew caufe why an inqueft fhould
king of France fummons to the war all to make exorbitant claims ; haughty ;
not be taken. An arrejl is a certain rcftraint ot that hold of him, both his own vaftTals
aman's perfon, d priving him of his own will, and or the noblefle, and the vaflals of his Feagh's right unto that country which he claims,
binding it to become obedient to the will of tlie law, vaflals. or the ligniory therein, muft be vain and arrogant,
and may be called the beginning of imprifonment. Spenfer on Iraand,
Arri'ere fee, or fief. Is a fee de-
pendant on a fuperior one. Thefe fees An arrogant way of treating with other princes
Jf I could fpsak fo wifely under an amji, 1 and ftates, is natural to popular governments. TVm/ifc
-WOuM fend for niy creditors ; yet 1 had as lief have commenced, when dukes and counts, A'rrogantly. ad'v. [from arrogaat.]
the foppe y of freedom, as the morality of impri- rendering their governments heredita-
_Jbnment. Sbakefpeare,
In an arrogant manner.
ry, diftributed to their officers parts of Our poet may
2. Any caption, feizure of the perfon. the domains, and permitted thofe of- Himfelf admire the fortune of his play ;
'J o the rich man, who had promifed himfelf eafc under them And arrogantly, as his fellows do.
ficers to gratify the foldiers
for many years, it was a fad arrtjiy that his fonl
Think he writes well, becaufehepleafesyou. Dryd,
wrts furprifed the firfi night* teylor. in the fame manner.
Another, warm'd
3. A flop. Arri'ere vassal. The vaflalof a vaffal. With high ambition, and conceit of prowcfs
The ilnp and arrcji of the air ihewetli, that the Tre-voux. Inherent, arrogantly thus prefum'dj
air haih little appetite of afceuding. Baan. Arri'sion. »./ [arrijio, Lzt.} Afmiling What if this fword, full often diench'd in blood.
Dia. Should now cleave (hecr the execrable head
To ARRE'ST. <!. a. [arrefier. Fr. to ftop.] upon.
Of Churchill. Phittpt.
1. To feize by a mandate from a court or Arri'val. »./ [from arrive.l The aft
A'rrogantness. n.f. [from arrogant,]
officer of juftice. See Arrest. ofcomingtoany place and, figurative- ;
The fame with arrogance ; which fee.
Good tidings, my lord Haftings, for the which ly, theattainment of any purpofe.
I do errffi thee, traitor, of high treafon. Shaieff. How are we chang'd finte wc fii ft faw the queen Di3.
There's one yonder arrefied^ and carried to pri- She, like the fun, does ftill the fame appear, To A'RROGATE. v. a. [arrogo, Lat.]
fon, was worth five thoufand of you all. Shahjp. Bright as ihe was at her lu-rival here. Waller. To claim vainly ; to exhibit unjuft
2. To feize any thing by law. The unravelling is the arrival of Ulyffes upon claims only prompted by pride,
He hath enjoyed nothijig of Ford's but twenty his own illand. Broomt't View of Epic Poetry. 1 intend to dcfcribe this battle fully, not to dt-
pounds of money, which muft be paid to maftcr Arri'vance. n.f. [from arrive.] Com- rogate any thing from one nation, or to arrogate to
Brook ; his horfcs are arrcjlii for it. Shaktfpeare. pany coiiiing : not in ufe. the other, liayward.
To feize to lay hands on; to detain Every minute is expeflancy The fo^ei arrogated unto themfelvej, that the
3. ;
Of more arrrvance, Sbakefpeare. empire was held of them in homage.
by power. Sir Walter Raleigh^
But when as Morpheus had with leaden maze To ARRI'VE. v. n. [arri'ver, Fr. to come Who, not content
^rnji d a'lthat giodly company. Fairy Slaeen. on fliore.] With fair equality, fraternal ftate.
Age itfcf, w'nich, of all things in the world,
I . To come to any place by water. Will arrogate dominion undeferv'd.
will not be baiBcd or deiied, ftall begin to arrefi,
At length arriving on the banks of Nile, Over his brethren. Milton,
fc'zc, and remind us of our mortality. South.
Wearied with length of ways, and worn with toil. Rome never arrogated to herfelf any infallibility,
4. To withhold ; to hinder. She laid her down. Dryder.. but what (he pretended to be founded upon Chrift's
1 his defc£l"Rf the Englifh juftice was the main 1. To reach any place by travelling. promife. Tilhtfon.
impediment that did arrcji and ftop the corrfe of When we were arrived upon the verge of liis Arroga'tion. «./ [from arrogate.] A
the conqucft. Davits. eftate, we ftopped at a little inn, to reft ourfelves claiming in a proud unjuft manner. Dia,
As my dogs with better fpeed
ofte.i as
her fliglit, is (he to death decreed. Drjden.
and our horfes. Sidney. Arro'sion, n.f. [(rom arrofus , Lat.] A
Nor could hur virtues, nor repeated vows
3. To reach any point. gnawing. Dia.
The bounds of all body we have no difficulty to The
Of th ufanJ lovers, the releutlefs band
arrive at but when the mind is there, it finds
A'rrow. n.f. [apepe, Sax.] pointed
Of death arrrjl. Philips. weapon which is (hot from a bow. Darts
nothing to hinder its progrefs. Locke.
5. To ftop motion.
4. To gain any thing by progreffive ap- are thrown by the hand, but in poetry
I'o manifc^ the coagulative power, we havc^ir- they are confoanded.
refitd the fluidity of new milk, and turned it into
It the higheft wifdom by defpifing the world
is I fwear to thee by Cupid's (Irongeft bow.
a curdled (Lbflance. Boyle.
to arrive at heaven ; they are blelTed who converfe By with the golden head. Shakefp.
bis bcft arroiu
6. To obftrucl ; to ftop. with God. Ttr/lar. Here were boys fo dcfperately refolved, as to pull
Afcribing (he ciufes of things to fecret proprie- The virtuous may know in fpcculation, what arriTOJ out of their flefli, and deliver them to be
ties, h»th errtjied and laid aflecp all true enquiry. they could never arrive at by pra^icr, and avoid Shot again by the archers on their fide. Hayward.
Bacon. the fnarcj of the crafty, Mdifin. A'ftROWHEAD, n.f, [from arroi^j and
feaJ.] A
water plant, fo called from The art of our neccfliries

is rtrange.
the refemblance of its leaves to the That can make ] tc I .. 1
head vile things precious. Skihjp.
Arthri'tick. \ "'(/[f'^omart^rttts.]
of an arrow. Z);V7. 5. Cunning.
A'RROwy. a.-/J. [from arriKv.'] Confift-
re matter with Idfs art.
1. Gouty ; relating to the gout.
Frequent changes produce all the arthritiit dif-
ing of arrows. 6. Speculation.
«afes. ArbutbnU.
he law them in their foims of battle r-'ng'd, 1 have as much of this in art as you ;

How qulclc they whcel'd, »,d flying, But yet my nature could not bear it fo. Sbikefp.
2. Relating to joints.
behind chcm
Arte'rial. Serpents, worms, and leeches, though fome want
ihot . adj. [from artery.] That
Sharp bones, and all extended articulations, yet have they
(Icct oferntvy fliow'r agalnft the face which relates to the artery;' that which
Of their purfuers, and o'ercatne bv flight. M:/!or:. jrrinV.'M/ analogies
; and, by the motion of fibrous
is contained in the artery.
and mufculous parts, are able to make progreflion. [eajje. Sax.] The buttocks, Had cot the Maker wrought the fpringy frame, Brown^i yulgar Errqun.
or hind part of an animal. The b!ood, defrauded of its nitrous food,
To hang an Arse. A vulgar plirafe, fig- Had cool'd and languifli'd in the arterial road. JRTHRrriS. n.
f [ij^.l.;, from i^S^o,.
a joint.] Any diftemper thataffefts the
nifying to be tardy, fluggiih, or dilatory, BlacktKcre.
for Hudiuras wore but one fpur. As this mixture of blood and chyle pail'eth joints, but the gout particularly, ^incy.
As wifely linowning, could he ftir
through the arterial tube, it is prefled by two con- A'rtichoke. n.f. [artichault, Fr.]
trary forces ; that of the heart driving it forward
To afii; e trot one fide of 's horfe. This plant
very like the thiftle, but hath
againft the fides of the tube, and the elaftick
The other would not hirng an arjc. Iludihras
force large fcaly heads ihaped like the cone of the pine-
of the air prefling it on the oppofite fides of
Arse-foot. n.f. kind of water- fowl, A air-bladders, along the furface of which this
thofe tree j the bottom of each fcale, as alfo at the bot-

called alfo a dUapper. arte- tom of the florets, is a thick fleihy eatable fub-
Dia. rial tube creeps.
Artuibnor. ilancc. Miller,
Arse-smart, n.f. [ferficaria, Lat.] An Arterio tomy. n.f. [from a^„^U, and No herbs have curled leaves, but cabbage ani
herb. Tiix.iu, to cut.] The
operation of let- cabbage lettuce ; none have double leaves, one be-
A'rsenal. n.f. [ar/enak, Ital.] A re- ting blood from the artery : a p.'adUce longing to the ftjlk, another to the fruit or feed,
pofitory of things requifite to but the artich'Ae. Bacon.
war; a much in ufe among the French. Articbakes contain a rich, nutritious, ftiraulating
magazine of military Itores. ARTERY, n.f [arteria, Lat.] An artery j'''-°» Arhutbnvt on Aliments.
would have a roo.n for the old Roman
inftru- isa conical canal, conveying the blood
mcnts of war. where you might fee ail the A'rtichoke of Jerufakm. A fpecies of
mihtary furniture, as it mighthave
ancient from the heart to all parts of the body.
W enfold Rome.
been in an wfi-
Each artery is compofed of three coats
; A'rtick. adj. [it (hould be written arc
Arse kical. adj. [hom of which the feems to be a thread of
ar/enici.] Con- tick, from a^xiiz©-.] Northern ; under
taining arfenick confifting of arfenick. fine blood veffels and nerves, for nou-
; the Bear. See Arctick.
An hereditary confumption, or one
engendered rifliing the coats of the artery ; the fe- But they would have winters like thofe beyond
by erjenical fumes under ground, is incjpable of cond is made up of circular, or rather the art'.ck circle ; for the fun wo>;Id be 80 degrees
cure. Vr
fpiral fibres, of which there are from them. Bro^un,
There are arfnical, or other like noxmuj mine-
more or _

rals lodged underneath. fewer according to the bignefs of

flrata, In the following example it is, con-
A RSENicK. n.f. [ajȣ,(>!6>.] A ponder-
the artciy. Thcfe fibres have a Itrong trary to cuftom, fpelt after the French
ous mineral fubftance, volatile elanicity, by which they contraft them- manner, and accented on the laft fylla-
and un- •'

inflammable, which gives a whirenefs felves with fome force, when the ble.
to power
metals in fufion, and proves a by which they have been ftretched out To you, who live in chill degree.
violent As map informs, of fifty.three.
corrofive poifon ; of which
there are
ceafes. The
third and inmoft coat is a And do not much fir cold atoine.
three forts. Nali-ve or yello--i>j fine tranfparent membrane, which By bringing thither fifty-one,
arfenick, keeps
called alfo auripigmentum or orpiment, the blood within its canal, that Methinks all climes (hould be alike.
IS chiefly found in copper-mines, wife, upon the dilatation of an artery, From troplck e'en to pole artique, Dryden
or cryftalline arfenick isextrafted from would eafily feparate the fpiral fibres
A'RTICLE. n.f [articulus. Lat.]
native kind, by fubliming it with
a pro-
from one another. As the arteries grow
1. A part of fpeech, as, the, an ; the man,
portion of fea fait the fmalleft fmaller, thefe coats grow thinner, an ox.
quantity: and
of cry(lalline<7r/r»/ci, being mixed with the coats of the veins feem only
to be
2. A
fingle claufe of an account ; a parti-
any metal, abfolutely deftroys its mal- continuations of the capillary arteries. cular part of any complex thing.
leability : and a fingle grain will
Laws touching matters of order arc changeable '

turn a TL ^incy. by the power of the church

The arteria are ; artielii concerning
pound of copper into a beautiful feem- elaftic tubes, endned witti a con-
doftrine, not fo.
fraftile force, by which they drive Hooktr,
ing filver, but without dudility. the blood ftill Have
Red forward ; it being hindered from going the fummary of all our griefs,
arfenick is a preparation of the backward When time Ihall ferve to flicw in ariielcs.
white, by the valves of the heart. Shakrff.
Arbuthnot. .Many believe thcar/ic/f of rcmillion of fins, but
made by adding to it a mineral fulphur. Artful, adj. [from art and /«//.] believe it without the condition of repentance.
1. Performed with art. We
- , . , . Chambers, believe the article otherwile than God intended it.
Jlrjtnuk IS a very deadly poifon The laft of thefe was certainly
; held to the the mod eafy, Taylor's Holy Living.
tire, It emits fumes, but liquates very little. but, for the fame reafon, the leaft All the precepts, promlfcs, and threatening:
artful. Dryden. of
2. Artificial ; not natural. the gofpel will rife up in judgment again!! us
ART. n.f. [arte, Fr. an. Lat.] 3. Cunning; the articles of our faith will be fo many aiticles
j '.

fkilful ; dexterous.
I. The power of doing fomething not O
ftill the fame, UlyfTes,
acci'«itioni and the great weight of our charge
(he rejoin'd,
taught by nature and inftinft In ufeful craft fuccefsfully refin'd. will be this. That we did not obey the gofpel
; as, to we profeded
nxialk'n natural, to dance is Artful in fpeech, in aftion, and in mind.
to believe ; that we made confrlTion of
an art. Ptpe.
An is properly an habitual knowledge
of ccr-
A RTFULLY, ad-v. [from artful.] With
the thriftian
but lived like heathens. Tilhtfon,
have fmall reafon to repine upon that arti-
ta.nrules and maxims, by whicharaan art; flcilfully; dexteroufly.
governed is f/^ of life.
and direflcd in his aflions. s-wift.
^cutb The reft in rank: Honoria, chief in place.
Bled with eaoh grace of nature and
of or/. Poft/ Was artfully contriv'd to fet her face
3. Terms ; ftipulations.
Ev n copious Dryden wanted, or forgot, To front the thicket, and behold the chace. Dryd.
1 embrace theft conditions; let uj have artielet
The lad and greateft art, the art to blot. Vice IS the natural growth of our between us. Shakejpcare,
fopt corruption.
2. A
fcience ; as, the liberal arts. How irrefiftibly mull it prevail,
when the feeds of
It would have gall'd his furly nature.

that refpca the mind were ever
reputed no-
It arc artfully lowo, and induftrioufiy
cultivated I
Tying him
eafily endures not article. than thofe that ferve the body. to aught. Sbakefpcare.
When did his pen on learning fix a brand,J.njm.
Bm ., R'g'rs.
Artfulness, n.f 4. Point of time ; exaft time.
[horn artful.]
% Or rail at urtj he did not undetftand ?
3. A trade,
Dridtn ^ I. Skill.
C'onfider with how much arlfulneji
/ If Cansficld had not, in that article of
given them that brilk charge, by which other troops
This obfervatioo his bulk and were ready, the king himfcif had been ia danger.
ia afforded us by the art of fituation is contrived, to havejuft
making ftigar. matter to draw
d / round him thcfe malTy bodies, Clarendon,
4. Aitfolnefs; MI; dexterity. 2. Cunning.
To A'rticve. 'V, ». [from the noun ar-
ticle.] To llipulate ; to make terms.
Sach in lore's warfare ii my cafe, A»Ti'cuLATEKE3i. f. [from arricti. ti. logarithmick fines and tangents ; which,
r may not triicic for grace,
late.] The quality of being articulate. by the help of the line of numbers, lolve,
Hiving put love at lad to iTiow this {\ce, Dcimt.
He had not infringed the lead tittle of what vias Artici;La'tion. »./. [from arliculau.] with tolerable exailnefs, queftions ia
^rtklfd, Chat ihcy aimed at one mark, and their I. The jundure, or joint of bonei. trigonometry, navigation, <Sc.
«jid< were concentriclc. Hmicl'i fical Fntfl. With relation to the m tim of the toneiin their Chambtri,
If it be faid, Cod chofe the futicelTor, that is ma- arliculatim, there is a twofold liquor prepared for
the inun^ion and lubrification ol their heads, >n
Artificial Humbert, are the fame with
nifelUy not fain the ftoryof Jrphtha, whrre hoar-
tkltj wi'h the people, and they made him jiidgt- oily one, and a mucilagimus, fuppjied by certain logarithms.
over thcin. Ltxkr. glandules fcated in the ar:icu!uti(;Ks. Ray. Artifi'ciallv. ad-j. [from artificial.']
To A'rtici. E. v. a. To draw up in par- z. The aft of forming words. 1 Artfully ; with (kill ; with good con''
I conceive that an ixtrcme final!, or an extreme
ticular articles. trivance.
great found, cannot be ai ti«ulate, but that the ar- How
Hf, %vho!'e life feems fair, yet if all hit crrotirs cunningly he made his faultinefs lefs, how
luulatitn requireth a mediocrity of found. Bacm.
and folliei were «rfii/c</ again ft him, the roan would artificially he fct out the torments of his own can-
fttm vicious and miferable.
By articulation I mean a peculiar motion and fcience. Siilvey.
figure offome parts belonging to the mouth, be. Should any one be caft upon a defolate ifland,'
Taylor's Rate of Hving My.
twccn the throat and lips. llotdir. and find there a palace artificially contrived, and
Arti'cui,aR. ai/j, [articularis, Lat.]
Belonging to the joints. In medicine,
3. [In botany.] The joints or knots in curioufly adorned. Ray.
fome plants, as the cane. 2. By art ; not naturally.
an epithet applied to a difeafe, which
A'rtifice. n.f. [art:Jicium,L9X.'] It is covered on all fides with earth, crumbled
more immediately infeds the joints. into powder, as if had been artificially fifted.
1. Trick; fraud; ftratagem. it
Thas the gout is called morbus artUula- needs no legends, no fcrvicc in an unknown
ril. tongue j nolle of all thefe laborious artifices of igno- Artifi'ci ALNESS. H./.\_hom artificial.']
•A R T I'c u L A T E adj. [from arthulus, Lat.]
. rance ; none of all thefe cloaki and coverings. Artfulncfs. Di^t.
t. Diilinft ; divided, as the parts of a Sttuth, Artifi'cious. adj. [from artifice.'] Ihe
limb are divided by joints ; not conti- 2. Art ; trade ; fldll obtained by fcience fame w'ith.artificial.
nued in one tone, as articulate founds ; or praftice. Arti'llery. »./. It has no plural, [artil-
that is, founds varied and changed at Arti'ficer. n./. [artifex, Lat.] lerie. Fr.]
proper paufes, in oppofition to the voice 1 An artift a manufafturer ;
; one by 1. Weapons of war; always ufed of mif-
of animals, which admit no fuch variety. whom any thing is made. live weapons.
The lights, doors, and ftairs, rather directed to
An articulate pronunciation, a manner the ufe of the guell, than to the eye o( the artificer.
And Jonathan gave his artillery unto his lad,
and faid unto him. Go, carry them unto the city.
of fpeaking clear and diftinft, in which
Sidney. I Samuel,
one found is not confounded with ano- Thegreat artificer would be more than ordina-
2. Cannon ; great ordnance.
ther. rily exail in drawing his own pifturc. South.
Have not i\eard great ordnance in the field ^
In fpeaking under water, when the voice is re- In the prafticcs of anificeri, and the manufac-
And heav'n's artillery thunder in the ikies ?
duced to an extreme exility, yet the arl'iculate tures of feveral kinds, the end being propofed, we
founds, the words, are not onTounded. find out ways. Locke.
Bmtn. I'll to the Tower with all the hafte I can'.
The firft, at leart, of thefe I thought deny'd 2. A forger ; a contriver. To view and ammunition.
th' artillery Shakeff.
To bcafls j whom God, on their creation-day. He, foon aware. Upon one wing the attiltery was drawn, being
Created mute to all articuLte found. Milim. Each perturbation fmooth'd with outward calm. fixtecn pieces, every piece having pioneers to plain
Antiquity ixprefled numbers by the fingers on Artificer o( fraud ! and was the firft the ways. HaytoarcU
•itber hand. On the left, they accounted their That praftis'd falfehood under faintly rticw. Mih. He that views a fort to' take it.
digits and art'tcuJate numbers unto an hundred j on Th' artificer of lies Plants his artillery 'gainft the weakeft place.
the right hand, hundreds and thoufand?. Renews th' aflault, and his laft batt'rj tries. Deiitam.
Srcnvns Vulgar Erroun. Dry den. Artisa'n. n.f. [French.]
a. Branched out into articles. This is a 3. A dexterous or artful fellow : not in ufe. 1. Artift; profeffor of an art.
meaning little in ufe. Let you alone, cunning artificer. Ben Jonfiin. What are the moft judicious arli/ans, but the
Henry's inftruflionJ were extrtm"* dnr'ious and Artifi'cial. adj. [arttficiel, Fr.] mimicks of nature ? ff^i,tton'sj4rciite(hire,
crticulate ; and, in them, more articles tooching 1. Made by art; not natural. Beft and happieff artifan,
inquifition, than negotiation : requiring an anfwer Bafilius ufcd the Beft of painters, if you can.
artificial day of torches to
in diftinft articles to his queilions. Bacw. lighten the fports their inventions could contrive, With your many-colour'd art.
Ti Arti'culate. -v. a, [itom article.'] Sidney. Draw the miftrcfs of my heart. Guardian.
I . To form words ; to utter diltinft fylla-
The curtains clofely drawn the light to (kreen. 2. Manufafturer ; low tradefman.
As if he had contriv'd to lie unfeeo 1 who had none but generals to oppofcme, muit
bles to fpeak as a man.

Thus covcr'd witli an artificial night, have an artijan for my antagonlft.

The dogmatift knows not by what art he dircils/ Addjfoit.
Sleep did his ofiicr. Dryden.
his topguc, in articidjt'wg founds into voices. A'rtist. n.f. [art'fie, Fr.
There is no natural motion perpetual yet it
GlamjWe. doth not hinder but that it is poifiblc to contrive
1. The profeffor of an art, generally of
Parifian academifts, in their anatomy of apes,
fuch a'n artificial revolution. ff^iHini. an art manual.
that the mufcles of their tongue, which do
tell us,
z. Fiditious not genuine. How to build fliips, and dreadful ordnance cai^,
moft ferve to erticulalt a word, were wholly like ;
Why, I can fmilc, and murder while I fmile. Inftruft the arrifis, revv.ird their hafte. ffa.'lr.
thofe of man. Ray en the Creation.
And cry. Content, to that which grieves my heart, Rich with the fpoils of many aconquer'd land.
They would advance in knowledge, and not de-
And wet my cheeks with artificial tca;J. Shakef/i. All arts and aitifis Thefcus could command.
ceive thcmfelvcs with a little artkulatij air. f,eckc.
The rcfohition which we cannoC reconcile to
Who wrought for better fame :
fold for hire, or
3. To draw up in articles. public good, has been fupported by an obfequious The mailer painters and the car\'ers came. Dryd»
Thefe things, indeed, you have artktilatcJ, party, and then with ufjal methods confirmed by When 1 made this, .in artifi undertook to imi-
ProcUim'd at market-crofles, read iji churches. an artificial majority. tate it ; but ufing another way, fell much Ihort.
To face the garment of rebellion Newton's Ofiicin
3. Artful contrived with flrifl.
With fomc fine colour. Shahfftare. '1 hefc feem to
be the more artificial, is thofe of
2. A fkilful man; not a novice.
3. To make terms ; to treat. Thefe two a fingle perfon the more natural governments. If a!iy one thinks himfelf an artifi at this, let
latter fignirications are unufual. him number up the p.u-ts of lilj diild's boJv.
Send us to Rome Artificial Arguments. [In rhctorick.]
The bcft, with whom we may articulate Are proofs on confiderations which arife -Vrtlesly. ad^v. [from artleft.]
For their own good and ours. Xtaltrfi>rare. 1. In an artlefs manner withoat ficilL
from the genius, induilry, or invention ;

To Arti'culate. -v. n. To fpeak dif- 2. Naturally fmcerely without craft.

of the oratorwhich are thus called, to
; ;

tindlly. Nature snd truth, though never fo low or vuU

dillinguifh them from laws, authorities,
Arti'culately. ati-v. [from artitulati,'] gar, arc yet pleafing, when openly and artlcjiy re-
citations, and the like, which are faid prefented. Pofe,
In an articulate voice.
to be inartificial arguments. A'rtless. [from art and lefs.]
The fccret purpofe of our hcartj nVlefs art'icu- adj.
Uirly fpokcn to God, wlx) needs not our words to Artificial Lines, on a fedlor or fcale, I. Un/kilful ; wanting art; fometimes with
4ifccra our meaning. Dttay of Piety. are lines fo contrived as to reprefent the the particle cf.
The hljli-flioed plowmaa, diouU he quit the 9. According to what.

2 2. Anrwering to fo conditionally.
landf Whothen is Paul, and who IJ ApoUos, but So may th* aufpicious queea of love
ArtUfs of ftars, and of the moving fand. DiyJ. minifters by whom ye believed, even as the Lord To thee, O facred ilnp, be kind;

2. Void of fraud; as, 3.n artlefi maid. gave to every man, I Cor. As thou, to whom the mufe commends
Their figure being printed, The belt of poets and of friends,
3. Contrived without fkill ; as, an artU/s tale.
Doft thy committed pledge rcftore. Dryden^
^j jull before, I think, I hinted.
Arundina'ceous. adj. \_arundinactus, Alma inform'd can try the cafe. Prior. 33. Before henv it is fometimes redundant;
Lat.] Of or like reeds. Dia. The republick is (hut up in the great duke's but this is in low language.
Arundi'neous. adj. ^ arundineus, Lat.] dominions, who at prel'ent is very much incenfed
As how, dear Syphax Addifons Cato*

Abounding with reeds. againft it. The occalion is as follows.

24. It feems to be redundant before ^^^;
Addifin SIS
As. conjunfl. [als, Teut.] to this time.
10. As it were ; in fome fort.
1. In the fame manner with fomething As for the daughters of king Edward I"V. they
Though that war continued nine years, and this
clfe. hath as yet laftcd but fix, yet there hath been much
thought king Richard had faid enough for them;
When thou doft hear I ana as I have been, more aftion in the prefent war. Addifan,
and took them to be but as of the king's party,
Approach me, and thou flialt be ai thou waft. becaufc they were in his power, and at his difpofal. 25. In a fenfe of comparifon, followed
Stakdfeare. Bacon^s Henry V 11. by fo.
Tn finging, as in piping, you excel As
wlien a dab-chick wabbles through the copfe
Dryd. 1 1. While ; at the fame time that.
And fcarceyouimafter could perform fo well. On feetand wings, and flics, and wades, and hops)
At either end, it whiftlcd as it flew,
I live as I did, 1 think ai I did, 1 love you at So lab'ring on, with (boulders, hands, and head.
And as the brands were green, fo dropp'd the dew;
1 did ; but all theie are to r.o purpofe : the worU Wide mindmiU all his figure fpread.
as a Pope*-
Infected as it fell with fueat of fan^uine hue.
will not live, think, or love as I do. Swift.
Dry den. 26. As FOR; with refpeft to.

2. In the manner that.

Thefe haughty words Ale^o's rage provoke. As for the reft of thofe who have written againft
Mad as I was, I could not bear his fate
And frighted Turnus trembled as (he fpoke. me, they deferve not the leaft notice.
With filent grief, but loudly blam'd the ftate. Dryden Faifes, Preface*
Dryden. s
Drydtn's j^r.eid.
The landlord, in his fliirt as he was, taking a
So the pure limpid dream, when foul with llains 27. As IP ; in the fame manner that it
Of ru(hing torrents, and defcending rains.
would be if.
candle in one hand, and a drawn fword in the other,
Works itleif clear ,^ and as it runs refines.
Anfwering were a mat-
ventured out of the room. jfrbutbmt and Popt> their queftlons, as if it
Addifon's Cato.
ter that needed it. Locke.
3. That in a confequential fenfe.
12. Becaufe.
'I he ctnnirgeft mariners were fo conquered by
28. As TO ; with refpeft to.
He that commanded the
injury to be done, is
the ftorm, as they thought it bed with ftricken 1 pray thee, fpeak to me as to thy thinkings,
firft bound ; then he that did it ; and they alfo are
be governed by it.
fails to yield to Sidney. As thou doft ruminate; and give thy worft of
obliged who did fo a(Bft, as without them the
He had fuch a dexterous proclivity, as his teach- thoughts
thing could not have been done. Taylor.
ers were fain to rcftrain his foiwardnefi. Wttlon. The worft of words. Shakefp. Othello,
The relations arc fo uncertain, as they require 1 3 Becaufe it is ; becaufe they are. They pretend, in general, to great refinements,
a great deal of examination. Bac^n. The kernels draw out of the earth juice fit to as to what regards ChrilVianity. Addifonon Italy,
God (ball by grace prevent fin fo foon, as to nouriJh the tree, as thofe that would be trees them- I was miftaken as to the day, phtcing that acci-

keep the foul in the virginity of its firft ioBOcence. feWes. Bacon. dent about thirty-fix hours fooner than it happened.
Sculb. 14. Equally. Stiiift.

.4. In the ftate of another. Before the place 29. As WELL A»; equally with.
Madam, were 1 as you, I'd take her counfel J
A hundred doors a hundred entries grace Each man's mind has fome peculiarity, as veil
I'd fpeak my own diftrefs. As many voices i(fue, and the found as his face, that diftinguilhes him from all others.
A. Pki/ifs, D:frcJ} Mahir. Of Sybji's words as many times rebound. Dryden. Locke.-
adorned with admirable pieces of fculpture,
Under a with 15. How; in what manner.
particular confideraiion It is
3. ;
as xueU modern as ancient. Addijon on Italy.
a particular refpeft. Men aie generally permitted to pub1i(h books,
BefiJes that law which concemeth men »' men, and concradidt others, and even tl;emfelves, as they 30. As though; as if.

and that which belongs unto men as they ate men, ^picafe, with as little danger of being Gpn^'uteJ, as Thele {liould be at firft gently treated, as though
linked with others in fome fociety ; there is a of beii;g underftood. '
B'jyh. weexpe^ed an impofthuniation. Sharp'' s Svrg.
third which touches a 1 feveral bodies politick, fo 16. With; anfwering io Hie or feme. J'Sd DULCIS. SeeBevzoiN.
far forth as one of them hath publrck concerns ?—
with another. HooUr'i Ecdef. Polity.
Sifter, wriimet; v\hicher away (o ii^ ^'SJ FOETID J. \ n.f A gum or refia
^Upon the like devotion as yourf--Jves,
ASS A FOETID A.'ft thou be as good as thy word now ?— J brought from the
To gtatulate the gentle princes t}v*re.
Why, Hal, thou knowefl, as thou art but a
Shakefp. Richard HI.
Eaft Indies, of a Iharp tafte, and a ftrong
man, dare; but as thou ait a prince, I fear thee,
1 offenfive fmell ; which is faid to diftil,
as 1 fear the roaring of the lion's whelp. 17. In a reciprocal fenfe, anfwering to as.
Every ortence committed in the ftate of nature, during tiie heat of (iimmer, from a little
SUkff. Uinry IV.
The objeflions that are raifcd a^c. irift it as a tra- may, in the ftate of nature, be alfo punifiied, and flirub. Chambers.
gedy, are as follow. Gay's Prcf. to lytat Sye iaii is. as far fjrth a% it may in a comnionwealth. Locke. ASARABA'CCJ. u.f [afarum, Lat.] The
6. Like of the fame kind with. As fure as it is good, that human natur'; (houfd
name of a pLint.
exift; fo certain it is, thjt tiic circular revolutions
A fimple idea is one uniform idea, as fweet,
Of" the earth and planets, rather than other mt ti;)ns
Asbe'stine. «a)'. [^(rom afhtjfcs ."] Some-
bitter. ff^aiis.
which might as poflibly have been, do declare God. thing incombuftible, or that partakes pf
7. In the fame degree with. Bcntley. the nature and <juaiities of the laj>is af-
Where you, uulefs you are as matter blind,
Conduft andheauteous difpofition find. BiackitKre, 18. Going before as, ina comparative hefios.

Well haft the ufpoke, the blue-eyed maid replies, fenle ; the firft as being fometimes un- ASBESTOS, n.f [«<7€„-o..] A fort of jia-
Thou good oW nran, benevolent as wife. Pcjjis Od. derftood. which may be fplit into
tire fcffile ftcne,
S. As if; according to the manner that Sempronius is as brave a roan as Cato. Addif^n. threads and filaments, from one inch to
would be if. Blight as the Ain, and like the morning fair.
ten iochts in length, very fine, briitlt,
1 he fquire began nlgher to approach, CranvilU.
yet fomewhojt ira<Jtable, Alky, and of a
And wind his horn under the caftle-wall. 19. Anfwering in fuch.
it nt every
greyilh colour. It is almoil infipii to
That with the noiic it fliook as it would fall. li man's intercIV, that there fhould
Fairy l^uren. be Jiuh a goiernour of the world as defigns our the tafte, indilToluble in water, and
They all contended to creep into his humour, happin^fs, as would govern us for our advantage } endued with the wonderful property of
tod to do that, <ix>f themfclves, which they con- Tiliolfor.. remaining unconfumcd in the fire. But
ceived he delircd they Hiould do. Hayward. 2a, Having fo anfwer in a condi-
to it ; in two trials before 'Jie Royai Society,*
Contented in a neft of intyJt
tional fenfe. piece of cloth made of tliis ilone was
^ He lies, as he hit hlifi did know.
And to the wood no more wouSd go, Walltr.
As tit as tliry carry light and conviftion to any found to lofe a dram of its weight each
other man'» mderftandicg./o far, I h'lpe, my la-
So hot high the tumult rofe,
th' siTault, fo time. This ftone is found in Anglefey
bjur may be of xi(e t/a him. hi^ke.
As all the D irdan and Argolitk race in Wales, and in Aberdcenfliire in Scot-
Had b«en contrived in that narrow (pace. Dryd. 21. 5« is ibmetimes undtrllood.
Can mtlery no place of iafccy know ? land. Chambers.
As in my
»pe';uUtions 1 have endeavoured to
The noife purfues tne whcrefoe'er 1 go, extinguilh paftiun and prejudice, 1 am ftill dclirouii ASCA'RIDF.S. n.f. [airxa^i^i;, froma?|(a.
As fate ibuebt only me. Drjd, Aurngsttbe. of dcing fome good in this particular. SfiHator. {ifai, to leap.] Little worms in the reftam.
Co called from their continual trouble- Aries, which rife* with the fun or ftar He preaches to man, Ihould underftand
what is in man ; and that (kill can fcarce be .it-
fome motion, caufing an intolerable itch- in a right fphere. Oblique ajceufwn is jliierbury,
tiined by an afcelkk in his folitudes.
ing. 9.uincy. an arch of the equator intercepted be- A'SCll. n.f. It has nofingular, [from a,
Tc ASCE'ND. -v. n. [a/cemh, Lat.J tween the firil point of Aries, and that without, and o->^ii, a ftiadow.] Thofc
1. To move upwards ; to mount ; to rife. point of the equator which rifes together people who, at certain times of the year,
Thai to the hcav'n of hea\^ns ihall he itfctrtd) with a an oblique fphere.
ftar in have no (hadow at noon fuch are the ;
With viftjry, triumphing tliTOugh the air Asce'nsion-day. The day on which
Over his toes and thine, Hfi/tort.
inhabitants of the torrid zone, becaufe
the afcenfion of our Saviour is comme- they have the fun twice a year vertical
2. To proceed from one degree of good
rooratcd, commonly called Holy Thurf- to them. Dia.
to another.
Bv thefe ftcps we ihall afcenj to more juft ideis
day ; the Thurfday'but one before Whit- Asci'tes. n.f, [from oun^, a bladder.]
of the glory of Jefus Cbrill, who it intimately funtide. A particular fpecies of dropfy ; a fwell-
united to God, and is one with hiin. Asce'nsionalD-^^w«, is the difference
ing of the lower belly and depending
Wa/ri'j Imfr^vemetii cf tie Mind. between the right and oblique afcenfion parts, from an extravafation and collec-
3. To ftand higher in genealogy. of the fame point to the furface of the tion of water broke out of its proper
Theonly inceft wai* in the ajcejidingt not colla-
fphere. Chambtrs.
teral branch ; as when parents and children mar- veflels. This cafe, when certain and in-
Asce'nsive. /7<^". \(xom a/cerui.'] Inaftate
ried, this was accounted inccll. veterate, is univerfally allowed to admit
Brsome'i Notei on the Odypiy. of afcent : not in ufe. of no cure but by means of the manual
7e Asce'nd. f. a. To climb up any thing. The cold augments when the days begin to in-
operation of tapping. Siuincj,
They ajcmd the mountains, they dcfcer.d the creafe, though the fun be then ajcmftve, and re-
There are two kinds of dropfy, the anafarca,
vallies, Delaney's Rnielathn exatr.intd, turning from the winter tropick.
Brmvns J^ulgar Erroun. called alfo leucophlegmacy, when the extravafated
Asce'ndable. ii<^'. [nova afcend."] That matter fwims in the cells of the membrana adi.
may be afcended. Di3. Asce'nt. »./. [nfcen/us, pofa and the afciies, when the water poncfles the ;

Rife ; the aft of riling ; the aft of cavity of the abdomen. Sharp's Surgery.
Asce'ndant. n.f. [from afcend.'\ 1 .

1. The par-t of the ecliptick at any parti-

mounting. Asci'tical. 1 a.^'. [from afcites.'\ Be-
fwift afcent he up retum'd. To him with Asci'tick. longing to an afcites
cular time above the horizon, which is 3
Into his blifsful bofom rcaflum'd
fuppofed by aftrologers to have great MUtoti.
dropfical ; hydropical.
In glory, as pf old.
When it is part of another tumour, it is hydro-
influence. 2. The way by which one afcends.
pica!, either anafarcous or afchical, ti^rfm, Surg,
2. Height ; elevation. The temple, and the feveral degrees of efcfrt Asciti'tious. tieij. [afcititius,La.t.'\ Sup-
He wjs initiated, in order to gain inftruSion in whereby men did climb up to the fame, as if it
had been afcala ceeli, be all poetical and fabulous. plemental ; additional ; not inherent
fciences that were there in their higheft ajcer.dant.
TemfU. Bacn. not original.
was a rock
It Homer has been reckoned an afcit'itiout name,
3. Superiority ; influence.
Confpicuous far ; winding with one afcent from fome accident of his life. Pofe.
By the afcmdant he had in his undcrftandlng,
Acceflible from earth, one entrance high. MUtoti. Ascri'bable. at/J, [from afcribe,] That
and the dexterity of his nature, he could pcrfuade
him veiy much. Clarendon. 3. An eminence, or high place. which may be afcribed.
Some ftar, I find. No land like Italy erefts the fight The greater part have been forward to rejeft It,

Has giv'n thee an jjceiidoit o'er my mind. Dryd. By fuch a vaft afceni, or fwells to fuch a height. upon a miHaken perfuafion, that thofe phocno-
When they have got an afcndant over them, Mdifan. mena are the cftlfts of nature's abhorrency of a
they (hould ufe it with modeiation, and not make A wHe flat cannot be pleafant in the Elyfian vacuum, which icem to be more fitly afcribah'.e to
themfelves fcarecrows. Locke, fields, unlefs it be diverfified with depreffed valleys the wught and fpring of the air. Boyle,
and I'wclling afcenti, Ber:t!iy.
4. One of the degrees of kindred reckoned To ASCRI'BE. 'V, a. [afcribo, Lat.]
upwards. To ASCERTA'IN. -v. a. [acertener, Fr.]
1. I'o attribute to as a caufe.
The moft nefarious kind of baftards, are inccf- 1. To make certain ; to fix ; to eftablifti.
The caufe of his banilhment is unknown, be-
tuous baftards, which are begotten between ofand- Thedivine law both af:eriaini:b the truth, and caufe he was unwilling to provoke the emperor, by
ants and defccndants irt injiiutum ; and betAveen fupplieth unto us the want of other laws. Holier,
afcriiirg it to any other reafon than what was pre.
collaterals, as far as the divine prohibition. Money differs from uncoined Cher in this, that tended. Drydrn.
Ayitffei Parergcn. the quantity of filver in each piece is afccrid'weJ
To this we may juftly afcr'tbt thofe jealoufics
by the ilamp. Lueke.
Asce'ndant. at(/. and encroachments, which render mankind uneafy
2, To make confident; to tafte away to one another. Rogers.
I . Superiour ; predominant j overpower-
doubt ; often with of. 2. To attribute as a quality to perfons, or
Right judgment of myfelf, may give me the
Chrift outdoes Mofes, before he difplaccs him accident to fubftance.
other certainty ; that is, afcerlain roe that I am in
ind fhews an afandant fpirit abtwe him. South, Thefe pcrfeiftions muft be fomewhcrc, and there.
the number of God's children. God, whoB»
2. In an aftrological fenfe, above the ho- fore may much better be afcribed to in
Har-.mond'i PraHical Catechfrn.
we fuppofe all other perfeflions to meet, than to
rizon. This makes us id with a repofe of mind and Tilkifon.
any thing clfe.
Let him ftudy the conftcllation of Pegafus, which wonderful tranquillity, bec»jfc it aferiains us of
is about that time afandant, Brywrii Vulg* Err. the goodncfs of uur work. Dryden't Dufrefnoy. AscRi'pTiON. n.f. [eifcriftio, Lat.] The
Asce'ndency. B.yl [from <J/fM</.] In- Ascerta'iner. ». /. [from a/certain.] acl of afcribing. Dia.
fluence ; power. The perfon that proves or eftablifties. AscRi'pTiTious.fliiy. [afcriptitius, Lat.]
Cuftom has feme afcadeney over underftanding, Ascerta'inment. «./. [from n/certai/t.] That which is afcribed. Dia.
and what at one time feemed decent, appears dif-
A fettled rule ; an eilabliftied ftandard. Ash. n.f. [fraxinus, Lat. aej-c, Saxon.]
agreeablc afterwards. tVatti.

Asce'nsion. n./. \afctnfio, Lat.]

For want of afcenainmeni, how far a writer may 1 A tree.
exprefs his good wilhes for his country, innocent This tree hath pennated leaves, which end in an
1. The aft of afcending or rifing ; fre- intentions may be charged with crimes. odd lobe. The male which grow at a re-
quently applied to the vifible elevation Swift to Lord Midd/ettn, mote diftancc from the have no petals, but

of our Saviour to heaven. Asce'tick. aiij. [ao-x>j1ixo«.] Employed confift of many ftamina. The ovary becomes a
Then rifing from his grave, wholly in exercifes of devotion and mor- feed-vcfTcl, containing one feed at the bott.m,
IhapeJ like a bird's tongue. Miller.
Spoil'd principalities, and pow'rs, triuinph'd tification .

In open flicw; and, with afcnjicn briglit. With which of old he charm'd the favage train,
Niine lived fuch long lives as monks and her- mountain apet to the plain. Pryd.
Captivity led car tive through the air. Farad. LoJ). And cali'd the
mits, fequfftercd from plenty to a conftant afcelici
a. The thing rifing, or mounting. coutfc oi the fcverell abftinence and devotion. 2. The wood of the alb.
Men err in the theory of inebriation, conceiv- Soutb. Let me twine
ing the brain doth only fuffer from vaporous aj-
He that retires to de-
Mine arms aSout that body, where ag ainft
tcnP>i%s from the ftomach. Bntvn'i ^ulg. Err. Asce'tick. n. /.
My grained ffti an hundred times hath broke.
votion and mortification ; a hermit. And moon with fplintf rs.
Asce'nsion, in allronomy, is tixhei right fcar'd the
I am far from commending thofc efeiickt, that Sbakcfp, Corichnui.
or ohlique. Right afcenjica ot the fun,
out of a pretence of keeping themfelves uirfpotted Asha'med. adj. [ftom Jhamc.] Touched
or a liar, is that degree of the equinoc- from the vvorM, take up their quarters in delarts.
with fliarae generally with of before
tial, counted from the beginning of tsorrir. ;
.Asi'de. adv. [from « andyfrfif.] heaven unto the ether, whether there hath been
the caufe of fliame if a noun, and to if a
any fuch thing as this great thing is, or hath been
verb. 1 To one fide ; oat of the perpendicular
heard like it. Dmi. iv. 32.
Profefs publickly the dofttine of Jtfus Chrift, direction. Ask, Ash, As, do all come from the Saxon
not being afrlmed of the word of God, or c/"any The llorm rulh'd in, and Arcite flood aghaft ;
Taylor's Holy L'lying.
ape, an aih tree. Gib/on' s Camden,
prafliccs enjoined by it. The flames wtre blown ifidi, yet (lione they bright,
One would have thought (he would hive ftirr"d Fann'd by the wind, and gave a ruffled light.
r '
{• ff</t/. Sideways ; obliquely.
but ftrove Drydin.
With modefty, and was ajkam'd to move. Drydin. 2. To another part ; out of the true direc- Zelmane, keeping a countenance ajkanct, as (he
This I have ftiadosvcU, that you may not be tion. underftood him not, told him, it became her evil.
cjhamtd of tiiiX. hero, whofe proteflion you under- had no brother; which though it be a com-
He 8'idnty%
take. Dryden. His wannilh eyes upon them bent afiance.
fortable thing for kings to have, yet it diawetl:
AsH-coLOURED. [ffom ajh and co-
adj. the fubjeils eyes a little afidi. Bacon. And when he taw their labours well fucceed.
He wept for rage, and threaten'd dire miichance.
/oac.] Coloured between brown and 3. From the company ; as, to fpeak a/ide.
grey, like the bark of an aOien branch. He took him afidt from the multitude. Some he bid his angels turn afkancc
fay, .

CUy, ajlj-cd!,Hred, was part of a ftratum which Afcri, vii. 33. The po'es dearth, t^vice ten degrees, and more.

lay above the ftrata cf ftone. \Vmihi;crd onFoJpl:. k' SI K ^1t.Y. adj. [afinarius, Lat.] Belong- From the fun's axle \ they with labour puih'd
A'sHEN. adj. [from «/&.] Made of afh ing to an afs. Diil. ObHq»ie the centrick globe, Milton.

wood. A'sinine. adj. [from afinus, Lat.] Be- Ask a'unt. adv. Obliquely ; on one fide.
At once he faid, and threw longing to an afs. At AchiMes roll'd his furious c>es,

which qulver'd as it fiew. Dryd. Fix'd on the king ajkaunt ; and thus replies,
His ajheri (yeix, Yiu Ihall have more ado to drive our duUefl
youth, our flocks and ftubs from fuch nurture, than
O, impudent. Drydiiim
A'sHES. n.f. ivants the Jingular. [aj-ca. Since the fpace, that lies on either fide
we have now to hale our choiceft and hopefullei'.
Sax. aj'che., Dutch.] The folar orb, is without limits wide,
wits to that afinine feaft of fuw-thiftles and bram-
Grajit that the fun had happen'd to prefer
1, The remains of any thing burnt. bles. Milton.
Some relicks would be left of it, as when ajhn A feat ajiattntj but one diameter
Itmain of burned bodies. I^'g^} o" B:dis.
To Ask. n}. a. [aj-cian, Saxon.] Loft to the light by that unhsppy place.
This late diflenfion, grown between the peers, 1. I'o petition; to beg: fometimes with This globe had lain a frozen luaniome mafs.
of Blackmere.
Burns under feigned ajhfi forg'd love. an accufati-ve only ; fometimes with/'or.
And will at laft break out into a flame. When thou dolt ajk me httjfing, I'll kneel aown. A'sker. n.f. [from aji.]
Stakfff. HmryVl. And aJk of thee forgrutntfs. Sbakej'fcare. I. Petitioner.
AOic! cintain a very fertile fait, and are the bed We have nothing elfe to a/k, but that Have you
manure for cold lands, if kept dry, that the rain Which you deny already : yet will aJk, Ere now denied the afker? and now again
dith n')t w-arti away their fait. Morrimer'i ilujh, That, if we fail in our requcll, the blame On him that did not alk, but mock, beitjw..
2. The remains of the body ; often ufed May hang upon your hardnvfs. Shakefpeare. Shaiefpiare,
in poetry for the carcafe, from the an- In long journies, aJk your maftcr Itave to givf- The greatncfs of the cjker^ and the fmallnefs of

cient praftice of burning the dead.

ale M the horfcs. .^ti'if., the thin^ alkcd, had been futlicient to enforce his

Poor kcy-C''ld figure of a holy king !

2. To demand; to claim: as, to afi a requcft. South.

Pale ajhes of the huuie of Lancaller ! price for goods. 1. Enquirer.

Thou bloodlcfs remnant of that royal blood ! A/i me never fo much dowry and gift, and I
Every ajker being fatisfied, we may conclude,
will give according as ye (hall fay unto me: but that all their conceptions of being in a place are
To great Laertes
I bequeath giveme the damlel to wife. Gcmfn, xxxiv. 12. the fame. ^ig^y of Bodies.
A talk of grief, his ornaments of death ; He faw his friends, who, whelm'd beneatli the A'sker. waternewt.
n.f. A
he^f when the fates his royal ajhcs claim, waves. Aske'w. W-j/. [from a and jieiv .] Afide ;
I'he Grecian matrons taint Iny fpotlcfs name. Their funeral honours ctaim'd, and ajk'd their
with contempt.
Popr. quiet graves. Drydin s Ane'id.
For when ye mildly look with lovely hue.
A'sHLAR. «./ [with mafons.] Free fiones 3. To queftion. Then is my foul with life and love infpir'd

as they come out of the quarry, of dif O inhabitant of Aroer, (land by the way and But when ye lowre, or look on me u/irw.
ferent lengths, breadths, and thick- efpy, ojk liim that flieth, and her that efcapeth, Then do I die. Spenfer,
and foy, what is done ? "Jcnmiah, xlviii. rg. Then take it. Sir, as it was writ.
4. To enquire ; with after before the thing. Nor look ajkcw at what it faith ;
A'sHLEERiNc. ». / [with buiIdcrs.] He faid, wlieiefoiT is it that thou doll aJk ajiir There's no petition in it. Prior.
Quartering in garrets, about two foot rti^ name ? And he blefled him there. To Asla'ke. 'V. a. [from a and faie, or
an4 a half or three foot high, perpendi- Gcncftiy xxxii. 29. jlaci,] To remit ; to mitigate ; to flac-
cular to the floor, and reaching to the 5. To require, as phyfically neceflary. ken. Obfolete.
under fide of the rafters. As it is a great point of art, when our matter But this continual, cruel, civil war
requires it, and veer out all fail ; fo tr
to enlarge No Ikill cm
nor rcafon can ajlake,
ftint, Spevjer*
Bui/dfr't Dia. take it in and contrail it, is no lefs praife when the Whilft feeking to ajlakt thy raging fire.
Asho're, ad'v. [from a and Jhore.} argument doth ajk it. Ben Jcnfin. Thou in me kindleft much more great delire.
1. On (hore ; on the land. A lump of ore in the bnttim of a mine will be Spenfer.
poor Englifliman riding in the road, having ftirred by two men's ftrengih; which, if you bring
Asla'nt. ad'v. [from « and _/7a»/.] Ob-
a'.l that he brought thither afbore,
would have been it to the top of the earth, will aJk &x men to (lit it.

undone. RaU'tgh. Bacon,

liquely ; on one fiJe ; not perpendicu-
2. To the (hore ; to tTie land. The adminiftration paffes into different hands larly.
We may as bootlefs fpend our v^ln command, at tlie end of two months, which contributes to There is a willow grows ajlanl a brook,
A; fend our precepts to the leviathan dil'patch : but any exigence of llate ajts a much That (hews his hoar leaves in the glalfy ftream.
To come ajhori. lunger time to conduct any dclign to its maturity, Shakefpeare's Jiamlet.
Shaktff. Uttiry V.
May thy billows
rowl afhvre MdiJ.n. He fell ; the (haft
The beryl, and the golden ore. To Ask. Drove thro' his neck afant j he fpurns the ground.
Mdioi's dmut. t/. n.
Moor'd in a Chian creek, afiorr I went. And the foul ilfues through the weazon's wound.
1 To petition ; to beg : with for before Drydcn.
And all the following night in Chios fpent.
the thing. [from a and
AddiJ'jii's Ovid, Asle'ep. fli/'U. _/7i?i?/.]
My Ton, haft thou finned ? do fo no more, but
Sleeping ;
Ashwe'dnesday. ». / The firft day of aJk pardon /*or thy former fins. Ecclus. xxi. 2.
How many
at reft.
thouf^inds of my pooreft fubje<5l8
Lent, fo called from tjie ancient cuftom It he afi for bread, will he give him a ftone ?

Are at this hour ajleep ! O gentle (leep.
of fprinkling allies on the head. vii. 9.
Nature's foft nurfe, how have 1 frighted thee !

A'sHWEED. tt. /. [from aJh and -weed.] 2. To make enquiry w'nhfor or of before ;
An herb.
the thing. To enquire. The diligence of trade, and noifeful gain,
Stand yc in the ways, and fee, and a^ for the And luxury more late ajleep were laid :
A'sHY. adj. [from Alh-colourcd
afl>.'\ ; old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, All was the night's, and in her filcnt reign,
pale ; inclining to a whitifh^rey. and ye (hall find relV for your fouls. Jcrcm, vi. j6. No foivid the reft of nature did invade. Dryden,
Oft hjve ] fcen a tii^'y parted ghoft For ojk now of the days that are paft, which There is no diflercnce between a perfon ajleep^
Of «^
ftmblance, meagre, pale, and blondlefs. were betur'* thee, (Ince the day that God created and in an apoplexy, but that the one tan be awa-
Sbakrjptare. man upon liic earthy and aJk tram the one lidc ol ked, asidth'! other cjnnot. ^rbuthnol on Out.
Vol. I, To
Q, 2.
2. To fleep. Then Iball thy Craggi (a"'' let me eill hStn To A'SPERATE. t/. a. [a/pero, Lat.] To
Ir' a n:an watch too long. It !( odils but he will mine) roughen ; to make rough or uneven.
faU atUtf. Baon'i EJfay:.
On the caft ore another Pollio fhine; Thole corpufcles of colour, infinuaiing them-
Thus done the talfs, to bed they creep. With aJfrU cpen fliall ereft his head. Toft. felves into alt the pores of the body to be dyed,

By whifpcrtng winds foon lull'd ojlief. JiiTiltin, 3. Glaiice ; view ; aft of beholding. taiy afperale iti fuperiicies, according to tbe big-
Fairer than faireft, in his faining eye, nrfs a.jd tex.ure of the corpufcles.
Ai\.o'?t. adv. [from a and_/7ff/r.] With By/e.
Whofe afftd he counts felicity.
fole Spen/er.
Aspera'tion. ;/./. [from a/perate.] A
declivity ; obliquely ; not perpendicu- When an evious or an amotoas efpe^ doth in-
making rough. Diff.
larly. feft the fpirits of another, there is joined both af-
Set them not upright, but ajlopt, a reafonabic feflion and imng'nnion. Bjc n't Natural IIj/l. Asperifo'lious. t:i/J. [fromfl^^r, rough,
depth under the ground. Bacon. 4.. Direction towards any point ; view and folium, a leaf, Lat.] One of the
The curfc epl>t pofition. divifions of plants, fo called from the
Clanc'd on the ground ; with bbour I mud earn
The fctting fun roughnefs of their leaves.
My bread : what harm ? Idlcnefs had been worff :

Slowly defccndcd ; and with right affili

My labour will fuliain me. Miltm. AsPE RITV. n.f. [a/peritas, Lat.]
Againft the eaftem gate o( ParaJife
The knight did ftoop. 1. Unevennefs; roughnefs of furface.
Levell'd his ev'ning rays. PamJift I.ofl.
And fjte on further fide ajlafe. HuJiirai- Sometimes the pores and afperities of dry bodies
1 have built a ftrong wall, faced to the fouth
and are foincommcnfurate to the particles of the li-
Aso'matous. aJj. [from a, priv. afttfl with brick. Sivjft.
quor, that they glide over the furface. Boyle,
cujxct, a body.] Incorporeal, or with- 5. Difpolition of any thing to fbmething
2. Roughnefs of found ; harfhnefs of pro-
out a body. elfe ; relation.
Asp. 7 a-/. [«^»V, Lat.] kind of A The light got from the oppofite arguings of men
Roughnefs or ruggednefs of temper
of parts, (hewing the different fides of things, and 3.
A'spicK.j ferpent, whofe poifon kills
their various afpclii and probabilities, would be morofenefs'; fournefs ; crabbednefs.
without a poflibility of applying any re- The
quite loft, if every one were obliged to fay after the charity of the one, like kindly exhalationsy
medy. It is faid to be very fmall, and fpeaker. Locke. will defcend in (bowers of blelTings ; but the ri-
peculiar to Egypt and Libya. Thofe 6. Difpofition of a planet to other planets. gour and of the other, in a fevere doom

that are bitten by it, die within three There's fome ill planet reigns, upon ourfelves. Government of tbe Tongue*
I muft be patient till the heavens look
Avoid all unfeemlinefs and afftriiy of carriage ;
hours ; and the manner of their dying
do nothing that may argue a peevi(h or frowarJ
being by fleep without any pain, Cleo- With an ajpcli more favourable.
Shaie/p. jyintirs Talt. fpirit. Rogers.
patra chofe it. Calmet. Not unlike which aftrologers call a con-
that Asperna'tion. n.f. \afpernaUo, Lat.]
High-minded Cleopatra, that with ftroke jundion of planets, of no very benign aJprCl the Negleft; difregard. Di3.
Of afp'i fting herfelf did kill. Fairy Suen. one to the other. ffolton.
A'sperous. adj. \afper, Lat.] Rough;
Scorpion, and affj and ainphiibxna dire, To the blank moon
And Milton.
dipfas. Her they prcfcrib'd : to th' other five
Black and white are the moft afperous and une-
Asp. n. /. A tree. See Aspen. Their planetary motions, and ajprBit^
qual of colours; fo like, that it is hard to diftin-
In fextile, fquare, and trine, and oppofite.
JSPjTLJTHUS. n.f. [Latin.] I'araJife Lofl. guUh them black is the moft rough.
: Boyle*
1. A plant called the rofe of Jerufalem, or Why does not every fingle flar (bed a feparate To ASPE'RSE. v. a. [a/pergo, Lat.] To
our lady's rofe. influence, and have afpt^i with other ftars of their befpatter with cenfure or calumny.
2. The wood of a prickly tree, heavy, ole- own conftellacion ? Btntley't Strmont. In the bufinefs of Ireland, bcfides the opportu-
aginous, fomewhat (harp and bitter to To Aspe'ct. f.fl. [a/picio, Lat.] To be- nity to afperfe the king, they were fafe enough.
hold : not ufed. Clarendon*
the tafte. Afpalathus affords an oil of Curb that impetuous tongue, nor ralhly vain.
admirable fcent, reputed one of the bed Happy in their miftake, thofe people whom
The northern pole aJptHs ; whom fear of death And fingly mad, afperje the fov'reign reign. Pcpe*
perfumes. Chambers. (The greateft of all human fears) ne'er moves. Unjuftly poets we ajperfe.
Igave a fweet fmell like cinnamon and ajfala- ttmptr. Truth Ihines the brighter clad in verfe. Sivifl,
th*i, and I yielded a pleafant odour like the befl
Aspe'ctable. aJj. [a/peilabilis , Lat.] Aspe'rsion. tt.f. \afperJio, Lat.]
myrrh. Ecchs, xxiv.
Vifible ; being the objeft of fight. 1 A fprinkling.
Aspa'racus. »./ [Lat.] The name of He was the fole caufe of this aJfeHable and
If thou doft break her virgin knot, before
All fanflimonious ceremonies.
a plant. has a rofaceous flower of fix
It perceivable univerfal. RaUigb.
To this ufe of informing us what in this
No fweet ajferfons (hall the heav'os let fall.
leaves, pl.tced orbicularly, out of whofe is
To make this contract grow. Shaktfpettfe.
centre rifcs the pointal, which turns to
afpiflai/e world, we fliall find the eye well fitted.
It exhibits a mixture of new conceits and old,
Ray on the Creation.
» foft globular berry, full of hard feeds. whereas the inftauration gives the new unmixed,
Asfe'ction. «./ [from a/peS.] Behold- otherwife than with fome little «;^i>y!i»i of the old,
ing ; view. for taftc's fake. - Bacon*
J^farapti aflcfts the urine with a fetid fmell,
tfpecially if cut when they are white; and there-
A Moorish queen, upon aJfeHion of the piflurc 2. Calumny ; cenfure.
of Andromeda, conceived and brought forth a The fame ajperfiom of the king, and the fame
fore have been fufpeftcd by fome phyficians, as
fair one. BroTVn, grounds of a rebellion. Dryden*
not friendly to the kidneys : when they are older,
tnd begin t» ramifyi they lofe this cjuality ; but
As'pen, or Asp. »./ [^?, Dutch a/p, ; Aspha'ltick. eidj. [from afphallos.\
then they are not (o agreeable. Dan. epfe, trembling. Sax. Somner.'] Gummy ; bituminous.
Arbu!hmt on jVimentt. See Poplar, of which it is a fpecies. And with ofphaltick (lime, broad as the gate,
A'SPECT. n.f. [a/peaus, Lat. It ap- The leaves of this tree always tremble. Deep to the rojts of hell, the gather'd beach
The a/pen or afp tiec-hath leaves much the fame Thcv f.iftvn'd. Miltm.
pears anciently to have been pronounced
with the accent on the laft fy liable, which
with the poplar, only much fmaller, and not fo ASPHA'LTOS. bitumen.]
n.f. [ic<p»>.7U,

is now placed on the firft.]

white. Mortimer. A folid, brittle, black, bituminous, in-
The builder oak fole king of forefts all, flammable fubftance, refcmbling pitch,,
1. Look; air; appearance. The ajfen, good for ftatues, the cyprefs funeral.
I have prefentcd t:ic tongue under a double ^J^r/?, Spcnftr.
and chiefly found fwimming on the fur-
fuch as may juft'f/ the definition, that it is the face of the Laciis Ajpljaltiies, or Dead
A's p E N . atlj. [ from afp or a/pot. ]
bcft and word part. Governmim of thi 1'on^ue. Sea, where anciently flood the cities of
1. Belonging to the afp tree.
They are, in myjuJgment, the image or pifture Sodom and Gomorrah. It is call up in
Ohhad the monfter Iccn thofe lily hands

of a great ruin, and have the tiue a/ftfl of a world

Tremble like affen leaves upon a lute. Shak'fp. the nature of liquid pitch, from the
lying in its rubbilh. Bitrnei't Theory,
No gale difturbs the trees, bottom of this fea ; and, being thrown
2. Countenance ; look. Nor allien leaves confefs the gcntleft biccze. Cay.
Thofc eyes Ji thine from mine haw drawn upon the water, fwims like other fat bo-
2. Made of afpen wood.
dies, and condenfes gradually.
yfSFER. adj. [Lat.] Rough ; rugged. ASPH-iTLTUM. »./. [Lat.] A bituminous
'Sbam'd their «j[if/?jwith ftore of childilh drops.
Sbaktfftaret Richard 111. This word I have found only in the fol-
ftone found near the ancient Babylon,
I am fearful : wherefore frowas he thus, ? lowing paflage.
and lately in the province of Neufcha-
•Tis his a^jiS of terrour. All's not well. Shairff. .Ml bale notes, or very treble notes, give an
Yet hid his afptti nothing of fcverc, found ; for that the bafe ftrijutb more ai r tel ; which, mixed with other matters,
But fucb a face as p.-oinis'd him linccrn Drjdm. isujx it caa well Arike equally. Bacn. makes an excellent cement, incorrupti-
bla by air, and impenetrable by water ; Aspi'rSTI. n.f. [from affire.'\ One that are thickets or coverts of the foreft, and
fuppofcd to be the mortar fo much cele- ambitioufly ftrives to be greater than by making them as plain as arable land.
brated among the ancients, with which he is. Coivell.
the walls of' Babylon were laid. Chamb. They ween'd To Assa'rt. 'v. a. \eff'arttr, Fr.] To com-
To win the mount of God ; and on
his throne
mit an afTart. See Assart.
A'sPHODiiL. n. f. [lilio-nJ'phoJeluj, 'L?ii.'\
To fet the envlerof proud
his fiate, the
Day-lily. Ajphodti were by the an- Ajflrer : but their thoughts prov'd fond and vain.
ASS A'SSIN. 7 n.f {I'ffnffin, Fr. a word
cients planted near barying-places, in MHion. Assa'ssin ATE. 5 brougtit originally from
order to fupply the manes of the dead Asporta'tion. n. f. [ajpartatio, Lat.] Afia, where, about the time of the holy
with nourifhment. A carrying away. D/S. war, there was a fet of men called alf-
By thofc happy fouls who dwell As (iu i' N r. aii'-j. [from a andy^a/»<.] Ob- fnffins, as is fuppofed for Arfaddce, who
In yellow meads of fifphodel. Pope.
liquely ; not in the rtraight line of vifion. killed any man, without regard to dan-
A'spicK. n.f. [See Asp.] The name of A fingle guide may direft the way betTcr than ger, at the command of their chief.] A
a ferpent. five hundred, who have contrary views, or loiik
murderer one that kills by treachery,
Why did I 'fcape th' invenom'd a/fid's rage. afqulnt, cr Ihut their eyes. Siulfr.
And the fiery monfters of the dcfart.
or fudden violence.
all Ass. n.f. [ajtitus, Lat.]
To fce this day ? yidjifin.
In thevcty moment as the knightwithdtewfrora
1. An aiiimal of burden, remarkable for the duke, this ajj'.i^mMs gave him, with a back
To A'SPIRATE. -v. a. [afpiro, Lat.] To fluggifhnefs, patience, hardinefs, coarfe- blow, a deep wound into his left fide. U^otton*
pronounce with afpiration, or full breath; Tht Syrian Icing, who, to
nefs of food, and long life. furprize
we afpirate horji,
as houfe, and hog, You have among you many a purchss'd flave, One man, affaffm like, had levy'd war,
War '
TeA'spiRATE. 'v.n. [(j/^/ro, Lat.] To Which, your ^[fa, and your dogs and mules,
like unprociaim'd. Milloni

be pronounced with full breath. You ufe in abje£V and in ilavilh part, The old king murdered, and the perfon
is juft
Becaufe you bought them. Sbakfff-eare. that did it is unknown. Let the foldlers feize
AVhere avowel ends a word, the next begins e'l-
hira for one of the ojjljfmalet, and let me alone to
it\a with a confooant, or what is its equivalent 2. A ftupid, heavy, dull fellow ; a dolt.
accufe him afterwards. Drjdcit.
for our iv and h tijptrate, Drydi-n. I do begin to perceive that I am made an ofi.
Here hir'd nff'.'Jfim for their gain invade,
A'spiRATE. a^J. [ajfiratas, hat.^ Pro- Shakeffeare.
And trcach'rous pois'ncrs urge their fatal trade.
nounced with breath.
That fuch a crafty mother
Should yield the world to this eft .'^a woman that
For their being pervious, you may
call them, if When hears of a murder, (he enlarges more
Bears »'l down with her brain ; and yet her fon
you pleaft, perfpiratc ; but yet they are not aff'i- on the guilt of the fuffering perfon, than of the
Cannot take two from twenty, for his heart.
rate, i. e. with fuch an afpiration as t, Ihhtcr, ajjijin. Addlfetl.
And leave eighteen. ^baltfpeare.
Aspira'tion. n.f. [a/firalio, Lat.] Oreftes brandllh'd the revenging fword.
To ASSA'IL. -v. a. [offailUr, Fr.]
I . A breathing after ; an ardent wilh
To attack in a hoftile manner; to af-
Slew the dire pair, and gave to fun'ral flame
I. Thz yWc ajfhjjirty and adult'rous dame. Pope,
ufed generally of a wifh for fpiritual
fault to fall upon ; to invade.
; Ufeful, we grant, it fcrves what life requires.
bleffings. But, dreadful too, the dark aJJi^JJin hins. Pope,
So when he faw his llatt'ring arts to fail.
A foul infpiredwith the w»rnieft<»^i»'<i/;4Bi after
With greedy force he 'gan the fort t.' ajfliil, Assa'ssinate. «./. [Uoiafif/iiJJ!n.'\ The
cdcHial beatitude, keeps its powers attentive. Fairy S^ueert.
crime of an aiTaflin ; murder.
z. To attack with argument ; cenfure Weie not all ajfjjjijiatei and popular infuirec-
Z. The aft of afpiring, or defiring fome-

or motives applied to the paffions. tions wrongfully chartifed, if the mcanncfs of the
thing high and great. My gracious lord, here in the parliament offenders indemnified them from punifliment ?
'Tis he ; I ken the manner of his gait
Let us aJ'aU the family of York. Sbakefpeare* Pope,
He fifes on his toe j that fpirit of his
She will not ftay the fiege of loving terms, To Assa'ssin ate. -v. a. [from affajftn.'\
In afi>irj!:on liftshim from the earth. Sbaiefpeare. Nor bide th* encounter of affai/ing eyes. Shalefp. 1. To murder by violence.
3. The pronuDciacion of a vowel with full How have I fear'd your fate but fear'd it moft,
Help, neighbours, my houfe is broken open by
breath. When love aJfaU'd son on the Libyan coafl. DryJ. force, and I am ravifhed, and like to be ajfajfinated,
H i« only agutturatuj^'irjrwff, i. e. a more for- All books he reads, and all he reads ajjails,
cible impulfe of the breath from the lungs. Holder. From Dryden's Fables down to D—
y's Tales. Pope.
What could provoke thy madnefs
To ASPrRE. 'v. ft. [afpiro, Lat.] In vain Thaleftrii with reproach a^iaih ; To ajjhjfmaie fo great, fo brave a man ? Pbilips,
For who can move when fair Belinda fails ? P^pe,
I . To to pant after
defire with eagernefs
; 2. To way-lay to take by treachery. This
Assai'lable. adj. {(rora ajjail.'\ That
fomething higher: fometiraes with the meaning is perhaps peculiar to Milton.
which may be attacked. Such ufage as your huaourable lords
particle to,
Banquo, and his Fleancc, lives.
me, c[[ii(Jlnated and betray'd.
Moft excellent Udy, no expeftitjon in others,
—But in them nature's copy not eternal.—
Who rfurft not, with your whole united powVs,
nor hope in himff If, could afpire to a higher mark^
—There's comfort yet, they inaJJaUahU. Sbaiefp. In fight withftand one iingle and unarm'ti. Mtlton»
than to be thought worthy to be praifcd by you.
Assa'ilant. »./. [aj/ai l/a/tt, Fr.] Hs AsSASSi N a'tion. n, f. [from ajfetffinati.'\
His father's grave cnunfellors, by whofc means that attacks ; in oppofition to defendant. The aft of aifaffinating murder by vio-
iic hal ajp'trid to the kingdom, he cruelly tortured. The fame was fo well encountered by the de-
KnoUti. fendants, that the obHinacy of the ajfailanti did
It were done quickly, if th' ajfajfmation
Hence fprings that univerfal ftrong defire, but incicafi the lofs. llayiajrd.
Could trammel up the confequence. Sbakefpeare.
Which all men have
of immortality : I'll put royfelf in poor and mean attire.

And with a kjni of umber fmirch my faccj The duke finiHi'd his cbucfe by a wicked aJJ'.JJi-
Not fomc few fpirits unto this thought ajftre,
nation, ClarciidoDm
• But all men's minJs in this united be. Da-vks. The like do you ; fo (hall we pals alonj.
Horace did ne'er afpire to epic bays : And never ftir tijfailantu Sbuhcfp^are. Assassina'tor. n.f. [from affajjin ate.
Nor lofty Maro iloop to lyrick lays. Ro/ammon* A%s\'\i.\tir. adj. Attacking; invading. Murderer; mankiiler; the perfon that
Till then a helplei*', h^pelefs, homely Twain ; And as ev'ning dragon came, kills another by violence.
1 fnujjht not freedom, nor afpir'ti tc gain. Dryjcn, the peiched roolls
j^Jftiilant t<n Assa'tion. n. f [aj/li/us, roafted, Lat.]
AJiJrirg to be gods, if angels icVf Of tame viilatick fowl. Milton.
Ajf-hinT (0 be ang' U, men rebel, P'^pe. Ass a'i i.e One who
n.f. [from pJiiiL]
The egg e»plring lefs in the clixation or boiling
2- Sometimes with after, attacks another. whereas, in the ti/pri'jn or roafting. It will fomc-
Thofc are faif«:d above fenfe, and afpire afu-r Palladiui h'-Ue.l, fo putfued o\it ojjaihri, that time'j abite a drachm. Brcnvns fulmar Err^ttn^
smmort-ility, who believe the perpetual duratlr-n
one of tltem (If-w him.
of llicir fouls. TUhtfon.
Sidney. ASSA'ULT. n.f [afault, French.]
Therenone of us but who would l>e
is thought,
A^sapa'nick. animal of
». f. A little
1. Attack; hoftile onfet : oppofed to de-
fhroughout the whole courfe of his life, to efpire Virginin, which is faid to fly by ftretch- fence.
after immortality. Atterhury, ing out its (boulders and its flcin, and is Her fpirit had been invincible againft all ajfuultt
3. To riJe ; to tower. called in Englidi the flying fquirrel. of afTciftion. Shaiejpeare,
There is betwixt th.»t fmilc we wr,uU ofb'ire to^ Trevoux. Not to be fliook thyfelf, but all ajfauitt
That fwcct afpeft of princes and our ruin, BaHling, like th/ hoar cliffs the loud fca wave.
Assa'rt. n.f. [ejjart, from effarter, Fr.
More pangs and fears than war or women have. Tbomfatu
to clear away wood in a forell.] An of- 2. Storm : oppofed tafap m fiege,
My own breath fliU foment the fire, fence committed in the forcil, by pluck- J.ifon took at lead a thnufajid men, and fud-
WhicU fiagie^ aj high as fancy can fifpiu% WalUr. ing up thofc woods by the roots^ that denly made an ajjiiull upon ihe city, i Mac, v. 5.
0^3. After
After fome d«y« ficge, he refolved to try the 1. To «pply to, as the touchftone In aj/ay- Asikhta'tion. n. /. [affintatio, Lat.]
fortvoe of an ttjUamh : he fucceeded therein (o far, ing metals. Compliance with the opinion of another
that he had taken the priocipal tower and fort.
Whom tlius affliAed when fad Eve beheld, out of flattery or diflimulation. Dia.
Defolate where flie fat, approaching nigh. Asse'ntment. «./. [from a^n/.] Con-
3. Hoftile violence. Soft words to his fierce paflion flie ajfay'd. Milton.
Themfelves at difcord fell, fent.
3. To try ; to endeavour. Their arguments are but precarious, and fubfift
And cruel combat jojn'd in middle fpace, David girded his fword upon his armour, and
With horrible tffiull and fury fell. Fairy Stutin. upon the charity of our ajfenimeais.
be effayed to go, for he had not proved it. Biorx<Ki Vulgar ErrourSt
4. Invafion ; hoflility ; attack. I San. xvii. 39.
To ASSE'RT. v. a. [ajfere, Lat.]
After fome unhappy affaulii ufen the prerogative Assa'yer. n.f. \ixam ajfay.^ An officer
by the parliament, which produced its diflolucion, 1. To maintain ; to defend either by
of the mint, for the due trial of filver,
there followed a compofure. Ciarendon. words or aftions.
Theories, built upon narrow foundations, are appointed between the mafter of the Your forefathers have ajjferted the party wbich
very hard to be fupported againft the ajjaults of op- mint and the merchants that bring they chofe till death, and died for its defence.
pofition. Lccke. filver thither for exchange. Coiuell. DryJn,
5. In law. A violent kind of injury of- The fmeltets come up to the affayert within one 2. To affirm ; to declare pofitively.
fered to a man's perfon. It may be in twenty. JVocd'ward on Fajfils.
To claim to vindicate a title to.
3. ;

committed by offering of a blow, or by Assecta'tion. n.f, yaffiHatie, Lat.] Nor can

the groveling mind.
a fearful fpeech. Ccnveli. Attendance, or waiting upon. Diil. In the dark dungeon of the limbs confin'd,
6. It has ujioa before the thing afTaulted. Assecu'tion. n.f. [from affiquor, ajfe- /IJfcrt the native Ikies, or own its heav'niy kind.
To Assa'ult. -v. a, [from the noun.] To ctttum, to obtain.] Acquirement ; the
Asse'rtion. n.f. [from ajfert.^
attack to invade to fall upon with aft of obtaining.
; ;
By the canon law, a perfon, after he has been in 1. The aft of aflerting.
violence. 2. Pofition advanced.
full polTeflion of a fecond benefice, cannot return
king granted the Jew> to gather themfelves
again to his firll ; becaufe it is immediately void If any affirm the earth doth move, and wilt
together, and to Aaod for their life, to dcHroy all
by his ajficuti-m of a fecond, ylylijfe^s Parergon. not believe with us it dandeth ftill, becaufe he
the power that would ajjauh them. EJib. viii. 1 1.
Asse'mblace. «./. \ajjimblage , Fr.] hath probable rcafons for it, and I no infallible
Before the gates the cries of babes new-born. fenfe or reafon againlt it, I will not quarrel with
Whom fate had from their tender mothers torn, 1. A colleftion ; a number of individuals his afjertion. Brcvjns Vulgar Errours*
AJfauh his ears. Drydm. brought together. It differs from af- Asse'rtive. a<^'. [from ajh-t.] Pofitive;
New curfcd fleel, and more accurfcd gold. fembly, by being applied only, or chiefly,
Gave raifchief birth, and made that mifcfaief bold dogmatical ; peremptory.
to things ; affembly being ufed only, or He was not fo fond of the principles he under-*
And double death did wretched roan invade.
By ftcel ajfiullcd, and by gold betray'd. Drydtn. generally, ot'perfons. took to illullrate, as to bsad their certainty
All that we amafs together in our thoughts is propofing them not in a confident and ajfcrtivt
Assa'ulter. n.f. [from <7^«//.] One pofitive, and the ajftmblage of a great number of form, but as probabilities and hypothefcs. C!aytv»
who violently affaults another. poiitive ideas of fpace or duration. Locke. Assr'rtor. n. f. [from ajferl-l Main-
Neither liking their eloquence, nor fearing their 2. The ftate of being afTembled. tainer ; vindicator ; fupporter ; affirmer.
might, we efleemed few fwords, in a jufl defence,
O Hartford, fitted or to (hinc in courts Among of free reafon's claim,
th' ajjirtdrs
able to refift many unjuft ajfaulicn, Sidmy, With unaft'efled grace, or walk the plains Our natijn's not the lead in worth or fame. ViyJk
ASSA'Y. »./. [tfaye. Fr. from which the With innocence and meditation join'd Faithful ajprtor of thy country's caufe,
ancient writers borrowed aj/ay, accord- In foft affemhlaz't liften to my fong 1 Thmfon. Britain with tears ih^U bathe thy glorious wound.
ing to the found, and the latter ejfay, To ASSE'MBLE. i/. a. {affembler, Fr.] Prior.

according to the writing ; but the fenfes To bring together into one place. It is It is an ufual piece of art to undermine the
authority of fundamental truths, by pretending to
now differing, they may be confidered ufed both of perfoiis and things.
fliew how weak the proofs arc, which their ajfcrtirt
as two words, ] And he (hall fet up an enfign for the nations, and
employ in defence of them. Atterbmry.
dxMaJpmbU the outcafts of Ifrael, and gather to-
1. Examination ; trial. gether the difperfed of Judah. Ifa'wh, li. I2.
To Asse'rve. 1;. a. [cffirvio, Lat.] To
This cannot be He wonders for what end you have ajjimhled ferve, help, or fecond. Di3.
By no affjy of reafon. 'Tis a pageant, Such troops of citizens to come to him. Sbaifff.
To keep us in falfe gaze. Sbatttjpeare*
To ASSE'SS. a. {itom afefare, Ital,
To Asse'mble. "v.n. To meet together.
2. Inlaw. The examination of meafures to make an equilibrium, or balance.}
Thefe men ajfcmiled, and found Daniel praying.
snd weights ufed by the clerk of the Duniel. To charge with any certain film.
Bcfjre the receipt of them in this office, they
market. Cmveil. As s e'm B L y . «. /. {ajfemblee, Fr. ] A com- were afj'rjj'cd by the affidavit from the time of the
The firft entrance upon any thing a pany met together. inquifition found. Batons
3. ;
Tliey had heard, by fame.
tafte for trial.
Of and fo fair ajfcmhlyf
this fo noble
Asse'ssion. H./ \ttffef!io,\A\..'\ A fitting
For well he weened, that fo glorious bait This night to meet here. Sbaieffeare. down by one, to give affiltance or ad-
Would tempt his gueft to take thereof a/fay.
Fahy Shteen»
Asse'nt. ft./. [aJjfenfuSf'L^X.'] vice. D'tii.

1. The aft of agreeing to any thing. Asse'ssment. n.f. [from To ajfefs."]

4. Trial by danger or diftrefs ; difficulty ;

Without the king's or knowledge.
tijfml 1 The fum levied on certain property.
You wrought Hbakefp, Hen. VIII.
to be a legate.
2. The aft of aflieffing.
She heard with patience all unto the end. Faith is the ajivt to any prcpofition, njt thus
And ftrove to mailer foirowful oJJay<, Fairy S^uftn. What greater immunity and happinefs cin
made out by the deduflion of reafon, but upon
1 he men he preil but late, there be to a people, than to be liable to no laws,
the credit of the propol'cr. L.cke.
To hard unfit, unfure at need,, but what they make themfelves ? To be fubjedt
All the arguments on both fides mud be laid
to no contribution, aj'effkent, or any pecuniary
Yettrm'd to point in well attempted plate. Fair/.
in balance, and, upon the whole, the understanding
Be fure to find levy whatfoevet, but what they vote, and volunta-
determine its ajftnt. Locke.
What I foretel thee, many a hard ajjay rily yield unto themfelves ? HcwcU
2. Confent ; agreement. Asse'ssor, n.f. [rjpjfcr, Lat.]
Of dangers, and advet lities, and pains,
To urge any thing upon the church, requiring
"Etc thou of Ifracl's fceptre get fad hold, MUtm.
thereunto that religious aj/erl of chriftian belief,
I. The perfon that fits by another ; ge-
To Assa'y. ai. a. [rjfayer, Fr.] whorewith the words of tlic holy prophets arc re- nerally ufed of thofe whoaffift the judge.
I To make
. trial of i to make experiment ceived, and not to (hew it in fcripturc j this did Minos, the ftri£l inquifitor, appears j
of. the Fatliers evermore think uiJawful, impious, And lives and crimes, with his aJTeffors, hears :

and execrable. Hooker. Round in his urn the blended bails he rowls,
One that to bounty never caft his mind,
The evidence of Cod's own teftimony, added Abfolves the juft, and dooms the guilty fouls.
Ne thought of honour ever did ajfay
His bafcr breali. Sprnpr. unto the natural a^tnt of reafon concerning the
Cray and Bryan obtained leave of the gcncial a certainty of them, doth not a little comfort and 1. He that fits by another as next in dig-
confirm the fame. Hooker.
little taajjay them \ and fo with fome horfirmtn nity.
charged them home. Hay ward. To ASSE'NT. -u. «.. [nfentire, Lat.] To To his Son,
What unweighed behaviour hath this drunkard concede ; to yield to, or agree to. Th' afftjjor of his throne, he thus began. Mi/lor,
picked out of my converfatioO; that he dares in And the Jews alfo aj/entcdf faying, that thefe Twice ftronger than his fire, who fat above,
this manner aJSy m» t ibakcjftare. Uujigs W«r« fo ^Ss, XJJV. $• ylje^/ir to the tiuoae ef Uiuad'ting Jove. Dryd.
3. He
bealh and
for their excrements are ever liquid,
3. He that lays taxes ; derived from af- I . To mark ; to appoint.
out ;

Bacon's Nat. Hift.
their flelh generally
He Uriah unto a place where be knew
Birds be commonly better meat than hearts, be-
that valiant men were. 1 Sam. xi. 16.
A'sSETS. n.f. luithout the Jingular. [ajjiz, caufe their fleih doth aff.ntilate more finely, and
"t^he two armies were affigned to the leading o(
Fr.] Goods fufficient to difcharge that
two generals, bod) of them rather cocrtiers afi'urc^
fecerneth more fubtciy. Bacon's Natural Hijiory,
burden, which is caft upon the executor to the ftate, than martial men. Bacon. To Assi'milate. f. a.
or heir, in fatisfyirT the teilators or Boah joining. 1. To bring to a likenefs, or refemblance.
anceftors debts or legacies. Whoever As joined in injuries, one enmity A ferine and neceflitoos kind of life would
Againn a f .e by doom exprefs affign'd us. ealily affimilate at leall the next generation to bar-
pleads ajjits, fayeth nothing ; but that Milton.
That cruel ferpent. barifm and ferinenefs. HaU^
the perfon, againll whom he pleads, hath True quality is negUQed, virtue is oppreffed, They are not over-patient of mixture ; but
enough come to his hands, to difcharge and vice triumphant. The laft day will aJJ'.gn to fuch, whom they cannot off.mHatej foon find it
what is in demand. Cowell. every one a ftation fuitable to his chara£ler, thei'rjntercH to remove. Stvift^

To ASSE'VER. 1 'V. a. [aje^ero, Lac]

ylddifor. 2. To tiirn to its own nature by digeftion.
2.'Ta fix with regard to quantity or value. Tafting concodt, digeft, ajjimilate^
?!? Asse'verate. 3 To affirm with great
There is no fuch intrinfick, natural, fettled And corporeal to incorporeal turn. Milton,
folemnity, as upon oath. value in any thing, as to make any
affigned quan- Hence alfo animals and vegetables nyay afftmi-
Assevera'tion. tt.f. [from ajfe'verate.'\ tityof it conftantly worth any affigned quantity of latt their nourirtiment j moift nouriihment eafily
Solemn affirmation, as upon oath. another. Licke. changing its texture, till it becomes like the
That which you are perfuaded of, ye have it 3. [In law.] In general, to appoint a de- denfe earth. Nenvton.
no otliepvifc than by your own only probable col- puty, or make over a right to another ; Assi'milateness, n.f. [from ajjimilate.^
ledion and therefore fuch bold ajfcveraticnt, as Likenefs. Dill.
in particular, to appoint or fet forth, as

in him were admirable, Jhould, in your mou;hs,

but argue raAincfs. to aj/tgn error, is to ihew in what part Assimila'tiom. «./. \ixO'ai ajjimilate.
Another abufe of the tongue I might add ; of the procefs error is committed; to 1. The of converting any thing to the
vchemcr.t ajjeverations upon flight and trivij! oc^ affign falfe judgment, is to declare how nature or fubftance of another.
cafions. Ray on the Creation* and where the judgment is unjuft ; to of nou-
It furthers the very aft of affimdation
repetition givej a greater emphafis to the fomc outward emollients that make
rifiiment, by
words, and agrees better with the vehemence of afflgn the ceflbr, is to fliew how the
the parts more apt to alTimilate. Bacon's Nat, UiJ},
the fpeaker in making his ajfiveraticn. plaintiff had cefled, or given over ; to
2. The ftate of being affimilated, or be-
Bro-jtr.e't Notes on the Odyjfey. affign wafte, is to lliew wherein efpeci- coming like fomething elfe.
A'ssHEAD. n.f. [from afs and head.'\ One ally the wafte is committed. Co^vell. A nuurilhment in a large acceptation, but rot
flow of apprehenfion ; a blockhead. Assi'gnable. [froma^^w.] That
adj. in propriety, conferving the body, not repairing it
Will you help an ajthead, and a coxcomb, and by but preferving
by ventilation.
which may be marked out, or fixed. ojjtthilationi it

a knave, a thin-fjccd knave, a gull ? Sbak, Ham, ' Bronvns Vulgar Errours,
Ariftotle heldthat it ftreamed by connatural .

AssiDu'iTY. n.f. [affiduili, Fr. ajjiduitas, refalt and emanation from God ; {o that there it is as well the inilinO as duty of our natuie,

Lat. ] Diligence dofenefs of applica- was no inflant affignahU of God's eternal cx- to afpire to an affnidation with God j even the
illence, in which toe vorl<l did not alfu co-exiA.
mo(( laudable and generous ambition.
South. Decay of Pietyt
1 have, with much paint and ajfuiuity, qualified
myfclf for a numenclator. jidd'tjln. Assigna'tion. n.f. [fl^^na//o«, French.] To Assi'mulate. f. a, [a£!mulo, Lat,]
Can he, who has undertaken this, want con- 1. An appointment to meet ; ufed gens- To feign to counterfeit. ; Diil.
vision of the neccffiiy of his utmoll vigour and rally of love appointments. AssiMUL a'tion. n.f. [aj^mulatio, hat.']
ejpduily to acquit himfelf of it ? Rogen.
We obfcrve the addrefs and ajjiduity they wl! The lovers expected- the return of this rtated A diffembling ; a counterfeiting. Diff^

ufe to corrupt us.

hour with a*i much impatience as if it had been a To ASSrST. 'v. a. [ajijler, Fr. aj/ijlo,
ASSI'DUOUS. adj. [aj/lduui, Lat.] Con-
real afftgnati^n* SfniJatir. . Lat.] To help.
Or when whore, In her vocation,
Receive, her in the Lord, as becometh faints,
Aant in applicatioa. Keeps pnniflual to an affignatton. Swift. and ajjiji her in whatfoever bufinefs Ihe hath need.
And if by pray'r 2. A making over a thing to another. Rom. xvi. 2,
IncefTant I could hope to change the will
Of him who all things can, I would not ceafc
Assign ee'. «./. [aj^gne, Fr."] He that neceflary and affjihg to
It is all our other in,
is appointed or deputed by another to tellc^ual faculties. Locke,
To weary him with my c^iducut cries. Milf.n. Acquaintance with method will affji one in
The mod affiduoui talebearers, and bittereil re- do any aft, or perform any bufmefs, or
ranging human affaires. JVatts's Logick,
halfwitted people.
Tilers, are often enjoy any commodity. And an ajjigaee She no fooner yielded to adultery, but fhe agreed
Government of the Tongue, may be either in deed or in law ; ajjigtiee to cffjl in the murder of her hufband.
In fummer, you fee the hen giving herfelf
in deed, is he that is appointed by a Broome on the Odyffey,
greater freedoms, and quitting her care for above
twojiours together j but in winter, when the ri- ; ajjignce in law,
peribn is he whom the Assi'stance. n. /. [cij/ifiance, French.]
gour of the feafon would chill the principles of law makcth fo, without any appoint- Help furtherance. ;

life, and deftroy the youog one, /he grows more

ment of the perfon. Coiucll.
Thecouncil of Trent commends recourfe, not
ejfiduou: in her attendance, and (lays away but only to the prayers of the faints, but to their aid
half the time.
Assi'cNER. n.f. [from a^^».] He that and afffance: What doth this aid and affiflanct
Each ftillrenews her littk labour, appoints. fignify .»
Nor juftles hrr affiduoui neighbour. Prior.
The once the aff.gncr of our taHts,
gofpel is at You have abundant affijiances for this know-
Assi'puousLY. adv. and the magazine of our ft-rcngth. Decay of Piety, ledge, in excellent books. Wakes
Prep, for Death.
[from aj/lduous.]
Diligently ; continually. Assi'gnment. »./. [from a^^n.] Ap- Let us entreat this neceflary affijiance, that by
his grace he would lead us. Rogers,
The trjde, that obliges artificers to be offidmujly
propriation of one thing to another
tonverfant with their materials, thing or perfon. Assi 3TANT. adj. [from ajfijl.'] Helping;
is that of glafs-
""^n- Boylt. The only thing which maketh any place pub- lending aid.
The habitable earth may have been perpetually lick, is the publick affignment thereof uata fuch Some perchance did adhere to the duke, and
the drier, feeing it it affiduoajly itimei and ex- duties. Hooker. were affiftant to him openly, or atleaft underhand.
haufted by the fcas. Beni.'ey. This in^itution, which afligns it to a perfon, Hale's Common Laiu of England,
To Assi'ece. -v. a. [aj/ieger, Fr.] To be- whom we have no rule to know, isjuft as good as For the performance of this work, a vital or
an affignment to no body at all. Locke. direftive principle feemeth to be affjlant to the
ficge. Obfolete. Dia.
On th' other fide th' ajieged ca/lles ward
Assimilable, adj. [ from ajjimilate. ] corporeal. Crew^
Their fterlfaft arms did mightily maintain. Spenf. That which may be converted to the Assi'sTANT. »,/. [from aj/i/.]
jlSSIKNTO. [In Spanifh, a con-
n. f. fame nature with fomething elfe. 1 . A perfon engaged in an affair, not as
traft or bargain.] contr.^ft or con- A The of many will fii'd but naked habi-
fpirits principal, but as auxiliary or minille-
vention between the king of Spain and tations meeting no affimilahln wharein to re-adi
; rial.
their natures. Broiun's Vulgar Erroun. Some young towardly noblemen or gentlemen
other powers, for furnilhing the Spanilh
dominions in America withnegioflaves.
To ASSI'MILATE. v. n. [dftmilo, Lat.] were ufually fent as affiflantsot attendants, accord,

To ASSI'GN. V. a, [aj^zisr, f r. ajigno, To perform the aft of converting food ing to the quality of the perfons. Bacon,
to nourifhment. 2. Sometimes it is perhaps only a fofter
Birds affimilaie tefs, and excern morCj than word for an attendant.
A^^ A S S A s ^
T'hf >il! affiflnnis on each oth'er'(!.w'd, He was accompanied with a noble gentleman, Tell me, when Aall thefe weary waet tiarecnd.
• ^lthg«,»ing mouths for ilfuing wordt prefir'd. no unfuilable alJiciatt. ffattr.. Or (hali their ruthlcis torment ntier ccafc,
- ' Drydai. Sole Eve, ajWuit folc, to me, beyond Dut all my days in pining languor fpend,
ASSr?E, ^./. lajpji, a fittirt|; Fr.]

Compare, above all Hving creatures dean MHim. ; Without litpc ai affua^nntr.t or rcledfe.
i'r An aircmbly of knights ari3f other fub- But iny tfficutci now my ftaydeplnrc, - ' •
Sffvjir'i S'trrretu
_.,jliu>uaj «n(;n, with tli« IjaiUff.or jajUcie,
Ptfi's OJyffiy. AssuA'een'. *./ [from «^^*.i One who
Associa'tion. It,/. Ifrom afficiale.y pacifies -or appeafes.

''in" a 'certain place,' and at a cenain

1 Union ; conjunction ; focicty.
Assua'sivb. adj. [from ajiut^e."] Soften-
timo. 1 he church being a foctct)-, hath the fclf-fanic
c. 'A jury. ing ; mitigating.
original grounds, which other politick focietits
have; the natural inclination which all men have It in the1>rea(l tumultuous joys arife,
j. 'All ordinance or ftatate.
unto fociablelife, and confcnt to fome certain bon Mufick her foft a£aaf.'Jt voice fupplic^.
j^. The court, place, or time,where and i

Pifc's St. Cariihrn

o{ ojjhciatiov; which bond ts the law that appoini-
>v'tieti, the writs and proceflVs (^ a^ze To Assu'biwcats. V. a.WubJHgo, Lat.]
cth what kind of order they (hould bq aJ/'o:u"e<l in.
are tal^en. Catvcll.
, , - •
Heoier. To fubjeft to : not in ule.
,, '^ic law wi^ i)«y<ir executeil by any jul'ticc;. of
2, Confederacy ; union for particular pur- This valiant lord
.,.4|^^;lwtU>e]>c9^cJe(c't»tJicir »u-n laws. '
' M'T '
Vavies OH Ir^Untii.
pofes, good or ill.
This coiild not be done but with mighty op[io-
not fo (late his palm, nobly acquir'J ;
Nor by my will ajjutj.tgate his merit,
At each «//r« and term we try By going to Achilles. Sbakejf:are,
Ctibn: againll which to ftrcngtlien themfelves,
... Athon'and i^f»;als of as deep a d)e,,,./?jry(^^«v.
they fectttjy^ehteied into a league of aj/idaiien. AssUEFA'cTtON. [a^utfacio, hiX."]
5. Any court pfjoiUce, y. t

Ih^ier. The (late of being accuftomed to any

TJK- judging God /hall clofe the boolf. of fyxc,
Anil there the lad a^f! keep,
ji Partnerlhip. thing. -
For wake, who Self-denial kind of holy ajiniatior \yith
it a Right and left, as parts infervicnt unto the mo-
(lioft-vl'ho !l^d thsfe deep. Diyi.
God j and, by making you his partner, lnter,clh tive faculty, arc differenced by degrees from ufe
6. Ajpxt hf bread; ale, Si6. Meafure of you in all his happincfs. BiiyU. and aJjutJaSi'tm,- or according wliereto the one
price or rate. 1'hus it is faid, lutien 4. Conneftion. grows (Irongcr.

Src^ns l^algar Errcuru

'wheat is of fuch a price, the bread Jhall y}Jfociati:n of ideas is of great importance, and Asivs'TVDS.. n.f, [ajsietttdo. Lit.] Ac-
be ofj'ucb aflize. may be of ejcellcnt ufe. ff^ails.
cuftomance ; cuftom ; habit.
7. Meafure ; for which we now \x{e.fix.e. 5. Appofition ; union of matter.
Wefcc that ii^irti«f; of things hurtful, doth make
On high hill's top 1 faw a llately frame,».'j The changes of corporeal things are to be placed
them lofe the force to hurt. Baccn't Nal, Hi/it
An hundred cubits hij^h by jutt tf^xf, .only in the various feparations, and new aJJ'odotkni

; With hundred pillars. Spcrtjer.

and motions, of thcfe permanent particles. Ncwtm. To ASSU'ME. V, a. laffumo, Lat.]

!7fl Assi'zE. fu. a. [from the Aoun.] To A'ssoNANCE, n.f. \affonance, Fr.] Re- 1. To take.
ference of one found to another refem- This \vhen the various god had urg'd in vain.
fix the rate of any thing by an aj[}ixe or
He Rrait ajfum'd his native form again. Py>e«
writ. bling it. Refemblance of found. Dicl.
A'ssoNANT. adj. \affonant, Fr.J Sound- 2. To take upon one's felf.
Assi'zERjOr Assi'sER. n.f. [from a£ize.'] With ravilh'd cirs
Is an officer that has the care and over- ing in a manner refembling another The monarch h^ars,
fight of weights and meafures. Chamb. found. DiSl. Ajlumfs the God,
Asso'ci AB E. adj. [aj/ociaiilis, Latin.]
To Asso'rt, "v. a. \affortir, Fr.] To range Affedls to nod.
in clafles, as one thing fuits with ano- And feems to (hake the fphcrcs. Drxdittt
[ That which may be joined to another.
Ti ASSO'CIATE. [ajhcier. Fr.]
ther. 3. To arrogate; to claim or fcize un-
-v.. a.
, affacie, Lat.]
Asso'rtment. n.f, [from fl^rt.] juflly.

I. '1^0 unite with another ks a confederate. 1. The adl of claffing or ranging. 4. To fuppofe fomething granted without
, ' A fearful army led by Caius Marcius, 2. A
mafs or quantity properly felefted proof.
y^iVd/f^ with Aufidius, rages and ranged. In every hypothefis, fomething it allowed to be
. Upon our territories. Shakespeare. To Asso't. -v. a. [from^/o/ ; affoter, Fr.] affumed. Byle.
1. To adopt as a friend upon equal term'. To infatuate ; to befot a word out of : 5. To apply to one's own ufe;. to appro-
AJJituaic in your town a. wand'rin^ train. ufe. priate.
And Arangers in your palace entertain. Dryden. But whence they fprung, or how they were begot, His mijefty might well ajfumc the complaint
3. To accompany,; to Ite.cp company with Uneath is to afiiirc, uncath to weenc and cxpicliion of king David. Clarcr.diJt,

another. . , ..
That monftrous errour which doth fome ajfot. To Assu'me. •:;. n. To be arrogant; to
Fi>ends ibould <7^iarr friends in grief and woe. f
claim more than is due.

,Shaktjjttare. To ASSUA'GE. 'V. a. [The derivation of

', •
Assu'mer. n.f. [from ajjhmc.'] An arro-

4. To unite ; to join. this word is uncertain Minjhe--iv de-

gant man ; a man who claims more than
Sijmc oleaginous particles unperceivedly ajjict- duces it from adfuadere, or affuaviare
tueJ ih;mfclves to it. ByU. his due.
Junius, from fpa-y, fweet ; from whence Can man be wife in any courfe, in which he is
5. It has generally the particle tvith ; as,
Skinner imagines afpa;j-an nilglit have not fafe too But can thcfc high ajjumers, and pre-

he njfociated nvith his mailer's enemies. Scutb, h

been formed.] tenders to reafon, prove tliemfelvcs ?

TV Asso'ciATE. "J. n. To unite himfelf; 1. To mitigateto foften ; to allay.

; \s%v'},iitic. participial adj. [from ajfufite.]
to join himfelf. Refieihing winds the fummer's heats ajjuage. Arrogant ; haughty.
Asso'ciATE. adj. [from the verb.] Con- And kindly warmth difarms the winter's rage. His haughty looks, and his a[/umtrg air.
AMiS«n. The
fon of Ifis cnuld no longer bear. Dryden*
federate ; joined in intered or purpofe.
While 1 defccnd through daricncfs 2. To
appcafe ; to pacify. This makes him over-forward in bufinefs, aj'
To my fl/T-jriafs pow'rs, them to acquaint Yet is his hate, his v-nc ur, ne'er the lefs,
. fumivg in convcrlatior, and peremptory in anfwers.
With thcic fucccHes. Milton.
Since nought I'jjkaveth malice when 'tis told. C-Ml,r.

•Asso'ciATE. n.f. [from the verb.]

Fairfax. ASSUMPSIT, n.f {affamo, Lat.] A vo-
This was ncceflary for the fccuring the pc^pe luntary promifc made by word, where-
J. A pei^bn joined with another ; a part- from their fears, capable of being ajfua^ei by no
other means. ClarendMt. by a man takcth upon him to perform
Tl ey pcrfuade the king, now in old age, to Shall I, t* tjfua^c or pay any thing to another ; it con-
make PUngut his aff.uau Im govcrumcht -.vith Their brutal rage. tains any verbal promife made upon
' h'.m. %
- '\ S'lirty. The rcgil (torn ui:(lroy > Dryien'sAthkn, confideration. Co^mcII,
2. A confederate, in a good or neutral 3. To eafe ; as, the medicine affnagts
.Assu'm PTION. II. f. \aff:implio, Lat.}
fenfe ; an accomplice in ill. pain.
1 . The ad of taking any thing to one's felf.
Their and h\i affeciates, h:iTe fithencc
dci'end:r, To Assua'ce. %<. n. To abate.
The perfnnal dtfccnt of God tiiml'i, and his
yrnpofcJ to the wjrld a form fuch as thcmfelvcs Gnd male a wind to pais over the earth, and
of our fl.lh to his divinity, more fami-
Jilce. }hoker. .
the waters /T^ifl^r*/. Gtn. v\'\\. 1.
us, was ^u en-
liarly to infinuale liis plrafure to
5. A companion ; implying fome kind of Assu'a'cem ENT. n.f. \Uoxa affuage.\ Mi- forcement beyond ali methods of wifdom.
equality. tigation i abatement of evil. liammwiSi iuniamnittn.
a. The
If you iliouU die before him, where'j her dower God is abfolutely giod, and fo, effiirtj.y, th«
2. The fuppofition, or aft of fuppoSng, of ?

Shakefpcare, caufe of allthat is good ; hut of any thing t!iat i»

any thing without further proof. ^n afjuran;e being paffed through for a compe- evil he is ho caufe at all. Raleigh's Hifi. ofH'orld.
Thefe by w.iy of a//itiTtj,ih>i, unJer the two ge- he will flop our lib^:ty, we reftoie
tent line, hath caine back again by reafon of fome jiJJ'uredly till
neral prop litions, a.Q incrmficaUy and nativ^llyi him his woiihif
oVerllghr. Bacon. '

gtod or bnJ. ^orrii<'

-8, Spirit intrepidity.
; Assu'redness. »./. [from ajiiied.'\
3. The thing fnppofed ; a poilulate. '
' '

; 'fhey, like refolutc men, ftoQd in the face of ftate of being aflured ; certainty.
Hold, fays thcS.^ick, )oMt RffuKfU'jn'i Wrcing':
th^ breach witlnmofe ajpiravce than the wall itfelf.

Assu'rer. [from c^«v.]

I gtaiiT, crue -I'^ei'jni-you k«ve well defin'd. Dryd- ,*-'-'. KnolUi.
that gives aflurance.
Forrfie jJ^umptUrty that Chrid di fuch miiacu-; 1 .

With all tV ajjirance innocence can bring,

lous iqJ fupernatura) works to confirm what he
Fearlefs without, becaufe fccure within ; 2. He that gives fecurity to mftke good
faid, we need only repeat the rneflage fent by him'
Arm'd with my CJurage, unconcern'd 1 fee any lofs.
to Joh;i the Bartift. Sou'h.
This pomp, a Hiame me. Dryd.
to you, a pride ro '


4. The taking up any perfon into heaven, 9. Sauguinenefs ; readinefs to hope. A'sterisk. ?;./. [arte'""*®--] A mark itt
which is fuppofed by the Roraifli Church '
This not the grace of hope, but a good natu-
printing or writing, in form of a little
of the Blefle Virgin. !
ral affarance or c 'ntidence, which Atiltocls obfervcs
youn^ men to be full of> and oW men not fo in- ftar; is •• :
Upan rf-.i .^cali of the ajjfuwptkn of the BlefTed He atfo puBliflied. the tranflation of the Septua-
Virgin, the pope and cardinals keep the vefpers. clined to. hammond.
gint by itfelf, having compared it with the
St'tlUngjiett, 10. Teftimony of credit.
Hebrew, and noted by ajier'ijks what was defeilive,
Adam, after a certain period of years, would 1 am a gentleman of blood and^ breeding,
and by obelilks what was redundant. Crew*
have been rewarded with an affump:]on to eternal And, from fome knowledge and nfflirance of you,
felicity. Wtii^. Offer this office. Shakef^care' i King Lear.
A'sTERisM. n.j'. \ttjierifmus, Lat.]

Assc'mptive. adj. [ajfumptevus, Lat.]

We have as great ajfurance that there is a God, 1. A conftellation.
as we could expeQ to have, fuppofing that he were. Poetry had filled the (kics with aji'rifms, and'
That is afTumed. '

Tlllolfon. hlftories belonging to them ; and the..' aflrology
Ass; 'range. »./. \affurance, Fr.] 1 1 . Conviftion. devifes the feigned virtues and influenres of each.
1. Certain expectation. '
make men B-nt ley's Scrmoru
Such an aljurance of things as will
Tlijugh hopr be, indeed, a lower and fclTcr' careful to avoid a leflirr danger, ought to awaken 2. An afteriflc, or mark. This is a very
thing thar.ajfuriinccy yet, as to aii the purpofesof a men to avoid a greater. TiUotfon. improper ufe.
pioiij life, it may prove moie i.vful, Sawh. 12. [In theology.] Security with refpeft Uwcll particularly on pafTages with an ajler'iftn
Wr;at encouragement c^.. bt t^ivcn to goodnefi, for the obfcrvat'.ons which follow a note, will
to a future ftate
; certainty of accept-
beyond the hopes of heave j, and the ajjitratici of a give you a clear light. DryJen's Dufrejnoy,
er.Ilefs felicity ? TilLtfon.
ance with God.
The fame with /»/«r/i»«. See Insu- Asie'rn. adv. [from a and _/?cr».] Ir»
2. Secure confidence ; truft. 13.
the hinder part of the ftiip behind the
What mm
is be that boat>5 of flelbly might, rance. ;

And vain ajfuraticcof moical'ty, (hip.


To Assu're. a/, a. \affeurer, Fr. from af-

Which all fo f"on as it doth come to fight The galley gives her fide, and turns her prow.
J'ecurare,low Latin.] While down the ftcep.
thofe afiern, defcending
Againft fpiritual foct, yields by and by. Faiy S^.
1. To give confidence by a firm promife. Thro' gaping waves behold the boiling deep. Dryd.
.3. Freedom from doubt; certain know- So when he had affured them with many words
To Aste'rt. v. a. [a word ufed by Spen-
ledge. that he would reilote them without hurt, accord-
Proof from the author!tyT)f man's judgment, is ing to the agreement, they let him go for the fjv- fer, as it feems, iorjtart, or fiarile.] To
not able to work that affurance, which doth grow ing of their brethren. 2 Mac. xii. terrify ; to ftartle ; to fright.
by a ilronger proof. Hooker. 2. To fecure to another ; to make firm.
We deem of death, as doom of ill defert
•Tis far off.
So sm authority cannot be refle^ed
irrefiftible But knew we fools what it us brings until.
And rather like a dream, than an aj/irancc
on, without the moft awful reverence, even by Die would we daily, once it to expert;
That my remembrance warrants. Shjk. Tcmftfi. thofc whofe piety ajfurei its favour to them. Rogers. No danger there the (hepherd can ajlert. Spenfcr,
The obedient, and the man of pia£lice, Ihall A'sTHMA. /. Afretjucnt,
outgrow all tiieir doubts and ignorances, till pcr- 3. To make confident ; to exempt from ». [ao-S/xa.J
doubt or fear ; to confer iecurity. diflicult, and fliort refpiration, joined
fuafion pafs into knowledge, and knowledge ad-
vance into aJJ'urarct, South. And hereby we know, that we arc of the truth, with a hiffing foond and a cough, efpe-
Hath he found, an evil courfe, that comfort-
in and Ihall ii^iiMOurheartsbefoiehim. iyotn,'s\\, 19. cially in the night-time, and when the
able ajfuranu of God's favour, and g 1 revive
;jd ho^ :s cir body is in a prone pofture ; becaufe
his future condition, wliic^ a religious life would At this laft fight ; aJJ'ur'd that man (hall live
With all the creatures, and their feed perfcrve. then the contents of the lower belly
have given him ? Tilhtjon.
Mi/ton. bear fo againft the diaphragm, as to
4. Firmnefs ; nndoabting
Men 4. Too make fecure with o/. leflen the capacity of the breaft, where-
whofe our mo-
confidera'.inn will relieve :

defty, and give us courage and ujptrana in the du- But what on earth can lung abide in ftate? by the lungs have lefs room to move.
ties of our piofcflion. Rogers. Or who can him of happy day ?
affiire Sfenjer. ^incy.
And, for that dow'ry, I'll ujj'urt her of
5. Confidence; want of modefty ; exemp- An BJihma is the inflation of the membranes of
Her widowhood, t^e it that ftie fuivivcs me, the lungs, and of the membranes covering the
tion from awe or fear.
In all my lands and leafes whatfoever. Sbakefp,
My behaviour, governed, gave you the firft
ill mufcles of the thorax. Floyer on the humours,
comfort; my atfeflion, ill hid, hath given you 5. To afHance to betroth.j AiTHUATictLi-.l adj. [from afihma.'\
'Ihij aiviner laid claim to me, called me Dro-
this laft afj'urame. Suincy.
mio, fwore t was esjfured to her. Shjkejfieure,
Asthma'tick. 5 Troubled with an
6. Freedom from vitious Ihame. afthma.
Converfatiun, when they come into the world,
Assu'red. participial adj. [fromo^rf.]
In ajlhmatical perfons, though the hings be
will add to their knowledge and ojpir^nce. Locke, 1 Certain ; indubitable ; not doubted.
very much Huffed with tough phlegm, yet the pa-
It is an ajiired experience, that flint laid about
7. Ground of confidence ; fecurity ; fuffi- tient may live £bme montlis, if not fome years.
the bottom of a tree makes it profper. Boyle.
cient reafon for truft or belief. Bacon's Natural Hi/lory,
The nature of defire itfelf is no eafier to receive After drinking, our horfes are moft ajlhmatick ^
2. Certain ; not doubting. and, for avoiding the watering of them, we wet
belief, than it is hard to ground belief; for as de.
Young princes, clol; your hands, their hay. Floyer.
fire is glad to embrace the firft /hew of comforr,
fo is defire defirous of prrt'eii ajfurance, Sidney.
—And your lips too j for, I am vitII affured. Asto'nied. part. adj. Word ufed in A
That I did fo, when I was firft ajjlr'd.
Asthe conqueft was but llight and fuperficial, the vcrfionof the Bible ioiajhnijhed.
Sbakejpearg's King fohn.
{o the pope's donation to the Irifli fubmiflions were
As when by night the glafs
Many were afivnted at thee. Ijaiah, lii. i^.
but weak and fickle ujfurarcei. Daviei on Ireland. Unnanly dicad invades
Of Galilaco, obfervcs
lefs offur'd,
None of woman born The French a/lony'd. J. Philips,
Imagin'd lands and regions in the moon. Milton.
Shall harm Macbeth.
—'J hen live, Macduff, what need 3. Immodeft ; vitioufly coiifident. To ASTO'NISH. from-v. a. [ejlomier, Fr.
I fear of thee ?

But yet I'll ni;:kc etjfurance double furc. Assu'redlv. ad'x'. \jivom. aJJ'ured.'\ Cer- altmitui, Lat.] confound with fome To
And take a bond at fate; thou (halt not live. tainly ; indubitably. fudden paffion, as with fear or wonder j
Hbakejfeare. They promls'd me eternal happincfs. to amaze ; to furprife ; to ftun.
I m'f ' " ' f vTir offer ij the bed; And brought me garlands, OrifRth, which I feel It is the part iif men
and tremble.
to fi-ar
And, make her the aj^urance^ I am not worthy yet to wear ; 1 fllall affuredly. When the moft mighty gotis, by tokens, fend
She i> I . '.e you muft pardon mej S^akefl'eari. Such dreadful heralds to B^sBift us, S^hukeffrare.
A S T A§ t AST
Afiomjh'i <t the voice, he Hood amai'd. between two rockj, that a man may Rand afiridc The twelve hotifes of heaven, in the form which
And all around with inward horror gaz'd* A^tJ'itu upon both at oixce. B<yle. ajirohgiam ufe. Camden.
A genius unlverfal as hit theme, Astri'ferous. adj, {a^rifer, Lat.] The ftars, they fay, cannot difpofe
Ajiwtlh'w^ as chaos. TBomfin. No more than can the aJInUgian,
Bearing or having liars. Dia. Huiibrai.
ASTO NISHINCNESS. «._/C [Uom aJfoHiJh.'] Ast r I'c E ROUS, adji [afiri^Bf, Lai.J Car- Astrolo'gical. 7 J- re ,
Of a nature to excite aflonifliment. /. ,

rying ftars. ' > DiB. As r ROLo'c c K I'^J- t*^"" ¥'ology.-\

I .
Asto'nishment. »./ [eflonniment, Fr.]
rffASTRl'NGE. ^. a. [ajlrhgo, Lat.] 1. Profefling aftrology.
Amazement ; confvflon of mind from To Some feem
by contraftion
prefs ; to make the a little aJlreUguat, as when tliey
fear or wonder. ,. ,, ,,.,; .1 - warn ut from malign influence.
places of
parts draw together. ' Ifetion.
We found, with no lefi wondef to,as than ejla-
Tears are cauicd by a contraflion of the fpirits
No ajirologkk wiiard honour gains.
tii/kment to themfelvts, that they wei-e the two va- Who has not oft been binifli'd, or in chains.
of. the brainj which contra3ioh, by confcquence,
liant knd famous brothers. Sidnij.
ajlri^gnb the rooirt»rc of t^e btain, and thereby DrydcK,
She efteemed this as much^bovc his wifdom,as 2. Relating to aftrology.
fendrth tears into the eyes. Bainn.'.
ajltmjhmirt is btyond bare Mlnuratipn> Swib.
AsTRTNCENcy. ». / [from aJfriMge.]
Ajtrotogical prayers fscm to me to be built on ai
yi AsTo'uND. -v. a. {eftonnO-, Fr.'\ To go>Kl leafon as the prediftions. StiUingftur,
The power of comrafting the parts ot The poetical fables are more
alloni/h to confound with fear or won-
ancient thin. the
the body ; oppofcd to the power of re- afirfihgual inOiences, that were not known to tl,e
der. Thij word is now fomewhat ob-
laxation. '

Creeks till af:er Alexander the Great. BenlUy,

*i>'ete. ,.,,„„. Aftriflion ^rohibiteth difTolution ; as, in medi-
Thefe thoughts may ftartle well, but not afimind AsTROLo'ciCALLY. adv. [from ajlrtlo-
cines, afiringcnts inhabit putrcfaflion and, by :
The virtuous mind, that ever walks attended ajlihgcncy, fomc frflall quantity of oil of vitriol
gy-'\ In an aftrological manner.
By a ftrong fiding champion, confcicitcc Milnn. will ke:p 7» Astro'locize. nj. n. [from ajfra.
frcUi water loiigfrom putrefying.'
Astra'ddle. ativ. [from a &t\Aj!railMe.y ' '- ' " Bii^iCi Natural WJIory. logy.'\ To praftife afliology.
With one's legs acrofs any thing. Dia. !
Atid, acrid, auftere, and bitter fubftan^es, by' ASTRO'LOGY. H.f. [ajirologia, Lat.]
their ajlr'wgeny, create Jiorroof, ftat W, IHmulale
A'sTRACAi,. n./. [ar^ay<»^®>., the ankle'
tlie fibres. •''.' '
The praftice of foretelling things by
or ankle-bone.] little round meniber,- A Astri'ncent. adj.' \_njfri>igens, Lat.]
the knowledge of the liars ; an art now
jn the form of a ring or bracelet, ferv- generally exploded, as irrational and
Binding; contrafting oppofed to /a.v- ;
ing as an ornament at the tops and bot- falfe.
ati've : it is ufed fometimes of talles'
toms of columns. Builder's DiS. 1 know the learned think of the art of ajlrolegy,
which feem to contraft the mouth.
We none of that ordinary confufion, which
AJIrin^nl medicines arc binding, which aft by'
that the ftars do not force ihe aftions or wilU of
is the refult of ijiurter rounds of the ajiragal, and mch. Stvi/t.
the afpenty of their particles, whereby they corru-
1 know not how many other intermingled particu-
gate tlie membranes, and make tliem draw up;
Astro'nomer, n./. [from Sr^ov, a ftar,
lars. Sfeliclor.i
clofcr. ' ^m.ji.l and ion©-, a rule or law.] One that
A'sTRAL. adj. [from a/?>-aOT, Lat.] Starry; The myrobalan hath parts of contrary natures, ftudies the celeftial motions, r.nd the
belonging to the ftars. ( for it is fweet and yet ejirmgent,
Baiop. tules by which they are governed.
Some oftral forms I muft invtke by pray'r, The juice is very ajlrlngcni, an^ therefore of (To'w The motions of faClionj under kings ought ta
Fram'd of pnreft atoms of the air ;
all motion. Bacon's Natural Hiftcry.
be like the motions, as the afironomert Ipeak of, in
Not in their natures fimply
good or ill, What diminifticth fenfible
perfpiration, en- the inferioar orbs. Bac(,n.
But mofl fubfervient to bad fpirits will. DryJtn.\ crcafeth the infenfible; for that rcafon a ftrength-
Aftrcncmeri no longer doubt of the motion of the
ening and ajfringent diet often condoceth to this
Astra'y. adv. [from a a.i\dji,-aj.'\ Out of planets about the fun. Locke,
pui^ofe. Arbuthnot en jUhm-tn,
the right way. The old and ticw ajfronomers in vain
May feem the wain was very avll led,
' A'strocraphy. n.f. [from a-{5> and Attempt the heav'niy motions to explain.
When fuch an one had guiding of the way, y^u^u.l The fcience of defcribing the BlarJttrfore^

That knew not whether right he .went, or clfe ftars. Dia. Astrono'mical. ladj. [from a^ro/ior/ty.'\
ajiray. Sperftr. A'strolabe. n.f. [of irig, and Xot.iiXt, Astrono'mick. j Belonging to aftro-
You run aflray, for whilft we talk of Ireland,
you rip up the original of Scotland, Spenjer on Jrct.
to take.] nomy.
Like one that had been led aflray 1. An inftrument chiefly ufed for taking Our fjrefathers marking certain mutations to
Through the altitude of the pole, the fun, or ftars,, happen in the fun's progrefs through the zod'ack,
the heav'ns wide patdlefs way. Milton.
th-y re^iftrate and fet them down in their aftrono-
at fea.
7*0 ASTRT'CT. 'V. a. \aflringo, Lat.] To mical canons. Brc-a.n't Vulgar Errouri.
,' contraft by applications, in oppofition'
2. Aftereographick pxojeftion of the cir-i Can he not pafs an aftrtmcmick line.
to relax : a word not fo much ufcd as
clesof the fphere upon the plain of fome Or dreads the fun th' imaginary fign.
great circle. Chambers. That he Aiouid ne'er advance to either po'e ?
Astro'locer. Blackmire,
The folid parts were to be relaxed or ajlnlicd, n.f. [ajirolcgus, Lat. from
they let the humours pafs either in too fmall or too
u,T^o» and ^o'y©'.]j
Astrono'mically. adv. [from ajlro-^
mmical.] In an aftronomical manner.
great quantities. Arhuthmt en Al'mcnti. 1. One that, fuppofing the influences of
AsTRi'cTiON. the ftars to have a caufal powc, profefles
ASTRO'NOMY. n. f. [ir^ovo^;*, from
n.f. [aJ}ri3io, L?it.] The and op.®-, a law cr
arftf, a ftar, rule.]
power of contrafting the parts of
aft or to foretel or difcover events depending
the body by applications. on thofe influences.
A mixed m.ithematical fcience, teaching
Not unlike that wliich the knowledge of the celeftial bodies,
Afirilihii is in a fubftancc that hath a virtual aftrohgin call a conjunc-
cold ; and it worketh partly by the fame means that tion of planets, of no very benign alpcft thenncto their magnitudes, motions, diftances,
old doth. Bacon. tlic other. -
IViiion. periods, eclipfes, and order. Pythago-
This virtue requlreth an aJiriSthn, but fuch an A happy genius is the gift of nature it depends

ras taught that the earth and planets
afiridiim as is not grateful to the body ; for a pleaf- on the influence of the ftars, fay the ajlrologers ; on
the organs of the body, fay the naturalifts ; it is the
turn round the fun, which ftands im-
lag afiriaiofi doth rather bind in the nerv7s than
expel them j and therefore fuch ajinSkn is found particular gift of heaven, fay the divines, both moveable in the centre. From the time
in things oi a harfli tafte. Bacon. chriftians and heaihens. Drydcn. of Pythagoras, ajironcmy funk into ne-
Lenitive fubflances are proper for dry atrabila- AJIrolagtrs, that future fates fore/hew. Pcpt. gleft, till it was revived by the Ptole-
r'an conftltution?, who are fubjeft to ajirili'an of I never heard a finer fatire againd lawyers, tha«
mys, kings of Egypt ; and the Saracens
the belly, and tlic piles. Arbuihmt on Dili. that of a/fro/o^wj, when they pretend, by rules ot
art, to tell when a fuit will end, and whether to the
brought it from Atrica to Spain, and re-
AsTRi'crivE ad/. \Jiom aftriS.'] Stip- a Ivantage of the plaintift'or defendant. S^vjt. ftored this fcience to Europe. Chamhrs.
tick ; of a binding quality. Dih. 2. It was anciently ufed one that un- for To this muK be add :il the undciftanding i.f the

AsTRi'croRY. adj. [ajiriaoriui, Lat.] derftood or explained the motions of the globei, and the principles .>f geometi y and ajironcmy.
Aftringent apt to bind. Z)/V7. Cvtcl y.
planets, without including prediftion.
Astri'dr. adv. [from a and Jlride.'\ A worthy ajtrologrr, by perfpcdtive glafTes, hath
A'sTROscopY. «. /. [a.-\(, a ftar, and
With the legs open. found in the ftars many things unknown to the an- cyttriu-, to view.] Obfervation of the
To lay their native arms afide. cients. . ftars. Dia.
Their modcfty, and ride aftrid,: Uudihrm. Astroi.o'gian. ». /. [from ajlro'ogy.'] Astro-theology, n.f. [from ajirum, a
1 faw a place, where tiie Rhone it fo ihaiteiicd The fame with aji oltger. ftar, and thealogia, divinity.] Divinity
fotnded on the obfervation of the celef- eluded in the adjeftive ; we commonly 8. .<^/ is fometimes the fame viYth/urmJljeJ^
tial bodies. fay, at a minute, at an hour, on a day,
That the diurnal and annual revolutions are the
ivith, after the French a.
in a month. Iifufe his bread with magnanimity,
motions of the terraqueous globe, not of the fun, 1
We thought it at the very firft a llgn of cold And make him naked foil a man at arms. Shakeff.
flicw in the preface of my j^fin-Theahgy. afteifllon. Hooker. At fometimes notes
D^rbdfni Pbyji^o-Tbefthgy
How 9. the place where any
frequent to defert him, and at laft
Asu'NDER.Wf. [apinbpan. Sax.] Apart; To heap ingratitude on worthieft deeds. Milton.
thing is, or afts.

feparately ; not togetljer. At the fame time that the ftorm beats upon the Yourhulband isaf hand, I hear his trumpet.
Two indirefi lines, the further that they are
whole fpecies, we are falling foul upon one another. Shaiejfcare*
drawn out, the further they go a/under.
He that in tracing the velTels began at the heart,
We made no efforts at all, where we though he thought not at all of a circulation, yet
Sptnjer m Ireland, could have
made he the firft true ftep towards the difcovery.
Senfe thinks the planets fpheres not much .•j/at<iTj moft weakened the common enemy, and, at the
What tells us th. n their diftance is fo far ? Di-uUt. fame time, enriched ourfehes. Swift. Crew*
Greedy hope to find At, before a caufal word fignifies nearly
To all you ladies now at land

His wifli, and beft advantage, us ajunder.

We men at fea indite. Bucihurfl*
the fame as ivith, noting that the event Their various news I heard, of love and ftrife,
Paradife Lofi. accompanies, or immediately fucceeds,
The fall'n archangel,
01 ftorms at fea, and travels on the (liore. Pope.
envious of our ftjte.
Seeks his advantage to betray us
the adion of the caufe. 10. At fometimes fignifies in immediate
worfe ;
Which, when a under, will not prove too hard. A^ his touch. confequeiice of.
For both t "gether are each other's guard. Dryden. Such fanftity hath Heav'n giv'n his hand, Inpeachments at the profecution of the houfe of
Borne far jjunder by the tides of men. They prefently amend. Sbaktjfrare' s Macbeth. commons, have received their determinations in
Like adamant and fteel they meeta'ain. O fir, when he (hall hear of your approach, the houfe of lords. Hale.
Drydtns Fables.
If tlut young Arthur be not goie already,
Bv'n ai this news he dies. 11. At marks fometimes the effeiS pro-
All this metallick matter, both that which con- Shakrfp. King John.
tinued njunder, and in fingle corpufcles, and t'lat Much at tlic fight was Adam in his heart ceeding from an aft.
which was amafll-J and concreted into nodules, Difmay'd. Mdt.ns Paradife Loft. Reft in this tomb, rais'd at thy huiband's cof?.
fubfided. H^oodward' t Natural Hiftory. High o'er their heads a mould'iing rock is pljc'd. Dryden.
That promlfes a fail, and ihakes at ev'ry biart. Tom has been at the charge of a penny upoa
AsY LUM. n.f. [Lat. airvXit, from a., not, this occafion. Addifon,
and c:v>.iu, to pillage.] A place out of 4. At before a fuperlative adjedlive implies Thole may be of ufe, to confirm by authority
which he that has fled to it may not be inihejlate; as, at biji, in the ftate of
what they will not be at the trouble to deduce by
taken a fanftuary reafoning. Arbutbmt.
; ; a refuge ; a place moft perfeftion, l^c.
of retreat and fecurity. Confider any man as to his perrmal powers, Uiey
12. At fometimes is nearly the fame as in,
So facred was the church to foroe, that it had the are not great; for, at greateft, they muil ftill be noting fituation ; as, he was at the bot-
right ofina/ylam, orfanfluary. limited. tom, or top of the hill.
jiyhffe'iParergon. Sautb.
Asy'mmetry. »./,[from a, without,
We _
bring into the world with us a poor needy She hath been known to come at the head of
and uncertain life, fliort at the longed, and unquiet iif thefe rafcals, and beat her lover. Sivifc.
avfi^'vT^M, fymraetry.]
the beft.
J. At
TVm/./,. fometimes marks the occafion, like
1 Contrariety to fymmetry difpropor- I
5. At, before a perfon, isfeldom ufed other-

tion. on.
wife than ludicroufly ; as, he longed to
The afymmeirles of the brain, is well as the de- Others, with more helpful care,
formities of the ie^s or face, may be be at him, that him.
is, to attack Cry'd out aloud. Beware, brave youth, beware t
reaificd in
«""=•. 6. At before a fubftantive fometimes figni- At this he turn'd, and, as the bull drew near,
Shunn'd, and rcceiv'd him on his pointed fpear.
2. This term is fometiraes nfcd in mathe- fies the particular condition or circum-
maticks, for what is more ufually called ftances of the perfon ; as, at peace, in a
ftate of peace. 14. At fometimes feems to fignify ia the
incommenfurability ; when between two
poiuer of, or obedient to.
quantities there is no common meafure. Under pardon,
You are much more at talk for want of wifdom.
But thou of all the kings, Jove's care below.
A'svmptote. n. /. [from a, priv. a^,, Than Art lead at my command,my foe. Dryd, and moft
prais'd for harnilefs mildnefs. Shakcfp.
with, and efUu,, to fall ; which never It biingeth the treafure of a At fometimes notes the relation of a
realm into a few 15.
meet ; incoincident.] Afymptotes are hands: for the ufurer being at certainties, and man to an aftion.
right lines, which approach nearer others at uncertainties, at the end of the game He who makes pleafure the vehicle of health, is
and moft
nearer to fome curve ; but which, of the money will be in the box. Bacon. a doftor at in good earned. Collier
it of Friendjhip.
Hence walk'd the fiend at large in fpacious field. 16. At fometimes imports the manner of
they and their curve were infinitely
con- Miltt,n.
tinued, would never meet ; and The an aclion.
may be reft, for whom
no lot is yet decreed,
One warms you
conceived as tangents to their curves May run in paftures, and at plcafure feci. by degrees, the other fets you oi»
at fire all at once, and never intermits his
an infinite diftance. Chambers. Drydin's Virgil.
Dcferted, at his utmoft ne.d. Drydcn^s Fables,
Afymptoie lines, though they may approach Not with Icfs ruin than the Bajan mole
ftill By thofe his former bounty fed. Vryd, Sl.Cacllia.
rearer together, they are nearer than the lead
till At once comes tumbling down. Dryden s^ncidm
What hinder'd cither, in their native foil,
ajfignable d,(Hnce, yet, being ftiU
produced infi- A'. cAt to reap the harvert of their toil. Dryd. Fab.
nitely, will never meet. 17. At, like the French chez, means fome-
Gre'ji. Wile men are fometimes over-borne, when they times application to, or dependence on.
AsYMPTo'riCAL. adj. [From aj^mftou.] are taken at a difadvantage. Collier of Confidence. The worft authors might endeavour to pleale us,
Curves are faid to
be afymptoiical, when Thefe have been the maxims they have been
and in that endeavour defcrve fomcthing at out
they continually approach, without a guided by : take thefe from tiiem, and they arc
hands. Pope,
perfeOly at a lofs, their compafs and pole-ftar then
poffibility of meeting.
are gone, and their utiderftanding 18. At all. In any manner; in any de-
is perfeflly at a
f. [i^i.S,r„, of a, nonplus. i^,ci,e.
priv. and A
o-trA'w, to bind together.] One man manages fourhnrfcs at once, and leaps Nothing more true than what you once let fall,
from the back of another at full (peed. Muft women have no characters at all. Pope.
figure in grammar, when a conjunftion
copulative is omitted in a fentence ; as,
Pc'jie't Effay on Ihmeri Batilet.
They will rot let mc be at quiet
A'tabai,. «./ A kind of tabour ufed by
in veni, 'vidi, •vici, CS" in my bed, but the Moors.
is left out. purfueme to my very dreams. Swift.
At. prep, [are, Saxon.] Children
ftiall beat our atabals and drnms,
'. At before a fulfllantive fometimes marks And the noify trades of war no more
1. Jt, before a place, notes the employment or attention.
nearnefs Shall wake the peaceful morn. Dryd. DonSehaJI.
of the place ; as, a man is at the houfe We find fome arrived to that fottilhnefs, as to ATARA'XIA. In./. [iT«fa|ia.] Exemp-
before he is in it. own
roundly what they would bear. South.
This cullom continued among many, to How d'ye (in.l yourfelf ? fayslhe doflor to his
A'taraxv. j tion from vexation;
Jhe.r prayers at fountains.
pot ent. A
little while after he is at it again, tranquillity.
with a. Pray how d'ye find your boiy >
The fcepticks ai^edlcd an indifferent cqutpon;.
At, before a word fignifying time,
notes But (he who well en.,ugh knew what. dcrous neutrality, as the only means to their ata-
'"* cocxiftence of the time with the Before he fpoke, he would be at. ra.ria, and freedom frjm pa(rion«te diftarbanccs.

B event ; the word titne is

fometimes in- Pretended not t.^ apprehend.
The creature's at his ditty
work again. Pipe. Ate. The
preterite of m/.
Glantfjile^t Seepfis,

Sec 7« Eat.
And hj h'la fiiie hit ftced the gnfly forage an, neither caufes pain, difcoloars the fein, A'tmosphere. n.f. [ir/**', vapour, and
Sftnfer. nor yields eafily to the touch. ff^ai'^a, a fphere.]
Even onr firft parents ait thcmfelves out of Pa-
radifc; and Job's children junkettcd and feafled
If tlie matter forming them rcfemblei milk Theexteriour part of this our habitable world
curds, the tumour is called athenma ; if it be like is the air, or atmoffbere ; a light, thin, fluid, or
together often. S^uih.
honey, melicetis ; and if compofed of fat, or a fpringy body, that eocompalTes the folid earth on
JTUJ'KOR. n.J. [a chymical term, bor- fu 'ty fubitaace, fteatoma. Sharf>. all ftdes. Lccke,
rowed from aia»»T®- ; or, as others Athero'matous. [from atiercma.] adj. Immenfe the wholeexcited atmoffbere
think, nun.] A digelling furnace to Having the qualities of an atheroma, Impetuous ruflieso'er the founding world, thomfon.
keep heat for fome time ; fo that it may or curdy wen. Atmosphe'rical. adj. [from atmo-
be augmented or diminiflied at pleafurc, Feeling the matter flufluating, 1 thought it fphere.l Confifting of the atmofphere ;
by opening or fliutting fome apertures atkcrotnatiui. Ji^tjcmani Surgery. belonging to the atmofphere.
made on purpofc with Aiders over them, Athi'rst. adv. [from a and thirft.'\ We did not mention the weight of the incum-
Thirfty ; in want of drink. bent atmoffherical cylinder, as a part of the weight
called regillers. ^incy. refilled.
With fcanty meafure then fupply their food Boyle,
A'theism. »./ \ixatA atheift. It is only ;

of two fyllables in poetry.] The

And, when athirft, rellrain 'em from the flood. A'TOM. ti./. [atomus, Lat, a,rofA.&-.'\
di(be- Dryden. 1. Such a fmall particle as cannot be
lief of a God. Athle'tick. adj. [from athleta, Lat.
GoJnever wrought miracles to convince athtifm,
phyfically divided : and tiiefe are the
aSxjirW, a wreftler.] firft rudiments, or the component parts,
becaufe his ordinary works convince it. Bacon.
It is the common intercft of mankind, to punifh 1. Belonging to wreftling. of all bodies. ^incy.
all thofe who would fcduce men to athiifm, Tilhtfon, 2. Strong of body ; vigorous ; lufty ; ro- Innumerable minute bodies are called atoms, be-
A'THEIST. «. /. [SS.©-, without God.] buft. ~"<aufe, by reafon of their pcrfc^ folidity, they were
One that denies the exiftence of God. Seldom one fee in rich families that
(hall really indivifible. Ray,
To tliefe that fober race of men, whole lives athlciick foundnefs and vigour of conftitution, See plaflick nature working to this end,
Religious titled them the fons of God, which is feen in cottages, where natut« is cook, The fingle atoms each to other tend.
Shall yield up all their virtue, all their fame. and neceffity caterer. South. Attract, attraftcd to, the next in place
Ignobly to the trains, and to the fmiles,
Science diftinguilhes a man of honour from one Forra'd and impeird its neighbour to embrace.
Of thefe fair atbeifts. MiltonU ParaJ'tfe Left. of thofe athUtick brutes, whom undefervedly we Pope,
Though he were really a fpeculative albtifl, yet call heroes. Dryden, 2. Any thing extremely fmall.
if he would but proceed rationally, he could not Athwa'rt. prep, [from a and th^ari.'\ It is as cafy to count af^ms, as to refolve the
however be a praflical atheift, nor live without 1 . Acrofs tranfverfe to any thing.
propofitions of a lover. Sbakcff. As you like it.
Cod in tbi« world. Siuth. Themiftocles made Xerxes poft out of Grecia, Ato'micai,. adj. [from atom.
: Atheift, ufe thine eyes. by giving out a purpofe to break his bridge athiuart 1 . Confifting of atoms.
And having view'd the order of the ikies. the HeHefpont. Bacon's Ejjjiys. Vitrified and pellucid bodies are clearer in their
Think, if thou canft, that matter, blindly huri'd Execrable fliape continuities, than in powders and atcmical divifions.
Without a guide, fhould frame this wond'rous world. That dar'ft, though grim and terrible, advance BrowtCt Vulgar Erruurie
Creech. Thy mifcrealed front athviart my way. 2. Relating to atoms.
No atheift, as fuch, can be a true friend, an af- Paradife Loft.
fectionate relation, or a loy«l fubjeft.
Vacuum is another principal do£lrine of the <ir«-
Birtley, 2. Through not proper.
; this is mical philofophy. Bentley's Sermons,
A'theist. aJj. Atheiftical ; denying Now,atb'wart the terrors that thy vow
God.. Has planted round thee, thou appear'ft more fair.
A'tomist. n.f. [from /jffcn!.] One that
Nor unmindful Abdiel jiddifon.
holds the atomical philofophy, or doftrine
(lood to annoy
The aihiift crew. Mihcn't ParaJifs Luft. Athwa'rt. ad-v. a tort. of atoms.
ATHEi'sTicAL.aiir'. [(lom athcijl.'] Given 1 . In a manner vexatious and perple-ting The atomifts, whodefine motion to be a paf.
fagefrom one place to another, what do they m^rc
to atheifm ; impious. crofsly.
than put one fynonymoas word for another?
Men are atheiftical, becaufe they are fitft vicious ;
All athwart there came
and queftion the truth of chriftianity, becaufe they A poft from Wales, loaden with heavy news.
can judicious atomifts conceive.
hate the pra^ice. South. ShaktJ^eare.
Chance to the fun could his juft impulfe give ?
At H E I'sT Y.adv. [from
I c ALL aiheijlical.]
2. Wrong : a ira'vers. , Blackmcre*
Thebaby beats the nurfe, and quite athvjart
In an atheiftical manner. Goes all decorum. Shakefp. Meafure Jor Meafure. A'tomy. n./. An obfolete word for atom.
Is not enormous, that a divine, hearing a great Drawn with a team of little atomiis
Ati'lt. adv. [from a and ////.] Athwart men's nofes, as they be aflecp.
finner talk aiheiftically, and fcoft" profanely at reli- Sbakefp.
1. In the manner of a tilter ; with the

gion, (hould, inftead of vindicating the trut!i, ta-

aftion of a man making a thruft at an
To ATO'NE. [from at one, as the
<v. n.
citly approve the fcoffcr? South. etymologifts remark, to be at one, is
I entreat fuch as arc atheifticalhf inclined, to con- antagonift.
fidcr tlicfe things.
the fame as to be in concord. This de-
Tilhtfon. In the city Tours
Thou ran'ft atilt, in honour of my love, rivation is much confirmed by the fol-
Athei'sticalness. v./. [hom atheijli-
eal.] The quality of being atheiftical.
And ftol'ft away the ladies hearts from France. lowing paflage of Shakefpeare, and ap-
Lord, purge out of all hearts profane.nefs and
Sbaiejfeare. pears to be the fenfe ftill retained in
To run atilt at men, and wield
etbeiftiealmji. Hammonds Fundamentals. Scotland.]
Their naked tools in open field. -Hudibras.
Athei'stick. fl<^'. [from«/-J^^.] Given 2. In the poftureof a barrel raifed or tilt-
1. To agree ; to accord.
to atheifm. He and Aufidius can no more atone.
"ed behind, to make it run out.
This argument dcmonftrated the exigence of Than violenteft contrariety. Sbakefp. Ccriolanus.
a Such a man is always atilt; his favours come
Deity, and convinced all albeiftick gainfayers. hardly from him. Spellator.
2. To ftand as an equivalent.^r fome-
Ray on the Creation. A'tlAS. n.f. thing ; and particularly ufed of expi-
A'thel, Athelinc, Adel, and J&- 1. A colledlion of maps, fo called proba- atory facrifices, with the particle jor
THEL, from adel, noble. Germ. So bly from a pifture of Jilas fupporting before the thing for which fomethmg
jEthclredls noble for ccunfel; jEthelard, the heavens, prefixed to fome collec- elfe is given.
a noble genius ; jEthclbert, eminently no- tion. From a mean ftock the pious Decii came
Yet fuch their virtues, that their lofs alone
hlt; .^theltuard, amble prote^or. 2. A large fquare folio ; fo called from F^r Rome and
our legions did atone.
Camden. Gibfon's thefe folios, which, containing maps, Dryden's yuvcnat.
A'theous. adj. [SSi®-.] Atheiftick j god- were made large and fquare. The good intention of a man of weight and
lefs. Sometimes the fupporters of a build- worth, or a real friend, feldom atones for the un-
Thy Father, who is holy, wife, and pure. cafinefs produced by his grave reprefentations.
Suffers the hypocrite, or atbeous prieft. ^ Locke,
To tread his facred courts. taradije Regained. 4. A rich kind of filk or fluff made for Let thy fublime meridian courfe
ATHERQ-MA. n.f. women's clothes. For Mary's fetting rays atone ;
[i%«fc«, from <;$,p«, have the conveniency of buying Dutch atlaffis
I Our luftre, with redoubled force,
pap or pulfc] A fpecies of wen, which with gold and filver, or witljout. Spidator. Muft now proceed from tbce alone. Prior,
His virgin fword ^gyfthus' veins imbrued ;
I never rccal it to mind, wNiout a deep afto- If, appris'd of the fevere attack.
The murd'rer feU, and blood aton'dfor blood. nifhment of the very horrour and atrocity of the The country be (hut up. Thumfon.
Pope. fa^ in a Chrlftlan court. ffotton. I own 'twas wrong, when thouCands call'd me
To Ato'ne. 'V. a. They defired juftice might be done upon of- back.
fenders, as the atrocity of their crimes deferved. To make that hopelefs, \\\-iinii attack. Young,
1. To reduce to concord.
If any contention arofe, he knew none fitter to Atta'cker. n.f. [from attack.] The
be their judge, to atont and take up their quarrels,
A'trophy. n.f.[irer><pix.] Wantofnou- perfon that attacks.
but himlelf. Drumm. rilhment ; a difeafe in which what is
To ATTA'IN. 'u, a. [atteindre, Fr. attineo,
2. To to anfwcr for.
expiate ; taken at the mouth cannot contribute to
Soon ihouli yon boafters ceafe their haughty the fupport of the body.
ftrifc, Pining atrophy, 1. To gain ; to procure ; to obtain.
Or each atone his guilty love with life. Pipe. Marafmus, and wide-wafting peftilence. Milton.
he wife who hopes to attain the end widiout

Ato'nement. [horn atone.^ The mouths of the ladteais may be fliut up by the means, nay by means that are quite contrary
to it ? nihtfin.
1. Agreement; concord. a vifcid mucus, in which cafe the chyle patfeth
by All the nobility here could not attain the fame
He fecks to make at^^nimcnt ftool, and the perfon fallcth into an atrophy.
favour as Wood did. Sivift.
Between the duke of Glo'fter and your brother?. Arbuthnot on Aliments.
Sbakejpeare, To ATTA'CH. -v. a. [attacher, Fr.] 2. To overtake ; to come up with : a
2. Expiation ; expiatory equivalent : with 1 To arrell to take or apprehend
; by
fenfe now little in ufe.
The earl hoping to have overtaken the Scottldi
Jhr. commandment or writ. Coxvel/. king, and to have given him battle, but not at-
And the Levjtes were purified, and Aaron made Eftfoons the guards, which on his rtate did wait, taitnng him in time, fst down before the caftle of
an aUjnemem fir them to cleanfe them. Numbers. Attach'd that traitor and bound him
falfe, ilrait. A ton. Bacon,
Surely it is not a fufficient atonement for the wri-
ters, that they profefs loyalty to the government, The Tower was chofcn, that if Clifford ihould
3. To come to ; to enter upon.
and fprink'e fomc arguments in favour of the dtf-
Canaan he now attains', I fee his tents
accufc great ones, they might, without ft>fpicion or
Pitch'd above Sichcm. Milton's Paradife Lofi.
fenters, and, under the fliclter of popular politicks Doife, be prefently attacbcd. Bacon's Henry VII,
and religion, undermine the foundations of all pi- Bohemia greets you, 4. To reach ; to equal.
ety and virtue, Sii:ift. Defires you to attach his fon, who has So the firft precedent, if it be good, is feldom
Ato'p. ad-Tj. [from a and tof.'\ On die Hi? dignity and duty both call off. Siakefpeare.
attained by imitation. Bacon.
top ; at the top. 2. Sometimes with the particle of, but not To Atta'in. 'V. n,
Ai<^ whereof, but far more rich, appear'd in prefent ufe. 1 To come a certain
ftate : with to.
The work as of a kingly palace-gate. You, lord archbiihop, and you, lord Mowbray, Milk Will foon feparate itfelf into a cream,
ParaiifeLojl. 0/" capital treafon I attach you both. Shakej'peare. and a more ferous liquor, which, after twelve
What is extracted by water from coffee is the
To feize in a judicial manner. days, attains to the highell degree of acidity.
oil, which often fwims atof of the deco^ion. Arbuthnot on Aliments,
France hath flaw'd the league, and hath at-
Arhutbnot ftn Aliment s.
tach'd 2. To arrive at.
Atrabila'ri AN. adj. [from atra bilis, Our merchants goods at Bourdeaux, Shakefp. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me ; it ii

black choler.] Melancholy; replete with 4. To lay hold on, as by power. high cannot attain unto it.
; I Ffalm cxxxix. 6.
black choler. I cannot blame thee.
To have knowledge in molt objects of contem-
plation, is what the mind of one man can hardly
The atraiilanan conditution, or a black, vif- Who am myie\i attach' d with wearinefs.
attain unto. Locke,
cous, pitchy confidence of the fluids, makes all To th* dulling of my Ipirits. Sbakcjpeare.
fecretions difficult and fparing. 5. To win to gain over ; to enamour.
; Atta'in. n, /. [from the verb.] The
Artuthnut on Diet. Songs, garlands, fl^wVs, thing attained ; attainment a word not :

Atrabila'rious. adj. [irom atra bilis, And charming fymphonies, attach'd the heart in ufe.
black choler.] Melanctiolick. Of Adam. Milton's Paradife Lofi.
Crowns and diadems, the mod: fplendld ter-
The blood, deprived of its due proportion of 6. To fix to one's interelL rene attains, are akin to that which to-day it
ferum, or finer and more volatile paru, is atrabi- The great and rich depend on thofe whom in the field, and to-morrow is cut down.
larkui ; whereby it is rendered grofs, black, unc- their power or their wealth attaches to them. Glanville's Scepjis,
tuous, and earthy. Sluincy. Rogers.
From this black adult Aate of the blood, they
Atta'in ABLB". adj. [horn attain.] That
are atrabilarkus. Arhutbnot on Air,
Atta'chment. ti./, [attacbetneitt, Fr.] which may be attained ; procurable.
1 Adherence ; fidelity. He wilfully neglefts the obtaining unfpeakablc
Atrabila'riousness, n.f. [from a/ra- The Jews are remarkable (or an attachment to good, which he Is perfuaded is certain and altain-
bilarious .'\ The of being melan-
ftate own
their country. Addifon. able. Tillotfon,
choly ; repletion with melancholy. 2. Attention ; regard. None was propofed that appeared certainly at-
Atrame'ntal. adj. [from atrame»tum, The Romans burnt this laft Heet, which is ano- tainable, or of value enough. Rogers,
ther mark of their fmall attacbnunt to the fea.
ink. Lat.] Inky; black. Atta'in ableness. n.f. [{\om attain-
Arbuthnot on Coins.
If we enquire in what part of vitriol this afra- able.] The quality of being attainable.
tner.ta! and denigrating condition lodgetli, it will
3. An apprehenfion of a man to bring
Perfons become often enamoured of outward
feera efpecialiy to lie in the more fixed fait thereof. him to anfwer an aftion ; and fome- beauty, without any particular knowledge of its
Brovjnt Vulgar Errours. times it extends to his moveables, pofVeflbr, or its attainabknefs by them. Cheyne,
Atr ame'ntou*. adj. [from atramentum, 4. Foreign attachment, is the attachment of Atta'inder. n.f. [from To attain.'^
ink, Lat.] Inky ; black. a foreigner's goods found within a city, I. The aft of attainting in law; convic-
I am noc fatiified, that thofs black and atra-
mrni'.ui fpou, which feem to rcprefenC them, arc
to fatisfy creditors within a city. tion of a crime. See To Attaint.
ocular. Brav/n.
To ATTA'CK. -v. a. [attaquer. Fr.] The
ends in calling a parliament were chiefly
to have the attainders of all of his party revcrfcd ;
ATRCCIOUS. a/^'. [a/rcr,Lat.] Wicked 1 To affault an enemy oppofed to : de-
and, on the other fide, to attaint by parliament hi>
in a high degree ; enormous horribly feme. enemies. Bacon,
The front, the rear
Y 4. Taint; fully of character.
Attack, while vo thunders in the centre. Philip!.
An advocate is Deceifary, and therefore audi-
Thofe that attack generally get the viflary,
So fmooth lie daub'd his vicewith (hew of virtue.
ence ought not to be denied him in defending
though with difadvantage of ground. He liv'd from all attainder of fufpedl. Shakefp,
caufes, unlefs it be an atrocioui offence.
Cane's Campaigns. Atta'inment. n.f, [from attain.]
Ayliffe^s Parergcn.
2. To impugn any manner,
in as with 1. That which is attained ; acquifition.
Atro'ciously.Wt/. [from atrocious.] In We difpute with men that count grcara/-
fatire, confutation, calumny ; as, the it' a
an atrocious manner ; with great wick- tair.mcnt to be able to talk much, and little to the
dcclaimer attacked the reputation of his
ednefs. pur[x>fe. Glanville^
aJverfaries. Our mean, compared with the
Atro'ciousness. n.f. [from atrocious.] attainments are
Atta'ck. n.f. [from the verb.] AnalTault perfcftlon of the univerfe. Grew,
The quality of being cnormoufly crimi-
nal. upon an enemy. 2. The aft or power of attaining.
Hc£tor oppofes, and continues the attack; in The Scripture mud be fufficient to imprint io
Atro'city. n. /. Lat.] Hor-
us the charafler of all things ncceflary for the
which Sirpcdoa mitkes tlie firll breach in the wall.
rible wickednefs ; excefs of wickednefs. Pope's Iliad. a/wiRffiMr of eternal lifie. • Hooka.
R a Education
.. ..


ZdacatSoB in rxtent more large, of time lhorter> J** Atte'mper. v. a. [attmpero, Lat.] The crow doth fmg as fweetly as the ftorlct

ind uf attmrmmt more certain. Mihtn. When neither is attended, Stattfpeart,

1 To mingle ; to weaken by the mixture
Governmciit is an art above the attammtni ot
of fomething elfe ; to dilute.
2. To wait on ; to accompany as an infe-
an ordinary genius. South*
Nobility altemfert fovereignty, and draws the riour, or a fcrvant.
If the fame actions be the inllruments both ot His companion, youthful Valentine,
eyes of the people fomewhat alide from tlie line
acquiring fame and procuring this happinefs, they
royal. Bacca. Attend: the emperoor in his royal court. Sbakejp,
would nevertheleft fail in the attammfnt of this
Itft end, if they proceeded from a defire of the
Altemfer'd funs arifc, 3. To accompany as an enemy.
Sweet-bcam'd, and ftiedding oft thro' lucid clouds He was at prefent ftrong enough to have Aopped
firft. MJifcn,
The great care of God for our falvation muft A pleafing caltri'. Tbmfen. or attended Waller in bit weftetn expedition.
appear in the concern he cxprefled for our attain- 2. To foften ; to mollify. Clarendon*

ment of it. Rogeri, His early providence could likewife have attm- 4. To be prefent with, upon a fummons.
^(«^ his nature therein. Baccn.
To Atta'int. v. a. [attinter, Fr.]
Thofe fmiling eyes, attemf'rirfr ev'ry ray,
5. To accompany to be appendant to. ;

England ii fo idly king'd,

1. To difgrace ; to cloud with ignominy. Shone fweetly lambent with ccleftial day. Pcfe.
Her fceptre fo fantafticaily borne.
His warlike Oiield 3. To mix in juft proportions ; to regu- That fear attends her not. Shakefpeare,
Was all of diamonJ perfect pure and clean, late. My pray'rs and wilhes always (hall attend
For fa (Exceeding ihone his glidertng ray. The Rome.
She to her guefts doth bounteous banquet dlght, friends of Addifin's Cats,
That I'hcrbus goUen face it did attaint.
Aitcmptrd, goodly, well for health and for delight. ~ A vehement, burning, fixed,
pungent pain in the
At when a cloud his beams doth overlay. Spenfer. ftomach, attended with a ffver. Arbutb. on P:et,
Fairy Siuitti.
4. To
to fomething elfe.
fit 6. To
expeft. This fenfe is French.
2. To attaint particularly ufed for fuch
is Phemius let arts of gods and heroes old,
! So dreadful a tempeft, as all the people attended
as are found^uilty of fome crime or Aitmper'd to the lyre, your voice employ. Pe^f. therejn the very end of the world, and judgm--nt

offence, and efpecially of felony or trea- To Attb'mpeRate. tj. a. [attempero, day. Raleigh's Uijisry,,

fon. A
man is attainted two ways, by Lat.] To proportion to fomething. 7. To wait on, as on a charge.
Hope muft be proportioned and atlemperate to The fifth had charge lick perlons to attend,
appearance, or by procefs. Attainder And comfort thofe in point of death which lay.
the promife exceed that temper and propor-
; if it
by appearance is by confellion, battle, tion, it becomes a tumour and tympany of hope. Spenfer,
or verdifl. Confellion is double ; one Hamir.ond'i Prali. Catecii/m. 8. To be confequent to.
at the bar before the judges, when the ToAtte'mpt. 'V. a. [attenter, Fv.] The Duke made that unfortunate
defcent upon
Rhee, which was afterwards attended with many
prifoner, upon his indiiAment read, be- 1 To attack ; to invade ; to venture upon.
unprofperous attempts. Clarendon,
ing aflced guilty or not guilty, anfwers He flitt'ring his difpleafure,
Tript me behind, got praifes of the king 9. 'To remain to ; to await ; to be in florc
Guilty, never putting himfelf upon the
For him attempting, who was felf-fubdu'd." Shak. for.
verdift of the jury. The other is be- Who, in all things wife and juft, To him, who hath a profpe£l of the ftate that
fore the coroner or fanftuary, where he, Hinder'd not Satan to attempt the mind attends all men after this, the meafures of good
Dpon his confeflion, was in former times Of man, with ftrength entire and free-will arm'd. and evil are changed. Locke,

conllrained to abjure the realm ; which Milton, 10. To wait for infidioufly.
kind is called attainder by abjuration. 2. To try ; to endeavour. Thy interpreter, full of defpight, bloody as the
I have neverthelefs attempted to fend unto you, hunter, titlends tliee at the orchard end.
Attainder by battle is, when the party
for the renewing of brotherhood and friendfliip. Sbakefp. Tiuelfih Night.
appealed, and choofing to try the truth I Mac. xii. 17. 11. To be bent upon any object.
by combat rather than by jury, is van- To Atte'mpt. 'V. n. To make an attack. Their hunger thus appeas'd, their care attends
quiftied. Attainder by verdift is, when I have been fo hardy to attempt uptn a name, The doubtful fortune of their abfent friends.
the prifoner at the bar, anfwering to which among fome is yet very facred. Clan. Step. Dryden,
the indidment Nut guilty, hath an in-
Horace his monfter with woman's head above, 12. To ftay for.
and filhy extreme below, anfwers the (hapc of the 1 died whilft in the womb he (laid.
queft of life and death palling upon him, ancient Syrens that attempted upon Ulylles. Attending nature's law. Sbatefp, Cymbertne,
and is by the verdiil pronounced guil- \ Breiwn't Vulgar Ernun. I haften to our own ; nor will relare
ty. Attainder -by procefs is, where a Atte'mpt. n.f. [from the verb,] Great Mitbridates' and rich Crafus' fate;
party flies, and is not found till five 1. An attack. Whom Solon wifely counfell'd to attend
times called publickly in the county, If we be always prepared to receive an enemy, The name of happy, till he,know his end. Creech.
we Ihall long live in peace and quietnci's, without Three days 1 promis'd to attend my doom,
and at kit outlawed upon his default. And two long days and nights arc yet to come.
any attempts uj^on us. Bacon.
Coivell. Dryden,
Were not an endlefs trouble, that no traitor
2. An eflay ; an endeavour.
Alack ! I am afraid they have awak'd. To AtTe'nd. v. n,
or felon Ihould be attainted, but a parliament mull
be called ?
And 'tis not done ; th' attempt, and not the deed, 1 To yield attention.
Confounds us. Shakejpeare's Macbetb. Bur, thy relation now for I attend, !
I muft offend before I be attaintij. Sbaktjfcare.
He would have cry'd; but hoping that he Pledo'd witli thy words. Milton.
3. To to corrupt.
taint ;
dreamt, Since man cannot at the fame time attend to two
My tender youth was never yet attaint Amazement tied his tongue, and ftoppjrfth' attempt, objefts, if you employ your fpirit upon a bonk or
With any palfion of inflaming love. Sbairfprare. Dryden, a bodily labour,jou have no room left for fenfual
Atta'int. n./. [from I fubjoin the following fl/rcm^f towards a natural - temptation. Taylor,
the verb.]
hlftory of foilils. Id'ocdward m Tojjih.
2. To to delay.
ftay ;
I. Any thing injurious ; as illnefs, wcari- Atte'mptadle. adj. [from attempt,"] and laft good end,
Thi« fwlt true caufe,
nefs. This
fente is now obfoiete.
Liable to attempts or attacks. She cannot here fo well and truly fee;
Nor doth he dedicate one jot of colour The gentleman \ouching his to be more fair, For this perfeilion (he muft yet attend.
Vnto the weary and all-watched night j Till to her Maker (he efpoufed be. Davies,.
virtuous, wife, and lefs attemptaHe, than the rareft
But freflily looks, and overbears attaint Shakefpeare. Plant anemonies after the firft rains, if you
of our ladies.
With cheerful feniblance. Sbakcfp, SenryV. will have flowers very forward but it is furer to
Atte'mpter. n.f. [from attempt.'] j
a. Stain fpot ; taint. attend till 0«3ober.
1 The perfon that attempts
. ; an invader.
No man hath a virtue that he has not a glimpfc
The Sun
of God, with godlike farte endu'd
3 To
wait ; to be within reach or call.
of; nor any man an attaint, but he carries I'ome The chai-gc thereof unto a covetous fnrite
Agalnft th'affwj^ftr of thy Father's throne. Mill.
ftain of it. Sbak/fpeare. Commanded was, who thereby did attend
2. An endeavourer. And Faiiy Siueent
3, [Inhorfemanfhip.] A blow or wound on You are no failors for glory or treafore, but
warily awaited.

the hinder feet of an horfe. Far. DiSt. diCnterefted attemptert for the univerfal good.
4. To wait, as compelled by authority.
If any mjniftcr rcfufed to admit a ledturcr re-
Glanville's Seep/is.
.Atta'inturi. a./, \ixom attaint. '\ Le- commended by him, he was required to attend
gal cenfure ; reproach ; imputation.
To ATTE'ND. -v. a. [attenJre, Fr. atte^o,
upon the committee , and not difcbarged ti I the
Hume's knavery will be the duciicfs's wreck, Lat.] houfes met again. Clarendon*

And hcrafraJB/Brr will be Humphry's fall. Sb^k. I. To regard ; to fix the mind upon. Atte'ndance. n.f, [attendance, ¥1,]
The diligent pilot, in a dangerous tcmpcft, doth
To Atta'minate. o/.a. [attamiae, Ldit.] The ad of waiting on another ; or of
I .
not attend the uulkilful words of a pulTuiger.
.^To corrupt; o fpojl. Sidney. ferving.


I dance attencleiiee here, Being denied communication by their ear, t'leir Attenu'ation. n, f. [{torn attenuate,]
think the duke will not be Ipoke uithal. Zhak. eyes are more vigilant, atteni, and heedful, fielder.
I The aft of making any thing thjn or
For he, of whom thefe things are fpoken, per- To want of judging abilities, we may add their
flender ; lefliening.
tainetb to another tribe, of which no man gave want' (jf leifure to apply their minds to fuch a
«r((n^<iffr; at the altar. /fri^. vii. 13. ferious and ottent con^deration. Scuth.
Chiming with a hammer upon the outfide of a
bell, the found will be according to the inward
The other, after many years attndance upon A'ttentates. ». /. [etttenlata, Lat.]
now one of the bedchamber to the concave of the bell ; whereas the elifion or alte-
the duke, was
Proceedings in a court of judicature, nuaticn of the air, can be only between the ham-
prince. ClarendonM
pending fuit, and after an inhibition is mer and the outfide of the bell. Baccn,
2. Service.
Why might not you, mylord, receive attendance
decreed and gone out ; thofe things A'tter. n.f. [atep. Sax. venom.] Cor-
From thofe that flie calls fervants ?' which are done after an extrajudicial rupt matter. A word much ufed im
SbaUJptare i King Liar. appeal, may likewife be iUled attetitates. Lincolnfliire. Skinner.
3 The perfons waiting ; a train. Ayliffe. To At te'st. -v. a. [at tefior, Lat.]
Attendance none Ihall need, nor train where none Atte'ntion. To bear witnefs of; to witnefs.
n.f. [attention, Fr.] The 1.
Are to behold the judgment, but the judg'd, Many particular fads
Thofe two.
aft of attending or heeding ; the aft of are recorded in holy writ,
M'lUcm'i Paradije Lcji. atte/Ied by particular pagan autliors. Addifon,
bending the mind upon any thing.
4. Attention ; regard. 2. To call to witnefs; to invoke as con-,
Tliey fay the tont,-ucs of dying men
Give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to
Inforce attenticn like deep harmony. Skahef^eare. fcious.
doftrine. i Tim, iv. 15.
He perceived nothing but filence, and figns of The facrcd ftreams, which heav'n's imperial
5. Expeftation : a fenfe now out of ufe. attentii^n to what he would further fay. Baci,n. ftate
That which caul'eth bitteraefs in death, is the But him the gentle angel by the hand and fears to
Atlrfls in oaths, violate. Dryden.
languifliing allindanct and cxpeflatioc thereof ere
Soon rais'd, and his aitintian thus recall'd. Miltcn. Atte'st. »./. [from the verb.] Witnefs;
it come. Hc~ker.
By attenticn, the ideas that offer themfelves are teftiraony atteftation.
Atte'kdant. aJj. [attendant, Fr.] Ac- taken notice of, and, as it were, regiftered in the
The atteji of eyes and ears. Sbakcfpcare,-
companying as fubordinate, or confe- memory. Locke.
With the voice divine
quential. Attention U a very necelTary thing ; truth doth Nigh thunderftruck, th' exalted man, to whom
Other funs, perhaps. not always ilrike the foul at firfl fight. lVatt<. Such high atteji was giv'n, a while furvey'd
With moons, thou wilt dcfcry.
their attendant Atte'ntive. etdj. [(torn attent.'] Heed- With wonder.
Paradije Regained.
Communicating male and female light. Far.LcJi, ful regardful ; full of attention. Attesta'tion.
; »./. [from atteji .] Tef-
Atte'ndant. n.f. Being moved with thefe, and the like your ef- tiniony ; witnefs ; evidence.
1. One that attends. fcftual difcourfes, whereunto we gave rooA attent-
There remains a fecond kind of peremptori-
1 will be returned forthwith difmifs your at- ive car, till they entered even unto our fouls.
; ncfs, c!f thofe who can make no relation without:
tendant there; look it be done. Shakeff. Othelln. Hooker. an attejiation of its certainty. Gcv. of the Tcngue..
I'm never merry when I hear fweet mufick.
2. One that belongs to the train.
•—The reafon is, your fpirits are attentive.
The next coal-pit, mine, quarry, or chalk-pit,
When feme gracious monarch dies. will give attejiation to what I write thefe aie fo- ;
Shaie/feare't Merchant of Venice. obvious that I need not feck for a compurgator.
Soft whifpers ktA and mournfut murmurs rife
1faw moft of them attentive to three Sirens, dif-
Among the fad attendants* Dryden,
tiguirtied by the names of Sloih, Ignorance, and
Wood-ward' s Natural H'Jfory^
3. One that waits the pleafure of another, Pleafure.
We may derive a probability from the attejia-
_ Tatler. tionof wife and honeft men by word or writing, Oj-
as a fuitor or agent. A critick is a man who, on all occafions, is
the concurring witnefs of multitudes who havg
1 endeavour that my reader may not wait long more attcnti-ve to what is wanting than what is
ken and known what they relate, Pi-'atts,
for my meaning : to give an attendant quick dif- prefent. Mdifin.
patch is a civility. Bumet'i Tttory. Mufick's force can tame the furious bead To Atti'nge. f. a. [attingo, Lat.] To>

4. One that is prefent at any thing. Can make the wolf or foaming boar rcJlrain touch lightly or gently. DiSf.
He was a conftant attendant His rage; the lion drop his ciciied main, ATTl'RE. -v. a. [attircr, Fr.]
a: all meetings re-
Attentive to the fong.
To To
lating to charity, without contr. bating. Hivift, Prior.
drefs ; to habit ; to array.
5. [In law.] One that oweth a duty or Atte'ntively. ae/'v. [from attenti've.]
Let it llkcwife your gentle breaft infpire
fervice to another ; or, after a fort, de- Heedfully j carefully. With fwcct infufion, and put you in mind.
If a man look Iharply and Of thatproud maid, whom now thofc leaves attire.
pendeth upon another. Ccivell.
attent'wely, he /hall
fee Fortune for thoujih <bs be blind, flie isnot Proud Daphne. Spcvjer^
6. That which is united with another, as
invifible. Baccn. My Nan (hall be the queen of all the fairies j.
a concomitant or confequent. The caufe of cold is a quick fpirit in a cold Finely attired in a robe of white.
Govern ^eil thy appetite, lell fm body 5 as will appear to any that fliall attentively Shakcjpeare' s Merry Wives ofWindfor..
Surprize thee, and her black attendant, death. confider nature. Bacon. With the linen mitre ihall he be attired..
Miltm, Atte'ktiveness. n./. [from attenti've.] Lev. xvi. 4,
They fecure (hemfelves firft from doing no- Now
thing, and then from doing ill ; the one being
The ftate of being attentive j heedful- the fappy boughs
Attire themfelves with blooms. Philips.
fo clofe an attendant on the other, tint it is fcarce nefs ; attention.
po/Tiblc to ic\er them. Decay of Piety, At the relation of the queen's death, bravely Atti're. n.f. [from the verb.]
He had an unlimited fenfe of fame, the attmd- conftfTed and lamented by tiie king, how atten- I. Clothes; drefs; habit.
antof nohie fpirits, which prompted him to engage livtnefs wounded his daughter. Sbak. fyin. Tale. It is no more dilgiace to Scripture to have left
in travels. Pofe. Atte'nijant. adj. [atlenuans, Lat.] things free to be ordered by the church, than for
It is hard to take into view all the atterJantt or What has the power of Nature to have left it to the wit of man to devife
making thin,
coafequents that will be concerned in a quedion. his own allire. Hooker.
or diluting.
After that the Roman attire grtw to be in ac-
Atte'nder. rt./. [from atte/ti/.] Com-
To ATTE'NUATE. -v. a. [attenuo, Lat.] count, and the gown to be in ufe among them.

panion ; aflbciate.
To make thin, or flender : oppofed to Davies on Ireland.
The condenje, or incrajfate, or thicken. Thy fumptuous buildings, and thy wife's attire.
gypfics were there,
The finer part belonging to the juice of grapes, Hath colt a maf< of publick treafury.
Like lords to appear.
With fuch their aiienderi being attenuated and fubtilized, was changed into Shakejpcare's HenryVl.p.W.
As you thought ofiendcrs. an ardent fpirit. Boyle,
And in this coarfe attire, which I now wear.
Ben yonfcn. With God and with the Mufcs 1 confer. Donne..
Vinegar curd, put upon an egg, not only dif-
Atti'nt. ae/j. [atlentus, L?it.] Intent; When lavifli nature, with her bcft attire.
folves the Ihell, but alfo attenuates the white con-
attentive ; heedful ; regardful. tained in It into a limpid water. Clothes thegay fpring, the fcafon of defiie. Waller.
fVijtman's Surg.
Now mire eyes Ihall be open, and mine ears It is of the nature of acids to diflolve or at- I pafs their torm, and ev'ry charming grace.
tttint unto the prayer that it made in this place. tenuate, and of alltalin to precipitate or incralTate.
But their attire, like liveries of a kind,
7. Chron. vii. 15. All rich and rare, is frclh within my mind. Drydi,
Nttoton's Of ticks.
What can then be lefs in me than defirc The ingredients are digelled and attenuated by
To fee thee, and approach thee, whom 1 know
2. [In hunting.] The horns of a buck or
heat; they are ftirred and conftantly agitated by flag.
Declar'd the Son ol Cod, to hear atienl wind'. Arbuihnot.
thy wildom, and behold thy goulike deeds ' Milt. 3. [In botany.] The flower of a plant is
Read jour chapter in your prayers : little inter- Atte'nuate. adj. [from the verb.] divided into three parts, the empale-
uptions Will iT.ake your prayers lefs tedious, and Made thin, or flender.
jouifel/ more atlinl upon them. Vivification ever confiftcth in fpirits attenuate,
the foliation, and the eittire,

TayUr'i Guide a Devition. which the cold doth congeal and Coagulate, Batcn, which is either florid or fcmiform,
; t : ]:

flariJ ati'iri, called thrums or fuits, »s 1. To perform by proxy. !c not Improbable but there may be more altrtffive
Their encounters, though not perConil, have powers than thefe.
in the flowers of marigold and tanfey, t/eviltin,

confifts fometimcs of two, but commonly

been royally atiorniej with interchange of giVts. 2. Inviting; alluring; enticing.
Stateffeare. Happy is Hcrmia, wherefoc'er (he lies;
cjf three parts. The outer part is the 2. To employ as a proxy. For flie hath bielfed and attraflive eyes. Sbalefp,
floret, the body of which is divided at As I was then 1 pleas'd, and with attraBive graces won.
the top, like the cowflip flower, into Adrertifing, and holy to your bilfinrls, The mod avcrfe, thee chiefly. Mi'iton,

iive diilinft parts. Stmiform attire con- Nor changing heart with habit, 1 am ftill Attra'ctive, n.f. [from attraS.] That
Atttrnicd to your fervicc.
fifts of two parts, the chives and apices; Sbakefpeare. which draws or incites ; allurement
one upon each attire. DiB. Atto'rnbvship. n. f. [from attorney.'\ except that atlra<3i've is of a good or

Atti'klh. n./. [from atfire.1 One that

The office of an attorney ; proxy ; "vi- indifferent fenfe, and allurement gene-
carious agency.
'^.'ires afiother ; a drefler. Di(S. rally bad.
But marriage is a matter of more worth,
A'ttitupe. »./ from fl//o,
[attitude, Fr. The condition of a fervant (laves h'm oft' to a
Than to be dealt in by atfjrtieyp'tp, Sbakefpeare. diftance but the gofpcl fpeaks nothing but at-
Jtal.] 'I'he pofture or aflion in which At TV)' u R N M E N T n,f. [attournement, Fr.] ;
traBives and invitation. South.
a ftatue or painted figure is placed. A yielding of the tenant to a new lord, At t r a'c ve ly.
I ad-v. [frdm attraSi've.]
Bernini would have tal^cn his opinion upon the
or acknowledgment of him to be his With the power of attrafling or draw-
beiuty and aliiiuJe of a figure. Pricr's Dtdicatnn.
They were famou!i originals thac gave rife to lord ; for, otherwifc, he that buyeth or ing.
Ratucs, with the fame air, poflure, and altitudes. obtaineth any lands or tenements of Attra'ctiveness. »./[from attra3i've.'\
Milijon. another, which are in the occupation of The quality of being attradive.
Atto'llent. adj. [attolletis, Lat,] That a third, cannot get poflfeflion. Co-xvell. Attra'ctor. n.f. [from at trail. 1 The
which raifes or lifts up, To ATTRA'CT. 'v. a. [attraho, attraOum, agent that attrads ; a drawer.
J <hall farther take notice of the exquifite libra-
Lat.] If the draws be in oil, amber draweth them
tlon of the alulUnt and dcprimcnt mufcies.
Dertam's FhyJico-TLtil'-gy-
1. To draw to fomething. not ; oil makes the ftraws to adhere fo, that they
A man fliould Icarce p«rfuade the affeftions
cannot rife unto the attraBor. Brown's Vulg. Err.
ATio'RNEy. n. /. [attornatus, low Lat.
of the loadllone, or that jet and amber atiralletb A'ttrahent. «. f. [attrahens, Lat.]
from teur, Fr. Celui qui 'vient a tour d'au- ftraws and light bodies. Brown's Vulgar Errours. That which draws.
trui ;
qui alterius I'ices fubit ."^ The fingle atoms each to other tend, Our eyes will inform us of the motion of the
1. Such a perfon as by confent, command- AttraB, atlraBed to, the next in place fteel to its attrabent. Clanville's Scepfls*
Form'd and impell'd its neighbour to embrace. Attrecta'tion.»./
ment, or requeft, takes heed, fees, and [attre^atio, Lat.
takes upon him the charge of other Frequent handling. Dia.
2. To allure ; to invite.
men's bufinefs, in their abfence. At- Adorn'd
Attri'b-utable. adj. [attriiuo, Lat.-]
torney is either general or fpecial: At- She was indeed, and lovely, to attrad That which may be afcribed or attri-
torney general is he that by general au- Thy not thy fubjedlion.
love ; Milton. buted; afcribable; imputable.
thority is our affairs or
appointed to all
Siiew the care of approving all afticins fo as Much of the origination of the Americans feems
may moft effeaually attract all to this profellion. to be attributable to the migrations of the Seres.
luits ; o( ihc]fL\ng,
as t\it attorney general
Hammond. Hale.
which is nearly the fame with Procura- Dei;;n to be lov'd, and ev'ry heart fubdue I
To ATTRI'BUTE. 'v. a. [attrihto, Lat.]
tor Ctrfaris in the Roman empire. At- What nymph could e'er attract fuch crowds as
1. To afcribe to give to yield as due.
; ;
torneys general are made either by the ? Pope.
To their very bare judgment fomewhat a rea-
king's patent, or by our ap-
letters Attra'ct. »./. [from To attraa.] At- man would attribute, not^vithllanding
fonable the
pointment before juftices in eyre, in tradjon ; the power of drawing : not in common imbecillities which are incident unto our
ufe. nature. Hooker.
open court. Attorney fpecial or particu-
lar, is he that is employed in one or
feel darts and charms, attrafls and flames. We nothing to God that hath any re-
And woo and contract in their names. Hudibras. pugnancy or contradiSion in it. Power and wif-
more caufes particularly fpecified. There At t r a'c t I c a i..adj. [from attra^.] Hav-
dom have no repugnancy in them. Tillotfen,
are alfo, in refpeft of the divers courts,
ing the power to draw to it. 2. To impute, as to a caafe.
attorneys at large, and attorneys fpecial, Some ftones arc endued with an eleftrical or I have obferved a campania determine contrary
to appearances, by tlic caution and conduft of a
belonging to this or that court only. attraHical virtue. Ray on the Creation.
general, which were attributed Co his infirmities.
Covi<ell. Attra'ction. «./ [from attraa.'\ Temple.
jitttrntys in common
law, are nearly the fame 1. The power of drawing uny thing. The imperfeflion of telefcopei is attributed to
with proaors in the civil law, and lolicitors in The drawing of amber and jet, and other clec- fpherical gla(rcs; and mathemiticians have pro-
courts of equity. Attorneji fue out writs or pro- trick bodies, and the attratlion in gold of the pounded to figure them by the conical fc£tions.
cefs, or commence, carry on, and defend adVions, fpirit of quickfilver at diftaiice ; and the attralfion Newton's Opticks.
or other proceedings, in the names of other pcr- of heat at diilance ; and that of fiie to naphtha
fons, in the courts of common llW. None are
; A'ttribute. n.f. [horaTo attribute.'\
and that of fome herbs to water, though at dif-
admitted to a£l without having fervcd a clerkfhip 1. The thing attributed to another, as
tance and divers others, we (hall handle. Bactn.
for five years, taking the proper oath, being en- Loadftones and touched needles,* laTd long in perfedion to the Supreme Being.
rolled, and examined by the judges. The attor- quickfilver, have not amitted their aitradion. Power, light, "virtue, wifdom, and goodnefs,
ney general pleads within the bar. To him come Brown's Vulgar Errours. being but attributes of one fimpic elTence, and
warrants for making out patents, pardons, &r. jlitraBion may be performed by impulfc, or fome of one God, wc in all admire, and in part difcern.
and he is the principal manager all law aftairs V other means ; 1 ule that word, to fignify any force Raleigb.
of the crown. Ciamieru by which bodies tend towards one another. Your vain poets after did mi (lake.
I am a fubjeA,
Niivtons Opticks. Who ev'ry attribute a god did make. Dryden.
And challenge law ; atlarncyi are deny'd me, The power of alluring or enticing. All the perfections of God are called his at-
And therefore perfonally I lay my claim tributes i for he cannot be without them.
To mine inheritance.
Setting the attraBion of my good parts afide, I
Sbakejpejre. fVatts's Logick.
have no other charm*. Sbakefpeare.
The king's attorney, on the contrary, 2. Quality ; charaderiftic difpofition.
Urg'd on examinations, proofs, confeffions.
AttRa'ctive. adj. [ftom attrad.'\
They muft have tliefe three attributes ; they muft
Shakefptare. I. Having the power to draw any thing. be men of courage, fearing Cod, and hating co-
Defyairing quacks with curfcs fled the place, What if the fun ve tournefs. Bacon.
And vile attorneys, now an ufelcfs race. Pope. Be centre to the world and other liars,;

2. It was anciently ufed for thofe who did and their own.
liy his attra^i-ve virtue, 3. A thing belonging to another ; an ap-
any bufmefs Incited, dance about him various rounds ? Milton. pendant ; adherent.
for another ; now only in
Some, the round earth's cohefion to fccure. His fceptic (hews the force of temporal pow'r.
law. For that hard talk employ magnetick power j The attribute to awe and majcfty
I will attend my huiband ; it is my office j Remark, fay they, the globe with wonder own But mercy is above this fcepter'd fway.
And will have no attorney but myfelf Its nature, like the fam'd attraliive ftone. It is an attribute to God himfelf.' Sbakefpeare.
And therefore let me have him home. Shakefp. Blacktncre. The fculptor, to didinguKh him, gave him
y'e Atto'rney. v. a. [from the noun; Bodiet »€t by the attradions of gravity, mag- what the medalifts call his proper attributes, a
the verb is now not ia ufe.] neiifm> and eleclticity j and thefe inlUnccs make fpcar and a ibield. Addifon.
4. Kepu-
. ; ; !

4. Reputation ; honoar.
For all that elfe did come were fure to fail enough.] Enough ; ceafe. A word ufed
Yet would he further none but for avail, Speujtr.
It takes
1 charge thee.
among feamen.
From our achievements, tho* perfiwmM at height,
As beav'n (hall work in me for thine a^'aii.
Ava'unt. i)tterje3. [avant, Fr.] A word
The pith and marrow of our attriSaft, Shakffp.
of abhorrence, by which any one is
To tell me truly. Sha'mjfcarc.
Attribu'tion. ».y. [fiomTo altriiute.]
Truth, light upon this way, is of no more a^'a,-/ driven away.
Commendation ; qualities afcribed. to us than errour. Lech. O, he is bold, and hlu(hcs not at death ;
If fpeaitir.g truth, Ava'ilable. aiij.[from a'vai/.'\ Avauiit, thou hateful villain, get thee gone 1

In this fine age, were not ttought flattery. Profitable ; advantageous. itbakefpeare.
1 .
Such attrihuihn Ihould the Douglafs have, After this procels
Mighty is the efficacy of fuch interceflions to
As not a foldier of this feafon's (lamp
avert judgments how much more available then Togive her the avaunt ! it is a pity
Should go fo general current through the world. Would move a monfter. Sbakcjp, Henry VIII.
may they be to fecure the continuance of bleilings .'

Shakeffttare. MiJlrefs dilmifs that rabble from your throne.

Atterbury. !

We fuflfcr him to perfuade us

and never fufpcft thele %\ox\om attribuu^m may be
we are as gods,
All things fubjeft to aOion the will does lo Avaunt —
is Aiiftavchus yet unknow n ? Dunciad,

Dicay ofPitty.
far incline unto, as reaion judges them more acai/- A'u B u R N E. adj. [from aubour, bark, Fr.]
no more than flattery.
abU to our blil's. Hooker, Brown of a tan colour.
Attri'te. aJj. [attrittts, Lat.] Ground; 2. Powerful ; in force ; valid.

Her hair is auburnCj mine is perfeft yellow.

worn by rubbing. Laws human are available by confent, Hcoker, Shakeffeare.
Or, by coUifion of two bodies, grind Drake put one of his men to death, having no His auburne locks on either (houlder flow'd.
The air atirhe to fire. MHicn. authority nor commiflion available, Raleigh. Which ^tnefun'ral of his friend he vow'd. Dryd,
Attri'teness. «r./. [horn attrite.] The Ava'ilableness. n,/. [from a'vailaiJe.J Lo, ho>v the arable with barley grain
Stands thick, o'erlhadow'd ; thefe, as modern ufe
being much worn. 1 Power of promoting the end for which
Ordjins, infus'd, an auburne drink compofe,
Attri'tio.v. ft./. [a//r/h'o, Lat.] it is ufed. Wholefome, of deathlefs fame. Fhilipi,
1 . The aft of wearing things, by rubbing Wc difter from that fuppofition of the eflficacy,
A'UCTION. «./. [audio, Lat.]
or availablsnefif or fuitablenefs, of thefe to the end.
one againft another. 1. A manner of fale, in wluchone perfon
This vapour, afcending inceflantly out of the
and the 2, Legal force validity. bids after another, till fo much is bid as
abyfs, and pervading the ftrata of gravel, ;

reft, decays the bones and vegetables lodged in Ava'ilably. aJv. [from availai/e.'\ the feller is content to take.
thoie ftrata j this fluid, by its continual attrithrty Powerfully; profitably; advantageoufly. 2. The things fold by auftion.
fretting the faid bodies. Woodivard. A(k you why I'hrine the whole auBion buys
2. Legally ; validly.

The change of the aliment is eft'cfted by aitri- Phrine forefces a general cxcife. Ptpe,
Ava'ilment. a./, [from ci/fli/.] Ufeful-
licn of the inward ftomach, and diflblvent liquor Tff A'ucTioN. v.a. [irora. auSion.] To
afllfted with heat. jlriuitml. nefs ; advantage ; profit.
fell by auftion.
2. Theof being worn.
ftate To Ava'le. I'.a. [aa;a/<f>-, to let fmk, Fr.]
A'ucTiONARY. adj. [from auRion.] Be-
3. [With divines.] Grief for fin, ariffng To let fall ; to deprefs ; to make abjeft
longing to an auftion.
only from the fear of punilhment ; the to fmk : a word out of ufe. And much more honeft to be hir'd, and ftand
loweft degree of repentance. By that th' exalted Phcrbus 'gan a-vale
With euEtionary hammer in thy hand.
His weary wain, and now the frofty night
To Attu'ne. t;. a. [from tune."] .
Her mantle black thro' beav'n 'gan ovcrhalc.
Provoking to give more, and knocking thrice
For the old houfehold ftulF, or picture's price.
1. To make any thing mufical. apenfer* Dryderii 'Juvenal,
Airs, vernal airs, He did abafe and avale the fovereignty into
Breathing the fmcll of aod grove, attune Auctioni'er. auBion.] The
». / [irovcv
. field more fervitude towards that fee, than had been
The trembling leaves. Mlhcr, among us. f/^otlm. perfon that manages an auiSion.
2. To tune one thing to another ; as, he To Ava'le. v, n. To fink. A'uctive. adj. [from audus, Lat.] Of
attunes his voice to his harp. But when his -latter ebb 'gins to avale. an increafing quality. DiB,
Attu'rney. »./. See Attorney. Huge heaps of mud he have*. Spctifir, Aucupa'tion. «. f. [aucufatio, Lat.]
Atwe'hn. ad-v.ot prep. [SeeBETWEEN .] Ava'nt. The front of an army. See Fowling ; bird-catching.
Betwixt; between; in the midft of two Van. AUDA'CIOUS. adj. [atidacieux, Fr. au-
things obfolete.
Ava'nt-ouard. n.f, [wva/iigan/t, Fr,] dax, Lat.] Bold impudent; daring: ;

Her loofe long yellowlocks, like golden wire. The van ; the firft body of an army. always in a bad fenfe.
Sprinkled with pearl, and purling flowers atv^teit. Thc'horfcmcn might ilTue forth without diftur- Such is thy audacious wickednefs.
Do, like a golden mantle, her attire. Sf^erfer. bance of the foot, and the avant-guard without Thy lewd, peliirrous, and diflentious pranks.
fljjKllng with thcbattail or arriere. Haytvard.
Atwi'xt. prep. [See Betwixt.] In the Sbakefpeare*

middle of two things : obfolete.

A'VARICE. n,/. [avarice, Fr. a^uaritia, Till Jo\^, no longer patient, took his time

But with outrageous ftrokes did him rcftrain, Lat.] Covetoufnefs ; infatiable defire. T' avenge with thunder tbeit audacious crime.
There giows Dryden,
And with his body barr'd the way ativixt them
twain. Fairy S^ttn. In my mod
ill-compos'd afl'c^ion, fuch Young ftudents, by « conftant habit of difput-

A ftanchlefs avariie, that, wcte 1 king, ing, grow impudent and audacious, proud and dif-
a. [from valoir, Fr. ; to dainful. fVatts,
I Ihuuld cut off the nobles for their lands. Shakeff,
avail being nearly the fame thing with This avarice of praife in times to come, Auda'ciouslv. adv. [irom audacious .]
faire 'valoir.'\ Thofc long infcriptions crowded on the tomb. Boldly ; impudently.
1. To
profit; to turn to profit: with of Drydtn. An angel (halt thou fee,
Nor love his peajoe of mind deflroys, Vet fear not thou, but fpeak audacioujly,
before the thing ufed. Shakefp,
Nor wicked ai/aricf of wealth. Dryden.
Then (hail theyfcek t'fliwVthcmfclvesfl^names, Auda'ciousnesj. »,/, [ixom audacious.]
Avarice is infatiable ; and fo he went ftiU pufli-
Places, and titles ; and with thefe to join Impudence.
ing on for mure. L'EJirange,
Secular pow'r. Afi/tcn.
Be niggards of advice on no pretence. Auda'city. n. f, (from audax, Lat.]
Both of them awa;/ themfrlve » o/'tholi licences,
For tlie worft avarice is that of fenfe. Pope, Spirit; boldnefs ; confider^e.
which Apollo basequilly beftowed on them. Dryd.
Avari'cious. aijy. [a'varicieitx, Fr."] Co- Lean, raw-bon'd rafcals who would e'er fuppofe
2. To promote; to profper ; to aflilt.
They had fuch courage ani audacity ?

Mean time he voyag'd to explore the will vetous ; infatiably defirous.
Luxurious, avaricioui, faife, deceitful. Great eft'efts come of induftry and perfevc-
Of Jove, on high Dodona's holy hill. rancc; for audacity doth almoft bind and mare
What means might beft his fafe return avail, Pofr. Hbakeff, Macbeth.
This fpcech has been condemned as avarieiout j the weaker foit of minds. Bacon s Nat, Ilijlory,
yo Ava'il. nj.iu Tobeofufe; to be of and Euftathiua judges it to be Ipolcen artfully. for want of that freedom and audacity, necelTaty
advantage. Brcon'c en the OdyJJiy. in commerce with men, his pcrfonal modcfty over-
Nor can my ftrength (twai/, unlef>{)y thee rhicw all his publick adlions, Matter,
AvARi'ciouSLY. Wi;. [from avaricious.]
Endu'd with f Jrce, I gain the viflory. Drydtn, A'u DIB LE. adj. [audiii/is. Lit.]
When merit is wanting, it availt nothing
real I. Tliat which may be perceived by hear-
to have been encouraged by the great, Avari'ciousness, n. /. [from avari-
Pcpe'i Prcfartto hit tVortt. cioui.] The quality of being avari-
Vifiblcs work upon a looking-glafs, and audihlei
Ava'il. n.f. [from To a'yail.'\ Profit; cious. upon the places of echo, wliich refemble in fomc
advantage; benefit. Ava'st. adv, [from iajla, Ital. it is forttbc cavern of the car. Bacon'itJat.iliftery.
; .

Eve, who unfceni Bifliopi otdinariet auditing all accounts, take Ave'ncbance. »./. [{torn avingt."] Pa«
twelve pence. Ayliffe'tParergen.
Vrt *U had heard, with audible lament nilhment.
Dlfcover'd foon the place of her retire. Mtlt'ii- I love exa£t dealing, and let Hocus audit ; he
This neglcfted, fear
Every fenfe doth not operate upon fancy with the Icnows how the money was dilburfcd. Arbuibiuit.
Signal avengtatiee, fuch as overtook
fame force. The conceits of vifibles are clearer Audi'tion. is./, [iiWiWo, Lat.] Hear- A mifer. Philift.
and ftr jnger than thofe of tudiUtt. Crew- ing. Ave'ncement. ». /. [from etvetige.}
2. Loud enough to be heard. A'u D TO R . I It./, [auditor, Lat, ] Vengeance ; revenge.
One leaning over a well twenty-five fathom deep,
1 A hearer. That he might work th' avengemeni forhU Osamc
and fpeaking foftly, the warer returned an audihlt
Dear coufin, you that were laft day fo high in On thofe t\vo caitivet which had bred him blame.
the pulpit againft lovers, are you now became io Spenfer*
A'u BIBLE NESS. n.f. [iroxti ouMblt.^ Ca- mean an auditir f Sidney. All thofe great battles which thou boafts to wia
pablenefs of being heard. What a play tow'rd ? I'U be an auditcr ; Through ftrife and blood/hed, and avcngement
\jvom audible."] In fuch An ailor too, perhaps. $hakejj>eare. Now pralfed, hereafter thou Ihalt repent, Puiry 2*
A'uDiBLY. fli/i".
This firft doarine, though admitted by many of Ave'nger. n.f. [hoxa avenge.]
a manner as to be heard. bis auditors, ia exprel'sly agiintt the Epicureans, 1. Punifher.
AnH lalt, the fum of all, my Father'* voice, Beniley.
Audibli heard from heav'n, pronounc'd me hit. That no man go beyond and defraud his brother,
Miltm. 2. A perfon employed to take an account becaufe the Lord is tiic avenger of all fuch. i Theff.
ultimately. Ere this he had return'd, with fury driv'n
A'u D E N CE. n.f. [audience, Fr.]
By his avengers ; fincc no place like this
any If you fulpcdl my hulbandry.
I. The aft of hearing or attending to
Call me before th' exafleft auditcrt. Can fit his punifliment, or their revenge. MiIim,
thing. And let me on the proof. Sbatefpeare'i Timtn. 2, Revenger; taker of vengeance for.
Now I breathe again
In ecclefiaftical law. The juft avengej- of his injured ancefiors, the
Aloft the flood, and can give audience viflorious Louis, »as darting his thunder. Dryden,
The archbifliop's ulage was to commit the dif-
To any tongue, fpcak it of what it will. Shaleff. But Juft difcafe to luxury fucceeds.
cu fling of caufes to perfons learned in the law,
Thus far his bold difcourfe, without conrroul. And ev'ry death its own avenger breeds. Pope.
filled his aiidiicrs. ylyliffe't Parergim.
Hid audience.
His look 4. In thfejlate. Ave'nceress. n./. [from avenger.] A
Drew audience, and attention ftill as night, A king's officer, who, yearly examining the ao- female avenger. Not in ufe.
Mi/lca. counti of all under-officers accountable, makes up There that cruel qjeen avmgerefs
Or fummcr's noon-tide air. ConuelU
a general book. Heap on her new waves of weary wretchcdnefs.
Z. The liberty of fpeaking granted; a That
A'vviTOKY. aei/. [auditorius, hat.] Fairy S^een.
hearing. A'vens, n.f. [caryofhyllata, Liii.] The
which has the power of hearing.
Were it reafon to give men audience, pleading for
Is not hearing performed by the vibrations of fame with herb bennet. Miller.
tlic overthrow of that which their own deed hath
ratified ? Hwker. fome medium, excited in the auditory nerves by
Av e'n T H R e. n.f. [aventure, Fr. ] A mif-
the tremours of the air, and propagated through the
According to the fair play of the world. chance, caufing a man's death, without
capillaments of thofe nerves ? Newton.
me hzve audience: I am fent to fpeak,
Let felony ; as when he is fuddenly drowned,
My holy lord of Milan, from the king. Skahefp. A'uDiTORY, n./. [auditorium, Lat.]
or burnt, by any fudden difeafe falling
3. An auditory ; peribns coUcfted to
hear. 1. An audience ; a colleftion of perfons
Or, if the ftar of ev'ning and the moon affembled to hear, into the fire or water. See Adven-
Hafte to thj audience, night with her will bring Dema^cs never troubled his head to bring his ture. Co-zuell.

Silence. Milton. auditiry to their wits by dry reafon, VEflrange. A'vENUE, [avenue, Fr.
»./. It is fome-
The hallwas filled with an audience of the Met in the church, 1 look upon you as an audi' times pronounced with the accent on the
greatell eminence for quality and politenefs. firy fit to be waited on, as you arc, by both uni-
fecond fyllable, as ff^alts obferves ; but
jidJi/an. verfities. South.
Itproclaims the triumphs of goodncfs in a pro- Several of this auditory were, perhaps, entire
has it generally placed on the firft,]
per audience, even before the whole race of man- ftrangers to the perfon whofe death we now lament. I . A way by which any place may be en-
kind. Attcrbury. Atlcrbury. tered.
4. The reception of any man who delivers 2. A place where leftures are to be heard. Good guards were fet up at all the avenues of the

^ folemn meffage. A'uDlTRESS. n.f. [horn audjtor.] The city, to keep all people from going out. Clarendon.
Truth is a ttrong h dd, and diligence is laying
In this high temple, on a chair of ftate. woman that hears ; a flie-hearer.
Dryden. fiege to it , fo that it muft obferve all the avenues
The feat of audience, old Latinus fate. Yet went {he not, as not with fuch difcourfe
and pall'es to it. Scuib,
Audience Court. A court belonging to Delighted, or not capable her ear
z. An alley, or walk of trees, before a
the archbilhop of Canterbury, of equal
Of what was high fuch pleafure flie ixferv'd, :

Adam relating, (he fole audilrefi. Milton. houfe.

authority with the arches court, though
To Ave'l, 'j. a. [avello, Lat.] To pull To A\'E'R. 1", a. [averer, Fr. from evemm,
inferiour both in dignity and iintiquity.
The original of this court was, becaufe
away. truth, Lat,] To declare pofitively, or
The beaver in chafe makes fome divullion of peremptorily.
the archbilhop of Canterbury heard fe- parts, yet are not ihefc parts avellcd to be termed
The reafon of the thing is clear
veral caufes extrajudicially at home in
tefticles. Breivn.
Would Jove the naked truth aver. Prior*
his own palace which he ufually com- A'vE Mary, ». /. [from the firft words
; Then vainly the philofopher avers
jijitted to be difcufTed by men learned in of the falutation to the Blefied Virgin, That rcafin guides our deed, and inftin£l theirs.
the civil and canon laws, whom he called Ave Maria.] A form of worfhip re- How can we juftly diff'rent caufes frame,
When the effe£ls entirely are the fame ? Prior.
his auditors and fo in time it became peated by the Romanifts in honour of
We may aver, though the power of God be in-
the power of the man, who is called the Virgin Mary, finite, the capacities of matter are within limits.
cau/arum negothrumque audienliit Canlu- All his mind is bent on holinefs. Bentley.
Ccwell. To number Ave Maries on his beads. Shakefp.
A'verage. tt./. [averagium, Lat.]
arUnfis auJitur,/eii officialis,
A'vENACE. n. f. [of a'vena, oats, Lat.]
1. In law, that duty or fervice which the
A'u D IT. n. f. [from audit, he hears, A certain quantity of oats paid to a
Lat.] A final account. tenant is to pay to the king, or other
landlord, inllead of fome other duties,
If they, which are accuftoraed to wc'gh all lord, by his bealls and carriages, Chamb.
or as a rent by the tenant. Dicl.
things, ihall here fit down to receive our audit, the In navigation, a certain contribution 2.
fum, which truth amounteth to, will appear to be To AVE'NGE. 1/, a. [witger, Fr,]
that merchants proportionably make to-
but this. Hojhr. 1. To revenge, wards the loffes of fuch as have their
He took my father grofsly, full of bread. I will avenge me
of mine enemies. Ifaiab.
With all his crimes broad blown, and fliifli as May They Hood againft their enemies, and were goods call overboard for the fafety of the
And how his auda Hands, who knows favc Heav'n > a-t'enged of their adverfaries, ll^ijdcm. ; and this contribution
fhip in a tempeft
Hamlet. I will avenge the blood of Jezreelupon the houfe feems becaufe it is fo propor-
fo called,
I can make my audit up, that all llojea.
of Jehu. tioned, after the rate of every man's
From me d) bac'< receive the flow'r of all, 2. To punilh.
And leave me but the bran. Hhakeffeare. a-veragt of goods carried. Co^vell.
Till Jove, no longer patient, took his time
fe A'vDi-r. ev. a. [irom atulii.'] To take tiiuadcr your audacious cUme. 3. A fmall duty which merchants, who
T' avenge with
an account finally. Dryden. ifend goods in another man's (hip, pay to


Ave'rseness. [from aver/e.'\ Un- yoti, thatyoo may the eafier ufe your ftr«ngth : for
the mafter thereof for his care of them, ti.f.
in twilling the bit about by the force of both your
over and above the freight. Chambirs. willingnefs ; backwardnefs. hands, on each end of the handle one, it cuts great
4. A
medium ; a mean proportion. The corruption of man is in nothing more ma- chips out of the ftuff. Moxon's Mecb. Exercifa,
nifeft, than in his a-verjenefs to entertain any friend-
Ave'rment. [from «'i'<r.]
n. f.
(hip or familiarity with God. Atirrbury.
Aught, pronoun, [auht, aphr, Saxon.
1. Eftablilhment of any thing by evidence. It is fometimes, improperly, writtea
Avk'rsion. n. f. [averjion, Fr. averjia,
To avoid the oath, for averment of the continu- ought. Any thing.
ance of feme eftatc, which is eigne, tlie party will
Lat.] '\

If 1 can do it,
fue a pardon. Bacon. I. Hatred; diflike ; deteftation; fuch as
By aught that 1 can fpeak in his difpraife,
2. An oiFer of the defendant to juftify an turns away from the objeft. She Ihall not long continue love to him. Shakefp,
exception, and the adl as well as the What if with \\Vx. averfxon 1 rcjeft They may, for aught I know, obtain fuch fub-
Riches and realms ? Milton. llances as may induce the chymifts to entertain
offer. Blount.
z. It is ufed moft properly with yro»» before other thoughts. Boyle.
Ave'rnat. n.f. A fort of grape. See
But go, my fon, and fee aught be wanting. H
the objeft of hate.
Vl NE. They had an inward and were Among my father's friends. Addij'm's Cato,
averjicn from it,
Averrunca'tion. «./. [from ai-errun- refolved to prevent it by all poflibic means. Clarendon. To AUGME'NT. 'v. a. [augmcnter, Fr.]
cate.] The aft of rooting up any thing. With men thefe confidcratiuns are ufuallycaul'es To increafe ; to make bigger, or more.
7*0 Averru'nc ATE. I/, a. [averruaco, of defpite, difdain, or a-verfion fnm others j but Some curfed weeds her cunnmg hand did know.
with God, fo many reafons of our greater tenJer- That could augment his harm, encreale his pain.
Lat.] To root up ; to tear up by the
nefs towards others. Fairfax.
The fame adhcfion to vice, and averjion from Rivers have dreams added to them in their paf-
Sure fome mifchief will come of it,
any proof
goodnefs, will be a reafon for rejeiling fage, which enlarge and augment them.
Unlefs by providential wit. Amrtjrj.
whatfoever. Hale^s Common Latv of England.
Or force, we averruncatt it. HuJ'rlras.
Aversa'tion. n./. [from aver/or, Lat]
3. Sometimes, lefs properly, with to. To Augme'nt. <v. v. To increafe; to
A freeholder is bred with an anierfon to fubjec-
grow bigger.
1 . Hatred ; abhorrence ; turning awav tion. Aiidijon.
with running did augment,
But as his heat
with deteftation. \might borrow illuftrations of freedom and a^er-
Ron to receive new truths trom modern attronomy.
M uch more his fightencreas'd hi shot delire. Sidney.
Hatred is the paffion of defiance, and there is a The winds redouble, and the rains augment.
kind of avtrjalim and holliUty included in its ef- Watti. The waves on heaps are dalh'd. Dryden^s firgll.
fence. • South. 4. Sometimes with_/cr. A'uGMENT. n./. [augmen fum, L^t."]
2. properly ufed yi'nhfrom before
It is moil: The Lucquefc would rather throw themftlvcs
1. Increafe; quantity gained.
the objeft of hate. under the government of the Genocfe, than fub-
mit to a ftate/sr which they have fo great averfvm.
You fiiail find tliis augment of the tree to he
There was a ftiff avirfat'nm in my lord of Eflcx without the diminution of one drachm of the earth*
frail applying himfeif to the earl of Lcicefter. IValton^i Angler.
tfntiin. This averfi-m of the people ybr the late proceed-
ings of the commons, might be improved to good 2. State of increafe.
3. Sometimes with /« .•
lefs properly. Difcutients are improper in the beginning of in-
ufes. Swft.
There fuch a genera! averjation in human na-
Hammations but proper, when mixed with repel-
5. Sometimes, very improperly, with to-
ture 10 contempt, that there is fcarce any thing lents, in the augment. IVifeman.
more exafperating. 1 will not deny, but tlie exccfs tuards.
may His averfton tonvarJs the houfc of York was
Augmenta'tion. a.y; [from augment. "^
of the averjal'ion be levell-d againft pride. fo

Gwernment of the Tongue. predominant, as found place not only in his

1. The ail of increafing or making bigger.

councils but in his bed. Bacjn. Thofe who would be zealous againft regular
4. Sometimes, very improperly, with tc-
troops after a peace, will promote an augmentation
tjuardi. 6. The caufe of averfion.
of thofe on foot. Addifon.
natural and fecret hatred and averjation to- They took great pleafure in compounding Uw-
fuits among their neighbours; for which they were 2. The ftate of being made bigger.
KvorHt fociety, in any man, hath fomewhat of thr
the averjion of the gejiticmen of the long robe. What modification ot matter can make one em-
fa^age beafc. Bacon.
Arbuthnot't hiftory of Jobn Bull. bryo capable of fo prodigioufly vaft augmentation^
Ave'rse. adj. [aver/us, Lat.] while another is confined to the minutcnefs of an
Self-love and reafon to one end afpire
1. Malign; not favourable ; having fuch Pain their averjion, pleifure their dcfirc. Pope. infi-a ? Benttey.

a hatred as to turn away. To AVE'RT. v. a. [awrto, Lat.] 3. The thing added, by which another is
Their courage UnguifliM as their hopes decay*d, made bigger.
And now averje, refus'd her aid.
Pallas, DrycUn>
1. To turn afide; to turn off.
1 bcfeech you By being glorified, it does not mean that he doth
2. Not pleafed with ; unwilling to. T' avert your liking a more worthy way, receive any augmentation of glory at our hands ; but
Has thy uncertain bofam ever ftruve I'haii on a wretch. Shakijpfjre' s K'tng hear. his name we glorify, when we teftify our acknow-
With the fitd tumults of a real love > At this, for the laft time, ihc lifts her hand, ledgment of his glory. Hooker.
Had thou now dreaded, and now blelsM his fway, Averli her eyes, and half unwilling drops the brand. Augmentation court crefted Court. A
By turv, averje and joyful to obey ? Prior. Vrydcn. by King Henry the Eighth, for the in-
yi'verje alike to flatter, or offenH,
Not free from faults, nor yet too vain to mend.
2. To caufe to diflike. creafe of the revenues of his crown, by
When people began t > cfpy the falfchiod of ora-
the fupprcffion of monafteries. DiS.
cles, whereupon all gentility was built, their hearts
3. It has mod properly_/rc»i before the ob- were utterly averted from it. Hooker.
A'uGRE. n.f. carpenter's tool. A
jeft of averlion. Even cut theinfcKcs from the opportunities
olf Auger.
L:ws politick are never framed as they fhould of profelyting others, by averting them irom their Your temples burned in the cement, and
be, unlels prefuming the will of man to be inwardly company. Government of the tongue. Your fianchifes, whereon you Hood, confined
obftinate, rebellious, and averft from all obedience To put by, as a calamity. Into an augre& bore, Shakefp. Coriolanui.
unto the facred laws of his natuie. Hooker.
O Lord avcit whatfoever evil our fwerving may
Aug RE-HOLE. [from «K^r« and /^o/^.]
They believed all who obifdled againfl their un- threaten unto his church. Hooker. A hole made by boring with an augre ;
dctaking to be avirjefrom peace. Cldretuion.
D verfityof conjefturcs made many, whofj con-
Thefe carts alnne her virgin breaft employ, proverbially a narrow (pace.
ceits averted from themfelves the fortune of that What (hruld be fpoken here,
Avcrje jrt/m Venus and the nut' joy. Pope.
war, to become carclcfs and fccure. Kmltes.
Where our fate, hid within an augre-hole.
4. Very frequently, but improperly, to. Th-fe ad'edlions earneftly fix our minds on God, May rufli and feize us. Siakejp. Macbeth.
Hehad, from the b-ginning of the war, been and forcibly avert from us thofe things which are
Tcry B-uerje to any advice of the privy council. difpleafmg to him, and contrary to religion. Spratt.
A'UGUR. n.f. [augur, Lat.] One who
ClarenAcn. Thro' thr;:aten'd lands they wild dellru(3ion pretends to predict by omens, as by the
Diodorus tells us of one Charondos, who was throw, flight of birds.
averfe toall innovation, cl'pcciaily when it was to Till ardent prayer averts the public woe. Prior. What
fay the augurs f
proceed from particular |)erfung, Sittft,
A UP. n.f. [of a^, Dutch.] A fool, or —They would not have you ftir forth to-day !

Plucking the entrails of an olfering forth.

Ave'rsei.v. adv. [from a'ver/e.'] filly fellow. Dia.
They could not find a heart within the bead.
1. Unwillingly. A'uGER. «./. [i'^j-^r, Dutch.] A carpen- Sbakejpeere.
2. Backwardly. ter's tool to bore holes with. Calchas, the facred feer, who had in view
Not nly they want thofe
< parte of fecretinn, but The augtr hath a handle and bit ; its office is to Things prefcnt and the paft, and things to come
it is emitted tverfelj, or backward, by both fexes, make great round holes. When you ufe it, the foreknew:
Bri,ii/n'iyulgtr Erreuri. ftulf you work upon is commonly laid low under Supreme of auguru Dijdtn'i Faila.
Vot.I. S Aa
, ) ; ; .. :

As T and mioe confult thy tupirt the Italians bellow vail expence; including great' Stir up that remembrance which his many tvi^
Crant the glad oiren} let thy tav'tite rife fcope of ground, variety of buOies, trees of good cat'ani of bufinels have caufcci him to lay afide.
Prnp.tious, ever tearing from the right. Prior. height, running waters, and foineiimes a Hove an- Drydtn.
To A'uGUR. 'v.n. [from augur,'\ Toguel's; nexed, to contemper the air in the winter. God
does frequently inject into the fiul biclfed
to conjefture by figns. IVcttun't jircbittBure. imnulfes to duty, and powerful avocaticni from

1 he people love me, and the fea ismine. Look now to your aviary ; for now tlie birds fin. South.

My p;>w*r's a crefcenti and my aug^r'wg hope

grow fick of their feathers. E-velyn't Kalendar. 2. The bttfmefs that calls; or the call that
Says i; will come to the full. Shateffcare, Avi'oiTY. n.f. [a-vidite, Fr. aniiditas, fummons away.
My aug'ring mind alTures the iame fuccets. Lat.] Greedinefs} eagernefs; appetite; It is a fubjed that we may make fome progrcfs
Dry ({en, in its contemplation within the time, that in the
infatiable defire.
To A'uounATE. V, H. [auguror, Lat.] To ordinary time of and with the permiflian of
A'viTOus. adj. [a^</V«/, Lat.] Left by a man may employ in fuch a
neceifary avocations, a
judge by augury.
man's anceltors ; ancient. DiSl. contemplation. , HaU'i Origin of Mankind.
Aucura'tion, ti.f, [from aafar.] The
praftice of augury, or of foretelling by
To Avi'zE. 1/. a. \avijh-, Fr. A word By the fecular cares and avocations which ac-
'out of ufe.] company marriage, the clergy have betn turnllhed
events and prodigies. with {kill in common life. jitterbary.
Claudius Pulcher underwent the like fucccff,
1. To counfel.
To AVO'ID. -v. a. [-vuider, Fr.]
With that, the hulbandman 'gan him avixe.
when he continued the tripudary auguralhns,
I. To ftiun to decline.
Brc'WH'i Vulgar Errours,
That it for him was fittefl exercife. Sfen/ir. ;

The wifdom of plcaling God, by doing what he

A'v G u R s R . It./, [from augur.] The fame 2. With a reciprocal pronoun, to bethink
commands, and avoiding what he forbids. 'Tillotfon.
with augur. himfelf : s'a'vlj'er, Fr. z. To efcape ; as, he atioided the blow by
Thefe apparent prodigies. But him a-viztng, he that dieadful deed
turning afide.
And the perfuafion of his auguren. Foibore, and rather chofe, with fccrnful fliame,
Him to avenge. 3. To endeavour to (hun.
May hold him from the capital to-day. Shaiefp. Sfcnfir.
The faihion of the world Xo avoid co^, and
Avcv'tLiAt.aJJ. [from augur^y .] Relating 3. To confider; to examine.
you encounter it,

to augury. No power he had nor will to rife
to ftir,
That when the careful knight 'gan well avixe. 4. To evacuate
to quit. ;
On this foundation were butlt the conclufions What have you tu do here, fellow pray you,
of foothfayers, in their dn^iiria/ and tripudiary di- He lightly left the foe. Fairy Sjuecn.

As they 'gan his library to view, avoid the houfe. Sbakefpeare,

vinations. Bn-wn. If any rebel fliould be require^, of the prince
To And antique regifters for to avixe, Spenfcr.
To A'ucuRisB. t>. n. [from <j»^*r.] confederate, the prince confederate Ihould com-
praAife divination by augury. DU1. A'ukward. See Awkward. mand him to avoid the country. Baeon.
Av'cvtLOVs. adj. [from «»fK;-.] Predift- AvLD. adj. [alb. Sax.] A word now ob- He defired to fpeak with fome few of us
folete ; but ftill ufed in the Scotch dia- whereupon fix of us only Itayed, and the reft a-
ing ; prefcient ; foreboding. voided the room.
left. Bacoiu
So fear'd
The fair-man'd horfes, that they flew back, and 'Tis pride that pulls the country down 5. To emit to throw out.;

their chariots turn'd Then take thine au/d cloak about thee. A toad contains not thofe urinary parts which
Shakefpeare. are found in other animals to avoid that ferous
Prefaging in their augurtut hearts the labours that
they mourn'd. Chapman^i Iliad. Aule'tick. Belonging to
excretion. Brc^n's Vulgar Erreiiri.
ae//. [av>ii(.]
A'uGURY. [augurium, Lat.]
n.f. pipes. D/ff.
6; To oppofe ; to hinder effeft.
The removing that which caufcd putrefaction,
I. The aft of prognofticating by omens A'u n c K . adj. [aulicus, Lat.] Bekjnging to doth prevent and a'void putrefadlion. Bacon*
or prodigies. the court. ^
7. To vacate ; to annul.
Thy face and thy behavipur, Auln. A French mea- How can thefe grants of the king's be avoided,
n.f. [aii/fie, Fr.]
Which, if my augury deceive me not,
fure of length; an ell. without wronging of thofe lords which had thrfe
Witnefs good breeding. Sbakeffeart,
lands and lord/hips given them
The winds are chang'd, your friends from dan- To Auma'il. v. a. [from maille, Fr. the Spenfcr, .'

ger free, me(h of a net ; whence a coat of aumail, To Avo'iD. Ol. ».

Or my (kill in augury. Dryd. jSneid.

I renounce a coat with network of iron.] To varie-
1 To retire.
She knew, hy augury divine, And Saul call the javelin ; for he faid, I will
gate ; to figure. Upton explains it, to fmite David even to the wail with it : and David
Venus would fail in the defign. Swift.
enamel. avoided out ol his prefence twice.
z. An omen or prediftion. 1 Sam,

What if this death, which is for him defign'd, In golden bulkins of coftly cordwalne. 2. To become void or vacant.
All hard with golden bendes, which were entail'd Biihopricks are not included under benefices :
Had been your doom (far be that augury !
With curious anticks, and full fair aumaiVd.
And you, not Aurengzebe, condemn'd to die ? fo that if a perfon takes a biflioprick, it does not
Fairy S^ueen. avoid by force of that law of pluralities, but by
The pow'rs we both invoke Au'mbry. See Ambry. the ancient common law. Ayliffe,
To you, and yours, and mine, propitious be. Aunt. n.f. \jante, Fr. amita, Lat.] A fa- Avo'iDABLE. adj. [from avoid."]
And firm our purpofe with an augury. Dryden. ther or mother's fifter ; correlative to 1 That which may be avoided, fhunned,
AuGu'sT. adj. [augu/liis , Lzx."] Great; nephew or niece. or efcaped.
grand ; royal ; magnificent ; awful. Wlio meets us here ? my niece Plantagenet, Want of exa£lnefs in fuch nice experiments is
There is nothing fo contemptible, but antiquity Led in the hand of her kind aunt of Gl<f Iter. fcarce avoidable. Boyle,
c«n render it auguji and excellent. Glanvi Scepfa. Shakefpeare. To take feveral things for granted, is hardly
The Trojan cliicf appear'd in open fight, She went to plain work, and to purling brooks, avoidable to any one, whofe talk it is to Ihew the
Aguft in vifjge, and fercncly bright; Old-falhion'd halls, dull aunti, and croaking rooks. falfehood or improbability of any truth. Locke,
His mother goddefs, with her hands divine. Pope. 2. Liable to be vacated or annulled.
Had form'd his curling locks, and made his tem- AFOCA'DO. n. /. [Span, perjica, Lat.] The charters were not avoidable for the king's
plet flline. Dryden. nonage and there could have been any iuch
The name of a grows in great
tree that ; if
A'oGusT. n.f. [Augujlut, Lat.] The pretence, alone would not avoid them. Halt,
plenty in the Spanifh Well Indies.
name of the eighth month from Jan-iary Avo'i DANCE, n.f [from avoid.]
The fruit is or itlelf very inlipid, for which
indufive. reafon they generally eat it with the juice of le- 1 . The aft of avoiding.
Auguji was dedicated to the honour of Auguftus mof.s and fugar, to give it a poignancy. Miller. It is appointed to give us vigour in the purfult
Cxfar, becaufe in the fame month he was ere iCed of what is good, or in the avoidance of what is
conful, thrice triumpher in Rome, fubdued Egyp^
To A'VOCATE. n). a. [a'voco, Lat.] To hurtful. fVatts,
to the Roman empire, and made an end of civil
call off from bufmcfs ; to call away. The courfe by which any thing
z. is car-
wars ; being before called Stxiilis, or the fixth Their divei:ure ol mortality difpenfcs them
ried off.
from March. Piacbam. from thofe laborious and avocatirg duties to dlf-
For avoi.lances and drainings of water, where
ttelled Chriftians, ard their fecular relations,
AoGu'sTNESS. n.f. [from augufl.l Eleva- which are here rcquifite. Style.
there is too much, we (hall fpeak of. Bacoiu
tion of look ; dignity ; loftinels of mien 3. The aft or ftate of becoming vacant.
Avoca'tion. n.f. [from a'vocate.]
or afpeft. 4. The aft of annulling.
I. The aft of calling afide.
A'viARY. n./ [from a-vis, Lat. a bird.] The buftlc of bulinefs, the avocaticnt of our
Avoi'der. n.j. [from <ifo«</.]

A place inclofed to keep birds in. fenfes,and the din of i clamoroui world, are im- I. The perfon that avoids or fliuns any
la aviaria of Wire, to keep birds of all forts, pediments. CltnvUk. thing,
i. The
; . .

2. The perfon that carries any thing away. Wllmot could not evmvedly have excepted Aurora ftieds
Tne veflel againft the ether. Ctartni.n. On Indus' fmiling banks the rofy (hovrer. Tiji^t
3 . in which things are carried
Avowee', n.f. [avoue, Fr.] He to whom AURO'RA Borealis. [Lat.] Light ftream-
the right of advowfon of any church be- ing in the night from the north.
Avo'iDLESs. adj. [from aao/V.] Inevit-
able ; that which cannot be avoided.
longs. !)/<?. AU'RVM Fulminans. [Lat.] A prepara-
That atj':\diijs ruin in wiiich the whole empire Avo'wER. ». /. [from azKnv.] He that tion made by diflblving gold in aqua
would be involved. Dennises Lett^n. avows or juftifies. regia, and precipitating it with fait of
Avoir Dupo'is. n.f. [wvoir dupoids, Fr.] Virgil makes ^neas a bold avoivtr of his own tartar ; whence a very fmall quantity of
virrues. DrytUn.
A kind of weight, of which a pound it becomes capable, by a moderate heat,

contains fixteen ounces, and is in pro-

Avo'wRY. n.f. [from i7i;ow.] In Lw, of giving a report like that of a piftol.
where one takes a diftrels for rent, or
portion to a pound Troy, as feventeen
otlier thing, and the other fues replevin. Some aurum fulniinam the fabrick (hook. Gartb,
to fourteen. All the larger and coarfer
In which cafe the taker Ihall juftify, in Ausculta'tion. 71. /. [from auj'culto,
commodities are weighed by a-voirdupois
his plea, for what caufe he took it ; and, A
hearkening or liftening to. DiH.
weight. Chambers.
Probably the Romans left their ounce in Bri- if he took it in his own right, is to (hew A'USPICE. n.f. \aufpiciiim, Lat.]
tain, which is now our a'v^'irdu^w ounce for out : it, and fo avow the taking, which is 1. The omens of any future undertaking
trrjy ounce wc had elfcwhere. Arbuthnot en Coins. called his azvwry. Chambers. drawn from birds.
Avola'tion. n. f. [from a-jolo, to fly Avo'wsAL. ». y. [from co/o-ti'.] A con- 2. Proteftion ; favour (hewn.
avvay, Lat.] The^aft of flying away feflion. Dm. Great father M.irs, and greater Jove,
flight : efcape. Avo'wTRY. n. [See Auowtrv.] By whofe high aujpicc Rome hath ftood
Thefe airy vcgeubles are made by the relicks of Si long. Ben fonfon,
plantal emiflives, wh&fc avblaticn was prevented Influence; good derived to others from
by the condenfeJ enclofurc. Glamj'tlU^i Scc^i:.
A'uRATE. n. /. A fort of pear; which 3.
the piety of their patron.
Strangers, or the fungous parcels about candies, fee.
But fo may he live long, that town to fwayt
oniy fignify a pluvious air, hindering the a'vcla- Aure'lia. n.f. [Lat.] A term ufed for Which by his aujpice they will nobler make.
tioK of the favillous paiticlcs. Brcnvni f^uJg. Err. the apparent change of the eruca,
firft As he will hatch their alhes by his ftay. DryJen.
To Avo'ucH. v. a. \a'uouer, Fr. for : this or maggot of any fpecies of infecls. Auspi'ci al. fl(^'. [irom aufpice.^ Relat-
word we now generally fay vouch.'\ Chambers. ing to prognolticks.
1. To affirm ; to maintain ; to declare The fjlitary maggot, found in the dry heads ot Auspi'cious, adj. [from aufpice.^^
peremptoFily. teafel, is fometinies changed into the aurclia of a
1 Having omens of fuccefs.
Th-y bjidiy avtuchrH that themfelves only had butterfly, fometimes into a fty-cafe. RayonCrial.
You are now, with happy and aufpicicous .be-
the truth, which thfy would at ali times deiend. A'uRicLE. n.f. [auricula, Lat.] ginnings, forhiing a model of a Chtiflian charity.
Biiokcr 1. The external ear, or that part of the Spratt,
Wretched though I feem, ear which is prominent from the head. 2. Profperous ; fortunate: applied to per-
Ican produce a champion that Will prove
2. Two appendages of the heart ; being fons.
What is avcucbed here. Shaktfj). King Lear.
two mufcular caps, covering the two Aujpiciou! chief! thy race, in times to come,
2. To produce in favour of another. Shall Ipread the conquelis of imperial Rome. Dryd*
Such antiquities could luve b-^en a-vcucbed for
ventricles thereof; thus called from the
refemblance they bear to the evternal 3. Favourable; kind; propitious: ap-
the Irift). Spnfer'i Jritatid.
ear. They move plied to perfons, or afiions.
3. To vindicate
; to juftify. regularly like tht
Fortune play upon thy profp'rous helm,
You will
think you trade no offence, if the duke heart, only in an inverted order ; their
As thy aujfifious miftrefs Shakefpeare»

avouch thcjullice of ynut dealing. fyftolecorrefponding to the diaftole of

Staktfpeare't Mttijure for Meafitre. 4. Lucky ; happy : applied to things.
the heart. Chambers. I'll deliver all.
Avo'ucH. n.f. [from the verb.] Decla- Blood fliiuld be ready to join with the chyle, And promife you calm feas, aujpicioui gales.
ration ; evidence ; teftimony. before it reaches the right auricle of the heart. And fails expeditious. Sbakefpeare^s Tempcji^
1 might not this believe. Ray on th^ Creation. A pure, an aftive, an aufpicious flame.
Without the fenfible and xx^^cavottib
AuRi'cuLA. And bright as heav'n, from whence the blelTing
Of mine own eyes. SbaUfp. Bamltt.
»./. See Bears Ear. A came. Ro/common,
flower. Two your aujpicioui caufe has won ;
Avo'ucH ABLE. adj. [from a'vou(h.'\ That battles
Auri'cular. adj. [from auricula, Lat.] Thy fword can perfcft what it has begun. Dryden.
may be avouched.
the ear.] Auspi'ciousLV, ad'v. [from flK/^/a'o«r.]
Avo'ocHER. H.f. [from <i«e«rj&.] He that
I. Within the fenfe or reach of hearing. Happily ; profperoufly ; with profpe-
You Ihall hear us conter, and bv an aurnular rous omens,
To AVO'W. -V. a. [a-vouer, Fr.] To de- afTurance have your fatisfatlion. &hak. K. Lear, Auspi'ciousNESS. n.f. [from aufpicieus-l
clare with confidence ; to jullify ; not z. Secret told in the ear
; ; as, auricular Profperity ; promife of happlneCs.
to difTemblc. confeffion.
H uei l^cpdanic, feeing what was done.
AUSTE'RE. adj. [aujierus, Lat.]
s CI
3. Traditional; known by report. 1. Severe; harfh ; rigid.
Her wicked days with wretched knife did end j The alchymifts call in many var ctics out of
In death tmovting^ib^ innocence of her fon. aftrology, auricular traditions,
When men reprelent the Divine -nature as an
and feigned tk-lli-
Fairy Slueert. aujlere iViA rigorous mailer, always lifting up hit
monies. Bacon.
He that delivers them mentions his doing it hand to take vengeance, fuch conceptions mud
npon hi^ own particular kno-A edge, or the relation
AuRi'ct/LARLY. ad-v. [frotu auricuJar.] unavoidably raiie terror. Rogcri*
of fomc ci edible perfon, avvwi.ig it upon his <iwn In a fecret manner. Aujiere Saturnius, fay
experience. Boyle. Thele will foon cotrt'els,
and that not auricularly, From whence this wrath ? or who controuls thy
Lett to myfelf, I muft avow, 1 drove but in a loud and audible voice. Decay of Piiiy. fway f Fope.
From publick fhame to fcreen my fecret love. Dryd, Auri'ferous. adj. [ojiri/er, Lat.] That 2. Souroftafte; harfli.
Such anertior.s proceed from principles which which produces gold. Th' aujlere and pond'rous juices they fublime.
cannot be ativwed by thofe who arc for prefcrving
Rocks rich in gems, and mountains big with
Make them afcend the porous foil, and climb
church and ftate. Siuifr. mines,
The orange-tree, the citron, and the lime.
Then blaz'd hit fmotherM flame, avviu^d and Whence many a burfting ftream euriferoas plays.

-.:. h'Ai. 'Ihomjon. Aujicre wines, diluted with water, cool mora
Thonf'^n. '

Avo'wABLE. adj. [from aruonu."] That Aurica'tion. than water alone, and at the fame time dn not relax.
n.f. [auriga, Lat.] The Arbuthnot on Alimenti,
which may be openly declared; that aft or praftice of driving carriages. Diii. AutTE'RELY. adv. [from aujiere.\ Se-
which may be declared without Ihame.
AuRIPICMe'ntUM. SeeORPIMENT. verely ; rigidly.
Avo'wAL. tt
f. [from a-vo-w^ Juftificatory AURO'RA. n.f. [Lat.] Ah! Luciana,did he tempt thee fo ^
declaration ; open declaration. 1 A fpecies of crowfoot.
Might'ft thou perceive, aujlerely in his eye,
That he did plead in earnell ? Sbakcfpeart,
Avo'wEDLv. ad'v. [from «xr»w.] In an 2. The goddefs that opens the gates of Hypocrites aujitrely talk
open ffianaer. day ; poetically, the morning. I
Of purity, and place, and innocence. Par. Loft.
10 S 2 AuSTe'KS-
.. ! ;

/uste'reness. a./, [from aufttre.'\ A'UTHOR. »./ at,aor, [Lat.] where thofe that call themfelves civil and rational,
1. Severity ; ftriftnefs ; rigour. 1. The firftbeginner or mover of any go out of their way, by the autboriij of example.
My UDl'oU'd name, th' auflerittefi of my life, thing ; he to whom any thing owes its
May vouch againft you ; and my place i' th" ftjtt 3. Power; rule.
WUl original.
fo your accufation ovciwcigh. Shaktjfrarc. I know, my lord.
If «n indifferent and unridlculous objedt could That law, the auihentni obfervcr whereof is one If law. authority, and pow'r deny not.
draw this eufitrcniji into a fmile, he hardly could only God, to be bicffed for ever. Hv>ker. Shale^are,
It will go hard with poor Antonio.
refift the proper motives thereof, imiiu'i Vulg> Er. The authcr of that which caufeth another thing But 1 fuffer not a woman to teach, nor to ulurp
to be, is author o{ that thing alfo which thereby is
2. Roughnefs in tafte. authority over the man, but to be in iilence.
ca\ifed. Hooker.
Austb'rity. I Tim. ii. u.
n.f. [from auftert.'\ I'll never
Severity ; mortified life ; ftriftnefs. 4. Support juftification ; countenance.
I. Be fuch a goding to obey inftirfl j but fljnd ;
Doft thou eipcQ th' authority of their voices,
Now, Marcus Cato, our new conful's fpy, As if a man was author ofhimfelf.
Whofe filent wills condemn thee ? Ben Jmjem.
"WJiit it your SaMt eujiirity fent t' explore f And knew no other kin. Shaiefp. Crriolanus.
Ben yonfcn* Thou art my father, thou my ahth'.r, thou 5. Teftimony.

What was that fnaky-headed Gorgon fliield My being gav'/l me; whom Ihould 1 obey Something I have heard of this, which I would
That wife Minerva wore, unconquer'd \irgin. But ihte ? Milton i Paradife Loji. be glad to find by fo fweet an authority confirmed.
Wherewith (he freei'd her foes to confeal'd ftone. But Faunus came from Plcua, PIcus drew mdney^
But rigid looks of challe auftiriiy. His birth from Saturn, if records be true. We urge need not, and
authorities in things that

And noble grace, thatdafli'd brute violence Thus king Latinu;, in the third degree, introduce the teftimony of ancient writers, to con-
With fudden adoration and blank awe ? Had Saturn author of his family. Dryden. firm things evidently believed. Brow.'s f^ulg.Err,
This prince kept the government, and yet lived If the worftiip of falfe gods had not blinded the Having been fo hardy as to undertake a charge
in his convent with heathen, inf^ead of teaching to wor/hip the fun, againft the phllofnphy of the fthools, I was liable
all the rigour aad aufier'ity of
a Capuchin. and dead heroes, they would have taught us to to have been overborne by a torrent oi authorities.
worfliip our true Author and bcnefador, as their Gianville^s Scepfis*
i. Cruelty ; harfli difcipline.
Let not oujleriiy breed fervile fear anceft^irs did under the government of Noah and 6. Weight of teftimony ; credibility ; co-
No wanton found offend her virgin ear. Ro/cmmcri. his fons, before they corrupted themfelves. Neiuton. gency of evidence.
A'usTRAL. 4ii/j. [auftralis, Lat.] South- 2. The efficient ; he that effefts or pro- They confider the main confent of all the
duces any thing. churches in the whole world, \vitneifing the facred
ern ; as, the aujiral figns.
Thit which is the (trength of ihcir amity, fliall authority of fcriptures. ever fitheiicc the lirft publi-
Ta A'usTRALizE. v. n. [from aufter, the cation thereof, even till this prcfent day and hour.
prove the immediate author of their variance.
fouth wind, Lat.] To tend towards the Sbakefpeare, Hooker,
fouth. Now
while tlie tortur'd favage turns around. Authoriza'tion. n.f. \_(tom authorixe.]
Steel and good iron difcovcr a verticlty, or polar And flings abouthis foam, impatient of the wound Eftablifhment by authority.
faculty ; whereby they do feptentriatc at one ex- The wound's great author clofe at hand provokes The obligation of laws aril'es not from their
treme, and <»^ra//a:f at another. BrovitCs Vulg<Err, Kis rage. Dryden'i Fables. matter, but from their admiffion and reception,
A'usTRiNE. adj. [from auflrinus, Lat.J From his loins and authorization in this kingdom. Hale>
Southern; fouthernly. New authors of diffention fpring ; from him To Au'thorize. v. a. [cttitorifer, Fr.]
Two branches, that in hofting long contend
Authe'ntical. adj. [from authentick.] For fov'reign fway. Philips.
1. To give authority to any perfon.
Not fiftitious ; being what it feems. Making herfelf an impudent fuitor, authorizing
3. The firft writer of any thing ; diftinfl herfelf very much, with making us fee, that all
Of ftatutes made before time of memory, we
have no aMttemicai ttcotds, but only
from the tranjlator or compiler. favour and power depended upon her. Sidney*
To ftand upon every point in particulars, belong- Deaf to complaints, they wait upon the ill.
eth to thefirft author of the ftory. 1 Mac. ii. 30 Till fome fafe crifis authorize their /kill. Dryden,
Awthe'ntically. ad-v. [from authen-
An author has the choice of his own thoughts
tical.} After an authentick manner ; and words, which a tranflafor has not. Dryden.
2. To make any thing legal.
Yourfelf firft made that titie which I claim,
with all the circumltances requifite to 4. A writer in general.
Firft bidme love, and authcrisi'd my fiame. Dryd*
procure authority. Yet their own autLo,rs faithfully affirm
1have nothing farther to defire.
This point dubious, and not yet authentically
is That the land Salike lies in Germany. Sbaiefp. But Sancho's leave to authorize our marriage.
decided. Bro^vns J^ulgar Errours. Autho'ritative. adj. [from authority.] Dryden*
Confcience never commands or forbids any thing Having due authority. To have countenanced in him irregularity, and
1 .

authentically, but there is fome law of God which

2. Having an air of authority. difobedience to that light which he had, would
commands or forbids it firft. Siuth. have been, to have authorized diforder, confufion,
1 dare not give them the auihorifative title of
Authe'nticalness. n./. [from authen- aphoiifms, which yet may make a reafonable mora! and wickednefs, in his creatures. Locke*
tica/.] The quality of being authentick; yrognofiick. TVottcn. To eftablifh any thing by authority.
genuinenefs authority. ; The mock aufhoritathve manner of the one, and Lawful it is to devile any cereminy, and to au*
Nothing can be more pleafant than to fee vir- the infipid mirth of the other. Stviffs Examiner. thorize any kind of regimen, no fpccial command-
tuofos about a cabinet of medjis, defcantlng upon AuTHo'RiTATiVELY.aa'i'. [from autho- ment being thereby violated. Hoskcr,
the value, rarity, and aethenticalrefi of the feveral Thofe forms are which have been longcil
received and authorized in a nation by cutlom and
1 In an authoritative manner ; with a
AuTHENTi'ciTY. «./. [from aulbetifici,'] ufc. Temple*
ihew of authority.
Authority ; genuinenefs ; the being au-
2. With due authority.
4. To juftify to prove a thing to be right.

thentick. AH virtue lies in a power of denying our own

No law foreign binds in EnglanJ, till it be re- defires, where reafon does not authorize them.
^UTHE-NTICK. a/^'. [aut&eftticus. Lat.] ceived, and authoritatively engrafted, into the law
That which has every thing requifite to of England. Hale.
give authority; as, an authentick re-
it Autho'ritativeness. n.f. [from aa- 5. To give credit to any perfon or thing.
Although their intention be fincere, yet doth it
gifter. It is ufed in oppofition to any thoritati've.] An afting by authority ; notorioufly ftrengthen vulgar errour, and autherixt
thing by which authority is deftroyed, authoritative appearance. Z);V?. opinions injurious unto truth. BrovJn^syuig. Err*
as authentick, not counterfeit. It is never Autho'rity. ii.f. [auiSoritas, Lat.] Be a perfon in vogue with the multitude, he
ftiall authorize any nonfcnfc, and make incoherent
nfedof perfons. Genuine; not fidlitious. 1 Legal power.
ftuff, feafoned with twang and tautology, pafs for
Thou art wont his great autlentick will Idle old man.
rhetorlck. South*
Interpreter through higheft heav'n to bring. Mill. That ftill would manage thofe authorities
She joy'd th' authentick news to hear. That he hath given away Shakefp. K. Lear. AuTo'crASY. ». f. [auTsxjaTJia, from
Of whatflieguefs'd belorewith jealous fear. Cowley. Adam's fovereignty, that by virtue of being pro- and K^a-©-, power.]
(itPT©-, felf, Inde~
But eenfure 's to be underftood prietor ofthe wholeworld, he had any authority over
pendent power fupremacy.
The authentick mark of the elcfl. men, could not have been inherited by any of his
The publick ftamp Hcav'n fcts on all that's great children. Locke. Autocra'phical. adj. [irota autogra-
and good. S-ui\ft. 2. Influence ; credit. phy.] Of one's own writing. Di3.
AtJT H e'n T I CK ty. ad'v. [from authentick.'] Power arifing from ftrength, always in thofe
is Autography, n.f. [iinoyoapat, from
After an authentick manner. that are governed, who arc many : but authority ctuTOf, and yfaipw, to write.] A particu-
arifing from opinion, is in thofe that govern, who
Authe'ntickness. ». y." [from authen- lar perfon's own
writing ; or the origi-
are few. Temple.
tick. \ The fame with authotticitj. give rules than titles.
nal of a treatife, in oppofition to a copy.
Tiic woods are fitter to

AuTOM a'tical. adj. [from «a«»«/t/e».] a more grave and magnificent word is Awa'ke. adj. [from the verb.] Not being
Belonging to an automaton ; having the put inllead of the proper word. afleep ; not fleeping.
power of moving itfelf. Smith's Rhetortck. Imagination is like to work better upon fleeping
men, than men a'tvake. Baccn*
Auto'maton. n. f. [a^Tof<.«Tot. In the Auxi'li AR. 1 adj. [from aa.i:;7/'aOT, Lat.] Cares (hall not keep him on the throne aivake.
plural, automata.] A machine that hath Auxi'li ARY. J Affiltant ; helping; con- Nor break the golden flumbers he would take.
the fower of motion within itfelf, and federate. Dryden.

which Hands in need pf no foreign affift- The giant brood. ToAwa'ken. <v. a. i.nd.'v.n. The fame
ance. ^incy. That fought at Thebes and Ilium on each fide,
with A-wake.
For it is greater to underhand the art, whereby Mix*d with auxiliar gods. Milton'i Par. Lrji.
Awake Argantyr, Hervor the only daughter

Their traftates are Vittlc auxiliiiry unto ours, nor Of thee and Suafu doth awaken thee. Hiekeu
the Almighty governs the motions of the greac
afFord us any light to detenebrate this truth.
autcmaton, than to have learned the intrigues of To Aw.\'rd. f. a. [derived by Skinner,
Brvtun's Vulgar Errours.
G/ami/le's Scejjis.
There not the fmalieft capillary vein but it fomewhat improbably, from peapb. Sax.
I The particular circumllances for
tomata of this kind are moft
reduced to four.
which the au-
may be

its ufc.

prefent with, and auxiliary to it, according to

Hales Origin of Mankind.
towards.] To adjudge ; to give any
thing by a judicial fentence.
Nor from -his
patrimonial heav'n aline A
pound of that fame merchant's flefh is thine;
Auto'matous. adj. [from automaton.'] IsJove content to pour his vengeance down ;
Having The court awards it, and the law doth give it.
in itfelf the power of motion. Aid from his brother of the feas he craves. Stakcffeare,
Clocks, or automarra^ organs, whereby we diftin- To help him with auxiliary waves. Dryden. It advances that grand bufinefs, and according
guifii of time, have no mention in ancient writers. Auxi'liar. \n.f. \iTomauxilium,\.,2il.] to which their eternity hereafter will be atvardeJ.
Brcwtl^s yul^ar Errours.
Auxi'li A RY. J Helper j afllftant ; confe- Decay of Piety,
Auto'nom Y. »./. [i.vrc,tnf/.{a.] The living A church which allows falvation to none with-
according to one's mind and prefcrip- out nor aivards damnation to almo.l any within-
In the ftrcngth of that power, he might, with-
tion. Did. it. South*
out the auxilidriis of any further influence, have
Satlsfadlion for every affront cannot be atvarded
A'uTOPsy. »,/. [ivTo^U.] Ocular de- determined his will to a full choice of God. Scuth.
by ftatcd laws. Collier on Du, Uing.
monllration feeing a thing one's felf. There are, indeed, a fort of underling auxiliaries
to the difficulty of a work, called commentators To Awa'rd. 'V. n. To judge; to deter-
In thofc that have forked tails, autopjy convin-
and criticks. Pope. mine.
ceth us, that it hath this ufe. Ray im the Crrathn. Auxiliary Verb. verb that helps to A An
1 h' unwife award to lodge it in the tow'rs.
ofl"'ring facrcd. P-ife's OdyjTey,-
AvTo'pT\CAL. adj. [from autof.y.] Per- conjugate other verbs.
In almuft all languages, fome of the commoneft
Awa'rd. »./. [from the verb.] Judg-
ceived by one's own eyes.
nf'Uns and verbs have many irregularities} fuch arc ment; fentence; determination.
Au t o'p t I c a l l y. ad-v. [from autoptical. ] the common auxiliary verbs, to be and to hwue, to do Now hear th' award, and happy m»y it prove
By means of one's own eyes. and to be done, &c. IVatts. To her, and him who bell deferves her love.
Were this Uue, it would autoftically lilence that
AuxiLi a'tion. n. f. [from auxiliatus, Dryden.'
Br<.ivn. AffcAion bribes the judgment, and we cannot
That the galaxy is a meteor, was the account Lat.] Help ; aid ; fuccour. Did. expedl an equitable award, where the judge is
of Ariftotle ; but the telelcope hath auioftkal/y To Awa'it. -v. a. [from a and aua//. See made a party. Glawjille.
confuted it and he, who is not Pyrthonian enough
: Wait.] urge the fbe. To
to the dilbelief of his fenfes, may fee that it is no
1 . To
expeft ; to wait for. Prompted by blind revenge and wild defpair.
G.'anfille't Scrpfi:
Even as the wTCtch condemnM to lofe his life Were .to refufe th' a*wards of Prov idence.
A'uTUMN. n./. [autumnus, Lat.] The Awaits the falling of the murJ'ring knife. Fairfax. Addijon's Caf<.

feafon of the year between fumraer and Betwixt the rocky pillars Gabriel fat. Awa're. adv. [from a, and ivare, an old
Chief of th'argeli;k guards, <i«i<a«m^ night. Milt. word for tautious ; it is however, per-
winter, beginning allronomically at the
equinox, and ending at the folftice ; po-
2. To attend ; to be in ftore for. haps, zxiadjeilive ; jepapian, Sax ] Ex-
To fliew thee what reward cited to caution ; vigilant ; in a ftate of
pularly, autumn comprifes Augull, Sep-
Awaits the good ; the reft, what punifhment.
tember, and Oftober. alarm ; attentive.
For 1 will board her, though chide as loud
flie Unlefs his wrath be, apprafed, an eternity of Ere I was aware, I had left myfelf nothing 'out

As thunder, when the clouds in autumn crack. torments aiuaiis tire objcfts of his difpleafure. the name of a king. Sidt:ey.-

Ere forrow was aware, they made his thoughti
would not be over-confident, bear away foniething elfe befides his own forrow,
I he hath pafled
till Awa'it. H./. [from the verb.] Ambuih. Sidney's Arcadia.-
a fpring or autumn. Wijcman'x Surgery. See Wait. Temptations of profperit)" rnfrnuate themfclves;
The flarving brood,
Void of fufficient fuftenance, will yield
And Icaft mlfhap the moft blifs alter may ; fo that we are but little aware of them, and lefs-

A For thoufand perils lie in dofe await able to vvirhftand them. Atterburv,
(lender autumn. Pb'tlipt,
About us daily, to work our decay. Sfen/er. To Aw a' Hi. To beware;
Autumn, nodding o'er the yellow plain, V. n. to 6e
Comei jovial on. Thomfcn.
To Awa'ke. 'V. a. [peccian. Sax.] To cautious.
All rv' MUM.. adj. [from autumn.'] Belong- aivaie has the [ reterite aiuoke, or, as we So warn'd he them awart themfelves and

ing to autumn ; produced in autumn. now more commonly fpeak, a'waked.] Inflant, without diflurb, they took alarm.
Spring or fummcr's beauty hath fuch grace, I . To roufe out of fleep. Paradifc Lo/I,
As have feen in one autumnal face.
I Dinne. Take heed. This pafTage is by others underftood
Thou /halt not long How you awake our fie eprng Iword of war. Sbake/jp. thus He warned thofe, who were atuare,

Rule In the clouds ; like an autumnal ftar, Our friend Laz:irus lleepeth but I go that 1
of themfelves.
Or lightning, thou fljalt fall. Miltcn. may ati-ake him out of fleep. Johny xi. 1.
Bind now up yout autumnal flowers, to prevent
Awa'y. ad-v. [apej, Saxon.]
I. To raife from any ftate refembling fleep.
fudden gufts, which will proftrate all. Eve/yn. H.irk, hark, the horrid found 1 In a ftate of abfence ; not in any partL-
Not the fair fruit that on yon branches glows Has raised up his :
cular place.
With that ripe red tit' autumnal fun bellows. As atvayd from tlic dead, They could make
Pefr. And amazd, he flares rounl. Dryd. St. Cacilia. Love to yourdrefs, although your face were tf^ViTy.
Avu'lsion. It./, [a-vuljto, Lat.] The aft 3. To put into new aftiun. Btn Jonfon's Cataline*
of pulling one thing from another. The fpark of noble corragc now awake. It is impoUIWe to know properties that are fr»
Spare not the little offjjrings, if they grow And llrivc your excellent
annexed to it, any of them being away, that
felt to excel. F. Siuten.
Redundant but the thronging clufters thin efTcr.ce is not there. Locke*
; The fair
By kind atu-fim. Pbirtft. Repairs her fmiles, a-waktns cv'ry grace. 2. From any place or perfon^
The prcfTure of any ambient fluid can be nu And calls forth all the wonders of her face. Pofe.
I have a. pa n u])on my forehead here
intelligible caufe of ihecohefion of matter; though
To Awa'ke. -v. n. To break from fltep
— Wiiy that's with watching ; 'twill away again.
fuch a p-etTu e may hinder the a-vutfir.n of two po- ;
fiflied fuperficies one from another, in a line per-
to ccafe to fleep, When the fowls came down upon the carcafes,
prnHifuh'- to them. Alack, I am afraid thty Vivtawak'd, Abiaha.n drove them a-way a^jain. Gen.xv. ij.
And 'tis not done Sbakefp. Macbeth. Woul you yjuljj and beauty flay.
tJVXE'SIS. n.J. [Latin.] An increafing; I awaked up

lad of all, as one that gatheretn


Love hath wings, and will away. Waller,

an exoinauon, wlien, lor amplification, after the grape- jath<yers. Ecduu xxxiii. 16. Summer funs rolt unpcrceiv'd atcay. Pofe,
3. Let
: ; ; . :

5. Ler us go. Know, then, that fome of us are gentlemen. fwearing he never knew a man go more evikvtarJly
^lujy, old mui; give me thy band ; noay; Such as the fury of ungovcrn'd youth to work. Sidney.
Kiog Lear hath loft, he and his daughter ta'cn ; Thrufl from the ci.mpany of av.'fut men. Shakt^f. When any thingdone avihwardly, the com-
Give me thy band. Comeoa. Sbaluff.KingLair. 3. Struck with awe ; timorous ; fcrupu- mon faying will pafs upon them, that it is fuiiable
4. Begone. lous. This fenl'e occurs but rarely. to their breeding. Locke,
Jhvsy, an J glifter like the god of war, It is not nature and I'rltt reafon, but a weak
If any pretty creature is void of genius, and
When he intendeth to become the fifld. and a»ryi// reverence for antiquity, and the vogu. would pcrtorm her part but a'wkiuartiiy, I mud
Sbaiifprarc's King John. of fallible men. ncverthelefs infilt upon her working. yiddifon.
I'll to the wwds among the happier brutes She (till renews the ancient fcene ;
Come, let 's tnaay ; hark, the fliriU horn refounds.
A'wFui.LY. ad'v. [from aiv/ul.'\ In a re- Forgets the forty j-ears between ;
. Smifh't Phadra and Hiffoliiut. verential manner. jliokwardly gay, and oddly merry;
ylv)ay, you flact'rcr I It will concern a man, to treat this great prin- Her (carf pale pink, her head-knot cherry. Prior,
Norchareehisgen'rous meaning. Roiae'sJ.Sbore. ciple atvfully and warily, by (till obferving what If a man be taught to hold his pen atukxvardiyf

5. Out of one's own hands; into the power it commands, butcfpecially what it forbids. South. yet writes fulBciently well, it is not worthwhile
to teach him the accurate methods of handling that
of fomething elfe. A'wFULNESs. n.f. [fromatv/ul.]
It c )ncerns every man, who will not trifle away 1. The quality of ftriking with awe;
inftrument. H^alti'i Improvement 0/ the MM.
his foul, and fo'l himfelf into irrecoicraSle mi- folemnity.
A'WKWARDNESS. [ftom a'wk-ward.'\
fery, to enquire intu thefe matters. Tilbtfin, Thefe objeils naturally raife ferioufnefs; and Inelegance ; want of gentility ; odd-
6. It is often ufed with a verb ; as, to drink night heightens the aiufulmji of the place, and nefs ; unfuitablenefs.
anvay an eflate ; to idle aivay a manor pours out her fupernumerary horrours upon every One m >y obferve awkzvardne/s !o the Italians,

that is, to drink or idle till an eAate or

thing. AddifoK. which eafily difcovcrs their airs not to be natural.

manor is gone. 2. The ftate of being ftruck with awe jiddijcn.

All his airs of behaviour have a certain aiok-
He p'ay'd his life atoay* Pope, little ufed.
•teardnffi in them ; but theft awkward airs ate
7. On the way on the road : perhaps An help to prayer, producing in us reverence worn away
; in company.
and awfulnefs to the divine majiffy of God.
this is the original import of the fol- fyttrts's Impnvetr.ent of the Mind.
tayhrt Rule of Huhig holy.
lowing phrafe. To Awha'pe. "v. a. [This word I have AwL. n. f. [aele, ale. Sax.] A pointed
Sir Valentine, whitiier atuay fo fad ? Shaicjf. inftrument to bore holes.
met with only in Spenjer, nor can 1 dif- .»

8. Perhaps the phrafe, he cannot aivay ivitk, He which was minded to make himfelf a per-
cover whence it is derived ; but ima-
may mean, he cannot traneliiuith; he can- petual fcrvant, ihauld, for a vilible token there-
gine, that the Teutonic language had of, have aUu his ear bored through with an avil.
not bear the company.
She never could atuay with me.
anciently txiapen, to ftrike, or fome fuch Hooker..
never ! (he would always fay, (he could ,iot abide word, from which -weapons, or offenfive You may likcwife prick many holes with aa
awl, about a joint that will lie in the earth. '
Matter Shallow, Stjifffeiirj. arms, took their denomination.] To Alortinier' s Hujhandry.
9. Aiuay luith. Throwaway; take away. ftrike ; to confound ; to terrify.
If you dare think of deferving our cliarms, Ah ! my
dear goflip, anfwer'd then the ape.
A'wLEss. adj. [from awe, and the nega-
Aioay •with your (heephooks, and take to your Deeply d your fad words my v/'its aivhafe
tive lei}.']

arms. DryJm. Both for becaufe your grief doth great appear. 1. Wanting reverence; void of refpeft-
AWE. n.f. [eje, oj^a, Saxon.] Reveren- And eke becaufe myfelf am touched near. ful fear.
tial fear ; reverence. HuUerd's Tale. Againft whofe fury, and the unmatched force,
They all be br; ugfit up idly, without aioe of Awhi'le. ad'z'. [This word, generally re- The awlefs lion could not wage the fight. Sbakefp,
parents, without precepts of mailers, and without puted an adverb, is only a luhile, that is, He claims the bull with aiuleft infolence.
fear of ofl^erce. Sftnjer's State af Ireland. a time, an interval.] Some time ; fome And having feiz'd his horns, accoAs the prince.
This thought
filed upon him who is only to be Diydcn.
fpace of time.
feared, G.vd and yet with a filial fear, which at
Stay, (iay, I fay
2. Wanting the power of caufmg rever-
the fame time botli fears and loves. It was avie
And if you love me, as you fay you do. ence.
without amazement, and dread without di(tra6Hon.
Let me peifuade you to forbear aivbite. Sbakefp. Ah mc.l 1 fee the ruin of houfe ; my
South. The tyger now hath feiz'd the gentle hind
Into this wild abyfs the wary fiend i
What is the proper aviie and fear, which is dur Inlulcing tyranny begins to jut
Stood on the brink of hell, and lonk'd anvhile.
from man to God ? Rogers.
Pond'ring his voyage. Alihdns Paradife LoJ}. Upon the iimocent and awleh throne.
To Awe. -v. a. [from the noun.] To ftrike
AwK. adj. [ A barbarous contrailion of the Sh^ikfp. Rich. III.
with reverence, or fear ; to keep in
word aniukivard.'] Odd
; out of order.
AwME, or AuME. n. /. A Dutch meafure
fubjedion. We have heard as arrant jangling in the pul- of capacity for liquids, containing eight
If you will wpik on any man, you mult eithci fteckans, or twenty verges or verteels
pits, as the (leeples ; and profelTors ringing as aivh ;
know his nature and faOiIons, and fo lead him;
as the bells to give notice of the conflagi a. ion.
or his ends, and fo perfuade him; or his weak-
anfwering to what in England is called
ne(rc8 And difadvantages, and fo anve him ; or a tierce, or one-fixth of a ton of France,
thofe that have interelt in him, and fo govern him.
A'wKWARD. adj. [aepanb, Saxon; that is,
or one-feventh of an Englilh ton.
Bacon. backward, untoward.]
Why then was this forbid ? Why, but to eioet- I. Inelegant; unpolite ; untaught; un- AwN. Lat.] The beard grow-
Why, n.f. [«r//?a,
bu; to keep you low and ignorant. genteel.
His wur.liippers ? Mi/tor
ing out of the corn or grafs. Chambers.
Proud Italy,
Beav'n, that hath plac'd this ifland to give law; Whofe manners (till our tardy, apifli nation A'wNiNG. n.f. A cover fpread over a
To balance Europe, and her (tates to aive- fVailer Limps alter in bafe anvktvard imitation. Shahfp. boat or veflel, to keep off the weather.
The rods and yxes of princes, and their depu- Their own language is worthy their care ; and of thefe boards I made an a'wning over jne.
ties, mayaw> m^ry into obedience; but thefame rhey are judged of by their handfome ox aiukivard Rab.nfon Crufee.
of t'leir goodnefs, jiiltice, and other virtue., will way of exprcliing themfelves in it. Locke.
work on more. A'frhury.
Awo'k e. The preterite from atuake.
An atvktvard (hame, or fear of ill ufage, has a And (he fai J, th^ Phililtines be upon thee, Samp-
A'w B B A N D . n. [from aiue and band. ]
/ A (hare in this conduct. Swift'
fon. And he uiu^ke out of his (leep.
check. Di£i. z. Unready; unhandy; not dexterous; Judgts, xvi. 20.
A'wpuL. adj. [from (Jifi? andy*//.] clumfy. Awo'rk. ad'v. [from (T and ti/cr^.] On
I. That which itrikes with awe, or fills Si -w to rcfolvc, but in performance quick; work ; into a ftate of labour ; into a£Uon.
with reverence. So true, that he Wisaiv^tvard at a trick. Dryden. So af.e. Pyrihus" paufe,
S onofm. that '.vith honour thou may'it love 3. Perverfe ; untoward. Aroufed vengeance fets him new awork. Sbakefp.
Thy matei who Ices, when iti >u art fe-n lealt wfe. A kind and cnnftant friend By prcfcribing the condition, it fets us awirk
Millont Paradlfc Loji. To all that regularly olfcna ; to t!ie pcrtormaiiccs of it, and that by living well.
approach the; thus, and gaze
I But W.1S implacable, and atuktvard. Hammond,
. Infatiate ; 1 thus huge; nor liav' feared To ail that interlop'd and h.i"ii<r'd. Hudibrai. Awo'rking. adj. [from anaork.] Into the
Thy tiivftti Dio«, m >fe atvful thus (eti''d, A'wKWARDLY. adv. [from atvi-ivard.] ftate of working.
F^i-elt -I iTtii'.af.ce of hy Miker fair Mth v !
Clumfily; unreadily ; inek-gantly ; un- L.iig they thus travelled, yet never met
S. Worftjipful! inrtuthority; inverted with gainly. Adventure which might them uworking f't.
dignity. Tills lenle is obfulcte. Pametai nodding from the walle upwards, and Huhherd's Tale.
; — ; .

Awry', adv, [from a and at'ry.] cannot be made plainer by demonftra- eternity ; for ever. It is now rarely ufed,
I. Not in a ftraight direftion obliquely. ; tion. and only in poetry.
But her lad cy ,, Ibii fall'r.ed r,n the ground, Axioms, or principles more general, are fuch as And jiowin darklome flungeon, wretched thraU,
Arc governed with ^o d:y modefty ; this, tiut the greater good is to be chofcn bef re Rtmedylefi i'tu- ay. he doth him hold. Tairy ^een.
That fu9crs not one look to glance atiiry. the lefler. H.^k.r. Either prepare to die.
Which may let in a litje thought unlound. 2. An eftabli(hed principle to be granted Or on Diana's altar to pr^'tei^.
For aye, aufterity and fingle life. Shaiefpeare*
without new proof.
Like perfpeai\e8, which rightly gaz'd upon, The f lul, th lugh made in time, furvives f )r ayei
The axiomi oi chat law, whereby natural agen*s
Shew nothing but confufial j eyed awry, And, though it hath beginning, fees no end.
are guided, have their ufe in the moral. Hcoker.
Diftinguift form. Shaicff. Rchardll. Sir J. Davics*
Their afhrmations are no axiomi \ we efteem
A viole it wind, from either coaft.
croi's And hears the mufes, in a ring.
thereof as things unfaid, and account them but
Blows thenri tranfveiie, ten thouiand leagues mvry Aye round about Jove's altars fing. Milton*
in lift oi nothing. Brown.
Into the devious aT, MUtcn* Th' allinifli'd mariners aye ply the punvp;
A'xis. »./ [axis, La.t.] The line real or No ftay, nor reft, till the wide breach is clos'd.
t. Aiquint ; with obliqne viCon.
\ ou know the king imaginary that partes through any thing, Philifs.

Wi :h jea'ous eyes has look'd awry on which it may revolve. A'ygreen. n.f. The fame with hoi//i~

Oil h'S ion'i adtions. Dertbam'i So[>hy^ But our earth, from mom to
fince they fay mom. leek ; which fee. Dicl.
Not in the right or true diretlion.
On its own axis is obiigM to turn ; A'yry. n.f. The neft of the hawk.
That fwift rotation muft difperfe in air 1 (h'uld difcourfc on the brancher, ihe haggard,
1 hap to ftep ^ivryt where i fee no path, and can
All things which on the rapid orb appear. and then treat of their feveral ayries.
difcsm but few fteps afore me. Brernvaod,
Slackmcre. ffalton's Argler,
4. Not equally between two points ; un- It might annually have compafled the fun, and
A'ziMUTH. n.f. [Arab.]
evenly. yet never have once turned upon its axis. Btntley.
Not tyrants fierce that unrepenting die. On th"ir own axii as the planets run. 1 The aximuth of the fun, or of a ftar, is
Not Cynthia when her manceau 's plnnM aviryy And make at once their circ.e round the fun an arch between the meridian of the
Ere felt fuch rage. Pcpt, So two confiftent motions a£l the foul. place, and any given vertical line.
And one regards itfclf, and one the wh.le. Pope. 2. Magnelical Az,i?nulh, is an arch of the
5. Not according to right reafon ; per-
verfely. A'xLE. X"-/- [axis, Lat.] The horizon contained between the fun's
AU aiurSf and which wried it to the moft wry A'xLE-TREE. J pin which paffes through aximuth circle and the mag lelical me-
courfe of all, wit abufed, rather to feign reafon the midft of the wheel, on which the ridian ; or it is the dillance
why it ihould be amifs, than how it ihould be circumvolutions of the wheel arc per- of the fun from the north or fouth point
amended. Sidney.
formed. of the compafs.
Much of the foul they talk, but all atory.
Venerable Neftor Azimuth Compafs, is an inftrument ufe.}
And in themfelves feek virtu«, and to tbemlelves 3.
Should with bond of air, ftrong as the axte-tree
All glory arrogate, to God give none. Milton. at fea for finding the fun's magnetic
On which heav'n rides, knit all the Grecian ears
Axe. n.f. [eax, acj-e. Sax. a/cia. Lat.] To his eiperienc'd tongue. Shakeffeare.
An inftrument confifting of a metal head, The fly fat upon the axle-tree, of the chariot- 4. Ax.imuth Dial, is a dial whofe ftile or
with a (harp edge, fixed in a helve or wheel, and faid. What a durt do I raife I Bacon, gnomon is at right angles to the plane
handle, to cut with. And the gilded car of day of the horizon.
His glowing axle doth allay |
metal can, 5. Azimuths, called alfo vertical circles,
In the fteep Atlantick rtream. Itfilton,
No, not the hangman's axt, bear half the keennefs are great circles interfering each other
Of thy fliarp envy. He faw a greater fun appear,
Than his bright throne or burning axle-tree could in the zenith and nadir, and cutting
ftood a foreft on the mountain's brow,
Which overlook'd the (haded plains below
bear. MUion's Chriji's Nativity, the horizon at right angles, in all the
No founding axe prefum'd thefe trees to bite. Ay. [perhaps from aio, Lat.]
ati-v. points thereof. Chambers.
Coeval with the world ; a venerable fi^ht. 1. Yes; &n ad'verl) of anfwering affirma- Azure, adj. [axttr, Fr. azurro. Span.
Drydtn. tively. lazur, Arab, from lazuli, a blue ftone.]
AXTLLA. n.f. [axilla, Lat.] The ca- Return you thither ?— Blue ; faint blue.
vity under the upper part of the arm, —Ay, madam, with the fwifcell wing of fpeed. Like pomcls round of marble clear, .

called the arm-pit. Shakefpeare. Where axur'd veins well mixt appear.
i^mcy. What thou ? Wilt thou be of ourconfort
Axi'liar. ladj. [from a;v///<j, Lat.] Be-
The blue of the firft order, though very faint
Sav ay, and be the captain of us all. ShakeCfcaie. and little, may be the colour of fome fubftance ;
A'xiLLARY. J longing to the arm-pit. 2. It is a word by which the fenfe is en- and the azure colour of the Ikies feems to be this
Axillary artery is diCr.buied unto the hand;
forced ; even; yes, certainly; and more order. Newton.
belr.w the cubit, it divideth into two parts. Brrmin.
than that. Thus replies
A'xiOM. »./ [ajcitma, Lat. a^iufta, from Remember it, and let it make thee Minerva, graceful with her azure eyes. Pofe,
creft faU'n;
a^Uuf Gr.] Ay, and allay this thy abonive pride. Stakejfei^re.
The fea,
Far through his axure turbulent domalo.
I. A propofition evident at firft fight, that Aye.- ai/v. [apa, Saxon.] Always ; to Your empire owns. Thcmfn,

; ; ; .



RThe fecond letter of the Englilh
alphabet, is pronounced as in
The apoftle had no fooner propofed it to the
mailers at Athens, but he himfelf was ridiculed
Ba'cchus bole.
and broad-leaved. Mortim.
but very full
n.f. A flower not tall,

as a babbler.
moll other European languages,
2. A teller of fecrets.
Bacci'ferous. adj. [from bacca, a berry,
by preffing the whole length of the lips aw&fero, to bear, Lat.] Berry-bearing.
Utterert of fecrets he from thence debarr'd ;
together, and forcing them open with a
ftrong breath. It has a near affinity
Babbler! of folly, and blazers of crime.
babblers, or talkers, are not fit
for truft.
Bacciferous trees are of four kinds.
1. Such as bear a caliculate or naked berry ; the

flower andboth failing off together, and

with the other labial letters, and is L'Eflrange.
leaving the berry bare ; as the faflafras trees.
confounded by the Germans with P. Babe. n. /. [baban, Wellh babbaerd, ;
2. Such as have a naked monofpermous fruit,
and by the Gafcons with f^ ; from which Dutch ; bambino, Italian.] An infant that is, containing in it only one feed ; as the

an epigrammatift remarks, that iiiire a child of either fex. arbutes.

Thofe that do teach your babeit 3. Such as hare but polyfpermous fruit, that Is,
and •vi'vere are in Gafcony the fame.
Do it with gentle means, and eafy taflcs containing two or more kernels or feeds within it;
The Spaniards, in mod words, ufe B or He might have chid me fo : for, in

good faith, as the jeTminum, ligultrum.

F indifferently. 1 am a child to chiding. Shakefpeare. 4. as have their fruit compofed of many
Baa. «./. [See the verb.] The cry of a Nor fliall Sebaflian's formidable name acini, orround foft balls fet clofe together like a
Be longer us'd, to lull the crying babe. Dryden. bunch of grapes ; as the uva marina. Ray.
—Therefore thou art a flieep The babe had all that infant care beguiles. Bacci'vorous. adj. [from bacca, a berry,
Such another proof would make me cry iaa. Shah. And early knew his mother in her fmiles. Dryd. and i>i>ro, to devour, Lat.] Devouring
To Baa. i;. «. [ialo, Lat.] To cry like Ba'bery. n.f. [from babe.] Finery to berries. Di£}.
pleafe a babe or child.
a Iheep. Ba'chelor. [This is a word of
n. /.
Or like a lamb, whofe dam away is fet, So have I fccn trim books in velvet dight.
With golden leaves and painted babery very uncertain etymology, it not being
He treble iraas for help, but none can get. Sidney*
Of feely boys, pleale unacquainted fight. Sidney. well known what was its original fenfe.
To Ba'bble. V, n, HabbeUn, Germ, ba-
Ba'bish. ailj. [frova babe.] Chiidifh. Junius derives it from ^i.r.ri\®', foolilh ;
bilhr, Fr.]
]f he be baihful, and will foon blulh, they call Menage, from bas chevalier, a knight of
1. To prattle like a child ; to prate im- him a bahijh and ill brought up thing. AJciam. the lowed rank Spelman, from baculus,
perfeSly. Babo'on. [babouht, Fr.
n. /. It is fup-
a ftaff ; Citjas, from buccella, an allow-
My babbl'mg praifes I repeat no more. pofed by Skinner to be the augmentation
But hear, rejoice, ftand filent, and adoie.PnnfM ance of provifion. The moft probable
oi babe, and to import a. great babe.] A derivation feems to be from bacca /auras,
2. To talk idly, or irrationally.
John had conned over a catalogue of hard
monkey of the largell kind. the berry of a laurel or bay bachelors ;

words j thefe he ufed to iaitli indifterently in all You had looked through the grate like a gemlny
of baboons. Shakefpeare.
being young, are of good hopes, like
companies. ylrhuthnot.
He call every human feature out of his coun- laurels in the berry. Dr. Lawrence ob-
Let the
fanftuary Oiow,
tenance, and became a baboon. Addijln. ferved, ih-ax. Menage' s etymology is much
What from the babblirtg fchools we may noE know.
Prior, Ba'by. n.f. [See Babe.] confirmed by the pradice in our univer-
3. To talk thoughtlefsly to tell fecrets.
1. A child; an infant. fities of calling a Bachelor, Sir. In
There is more danger in a referved and i'llent
The baby beats the nurfe, and quite athwart Latin, baccalaureus .]
Goes decorum. Shakefpeare.
friend, than in a noify babb/ing enemy. L'Eftrange,

The child muft have fugar-plums, rather than

1 A man unmarried.
i|.. To talk much.
make the poor baby cry. Lockf. Such fcparation
babbling Kho mocks the hounds,
The Becomes a virtuous bachekr and a maid.
He muft marry, and propagate: the father can- Shakejfi*
Replying flirilly to the well-tun'd horns. The haunting of diiTolute places, or refort to
not ftay for the portion, nor the mother for babes
As if a double hunt were heard at one?. Sbatejp.
to play with. Locke. courtefans, are no more puniihed in married men
And had I pow'r to give knowledge birth, than in bachfhrs. Bacon,
In all the fpeeches of ,he babbling earth. Prior.
2. A fmall image in imitation of a child,
A true painter naturally delights in the liberty
The babbling echo had dcfcry'd his face which girls play with. which belongs to th; bachelor'^ eftate. Dryden.
She, who in other's words her filence breaks. The archduke f.iw that Perkin weald prove a Let fmful bachelors their woes deplore.
Mdifin. runnagate ; and it was the part ofxchildren to Full well they merit alt they (eel, and more. Pope,
fall out about babies. Bacon.
Ba'bble. «. / [babil, Fr.] Idle talk;
Since no imyge can reprefent the great Creator, 2. A man who takes his firft degrees at
fenfelefs prattle. never think to honour him by your fuoliih pup- the unlverfity in any profeffion.
This babble (hall not henceforth trouble me pets, and babies of dirt and clay. Stiilingjieet. Being a boy, new bachd^r of arcs, 1 chanced to
Here it a coil with proteftation. Sbake//>eare<
Ba'ccated. «<^'. [baccatusy'Li.t.] Befet fpeak againft the pope. Ajcham.
Come, no more, 1 appear before y.tur honour, in behalf of Marti-
Thii i< meer moral babble. Milton.
having many berries. Diii.
with pearls ;
nus Scrihierus, bachelor of phyfic. A4art. Scilhlerus.
With volleys of eternal babble, Bacch an a'li AN. n.f. [from bacchana- 2. A knight of the loweit order. This is
And clamour more unanfwerable. Iludibrai. lia, Lat.] A riotous perlon ; a drunk- now little ufed.
a fenfe
The babble, impertinence, and folly, I have ard.
taken notice of in difputes. Glanvitle. Ba'chelorship. n.f. [frarr^ bachelor.]
Ba CCHANALS. \bacchanaUa, Lat.]
n. f.
The condition of a bachelor.
Ba'bblement. «._/. [irom babble."^ Senfe- The drunken and revels of Bac
feails Her mother, living yet, tan teftify.
lefs prate ; empty words.
chus, the god of wine. She was the firit fruit of my bachelorship. Shakefp,
Deluded all ragged notions and
this while
Ha, my brave emperor, (hall we dance now the
iab'^Umenti, while they expelled worthy and de-
Egyptian iacchanah, and celebrate our drink ? Shak.
BACK. »./. [bac, baec. Sax. bach. Germ.]
lightful knowledge.
What wild tury was there in the heathen bac- I . The hinder part of the body, from the
Babbler. «./ [from babble.] chanals, which we have not feen equalled } neck to the thighs.
I. An idle talker an irrational ; prattler. Decay of Piety. Part following enter, part remain without,
We h our tims too precious to be
lid (pent Both extremes were banlih'd from their walls, And mount on others backs, in h'pcs to Ihare.
With fuch a babbler, Shakejfeare. Cartbufian fafts, and fulfomc bacchanuis. Pope. Dryden,
2. The

t. The outer part of the hand when it To Back. v. a. [from the noun Uck.] Lofty-neck'd,
1. To mount on the back of horfe.
Sharp -teaded, barrel-bellied, broadly hacked. Eryd.
is (hut : oppofed to the fa/m.
Mechiught love, pitying me, when he faw this, That roan Ihall be my throne. Ba'ckfriend. b. /. [from back and
Gave me your hands, the lacks and palms Co kifs. Well, I will hack him ftrait. Efperance© ! friend.] A friend backwards ; that is,
Donne, Bid Butler lead him forth into the park. Shakefp. an enemy in fecret.
3. The outward part of the body; that 2. To break a horfe ; to train him to bear Set the reftlefs importunities of taleliearers and
which requires clothes : oppofed to the upon his back. backfriends againft fair words and profefli 'ns.

Uireft us how to back the winged horfe

fj Ef range.
Favour his (light, and moderate his courfe. Far is our church from Incroaching upon the ci-
Thofe who, by their anceftors, have been fet free
vil power ; as fome, who arc backfriends to boih,
from a conllant drudgery to their tacks and their Rofcommon,
would malicioufly infinuate. Soufhm
bellies, Ihould bellow fome time on iheir heads. 3. To place upon the back.
Locke, As I flept, methought Backca'mmon. [from bacb gam^
Tt. /.
4. The rear : oppofed to the 'vci/i. Great Jupiter, upon his eagle back'd, Mor, Weifh, a A play or
little battle.]
He might conclude, that Walter would be upon Appeai'd to me. Sbakeffearc, game at tables, with box and dice.
the'sJ/ackt as his majcHy was upon his. Clarend, 4. To maintain ; to ftrengthen ; to fupport In what eileera are you with the vicar of the
5. The place behind. to defend. parilh ? can you play with him at backgawntcn f
As the voice goeth round, as well towards the Belike he means, Siefi.
hack as towards the front of him that fpealccth, To Back'd by the povv'r of Warwick, that falfc peer, Ba'ck HOUSE, ft./, [from tack &n<i bou/e.']
docs the echo : for you have many hack echoes to T' afpire unto the crown. Hhakeffeare,
the place where you ftand. Bacon. You are Itiait enough in the (houldcrs, you care The buildings behind the chief pait of
Anthcus, Sergeftus grave, Clcanthus llrong. not who fees your back : call you that backing ot the houfe.
And at their hacks a mighty Trojan throng. Pryd. your friends ? a plague upon fuch backing ! give Their hackboufcs, of mor« neceffary tbati cleanlf
6. The part of any thing out of fight. me them that will face me. Shakejfearc. fervice, as kitchens, llabies, are climbed up unto
Trees fet upon the hachs of chlmnies Jo ripen Thefe were feconded by certain demilaunccs, and by rteps. Carevf*
fruit fooner. Bacon s Natural Hifiory. botli backed with men at arms. Sir 'J. Haytxard. Ba'ckpiece. »._/! [from bad and piece.]
The thick part of any tool oppofed to Did they not fwear, in exprefs words. The piece of armour which covers the
To prop and back the houfe of lords ?
the edge ; as the back of a knife or back.
And after turn'd out the whole houfeful. Ifudiiras,
fword : whence back/ivord, or fword with A great malice, tacked with a great intered, can
The morning that he was to join battle, hT»
armourer put on his backfitce before, and his breaft.
a back ; as. have no advantage of a man, but from his ex-
plate beiiind.
Bull dreaded not old I.ewis either at hackfiuord, peftations of fomething without himfelf. Souib.
Hngle faulchion, or cudgel-play. Arbuthnot, Howfliall we treat this bold afpiring man > Ba'ckroom. n,/, \Jrom back and raoai.]
8. To back on one ; to forfake
turn the Succefs ftill follows him, and tacks his crimes. A room behind ; not in the front.
him, or negleft him. Addifon, If you have a fair profpctl backwards of gar-
At the hour of death, all friendjhips of the world 5. Tojuftify; to fupport. dens, it may be convenient to make lackraoms the
bid him adieu, and tlie whole creation turns its The patrons of the ternary number of princi- larger. Max, Mccb, Exercifexm

hack upon him. S-jufh. ples,and thofo that would have live elements, Ba'ckside^ n.f. [from back a.nAJide.]
endeavour to tack their experiments with a fpe-
9. To turn the back ; to go away ; to be
cious reafon.
1. The hinder part of any thing.
not within the reach of taking cogni- If the quickfilver were rubbed fom the i«ri/£fe
We have I know not how many adages to tack
zance. the reafon of this moral, of the fpecuUim, the gb.fs would caufe the fame
rings of colours, but mo;e faint ; the phienomena
His hack was no fooner turned, but they returned 6. To fecond.
depend not upon the quickfilver, unlofs fo far as it
to their former rebellion, Sir^» Dai'ics. Fadious, and fav'ring this or t'other lide.
encreafes the teHettion of the backfuie of the glafs.
Back. adv. [from the noun.] Their wagers iafji their wilhes. Drydcn. Nenuton,
1. To the place from which one came. To B a'c K B I T E. [from back and bite.'\
1/. «.
2. The hind part of an animal.
Back you IhaJ not to the houfe, untefs To cenfure or reproach the abfent. A ant carries a grain of corn, climbing up
Vou undertake that with me. Sbukejp/ari. Mnft untruly and niiiicioudy do tlicfc evil a wa'l with her head downwards and her buckJitU
He fent many to feck the fliip Argo, threatening tongues lackbite and ilander the facred alhes of upwards. At.diJoM*
that if they brought not back Medea, they Ihould
that perfonage.
fufter inhe Head. Raleigh's HJiory of the IforlJ.
3. The yard or ground behind a houfe.
I will ufe bim well ; a frend i' th' court is better The walh fields, commons, roads,
of paftures,
Where they are, and why they came not back. thin a penny in purlc. Ufe his men well, Davy, ftrects, or backjides, are of great advantage to all
Is nosv the labour of my thoughts. Mi/lon. for they are arrant knaves, and will backbite,
Back to thy native iHandmight'H thou fail. forts of land, Mortimer,
And lea\e half-heard the melancholy tale. fife. To Backsli'be, v, n, [from back and
Ba'ckbitbr. [from backbite.']
n,/. A
2. ; as retreating from the pre-
privy calumniator ; a cenfurer of the pde.] To 'fall off; to apoftatize a :

fent ftation. word only ufed by divines.

I've been furprij'd in an unguarded hour, Hall thou feea that which hackfiiding Ifracl
But muft not now go back the love, that lay No body is bound to look upon hit backbiter, or
; hath done ? She is gone up upon every high
Half fmoihei'd in my breajl, has broke through all his undcrminer, his betrayer, or his opprelTor, as
mountain, aod under every green tree. "Jcnai.tb,
his friend. Soult.
Its weak reftraintf. Addijon.
3. Behind ; not coming forward. Ba'ckbone. k./. [from back and bone,] Backsli'der. n.f. \ixombackfltJe.] Aw
thought to promote thee unto gicat Iionour;
I The bone of the back. apoftate.
but lo the Lord hath k'pt thee back from honour. he hackU^ne fiioulJ be oividcd into many
The hackjlidcr in heart fhall be filled, Fro^>crhi,
'I vcr-
Numh- xxiv. 1 1. tebres ror commodijus bending, and not to be one
Ba'ckstakk. n.f, [froai back and /cjf;
Conftrain the glebe, keep tack the hurtful wjed. entire rigid bnne. Ray, becaufe, in taking an obfervation, the
Blackn:ore. Ba'ckcarry. Having on tfie back, ob;erver's back is turned towards tha
4. Towards things part. Manwoori, in his forrit Jaws, noceth it for one fun.] An inftniment ufcful in taking
had always a tuiioU;y to look back unto the
I of the four cirruml^aii e«, nr cjfes, wiiercin a
fources of things, and to view in my mind the b.'
the fun's aliiiudc at fea ; invented by
foreftcrmay arrcl> an offender .igainft veit or veri-
ginning and progrcu of a r iing world. Burnet, fon in theforcft, xiji, ftable-lland, dog-draw, baik- Captain Davies.
Again ; in return. carry, and bloody hand. Cowcll. ^ a'c K s T Ai R s II. /, [from /ack :in(ljJairs.]

Tne 1.1 ly '« ma.; ; yet if "twcre fo, Ba'ckdoor. [from back and Jcor.]
». /, The private ft.urs in the hoiifc.
She could not fw y her houf,-, command her fol- The door behind the houi'e ; privy pal- I CLiidemn the practice whicli hatli lately crept
lowers, inti the court at'thc bacijiairs, that fome pricked
Tjk'J ami g.vr hack and their difpatch.
fage. Bacon.
f>r flicrti'i get out of the bill.
With fttcb a fmuoth, decreet, and liable bearing. Ihe proceflion duift not return by the way it
came J but, after the devotion of tiie monks, pafieti Ba'ckstays. n.f, [from back M\d Jiaji,]
6. Again a fecond time. out at a bacldt.or of the Conv;r.t. Addiy.n. Ropes or Hays which keep the marts of a

This ';alar found, and that ua^ratefut aj'*,

I'.ipery, whi>^h is f.j lar (hut out as not tj re-
(hip from pitching forwarder overboard.
enter openly, is Sealing in by the backdmr of atlic-
With lofing him, went i<»< * to bl'iod and raijr. h'alUr. BA'cicswoRn. n.f. [i'rom back 'indf<ivoyd.]
ifm. Atttrbury.
The epiltlei written rro.ii ladies forfikcn A fword with one Iharp edge.
by t!\rir lovers, many thoughts caioe back n-on m Ba'ckbd. adj. [from back.] Having a Bull dre.ideJ not cl ! Lewi; at tei-'/tvord,
in divcri letteti. Vrydtti. back. ytrbntinot,
Vol. I.
T Ba'ck-
' ! . ; .. ;

For whofe fweet fake that glorious badge h< wore*
Ba'ckwahd. "'''I'' [from lad, and
7 2. Perverfely ; or with cold hope.
was the firft man
Ba'ckwards. 3 peapb. Sax.
that is, to- I
The outward fplcndour of his office, is the badge
That e'er receiv'd gift from him ;
wards the back ; contrary to forwards.] and token of that (acred charadter which he in-
And does he think fo backwardJy of me. wardly bears. jitterbury,
1. With the back forwards. That I'll requite it laft ? Shaki/feare.
They ventiackwarJ, and their faces were back- Ba'ckward NESS. »./ [from iad-ward.] 2. A token by which one is known.
ward. Genets* A favage tygtefs on her hcknet lies
1. Dulnefs ; unwillingnefs ; fluggiflinefs. The famous badge Clarinda us'd to bear. Fairfax^
z. Towards the back.
The thing by which we are apt to cxcufe our
In leaping with weights, the arms are firft caft fuccefs that 3 The mark or token of any thing.
backwardnejs to good works, is the ill
tackwards, and then forwards, with fo much the There appears much joy in him ; even fo much,
hath been obferved to attend well-defigning chari-
greater force ; for the hands go hackward before that joy could not (hew itfelf modell enough, with-
ties, jitterbury.
they take their rife. Baccn. out a badge of bitterncfs. Sbakef/>eare,
2. Slownefsof progreflion; tardinefs. Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge. &bukcj[>*
3. On the back.
Ba'con. ». /. [probably from baken, that Let him not bear the badges of a wreck,
Then darting fire from her malignant eyes,
is, dried flefti.] Nor beg with a blue table on his back. Drydcp.
Siir ci" him haclnoard as he drove to rife. Dryd.
4. From the prefent ftation to the place 1, The flefti of a hog falted and dried. To Badge, f. a. [from the noun.] To
beyond the back. High o'er the hearth a chine of bacm hung, mark as with a badge.'
We might have met them dareful, beard to beard. Good old Philemon feiz'd it with a prong. Your royal father's murder'd 1

And beat them hack-ward home. Shaktffmri.

Then cut a flice. Drydeti. Oh, by whom ? 1

The monftrous fight 2, To fave the bacon, is a phrafc for pre- as it feem'd, had done 't;
Thofe of his chamber,
Their hands and faces were all badg^d with blood.
Struck them with horrour backward; but farworfe ferving one's felf from being hurt ; bor-
So were their daggers. Shakejbeare»
Urg'd them behind. Milton. rowed from the care of houfewives in
Ba'dger. n.f. \bedour, Fr. melts, Lat.J
5. the country, where they have feldom
Arc not the rays of light, in pafling by the edges An animal that earths in the grouncC
any other proviflon in the houfe than
and fides of bodies, bent feveral times hack-wards ufed to be hunted.
and forwards with a motion like that of an eel ? dried bacon, to lecure it from the march- That a brock, or badger, hath legs of one fide
Nc-iotsn. ing foldiers. (liorter than the other, is received not only by theo-
6. Towards fomething paft. What frightens you thus, my good fon ? fays rids and unexperienced believers, but mod who
To prove the poflibility of a thing, there is no the priell j behold them daily. Broivn^
argument to that vth\ch\ooks hack-wards; for what You murder'd, are forry, and have been confeft. Ba'dger-lecged. adj. [from badger and
has been done or fuffered may certainly be done or O father! my forrow will fcarce fave my bacon ; legged.] Having legs of an unequal
fofFerfd again. South. For 'twas not that I murder'd, but that I was
taken. Prior. length, as the badger is fuppofed to
7. Reflex.
Baculo'metry. »./ [from baculus, Lat. have.
No, doubtlefs ; for the mind can lack-ward caft
His body crooked all over, big-bellicd, hadgir-
Upon herfelf, her underftanding light. SirJ. Da-vies. and fifT^ov.] The art of meafuring dif-
and his complexion fwarthy.
legged, VEJiravgCm
8. From a better to a worfe ftate. tances by one or more ftaves. Di3.
The w ork went backward; and the more he ftrove
Ba'dger. n.f. [perhaps from the Latin
BAD. adj. [quoad, Dutch; compar. •z«or/J;
bajulus, a carrier
; but by Junius derived
T' advance the fuit, the farther from her love. Dryd. fuperl. itwy/.J
9. Paft ; in time paft. from the badger, a creature who flows
Ill ; not good : a general word ufed in
They have fpread one of the worft languages in
up his provifion.] One that buys corn
the world, if we look upon it fome reigns hack- regard to phyfical or moral faults, either
and viduals in one place, and carries
tvard* Locke. of men or things.
it unto another. Co-well,
10. Ferverfely; from the wrong end. Mod men have politicks enough to make,
through violence, the beft fcheme of government Ba'dly. adv. [from bad.] In a bad
never yet faw man,
But (he would him back-ward; if fair-fac'd.
fpell a bad one. Pofe. manner not well. ;

She'd fwear the gentleman ftiouid be her filler j 2. Vitiou3 ; corrupt. How goes the day with us O tell me, Hubert.— ?

If black, why, nature, drawing of an antick, Thou

may'ft repent. Badly, I fear. How fares your majcfty Sbaiffp. ?

Made a foul blot ; if tall, a launce iil-hcaded. And one bad aft, with many deeds well done, Ba'dness. n.f [from bad.] Want of good
Sbakefpeare. May'ft cover. Milton. qualities, either natural or moral ; de-
Ba'ckward. adj. Thus will the latter, as the former, world fert ; depravity.
Still tend from had to worfe. Milton.
1. Unwilling; averfe. It was not your brother's evil difpoCtion made
Our unhappy fates
him feek provJking merit, fet
his death liut a
Our mutability makesthe friends of our nation
Mix thee araongft the bad, or make thee run

hack-ward to engage with us in alliances, ylddijm. a work by a reproveable badne/s in himlV If. Sbak.
Too near the paths which virtue bids thee Ihun.
There is one convenience in this city, which
We are ftrangely hack-ward to lay hold of this Prior.
fafe, thisonly method of cure. Atierbury.' makes fome amends for the badmjs of the pave-
3. Unfortunate ; unhappy. ment. Addijon en Italy.
Cities laid wafte, they ftorm'd the dens and caves;
For wifer brutes are hack-ward to be Haves. Pefe.
The fun his annual coutfe obliquely made, I did not fee how the badnejs of the weather
Good days contrafled, and enlarg'd the had. Dryd. could be the king's fiult. Addifoir,
2. Hefitating.
All things are ready, if our minds be fo
4. Hurtful ; unwholefome ; mifchievous To Ba'ffle. [bcifer, Fr.]

Perifli the man, whofe mind is backward now pernicious with_/or. :

1 To elude ; to make ineffeflual.
Sbakejpeare, Reading was bad for his eyes, writing made his
They made a (hi t to think thcinfelves guilt-
head ake. Addijon. of their fins to bieak the precept,
3. Sluggifli dilatory.
; lefs, in fpite all ;

The mind is backward to undergo the fatigue 5. Sick : with of; as, bad of 3. fever. and fame time to bajle the curfe.
at the South.
of weighing every argument. JVatts. He
hath defervcd to have the grace withdrawn,
not quick or apprehenfive.
n J The preterite of bid. which he hath fo long fo_^t</ and defied. Atic-bury.
4. Dull ;

falls out, that the backward learner

It often And for an earned of greater honour, 2. To confound ; to defeat with fome con-
makes amends another way. Souib. He hade mc, from him, call thee Thane of Caw- fufion, as by perplexing or amufing : to
dcr. Sbakcfpeare. baj^e fometimes iefs than to conquer.
5. Late ; coming after fomething elfe : as, is

tacituarJ fruits ; iaci-uiard children : Badge, n.f. [A word of uncertain etymo- Utruria loft.

logy derived by Junius from bcde or

He brings to Turnus' aid his hafflcJho&. DryJ.
fruits long in ripening ; children flow
bade, a meflenger, and fuppofed to be
When the mind has brought irfclf to clofe think-
of growth. ing, it may go on roundly. Every abdrufe pro-
Ba'ckward. corrupted from badage, the credential of
». /. The things or ftate blem, every intricate quedion, will not ha£le, dif-
behind or paft poetical. :
a meflenger ; but taken by Skinner and courage, or break it. Locke.

What fecit thou elfe Minjhe-w from bagghe, Dut. a jewel, or A foreign potentate trembles at a war with the
bague, Fr. a ring. It feems to come from Englilh nation, ready to employ againft him fuch
In the dark backward 01 abyfm of time ? Sbakefp.
revenues as (hall haffie his defigns upon their
Ba'ckwardly. adv.
[from backward.'] bajulo, to carry, Lat.]
country. Addifin,
I. Unwillingly} averfely ; with the back 1. A mark or cognizance worn to fliew Ba'ffle. n.f. [from the verb.] A defeat.
forward. the relation of the wearer to any perfon It is the (kill keeps off a
of the difjiutaiit tliat
Like Numid lions by the hunters chas'd^ <

pr thing. baffle. _
Though they do fly, ye; ^aciward/y lio go But on his bread a blocSy crofs hebjre. J'he authors having mKTed of their aims, are
With proud afpe£t, diiditiijing greater baite. Sidney The dear reftmblMC; of his dying lord j
fain to rctr?M with frulltation and a baffe. South.
; ! !


BA'FFLER.»./[froni^«^.] He that puts When this baggage meets with a man who has Ba'ilable. [from bail.] TJiat tnay
vanity to credit relations, (he turns him to ac be by bail or fureties.
fct at liberty
to confufion, or defeats. count. Hfctlator.
Experience, that great haffier of fpeculatioii, B a'i L I F F. 'I. f. [a word of doubtful etymo-
^ures us the thing is too poflible, and brings,
Ba'gnio. fi. /. [hagiio, Ital. a bath.] logy in itfelf, but borrowed by us from
in all ages, matter ot (aSt to cootute our fuppo- A houfe for bathing, fweating, and baillie, Fr.]
Go'LtrnrntKl of ibc Tongue.
fitioDS. otherwife cleanfing the body. I . A fubordinate ofiiccr.
Bag. ». [belje, Saxon ; from whence
/ I have known two inftances of malignant fevers
Liiufannc is under the canton of Berne, governed
perhaps, by dropping, as is ufual, the produced by the hocairof a bagnio, ylrluth. onA'ir. by a bailiff hnZ every three years from the fenatc
harfti confonant, came l>ege, bage, hag."] Ba'gpipe; n. f. [from bag a.a6 pipe ; the of Berne. Atldifin,

1. A fack, or pouch, to put any thing in, wind being received in a bag.] A mu- s. An officer whofe bufmefs it is to execute
as money, corn. fical inftrument, confilling of a leathern arrefts.
Coufm, away for England ; hafte before. bag, which blows up like a foot-ball, It many
times happeneth, that, by the under-
And, err our coming, fee thou (hake the bap (heri(fs bailiffs, the owner hath incurred
and their
by means of a port-vent or little tube tha forfeiture, before he comcth to the knowledge
Of hoarding abbots ; their imprifon'd angels fixed to it, and Hopped by a valve and
Set thou at liberty. Stattjfeere. of the procefs that runneth againit him. Bacon.
What is it that opens thy mouth in prailes ? li three pipes or flutes, the firft called the A
bailiff, by miftakc, feized you for a debtor,

it th.n thy hagi and thy barns are full i Sotith great pipe or drone, and the fecond and kept you the whole evening in a fpunging-
houfe. Svjifu
Waters were icclofed within the earJ)> as in .1
the little one, which pafs the wind out
hag. Burmt. Swift as a bard the. iai/i/f leaves behind. Pope.
only at the bottom ; the third has a
Once, we confefs, beneath the patriot's cloak, 3. An under-fteward of a manor.
From the crack'd tag the dropping guinea fpoke. reed, and is played on by comprefling
Ba'iliwick. »./. [of baillie, Fr. andpic.
the bag under the arm, when full ; and
Sax.] The place of the jurifdiftion of>a
2. That part of animals in which fome openiug or flopping the holes, which are
bailiff within his hundred, or the lord's
particular juices are contained, as the eight, with the fingers. The bagpipe franchife. It is thit liberty which is ex-
poifon of vipers. takes in ijie compafs of three oftaves.
empted from the ftieriff of the county,
The faeliing p.ilon of the fereral (c&s. Chambers.
over which the lord of the liberty ap-
Which, wanting vent, the nation's health infefls, No banners but fhirts, with fome bad bagfife!
its hag.
Shall burft Dryden. pointeth a bailiffs Coiuell.
indcad of drum and fife. Sidney.
Sing on, fing on, for I can ne'er be cloy'd ; He heard a bagpipe, and faw a general animated A proper officer is to walk up and down his
So may thy cows their burden'd hagi diftcnd. Dryd- with the found. Mdi/on's Freeholder. hailiioichs. Spenfcr,
There llTued writs to the IherifTs, to return the
3. Ad ornamental purfe of filk tied to Bagpi'per. ». /. [from bagpipe.'\ One names of the feveral land-owners in their feveral
men's hair.
that plays on a bagpipe. bailiwicks. HaU»
faw a young fellow riding towardt in full
Some that will evermore peep thro' their eyes, To Bait. v. a. [batan. Sax. baitzen.
gallop, with a bob wig and black lllken bag tied to
And laugh, like parrots, at a bagpiper. Shakejp.
it. Mdlfan.
BAGVKTTE. n.f. [Fr. a term of archi-
I. To put meat upon a hook, fome
4. A
term nfed to fignify different quan-
tefture.] A little round moulding, lefs
tities of certain commodities ; as, a bag place, to tempt fifli, or other animals.
than an aftragal ; fometimes carved and Oh cunning enemy, that, to catch a faint.
of pepper, a iag of hops.
enriched. With faints ioti bait thy hook! mod dangerous
To Bag. v. a. [from the noun.] that temptation that doth goad us on
To put into a bag.
To Baicne. v. a. [baigner, Fr.] To Is
I. To (in in loving virtue. Shak. Meaf. for Meaf.
Accordingly hidrain'd thofe marOiy grounds. drench ; to foak a word out of ufe.
Let's be revenged on him ; let 's appoint him a
And bagg'd them in a blue cloud. Drydett. The women forJlow not to baigne them, unleA meeting, give him a (how of comfort in his fuit,
Hops ought not to be bjggcd up hot. Mort'mur, they plead their heels, with a worfe perfume than
and lead him on with a fure baited dcUy, till he
s. To load with a bag. Jugurth found in the dungeon. hath pawned his horfes to mine holt of the garters
Carnu^s Survey of Corrfwall,
Like a bee, bagg'd with his honey'd venom. Sbaieffeare's Merry Wives ofWindfor.
He brings it to yuur hive. Dtydcn'i Don Sihaji'im. Bail. n.f. [Of this word the etymologifts Many forts of filhes feed upon infefts, as is well
To Bag. 'V. n. To fwell like a fullbag. give many derivations it feems to ;
known to anglers, who bait their hooks with them.
The feemed ratch contrafted, yet it barged,
flcin come from the French bailler, to put
How are '^e fex improv'd in am'rous arts
and had a porringer full of matter in it. } into the hand ; to deliver up, as a man What new-found fnares they bait for human
Two kids that in the valley ftray'd
delivers himfelf up in furety.] hearts Gay.
Ifoond by chance, and to my fold convey'd :
They drain two bagg'mg udders every day. Drydcr,
Bail is the freeing or fetting at liberty one arrcl^cd z. To give meat to one's felf, or horfes,
or imprifoncd upon aftion either civil or criminal,
Ba'oatelle. n. /. [bagatelle, Fr.] A under fecurity taken for his appearance. There
on the road.
a thing of no importance : a word What fo (Irong,
trifle ; is both common and fpecial hail\ comtton bail is
But, wanting reft, will alfo want of might ?
not naturalifed. in adlions cf fm.'ll prejudice, or (light proof, called
The fun, that mcafurcs heaven day long, all
Heaps of haV rings and cypher'd feals common, becaufe anv fureties in that cafe are
At night doth bait his deeds the ocean waves
Rich uiflcs, ferious tagauJlei. Prbr, taken ; whereas, upon caufrs of g cater weight, or
among. Spenjir,
apparent fpeciality, j^rfij/ bail or furety mult be
Ba'co ACE. a./, [from bag baggage, Fr.] ;
taken. There is a dif?*errnce between bail and To Bait. [from battre, Fr. to beat.]
<i/. a.
1. The furniture and utenfih of any army. mainprife j for he that is mainprii'cd is at large, 1. To attack with violence.
The :rmy was an r.'ifilrrd and fevtnty thoufand until the day oi his appearance : but where a man Who feeming lorely chaffed at his band.
footmer!, and twelve th.iofjnd horlemen, bcf^d; tlie
is bailed, he is always accounted by the law to be: As chained be,:r, whom cruel dogs do bait.
taggagi, yuditb. in their ward and cuftody for the time : and they With idle force did fain them to withftand.
Ricties are the taggagtof v'.rtue ; they cannot be may, if they will, keep him in ward or in prifen Fairy Sjuets,
fpared, nor left behind, but they hinder the march. at that time, or ocherwife at their will. Cotvell, I will not yield
Hai-n. Worry"d with debts, and pill all hopes oi hail, To kifs the ground before young Malcolm's feet;
They were probably always in Ttadinefs, and Th' unpity'd wretch lies tottingin a jail. Rojcommcn. And to be baited with the rabble's curfe.
carried among the baggage of the army. And bribe with prefents, or, when ptelents fail. Shakefpeare's Macbeth.
jiddifbn Off Italy. They (end their prollituted wives for bail. Drydeti, 2. To harafs by the help of others ; as, we
z. The goods that are to be carried away, To Bail. f. a. [from the noun.] bait a boar with maftiffs, b«c a bull with'
as bag and bny^gnge. 1. To give bail for another. bull-dogs.
Ahen his affairs grew dcfpe-
i>)i 1 j;;ia ' lij,'- ',

p^':k up btg and baggage, and

LtC me be their ba.l To Bait. it. ». To flop at any place for
ii, ^^g j-t, X'j
They (hall be ready at your highnefs' will,
refrelhnient : perhaps this word is more
fail for l;aiy. . Arbutkn'A. To anfwer their fufpicion
properly bate, to abate I'peed.
3. A wort'nlefs woman ; in French bagajie ; 1 hou (halt not bail them, Sbekijp, Tilui jindror.
But our defircs tyrannical extortion
fo called, becaafe fuch women follosv 2. To admit to bail. Doth force us there to fct our chief dclightfulncfs.
camps. When they had bailed the twelve bidiops who Where but a baiting place i~ jU our portion. Sidney.
Ipark of indi^:)adon did rife in her, not to wcicin the Tower, the houfe of Commons, in great As one who on nis journey baits at noon,
fufFcr fucb a tiggagt to win away any thing of indignation, caufcd them iinnnedi Jtcly to be recom- Thj' bent on fpesd : fo here th' archa,ngel paus'd.
hcrt. S'ldnty. mitted to the Tower. Clarendon. Milhn.
Ta In
. ; ; . ;

Tn all ourjnumey from Lindon to till liouCt, we 2. To be heated or baked. \f mw
would but balance the gooi and ttie evil
did not (b much a ia':: »t» whig 'nn. of a fenny Inakr,
Fillet of things, they would not venture fogl and body
^Idiiijin'i SfeBetir. In the cauldron boil and biiki. Sbakeff. litaelelh. for dirty intereft. L'Eftrange.

9*9 Bait. a;. ». [as an ioKvt.] To clap Baked Meats. Meats dreflcd by the oven. 2. Toregulate the weight in a balance
make an ofFer of flying There be f.>me houles, wherein fv.eetmeats will to keep in a ftate of jull proportion.
the wings j io ;
relent, and baked meats will mould, more than Heav'n that hath plac'd this liland ti give law,
to flutter. others. Bacon. To balance Etirop*, and her fta^e; ri awe. JVallcrm
All plum'd like cftridges, that with the wind
Salted like eagles having lately batli'd j
Ba'kehouse. n.f. [from, znA hoti/e.'] 3. To counterpoife ; to weigh equal to;
Clittering in golJcu coats like imngcs. Sbal-^fixari. A place for baking bread. to be equipollent ; to counteraft.
Hood my unman'd blood bailing in my chjcks I have mark.'d a willingncfs in the Italian arti- The attracl.on of the giafa is bnlamed, and ren-
With thy black mantle till ftrangc love, grown sans, to dillribute the kitchen, pantry, and bake- dered incffedual, by the contrary ailrafliun of the
bold. /»o;.Jc under ground. PP^ottor. liquor. Ncivton*
Think! trjc love afVcd fimple modcfty.
Shakifp. Ba'ken. The fart icijile from To
bake. 4. To regulate an account, by Hating it
Another way I have to man my hagrard, There was a cake baktn on the coaU, and a crufe on both ftdes.
To make her come, and know her keeper's call of '.v.iter, at his head. 1 Kingi. Judging is balancing an account, and determin-
That i«, to watch her as we watch thofe kites Ba'ker. n.f. [from To ia^f.] whofe He ing on whii.h fide tl:e odds lie. Ltcle*
That iait and beat, and will n^t be obedient. Sbak trade is to bake. To
pay that which is wanting to make
5 .

Bait. n.f. [from the verb.] In life and h^-alth, every man muft proceed upon the two parts of an account equal.
i. Meat fet to allure fifli, or other animals, trull, there being no knowing the intention oi the Give him leave
cook or baker. South, To balance the account of Blenhein/s day. Prior*
to a fnare.
The pleafant'ft angling is to fee the fifll B a'l A N c e n.f. [balance, Fr. bilanx, Lat. ]
. Though I am very well fati^fied, that it is not
Oit with her golden oars the filver dream, 1 One of the fix firaple powers in niecha- in my power to balance accounts with my Maker,
And greedily devour the treacherous bjit. Sbakrjf, nicks, ufed principally for determining
I am refolved, however, to turn all my encravuurs.
that way. MSifon, Sfflatcr.
a. A temptation ; an enticement ; allure- the difference of weight in heavy bo-
To Ba'lakce. 'j. a. To hefitate ; to fluc-
ment. dies. It is of feveral forms. Chambers.
tuate between equal motives, as a ba-
And that fame glorious beauty's idle boaft
2. A pair of fcales.
Is but a bait fuch wretches to beguile. Sfenfcr, lance plays when charged with equal
A balance of power, either without or within a
Take:h therewith the fouls of men, as with the ftate, isbcft conceived by confidering what the na- weights.
haitt, Hocker, Were the fatisfaflion of lull, and the joys of
ture of a balance is. It fuppofes three things; firft,
Sweet words, I grant, baits and allurements fweet, the part which is held, together with the hanJ heaven, offered to any one's prefent poU'elTiun, be
Butgreateft hopes with greateft croffes meet. Fair/. that holds it; and then the two fcales, with what- would not balance, or err, in the determination o£
Fruit, like that his choice. Locke,
is weighed therein.
ever Snvift,
Which grew in Paradifc, thei«ir of Eve For when on ground the burden balance lies. Since there is nothing that can offend, I fee not
Us'd by tne tempter. Milton.
The empty part is lifted up tlie higher. why you ihould balance a moment about printing
Secure from foolifli pride's affcaed ftate. it. Ar.ertury to Pope*
Sir y. David.
And fpeciuus flattery's more pernicious bait.
Ba'lancer. n.f. [from balance.^ Tlie
Rofcommor,. 3. Ametaphorical balance, or the mind
employed in comparing one thing with perfon that weighs any thing.
Her head was bare.
But for her native ornament of hair. another. B a'l ass Ruby. n.f. [balas, Fr. fuppofed
Which in a fimple knot was tied above ! I have in equal ij/aacf juftly weigh 'd to be an Indian term.] A kind of ruby.
Sweet negligence ! unheeded idir of love Drydcn. ! What wrong our arms may do, what wrongs we Balajs ruby is of a crimfon coi jur, with a cad
Grant tlut others could with equal glory fufTer: of purple, and feems beft to anfwer the del'cription
1.00k down on picafures, and the bailt of fenfe. Griefs heavier than our offences. Shak. Hen. IV, of the ancients. ^ocdivard on FcJfiU*
AdJiJm. 4. The aft of comparing two things, as by To Bale tj'ci NATE. v. n. [from balbutiot
%. A
refrefhment on a journey. the balance. Lat.] To ftammer in fpeaking. Di3.
B A 1 z E «. /. . A
kind of coarfe open cloth Comfort arlfes not from others being miferablc, To B A L B u't I a T E . f. «. The fame with
ftufF, having a long nap fometimes ; but from this inference upon the balance, that we balbucinate. Did.
only the lot of nature.
fuf^'er L^ EJirangc.
frized on one fide, and fometimes not Balco'ny. n.f. [baleen, Fr. balcone, Ital.}
Upona fair balance of the advantages on cither
frized. Thisftuft'is without wale, being A
frame of iron, wood, or ftone, before
fide, it will appear, that the rules of the gofpel
wrought on a loom with two treddles, are more powerful means of convidion than fuch window of a room.
like flannel. Chambers. melTage. jitterbury. Then pleafure came, who liking not the fafhion>
9« Bake. i». a. participle paffive, baked 5. Theoverplus of weight; that quantity Began to make balconies, terraces, v
Till had wcaken'd all by alteration. Herbert*
or haken. [bajcan. Sax. bckcti. Germ, by which, of two things weighed toge- file

When dirty waters from balconies drop.

fuppofed by Wachter to come from lee, ther, one exceeds the other.
And dext'rous damfels twirl the fprinkling mop.
Care being taken, that tbe exportation exceed
which, in the Phrygian language, figni- Getf*
in value the importation ; and then the balance uf
fied bread. "[ B.M.T>. adj. [bal.Wc](ii.]
trade muft of neceflity be returned in coin or bul-
1 To heat any thing in a clofe place lion. Bacon s j^v'ce to ydtieri. 1. Wanting hair ; defpoiled of hair by
generally in an oven. 6. That which wanting to make two
is time or ficknefs.
and warm himfelf; yes parts of an account even ; as, he ftated Neither (hall men make themfelves bald for
He will take thereof,
Jfai^i. them. Jeremiah,
he kindleth and bdketh bread.
it, the account with his correfpondent, and 1 I'nd it remarked by Marchctti, that the caufe
The difference of prices of bread procee.icd paid the balance. of baldnefs in men Is the drynefs of the brain, and
from their delicacy in bread, and perhaps fome-
Ari>u!bn-A, 7. Equipoife ; as, balance of power. See its (hrinking from the fkuU ; he having obferved,
thihg in their manner of bakir^.
the fecond fenfe. that in bald perfons, under the iuU part, there war
2. To harden in the fire.
Love, hope, and joy, fairpleafure'sfmiling train ; a vacuity between the fkull and the brain. Itay,
The work of the fire is a kind of hakir.^ ; and He Ihould imitate Czl'ar, wh >, becaufe his head
Hate, fear, and grief, the family of p.iin ;
whatfoever the fire bakttb, time doth in fome de- was bald, covered that defe£l with laurels, jiddifi
Bann. Thefe mix'd with art, and t d..e bounds confin'd,

gree diffolve. Without natural covering.

Make and raaintain the i^i/amvof the mind. l'o]>c. 2.

3 . To harden with heat. 8. The beating part of a watch. Under an oak, whofe boug'is were mofs'd with
With vehement funs It is but fuppofing tlut all watches, whilft the age.
When dufty fummer bjka the crumbling clods.
and it And high top iaU with dry antiquity. Sbtke/f,
balance beats, think ; is fufficiently proveJ,
How pleafjnt is 't, beneath the twilled arch, that my watch thought ail lall night. L'ckc. 3. Without the ufual covering.
.To ply the fweet caroufe Phi/if s. He upper end

9. [In aftronomy.] Oneof the twelve figns is fet at the o' th' table; but they
with ftamingarrows pierc'd the flood,
The fun ftand bald bcfoi^ him. Sbakejfeare,
And, darting to the bottom, bak'J the mud. Dfyd. of the zodiacic, commonly called Libra.
Or wilt thou warm our i'ummers with thy rays. 4. Unadorned ; inelegant.
To Bakb. -v. r..
And feated near the i;/jnrepoilc the days Dryd. 'r
Hobbes, in the prtiacc to his own bald tranfla-
». To do the work of baking. tion, begins the praife of Homer when he fhnuld
To Ba'i.anCE. f. a. [balancer, Fr.] have ended Drydens Fables, Preface,
1 keep the hoofe, ai.d I walh, wring, brew, bakt, it,

fcour, drefs mea:, and make tl.e beds, ami do .-til

I. To weigh in a balance, either real or And that; though labour'd, line mud ^jW appear.

royfclf, St^k'/jcarc- figurative j to'coinpare by the balance. That brings ungrateful mufick to the ear. ' Creech,
5. Mean;

Mean ; nalced ; without dignity ; with- Ah, lucklefs babe born under cruel {t\t.I
flgaifies 1 ronnd whence bnc!, and ittl, and
out value ; bare. And in dead parents baUful %Ctin bred. I airy <n tall,which the Welch term btU By the Scotch
Wliat Ihould the people do with theft baUuU But when i feel the bitter hafrful fmart, alfo the head is named htH; whence the Englilh-
bunes ? Which her fair eyes unwares do work in me,- /i//is derived, fignifying the beak of a bird, fi-
On whom depending, their obedience fails I th.nk that I a new Pandora fee. 6ura;i%eiy, the Phrygians and Thurians by SaMiiir
To th- grejti^r buich. Siaiefpt^n-. Kound
he throws his ielefui eyes, underftood' a king. Hence alfo, in the Syriacic
6. BalJ was ufed by the northern nations, That witncfs'd hujc affliaion and difmny, dialefls, (2aiX, and likewife ^ix,
fiiix, fignifics
Mix'd with obdurate pride ai'd ft"dfaft hate.
to fignify the fame a» auiiax, bold Milt. lord, and by this name alfo the fun and, in fome
; and z. Full of mifchief ; ^eftruflive. dialcifts, 'h\ and 'i\, .whence "iXo; and "HXioj,,

is ftill in ufe. So Bald-Min, and by But when he faw his threat'ning was but vain. IV,>.|7; and EnXio;, and alfo, in the Celtick dimi-
mverilon Winbald, is bold conqueror; He turn'd about, and Icarch'd his nutive way of expr<:flion,"EXr«?, riKivsj, and Bi>f-
baleful books
Ethdbald, nobly bold; Eadbald, happily "S""' Fairy Quctn. vo;, fignified the fun ; and 'EXevu, Tt\i-m, anl iihi-.r,
hold; which are of the fame
import as Boiling cholcr chokes, the moon. Among the Tcuronicks, hoi and lei!
By of thcfc,onr^u/f/i/ enemies. Hbaifjptart.
fight have the fame meaning; whence the adjeftive ho-
Tbrafeas, Tkrafymachus, and Thrajybu.
Unfeen, unfelt, the fiery ferpent ikims lig, or hrilig, is derived, and fignifies divine or
Betwixt her linen and her naked limbs. holy i and the afpiration being changed into
iJA LDACHiN. n.f. [baldacbhw, hall A His bakfal breath infpiring as he
glides. Dryden. theRomans form their Sol, Baxitr.-
piece of architeclure, in form Happy lerne, whole moll whok-fome I. Any thing made in a round form, or
of a ca- Poilons envenonj'd fpiders, and forbids
nopy, fupported with columns, and approaching to round.
ferv- The hclefuUatA and vipers from her /hore.
jng as a covering to an altar. It VhWpu Worms with many feet round themfelves into
pro- Ba'lefullv.
perly fignifies a rich filk, Du Cangc, ad-v. [fiotn baleful.] Sor- talli under logs of timber, but not in the timber-
rowfully mifchievoufly. Bacor,'
and was a canopy carried over the holt.

Balk. Nor arms they wear, nor fwords and bucklers'

_ , Builder's Da.
n.f. [balk, Dut. and Germ.] A wield.
great beam, fuch as is ufed in building
Balderdash. «./ [prob-ibly of balb. ; But whirl from leathern huge balk of lead,.
a rafter over an out-houfe or barn.
Sax. bold, and da/h, to mingle.] Drydem-
Ai.y Balk. Like a
thing jumbled together without [derived by Skinner from 'ua-
n.f. ball of fnow tumbling. down a hill, he
judg- gathered ftrength ai he pafliid.
ment ; rude mixture ; a confufed dil'-
licare, pafs over.] ridge of A Still unripcn'd in tlie dewy mines.
land left unploughed between the
courfe. fur- Within the trail a trembling water lliines.
To Ba'lderdash. v. a. [from the noun.l rows, or at the end of the field. That through the cryftal darts. Aidijom
To mix or adulterate any liquor. To Balk. v. a. [See the noun.] Such of thofe corpufclcs as happened to combine
BA'tDLY. adv. [from I. To diiappoint to fruftrate
to elude.
; ;
into one mafs, formed the metallick and mineral
bald.'] Nakedly; Another thing in the grammar fchools I balls, or nodules, which we find. Woodward,.
meanly ; inelegantly. f-e no

Ba*ld.x.ony. »./ The fame with Gkn.

ufe of, unlcfs it be to balk young
ladt in learnini! 2. A round thing to play with, either with-
''"|"'S"- , Lockt. the hand or foot, or a racket.
TI AN. tyery onu has a defire to keep up the
vigour Balls to the (tars, and thralls to fortune's reign,
Ba'ldness. n.f. [i:oaibald.] ot his, and not to balk
his underllandiip Turn'd from tliemfelves, infefled with their cage,-
by what IS too hard for it.
1. The want of hair. i^.-^,. Where death is fear'd, and life is held with pain.
But one may balk this good intent,
2. The lofs of
hair. And take things othcrwife than meant. Sidney,.
Which happen'd on the
Prior. Thofehave feen play at ball, grow extremely
flcin to light, The prices muit have been high
And there ccrnipting to a wound, j for a people carneft who fiiould have the kail. Sidmy.
fo r,ch would not baik their fancy.
Spreads Icprofy and haUmf,
round. Sivift.
Balk-d ol his prey, the yelling monller 3. A
fmall round thing, with fome parti-
3.Meannefs of writing; inelegance Aiid hlls the city his hideous
cular mark, by which votes are given,,
Ba'ldrick. n.f. [Of uncertain etymo- Is there a variance ? enter but bis door, or lots call.
^aAVare the courts, and conteft is nu more. Let l«ts decide it.
logy- P^c.
2. To mifs any thing For ev'ry number'd captive put a lalh
1. A
girdle. By feme Diaionarits it is ; to leave untouched.
Fy grifly Pluto he doth iwear. Into an urn; thr^c only black be there.
explained a bracelet ; but I He rent his clothes, and to.e ins hair The white, are fafe.
have not reti, all Drydtm-
round It in that fenfe. And as he runneth here and there. J Minos, the ftri^ inquilitor, appears ;
Athwart his breaft a iMrhi
brave he ware.
acorn cup he greeteth Round urn the blended balls he rowls,
in his
That fliin i, Uke twinkling
lUrs, with ftone; moft
Which foon he toketh by the (laik. Abfolves the juft, and dooms theguilty fouls. Dryd,.
precious rare. About his head he lets walk.
rad.ant lalirUk, o'er his
Fairv ""' Q Nor doth he any
4. A. globe ;. as, the ^a// of the earth-
creature bulk.
a.<,L.!ders ti/d, Julius and Antony, thofe lords of all,
Sudan d th. fword that glitter d at his But lays on
he meeteth. Drinion', Nimpbid.
Hde, P,>m. l«w at her feet prefentthe conquet'd ball.
2. The zodiack. 3. To omit, or refufe, any thing.
This was looked .'or at our hand, and Y« gods, wharjuftice rules the ball?
this wns
Which deck the h^UrUk of the hiavcns itbanejpearc. Freedom and arts t gether fall. Pope..
4. To heap, as on a ridge. Thi«.
or 5. A' globe borne as an enfign of fovc-
Bale. »./. [ialle, Fr.] A bundle or pl'rtei fomething like this, feems to be reignty.
of goods packed op for carriage. tended here. Here the tragedy of a young man, that by right
One h.reo an als, in the- d,g.d.ijs, Ten thoufanj bold Scots, three and ought to hold the hall of a kingdom; but, by
ro carrv crr- twenty
tain bm,, of good, to fuch a knights, fortune, ii made himfelf a ball, toiled from mifery
town. VEfirmr,.
It IS parj of the baU, in Balk'd in their own blood, did to mifery, from place to place.
which boh=a t.a w,s SirWjire fre Bacm,
bio.;.'ht over from China.
W.,.lv>^rd On Holmedon's plains. Shu: efpearr 6. Any part of the body that approaches
Ba'lkers. n.f. [In fifhery.] Men wh,.
TV '-^i^*'" Sax. bale,
Icelandilh.] Mifery;
Dan. bal, Lol,
Hand on a cliff, or high place on the
' toroundnefs; as the lower and iwelling.
calamity. part of the thumb ; the apple of the eye.
She lo<,k'd ab. ut, and iceing one in mail fliore, and give a figo to Be fubjeil to no light but mine ; invifible
Armed to pnint, fought hack to
the men in the
tarn again ; fining boats, which way the paflage To every cye-idZ/eife. Shak.-fpean.
F..r light ftc s» the
deadly halt. or • To make a ftern countenance,
Fairy ^. your brow
<hv,ic of herring, ta.
To »ALE ,:;<,. A word ufed by Coveli. bend fo,.that it may almoft touch the ball of the
the failor7! I he pilchard, ai, pu-fued by a blggc, fim,
who bid tale out the water ; that is called a p'.ulhe.-, who
eye Pcacham,
lea ;. ahwe water, and be
la-ve It out, by way
of diftinftion from wiayeth them t t e balker. Camvi Sur. of Cor,, 7. The Ikin fpread over a hollow piece of
pumping. 9iimer. I believe Ball. ,./ [^0/, Dan. Dutch.] wood, (luffed with hair or wooi, which
from bail- ^0/,
ler, 1-r. to deliver from hand Bal, i,.mlButiv. H,l,„, the fun, or the printers dip in ink, to fpread it on'
to hand. ) ApoMo, of
';'•'"• "•, [.""talUr. Fr. imhallure, the letters.
T I Iw. Wnat » was round, and in particular the
Ital.] To make up into a bale. h'!, WIS c.ied by
Ball, n.f, [l/al, Fr. from balart, low
the ancients either Bal, or
Baleful, adj. [horn bJe.] Btl, ano likcwife ]iCl anc Biil. Lat. from /3a^x,^r.j, to dance.] An en-
Among the mo.
I. Full of mifery ; full
of gt«f j foxrow- d.M Perfians, the head is called Poll ; and tertainment of dancing, at which the
iulj fad J woeful. FUmings rtill call the head B'.iU. niUf U th. pre^ arations arc made at the expence
heaj or p^il j md
iwMwj.u to turn. BeKst likcwiu of lome particular perfon.
; ;
. ;

It* golden fconces hang not on the wills,
To light the coftly fuppers and the tallt. DryJn.
3. [Ih fireworks.] A
ball of paReboard,
Oppreft nature fleeps
might yet have balm'd thy

with combuftible matter, which,

reft fcnfei. Shai.
He would make no extraordinary figure at a Ba'lmy. adj. [from balm.]
bt:l\ but 1 can <flute the ladies, tor their confola- when fired, mounts to a confiderable
tion, that he has writ better verier im the fex than height in the air, and then burlb into 1 . Having the qualities of balm.
Soft on the fiow'ry herb I found me laid.
any man, Stvifi. bright fparks of fire, refembling liars. In balmy fweat ; which with his beams the fun
Ba'llao. n.f. [ialat/e.Fr.] A fong. Ba'i. LOT. n.f. [ballote, Fr.] Soon dry'd. M'Jton.
Ba/.'aJ once flgnitied a folemn and facrcd Tong,
1. A little ball or tjcket ufed in giving 2. Producing balm.
IS wcU as trivial, when Solomon's Song was called
the ij.Vjrf ofta/hili ; but now it is applied to no-
votes, being put privately into a box or Let India boaft her groves, nor envy we
urn. The weeping anib^r, and the balmy tree. Pcfe,
thing but trifling verle. tyatts.
The 3. Soothing; foft ; mild.
An' 1 have not balladt made on you all, and 2. aft of voting by ballot.
fung to filthy tunes, may a cup of lack be my Come, Deldemona, 'tis the foldiers life
To Ba'llot. -v. n. [balloler, Fr.] To
poifon. To have their balmy (lumbers wak'd with ftrife.
Sbahfftart. choofe by ballot, that is, by putting
Like the fwcet hallaH, Sbakejpeare.
this lay
Too long detains the lover on his way. Gay.
little balls or tickets, with particular Such vifions hourly pafs before my fight.
marks, privately in a box ; by counting Which from my eyes their balmy (lumbers fright.
TeBA'LLAD. "J. n. [from the noun.] To Dryden.
which, it is known what is the refult of
make or fing ballads. 4. Fragrant odoriferous.

Saucy li^ors the poll, without any difcovery by whom

Thole rich perfumes which frcm the happy (hore
Will catch at us like ftrumpets, and fcali'd rhimers each vote was given. The winds upon their ^o/iify wings convey'd,
Ballad uj out o' tune. Sbakfjbeare. No
competition arriving to a fufficicnt number Whofe guilty fweetnefs firft the world bctray'd.
of they fell to bailm fome others.
balls, H^aiten.
Ba'li,ad-sinoer. n.f. [from ballad inA Dryden,
Giving their votes by balloting, they lie under Euros to the tifing morn is fent.
fi'ig.'\ One wbofe employment is to fing no awe. Stuift The regions of the balmy continent. Dryden,
ballads in the ftreets.
Ballota'tion. »./ [from ^«//»/.] The 5. Mitigating ; afliiafive.
fooncr "gan he raife his tuneful fong.
But lads and lallcs round about him throng. aft of voting by ballot. Ohbalmy bieath, that doth almoft perfuade
The eleftioii is intricate and curious, conCfling Juftice to break her fword ! Sbaktffteare,
Not ballad-finger, plac'd above the crowd.
Sings with a note fo drilling, fweet, and loud. of ten feveral baltomimt. ffoiten. BA'LNEARy. n.f. \^baJnearium, hAt.] A
Gay. Balm. n.f. [iaume, Fr. halfamum, Lat.] bathing-room.
1. The fap or juice of a Ihrub remarkably The balnearies, and bathing- places, he expoleth'
Ba'llast. n.f. [/ij/Zfl/?^, Dutch ] unto the fummer letting. Bremen s yulgar Erroars,
I. Something put at the bottom of the odoriferous.
Balm trickles through the bleeding veins Balnea'tion. n.f. [itom balneum, 'Lzt.
fhip, to keep it Heady to the centre of
Of happy Ihrubs, in Idumcan plains. Dryden. a bath.] The aft of bathing.
gravity. As the head may be dillurbcd by the (kin,
2. Any valuable or fragrant ointment. ic
There muft be middle counfellors to keep things may the fame way be relieved, as is obfervable
Thy place is fiil'd, thjifceptre wrung from thee \sk
fleady for, without that ballall, the Aip will roul
balneaticns, and fomentations of that part.
Thy balm wafli'd otf wherewith thou waft anointed.
too much. Bacon Br^-ivns Vulgar Errours,
As for the afcent of a fubmarine vcffcl, this may Ba'lneatory. adj. [balnearius, Lat.]
be ealily contrived, if there be fome great weight 3. Any thing that fooths or mitigates pain.
at the bottom of the (hip, being part of its hallafl You were conduced to a gentle bath, Belonging to a bath or ftove.
which, by fome cord within, may be loofeiied from
And balms anply'd to you. SbaktJ^tare. Ba'lotade. n.f. The leap of an horfe,
>t« mikin:.
Your praifc's argument, balm of your age } fo that when his fore-feet are in the air,
As, when empty barks on billows Deareft and beft. Sbakeffieare.
float. he (hews nothing but the ihocs of his
With fandy ballafi failors trim the boat A tender fmile, our forrow's only balm. TTcung^
So bees bear gravel Hones, whofe poiHog weight Balm.
hinder-feet, without ycrking out. A
\ "• f [ntelijla, Lut.] The halotade differs from a capriole ; for
Steers thro' the whillling winds their fteddy flight.
Balm MjV/. 3 name of a plant. when a horfe works at caprioles, he
Drydtr. The fpecies are, 1. Garden ba/m. 2. Garden
2. That which is ufed to make any thing balm, with yellow variegated flowers. 3. Stinking yerks out his hinder legs with all his
fleady. Roman balm, with fofter hairy leaves. Miller. force. Farrier^ Di£l.
Why ftould he fink where nothing fcem'd to Balm ofGiUad. Ba'lsam. n.f. [balfamtim, Lat.] Oint-
prefs ?
I. The juice drawn from the balfam tree, ment ; unguent ; an unftuous applica-
His lading little, and his ballafi lefs. Smft^ by making incifions in its bark. Its tion thicker than oil, and fofter than
?« Ba'llast. [from the noun.]
'V. a. colour is firft white, foon after green falve.
1. To put weight at the bottom of a rfiip, but, when it comes to be old, it is of Chrift's blood our balfam ; if that cure us here.

in order to keep her fteady. Him, when our judge, we ihall not find fcvere.
the colour of honey. The fmell of it is Denham,
If this be fo haltafieH, as to be of equal weight
agreeable, and very penetrating ; the
with the like magnitude of water, it will be move- Ba'lsam Apple, [momordica, Lat.] An
tafte of it bitter, Iharp, and ailringent.
ahlc- JVilkm annual Indian plant.
2. To keep any thing fteady. As little from the plant by inci-
Ba'lsam Tree.
While thus to ballafiXoyc I though". fion, the i^a/ot fold by the merchants is Tillsa Ihrub which fcarce grows taller than
And fo more fteddily t' have gone, made of the wood and green branches the pomegranate tree j the blolTjms are like fmall
I faw 1had love's pinnace overfraught. Donne. of the tree, dillilled by fire, which is ftars, very fragrant j whrncc fpring out little
Now you have given me virtue ior my guide, pointed pods, inclofing a fruit like an almond,
And with true honour ballafied my pride. Dryden,
generally adulterated with turpentine.
called carpobalfamum, as the wood is called xylo-
Calmet. ballamum, and the juice upobalfamum. Calmet,
Balle'tte. n.f. [ballette, Fr.] dance A It feems to me, that the lori of Gilead, which
Balsa'mical. ladj. [from ia^w.] Hav-
in which fome hillory is reprefcnted. we render in our Bible by the word balm, was net
the fame with the balfam of Mecca, but only a Balsa'mick. 5 ifg ^^^ qualities of
Ba'lliards. n.f. [from ball, znAyarJ,
better f re of turpentine, then in ufe for the cure of balfam ; unftuous ; mitigating ; foft
or ftick puih it with.] A play at
wounds and other difeafcs. Frideaux^s Ccr.nt.^ions miid ; oily.
which a ball is driven by the end of a
ftick : now corruptly called billiards.'
z. A
plant remarkable for the ftrong bal- If there be a wound in my leg, the vital energy
fcent which its leaves emit,
faraick of my foul thrulls out tlie baljamical humour of
With dice, with cards, with ia/iiards, far unfit my bl.iod to heal it. Hale,
With iliuttlecocks mifleeming manly wit. Sfen/er' upon being bruifed ; whence fome h; The
aliment of fuch as have frefli wounds ought
fuppofed, erroneoufly, that the ba/m of to be fuch as keeps the humours from putre-
Ba'llister. SccBalustre.
Gilead w&% taken from this plant. Miller. fa^ion, and renders them oily and baljamick.
F^'] To Balm. 1/. a. [from balm.] jirlutlnot,
BALLo'ON.r-/- E*''^^"''.
Ba'luster. n.f. [according to Du Cange,
1. To anoint with balm, or with any
1. A
large round ftiort-necked veflel ufed
thing medicinal. from balaufirium, low Lat. a bathing-
in chymiftry. place.] A fmall column or pilaller,
Bii'm his foul head with warm diftilled waters,
2. [In architedure.] ball or globe A AnH burn fweet wo"d. Sbakrffeare. from an inch and three quarters to four
placed oa the top of a pillar. 2. To footh ; to mitigate ; to affuage. inches fquare or diameter. Their di-


menlions and forms are various ; they the foregoing fenfe, is to be deduced nailed upon tlie bows of the faddle, to
are frequently adorned with mouldings ; from ban, to curfe, or bane, to poifon. hold the bows in the right fituation.
they are placed with rails on flairs, and In thy clofet pent up, rue my Ihame, E(a'ndage. n.f, [bandage, Fr.]
in the fronts of galleries in churches. And ban ourenemres, both mine and thine. Shuk* 1. Something bound over another.
Before thefe Moors went a Numidian pr'.eft,
This fliould fiill have been planched over, ard Zeal too had a place among the reft, with a
bellowing outcharms, and cafttng fcrowls of paper
railed about with ^(3/tf/?erj. Carezv. bandage over her eyes ; though one would not have
on each fide, wherein he curfed and banntd the
Ba'lustrade. n./. [from ialufter."] An CKrifl-ians. Knallcs.
expected to have feen her reprefented in fnow.
aflemblage of one or more rows of little Bana'na TVf?. A fpecies of plantain. Cords were fattened by hooks to my bandages,
turned pillars, called baluflers, fixed Band. n./. [benJe, Dutch; band, Saxon.] which the workmen had girt round my neck.
upon a terras, or the top of a building,
1. A tie ; a bandage ; that by which one Sivift^s Gulliver,
one part from another.
for feparating thing is joined to another. 2. or
It is ufed, in furgery, for the fillet
Bam, BtAM, being initials in the name You fliall find the band, that feems to tie their wrapt over a wounded mem-
of any place, ufually imply it to have fricndlhip together, will be the very ftrangler of ber ; and, fometimes, for the aft or
been woody ; from the Saxon beam, their amity. Shaktfpeare, praftice of applying bandages.
which we ufe in the fame fenfc to this 2. A chain by which any animal is kept Ba'udbox. n.f. [from ^«W and ^oa:.] A
day. Gib/on. in reftraint. This is now ufually fpelt, flight box ufed for bands, and other
Bamboo', n. f. An Indian plant of the lefs properly, bond. things of fmall weight.
So wild a beaft, fo tame ytaught to be,
reed kind. It has feveral ftioots much two bandboxes
friends are furprifed to find
And buxom joy to fee. Bub, 7a/e,
to his bands, is
among my books, till I let them fee that they are
larger than our ordinary reeds, which Since you deny him entrance, he demands lined with deep erudition. Addijon..
are knotty and feparated from fpace to His wife, whom cruelly you hold in bands. DryJ. With empty bandbox (he delights to range.
fpace by joints. The bamboo is much 3. Any means of union or connedlion be- And feigns a diftant errand from the 'Change.
larger than the fugar-cane. tween perfons. Cay^s *trivia^
yo Bambo'ozle. 'J/, a. [a cant word not Here 's eight that mud take hands Ba'ndelet. n.f. [bandelet, Fr. in archi-
ufed in pure or in grave writings.] To To jnin in Hymen's bands. Sbaktfpeare. teclure.] Any little band, flat mould-
deceive ; to impofe upon ; to confound. 4. Something worn about the neck ; a ing, or fillet.
AJ-'ter Nick had bcrmbooxUd about the money, neckcloth. It is now reftrained to a Ba'ndit. n.f. [bandito, Ital.] A man.
John ca'led for counters. Arhuthnit. neckcloth of particular form, worn by outlawed.
Bambo'ozler. n. f. [from bambooscU ."] clergymen, lawyers, and ftudents in No
favage fierce, bandit, or mountaineer.
A tricking fellow ; a cheat. colleges. Will dareto foil her virgin purity. Miltm».
There are a (et of fellows they call banterers For his mind I do not care ;
No bandit fierce, no tyrant mad with pride.
»ni bambmzlers, that play fuch tricks. Arbuihnot. That 's a toy that I could fpare: No cavern'd hermit, reds felf fatisfy'd- Pope,.
Ban. n.f. [ban, Teut. a publick procla- Let his title be but great, Bandi'tto. n.f. in the plural banditti,
mation, as of profcription, interdifiion, His cloaths rich, and band lit neat. Ben yonfon. [bandito, Ital.]
He took his lodging at the manlion-houfe of a A Roman
excommunication, public fale.] fworder, and banditto l\i\c,
taylor's widow, who waihes, and can dear-llarch
1. Publick notice given of any thing,
MurderM fweet TuUy. Sbahcfpeare.^
his bands, jiddljcn.
whereby any thing is publickly com- Ba'ndog. n. f. [from ban or band, antl
5. Any thing bound round another. dog. The original of this word is very
manded or forbidden. This word we In old ftatues of ftone in cellars, the feet of
ufe efpecially in the publifhing matri- them being bound with leaden doubtful. Cains, De Canibus Britannia
bar:ds, it appeared

monial contrafts in the church, before that the lead did fweil. Bacon. cis,derives it from band, that is, a
marriage, to the end that if any man 6. [In architefture.] Any flat low member dog chained up. Skinner inclines to de-
can fay againft the intention of the par- or moulding, called alfo fafcia, face, or duce it from bona, a murderer. May
it not come from ban, a curfe, as we
ties, either in refpeft of kindred or plinth.
otherwife, they may take their excep- 7. A company of foldiers. fay a curji cur ; or rather from baund^.
tion in time, .^nd, in the cannon law, And, good my lord of Somerfet, unite fwelled or large, a Danijh word ; from,
hanna j'unt proclamationes Jfonji l^ ffonfre Your troops of horfejnen with his hands of foot. whence, in fome countries, tiiey call a
in iccUJiis fieri folita. CotvfU.
Sbakefpeare. great nut a ban-nut f^ A
kind of lirge-
1 bar ic in the interell of my wife
8. A company of perfons joined together dog.
'Tis (he fubcontraded to this lord,
is in any common defign. 'X he time of night when Troy was fet on (ire.

And t her hufliand contradid your hanu Staktff. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. The time when fcieech-owls cry, and bandogs howl.
To draw her neck into the ijni. UuJilrai. Sbakcfpeare, Shake ptare' s Henry VI..
The Or privy, or pcrt^if an) bin.
2. A curfe ; excommunication. queen, in white array before her band.
Saluting took her rival by the hand. Dryden. We hnvegreat bandings -nWi tear their (kin. Spcnfcr,
Thou mixture rank of midnight weeds colIe£led,
On a fiidden, methought, this fele^ band fprang
Widi Hecate's iju thrice blaftcd, thrice infefted.
forward, with a lefolution to climb the afcent, and
Bandole'ers. n. f
[bandouUers, Fr.J
Small wooden cafes covered with lea-
Shakijftarr't Hamht,
follow the call of that heavenly mufick, TaiLr,
A great oveiGght
was of St. Peter that he
Strait the thrttbands prepare in arms to join, . ther, each of tl'.em containing powder-
^id not accurfe Nero, whereby the pope might have
Each band the number of the facred Nine. Fsfe, that is a fufficient charge for a mu&et.
got all i yet what need of fuch a ban, fince friar
Vincent rould tell Atabalipa, that kingdoms were To Band. t/. a. [from banJ.'\ Ba'ndrol. n.f. [banderol, Vr.] A little
the pope'i ? Raleigh. 1. To unite together into one body or flag or flreamer the little fringed filk

3. InterdidHon. troop. flag tliat hangs on a trumpet.

Bold deed to eye Th^ bifhop, and the duke of Glo'fter's men, Ba'ndy. «./ [from i^««;/,»r, Fr.] club A
The facrcd fruit, facred to abftincnce. Have 6ird their pockets full of pebble (tones. turned round at bottom, for ftriking a
Much more to lafic it, under ban to touch. Milt, And banding themfclves in contrary parts.
ball at play.
4. Ban of tht Empire a publick cenfure Do pelt at one another's pates. Shakiffeare.
Some of the boys handed themfelves as for the To Ba'ndy. v. a. [probably from bandy,.
by which the privileges of any German the inftrument with which tliey llrike
major, and others for the king, who, after fix days
prince are fufpended. Ikirmilhing, at lalt made a compofirion, and de- balls at play, which, being crooked,.
He proceeded fo far by treaty, that he was prof- parted. Carno.
fered to have the imperial ban taken off Alrapi-
is named from the term bander ; as,
They, to live exempt
nus, upon fubmiflion. Hnuell. From bander un arc, to firing or bend a bow.]'
Heav'ri's high jurifdiftion, in new league
To Ban. 1/. a. [bannen, Dutch, to curfe.] Sanded againll his throne. Milton. I. To beat to and fro, or from one to-
To curfe to execrate.
; 2. To bind over with a band. another.
Shall we think that it banab the work which And by his mother ftood an infant lover. They do cunningly, from one hand to another,
tbey leave beliind them, or-taketh »way the ufe With wing) unfledg'd, his eyes vtn banded over. bandy the fcrvittiJc like a tennis Spenfer.
thereof? Hcoier. Bryden. And like a ball bandy\i 'twixt pride and wit,
Rather than yield, both fides the prize will '.juit.
It is uncertain whether this wor4> in Bands of a Saddle, are two pieces of iron Vinkttm*


Whit from the trop'.ck* c»n the e«rtfc repel } 1. Deftruftive. and the hauks of a rivtr, hrook, or tssaXX
Wliat viguruui arm, what repercuflivc blow, '1 he too it Cent before,
fiiver eagle water.
BanJiet the mighty globe ftill to and tVo ? Blackm. Which I do hope w'll prove to them as ianeful, Have you not made an univerfal fliout,
2. To exchange ; to give and take reci- As thou conceiv'll it to the commonwealth. That Tyber trembled underneath Hiibank T Sbakw
procally. Ben yonjen, Richmond, in Devonlhire, fent out a boat
Da jfou ianJji looks with me, jou tafcal? The
nightly wolf is baneful to the fold, Unto the Ih ire, to a(k thole on the bankt.
Storms to the wheat, to buds the bitter cold. Dryd. If they were his alTillanu. Hhakefptartt
'Tis not in thee Ba'nefulness. ». /. [from iaite/uL] A brook whofe ftream fo great, fo good.
To grudg* my plcaruriis, to cut oiF m^ train, Poifonoufnels ; deftruftivenefs. Was lov'd, was honour'd as a flood j
To TaKjy haliy words. Siakrfpeare Wbofe^ijn i the Mules dwelt upon. Crajha'w,
Ba'newort. [from iaitt and •wert.']
To agitate ; to tofs aboitt. 'Tis happy when our ftreams of knowledge flow
3. A plant the fame with dtadly nightfiade. To fill their idAjli, but not to overthrow. Denhantt
This hath been fo handird amongit Mi, that
To Banc. 'v. a. [t^f/^o/t-w, Dutch.] early loll ! what tears the river fhed.
cne can hardly niifs bookii of thi^ kind.
Ever fincc men have been united into govern- 1. To beat ; to thump ; to cudgel a low :
When the lad pomp along his banks was led ! Pope,
ments, the endeavours after univerfal monarchy and fanniliar word. 2. Any heap of earth piled up.
li:ivc been KtulieJ among then™ £iaift. One riceiving from them fome affronts, met They befiegedhim in Abciof Bethmaachah, and
Let not obvi.'us and known troth, or-ibmcof with them handfomely, and banged them to goou they cad uf^ibank againll the city ; and it flood
the molt plain jiid certain propjfitions, be tandictt purpofe. Hrniel. in the trench. Samuel.
about in a difputacion. Walls. He having got fime iron out of the earth, put 3. [from banc, Fr. a bench.] A feat or
ff1»BA'^f BV. 1'. n. To
contend, as at fome it into his fervants hands to fence with, and bang bench of rowers.
^ame, in which each ftrives to drive one another. Locke. Fiac'd on rneir banks, the ludy Trojans fweep
Formerly I was to be banged becaufe I was too Neptune's fmooth face, and cleave the yielding
ihe ball his own way. ftrong, and now becaufe 1 am too weak, to refill j deep. IValler,
No fimple man that .^fees I am to be brougiit down when too rich, and op-
"This {i&\G^ibandyhig of their favourites, Mean time the king with gif:s a vefTel ftores,
preflcd when too poor. j^rbutbnit. Supplies the banks with twenty chofen oars. Dryd,
3ut that he dorh prcfage fome ill event. Sbak^fp.
Avaliant fon-in-law thou Ihalt enjoy : 2. To handle roughly; to treat with vio- 1 hat banks of oars were not in the fame plain,
but railed above one another, is evident from de-
One fit to iardy with thy laulefs fons. lence, in general.
fcriptions of ancient Ihips. Arbuihnot,
To rulfle in the commonwi:alth. Shtiltffure- The defperate temped hath fo bang'd the Turks,
Could let up grandee againll grandee, That their defignmcnt halts. Shaktfpeare. 4. A place where money is laid up to be
To ftjiiamler time away, and bandy ; You
Ihould accoll her with jells fire-new from called for occafionaily.
.Made lords and commonei^ lay lieges the mint ; you Ihould have banged the youth into Let it be no bank, or common flock, but every
"To one one anotlicr's privileges. HuAihras. dumbnefs. Shakejpeari. man be madcr of hi:, own money. Not that I al-
After all the bandyhg attempts of refolution,
It is as much a queftion as ever. GiawWe,
Bang. n.f. [from the verb.] A blow; together miflike banks,
but they will hardly be
Bacon's Effays,
a thump a (Iroke : a low word.
Ba'ndvleg. n.f. [from bander, Fr.] A I am

a bachel.>r That 's ti fay, t ey are f 'Oh

This mafs of treafurc you fhould now reduce;
.crooked leg- But you your dure have hoarded in hmtbank. -

that marry ;
you'll bear me a bang for that. $bak.
He tells aloud your greateft failing, With many a fttft' thwack, many a ban^.
Nor makes a fcruplc to expofe There pardons and indulgences, and giving men
Hard crabtrec anJ old iron rang. Hudibras,
Vour bardylcg, or crooked nofc. f!iuifi,
a fharc in faints merits, out »{ the common bank
heard fcveral langs or buffets, as I thought,
and trcalury of the church, which the pope has the
SA'NDyLE.GGED. aJJ . [froHl Baniijleg.'\ given to the eagle that held the ring of my box in
fole cud dy of. Saith,
Having crooked legs. his beak. Siuifl'i CulUvir.
The company of perfons concerned in
The tthiopians had an one-eyed bandylegged To Ba'kgi. E. 1). a. To wade by little and managing a bank.
prince fuch a perfun would have made an fquander carelefsly
little ; to : a word Ttf Bank. <v. a. [from the noun.]
odd figure. CJlier,
now ufed only in converfation.
BANE. n.y. [bana. Sax. a murderer,]
If we bangU away the legacy of pv^ace left us bv
t. inclofe with banks.
i, Poifon.
Amis the cliffs
Chrill, it is a fign of our wantof rega-d for hini.
Begone, or e!fe let me. 'Tis bane to draw And burning fands, that bank the flirubby vales.
Duly of Alan.
The fame air with thee. Ben Jmjm. Thomfon*
All good to me becomes
To BA'NISH. V. a. [banir, Fr. banie, low 2. To lay up money
in a bank.
Saner, and in beav'n much worfe would he my Lat. probably from ban, Teut. an out- Bank-bill. n.f. [from bank and bill.^
Aate. Milun. lawry, or profcription ] A note for money laid up in a bank, at
They with fpeed To condemn to leave his own country.
Their courfc through thickell conAellations held,
1. the fight of which the money is paid.
Oh, fare thee well! L°t three hundred pounds be paiu her out of my
Spreading their i»-iif. Mdlcn. Thofe thou repeat ll upon thyfclf
evils ready m(mey, or i<2iil-ii//i. Swift,
Thus am I doubly arm'd ; my death and life. Have hamjh'd me from Scotland.
My bane and antidote, are both before rac.
Shakeffeare. Ba'nker. n.f. [from bani."] One that
This, in a monwnt, brings me to an end ;
2. To drive away.
trafficks in money ; one that keeps or
Bar^ijh bufinefs, banijh forrow.
But that informs me I Ihall never die. Addifcn. manages a bank.
ToGod' belongs to-morrow.
the C;mky.
i. That which dellroys ; mifchief; ruin. It is for wicked men only to dread God, and to Whole droves of lenders crowd the banker'i doors,
Inl' muft be reprcft, or it will be the hane endeavour to hanijb the t!ioughts of him out of To money.
call in Dryden.
of the Chriftian religion. Hii^kcr, their minds. Tilkifon.
By powerful charms of gold aid filver led,
I will not be afraid of death and bane. Succefslefs all her foft carefles prove,
The Lombard barkers and tlic 'change to w tile.
Till forell come toDunfmanc. Shakcf^care.
Birnam Dryden,
To bawJJj fiO;n his bread his ciuntry's love. Pope.
Suffices that to mc rtrength is rp\ bare, Ba'nkruptcy. n.f. [(torn banknipt.'\
B.'^'nisher. n.f. [from ban!fi."] He that
And proves the fuurce of all my mifcries. Milton, 1. The ftateof a man broken, or bankrupt.
So cntertai.i'd thofc odorous fwcets the fiend. forces another from his own country.
In mere fpite. 2. The ail of declaring one's fe'f bank-
Who came their bane, Milan,
Who can the Gracchi, who declare To he fuM quit of thofc my banifhen. rupt ; as, he railed the clamours of his
The Scipios worth, thol<^ tliunderbolts of wir. Stand I before thee here. Shaiefpeare. creditors by a fudden bankruptcy.
The double banc of Carthage? Drydcr,. Ba'nishment. n.f. \bamjfemetit , Fr.] Ba'nkrupt. adj. [^ianjumiitc, Fr. banco-
Falfc religion in its nature, the grciteft htine
1. The ad of banifhing another;
as, he rotto, Ital.] \}x debt beyond the power
anddcllru£tion to po\T:rnment in the world. South.
fecured liimfelf by the banifliment of his of payment.
^0 Bane. f. a. [from the noun.] To poi-
enemies. The king's grown bankrupt, like a broken man.
2. The Hate of being baniflied ; exile. Shakefpeait,
What if my houfc be troubled wirh a, Sir, if you fpend word f ^r word with me,
NftAf go
content we in
And 1 be pleasM to give ten ihoufond ducats make your wit bankrupt. Shakefpeare,
To have ic band? Shakef]>iare.
To liberty, and not to bamjhmcnf. Shakf^eare I fhall

Round the wide world in ban'ijhmen: we roam, It is faid that the money-changers
Ba'neful. oilj. [from i«nf and/a//.] Forc'd from our p'.eafi;ig fieUs .md native home. of Italy had benches, probably in the
I. Poifonou.'. Dry den burfe or exchange and that when any ;
For voyaging to learn the direful art,
BANK. [banc, Saxon.]
tt.r. became iiilolvent, his ban was roito,
To taint with deadly drugs the b.irbed dart
Thce.Trth arifing on eaclifide of a water.
Obfervant of the |ads, and lleinly ju!t,
1. his bench was broke. It once
Itus refui'd tu inipart the baneful trull. Fof{. We fay, properly, \heJhori: of the/jn, written bankeraut, Bankerout is a verb.
. ;


Dainty bits '
They werebanqueted by the way, and the nearer I nave a baptifm to be baptized with, «nd how
Mikt r'lcli the ribs, but banhmut thi! wits. Shai. they approached, the mott cncreafed the nobility. am I ftraitencd till it be accompli (hed ? Luke.
B a'n K R u p T . ». /. A man in debt beyond Sir y, llaywaid. Bapti'smal. adj. [from haptifm.'\ Of
the power of payment/
To BA'Nt^uET. V. «. To feaft ; to fare or pertaining to baptifm.
Pcrkin gathered together a power, rtither m daintily. When wc undertake the baftifmal vow, and enter
number nor in hanJincfs contemptible; but, in The mind ffiall banquet, tho' the bndy pine: on their new life, it would be apt to difcourage us.
their fortunes, to be feared, being ianirufti, and Fat paunches make lean pates, and dainty bits Hanrmcnd.
many of then; felons. Bacon. Make rich the ribs, but bankerout the wits. Shah. Ba'ptist. n.f [bapi/e,Fr. ^airVm-]
It is with wicked men as •'th a bar.lraft : wlicn So long as his innocence is his repaft, he feafts
and banquets upon bread and water.
He that adminifters baptifm.
lis creditors are loud and clamorous, ani fpeak South.
I purpas'd to unbend the evening hours.
Him the Bapliji foon
big, he giveth them many good words. Calamy.
Defcry'd, divinely warn'd, and wicnefs bore
In vain at court the bankrupt pleads his caufe ; And banquet private in tlie women's bow'rs. Prior,
As to his worthier. Milton.
His thanlclefs country leaves him to her laws. Fo^e. Ba'nqueter. tt. /. [from banquet.l
To Ba'nkrupt. 'v.a. To break todif- Ba'ptisterv. tt.
f [laplijierium,hi.t.'\
I . A feafter ; one that lives delicioufly. The place where the facrament of bap-
able one from fatisfying his creditors. z. He that makes feafts.
We caft off the care of all future thrift, becaufe tifm IS adminiftered.
wc ar« already bankruptfd* Hammc-nd.
Ba'nciuet. HOUSE. 7 w.yr [from ^/Tff- The great church, baptijiery, and leaning tower,
Ba'nner. n. f. \banmere, Fr. banair, Ba'nqueting-house. \ quet and hou/e.'] are well worth feeing. Addifon.

Welfli.] A houfe where banquets are kept. reBAPTI'ZE. -v.a. \baftifer,'St. from
In a banqueiing-touje, among certain pleafant
1. A flag ; aftandard; a military enfign. ^airli^w.] To chriften ; to adminiftcr the
trees, the table was fet near to an excellent water-
From France there comes a power, who already work. Sidney.
facrament of baptifm to one.
Have fecret fpies in fome of our bcft ports, At the walk's end behold, how rais'd on high
He to them jhall leave in charge.
And are at point to ilicw their open banner, Sbai. A bai:quet-houfc falutes the fouthern Iky. Drydcn.
To teach all nations what of him they learn'd.
AU io ^ moment through the gloom were feen And his falvation ; them who (liall believe.
Ten thouiand banners rife into the air. BAN^E'TTE. n.f. [Fr. in fortification.] Baptizing in the profluent ftream, the figit
With orient colours waving. Milton. A fmall bank at the foot of the para- Of walhing them from guilt of fin, to life
He faid no more ; pet, for the foldiers to mount upon when Pure, and in mind prepar'd, if fo befal.
But and his queen behind.
left his lifter For death, lilcc that which the Redeemer died.
they fire.
And wat*d his royal banner in the wind. Dryden. MUton.
FirM with fuch motives, you do wcU to join Ba'kstici-e. w.yT Afnialififli, called alfo Let us refleft that we are Chriftians j that we
With Cato's foes, and follow Caefar's banners. a ftickleback. Pungitiui. are called by the name of the Son of God, and
MJiJin. To BA'NTER. [a barbarous word,
-v. a. baptized into an irreconctleable enmity with fin,
2. A ftreamer bom at the end of a lance, without etymology, unleis it be derived
the world, and the devil. Rogers.

or el fc where.
from badiner, Fr.] To play upon ; to Bapti'zer. n.f [from To baptize.] One
Ba'nneret. X. /. [from ianiier.'] A rally; taturn to ridicule ; to ridicule.
that chriftens; one that adminifters
knight made in the field, with the cere- The magillrate took it that he bantered him, and baptifm.
mony of cutting off the point of his bade an officer take him into culiody. L'Ejirange. BAR. n.f [barre, Fr.]
ftandard, and making it a banner. They It is no new thing far innocent fimplicity to be
1. Apiece of wood, iron, or other matter,
the fubjefk of bantering drolls. L'Ejirange.
are next to barons in dignity; and were laid crofs a pafTage to hinder entrance.
Could Alcinous' gueDs with-hold
anciently called by fummons to parlia- From fcorn or rage? Shall we, cries one, permit And he made the middle bar to Ihoot through
ment. Blount. His icud ronr.ances, and \\i%.bant''ring wit i the boards from the one end to the other. Exodus.
A gentleman told Henry, that Sir Richard
Ba'nter. n.f. [from the verb.] Ridi-
2. A
bolt ; a piece of iron or wood fattened
Croftes, made banneret at Stoke, was a wile man j to a door, and entering into the poft or
the Icing anfwcred, he doubted not that, but mar- cule ; raillery.
wall, to hold the door clofe.
I velled how a fool could know.

Ba'nnerol, more properly Banderol.

This humour, let
it look never fo filly, as it
times for frolick and banter, is one oi

The filh-gjte did the fons of Hafienaah build)

who alfo laid the beams thereof, and fft up the
the moft pernicious fn.irco in human life.
«./. [from bandirole, Fr.] A little flag h'Ejirange.
doors thereof, the locks thereof, and the bars
or .ftreamer. Mctaphylicks are fo neccflary to a diftir.ft con- thereof. Nchemiah.
K ng Ofwald had a banntrel of gold and purple ception, (olid judgment, and juft reafoning on 3 Any obftacle which liinders or obftruils
fet over his tomb. Camden. many fubjefts, that tbofe, who ridicule it, will be obllruftion.
Ba'nnian. A
man's undrefs, or
n. /.
fupptffcd to m;ike their wit and banter a refuge I brake up for it my decreed place, and fet bart
and excufe for their own lazinefs. IVatts. and doors, and faid, Hitherto flialt thou come, and
morning gown, fuch as is worn by the
Bannians in the Eaft Indies.
Ba'nterer. n.f. \ivOTa. banter. '\ One no farther. Jib.
that banters a droll. And had his heir furviv'd him in due courfe,
B a'n NOCK. n.f. A kindofoatenor peafe- What

opinion have thefe religious hanterers of

Whatlimits, England, hadft thou found ? whatiar?
meal cake, mixed with water, and baked the divine power ? Or what have they to fay for
What world could have refilled ? Dan. Civ. fVar,
npon an iron plate over the fire ; ufed in Hard, thou know'ft it, to exclude
this mockery and contempt ? L'Ejirange.
Spiritual fubftance with corporeal bar. Milton.
the northern counties, and in Scotland. Ba'ntling. n.f. [If it has any etymo- Muft I new bars to my own joy create,
BA'NQUET. n.f. {banquet, Vt. banchetio, logy, it is perhaps corrupted from the Rcfufe myfclf, what I had forc'd from fate ? Dryd.
ital. va/tqueto. Span.] feaft ; an en-A old word bairn, bairnling, a little child.] Fatal accidents have ftt

tertainment of meat and drink. A little child : a low word.

A moft unhappy ^flr between yourfricndfliip. Hotce.
If a fading day come, he hath ou that day a If the obje^ of their love 4. A rock, or bank of fand,
at the en-
ianfltet to make. Hicker. Chance by Lucina's aid to prove. trance of a harbour or river, which
In his commendations 1 am fed j They feldom let the bantling roar, ftiips cannot fail over at low water.
It is a banquet to me. Sbakefpeare. lu b.ilkct, at a neighbour's door. Prior.
5. Any thing ufed for prevention, or ex-
Yon cannut have a perfirft palace, except you Ba'ptism. n.f. lbafitifmus,Lzt.i?a7rlio-f^k-] clusion.
hive two fides j a lide for the banquet, and a lidc for
the houfchold \ the one for fcafts and triumphs, antl
1. An external ablution of the body, with IxA examination Ihould hinder and lett ypur
the other for dwcUinp. Bacon. a certain form of words, which operates proceedings, behold for a iar againft that impe-

Shall the companions make a banquet of him r and denotes an internal ablution or v/afli- diment, one opinion newly added* Hobker.
T.i3\\ they part him among the merchants ? jfob.
Which Salique land the French unjuftly glote
ing of the foul from original fin. Ayliffe.
to be
At that tailed fruit, Baptijm is given by water, and that prefcript form
The fan, as firom Thyefttan banquet, tutn'd The founder of this law, and female bar. Shakefp.
of words which the church of Chrift doth ufc.
H\s courfc intended. MUton. \
6. The place where caufes of law are X,r\-
That dar";» prclV^r the toUi of Hercules To his great baptifn flock'd, ed, or where criminals are judged ^ fo
To dalliance, bartqaots, and ignoble e^fe. Dryden.
V.'lth awe, the regions round and with them came
j called from the bar placed to hinder
TsBa'nqcet. f. a. [from the noun.] From Nazareth tlie fon of Jofcph dcem'd, crowds from incommoding the court.
To treat any one with feafts. Unmark't, unknown. Milton.
The great duke
Welcome his friends, 2. Bapiifm is often taken ia Scripture for Came to the bar, where to his accufations
Vifit his countrymen and banquet them. SbaMp.' fufferings. He pleaded ftiU not guilty. Hhtikefttart.
V Sum*
. , — ; .. ;


Some It At htr with fpbtlety defend, Hath he fet bound» between their Io»e and tne ? A warriour train
am ; who Ihall bar Attn from me That upon the plain
Or on the bench tlie knotty Uws untye. DryJin. I their raothcr ? like a deluge pour'd

7. An
inclofed place in a uvern or coffee- Shakefpeari. On borbtd deeds they rode, in proud array,
To fhut out : whh from. 1 hick as the college of the bees in May.
houfe, where the houfekceper fits and 5.
Our hope of Italy not only loft. Drydtn't Fabltt.
receives reckonings. To jag arrows with hooks.
But (hut from cv'ry {hoie, and larr'J frim ev'ry 3.
I WIS under fome apprehtnfion tint thev would
coaiT. Dryiitr, '1 he twanging bowi
tpptal to mc i and theref ire laid down my penny
Send (bowers of
at the tar, and made the bell of my way. Addijor.. 6. To
exclude from ufe, right, or claim :
(hafts, that on their barbed pointi
Alternate ruin bear. Piilift.
8. [In law.] A
peremptory exception withyro»i before the thing.
God hath abridged it, by barring aafnm fome n.f. lbarbacane,Fi. baria-
agalnft a demand or plea brought by the
things of themfdves inuift'crent. Hooktr. cana. Span.]
defendant in an aftion, that deflroys the
afUon of the plaintiff for ever. It is di-
Give my voice on Richard's fide. 1 A fortification placed before the walls
To bar my mdfter's heirs in true dcfcent !

of a town.
vided into a bar to common intent, and God knows 1 will not. Sbakefpcarc.
Within the barbatan > porter fate,
His do bind and bar them
a bar fpecial : a tar to a common in- civil afts all j
Day and night duly keeping watch and ward :
And as from Adam all corruption take.
tent, is an ordinary or gener.1l bar, that Nor wight nor word m tc pafs out of the gate.
So, if the father's crime be capital,
difables the declaration or plea of the But in good order, and wi h due regard. Fairy iQ.
In all the blood law dotli corruption make.
plaintiff; a bar fpecial, is that which Siry. Dav'iet. 2. A fortrefs at the end of a bridge.
15 more than ordinary, and falls out in It was thought fufScient not only to exclude 3. An opening in the wall through which
them from that benefit, but to bar them/rcm their the guns are levelled.
the cafe in hand, upon fome fpecial cir-
money. Ctarcndcn.
cumftance of the faft. Co--well.
If he is qualified, why is he barred the profit,
Barba'does CA/rr)i. [malfhigia, Lat.]
Baftardy is laid In bar of fomething that is
when he only performs the conditions ? Col. on PriJe. In the Wed Indies, it be fifteen or fix-
rifes t)
principally teen feet high, where it produces gri;at quantities of
7. Toprohibit.
9. Any thing by which the compages or For though the law of arms doth bar
a piealant tart fruit ;
propagated in gardens there,
but in Europe it is a curiofity. Mtller,
ftrufture is held together. The ufe of venom'd fliot in war. Hudibau
I went down to the bottoms of the mountains : What is a greater pedant than a mere man of Barba'does Tar. A bituminous fub-
the earth, with her ben, was about me for ever. the town Bar him the playhoufes, and you ftiike
ftance, differing little from the petro-
yctiah, hini dumb. Addijon,
leum floating on feveral fprings in Eng-
10. Any thing which is laid acrofs ano- except ; to make an exception. 8. To land and Scotland.
ther, as bars in heraldry. Well, we (hall fee your bearing
Nay, but I bar to-night you fhall not gage me
Wood'ward's Method of Foffih.
1 1 Bar of Geld or Silver, is a lump or ;

By what we do to-ni^ht. Shaktjpeare, Barba'rian. [barbarus, Lat.

n.f. It
wedge from the mines, melted down in-
9. [Inlaw.] Tohindertheprocefsofafuit. feems to have figniSed at firll only a. fo-
to a fort of mould, and never wrought. But buff and belt men never know ihefe cares ; reign or i foreigner; but, in time, impli-
12. Bars of a Horfe. The upper part of No time, nor trick of law, their aflion ban : ed Ibme degree of wildnefs or cruelty.]
the gums between the tufks and grinders, Their caufc they to an eafier ilTue put. Drydcn.
which bears no teeth, and to which the From fuch delays as conduce to the finding out 1 A maa uncivilized ; untaught ; a la-
of truth, a criminal caufe ought not to be barred* vage.
bit is applied, and, by its fridlion, the
Froud Greece all nations elfc barbarians held,
horfe governed. If a bilhop be a party to a fuir, and BoalUng, her learning all the world exceli'd.
13. Bars, in Mufick, are ftrokes drawn nicates his adverfary, fuch excommunication fhall Denbam*
perpendicularly acrofs the lines of a not difable or bar h"« adverfary. Ayliffe. Theic were not different gods among the Greeks

piece of raufick ; ufed to regulate the 10. To

bar a. vein. and barbarians* StiUingJieet*
But with dcl'cending (how'rsof brimilonefir'd,
beating or meafure of mufical time. This is an operation performed upon
The wiid barbarian in the dorm expir'd. AJdifvn*
14. Bar, in African traffick, is uftd for a the veins of the legs of a horfe, and other
parts, with intent to flop the malignant
2. A foreigner.
denomination of price ; payment being 1 would they were barbarians, as they are.
formerly made to the Negroes almoll humours. It is done by opening the fkin Though ill Rome I tter'd. Shakifp- Ccrislanus,

wholly in iron bars. above it, difengaging it, and tying it A brutal monfter ; aman without pity :
Earshot, n.f. Two half bullets joined both above and below, and firiking be- a term of reproach.
together by an iron bar ; ufed in fea en- tween the two ligatures. Thou fell barbarian I

gagements for cutting down the mafts BARB. n.f. a beard, Lat.]
[/5<j;-^«, What had he done ? what could provoke thy mad-
and rigging. 1. Any thing that grows in the place of a
To a(ra(rinatc fo great, fo brivc aman ? A. Pbilifs.
To Bab. [from the noun.]
'u. a.
Barba'rian. adj. Belonging to barba-
The barbel is fo called, by reafon of the barb or
J, To fallen or ftiut any thing with a bolt, wattels at his mouth, or under his chaps. rians ; lavage.
or bar. H-'alton's Angler. Some felt tiie filent ftroke of mould'ring ag?,
duty carniot fulfer
2. The points that ftand backward in an Barbanan blinJnefs. P^fie*
T* obey in all your daughter's hard commands j
Though their injunQion be to bar my doors,
arrow, or filliing-hook, to hinder them Barba'rick. adj. [barbaricui, Lat. ir»

And let this tyrannous niglit take hold upon you. from being extradted. a different fenle, it means in Latin
Sbnifjprare. Nor 1-fs fir Sjiartan fear'd, before he found <wrought, fretted.'] Foreign ; far-fetched..
Whenyou bar the window-ftiutters of your la- Thclhining/^tfriapiearabove thewound. Fife's 11.
The gorgeous Eaft, with riclied band,
dy's bed-chamber at nights, leave open the falhes 3. The armour for horfes. Show'rs on her kings harbariik pearl and gold.
to let in air. Sivift. Their lijiica were naked, without any ba-bi ParadifeLijt..
». To hinder ; to obftruft. for albeit uuny brought jar^i, lew i-egarded to put The eaftern front was glorious to bthold.
When law can d» no- right, them on. Hayivard. With diamond flaming and barl^arick gold. Pc^e.
Let it be lawful, that law bar no wrong. Sheiifp. Barb. ». /. [contrafted from Barbary.] Ba'rbarism. n.yl [barbari/mui, Lat.]
3. To prevent ; to exclude ; to make im- A Barbary horfe. 1. A form of fpeech contrary to the purity
prafticable. Hoifes brouy .L from Barbary, are commonly of and exadnels of any language.
The houfes of the country \*«re ill ftattcrcd, a (lender Ijgbi fizc, and very lean, ulually cliofen
The language is as ncjr appioaching to it. as
and yet not fo far ofl'as that it barrtJ mut^'ni fic- for Itillions. S.irbt, it is. faid, may die, but never
our moicrn barbarifm willalloWj whit:h is all that
cour. SiJuy. grow old; the vigour and mettle of barbs ncvc can be expefted from any now extant.
ceaf; bu: with their life. Furrier's DiS.
Dath it not feeni a thing Tery probable, thit Drydens ywiteral. Dedication*
Cod doth purp-)fely add, Do after my judgments; 7a Barb. f. a. [from the noun.] Ignorance of arts want of learning.
2. ;
as giving thereby to und^rftand, thjt his- rnein- I. To to drefs out the beard.
(have ;
1 h.ive for barbarifm fpoke mote
Ing in the former fcntencc was but to bar fimili- i>)\avc the head, and tie the bead, and fay it
Than for that angel knowledge you can fay. Stai..
tude in fuch things as were repugnant to his ordi- wa, the dtCu'^ of the penitent to be fo barbed bcfoie The genius of Raphael having, fucoeeded to tlje
nances, laws, and ftatutcg ? Hooker. his J-iatti. Shattfpeare.
times of barbarifm and ignorance, the knowledge
4. T» detain, by excluding the claimants :: a. To furnifh horfes with armour. See of painting is now arrived to perfcftion.
with yroOT, Barbed.. ''
Drjdcn's Dufrifmy, Preftice.
3- Brutality f,-
] , . ;


3. Brutality; favagenefs of manners ; in- about two foot above a charcoal fire, BARE. ae/j. [bajie. Sax. lar, Dan.]
civility. with which it is furrounded. 1 Naked ; without covering.
Moderation ought to be haJ in tempering and Oldfieid, with more than hirpy throat endued. The trees are bare and naked, which ufe both *•
managing tlic iriih, to bring them from their de Cries, Send me, gods, a whole hn^barbecued. Pnpe. cloath and houfe the kern. Spenjer on IrelanJ.
light of licentious btirlfarifm unto tre iove of good- Ba'rbecue. ti. /. A hog dreft whole, in Then ftretch'd her arms t' embrace the body
nefs and civifKy. Sj-enfir'iJreltind,
Well Indian manner, 'j
the biirc ;

Divers great monarchies have nfen from bar- Her clafping handsinclofe but empty air. Diydcn,^
banjm to civility, and fallen again to ruin.
Ba'rbed. fart. adj. [from To barb."] In the old Roman rtatues, thefe two parts were
Daiirs en IrJur.d^ 1. Fiirnilhed with armour. always bare, and cxpofed to view as much as our
His g!ittering aimour he will command hands and face.
4. Cruelty; barbarity; unpitying hard- to ruft. ^iddijcis*
His barbed Heeds to ftables. Sbakeff. Richard II. 2. Uncovered in refpeft.
nefs of heart : not in ufe.
Triey mutt perforce have melted, 2. Bearded ; jagged with hooks or points. Though the lords ufed to be covered whilft the
An\i harbiirijm\tW\i havepiticdhim- .'?i»iii. i?/ri.II. If I conjefture right, no drirzling (how'r. commons were bare, yet the commons would not
But rattling ftorm of arrows /;^r^V with fire. Afi/t. be bare before the Scottiih commiiliohers ; and fo
Barba'rity. n.f. [^{rom barbarous "l none were covered. Chrend^.n.
1. Savagenefs ; incivil ty. Ba'rbel. n./. [barbus, Lat.]
1. A kind of fiih found in rivers, large and 3. Unadorned ; plain ; fimple ; without
2. Cruelty ; inhumanity. ornament.
And ti.ey did [rpat him with all the rudenefs, ftrong, butcoarfe.
Yet was their manners then but bare and plain;
reproach, ard barbunty imaginable. Clarcndcn. Ihe barbel is fo called, hy reafon of tlie barb
For th' antique world excefs and pride did hate,
or wattels at his mouth, or under hs chaps.
3. Barbarifm; impurity of fpeech. Sfenfef,
JVallon's .Angler.
Next Pcfaxch foliowM, and in him we fee
Detefted no longer concealed.
Knots of fuperfluous flelh growing up in 4. ;
Whit rhyme, improv'd in all its height, can be 2.
Thefe falfe pretexts and varniftiM colours failingf
At beft a pleaiing found, and Iweet barbarity OryJ. • the channels of the mouth of a horfe. £are in thy guilt, how foul tliou mail appear !
Lat.n expieile^ that In one word, which either Farrier's Dicl. Milton,
the ^iir/uri/y or narrow nefa of modern tongues can-
tiot iupply in more. Dryden.
Ba'rber. n.f. [from To barb. '\
A man 5. Poor ; indigent ; wanting plenty.
Aft'edicd refinements, which tnded by degrees
who (haves the beard. Were it for the glory of God, that th^ clergy
His chamber bein^ ftived with friends or fuitors, /hculd be left as lare as the apottles, wheii tliey
in many barbariim, before the CotlU had invaded
he gave his legs, arms, and brearts to his fervants had neither ftaft" nor fcrip ; God would, I hcpff,
Italy. Sviifi.
to drefs his head :^nA fjcc to his barber, his eyes endue them with the felf-fame affeflion,
BA'RBAROUS. adj. {barbare, Fr. 0«f- Co his letters,

and his ears to petitioners* fVotton. Booher^s Preface*

Thy Loift'rous look; Even from a hare treafury, my fuccel's has been
1. Stranger to civility; favage ; uncivi- No worthy match for valour to alt'ail. contrary to that of Mr. Cowley. Dryders,

lized. But by the barhir''^ razor belt fubdued. Milton. 6. Mere ; unaccompanied with ufual re-
What need I fay more to you ? What ear is fo
What fyllera, Dick, has right averr'd commendation.
tarbarout hut hath heard of Amphialus ? Sidney.
The caufc, why woman has no beard ? It was a bare petition of a ftate
In points like thcfe we mult agice
The doubtful djm el dare not yet commit ; To one whom they had puniftied. Sbakefpear\
Her fingle pcrfon to their barbarous truth. Fairy S^.
Our barber knows as much as we. Prior.
Nor are men prevailed upon by bare words, only
Thou art a Roman ; be not barbarous. Hbakijf. To Ba'rber. v. a. [from the noun.] To through a defeat of knowledge; but carried, witli
He left governour, Philip, for his countiy a drefs out ; to powder. thefe putfs of wind, contrary to knowledge. South*
Phrygian, and for manners more barbarous than Our
courteous Antony, 7. Threadbare ; much worn.
he that fet him there. Mace. Whom No woman heard fpcak.
ne^er the word of You haye an exchequer of words, and no other
A barbarous country muft be broken by war, Being iaritrV ten times o'er, goes to tke feaft. trcafurefor your followers; for it appears, by their
before it be capable of government ; and when Sbakrfpfare. bare liveries, tbac they live by your forewords.
fubdued, if it be not well planted, it will eftfoons Sbakefpearcm
return to barbarifm. Daviis on Ireland. Barber-Chirurceon. «./ .^ man who
joins the praftice of furgery to the bar-
8. Not nnited with any thing elfe.
2. Ignorant ; nnacquainted with arts. A draw all things to the detarmination
defire to
They who rcftorcd painting in Germany, not ber's trade fuch as were all fiirgeons
of bare and naked Scripture, hath caufed much
having thofe reliques of antiquity, retained that formerly, but now it is ufed only for a pains to be taken in abating the credit of man*
barbarous manner. Dryden.
low pradifer of furgery. Flooker*
3. Cruel ; inhuman. He
put himfelf into barber-ebirurgeons hands, That which the great difgrace
offendeth us, is
By their ^i;ri<irc«i ufage, he died vtrithin a few who, by unfit applications, ratified the tumour. which they ofter unto our cuftom oi bare reading
days, to the grief of all that knew him. Ctartndon. the word of Cod. Hooker*
fyifeman*s Surgery.
BA'uBAROUSLr. ad-v. [from barbarous. Barber-mokcer. n./. A word of re- 9. Wanting clothes j flenderly fupplied
1. Ignorantly; without knowledge or arts. proach in Shakefpcare , which feems to with clothes.
2. In a manner contrary to the rules oi' fignify a fop ; a man decked out by his
10. Sometimes it has of before the thing
fpeech. barber. wanted or taken away.
We barbareufy call them bleft, Draw, yoo rogue ; for though it be night, the
Tempt not tile brave and needy to defpair;
Wkilefwcllingcoffers break theirownersreft. Slefn. For, tho' your violence ftiould leave them bare
moon Ihinesj I'll make a fop of the moonihine
inhumanly. Oygold and filvcr, fwords and darts remain,
3. Cruelly ; of you ; you whorefon, cullionly, barber •mrmger,
But yet you barbaroujly murdered
Dryden^s JuvenaU
him. Dryden. draw, Shakejfeare" s King Lear.
She wifhes it may profper ; but her mother
Making a law to reduce intereft, will not raile
Ba'r berry, n.f. \barberis, Lat. or oxya- the price of land; itWill only leave the country
ufed one of her nicres very barbaroujly, Sf relator.
canthm.'\ Pipperidge bulh. barer of money, Locke*
Ba'rbarousness. »./. [ftomlarbarouj.]
The fptcies arc, i. The common
J. Incivility of manners.
barberry. To Bare. 'v. a. [from the adjedlive.] Ta
2. Barberry without Itoncs. 'I'bc firft of thefc
Excel.cncies of mufick and poetry are grown
firip ; to make bare or naked.
forts is very common in England, afwl often planted
to be little more, but the one Addling, and tiie other Tile turtle, on the bared branch.
for hedges. Miller.
Laments tli; wounds that death did launch.
rhimjng j and arc indeed very worthy of the ig- Sarberry'ii a plant that bears a fruit very ul'eful
noiance of the friar, and the bjrbaroufne/s of the Spenfer,
in houfewifery ; that which beareth its fruit with-
Goths. There fabulous narration, that an herb
is a
Trmf/e. out itones is counted heft. Mortimer.
groweth in tlic likencfs of a lamb, and feedeth
2. Impurity of language.
it IS much degenerated, as touching the pure-
Bard. «. /
{bardii,'Wc\(i\.'] poet. A upon the grois, in fuch fort as it will bare the grafs
There is among the Iriih a kind of people called round about. Bacon^s Natural Uijlory*
nrfi of fpeech j being overgrown with burharouf-
bards, which are to them instead of poets j whole Eriphyle here he found
nefs. hrereitiwd. profeiTion is to fet forth the pfaifes or difpraifcs Baring her breaft yet bleeding witii the wound.
3. Cruelty. of men in their p icms or rhime ; the which arc Urydei^
The harbarovjnejs of the trial, and the perfuafives Iiad in high regard and eltimation among them. H/ bar'd an ancient oak of all her boughs
of the clergy, prevaited to antiquate it. Spenfer on Ireland. Tiien on a rifing ground the trunk he pi ic'd,
Hale's Common Laiv. And many bards that to the trembling chord Drydau
To'B f.' A
term ufed in the
t. "v. a. Can tune their timely voices cunningly. Fairy ^_ For virtue, when I point the pen.

Weft Indies for drefling a hog whole ; The bard who firft adorn'd our native tongue Bare the mean heart that lurks beneath a ftar
Tun'd to his Britiih lyre this ancient fong, Can there be wanting, to defend her caule.
which, being fplit to the backbone, is Which Homer might without a blufh rehearfe. Light* of the diurch, or guardians oi the lavs }
laid fiat upon a large gridiron, raifed Dryden. Poft.
U 2 Bakc«
; . !


Bare, br Bore. The pnteritt of Jo bear. 3. Poverty. Ba'rcer. «./. [from barge.] The mao**
See To Bear. Weie ic lUipped of its privileges, ihd made as ger of a barge.
like the primitive church for ttibareneji as its pu- Many wafarers make themfelvet by put-
Ba'reBone. n. /. [from hare and bcne.l
itcould legally want fucbpriviligci. Sourt.

bones appear.
rity, all ting the inhabitants in mind of this privilege; who
Lean, fo that the
Meannefs of clothes. again, like the Campellians in the north, and the
Here comes leaa Jack, here comes lartttme :
how long i< it tgo. Jack, fmce thou faweft thy BA'RGAIN. a./, [barsen, WeWi ; bar- London bargers, forOow not to baigne them.
Careu*s Survty of Cornwall*
own kaeet Sbai^peart'i Hfiry IV. gaigne, Fr.]
Ba'refaced. atlj. [from bare andyjj^r] 1. Acontract or agreement concerning
BARK. «./ [bard, Dan.]
With the face naked not ma&ed. the fale of fomeihing.
1. The ri>i or covcr-iiig of a tree.
1. ;
Trees laft according to the ftrcii^ih and quantl^
Your French crowns have bo hair at all, and What marriage but a very i«rpa;>i f wherein is
of their fap and juice ; being wen munited by their
then you will play ^arr^Affi/. fought alliance, or portion, or reputation, with
^Ariiragainll the injuries of the air.
Stakefji. Midfummtr Night't Drcim. fonie dcfire of ilTuei not the faithful nuptial union
Bacon's Natural Hijhry,
2. Shamelefs ; unreferved ; without con- of man and wife. Bacon.
Ward'ring ia the dark,
cealment ; undifguifed.
No more can be due to me, Phyficians for the tree have found the hark. Dtyi'
Than at the bargain made was meant. Donne.
The anin-.ofitifs encreafed, «Bd the parties ap-
2. The thing bought or fold ; a purciiafe
2. A fmall fhip. [from barca, low Lat.]
peared barefaci:d againil each other. Clarendon. ;
The duke of Parma mult have fiown, if he
It is moft certain, tiut htrefaccd bawdry is the the thing purchafed. would have come into England; for he could
poorefl pretence to wit imaginable. Dryiir. Give mc bjt my price for the other t«ro, and you neither get bark not.mariner to put to fea.
Barefa'cedly. adv. [from iare/aceJ.'] (hall even have that into iYx bargain. VEfrange. Bacon on the War with Spain,
Openly ; (hamefully ; without difguife. He who is at the charge of a tutor at home, It was that and perfidious bark.
may give his fon a more genteel carriage, ".•itfi Built in th' eclipfe, and rigg'd with curfes dark.
Though only fome profligate wretches own it too
greater learning into the bargain, than any at That funk fo low that fncred head of thine. JUiU,
iare/acrdlj, yet, perhaps, we fliould hear more, di J
fchool can do. Locke. Who to a woman trulls his peace of mind,
»ot fear tic people's tongues. Lci-h.
3. Stipulation ; interefted dealing. Trull< a frail iark with a tempelluous wind.
Barefa'cedness. »;/. [from barefaced.']
There was a difference between courtelies re- Granville,
EiFrontery ; aflurance ; audacioufnefs. ceived from their mailer and the duke ; for that To Bark, v. n. [biojican, Saxon.]
Ba'refoot. adj. [from bare and /«»/.] the duke's might have ends of utility and bargain,
1 To make the noife which a dog makfs
Having no fhoes. whereas their mailer's could not. Bacon.
when he threatens or purfues>
Going to find a barifmi brother out,
4. An unexpefted reply, tending to ob- Sent before my time
One of our order. Shakeff. Rnneo and yuliet.
fcenity. Into this breathing world, fcarce half made up.
Ba'refoot. adv. Without fhoes. Where fold he bargains, whlpftitch ? Drydcn. And that fo lamely and unfajhionably.
She mull have a hulband ; As to bargains, few of them fecm to be excel- That dogs bark at mc. Sbake/p. Richard 111.
I muft dance barefoot on her wedding-day. Sbati. lent, becaufe they all terminate in one fingle Why do your dogs bark fo > be there bears i'
Ambitious love hath fo in me ofiended. point. Swift. th' town ? Sbakejpeare's Mirry Wives of Windfor,
That btrefxt plod I the cold groond upon No maid at court afham'd,
is lefs In vain the herdman bim back again ;
With fainted vow. Sbalufpmre. Howe'er for felling bargains fam'd. Sioift. The dogs Hand off afar, and bark in vain. Onalcy,
Envoys defcribe this holy roan, with bis Al-
caydes about him. Handing barefoot, bowing to the
5. An event ; an upfhot : a low fenfe. 2. To clamour at ; to purfue with re-
am forry for thy misfortune however we
I ; proaches.
muH make the beft of a bad bargain. Vile is the vengeance on the aflies cold.
Barefo'oted. adj. Being without (hoes. jirbutbnet's Hijiory of John Bull.
He bimfelf, with a rope about his neck, bare-
And envy bafe, 10 hark atdeeping fame. Fairy S^,
6. In law. You dare patronage
footid, came to oS'er himfelf to the difcretion of
Lconatus. Sidney.
Bargain and fale is a contrail or agreement The envious barking of your faucy tongue
raadc for manours, lands, &c. Mo the transfer- Againft my lo(d Shakeffeare.
Baregna'wn. adj. [from bare and ring the property of them from the bargainer to the
gaantm.'] Eaten bare.
To Bark. v. a. [from the noun.] Tp
bargainee. Ctnoell.
Know my name is loft.
flrip trees of their bark.
TcBa'rcain. v.n. [from the noun.] To The feveteft penalties ought to be put upon
By treafon's tooth bariptavin and cankcrbit.
King Lear.
make a contraft for the fale or purchafe barking any tree that is not felled. Temple.
of any thing often withyir before the Thefe tiees, after they are barked, .and cut into
Bar'ehe'aded. adj. [frotn bare aad bead.] :
fliape, aretumbled down from the mountains into
Uncovered in refpeft. thing.
the ilream. Addipn.
He, bareheaded, lower than his proud deed's neck, Henry is able to enrich his queen.

fiefpdke them thus. SbakefpeareU Richard II. And not to feek a cjueen to make him rich. Bark-bared, adj. [from ^ari and, i(jr^.]
Next, before the chariot, went two men bare- So worthlefs peafants bargain fr their wives. Stripped of the bark.
bttdtd. Bacon. As market men for oxen, flieep, or horfe. Shak. Excorticated and bark-bared trees may be-pre-
The victor helm afide,
knight had laid his For thofe that arc like to be ip plenty, they may feivcd by nourVfliing up
from the foot^
a Ihoot
Barcheadedx popularly low he bowM. Drjd, Tables, be bargained for upon the ground. Bacon. or below the ftrippcd place, cutting the body of-the

Ba'relY. adv. [from bare.] The thrifty (late will bargain ere they fight. tree Hoping off a little above the flioot, and it will
Vryden. heal, and be covered with bark* MortiiKer,
I. Nakedly, It is poflible the great duke may bargain for the Ba'rker. n.f, [{tora bark.]
a. Poorly ; indigently, republick of Lucca, ty the help of his great trea-
1. One
that barks or clamours.
3. Without decoration. fures. - Addifott on Italy.
hath he done more than a bafe cur ?
4. Merely ; only ; without any thing more. Bargainee', n. f. [from bargain.] He barked and made a noife ? had a fool or two to
The extsmal adminiilration of his word, is as or Ihe that accepts a bargain. See fpit in his mouth ? But they are rather enanwcs of
welt by reading barely the Scripture, as by explain- my fame than mc, thefe barkers. Sin yivf/r,
ing the fatnc.
Ba'rgainer. n.f. [hom bargain.] The 2. [fromiari of trees.] One that is em-
The doke of Lancafter is dead ;
perfon who proffers, or makes a bar- ployed in ftripping trees.
And living now his fon is duke«—
too, for
Barely in not in revenue. Sbak.Rich. II.
title, gain. See Bargain. Ba'rky. adj. [from iari.] Confiflingof
He barely nam'd the ftrect, promised the wine. bark ; containing bark.
But his kind wife gave me the very fign. Donne. BARGE, n.f. [bargie, Dutch, from barga, Ivy lb enrings ihi barky fingers of the elm.
Where the balance of trade barely pays for com- low Lat.] Shaiefpeare^
modities with commodities, there money muft-bc I . A boat for pleafure. BA'RLEY. »./.. [derived hy Junius frpm
fcnt, or elfe the debts cannot be paid. Locke. The barge Ihe fat in, like a bumifli'd throne. "n, hordeum.]
Ba'reness. «./ [from^ar^.] Burnt on the water. Sbakefftare.
It hath a thick fpike ; the calyx,' bufk, awoj
Nakednefs. Plac'd in the gilded barge.
I. and flower, ai-e like thofe of wheat or rye, but the
So you ferve us Proud with the burden of fo fwect a charge awns arc rough ; the feed is fwciling in the middle*,
.STill we ferve but when you have our rofes.
you ;
With painted oars the youths begin to fwccp and, for the moH part, ends in a Iharp point, to
You barely leave our thorns to prick ourfelves. Neptune's fmooth face. iValler.
which the hulks are clofely united. Tho fpecieft
And mock us with our bartntfs, Shakej'feare. z. Afea commander's boat. are, i. Common 2. Winter or
long-eared barley.
i. Leannefs. It was confulted, when I had taken my barge fquare barley, by fome called big. 3. Sprat barley,
For their poverty, I know not where they had and gone afliorc, that luy (hip Hiould have fct f.iil or battledoor harlc). All thcle forts of barley are
*hati and for their baren'f, they never learned and left me. Aalcigb. fuwn in the fpring of the year, in a dry time. In
Ifaat of mc. Sbah'J^tari. 3. A boat for burden, fome very dry light laud, the barley is fowa early
; .


in Mirch} but in ftrong clay«y foils it n Ttoti aieafuring the weight of the atmosphere, men feeing tliat this Hate of nobility wa»
fovvn April.
till The fiuare iarty, or iig, is and the variations in it, in order chiefly but cafual, and depending merely on the
ch'.cfly cultivated in the north of England, and in
to determine the changes of the weather. prince's pleafure, obtained of the king
Scotland : md
is hardier than the other forts.
It differs from the barofcope, which letters patent of this dignity to them

Sarlty is emollient, moiftening, and eipeflo- only fhews that the air is heavier at one and their heirs male ; and thefe were
tating ; iarlry was chofen by Hippocrates as a time than another, without Ipecifying called barons by letters patent, or by
proper food in inflammatory diHempers. the diiference. The barometer is founded creation, whofe pollerity are now thofe
jirbiitbr.ot in Alkmnts.
upon the Torricellian experiment, fo barons that are called lords of the par-
BA'aLEYBRAKE. n. /. A kind of rural
called from Torriceiii, the inventor of liament; of which kind the king may
it, at Florence, in 1643. It is a glafs create more at his pleafure. It is never-
By neighbours {irais'd flie went abroad thereby,
At harltjbrakt her fweet fwift feet to try. Sidney. tube filled with mercury, horizontally thelefs thought, that there are yet barons

Baklev broth, [from iarky aud

n. f. fealed at one end ; the other open, and by writ, as well as barons by letter*
broth.] A low word fometimcs ufed for immerged in a bafin of ftagnant mer- patent, and that they may be difcerned
ftrong beer. cury : lb that, as the weight of the at- by their titles ; the barons by writ being
Can Cidden water, mofphere diminiQies, the mercury in the thofe that, to the title of lord, have their
A drench for furreyn'd jades, their et.:r!<y troth, tube will dcfcend, and, as it increafes, own furnames annexed ; whereas the
peco(f\.'Jieir cold blood to fuch valiant htat ? Sirei.
the mercury will afcend ; the column barons by letters patent are named by
Barley corn. «. / [from iarley and
of mercury fufpended in the tube being their baronies. Thefe barons, which-
cem.] A
grain of barley; the begin-
always equal to the weight of the in- were firft by writ, may now juftly alfo
ning of our meafure of length; the third cumbent atmofphere. be called barons by prefcription ; for that
part of an ind». The mcafuring the heights of mountains, and they have continued barons, in them-
A long, long journey, choak'd with brakes and finding the elevation of places above the level of
felves and their anceftors, beyond the
thorns, the fca, hath been much promoted by barome-
111 meafur'd by ten thoufand iarfty corns. Tickill. trical experiments, founded upon that eiTentiaj
memory of man. There are alfo baront
Barley mow. ». /
[from barley aijd property of the air, its gravity or preflurc. Ai. by tenure, as the bilhops of the land,
mow.] The place where reaped barley the column of mercury in the barometer iscounter- who, by virtue of baronies annexed to
poifed by a column of air of equal weight, fo what- their bilhopricks, have always had place
is flowed up.
ever caufcs make the air heavier or lighter, the
Whenever by yon harley mow I pafs, in the upper houfe of parliament, and
prelTure of it will be thereby incrcafcd or teHened,
Before my eyes will trip the tidy lafs. Cay.
and of confequence the mercury will rife or fall. are called lords fpiritual.
BARM. [burm, WeJfti ; beopm. Sax.]
Harriu z. Baron is an ofiicer, as barons of the ex-
Yeaft ; the ferment put into drink to Gravity is another property of air, wheri:by it chequer to the king : of thefe the prin-
raake it work ; and into bread, to cauntccpoifes a column of mercury from twenty-
cipal is called lord chief baron, and the
fcvcn inches and one half to thirty and one half,
Jighten and fwell it. three others are his afliftants, between
the gravity of the at.Tiofphere varying one -tenth,
Are you not he
which are its utmoil limits fo that the exadl the king and his fubjedls, in caufes of
That fometimes make the drink bear no harm, ;

fpccifick gravity of the air can be determined juftice belonging to the exchequer.
Miflead night wind'rers, laughing at their harm ?
when the barometer (lands at thirty inches, with a
Sbahej'^eare. 3. There are al^ barons of the cinque-
Try the force of imagination upon (laying tlie
m dcr.ite lioat of the weather, ylrbiiibnoi on Air.
Barome'trical. adj. [Ssoai barometer.]
ports two to each of the feven towns^
working of beer, when the barm is put into it.
Haflings, Winchelfea, Rye, Rumney,,
Baccn. Relating to the barometer.
He m Hithe, Dover, and Sandwich, that have
Ba'rmy. aJj. [from barm.] Containing is very accurate making haromttrifal ant'
thcrmti-'nctrical i-nflruincnts. Derh. Pbyfico-Thecl. places in the lower houfe of parliament.
barm ;
Tbcir and in pUy
jovial n'ghts in frolicks ,BA'RON. [The etymology of this
». y; Cotuelll
They pafs, to drive the tedious hnurs away ; word is very uncertain. Baro, among They that bear
And their cold Itomachs with crown'd goblits cheer the Romans, lignified a brave warriour, The cloth of (late above, are four barons.
Of windy cider, and of Ajrrty beer. Drydcv.
or a biutal man Ofthecirr^ue ports. Shakefpeare;
and, from the
of firft
Barn.»./. [befin. Sax.] A place or houfe ;

tlicfe figniiications. Menage derives ba-

4. Baron is ufed for the huiband in relation'
for laying up any fort of grain, hay, or to his wife. Cozuell.
ron, as a t,;rm of military dignity.
Othprs ioppoie it originally to fignify 5. A Baron of Beef 1% when the two firloin*
In vain the bartii\x'^€t t^eir promisM load are not cut afunder, but joined together,
Hor.iarm at. aome, oor reeks arc hcap'd abroad.
only a man, in which fenle baron, or
•varoH, is ftill \ired by the Spaniards
by the end of the backbone. Di£l,
Drydai. :

I took notice of the make of larn: here : i.jv- and, to confirm this conjefture, our law Ba'ronage. n.f. [from bann.]
ing laid a frame uf wood, they place, at the foui
yet ufes barot and/emi/ie, hulband and
1 The body of barons and peers.
corners, four blocks, jr. fic'i a ihapc as neither His tha, rers of the liberties or England, and of
mice nor vermin can crrep up. yi^idi/o"
wife. Others dedace it from ber, an the forcft, were hardly, and with difnculty, gained
B.\'rnaC!,e. n. f. [probably of beajin. old Gauli.h word, iignifying ccaiman- by his bdnrage at Stilnes, ./?.' D. 1115. Ug/tt
Sax. a child, and aac. Sax. an oak.] d-.r ; others from the flebrew llJ, of 2 The dignity of a baron..

1. A kind of Ibell-fiQi that grow. upon the fame import. Some think it a con- 3. The land which gi't's title to a baron.
timber that lies in tlie fea. tradlion of far homtne, or feer, which Ba'roness. «. /. [baronejh, Ttal. bar^-

2. A bird like a goo£e, fabulously fuppofcd fecms leall probable.] nijfa, Lat.] baron's lady. A
to grow on trees. 1
1 . A degree of nobility next to a vifcount. Ba'ronet. n.f. \pi baron, and et, dimi-
;ltis beyond, even an athei.'l's credulity atld im- It may be probably thought, tliat anci- nutive termination.] The lowed degree
pudence, to iSum that the ficfl m<:n migiit gri;» eiidy, in England, all thofe were wiled of honour that is hereditary: it is below
. upon trees, as the ITary goes about hamadet j oi b.}'ons, that had fuch figniories as we a baron and above a knight ; and has
might be the lice of fomc vaft prodigious animals,
ivhofe fpccies now no.v call court barons : and it is fald,j the precedency of all other knights, ex-
is eicttn£l. Bcnttcy,
And fromthe moil rcfin'd of iainti that, after the Conqueft, all fuch came cept tlie knights of the garter. It was
As naturaiiy grow mifcreants, to the parliament, and fat as nobles in fird founded by king Jaiqes I. A, D.
A.bart^acUs turn Soian'.l gecfe the upper houfe. But when, by expe- 1611. Conveil. But it appears, by the
\i th' iHands of the Orcadea. TluJ'ihrai.
rience, it appeared that the parliament following paffage, that the term was ia
3. An
inftrument made commonly of irou was too much crowded with fuch multi- ufe before, though in another fenfe.
for the ufe of farriers, tohold a horfe by tudes, it became a cuftom, that none King Edward Ml. being bearded and eroffed by
the Tiofe, to hinder him from ftruggling the clergy, was advifed to direft out his writs to
Hiouid come but fuch as the king, for
when an incifion is made. Farr. D'Ui. their extraordinarywifdom or qu.ality,
certain gentlemen of the beft .ibilities, entitling

BARO'METER. n.f. [from /Ja^®-, weight, thought good to call by writ ; which
them therein barons in the next parliament By
which means he had fo many baront in his par'«
and ^sTjoe, meafure ] A machine fur
writ ran bac vice tantu/n. After that. lianKBt, as were able to weigh dowa- the clergy j
which biroiu vtn not afterwirds lords, but iara- tympanum, covered with a fine mem- To Barrica'de. t. a. [barricdder, Fr.]
ntti, u fuodry of them do yet rcuin the name. brane. />/-•/. To Hop up a pa(rage.
1 .

Now pavement founds with tiainpUn(

To Ba'r rel. f. a. [from the noun.] To
all tile

Ba'rony. n. f. [tamttnie, Fr. beopny, feet,

put any thing in a band for preferva- And the mi«thtirry barr'icadet the ftrect;
Sax.] That honour or lordfliip that gives
ticm. Entangled here, the waggon's Icngthcn'd team.
title to a baron. Such are not only the
I would have their bsef beforehand barretkJ, Cay.
fees of temporal barons, but of bilhops which may be ufed as is needed. Spinfer on Irtt. 2. To hinder by ftoppage.
alfo. Coiuell. Barret up earth, and low fomc feed in it, and A new vulcano continually difchargtng that
put it in the bottom of a pond. Bacon.
Ba'roscope. An matter, which being till then barricaded up and
n.f. [Ba.f&- andcrxexi'ii.]
BA'RREL-BELr.iED. ;z<j)'. [fiom barrel znd imprifoncd in the bowels of t}ie earth, was the
inHrument to(hew the weight of the at-
belly.] Having a large belly. occalloB of vei7 great and frequent calamities.
jnofphere. See Barometer. fVcod^vardm
Dauntlcfs at empty noifcs ; lofty-r.cck'd.
U there was always a cjim, the equilibrium
Sharp-headed, barrel-eclly'4, broadly b ick'ii. Dryd. Barrica'do. n.f. [iarricada, Spa.n.] A
could only be changed by the contents j wlierc th'-
winds are not variable, the alterations of the ia- B.^'RREN. aHj. [bape, S.ix. naked pro- ; fortification ; a bar ; any thing fixed to
riiJcGpe arc very fmall. Arbuthnnt. perly applied to trees or ground un- hinder entrance.
Ba'rraCan. fruitful.] The.iccefs was by a neck of land, between the
n.f. [boiiracan, or barracan,
fca on one part, and the harbour water, or inner
Fr.] A ftrong thick kind ot camelot. 1. Without the quality of producing its
fea, on the other; fortified clean ovcrwii^ a ftrong
Bti'rrack. n.f. [larracca. Span.] kind ; not prolifick applied to animals. :
rampier and barricade. Bacon*
Thiry hail'd him father to a line of kings.
1. Littlecabins inade by the Spani/h To Barrica'do. i». a. [from the noun.]
Upon my head they plac'd a fruitlcfs crown.
filhermen on the fea (hore ; or little And put a Ifjrren fccptrc in my griju". To fortify to flop up.
; to bar ;

lodges for foldiers in a camp. No fin of mine fucceeding. Sbaliefpeare. Faft we found, fall Ihut

2. It is generally taken among us for build- There Ih-ill not be male or female barren among The difmal gates, and barricado'd ftrong Milton, I

ynii, or among your cattle. Deuteronomy. He had not time to barricado the dgors ; fo that
ings to lodge foldiers.
Unfruitful tile enemy entered. Clarendon.
B.i'rrator. n. /. [from harat, old Fr. 2. ; not fertile ; fterile.
The truth of caufes we find fo obliterated, that
The lituation of this city is pleafant, but the
from which is (HU retained barateur, a naught, and the ground barren, a Kings,
It fecms almoft barricaded from any iatelleflual
water is
cheat.] A wrangler, and encourager of approach. Harvey.
- ' •

Tclcmachus is far from exalting the nature of

law-fuits. his country } he confcfiijs it to bebarrea. Pope. B a'r r I E R. n.f [barrkre, Fr. It i: fome-
Will it not refleft as much on thy charafler, Not copious; fcanty. times pronounced with the accent oa
Nic, to turn harraicr in thy old days, a ftirrer-up Some fchemes will appear barren of hints and the lall fyllable, but it is placed more
of quarrels amongil thy neighbours P matter, but prove to be fruitful. Siuifi. properly on the firft.]
Arbuihuii'i Hijiory of John Bull-
4. Unmeaning ; uninventive ; dull. 1 . A barricade ; an entrenchment.
Ba'rratry. n.f. [from ^arra/trr.] The There be ol them that will make themfelves Safe in the love of heav'n, an ocean flows
praftice or crime of a barrator ; foul laugh, to fct on fomc quantity of barren fpe&^tors Around our realm, a harrier from the foes. Pepe,
pradice in law. to laugh too. Sbakeffeare.
z. A fortification, or (Irong place, as on
'Tis arrant barratry, that bears Ba'rrenly. aJ'v. [from barren."} Un- the frontiers of a country.
Point blank an a^ion *agriinfl our taws. Hudibras. fruitfully. The queen is guarantee of the Dutch, having
Ba'rrel. //./. [^<jr;7, Welfli.] Ba'rrenness. n.f. [from barren."} poflcflion of the barrier, and the revenues thereof,

I. A round wooden veffel to be flopped 1. Want of offspring ; want of the power before a peace. S^'ift,

clofe. of procreation. 3. A(lop ; an obdrnftion.

I pray'd for children, and thought barrenneft
If you value yourfelf as a man of learning, you.
It hath been obfcrved by one of the ancients,
are building a mbrt impalTable barrier againil im-
that an empty barrel, knocked upon with »he In wedlock a reproach. Altltcn.
No more be mentioned then of violence provement. Watts,
finger, giveth a diapafon to the found t>( the like
barrel full. Bacon. Againll ourfelves ; and wilful barrcnnfsf 4. A bar to mark the limits of any place.
Trembling to approach That cuts n» off from hope. Milton. juits, and tourneys, and harriers, ihc glories
The little barrel, which he fears to broach. Dryd. 2. Unfruitful nefs; ftcrility ; infertility. of them are chiefly in the chariots, wherein the
challengersmakc their entries. Bacon.
a, A particular meafure in liquids. A Within the felf-fame himlct, lands have divers
Pris'ners t^ the pillar bound,
degrees of value, through the diverfity of their
harrel oi wine is thirty-one gallons and At either b.irrter plac'd ; nor, captives made.
fertility or harrennejs. Bacon.
a half; of ale, thirty-two gallons; of Want of invention want of the power Be f.ted, 01 artn'd anew. Dryden,
3. ;
beer, thirty-fix gallons ; and of beer-
of producing any thing new. 5. A boundary ; a limit.
vinegar, thirty-four gallons. But wave whate'er to Cadmus may belong.
The adventures of UlyClcs arc imitated In the
And fix, O mu/e, the barrier of thy fong
3. [In dry meafure.] A barrel of Eflex JP.ncU j th"*U(;h the accidents are not the fame,
At Oedipus. Pope's Statiui,
which would have argued him of a total barrennefs
butter one hundred and fix
contains How Inftin£l varies in the gros'cling Twine,
of nvcntion. Drydtn.
pounds ; of Sufl'olk butter two hundred Compared, half rcas*ni"g elephant with thine] !

4. Want of matter
fcantinefs. ; 'Twixt that and reafon what a nice barrier !
and fifty-fix. A barret of herrings The importunity of our advcrfaries hath con- For ever fep'rate, yet ftr ever near. Pope,
fhould corttain thirty-two gallons wine
meafure, holding ufually a thoufand her-
ftrained us longer to dwell than the barrenneft of
fo poor a caufc could have feemed either to require
Ba'rrister. a.f. [from^ar.] per (on A
qualified to plead caules, called an ad-
rings. or to admit. Ho'kir.
[In theology.] Aridity; want of emo- vocate or licentiate in other countries
Several colleges, inftead of limiting their rents 5.
to a certain fum, prevailed with their tenants to tion or fenUbility. and courts. Outer barrifiers are pleaders
pay tlic price of fo many harith of corn, as the The gratcfl f.iints fometimes arc fervent, and without the bar, to didinguiih them
market went. Swift fometimcs feci a barrennefs of devotion. Tayhr. from inner barrifiers ; fuch are the
4. Any thing hollow ; as, the barrel of a Ba'rren wort. n. f. [epimedium, Lat.] benchers, or thofe who have been read-
gun, that part which holds the (hot. The name of a plant. ers, the counfel of the king, queen, and
Take the barrel 01 a long gun pcrfe^.y boreJ. Ba'rr pui.. adjr. [from iar andy}*//.] Full princes, who are admitted to plead
fet it upright with the breech upon the groumi
and take a bul'et exaftiy fit for it 4 tlieii, if you
of obftru(flions. within the bar. counfel'or at law. A
A. birrful fiu(e\ Blount. Chambers,
fuck at the mouth of the barrel evir fo geiitiv, Whoe*er wio, mvfelf would be his wife. Sbak.
the bullet will come up fo ri.fCibly, that it w i. Ba'r ROW. n.f. [bepepe. Sax fuppofed by
Barrica'de. n.f. [barricade, Fr.]
hazard rhe ftriking out your teeth. Digb) Skinner to come from bear.} Any kind
A cylinder ; frequej tly that cylinder 1. A fortificatio;i, made in halle, of trees,
of carriage moved ^jy the hind ; as, a
earth, waggons, or any thing elfe, to
about which any thing is wound. iand-barroiv, a frame of boards, with
Your and b>w mult lie accommodated t" keep off an att^ick.
handles .it each end, carried between
your driU; if too weak, will not carry about 2. Any (lop ; bar ; obftruftion.
it t*'
two men ; a ivbeJ-barroiv, that which
barrel. M xon heiu muft be fucn a barricade, as would greatly

annoy, or ablolutc'y ftop, the currents of the at- one man puthcs forward by raifing it
6. Barrel of tht Ear, is a cavity behind tli
mofphcce. Derbam. upon one wheel.
; ; t

Have I lived to be carried in > bafkct, like a 2. Of mean fpirit ; difingenuons ;- illi- z\ The pedellal of a ftatue.
iarrwi of butcher's oiFai, and thrown into the Men of weak great place, are like
beral ungenerous ; low ; without dig-
abilities in
Thame. ? Siahjfeare. little fi.itues fct on great bajes, made the lefs by
No nity of fentiment : of perfons.
; ba^rtn'S^ wh''ei the r advnnceir.cMt. . Bacon,
Shall mark, thy ftockiii^ with a mirv trace. Gap S;nce the periectiona are fuch in the party 1
Wercury was patron of flocks, and the ancients
love, as the feelirg of them caitnct come unto any
Ba'rrow. » /. [bipj. Sax.] A hog: unnnble heart; Ihall heart, lilted up t(vfuc^
ram at the'irf/eof his images.
placed a Broome,
whence harro'ju greafe, or hog's lard. a height, be counted bsfe f Sidrc-y. 3. ']"hat part of any ornament which hangs
Barrow, whether in the beginning or It is bate in his adverfaries thus to dwell upon
down, aii houfings.
end of names of pieces, fignifies a the e^celTcs r,f a paffivtn. yjtierlur-j. Phalaftus was all in white, having his bafes and

grove ; from beaj'.pe, which the Saxcns 3. Of low of mean acct^nut ; with-
llition ;
cap I'ifon embroidered. Sidney,

uled in the fame fenle. Git en. out dignity of rank ; without hnnou-. 4. The broad part of any body; as, the
Barrow is likewiie ufed in Cornwall for If the l.vids aud chief -u dr^enciuce, what m bottom of a cone.
Ihall be hoped of the pealantd ai.a iafrr p.-oile ?
5. Stockingsi or perhaps the armour for
a hillock, under which, in old times, Sp^rjer on Ireland.
bodies have been buried. the legs, [from bat, Fr.]
If rehel inn
Nor ihall it cer be faid that wight.
To BA'RTER. 'u. n. [iara/ter, Fr. to trick Capie, like itfelf, in ktfc .tnd abj-ft routs.
With gauntlet blue and baft white.
in traffick ; from harat, craft, fraud.] You, reverend father, and thefe noble lords,
And round blunt truncheon by his fide,
Had not been here. Hh^ikefpeare.
To trafhck by exchanging one commo- It Could noteife be, I ihould prove fo baft
£0 great a man at arms defy'd. Hudifrau
dity for another, in oppolition to pur- To fue and be denied fuch common grace, Rtak. 6. The place from which racers or tilters
chafmg with money. And 1 will yet be more vile tlian this, and sviK run ; the bottom of the field ; the car-
As it they fcorn'd to trade and barter, be bafe in mine o".vn fight. 1 eer, the ftarting-poll.
By giving or by taking quirter. Hudibrai. Infurreftions of baje people arc commonly mce He laid; to their ;ip,;ointcd bale they went;
A has not every thing growing upon his -
furious in their beginnings. Bacon. With beating heart th' expcfting lign receive.
ibil, and theicfore is wUling tu barter with his He, whofe mind And, Itarting all at once, the b.irricr leave. Dryd,
neighbour. Is virtuous, is alone of noble kind
Cdlier ;
7. The firing that gives a bafe found.
7q Ba'rter. -v. a. Though poor in fortune, of celeftial race At thy well Iharpen d thumb, from Ihore to rtiore,
To give any thing in exchange And he commits the crime who calls him bafe. The trebles IVjueak for fear, the bafts roar. Dryden,
1. for
fomething elfe. 8. An old ruftick play, written by Skinner
4. Bafe-born born out of wedlock, and by
For him was I exchang'd and ranfom'd bays, and in fome counties called fri/on
But with a bafer man of arms by far confequence of no honourable birth ; il-
Once, in contempt, they would have barttrj mc legitimate.
He with two ftriplings (lads more like to run
Shahf[>iarc. Why baHard ? whjrefore baft ?
The country bafe, than to commit fuch flaughter)
Then as thou wilt difpofe the reft, When my dimenfions are as well Compact
Made good the pall'age. Sbakeffeare,
To thoie who, at the market rate. As honcli madam's ifTue. Skaiefpeare
Can barter hon vtr roreftate. Prhr. This young lord Inll hij life with his father ii
To Base. -v. a. [bajter, Fr.] To embafe ;

I fee Tiotning left us, but to truck and ba te> tiie field, and withCamden i Rem. thc.-n a bafe fon. to make
valuable by admixture of
our goods, like the wild Indians, with each ctlie .
5. Applied to metals, without value. It meaner metals.
Sit ift. am doubtful whether men have fufficiently
is uled in thif fenfe of all metal except I
2. Sometimes ufed with the panicle
it is refined metals, which we cann<it baf : as, whether
gold and filver.
a'way before the thing given. iron, brafs, and be letined to the height. Bacon^
A guinea is, if it has nothing but go!i

If [hey will barter aiuny tncir time, metUlnks in it, witliou: any alloy or haftr me*.al. Waii Ba'sely. eidv. [from ba/e.]
.they fliould at leail have tome eafe in exchange.
Applied to founds In a bafe manner meanly difhonour- ^
'6. ; deep, grave. It I. ; ;
Dicaj if Pielj
He atoay plums, that would havi-
alfo bartered
is more frequently written hajs, though ably.
rotted in a week, for nuts tliat would lall good fur the comparative bajer feems to require 'i he king is not himfelf, but bafiy led
his eating a whole year. Luh. By flatterers. Sbakeffeare,
In pipes, the lower- the note holes be, and the
A lieutenant bafely give up, as foon as Elfex
Ba'rter. n.f. [from the verb.] The aft in his pallage demanded it.- Clarendon,
further from tlie mouth of th»pipe, the more hat,
Or praftice of trafficking by exchange of With broken vowT his fame he will not {lain,
f 'urd they yield. Bac'jn
commodities fomctimes the thing given '
With conci-iert bafely boujlit, and wiih inglorious
Base-born. aeij. Bom out of wedlock. gain. Dryden,-
in exchange. But fpc thy baje-icrn child, thy babe of /hair.e.
From EnjIanJ they may be furniflied with foch t. In ballardy.
Who, left by thee, upon our parilh came. Cay.
thingsas the may want, and, in exchange or Thcli: two Mitylenc brethren, bafely horn, crept
Base-coort. n.J. [bai cour, Fr.] Lower out of a fmall galliot unto the niajefty of great
karttr, fend other tbioga with which they may
abound. court ; not the chief cojrt that leads to kings. Knellet.
He who corrupteth Englifli with foreign words, the houfe ; the back-yard ; the farm- Ba'seness. n.f. [(xom ba/e.]
a as wife as ladies that change plate for chin*-; yard. 1. Meannefs ; vilencfs ; badnefi.
for which the laudable traffick of old clothes ii My lord, in the lafe-cmrt he d.'.b attend. Such is the power of that fwect pallion,
much the fairell barter. Fdtar. To fpeak with yoii. Shakfffeare. That it all fordid bajcnefs doth expel. Spenfer,
Ba'rt e [from barter.'] He that
r e r. «./. Base-mindeo. adj. Mean - fpirited ; Your foul's above of diftruft:th& bafenrft
trafficks by excharge of commodities. worthlefs. Nothing but love coulj make you founjull. Dryd,
Ba'rtery, It./, [from barter.'] Exchange I; figiiifieth, as it feemeth, no more than ab- When a man's folly muft be fpread open bctbre
jeft, hafe-mindcd, falfe-hcjrled, coward, or nidget the aiigcls, aud all his bafcnefs ript up before thofe
of commodities.
CamLrCs Rctt:u!':s. pure fpirits, this will be a-double hell. South,
It is a received opinijn, that, in moll ancient
Base-viol. 2. Vile nefs of metal.
ages, there was only harttry or exchange of corn- «. / [ufually written la/s-
modi lies amongil moft nations. Camden' t Remains. 'viol.] An inftrument which is ufed in
a.legcd the fraudulent obtaining hjs"patent,.
the bafencfs.oi his metal,, and the prodigious fun)
Ba'rt RAM. «./. A plant; the fame with concerts for the bafe found.
to be coined. Swift
fellitory. At the fi ft jrin he call every human feature out
of his countenance } 3. Baftardy ; illegitimacy of birth.
at the lecond, he became the
Ba'rton. n.f. The demefne lands of a head of a bafe -vioi, Why brand they us
manour ; the manonr-houfe itfelf ; and Base. it.j. [bat, Fr. I'a/f.Lit.]
With bafe? with bajenefs' baftardy ? Shakeffeart,.
foraetimcs the out-houfes. Blount. The bottom 4. Deepnefs of found.
I. of any thing : commonly
BASE. atlj. [has, Fr. be£h, Ital. baxo. ufed for the lower part of a building,
l"l-.e- juft and meafured proportion of the air
peiculTed toward the bafinfi or trcblenefs of tones,
Span, haffui, low Latin ; /3ao-i?.] or column. is one of the grcatell fccrets in the contemplation
I. Mean ; vile ; worthlefs of things. :
What if it tempt thee tow'rd the flood, my lord .'
of founds. Bacon,
The harveft white plumb is a bafe plumb, and Or to the dreadful fummit of the cliff.
the white da;e plumb are no very good pluml>s. That beetles o'er his bafe into the fo«
To BASH.v.n. [probably from i/7/f.] To
Sbahfji. .'

Bart.n. Firm Dorick pillars f'und your folid bafe;

be a/hamed ; to be confounded with)
Pyreinis was only famous for- counterfeiting The fair Corinthian cr'wiis the higher fpace. Dryd. Ihame;
all baje things, as earthen pitchers, a fculleiy And all below is ftrength, and all abort is grace.
j His counten.ince was bold, and bafhed not
whereupon he was furDamcd RupographusJ* Columns ofpoliHi'd marble, firmly fct For Guyon's looks, but fcorni'ul eye glance at him
£ta(bam. On (oldco ta/ei, arc his ie^t aad feet. JPritr. Aoi Sfenfer,.
! ; . ;

were In altar wife a flattly pile they retr
BashaV. [fometiiries written bajfa.'\ leries over them. Thefe bafilicks
n.f. The bafii broad below, and top advanc'd in air .
made palaces of princes,
A title of honour and command among firft for the Drydnu
die Turks ; the viceroy of a province ; and afterwards converted into courts of t. The loweft of the three principal parti
the general of an army. juflice, and laftly into churches ; whence of a column, wliich are the bafii, Jkaft,
The Turka made an expedition into Perfia a bafilick is generally taken for a mag- and capital.
«nd> becaufe of the ftraits ol" the mountains, the nificent church, as the hafuick of St. Obferving an Englifli Jnfcription upon the hajti,
bapunu confolted which way they fljould get in. Add'ijor,
Peter at Rome. we read it over feveral times.
Basi'licon. n.f. [3•«'^^^xtr•] An oint- 3. That on which any thing is raifed.
Ba'shful. [This word, with all
adj. Such feems thy gentle height, made only proul
of uncertain ment, called alfo tetrapharmacon.
ihofc of the fame race, are To be the baf.i of that pompous load.
etymology. Skinner imagines them de- Than which a nobler weight no mounuin bears.
I made incifion into the cavity, and put a Penham*
rived from baft, or mean ; Minjhcw, pledget of lajilkcn over it. IVijman.
from 'virbae/en, Dut. to ftrike with alto- Ba'silisk. n.f [bafilifcus, Lat. of ^am- if. The pedeftal.
How many times {hall Cjefar bleed in fport^
nifhment j Junius, from gx<Ti;, which Xis-n©-, of ^»o-tXeu{, a king.] That now on Pompey's bafii lies along
he finds in Hefychius to fignify Jhame. A kind of ferpent, called alfo a cocka- No worthier than the duft ? Shaieffeare.

The conjefture of Minjhmi fcems moft trice, which is faid to drive away all 5. The ground-work or firft principle of
probable.] others by his hifling, and to kill by any thing.
r. Mo3ell; fhamefaced. Build me thy fortune upon the bafii of valour.
I never tempted her with word too large ;
Make jne not fighted like the bajtli/k ;
But, as a brotlicr to his fiftcr, (hnv'd I've look'd on thoufands who have fped the better
I The of the world are oft

Bajhfiil fince.i'r.y, nnd comely love. Shait/fearc, Confederacies in vice, or lesgucs of pleafure ;
Ey my regard, but kill'd none fo. Sbakcjfeare. :

Ours has fevered virtue for its bafis. Add'ijm.

z. Slieepifh ; vitiouHy modeft. The bojUiJk was a ferpent not above three palms
He looked with an almoft to/b/til kiiti of mo- long, and differenced from other ferpeiits by ad- To Bask. \bachren, Dut. Skinner. '\
o-. a.
Jefty, as if lie feared the eyes ot rtian. SiJtitj. vancing his head, and fome white marks or coro- To warm in the heat:
by laying out
Hence, iajhfil cunning nary fpots upon the crown. Brnvi's yulg.Err.
ufed almoft always of animals.
And prompt me, plain and holy inrlccencc. Shah , A fpecies of cannon or ordnance. And ftretch'd out all the chimney's length,
Our author, anxious for his fame to-nighc, We praftifc to make iVifter motions than any Ba(k% at the fire his iiairy ftrength. M'Jtin.
And tajh/ul in his lirlt attempt to write, you have, and to make them (Ironger and more He -was bajking himfelf in the gleam of the fun.
Lico cautiou/ly obfcute. ^ddifon. violent than yours are ; exceeding your greateft VEJIrange,
Ba'shfolly. adij. [from bajb/u!.] Ti- cannons and hifilifis. £a:im. 'Tls all thy buCncfs, bufinefs hew to fliun,
moroufly; raodeftly. Ba'si N. n.f. [bajin, Fr. bacile, bacino, Ital. To bafi. thy naked body in the fun.
Ba'shfulness. »./. [from bafiful.'] It is often written bafon, but not accord- To Bask. v. ». To lie in the warmth.
ing to etymology.] About him, and above, and round the wood.
1 . Modelly, as ftiewn in outward appear-
The birds that haunt the borders of his flood.
ance. 1 A fraall veffel to hold water for walhing, That bath'd within, or bafi' d upon his fide.
I'hiloclea a little mufed how to cut the thread or other ufes. To tuneful fongs their narrow throats apply'd.
even, with eyes, cheeks, and lips, whereof each Let one attend him with a filver bafin. DryJn.
fang their part, to make up the harmony of bajh- Full of rofe-water, and beftrew'd with flowers. t^nlock'd in covers, let her freely run
fuhiji. Sidnr/. Sbaktffciire.
To range thyc')urts,ar.d btjfi before thefim. 7kki!.'.
Such looks, fuch Itjhfutrejs, might well adorn Wo have fjr infufions, where the
little vrclls Some in the fields of purcft aether-piay,
The cheelcs of youths that are more nobly b:>rn. waters take the virtue quicker, and. better, than in And iajt and whiten in the blare of d^y. Pi/rtm
Dryden. vctlcis and ta^»s. Bacon.
Ba'sket. n.f. [bafged, V/elfh ; bafcauda,
Z. Vitious or ruftick Ihame. We behold a piece of filver in a baJin, when
water Is put upon it, which we could not difcovcr
Lat. Barbara depiSlis \veait bafcauda
For fear had bequeathed his room to his kiaf-
'Hiin'teflfulnefi, to teach him good manners. before, as under the verge thereof. Brilannis. Martial.] veffel made of A
Sidniy, Breton s Vulgar £rreuri, twigs, raihes, or fplinters, or fome other
There are others who have not altogether fo 2. A fmall pon^ (lender bodies interwoven.
much of this foolifli t^Jh/uhef!, and whoaflc every On one fi Jc of t'le walk you fee this hollow bujin, Here is a bajktt; he may creep in, and throw foul
one's opinion. Drydcn. with iis fcvcr.i! littje plantations lying conveniently Slahif.
linen upon him, as if g)ii:g to bucTcirig.

Ba'sil. n.f. [ocymum, Lat] The name of under the eye <.f t'.ie beholder. SfcSiitir. Thus while I fung, my forrows I'decciv'd,
a plant. 3. A part of the fea inclofed in rocks, And bending ofiers into t/rjicis weavM. Drydcn.
with a narrow entrance. Poor Peg was forced to go hawking and ped-
Ba'si L. n.f. Tlie angle to which the edge
dling ; now and then carrying a bajket of fifli^to
. of a joiner's tool is ground away. See The jutting land two ample bays divides ;
the market.
The fpacioiis bijins arching rocks inclofe,
To Basil. «. / [from bafict and
A fure defence from cv'ry ilorm that blows. Pt,bt. Ba'sket-hilt.
Ba'sil. «./ The ikin tanned.
of a flieep
Any hollow place capacious of liquids. Aof a weapon fo made as to
4. hilt.']
This is, 1 believe, more properly wnx.- Jf this rotation does the leas aRtiS, contain the whole hand, and defend it
'Xgn ba/eii. The rapid motion rather would ejeft from being wounded.
To Ba'si l. v. a. To grind the edge of a The ftotes, the Ihw cap'acioiis csves corttain.
His puili'aiit fword unto bis fide.
to6l to an angle.
And from its ample^a/ji call tlie main. _S/di*«orc
Near his undaunted heart, was ty'd :

Thefe chiU'eli. arc not ground to fuch a hajil as 5. A dock for repairing and building (hips. With hajkti-hih, that would hold brotli.
the joiners chiftels, on one of the fides, but are 6. In anatomy, a round cavity fituated be- And feive for fight and diniier both. Uud'.hras.
lafUid away on both the flat fides fo that the ;
tween the anterior ventricles of the brain. Their beef they often in their murrions ftew'd.
edge lies between both the fides in the middle of And in their bafict-h'ilts their bcv'ragc Irew'd. King,
7. A concave piece of metal, by
the too!. flfoxon.
glafs-grinders form their convex glafTes. Ba'sket-wom AN. n.f. from and bnjkct
Basi'lica. »./. [^as-iXiKiS.] The middle u?o»;««.] A woman that plies markets at
8. A round ilicU or cafe of iron pLiced
vein of the arm, fo called by '.yay of with a bafket, ready to carry home any
over a furnace, in which hatters mould
pre-eminence. It is likewil'e attributed thing that bought.
the matter of a hat into form. is
to many medicines for the fame reafon. [fuppofl-d by jiniiit to be
^incy. 9. Bafns of a Balance, the fame with Bass. «. y".

the fcalos ; one to hold the weight, the derived, like bnjict, from Pome Britifli
Basi'lical. 7 A^'. [from bafilica. See
word Tignifying a t^ijb i but perh.ips
other the thing to be weighed.
Basi'lick. J Basilica.] Belonging to more properly written bofs, from the
Ba'sis. n.f. [>:njis, Lat.]
the baJiHck vein. '^ a French i5o^-.] A
mat ufed in churches.
'flu:r8«neurifins, following always I. The foundation of any thing, as
upon bleeding
„ Having woollen yarn, ifi/s mac, or fuch like,
the bajitick vein, mull be aneurifms of the humeral column or a building. Morlm/rs Hujhtindry.
to bind them withal.
artery. Sharp. It m jft follow, that I'aradif-, being ralfed to
this height, muft have the compafs of the whole To Bass. v. a. To found in a deep tone.
Basi'lick. »./ \Jia/tlique, ¥t. ^xaiXixr,."]
earth for a iafn and foundation. Raleigh. The thunder,
large hall, having two ranges of pil- Afcend my chariot, guide the rapid wheels Tl^deep and dreadful organ-pipe, pionounc;d
lars, and two illes or wings, with gal- That fli.ikc heav'n'6 bS^i. Mihm. Tlwname of Profpcr it did ia/i my trefpafs, Sbai,

. :; ]

Bass. aJj. [See Base.] In muilck, grave; I lliould have been what I am, .had the maiden- and others. probably
It fignified a
licft ftar in the firmament twinkled on my bttf-
weapon by its weight,
that did executirn
Bass relief. »./ [from i^s, and relief, in oppofition to a fharp edge ; whence
Ba'stardlv. ad-v. [from bajlard.'] In the
raifed work, Fr.] Sculpture, the figures
manner of a baftard
fpurioufly. ;
tvhirlbat and brickbat.} A heavy ftick
of wnich do not iland out from the Good feed degenerates, and oft obeys or club. '^

groand in their full proportion. Ftlihien The foil's difeafe, and into cockle (Irays ; A handfome he held.
dilHnguifties three kinds of bafs-relief 'Let the mind's thoughts but be tranfplanted fo On which he leaned, as one far in eld. Sjxrfer.
Into the body, and bajiardly they grow. Disnnc. They were fried in arm chairs, and their bones
in the firil, the figures appear
Ba'stardy. broken with bats.
almoft w-ith the full relief; in the fe- n.f. {iTambafiard.] An un- }lahcici!l.

cond, they ftand out no more than one lawful ftate of birth, which dilables the Bat. n.f. the etymology un-

baftard, botJi according to the laws of known.] An animal having the body of
half; and in the third much lefs, as in
God and man, from fucceeding to an a moufe and the wings of a bird ; not
inheritance. with feathers, but with a fort of Ikin
Bass-viol. See Ease Viol. -^'^i^-
^ - On the fwe«p of the arch lies one of d'C Once flie flandered me with hnficrjy j
which is extended. It lays no eggs, but
Mufej, playing on a t.ifs-viol, Jirydcn, But whether 1 be true begot, or no. brings forth its young ilive, andfuckles
Ba'ssa. Scc.Bashaw.
That ftiU I lay upon my mother's head. Skah-fp.
them. It never growi. tsme, feeds upon
In refpeil cf the evil conlequents, the wife's
Ba'sset. n. /. [baffet. Fr.] A game at adultery is worfe, as bringing tajlardy into a fa-
flies, infefls, and fatty fubftances, fuch
cards, invented ^t Venice. mily. Taylor. as candles, oil, and checi'e ; and appears
Gamefters would no more blafpheme; and lady No more of hajlarjy in heirs of crowns. I'ofe. only in the fummer evenings, when the
Dabchcek's beffd bank would be broke. Dtmis. To Baste, -v. a. participle paiT. bajied, or weather is fine. Calmet.
BJSSO RELIEyO. [Ital.] See Bass- bafien. \_bajtfinner , Fr. Batata, in the When owls do cry,
relief. Armorick dialeft, fignifies to ftrike with On the bat'% back I do fly. Sbaiej!>:art,
Basso' K". \n./. \baJfon, Fr.] A mufical But then grew reafon dark that fair liar no
a ilick ; from which perhaps bajion, a j

iPASSo'oN. J inftrumentof the wind kind, ftick, and all its derivatives, or collate- Could the fair forms of good and truth difeern
blown with a reed, and furniihed with rals, may be deduced.] Ban they became who eagles were before ;
eleven holes, which are flopped like 1. To beat with a ftick. And this they got by their delire to learn. Dames,
other large flutes ; its diameter at bot- Quoth (he, I grant it is in vain Some animals are placed in the middle betwixt
For one that 's iajlcd to feel pain ; two kinds, as bats, which have foraethiiig of birda
tom nine inches, and it ferves for the
and beafts.
Becaufe the pangs his bones endure Licke.
bafs ill concerts of hautboys, l^c. Where fwallows in the winter feafon keep.
Contribute nothing to the cure. Hudibras.
7're'voux. Bajhngi heavy, dry, obtufe, And how the drowfy bat and dormoufc flcep. Gay,
Ba'ssock. »./. The fame with ^fl/>. Only dulnefs can produce ; Bat-Fowlino. n.f. [from ^a/ and/o-W.
BA'STARD. While a little gentle jerking
». /. [baJlartU. Welfh, of
Sets the fpirits all a-working. Svi'ift.
A particular manner of bird-catching
low birth ; bajlarde, Fr.] the night-time, while they are at rooft
Bajlard, according to the civil and
2. To drip butter, 01' any thing elfe, upon
1 .
meat as it turns upon the fpit. upon perches, trees, or hedges. They
canon law, is a perlbn born of a woman Sir, 1 think the meat wants what I have, a light torches or ftraw, and then beat the
out of wedlock, or not married fo that, ;
bafi'wg. SbahJ'feun. bulhes ; upon which the birds, flying to
according to order of law, his father is 3. To moiftcn meat on the fpit by falling the flames, are caught either with nets,
not known. '^yl'ffc. upon it. or otherwile.
Him to the Lydian king Lycimnia bare, The fat of roafted mutton falling on the birds, You would lift the moon out of her fphere, if
AntJ fcnt her boaf^d bayard ro the war. Dryt^en, will fcrve to baftc them, and fo fare time and flie would continue in it five weeks without chang-
2. Any thing fpurious or falfe. butt-r. Svjifr, ing.— We ihould fo, and then go a bat-f(i-.ulin^.
Words 4. To few nightly, [ba^er, Fr. to Hitch.] Sbakefpetjr;,
But rooted in your tongue ; kaftdrJs and fyllablcs Bodies lighted at night by fire, muft fiave a
Of no
Bastina'de.) r ri a J c T
Bastina'do.!"-^ [i¥"»"^>Fr.]
allowance to your buftm's truth. Staktjf. brighter luftre than by day j as facking of citie?,

3. A kind of fweet wine. bal-fnu/hg. Pracham,

Score a pint oi bafijrd.^ 1. The aft of beating with a cudgel the ; Ba'table. adj. [froip bate.l Difputable.
Then ycui brown ^tf/?«ri/ is your only drink. Sbak. blow given with a cudgel. Baiable ground leems to be the ground hereto-
But this courtefy was worfc than a bafi]r.ado to fore in qucftion, whether it belonged to England
Ba'stard. adj. [from the noun.]
Zelmanc ; fo with rageful eyes (he bade him de- or Scotland, lying between both kingdoms. Ciwc//.
1 . Begotten out of wedlock ; illegitimate. fend himfelf.
Peace is a very apoplexy, le:hargy, iiifenfible, a
Sidney. Batch, n.f. [from hake.']
And all thofc harfli and rugged founds
more hajiard children than war *9 a dc-
getter uf 1. The quantity of bread baked at a time.
Of bafr.nadoSy cuts, and wounds. Hudibrat.
ftroyer of men. Xbakrf-iarc. The joiner puts the boards into ovons after the
2. It is foraeiimes taken for a Turkifti
2. Spurious ; not genuine ; fuppofuitious batch is drawn, or lays them in a w.irm ftabli-.
punilhment, of beating an pflender on Mortimer
falfe ; adulterate. In this fenfe, any s Hufi^andry,

thing which bears fome relation or re-

the foles of his feet. 2. Any quantity of any thing made at
To Basti n a'de. 1 -v. a. [from the noun once, fo as to have the fame qualities.
femblance to another, is called fpurious ;

Tc Bastina'do. 3 hajionner, Fr.] To lixccpt he were cf the fa.-nc meal .md latch,
or baflard.
beat ; to treat with the bajlinado. Ben Jcrjotj,
You may partly hope that y-^ur father got you
not, that you are not the Jew's daughter. That
Nick feized the longer end of the cudgel,, and Ba'tchblor. See Bachelor.
with it began to bjft'mado old Lewis, who had Bate, n.f. [perhaps contrafted from de~
were a kind of hajiard hope indeed. Hbakrjptart,
Men who, un-jlT flunk into a corner, waiting the event of a fquabble.
live dif^uife of publick jjood, bate.] Strife ; contention ; ab, a maie
purlue their own defigns of power, and luch taj}jrd yirbutbnot.
honours as attend them. ItmJ'U.
Ba'stion, n.f. Fr.] A huge
To Bats, -v. a. [contrasted from abate.]
Ba'stard Cednr Tree. {caWsii guaxuma mafj of earth, ufually faced with fods,
fometimes with brick, rarely with ftonc, I . To leiTen any thing ; to retrench.
in the Weft Indies.] Shall 1 bend lyw, and in a bondman's key,
I'o Ba'stmid. -v. n. [from the noun.] To
ftanding out from a rampart, of which V/ith bated breath, and whifp'iing hunibleiiofs.
it is a principal part, and was anciently Say this Shakcjp. Merchant of p'tnice,
conviiS of being a baftard j to ttigma- i"

called a bulwark. Harris, tjor, envious at the fight, will 1 forbtar

tize ballarUy.
Slie lived to Icr her brother beheaded, and her
Toward ; but bow ay ther.' 's the queftinn
My plenteous bowl, nor halt my plenteous cheer.
Fierce the ad'ault, unarm'd the bajikn. Prior. Deydcn*
two fios depjfed from the crown, kaHardtd in
Bat. ?. To fink the price,
their blood, and cruelly murdered. Bafa^u n.f. [bar. Sax. This word feems jo
Whf n the landholder's rent falls, he muft ritliet
To Ba'staroize. f. a. [fron bafiard.'i have given rife to a great number of bate the labourer's wages, or not employ, or not
1 To convidt of being a baflard, words in many languages ; as, battrc, pay him. Locke.
2. To beget a baftard. Fr. to beat ; baton, batilf, beat, batty. 3. To leflen a demand.
Vol. 1. X Sate


Salt me feme, and I will pay you fome, and, as 4. A fort of Hebrew meafure, containing A fiery region,' ftretch'd

dcbcon do, promife you iufinitcly. In bailaVous afpeft, aod nearer view
jDoft the tenth part of an homer, or ftven
Briftlcd with upright beams innumerable
Sbakfff, Htnrj IV.
gallons and four pints, as a meafure for Of rigid fpears and helmets throng'd. Millut,
4^ To cut off; to take away-
things liquid ; and three pecks and
Batt but ciie lift, and 'lis what I would fay. Batta'lia. n.f. [battaglia, lli[.]
Dryden'i Sptmjb Friar. three pints as a meafure for things dry. 1. The order of battle.
To Bate. v. n. Calmrt. Next morning the king put his army 'lato lat-
acres of vineyard (hall yield one haii, and
1 . To grow lefs.
lalia. Clarendon,
the feed of an homer (hall yield an ephah>
Baidolph, am not I fallen away vilely fince thit
IJaicb, T. 10.
2. The m?.in body of an army in array,
laft election not iatet do I not dwindle '
? Do I diilinguifhed from the wings.
Why my (kin hangs about me like an old lady's To Bathe, v. a. [banian, Saxon.]
loofc guwn. Sbahrfptari I Henry IV. 1. Towafh, as in a bath. Batta'i-ion. n./. [batailloK, Fr.]

2. To remit : with e^ before the thing. Others on filvcr lakes and rivers balh'J 1. A divifion of an army; a troop; a
Abate thy fpeed, and I will halt of mine. DryH. Their downy bread. Milton t ParatKk Lojl. body of forces. now confined to
It is
Chancing to bathe himfelf in the tivcr Cydnui, the infantry, and the number is uncer-
Bate feems to have been once tTie pre- through the exceirive coldiiefa of thefe waters, he
terite of bite, as Shakefpcare ufes biting South, tain, but generally from five to eight
fell (i:k, near unto death, for three days.

faulcbion ; anleft, in the following lines, 2. To fupple or foften by the outward ap- hundred men. Some regiments confift
it may rather be deduced from beat. plication of warm liquors. of one battalion, and others are divided
Vet there the fteel (laid not, but inly hale Bathe them, and keep their bodies foluble the into two, three, or more.
Deep in his fle(h, and open'd wide a red flood gate. while by clyders and lenitive bolufes. Whtn forrows come, they come not lingle fpies.
S^tnftr. H^iJ'eman^s Surgery. Bur in battalions, Sbakefpeare^s Hamlet*
Ba't BFU L. <KJr. [from bate and/«//.] Con- I'll baibe your wounds in tears tor my oft'ence. In thh batta/ion there were two o(]icers, called
Drydeit. Thcrfites and Pandarus. Taller^
To wafh any thing. 1 he pierc'd battailous difunited fall
He knew her haunt, and haunted in the fame, 3.
Phoenician Dido (lood, In heaps on heaps : one fate o'eI^^helms them all.
And taught his (lieep her (heep in food to thwart
Frefh from her wound, her bofom baih'd in blood. Pofie4
Which foon as it did hattful queftion frame,
He might on knees confefs his guil.y part. SiJniy. Dryden, 2. An army. This fenfe is not now in uie.
Mars could in mutual blood the centaurs bathe. .Six or leven rhoufand is their utmoll power.
Ba'tement. n./. [from abatement.] Di-
—Why, our battalion trebles that account.
And Jove himfelf give way to Cinthia's wrath. Shakt
minution : a term only ufed among ar- Dryden. ToBa'tten. "v, a, [a word of doubtful
To Bathe, f. a. To be in the water, or etymology.]
To, abate, is to wa(te a piece of ftuflT; inftead
in any refemblance of a bath. To fatten, or make fat to feed plen-
of afking how much was cut off, carpenters a(k I . ;
Except they meant to bathe in reeking wounds,
what batcment that piece of iVufFhad. teoufly.
I cannot tell. Sbaktfpeare^s Macbeth.
Moxon't Mtchan'ual Extrcifes.
The delighted fpirit
We drove afield,

Bath. it./, [ba?, Saxon.] Batt'ning our flocks with the frefh dews of night.
To batbe in (icry f!oods, or to relide
I. A bath is either hot or cold, either of In thrilling regions of thick-ribbed ice. Sbakeff.
z. To fertilize.
art or nature. Artificial baths have Tiie gallants dancing by the river (ide.
They ijrte in fummer, and in winter Aide, lyaller. The meadows hen*, with ^tftr'mr^ oote enricb'd.
been in great efteem with the ancients, Give fpirit to the grafs ; three cubits high
But ba:bc, and, in imperial robes array'd.
efpecially in complaints to be relieved Pay due devotions. Pu/e'j Odyjpy. The jointed herbage ihoots. Philifs.
by revulfion, as inveterate headaches, Ba'tinc, ot A^a'ti kg. frep. [^(rom bate, To Ba'tten. 'V. n. To grow fat ; to live
by opening the pores of the feet, and in indulgence.
or abate. This word, though a parti-
alfo in cutaneous cafes. But the mo- Follow your fun^ion, go and batten on cold bits.
ciple in itfelf, feems often ufed as a
dern prafticc has greateft recourfe to Shakejpearem
prepofition.] Except. Burnilh'd and battening on their food, to Ih-iw
the natural baths; moil of which abound The king, your brother, could not choofe an The diligence of careful herds below. Dryden,
with a mineral fulphur, as appears from advocate. The lazy glutton I'afe at home v.'iil keep.
their turning filver and copper blackifh. Whom I would (boner hear on any fubjc£t.
Indulge his (loth, and batten on his deep. Dryden,
Bating that only one, his love, than you. Rc-jve.
The cold baths are the moll convenient As at full length the pampered monarch lay,
1( we confiJer children, we have little reafon to Battening in eafe, and numbering life away. Gattb,
fprings, or refervatories, of cold water
think that they bring many iieas with them. Tway mice, full blythe and amicable.
to wafh in, which the ancients had in bating, perhaps, fome faint idsas of hunger and Batten belide erle Robert's X.Mt, Prior,
great efteem ; and the prcfent age can thirlh Locke. While paddling ducks the iHnding lake delire^
produce abundance of noble cures per- Ba' «. / [from bat.] A fquare Or bati'ning bogs roll in tl>e (inking mire.
formed by them. ^incy. Gays Pajlorah,
piece of wood, with a handle, ufed in
Why may not the cold hath, into whicn thej beating linen when tiken out of the
Ba'tten. n. /. A word ufed only by
plunged themfelves, have had fome (hare in thcii

cure ? Aild'iJ'jn'i Spcciator.
I remember the kilTmg of her be)let, and the
A b.ittin is
a fcantling of wood, two, three, or

a. A ftate in which great outward heat is

cow"s dugs thit her pretty chopc hands had
foM inches broad, feldom above one thick, aud the
length unlimited.
applied to the body, for the mitigation milked. Sbakrffiare.
of pain, or any other purpofe. Bato'on. n.f. [bafion, ot batOB, Ft. for-
To BA'TTER. -v. a. [hattre, to beat, Fr.]
In the height of this bath, when I was more merly fpelt bajlon.] 1 . To beat to beat down
; ; to fhatter :

than half (lewed in grcafe like a Dutch dilh, to be frequently ufed of walls thrown down by
thrown into the Thames
1 . A or club.
artillery, or of the violence of engines

Sbaie/f. Merry Wives of Ifixilfor. We came clofe to the (hore, and offered to land ;

but (Iraightways we faw divers of the people witli of war.
The birth of each day's lili:, fore labour's batb,
bojiins in their hand>, as it were, forbidding us to To appoint battering rams againil the gates, to

Balm of hurt minds. Sbahfpeare''i Macbeth.

land. Bacon s New Ataiatitii. cad a nrount] and to build a fort. Exckiel,
That does not make a man the worfe. Thefe haughty words of hers
3. In chymiftry, it generally fignifies a Although bis (houldcrs with batoem Have battered me like roaring cannon fTjot,
veffel of water, in which another is Be ciaw'd and cudgell'd to fome tunc. Hudibtau And made me almoll yield upon my kuees. Sbak,
placed that requires a fofter heat than 2. A
truncheon or marfhal's ibfF; a badge Britannia there, the fort in vain
Had batter''d been with g ilden rain:
the naked fire. Balneum Maria is a of military honour. Thunder itfelf had faiPd to pafs. IValler.
miftake for balneum maris, a fea or water Ba'ttailous. aiij. [from battaille, Fr.] Be then the naval (lores the nation's care,
bath. A fand heat is fometimes called Having the appearance of a battle ; New (hips to build, and balter'd to repair. Drydtn,
balneum Jiccum, or dnereum. ^incy. warlike ; with a military appearance. 2. To wear with beating.
We that the water of things diftilled in
fee He Darted up, and did hiralelf prepare Crowds tn the cadle mounted up the (treet,

water, which they call the hath, diftcreth not In fun-bright arms and battailous array. Fairfax. Bait'ring the pavement with their courfen feet.
much from the water of things dillJled by (ire. The French came forerooft, battailous and bold. Dryden.
Sanu'l Natural Hjftery. Fairfax. If you have a Clver faucep an for the kitcb.n
; ;

So they joined battle, and the heathen being dif- 'Tis equal to her lady/hip or me
•ufp, let me advife you to batter it well ; this will

ftiew conftant good houfekeeping. comfitcd fled into the plain. i Maccabees. A copper Otho, or a Scotch baubee.
Bramji. Man cfTaJle.
S'wlft^i DlrcBktti to the C6ck> 2. A body of forces, or divifion of an
3. Applied to f erfons, to wear out with army. Ba'vin. n.f. [of uncertain derivation.]
fervice. The king divided his army into thee battles A
flick like thofe bound up in faggots
i:ir:i'd veteran ftrumpets here wheveof the vanguard only, with wings, came to a piece of wafte wood.
Pretend at leili- to bring a mndeft ear. S-.ullirn. fight. Baccn. He rambled up and down
I am
a poor old haittnd fellow, and i would The main body, as diftinft from the With (hallow jefters and ralh bavin wits,
willingly end my days in peace. Soon kindled, and foon burnt. Sbakefp. Henry IV.
van and rear.
ylriuihrari Hiftory ofjihn Bull. For moulded to the life in clouts
Angus the avant-guard, himfelf followed
A; the fsme dame, experi.;nc'd in her trade, with the battle 3 good diftance behind, and after Th' have pick'd from dunghills thereabouts.
By names of toads retaiU each iairci'il jide. Prpi. came Hayzuard. He's m-mnted on a hazel bavin,
the arrier.
To B a't T E R . -v. n. word ufed only byA 4. We fay to join battle ; to give battle.
A crop'd malignant baker gave him. Hiidibrat.
workmen. The trunchL-ons make billet, bavin, and coals.
The fideof a wa'l, or any timber, th:it bulges
To Ba'tti-E. -v. n. [batailhr, Fr.] To Miirtimcr.

from its bottom or foundation, is faid to i.i/ff. join battle to contend in fight.
; "To Baulk. See Balk.
"ris curs by craft and by furprizc to ga'n :

Ba'vvble. n.f. [Batiiellu/ii, In barbarous

Ba'tter. n.f. [from To iatfrr.] mix- A *Tis youis to meet in arms, and battle in the plain.
P, h'. Latin, fignified a jewel, or any thing
ture of feveral ingredients beaten toge-
We receive accounts of ladies battling it or. both valuable, but not neceflary. Omnia bau-
ther with fome liquor ; fo called from fides. Add\ji,n.
bellafua dedit Othoni. Hoveden. Proba-
its being fo much beaten. own, he hates an aflion bafc,
One would have all things little, hence has try'd
His virtues battling with his place. Sivift.
bly from beau, Fr.] gewgaw ; a A
Turkey poulcs frein from th' egg '.. hatur fry'd. trifling piece of finery ; a thing of more
Battle-arra'y. ;»./. [See Battle and
fliow than ufe ; a trifle. It is in general,
He Array.] Array, or order, of battle.
Ba'tterer. 71./. [from iatter.] that
Two parties of fine women, placed in the op- whether applied to perfons or tilings, a
batters. pofite fide boxes, feemed drawn up in battle-array term of contempt.
Ba'ttery. «./. [ixora batter, OTbatterie, one agninft another. yiddifon. She haunts me in every place. I was on the
Fr.] Ba'ttle- AXE. n./. A weapon ufed an- fea bank with fome Venetians, and thither comes
1. The aft of battering. ciently, probably the fame with a bill. the bauble, and falls me thus about my neck.
Sbakefpeare'i Othelh.
Strong wars they make, and cruel haticry ben-^, t Certain tinners, as they were working, found
It is a paltry cap,
'Gainft fort of reafon, it to overthrow, t'niry
Earthly minds, like mud walls, lefili the
^ fpear heads, battle-axes, and fwords of copper,wrap.
ped in linen clouts. Careiv,
A cuftard coffin, a baivble, a filken pie. Sbakefp,
our ontcft, we do not interchange ufcful
If, in
ftrnngeft hatterUu 1 site. Ba'ttledoor. n.f. [fo called from a'oor, notions, we fliall traffick toys and bavjhles.
2. The inftruments with which a town is taken for a board, and battle, or
flat Government of the Tongue.
battered, placed in order for aftion ; a Jlriking.'] An inftrument with a handle This (hall be writ to fright the fry away.
line of cannon. and a flat board, ufed in play to llrike
Who draw their little baiubles, when they play.
Where is b'ift place to make our katt'ry next ?— Dryden.
a ball or (huitlecock. A
—I think north gate.
at the Sbahfp. Henry VI,
Play-things, which arc above their ikill, as tops,
lady's watch needs neither figures nor wheels ;
It plants this reafoning and that argument, this 'Tis enough that 'tis loaded with baivblct and feais.
confequence and that diliin^iion, like fo many in- and the like, which are to be
gigs, batcleJoart,
ufed with labour, <hould indeed be procured them.
tclle^ual ifaiteries, till_ at length it forces a way Our
author then, to pleafe you in your way,
Locke. Prefents you now a haivble of a play,
and paflage into the obiiinate inclofed truth. Siutl.
Sec, and revere th' artillery of heav'n. Ba'ttlement. n /. [generally fuppofed In gingling rhyme. Granville.
Drawn by the gale, or by the tcmpeft driven :
to beformed from hattk, as the parts A prince, the moment he is crown'd.
A dreadful iire the floating batt*rUs make,
from whence a building is defended
Inherits every virtue round,
O'erturn'the mountain, and the foreft ihake. As emblems of the fovcreign pow'r.
againil aflailants ; perhaps only cor- Like other baivhles of the Tow'r. Sivift.

3. The frame, or raifed work, upon which rupted from b'timent, Fr.] A wall Ba'wbling. adj. [from ^axf^/f.] Tri-
cannons are mounted. raifed round the top of a building, with a word not
fling; contemptible: now
4. [In law.] A violent ftriking of any embrafures, or interllices, to look thro' in ufe, except in converfation.
man. In an af^Lon againil a ftriker, to annoy an enemy. A b.itvbling veirel was he captain of.
one may be found guilty of the aflault, And flx*d his head upon our bartltmentt. For (hallow draft and bulk unprized ;
Sbaktff. Macbeth. With which fuch (cathful grapple did he maks,
yet acquitted of the battery. There may Thou make
Ihalt a batit-.ment for thy roof, that With the moft noble bottom of our fleet. Shak.
therefore be aflkult without battery ; but thou bring not blood u^ton thy houfe, if any man Ba'wcock. n.f. [perhaps from beau, or
battery always implies an aflault. filll. DeuterctlC'tny,

Chamber]. Through this we pafs

baude, and cock.] A
familiar word,
does he fuffcr this rude knave now to
Up to the higbcd battlement,
from whence which feems to fignify the fame as fne
knock him about the fconce with a dirty {hovel, The Tiojans threw their darts. Dentam. fellonu.
Their liandard, planted on the bttttlement, Why, how now, my baiucock ? how doft thou,
and w^l not tell him of hi& a^ion and battery f
Defpiir and d^ath a.-nong the fnldiers f;nt. Dryd. chuck
Sbake/feare. ? Shaktfpi are's Tzvelfib Night.
No, I (han't envy him, whoe'er ho be.
Sir, quo' the lawyer, not to flatter ye,
That i>ands upon the baiil.menit of iUte ; BAWD. H.f [baude, old Fr.] pro- A
Vou have as go*>d ard *air a battery
I'd rather be fccore than great. /Harris, curer, or procurefs ; one that introduces
As heart (jin «lfli, and need not Ihaine
The proudcft man The weighty mallet deals refounding bbws, men and women to each other, for the
alive to claim. HuiUkrau
Till the proud batticntetttf her t'wVi inci.jfe. Guy.
Ba'ttish. ai^. [from ^fl/.] Refembling promotion of debauchery.
a bat. Ba'tty. atlf. [from bat.] Belonging to a If your wor(hip will take order for the drabs and
bat. the knaves, you need not to fear ic.ebaivds. Shak,
To be out late in a baitijh humour.
Till o'er their brows death, counterfeiting deep, This commodity.
Gtrrleman Inflruded,
With This bawd, this^ broker, this all-changing word.
BATTLE, n.f. [bataille, Fr.]
leaden legs and baity wings doth creep.
Hath drawn him from his own determin'd aid,
1. A fight
; an encounter between oppo-
fitc armies. We
generally fay a battle
Ba'varoy. n.f. A kind of cloak or fur- Our author
colouring Una fororis, thtba-.vd
tout. of her (ilier defign ; (he drc(rcs her up, (he paints
of many, and a combat of two.
l.ct the loop'd bavaray the fop embrace, her, (he procures for the defign, and makes lovers
The En?, ifh army, that divided was
O. hiidWp cloak be fpat:cr'd o'er with lace. Gay. for her. Dryden.
Into tw parts, is now coDJ jin'd in one ;

And m^anj 10 give you battle prefently. Shakcfii. Baubeh^ n.f. A word ufed in Scotland, To Bawd, o-. n. [from the nOun.] To
The iatf.'c
lone, and they within our power, and the northern counties, for a half- procure to provide gallants with ilrura-
She'll n^ver fee his pardon. Shahjprare. penny. pcts.
The race U not to the (wHt, nor the bati.e to Tiia' in the drawers of my japan bureau,
Leuclppe is agent for the kind's lull, and batvds,
the ftrong. £ctte/. T To lady Gripeali I the Caiars fliow,
at tha fame timej to: the wiiole court. Mdifon.
X i And

And in four months > battrr'd hirridan {
It grievedme when I faw labours, which hti fourteen to twenty feet long, and floors
Now nothing's left, but wither'd, pale, and Oinink, coft fo much, tawUd about by common hawkers. from ten to twelve broad, and ufually
To iav.-d for ollicrs, and go ihircs with punk. Swift.
twenty feet long, which is the breadth
Ba'wrel. »./ A kind of hawk.
Swifi. Di£f.
of the barri. BuUi/er's Diff.
Ba'wdily. aJv. [from latuifj.] Oo- Ba'wsin. »./. A badger. Di^. If this law hold in Vienna ten years, I'll rent the
fceiiely. Bay. aJj. [iaJius, Lat.] faircft houfe in it after threepence a bay. Slakfp,
^a'wdiness. n./. [(rom iatui/y.'] Ob- A bay horle is what is inclining to a chcftnut j There may be kept one thoufand bulhels in

rcenenefs. and this cobur is various, either a light lay or a each bay, there being fixtccn hays, each eighteen
dark buy, according as it is lefs or more deep. feet long, about feventcen wide, or three hundred
Ba'wbrick. n./. [See Baldrick.] A Theic are alfo coloured hoife-f, that are called fquarc feet in each bay. Mortimer.
belt. dappled bay:. All i,jy horfes are commonly called Bay Tree, [lauriis, Lat.] The tree, as
Frcilj jarlands too the virgins temples crown'J ; brown by the common people.
is generally thought, which is tranflated
The J
uths gilt fwjrJs wore at thighs, with All b,iy horfes have black manes, which'diftin-
filvcr baivdricki bound. Chitf'man'i liiacL laurel, and of which honorary garlands
gui/h them from the forrel, that have red or white
Ba'wdry. »./. [contraftedfrom^atui/cry, manes. were anciently made.
the pradlice of a bawd.] There are light bays and gilded bays, which art I have feen the wicked in great power, and
fomewhat of a ycllowKh colour. The cheftnut fpreading himfelf like a green bay tree. Pfalms.
1. A wicked pratflice of procuring and bay is that which comes nearcll to the colour of Bay. a./. A poetical name for an ho-
bringing whores and rogues together. the chcftnut. Farrier's DiSl.
norary crown or garland, bellowed as a
jijliffe. My lord, you gave good words the other day prize for any kind of vitlory or exceU
Cheating and tawdry go together in the world. of a bay courfer I rode on. 'Tis yours becaufe
L'EJiratige, you liked it. Shaieffeare. lence.
Poor Tom proud of heart to ride on a bay
! Beneath his reign (hall Eufden wear the lays.
2. Obfcenity ; unchafte language. Pope.
trotting horfe over four inch'd bridges. Shakeff.
Pr'ythee fay on j he *s for a jig, or a tale of
His colour grey. To Bay. n [abboyer, Fr.]
tawdry, or he (lecps. Staiiff tare's HamUt.
For beautv dappled, or the brighteft bay. Dryden. To bark as a dog at a thief, or at the
I have no fait no bmvdry he doth mean
: :

For witty, in hi% language, is obfcene. Btnyonfcju BAY. ti.'f. [baye, Dutch.] game which he purfues.
]t is moii certain, that barefaced iavidry is the I. An opening into the land, where the And all the while (he (load upon the ground.
pooreft pretence to wit imaginable. Drydcn, water is ftiut in on all fides, except at The wakeful dogs did never ceafe to bay. Fairy S^.
'^AVi'DY.adj. [horn banud.'\ Obfcene; un- the entrance. The hounds at neary diftance hoarfely bay'd ;
A reverend Syracufan merchant.
The hunter clofe purfued the vifionary maid ;
chafte generally applied to language.
She rent the heav'n with loud laments, imploring
Theiaiudy wind, that kifles all it meets, Who put unluckily into this bay. Shakefpeare.
aid. Dryden's Fables,
Is hufli'd within the hollow mine of earth, We have alfo iome works in the midft of the
And will not hear 't. Sbahffure's Ottel/o. fca, and fome bays upon the (hore for fomc works, 2. [from bay, an inclofed place.] To en-
Only they. wherein is required the air and vapour of the fea. compafs about ; to fhut in.
That come to hear a merry baivdy play. Baccn. We are at the (lake.

Will be deceiv'd. Siaiefftare. Hail, facred folitude from this calm bay
! And tay'd about with many enemies. Sbaktffeare.
Not ore poor iawdy jeft (hall dare appear ; 1 view the world's tempeftuous fca. Rtfccmmon. To Bay. 1". a. To follow with barking;
For now the batter'd veteran ftruiiipets here Here in a royal bed the waters (leep.
to bark at.
Pretend at leaft to bring a modcd ear. Soulhcrn, When tir'd at fea, within this iiiythey creep. t)ryd. I was with Hercules and Cadmus once,
Some of you have bay. Dryden.
Ba'wdv-house. ». /. A houfe where When in the wood of Crete they bay'd the boar
traffick is made by wickednefs and de-
z. A pond head raifed to keep in ftore
With hounds of Sparta. Sbvkeffeare.
of water for driving a mill. If he (hould do fa, /
bauchery. the French and Welch
Bay. \abboi, Fr. fignifies the laft
n. f. He leaves his back unarm'd,
Has the pope up the laiudy-hcujes,
lately fliut
Baying him at the heels. Slakeffeare.
or does he continue to lay a tax upon Un i Dcii-U' extremity ; as. Innocence eji aux ahhoins.
Boileau. Innocence is in the iitmoji dijirefs.
Bay Salt made of fea water, which
7a Bawl. -v. «, \^halo, Lat.]
receives its confiftence from the heat of
It is taken from ahboi, the barking of
1 . To hoot ; vehemence,
to cry with great
the fun, and is fo called from its brown
whether for joy or pain. A word always a dog at hand, and thence fignified the
condition of a flag when the hounds were
colour. By letting the fca water into
ufed in contempt. fquare pits or bafons, its furface being
almoft upon him.]
They iaiuKot freedom in their fenfetcfs mood, ftruck and agitated by the rays of the
And ftiU revolt, when truth would fet them free. 1. The ftate of any thing furrounded by
fun, it thickens at firll imperceptibly,
Milton. enemies, and obliged to face them by
Tocry the caufe up heretofore. an impoflibility of efcape.
and becomes covered over with a flight
And iawl the biihops out of door. Hudiirat.
This (hip, for (ifteen hours, fate like a flag cruft, which hardening by the conti-
Through the thick fliades th' eternal fcribbler among hounds at the bay, and was fieged and nuance of the heat, is wholly converted
tav. /s,
And (hakes the ftatues on their pedeftals. Dryden,
fought witli, in turn, by (i/tecn great (hips. into fait. The water in this condition
Bacons fVar milh Spain.
from his tov'd home no lucre him can draw is fcalding hot, and the cryftallization
Fair liberty, purfucd and meant a prey
The fenate's mad decrees he never faw. is perfedled in eight, ten, or at moft
To lawlefs power, here turn'd, and flood at bay.
Nor heard at tatvlhg bars corrupted law. Drydcn. Deiiham. fifteen days. Chambers.
Loud menaces were heard, and foul difgrace.
Nor flight wasnor hopes to force his way j
left, All eruptions of air, though fmall ord flight,
And taiviing infamy, in language bafe.
Embolden'd by defpair, he ftood at bay ; give found, which we call crackling, puffing, fpit-
Till fenfe was found, and (iience (led the
loft in
Refolv'd on death, he dilTipatcs his fears. ting, &c. as in lay fait and bay leaves caft into (ire.
place. Drydin'i Fables. Bacon.
And bounds aloft againli the pointed fpcars. Dryd.
So on the tuneful Margarita's tongue A window jutting out-
The lift'ning nymphs and ravifli'd heroes hung ; 2. Some writers, perhaps miftaking the Bay Windoiu.
But cits and fops the heav'n-born mufick blame. meaning, have ufed lay as referred to ward, and therefore forming a kindof
And haiil, and hifs, and damn her into fame. Smith. the aflailant, for diftance beyond which bay or hollow in the room.
I have a race of orderly elderly people, who can
tatvl when I am deaf, and tread (oftly when I am
only giddy and would (leep. Swift.
no approach could be made.
All, fir'd with noble emulation, ftrive ;
And with a ftorm of darts to diftance drive
Bay A
It hath lay windntti tranfparent as barricadoes.

Tarn. denomination fometimes

2. To cry as a froward child. The Trojan chief; who, held at bay, from far ufed promifcuoufly with woollen yarn.
A little child was baiuling, and a woman chiding On his Vulcanian orb fuftain'd the war. Drydin. Chambers.
it. VEJIrange. Wc have now, for ten years together, turned the
Ba'yard. [from A bay horfe.
If they were never fufTeted to have what they whole force and expence of the war, where the
«. / bay.'\
Blind bayard m"vrs the mill. Philips.
cried for, they vrould never, with bawling and enemy was bell able to hold us at a bey. S'.vft.
fceTiihncfs, contend for maAery. Locke.
Ba'vonet. «./. [baytttette,7t.'\ A ftiort
Bay. n. /. In architefture, a term ufed fword or dagger fixed at the end of a
My hulband look him in, a dirty boy ; it was
the bufinefs of the fervants to attend him, the to fignify the magnitude of a building ; muflcet, by which the foot hold off the
rogue did bawl and make fuch a noife. as, if a barn confifts of a floor and two horfe. .

jlriylhmt's Hiftory of Jehu Bull. heads, where they lay corn, they call it One ofblack fpots is long «nd (lender, and
T» Bawl. v. a. To proclaim as a wier. a barn of two bays, Thefe bayj are from rtfemblcs a dagger or baycnet. ffocdivard.
: ;

Bavze. See Baize. that part that is daflied by the wave; Their common loves, a lewd abandon'd pack,
SDE'LLIVM. n.f. [/9JeXXi»> nha.] An ; the ftrand.
" The beadle'i lafli ftilliflaerar.ton their back. Prior,

aromatick gum brought from the Le- The filhermen, that walk upon the befch. Be'aproll. n.f. [from bead and roll.] A
vant, ufed as a medicine, and a per-
Appear like mice. Sbakejptar/' s Kng Lear. catalogue of thofe who arc to be men-
Deep to the rocks of hell the gather'd heacb tioned at prayers.
fum*. Bdellium is mentioned both by They faften'd, and the mole immenfe wrought on The king, for the better credit of his rfpiais
the aiicieat uaturalifts and in Scripture ; Over the foaming deep. Milicn, abroad, did ufe to have thcni curfcd by name
but it is doubtful whether any of thefe They find the waihed amber further out upon amougft tlie beadicll of tiic king's enemies.
the btaches and ihores, wiiere it has been longer P, icon's Henry VI f.
be tlie fame with the modern kind. .

cxpofed. Wx,dward. Be'adsman. n.f. [(torn bead ?t.ndma>!.\

Be'.^ched. [from Expofed
This is a tree of the bignefs of an oiivc,
eitij. bea<:h.'\
A man employed in praying, generally
whereof Arabia hath great plenty, which yieidech to the waves.
in praying for another.
a certain gum, fweec to fmell t-j, but bitter in Timon hath made his everlafVing manlion An holy hofpital,
tafte, called aifo IdtL'ium. The Hebrews take the Upon the beached verge of the fait flood ;
In which feven beadfm:n, that had vowed all
loadftone for bdellium. Saliigb. Which, once a day, with his emboficd froth
Their life to fenicc of high heaven's ki ng. Fairy i^.
The turbulent furge ihall cover. Sbakefpeare.
To BE. -v. n. [This word is fo remarkably In thy danger.
neceffary to fet down
Be'achy. adj. [from beach.l Having Commend thy grievance to my holy prayer ;
irregular, that it is
beaches. For I v.ill be thy bcadfrnan, Valentine. Sbclrfpi
many of its terminations.
The beacby girdle of the ocean Be'agle. n.f. [bigle, Fr.] Afraallhound
Prefent. / am, thou art, he is, lue are. Sec. Too wide for Neptune's hips. Shjkefpeare.
with wliich hares are hunted.
com, eapr,
ec if, apon. Sax. Be'acon. n.f. [beacon. Sax. from been, The reft were various huntings.
/ ivas, thou txaji or inert, a fignal, and becnan, whence beckon, The graceful goddcfs was array'd in green j

paej-, pxr-e. to make a fignal.] About her feet were little beagles fcen.
Preter, That watch'd with upward eyes the motions of
hi nuas, toe luere, tec. 1. Something raifed on an eminence, to
their queen. Dryden s Fables.
{ paj-, pxpon. Sax. be fired on the approach of an enemy, to To plains with we'tl-bred beagles we repair.
The conjunftlve mood. alarm the country. And trace the mazes of the circling hare. Pope.-
/ be, thou beejl, he be, ice be, &C. His blazing eyes, like two bright fiiining (hiehii; BEAK. n.f. [bee, Fr. pig,\Ye\ai.)
Did bum with wrath, and fparkled living fire ;
beo, bip:, b?o, beon. Sax.] 1. The bill orhorny mouth of a bird.
As two broad beacons fet in open fields
His royal bird
1. To have (bme certain flate, condition, Send forth their flames. fairy S^een.
Prunes the immortal wing, and cloys his beah.
quality, or accident ; as, the man is Modcll doubt is call'd
As when his god is pleas'd. Sbakefp. Cymbeline.
The beacon of the wife. Stakefpeare.
The king feemed to account of Pcrkin as a He faw the ravens with their hurny beaks
Seventy frnaton died Fond to Elijah bringinii. Miltoii's Paradife Reg.
May-game j yet had given order for the watching
By their profcriptions, Cicero heiitg one. Sbaheff. of beacons upon the coalls, and erecting more where
The magpye, lighting on the ftock,
He hath to-night bun in unusual pleafure. Sbak. StooJ chat:' ring with incefl'ant din,
they floiid too thin. Ba:on,
Bt what thou hop' ft to be, or what thou art,
No flaming beacons caft their blaze And with her beak gave many a knock. S'xviff.
Kciign to death, it is not worth enjoying. Stakf^).
The dreadful fignal of invafive war. Cay. 2. A piece of brafs like a beak, fixed ac
but about
2. Marks crefled, or lights made in tlie the end of the ancient gallics, with
To fay Qie 15 a goodly lady, and
The juftice «f your hearts will add thereto, night, to diredt navigators in their which they pierced their enemies. It
'Tis pity file it not honeft, honourable. Shahjh. courfes, and warn them from rocks, can now be ufed only for the fore part
Let them (hew the former things what they be, of a fhip.
fhallows, and fandbanks.
that we may confidcr them. Ipiah. With boiling pitch another near at hand.
ITiercforc be fure. Bead. n.f. [b«abe, prayer, Saxon.] From friendly S^.eden brought, the feams inflops 5-
Thou, when the bridegroom with bis feailful 1. Small globes or balls of glafs or pearl, Which, well laid o'er, the f ilt fea waves withftand.
frieods or other fubftance, ftrung upon a thread, And fiiake them from the tifing beak in drops.
Paflet to blifs at the mid hour of night. Dryden.
and ufed by the Romanics to count their
Hail gain'd thy entrance, virgin wife and pure.
Milton. prayers ; from whence the phrafe to tell 3. A beak
a little flioe, at the toe about-

It is not eafy to difcem what fuch men would be beads, or to be at one's beads, is to be at an inch long, turned up and faftened ia
at. Sutlingfeel. prayer. upon the fore-part of the hoof.
* To fay a man hat 'a clear idea of quantity, with- y Farrier's DiQ.
That aged dame, the lady of the place.
out knowing how great it ;j, is to fay, he has the
clear idea ci the number of the fands, who knows
all this
while was bufy at hn beads. Fairy
1 fecm in every hymn to hear.
^ 4. Any thing ending in a point like a
beak ; as, the fpout of a cup ; a pro-
not how many they be. Locke. With ev'ry bead 1 drop too foft a tear. Pope,
2. It is the auxiliary verb by which the
minence of land.
2. Little balls worn about the neck for or- Cuddenbeak, from a well-advanced promontory,
verb paflive is formed. nament. which entitled it beak, taketh a profpect of the
The winr of life ij drawn, and the mcer lees With fcarfs and fans, and double charge of river. Careius Surrey.
Is left thia vault to brag of. Shatrffeare, brav'ry, Be'aked. adj. [from beak.] Having a
3. To exift ; to have exiflence. With amber bracelets, beads, and all fuch knav'ry.
beak ; having the form of a beak.
times have hen. Sbakefpeare.
And qucftion'd every guft of rugL^cd winds.
That when the brains were out the man would 3. Any globular bodies.
That blows from off each beakid promontory.
die. Macbeth. Thy within thee hath been fo at war.
Here ceafe, ye powers, and let your veageanceend, That tegds of fweat have ftood upon thy brow.
Troy ir iw) mnre, and can no more offer.d. Dryden. Sbakejpeare.
Be'aker,»./. [from cup with-
beak.] A
All th' impoflibilities, which pjets Several yellow lumps of amber, almod like a fpout in the form of a bird's beak.
Count to extravagance of loofe dcfcription. beads, with one fide flat, had faftened therafclves And into pikes and mufqucteers
Shall fooner be. Rciue. to the bottom. Boyle. Stampt beakers, cups, and porringers. hudihra;.
To be, conterts his natural defirc j Bt-XoTree. [azedaraeh."] A plant.
With dulcet bcv'rage this the beaker crown'd.
He aflts no angel't wing, nor feraph's fire. Pope. Fair in the midll, with gilded cups around.
Be'adle. n./. [bybel. Sax. ameflenger; P(,pe's Odypy.
4. To have fomething by appointment or bedeau,FT. bedel, iip3.n. bedelle, Dmch.]
Beal. n.f. [bolla, Ital.] A whelk or
power be derived only from Adam,
If all political
1. A meflenger or fervitor belonging to a pimple.
court. Coiuell. To Beal. 'v. a. [from the noun.] To
be ro defcend only to his fuccelTive heirs,
the ordinance of Cid, and divine inftiiutlor, this 2. A petty officer in parifhes, whofe bufi- ripen ; to gather matter, or come to a
is a right antecedent and paramount to a'l go- nefs it is to punith petty offenders. head, as a lore does.
vtrnment. L^ke. A dog's obey'd in office.
BEAM. n.f. [beam. Sax. a tree.]
5. Let BE. Do
not meddle with j leave Thou rafcal beadle, huU thy bl'ioJy hand
Why doll thou whore Sbakefpeare. I. The main piece o^timber that fupportS'
untouched. lafii t)iat ?

Let he, my Thry ought to be ta'«cn care of in this condi- the houle.
le, faid pfey. DryJen.
tion, either by the beadU or the aagllirate. A beam is the largeft piece of wood in a build-
BEACH, n./. The flvorc, particularly Spenattr. ing, wbidi always lies crofs the building or the
. : . ! . !

B E A B E A B fi A
w*Ui( rerving to Aipport the principal r>ften of th All-feeing fun may be remoTed, and fo • way be male either (<*
roof, and into which tl<c feet of the principal raf Hi4e, h de in Ihamcful night, thy beamy liead. paganifm, or for barbarifm, to enter. Hotker.
tcrs are framed. No building has lefs tlian two Sirirb. And Simfon took hold of the two middle piU
hcoKu, one at each head. Into theie, the girders 2. Having tie weight or maffinefs of a lari, upon which the houfc ftood, and on which tc
of the garret floor are alfo framed j and| if the was br<rne up. yudgtt*
building be of timberi the tciicl-tenoni of the
H s double-biting axe, and beamf fpear;
A religious hope does not only bear uf the mind
pofts are framed. The proportions of teams, in or under her fufierings, but nakei her rejoice in
Each jlcing a gigantic farce to rear. Dryil, Fablei.
near London, are fiied by a£t of parliament. A them. yiddi/m.
bum, fifteen feet long, muft be feven inches on J. Having horns or antlers.
Some power iovifiWe fupports his foul.
one fide its fquare, and live on the other; if it be Rouze fr>im their defert dens the brift!cd rage
And bears it up in all its wonted f reatnefs. ^ddif*^
fixtern feet long, one fide muft be eight inche^i
Of boars, and beamy iVags in toils engage '

the other fix ; and fo proportionable to their Dryden I Virgil. g. To keep afloat ; to keep from finking t-
lengths. Byilitr'i Dili. Bean. »./ [fata, Lat.] ibmetimes with up.
Thebuilding of living creatures is like the The fpecies arc, i. 1'he c >mmon garden bean. The waters increafcd, and bare up the ark, and
building of a timber houfc ; the walls and other a. The lior/e bean. There arc feveral varieties it was lifted up above the earth. Genejit,

parti have columns and beam, but the roof is tile, of the garden beans, differing either in colour or 10. To fupport with proportionate ftrength.
or lead, or ftone. Bent: fize. The principal forts which are cultivated in Animals that ufc a great deal of labour and
He iieav'd, with more than human force, to England, a.e the Mazagan, the fmall Lilbon, the excrcife, have their foliJ par;s more eiaftick and
move Spanifh, thf^ Tokay, the Sandwich, and Wtniifor ftrong they can bear, and ought to have, ftrongcr
A u-etghty ftone, the labour of a team. beam. The Mazagan bear. I'i brought fron a fet- food. jlrbttibnsi c» Mmrrtt.
And rais'd from thence he reach'd the nei^hb'ring tlementof the Porlugucfe, on the c aft of Africa,
heatu, Dryden. of the fame name ; and is by far the beft fort to 1 1. To carry in the mind, as love, hate.
plant for an early crop. How did the open multitude reveal
2. Any large and long piece of timber Miller,
The wond'rous love they bear him under hand
His allowance of oats and beans for his horfc
a beam muft have more length th.m Daniel.
was greater than his journey required. Stvift,
thicknels, by which it is diAinguiihed They hare great faith and obedience to the
Bean Caper, [fabago."] A plant. kings. Bacon.
from a block. Beam Trejfcl, An herb. Darah, the eldeft, bean a generous raiod,
But Lycus, fwiftcr.
Springs to the walls, and leaves his foes behind,
To BEAR. 1'. a. pret. / bore, or bare ; But implacable revenge inclin'J.
to Dryden.
And fnatches at the heav. he firft cm find. or born, [beojian, bepan.
V-art. pair, bore, The coward bin the man immortal fpite. Dryd.
DryJin's j^reU. Sax. bairan, Gothick. Jt is founded as As for this gentleman, who is fond of her, ihe
bearelb him an invincible hatred. Swift,
3. That part of a balance, at the ends of bare, as the are in care and tiare.'\
That inviolable love I bear to the land of my
which the fcales are fufpended. 1. This is a word ufed with fuch latitude, nativity, prevailed upon me to engage in fo bold
Pjif; the caufe in juftice' equal fcales, that it is not eafily explained. an attempt. Swift*
Whofe team Hands fure, whofe rightful cauie pre- We
vails. Skahejyeare.
fay to bear a burden, to bear forrow or re- 12. To
endure, as pain, without finking.
proach, to bear a name, to bear a grudge, to bear was not an enemy that reproach'd me, then I
If the length of the fides in the balance, anJ fruit, or to bior ciiildren. The word bear is ufed could have bcrne it. P/almi.
the weights at the ends, be bith equal, the btam
in very diticrent fcnfes. fyatli,
will be in horizontal fituation : but if either the
2. To
carry as a burden.
13. To fufFer ; to undergo, as puuilhment
weights alone be equal, or the dlftances alone, the or misfortune.
They bfar him upon the Ihoulder} they carry
hcam will accordingly decline. ffUkim. I have borne chaftifements, I will not offend any
him and fet him in his place. Ifaiab,
4. The horn of a iVkg.
And Solomon had threefcore and ten thoaiand more. ^fii.
And taught the woods to echo to the ftream that bare burdens. 1 Kings. That which was torn of beafts I brought not
His dreadful challenge, and his clafliing iiem. As an eagle ftirreth up her neft, (luttcreth over unto thee, 1 bare the lofs of it j of my hand dldft
Dmbam. her young, Ipreadcth abroad her wings, taketh thou require it. Genefis.

5 The pole of a chariot ; that piece of them, bearelb them on her wings. Dtuteroncmy. 1 4. To permit ; to fufFer without refent-
wood which runs between the horfes. We
fee fome, who we think have bcrn lefs oi
Juturna heard, and, fciz'd with mortal fear, the burden, rewarded above ourlelves.
To of the church which men
rejcfl all orders
Forc'd from the beam her brother's charioteer. Decay of Piety. think worfe of the laws of
fcive eftablilhed, is to
Dryditi, 3. To convey or carry. men, in this refped, than either the juiigment of
6. Among weavers, a cylindrical piece of My meffage to the ghoft of Priam iear \ wife men alloweth, or the law of God itfcif will
wood belonging to the loom, on which Tell him a new Achilles fent thee there. Dryd,J^n, bear. Honker*

the web is gradually rolled as it is wove.

A gueft like him, a Trojan gucft befoie, Not the gods, nor angry Jove, will har
In fhew oi fricndlhip, fought tlie Spartan Ihore, Thy la\\*lefs wand'ring walks in upper air. Drytt
The ftaff of his Ipear was like a weaver's btam.
And ravijh'd Helen from her hufband htre. Garth.
1 Ckrort. I 5. To be capable of; to admit.
Beam The 4. To carry as a mark of authority.
Being the fon of one earl of Pembroke, and
7. of an Anchor. ftraight part
1 do commit into your hand
er (hank of an anchor, younger brother to another, who liberally fupplied
to which the Th' unftained fword that you have us'd to bear.
his expcnie, beyond what his annuity from hit
hooks are faftened. Stukffpeare,
father could bear. Chrendon.
8. A
Beam Compares. wooden or brafs in- 5 To carry as a mark of diftinftion. Give his thought either tlie fame turn, if our
ftrument, with Aiding fockets, to carry He may not bear fo fair and fo noble an image tongue wiU bear it, or, if not, vary but the drefs.
of thf divine glory, as the univerfe •n its full Dryden,
feveral (hifting points, in order to draw
fy.^em. Huh. Do not charge your coins with more ufcs than
circles with very long radii ; and ufefui His pious brother, fure the beft they can bear. It is the method of fuch as love
in large projections, for drawing the Who e\or bore that name. Dryden. any fciencc, to difcover all others in it.

furniture on wall dials.

Harris. The with their fears
fad fpeflators ftiffen'd Addijin OB Medals.
She and fudJen every limb (he fmears,;
fee?, Had he not been eager to find iniftakes, he
9. [funnebeam. Sax. a ray of die fun.]
Then each of favagc bcafts thf figure bears. Garth. would not have ftraincd my works to fuch a fcnfe
The ray of light emitted from fome lu- His fupreme fpirlt of mind will bear its beft re- Aiterbury.
as they will not bear.
minous body, or received by the eye. femblancc, when it rcprefents the fupreme infinite. moft favourable inter-
In all criminal cales, the
Pile ten hills on the Tarpeian rock. Cbeyne. pretation Ihould be put upon words that they
That the precipitation might down ftrctch So we fay, to bear arms in a coat. puflibly can tear. Swift,
Below the beam of !ig!it. SbakcJfeare'sCor'iolanus,
Pleafing, yet cold, like Cynthia's filver brttm.
6. To carry, as in fliow. 16. To produce, as fruit.
Look like the ; bear welcome in your eye, There fome plants that bear no flower, and
Your hand, your tongue ; look like the innocent yet bear fruit : there be fome that bear flowers,
As hcav'n't bleft beam tumi vinegar mure irur.
flower. and no fruit : there be fome that bear neither
But b| the fcrpent under 't. Stakejfeare. flowers nor fruit. Bacon,
To Beam. [from the noun.]
i». n. To 7. To carry, as in trulL They wing'd their flight aloft ; then, {looping
emit rays or beams. He was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what low,
Each emanation of his fires WIS put therein. yobn. Perch'd on the double tree that bears the golden
That beami on earth, e ich virtue he infpires. Pofx. Dryden.
8. To fupport ; to keep from falling :
bough. .

Beam Tree. A fpeciefof wild fervice.

frequently with up.
Say, (hepherd, fay in what glad foil appears
Be'amy. edj. [from lieam.\
Under colour of rooting out popery, the rooft
wond'rous tree that lacred monaichsirarj. Poft,
I. Radiant; Ihming ; emitting beams. cft'eAual means to bear uf the ftate of rclig'ien 17. To bring forth, as a child.
; : :

The quecR, that hm thee foon hear dnon all conliderations, and be ah e/Tcc- Betwixt two feafons comes th' aufpicioul ar».
Cftner upon her knecj than on her tVet, tual incitement to their perverficu. S'wift. This age to bloflbm, and the next to hear. Dryden.
Died every day fhe liv'd- Sbaktjfcare. 30. To conduft ; to manage. Melons on beds of ice ate taught to hear.
Ye know that my wife tare two fons. Gerujii* My
hope is And, drangers to the fun, yet ripen here. Gran-vUlt.
What could the mufe herfeltthat Orpheus i«r<-. So to bear through, and out, the confulfhip, To take effeft ; to fucceed.
The mufe herf?lf, for her enchanting fon ? Milun. As fpite ihali ne'er wound you, though it may me. Having pawned a full fuit of clothes for a fum
The fame jTneas, whom fair Venus hre Si* *Jin^m. of money, which my operator aflTured me was the
To fam'd Anchifes on th'Idean (hote. Drydtn, 31. To prefs. lad he fljould want to bring all our matters to
1 8. To give birth te ; to be the native Csefar doth bear me hard j but he loves Brutus. hear. Guardian*
place of. ShakeJ^ear^ . 5. To aft in any charadler.
Here dwelt the man divine whom Samos Icre, Though he hear me hard, Indruft me
But now felf-bani(h'd from his native Ihore. Dryr!. I yet muil do him right. Ben Jortjon. How I may formally in perfon bear
Thefe men bear hard upon 1*10 fufpc^ed party,
19. To poffefs, as power or honour. purfue her clofe through all her windings. .^^Wj/o;;.
Like a true friar. Shakefpeare*
Wlien vice prevails, and impious men ^rarfway,
To incite to animate.
6. To tend be direfted to any point :
; to
The pod of honour is a private ftation. Add'if. Cato. 32. ;

But confidence then hire thee on ; fecure with a particle to^etermine the mean-
20. To gain ; to win commonly with :
Either to meet no danger, or to find ing ; as. It/), onrward.
atvay. Matter of glorious trial. Mi/ton. I'he oily drops, fpirit of wine,
Iwimming on the
As it more concerns the Turk than Rhodes, 33. To bear a hoJy, colour A is faid to moved redleffly to fometimes hearing up
and fio,
So may he with more facile queftion htar it to one another, as if all were to unite into one
iear a body in painting, when it is capa-
For that it liands not in fuch warlike brace. Sbak. body i and then falling oft", and continuing tJ (hift
Becaufe the Greek and Latin have ever i>orne ble of being ground fo fine, and mixing places. Bcjte.
away the prerogative from all other, they with the oil fo entirely, as to feem only Never did men more joyfully obey.
Ihall fervc as toucbftooes to make our trial> by. a very thick oil of the fame colour. Or fooner underdood the fign to fly :
Cijmdin. With fuch alacrity they bmc aivay. Dryden^
34. To bear date. To carry the mark of
Some think by fpeaking a great word,
to itar it Whofe navy like a dift'-dretch'd cord did Ihew,
the time when any thing was written. Dryd.
and being peremptory ; and go on, and take by Till he bore in, and best them into dighc.
admittance that which they cannot make good. 35. To bear a price. To have a certain On an oak in fighr,
this the hero fix'd
value. The m.irk to guide the mariners aright
21. To to keep up.
maintain ; 36. To bear in hand. To amufe with falfe To hear mirb this, the feamen dretch their oars^
He and credit of Arariff^ a part
findi the pleafure Then round the rock they deer, and feck ihe
pretences ; to deceive.
Ih the convcrfacion, and of hearing his reafons ap- former (horcs. Drydtn,
Your daughter, whom Ihe btire in hand to love
proved. LacU. In a convex mirrour, we view the figures and
With fuch integrity, flie did confcfs,
all other things, which bear out vihh more lif-' and
zz. To fupport any thing good or bad. Was as a fcorpion to her fight. Shakeffeare.
drcngth than nature itfelf. Dryden.
1 was carried on to oblerve, how they did hear His ficknefs, age, and impotence.
their fortunes, and how they did employ tlielr Was falfely b^mc in band, Sbakefpearc. 7. To aft as an impellent, opponent, or
times. Baan. He repaired to Biugcs, defiring of the dates of as a reciprocal power : generally with,
23. Toexhibit. Bruges to enter peaceably into their town, with the particles ufon or againfi.
a retinue fit fvx his eflatc j and hearing them in
Ye Trojan flames, your tcftimony btary We were cncounter'd by a mighty rock.
What I perform'd and what I fufter'd there. Dryd, hand, that he wa« to communicate with them ot
Which being violently borne upon,
matters of great importance, for their good. Bacon.
24. To be anfwerable for.
It is no wonder, that fome would hear the world
Our helplcfs (hip was fplitted in the midd. ShaM.
If I bring him not unto thee, let me tear the Upon the tops of mountains, the air which heart
in hand, that the apodle^s dcfign and meaning is for
blame. again/t the redagnant quickfilver is lefs prefled.
Gimfa. prcibytery, though his words arc for epifcopacy.
O more than madmen ! you yourfelves (hall hear

The guilt of blood and facrilcgiou] war. Drjden. The fides bearing one againjl the other, they

25. Tofupply.
37. To bear off. To carry away. could not lie fo dole at the bottoms. Burnet.
1 will refpect thee as a father, if As a lion, bounding in his way,
What have you under your arm ? Somewhat that
Thou hear ji my life e^hencc. Shakefpeare. With augmented bears againfi his prey.
will bear yourdiarges in your pilgrimage ? Dryd.
The fun views halfthe earth on cither way, Sideling to feize. Dryden.
a6. To be the objed of. This is unufual. And here brings on, and there bean off the day. Becaufe the operations to be performed by the
rU oc your father and your brother too \ Creech. teeth require a confiderablc drength in the indru-
Let me but bear your love, 1*11 bear your cares. Give but the word, we'll fnatch this damfel up. ments which move the lower jaw, nature hath
Sbaheff^eare. And tiar her cff, Addifin's Cato. provided this with drong mufcles, to make it bear
27. To behave j to aft in any charafter. My foul g^roVK defperate. forcibly againjl the upper jaw. Ray.
Some good inflruAion give. I'll hear her tff. A. Pinlifs. The weight of the body doth hear mod upon the
How I may bear me hete. Shateffeare. 38. Te bear out. Toftjpport ; to maintain ; knee joints, in raifing itfelf up j and mod upon the
Hath he borne himfelf penitent in prifon ? Hbak, mufcles of the thighs, in coming down. Pf^ilkins.
to defend.
To hold with The waves of the lea hear violently and rapidly
28. ; to reftrjin I 0^ I hupe y our warrant will bear ml the deed. Sbak.
upon fome Ihoies, the waters being pent up by the
Do you fufpsfe t.he fl.ite .,i this realm to be now I can once or twice a quarter bear out a knave
land. Broonit.
fo feeble, that it cannot bear nffi greater bliw than againd an honed man* Sbakefpearc.
this ? Hayuard. Changes arc never without dangerVTmlefs the 8. To aft upon.
\v;tji his (hot, did hear upon thofe with-
29. To to urge; to pulh : with
impel ;
prince be able to bear out his actions by power. Spinoid,
Sir y. Hayvjord. in, who appeared upon the walls. Haytoard.
fome particle noting the direftion of the Quoth Sidrophel, I do not doubc
impulfe as, di,'wn, on, hackyfofwarj.
To find friends that will hear me out. Hadibrai,
9. Tobe fituated with refpeft to other
The refidue were lo d:f,rdered as they could places
; as, this mountain bears weft of
Company only can bear a man out in an ill
not conveniently fight or fly, nnd not only juftlel thing. Siuih. the promontory.
and bore dovta one another, but, in their confufea doubted whether that occafnn could bear me
tumbling back, brake a part of the avant guard.
10. To bear up. To ftand firm without
cut in the confidence of giving your ladyfhip any
falling ; ; not to faint or faiL
not to fink
Sir yokn Hayivard. farther trouble. Icmjilt.
Contention, like a horfe So long as nature
To Be A R. v. V. Will hear up with this cxetcife, fo long
Full of high feeding, madly hath broke lonfe.
And beart dorvn all before him. Sbjkefpeare.
1. To fuffer pain. I daily vow to ulc ir. Sbakefpearc.
Their broken oars, and floating planks, withf^ and Stranger, ceafe thy care ; Perlbns in didrcfs may fpeak of themfclves with
Their paflagc, while they labour to the land ; Wife i< but man is born to hear
the foul ; dignity ; it (hews a greatnefs of foul, that they

And ebbing tides bear back upon th' uncertain fand. Jove weighs affairs of earth in dubious fcales, hear up againd the dorms vf fortune. Broome.
And the gr,od fuHets while the bad prevails. Pope. The conlcioufnefsof integrity, the fenfeof a life
Now with a nclfeiefs gentle courle They bore as heroes, but they felt at men. Pofe. fpent in doing good, will enable a man to hear up
It keeps within the middle bed j 2. To be patient. under any change of circumftanccs. Aitirbury.
Anon it lifts aloft the head, cannot, cannot bear \ 'tis pad, 'tis done ;
I When our commanders ar^d foldicrs were raw
And bean dawn all before it with impetuous force. Perilh this impious, this detefted fon! Dryden. and unexperienced we lod battles and towns : yet.
Dryden. To be
fruitful or prolifick. we bore up then, ai the French do now ; nor was-
there any thing decifive in their fuccelTes. Stvift,
Truth dawn,
atteflation> neglcitrd, the
is bartie A hath been blown up almod by the
fruit tree
teftimony of fober pcrfons defpifed. Sivifi. roots, and ki a^ again, aud (he acsC year hear M. To bear 'wit/j. To endure an unpleaf-
The bopci of enjojring the abbey landt wo.ild exceedingly. Sear.^ ing thing.
. ,. ;

B E A B E A B E.A:
my Forgive the bearer of unhappy aevrt
They are content to bur vi'itb abfence and BE.'^RD. H.f, [beapb, Saxon.] t
Your alter'd father openly purfuet
foUy. 1. The hair that grows on the llpi and
Though I muft be content to btar with thofc Vour ruin. DryJen,
chin. No gentleman fendi a fervarit with a meifage,
that fay you are reverend grave men ;
yet they lie
Eie on thy chin the fpilrrging beard began without endeavouring to put it into tenns brought
deadly, that tell you, you hive good faces. Shak.
Tn fpread a d'^ubtful down, and promile Pri'r, down to the capacity of the hearer, Svjtfi,
Look you lay home to
2. Beard is ufed for the face ; as, to do any
Tell him his pranks have been too broad to t>-i>r 2. One employed in carrying burthens.
^itb. Sbaiffpfjrf. thing to a man's beard, is to do it in de- And he tct ihrcefcorc and ten tnoufand of them
Sear toUh me then, if lawful what I alk. Milicn. fiance, or to his face. to be bearers of burdens, z Cbronieles,
BEAR. It./, [bepa, Saxon; ur/t/t,hit.] Rail'd at th'lr covenant, and jeerM
3. One who wears any thing.
Their rev'rcnd pcrfons to my beard, Hudihrau O
1. A rough fiwage aitimal. niajcfty !

Some have falfely reported, that iriirs bring tht-it 3. Beqrd is ufed to matk age or virility ; When thou doft pinch thy bearer, thou doft fie
"ycunt into the world Ibpelefs, and that thcii dams as, he has a long beard, means he is old. Like a rich armour worn in heat of day.
lick them into form. The dams go no longer than This ancient ruffian. Sir, wbofe life I have That fcalds with fafety. Shaktfpeere,
thirty days, and generally produce five young onafc fparcd at fuit of his grey beard. Sbakeffeare, One who carries the body to the grave.
In the winter, they lie hid and afleep, the male Some thin remains of chaftity appear'd
forty days, and the femai* four months ; and fo Ev'n under Jove, but Jove without a ^ctfr*^. Dryd, J. Atree that yields its produce.
foundly for the lirft fourteen days, that blows will Would not be infufferabic for a profelTor to
This way of procuring autumnal rofcs, in fome
of forty years ftaiiding, cm- that arc good bearirs, will fucceed, Boyle.
n^t waltt them. In the flcepy feafjn, they are have his. autliority,
/aid to have no nourifliment but from licking their firmed by general tradition and a reverend beard, Reprune apricots, faving the young fljoots ; for
feet. This animal has naturally an. hideous louk, overturned by in upftart novelift ? Lsike. the raw bearers commonly perilh. Evelyn,
but when enraged it is terrible ; and, as rough 4. Sharp prickles growing upon the ears 6. [In architefture.] A poft or brick wall
and ftupid as it fccms to be, it is capablf of difci- of corn. raifed up betv%'een the ends of a piece of
plinc ; it leapt, dances, and plays a thoufand little
The ploughman loft bis fweat, and the green timber, 10 (horten its bearing ; or to
tricks at the found of a trumpet. They abound in
corn prevent its bearing with the whole
Poland. In the remote northern countries the fpe-
Hath rotted ere its youth attain'd a beard' Shakefp.
cies is whi:e. Ca!met> weight at the ends only.
A certain farmer complained, that the beards
Call hithtr to the (lake my
two brave bean,
of his coin cut the reapers and thrclhers fingers. 7. [In heraldry.] A fupporter.
Bid Saiifijury and Warwick come to me.
—Arc ihcfe thy bears ? we'll bait thy beirs to death, Be'arherd. n.f. [from bear and herd,
And manacle the bearward in their chains. Sbak. 5. A
barb on an arrow. as Jhepherd from fieep.] A man that
Thou'dft fliun a hear ; 6. The
beard or chuck of a horfe, is that tends bears.
But if thy flight lay tow'rd the raging fca, part which bears the curb of the bridle. He that is more thana youth, is not for me
Thou'dft meet the bear V th" mouth. Shahfptare. Farrier's Did. and he that than a man, 1 am not for him ;
is lefs

2. The name of two conftellations, called To Beard, v. a. [from beard.'\ therefore I will even take fixpence in earneft of the
bearberd, and lead his apes into hell. Shakcjpcare,
the greater and UJJir bear ; in the tail 1 To take or pluck by the beard, in con-
of the lejjir bear, is the pole-ftar. tempt or anger. Be'aring. n.f. [from bear.]
E'en then when Troy was by the Greeks o'cr- No man fo potent breathes upon the ground. 1. The fite or place of any thing with re-
thrown. But I will htard him, Shakeffrare. fpeft to fomething elfe.
The bear oppos'd to bright Orion (hone. Creech.
2. To oppofe to the face to fet at open
; Bur of this frame, the bearing and the ties.
Bear-bind. n.f. Afpecies of bindweed. defiance. The ftrong connexions, nice dependencies.
jBEAR-PLy. n.f. [from bear and^.] An He, whenfocver he ffiould fwerve from duty, Gradations juft, has thy pervading foul
may be able to beard him. Spenjer. Louk'd through i or can a part contain the whole *
I have been bearded by boys. More. Pope,
Ther^ be of flies, caterpillars, canker-flies, and
Baan's Nalural
The defign of utterly extipating monarchy and 2. Gefture ; mien ; behaviour.
biarfus. H'tJI'-ry-
epifcopacy, the prefbyterians alone begun, conti- That is Claudio j i know him by his bearingm
Bear-garden, n.f. [from bear znAgar- nued, and would have ended, if they had not been Shakffpcare,
e/en.] bearded by that new party, with whom they could
3. [In architefture.] Bearing of a piece of
not agree about dividing the fpoil. Swift.
(. A place in which bears are kept for timber, with carpenters, is the fpace
Be'arded. adj. [from beard."]
fport. either between the two fixt extremes
Hurrying me from thepIay-houfc,and the fcenes 1 Having a bearil.
Think every bearded fellow, that's but yok'd, thereof, or between one extreme and a
there, to the bear-garjen, to the apes, and alTes,
StUlirgjleit M;iy draw with you, Shakefpture. poft or wall, trimmed up between the
and tygers.
Old prophecies foretel our fall at hand. ends, to Ih^rten its bearing. Build. D.d.
t. Any place of tumult or mifrule. When ieatded meti in fl,)a;ing cafilesland. Dryden.
could not forbear going to a place of renow.j
I Be'arward. n.f. [from ^fflr and luflrij',]
2. Having fharp prickles, as corn.
for the gallantry of Britons, namely to the tear-
As when a field A keeper of bears.
garden, We'll bait thy bears to death.
Of Ceres, ripe for hirveft, waving bends
Bear-garden. a:fj. A word ufed in fa- Her bearded grove of ears, which way the wind And manacle the ifurwcrrf in their chains. Sbah.
miliar or low phraic for rui/e or turbulent ; Sways them. Millen. The bear is led after one manner, the multituJe-
The fierce virago after another j the beamvard leads but one brute,
as, a beer -garden fdloiu ; that is, a man ^
Flewo'erthe field, nor hurt the beardedpMn, Dryd. and the mountebank leads a thoufand. L^EJirange.
rude enough to be a proper frequentel" of
Bear garden fport, is 3. Barbed or jagged. BEAST, n.f. [befte, Fr. beftia, Lat.]
the bear-garden. my
Thci; Ihouid'u have pull'd the fecret from
1. An animal, dilHnguilhed from bird.*,
ufed for grofs inelegant entertainment. breaft.
tne beardiJiift] to give me rtli. Dryden.
infcfts, fiflies, and man.
Bear's-breech. n.f. [acanthus. "^ The Torn out
The man that once did fell the lion's flcin
name of a plant. Be'ardi. ESS. adj. [from beard.} While the was
beafi liv'd, kill'd with hunting him.
The fpfcies arc, i. The fmooth-leaved garden 1. Without a beard. Shakejpeare.
iear's-brce>b. 2. The prickly i«jr'j-ir«rA. 3. The There arc fome coins of Cunobelin, king of Beafis of chafe are the buck, the doe, the fox,
xn\ii\c tcar's-breeeb, with Ihort.l'pincs, iff. The Eflex and Middlefcx, with a beard.'ejt image, in- the miiric n, and the roe. BeaJIs of the forcft are
ufed in medicine, and is fuppofcd to be the
firft is fcribed Cundelin, Camden. the bait, the hind, the hare, the boar, and the
mollis aeantbus of Virgil. The leaves of this plant 2. Youthful. wolf. 5r,i^r of warren arc the hare and cony. C^ve,'.
are cut upon the capitals of the Corinthian pillars, And, as young ftriplings whip the top for fport
An irrational animal, oppofed to man
2. ;
and were formerty in great eftcem with the Ro- On the ftnooth pavement of an empty court,
mans. Mdlir. The wooden engine flies and whirls about,
as, man and bea^,
Dryd. I dare do all that may become a man
Bear's -EAR, or Auricula, [auricula urfi, AJmir'd with clamours of the^ftfri//r/i rout. ;
Who do more, is none.
Lat.] The name of a plant. Bt'ARER. n.f. [from To bear.] Icrjl was 't then
Bear's -EAR. or Saniclc. [cortufa, Lat.]
I, A carrier of any thing, who conveys That made you break this enterpriie to me »

any thing from one place or perfon to Shahripfare' s Maeieth,

A plant.
Medea's charms were there, Cjrcean feaftj.
J}e AR's-f OOT. n.f. A fpecies of hellebore. He (hould the bearers put to fudaco death. With bowls that turn'd cnamour'd youths to beafMi,
jBtAR's-woRT. n.f, Aa herb. Net Jhrivirj time lilow'd, Shakefprare. X)rydew,

3. A
a . ; .

J . A brutal favage man ; a man afling in 7. To fni.'c things by long and frequent of natural religion, by the impudent jerts of a
any manner unworthy of a reafonable agitation. profane wit. fVatti,

creature. By long beating the white of an egg with a lump 17. To move with fluttering agitation..
may bring it into white curds. Bylt. Thrice have I beat the wing, and rid with night
?« Beast, v. a. A term at cards. of alum, you
About the world. Drydtn,
Be'astin'gs. See Bsestincs. 8. To batter with engines of war.
And he heat down the tower of Penuel, and iS. To beat da-iun. To endeavour by treaty
Be'astliness. n.f. [from ieajily.'] Bru-
flew the men of the city. Judget, viii. 17. to Icffen the price demanded.
tality ; praftice of any kind contrary to
Surveys rich moveables with curious eye,
the rules of humanity. 9. To dafh as water, or brudi as wind.
3eati denvn the price, and threatens ftill to buy.
They held this land, and with their filthincfs Bejond this flood a frozen continent
Lies dark and wild beat with peipetual ftorrns
Pjlluced this fame g^tle foil long time ;
She perfuaded him to trufl the rcnegadj with
That their own mother
loath'd their heaftlirrfs,
Of whirlwind and dire hail. Mii'tcx.
the money he had brought over for their ranfom ;
Aad 'gan abhor her btcoj's unkindly crime.
With tcmpefts beat, and to the winds a fcorn
as not qvieftioning but he would beat dvwn the
Fairy Sluieit. terms of it. Addifon*
While winds and ftorms his lofty forehead beat,
Se'astly. a.{j.[from beaj}.'\ The common 19. To beat dtnun. To fink or IciTen the
fate of all that '5 high or gn-at.
I . Brutal ; contrary to the nature and dig- Denbam, value.
nity of man. It is ufed commonly as As when a linn in the midnight hours. Ufury^M/r diyivr. tlie price nf lanJ ; fnth? em-
a term of reproach. Brat by rude blafts, and wet with wintry fiiow'rs, ployment of money is chict'.y either merchandizing
Wonljil thou have thyfelf fall Defccnds terrifick from the mountain's brow. Pofe. or purchafing ; and ufury waylays buth. Bacon.
in the confufion
of men, or nmaia a bealt with bealls ?— Ay— 10. To
tread a path. 20. To beat up. To attack fuddenly ; to
Wh;i: "'
bmfily ambition, Sbahflxare. I this unexa^rpled talk eflay.
You tcajliy knave, know you no reverence ? Pais aw.-'ulguUV, and beat my painful way,
They lay in thatquict polture, vvithoutoiakinj^
Slakeffitare^i JClng Lear, C' dove divine adillance bring. Blaeimere.
the Icall imprefiion up-^n the enemy by beating vp' lewd, prophanr, anil bc-.jily pbrafc, To make a path by marking his quartern, which might eafily have been done. .
1 1 it with
Tocauh the wo.ld'i loofc lau^b.:er, or vuin gaze. Clarendan.
Ban Jonf'^n, Will fancies he Ihould never have been the man
charged upon the gentlemen of the army,
It is
He that willknow the truth of things, muft
lca\c the common and he is, had not he knock'd down coniiables,' and
Ihjt the hajily vice of drinking to cxcefs hath been btatea track. Lxke.
beat up a lewd woman's quarters, when he was a
lately, from their example, reftored among us. 12. To conquer ; to fubdue ; to vanquiih. young fellow. Aidifon.
Swift. If Hercules and Lichas play at dice.
J. Having the nature or form of beafts. Which is the better man ? Tlic greater throw
2 1. To beat the hoof. To walk ; to go on
May turn hy fortune fiom the weaker hand ; foot.
ruifiiy tlivinit c;, and drnv*3 of gods. Prkr,
To BEAT. ». a. prefer, teat; part. pafl'.
So is Alcides beaten by his page. Shakrfpeare. To Beat, f. ». ;

teat, or tiaicn. [battre, French.]

of gcefe, Vou fouls
1. To move in a pulfatory manner.
That bear the ftiapes of men, how have you run
would gladly under.'lind the formation of a
I, To .1r;J:e ; to knock
; to lay blows upon. From Haves that apes would beat ! Sbakrjpeare.

foul, and fee ilbe.n the firft confcious pulfe. Collief.

So tijht 1, not ai
one that ieaicib the air. Five times, Marcius,
I Cormtbhni. 1 have fought with thee, fo often haft thou brat
2. To da(h as a flood or ftorm.
He ra»'d with all the madnefi of dcfpair j rr.c. Sba<efj>eare.
Public envy feemeth to beat chiefly upon nvnif-
He roat'd, he beat his brea.1, h; tore his hair. Ihave difcern'd the foe fccurely lie. ters. Bacr>n.
Dryder, Too proud to fear a beaten enemy.
Your brow, which does no thunder know.
fear of
To punifb with Ilripes or blows. Sees rowling tempefts vainly heat below. Dryien.
t. 'i'he common people of Lucca are firmly per-
They 'vc chofe a conful that will from them fuaded, that one Lucquefe can beat five Floren-
One fees many hollow I'paces worn in the l>ot-
t.ike tines.
toms of the rocks, as they are more or lefs able t#"
_ refill th.: imprcfiions of the water that beati againflv
Their libeitias ; make th:m of no more voice Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, joining his (liips to
Thaa them. Addifuit
hat for barki.ig. Sbah.
dogs, that are often thofc of the Syracufans, beat the Carthaginians at
Midrefs ford, good heart, is beaten black and fca. Arbutbrnt, 3. To knock at a door.
b!u«, that you cannot fee a white fpot about her. 13. To
harafs ; to over-labour. The men of the city beTct the houfe round
SiaUjpeare. about, and beat at the door, and fpake to tlic maftcr
It is no point of wifdom for a man to beat his
There is but one fault for which children fliould of the houfe. ^udgtj.
brains, and fpend h]> fpirics, about things im-
be l;at:r. ; and that ii obftinacy or rebellion, iocli-, poflible. _ lUtewill. 4. To move with frequent repetitions of
3. To llrike an inJlruraent of raufick. And as in prifons
mean rogues beat the fame aft or ftroke.
Bid them come forth and hear, Hemp, fot the fervice of the great No pulfc ihiW keep
Or at their chamber do.:)r I'll beat tlie drum, So Whackum beat hi.j dirty brains His nat'ral progrefs, but furceafc to beat. Sbak.
Till it cry, deep to death. Stah'Ipcare. T' advance his mailer's fame and gains. HviJibrat, My temp'rate pulfe djcs regularly beat y
4. To break ; to broife ; to fpread ; to Why any one Ihould wallc h'S time, e^n^-beat his Feel and be fatisfy'd. Dryden^
comminute by blows. head, about the Latin grammar, who does not in- A man's heart bcatSt and the blood circulars,
tend to be a critick. Lucke. which it is not i.i his power, by any thought or
people gathered manna, and ground it in
mills, oxbijr it in a mortar, and baked it. Nurr.hrri, 14. To lay, or prefs, as Handing corn by volition, to ftop. Lucie,
They did beat the gold into thin plates, and cut hard weather. ;. To throb ; to be in agitation, as a fore
it into wires, to work it. Extdut. Her own (haU blefs her; fwelling.
They fave the laborioui work of beating of Her fiws (hake like a fi-.ld nf becten corn, A turn or two I'll walk.
hemp, by makir.g the axletree of the main wheel And^ang their heads witii forrow. Sheikeffyeire. To Hill my bratiig mind. Sbakefpeare,^
tlicircom mills longer tiian ordinary, and pUciug

f( tins in tliem, to ralfc Urge hammers like thcf^

15. To
deprcls ; to crufh by repeated op- 6. To fluftuate j to be in agitation.
ufcd for piper ar.d fulling mills, with which they
pofition : ufualiy with the particle Tha tempcft in my mind
Albeit a pud m was prociaiin.:d, ti.uc!iing any Doth from my fenfes take all fccling elfe.
. ^c;.' moll of their hemp. Mcriimer.
fpecih tending to treafon, yet could not the bolJ- Saving; what beats there, Shakefpeari.
Neftor furniflied the gold, and he btat it into
1-avcs, fu that he bid occaCon to ufe his anvil and
Dcfs be Lcdten ,/«in either with that fevMty, or
7. To try different ways ; to fearch : with
hammer. with this lenity be abjted. ll.ty.uard.
Erctme. about,
warriuurs propag:i;ing the Fi-ench language,
5. To flrike bufhes or ground, or make a at the fame time they are beating dvwn their pcwer.
1 am always beating ah^ut in my tlioughts fi^r
motion to roufe game. liimctliing that may turn to the beneiit of my dear
Jc is ftrange how long fome men will lie in wait Surh an unio^k'd-for ftcrm of ills countrymen. AMliJcn,
falls on me,
tT fpeak, and how many other marters they will To find an honsft man, I bttit abmt.
It heati tliKvn all my ftn-ngth. Addif-.v.
tent over to come near it. Bac-.ii.
And ]qya him, court him, praife him, in or njit.
When from the cave thou rifeil with the

16. To drive by violence : with a particle.
To teat the woods, and roufe the twuoding Twice have 1 fally'd, and was twics beat back. 8. To aft upon with violence.
Dryden. The fun beat upon the head of Jonah, that he
Priir. let us beat this ample
that proceeds upon other principles in hi^
fainted, and wiihed in himfclf to die.
field, Jonat,
inijuiry, dot.s at lea S poft himfelf in a party, wliich
Trv rhe open, what the covert yield. P'fie.
he will not qnit till he he ber.ten int. Lickt. 9. To fpeak frequently ; to repeat ; to
f>. 'I'o thrtlh ; to dtive the corn out of the
He cannat bru it t;ir of his head, but that it enforce by repetition : with upon.
hulk. wj. a canlinal -.v'.vt picked his pocket. /Jddif'in. V/e arc drav.'n on into 3 larger fpetth, by reafin
She gluned in the fielJ, and teat out thit (he Tltc younger part of mankind might be beat ojf' of their fo great carncllncis, who Leat more and
had gleaned. Jiiilt.W. it. froa'tlic belief of the maH importaat pointi even more a/'cn theft lift alleged words. Hacker,
Vol. I. V Mow
. ;

How fitqiKMly tnd fcrrtDtljf doth tlit ft riptiit' Beatj'ish. /J4?. [from ieau.] Befitting 3
afcenJed into Paradif<-, and to have beheU the
itot ufft this caulc S Ilukrtt'i.'i- forms of thofe b<eiifieil(f\tHi, from which I might
beau ; foppilh.
as, to beat up for foldiers. have copit'd my archangel. Dryden.
10. To Ifot uf ;
Beau'teous. fl<^'. [from beauty.] Fair;
'I'hc word up feenis redundanf, but en- z. To fettle the charafter of any perfon,
elegant in form ; pleafing to the fight
forces the fcnfe the technical term be- by a publick acknowledgment that he
beautiful. This word is chiefly poetical.
ii received in heaven, though he is not
ing, to raife foldiers. I can, Pctruchio, help thee to a w.fe.
invelied with the dignity of a faint.
With wealth enough, and young, ana teautKui.
Beat. part, pajpiie. [from the verb.]
Over againft this church ftunds an hofpital, ShakeJ^eare*
Like a rich veliiil ifjf by liorms to fliorc,
ertflcd by a (hocmakcr, who has been btatijiid,
Alas ! not hoping to fubdue,
'Twere midneft fliould 1 venture out once more.
Drjdin. though never fainted. j^ddijait.
1 only to the flight afpir'd ;
Beat. [from the verb.] Be'ating. n.f. [from beat."] Correftion; To keep th? beavteoin fix in view.
». / punifhment by blows. Was all the glory I defi' d. Prior,
1. Stroke.
Pliywiight, convift of publick wrongs to men, Be au'teousuy. adv. [from biauieout,]
2. Manner of ftriking. Takes private tettirgi, an! brgins again. Bin JcnJ.
Albeit the bale and ticHeftrings of a viol be In a beauteous manner ; in a m.anner
twnci to an unifon, yet the tormer will ftill make
Bea'titude n.f. [heat it udo, Lai.]
pleafing to the fight ; beautifully.
a bigger luund than the latter, ai making a 1. BIcfTednefsj felicity; happinefs: com- Look up3n pleaTures not upin tha fide that is
broader best upon the air. Grew. monly ufed of the joys of heaven. next the fun, or w!icre they look brauteoujly ; that
He, with a carelefs htat. The end of that government, and of all men's is, as they come towards you to be enjoyed. tayUr,
Struck out the mute crca:ion at a Drydtr.. aims, is agreed to be beatitude, that is, his being
Beaxj'teousness. n.f. [from beauteous.]
jv Manner of being Ilruck ; as, the btat completely well. Dig/^y,
This is the image and little repttfcntation of The (late or quality of being beauteous ;
of the pulfe, or a drum.
heaven j it is beatitude in piflure. Taylor. beauty.
Be'aten. part. adj. [from To beal.l From lefs and
He fet out the felicity of his heaven, by the virtue, lefs btauteoufmf!.
What makes you. Sir, fo late abroad
delights of fenfe ; (lightly paffing over the accom- The gentiles fiam'd them gods and goddefii;?.
Without a guide, and this no haun road ? Diyd.
plilhmcnt of tlic foul, and the beatitude of that part Dome*.
Be'ater. [from beat.']
n.f. which earth and vifibilities too weakly aftV-il. Beau'tiful. adj. [from beauty andyi<//.]
1. An inftrument with which any thing is SrowTi^s Vulgar Errcurs.
Fair ; having the qualities that conftir
comminuted or mingled. 2. A
declaration of bleflednefs made by tute beauty.
Beat all your mortar with a heater three or four our Saviour to particular virtues. He ftolc avtay and took by (Irong hand all the
times over, before you ufe it j for thereby you in- Beau. »./ [beau. Fr. It is founded like beautiful women in his time. Raleigh,
corporate die fand and lime well together. Atoxcn. The moft important part of painting, is to
bo, and has often the French plural
2. A perfon much given to blows.
beaux, founded as boes.] A man of drefs ;
know what is moft beautiful in nature, and moft
The b«ft fchoolmafter of our time was the proper for that art ; that which is the moft beauti-
greatcft buter. Aj'cbam's Scboolmcifitr. a man whofe great care is to deck his
is the moft noble fubjeQ fo, in poetry, tra.
fil, :

Beati'pical. \adj. [beatifcus, low Lat. perfon. gedy is more beautiful than comedy, becaufe the
Beati'fick. ) from beatus, happy.] What will not beaux attempt to pleafe the fair ?
perions are greater whom the poet inftruQs, and
Dryderj, confequently the inftniOions of more benefit to
That which has the power of making The water nymphs are too unkind mankind. Drydeiu
happy, or completing fruition ; blifsful. To Vill'roy ; are the land nymphs fo ? Beautiful looks are rul'd by fickle minds.
It is afed only of heavenly fruition af- And fly they all, at once combin'd And fummer feas are turn"d by fuddcn winds. Prior,
ter death. ^o (hame a general, and a beau f Prior. Beau'tifully. adv. [from beauti/uJ.'\
Admiring the riches of heaven's pavement You will become the delight of nine ladies in
In a beautiful manner.
ten, and the envy of ninety-nine beaux in a hun-
Than aught divine or holy elfe, enjoy'd No longer (hall the boddice, aptly lac'i
dred. Sw'^i.
In vifion btatlfick. MUlon. From thy full bofom to thy (lender waift,
It is alfo their felicity to have no faith ; for en- Bb'aver. n.f. [bie-vre, French ; fiber.] That air and harmony of (h.'.pe exprefs.
joying the in the fruition of the
beatifical vifion 1 An animal, otherwife named the cafior, Fine by degrees, and beautifully lefs. Prior.
objcA of have received the full eva-
faith, they amphibious, and remarkable for his art
Brotvn'i Vulgar Errcurs.
Beau'ti FULNESS. It./, [from beauti/ul."]
cuation of it.
in building his habitation ; of which The quality of being beautiful ; beauty j
Wemay contemplate upon die greatncfs and
flrangenefs of the beetifick vifion ; how a created many wontwrful accounts are delivered excellence of form.
eye flionld be fo forti6ed, as to bear all thofe by travellers. His fkin is very valuable To Beau'tif V. T. a. [from beauty.] To
glories that ftream from the fountain of uncreated on account of the fur.
adorn ; to embellifh; to deck ; to grace ;
light. The heevcr being hunted, biteth oflT his ftones,
BEATi'riCAtLT. [from beati_fical.]
ad-v. fought. to add beauty to.
knowing that for them only his life is

HakeiviU. Never was forrow more fweetly fet forth ; their

In fuch a manner as to complete hap- faces feeming rather to beautify their forrow, than
pinefs. They placed this invention upon the beaver, for
their forrow to cloud the beauty of their faces.
the fagacity and wifdom of that animal ; indeeJ
to bthoM the face of God, in the
Btalifi^allf Haytuord,
from its artifice in building. Brown'i V-.lg.Err.
of wifdom, righteoufncfi, and peace, is
fulnefs Suflaceth not that we are brought to Rome,
Ueffednefs no way incident unto the creatures 2. A hat of the bell kind, fo called from To beautify thy triumphs snd return.
beneath man. Hataui/I. being made of the fur of beaver. Captive to thee and to thy Ruman yoke ? Slak,
Beatifica'tion. n./. [From beatifici.] You fee a fmart rhetorician turning his hat, Thefe were not created to biautfy the earth
moulding into diftcicnt cocks, examininj tlic alone, but for the ufe of njan and beaft. Raleigh,
A term in the Romifh church, diftin- it

lining and the button during his harangue ! a deaf How

all confpire to grice
guiflied from canonization. Beatification man would think he was cheapening a bra'.'er, and beautify her face.
Th' extended earth,
u aa acknowledgment made by the when he talking of the fate of a nation. Addijin.
is Blaekmore,
pope, that the perfon beatified is in The broker here his fpacious beaver wears, There charity and juftice ; and the one (crves
Upon his brow fit jcaloufrs and cares. Gay.
heaven, and therefore may be reve- to heighten and beautify the i thcr. Aitcrbury.

but is not a concef- 3. The part of a helmet that covers the To Beau'ti FY. ». n. To grow beautiful j
renced as blefled ;

face, [bai/iere, Fr.] to advance in beauty.

fion of the honours due to faints, which
His hideous head,
It murt be a prulpcc^ pleafing to God himfelf,
are conferred by canonization. Clofe couched on the braver, feem'd to throw to fee his creation for ever beautifying in his eyesx
To BEA'TIFY. "j. a. Lat.] [beatifico. From flaming mouth bright fparkles fiery red. and drawing nearer to him by greater degrees of
I. Tq make happy; to blefs with the refemblance. Addifon,
Big Mars feems bankrupt in their beggar'd hoft.
completion of ce'jftial enjoyment. BEAU'TY. n.f. [ieaute, Fr.]
unimaginable And faintly through a rurty beaver pecfs. 5i><i*.
The ufe of Iplritual conference is
He was (lain upon a courfe at tilt, the fplinters 1. That aflemblage of graces, or propor-
and unfpcakabie, efpecially if free and unreft, alli- going in at his biaver. Baan. which pleafes the eye.
which is of the ft jft' tion of parts,
ed, bearing an image of that converfation
Hiimn:ciiJ. Be'avered. adj. [from bea'ver,] Covered* Beauty cjnfifts of a certain compofition of co-
among angels ami beatified faints.
to be the fulled good, the with a beaver wearing a beaver. lour and figure, caufing delight in the beholder.
We (hall know him ;
neareft to us,and the moft certain ; and, confe- His beaver'd brow a birchen garland bears.
Your beauty was the caufc of that efTeS,
qurntly, the moft beatifyr.g of all others. Brown. Dropping with infants hlo»d, aod mothers tears.
" Pope. Yotti beauty, chat did haunt me in my lleep.—
I wiJi 1 hid the wings of an angel, to have
. ! ; .

If I thought that, I telt thee, homicM«, Beca'use. nnjunSl. [from /5y and cattfe.'\ To Bbco'me. v,n, pret. I became comp. ',

Thcfe fliould rend that beauty from my

1 For this reafon that ; on this account pret. I have become, [from by and ceme.\
checks. Sbakcfpeare,
Beauty is beil in a body that hath rather dignity that ; for this caufe that. It makes the 1 To enter into fome ftate or condition,
cf prefence than beauty of afpeft. The beautiful firftpart of an illative propofition, ei- by a change from fome other.
prove accomplinicd, but not of great fpirit, and ther exprefsly or by implication, and is The Lord Cod breathed into his noftrils tht
ftudy for the moft part rather behaviour than breath of Ufe, and man became a living foul.
anfwered by therefore ; as, / fed be-
virtue* Baecv, Gcnefis, ii.
caufe / ivai afraid \ which is the fame 7.
The bed part o( ieatty is that which a pi^ure And unto the JewsIiccmKi a Jew, that 1 might
cannot exprefs. Bacon* with, becauje I was afraid, therefore I gain the Jews. 20.
i Corin, ix.
Of the beauty of the eye I (hall fay little, leaving fled. A (mailer pear, grafted upon a (lock that bear-
that li poe^ and orators : that it is a very pleafunt H.iw great foevcr tlie (ins of any perfon are, eth a greater pear, will become great. Bacon,
Mul lovely objeft to bc'hold, if we confider the Chiift died for him, brcauje he died for all j and he My voice thou oft hail heard, and haft notfear'd.
figure, colours, fplcndour of it, is the Icaft I can died for thofe (ins, becauje he died for all (ins: But ftill rejoic'd ; how is it now become
fay. R.!y. only he muft reform. Uav.mcnd. So dreadful to thee ? Miliin.
He vicw'd their twining branches with delight, Men do not lb generally agree in the fenfe 'Af So the lead faults, if mix'd with fairtft deed.
And praisM the beauty of the plcafing fight. Pofe. thefe as of the other, becauje the interefts, nnd Of future ill become the fatal feed. Prior,
2. A particular grace, feature, or orna- lufts, and paflions of men are more concerned in
2. To become of. To be the fate of; to be
ment. the one than the other. Tilhtlhn.
the end of; to be the fubfequent or final
The ancient pieces are beautiful, becaufc they 2. It has, in fome fort, the force of a pre-
tefemble the beauties of nature ; and nature will
condition of. It is obfervable, that this
pofition ; but, becaufe it is compounded
word is never, or very feldom, ufed
ever be beautiful, which refembles thofe itauiin of
anti<iuity. Dry den.
of a noun, has y after it.
but with ixihat, either indefinite or in-
Infancy demands aliment, fuch as lengthens
Wherever you place a patch, you dcdroy a
fibres without breaking, becauje of the ftate of ac-
beauty, ^Jeiifon,
cretion. Arbutbr.ot, IVhat is then become of (0 huge a multitude, as
Any thing more eminently excellent
To Becha'nce. 'u. n. [from be and would have overfpread a great part of the con-
than the reft of that with which it is tinent. Raleigi.
chance.'\ To befal ; to happen to a :
I'erplex'd with thoughts, lohat would become
word proper, but now in little ufe. 0/"mc, and mankind. Milton.
This gave me an occjfion of looking backward ail

on fome beauties of my author in his former books.

My fons, God knows what has bechanced them. The hints of the circulation of the blood
Sha^ejpeare- were taken from a common perfon's wondering
Dry Jen. All happinefs bechance to thee at Milan. Skak. ti'hat became
With incredible pains have I endeavoured to cf ail the blood that ifl'ued out of the
copy the feveral beauties of ttie ancient and m.idcrn Be'c HICKS, n. f. [^iixixu, of |Sr|, a heart. Graunt.
billoiians Arbuibr.u. cough.] Medicines proper for relieving fVhat will become of me then ? for, when he it

4. A beautiful perfon. coughs. Did.

free, he will infallibly accufe me. Dryden,
li'hat became of this thoughtful bufy creature,
Remember that Pelican conquerour,
To BECK. -v. n. [beacn. Sax, bee, Fr. when removed from this world, has amazed the
A youth, how all the beauties of the eaft
He (lightly view'd,
and (lightly overpafs'd. Mihcn. head.] To make a fign with the head. vulgar, and puzzled the wife. Rogers,
What can thy ends, malicious beauty, be ? To BrcK. 'V. a. To call or guide, as by 3. In the following paflage, the phrafe,
Can he, who kill'd thy brother, live for thee ? a motion of the head. inhere is he become? is ufed for, <ii.'hat it
Dry den. Bell, book, and candle, not drive me back,
(hall become of him?
To Beau'tv. tj. a. [from the noun.] To When gold and filver bed me
come on. Shah.
to I cannot joy, until I be refolv'd
adorn ; to beautify ; to embcllilh : not Oh this falfe foul of Egypt, this gay charm, Where our right »aliant father is becemt. Shakeffm
in ufe. Whofe eye beck'd forth my wars, and call'd them
home* Shakefp, Antony and Cleopatra.
To Beco'me. v. a. [from ^^ or by, and
The harlot's cheek, ^AHiririf with plad'ting art.
Is not more ugly to the thing that helps Beck, n.f, [from the verb.] cpemen. Sax. topleafe.]

my deed to your moft painted word. Sbak.

Than is 1. A fign with the head ; a nod. I. Applied to perfons, to appear in a

BiiAn'TY-spoT. n. /. [from beauty and Haltc thee, nymph, and bring with thee manner Suitable to fomething.
/fot.'\ A fpot placed to direft the eye Quips, and cranks, and wanton wiles. If I become not a cart as well as another man,
Nods, and beds, and wreathed fmiles* Art/ten, a plague on my bringing up. Sbakeffeare,
to fomething elfe, or to heighten fome
beauty ; a foil ; a patch.
2. A nod of command. Why would I be a queen ? becaufc my face
Neither the lufty kind (hewed any roughnefs, Would wear the title with a better grace ;
The tilthinefs of fwine makes them the beauty- nor the eafier any idlenefs; but ftill like a well- If I became it not, yet it would be
fpot of the animal creation. Gre^'. obeyed madcr, whofe ieei is enough for difci- Part of your duty then to flatter me. Drydem.
Becafi'co. »./. {becafigo. Span.] A bird pline. Sidney. z. Applied to things, to be fuitable tio the
like a nightingale, feeding on figs and Then forthwith to him takes a chofen band
perfon ; to befit ; to be congruous to the
grapes ; a fig-pecker. Pineda. Of fpirits, likeft to bimfelf in guile.
To be at hand, and at his beck appear. Milton,
appearance, or charader, or circum-
The robin-redbrea(J, till of late, had re(t.
The menial fair, that round her wait, ftances, in fuch a manner a» to add
And children facrcd held a martin's neft ;

Till beeaficcs fold fo dev'lilh dear,

At Helen's beck prepare the room of ftate. Pepe. grace ; to be graceful.
To one that was, or would have been, a'p«er. Pope. To Be'ckon. V, n. To make a fign with- She to hij- fire made humble reverence,
TaBeca'lm. -v. a. [from «/«.] out words. And bowed low, that her right well bet -'me,
And added grace unto her excellence. Fairy S^in,
t . To the elements.
ftill Alexander beckoned with the hand, and would
I would 1 had fomcHowers
0' tb' fpring that
The moon Ihjne clear on the becalmed flood.
have made his defence unto the people.
ABs, xix. 33. might
When he had raifed my thoughts by thoic Beetme your time of day; mi ysur*t, >nil yosr's.
2. To keep a (hip from motion. tranfporting airs, he beckoned to mc, and, by the That wear upon your rirgin kianches yet
A man becalmed at fca, out of fight of land, in
waving of his hand, dire^ed me to approach. Your maidenheads growing. ihahe/peare.
a fair day, may look on the fun, or fca, or (hip, Yet be fad, good brothers ;
a whole hour, and perceive no motion. Locie, For, to (peak truth, it vciy well btccmts you. Sbat,
Sudden you mount, you beckon from the (kics
3. To quiet the mind. Clouds interpofc, waves roar, and winds arifc Your dj(honour
Soft whifp'ring air", and the lark's mattin fong, Pope. Mangle? ttuc judgment, and bereaves the ftate
Then woo to mul'^g, and bccalni the mind
To Be'ckon. Of that integrity which (hould btcmth. Shakefp.
<i/. a. [from beck, or beacn.
Ferplcx'd with irklome thoughts. PbiUj>s. Wicherly was of my Opinion, or rather 1 of his;
Baniih his f^inows, and becalm his foul Sax. a fign.] To make a fign to. for it ttcimts me fu tu fp:ak of fo excellent a poot.
With eafy dreams. Addijlr..
With her two crooked hands (he figns did mak«, Dryden,
Perhaps proJpcrity beealm*d his breal^ j And beckind him. Tairy St^ten, He utterly xcjefled the'ir fables concerning their
Perhapc the wind jud Ihifted from the cart. Pcf!. It beckons you to go away with it, gods, as not becuming g«rd men, much lels thofe
A! if it fome impartmcnt did dcfire wliich were wor(hlpped for gods.
4. To becalm and calm differ in this,
10 StUJtngfert,
To you atone. Shakejpeare,
that to calm is to llop motion, and to be- With this his dil{.int friends he beckons ncjr, Beco'mikg, fatticifi, eefj, [fironi bcfofpe.']
calm is to with-hold from motion, Provokes their duty, and prevents their fear. Dryd, That which pleafes by an elegant pro-
Rec a'mi. The preterite oi betome; which To Becli'p. ev. a. [of be clyppan^ Sax.] priety ; graceful. It is fometlmes ufed
fee. To embrace, Di3, with the partkif le ^j but gencmlly
Y2 with^
. : ;

without any government of the follow- Ten months wfter Florimcl happen*)] fo wed. Be'dciothes. n.f. [hom bed axii clothes.
And WiTibronglr in a laudable manner fo/'i</. yiitr. It has no Jingular.] Coverlets fprcad-
ing words.
Of thee, kind boy, I alk no red uid white 9. To mah thi Bed. To put the bed in over a bed.
To make up my delight, order after it has been uied. For ha will be fwine drunk, and in his flecp he
No odd hecomw» graces. keep his houfe, and I wa/li, wring, brew,
I dues little harm, fave to his bedclahts about liim.
Black eyes, or lituc kiiow not what, in fices. bake, feour,drefs meat, and mait ibt beds, and do Shttkffpiate,
Suckling- Bb'dder.
all myfelf. )«./ [(rom bed.] The ne«
Their difcoiirres are fuch belong to their « Bed c/ a Mortar, [with gunners.] A Bede'tter. 5 ther-rtone of an oil-miil.
age, thcit calling, and their breeding; Tuch as
Drjdtn, folid piece of oak, hollowed in the mid- Be'dding. n.f. l^itom bed.] T.he mate-
are bianJug of them, and ^f them only.
.Yet fcine iccmimr boldnrfs I may ulc } and half the
dle, to receive the breech rials of a bed; a. bed.
I've vitll dclcrvM, nor will he row rclufc. Drydtn. tiunnions. DiS. There be no inns where meet Teddinr may bi
Make their pupils repeat the aftion, that they had ; fo that his mantle fctves him then tor a bed.
ma*' correS what is conftriincd in it, till it be
Bed e/ a grsat Gun. That thick plank
. pcrtedled into an habitual aud btdmiing tafinefs.
which lies immediately under the piece, FIrft, with alTiiu'^us care from winter keep.
being, as it were, the body of the car- Well fother'd in thu flails, tliy tender flieep

Orna- riage. D;V7. Then fpread with ftraw the beddinf of ihy <iild„
Beco'minc. K.f. {(toM hecame.'] With fern beneath, to ftnti the bitter cold. Dijd^
ment. A word not now in ufe. To Bed. <v. a, [from the noun.]
Arcitc return'd, and, as in honour tied.
iir, Icr^ivc me. 1. To go to bed with. His foe wi:h btddhgind with food fupply'd. Dryd,
Since my iucm'wgi kill me when they not They have married mc
Eye well to you. Shakf/ftan, 7e Bede'ck. <v. a. [from deck.] To deck •,
I'll to the Tiifcan wars, and never bed her. Slat.
to adorn to grace.
Beco'mincly. a</i'. [from becoming.'] Af- 2. To place in bed. ;

Thou (ham'll thy (hapc, thy love, thy wit.

ter a becoming or proper manner. She was publickly contrafled, dated as a bride,
and folemnly bedded ; and, after ihe was laid,
And ufeft none ii: that tnie ufe indeed.
B co'm I N G N E ss. Tt. /. [from becomiHg. Maximilian's ambafTador put his leg, ftript naked
Which Ihould Lateci thy ftapc, tby: love, thy «•!»».
See To Become.] "Decency; elegant tn tile knee, between the pfpoufal rtiects. Baccn. Sb'akejft are*
Firtialc it feems,
congruity ; propriety. 3. To make partaker of the bed.
That fo beitck'd, ornate, and gjy.
Nor is the majelty of the divine government There was a doubt ripped up, whether Arthur Comes this way. Millmi^
greater in its extent, than the htcjimr.gmji thereof was bidded with liis lady. Bsar..
With ornamental drops bedeck' d I flood.
4. To fow, or plant in earth.
is in its manner and form. CrcKo.
And writ my vidlory with my enemy's blood. Norrls^
BED. Sax]
n.f. [bib. Lay the turf with the grafs fids downward, upon Now Ceres, in her prime.
Something made to ileep on. which lay fome of your beft mould to /'crf your quick Smiles fertile, and with ruddied freight bedecks.
the in, and lay your quick upon it. M'
Lying not crefl, but hollow, which is in

malting of the or with the legs gathered up,

btd:, 5. To lay in a place of reft, or fecarity. Be'dehouse. bebe. Sax., a
ft. /. [from
which is in the pollutv of the body, is tlie more Let coarfe bold hands, from (limy neft. prayer, and beu/e.] An hofpital or alms-
wholefome. Bacin. The bedded fi(h in banks outwreft. Dmia.
houfe, where the poor people prayed for
Rigour now is gone to hcd, A fnake bedded himfelf under the threfliold of
a country-hcufe. their founders and benefadors.
Advice with fcrupulous head. Mthon. L''EJirange.
Thofc huufes then were caves, or homely ftieds, 6. To lay in order ; to ftratify. Bedl'tter. See Beoder.
With twining oziers fcnc'd, and mofs their beds. And
as the flesping foldicrs in th' alarm. To Bede'w. 17. a. [from i/ezu.] To mois-
DryJm. Your bedded hairs, like life in excrements,
ten gently, as with the fall of dew.
2. Lodging ; the convenience of a place Start up, and ftand on end. Stakfjfeare.
£cdiw her ps.lure's giafs wiili En^i!h btoott.
to fleep in. To Bed. 11. n. To cohabit. Shatejftare*-
On my knees I beg, If he be married, and h<d with his wife, and Let the tears, that (hould bedem my lieifc.

That you'll vouchiafc me raiment, bed, and food. afterwards reiapfe, he may pollibly fancy that Ihe Be drops of balm to fantfl'fy thy head. ShaBefp*.
Sbakff^tiiri. infcfted him. JVtf^man. The countcf.. received a letter from h'm, where-
3. Marriage. To Beda'bble. f. a. [from /iabble.] To unto all the while (he was writing her anfwcr, flic
George, the of this fecond brd, was,
elJeft fon • wet; to befprlnkle. It is generally ap- bcdiived the paper v^ith her teai*s. JVcttin.
after the death of his father, by the fingular plied to perfons, in a fenfe including in- What fiendcr youtli, Ledcw^dviUh liquid odours^.
care and afiedlion of his mother, well brought Courts tliBC on rofc , in .'bme leafant cavjL.' j Afi/r.
convenience. Balm, from afitver box diflill'd around.
up. CUrcodatJ'
Never wne,
fo wear)', never fo in
Shall all bedetu the roots, and fcent the facrcii
4. Bank of earth
raifed in a garden. Bedi^bbled with the dew, an! torn with briars, ground. Dryden,
Herbs will be tenderer and fairer, if you take 1 can no further crawl, no further go. Shakiffteare,
He ihid : aud falling teats his face tedevc, DryeL
thcra out of beds, when they are newly come up, To Beda'ggle, <f. a. [from lie^ggk.] To
•nl remove them into pots, with better earth. Be'd FELLOW, n.f. [from bed ^nAfeUovj.']
bemire ; to foil clothes, by letting them
Beam. One that lies in the fame bed.
raach the dirt in walking.
5 . The channel of a river, or any hollow. He loves your people.
So high as heavM the tumid hills, fo low To Beda'sh. f. a. [from e/tT/h.] To be- But tie him not to be their bedftllovi. Stake/f^
Down funk a hollow bottom, broad, and deep. mire by throwing dirt tobcfpatter; to. ; Mifery acquaints a man withftrange bcdfti/cirs,.
Capacious b<d of waters. hfihcn. wet with throwing water. Sbtiktjffarc*
I'he great magazine for all kinds of treafure When thy warlike father, like a child. Why doth the crown lie there upon his pillow;
is fuppofed to be the bed of the Tiber. We may Told the fad ftory of my father's death. Being troublcfomc a bedfelUtv f
ftr Sbake/peare*
be fare, when the Romans lay under the apprc- That all the ftanders-by had wet their cheeks. A man wauld as foon choofe him for his bed'
henfions of feeing the*r city facked by a barbarnu?^ Like trees bedajr/d with rain. Shakefueare. fclhm a> his play fellow. L'EJiran^e.
enemy, that they would cake care to bellow fuch What charming bedf^l!vioi,^Tii companions for
TcBeda'wb. -v.a. [fTOmdeznvi.l Todawb men cho<^fe out of fuch women
of their richca that way, as could bed bear the life, yfddt/cjf. !

over ; to befmear; to foil, with fpread-

water. Ad4:jon. To Bedi'ght. t/. <r. [from dighi.] To.
6. The place where any thing is generated, ing any vifcous body over it. adorn ; to drefs ; to fet off an old :

. or rcpoftted.
A piteous corfe, a bloody piteous corfe.
word, now only ufed in humorous wri>
Pale, pale as alhcc, all bedatob^d in blood.
See hoary Albula't infefted tide ings.
All in gore blood. Shaieffenre.
O'er the warm h<d of fmoaking fulphur glide.
A maiden fme heiliglt he Jiapt to love j
7*0 B E d a'z z L E . <i/. a. [ from daxxJe. ] To
The maiden fine btdight his love letairs.
a ftratum a body fprcad make the fight dim by too much luilre.
J, .\ layer ; ;
miftaken eyes.
And for the village he ftfakes the plains. C7.rj.

over another. That have been fo litdtixxltd by the fun, To Be di'm. 1'. a. [{rom dim.] To make
-• 1 fee no rcafon, but the furface of the lanJ dim to obfcure to cloud to darken.
That every thing 1 look on fcemf'th green. Rhak. ; ; ;
/hould be at regular ai that of the water, in the
firfl produAion of it; and the ftcata, or bedi with-
B E*D CHAMBER. »./. [from bed and cham- I have bedlmm'd

The norntidc fun, cali'd forth the mutinous windt,

h», lie as even. Burner, ber.] The chamber appropriated to reft.
And 'twixt the green lea and the azure vault
Bed. To deliver of a child. They were brought to rfie king, abiding them
8. To bring to Set roaring war. Shakej'fvare.
in his bedehamher, Hetynvard.
It is often ufed with the panicle of; as,
He was now ooe of the hldcbarnbtr to the prince.
To Bedi'zen. o". a. [from dizia.] To
i>4 was brought so bed of a daiigkur. ('iSrcr.din. drefs out : a low word.
: ; ] '


BE'DLAM. n.f. [corrupted from Betlh- Be'i>R!Te. fi.f. [from Wand n/if.] The 2. induftriousandcarehilperfon, Thw
Lcm, ths name of a religious houfe in privilege of the marriage bed. is only ufed in familar lan-
London, converted afcenvards into an VVhcfe vrv.s are, tii3C no ieclr]U ^liail fcepa'd guage.
hofpital for the mad and Juiiacick.]
Till Hymen's torch b"^ lig'.ired. Shakejpsare.
BiiK-EATE It. n.f. [from ^^i? and fai.] A
Aniadhoufe ; a place appointed for
ToBedro'p. nj.a.[from be unddrcp.] To bird that feeds upon bees.
be][prinkle j to mark with fpots or drops Bee-flower. n.f. [from ^f^ and ^iiw^-.]
the cure of lunaci.
2. A madman ; a lunatick, and inhabitant
to fpeckle.
Nut thick fwarm'd once the
fo foil
A fpecies of fool-ftones. Miller.
of Bedlam. Btdroji'd with binod of Gorgon. Milieu.
Bee-garden, n.f. [from i^^^and^ara'TO.]
L?t 's follow the o!d car!, and get the hedlnvi
Our plenteous llreams a varicus race fupply : A place to fet hives cf bees in,
To Jead him wheje he w-juld j his roguifli madnefs The Jilvcr eel, in Alining \olumes roll'd A convenient and necetlary plaee ought to be
Al'tiwi itfelf to anything. Sbakejj>tare.
The yeilow carp, in fcales i.:.';',y>'<: with gold. Pipe. made choice of for your apiary, or bie-gardejt.
Be'dlam. fl«)' [frora the noun.] Belong- It./, [bed zndjfjff'. ] A wooden
B e'd 3 T A F F.

ing to a madhoufe ; fit for a madhoufe. pin ftuck anciently on the fides of the Bee-kive. n.f. [from bee a.ndhi've.] The
The count.)* gives mc procf and precedent cafe, or box, in which bees are kept.
bedftead, to hold the clothes from flip-
Of heJhm beggar?, who w':h rearing voices Bee-master, n.f. [from bee Siud merjler.]
Strike in their numb'd and mortif^'M bir« arms ping on'eithsr fide,
Pins, wooden pricks. Shjh.f^cr-. liultefi, accommodate us with a hedJJuJT.
One that keeps bees.
Btfi "j'jrtJ'.rCi Eviry i?/-/7 hh Humcur. They that a.e bei-tt.ejias, and have not car£
B£'i>L AMITE, n. f. [from bedlam.^ An in
enough of them, muft not expca to reap any con-
inhabitant of Bedlam ; a madman.
Be'dstead. It. /. [fro-m bed d.r\6 J}ead.'\
fiderabie advantage by them. Mortimer,
If wild ambition in thy bofoni reign, The frame on which the bed is placed,
Aias thou bo»fl'ft thy f jbcr fcnfe in vain ;
Chimnies with fcorn rcjefling fmoke ; BEECH. «. [bece, cr boc, Sa.xoa ;

In thefe poor bidlam'iUs thyfelf lurvcy, Stools, tables, chairs, and hci'Jiiads broke. Swift.
Thyfelf leH innoccnrly mnd tiian they. Fjm:^rralH< Be'dstraw. n.f. [from bed'a.ndjiraiu.'\ There but one fpecies of this tree at prefent

known, except two varieties, with ftriped leaves.

Be'd'Jaker. ». /. [ftom hd zn^ n:ake.'\ The draw laid under a bed to make it
It will grow to a confiderable ftarure, though the
A perfcn in the univerfiues, wliofc office foft.
foil be floney and barren ; as alfo, up the de- m
it is to make the beds, and clean the Fleas breed principally of ftraw or mars, where
clivities of mountains. The fhade of this tree ii
there hath been a little moiilure ; or the chamber
chambers. very injurious to plants, but is believed to be very
ot hedjlrflio kept clofe, and not air;:d. llaan. The timber is of
I was deeply in love with my ttjauker, upon falubrious to hunxan bodies.
which I was rufiicatcd for ever. Spt.Q/Jtcr, Bedswe'rver. and n. f [from bed great ufc to turners and joiners. The mall is very
Be'dmate. »./. [from ^c.y and .wa/f.] A Jhverve.] One bed that is falfe to the ;
good to fatten fwine and deer. Miller,

one that ranges or fwcrves from one bed Black was the forcft, ti'.ick with bceb it ftood.
bedfeilow ; one that partakes of the Drydcn.
fame bed. to another.
Nor is that, fprightly wiFdnefs in their notes.
r.iJ I To good occaGon to long lie She 'sa ieJfwervery even as bad as thofe
Which, clear and vigorous, warbks frora the beich.
A '
. prince Pa:i», noui^hl but heavenly bufinefs That vulgar! give the boldeil titles to. Skiik,f(cjyt.
S''.'..-!u rub my bcdmats Qi my comt^apy. Shairfp, Be'dtime. »-/; [from ^^i< and //«(•.] The Be'echen. etdj. [biiceni;, Saxr.] Confifr-
Be'dmouldinc. ?»•./• [from/c(/ hoarofrell; fleeping-time. ing of the wood of the beech ; belong-
Bt'DDIKG MOULDING. 5 and «!>.(/(/.] A Whit mufKf, what dances ihall we have.
ing to the beedv.
term ufed by workmen, to fignify tliofe
To wejr away this long age of three hour:>,
Bet«n:en our afttr-fupper and btJiimef Shatifp
With diligence he'll ferve us when we dine,
members in the cornice, which are plac- A ftcr evening repails, tili bedtime, their thoughts And in plain bttcbcn veffels fill our wine. Drydcn,
ed below the coronet. Builder's DiJi. will be beft taken up in the eafy grounda of reli- BEEF, n.f [birttf,French.]
Ee'di-ost. n.f. [frora ted znA poft.'\ 'the gion. l\ii!tcn.
1. The flefli cf black cattle prepared lor
poll at the corner of the bed, which The fc-yuring drunkard, if he does not fight
fupports the canopy B'foK his bs'.iimc, takes no reft tiiac night. Dryd.
What fay ycu to- a piece of bef and muftard ?

1 came the nejt day prepared, and placed her in

To Bedu'ng. [from be and dung.']
a>. a.
a clear ii^Hi, her head leaning ti a /W/'>^, ai:other To cover, cr manure with dung. The fat of roafted beef falling on birds, will
ftanding behind, holding it llca-iy. Jf^f.-ran'i .'^ujg. To Bedu'st. -v. a. [from be and aW/?.] bade them. Siv'ft,
Be'dpresser. n.f. [from ied and/nyi.] To fpiinkle with duft. 2. An OX, bull, cr cow, confidered as fit
A heavy lazy fellow. Bb'dward. adv. [from bed and luard.'l for footl. In this fenfe it has the plural
This finjuinecowjrd, this ie/J^ir^^r, thii horfc-
Toward bed. beeves ; the fingular is feldonx found.
back breaker, this huge hill of ftelh. Sbairjfiare. A pound of man's flefli
In heart
To B E D R a'c o L E . -v. a. [ from i^t' and drag- As iriv'rry as when our nuptial day done, Is not io eftlpiable or profitable.

gle,^ To foil the clothes, by fitffering And tapers burnt to iedtvard. Sltifejpeare. As flifli of niuttons, i^M'cj, orgoats. Sbakcfpeare,.

To Eedwa'rf. v. a. [from ^*and dnvarf.'\ Alcinous flew twelve fliecp, eight white-tooth'd
them, in walking, to reach the dirt.
Poor Patty CK-unr, nn more be iczn To make little ; to hinder in growth ; Two crook-haunch'd Ineves, Cbapmati,
Beiiraggled in my walks fo green. Suift. to ft ant. There was net any captain, but had credit for
y'c BEBRE'NCH.i'.ff, [frora he a.n^ drench. '\
*T:s /hrinking, not clofr weaving, that Iiath thus more viCluals than we fpent there j and yet they
To drench ; to foak j to faturate with In mind and body both bid-.vjrfrd us. Dime. had of me fifty becvtt among them. Sir Walt.,
moiilure, t
Br/nwoRK. n.f. [from bed and tvori.] On hides of becvis^ Vefore the palace gate.
Par olV from the mloJ of Bolir.jfr' ke Work done in bed ; work performed Sad fpoiU of luxury the ftiiturs fate.
1 Pope.
It i:,.fucli crimf'jn temped inouM without toil of the hands. Beef, [from the fubflantive.] Con-
lti« frcih green lap of fair king Richard's land. 'X be Dill and mental parts, fiding of the flefli of black cattle.
Sbakffpeare. Thi^ da contrive how many handi (hall ftrlke, If you a-e employed in marketing, db not accept
Be'drid. [from ^ir</ and nVir.] Con-
flr^'. VViiei fiiLiefs call them on, and know, by meafure of a treat of a />r^"fteak, and a pot of ale, from
fined to the bed by age or ficknefs. O:" their obfervaiiC toll, the enemy's wtight the butcher. Sivift,
Kor\vay, uncle of young i'ortiubrji, Why this hath not a finger's dignity. Beef-eater, n. f [from beef \r\d. eat,
-'ho, impotent ar.d i/alrid, fc.ucely hears They call this bcdtoork, rr.s-sp'ry, dofctwar. Siak. commons is beef when on
becaiife the
O: this hit nephew's purpofe. ihakifycarr. BEE. n.f. [beo, Saxon.] waiting. Mr. Steevens derives it thus':
Via he not bcJriJt an;!, 3i;ain, d es iwi.iinji. I. The animal that makes honey, remark-
But what be did being chiidilii > Sbuhjfta.e, able for its induHry and art.
Bef-eater may come frora bcaufeticr, one-
K:^w, as a myriad who attends at the fuleboard, which was
So work the hcncy ire<;t.
Creatures that» by a ruling nature, teach anciently placed in a beaufct. The bu-
The art ct'^order to a peopled kingdom. Sbakejp. fincfs of the be f-caters was, and perhaps,
- o I , - . ' .i:ipS. DoKlte, From the Moor'rtj camp is ftill, to attend the king at meals.]
Hanging •)id ir.rn, w:.o were i;rfr;</,bccaufe There has been heard a diAant humming nolfe,
would noloifcoverwherc money v«i5. Ctartti'u

tijce^eei diflurf)'t;, andarmiiigin theirhivcs. Dryd.

A yeoman of the guard.
Infirm r^rf>n«, when they come to be fo * -ak Beef-v/ittei). a.lj. [from A-.?/" and if;'/
, 'A company of poor infedts, whereof f>r>ie ure .

M to be fixed to their beds, hold out many years

; ten, delighted witli Bowers, and their fwectncfs'; Dull ; llupid ; heavy-headed.
force have lain ieiri<< twenty •.
cars, f.m. others beetles', delighted witt> other Tiimds, Lveke, Jiief willed ;urd» SL:/kefptare.

; ; . .

Who nuill,go
Bb'kmoi.. •./ This word I h»ve found Be'etlsstock. «. /. [from iett le znd them, in a cloud and pillar Of fir«.
only in the example, and knov*' nothing ^ock.] The handle of a beetle. a cloud, by night a pillar of fire.
By day
of the etymology, unlcf:. it be a corrup- Be'etrave.
_ ,
1 , . .,„,
> n.f. A plant. To guide tliern in their journey, and remove
tion of iy moduli, from iy and modulus, Be etradish. j Behind them, while the obdurate king purfues.
a note ; that is, a note out of the regu- Beeves, w./. [The plural of beef.] Black
cattle oxen. 3. In the prefence of: noting authority or
lar order. ;

There be lntcr»enient in the rife of eight, in One way, a band feleft from forage drives conquefl.
toaes, two ieemis, or half notes ; Co as, i! you di- A herd of beevei, fair oxen, and fair kinc. Great queen of gathering-clouds.
vide the tones r(jually, .he eight is but fcven whole From a fat meadow ground. Miltan. See we fall befive thee !

Others make good the paucity of their breed Hroftrate we ad»re thee ! Vryden.
and equal notes. Biicon,
with the length and duration of their days j where- The Alps and Pyreiiean fink before him. Mdif.
IrKK. [beon, Saxon.] The fartlcl/iU fre. of there want not examples in animals uniparous, In the prefence of: noting refpeft.
teriteofTe Be. firft, in bifulcous or cloven-lioofed, as camels j We fee that blufhing, ar.J calling down of the
Enough that virtue fill'd the fpice between, and teems, whereof there is above a million an- eyes, both are more when we come before many.
Prov*d by the ends of being to have irrts. Ps/^f, nually flain in England. Bntvn's Viitgiir Errcun. Batoa.
touch, at once to jelly turn,
Beer. /. [iir, Welfli.] Liquor made
>i. Beeves, at his They reprefent our poet betwixt a farmer and •
of malt and hops. It is diftiiiguifticd And the huge boar is Ihrunk into an urn. Pofe. courtier, when he drcft hirafelf in his beft baiit,
7*0 Befa'll. t;. n. [from/all. It be/ell, it to appear before his patron. Dryden,
from ale, either by being older or fmall-
bat/) befallen.'] 5. In fight of.
u To happen to ufed generally of ill.
Bf-tt the eyes of both our armies here.
Here 's a pot of good double iter, neighbour ; Stakejjpeare,
Let me know Let us not wrangle.
'drink. Shakcj'ftare.
Try clarifying with almond* in new ken; Baccn. The word that may befall me in this cafe. Shak, 6. Under the cognizance of : noting jurif-
Flow, Wiilfted flow, like thine infpiter, hcer
Other doubt poirellcs me, left harm didion.
Befall thee, fcver'd from roc. Milton. If a fuit be begun before an archdeacon, thfl
Tho' ftale, not ripe ; tlio' thin, yet never clear
So fwcetly mawkifli, and fo fmoothly dull This venerable perfon, who probably heard our ordinary may litenlc the fuit to an higher court.
. Heady, not ftrong ; and foaming, tho' not full. Saviour's prophecy of the dcftruflion of Jerufa-
Pope. lem, drew his congregation out of thcle unparal- In the power of: noting the right of
leled calamities, which befell his countrymen.
Be'estincs. See Biestings, choice.
Beet. «. /. [beta, Lat.] The name of a This difgrace has befallen them, not becaufe The world was all before them, where to chufe
plant. but becaufe the people love new
Their place of reft, and Providence their guide.
they deferved it,
The fpecies are, i. The common white bett. faces. Addifm.
Give us this evening ; thou haft morn and night.
a. The commongreen beet. 3. The common 2. To happento, as good or neutral.
xed beet. 4. The turnip-rooted red beet. 5. The
And all the year, before thee for delight. Dryden.
Bion alked an envious man, that was very fad, He hath put us in the hands of our own coun-
great red beet. 6. The yellow beet. y. The Swifs what harm had befallen unto him, or what good fcl. Life and death, profperity and dcftruCtion,
or Chard beet. Miller.
had befallen unto another man ? Baeon.
arc before us. Tiltotjen,
BE'ETLE. »./. [byrel, Saxon.] No man can certainly concludt God's love or
8. By the impulfe of fomething behind.
hatred to any pcrfon, from what befalls him in
1 . An infeft diftinguifhed by having hard
Her part, poor foul ! fceming as burdened
this world.
cafes or iheaths, under which he folds With leffcrweight, but not with lefler woe,
his wings.

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