Online Shopping in Bangladesh

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Online Shopping In Bangladesh

The entire world has already been transformed into a virtual world. Individuals, institutions, and

organizations are all conducting their business electronically. The business sector had the most

impact. E-commerce was created to help businesses grow in the virtual world. E-commerce

encompasses a wide range of online business operations for products and services, both business

to business and consumer to consumer, via the internet. E-commerce has already made

significant differences over the world. E-commerce is the means by which the concept of

globalization is realized. E-commerce platforms allow anyone to purchase and sell anything from

anywhere in the world. Payment issues were a major hurdle to people shopping online in

Bangladesh at the start of e-commerce. Consumers who shop online or engage in any type of

online transaction can now utilize their debit or credit card.

1)Talukdar,S.(2019).Determinants of user acceptance and use of open government data.An

empirical investigation in Bangladesh.(pp 147-156).

Despite the benefits of open government data in terms of openness,accountability and

engagement there has been a low level of acceptance and use of OGD.As a result, the goal of this

work was to combine the strengths of two well-known theories: the unified theory of acceptance

and use of technology (UTAUT) and the IS success model, in order to produce a parsimonious

model.385 responses from Bangladesh a developing country were used to empirically validate

research model.Practically,this study offers some useful policy recommendations for

implementing better policies and tactics to promote the acceptance and use of OGD.
I found this Article useful for my research because it gives me a better idea of what kind of

knowledge people have online shopping in Bangladesh.I also also found this article helpful my

writing because it shows different types of market segment Online shopping in Bangladesh.

2)Islam,T.(2016).Understanding customers intention to use e-commerce in Bangladesh.An

application of the technology acceptance model.(pp 19-35).

Due to the rising dispersion of information and communication technology (ICT) around the

world, including Bangladesh, e-commerce has become a vital aspect of marketing. Because of its

expanding economic importance, it's vital to figure out what elements influence customers'

willingness to use e-commerce in Bangladesh. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was

utilized in this study to identify significant elements impacting customers' willingness to adopt

an e-commerce system. This study's findings have major consequences for users' intentions to

use e-commerce in Bangladesh.

I found this research is very helpful E-commerce online in Bangladesh.i found this article about

communication technology around the world including Bangladesh.I know how economics are

important Online shopping in Bangladesh.

3)Rahman,M.(2018).Consumer buying behavior.Empirical study on dhaka.(pp45-54).

The World Wide Web has had a significant impact on people's attitudes and behaviors all around

the world. As a result of this blessing, online shopping has flourished, influencing the lives of

regular people. Bangladesh has also begun to offer internet shopping, but consumers are not yet

accustomed to doing so on a regular basis. A self-constructed questionnaire comprising 160

respondents from Dhaka city was used in this study to better understand the behavior of internet

shoppers. The majority of customers are concerned about the payment system's security, and

their overall happiness with online buying is divided.

I found this article interesting.I know World wide web has had a significant impact on people's

attitudes and behavior all around the world.I also know online shopping has flourished

,influencing the lives of regular people.

4)Shohanur,R.(2020).User satisfaction on online Shopping,User satisfaction.(pp15-40).

The Factors of Internet Shopping User Satisfaction” is based on online shopping, which is a

well-known phenomenon around the world. Bangladesh isn't far behind either. A large number

of internet stores are being established. From the consumer's standpoint, this study investigates

the acceptance of online purchasing in Bangladesh. The survey presents the current events and

habits among Bangladeshi internet users. At the conclusion of this investigation, a

recommendation was made to online business operators.

I found this article helpful to understand customer satisfaction.I also know a large number of

internet stores are being established in Bangladesh.i know current event habits among

Bangladesh internet users.I also know how to operate Online Business In Bangladesh.

5)Saha,S.(2020).consumer pay more for efficient delivery.E-commerce satisfaction and

willingness to pay on online shopping in Bangladesh.(pp45-60).
As new obstacles to reach customers and ensure fast and efficient delivery have surfaced, the

distribution of products to end consumers has been widely considered in the e-commerce

business. The research model for this study adds the crucial e-commerce variables of delivery

efficiency, cost-saving efficiency, and online purchasing experience to the expanded unified

theory of technology adoption and application. The research also sheds light on how cost-cutting

efficiency affects online customer happiness and repurchase propensity. Finally, our findings

provide e-retailers with recommendations for enhancing shopping happiness, repurchase intent,

and readiness to pay more.

I find this article useful for my research because I know how to reach customers and ensure fast

and efficient delivery. I  know the distribution of products to end consumers has been widely

considered in the e-commerce business.I also know this teaches how to reduce cost saving

efficiency and online purchasing experience to the expanded unified theory of technology

adoption and application.I also know how efficiency affects online customer satisfaction and


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