3 Why It Matters 2020

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© The World Bank/Dominic Chavez

An additional
GOOD HEALTH 18 million
AND WELL-BEING: health workers
are needed,
WHY IT MATTERS primarily in
What’s the goal here? Most countries, espe- low- and lower-
cially poor countries, have
To ensure healthy lives
and promote well-being
insufficient health facili-
ties, medical supplies and
middle income
for all at all ages. health care workers for
the surge in demand.
Ensuring healthy lives
The pandemic has shown to achieve
that in rich and poor coun-
and promoting well-being
is important to building
tries alike, a health emer- universal health
gency can push people into
prosperous societies.
bankruptcy or poverty. coverage
However, the COVID-19
pandemic has devastated
health systems globally
Concerted efforts are
required to achieve uni- by 2030
versal health coverage and
and threatens already
sustainable financing for
achieved health outcomes.
health; address the grow- 19.4 million children did essential health services
ing burden of zoonotic not receive the essen- must greatly accelerate.
and non-communicable tial vaccines during the
diseases, tackle antimi- first year of life. In fact, What can I do to help?
crobial resistance and since March 2020, routine You can start by
environmental factors childhood immunization promoting and protecting
contributing to ill health. services have been dis- your own health and
rupted on a scale not seen the health of those
What progress have since the inception of the around you, by making
we made so far? Expanded Programme on well-informed choices,
Immunization in the 1970s. practicing safe sex and
Progress in many health
vaccinating your children.
areas, such as in reducing Does everyone have
maternal and child mortal-
ity, in increasing coverage
access to healthcare? You can raise awareness
in your community about
of immunization, and in In 2017, only around one the importance of good
reducing some infectious third to half of the global health, healthy lifestyles
diseases, continues, but population was covered as well as people’s right
the rate of improvement by essential health ser- to quality health care
has slowed down, espe- vices. If current trends services, especially for
cially during COVID-19 continue, only 39 per the most vulnerable such
which is overwhelming the cent to 63 per cent of as women and children.
health systems globally the global population will
and threatens health out- be covered by essential You can also hold your
comes already achieved. health services by 2030. government, local leaders
and other decision-
How can we achieve The COVID-19 crisis has makers accountable to
disrupted essential health
these targets? services around the world.
their commitments to
improve people’s access
Ensuring healthy lives for Some services have been to health and health care.
all requires a strong com- suspended to free up
resources for COVID-19 To find out more
mitment, but the benefits
patients and to reduce about Goal #3 and
outweigh the cost. Healthy
the risk of transmission. the other Sustainable
people are the foundation
If universal health cover- Development Goals, visit:
for healthy economies.
age is to become a real- http://www.un.org/
Immunization is one of the sustainabledevelopment
ity by 2030, growth in
world’s most successful
the provision and use of
and cost-effective health
interventions. While vac-
cination coverage among
infants increased from 72
per cent in 2000 to 86 per
cent in 2018, an estimated

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