2 - SITXHRM003 Lead and Manage People Student Assessment Guide

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SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

Lead and manage people
Version 2.2

Student Assessment Guide

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SITXHRM003 Student Assessment Guide Version: 2.2 Date Created: July 2017

Last Reviewed: MARCH 2020 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: JULY 2020

Australian Academy of Higher Learning T/A Technical Institute of Victoria (TIV) (RTO No:21994 CRICOS CODE 02924F)
SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

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SITXHRM003 Student Assessment Guide Version: 2.2 Date Created: July 2017
Last Reviewed: MARCH 2020 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: JULY 2020
UNIT CODE AND SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people
1. This form must be stapled on top of the Assessment Workbook upon submission.
2. This Assessment Receipt Form must be dated and signed in.

1. I am aware that penalties exist for plagiarism and academic dishonesty.
2. I am aware of the requirements set by my Trainer/Assessor.
3. I have retained a copy of my Assessment.

Student Signature: Date:



================================= Tear Here ===========================

Students must retain this as a Record of Submission.
Assessment Handed On:

Unit Code & Description: SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

TIV Student
Assessment Received by

TIV Staff Name: Student ID:

………………...……..............……...……... .................................................................

Signature: Student Signature:

…………………………...……...……...…………..…... ….………………………………………..…….
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Competency Record Sheet:
This form is to be completed by the assessor and is used to record the student assessment Outcome/result for the Unit of
Competency. All student submissions (Outlined below) are to be attached to this sheet before placing on the student
academic file. Student results are not to be entered into the Student database unless all relevant paperwork is completed
and attached to this sheet.
Student must complete all assessment tasks as satisfactory (S) to be Competent (C)

To be fill by the Student

Student’s ID:
Student’s Name:
Date of
Assessor’s Name:
Qualification Code and Title
Unit of Competency SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

Assessor Use OnlyFirst attemptRe-SubmissionLate Submission

Student Results
Assessment Methods Not Yet
Please attach the following assessment methods to this Satisfactory(S) Satisfactory
sheet (NYS)
Assessment 1: Written Test □ □
Assessment 2: Case Study □ □
Assessment 3: Project □ □


Note: student is required be marked satisfactory in all assessment methods to be deemed competent in this unit.

Unit Outcome:  Competent  Not Yet Competent

Is re-assessment required:  Yes  No

Student’s Signature: Assessor’s Signature:

Administrative Use Only

All sections are completed and signed. The Final Unit result is entered in the Student Management System.

Name: Signature Date

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Please read all the information given to you when you receive this assessment booklet. If
you do not understand any part of this booklet, please inform your assessor/trainer.

The Student Guide contains two (2) parts:

PART 1: Assessments information:

This part contains information on assessments for this unit of competency and how assessment
will be conducted throughout unit to achieve the competency. It includes:

 Application of the unit of competency

 Purpose of assessment
 Elements, Performance criteria, performance and knowledge evidences requirements
of the unit
 Context, Conditions and required resources and location of the assessment.
 Assessment methods and tasks.
 An outline of evidence to be gathered from student.
 Administration, recording and reporting the requirements including special adjustments,
appeals, reasonable adjustments and assessors’ intervention.

PART 2: Assessment Methods and Tasks:

This part contains the information to successfully undertake the assessment Method. In each
assessment method, students will find the following information:
 Generic Instructions to students on assessment method
 Information on Resources required where applicable
 Planning the assessment
 Evidence specification
 Evidence submission
 Assessment Tasks and Task instructions.
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Assessment Information
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Application of the unit of competency:

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to lead and manage
people including in teams and support and encourage their commitment to the organization.
It requires the ability to lead by example and manage performance through effective leadership.

The unit applies to individuals who operate independently and are responsible for leading and
motivating people and teams. This includes supervisors, operational and senior managers.

The unit applies to all tourism, travel, hospitality, and event sectors.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the
time of publication.

Purpose of assessment:
The purpose of assessment is to determine competency in the unit SITHRM003- Lead and
manage people
Elements Elements Title
1 Model high standards of performance and behaviour.
2 Develop team commitment and cooperation.
3 Manage team performance.

Foundation Skills

Foundation skills essential to performance in this unit, but not explicit in the performance
criteria are listed here, along with a brief context statement.


Writing skills to:  prepare and document clear and articulate team plans.

Oral communication  overcome communication barriers in providing effective

skills to: support and motivation to a team.

Planning and organising  ensure activities and initiatives important to team

skills to: development are integrated into own work planning.

Performance evidence:
Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this
unit in the context of the job role, and:

 monitor individual or team performance demonstrating the following leadership and

management roles:
o decision making
o delegation of tasks
o information provision
o provision of feedback
o motivation through recognition and rewards
o planning and organising
 seek and respond to feedback from team members during the above service periods,
in line with organisational goals and policies in the following areas:
o allocation or performance of work
o effectiveness of communication within team, between other teams or within
o efficiency or deficiency in workplace practices.

Knowledge Evidence
Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and
performance criteria of this unit:

 roles of and functions performed by supervisors and managers:

o decision making
o delegating tasks
o monitoring staff
o planning and organising
o providing information:
o organisation performance
o changes in organisational policies
o marketing information and targets
o overall organisational objectives
o plans for new equipment
o rationale for management decisions
o technology updates
o training developments
 expectations, roles and responsibilities of team members:
o adhering to policies and procedures
o cooperative and open communication
o nature and scope of work
o relationships with others in the workplace and interdependent areas of activity
o reporting requirements
 considerations in the individual development of staff:
o change in job responsibilities
o external training and professional development
o formal promotion
o internal training and professional development
o opportunity for greater autonomy or responsibility
 features of different leadership styles
 features of open and supportive communication
 characteristics of effective leadership
 principles of teamwork and:
o characteristics of effective teams
o roles and attributes of team members
o organisation of teams
o potential team problems
o benefits of effective teamwork
 role and theories of motivation as they apply to the management of individuals and
 the role of group dynamics in successful team management
 forms of recognition and reward applicable to leading staff:
o acknowledging individual good performance to the whole team
o incentive initiatives
o informal acknowledgement
o presenting awards
o written reports to management
 types of organisational plans and planning processes.
Context and conditions for assessments:
To comply with the assessment condition of this unit:
 TIV will conduct the assessment to gather performance evidences for this unit in simulated
hospitality environment in the classroom at Level 1 /252 Lygon, Carlton VIC 3053.
Although most of scenarios need basic facility e.g. desk, sample policy and procedures,
internal and external customers which can be set up in the classroom however if
deemed necessary Assessor may use TIV Kitchen at 3 Miller street in Prahran or unit 4/578,
Plummer street, Port Melbourne for a scenario’s in the kitchen.
 Students must demonstrate adequate skills and knowledge evidence by providing a
satisfactory outcome for each assessment task. Assessors will refer to the model answers
in the trainer and assessor guide to compare with the student responses for each
question. However, assessor may consider student’s responses if those are relevant to the
 Classroom will have access to resources to conduct the assessment tasks including access
to commercial policies and procedures relating to complaint, conflict, and dispute
resolution handling.
 Knowledge assessments for this unit will be conducted in TIV Classrooms at Level 1 /252
Lygon Street, Carlton VIC 3053
 TIV assessors who are assessing this unit will satisfy the requirements specified in Clauses 1.13-
1.16 in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations
Resources Required:
The assessor will ensure that assessment is conducted in a safe environment and you have access
to the following resources for the unit.

- Computers with access to internet and printers

- DIDASKO learner guide for unit SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people
- Access to TIV Simulated environment in TIV classroom with access to equipment and
documents defined in conditions of assessment
- Fellow students or Role-Play participants to perform the Role-Plays
- Additional assessor/s if required

Competency Requirements:
Student must complete the all the assessment tasks to the satisfactory level to be deem
competency in this unit

Assessors will ensure that the evidence collected meets the requirements of the Rules of Evidence
(authentic, current, sufficient and valid) prior to entering results into the competency record

Students unsuccessful at achieving “Satisfactory” for any assessment at the first attempt will be
given two opportunities for reassessment. If the student is still deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC)
after two reassessments in a unit of competency student will be required to repeat the unit as per
the scheduled delivery of the course. For further details, refer to TIV Re-Assessment Policy and
TIV Course Progress Policy.

Assessment Assessment description Due Location of

tasks date assessment
In this assessment, there are questions
assigned into several sections. Student are TIV
Method -1 required to answer these questions the classroom
Written Test based on the learning and/or individual
practical experience.
This assessment requires to evaluate a
Assessment case study and present a report of ways TIV
Method 2
to tackle the problem(s) and improve the the classroom
Case study
efficiency and effectiveness of employees

This assessment requires you to explain how

you model high standards of
performance and behaviour, develop
team commitment and cooperation, TIV
Method 3
manage team performance, monitor and classroom/simulated
review team performance, understand environment
the role of coaching and mentoring and
recognition and rewards for team

Outline of evidence to be collected:

You must submit the following evidence to be marked competent for this unit. Your assessor will
ensure that the evidence submitted meets the Rules of Evidence which are valid, sufficient,
current and authentic.

 Completed written test and submit to your assessor.

 You must submit the hard copy of the assessment. If you
Assessment Method -1
unable to submit the hard copy must discuss and agree the
Written Test
format with the assessor prior to the deadline
 Complete and sign the cover sheet for assessment task
 Satisfactorily completed budget reports in spreadsheets
Assessment Method 2  Completed and sign the cover sheet for assessment task
Case study  Observation check lists which assessor have marked
 Completed and signed the cover sheet
 Completed student guide
 Completed and sign the cover sheet for assessment task
Assessment Method 3  Completed templates included in the student guide
Project  Marking guides which assessor have marked
 Completed and signed the cover sheet
 Completed student guide

Administration, recording and reporting requirements:

You must read and follow this information carefully while completing assessments for this unit of
competency and if you are unsure of any instruction, please contact your assessor to clarify.

The assessments are intended to be equitable, fair and flexible.

Submission of assessment:

 Your assessor will mark the submitted assessment, provide feedback to you and complete
the comments section against each task, where applicable.
 ALL tasks must be completed in legible English.
 You must submit assessment tasks as per the format (Handwritten/Electronically) given
under the assessment instructions in each assessment method.
 You must submit all assessments on or before the due date specified by the assessor.
 Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances
with your assessor/trainer. However, you need to provide genuine documents as evidence
when seeking an extension to due date (e.g. extensions due to illness will require a
medical certificate.
 You are permitted to use dictionaries(printed/Electronic) and to seek support (as required)
unless it puts in jeopardy the integrity of the assessment, your assessor will let you know if this
is the case.
 Unless the assessment task specifically allows pair work or group activities such as
brainstorming, you must submit your own original work and must not copy the work of
other students. Plagiarism is unacceptable.
 You must submit your assessment tasks in person in hard copies in the classroom.

Recording an assessment result:

Once the assessments have been completed, the assessor will record the assessment results on
the competency assessment record sheets

Assessors will check that you have completed the student declaration prior to filling out the
assessment cover sheet.

Retaining assessment records:

TIV will securely retain all completed student assessment items for each student for a period of 18
months from the date on which the judgement of competence for the student was made.
However, Students are required to retain a copy of the submitted assessments. (Assessments
which are completing outside the classroom). TIV will also retain sufficient data to be able to
reissue AQF certification documentation for a period of 30 years.

All assessment records submitted to the assessor for marking will be retained securely.

The Administration Manager will ensure that the student records are securely retained in
accordance with the TIV record control policy and procedure.
Assessment outcomes:

For unit of competency:

There are two outcomes for assessments: C = Competent and NYC = Not Yet Competent
You will be awarded C = Competent on completion of the unit when the assessor is satisfied that
you have completed all assessments and have provided the appropriate evidence required to
meet all criteria in line with the Rules of Evidence. If you fail to meet this requirement, you will
receive the result NYC = Not Yet Competent and will be eligible to be re-assessed in accordance
with the TIV Re-Assessment Policy and TIV Course Progress Policy.

For assessment methods:

There are two assessment outcomes for assessment methods: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not
On the individual assessment cover sheet for assessment method you will be marked Satisfactory,
if you have completed the task successfully, submitted all evidence and satisfied the assessment
criteria. if you have not completed the task, the evidence is not sufficient or does not meet
the requirements of the assessment criteria, you will be marked as Not Satisfactory.

If you are unsuccessful at achieving competency at the first attempt, you will be given two further
opportunities for re-assessment at a mutually agreed time and date. For further details, refer to
the TIV Re-Assessment Policy and TIV Course Progress Policy. As this is a competency-based
program, the assessment continues throughout the program until you either achieve
Competency in the assessment tasks or a further training need is identified and addressed.

Student access to records:

You have the right to access current records of your participation and results at any time. You
can see your results or attendance progress by requesting a copy of your records by contacting
the student administration and the assessor.

You may seek clarification about the assessment information and the instructions and tasks from
the assessor. You may have to agree to a timeframe with assessor if you need to meet out of your
scheduled classes.
Reasonable adjustments and special learning needs:
TIV works to ensure that students with recognized and acceptable disadvantages can access and
participate in education and training on the same basis as other students. Disadvantages may be
based, for example, upon age, cultural background, physical disability, limited or non-current
industry experience, language, numeracy or digital literacy issues.

Prior to enrolment and assessments reveal that a student may require special support or where,
after enrolment, it is made apparent that the student requires special support, reasonable
adjustments will be made to the learning environment, training delivery, learning resources
and/or assessment tasks to accommodate the particular needs of the student. An adjustment
is reasonable if it can accommodate the student’s particular needs, while also taking into
account factors such as the student’s views, the potential effect of the adjustment on the student
and others and the costs and benefits of making the adjustment.

Any adjustments made must:

a. Be discussed, agreed and documented in the assessment record

b. Benefit the student.
c. Maintain the integrity of the competency standards and course requirements as stipulated
in the training package.
d. Be reasonable to expect in a

workplace. Reasonable adjustment may

consist of:

a. Providing additional time for students to complete learning and assessment tasks.
b. Presenting questions orally for students with literacy issues.
c. Asking questions in a relevant practical context.
d. Using large print material.
e. Extending the course duration.
f. Presenting work instructions in diagrammatic or pictorial form instead of words
and sentences.

Complaints and appeals:

If you are dissatisfied with an assessment outcome, you may appeal the assessment decision. In
the first instance, you are encouraged to appeal informally by contacting the assessor and
discussing the matter with them. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of such discussion, you
may appeal further to either the RTO Manager and/or CEO. If you are still dissatisfied, you may
appeal formally and in writing to the external body. For more information, refer to the Assessment
Policy and the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures.

Assessor intervention:

Assessors will defer the assessment, if assessor identifies that you are not ready for the assessment.
Feedback will be given to you once assessor mark the assessment. (approximately within 14
days of completing the assessment. If the assessor feels the assessment activities that might
impact on your safety or that of others, the assessor will stop the assessment immediately.
Plagiarism, cheating and assessment dishonesty:

TIV considers plagiarism and cheating as a serious misdemeanour. Evidence of plagiarism and
cheating is treated on a case by case basis and the consequences for students engaging in
such practices may include failure of the assessment or exclusion from the course. For more
information, refer to TIV’s Assessment Policy.

Student are required to provide reference of the sources of information. If it is from a website
you should quote website link, if it’s a textbook must quote the name of the textbook and
publisher. If you are quoting from the learner guide list the name of the guide.

Student Declaration:

I...............................................................(Student Name)have read and understand the

information provided above and also understand and accept that any act of plagiarism and
academic dishonesty may have penalties including cancellation or suspension of my enrolment
with TIV. I further declare that:

 All assessment work submitted for this unit competency is my own original work and
plagiarism and collusion has not occurred.
 Assessment work has not been copied or submitted for any other unit/course.
 I have taken proper care and effort to ensure my work has not been copied by another
 I have retained a copy of this assessment for my own records in the event I have to
reproduce my work.
 I am aware that any assessment deemed unsatisfactory will require me to undergo
reassessment which may be different to the one originally submitted.

Student signature: ............................................................... Date: ....../....../.......

Assessment Method
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Assessment Cover Sheet: Assessment Method 1
Student Detail
Student Id:
Student Name:
Group No:
Assessment Details
Unit of Competency SITXHRM003 Lead and Manage People
Assessment Method Written Test
Due Date
Date of Submission
Assessment Outcome Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □
Assessor Name


Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this
assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where
this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or
photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.
Assessor Student
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, I have received, discussed and accepted the
reliable and flexible assessment with this student, outcome as above for this assessment method
and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also and I am aware of my appeal rights.
declare that I have undertaken the indicated
assessment integrity checks
Google check for plagiarism  Yes No
Check for Copying/Collusion  Yes No
Check for Authenticity  Yes No

Signature: ........................................................ Signature: .......................................................

Date: ..............................................................
Date: ................................................................
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Assessment Method 3: Written Test
Instructions for students:
 In this written test there are forty-five questions. You must Satisfactory answer to all the
questions, given in this assessment to be deemed satisfactory for the assessment.
 It is recommended to spend 2 hours to complete the written test
 This assessment will be conducted in the TIV classroom. You could complete the
assessment outside the campus. In this case you must confirm to the assessor, that you
have access to the above resources.
 This written test is open book. However, you must list the reference sources that you
referred to complete this assessment.
 List the reference sources in the space given at the end of the assessment.
 You must complete the Assessment cover sheet – Student detail section.
 Trainer/Assessor will inform you the submission date.
 Submit the assessment with completed assessment coversheet
 You must use only BLUE OR BLACK PEN to complete this assessment task including to
complete the assessment cover sheets
 Your HANDWRITING must be clear to read and understand by a third party. If not, your
assessor will mark the assessment as “Not Satisfactory”

Resources required:
 Computer with internet connection to refer to various resources.
 Didasko Learner Guide- Unit –SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people
 Student Guide and a pen (organized by the student).

Planning the assessment

- Trainer/Assessor will provide a date for the assessment & brief the TIV assessment policy to the
- Ensure you have access to all resources listed above, either printed copies or access via the
Recommended time to complete the assessment: 2 hours
- Your assessor will set a time to provide feedback

Evidence specifications:
At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence by the due
date specified by the assessor:
- You are required to submit a completed written test.
- Completed and signed cover sheet for assessment

Evidence submission:
You must submit the hard copy of the assessment. If you unable to submit the hard copy must
discuss and agree the format with the assessor prior to the deadline
Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet
Q1: There are five main functions a manager will perform in most work roles. List them and briefly
explain each one.

Functions Explanation

Q2: Team members need all the information pertinent to their role to achieve goals and carry out their
work effectively. We run a large retail business and I have five staff members who work in a
supervisory role and manage the retail floor staff. List the operational information these supervisors
and their teams need to complete their roles. List at least six.
Q3: Think of someone who has positively influenced or inspired you. It could be a teacher, friend, sporting
coach or someone you work with. Why have they had a positive influence on you and what makes
them a good leader?

Q4: List six commonly held traits of an effective leader.

Q5: Look at these roles a manager would undertake in their daily work. Decide whether they are a
management function or a leadership role. Using the dropdown, select ‘Management’ or
I need to recruit a new staff member for the
team while Lily is on maternity leave.
We are underutilising some of the staff. I
need to monitor their work outputs.
The team are lacking motivation after losing
a tender application that we worked on for
many months.
Two staff members need some one-on-one
coaching to help improve their sales
Our team is a little disjointed and I am
hearing and seeing some discontent.
We are just about to undertake a large
project. I must determine the work
requirements and find the resources to
achieve our goals.
SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

Q6: These three qualities are very important if you wish to lead successful teams. What do you
think they mean in relation to being a good leader?



Q7: Leaders must role-model both positive attitudes and behaviours. List six behaviours you can role-
model that will help you lead and manage staff.

Q8: There are three leadership styles and the style you follow depends on the nature of your work and
your team. Look at the statements and decide whether they are:
 directive, authoritarian or command-centred leadership
 democratic, participative or collaborative leadership
 laissez-faire or ‘hands-off’ leadership.
This team works well as a group and they come up with
great initiatives if I provide some initial guidance and
direction. They love to provide input to the decisions.
I have a group of young, recently graduated staff
and they lack confidence in their new tasks. They
need clear, concise instructions and tasks at this
stage in
their work.
My sales team are very motivated and high achievers.
They meet all goals all of the time and their combined
experience is an asset to the company.

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Last Reviewed: MARCH 2020 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: JULY 2020
SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

Q9: No one leadership style is best to use all the time. A good leader can adapt their leadership
style to suit the person and the situation.
How does the person and the situation influence your leadership style?

Q10: What is planning and why do managers need to plan?

Q11: Organisational plans may be short-term or long-term. They may involve the whole organisation or
just your department. What type of plans do managers use? List six.

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Last Reviewed: MARCH 2020 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: JULY 2020
SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

Q12: Using the hierarchy of plans in section 1 of your learner guide, provide examples of the
different plans and goals that would be utilised by the organisation according to the organisational
level in which they would be used. Provide at least two examples in each category.

Organisation level Types of plans or goals

Whole organisation level

Departmental level

Individual level

Q13: Why is open and supportive communication important when communicating plans and goals to staff?

Q14: List five things you can do to model and encourage open and supportive communication within
your team.

Q15: How would you define a team?

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Last Reviewed: MARCH 2020 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: JULY 2020
SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

Q16: Research into what makes an effective team identifies that teams not only share common
goals, they communicate effectively and support each other. List the six characteristics of
effective teams.

Q17: One of your responses in Q16 should be diversity. How can diversity make a team more

Q18: Every team, and the individuals within them, have roles and responsibilities. Where do you find the
listed roles and responsibilities of your team members? List two examples that clarify scope of work
of an individual.

Q19: What are reporting requirements and where do you find them?

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Last Reviewed: MARCH 2020 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: JULY 2020
SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

Q20: The individual expectations of a team member are outlined in the position description of a
job role. What expectations reflecting the organisation’s goals and philosophies would you expect
to see in a position description? Provide an example in each response.

Q21: How do teams form and how does the leader organise them to build a cohesive team?

Q22: Teams don’t always conform and work well together. What four potential problems can occur with a

Q23: Think about a team you have been involved with. It may be a work team, a sporting team or a social
team. What were the benefits to you from being a member of this team?

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SITXHRM003 Student Assessment Guide Version: 2.2 Date Created: July 2017 76
Last Reviewed: MARCH 2020 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: JULY 2020
SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

Q24: Explain why the manager should involve team members in the goal-setting process.

Q25: Define the term ‘empowerment’.

Q26: What leadership style encourages motivation and empowerment of the team?

Q27: Everyone is different and what works for some people won’t work for others. Motivation levels can
vary for many reasons. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory has long been used as a basis for how we
are motivated. Briefly explain this theory.

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Last Reviewed: MARCH 2020 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: JULY 2020
SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

Q28: Based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, provide examples of how it applies to us as

individuals or as a team.

Need Application





Q29: How does Maslow’s theory differ to Herzberg’s two-factor theory?

Q30: What issue did Herzberg’s theory raise about using money as a motivator?

Q31: How can you, as a manager, apply motivational theories to employees? List five strategies.

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Last Reviewed: MARCH 2020 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: JULY 2020
SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

Q32: What is group dynamics?

Q33: Why is it important within a team to gather individuals with differing group roles and behaviours?

Q34: What are group norms? Define using an example.

Q35: What happens to a team if group norms are not adhered to or monitored by management?
Explain using an example.

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Last Reviewed: MARCH 2020 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: JULY 2020
SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

Q36: Think of the times you’ve sat in a meeting or worked as part of a group and didn’t voice your
opinion. Why? It could be to avoid conflict, the fear of being the ‘odd one out’ or being rejected by
the group. It can also happen when there is a lot of external pressure on the group, such as time
This example is highlighting a negative group dynamic. What is it? Why can it be a negative?

Q37: Rewarding individuals or a team is a great motivator. Choosing the right motivator can be difficult.
Explain what this means.

Q38: Explain the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic rewards.



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SITXHRM003 Student Assessment Guide Version: 2.2 Date Created: July 2017 76
Last Reviewed: MARCH 2020 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: JULY 2020
SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

Q39: What are four formal reward and recognition programs you could use to motivate staff and improve
job satisfaction? Give examples to explain each.

Formal reward and Examples

recognition programs

Q40: Are informal acknowledgements important? Explain why/why not.

Q41: Petra has been a floor supervisor in the same restaurant in a hotel for two years now. She says she
loves her job, but lately you have been getting the impression that she is bored. And you caught her
looking at job ads! She’s a great asset to the business and you don’t want to lose her.
List five ways you could provide individual staff development to Petra. Provide examples for each.

Page 36 of
SITXHRM003 Student Assessment Guide Version: 2.2 Date Created: July 2017 76
Last Reviewed: MARCH 2020 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: JULY 2020
SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

Q42: Delegating is a big part of your role as a leader. How would you define delegation from a
manager viewpoint?

Q43: If delegation of tasks is carried out well, it can have great benefits to not only the manager but also
the employee. What are four benefits of delegating?

Q44: Often we see leaders delegating in a rush, without adequate coaching or thought as to who the best
person for the job is. What are the five steps to successful delegation?

Q45: List five barriers to delegation.

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SITXHRM003 Student Assessment Guide Version: 2.2 Date Created: July 2017 76
Last Reviewed: MARCH 2020 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: JULY 2020
Assessment Cover Sheet: Assessment Method 2
Student Detail
Student Id:
Student Name:
Group No:
Assessment Details
Unit of Competency SITXHRM003 Lead and Manage People
Assessment Method Case Study
Due Date
Date of Submission
Assessment Outcome Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □
Assessor Name


Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this assessment
task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been
correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my
assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.
Assessor Student
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable I have received, discussed and accepted the
and flexible assessment with this student, and I outcome as above for this assessment method
have provided appropriate feedback. I also and I am aware of my appeal rights.
declare that I have undertaken the indicated
assessment integrity checks
Google check for plagiarism  Yes No
Check for Copying/Collusion  Yes No
Check for Authenticity  Yes No

Signature: .......................................................
Signature: ........................................................
Date: ..............................................................

Date: ................................................................
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Assessment Method 2: Case study
This assessment requires to evaluate a case study and present a report of ways to tackle the
problem(s) and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of employees

Resources required:
 Computer with internet connection, MS Word, MS Excel software
 Didasko - Learner Guide- Unit –SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people
 Student Assessment Guide and a pen

Planning the assessment

- Trainer/Assessor will provide a date for the assessment & brief the TIV assessment policy to
the students
- Ensure you have access to all resources listed above, either printed copies or access via
the internet
Recommended time to complete the assessment: approximately 6 hours
- Your assessor will set a time to provide feedback

Evidence specifications:
At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence by the due
date specified by the assessor:
- You are required to submit the completed case study and required evidences required as per
each task
- Completed and signed cover sheet for assessment

Evidence submission:
 You must submit the hard copy of the assessment. If you unable to submit the hard copy
must discuss and agree the format with the assessor prior to the deadline
 You must complete the project using a software as listed above.
 Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet
Instructions to students to complete the Case Study

1. This case study is consisting of two parts as below. You must complete these two parts.
1. Part 1 – evaluate the case study and present a report
2. Part 2 - participate for an oral question interview with the assessor once submit the
above report

2. To be satisfactory in this assessment you must demonstrates all the skills satisfactory listed in the
marking guide in part 1 and successfully answer for the 7 oral questions in Part 2.

3. Your assessor will provide you the required templates to completes this assessment

4. You must use suitable word processing and spread software’s to complete this project.

5. Recommended font sizes of the document should range between 10 and 14 and font type
should be as Calibri, Arial, Times New Roman or Tahoma

6. You must read the case study scenarios, templates and any other documents given by
your assessor to complete this project.

7. You could complete this assessment in classroom, Computer lab, self-paced or in the
computer lab. However, Part 2 must complete in the classroom with the assessor.

8. Assessor will organsie the simulated environment for the tasks that you must complete in the
relevant environment.

9. You must spend approximately 6 hours to complete the part 1 20 minutes will be allocated to
each student for part 2 which needs to complete with the assessor.

10. Ask your assessor, if you do not understand a question. Your assessor cannot tell you the
answer he/she may be able to re-word the question for you

11. On completion, you are required to submit all the parts to your assessor.

12. It is highly recommended, once you complete each part of this case study and discuss
with your assessor before you proceed to the next part.

13. Your assessor will inform you the submission date for the case study.

14. The additional and specific instructions are listed under each part.

Instructions to students to complete Part 1

1. You must read, evaluate the case study and write a report on the including the contents
given in the case study.
2. You must present the report using sord processing software. Example – MS Word

Assessment task to complete by the student

1. Evaluate the below case study and present a report of ways in which you would tackle the
problem(s) and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of employees who have been
with the organisation for an average period of two years.

Case study
As executive housekeeper, you are faced with a most difficult situation. Your team of
employees is so cohesive and consistent in their performance (or lack of it) that you are
convinced that the group is working against your organisational objectives (cleanliness). For
example, you are sure that these employees have mastered a sequence of short-cuts and are
not doing their work as thoroughly as they should.

Two years ago, the rooms director decided to “flatten “the organisation structure to
abolish the position of the Housekeeping Supervisor. The role of this position was to inspect
rooms for cleanliness. The room director’s thinking was that guest complaints would show
any problems in this area. You are concerned that the cleanliness standard of the rooms
has dropped dramatically.

You must include the following contents in the report. Your contents must relate to the case

1. Briefly outlining your leadership role as an executive housekeeper including main duties
and responsibilities and number of employees in your team
2. Importance of diversity and concept of teamwork
3. Organisational objectives and goals in housekeeping department
4. KPI or targets to achieve the goals
5. Dealing with conflict situations in a team environment
6. Communication strategies within your team
7. Strategies, planning you will undertake to achieve the organisational and department
8. Your delegation strategies
9. Motivational & leadership strategies
10. Consultation and feedback process
11. Implementing strategies for individual development
12. How you will Monitor, Mentor and Motivate staff to achieve the set outcomes.
13. Providing recognition and reward
2. Complete the report using below template.

Executive housekeeper report Date

Your passion brief

 Duties
 Responsibilities
 No of employees
 Your direct report

Explain how importance of

diversity and the concept of
teamwork for you as a leader
Find out the organizational
objectives and goals in the
housekeeping department
What are the issues you
have found?
List these and provide a
background history

Past KPIs
Futures KPIS to be put in place
Have there been any conflicts in
the workplace?
List these
What steps have you taken to
reconcile these matters
How have the matters been
addressed to date?
List communications methods
used to address the matter
What plans have you put into
motion /action to achieve
the organizational goals
What duties have you
delegated and how are you
observing the
Have you received feedback on
these plans from staff
Have you conducted an
evaluation of the personal skills of
employees/ as leader how have
you provided opportunities for
individual development of staff list
2 staff members
Staff member 1name Personal
Staff member 2 name Personal
How have you monitored the
performance of the team
What motivation strategies have
you put into place for your team
On completion of this task did you
provide any recondition for the
team’s achievements

List these in detail

What was the outcome of your
What changes were made
where there any policy changes
that were updated?
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To be completed by the assessor.

Marking guide
Tasks learner required to demonstrate Satisfactory If Not Satisfactory, please comment
Is able to leads by example, through
individual performance and with all
the following strategies
o Motivating Yes No
o Coaching, mentoring and
o Developing positive team
o Delegating tasks
Is able to identify the importance of
diversity and concept of teamwork Yes No

Is able to communicate
expectations, roles, responsibilities
including all the following and
motivate the team to take
responsibilities to achieve the
organisation goals Yes No
o Cooperative and open
o Organisational policies and
o Reporting requirements
o Dealing with conflicts
Is able to develop and
communicate Short, medium or/and
long-term plans and objectives
including all the following in Yes No
consultation with the team
o Meeting Key Performance
o Performance targets
o Operational activities
Is able to encourage individuals and
team to develop innovative
approaches including following Yes No
o Providing open access
to documents
o Use technology to support
effective communication
Is able to evaluate the skills of the
team members and provide
opportunities including following, for
individual developments,
o External/Internal training Yes No
o External /Internal Professional
development sessions
o Formal promotion
o Review job responsibilities
o Delegating responsibilities
Tasks learner required to demonstrate Satisfactory If Not Satisfactory, please comment
Is able to seek and share
information including following from
enterprise environment with team Yes No
o Training developments
o Technology updates
o Organisational performance,
goals and objectives
Is able to monitors individual and
team performance and
recognises the importance of
effective communication and
including following feedback Yes No
o Effective communication
from supervisor
o Individual/team performance
o Efficiencies in workplace
Is able to encourage open
and supportive communication
with team Yes No
o Engage other in
developing solutions
o Providing constructive
Is able to provide recognition and
rewards, including following, for the
team members Yes No
 Acknowledgment to the
team members
 Incentives
 Informal acknowledgment
 Presentation of awards


1. The oral questioning assessment will be used as a standalone assessment. The assessor will ask
the student questions based on the student’s individual case study report. The student may
refer to the case study report to provide in depth answers to each question listed.
2. There are 7 Oral Questions,
3. In order to achieve satisfactory, all questions must be answered correctly
4. This assessment is a close book- the student can refer only to the completed case study report
as a point reference.
5. This assessment must complete in the classroom with the assessor in an assessment environment.

6. Under the assessor environment, student cannot use the mobile phone or any electronic
devices, cannot speak with colleague, cannot refer to any books, materials except the
case study report completed by the student. Once assessment commence student can go
out of the classroom only for an emergency. Assessment time will be adjust depends on the
individual circumstances.

7. Assessor will inform you the date, time and the classroom no to conduct the oral
questions assessment

8. Students can ask questions, if you do not understand a question. However, assessor cannot
tell the answer to the student but may re-word the question.
9. Each student will be allocated 20 mins for an interview with the assessor to complete
this assessment
10. Student must use blue/black pen to mark the assessment
Oral Questioning Interview
Student ID Student
No name
Yes No

1. How did/can you lead by example and build positive team culture through
effective leadership?

2. What resources will you need to monitor performance over a period of time?

3. How is your knowledge able to motivate your team to perform set tasks

4. in your opinion what is role modelling?

5. How can the team evaluate its own performance?

6. How do you measure outcomes against goals?

7. When delegating tasks to teams how can you identify barriers to delegation
and implement processes to overcome them.

Space has been made to ask questions on underpinning knowledge and understanding of
student (if needed)


The Assessor must provide notes on the answer’s student made during the interview

Question 1

Question 2:

Question 3:

Question 4:

Question 5:

Question 6:

Question 7:

Space has been made to ask questions on underpinning knowledge and understanding of
student (if needed)

Question 8:

Question 9:
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Assessment Cover Sheet: Assessment Method 3
Student Detail
Student Id:
Student Name:
Group No:
Assessment Details
Unit of Competency SITXHRM003 Lead and Manage People
Assessment Method Project
Due Date
Date of Submission
Assessment Outcome Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □
Assessor Name


Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this assessment
task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been
correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my
assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.
Assessor Student
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable I have received, discussed and accepted the
and flexible assessment with this student, and I outcome as above for this assessment method
have provided appropriate feedback. I also and I am aware of my appeal rights.
declare that I have undertaken the indicated
assessment integrity checks
Google check for plagiarism  Yes No
Check for Copying/Collusion  Yes No
Check for Authenticity  Yes No

Signature: ........................................................ Signature: .......................................................

Date: ..............................................................
Date: ................................................................
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Instructions for students:

1. This assessment requires you to

o Explain how you model high standards of performance and behaviour.
o Develop team commitment and cooperation.
o Manage team performance.
o Monitor and review team performance.
o Understand role of coaching and mentoring
o Provide recognition and rewards for team achievements

2. This assessment consists of 8 tasks and you must complete all the tasks.
Task 1: Model appropriate behaviours
Task 2: Develop teams
Task 3: Manage team performance
Task 4: Monitor team performance
Task 5: Coaching and mentoring
Task 6: Conduct the coaching session for Lisa
Task 7: Coaching session Report
Task 8: Reward team

3. This assessment will be conducted in the simulated industry environment and in the
TIV classroom/computer lab or self-paced.
4. To be satisfactory in this assessment you must demonstrates all the skills satisfactory listed in
the marking guide
5. You must complete these tasks using suitable word processing software. Eg MS Word
6. Recommended font sizes of the document should range between 10 and 14 and font type
should be as Calibri, Arial, Times New Roman or Tahoma
7. Your assessor will provide you the soft copies of the required templates
8. Assessor will inform you the submission date for this assessment. It recommends to spending
approximately 20 hours
9. Ask your assessor, if you do not understand a question. Your assessor cannot tell you
the answer he/she may be able to re-word the question for you
10. The additional and specific instructions are listed under each task
11. You must list the reference sources that you referred to complete this assessment.
12. List the reference sources in the space given at the end of the assessment
13. You must complete the Assessment cover sheet – Student detail section
14. You must use only BLUE OR BLACK PEN to complete this assessment task including to
complete the assessment cover sheets
15. Your HANDWRITING must be clear to read and understand by a third party. If not, your assessor
will mark the assessment as “Not Satisfactory
16. Submit the assessment with completed assessment coversheet
17. Specific instructions are given under each task
18. If you have any special needs, must inform to your assessor before commencing the assessment
Task 1: Model appropriate behaviours

Instructions to complete the Task 1

o Read the Project background information given in this guide – Appendix.1.

o Based on the information provided document your responses for the following:

1. List three behaviours that you display as manager of Warblers Café and Convention Centre,
to be a role model for your team.

2. As manager, explain how you can show your support for the goals of Warblers Café and
Convention Centre

3. List three ways you can show your professionalism in your interactions with team members.
Task 2: Develop teams

Instructions to complete the task

o It is the beginning of the year and you are required to develop goals with your team. The
executive management team would like you to come up with three team goals. These
goals are to be based on the organisational goals.

o You decide to focus on the café and its staff first. The staffs include the following full-time

o Jemma – Cafe supervisor

o Lisa –Front counter server
o Travis –Front counter server
o Meg – Chef
o David – Sous chef
o Sasha – Sandwich hand
o Kat – Front counterserver
o John – Sous chef

Considering the above and project background information document your responses to the

1. List at least 3 long-term goals for Warblers Café and Convention Centre

2. List the process you would follow to determine the team goals for the café

3. List three appropriate team goals

4. Evaluate the following information given below and list three appropriate goals for Jemma,
the café supervisor:
o Her long-term goals are to be a manager like you one day.
o She has been with Warblers Café for two years and has been supervisor for one year.
o She has some conflicts with some team members.
o She can speak disrespectfully to some team members.
o Her customer service skills are very good.
o She needs to work on her ability to motivate her team and get the best out of them.
Task 3: Manage team performance

Scenario 1

You have decided that you would like to run a promotion with a lunch and coffee deal for $9
to try and get more people into the café between 11am and 3pm.Ideally you would like to see a
20% rise in patronage at this time, while still maintaining high customer satisfaction levels. You
need to work out the following details.

Menu items included in the deal

Timeframes for the deal and when it will begin
How it will be promoted
Promotional materials

Based on the scenario 1, document your responses for the following

1. List few responsibilities you would allocate to each team member. You can allocate
more than one team member for each task.
Jemma – Cafe supervisor

Lisa – Front counterserver

Travis – Front counterserver

Meg – Chef

David – Sous chef

Sasha – Sandwich hand

Kat – Front counter server

John – Sous chef

2. List the methods of communication you would use to communicate the promotion and
allocation of job roles to your team members.

3. List few actions you would take to encourage your team to take responsibility for the role
you have allocated to them.

4. List three ways you can encourage innovation in your team.

5. List how would you encourage team innovation for the $9 lunch promotion task.

6. List three barriers to delegation.

7. After you have delegated the tasks for the lunch promotion, Kat the front counterserver
approaches you and says that she doesn’t feel comfortable doing the task you allocated
as she feels that it is your job as manager to complete the task.
She says, ‘I don’t get paid as much as you, so why should I do it?’ How do you respond to

8. After you have delegated tasks, you are told by the team working on promoting the
campaign that they have not been allocated enough funds for the task they have been
They require more funding to print flyers and for a large sign that will be placed on the
major road in front of the café.

You were only given a limited amount of money for promotion by head office. What is your
response to this? What action would you take?

9. What do you say to the executive management team in order to highlight your team’s
concerns and offer suggestions to assist your team?
10. After your meeting with the executive management team, you are givenmore funds for your
team’s promotional activities, but only enough for the street-facing signage – not for
the flyers.
Explain how you share this information with your team. Provide a script of what you say.

11.What other free forms of advertising can you recommend your team use instead of flyers?

12. What will the café’s KPIs be for the $9 lunch promotion?

13. How do you monitor team performance for this task?

14. How will you get feedback from team members about how the promotion is going?
Task 4: Monitor team performance

Scenario 2

It has been three weeks since the $9 lunch and coffee promotion has been running. It has been
an overwhelming success with patronage up by 40%!

Jemma, the café supervisor, has come to you and complained that the chefs in the kitchen
are getting snappy and angry when she and the other team members ask them when orders
will be ready.

The front counter and server team are trying to meet the goal of making their service quicker, but
the chefs are not being compliant and customers are left waiting for their food! The chefs are
refusing to communicate effectively with the rest of the team.

Based on the scenario 2, document your responses for the following:

1. You call a meeting with the team to sort this out. What do you say in this meeting?

2. How do you encourage open and supportive communication?

3. What could you do to solve this problem?

Use this information to answer Q4.

You have been observing the café team during the busy periods and have made notes on their
performance. This is what you observed.

Jemma – Cafe supervisor

Was working well with customers and kitchen staff.
Communicating with team members well, but at times was rude to Kat as she didn’t
complete tasks as quickly as she would like them.

Lisa – Front counter server

Was working well with customers, kitchen staff and servers.
Was a little slow to go to the front counter and was chatting to servers while customers
were waiting.

Travis – Front counter server

Was working well with customers, kitchen staff and servers.
Was a little slow to go to the front counter and was chatting to other servers while
customers were waiting.

Meg – Chef
Excellent time management.
Excellent communication with kitchen team and servers.
Was not thorough with her quality assurance check of the sous chefs’ and kitchen hand’s

David – Sous chef

Excellent time management.
Excellent communication with kitchen team and servers.
A little sloppy with the presentation of the meals.

Sasha –Sandwich hand

Excellent time management.
Excellent communication with kitchen team and servers.
A little sloppy with the presentation of the meals.

Kat – Front counterserver

Excellent customer
Was not as quick as the other servers.
Spoke in a disrespectful manner to Jemma.

John –Sous chef

A little slow to respond to chef’s orders and suggestions.
Excellent presentation of the meals.
4. What opportunities do you provide to each team member to improve their performance,
after you observed them?
Task 5: Coaching and mentoring

 You decided to run a coaching session for Lisa, the front counter server, so that she can
improve her efficiency.

 You would like to teach her how she can multi-task when completing the following tasks.

 Taking the customer orders

 Handling customer payments
 Re-stocking food items in the counter display fridge
 Bringing meals and beverages to the table

 Create a coaching session plan for Lisa to teach the above tasks.

 Plan a coaching session using the template given below.

 Submit the completed template to your assessor together with this project.


Defining the current state
What questions will you ask the employee to help them understand the current state of their

Outline the benefit and impact of change

What questions will you ask the employee to help them understand the benefit of changing
their approach?

Coaching session steps

What are the topics you will include in the coaching session?
What are the steps for each one?
Additional coaching session
Is there another coaching session required?
Set date and time.
List which topics will need to be revisited.

Revisit and reinforce

How will you monitor the employee’s progress?

Team member’s signature:

Manager’s signature

Date: xx/xx/xx
Task 6: Conduct the coaching session for Lisa

Instructions to students to complete the task

1. You are running a coaching session for Lisa, the front counter server at Warblers Café.
You identified that she required coaching in multi-tasking as her efficiency needs to
improve, especially in the busy period from 11am to 3pm, when you have a $9 lunch deal.
2. Conduct the session using the coaching plan created in Task 5.
3. You will be performing this task in a simulated environment organised by the assessor.

4. The following Resources will be provided by the assessor

o Access to simulated café environment. Assessor could organise similar

environment in the TIV lunchroom or in the TIV Kitchens either in Prahran or Por t
o Student assessment guide and a pen
o Appendix 1 and 2(Role-play information)

5. Your assessor will organsie a roleplay participant to play the role of Lisa

6. Conduct the coaching session on multi-tasking for Lisa.

7. This session should run for 20 minutes
Task 7: Coaching session Report

 Complete the following report

1. What went well during the coaching


2. Is there anything that you would

change the next time you are coaching a
team member? Why?

3. Did ‘Lisa’ require a further coaching

session? If so, what would you need to cover
in that session?
Task 8: Reward team

Based on the above scenarios document your responses for the following:

1. How do you motivate your team so that they achieve their KPIs and team goals, especially
for the $9 lunch promotion task?

2. It has been two months since the launch of the $9 lunch promotion at Warblers Café. You
are reviewing the customer numbers, total sales and customer feedback and the promotion
has been an overwhelming success. The following goals have been met.
 Increase customer sales and intake by 20%. (This is up to 40%.)
 Increase efficiency in service. (Feedback from customer surveys has averaged 4.5 out of
5 stars.)
 Decrease customer wait times. (Customers surveyed said they waited less than one
minute to be served and 15 minutes for meals.)

 Jemma in particular has done an amazing job of overcoming all conflicts and issues with
team members to create a cohesive team that works well together.
You are extremely pleased with the team at Warblers Café.
How will you acknowledge Jemma’s individual good performance to the whole team?

3. What other forms of rewards and recognition will you provide to the team for meeting their
To be completed by the assessor.

Marking guide

To be use for Task no 1 to 5 & 8

Did the learner successfully

demonstrate evidence of their ability Satisfactory If not satisfactory please comment
to do the following?
Identified and model appropriate
behaviours suitable for a manager to
model to team members.
 Behaviours to be a role model Yes No
to the team
 Assist to the team in
goal settings
 Interaction with the team
in professional manner
Developed a team
through appropriate goal
 Identified 3 long term goals Yes No
 Identify the processes to
determine the team goals
 Based on the information,
goals to an employee in
supervisory level
Managed a team’s performance by
delegating tasks.
 Allocating responsibilities to
the team members based
on their skills
 Use appropriate
 Actions taken to motivate the
team members including to
gain innovation Yes No
 Identify barriers to delegation
 Proposed suggestions for
the delegation refusals
 Coordinate with the executive
management team to resolve
the issues of the team
 Recommends free forms of
 Identify KPI’s for promotions
 Get feedback from the
team members
Did the learner successfully
demonstrate evidence of their ability Satisfactory If not satisfactory please comment
to do the following?
Monitored a team’s performance by
providing feedback.
 Encourage for supportive
communication Yes No
 Resolve any issues
 Identify the opportunities of
the team members to improve
their skills
Identified how to coach and
mentor team members.
 Creating and documenting
coaching plans Yes No
 Conducting on the
job coaching sessions
 Providing feedback to
team members for

Identified ways to motivate individuals Yes No

and teams to achieve optimum

Identified ways to reward a team’s Yes No

To be completed by the assessor.

Observation check list

To be use for Task no 6 & 7

Did the learner successfully

demonstrate evidence of their ability Satisfactory If not satisfactory please comment
to do the following?

Interacted with team member in a Yes No

positive and professional manner.

The learner provided motivation and Yes No

praise so that tasks were completed

Modelled and encouraged open and Yes No

supportive communication
throughout coaching session.

Made attempts to overcome Yes No

language barriers.

Completed all tasks listed on Yes No

Assessment D_ Coaching session

Monitored individual’s performance Yes No

throughout the coaching session.

Used appropriate coaching Yes No

techniques. For example, modelling,
correction, providing feedback,
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Project background information

You are the manager of Warblers Café and Convention Centre.

The café and convention centre is set in beautiful themed gardens with a duck pond, with indoor
and outdoor seating available. The café provides breakfast, lunch or a delicious snack in lush,
tranquil settings.

Warblers has built a reputation for quality food and friendly service. Menus change on a seasonal
basis and cater to different dietary requirements. It is fully licensed and offers a wide range
of Australian and local wines.

You cater for a variety of special events such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries,
fundraising events and corporate functions. You have a wide range of packages and menus to
suit different budgets and styles, including buffets, barbeques, finger food and two- and three-
course dinners.

Warblers features a boutique function room which can cater for 30 guests for an intimate
celebration or convention. For larger events, the Paddock Room can seat 50 guests during the day
and be expanded to seat up to 160 in the evenings.

Opening hours: 7.00 am to 5.00 pm, seven days a week, and in the evenings for function
and convention bookings.

You manage a large team of five supervisors and 35 team members. You are hands on with your
managerial duties, and supervisors only manage team members when you are not there.

Organisation mission statement

We provide tailored personalised gardening services to help our customers create beautiful,
affordable garden spaces. We use quality, sustainably sourced products and suppliers who share
our beliefs.

We act in an ethical and socially responsible way, and continue to improve our products and
services and reduce our environmental impact.

We recognise that our team is critical to our success and we are dedicated to employing the best
people, who are passionate about our vision, and treating them as a valued family member.

We want every customer who enters Warblers Café and Convention Centre to enjoy the
beauty of nature and leave feeling energised and inspired.

Strategic goals
 Take advantage of economies of scale and increase efficiencies across the café and
 centre by improving communication, HR systems, streamlining purchasing and improving
customer management systems by 20XX.
 Receive a 5-star customer service rating from Hospitality Now! (hospitality accreditation
 Receive a 5-star food rating for food from Hospitality Now! (hospitality accreditation
 Receive a 5-star rating for events from Hospitality Now! (hospitality accreditation organisation).
 Be the number one convention centre and café on the east coast by 20XX.
 Identify and successfully implement innovation ideas that bring benefits to the business and
our stakeholders.
 To continue to be recognised as a leader in sustainable practices and champion new
sustainability initiatives and technology.
 To increase net profit by 10% annually.
 To improve existing and establish new supplier relationships with other innovative companies.
 To continue to learn and adopt current best practices.
 To develop leadership abilities and potential of the team to support expansion and growth

Managers’ code of conduct

All managers and supervisors of Warblers Café and Convention Centre must abide by the following
code of conduct and behaviour expectations.

 Practise professional grooming standards.

 Be respectful to all team members, customers and other stakeholders.
 Act with integrity in all their dealings with all team members, customers, suppliers and other
 Be honest and transparent in all their communications with customers, team members
and other stakeholders.
 Be fair and consistent with customers, team members and other stakeholders.
 Act ethically in all tasks undertaken.
 Exhibit excellent communication skills, including expressing yourself positively and clearly,
actively listening, asking appropriate questions and having an understanding of body
 Show empathy to customers, team members and other stakeholders.
 Be flexible to the ever-changing needs of the business.
 Keep all confidential information private.
 Follow all workplace policies and procedures.
SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

Appendix 77
Role play script
Role Play Information- Café manager
Role title Café manager
Organization TIV café
Role played by Student
Is party playing Yes
the role is being

Other parties involved 1 student playing the role of Lisa or designated role-play participant
in role play and their

Are other parties No

involved are being
assessed during role?
Time allocated Approximately 20 mins

Purpose of role The learner is required to play the role of TIV café manager where you are
required to run a coaching session for Lisa. You are required to coach Lisa in
multi-tasking as her efficiency needs to improve.
Role play script  You will decide to run a coaching session for Lisa at TIV café.
 You will teach her how she can multi-task the following tasks:
- Working the counter
- Using the register
- Serving customers
- Bringing meals and beverages to the table
 You will use the Coaching session plan template (Appendix 3)
Role play information It is important that you are prepared for this session, ensuring you:
 Ask relevant questions to Lisa
 Each session will consist of Lisa and yourself
Things to consider whilst performing this task:
 Be organized - prepare and plan for the session thoroughly.
 Know your position as TIV café manager
 Be prepared to ask questions
Things to consider whilst role-playing a client:
 Be prepared
 Act professionally throughout the process
 Be prepared to ask questions when you require more information
 Answer all questions.
 Make sure that by the end of the session, negotiations are concluded
with the team leader.
 Remember, you will be required to play the part of TIV café manager
Key outcome - Student as a café manager will coach those in need of coaching.
expected from role- - Student use the coaching session plan template.
play - Student coaches the employee to multi-task.
- Student ensures that employee has been provided with
appropriate coaching using the coaching methods like correction,
feedback, etc.

Page 77 of
SITXHRM003 Student Assessment Guide Version: 2.2 Date Created: July 2017 76
Last Reviewed: MARCH 2020 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: JULY 2020
SITXHRM003 – Lead and Manage people

Appendix 78
Role play script
Role Play Information- Lisa
Role title Lisa
Organization TIV café
Role played by Any other student chosen by the Assessor
Is party playing No
the role is being

Other parties involved 1 student playing the role of TIV café manager
in role play and their

Are other parties Yes

involved are being
assessed during role?
Time allocated Approximately 20 mins

Purpose of this role The student or role-play participant is required to play the role of Lisa who is an
employee at TIV café and the manager will coach Lisa and provide
Role play script  TIV café manager will decide to run a coaching session for you at TIV
 TIV café manager will teach her how she can multi-task the following
- Working the counter
- Using the register
- Serving customers
- Bringing meals and beverages to the table
 TIV café manager will use the Coaching session plan template
Role play information It is important that you are prepared for this session, ensuring you:
 Ask relevant questions to the Team leader
 Each session will consist of TIV café manager and yourself (Lisa)
Things to consider whilst performing this task:
 Be organized - prepare and plan for the session thoroughly.
 Know your position as Lisa
 Be prepared to ask questions
Things to consider whilst role-playing a client:
 Be prepared
 Act professionally throughout the process
 Be prepared to ask questions when you require more information
 Answer all questions.
 Make sure that by the end of the session, negotiations are concluded
with the team leader.
 Remember, you will be required to play the part of Lisa
Key outcome - You as an employee at TIV café will be coached and mentored by
expected from the TIV café manager.
role- play - You will communicate effectively with the manager.
- You will ask relevant questions to the manager.
- You will ensure that you are trained by the TIV café manager.

Page 78 of
SITXHRM003 Student Assessment Guide Version: 2.2 Date Created: July 2017 76
Last Reviewed: MARCH 2020 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: JULY 2020

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