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The size of the chocolate market in India is about 4000 tonnes and is valued at Rs.6500
million. To run this market, Cadbury runs a distribution network consisting of 2100
distributors and 4, 50,000 retailers.

 Once the chocolate is manufactured at the Cadbury factory, the boxes of chocolate are
taken to the depot in refrigerated trucks.

 From the depot, it is the C&F (Clearing and Forwarding) agents who take charge of
the chocolate boxes. They have the duty of processing the product and getting it
cleared through the custom formalities and taking care of shipping and delivery
related activity.

 These agents contact the Re-Distributors who further distribute the boxes to the
wholesalers and retailers. The wholesalers will sell the chocolate boxes to the retailer.
Once the stock product reaches the retailers, the customers get access to the product
 However, the C&F agents can also send the chocolate boxes directly to super markets
which is known as modern trade

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