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02 L E C

Pharmacology 26
Prof’s name here 21 O1
Cardiac Glycosides / Anti- Angina

OUTLINE If the left side of the heart is not pumping really well,
I Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) then the blood cannot properly go into the left side of
II Normal Heart the heart.
III Angina
A Anti – Anginals Or if your blood goes into the left side of the heart the
B Types of Angina heart can properly pump it out, so there will be
C Types of Anginal Drugs congestion leading to pulmonary problems.
So any pulmonary problems with chronic congestive
i heart failure that is probably due to left sided heart
ii Heart Failure (CHF) failure like your pulmonary edema, cough, and
• Anemia is derived from the Greek word anaimia, anything that crackles.
-Condition in which the heart fails to effectively pump Flow of How a Congestive Heart or a Problematic
blood around the body due to damaged or Heart Can Lead to a Worsening Condition
overworked heart muscle.


• Coronary artery disease

• Cardiomyopathy

-Any problems with the cardiac muscle

• Hypertension
• Valvular heart disease 1. If there is a decreased myocardial function if there's
a problem with the heart, then there is a decrease
Can be right sided heart failure or left sided heart
cardiac output.
2. So if there is a decrease cardiac output, there is a
The blood from our system goes through the vena
decrease output, the blood to the system your
cava so we have this superior vena cava and the
baroreceptors inside the heart, will be able to sense
inferior vena cava.
this and signal your sympathetic nervous system to
So if there is a problem with the right side of your increase the blood pressure, increase the pulse
heart, then the blood coming from your system will respiration, the cardiac output, and increase the heart
become congested because the right of the heart contractility for the heart, to be able to pump up
connect properly manage or pump or receive the enough blood to the system.
blood from the system, leading to a congestion.
3. Because of the sympathetic activation also it will
Examples of systematic congestion, we have like increase aldosterone synthesis and release leading to
societies, or we have our portal hypertension. So any increase sodium retention, potassium excretion, and
congestion in the body or in the system that would be water retention, which may lead to an increase blood
probably because of the right side and heart failure or volume that's my water retention and because there
a congestive heart failure, specifically at the right side is increased blood volume the heart will then receive
of the heart. an increase in the workload to work properly.

How about the left side? We know that the blood that 4. But because there's already myocardial dysfunction
goes inside to the left side of the heart comes from or a decrease myocardial function, this condition may
the lungs.
really lead to further decrease in heart function, or - Mode of Action: inhibits Na- K pump which increases
worse, cases of a failure. intracellular calcium and allow more calcium to enter
myocardial cells during depolarization causing:
5. On the other side of the flow chart, decreased
cardiac output may also lead to a decrease blood flow  (+) inotropic action (inc myocardial
in the kidney if the kidney will detect, it will activate contraction)
the RAAS.  (-) chronotropic action (dec heart rate)
 (-) dromotropic action (dec conduction
6. So if the RAAS is activated there's also an increase
in BP and increase in a cardiac output, then again
 (-) Increase cardiac output and renal perfusion
triggering an increase in aldosterone synthesis and
release okay and leading again to the process of When your heart is in a resting state, your heart has
increase aldosterone synthesis and release leading to negative ions inside. Their sodium potassium pump is
increase sodium retention, potassium excretion, and the one that regulates the entry of your sodium and
water retention ending in a worsening condition. potassium as well as how they also exit the heart.

Normal Heart If that happens, if there is a sodium potassium pump,

the calcium will then have a hard time going inside the

Now we know that calcium is actually responsible for

your heart contraction. The higher the calcium then
the stronger the contraction.

If the profession pump is open, then the calcium, will

have a hard time going inside the heart because of the
sodium and potassium.

-Uses: CHF, AF, Atrial flutter,

There is an oxygenated blood that goes inside your
right side and it pumps everything out to the lungs **** rapid onset, excreted thru kidney, has a
where blood gets oxygenated then goes back inside narrow margin of safety
the left and goes back to the system. Effective level should be maintained at a narrow
Cardiac Glycosides Cardiac Glycosides because if it is too high, it is considered toxic.

-Originally derived from poisonous fox- glove or • Digitalis toxicity: anorexia, diarrhea, N/V,
digitalis plant bradycardia, cardiac dysrhythmias, HA,
malaise, blurred vision, visual illusions (white,
-Used by William Withering of England to alleviate green, yellow halos around objects),
“dropsy” – which is defined as edema of extremities confusion and delirium
caused by cardiac and kidney insufficiency secondary
to CHF *your digitalis or cardiac glycosides are trying to make
your heart work effectively. Now kung nasobrahan na
• Just to give you an idea your congestive heart yung digitalis or pag nasobrahan na yung gamot mo, it
failure and knowing that there will be will render the heart’s function ineffective. It means
problems with blood flow already in the body, pangit nanaman ang blood flow ng heart kasi nagging
due to a weak heart, it may lead to further toxic na yung gamot and hindi na siya effective. Kung
complications, such as your kidney pangit na yung blood flow papunta sa system niyo, it
insufficiency that will again worsen the will also result in effects nakikita. For example kung
condition if left untreated. kulang yung blood flow mo sa utak, pwede ka mag
nausea and vomiting*
*one effect of digitalis is it decreases heart rate*
▪ digoxin (Lanoxin, Lanoxicaps) = PO, IV
• Antidote: digoxin immune fab (intoxication
- Given orally or parenterally
with serum level of > 10ng/ mL)
- Binds with digoxin to form complex • Administer IV dose very slow over at least 5
molecules that can be excreted in the minutes
*wag biglain. Baka mabigla din ang puso*
*the digoxin immune Fab binds with the drug and
tries to excrete it through the urine. Binababaan niya • Weigh patient
ang concentration levels ng gamot sainyong *digitalis may also cause fluid loss*
• Avoid administering oral drug with food or
• CI: hypersensitivity, ventricular tachycardia antacid
and fibrillation, heart block, MI, renal • Maintain emergency equipment on standby =
insufficiency, electrolyte imbalance (inc Ca, lidocaine (arrhythmias), phenytoin (seizure),
dec K & Mg) atropine S04 (to increase cardiac rate), cardiac
*binibigay lang siya sa mga may problems with the monitor
atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter* • Monitor therapeutic level of digoxin (0.5 – 2
ng/ mL), digoxin toxicity
*hindi binibigay with ventricular problems such as V
tach (ventricular tachycardia), V fib (ventricular GIVE HEALTH TEACHINGS
fibrillation)* • Potassium Rich Foods: banana, avocado, dried
• + verapamil, quinidine, quinine, erythromycin, fruits, oranges, nuts, potato, prunes, tomato
tetracycline, cyclosporine • Sodium Rich Foods: buttermilk, margarine,
= increase digitalis toxicity effect canned goods, processed foods, fast foods,
+ loop diuretics/ hydrochlorothiazide preserved foods, tomato ketchup
= hypokalemia (increase the effect at its
myocardial cell action site)

*yung diuretics, nagpapadecrease ng fluids sa

katawan kaso hindi siya potassium sparing. It will also
waste the potassium. It will also cause exretion ng
potassium kaya nagkakaroon ng hypokalemia.*

+ cortisone preparations
= sodium retention & potassium excretion Angina ANGINA
+ thyroid hormones, metoclopramide
= renders the drug less effective - A type of temporary chest pain, pressure
+ antacids or discomfort.
= decreases digitalis absorption - Narrowed artery
- Ischemia
NURSING CONSIDERATIONS - Heart muscle is not receiving enough
oxygen due to a narrowed coronary
• Consult prescriber about loading dose
*remember, your digitalis or digoxin may cause
Anti – Anginals
Anti – Anginals
toxicity and has a narrow safety margin. Always check
the loading dose within the normal levels.* • Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) – lumen of
blood vessels become narrow, thus blood is
• Monitor apical pulse in one full minute,
no longer able to flow freely to the muscles.
monitor for quality and rhythm
*we all know that the coronary artery is the passage
*this will tell you if the heart is working or maybe if
way of the blood papunta sa heart. Although it pumps
the heart is causing harm already to the patient.*
blood to the system, it also needs blood to work/ to
• Check dosage & preparation carefully be effective. If a coronary artery is blocked or
• Check pediatric dose with extreme care narrowed, there is a disease in blood supplies to the
• Follow dilution carefully for IV preparation heart.
• Angina Pectoris – “suffocation of the chest”, *dahil dilated yung veins sa system, decreased yung
occurs when myocardial demand for oxygen pressure sa vein so decreased din yung preload or
cannot be met by narrowed blood vessels blood volume na kailangan ih pump ng heart

*CAD can lead to Angina Pectoris. Dahil kulang na ang : dilation of arteries = less vasoconstriction and
supply ng heart, nasusuffocate na ang puso kasi resistance (decrease afterload)
kulang na ang oxygen na pumupunta sa puso. This will
*dahil sa system natin, for example, dahil dilated yung
now cause an angina pain*
arteries sa system natin the blood flow is increased to
• Anginal pain: chest tightness, pressure in the the parts of the body. So hindi na tritriger yung heart
center of the chest, and pain radiating down natin kung increased in workload, kasi enough pa
the neck and left arm. yung oxygen for blood na napupunta sa other system
ng body. Therefor a decreased in afterload. Hindi niya
*pag hindi naagapan, it may lead to Myocardial kailangan mag exert ng effort to supply blood sa
Infarction* katawan.
• Myocardial Infarction (MI) – occurs when Uses: treatment & prevention of angina, dec BP
coronary vessels is completely occluded and
the cells that depend on the vessels for SE: HA (most common), dizziness, hypotension, reflex
oxygen become ischemic, then necrotic and tachycardia, decrease CR, GI distress, flushing
die AE: some degree of hepato/nephrotoxicity
Typesof Angina:
of Angina: Nursing Considerations:
1. Classic (stable) – occurs with stress exertion
• Assess chest pain:
*sumasakit lang yung chest upon exertion or stress Precipitating factors
exertion *before mag bigay ng angina, ask first sa
patient kung ano yung na e experience niya.
2. Unstable (preinfarction) – occurs frequently over Tanungin mo bakit may chest pain. identify
the course of a day with progressive severity other factors why patient is experiencing
*ito yung kahit naka rest ka or nag eexcert ka ng chest pain.
stress, masakit. Habang tumatagal mas sumasakit so Quality
nag proprogress siya. So regardless if youre resting or * What is the quality of chest pain
not sumasakit siya. Unstable ungine kai emergency Radiation
angina *hanggang saan ba nafefeel ng patient yung
sakit. Hanggang leeg ba? Is it radiating to the
3. Variant (Prinzmetal, vasopastic) – Occurs during shoulder? Or left arm?
rest Severity/symptoms, and
v Time
Types of Anginal Drugs: *time where it happen
1. Non-nitrates (beta blockers, calcium channel • PO: take on empty stomach; undergoes
blockers) hepatic first pass effect
Beta blockers ay kailangan para ma decrees yung • SL: every 5 min x 3 doses; effect lasts for 10
workload ng heart. Calcium is needed for the minutes
contractility of the heart. Now in angina kailangna ; store in dry and dark bottle
natin ih decrees yung trabaho ni heart kaya kailangan : check expiration date (up to six months only)
natin ih boblock ; take sips of water BEFORE administration
; allow drugs to dissolve before taking
2. Nitrates: isosorbide mononitrate (imdur, isoket, anything PO
isordil); nitroglycerin (deponit, nitrostat) ; burning/stinging sensation means the drug is
NITRATES NITRATES *sign drug is working
MOA: dilation of the veins = less blood return to the • Buccal: place drug between upper lip and gum
heart (decrease preload) or between check and gum
• IV infusion: dilute drug in glass IVF bottles
via infusion pump, onset 1-3 minutes
same with SL
• Topical Ointment: remove previous
: spread drug over a 6x6 in area on chest,
back, upper arm, and cover with a plastic
: rotate site, avoid touching the ointment
• Patch
; patch is water proof
; apply wearing gloves at anterior chest wall,
non-hairy portion REFERENCES
*for better absorpiton
; remove previous patch, rotate sites “PROF’S PPT ON QUIPPER AND LECTURE”
; remove after 12 hours to prevent tolerance
; do not apply defibrillator paddles over the
drug, may cause burn
• Spray: lift tongue then spray, avoid inhaling
the drug
• General: withhold: BP < 90/60, HR<60,
acetaminophen for HA, reassess chest pain
after 2-5 minutes (SL, spray, except PO)

Nitroglycerin Patch

Nitro patch and Ointment

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