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Maria: Hey guys! It feels great to be back in school again. Right


Peter: Uh.

Chris: What's wrong, Peter?

Peter: Well, it just feels funny being back in school after such a long
summer. There are so many rules and I'm not sure I remember them

Maria: (Grasp) I know. We can make a game out of it to help

you remember.

Welcome to … the Back to School gameshow!

My name is Maria and we're playing Back to School!


Maria: The first question is: What do you do when you want to
speak in class?

Peter: Oh.

Maria: Peter, you’ve got it! Go.

Peter: Raise your hand and wait to be called on.

Maria: Yes, you're right! You should always raise your hand and
wait for the teacher to call on you. Peter gets a point.

Next question: you’re on the playground and see

someone not being very nice to someone else. What is that
called? Dee.

Dee: It's called bullying.

Maria: Very good! And what do you do when you see bullying?

Chris: Ohh.

Maria: Chris.
Chris: Always tell adults, like a playground monitor or a teacher.

Maria: That's right! Being a bully isn't cool, but being a good
friend is. Wow you're all tied!

Now, this is the last question. Are you ready?

Everyone: Yeah.

Maria: Okay. What words are polite words to use every day? Peter,
do you have an answer?

Peter: Hmm…Uh… Could I have a moment to think about it,

please? Please… I know the answer. The answer is “Please”.

Maria: That’s right!

Dee: Oh man. I was gonna say “Thank you”.

Chris: And I was going to say “Excuse me!”.

Maria: Yes, Thank you and excuse me are both polite words, too.
But Peter buzzed in first so he gets the point and wins the game!

Which means … Peter, you're ready to go Back 2 school!



Maria: See Peter? I knew you knew the school rules.

Peter: Thanks Maria.

Maria: Hey guys. I have one last question for us: Who's ready to
start the New Year? Raise your hand!




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