Group 2 BSA 1B 1899 Malolos Constitution

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Antonio | Catarinen | Corda | Cosep | Ngujo |
Pialago | Pitogo | Sorongon | Zapanta
1 2
Introduction Political Constitution
Explain what the constitution Explain the various articles in the
is all about. constitution.

3 4
History Importance & Purpose
Explain how the constitution Highlight the significance of the
began and how it ended. constitution.
The Preamble of
the Consitution
The 14 Titles
The Republic
A nation is a political union of all Filipinos, and the Philippine
Republic is its state, which is free and independent, with the
people’s sovereignty manifested.

The Government
The Republic’s government is democratic,
representative, alternative, and accountable, with
three distinct powers: legislative, executive, and

The state recognizes all religions’
freedom and equality, as well as
the separation of church and state.
The Filipinos & Their National
& Individual Rights
Filipinos must have the freedom to express their opinions and
beliefs, protect their property, defend their country, travel
freely abroad, transfer their residence or possessions to
another country, and reside freely in Philippine territory.

The Legislative Power

An Assembly of Representatives of the Nation shall exercise
legislative power and meet every year.

The Permanent Commission

Before adjournment, the assembly must pick seven
permanent commission members, which the president and
secretary will designate during the first session.
The administration of the particular interests of Foreign Relations, Interior, Finance, War and
towns, provinces, and the state shall correspond to Marine, Public Education, Communications and
the Popular Assemblies, Provincial Assemblies, and Public Works, and Agriculture, Industry, and
the Administration in Power, respectively, in Commerce would be represented in the
accordance with the laws and observing the most government council by seven Secretaries.
liberal of decentralization and administrative
autonomy. The Secretaries of
The Executive Power Government

The President of the

Republic The Judicial Power
Elected by an absolute majority of votes and serving a The authority to apply the laws in the name of
four-year tenure, he is responsible for promulgating and the nation in all civil and criminal trials presided
enforcing laws, holding the army and navy at his disposal, over by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
and taking acts authorized by special laws. and the Solicitor-General.
Provincial & Popular Administration of the
Assemblies State
Provincial and popular assemblies’ organization and The government must propose a budget of
attributes are governed by their respective laws. expenditures and revenues to the Assembly
every year.

Amendment of the Constitutional Observance,

Constitution Oath, & Language
The Assembly or the President may propose The President of the Republic, the Government, the
constitutional amendments, indicating which Assembly, and all Filipinos are bound by and must
article or articles are to be amended. adhere to the Constitution’s provisions.
When, where, and how did
the Malolos Constitution
➢ convened on September
15, 1898, and was

approved on January 20,
drafted at Barasoain
Church, Malolos City,
➢ created during the
American-Spanish War
When did the Malolos Constitution end?
➢ The Malolos Constitution, the first Philippine
Constitution, lasted from 1899 to 1901.

What was the reason why the Malolos

Constitution lasted only two years?
➢ The Malolos Constitution was never enforced
because of the Philippine-American War or the
Treaty of Paris of 1898.
➢ an important Filipino document that
anchored the democratic tradition and
lines that make up the constitution as a

➢ creates the three district branches—

executive, legislative, and judicial.

➢ the aim of the administration of justice is

to vest the Supreme Court with the
power to make inferences and establish








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