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May of 1798 Napoleon had an army of 35,000 me to invade Egypt.

Bonaparte only took a few losses

during this time. In the end, all of lower Egypt was in Napoleon’s full control. In 1800 Napoleon
Bonaparte was looked at as a tremendous strategist and was made the first consul of France. This gave
Bonaparte total power.

After graduating, Bonaparte was named as a second lieutenant of artillery. During the years of the
French Revolution, Napoleon fought for the French Republic by putting down the riots and helping to
defeat British at Toulon. Soon for his achievements, Napoleon Bonaparte was made a General Brigadier
of the French army in 1794.

What led to this was the fact that Napoleon collaborated with coup d’etat (sudden deposition of a
government) overthrowing the Directory and establishing the Consulate. Over the years Napoleon
Bonaparte had participated in a lot of wars where he lost very little of them. There were reforms that
fell under Bonaparte’s rule like the Legion of Honor.

He escaped from Elba to France and raised the army in the period called “Hundred Days”. In June, 1815,
his army got defeated by the forces of Prussia at Waterloo. Then Napoleon was again exiled to the island
St. Helena in the South Atlantic Ocean where Bonaparte had spent rest of his life. Napoleon Bonaparte
died on May 5, 1821.

Napoleon Bonaparte, the second of eleven children, was born in August of 1769 on a French island
named Corsica. Being born into a gentry family, this made Bonaparte’s success rate very high. Growing
up Bonaparte could not speak fluent French. As he entered school at the age of ten, it was a struggle for
him because other students referred to Bonaparte as an “outsider” due to his background.

He later defeated the Russians at Borodino where he took over Moscow. Of course these were
Bonaparte’s important victories but Napoleon had plenty more victories. Napoleon Bonaparte’s
downfall was soon to come. All his enemies started to decipher his strategies causing his forces to
become weaker. He had became real cocky by not taking offers and was being self centered.

In June of 1813, he sent troops in Belgium. With British, Dutch, Belgian and Prussian forces having
234,000 men, Bonaparte had only 128,000 men causing him to lose the war. Napoleon Bonaparte was
captured as a prisoner and was sent to a more remote island where he had written memoirs. In 1821
Bonaparte finally died in St. Helena.

Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Casa Buonaparte in the town of Ajaccio, on the island Corsica, on 15
august 1769. At the time of Napoleon’s birth the island Corsica was taken over by the French Republic.
Napoleon’s family was an upper class nobility family. His father Carlo Buonaparte, an attorney, was a
representative of Corsica to the court of Louis XVI.

There was a censorship, limited women rights and slavery in French colonies. Also the Napoleonic codes
applied to everyone except Napoleon. Napoleon Bonaparte successfully conquers several European
countries and those campaigns led him to the war against the Great Britain and the Third Coalition
which was formed from Russia, Austria, Sweden and Prussia.

The second mistake Napoleon had done is giving the throne of Spain to his brother Joseph Bonaparte in
1808. That move was extremely disrespectful towards Spain. Spain counters with the small hit- and –
run attacks on France. That costs Napoleon many soldiers in that war called Guerilla War. Finally
Napoleon’s last mistake was invading Russia.

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