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MBM Garments Ltd.

Assignment Name :
Details of Work Study; LEAN Manufacturing ; Calculation
about target, efficiency and plan; Yarn & fabrics manufacturing.

Submitted By : SK. Nazmus Sadat

Submitted To : MD. Shafikul Islam

A sister concern of MBM Group

Assignment Contents:

1. Work Study for Textile and Garment Industry

 Classification of work study

 Purpose of work study
 Roles of work study to increase productivity:
 Definition of Method Study
 Objectives of Method Study
 Procedure of Method Study
 Motion Study
 Principles of Motion economy
 Motion economy
 Classification of Movements

2. LEAN Manufacturing
 Definition of Lean
 Some important tool from 25 of lean tools
(5S, Kaizen (Continuous Improvement), KPIs (Key Performance
Indicators), Muda (Waste), PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act), SMART Goals,
Value Stream Mapping)

3.Target, Efficiency and Plan calculation

4. Yarn & Fabrics Manufacturing

 Fiber classification
 Yarn manufacturing
 Yarn Twist
 Fabric Manufacturing

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Work Study for Textile and Garment Industry

Activities of work study in textile and apparel industry are done by industrial engineering
department. Actually work study is used for measuring work. Industrial engineering
department is responsible for work study in the garment industry. Work study is the most
important tool for controlling production and improving productivity. It is a new concept in
textile and apparel industry. We can define work study in the following way.

Fig: Classification of Work study

Purpose of work study:

In general, the purposes or objectives of work study are:

1. Establish the most economical way of doing the work.

2. Establish the time required for a job at a defined level of performance.
3. Increase productivity and profitability.
4. Increase job security.
5. Make work easier.
6. Establish fair tasks for everyone.
7. Check achievements against standards.
8. Install the work method as standard practice.

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Roles of work study to increase productivity:
There are six possible lines of attack on productivity problems, which can be classified as

1. Improve basic processes by research and development.

2. Improving existing process and provide better plant and equipment.
3. Simplify the product, reduce and standardize the range.
4. Improve the planning of work and the use of manpower.
5. Improve existing methods of plant operation.
6. Increase the effectiveness of all employees.

Definition of Method Study:

Method Study is the systematic recording and critical examination of ways of
doing things in order to make improvements.

Objectives of Method Study:

 Simplify the task (or eliminate it )
 Eliminate unnecessary motions
 Reduce inherent work content
 Engineer the operation

Procedure of Method Study:

1. Select - the job to be studied

2. Record - by collecting data or direct observation

3. Examine - by challenging purpose, place, sequence & method of work

4. Develop - new method, drawing on contributions of those concerned

5. Evaluate - results of different alternative solutions

6. Define - new method & present it

7. Install - new method & train persons in applying it

8. Maintain - and establish control procedures

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Motion Study:

Motion study is a business efficiency technique. It is the part of method study and is
one of the oldest branches of work-study. Every work consists of some motion. These
motions are productively used in workplace to organize a better method of performing
a job.

Principles of Motion economy:

 Use of human body
 Arrangement of work place
 Design of tools & equipment

Motion economy:
• Reduce the number of motions
• Reduce the distances moved
• Reduce eye shift
• Simplify grasps
• Toss dispose rather than place dispose
• Best use of both hands
• Encourage rhythm
• Promote natural posture & movement

Classification of Movements:
Class Pivot Body member(s) moved

1. Knuckle Fingers

2. Wrist Hand, Fingers

3. Elbow Forearm, Hand, Fingers

4. Shoulder Upper arm, Forearm, Hand, Fingers

5. Trunk Torso, Upper arm, Forearm, Hand, Fingers

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LEAN Manufacturing
Definition of Lean:
Lean is defined as a set of management practices to improve efficiency and effectiveness by
eliminating waste. The core principle of lean is to reduce and eliminate non-value adding activities
and waste

25 Essential lean tools:

 5S
 Andon
 Bottleneck Analysis
 Continuous Flow
 Gemba (The Real Place)
 Heijunka (Level Scheduling)
 Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment)
 Jidoka (Autonomation)
 Just-In-Time (JIT)
 Kaizen (Continuous Improvement)
 Kanban (Pull System)
 KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
 Muda (Waste)
 Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
 PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act)
 Poka-Yoke (Error Proofing)
 Root Cause Analysis
 Single-Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED)
 Six Big Losses
 SMART Goals
 Standardized Work
 Takt Time
 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
 Value Stream Mapping
 Visual Factory

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Some important tools from 25 lean tools:

How does 5S help?

Eliminates waste that results from a poorly organized work area

5S categories:

 Sort (eliminate that which is not needed)

 Set In Order (organize remaining items)
 Shine (clean and inspect work area)
 Standardize (write standards for above)
 Sustain (regularly apply the standards)

Kaizen (Continuous Improvement)

What is Kaizen?

A strategy where employees work together proactively to achieve regular, incremental

improvements in the manufacturing process.

How does Kaizen help?

Combines the collective talents of a company to create an engine for continually eliminating
waste from manufacturing processes.

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

What are KPIs?

Metrics designed to track and encourage progress towards critical goals of the organization.
Strongly promoted KPIs can be extremely powerful drivers of behavior – so it is important to
carefully select KPIs that will drive desired behavior.

How do KPIs help?

The best manufacturing KPIs:

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 Are aligned with top-level strategic goals (thus helping to achieve those goals)
 Are effective at exposing and quantifying waste (OEE is a good example)
 Are readily influenced by plant floor employees (so they can drive results)

Muda (Waste)
What is Muda?

Anything in the manufacturing process that does not add value from the customer’s

How does Muda help?

It doesn’t. Muda means ‘waste’. The elimination of muda (waste) is the primary focus of
lean manufacturing.

8 wastage in lean:

 Overproduction
 Waiting
 Transport
 Motion
 Over processing
 Inventory
 Defects
 Talent

PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act)

What is PDCA?

An iterative methodology for implementing improvements:

 Plan (establish plan and expected results)

 Do (implement plan)
 Check (verify expected results achieved)
 Act (review and assess; do it again)

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How does PDCA help?

Applies a scientific approach to making improvements:

 Plan (develop a hypothesis)

 Do (run experiment)
 Check (evaluate results)
 Act (refine your experiment; try again)

What are SMART Goals?

Goals that are: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Specific.

How do SMART Goals help?

Helps to ensure that goals are effective.

Value Stream Mapping

What is Value Stream Mapping?

A tool used to visually map the flow of production. Shows the current and future state of
processes in a way that highlights opportunities for improvement.

How does Value Stream Mapping help?

Exposes waste in the current processes and provides a roadmap for improvement through
the future state.

A sister concern of MBM Group

Target, Efficiency and plan calculation
1. How to calculate the individual Target?

60 Min
100% individual target per hour =
Operation S . M .V
S.M.V= 0.35 = 0.35
= 171 Pcs

60 Min
70% individual target per hour = X 70%
S . M .V

= 0.35 X 70%

= 120 Pcs
WH X 60 Assume,
100% individual target per day =
Operation S . M .V Operation S.M.V=0.35
10 X 60 Working Hour= 10
= 0.35
= 1714 Pcs

WH X 60
70% individual target per hour =
Operation S . M .V
X 70%
10 X 60
= 0.35
= 1200 Pcs

2. How to calculate the Capacity Target?

Capacity time=0.54
Example -3: Working Hour= 10
60 Min
Capacity target per hour =
Capacity time

= 111 Pcs

A sister concern of MBM Group

WH X 60
Capacity by target per day =
Capacity time
10 X 60
= 0.54
= 1111.11 Pcs.
= 1111 Pcs.
Or, Capacity target per day
= Capacity target per hour x working hour
= 111 x 10
= 1111 Pcs

Example 4:
Five cycle time are as follows. These are- 40, 42, 48, 41, 45 ( Sec) working hours= 10. Now
calculate the (i) Capacity time (ii) Capacity target per hour & (iii) Capacity target per day.

Sum of the five cycle time = 40+42+48+41+45

= 216
Average time (sec) = 216/5 = 43.20
Average min = 43.20/60
= 0.72 min

Now, Capacity time = Average min + 15% of average min

= 0.72 + 0.72x15%
= 0.72+ 0.11
= 0.83

60 Min
Capacity target per hour =
Capacity time
= 0.83
= 72.29
= 72 Pcs.

WH X 60
Capacity target per day =
Capacity time
10 X 60
= 0.83
= 723 Pcs

3. How to calculate the production target of a sewing line?


Manpower = 120

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Working hour = 10
S.M.V =27

You are required to calculate-

1. 70% line target per hour?
2. 60% line target per day?

Man Power X 60
70% line target per hour = X70%
S. M .V

120 X 60
= X 70%
= 186.67
= 188 Pcs

Man Power X working hour X 60

60% line target per day = X 60%
S. M .V

120 X 10 X 60
= X 60%

05: How to calculate the Efficiency of a production line?

Like individual operator efficiency, efficiency of a production line or batch or section is

important for a factory. Daily line efficiency shows the line performance.

Efficiency is two types:

a. Overall efficiency
b. On standard efficiency

To calculate efficiency of a line for a day, we have to collect the following data (information)
from the line supervisor or line recorder.

1. Number of operators – how many operators worked in the line in a day

2. Working hours (Regular and overtime hours) – how many hours each of the operators
worked or how many hours the line run in a day
3. Production in pieces – How many pieces are produced or total line output at the end of
the day
4. Garment SMV – What is exact standard minute of the style (garment)

Efficiency calculation formula:

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Line efficiency % = [Total minutes produced by the line/total minutes attended by all

Total minutes produced by the line = Total production Pcs. X S.M.V of the products

Total minutes attended by all operators = No of workers X Working hours

Total Production X S . M . V
Or Line efficiency = X 100%
No of workers X Workinghours X 60

Example 01: A production line has 85 man powers & is doing a product of SMV 22.29
minutes. In an 8 hours shift day that line produces 1400 pieces. Now calculate the line

Total Production X S . M . V
Line overall Efficiency = X 100%
No of workers X Workinghours X 60

1400 X 22.29
= X 100%
85 X 08 X 60

= 76.48%

= 76%

Line On-Standard Efficiency:

Efficiency can be expressed in more specific ways, like ‘On-Standard Efficiency’ instead
‘over-all efficiency’. An operator/line may be attending all hour in a shift but if the
line/operator has not been given on- standard work to do in all hours, then the line/operator
will not be able to produce minutes as per his capability & skill level.

Example 01: A production line has 85 man powers & is doing a product of SMV 22.29
minutes. In an 8 hours shift day that line produces 1400 pieces. Line was Idle (waiting for
work) 30 min. & 05 (five) min for electricity failure.

Total Production X S . M .V
On- Standard Efficiency = X 100

= 1400 ¿¿
X 22.29
X 100

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= 83%
Example 02: Assume two styles ( A & B) are running in a production line & their SMV is
22.29 minutes & 20.50 minute. In an 10 hours shift day that line produces 1000 pieces of
style A & 800 Pcs of style B. Line have total 85 manpower, among this 50 manpower was
worked for 08 hours & 35 manpower was worked 10 hours. Now calculate the efficiency of
that line.

Total Production X S . M . V
Efficiency = X 100
No of wokder X Working Hours X 60

( 1000 X 22.29 )+(800 X 20.50)

= ( 50 X 8 X 60 )+(35 X 10 X 60) X 100

= 45000 X 100

= 86%

Example 01-Calculate the factory capacity & loading as per bellow


Order Quantity = 10,000 Pcs

S.M.V = 22.29
Running efficiency = 45%
Manpower = 100
W/H = 8hours
Working Day = 26 days

Factory Capacity = Manpower X working hour X 60 X working days X running
= 100 X 08 X60 X 26 X45%
= 561600

Factory Loading = Order quantity X S.M.V

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= 10000 X 22.29
= 222900

Example 02: Make a plan below-

Order Qty = 27000 Pcs

S.M.V = 25.32
Manpower = 85
Working hour = 08
Working days = 06
Efficiency% = 45%

What is the capacity of the line? How much loading? How many lines are required to
meet the shipment date?

Total line Capacity = Manpower X Working hours X 60 X Working days X

running efficiency
= 85 X 08 X 60 X 06 X 45%
= 110160

Loading = Order quantity X S.M.V

= 27000 X 25.32
= 683640

No of Line Reqd =
Total line Capacity


= 6.21 = 6 lines need to meet the shipment date.

Case Study 03: Make a plan as below:-

Order Qty = 45,300 Pcs

S.M.V = 25.44 min
W.days = 12 days
M/O = 63
Hel = 22
W/H = 08
L/C = 4 days
Efficiency = 65%

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Absenteeism = 5%

How many lines are required to meet the shipment date?

We know,
No of lines required=
Line Total Capacity

Load = Order quantity X S.M.V
= 45300 X 25.44
= 1152432

Total Manpower = 63+22

= 85

No of Manpower available = {85 – (85 X 5%)}

= 80.75 = 81

Suppose learning curve efficiency-

1st day = 30%
2 day = 40%
3 day = 50%
4th day = 60%

1st day line capacity = M/P X Working hour X 60 X Efficiency%

= 81 X 08 X 60 X 0.30
= 11664

2nd day line Capacity = M/P X Working hour X 60 X Efficiency%

= 81 X 08 X 60 X 0.40
= 15552

3rd day line Capacity = M/P X Working hour X 60 X Efficiency%

= 81 X 08 X 60 X 0.50
= 19440

4th day line Capacity = M/P X Working hour X 60 X Efficiency%

= 81 X 08 X 60 X 0.60
= 23328

Total learning curve capacity = 11664+15552+19440+23328

= 69984

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Line capacity for 5th to 12th days = M/P X Working hour X 60 X Working days X
= 80 X 08 X 60 X 08 X .65
= 199680

So, the line total capacity = 69984 + 199680

= 269664
No of lines required =
Line Total Capacity


= 4.27
= 4 lines are required to meet the shipment date.

Case Study 04: Make a plan as below:-

Order Qty = 45,000 Pcs

S.M.V = 26.65 min
Lines =4
M/O = 63
Hel = 15
W/H = 08
L/C = 3 days
Efficiency = 55%
Absenteeism = 5%

How many days are required to complete the order quantity?

Load = Order Qty X S.M.V
= 45000 X 26.65
= 1199250

Total Manpower = (63+15) = 78

Available manpower = {78- (78*5%)}

= 74

Suppose learning curve efficiency-

1st day = 30%
2 day = 40%
3rd day = 50%

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1st day total capacity = Manpower X Working hour X 60 X No. of line X Efficiency
= 74 X 08 X 60 X 04 X .30
= 42624

2nd day total capacity = Manpower X Working hour X 60 X No. of line X Efficiency
= 74 X 08 X 60 X 04 X .40

3rd day total capacity = Manpower X Working hour X 60 X No. of line X Efficiency
= 74 X 08 X 60 X 04 X .50
= 71040

Total learning curve capacity = 42624 + 56832 + 71040

= 170496

Balance Load = Load – Learning curve capacity

= 1199250 – 170496
= 1028754

After learning curve per day capacity = Manpower X Working hour X 60 X No. of line X
= 74 X 08 X 60 X 04 X .55
= 78144

Balance Load
After learning curve, Days required =
After learning curve Capacity


= 13.17
So, The days required = (3+ 13) = 16 days ( Ans)

Case Study 05: Make a plan as below-

Style A, Style B
Order Qty = 25000 Pcs Order Qty= 150000
S.M.V = 20.54 min S.M.V= 17.84 min

No of Line = 01
M/O = 63
Hel = 15
W/H = 10 hours
W. days = 35 days
Plan Efficiency = 60%\ & 70%
Absenteeism = 3%

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Learning curve = 3 day

(i) How many days are required to complete the Style No- A
(ii) How much balance will be there from style no- B at the end of the month?

Now for style no-A

Load = Order Qty X S.M.V

= 25000 X 20.54
= 513500

Suppose, learning curve efficiency for style- A

1st day = 30%

2nd day = 40%
3rd day = 50%

Total Manpower = (63+ 15) = 78

Available Manpower = {78- (78*3%)}
= 78- 2.34
= 75.66 = 75

1st day line capacity = Manpower X Working hour X 60 X No. of line X Efficiency
= 74 X 10 X 60 X 01 X .30
= 13500

2nd day line capacity = Manpower X Working hour X 60 X No. of line X Efficiency
= 74 X 10 X 60 X 01 X .40
= 18000

3rd day line capacity = Manpower X Working hour X 60 X No. of line X Efficiency
= 74 X 10 X 60 X 01 X .50
= 22500

Learning curve total capacity = 13500+18000+22500

= 54000

Balanced Load = Load- Learning curve total capacity

= 513500 - 54000
= 459500

After learning curve per day capacity = Manpower X Working hour X 60 X No. of line
X Efficiency
= 74 X 10 X 60 X 01 X .60
= 27000

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Balance Load
After learning curve days required =
After learning curveCapacity


= 17
So, Total Days required for Style A= (3+17) = 20 days

Days remaining for style B = 26- 20 = 06 days

For Style – B, learning curve efficiency-

1st day = 30%
2 day = 50%
3rd day = 60%


Manpower X Working hour X 60

1st day target (30%) = X 30%
S. M .V

75 X 10 X 60
= X 30%

= 757 Pcs

Manpower X Working hour X 60

2nd day target (40%) = X 50%
S. M .V

75 X 10 X 60
= X 50%

= 1261 Pcs

Manpower X Working hour X 60

3rd day target (50%) = X 50%
S. M .V

75 X 10 X 60
= X 60%

= 1513 Pcs

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Yarn & Fabrics Manufacturing
Fiber classification:


Natural fibers Man-made fibers

Vegetable fibers:
• Cotton • Viscos
• Jute e
• Cocon • Modal
ut • Rubbe
• Flax r
• Hemp • Algina
• Ramie

Animal fibers: Synthetic

• Wool • Polyes
• Silk ter
• Cashm • Nylon
ere • Acryli
• Mohair c
• Camel • polyet
• Alpaca

Mineral fibers: • Asbest Inorganic: • Glass

os • Carbo
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Yarn manufacturing:
Spun yarn:

Spun yarns are made by mechanical assembly and twisting together (spinning)of
staple fibers.

Multi-filament yarn:
A multi-filament yarn is a filament yarn made from multiple filaments
assembled with or without twist.

Monofilament yarn:
A monofilament yarn consists of only a single continuous filament

Assembled yarns:
Two or more yarns which are wound side by side on to the same package, but
without twisting around each other, are called assembled yarns.

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Folded or plied yarns:
Folded or plied yarns are yarns made by twisting together two or more single
(and/or folded) yarns of the same or different types.

Yarn Twist:

“S” “Z”
Twist Twist

Fabric Manufacturing:
Fabrics can be manufactured in three basic ways namely,
1. Woven
2. Knitted
3. Non-woven

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Woven construction:

Knit construction:

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