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Fiction writing is one definitive way to convey an author’s viewpoint even if the concepts being

embedded are not factual at all. The culmination of the whole idea formatted together creates a story
that does not only appeal to the writer him- or herself but also establishes an impact to the person who
reads it. While fictional writing can be formatted in various ways, perhaps the short story format and
novel format of fiction are the most recognized and enjoyed.

The three stages according from the oldest to the youngest formation are granite, basalt and lastly
andesite formation. This will discuss about the formation, composition, type of intrusion and cooling
history of each stages. The granite formation is the oldest stage since granite is formed usually beneath
the crust about 1.

Finally, nation-based theory is challenged as geographically and historically inappropriate for analyzing
the structure of American race relations. What is needed according to Omi and Winant, is a “racial
formation perspective,” one that can deal with race as “an autonomous field of social conflict, political
organizations, and cultural/ideological meaning” (p.52). Part two is an elaboration of racial formation

The last word formation process is conversion, this is simply to change from a noun to a verb or vice
versa, which changes the role of how that word is used. Words are not restricted to the confines of one
particular word formation process, but can go through multiple processes where a word is slightly
changed each time. Whatever processes are used, word formation processes are used constantly on the
World Wide Web to create new words.

Many Philosophers majorly influenced the development of modern psychology in the nineteenth
century. In this essay, I will begin by discussing three of the major eastern philosophers that contributed
to the formation of psychology as a discipline. I will then discuss the development of psychology during
the nineteenth century and the contributions made by these philosophers.

This is an as example of the word formation process of clipping. Holhan agrees that both of these words
have actual etymologies, that is they both stem from another word and they have a legitimate meaning.
On the other hand, there are those words that seemingly take this word formation process too far, such
as the word Vlog.

Based on Omi and Winants discussion, we can say that racial formation is an ever changing process in
which an individual or a group of people are classified as to what is their social status and classification
in the society with reference to the present societal, economic, and political condition. A process that
we might probably say since racial formation is shaped and molded with reference to the group’s or
individual’s historical background and the current view of the people in general in the current society. As
to race, we can identify it as a classification of an individual into a group in which he or she has an
appalling similarity; its most common basis is an individual’s physical appearance if not by classifying its
country of origin.

It is here where specific activities must be undertaken to achieve the strategic plan. We have identified
the most important issues involved in strategy formation and defined why they are important,
differentiated between corporate/business/functional-level strategies and how they impact one
another, discussed the various schools of thought on strategy formation, and finally outlined the primary
inputs to strategy formation in a firm. Now it is time to dig in a little deeper and attempt to bring it all
together and analyze what it means as a whole.

Omi and Winant define “racial formation” as “the process by which social, economic and political forces
determine the content and importance of racial categories, and by which they are in turn shaped by
racial meanings” (pg.61). The racial formation perspective emphasizes the extent to which race is a
social and political construction that operates at two levels: the “micro” (individual identity) and the
“macro” (collective social structure). The two levels interact to form a racial social movement when
individuals (at the micro level) are mobilized in response to political racial injustice (at the macro level).

Now that we understand the history behind strategy formation we will discuss the most important
points of strategy formation and discuss what makes them important. Strategy formation can be
arduous because planners love to plan out every single details of a plan and press everything into an
orderly, mechanistic process (DeWit & Meyer, 2010). It is critical for strategies to follow a mechanistic
process with vision and end goal in mind while having a big picture mentality that takes change
management and flexibility into account as the unknowns’ surface.

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