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Conference Paper · June 2014


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3 authors, including:

Darjan Karabasevic Zvonko R Damnjanovic

University Business Academy in Novi Sad University of Belgrade


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4th International Conference
²Economics and Management-Based on New Technologies²
EMoNT 2014
12-15 June 2014, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia


Mlađan Maksimović1, Darjan Karabašević1, Zvonko Damnjanović2
Megatrend University Belgrade, Faculty of Mamagement, Zaječar, SERBIA
University of Belgrade, Tecnical faculty, Bor, SERBIA

Summary: The global reduction of reserves of natural resources, and less exploitation of the same will cause a
reversal in the use of renewable energy sources and a major focus in the future will be on renewable energy
sources. One of the cleanest sources of energy that we can use and which can be exploited in the long period is
definitely the energy of sunlight ie. solar energy. Using solar energy enables energy independence from fossil
fuel exploitation. Serbia has great potential in the exploitation of solar energy compared to Western European
countries that are leading in the use of solar energy, and the authors of this paper will pay special attention to
the situation in Serbia regarding the use of solar energy.

Keywords: Solar energy, solar collector, photovoltaic cell, electrical energy.


The necessity of rational use of electricity is of extreme importance, especially in the times when ther e
is less natural resources reserves. Until recently, the Serbian production and consumption of electricity
has been intended for the maintenance of social peace, the price of electricity by all indications is
significantly below the market price, such price shall prevent any investments in the energy sector as
well as in new power capacity. Serbia is a major consumer of electrical energy and the electricity is
not used rationally, there is no awareness of any savings, energy-saving and energy efficiency. Only
with rational spending of electrical energy, savings, changing the consciousness of people will Serbia
have a chance to take the excess of electrical energy without building new power capacities. The use
of solar energy is one of the ways to make a reduction in energy consumption wherever that is
possible. Despite the fact that Serbia has great potential in the field of renewable energy sources
(RES), there is no yet significant progress in this area. State efforts must be focused on models of
investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy in order to encourage and facilitate investment
in "green energy".


Inclusion of renewable energy in the global energy development strategy has become ecologically and
economically justified, and highly developed countries invest very huge capital and they hire large
number of experts in the development of systems for renewable energy. The energy potential of
renewable energy sources in Serbia is significant and estimated at over 4 million tonnes of oil
equivalent (toe) per year, which corresponds nearly with the half of the annual energy needs of the
country. Biomass is considered to be the greatest potential in Serbia. The biomass potential is

estimated at about 2.7 million toes, or 63 % of the total potential. Also, 0.6 million toes in unused
hydro (14%), 0.2 million toes of geothermal (4.5%), 0.2 million toes of wind power (4.5%) and 0.6
million toes of solar radiation (14%). The average solar radiation in Serbia is about 40% higher than
the European average, but still use of the sun's energy to produce electricity in Serbia is far behind the
countries of the European Union (Lazić, 2013 p. 22).

Figure 1: The potential of renewable energy sources in Serbia

Source:(Nikolić i drugi, 2014. str. 116)


Solar energy is a renewable and unlimited source of energy from which, directly or indirectly, the
largest part of other sources of energy on earth is derived. Solar energy is somehow the primary source
of energy because heating and the cooling of the atmosphere produces air movement and therefore the
wind, waves, supported by photosynthesis of plants which produce fossil fuels, the sun warms our
planet and sustains life on it. In less than 9 minutes, the earth is shone with as much of solar energy as
the amount needed by the mankind in a year. This energy comes directly in front of our door, and
without harmful effects on the energy in the narrow sense means the amount of
energy that is transferred by solar radiation and is expressed in j (joules). Solar energy is in its original
form usually used to convert thermal energy systems for domestic hot water and heating (in european
countries mainly as an additional energy source), the solar power plants, while the conversion into
electricity is done using photovoltaic systems.


If only 300,000 households in Serbia had at least 5 m² of solar collectors for heating water or air, it
would save 1,500 GWh per year, which corresponds to an installed production capacity of
approximately 400 MW. Such investment would be paid off in two years without any energent
consumption. Solar radiation reaches the earth with energy of 1000W / m² wherein useful radiation
energy per unit area depends on the orientation and inclination of the surface of the structure and
energy characteristics of the receiver of solar energy, time of day, time of year, time of insolation,
atmospheric conditions, etc.. Most frequently used technologies for exploitation of solar radiation is
based on the principle of the thermal effects of solar radiation, wherein the solar radiation energy is
transformed into heat in the absorber of the solar energy receiver (heat collector), in these types of
collectors with efficiency transformation of incident solar energy into useful heat was forced from 35
to 55%, compared to the production of energy from photovoltaic cells or wind generators using solar
panels is the most economical in the present moment and it can be used by individual users to large
systems. Poor countries must make an effort to go in the development of production and to decide
what is best instead of paying expensive energy imports and the need to find an economic calculation.
Another way to use solar energy is electricity production. There are two different ways of production

of electrical energy from solar energy: indirectly - through a heat cycle process in solar thermal power
plants and directly- using the photoelectric effect in solar panels. The first approach is much more
economical, but for the second there is a growing interest and it develops fast. The reason for this lies
in the fact that technology is noiseless, environmentally clean, there is no wear of moving mechanical
parts that require frequent servicing.


Thermal solar energy conversion takes place in the entire sunlit surface of the earth. In order to focus
on solar energy and the use of our specific needs, it is necessary to make the appropriate receiver or
The collectors represent the surface on which the reception takes place and the conversion of solar
radiation into thermal energy. During that physical process the absorption of radiation takes place in
the collector material that has been made. The absorbed energy is converted into kinetic energy of
electrons, which is manifested by heating the material. Good thermal conductivity is required to
transfer the collected heat from absorber plates to pipes where the heat is finally transferred into a
liquid, usually water/glycol mixture with an anti-corrosion additive. It also protects the collector from
Flat-plate collectors are the most common surface area of about 2m. Their back side is insulated to
reduce the colder days of losses, whereas the front is highpass glass. The absorber is usually made of
aluminum or copper which is coated with electrolytically highly absorptive materials which can
absorb up to 98% of energy.
The efficiency of transformation of energy systems for domestic hot water from the collector to the
solar water heaters, ranges in traditional types of collectors from 35 to 55%. During one year
approximately 900 kWh of thermal energy can be received with 1m collector.
Vacuum thermal collectors are characterized by higher efficiency, which is especially important in
cold periods. This efficiency is based on a much better thermal isolation of the absorber which is
located in a glass tube from which air has been sucked. The total efficiency of the system for domestic
hot water with vacuum collectors is annually about 40% higher than the system with flat plate
Vacuum collectors are composed of a series of tubes, where each of the vacuum tubes consists of two
glass tubes made from very strong borosilicate glass. The outer tube is transparent and allows light
rays to enter with minimal reflection. The inner tube is coated with a special selective coating (al-n/al),
which characteristic is excellent absorption of solar radiation and minimal reflection. On the top, two
tubes are connected, and while the pipes are exposed to high temperatures, the air contained in the
space between the two layers of glass is pumped out. In general, the improved flat collectors have
economic advantages over concentrating solar systems for all applications which require the
temperature to 120 °C.


The percentage of solar energy in the total potential of renewable energy in Serbia is about 14% or 0.6
million toes. However, the low standard of living, low electricity prices, low level of energy efficiency
in all areas of energy consumption, the lack of knowledge, as well as the political decisions are the
main causes of insufficient use of renewable energy sources in Serbia.
Current global trends are in favor of Serbia. Firstly, subsidies in developed countries have decreased
significantly, and at the moment they are on the Serbian level, while Serbia has more hours of
sunshine than, for the example, Denmark or the Czech Republic. Their governments closely monitor
the price trend of solar equipment, especially solar panels and the inverter. Therefore the decline in
subsidies in the EU is dynamic. The prices of solar panels have decreased in average four times during
the last two years, so there had to be consequences on the level of subsidies. Another effect which
occurred in some countries of Western Europe is excessive debts to the investors and owners of solar
power plants. If we compare the value of other feed-in tariffs for renewable energy, solar power is

much higher, making it the largest burden of the state budget, and the end user. These large debts have
started to affect the price of electricity significantly in these countries. If we go back to Serbia, where
the price of electricity is still a social category, we answered to the question why the prescribed quota
for solar systems will be low until to the end of 2015.
Furthermore, in recent years, in the strategic plans significant progress has been noticed. Because of
Serbia's international commitments signed in January 2014, the Assembly has passed the Draft Energy
Development Strategy for the period up to 2025, with projections to the year of 2030 in which the
establishment of a sustainable energy system by more efficient energy production from renewable and
available energy sources is planned, with a planned and cost-effective placement. The National Action
Plan for the utilization of renewable energy of the Republic of Serbia, which encourages investment in
renewable energy sources, has been adopted. The strategic goal of the Republic of Serbia is 27% of
renewable energy sources in gross final consumption of energy in 2020, and improving energy
efficiency by 20%.
Serbia, as a huge electricity consumer, has a chance to come to the extra amount of electricity without
building new power capacity, just by saving, rational consumption and increasing overall energy
efficiency. Based on this attitude, it can be concluded that by the construction of new power plants the
new amount of energy will be available for export. The use of solar energy is the only healthy way to
make a reduction in energy consumption wherever possible. This means that no matter the fact that the
cost of investing in solar energy is quite high, approximately 3000 euros for 1 kW of installed
capacity, it is profitable to invest in such a stable market. If that price includes all that follows well-
designed and organized work such as research, development, production, marketing, creating
professional scientific and production staff, the conquest of new technology, the export of majority of
production, the increase of employment in the primary and supporting activities, the price is much
lower and full effect is acchived. Then the price of the installation of thermal collectors of 1kW power
for the state can be neglected.
A lot of projects have been announced for realization in the near future. However, when we look at
Serbia’s place in the world by capacity, we can say that it is at the very beginning and that things are
going slow. Current projects are mostly confined to smaller systems, pioneering ventures on the roofs
of schools, some institutions and private buildings.

Figure 2: Profile obtained mean energy per day for each month in Belgrade

In Figure. 2 there can be seen the distribution of secondary energy obtained in Belgrade on 1 kWp
installed power monocrystalline panels of average parameters for this technology. There is a mean
value, which shows approximately 3:28 kWh / day or 1199kWh / year.
The benefits of solar collectors for water heating are undoubtal. First, by the skill of using sunlight we
provide a unique sense of security because it is an inexhaustible energy source available to each user.

Second, its maintenance costs are insignificant compared to the explotation life. The paying for
installation of the system is done only once. Third, solar energy saves other energents that are paid and
the investment returns in two to five years. Fourth, it is not necessary that the subject is pre-designed
for the installation of such a heating system. The solar panels are easy to integrate into any existing
heating system in any facility. The average household system reduces CO2 emissions by around 350
kg per year.


The Energy Strategy of the Republic of Serbia proposes intensive gasification. This priority is
intended with program called '' gasification'' within which envisages the introduction of gas in about
400 000 new households in Serbia by 2015, with the aim that, in this sector, on this basis, the demand
for electricity for at least 2,300 GWh will be reduced, with scenario, or 1500 GWh, the SED scenario,
in which case the gas is provided at least 260 000 new dwellings. It is obvious that 400,000 gas boilers
must be imported, because in Serbia there is no production of these.
If the same logic is applied to 400 000 solar systems for heating sanitary water, savings of 1,000 GWh
can be achieved, while it is quite possible and reasonable to organize local production. In this way,
the dynamics of the solar system 50,000 per year, or about 100,000 collectors is achieved by creating a
solid industry. What should we do to make the most of the electric energy from power plants to
Over 55% of the total energy consumed in households in Serbia is used in the form of electricity, of
which a good part for water hiting. Although in winter the energy effect of solar radiation is lower
than in summer, it is still very important for the solar heating of houses, as support to other energy of
the central heating system. In this case solar energy can cover about 45% of free heat for heating
homes and reducing the cost of heating hot water for about 60 to 70% during the year can be achieved,
which leads to relaxation of the household budget. The best effect of solar energy utilization for
heating of family houses and other residential and commercial properties can be achieved in
transitional periods with energy-efficient heating systems, ie floor-wall heating systems, or low
temperature heating systems. However, due to the variability of the solar irradiance during the day,
month and year, the installation of solar heating that would allow entire house heating throughout the
winter cannot be performed, and therefore solar systems have to be combined with other sources of
energy which consume some of other forms of energy: liquid fuel, gas fuel, electricity, solid fuels etc.
As an inevitable precondition for the utilization of solar energy in Serbia, it is necessary to direct and
finance knowledge in the field of thermal conversion of solar radiation in order to achieve proper
• Reduction of energy dependence
• Increase of the employment rate
• Reduction of family energy expenses and therefore contribution to poverty reduction
• Reduction of environment pollution

Figure 3: Comparison of solar energy and fossil fuel


The first solar power plant in Serbia was built in Vrbovac near Blace. The plant has the installed
power of 10 kW and was designed in eight months. The value of the plant is 30,000 € and is owned by
the TV mechanic Dragoljub Petrovic from Vrbovac, who has signed a contract with EPS of the sale of
all produced electric energy. The monthly income is estimated to be 400-500 €.
The panels were placed at suitable angles of 33 degrees for better absorbing of solar energy and are
connected sequentially (serially).

Figure 4: Map of optimum angle of inclination of photovoltaic panels

Source:( Lazić, 2013 p. 16)

Figure 5: Photovoltaic power plant „Žiča“ 3,4 Kw


The example of the calculation of the small l"Zica" power plant: The total installed capacity of small
power according to the applicant's request is 3.4 kVA, with one generator (fotogen with inverter).
Selected peak power which hands power to the distribution network of electricity system: 3.31 kW, a
selected peak power that the power plant takes from the distribution network of electricity system:
0.05 kW. The annual production that the power plant delivers to the distribution network of electricity
system: 4 040 kWh / year.

Table 1: The planned peak power and energy per month which power plant hands to the distribution
network of electricity system
Month Jan Feb Mar Apri Ma Jun Jul Avg Sep Oct Nov Dec
Power 3,3
3,31 3,31 3,31 3,31 3,31 3,31 3,31 3,31 3,31 3,31 3,31
(kW) 1
Energy 19
240 329 378 429 423 476 462 402 327 208 167
(kWh) 7

The average size of a panel is about 1.6 m² and the price of panels is about 16000 dinars or
approximately 150 EUR. The strength of such panels is 160 W. The needs of an average household
can be met with 10 panels of a total price of EUR 1.500. A considerable influence on the formation of
prices has a DC-AC transmitor that costs about 800 euros. The total investment in this type of
generating energy is around 3000 euros.
If we assume that the energy savings on a monthly basis are about 30 euros (the reduce of the monthly
electric bill) we can see that the investment is paid off in 8 years.Concerning solar cells, the building
blocks of elementary units of solar panels, “Mihajlo Pupin” institute tried something in their labs, but
the effect was not commercial.
The reason is expensive production: from the processing of raw materials to the production of the final
product. On the other hand, the University of Nis has already turned to the study of modern solar cells,
contemporary biaxial solar system, and could make a major contribution to the field of research, and
even, in some future, in production of solar panels.
In a word, at the moment, Serbia has no production capacity for solar panels and other key equipment:
no production of solar cells, no plant for the conclusion of the module. There lies a great potential for
the development because Serbia has enough of the human resources and natural resources.


In winter period the effect of solar radiation is significantly lower than it is the case during the
summer. However, there is still great potential for solar energy use as a supplementary heating to
another heating energy (central heating system in case that the settlement through the calorimeter,
heating with electricity, heating with coal and wood, etc). The cost of the primary form of heating
would be reduced, while on the other hand and at the same time solar energy would be exploited .
The exploitation of solar energy to produce electricity in Serbia is still not at a high level and it is
certainly not sufficient. The poor state of the country in terms of lack of funding has led to a smaller
investment in photovoltaic installations, especially if we take into consideration the high initial
investment costs.
The production and manufacture of solar cells, besides of improvement and technological process is
still expensive, their application is mainly used in areas where there other sources of energy cannot be
used. The increase of production of photovoltaic devices will cause a reduction of cost at the same
time increasing exploitation of photovoltaic devices. The rapid development of photovoltaic industry
in the world promises good prospects of photovoltaic technologies and their application, both in the
world and in Serbia.
In the manufacturing process of photovoltaic devices main focus should be on reducing pollution in
the production of solar panels and photovoltaic devices.


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UDK:343.85:343.352:33, ID:194904076, ISSN 2217-9011, str.129-139, Bor.


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